Cecil Papers: December 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp356-371 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp356-371.

"Cecil Papers: December 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp356-371.

December 1606

Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Dec. 1. I have received your last letters whereby I perceive the forwardness of the King's business, for which I am very glad both in regard of the King's contentment as also that our judgments is [sic] like to be confirmed by the grave and general counsel of Parliament. I wish with all my heart I might have been able to have given my vote myself unto it, but I am much pleased it shall be given by one from whose opinion I know I shall have no cause to dissent. I thought I should have written to you from York where I intended to have been this sitting. But one of my crosses overtakes [me] or other, for being on my way thitherwards I was fain to return grievously sick of an ague, which holds me very extremely at this present. Now what conceit may be held that I should dispose of myself thither and not attend at the Parliament I am jealous of, the world being given so much to detraction. Therefore I have briefly set down some few of many reasons moving me thereunto. First, the smallness of the journey, it being not above 20 miles and being there I might so form my business that it might attend on me and not I on it, which to a lame man is no small use. Next and especially, I had a desire, seeing I could not be able to take pains in the King's service at the Parliament yet, to be performing my duty to him. Lastly, there had many causes long depended at the request of both the plaintiffs and defendants, they greatly desiring my censure in them, which by reason of my public employments at the Parliaments and Commission, I could not perform as I would. And therefore now I could do no greater good than expedite poor men's causes. Thus have I declared unto you my true reasons moving me to have taken upon me this short journey, desiring you, if any false construction be made of it, to answer as you may justly for me.—1 Dec.
PS.—I pray you command some of your servants to deliver these enclosed to my chaplain Mr. Croston.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (118. 77.)
Sir Henry Lee to the Same.
1606, Dec. 3. I have received your letter in behalf of your servant, Mr. Harry Whitten, now Controller of Woodstocke. In his behalf I wrote to you in former time for the obtaining the office his uncle then held. The good opinion I had of this bringer moved me thereunto. The true meaning and the faith I have from the first borne unto you make me now as ready to obey your will in what I may do him pleasure in.—From Ditchley, 3 Dec., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (118. 79.)
The Mayor of Chester to the Same.
1606, Dec. 3. Has received his letter and a packet enclosed directed to Sir Richard Cooke Nov. 29 last. As commanded sent them immediately by post to Liverpoole, where the post has attended Sir Richard's coming until the 1st inst, Has heard from Sir Richard of the receipt of the letters and has received from him a packet directed to Lord Salisbury, which he has sent by post.—Chester, 3 Dec., 1606.
Signed: Phillip Phillipes maior. ½ p. (118. 80.)
Postal endorsements: "At the City of Chester the 4th day of December at ten of the clock in the aforenoon. At Namptwiche at 2 afternoon. Stone past 7 at night. Lichfeilde past 11 half an hour. Coleshull past 2 in the morning. Coventrye past four in the morning. Dayntre Poste past nine in the morning. Tocester past 12 the same day. Brickhill at 4. Saintalbons at 8. Barnet after 10 at night."
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 4. I am earnestly moved by those of the Church of Rippon to commend their cause to your favour for some speedy end. They have been a long time troubled in this suit and cannot enjoy his Majesty's royal grant made to them two years since under his letters patents. Their suit now is that, either upon the survey already made of the lands so granted unto them by his Majesty, or upon a further, if it be thought needful, the true yearly value thereof appearing to be no greater than was answerable unto his Majesty's meaning for the foundation of that Collegiate Church, they may enjoy the said grant. Or if it appear that the particulars already passed unto them amount to so great a value as is alleged, that then they may have a sufficient allowance out of it to the performing of his Majesty's good purpose unto that Church, which they are confident your lordship will not judge to be less than 500l. yearly. The poor men are almost undone by the following of this suit and therefore crave an end of the same. I am assured that my Lord of Northampton will be ready to join with your lordship and myself in the furtherance of the same.—At Lambeth, 4 Dec., 1606.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (118. 81.)
Don Pedro de Cuniga, Spanish Ambassador, to the Same.
