Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, [Anthony], 423.
-, Brute, 428.
-, Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, letter from, 459.
-, Urye, 383.

Bachiler, Daniel, letter from, 378.

Bagg, James, late Mayor of Plymouth, and an action against Sir Richard Hawkins, 257, 258, 309–312.

Bagott, Mr., 34.

Bagshawe, Dr., a priest, 47.

Bagshot (Bascoutt) [Surrey], the king to visit, 275, 276, 277.
-, letter dated at, 279.

Baily, (Bayly), — [secretary to Hugh Owen], 2, 9, 31, 106, 113, 144, 227.

Bainham (Bayneham, Bainam, Baynam):
-, Sir Edmond, 32, 64, 196.
-, -, Garnet's references to his journey to Rome. 76, 87, 107, 110, 127.
-, Sir Edward, 61.
-, William, provider of mats for the King's household, 206.

Balbanio, —, Italian merchant, 10.

Baldwin (Baldwyn), Father, a Jesuit, resident in Archdukes' Court and suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 2, 8, 9, 28, 51, 61, 67, 76, 99, 126, 207, 208, 429.
-, requests for, and arguments against, surrender of to England, 50, 62, 71, 81, 98, 122.
-, visits seminaries, 46.
-, references to by "N.W.," as Signor Negro, 119, 137, 140, 168, 176.
-, and discharge of companies under English leaders, 152.
-, alleged to rejoice at Garnet's death, 153.
-, Southwell's information concerning, 169.

Ball, John, an Irishman in service of Spanish Ambassador, imprisonment of, 197–200, 204, 207, 260, 261, 355.
-, letter from, 337.
-, suspected of poisoning, 198, 226.

Ballard, —, 18.

Ballendine, —, his verses about Union with Scotland, 443.

Ballintogher (Ballentogher) [co. Sligo], 291.

Ballymote castle [co. Sligo], 291.

Balmerino, Lord. See Elphinston.

Bancroft, Dr. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, 74, 128, 142, 352.
-, letter from, 357.
-, and deanery of Durham, 29, 58.
-, a prophecy concerning, 317.

Bandini, Cardinal, letter from, 71.

Baniards Castle, Baynard's Castle, q.v., s.v. London.

bankruptcy, commission of See commissioners.

Bantry (Beantrie) [co. Cork], 188.

Barber, Mr., 34, 175.

Barbor, Edward, 14.

Barclay, John, Latin verses by, 378.

Barforth Hall (Yorks.), 363.

Barham (Barram) Down [Kent], 117.

Barker, John, 278.
-, Richard, 27, 34.
-, Robert, 278, 279.

Barkeley (Barkly, Bartley, Berkley), Sir Maurice, M.P., letter from, 378.
-, letters to, 389, 456.
-, on purveyance, 69.

Barnardo, —, an Italian, 383.

Barnard's Castle, letter dated at, 137.

Barneglesse (Barnegleesee, Barnegleich). See Armstrong.

Barners, William, merchant, 371.

Barnes, Thomas (Thomas Wilson), 30, 51.
-, -, 208.

Barnet [Herts.], 39.
-, postal endorsements at, 7, 326, 357.

Barnewall. See Barnwall.

Barnstaple [Devon] letters dated at, 213(2), 222.
-, Mayor of, 234–235, 252–253.
-, - and Aldermen of, letters from, 213, 221.
-, Recorder of, 252.

Barnwall (Barnewall, Barnwel), Sir Patrick, 155.
-, letter from, 361.

Baron, the Lord Chief. See Fleming.

Barram. See Barham.

Bartlett, Mr., 100.

Bartley. See Barkeley.

Barton, Mr., formerly Ambassador at Constantinople, 181.

Barwek, Barwicke. See Berwick.

Barwick, William, parson of Hitcham, 321.

Bassett (Basset):
-, Elizabeth, Lady Bassett, 213, 252.
-, -, letter from, 213.
-, Sir Robert, 61, 120, 213, 252.
-, -, letter from, 37, 135, 136, 461.
-, -, infected with doctrine of Rome, 132.

Bate, David, 12.

Bates, Thomas, a conspirator in Gunpowder Plot, 52, 95, 110.

Bath (the Bath), 14, 234, 256, 272.
-, letter dated at, 105, 292, 297.

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier.

Bath and Wells, Bishop of. See Bourne and Still.

Battery, "a more furious kind of," 143.

Battle (Battell, Sussex), 360.

Baxter, Capt. John, 291.

Bayly. See Baily.

Baynard's Castle (Baniards). See under London, places in.

Bayneham (Baynam). See Bainham.

Bayonne, 405.

