Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Abbington. See Abington.

Aberdeck, Count [? Aremberg], 150.

Abington (Abbington):
-, Mr., of Hindlip, Worcs., 19, 35, 37, 52.
-, -, relations with Garnet, 87, 96, 126.
-, Mrs. Dorothy, 35.
-, Thomas, and his wife, 242.
-, T., 428.

Ackmowty, John, 331, 374.

Acton, —, a conspirator, 30, 51.

Adames. See Colville.

Adams, Margaret, 433.

Admiral, the Lord High. See Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham.

Admiralty, Court of, 224(2), 403.
-, and English merchants trading in Spain, 3.
-, and London merchants captured by a Dunkirker, 166.
-, Judge of, 167, 346.
-, a case concerning prize money, 287–288, 290.
-, a suit against Sir Richard Hawkins, 311.
-, President of. See Caesar.
-, sergeant of. See Pope.

Aertson, Walter, merchant, 165.

Aggreda, Don Diego de, 349.

Alcock, William, letter from, 86.

Aldarsbrooke, letter dated at, 36.

Aldershot [Hants.], letter dated at, 278.

Alexander (Alyxander):
-, Henry, the king's equerry, letter to, 185.
-, Mr., 274.

Alfonso, Father, 111.

Algiers (Argier), 187.

Aliworth, Richard, London merchant, 303.

Allen, —, alias Heskith, 250. Cardinal, 250.

Allenson, John, senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 103, 354.

Almsbury, letter dated at, 272.

Alnwick [Northumb.], 459.

Alterenes. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Alto, Signor. See Stanley, Sir William.

Alt-yr-ynys (Alterenes) [in Walterstone, co. Hereford], letters dated at, 8, 135.

alum works, letters patent for, 271.

Alyxander. See Alexander.

-, of the Archdukes, in England. See Hobach.
-, Danish, in England, 33.
-, of the Elector of Cologne, 141.
-, English, to the Archdukes, in Brussels. See Edmondes.
-, -, in France. See Carew.
-, -, in Spain. See Cornwallis.
-, -, to Turkey, 226, 239.
-, -, in Venice, 34.
-, French, in Brussels, 64, 320.
-, -, in England, 375; see also Harley and Boderie.
-, Italian. See Venetian.
-, of Count Palatine, 454.
-, Spanish, in England. See Cuniga and Tassio.
-, -, at Rome, 147.
-, States General in England. See Caron.
-, Venetian (Italian), in England, 40, 68, 177.
-, -, letter from, 361.
-, -, and licence to export grain, 359, 361.
-, -, a dispute about precedence over Archduke's Ambassador, 112–113, 121– 122, 124, 132.

America, 407; see also Indies; Virginia.

America, South. See Brazil; Guiana; Orinoco.

Amis, —, 455.

Amsterdam, merchants of, 20, 349.

Amwell, 393.

Amy, Mr., Dr., Bishop of Worcester's Chancellor, 460.

Amyee, Israel, surveyor, 397.

Analies. See Longford.

anchorage dues, between England and States General, 365.

Anderson, Henry, letters from, 141, 327.
-, Thomas, merchant, questioned in Spain, 265.

Andover (Andever) [Hants], 266.
-, parsonage, 442.

-, Sir Euseby, 39.
-, Sir William, 38.

Androtius, a Jesuit, 95.

Androus, Anne, 100.

Angel, Mr., 278.

Angers, 438.
-, letter dated at, 350.

Annandale (Annerdale), Grahams in, 79, 295.

Anne, Lady, 13–15.
-, See also Cecil.

Anne, Mrs. See Fawkes.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I (the Queen):
-, letter from, 375.
-, letter to, 432.
-, jointure of, 26.
-, and Clerkship of the Ordnance, 83.
-, jewelry for, 105, 413.
-, presents from Queen of Spain brought to, by St. Germain, 117.
-, gunpowder conspirators to spare life of, 126.
-, a daughter born to, 178.
-, her tenants in Lincolnshire, 220.
-, a charter of liberties of, 243.
-, complains of the Lord Admiral, 276.
-, to meet the King at Hampton Court, 277.
-, alleged estrangement from the King, 280, 307, 317.
-, and visit of Count Vaudemont, 314, 316.
-, lease of her lands at Hanslope, 359.
-, entitled to tobacco left in Devon, 448.
-, her Attorney. See Hicham.
-, her Chancellor. See Wilbraham.
-, her Solicitor. See Lowther.
-, her Vice-Chamberlain. See Carew.
-, references to, 237, 246, 266, 274, 278, 315, 325, 326, 330(2), 378, 444.

Annerdale, ? Annandale, q.v.

Annexation, bill of, 54.

-, Robert, 325, 330.
-, Sir William, letter from, 375.

Antony, Mr., 111.

Antwerp, 72, 431.
-, pictures of execution of Gunpowder plotters at, 65.
-, a Portugal merchant of, 99.
-, bankers of, 141.
-, a printer of, 227.
-, books brought from, 230.
-, attitude of, to James I, 262.

Appleby (Wmld.), assizes at, 224.
-, letter dated at, 290.

Apsham. See Topsham.

Aragon, 451.

Aranoco river. See Orinoco.

Arbella. See Stuart.

Archdukes, the. See under Austria and Isabella.

Archpriest, the. See Blackwell.

Arden, Kate, 99.

Ardington, Francis, 14.

