Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Babel, Tower of, 114.

Baber, Fra., 50.

Bachcroft Tho. See Batchcrofte, Tho.

Bacon, Sir Francis [Solicitor-General from June 25], 256.
-, draft of his patent, 201.
-, Solicitor General, 219, 440.
-, his dealings with Dorothy, Lady Packington concerning her daughter's marriage, 346.
-, letter from, mentioned, 346.

Baden [Germany], ambassador of, mentioned, 380.

Badwell, —, servant to Mr. Stockton (Stoctun), 159.

Bagshot [co. Surrey], letter dated from, 239.

Bahia de Todos los Santos [Brazil], 122.

Bailo, the ("my lord Baylley"), 173. See Bona, Ottaviano.

Baily, —, 273.

Bainbrigge, Cuthbert, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Baker, Captain, Keeper of Queen Elizabeth's Navy Store, 98.

Baker, Sir Henry, plaintiff in case in Court of Wards, 320.

Baker, William, 174.

Baker, William, of An [?], 485.

Baldwin [William], the Jesuit, 128.

Balitemore. See Baltimore [Ireland].

Ball, John, alias Roberts, William, alias Williams, Robert, 371n, 393, 394, 397.
-, letter to, 125.
-, letter from, 371, 386.
-, -, the king's prisoner, 163.
-, -, his secret for converting iron into steel, mentioned, 393.

Ballom, Henry, servant to Mr. Quester, Postmaster, 249.

Ballyshannon [Ireland], 17.

Balmarynaghe, Lord of. See Elphinstone, James, 1st Baron Balmerino.

Balmerino, J. See Elphinstone.

Balmerino, Earl of. See Elphinstone.

Balmerinoch, Earl of. See Elphinstone.

Balmerinoth, Lord. See Elphinstone.

Balsac, César de, Seigneur de Gye, letter from, 3.

Baltimore [co. Cork, Ireland], 234.

Bambrough [Northumberland]. See Bamburgh.

Bamburgh (Bambrough) [Northumberland], 4.

Bancks, —, 334–335.

Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury [1604–1611], 20, 42–43, 46, 123, 137, 140, 168, 205(2), 233, 338, 446, 450.
-, one of his divines, 46.
-, letter to, 83, 459.
-, letter from, 81, 198, 211.
-, lands of, 140.
-, his proceedings in election of Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 205, 211, 231.
-, proceedings in Fuller's case, 338, 348, 349, 360.
-, his Chaplain, Mr. D. Parsfeld, 450.
-, in connection with Ayscu's book, 338, 450, 492–3.

Baniards Castle. See London, Baynards Castle.

Banker. See Trades and Professions.

Banqueting House (? Theobalds), works to be done about, 490.

Barbar[? a], Dame, 82.

Barbary [N. Africa], 82, 229, 265, 333, 340, 430, 494–5, 498, 520.
-, king of. See Abu Faris; Ahmad al Mansur.
-, trade of, 169.
-, revenues of, 169.
-, plot to reduce, to subjection of Spain, 229, 271.
-, ambassador from [Abd el Wahid ben Mesud] maintained by Queen Elizabeth, 287.

Barberini, Cardinal, 333.

Barby (Barbye) [Northants], parish of, 423.

Barbye. See Barby [Northants].

Barcelona (Barselonia) [Spain], 241.

Barcklay, Mr., a Scot. See Barclay, John.

Barclay, John (son of Wm.), 27, 398; money paid to, 309.

Barclay, William [1546–1608], letter from, 398.

Barcsdall, Mr. See Barksdall, Mr.

Baremore [? Barmoor, co. Northumberland], 5.

Bark (ship), 270, 424.

Barke, Count Henry Vander. See Berk, Count Henry van den.

Barker, John [Mayor of Bristol], signs letter, 64.

Barker, Mr. Richard, one of judges in North Wales, 225.

Barker, Mr. (Robert), the king's printer, 114.

Barkley, Mr. Jean de, the French gentleman. See Barclay, John.

Barksdall (Barcsdall), Mr., 371–372, 387.

Barlee, Captain, 88, 209.

Barmoor (Baremore) [co. Northumberland], 5.

Barnardi (Barnardo, Bernardo), Philip, of London, 334, 515, 516, 517.

Barnerd, William, Alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.
-, signs letter, 65.

Barners, William, 505.