Beamond, Mr., 278.

Beantrie. See Bantry.

Beaple, James, alderman of Barnstaple, letter from, 213.

Bear Island (Bere; Ireland), 188.

Beauchamp, Lord. See Seymour.

Beauchamp's Court, letter dated at, 348.

Beaulieu (Bewley), [Hants], 273.
-, letter dated at, 270.

Beaumont, John, 433.
-, Mons. de. See Harlay.

Beaver, Robert, 220.

Beawcastle. See Bewcastle.

Beddington Park (Bedington), [Surrey], 175.

Bedford, St. John Baptist Church or Hospital, 401.

Bedfordshire, 256.

Bedington. See Beddington.

Bedlam (Bethlehem) Hospital. See under London, places in.

Bednall. See under London, places in, Bethnal Green.

-, Christopher, 220.
-, G., 270.
-, -, 393.

Bell, —, to go before the Privy Council, 388.
-, -, cattle thief, 192.
-, family of, border outlaws, 295.

Bellamy, —. See Spiller.

Belliniam, —, 436.

Belper (Bewreper) [co. Derby], letter dated at, 43.

Belvoir [Leies.], letter dated at, 328.

Benington. See Bennington.

Bennet, Robert, Bishop of Llandaff, 18.

Bennington, Long (Benington, Benyngton, Lincs.), parsonage of, 85, 113, 124.

Benton, Katherine, servant, 101.

Beoley (Beslye, Worcs.), 35.

Bere. See Bear Island.

Berehaven [co. Cork], 299.

Bergen op Zoom, 199, 414.

Berke (Berck). See Rheinberg.

Berkley. See Barkeley.

Bernard, Francis, J.P., letter from, 48.
-, -, examination by, 49.

Berneko, Christianus, 269.

Beroluy, Mr. de, 391.

Berry, Sir Benjamin, 380.

Bersin (Bersein), Mathew, 85, 93.

Bertie, Peregrine, 9th Lord Willoughby of Eresby, 414.

Berwick-upon-Tweed (Barwek, Barwicke), 369.
-, letters dated at, 224, 358.
-, garrison of, 215, 450.
-, soldiers from, for Carlisle, 225.

Bery, —, three brothers, from Cornwall, 350.

Beslye. See Beoley.

-, Martin, alderman of Colchester, 342.
-, Anthony, 246.
-, Richard, 246.

Bethell, Mr., 432.

Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam). See under London, places in.

Bewcastle, (Beawcastle, Cumberland), 286.
-, Captain of. See Musgrave.

Bewreper. See Belper.

Bilbao (Biluao), report dated at, 277.

Biller, —, "trusty Ned," a convert from popery, information from, 250–251.

Billinges, Captain, in service in the Low Countries, 152.

Billingsley, William, senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 103, 354.

Bindon (Byndon, co. Dorset), letter dated at, 4.

Bindon (Byndon), Viscount. See Howard.

Bingley, John, 163.
-, and office of Chief Remembrancer in Ireland, 348, 411, 412.

Birboom, Gerard, 429.

Bird, John, bailiff of Colchester, 342.

Birmingham, 100, 101.

Biscay, a ship of, 345.

Bishopric. See Durham.

Bishops, and payment of first fruits. 399.

Bishopthorpe (Bushoppthorpe, Yorks), 21.

Blackwell, Rev. Father George, the Archpriest, 75, 110, 169, 173.
-, reported to be in London, 182.

Blasco (? Velasco, q.v.), Don, 117.

Blaney, Sir Edward, 314.

Blith, Geoffrey, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 340.

Blaye, Captain. 190.

Blount (Blont, Blunt):
-, Charles, Lord Mountjoy, Earl of Devonshire, formerly Lord Lieutenant (Deputy) of Ireland, 120, 190, 233, 361, 362, 380, 395, 422.
-, -, letter from, 83.
-, -, his lands in Ireland bought by Lord Cromwell, 97, 155.
-, -, his companies of foot and horse, 97.
-, -, his death, 117, 140.
-, -, - and applications etc. for his positions, 97, 100, 102, 104.
-, -, as Governor of Portsmouth, 100, 102, 104, 146, 176.
-, Captain James, suspected of complicity in Gunpowder Plot, 10, 32, 63, 64, 99, 123.
-, -, to repair to England, 28, 51, 63.
-, -, -, is unwilling to go, 63, 65, 71, 82, 178, 428.
-, -, his brother, 64.
-, -, likely to be banished, 261.
-, Penelope (Rich), Countess of Devonshire, 155, 417.
-, -, letter from, 394.
-, See also Blunt.

Blundell, Captain George, letter from, 379.