1606, Dec. 8. This morning Dr. Tayler has told me of the speech you have had with him touching a straw (une paille) and according to what he tells me he cannot solve the matter. From curiosity I have seen the said straw of which several before have spoken to me but I have never been such an enemy to my money as to give it for straws as you have been told. After having seen it I kept it for two or three days to show to the Baroness de Hoboque as I was bidden and since then I have returned it. It has seemed right to me to tell you this as yesterday evening [she] has spoken with Dr. Tayler.—8 Dec., 1606.
Signed. French. Seal. ½ p. (118. 83.)
Sir John Selby to the Same at Court.
[1606], Dec. 9. Being recommended into the service of this land by his Majesty, has not failed to do his best endeavours therein, as all the chief commanders in the army can attest. Nevertheless has been picked out in most disgraceful manner and his company cast by the General Estates without the knowledge of his Excellency or General of the Horse. The weakness of his company only has been alleged, which under the hand of their own commissary, who mustered and cast him, he has disproved. For it was alleged by some of the States to his Majesty's agent resident here that he had not 30 horse of service, whereas at this muster were found 66 horse of service and 38 bidets in as good order as any in the garrison where he lay. Besides, it is no ordinary course to cast companies for being weak at the coming out of the field. Prays that his Majesty's agent here may be written to that reparation may be sought for the honour of the writer, never before endangered.—From the Briell, this 9 of December.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 82.)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 10. Sir Edward Hobby entreated me to tell you that the King assured him he had been moved to grant a reversion of the office he has touching wool, but was mindful of him and would not grant it to any man, and willed him to bring a further grant to make up his term for 21 years, which he was willing to bestow on him.—Savoy, 10 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 149.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Same.
1606, Dec. 12. Is even now come to London and desirous to kiss his lordship's hands. But is too unfitted with clothes to present himself yet. Prays that he may be pardoned until to-morrow when he will wait upon his lordship and pour out to him all the poor knowledge of matters abroad, which he has got with much pain and woeful experience.—Blackefryares, 12 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Gem seal. 1 p. (118. 85.)
Sir William Bowyer to the Same.
1606, Dec. 12. Having occasion to send the bearer his son and lieutenant to the Court, has directed him to attend his lordship to present the particular of the ordnance now remaining in the castles of Norham. Warke and the Holy Island. For those of Tynemouthe. Newcastell and Carllell has sent to know the true number. If his lordship will give any commandment for the mounting or removing of these, the bearer will be ready to receive his directions and to make known the distance of the places, if any question may arise by reason thereof.—Barwicke, 12 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (118. 86.)
Lancl. Lowther, Queen's Solicitor, to the Same.
1606, Dec. 14. After long sickness I crave leave to impart the late resolution of her Majesty's Council in demising the leased lands of Hanslop to myself. Wherein my Lord Lisley and my Lord Carew with the rest held this course, especially my Lord Carew who first called for the tenants and publicly read their offers to her Majesty under the tenants' hands, which was but three years fine. And one of the tenants present would be drawn no higher. Then L. Carew pressed me to offer. I humbled myself to his lordship with the offer of six years fine, the rather because my grandfather and father were born in it. It pleased my Lord Carew and the rest to accept my offer yet with this caution, that the tenants should have the refusal and your lordship to arbitrate and direct the fine, if the tenant should vary with me hereafter. And the Lords took a bond of 200l. of me to her Majesty's use to perform this. This notwithstanding, the tenants are stirred up to be suitors to you to call in my lease; wherein I pray your further satisfaction of this truth from my Lord Carew or a reference of their desires to his lordship, as may best stand with your liking.—Temple, 14 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Small seal. 1 p. (118. 87.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 15. I cannot be ignorant that Mr. Winwood solicits for his return, and that when the King permits it sundry will be named to supply that place. I presume not upon my long experience of that State, or sufficiency for the service; yet as I have been sundry times employed by our late Queen and the King, as well here as beyond the seas, whereof you can best give testimony, I could desire that it may please his Majesty to have . . . . of me when a resolution shall be taken to . . . . . . . . . . succeed him. If my desire take effect, my hope is to observe the commands his Majesty shall impose upon me with care and fidelity.—15 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Damaged. 1 p. (192. 150.)
Pietro Vico to Lavinio Planch.