Barnes, Mr., 372.

Barnes, Mr. [of Dorsetshire], 291.

Barnet [Herts], 324, 379.

Barnevelt, Mons. See Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van.

Barneville, Mr. See Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van.

Barnewell, Mr., 41.

Barnglesse, a Scottishman. See Armstrong, Christopher.

Barnitzius. See Barvitius.

Barns, Mr., of Wickume, 159.

Barnstaple [co. Devon], 282, 326, 363.
-, letter dated from, 283.
-, mayor of. See Beaple, Richard,
-, -, 326.

Barringham. See Barrington.

Barrington (Barringham), Sir Francis, 108.

Barselonia. See Barcelona [Spain].

Barsey, Richard, 64.
-, certificate of his services, 64.

Barton [Edward] [2nd English ambassador to Turkey], 287.

Barvitius [Johann Anton], 26.

Barwell, Edmund, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Barwick. See Berwick (upon Tweed).

Basadonna (Bashadonye, Bassadoni, Bassedona), Giovanni, 243, 252–253, 474n.
-, letter, to, 173.
-, letter from, mentioned, 474.
-, his uncle mentioned, 253.
-, letter to, mentioned, 474.

Baselga, Capt. Gaspar, 116, 118, 180.

Bashadony(e), —. See Basadonna, Giovanni.

Bashawe. See Bassa.

Basill, Mr. Simon, Surveyor of His Majesty's Works, 253.

Basing[co. Hants], 215, 239, 274, 300, 403.
-, letter from, mentioned, 248.

Basingstoke (Bassingestocke) [co. Hants], 58.

Bassa, Bashawe = Pasha. See first names of bearers of this title, and Grand Vizier (333).

Bassadoni, Giovanni. See Basadonna.

Bassedona, Signor. See Basadonna, Giovanni.

Basset[t] [Sir Robert], 337, 402–403.

Bassingestocke. See Basingstoke.

Basta, George, death of, 332.

Batchcrofte (Bachcroft), Tho., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, signs letters, 211(2), 386.

Bateman, Statute, 365.

Bath [co. Somerset], 132, 222, 322, 326, 433.
-, physicians and surgeons at, mentioned, 343.

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier, Wm., Earl of Bath.

Bathory, Lord Gabriel, 188, 379.

Bathory, Sigismund, 24.

Bavaria, Maximilian, Duke of, enlists soldiers in the Emperor's name, 332.
-, prepares to attack Donauwörth, 380.

Bavier, Burgomaster Hans. See Baviero, Burgomaster Hans.

Baviero, Burgomaster Hans, 117.

Baxter, Capt. John, letter from, 12, 78, 143.

"Bay," the, 152. See Biscay.

"Baylley, my Lord." See Bailo.

Baynha[m], Edm[und], 482.

Bayona [Spain], islands of, 268.

Bayonne (Bayon) [France], 17.

Beadford, John, 109.

Beale, —, a trier of minerals, 418.

Beamond, John, customer of Orford and Aldeburgh, 44.

Beaple, Richard, mayor of Barnstaple, letter from, 282.

Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow [d. 1603], 130.

Beatoun, Archbishop. See Beaton, James.

"Beatrix" (ship), 503.

Beaucastel. See Bewcastle.

Beaufront (Bifront) Castle, Hexham [Northumberland], 4.

Beaulieu [co. Hants], 207.

Beaumaris (Bewmarees) (Town) [Anglesey, Wales], letter dated from, 207.
-, mayor and bailiffs of, mentioned, 92.

Beaumaris Castle [Anglesey, Wales], state of, 91.
-, constable of. See Sir Richard Bulkley.
-, king's gaol at, 91–92.

Beaumont, Francis, letter from, 28.

Beaumont [Christophe de Harlay], Comte de, former French ambassador, 402.
-, his debts in England, 249.
-, his mistress, Madame de la Haye, 250.
-, his wife, 250.

Beaumont, M. de. See Beaumont, Comte de.

Beccles (Beckles, Byclifte) [Suffolk,] the guidership [? wardship] of a spitalhouse called, Suffolk, 396.

Becker, Wm., letter from, 279.

Beckett, —, 516.

Beckles. See Beccles [Suffolk].

Bedchamber, groom of the. See Gibbe, John; gentleman of the. See Stuart, Esmé.

