Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Caesar, Sir Julius, Master of Requests, President of Court of Admiralty, 167, 287, 290. letter from, 164.

Cage, —, 101.

Calabria, 177.

Calais (Calis, Caillaz), 10, 164, 438. letters dated at, 85, 93, 165, 319.
-, the White Rose in, 85, 93.
-, information from, 318, 319.
-, information from "N.W." in, 84, 103, 105, 168.
-, Governor of, 165.

Calderini, 196.

calico, confiscated from a carrack, 15.

Calis. See Calais.

Calley, William, letter to, 231.

Calthorpe, Sir Charles, letter from, 5.

Calvacanti. See Cavalcanti.

Calvert, Mr., secretary of Earl of Salisbury, letters to, 275, 280, 446.

Cambrai (Cambray) Archbishop of, 63.

Cambridge, 129, 242, 332, 416, 433.
-, letters dated at, 43, 103, 104, 233, 318.
-, Recorder of. See Brachin.

Cambridge University, Chancellor of. See Cecil, Robert.
-, Vice-Chancellor of. See Clayton and Harsnett.
-, - and Senate of, letters from, 24.
-, deputy Vice-Chancellor of. See Dupont.
-, printing rights of, 24.
-, Jesus College, letters dated at, 48, 49, 365.
-, -, Master of. See Duport.
-, King's College, leases and rent of, 132.
-, -, letter dated at, 133.
-, -, Master of. See Goade.
-, Peterhouse, application for transference to, 137.
-, -, Master of. See Soam.
-, St. John's College, 391.
-, -, letters dated at, 103, 104, 112, 342.
-, -, Master and seniors of, letters from, 103, 353.
-, Trinity College, 137, 353.
-, Trinity Hall, letter dated at, 308.
-, -, alleged corruption in, 390.

Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyll, 277.

Canterbury (Kent), 86, 176.
-, letters dated at, 117, 161, 301.
-, postal endorsements at, 117, 322.
-, Park, 7, 127, 161, 348.
-, Westgate in, 86.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from concerning a case of murder, 300.
-, - and postmaster, alleged negligence of, 322.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 400; see also Bancroft.

Cape St. Vincent (Portugal), 345, 398.

-, Sir Arthur, 211.
-, -, letters from, 19, 129, 177, 224, 335.
-, -, his son Arthur, 224, 335.
-, Sir Gamaliel, letters from, 211, 339.

Caraffa, a Bishop of the house of, created Papal Nuncio in Brussels, 159.

Carbery (Carbrie, Ireland), 188, 299.

Carew (Cary):
-, Sir George, English Ambassador in France, 9, 55, 61, 101, 365, 386, 387(2).
-, Sir George, Lord Carew of Clopton, Vice Chamberlain and General Receiver to Anne of Denmark, letters from, 55, 218, 267, 343, 358, 384(2).
-, letter to, 24.
-, and Florence McCarthy, 188, 288, 289, 299, 300.
-, and lease of Hanslope lands, 359.
-, his companies in Ireland, 384.
-, references to, 11, 29, 118, 203, 361, 423.
-, Mrs., 277.
-, See also Carey and Cary.

Carey (Careye, Carye, Carew):
-, Sir Edmund, 417.
-, -, letter from, 384.
-, George, 2nd Lord Hunsdon, former Lord Chamberlain, 159.
-, Sir Henry, a prisoner held for ransom, 72, 73, 91, 99.
-, Henry, apprehension of his son Henry, 4.
-, Mr., Sir Thomas Leighton's Lieutenant, 206.
-, -, 142, 453.
-, See also Carew and Cary.

Carie. See Cary.

Carillo, Don Luis, of Toledo, Count of Carrazena, governor of Galicia, 405.

Carleton, Dudley, letter from, 68.
-, bill for keep of, 11, 68.

Carlisle (Carllell, Cumb.), 100.
-, letters dated at, 179, 192, 215, 216, 225, 286, 315(2).
-, assizes at, 80, 215, 224.
-, Castle, and gaol, 358.
-, - the Grahams in. See Grahams.
-, -, gaol deliveries at, 168, 192, 211, 212, 214, 314.

Carlisle, Bishop of. See Robinson.

Carlisle, family of, 79.

Carllell. See Carlisle.

