Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp371-462 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp371-462.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1605". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp371-462.

Miscellaneous 1605

Robert Cooke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606 ? Dec.] Were I to wander like Ulysses for twenty whole years by land and sea, I could scarcely find your equal in learning or wisdom. In no way therefore should you, so learned and so much busied, be broken in upon by our childishness and my illiterate letters. But duty compels, your great courtesy persuades, and the time also demands that I should secretly put in my little New Year's gift (strœnula) with the others. I am about to offer you no gift of gold or silver or anything precious: but one so cheap and so unworthy that it can deserve no return. It will be enough and more than enough for our little token of affection if you deign to notice the offerings of my slender abilities and to take them in good part.—Undated.
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 133.)
The King to the Scottish Commissioners and the Earl of Dunbar.
[1606, Dec.] (1) Owing to the slow progress made by the Commissioners in the pacification of the Border lands, they are notified of the appointment of the Earl of Dunbar as supreme authority in all matters requiring dispatch in those parts; with power to apprehend outlaws and put any of them to trial and execution, as he may think fit.
(2) A similar letter to the Earl of Dunbar.
Copies. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 142.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 338.]
Settlement of the Borders.
[1606, ? Dec.] Copy of proposals for the pacification of the Border districts of England and Scotland carried into effect by the foregoing letters.
Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 143.)
James I to the States General.
[1606.] Desires a passport and letters of safe-conduct for William Barners, that he may have authority to transport out of Brasil certain quantities of sugars, brazil wood and cotton which he has there, within Spanish and Portuguese vessels or carvels which shall first take their lading at Lisborn. He is unable to transport the same but within Portuguese ships in respect of the King of Spain's prohibition to any other ships to enter the havens of the said country. The commodities are to be taken to Lisborn and thence in English ships to England, and the States General are asked to allow this without molestation on the part of their men-of-war or any other ships having their letters of reprisal.
Draft headed: "A project of a letter written by his Matie unto the Generall Stattes." Endorsed: "1606. Lord Vicount Fenton." ½ p. (118. 156.)
James I to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[? 1606.] Three letters:—
(1) My little beagle, I have spoken at length with Hoome who hath told me how earnest Don Diego was with him for his employment, and how he offered him four thousand ducats in hand only for Yule play money besides his pay; but his answer (as he says) was that he thought himself much honoured with his offers, but the state of his own particular affairs was such at this present as he could not be able to go this year, whereupon the Ambassador replied that I would be moved to command him to go; his answer was that he would never disobey any of my commandments, but he hoped that when I should hear his reasons I should be loth to command him a thing so far to his disadvantage; whereupon the Ambassador parted in a great chafe with him. I answered him that his uncertain dealing in this form was like to bring my name and sincerity in a greater question than ever I should deserve; for the Ambassador did now plainly suspect me to be a "hinder" of his going, that it was true I would not have wearied of any such nobleman's company as he, that had been so long in my service, but yet his choice was in that case free; and now since I had dealt so honourably and plainly with the Ambassador anent Charles Percy whom only I excepted from undertaking that journey for divers reasons; and that I had given him his choice of all others. I would not only freely permit him but even wish him if he had any inclination that way or had ever given the Ambassador any hope thereof, that he would not reject his offer at this time. His answer was resolute that he would never serve any other prince in the world but me, that he had never given any such promise or hope to the Ambassador or any in his name, and that the greatest happiness in the world he craved was to be still in my company and in some special place of service with me, that the world might see he was not disgraced. I told him that he had large marks already of my favour both in honour and profit, and I prayed him to persuade himself that the matter of his going or not going was so indifferent to me, as he needed not to expect any further benefits from me by his remaining than by his going. He still continued in his resolution that he never would serve any prince but me, except I first embraced another prince's quarrel and would command him to do me service in it. I told him that in these wars both parties were my friends and so I could not make any of their parts to be mine; but I protested that rather than my sincerity were called in question, I would think he did me better service by going than other ways, and that he might be sure of the continuance of my favour at his return, if his behaviour should be found dutiful in his absence; and that I would be sorry that Stanley's refusal and his should make me to be unjustly blamed, who should never underhand countermand anything that publicly I had given a free liberty unto; but he remained resolute as before. Much more passed between us, but this was the sum of all. This may you impart to faithful 3 [Northampton] and use it as you shall think convenient. At the least this will furnish you grounds to make the Ambassadors easily to discern of my integrity. Whether Home will continue in this negative resolution or not God knows; but sure I am that as none can touch pitch but will be 'filed with it, so honest men can never deal with inconstant and coy fools but it will plunge them in a marvellous fashery; and so farewell.
PS.—It may be that he distrusted me and will speak in another tone yet to my Lord of Warwick and discover his affection more freely unto him, which if he does I would have him to give him the same assurance of my good permission that out of my own mouth I have given unto him; for it is strange how strongly he hath denied unto me that ever he gave the party any other answer but first that he would advise and next a gentle but direct refusal, but I believe in God.—Undated.
Holograph. Two seals. Endorsed by Salisbury: "His Majesty to me." 3 pp. (134. 99.)