1606, Dec. 15. I spoke to you this morning about the licence to export corn which my master the Ambassador requires, and now write at his request to give you full particulars. The 600 quarters of wheat which the King gave him leave to export are purchased and are lying in lighters (barde) in the port of "Vestsuol" [? West Swale] in Kent, awaiting the warrant for shipment. I obtained leave from the Earl a few days ago to export the quantity already purchased, and should be glad to have the warrant to-morrow morning, as besides the expense of the delay, there is a penalty of 500l. for demurrage on the ship, and a like penalty to the corn merchants.—From my house, 15 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (193. 1.)
Sir Thomas Palmer to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 17. I was informed that a countryman led a gelding laden with a great trunk of one Mr. Pownds, a known recusant, which he sent for to Battell, to one Mr. Edmond Wiborne of Battell, on the east of this county, and it was supposed there should be some popish trash in the same. It went towards Chichester, and so for Hampshire. I sent a sufficient gentleman, bearer hereof, to see if he could recover him, who at Boxgrove three miles on this side of Chichester overtook the fellow. In search he found some popish pictures, and a book of controversies, and such like. The chiefest he could find was a copy of a letter, and a written book, which was made fast between the lining of the trunk, which I send to your view. The man should be Mr. William Pownds, whose father, being a known recusant, should as is supposed be the writer of these. He has one Henry Pownds his son also, who has travelled beyond the seas. They are strangers to me, and not of this country.—Arundel, 17 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (82. 69.)
Sir Thomas Bodley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Dec. 18. There was never suitor dismissed with greater amazement than I was from your lordship at my last access unto you. So passing strange I found it, in your lordship in special, and in a matter importing my total ruin, to be so easily rejected. Yet such is my persuasion of your inclination to all honour and equity in dealing, as in the integrity of your judgment, you will never give your voice that any advantage shall be taken to the quite undoing of any person, upon the doubtful understanding of a dark proviso, that for many hundred years was never hitherto construed to any tenant's detriment. For all the world will judge it a most fearful example, and too extreme to be enforced against an ancient servant of the state, one that never yet received one penny recompense for so many and long employments by his Prince and country. And here I do truly protest unto your lordship that the loss of my custody (for which I disbursed 3,300l.) with sundry other damages depending upon it, will impoverish my estate to the value, at the least, of 700 marks in yearly rent; which in effect is the bulk and stay of all my livelihood. But be it so, or howsoever, sith the matter concerns the L. Montgomery, I know it is not with my pleading, that I must hope in this suit to speed with you, to whose insight and judgment more sufficiency of matter presents itself in my behalf, than I myself can produce with much meditation. Therefore this is as much as I will desire, which I crave with all earnest and dutiful submission, that if his Highness shall of his princely benignity take compassion of my case and permit my L. Montgomery to compound with me for my custody, which will turn to his further benefit, that then you would vouchsafe to give way thereunto, that by some conscionable course I may be preserved from being undone, and that I may not continue so persuaded, as I cannot yet be otherwise, but that I of all others am the most unfortunate subject that ever served any state.— Fulham, 18 Dec.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 88.)
Leysaghe O'Conor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 18. The Earl of Devonshire was pleased, in the time of his government in Ireland, to be his patron. But the Earl's intent to enable him with any meet advancement took no effect by reason of his lordship's untimely death. His desire is to follow Lord Salisbury as a loyal servant.—Holborne. 18 Dec., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (118. 89.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to the Same.
[1606], Dec. 19. Presumes to present his petition exhibited to his Majesty and a particular declaration of the land petitioned for by him, submitting himself to his lordship's consideration.— Boswell Howse, 19 Dec.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. Sir Edward Philips." ¼ p. (118. 90.)
The Venetian Ambassador to the Same.
1606, Dec. 19. I presented the letter you gave me for the exportation of the grain to the Lord Treasurer, but he says that he cannot make out the order without a more particular warrant. As you assured my secretary that the King had given permission for the exportation of the 600 quarters I had bought. I venture to request that effect may be given to his wishes. I am particularly urgent because I have compromised myself by writing, on the strength of my secretary's report, that leave had been obtained, and by giving orders for the transport of the goods. My secretary will give a full explanation.—From my house, 19 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (118. 91.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Same.