Caron, (Sir) Noel de, Sr. de Schoneval (Mons. Caron, Caroone), agent of the States General in England:
-, letters from, 90, 210, 224, 346.
-, letter to, 365.
-, and levying English troops for the States General, 51, 277.
-, and an incident between Dutch ships and a Dunkirker at Sandwich, 149–151.
-, James I's opinion of, 374.
-, references to, 119, 160, 206, 226, 275, 283, 379.

Carpenter, Mr., a converted priest, 385.

Carrazena. See Carillo.

Carrick (Ireland) letter dated at, 226.

Carshalton (Casholton), [Surrey], 175.

Carteret, (Cartret), Ames, bailiff (bailie) of Guernsey, 206.

Cartwright, —, 426.

Carvell, —, Lord Northumberland's solicitor, 426.

Carvill. See Cavill.

Cary (Carie), Sir George, late Lord Deputy in Ireland, letter from, 412.
-, and Chief Remembrancer's office, 348, 411, 412.
-, See also Carey and Carew.

Cashel, Archbishop of. See Magrath.

Casse, Edmond, letters from, 271, 318.

Casson, James, Mayor of Hull, letter from, 253.

Castile (Castill), 450.

Castro, Pedro Fernandez de, Count of Lemos, 405.

Catalini, Captain, 78.

Catesby, Robert, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 10, 35, 61, 64, 74, 399.
-, his goods seized, 38, 40.
-, execution of, 68.
-, alleged intention to procure a regiment, 72.
-, his relations with Garnet, 73, 75–77, 85, 86–87, 96, 107– 111, 126.
-, meeting at his house near Uxbridge, 196.
-, his house at Bethnal Green, 337.
-, given money by Velasco, 376.
-, his lands in Northamptonshire, 415.
-, sureties for, 442.

Catwater, [Devon], 20.

Caughton. See Coughton.

Cautionary Towns. See Brill; Flushing, and under Grahams.

Cavalcanti (Calvacanti), —, two brothers [Greenwell and Gerrard], 84, 92, 103, 105, 120.
-, See also under Jesuits.

Cave, Lisle, letters from, 160, 386.

Cavill (Carvill), Mrs., a recusant, 428.

Cawsand (Cawson) Bay, [Cornwall], 21, 309.

Cawthrope, Roger, 220.

Cawthrorp, Thomas, 220.

Cawton. See Coughton.

Cecil (Cecyll):
-, Lady Anne (? daughter of 2nd Earl of Salisbury), 407.
-, ? Lady Catherine (wife of 2nd Earl of Salisbury.), 407.
-, Lady Frances, letter from, 386.
-, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Secretary of State (Mr. Secretary), letters from, 1, 27, 44, 49, 61, 69, 73, 81, 121, 137, 146, 160, 168, 170, 178, 184, 186, 197, 200(2), 205, 234, 235, 259, 260, 313, 329, 354, 439–441.
-, -, letters to, 1–460 passim.
-, -, presents sent to, 4, 26, 116, 142, 161, 177, 205, 207, 209, 210, 226, 233, 335, 348, 352, 366, 368, 380, 381, 419, 444(2), 448, 452.
-, -, his recovery from indisposition, 73, 100, 263, 273, 287, 292(2), 296(2), 304, 308, 323, 394, 410, 412.
-, -, to be godfather to Lord Derby's heir, 54.
-, -, his children heirs to Lord Cobham's lands, 59.
-, -, the King of France's good opinion of, 71.
-, -, his draft of a letter from James I to Parliament, 89.
-, -, interrogates Garnet, 108, 111.
-, -, offered High Stewardship of Portsmouth, 103.
-, -, as High Steward of Lewisham, 127.
-, -, - of Kingston upon Hull, 253.
-, -, installation as Knight of the Garter, 129, 139(3), 235, 447.
-, -, denounced by a priest, 138.
-, -, Jesuits alleged to practice against, 153.
-, -, charges against, concerning Court of Wards, 164.
-, -, alleged plots against life of, 169, 263.
-, -, alleged excommunication of, 176.
-, -, a ward of (Barber), 175.
-, -, a defender of, 191, 196.
-, -, payment of subsidy by, 193.
-, -, entertains Kings of England and Denmark at Theobalds, 209, 210(2), 237.
-, -, as Ambassador to France, 226, 438.
-, -, and a commission for reform of disorders in London, 229.
-, -, conference with Spanish and Archduke's Ambassadors concerning grievances between England and Spain, 260–266.
-, -, -, his speech of introduction to, 263–264.
-, -, as cause of trouble between Spain and England, 266.
-, -, sole cause of laws against Catholics, 266.
-, -, and a warrant concerning Sir Oliver Cromwell, 275.
-, -, examines Gervase Smith, 281, 307, 317, 321.
-, -, and Florence McCarthy, 288–289.
-, -, as Chancellor of Cambridge University,. 308, 404.
-, -, apologises for a foolish phrase, 329.
-, -, stands proxy in Parliament for Lord Eure, 346.
-, -, as Commissioner for compounding for land, 368.
-, -, epigrams and verses addressed to, 378, 413, 442.
-, -, survey of possessions of, in Edmonton, 397.
-, -, his name confused with Lord Shrewsbury's, 445.
-, -, his wife, Lord Cobham's sister, 154.
-, -, his nieces: (Bridget), see Norreys; see also Winchester and Derby.
-, -, his nephews. See Derby; Montgomery; Ross.
-, -, his secretaries. See Brereton; Calvert; Corbet; Munck; Wilson.
-, -, references to, 91, 213, 222, 231, 280, 421, 434.
-, Thomas, Earl of Exeter (Lord Salisbury's brother), 160, 415.
-, -, letter from, 398.
-, Sir William, 1st Lord Burghley, and patents for lands, 392.
-, -, Dr. Frear's gratitude to, 400.
-, -, as the late Lord Treasurer, 454.
-, -, references to, 59, 61, 240, 267, 386, 398, 403, 417.
-, William, 17th Lord de Roos, Lord Salisbury's nephew, 71, 117.
-, -, letters from, 131, 157.
-, Sir William, son of Lord Salisbury, styled Viscount Cranborne, 129, 270, 332, 394.
-, -, letters from, 112, 389.
-, -, his studies, 104, 318.
-, -, his cousin Harry, 112.
-, -, attends the King, 130, 342.
-, -, goes to Lancashire, 271.
-, -, returns to Cambridge, 318.
-, -, news of, 341.
-, - as 2nd Earl of Salisbury, letter to (?), 407.