(2) My little beagle, I pray you do me not that wrong as to think that either out of any presumption of my own gifts, for God knows I know myself to be but a man and in many things inferior to many other men, or yet out of any light account of your sufficiency, for I had rather others should report unto you than tell it myself what I think of your wisdom, diligence and honesty above all; do not think, I say, that out of these grounds I made animadversions upon your preface, but only that of nature I cannot but censure every man's doing according as my natural sense teaches me and not for the author's respect; and therefore it will not be the twice nor the ten times reading over that will make me change my mind, but by the contrary some things which at the first reading thereof I thought but slender I now find pernicious. First, since ye all agreed in one voice as I was informed by both the sides, what needs such a scaping hole be left by the phrase of "mutual consent" that some of the vainest of the commissioners may start up at the Parliament and may say "he and he and I gave never our consent but only were overruled by one or two more voices against us"; and next what great expectation can ye have that there shall ever be a perfect Union when ye say no more but that ye most heartily desire it,—and so would ye do that I might live Methusalem's age, albeit ye know it can nor will never be; were it not as easily said till God by time and his Majesty's travels bring it to that perfection which all honest men long for? and what harm were it to repeat the points of Union which God by nature hath already wrought, which in the . . . . . . . . shortly and pithily set down; and last, what derogation is to the full authority of the Parliament to say that ye hope they will approve your proceedings. If the commissioners will not agree to this form which is the simple verity I must say with admiration verum dicere quis vetat; but if they will neither yield to reason nor think that I have no entrance to have a voice in their proceedings, nay further that they will dislike all if I meddle to give them my advice in anything, what can I then say but ego sic sentio, and otherwise shall it never be allowed by me? My consent is as free mine as theirs is their own; if straitness of time be the greatest impediment ye may cut out that much of the paper as contains the preface and batter in another in all their sight and the whole rest needs no more to be written over; but if only the jealousy of my meddling in it be the impediment, then can I do no more than pray God to inspire you to take the best course either by having no preface but only the bare articles, and above the heads of them to say the articles agreed upon una voce by the mutual consent of all the commissioners of both Parliaments for the furtherance of the Union, etc., convened in such a place and reconvened in the Parliaments; or else that the place for the preface be left blank by the Parliament, then to be filled by the said commissioners with my advice before it be presented to the Parliament; and I will take upon me that whatever form I shall agree upon to be presented here, the like shall be presented to the Parliament of Scotland, if . . . . . . . . without hindrance of the errand prefer your contented parting . . to all this, I only protest that I give no consent unto it, and this you need not to impart but to so many as ye think meet.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "His Majesty's letter by Ackmowthy." Slightly damaged. 2 pp. (134. 101.)
(3) My little beagle, I have now talked at length with Caroun, in whom I find that his English education cannot amend his native German prolixity; for if I had not interrupted him it had been to-morrow morning before I had begun to speak. God preserve me from hearing a cause debated between Don Diego and him. Always he and I are very well agreed in all things. He will inform his masters of my inclination in general and of this request of mine in special, that I do it not as won by the importunity of Spain, or as blind of Spain's encroachments upon my favour, but upon a "seene" well for me and the States both in times to come, upon Spain's promise never to play any more such tricks in my harbours; and if they do that I will allow the States to pursue them to my very shore. I have ingenuously told him that I will think myself much obliged to the States if they grant it, but will not quarrel them for refusal thereof if upon a sound reason, and he hath faithfully promised to persuade them to it all he can, and in his own opinion he thinks it reasonable; and therefore the sooner ye make ready the dispatch for Winwood the better it is. Thus have I walked in via regia with both the parties and I protest to God I care not although everyone told what I said to the other. Qui vadit plane, vadit sane. All the particular arguments I remit to the bearer's relation. I have also spoken unto him. anent the trade that some "middes" might be found out in that matter, which although he confesses is a very tender point, yet he says it is not only a thing reasonable but necessary that some means may be agreed upon, whereby the Archduke may receive some measure of satisfaction in that point. In truth it is good dealing with so wise and honest a man, although he be somewhat longsome. Ye may upon Sunday let me see the draft of the letter to Winwood, and the less that Caroun make the French Ambassador acquainted with this matter, till it be at a point, it will work the better. Farewell.
PS.—I have also spoken with the French Ambassador anent the matter of the merchants. He is willingly contented to speak with you in that matter before the meeting in France and to end it in substance between you before it go there.—Undated.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (134. 102.)
Queen Anne to the Duke of Lorraine.
[1606.] If the King was pleased with your son, M. de Vaudemont. you will know it so well from his report that you will need no other witness. I need only say that I had myself no less pleasure than had the King in seeing and knowing the Prince. I have always seen in the King a disposition to be as near to your house in affection as he is in blood, and I shall always think it part of the duty I owe to him to strengthen the connexion between you and him.—Undated.
Draft. French. Endorsed: "1606. Letter to the Duke of Lorraine from the Queen." 1 p. (134. 106.)
Sir William Anstruther to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Is in such extreme necessity by reason of importunate creditors that he is forced either to put himself in the hands of his Honour or to be in danger of base people, who have no consideration of a gentleman's worth or quality. Entreats the loan of 500l. and promises by the faith of a gentleman to re-deliver the same at his Honour's appointment. Is especially emboldened by his experience of Salisbury's honourable disposition towards all honest men. For he never had any suit since his coming into England, except the pension which he had in recompense of his recusant Maister Tailbot, and this he had only by his Honour's means. Another suit he was about was for a lease of a College of Oxford, which cost him above 300l. in following and never had he a penny for it. His creditors have so suddenly charged him, menacing to arrest him, that he, being unable to go abroad in respect of his long sickness to make any other means, chooses rather to make choice of his Honour for this request. Desires pardon that he has not come himself to show his necessity, but is not yet well.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 106.)