1606, Dec. 19. Has forborne to prosecute a long time the suit which he commenced a great while past concerning the alienations, etc.; first, in respect of great persons that seemed to undertake the same and now has given it over; and, last of all, thought not good to speak of it in those troublesome times of the Parliament. But now, those thoroughly past, is bold to renew the suit and to beseech his help in the same, if it seem good and serviceable for the King's Majesty. If his lordship do not please to like it, will give over his attempt. If it be not established before the spring, a whole year will be lost, which will not be good for the King. The suit offers no innovation nor exaction but only such as the present officers would put in execution, if they knew the way to discover that which his labour must procure.—19 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Gem seal. 1 p. (118. 92.)
Sir Patrick Barnewall to the Same.
1606, Dec. 19. Out of the urgent necessity of my private occasions I entreated my Lord Carew to move you for my dispatch homeward; by whom having understood that your lordship thinks it not yet convenient, I rest satisfied and convinced. Neither, had it pleased the Almighty to have placed my poor means elsewhere in any part of the world, have I reason to desire ever to go into that country, where contrary to the common law of both kingdoms (as my counsel inform me), I receive so manifest and palpable wrong. Upon a bargain passed betwixt me and a gentleman, one Mr. Wesely, I have been quietly possessed of the castle of the Dengon and other lands, these three years and a half past. I am now in my absence, before office found upon the death of the said Wesely to entitle the King, dispossessed thereof and the same given to one Sir Thomas Ash, who has been gentleman usher to many Deputies there. Upon him his late master, my Lord of Devonshire, bestowed the wardship of the heir of Wesely. I am not guilty to myself wherein I have so evil deserved as that I should not partake of the ordinary course of justice, sith without pardon ever had or aught else save innocency to prove me, I rest ready to answer what anyway can be objected to me. My request is that his Majesty's learned counsel here may deliver opinion whether any possession can by order of law and justice be taken from me and given to his Majesty's patent, before his Majesty himself be by office entitled thereto; and if they shall negatively resolve, that then I may have an absolute direction for restitution of my possession, until there be office found to ground a title for his Highness. This, I pray, in regard I have none there so well acquainted with my causes as myself, may be respited until his Highness or the Lords shall please to license my return.—From my lodging, 19 Dec., 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (118. 93.)
The Earl of Tyrconnell to the King.
1606, Dec. 20. It has pleased his Highness, not only to raise him from the estate of a private gentleman into the ranks of earls, but further by letters patent to endue him with a great part of his forefathers' lands. Yet hitherto he could never fully enjoy the benefit of the grant. Seeing his estate plunged into so deep a pit of misery, as he shames to express before his Majesty, and finding by long experience that neither the letters of the Privy Council from England nor his own suit could work his redress in Ireland, is now constrained to prostrate himself at his Majesty's footsteps and this in papers and by the hands of others, as unable wholly of himself to sustain the charge of such a journey. As all his ancestors before his brother have ever been faithful to the Crown, so he, immediately descending by one parent from Scotland, will gladly be ready to show his loyalty.—Dublin, 20 Dec., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (118. 94.)
John Nicollson.
1606, Dec. 21. The confession of John Nicollson son of William Nicollson of Winston in the county of Duresme, and late servant to Mr. Ambrose Pudseye of Barforth within the county of York, where he hath been notably abused with popish delusions, etc.
First he saith he hath heard much talk against our religion many times and that the papists' religion was the true religion and that none ought to come to our churches, etc.
Item, he confesseth that one William Walker sometimes used for the butler in old Mrs. Pudseye's house did give him a cross to wear about his neck to sign himself withal, and also a picture of Christ nailed upon the cross to set up, etc.
Item, he confesseth that all the last year a Jesus Psalter did lie open in Mr. Ambrose Pudseye's house for him and others to read on, and his master Mr. Pudseye did lend him a Jesus Psalter to read on and another cross and certain beads to say his prayers by, etc.