Cephalonia (Zefalonia), 16.

certificate, a, 37.

Chaderton, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 402.

Chaffe, the post, 1.

Chaloner (Challynor, Challoner), Sir Thomas, 271.
-, -, letter from, 43.
-, -, and a lost discourse, 41, 42, 43.

Chamber, the King's, a messenger of. See Davies.

Chamberlain, the Lord. See Howard, Thomas.

Chamberlain (Chamberlynne), Abraham, 305, 341.
-, Mr., 440.

Chambers, Anthony, letter from, 7.
-, -, a priest, 46.

Chancellor, the Lord. See Egerton.

Chancery, Court of, clerks of, letter from, 44.

Chandos (Shandosse), Lord. See Brydges.

Channel, the (Narrow Seas), alleged injuries to Spaniards in, 3.

Chapel Royal, Dean of. See Montagu.

-, Henry, 278.
-, Mr., to be sent to Spain, 53.
-, -, a Jesuit in English regiment in Archduke's service, 153.

Chapperlyn (Chapperlin), John, 66.

Charles I, King of Spain, 122.

Charles, Prince (Duke of York), jewelry for, 105.

Charles, Duke of Sweden, 20, 255.

Charlton, Cuthbert, 458.
-, John, 458.
-, Will, 458.

Charnock (Charnocke), George, a suspect, 17, 35, 36.

Chartley (Chartly), [Staffs.], 394.

Chatham [Kent], the King's ships at, mariners commandeered for, 226.

Chelmsford [Essex], 49, 136.

Chelsea, [Middlx.], 150, 277.

Cheltnam, Elizabeth, letter from, 386.

Chepstow, [Mon.], 18.

Cheshunt (Cheston), [Herts], the King at, 185.

Chester, 239, 242.
-, letters dated at, 6, 22, 26, 173, 192, 205, 240, 287, 357.
-, postal endorsements at, 7, 26, 340, 357.
-, appointment of a Recorder of, 22.
-, charter of Henry VII to, 22.
-, Court of Exchequer at, 115, 205.
-, recusants in, 240.
-, Chief Justice of, and provision of diet for Council of the Marches of Wales, 281–282.
-, county palatine of, 427.
-, Mayors of. See Litler and Phillips.

Chester, Bishop of. See Lloyd.

Cheston. See Cheshunt.

Chesterford Park [Essex], 341.