Lord Arundel of Wardour to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) Though I be but newly come out of a fit of a burning ague, yet could I not but salute your lordship with a few lines. I doubt not but Sir Thomas Edmonds has advertised of the reformation of the regiment, which though it were intended for my disgrace by the procurers thereof, who hold it as an undoubted maxim that no man is fit to command either regiment or company that professes a dutiful respect to the Crown of England, yet does the Duke acquit himself of any such intention, protesting his good opinion both of myself and my merit. But who will consider that the regiment was near upon 1100 when it was reformed, and that in the beginning of the year, at what time it has been seldom seen that any such regiment should be reformed, and withal what captains are reformed and who are left, shall easily find that none must stand here that stand not by the favour of Owen and the Jesuits. Against whom because I have stiffly opposed myself, permitting none (as near as I could) to bear office in the regiment that depended of them, first, they suborned the Sergeant-Major against me and that in so foul treasons and mutinies as that it makes all men here to wonder that there is no justice done upon him; secondly, they left the regiment destitute of any priest (which to this time has been a thing unseen) by reason that I would not admit any of the Jesuited sort, they would not give maintenance to any other; thirdly, my demands, how just soever, were still denied and they disgraced whomsoever I would have preferred; lastly, seeing all this did not drive me away, who was resolved in this summer's wars to have showed myself not unworthy the country I came from, they reformed the regiment, by which last act they have obtained all their desires. But I assure you that if my faith could have shaked either by entreaty or promises, I had still remained not only a Colonel but their best esteemed Colonel and had been strongly seconded in whatsoever I demanded. But I am well content that these affronts have been the means to manifest my faith, the truth whereof will be witnessed by as many as have known my proceedings here. If it win but that gracious acceptance of my sovereign as his royal disposition promises, it has its reward. To implore your best furtherance herein were to seem to doubt of your noble inclination.
PS.—I have delivered two depositions to Sir Thomas Edmonds, which I doubt not but he will send, whereby I know your lordship will gather so much as may manifest the treachery of our chief favourites here. Cap. Oram, the bearer hereof, is a very honest and a very valiant man and has ever showed himself very zealous of the good of his country.
In the very latter end of Marshall's deposition there is somewhat mistaken, for I think you will find that the money which Catesbye received was given by the Constable, not by the Count of Villamediana.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (118. 107.)
(2) If my state were not so decayed and so far indebted that without some help of his Majesty's bounty I cannot maintain myself in reputation as were fitting, I would not importune his Majesty. The chiefest matter whereby I might have deserved his favour, I here briefly set down, omitting for brevity's sake divers circumstances, whereby my endeavours might have appeared more meritorious.
In my first travels I was persuaded by the Duke of Guyse that then was to offer my services to his Majesty's mother, which I did, yet with a reservation of my allegiance to our late Queen. Which offer being graciously accepted, and a letter of thanks with promise of advancement returned, it happened that that letter was intercepted by Sir Francis Wallsingame; whereupon I was banished out of the Court for 13 months, and the displeasure which ensued thereof was so great, that being still reputed Scottish I was debarred from all those favours whereby I might have advanced my fortunes had not my zeal to his Majesty's title procured me this disgrace.
My uncle, Sir Charles Arundell, lost his country and all his hopes therein, by whose fall myself (as being his next heir) suffered the greatest loss.
Immediately upon the death of our late Queen, I caused King James to be proclaimed in Shaftesbury on a market day, eight days before any neighbour town durst do the like.
In my last voyage into Flanders, how firmly I stood to my obliged duty, how many and great offers of advancement I refused, I had rather time should manifest than I report. My being opposed against by his Majesty's greatest opposites, my being reformed for that my faith could not be removed, my resignation of the 1,000l. pension which the Archduke gave me, are matters well known.
The consideration of which I remit to his Majesty's censure.— Undated.
Signed. 2 pp. (119. 78.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) My purpose was to have been with his Majesty this night. Some occasions urge me that I cannot perform my promise. I mean to be at his Majesty's rising. If you send any letters to me, let the messenger stay my coming, if he be there before me.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ¼ p. (118. 108.)
(2) I was with his Majesty this morning by 6 of the clock, he being ready to go to his horse. I acquainted him with your letter, and the other enclosed. He liked very well of my Lord Chancellor's opinion. He asked me what you were doing yesterday. I told him you were busy at the "hale" [? Hall] upon his affairs. He said he knew that business. The letter enclosed to be signed shall be with you this night, not to fail. His Majesty was so hasty to go to his pastime as I could have no time to present it.—From Havering, Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 2.)
Daniel Bachiler to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Her Majesty commanded me to give you in her name very hearty thanks for the precious cup (?) you sent her, and desires very much to hear how your lordship does some time to-morrow.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Daniell to my Lord." ½ p. (118. 134.)
John Barclay.
[1606.] Two sets of laudatory Latin verses addressed to the Earl of Salisbury by [John] Barclay.
Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Barclayes verses." 7 pp. (140. 98.)
Sir Maurice Barkeley to the Privy Council.