Bedford, Countess of. See Russell, Lucy.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell, Edward; Russell, Francis.

Bedfordshire, 194, 220–223(2).
-, commission for depopulations, 479; concealed lands in, 507.

Bedhampton (Bedhamton) [Hants], 495.

Bediny Fabritio, of Lucca, letter from, 235.
-, his nephew, 235.

Beecher, Mr., 251.

Beelzebub, 123.

Beeston (Beston), Sir Hugh, 277, 423.

Beeston, manor of [Cheshire]. See Bidstone Park, Cheshire.

Beins. See Binche [Flanders].

Beiston, manor of. See Bidstone Park [Cheshire].

Belford [co. Northumberland], 156.

Belgiojoso (Belgioso) Imperial general, 26.

Beli, George, Landvogt, 116, 118, 180.

Bell, Mr., 240.

Bell, Robert, merchant of London, 500.

Bell, William, a prisoner, 505.

Bellamy, Mrs. Katherine, her request for a ward, 398.

Bellarmine (Bellarmyne, Bellarmin), Robert. Cardinal, letter from, mentioned, 343, 375.

Bellenglise, Sieur de, 263.

Bellièvre, Mons. Pomponne de, Chancellor of France, his death, 250.

Bellott, Mr. Thomas (customs officer of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis), 30.

Belvoir [co. Leicester], letter dated from, 208, 383.

Belvoyr. See Belvoir [co. Leicester].

Bembo, General [Zuanne or Giovanni], 334.

Benaffro, Marquis of. See Spinola, Ambrosio.

Benedictines, 313.

Benevento [Italy], bishop of. See Arrigoni Cardinal, Bishop of Benevento.

Benevento [S. Italy], Bishopric of 396.

Bennet, Mrs. Katherine, widow, 178.

Bennet, Robert, Dean of Windsor and Bishop of Hereford [1602–1617], letter from, 83.

Bennington [co. Herts], letter dated from, 289.

Bentivoglio (Bentivolia) [Guido], Archbishop of Rhodes, Nuncio to Brussels, 140, 146, 244.

Bentley, John, letter from, 163.

Berard, — (a pirate), 56.

Berck (Berk), Johan, pensioner of Dort, delegate from Holland to England, 147, 166, 173(2), 175, 236–7, 475; deputy, 490.

Berds, Thomas (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Bergaglia. See Bregaglia.

Bergell. See Bregaglia.

Beriman, Jonas, customer of Woodbridge [Suffolk], certificate signed by, 46.

Berk (Barke), Count Henry van den, taken prisoner, 40(2), 42.

Berk of Dordrecht. See Berck, Johan, pensioner of Dort, delegate from Holland to England.

Berke. See Rheinberg.

Berlie, Sir Thomas, the old knight. See Sherley, Sir Thomas the Elder.

Berlingerio, Bishop of Rimini, Nuntio in Venice. See Gessi.

Bernardo. See Barnardi.

Berne [Switzerland], 116.

Berwick upon Tweed [Northumberland], 12, 156, 487.
-, aldermen of, 153.
-, bridge at, 146, 153.
-, wooden bridge at, estimates for repairing, 137, 156.
-, -, estimates for building, 154, 156.
-, stone bridge at, 146.
-, -, estimates for building, 137, 154, 156.
-, surveyor of bridge at. See Burrell, James.
-, garrison of, 31, 52, 210, 246.
-, its numbers, names of men, etc., 246.
-, -, discharged, 146.
-, gates of, 147.
-, governors of mentioned, 315.
-, inhabitants of, 137.
-, letter dated from, 154, 210.
-, mayor of, 153.
-, mayor, inhabitants and captain of garrison of, letter from, 137.
-, old wall at, 147.
-, pensioners at, their pensions purchased, 210.
-, pier at, 146–147.
-, toll at, 147.
-, tower at, 146–147.
-, payments for [garrison], 398.

Besalgin, Gaspar. See Baselga Gaspar.

Besieres. See Béziers, Bishop of.

Beston, Sir Hugh. See Beeston, Sir Hugh.

Béthune (Betune) [France], government of, bestowed on Count of Bossu, 200.

Béthune, Maximilien de, baron de Rosny, duc de Sully, Superintendant of Finance (de Rosny, de Rhony, de Sully) 8(2), 250(2), 283; letter to, 79.

Betowe. See Betuwe [Neths.].