Item, he saith that the said William Walker did carry him upon Wednesday was a sennet early in the morning into a chamber at Barforth Hall, where a popish priest was, who did there shrive him, telling him that his soul should be for his, if he would confess his sins to him, if he did not absolve him; and there he made his confession, after which the priest made him sit down upon his knees and then did absolve him in Latin words and enjoined him his penance, which was to say every day three Ave Maries, three Paternosters, and one creed, and every Friday to say five Ave Maries, five Paternosters, and one creed, and to give threepence to three poor folks.
Item, he saith he was there with that priest both that morning and the morning after, having the like conference and talk.
Item, he confesseth that he was resolved to go no more to our churches, and that the first night after he talked with the priest he was greatly troubled in his sleep and thought he saw the ill man and that somebody was turning the leaves of his Jesus Psalter all night, and that he should see visions and martyrs; and also he saith that his crucifix was loosed from his neck and after in the morning he found a little paper in the chamber window, which he saith was not there in the evening before, wherein was written that he should see visions and martyrs, which he thinketh now was but the priest saying mass, which he saw after.
Item, he confesseth that his master Mr. Ambrose Pudseye talked with him the Sunday after, which was Sunday last, and told him he might go down to his mother's upon Monday or Tuesday, if he doubted of his right christendom or any other point of his faith. Whereupon he went upon Monday in the morning and Willyam Walker carried him into his chamber, where the priest was, an ancient man with white hairs with two or three garments upon him, the uppermost was of fine black stuff with a white cross in the back, and there said mass in the presence of old Mrs. Pudseye, another gentlewoman that came out of Northumberland, Willyam Walker, and himself. There were wax candles burning upon the table, where stood the chalice which he did see the priest lift up at mass.
Item, the said John Nicollson delivered unto me both the aforenamed crosses, the picture, the beads, and the Jesus Psalter, although he had thrown the picture and one of the crosses in the dunghill at his father's house and kept the other things to send to Mr. Pudseye, as he saith he promised to do.
Lastly, talking of the papists he said they rested much upon the end of this parliament, longing to know the event thereof, not much regarding what was done already, still hoping for favour.
Signed: "by me Hen. Thurscros, parson of Winston." 2 pp. (118. 67.)
John Corbett (fn. 1) to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 22. Prays leave of absence on account of a cold. Encloses the letters from the Commissioners of the Middle Shires, which his lordship delivered to him. After drawing an abstract, made Mr. Tayler acquainted therewith according to direction. Upon it, Mr. Tayler drew the notes which are with the letters. Encloses also the letter which Lord Salisbury commanded him to draw up for Mr. Turwhyte, and has presumed to put with it another of the same kind for his lordship to sign. The like was passed in September last, when Sir Thomas Smith waited for the La: Cornewallis.—From my Chamber, 22 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 95.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1606, Dec. 24. The Certificate of those that died and were buried within the City of Westm[inste]r, and the liberties thereof in one week ending the 24 of December, 1606.
In St. Margrettes parish 4
In St. Martins in the Feides 2
In St. Clementes Danes 6
Whereof of the plague, 1.
Buried in all 12
Ra. Dobbinsonn.
(118. 96.)
Charles Paget to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 25./1607, Jan. 4. I have not the commodity to meet with the party to whom you recommended the sum of money until now, which has made me so long silent. It is accepted with such duty to the giver, and respect to your lordship the sender, as becomes, with offering the best service he can do. Thus much I crave pardon to tell you upon mine own knowledge from myself, that his disgrace and his ruin is happened for his extraordinary affection to him whom your lordship and myself most love above all creatures in the world; and that nothing is so much desired by his adversaries as to put him into desperate terms by poverty and want of friends; and therefore he hopes there will be that consideration had for preventing the one and the other as shall be meet. Nothing will better enable this party to do service nor despite his adversaries than that he might be preferred to somewhat in this State of reputation and profit. Upon direction I shall employ myself therein or anything else that I may understand to be agreeable. I suppose you have heard of all things that pass here by his Majesty's Ambassador, and therefore hold it unfit to make any vain repetition of the same.—Paris. 4 Jan., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "4 January 1606." 1 p. (120. 5.)