Chetwin (Chetwind), Sir Walter, 182, 348.

Chichester, [Sussex], 360, 379.

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy (Lieutenant) in Ireland, 155, 162, 204, 226, 291, 314, 323, 348, 436.
-, -, his plan to reduce Irish and English coin to one rate, 163.
-, -, a box for, 173, 192.
-, -, and immigration of Grahams, 285, 302.
-, -, licence by, 223.
-, -, letter from, 205.

Childe, William, feodary of Worcestershire, 12.

Chinley (?), Chymeleyes in the Peak, herbage called, 328.

Chiswick (Chiswecke), [Middlesex], letter dated at, 139.

Chitwood, Sir Richard, 39.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, visits England, 131, 191, 251, 253.
-, -, visits Theobalds, 209, 210, 211, 237.
-, -, epigrams, speeches, etc., on, 209, 218.
-, -, his reception in London, 211, 218; shows and pageants for, 227–228.
-, -, departs home, 236.
-, a disagreement with his brother, the Duke of Holstein, 236.
-, case shot for, 245.
-, letters from James I to, cause delay in ship's sailing, 245, 246.
-, his suite, 269.
-, posting charges of, 432.
-, his brother. See Holstein, Ulrich, Duke of.
-, references to, 33, 238, 276, 317, 432(2).

Christianity, planted amongst heathens, 408.

Church of England, articles proposed by Lewis Pickering for clergy of, 431–432.

Chymelyes, ? Chinley, q.v.

Ciceter. See Cirencester.

Cinque Ports, Barons of, 456.
-, Lord Warden of, his power to grant passports, 269.
-, -. See also Howard, Henry.

Cirencester (Ciceter, Glos.), 18, 66.

Cisalpino, Signor, code name for French King, 93, 106.

Civitavecchia (Civitta Viecha), 319.

Claison, —, vice-admiral of Dunkirk, 127.

Claiton. See Clayton.

Clanricarde, Earl of. See Burke.

Clapham, Jo., a Clerk of the Chancery, letter from, 44.

Clarke. See Clerke.

Clautes, John, 245.

Clavering, James, 295.
-, letter from, 327.

Clayton (Claiton):
-, Mr., a tutor, 350.
-, Dr. Richard, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge and master of St. John's College, 132, 308, 391, 404.
-, -, letters from, 24, 103, 353.

Clement, Daniel, 346.

Clere, Sir Edward, letters from, 386– 387.
-, Nicholas, alderman of Colchester, 342.

Clerke (Clarke):
-, Rebecca, 4.
-, Robert, Baron of the Exchequer, 53.

Clerkenwell (Clertonwell), [Middx.], letter dated at, 52.

Cleyes (or Keyes), 196.

Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland, letters from, 295, 308.
-, -, as Lieutenant of Carlisle gaol, 79.
-, -, and removal of the Grahams from his lands, 80, 114, 179, 285, 370.
-, -, his influence in Cumberland, 369.
-, George, K.G., 3rd Earl of Cumberland, death of, 7.

Clink, the. See Southwark.

Clint, [Yorks.], 13.

Clinton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln, letters from, 277, 417.

Clive, Robert, of Southampton, 379.

cloth trade, at Colchester, 342.
-, to France, 453.
-, woollen, Act concerning transporting overseas, 459.
-, -. See also Wools.

Clynck. See Clink.

coal mines, farm of, 344.

Coates (Cotes), North, [Lincs.], 417.

Cobert, Captain, 190.

Cobham. See Brooke.

Cock, Sir Henry, 455, 461.

Cocke. See Coke and Weldon.

Cocks, Richard, a merchant, 57.

Coe, —, 454.

Coffyn, —, 125.

Cokayne, Francis, of the English Company trading in Poland, 181.

Coke (Cocke):
-, Sir Edward (Attorney General, Mr. Attorney), afterwards Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, letters from, 15, 24, 42, 54, 100, 159, 161, 186(2), 189(2).
-, -, letter to, 186.
-, -, and post of Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 42.
-, -, and a controversy over supply of wine to the Tower, 120.
-, -, and a general pardon, 142.
-, -, and money for Ireland, 162.
-, -, his cousin James Hill, 339.
-, -, as Mr. Attorney, references to, 23, 108, 111, 115.
-, Sir Richard, 163.

Colchester [Essex], letter from Bailiffs and Aldermen of, concerning the cloth trade in, 342.