Betsa [? Belsay], Northumberland, 5.

Betune. See Bethune [France].

Betuwe (Betowe) [Neths.], 54.

Beudley. See Bewdley [co. Worcs.].

Beverley, Sir George, letter from, 289.

Bevill, Sir Ralph (Bevyll, Sir Raffe), 183.

Bevyll, Sir Raffe. See Bevill, Sir Ralph.

Bewcastle (Beaucastel) [Cumberland], captain of, 269.

Bewdlay. See Bewdley [co. Worcs.].

Bewdley [co. Worcs.]. letter dated from, 210.
-, park, lease of, mentioned, 212.
-, -, herbage of, 219.

Bewlley. See Bewdley [co. Worcester].

Bewmarees. See Beaumaris.

Béziers (Besieres), Bishop of. See Bonsy, Jean de.

Bible, 389.
-, translation of, 287.

Biddlestone (Bittleston) [co. Northumberland], 5.

Bidston Park, Cheshire. See Bidstone Park, Cheshire.

Bidstone Manor (Bidston, Beeston, Beiston, Byddston), [co. Chester], 27, 199.
-, case between Randalls and Egerton, 225.
-, -, Kelley and Egerton, 398–399, 503.

Bidstone Park (Bidston, Beeston, Beiston, Byddston), Cheshire 225, 398–399, 503.

Bifront. See Beaufront Castle, Hexham, Northumberland.

Bilbao [Spain], 39.

"Bill of hostile laws." See Acts of Parliament.

Billingsley, Wm. (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester [1587–1616], 19, 435, 495.

Binche (Blins, Bines, Beins) [Flanders], 259, 280, 303.

Bindon [co. Dorset], 105.

Bindon, Viscount. See Howard, Thomas, Viscount Howard of Bindon.

Bines. See Binche [Flanders].

Bingley (Byngley), —, defendant in case of post nati, 293, 297, 453.

Bingley (Binle), Ralph, kt., a pirate, 170.

Birago (Biraque, Birraque, Birague), secretary to Spinola, 177, 221, 259, 273.

Birch, T., "The Life of Henry, Prince of Wales," 447n.

Birches, 217.

Bird, John, bailiff of Colchester, 138.

Birmingham (co. Warw.) [Brimingham], letter dated from, 289.

Birraque, —. See Birago, —.

Biscay (Biskey, Biskine, Byskey, Byskenors) [Spain], 71, 109 (2), 216.
-, Bay of, 152.
-, squadron of, 244, 325.
-, general of, the squadron of, 304.

Biscupp, Samuel, a Dutch merchant, 512.

Bishop, the, in Ireland. See Ireland.

Bishop Auckland (Bishops Awkland) [co. Durham], letter dated from, 378.

Bishops, question of making Roman Catholic bishops in England, 161; considered by two Nuncios, 244.
-, jurisdiction of Anglican, 400.

Bishop's Awkland. See Bishop Auckland [co. Durham].

Biskey. See Biscay [Spain].

Biskine Squadron. See Biscay, Squadron of.

Bisley Manor, Glouc, 330.
-, deputy steward of the manor of, particulars of his office, 330.
-, grant of office of deputy steward to Henry, Lord Danvers and Philip Breache, 331.

Bithinia. See Bithynia [Turkey].

Bithynia (Bithinia) [Turkey], 376.

Bittleston. See Biddlestone [co. Northumberland].

Blackburn (Blaikborne), Stephen, transplanted in Ireland, 102.

Blackeymore. See Blakemore.

Blackwell, George, "the Archpriest," 280–281, 296, 344, 378n.

Bladwell, Giles, 163.

Bladwell, Susan, 163.
-, lease to, 163.

Bladwell, William (heir of Giles), 163.
-, lands of, 163.
-, custody, wardship and marriage of, 163.

Blague, John (eldest son of Dr. Thomas B.), 42.

Blague, Dr. Thomas, letter from, 42.

Blaikborne, Stephen. See Blackburn, Stephen.

Blakemore (Blackeymore), [N. Yorks], 139.

Bland, Thomas, case against Edmond Powell and Edmond Harman, 489.

Bland(e), Sir. Thos., 391.
-, undersheriff to — Wentworth, 391.

Blantyre, Lord. See Stewart, Walter.

Bleas, Mr. Robert, 278.