Captain T. Mewtys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Dec. 28./[1607], Jan. 7. I fear to offend, and therefore to write, but I know you of so noble a spirit that what proceeds from a willing mind will be acceptable. In my letter before this I desired to be held free from blame, but I fear it was misconstrued by some. However, if you excuse me, let the world censure their worst, for my endeavours are to gain your good opinion.—Hage, 7 Jan., the new style.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Captain Mewtus 7 Jan. 1606." 1 p. (115. 53.)
The Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, to the Same.
1606, Dec. 28. It may please you in the throng of so many eyes attending on the true seat of honour to vouchsafe a cheerful countenance on the scholar's mite, who shall always live to honour you with his best endeavours; though for want of better means to endear himself to your favour, like the poor bedesman with the red cross on his breast. he shall be always fain to make his devotions the only messengers of his heart.—Jesus College, Cambridge. 28 Dec., 1606.
Signed: Jo. Duport. ⅓ p. (134. 145.)
The States of the United Provinces to [Noel Caron].
1606, Dec. 29./1607. Jan. 8. It is requisite that the "grand real d'or" and the "demi," lately issued by the Provinces, should have currency in Great Britain at the same price as the new gold piece called "unit," and the half, of the latter country; and Caron is directed to obtain his Majesty's consent to the same. The Merchants Adventurers will aid in the matter as their traffic will be much facilitated thereby.
They hear from the captains of their ships of war sent to the coast of Spain, that the customers of Plymouth and Falmouth make them pay anchorage dues, contrary to ancient custom. Both English and States' ships of war have always been exempt from such charges on their respective coasts. He is to beg his Majesty to give orders to the customers accordingly.—La Haye. 8 Jan., 1606, stilo novo.
French. Endorsed: "Extraict des lettres des Messrs. les Estats a Monsr. Caron." 1 p. (192. 62.)
Sir Francis Hastings to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 30. He has the promise of Lord Northampton to join with Lord Worcester to further his restoration to his Majesty's good opinion, and prays Salisbury to give him his helping hand therein.—From my poor cottage in the county of Somerset, 30 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (82. 87.)
Sir John Ouseley to the Same.
1606, Dec. 30. Is sending a country New Year's gift. Prays that his presumption may be pardoned and that his lordship will accept of a poor soldier's mite.—Courtenhall, 30 Dec., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (118. 97.)
Stephen Lesieur to the Same.
1606, Dec. 30. A copy in High Dutch of a letter from the King of Spain to a late Assembly of the Hanse towns in Lubeck is from a friend of mine in Hamburg come yesterday to my hands. The translation of it (made by me) I send herein, lest I should offend not only in concealing it but also in not acquainting you that the 18th of this month commissioners out of Lubeck, Hamburg and Dantzig in the name of the whole Society were to take their journey by land for Spain.
An Imperial diet is appointed by the Emperor and assented unto by the Electors to be at Regensburg in the beginning of December next. Some are of opinion that the Emperor will assist at it in person and by consequence all or the most part of the Electors.— From next to York House, this 30th xbre, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 32.)
Tynemouth Castle, co. Northumberland.
1606, Dec. 30. An inventory indented taken at Tinemouth Castle, 30 December, 1606, and in the fourth year of the reign of King James, of all armour, artillery, munition, and other furniture remaining in the castle at this present and delivered into the hands and custody of Thomas Cuthbert, deputy to Sir William Selby the younger, knight, by William Whiteheade. gentleman, deputy to Sir Henrie Woodrington knight, as follows, viz:—
Saker of brass on a carriage to be repaired 1 Standing before the entrance of the gates.
Saker of brass on a carriage to be repaired 1 On the Mount.
Falcons of brass clear without carriage 3
Saker with no carriage 1
Saker of brass lying on the ground without any carriage 1 In the churchyard with the castle.
Saker of brass. the carriage to be repaired 1
Demi-culverin of iron lying on a broken piece of the carriage 1
Carriage of a culverin shod 1
Demi-culverin of iron lying on the ground without any carriage 1 In the lower ward called Maddergarth.
Fowler of iron lying having no chambers 1 In the store-house.
Stone bullets 30
Culverin carriages 2
Saker of brass with no part of carriage 1 In the fort.
Challenged by George Whiteheade to belong to the Earl of Northumberland. Muskets to be repaired 13 In the great chamber.