[1606.] That I may give your lordships more full satisfaction in that whereof I am accused, may it please you to understand: First, I confess that the Countess of South[ampton] told me that there was a very severe bill coming from the Higher House against Catholic recusants; but that I promised her to speak against it, when it came amongst us, or not to speak for it, that I utterly deny. Secondly, whereas I answered you that it was not unlike that I might speak of some severity used in the execution of the former law against recusants, it is very true, my Lords, that I cannot rack my memory to the acknowledgment of any such words spoken upon any occasion then offered. Thirdly, whereas I am accused that I wished the Papists would rise, that they were stocks and stones if they would not, and that others would follow their example, I answer directly that it is a very unjust accusation. Howbeit, my Lords, I consider that if it will be affirmed by two witnesses, it may engender some suspicion in you, whereas if I should confess it, I do not doubt but it would receive an interpretation not greatly to my prejudice. For if I had used any words tending to this or to the like effect in the presence of two. the La: of South: being one of them and the other one I cannot yet call to mind, it might rather be interpreted apparent folly than secret malice. It might have proceeded from some sudden passion: it might have proceeded from some humour to make her discover in what perplexity she was being a Catholic, or to make her discover as much as she knew of the humour of the Catholic party. It might proceed out of a sincere desire to have so good an occasion to draw my sword against them, being as I conceive the cloud of greatest danger imminent to this estate. To conclude, my Lords, it might be interpreted anything rather than any practice intended to that faction. For practice I know you shall never discover any wherein I am a party. And for that party, I mean of the Catholics, I can make many good demonstrations how ready I have been always to oppose it and how careful I am, as much as in me lies, to suppress it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 111.)
Captain George Blundell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] When Sir Richard Cooke took his leave for Ireland he assured me that he moved you in my behalf as being his nephew, that you would be mindful of me for some employment to the wars. He advised me to beseech your favourable letter to the States Ledger of the Low Countries or to whom else your lordship pleases to commend men of my profession there, that by your means I might have order from them to raise a voluntary company to serve in their wars. I have no present pension or reward for my service past towards the upholding of my fortunes, which makes me hope you will grant me this favour.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 112.)
Monsieur la Boderie, French Ambassador, to the King.
[1606.] Six weeks ago Jehan Jenains [Jennings ?] at Porchemue [Portsmouth] armed a ship of which he is captain, and with Robert Clive of Southampton, the master thereof, took a French ship coming from Rouen, with a great quantity of merchandise and some ready money. The merchandise was sold at Chichester, where Jenains and Clive landed. It is difficult to obtain the facts except by the capture of Jenains and Clive; as it is suspected that in order to conceal their robbery they killed all those whom they found in the ship. He begs that a commission may be sent him to apprehend the above two, and all others concerned in the robbery.—Undated.
In a clerk's hand. French. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 4.)
Monsieur la Boderie, French Ambassador, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) With your permission I spoke lately to the King of the affairs of those poor Frenchmen here and gave him a report (un mémoire) upon them, on which he found all my demands founded upon equity and granted them. It remains for me to have some means of expedition thereupon so that each two may be provided for according to the return transport to be made. I beg you for a helping hand in this and forgive this importunity with which I would very willingly dispense if I did not fear to be blamed for so doing.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 3.)
(2) He begs that the commission which is to be sent to Jehan Unwin, French merchant, for inquiry against Sir Richard Hacquins [Hawkins], may be addressed to the officers of Darthemue [Dartmouth], in which place the deed was committed.
Also that the 200 marks, confiscated to the "greffier" [registrar] of the Star Chamber for the said Unwin, may be paid to him, upon due security; as he fears the "greffier." who is very old and broken, may die, and that he would have great difficulty in obtaining the money from his heirs.
Also that the treaty recently made between France and England may be published everywhere. He understands that the French, for want of publication, do not yet enjoy the rights accorded them by the treaty; which is not the case with the English in France, where it has long since been published.—Undated.
Unsigned, in a clerk's hand. French. 1 p. (193. 5.)
Sir Josias Bodley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Was sent for out of Ireland by his Majesty above two years past to receive directions for employment in matter of fortification there; for which purpose, as he was commanded, he had taken the survey of places thought fit to be strengthened with forts and citadels, and brought over the plots with him. He attended with no little expense here by reason of his absence from his charge the execution of that business which hitherto has been deferred. In the meantime, upon the death of Sir Benjamin Berry, he became a suitor for a pension which Sir Benjamin had out of the Exchequer of ten shillings a day, which, upon his voluntary offer of surrendering his company to be "cassed" at his Majesty's pleasure, upon the Earl of Devonshire's procurement and with Salisbury's approbation he obtained. It is now well nigh a twelvemonth past since he quitted his Company and received the grant of that pension by patent, for which hitherto he has never had any payment but in words. There is besides due to him for his entertainments in Ireland for the rest of all his accounts for three years past about 200l. Has strained his credit so far upon hope of the timely receipt of these sums, that except he may be now relieved, he will stand exceedingly distressed. Prays Salisbury to lend a helping hand that at the least at the end of this twelvemonth, which will be Michaelmas next, he may have some assurance of that which shall be due of his pension. That of what is due upon his Irish accounts, if it may not be had otherwise, he may receive it by two or three several payments proportionably out of such treasure as shall hereafter be sent into Ireland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (118. 113.)