Bletsoe [co. Bedford], 194.

Blins. See Binche.

Blockwood, patent for bringing in, revoked, 443.

Blois, treaty of, mentioned, 484.

Blount, Charles, eighth Lord Mountjoy, Lord Deputy or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland till 1603, Earl of Devonshire [1603–1606], 3, 134, 424, 496(2).
-, his estate, 298, 320.
-, [See also Blount, John].

Blount, John, third Lord Mountjoy (d. 1485), descent and pedigree of, 320, 424.

Blunt, Sir Edward, 219.
-, letter from, 357
-, See also Blount.

Bochkay. See Bostkai, Stephen.

Bocskay. See Bostkai, Stephen.

Bodeker, Mr. (an experienced German traveller), 201.

Boden, James, 159.

Boderie, Antoine le Févre de la, French ambassador to England [April, 1606–Jan., 1611], 7, 18, 50, 197, 240, 245, 337, 482.
-, letters from, 400–403.
-, public demonstrations against him mentioned, 401.
-, asks for appointment of Commissioners to settle differences between French merchants and English pirates, 402.
-, complains that Guill. Houll has been pardoned although he is a pirate and murderer, 403.

Bodkin (Bodkyne), Thomas, agent for the Corporation of Athenry, Ireland, 167.

Bodkyne, Thomas. See Bodkin, Thomas.

Bodley, Sir Josias, 1.

Bodwell, Count. See Stewart, Francis, Earl of Bothwell [? 1563–? 1612].

Bogdan, Stephen, Prince of Moldavia, 252, 309.

Bois-le-Duc (the Buse) [Netherlands], 40.

Boissise [Jean de Thuméry, Seigneur de], 8, 55–56.

Bolloigne. See Bouillon, Duke of.

Bolnherste. See Bolnhurst.

Bolnhurst (Bolnherste) [Beds], 478.

Bologna [Italy] (Boulogne), 114.

Bolton, E., 230.
-, letter from, 403.

Bona. See Bône [Algeria].

Bona, Ottaviano, resident ambassador and Bailo for the Venetians in Constantinople, 173, 299–300, 475.

Bône (Bona) [Algeria], 442.

Bonsy, Jean de, Bishop of Béziers, 261.

Bookbinders, Company of, master of, 349.

Books, 32, 114, 178, 197, 242, 247, 287, 336, 346, 372, 389, 419, 437, 488.
-, from Frankfurt, 1.
-, forbidden books, 10, 82, 281, 336, 349, 389, 450, 492–3.
-, My Lord of Northamptons' book, 281.
-, book against Mary, Queen of Scots, 292, ? 450, 492–3.
-, "a libel," 150, 196, 251.
-, Anthony Martin's "A reconciliation of all the pastors and clergy of the Church of England," 400.
-, Mercurius Gallo - Belgicus, 419.
-, Osorius, 419.

Booth, Sir George, 415.

Boothby, Thomas, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Bordeaux (Burdes, Burdeous, Burdeux, Burdex) [France], 35, 37, 72, 202, 217, 227, 402, 498.

Border laws, 300.

Bordermen, 300, 487, 506.

Borders, the, of England and Scotland, 101, 145, 300, 487.
-, offences on, mentioned, 216, 254, 427, 506–7.
-, the west border, 259.
-, levying of men on, 314, 350, 427.

Borders, etc. See also Middle Shires; Scotland.

Borghese, Cardinal, 256.
-, letter from, 242, 275.

Borja, Don Inigo de, Castellian of Antwerp, 280, 302.

Borowskye, —, a Pole, 188. See Zborowski.

Borria (Boria), Don Innigo de. See Borja.

Boscay. See Bostkai, Stephan.

Bossu, Count of, made governor of Béthune, 200.

Bostkai (Boscay, Boschay, Bocskay, Bochkay), Stephen, Prince of Transylvania, his death, 24.
-, mentioned, 26, 42, 331n.
-, articles of peace with, 26.
-, his chancellor executed, 42.

Boston [Lincs], letter dated from, 178.
-, mayor of. See Messon, John.

Boswell House. See London and Westminster, places in or near.

Botello, Lope Serrano, 168.

Bothwell, Earl of. See Stewart, Francis, Earl of Bothwell [? 1563–? 1612].

Bougie (Bugia) [Algeria], 34, 35.