Ardnaree (Ardnery) [co. Sligo], 291.

Aremberg (Aberdeck), Count, 150, 170.

Argier. See Algiers.

Argyll, Earl of. See Campbell.

armour, artillery and munition, a detailed inventory of, 366.

Arms, Garter (Principal) King of. See Dethick and Seagar.

-, family of, border outlaws, 80, 294, 351.
-, -, of St. Margaret's, 458.
-, Andrew (Ingrams Andrew), 351.
-, Christopher, of Barneglesse, or Barnegleich, murder of, 301, 315.
-, Edward (Antons Edward), 351.
-, John, Stowlugges, 351.
-, Richard, Williavay, 351.
-, Thomas, son of Antons Edward, 351.
-, Thomas (Geordies Tom of Williavay), 351.

Army, the English, in the Archduke's service. See under Austria, Archduke Albert of.
-, -, cashiered companies in Ireland, 11.

-, -, death of, 8.
-, Nicholas, 8.

Aron, Prince of Walachia, 181.

Arthere, Captain, 155.

Arthuret(h) [Cumb.], parson of. See Curwen.

Artois, 46.

Arton, Thomas, a priest, 239.

Arundel (Sussex), letter dated at, 360.

Arundel (Arundell, Arrundell):
-, Sir Charles, Lord Arundel's uncle, 377.
-, John, letter from, 4.
-, Roger, 4.
-, Thomas, Lord Arundel of Wardour, 460.
-, -, in service of the Archdukes, 7, 31, 32, 51.
-, -, letters from, 218, 232, 376, 377.
-, -, dissensions with captains of regiment, 31, 99.
-, -, patents and annuities for, 53, 218.
-, -, his companies discharged, 152.
-, - his reasons for the reformation of his companies, 376.
-, -, dutiful conduct of, 183.
-, -, his son, 152.
-, -, -, married to Lord Worcester's daughter, 201, 208, 218, 446.
-, -, promise of friendship for, 200–201, 208, 218.
-, -, resigns pension from Archduke, 377.

Ash, Sir Thomas, 362.

Ashbee (Northamptonshire), 415.

Ashbey, Sir Robert, 133.

Ashby [St.] Ledgers [Northants.], Robert Catesby's house at, 38, 40.

Ashley, Sir Anthony, 131, 188.
-, -, letters from, 40, 116, 217.

Ashton. See Assheton; Aston.

Asia, 177.

Assheton, Abdie, Senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 354. See also Aston.

Aston (Ashton, Asten):
-, Sir Arthur, 398.
-, Sir Roger, 128, 129, 135, 146, 270, 324, 383, 418.
-, -, letters from, 251, 273, 277, 325, 330, 377(2).
-, -, as the king's master huntsman, 272.

Asturias (Spain), 11.

Atkins (Atkyns), Ri. (of the Council of the Marches of Wales), letter from, 22.

-, Anthony, letter from, 254.
-, Thomas, 14.
-, -, statements by, 12, 13.

Attorney General, the, 398, 400, 416, 418, 447.
-, vacancy for place of, 185.
-, and bailiwick of Savoy, 229.
-, See also Coke, Sir Edward and Hobart, Henry.

Aubigny (Daubiny), Monsieur de (Lord) and concealment warrants and rents, 233, 244, 268, 330.

Auditors General, 433.

Augusto, Signor. See James I.

Auro, Signor. See Philip III.

Austria, Archduke Albert of (the Duke, Archduke; [with Isabella] the Archdukes), 350, 375, 431.
-, and imprisonment of Owen and others in connexion with Gunpowder Plot, 1, 2, 8, 9, 31, 64, 71, 81, 98, 123, 132, 171, 207.
-, army of, order for levying supplies to reinforce old companies, 46.
-, -, English companies discharged, 152.
-, -, increased by runaways from Holland, 153.
-, - levies for States General are greater than his, 72.
-, -, English, Scottish and Irish regiments serving under, 10, 31.
-, -, -, supplies for, 46.
-, -, -, Gunpowder Plot, a reason given against fresh enlistment in, 50, 61–63, 71, 81, 92, 429.
-, -, -, discontentment against, 113.
-, -, -, no interference with, in religious matters, 99.
-, -, -, rumour of dissolution of, 144.
-, satisfied with treatment of his Ambassador in England, 30.
-, does not desire service of English subjects disloyal to James I, 63.
-, misliked in Spain for imprisonment of Owen, 64.
-, and ransom of Sir Henry Carey, 72, 73, 99.
-, his rights as Duke of Burgundy and son of an Emperor claimed in a question of precedence between his Ambassador in England and the Venetian, 112, 121–122, 124, 132.
-, and money owed to Scotland by town of Bruges, 157.
-, a dispute concerning treatment of English merchants by his ships, 166–167.
-, and Colonel Francisco's plots, 207–208.
-, alleged offer to, for killing of Count Maurice of Nassau, 207.
-, offers a patent to Lord Arundel, 218.
-, and an English offender at Antwerp, 227.
-, priests banished from England to appeal to, 233.
-, and Spanish and English grievances, 320.
-, and Lord Arundel, 376, 377.
-, and M. St. Victor, 438.
-, Treaty with England. See under Treaty.
-, Ambassadors of. See under Ambassadors.

Aylofe, Sir William, J.P., 404.

Azores, the, Essex's Island journey to, 414.