1606. "Books sent out of Northamptonshire." (fn. 1) 1 p. (140. 50.)
Mrs. El. Bourgh to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I beseech you excuse my boldness in presuming to send your lordship so poor a token, only that it is of my own handiwork and I am very desirous to take this occasion to present my humble duty to you, beseeching that you will stand my honourable friend in procuring me my own right, I mean the baronry of Bourgh. I have let it rest all the while to see the uttermost that Mr. Bourgh could do for himself, and now I perceive he is contented to let it die. I am desirous to try the justness of my own cause and to be a suit to my friends to settle my honour upon myself in my lifetime, because it may the easier fall upon my boy after my decease. I am the more earnest to have it upheld because it is a name never tainted but ever remain loyal to their prince. My Lord my father ended his life in the service of his princes and was a man that truly honoured your lordship and yours.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal broken. Endorsed: "1606. Mystris Bourgh to my Lord." 1 p. (118. 114.)
Sir Richard Boyle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Expresses his thanks for Salisbury's favours, and offers services. Sends a cast of Irish hawks.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (193. 6.)
Sir Edward Brabazon to the Same.
[1606.] The hall now in use in the Castle of Dublin is very fit but it is suggested to be inconvenient for greater respects. The same stands convenient from the Deputy's house without impediment, where there may be one gate broken down in the wall at the west end and a bridge framed to pass over the Castle ditch, by which plot may be avoided all inconveniences, for if the door at the east end of the same hall leading into the Castle be shut up, it makes a safety from any sudden surprisal of the rest of the Castle.
Or if there shall be a wall made at the east end to sever the hall from the rest of the Castle and thereby to include the several offices belonging to the courts adjoining to the hall, the same wall will divide his Majesty's house and the rest of the Castle from the hall, so as thereby no inconvenience in the kind of treason can ensue to impeach the State. But if one house lately built upon the entry of the passage now intending towards the new bridge does not hinder this proceeding, then this plot may be allowed whereby his Majesty may save the sum of 1,200l. now demanded. For I can direct how these works may be finished for 400l. so as the passage at the entry may be procured.
At this present the courts are placed in the body of the church of St. Patrick's, where there is a large scope.
And for the disposing of all manner of munition, now placed under the courts, may be bestowed in one vault or in a loft above the vault belonging to my house at Thomas Court, being in length sevenscore foot and stands as near unto the waterside as the storehouse in the Castle does.
Doubting that your lordship may not well understand my meaning, I have requested Mr. Wattson to demonstrate the same by a plot, for that he knows the situation of the Castle.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (118. 115.)
Alexander Bradshawe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three months are now expired since upon my own suit granted upon my loyalty, detesting the complotters of the late horrible treason I have been enlarged upon sureties. My desire was to have discovered Tesmond and Garrett the principal authors and actors as I hear of that bloody intended tragedy. Since my enlargement I have been disabled upon the jealous reports of some lewd persons lately committed as is made more plain to my Lord Chief Justice, since when I have not had that opportunity to effect that which I have so earnestly desired. Because it shall not be supposed that I sought liberty to serve my own turn and not for that purpose which I intended, I have especially presumed to discover to your lordship what my resolution is for matters of state which perhaps may hereafter fall out. This late proclamation for banishment of men of my quality includes me amongst the rest. Stay I cannot. In one respect I have not deserved it in that I have effected nothing, and to yield any way against my conscience I may not. Notwithstanding necessity has no law, yet greatest extremities afford good opportunities, so that my banishment, albeit most grievous, from my native country, clearing me from all suspicion which was enforced against me by malicious persons, gives me greatest means of any one of my sort to discover any plots which may be practised or plotted against his Majesty and my native country. Mr. Parsons is my godfather. The Jesuits of all men have embraced me. My desire is to use all opportunities to discover anything which may be dangerous to this State, which out of my loyalty and more honourable regard to you I offer to you only. If you accept of this my offer, I humbly desire to be directed by you to what especial place I may direct myself, whether in the Low Countries or to Rome, where I shall be assured to know all Father Parsons knows. If from time to time I may know to what place or to what person I may direct my letters to your lordship, I protest upon the faith of a Catholic priest, as I shall answer it at the later day. I intend to deal most faithfully in discovery of any practices concerning this State. If I did not intend truly towards God, his Majesty, my country and your lordship, I would take the benefit of this proclamation and not engage myself in this letter to your lordship so deeply as I do.— Undated,
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Alexander Bradshawe, a priest, to my Lord." 1½ pp. (118. 116.)
Robert Bromley to the Same.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) When he first entered into the action of tobacco, with hope to have done the King service, even then he wrought his own overthrow. For it was no sooner known upon the Exchange that he was the dealer in that action, than forthwith his credit decayed. His own things being scattered and the great disbursements which daily came upon him for the said action and the small receipts for the same have greatly bred his loss. If Salisbury out of his merciful mind had not cancelled his bonds, he had been utterly overthrown, and unless his Honour still stand by him, he will be yet. Sir Roger Aston has put bonds of 1,000l. that he had for that business over to the King and the same are prosecuted against the writer. Prays Salisbury's help that these bonds may be called in and cancelled.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Bromley the merchant to my Lo." ½ p. (118. 117.)