Halberds to be repaired 9
Rests for muskets 3 In the armoury.
Bandeliers clean decayed 10
Pikes 15
Halberd decayed 1
Brew-leade decayed 2 In either brewhouse, one.
Sealed and subscribed by William Whiteheade and Thomas Cuthbert. 1 p. (118. 98.)
King James I to the Lord Chancellor and others.
1606, Dec. 31. Sir Thomas Vavasor, knight, Knight Marshal of the Household, has been granted one moiety of all the sums of money recovered to the use of the Crown, by virtue of the Statute 43 Eliz.. upon all purchasers and patentees of land passed from the Queen upon particulars so cunningly framed, that by false reprises the lands have been rated far under their true value. The Statute gives the Crown for remedy sixty years purchase for such reprises. The below-named have been appointed to treat with all such tenants or purchasers of land, who are in this case. and to compound with them for a new assurance to be made to them. They are now required to advertise the Crown from time to time of the sums of money compounded for, that warrant may be given for the delivery of one moiety thereof to Sir Thomas Vavasor or his assigns.—Given under our Signet of our Palace of Westminster, the last day of December in the fourth year of our reign, etc.
Directed to Lord Ellesmere. Chancellor of England, the Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer of England, the Earl of Suffolk. Chamberlain of the Household, the Earl of Northampton. Warden of the Cinque Ports, the Earl of Salisbury. Principal Secretary, and the Chief Justice of England, or to any three of them, whereof the Lord High Treasurer to be one.
Signed: James R. ½ p. (118. 99.)
The Bishop of Bath and Wells to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Dec. 31. Is sending by the bearer a standing gilt cup with a cover as a token of his love in the beginning of this New Year.—From Paules this last of December, 1606.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (118. 100.)
The Middle Shires.
1606, Dec. "Breef notes concerning the Goverment in the Middlesheires. December 1606."
The contents of the Commissioners' last letter.
That upon better information they find the number of the Graymes returned from Ireland are not so many as at first they conceived, whereof some are apprehended, with whom they desire to know how they shall proceed. [In margin: I suppose that besides the offence by their return, they may be brought to justice for their former offences.]
That the service is much hindered by Thomas Musgrave. Captain of Bewcastell, within whose office thieves are harboured and not apprehended, nor their directions observed. [In margin: Although his Majesty shall be pleased to suffer him enjoy the fee and benefice of his patent, yet it does not necessarily follow that he should have anything to do with the government.]
That the weight and burden of that service had and still would fall most upon Cumberland, and therefore desired that they might have those 10 horsemen under Sir William Selbye's charge in Northumberland sent to the rest in Cumberland, where it is like there will be cause of employment for them all. [In margin: It is meet the garrison be strongest where there is most use for them.]
That they had little assistance of their fellow Commissioners of Northumberland, for Sir William Selby had continued long in these south parts, whose experience they approved and desired he might be sent down. That they had writ to the other two. whereof the one (I mean Sir Robert Delavale) had writ his excuse by reason of the disability of his body and so desired to be excused or rather freed from the service. And that the other, Mr. Gray, pretended like excuse by the multiplicity of his own business and affairs. [In margin: No reason they should have pay and not intend to the service.]
These as I conceive are the most material points of the letter.
The Estate of the present Government.
The state and government in the Middle Shires is now ordered by two commissions. The first to the English and Scottish jointly in a mixed manner, that thereby good orders may be the better observed and abuses prevented. The English Commissioners be 5 in number, viz: Sir William Selbie, Sir Robert Delavale and Mr. Gray dwelling in Northumberland; Sir Wilfred Lawson and Mr. Pennington in Cumberland, to whom his Majesty allows in pay 25 horsemen and a Provost Marshal to put their directions in execution. The other is a commission of oyer and terminer to the same persons with some others also therein named and the Lord President of York etc.; into which commission my Lord of Carlisle was lately inserted.
The 5 Commissioners before-named have particular allowance from his Majesty yearly. Sir Henry Leigh, the Provost Marshal, also has his pay of 6s. 8d. per diem and yet is not tied to any attendance.