Bouhier, —, 58.

Bouillon, —, merchant, 402.

Bouillon (Bolloigne), Duke of, 8, 333.
-, letter of recommendation to, 202.

Boulogne. See Bologna.

Bourbon, Charles de, comte de Soissons [not Monglas], 177, 250, 263.

Bourchier, William, Earl of Bath (born 1557; died 16 July, 1623), letter from, 47, 126, 220, 306, 326, 358, 363.

Bourman, Mr. Hugh, consul at Seville, 16, 47.

Bousy, Jacques de, petition of, 505.

Bowerman, Mr. [? Mr. Hugh Bourman, q.v.], 47.

Bowes, George, 505–6.

Bowes, Magdalen, petition of, 505–6.

Bowes, Sir William, 505.

Bowier, Captain. See Bowyer, Captain.

Bowling, 274.

Bowyer, Robert, Parliamentary Diary of, 510n, 514.

Bowyer (Bowier), Sir William (captain in command of Berwick garrison), 31, 246.
-, letters from, 153, 210, 246.

Boy, Sergeant, Sergeant of the Cellar, 197, 330.

Boys, General du. See Buys.

Brabant [Netherlands], 295.

Brabant, Mr., of Milford Lane, London, 387.

Bracciano, Duke de. See Orsini.

Braddell, Edward, a priest, 318; petition of, 500.

Bradley [co. Suffolk], 163.

Bradshawe, Alexander (als. Reade), 281.

Bradshawe, Mr., 375.

Bradwell [Bucks], 324.

Brainshaugh (Brainshawe) [Northumberland], 487.

Brainshawe. See Brainshaugh [Northumberland].

Bramley Hedge [Yorks], 454.

Brandenburg - Anspach, Joachim Ernst, Margrave of, styled Marquis of Anspach, 306.
-, ambassador from, mentioned, 376.

Brandenburg, elector of, Joachim Frederick [1546–1608], his ambassador robbed in Poland, 185.
-, his principal secretary killed in Poland, 185.
-, his ambassador to Ratisbon mentioned, 379.

Brandenburg, Marquis of. See Brandenburg - Anspach, Joachim Ernst, Margrave of, etc.

Brandon, Charles, held office at Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Brandon, Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, survey of lands which belonged to her, 260.

Brandon, Juan, 229.

Branthwaite (Branthwhayt, Branthwayt), Dr. Wm. [Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, d. 1620], 203.
-, appointed the new Master of Caius College, 383.

Branthwhayt, D. See Branthwaite.

Brass, 258.

Brazil [S. America], 71, 122, 152, 169, 267.
-, trade of, 473, 510.

Breache, Philip, to be grated office of deputy steward of Bisley Manor, Glouc., 331.

Bredawe [? Breda, Netherlands], 40.

Bref, Cardin le, advocate of King of France, 384.

Bregaglia (Bergell, Bergaglia, Bregaza) [valley in Grisons, Switzerland], 116.
-, the "governor" [landeshauptmann] of the Valtelline is a gentleman of, 118.

Bregaza. See Bregaglia.

Brenner, the, — pass [Alps], 117.

Brereton, R., signs letter to Privy Council, 317.

Brereton, Wm., letter from, 7.
-, signs letter to Privy Council, 317.

Brereton, Sir Wm (of Cheshire), 415.

Brescia (Bressia) [Italy], 333.

"Bressia." See Brescia.

Brewster, William (of Virginia), letter from, 202.

Brick-making, 458.

-, arrears due for making, 423.
-, repair of, 183.
-, Berwick, bridge at. See under Berwick.
-, over river Lee [Herts], 183.
-, Ware bridge, 222.
-, -, level of bridge at, 423.
-, over river Warcka, 187.

Bridgwater [co. Somerset], 142.
-, port, —, 171.
-, customer of. See Popham, George.
-, deputy customer of. See Jones, Rowland.

Brill, the [Netherlands], 29, 100.
-, See also Cautionary Towns.

Brimingham. See Birmingham [co. Warw.].

Brison, Anthony, 174.

Bristol [co. Glouc.], 132, 146, 213, 230, 433.
-, letter dated from 132, 195(2), 213, 230–231.
-, assizes at, 213.
-, Controller of. See Lavington, Wm.
-, customer outwards of. See Willett, Wm.
-, mayor of. See Barker, John.
-, mayor and justices of, mentioned, 213.
-, mayor and customers of, letter from, 64.