Blunt, Mr., 111.
-, See also Blount.

Blytheman, John, Mayor of Plymouth, letter from, 237.

Boderie, la (Borderie), Monsieur, French Ambassador to England, 107, 117.
-, letters from, 226, 379(3).
-, and prize money, 287–288, 290.
-, and an accusation against the Earl of Bath, 305, 341.

Bodley (Bodleigh):
-, Sir Josias, letter from, 380.
-, Sir Thomas, 213.
-, -, letter from, 360.

Boiler House, the King's, a Yeoman of, 127.

Bois. See Boyes.

Boissize, Sieur de, Councillor in the French Council of State, 170.

Bond, Mr., M.P., on purveyance, 69.

Bondrowise, ? Bundroes, q.v.

Bonner, Elynor, 4.

books and pamphlets:
-, suspected, from Antwerp, 230.
-, titles of Catholic books seized, 95.
-, a treatise entitled A Christian Love Letter, 447.
-, of Lord Cobham's, 131.
-, Dreame of the Pillgrimage of the Soule, 380n.
-, Festivalis, 55.
-, a French pamphlet, 55.
-, two papist, from a French ship, 279.
-, a book against James I's title to the crown, 66.
-, a collection of James I's letters on toleration of religion, 174.
-, sent out of Northamptonshire, 380.
-, Thomasius's dictionary, 24.
-, Spanish, of popish superstition, 23.

Borage, Jasper, 310, 311.

Bordeaux (Burdeaux), 146, 385, 452.

Borderie. See Boderie.

Borders. See under Scotland.

Borghese, Gio. Battista, letter from, 82.

Boroughbridge (Borrowbridge) [Yorks.], postal endorsement at, 203.

Borrowe, Walter, 181.

Boswell, —, alias Palmer, a priest, 210.

Boswell House. See under London, places in.

Bouhier, Urbaine, 170.

Bouillon, the Duke of, articles agreed on with French King, 101–102.

Boulstrod, Sir William, 405, 406.

Bourchier, William, 3rd Earl of Bath, Lord Lieutenant of Devonshire, 181.
-, letters from, 6, 136, 222, 252, 304, 341.
-, letter to, 234.
-, and trial of John Sweet, 221– 223, 234–235, 252–253.
-, alleged stay of a French ship by, 305.
-, his sister [in law] of Warwick (Anne, wife of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick), 305.

Bourgh, Mr., 381.
-, Mrs. El., letter from, 380.

Bourgh, barony of, 381.

Bourne (Bowrne, Lincs.), 418.

Bourne, Gilbert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 340.

Bouthe, Garrard, 229, 230.

Bowker, —, a recusant, 421.

Bowrne. See Bourne.

Bowyer (Boyer):
-, Captain, 190.
-, Sir William, 215.
-, -, letter from, 357.

Box (Glos.), 18.

Boxgrove (Sussex), 360.

Boyes, Captain [Thomas], 11.

Boyer. See Bowyer.

Boyle, Sir Richard, 155, 289.
-, letter from, 381.

Brabant, 104, 434.
-, military operations expected in, 152.
-, the Infanta the Duchess of, 172.

Brabazon, Sir Edward, letters from, 348, 381.

Brachin (Brackin) Mr., Recorder of Cambridge, recommended as Chief Baron of Ireland, 137, 205.

Bracken, Mr., of Gray's Inn, 133.

Bradfield [? Yorks], letter dated at, 350.

Bradshawe, Alexander, a priest, letter from, 382.
-, Peter, 328, 329.

Bradwell [Essex], letter dated at, 338.

Brandenburg, Joachim Ernest, Margrave (Marquis) of, 256.

Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, his lands in dispute, 54, 447.
-, descendants of, 447.
-, his daughters Lady Frances and Lady Mary, 447.

Brannsonne. See Braunston.

Bratt, Thomas, vicar of Whittington, 428.

Braunston (Brannsonne) [Leics.], 5.

Brazil (Brasil), 371, 432.

Breckhill. See Brickhill.

Brenny (Brehny, Ireland), 188.

Brentwood (Burntwood, Essex), 49.

Brest [France], Spanish fort by, 414.

Brereton, Mr., secretary of Lord Salisbury, 65.

Brett, Sir John, 461.

Brickhill (Breckhill) [Bucks.], postal endorsements at, 7, 326, 357.

bridges, making and repairing of, 392–393.

Bridges (Briges):
-, Thomas, 404.
-, Captain, 190.

Briel (Bryll, Brill), the, (Holland), letters dated at, 154, 341, 358.
-, the Grahams sent into, 154, 294.