Colen. See Cologne.

Coleshill (Coleshull), [Warws.], postal endorsements at, 7, 357.

Collome, Captain, 139.

Cologne, (Cullen, Colen), 165.
-, Elector of, his Ambassador to Brussels, 141.

Colman, Richard, 412(2).

Colville, Rose, alias Adames, of Chelmsford, 136.

Combe (Coombe), [Warws.], letter dated at, 338.

Combe, in parish of Welsh Newton, 36.

-, of bankruptcy, 24.
-, for concealment, 268.
-, for Gunpowder Plot. See Gunpowder Plot.
-, for Earl Marshal. See Marshal.
-, for leases, 167.
-, for Middle Shires. See Scotland, Border Causes.
-, of Oyer and Terminer, 27, 34, 369.
-, of review, 43.
-, for shooting, 41.

Common Pleas, Court of, 388.
-, Lord Chief Justice of, necessity for filling office of, 42; See also Coke.

Commons, House of (the Lower House), 138, 190, 410.
-, against fresh enlistment of English troops in Archdukes' army, 50, 61.
-, an Act offered in, concerning purveyance, 56.
-, -, debate on, 69.
-, -, minute on, 88.
-, minute of letter of thanks from James I to, 89.
-, like "young coursers," 92.
-, Sir R. Drury's speeches in, on liberty of travel, 94.
-, and attainder of Tresham, 128.
-, bill in, for prevention of abuses in Court of Earl Marshal, 140.
-, See also Parliament.

Compton, William, 2nd Baron Compton, 163.
-, letter from, 131.

concealment, commission for. See commissions.

Condon, David, 203.
-, Patrick 203.

confectionery, bill for, 211.

Coniers, —, a Jesuit, 153.

Connaught (Ireland), Marshal of, 413.

Conor. See O'Connor.

Constable, Sir Harry, 247.

Constable, the. See Velasco.

Constantinople, 147, 177, 181.

Conway, Sir Edward, [Lieutenant and Governor of the Briel].
-, letter from, 340.

-, Peter, mayor of Portsmouth, letter from, 102.
-, Sir Richard, 356, 379.
-, Robert, letter from, 371.
-, Sir William, 448.
-, -, letter from, 52.
-, -, letter to, 8.
-, William, 393.

Coombe. See Combe.

Cope, Sir Walter, 135, 243, 271.
-, letters from, 84, 232.
-, letter to, 424.

Copenhagen (Copenhaven), a ship of, 245.

Copinger, Ambrose, B.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, 353.

Copley,—, 415.

copper mines, 387.

Corbet (Corbett):
-, John, secretary to Lord Salisbury, 15, 108, 110, 308, 321.
-, -, letter from, 364.
-, Sir Richard, 204.

corinths. See currants.

Cork, letter dated at, 139, 227.

Cork, river, 384.

corn. See grain.

Cornard, Great (Cornand Magna), [Suffolk], vicar of. See Harrison.

Cornwall, 184, 302, 350.
-, Duchy of, and lands annexed, for the King's eldest son, 337.

Cornwallis, Sir Charles, English Ambassador in Spain, 9, 46, 58, 78, 303.
-, -, letters to, 260, 354.
-, -, and apprehension of Gunpowder suspect, 178.
-, -, dispatches to, giving substance of conference of James I and the Privy Council with the Spanish and Archdukes' Ambassadors, concerning grievances between England and Spain, 259–266, 320.
-, -, his secretary. See Hawksworth.
-, Henry, 355.
-, Katherine, aunt of Lord Southampton, a recusant, 304.
-, Lady, 364.

Corunna (Galicia, Spain), 405.

Cotes. See Coates.

Cottington, —, attached to English Ambassador in Spain, 265.

-, Father, a Jesuit, 9.
-, George, letter from, 57.
-, William, Bishop of Exeter letter from, 297.

Coughton (Cawton, Caughton), [Warws.], 77, 96, 109, 110, 126, 453.

Coulsone, William, 220.

Courland (Curland), Duke of, 238, 286.

Court, the, letters dated from, 137, 142, 167, 168, 184, 193.
-, postmaster for. See Netherwood.

Court. See Covert.

Courteenhall (Courtenhall) [Northants.], letter dated at, 366.

Coventry [Warws.], postal endorsements at, 7, 357.

Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of.
-, See Blith and Sampson.