(2) I have heretofore been suitor to your Honour that you would be a means unto his Majesty that I may be freed from this unprofitable farm of tobacco, wherein I have spent so much time and money to so small purpose that it has almost been my undoing. The reasons why no good can be done herein I have laid down in some few articles, which herewith I present to you, praying your accustomed goodness towards me, although I have not of late attended your Honour so oft as in duty I am bounden. The reason that I have not I will briefly make known. My late partner, Urye Babington. who in his lifetime I trusted to receive the money due to us for our late service and in six years could get no account of him, bestowed great sums of money in lands and a daughter's marriage and left the account far indebted. Myself, the surviving partner, am very earnestly called on for this money, so since that time I have been much busied in getting this account and in providing money to satisfy my credit, for I cannot get money out of the Exchequer which is due to us. This has been the only cause of my absence, for which I pray pardon, hoping you will nevertheless stand my honourable good Lord in freeing me from this troublesome patent. In the cause that your Honour was acquainted with, which concerned Mr. Eldred for 1,100l., he should have paid for impost of tobacco but I was ordered to take 40l. or nothing. Also there was twenty-five hundred weight of tobacco fetched from me by writ out of the Exchequer, which concerned one Barnardo, an Italian, for which I can neither get custom nor impost. My suit is that by your means I may be righted in both these matters, which would be some help towards many losses, or that I may put over these debts to his Majesty or to some other to whom I stand indebted as to your Honour shall seem good.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 118.)
Sir Edmund Busshell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] This woman that you told me of this last night concerning the ship found me out this morning before I was out of my bed, where she has importuned me so far as I must needs write in her behalf to your lordship. I beseech you in regard of her years and her unfitness to attend that she may know to whom to address herself for payment, and the rather in that I found her very willing to perform the service.
PS.—I would have attended your Honour myself but that I am now going to the King.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 119.)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) On behalf of the bearer Sir Francis Slingesbye. He must have been for many years past well known to his lordship and has for the last seven years served in Ireland, where he was lieutenant of Carew's foot company and after that a captain in chief. At present he is captain of the fort of Hallbolyne in the river of Corke. In all these places he has served with great commendation, and for which or for all his service by sea he never yet had either pension or reward. He is now a suitor for the least preferment that can be sued for and no charge to the King or inconvenience to the State as by his petition may appear.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Sir George [sic] Carew to my Ld." 1 p. (118. 122.)
(2) Sir George Flower, sergeant major of the forces under Carew in Ireland, is discharged of his entertainments, and through his diligence in maintaining his company has grown indebted. His creditors prosecute the rigour of the law against him. Carew begs Salisbury to take order that Flower's creditors may not undo him. His debts do not exceed 400l. and in two years he would find means to satisfy them.—Undated.
In Carew's hand, but unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Carew." 1 p. (193. 7.)
Sir Edmund Carey to the Same.
[1606.] Give me leave to explain myself touching this last business of Hyde Park. I had not so much as a thought to wrong you in my proceedings; but having no means to prefer my daughter in her marriage but by making benefit of that park (yet no way to diminish the game but to keep it as fair as ever it has been) I agreed with one whom I have power to command to have 700l. for it during my mother's life, with covenant that, if at any time he be repaid his money again, for him to surrender. If you please to have it presently, you may. If not, upon my mother's death, you or your substitute may enter presently to dispose of it at your pleasure. This was my agreement with the party and this. I did think, should no ways give offence to your lordship. But finding your mislike of this course, I mean no farther to proceed therein, unless I may have your allowance. Upon your allowing or disallowing rests the preferring or undoing of my daughter for I am no way able to pay her portion but by my making the best of the park during my mother's life. All things were agreed upon and the day of marriage appointed but broken again and she for ever lost, unless you be pleased to take the park into your own hands at the rate before named, or give your allowance to him that will so give for it.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 2/3 p. (118. 123.)
Mr. Carpenter, a converted priest.
[1606.] Whereas your lordship would have me send a note concerning the twenty pounds, etc., affirming that the Earl of Salisbury will take order for the recovery of the money, I cannot but conceive a vehement motion of joy at his Honour's unexpected favour, thinking myself now happy that I suffered beyond the seas some hindrance of preferment in defence of my Lord's honour, which how it came to pass I cannot, having good leisure, but relate unto your lordship. Thus it was. Being by chance at the lecture of a Jesuit in Languedocke, I heard him, citing a place out of St. Cyprian ad Cæcilium, to break out into these words by way of a parenthesis, Non intelligo Cœcilium illum Anglum omnis Christianœ politiœ antagonistam. Id est, quoth I in a low voice, yet overheard by some standing by me, omnis Jesuisticœ in Angliam machinationis. This my gloss upon the Doctor's text being told the Jesuits, they presently conceived a secret "maletalent" and heart-grudging against me, which was augmented by reason of this distich, Quorsum caterva repugnas? Impar congressus. Hinc illœ lachrymœ. Hence proceeded their displeasure, which being hoarded up in the treasure of their discontents, they knew afterwards how to disburse in the day of revenge. For being, almost two years after this in possibility, nay in proxima potentia, to obtain a good canonry, by the sudden interposition of these wrong-forgetting fathers, my proceedings were eclipsed and myself set beside the cushion, as a favourer, forsooth, antagonista omnis Christianœ politiœ. But letting pass these polypragmatic Christian politics, I come to my note.