Briges. See Bridges.

Bright, —, of Lynne, 279.

Brill. See Briel.

Bristol (Bristow), 134, 176, 436.

Bristol, Bishop of. See Thornborough.

Brittany, wars in, 414.

Brockas, Sir Pexall, 43.

Broker, Joan, 4.

Bromley, Sir Henry, 37, 453.
-, -, letter from, 19.
-, (Cromblie), Robert, shipowner, 77, 179.
-, -, letters from, 382, 383.

-, Charles, 165.
-, Duke, 59, 153.
-, Henry, 8th Lord Cobham, letters from, 58, 131, 153, 326.
-, -, his mother "Lady Frances," 59.
-, -, his sister Sonds. 59.
-, -, his sister Stourton [Frances, Lady Stourton, wife of John Stourton, 9th Lord Stourton], 59, 446.
-, -, his wife. See Kildare.
-, Mr., 278.
-, Mr., of the Friars, 84.
-, Ralph, York Herald of Arms, 442.
-, William, 7th Lord Cobham, 161.
-, -, an entail of western lands made by, 59.
-, -, his wife Lady Frances, 59.

Brookesby, Mr., 250.

Brough under Stainmore (Stonemore), [Wmld.], 290.

Broughton, Mrs., 7.

Brouncker, Sir Henry, Lord President of Munster, letters from, 139, 226.

Browne (Brown):
-, Anthony, 2nd Viscount Montagu, 86.
-, John, 458.
-, -. See also Digby.
-, Sir John, 456.
-, Sir William, Lieutenant Governor of Flushing, 200.
-, -, a recusant, in Forest of Dean, 36.
-, -, 252.

Bruce (Bruse), Edward, 1st Lord, of Kinloss, 406, 408.
-, Dr. William, 256.
-, -, letter from, 180.

Bruges (Belgium), 157.

Brunswick, 434.

Bruse. See Bruce.

Brussels (Brux, Bruseles), 37, 61, 67, 72, 104, 106, 199, 355, 423, 461.
-, letters dated at, 7, 32, 43, 46, 100, 120, 136(2), 137, 140, 144, 169, 185, 218, 232, 324, 420.
-, passport dated at, 7.
-, the Wermes Port at, 120.
-, the Admiralty in, and a case of London merchants captured by a Dunkirker, 166.
-, English Catholics from, 431.
-, a prisoner in, 437.
-, English Ambassador in. See Edmondes.

Brux. See Brussels.

Brydges, Grey, 5th Lord Chandos, 344.

Bryll. See Briel.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Robert.

Buckinghamshire, 240, 433.

Buckland, Barbara, 433.

Bucquoy (Buquoy), Count of. See Longueval, Charles de.

Bugia (? Bugeaud), near Algier, 187.

Bulkley, Mary Lady, letter from, 223.
-, Sir Richard, 223.

Bullmer, Sir Bevys, prospecting for gold, letter from, 344.

Bundroes [?] (Bondrowise) [Co. Leitrim], 291.

Buquoy. See Bucquoy.

Burcot, —, a shoemaker, 83.

Burdeaux. See Bordeaux.

Burdett, John, 6.

Burford, Thomas, 12, 34.

Burges, Downhall, 220.
-, Thomas, 14.

Burgundy, Duke of, Archduke's claim to title of, 112, 121– 122, 124.

Burke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricarde, 394.

Burley on the Hill (Rutl.), letter dated at, 175.

Burntwood. See Brentwood.

Burte, Nicholas, Sir Edward Bainham's servant, 61.

Burton, [? Bucks.], stewardship of, 26.

Burton (Sussex) letter dated at, 230.

Bury, Mr., 243.

Busford, —, a London merchant, 120.

Bushoppthorpe. See Bishopthorpe.

Busshell, Sir Edmund, letter from, 383.

Bustangi Bashaw, 177.

bustards, in Kent, 325.

Butcher, George, examination of, 48, 49.

-, Sir Henry, letter from, 7.
-, -, his son John, 7.
-, Mr., alias Lyster, a Jesuit, 35.
-, Theobald, Viscount Butler of Tulleophelim, nephew and son-in-law of Earl of Ormonde, 147, 226, 436.
-, -, letter from, 203.
-, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Ormonde, 147, 203, 436.
-, -, letter from, 226.
-, -, letter to, 288.

Button, Captain, 149.

Byldowes, letter dated at, 256.

Byndon. See Bindon.

Byndon, Viscount. See Howard.

Byng, Mr., of Gray's Inn, 133.

Byrde, John, 428.

Byron, Sir John, 155.
-, letter from, 32.

Bysshop, Peper, 4.