"Bristow," Bishop of. See Thornborough, John, Bishop of Bristol.

Brittany [France], referred to as "Britain," 280; referred to as "Britayne," 499; cloth trade with, 499–500.

Brittany, King of [King of Great Britain], i.e. James I, 32.

Broadgate [Bradgate, Leics.], letter dated from, 287.

Brocas (Brokas), Sir Pexall, 336.
-, Mr. Thomas (son of Sir Pexall), his courtship of Sir Robert Wingfield's daughter, 336.

Broche, M. La, 402.

Brocklesbee. See Brocklesby [co. Lincs].

Brocklesby (Brocklesbee) [co. Lincs], 196.

Brograve, Sir John, AttorneyGeneral of the Duchy of Lancaster, 496.

Brokas. See Brocas.

Bromesgrove. See Bromsgrove (Worcs.).

Bromley Marsh [co. Middx.], 222.

Bromsgrove (Bromesgrove) [Worcs.], one of the five cloth-making towns of Worcestershire, 487.

Brook, Sir Basil(l), 290.

Brooke, Charles, grant of lands to, 297.
-, to be a J.P. and of the quorum in Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Kent, 404.

Brooke, Henry, 8th Lord Cobham (d. 1619), 120; in the Tower, 380, 395; letter from, 416.

Brooke, Sir Jo., grant of office of Custos Brevium, 165.

Brooke (Brouck), Morgan, 169.

Brooke, Richard, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Brooke, —, wishes to become a Jesuit, 201.

Brooke, Count Vander. See Brouck.

Brook(e), Dr., 42–43.

Brookfield (Theobald's Park, Herts), 144.

Brothericke, William, 519–20.

Brouck, Morgan. See Brooke, Morgan.

Brouck (Brooke), the young Count van der, 39.

Broughton (Browghton) [Oxfordshire], 321.

Brouncker (Brounker, Bruncard), Lady Anne, 85, 404.
-, letter from, 182, 190.
-, husband of, mentioned. See Brouncker, Sir Henry.
-, sons of, mentioned, 191, 404.

Brouncker (Bruncard), Sir Henry, Lord President of Munster, 191, 395n, 404.
-, his death, 182, 190–1.
-, -, mentioned, 150, 161, 395, 404.
-, servant of, 182.
-, his lease of the impost of Ireland mentioned, 404.
-, "The last Lord President" [of Munster], 195, 219.

Brouncker, William, letter from, 404.

Brouncker. See Brouncker.

Browghton. See Broughton (Oxfordshire).

Brown, Sir. Wm. See Browne.

Brown, W. Haig, "Charterhouse Past and Present" (1879), 480.

Browne, —, accused of Popery and defamation of James I by William Atkinson, 295– 296.

Browne (Dominic, Domynicke), agent for Corporation of Athenry, 167.

Browne, Jno. (Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge), signs letters 211(2), 386.

Browne, Joan, petition of, 506.

Browne [Lancelot], Doctor, 506.

Browne, Mr., an officer under the Archduke, 431.
-, plot to assist Tyrone and Sir William Standley, 431.

Browne, Mr. Robert, 453.

Browne, Sir Valentine, 444.

Browne (Brown), Sir Wm., Deputy Governor of Flushing, letter from, 338–9; letters from mentioned, 133, 514.

Broxbourne (Broxborne) [co. Herts], letter dated from, 183.

Bruce, Edward, Lord Kinloss and Baron Bruce of Kinloss [1549?–1611], 129, 189, 452.

Bruce, Dr. William (ambassador to Poland), letter from, 11, 129, 185.

Brudenel, — (married to Tresham's sister), 290.

Bruges [Belgium], 279.

Brulart, Nicholas, seigneur de Sillery, 250, 263, 469.

Bruncard, Sir Henry. See Brouncker, Sir Henry.

Bruncard, Lady. See Brouncker, Lady Anne.

Brunswick [Germany], 294.

Brunswick, Henry Julius, Duke of [1564–1613], 331.
-, his daughter [Sophia Hedwig] to marry shortly, 18.

Bruse, William. See Bruce, Dr. William.