Being determined, upon a general relation of his Majesty's connivance in favour of Cath[olics], but especially for the recovery of my health, to pass for England, I gave one Lucas, a merchant, 20l. at Burdeaux to be received by bill of exchange at London from one Pordage, dwelling at the end of Lime Street. Being come into England, I sent a friend for the money together with the bill and an acquittance. Pordage having seen the bill of exchange, told out the money, gave it my friend, took the bill and acquittance, but behold the plot (I will not say of treachery)! my friend departing the house was at the stair's foot apprehended by certain officers, brought before the magistrate, his money being taken from him and redelivered to Pordage or some of his, etc. If I may have the money within this month or two I shall think myself greatly beholden to your lordship.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "A note for the receiving of my twenty pounds" and in another hand "1606. A nott of Maister Carpenter an new convertit seminarie priest at Saulisbury. To my Lord the Earle of Saulisbury." 1 p. (118. 124.)
Lisle Cave to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Has served his Prince and country near 36 years and received large promises of reward from Salisbury's father, Sir John Fortescew and Sir John Harbert. By his absent employments from Court has been prevented of success. Was re-established and sworn in his office of surveyor of his Majesty's Customs by letters patent as before in her late Majesty's time, in all 15 years. Now upon the farm of the customs remains dismissed of all employment, patent, fee, recompense and maintenance: is indebted 600l., having a wife, seven children, a family, paying 60l. interest yearly. Is forced to sell his stock to pay his creditors and to disperse his children and family from him in his age. It pleased the late Queen and Salisbury's father to think him worthy for his service to have the whole licence alone of bringing in Spanish hat-wools after D. Hector's time. Sir Michaell Stanhop, notwithstanding, obtained this. Sir Michaell is now willing to have Cave joined with him as his associate in lieu of Sir Richard Drake, deceased. Prays for Salisbury's favour to this course, when suit shall be made to the King for the regranting of the patent.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 125.)
Lady Frances Cecyll to the Same.
[1606.] I most humbly entreat you I may continue still with my Lady of Suffolk, for there is no place I desire so much to be in as with her and my Lady Kathren and the rest, so I might with your good will; but if you have otherways determined of me, I ever rest at your command.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 8.)
Elizabeth Cheltnam to the King.
[1606.] Praying that Christ's ministers may be by proclamation allowed to preach as heretofore.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 140.)
Sir Edward Clere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) I entreat you not to be so far incensed by Sir George Cary's accusation but if your Honour will be satisfied by Sir Thomas Parrye's information of my due carriage to them both; for my speech was to them together, and for the voluble testimony of speeches behind his back I am ready to disprove them, I doubt not to your satisfaction.
Forasmuch as life is the gift of God, honour the reward from a prince of my preferred service, and my poor estate the guerdon of my ancestors' endeavours, I entreat that I may not be pressed to the wilful resignation of any of these. Notwithstanding referring to the King's laws, prerogative or pleasure the taking of any of these, I rest near undone both in health and hazard of my life by the contagion of the place, where I am in very close restraint to the discomfort of my poor Lady, who is a suitor for redress of my distress at your hands.
PS.—I have desired to impart to you privately some especial wrongs done to my reputation. Herein I would willingly make yourself judge or otherwise seek my redress as I may.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 127.)
(2) I have long sued for my liberty which tends to my utter undoing. Your Honour promised to acquaint the Lords with my humble desires. I have petitioned as much to the King and done that duty which a faithful subject ought to yield. I know my deserts to you and yours have merited no hard hand, whatsoever Sir George Carye's invective and bare letter mentions against me. If it like you to be satisfied by the report of Sir Thomas Parry, I doubt not of your favourable interpretation of my cause, and shall rest much bound to you. My suit has been long continued to give you further private satisfaction before I discover my further griefs, which I would desire to make you a reasonable judge of. Let me understand whether I may herein [be] so much favoured by you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 128.)
(3) The extremity of my imprisonment and lying upon my utter undoing has enforced me to fly to the King's high grace and mercy; to whom I have prostrated both honour, life and estate to be taken by his law, by his prerogative or at his pleasure. Forasmuch as I find his Majesty incensed rather with the report of the abuse of my Lord Ambassador than with the honour I have received, I have entreated that forasmuch as nothing was spoken before him but in the presence of Sir Thomas Parry, that honourable gentleman may give satisfaction for my behaviour.
I beseech your lordship not to press me with any common testimony. For speech behind his back, I hope my poor credit shall be available to give affidavit that I am therein much abused. So being glad I might recover your favour without appeal if the matter be as I hear only referred to your report, I take my leave.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 129.)
[The Privy Council?] to Mr. Ratcliffe.
[1606.] You shall perceive by the enclosed what his Majesty desires should be done at the mines by him that should repair thither. Therein the person only to whom his commission should be given is left to your discretion. We are assured there remain in the copper mines of Keswick certain persons that have had the order of those works. His Majesty is desirous that one of the best should be now employed but we are so uncertain which of them are now there and so loth that any time should be lost considering that the Commissioners are now in Scotland upon the place, that we have resolved to direct you first to inform yourself whether any of the two brothers Emanuel or Daniel Hecceter [Hochstetter] be there; secondly, which of them is of best experience or ablest now to travel, or, if they should both be any otherwise, what other man there is there of note for skill and honesty. We then require you to insert that person's name into these warrants and to require him to repair into Scotland. We shall need to say no more but that he will deal clearly and sincerely in the report which he shall make us, requiring him to respect no person but only his Majesty's service.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Mynute concerning the Scottish mynes." 3 pp. (193. 38.)