Covert (Court), Captain Humphrey, letter from, 389.
-, letter to, 389.

Cowell, Dr. John, letters from, 53, 308.

Cowlinge, Father Richard, 319.

Coxwell, Henry, 18.

Cracow, Palatine of, 339.

Cradells, the, 61.

Craftes. See Croft.

Cranborne, Viscount. See Cecil, Sir William.

Cranston, Sir William, Provost Marshal, and the Grahams of Esk, 78–79, 81, 402.

Crashawe, W[illiam], "preacher at the Temples," letter from, 250.

Crawford Moor [Lanarkshire], 294.
-, gold mines at, letter dated from, 344.

Cresswell (Creswell, Signor Furioso), [Father, a Jesuit], 76, 119.

Croft (Crofts, Craftes), Sir Herbert, 152.
-, -, letters from, 209, 389, 390.
-, -, letter to, 456.
-, Sir James, 209.

Croke, Mr. Serjeant, 114.

Cromblie. See Bromley.

Cromer. See Crowmer.

Crompton, Dr., 24.
-, Sir Thomas, 406.
-, -, letters from, 167, 224.

Cromwell, Edward, 3rd Lord Cromwell, letters from, 97, 143, 155, 162, 301.
-, Sir Oliver, 190, 330, 422.
-, -, warrants concerning, 275, 340.
-, Lady, 190.

Crooke, John, 278, 279.

Crosbye, Patrick, 289.

Croshowe (Croston), Mr., chaplain to Lord Sheffield, 256, 356.

Crosse, Sir Robert, letter from, 297.

Crossinge, Hugh, 181.

Croston. See Croshowe.

Crouther, Mr., 26.

Crowmer (Cromer), Sir James, 86.

Crown lands, 390.

Cullen. See Cologne.

Cumberford, Humfrey, 172.

Cumberland, 459.
-, presence of Grahams in, disliked, 79, 80, 402.
-, Lord Dacres's manors in, 100.
-, gaol deliveries in, 155, 212.
-, gentlemen of, contribute to transportation of Grahams, 215, 216, 225, 284–285.
-, high sheriff of, 284; see also Lawson.
-, government of Middle Shires falls most upon, 368–370.

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford.

Cundall, William, 14.

Cuniga (Cuniga, Zuniga), Don Pedro de (Spanish Ambassador in England), 73, 121, 246, 303.
-, letters from, 204, 357.
-, letter to, 200.
-, and suspects in Gunpowder Plot, 2, 3.
-, and English merchants in Spain, 3, 58, 260–266.
-, and goods from a carrack, 15.
-, complains of an English pirate, 19.
-, persons harboured in the house of, 23.
-, takes over Low Countries affairs in England, 50.
-, and a new levy of English troops for Archdukes' army, 50, 61–62.
-, requests free passage for volunteers for service of Spain and Archdukes, 62, 63.
-, claims seized Catholic books, 94.
-, and an alleged plot, involving his servant John Ball, against James I, 197–200, 204, 207, 260, 261, 355.
-, public demonstrations against, 227, 262, 265.
-, friendly with two Irishmen, 240.
-, allegations of mass held at his house, 251, 262, 405.
-, discusses Spanish and English grievances in conference, 259–266, 270, 272, 320, 345, 354.
-, complains of lack of justice in England, 260, 354, 355.
-, stops proceedings against English merchants in Bilbao, 277.
-, and capture of a Portuguese ship by a Hollander, 283.
-, [?] referred to as Don Diego by James I, 372, 374.
-, sugars allotted to, 427.
-, his allegations of English piracy, 432.
-, his secretary. See North.

Cunningham, James, 7th Earl of Glencairn (Glentown), 277.

Curland. See Courland.

currants, corinths, customs on, 16, 219, 305–306.

Curwen, Mr., parson of Arthuret, 294.

Cust, Henry, of Pinchbeck, 220.
-, his cause with Sir Richard Ogle, 195, 205, 221.

Custom House. See under London and Westminster, places in.

customs, English:
-, on currants, 16, 219, 305–306.
-, alleged avoidance of, by an English consul in Spain, 57– 58.
-, on German goods sent to Spain, 58.
-, on vinegar, soap, hops, 159.
-, on poundage, 296.
-, office of surveyor of, 386.

Cuthbert, Thomas, deputy, at Tynemouth Castle, 366.

Cutts, Sir John, 19.

Cyprus, 400.
-, Kings of, 124.