Brussels (Bruxells) [Belgium], 42, 63, 79, 156, 166, 218, 237, 249, 305, 313, 316, 319.
-, letter dated from, 7, 81, 120, 161, 181, 198, 201, 280, 303, 313, 342, 354, 371, 372, 391, 395.
-, Nuncio to —. See Carafa; Bentivoglio.
-, Courtgate at, 200.
-, Jesuits College at, 200.
-, -, rector of, 200.
-, Nuncio at, 244.
-, "The Green Mountain" in the market place, 372.

Brussels, English ambassador at. See Edmondes, Sir Thos.

Bruxells. See Brussels [Belgium].

Bubalo, Cardinal, 333.

Buchoy, Count. See Bucquoy.

Buck, Sir John, 486.

Buck, Thomas, of St. Giles in the Fields, 157.

Buckhurst, Lady. See Sackville, Anne, wife of Robert, Lord Buckhurst.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Robert.

Buckinghamshire, 220, 223(2).
-, commission for depopulations, 479; concealed lands in, 507.

Bucklesbury (Bucklersberrie) [co. Berks], letter dated from, 175.

Bucklersberrie. See Bucklesbury [co. Berks].

Bucquoy [Charles de Longueval, Comte de], 346, 376.

Bucks. See under Deer.

Budden [? John] [Salisbury's Cranborne agent], 310.

Bugia, near Algier. See Bougie.

Bugs, 228.

Bulbeck, Thomas, 356n.
-, letter from, 372–373.
-, - his daughter, Dorothy, 373n.

Bulkeley, Lady Mary, letter from, 257.
-, - her son, Richard, 257.

Bulkeley, Sir Richard junior (son of Lady Mary), 257.
-, his servant kills under-sheriff of Kent, 257.

Bulkeley, Sir Richard senior, Constable of Beaumaris Castle, Deputy Lieutenant of County of Anglesey, 91–92.
-, letter from, 207.

Bullets, 240.

Bulmer, Sir Bevis, 85, 103–104, 236.
-, letter from, 213.

Bulstrod(e), Sir Wm., 45.
-, -, Sir W., 124.

Burdeous, Burdes, Burdex. See Bordeaux.

Burdett, —, his heir, 12.

Burgh under Stainmore, co. Westmorland, castle of, granted to Earl of Cumberland, 142.

Burgh, Richard de, 4th Earl of Clanricard. See Burke.

Burghley [House] near Stamford [Northants], letter dated from, 293.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, Sir William.

Burgis, Richard, Sheriff, 65.

Burke (Frances), wife of Richard de Burgh, 4th Earl and Marquis of Clanricard, 404.
-, Richard de, 4th Earl and Marquis of Clanricard (d. 1635),
-, Lord President of Province of Connaught, Ireland, 78, 167.
-, letter from, 289.
-, letter to, 404.
-, wife of (Frances), mentioned, 404.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 404.
-, wife mentioned, 404.

Burleigh, Lord. See Cecil, Sir William.

Burleighe. See Burley?

Burley [Rutlandshire], 104.
-, letter dated from, 124, 211, ? 299.

Burrell, James, surveyor of bridge at Berwick, 137, 153–154, 156.
-, deputy surveyor in Elizabeth's reign, 154.
-, letter from, 156.

Bursa (Bursia) [Turkey], alias Prusa, 376.

Bursia. See Bursa [Turkey].

Burton, —, copy of his examination, 104.

Burton, Henry, case against Edmond Powell, 489.

Buse, the. See Bois-le-Duc.

Bussy, Mr. Charles, 247.

Butler, Thomas, 132.

Butler, Thomas, Earl of Ormond [1546–1614], Treasurer in Ireland [1603–1614], 132, 167, 444.
-, letter from, 30.

Butler, Sir Walter (Water), nephew to Earl of Ormond [son of John Butler of Kilcash], 132.

Butler, Dr. William, letter from, 404.

Button, George, Controller of Woodbridge [Suffolk], certificate signed by, 46.

Buxton, Robert, of Norfolk, his decease mentioned, 343, 494; his son and heir, 494.

Buys (Boys) Werner van den Houte, 54.

Byclifte. See Beccles [Suffolk].

Byddston, Bydson. See Bidstone manor [co. Chester].

Byggyns, Charles, 149.

Byndon, Viscount. See Howard, Thomas, of Bindon.

Byngley. See Bingley.

Byskenors. See Biscay, squadron of.

Byskey. See Biscay [Spain].