The weight and burden of this business chiefly fall upon Cumberland and will do still of necessity till the service be brought to an end. And yet 3 of the 5 Commissioners are resident in Northumberland and have none of them been in Cumberland by the space of divers months last past. So that the Commissioners of Cumberland have little or no help at all from them.
My Lord of Carlisle, by whose diligence and discretion that service is especially furthered, has not as yet, nor from the first ever had, any allowance at all. How can it then be expected that he will so wholly intend to that service of his own charge as otherwise it were fit he should?
If he do not, then who will or can? For Sir Wilfred Lawson is now Sheriff and will be much busied with the affairs of the county and must (as I take it) at every gaol-delivery sit rather as Sheriff than as Commissioner. Mr. Pennington, an honest plain gentleman, but it is like he will be loth to undergo such a charge alone. For the Northumberland Commissioners, Sir William Selby has remained much in these south parts and is this year appointed Sheriff of Northumberland, where likewise the duty of his place will require his attendance and residence. Sir Robert Delavale excuses himself by the disability of his body, and Mr. Gray is much or wholly employed (as is said) about his affairs. What assistance then to the service in Cumberland may be expected at their hands?
My Lord of Dunbargh's presence in Northumberland and Berwick, so much as it has been of late, no doubt has given more occasion of fear and terror to the evil disposed of those parts, and his very name there has suppressed more disorders than all that the Commissioners could do. For, like as the Earl of Cumberland is touched and engaged by the respect of his own particular, by reason of the lands he holds in Cumberland (for which he must pay his Majesty so great a rent), to wish all furtherance to that service by all means within his power, so is my Lord of Dunbargh, by reason of the lands he holds in Northumberland, though the proportion be not so great, moved by his own particular to do the like, whereof others not so much touched by their own privates must need be less sensible.
What is now considerable.
Which of the 5 Commissioners are fit to be continued and which changed.
That 3 of them may be dwellers in Cumberland and but 2 in Northumberland.
That the names of all the outlaws be publicly made known on both sides and all men forbidden to relieve them. If they be not delivered in by a day to be appointed, then the Provost Marshals to ride each within the other's office, and apprehend them if they can. So would not the thieves rest under assurance of either side by reason of any man's favour.
That the Graymes yet remaining at the Cautionary Towns be with their families sent over into Ireland to the rest, that the country may be wholly purged of that clan.
Whether my Lord of Cumberland shall be over-ruled by any man's private suggestion or suit to his Majesty or your lordships to begin anew again to plant some of the Graymes upon Eske or no, as some now labour for and enforce. For admit they be such as have offended least, yet will their other friends always repair thither unto them, and it will besides make all honest men afeared to plant themselves where their very name is so odious unto them.
Whether it be not fit to acquaint his Majesty with an intention which my Lord of Cumberland has now in the first plantation of honest men there to build a town in some convenient place near the River of Eske for their better comfort, strength and safety, which no doubt would add credit to the place and make men more willing to dwell there. As the case yet stands men be so afraid to seat themselves there as all the means of encouragement that can be used is little enough. Nor can it stand with his lordship's profit if he do not also reside there for some time himself, till the place be peopled and good orders settled.
There has been a general collection granted (a good part being already gathered) throughout this whole realm for the building of some decayed churches upon those lands. It would much grace and better the town if they should be placed in or near the same where also bridges shall be built over the three rivers Eske, Leven and Sark for the more free passage of all men to and fro between the west parts of England and Scotland. Whereas now, especially in the winter, the waters be very often not passable. If to that place his Majesty would grant some convenient liberties or privileges, much concourse of people and friendly commerce might thereby in short time be drawn between both nations, being as it were indifferently placed for both, lying upon the uttermost bounds of both. And it is like to give great furtherance to the uniting of their minds together in love and amity and so, in short time, extinguish the very name and nature of a Border. So will those waste grounds be the sooner inhabited and the people sooner reduced to civil obedience.
4 pp., the last page being an abstract of the preceding three. (118. 101.)


  • 1. John Corbet seems to have acted as one of Salisbury's secretaries from Sept., 1605, onwards; and on 25 May, 1608, he was appointed one of the Clerks of the Privy Council for life. See Calendar of S.P. Dom. under date.