The Enclosure:—His Majesty is so desirous to understand what you are like to find in the place where you are employed as he has thought fit to send some well experienced persons to assist you in your endeavours. He has made choice of the bearer whom he is pleased you should receive friendly into your society. We require you to give him that contentment in all your proceedings with him which you would look for if the case were your own.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Note at foot: "Hecseter." 2½ pp. (193. 40.)
[The Privy Council] to the [President of the Council at York].
[1606.] We have seen a letter written to your lordship from the Bishop of Bristowe and others of the Council at York, by which we perceive that they are jealous of some interruption in the execution of that jurisdiction by some course lately taken by the judges of the King's Bench and the Common Pleas. We doubt not but the judges will be very careful to give reasonable satisfaction, whensoever they shall be conferred withal by your lordship or any of your assistants. Concerning Bell, whose carriage we observe to have been so full of pride and presumption, appearing by the examinations which have been sent up, we think it fit that he be called in question hither to answer the same. For although we take not any exceptions to his carriage of any process from the courts that have granted them, not meaning in that kind to object anything against a private man for pursuing his right by a civil and legal course, yet when we observe how he has sought in a particular cause to possess the people in a market-place with an assurance that the court before your lordship and that Council must down, thereby with many other like speeches, to prepare the minds of the vulgar to resist or contemn that authority, which has had so long continuance and given so much ease to those parts, we hold it very necessary to make him an example of such contempts. And therefore we require you to send commandment to that Council to send him up in the company of some messenger, or rather to take good bonds of him to repair hither within 8 or 10 days after you shall have made him acquainted with this direction.—Undated.
Corrected draft. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 80.)
Captain Humphrey Covert to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606.] When he was employed at Loughfoyle his services were commended at the Council table. When sent there again, he was so oppressed by the captains and officers, who by poison, bullets and quarrels sought his destruction, that upon his petition he was released from that place, and his entertainment continued till he should be employed elsewhere. At the Queen's death his entertainment was stayed by the Lord Treasurer, who promised its renewal when the King should restore him his staff. Begs Salisbury's favour to obtain the entertainment or a pension.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (196. 118.)
The Enclosure:—The Council to Captain Humphrey Court [sic]. Understanding that his services as Controller General of the Musters in the garrison at Loughfoyle have bred dislike and spleen in those captains to whom it was unpleasing that their defrauding of her Majesty and the soldier should be looked into, they relieve him of his place and send the bearer Anthony Reynolds to take it. He is to instruct Reynolds in the service, and his entertainment is to be continued till a fit place is void for him.—Court at Greenwich, 22 May, 1602.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (196. 119.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Same.
[1606.] Signifies his good health and remembers his duty. For his diligence at his book, he would rather Salisbury should hear thereof from other men's mouths.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (228. 13.)
Sir Herbert Croft to Sir Maurice Barkley.
[? 1606.] I am forced by some occasions to be absent from the Parliament House this morning, neither can I be there before Friday. Though it be no great matter of consequence, for my being or speech will add but little strength to the cause, yet lest you might in expecting me let slip any opportunity of setting forward so important a cause, I thought good to acquaint you with thus much, wishing that no time be lost and assuring myself that those others who purpose to assist you will give sufficient strength to the forwarding of that matter, being in itself a thing so much desired by the whole State. When I may be there I will not fail to put my shoulder to the burthen.—From my lodging in the Strand, this Wednesday morning.
Holograph. ¼ p. (118. 109.)
Sir Herbert Croft to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606.] He is earnest to bring the cause of the four shires to some good effect and begs Salisbury to peruse the enclosed paper on the subject.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606(?)" 1 p. (193. 13.)
Crown Lands.
[1606.] Times and places of sittings appointed for discussion of certain commissions relative to Crown lands.
Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (141. 300.)
Lord Danvers to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Once more with patience to hear the reiteration of my cause and request, which my heart overcome with bitter remembrance by our yesterday discourse could not then express, I beseech you, whether in justice of governing to reward and punish, especially in the eye of so upright a Prince, my creation amongst so many could with indifferency have been forborne. Your lordship knows the right of a subject to be paid the 1100l. would have satisfied me for the recompense I have received. Now I know very few of our country and no one unofficed that has so long been soldier and passed through so many places of command with maims but no disgrace, I thank God. This considered, if the love you have so many ways manifested unto me shall as more impartial think this place fitter for another, as I do desire, now my Lord is gone, only to tie myself unto you, so I will never in aiming to attain this government divide my respect betwixt yourself and an intercessor unto you, nor expect opportunity with so many inducing circumstances to my advantage. I remain thankful to his Majesty for the little I enjoy and no less to your lordship as the principal mean.— Undated.
Holograph, signed: H. Danvers. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 135.)
Richard Daye to the Same.
[1606.] The informations of matter of state or religion are most fit and safe to be made by them that are able of themselves to bring credit to their own sayings; which for my part I cannot look for to be done unto me in this want both of learning and experience. And here now by my doings I may provoke a multitude of well experienced men, to whom if they might know it to have proceeded of me, it should hardly fail them but they should turn it upon me with disgrace. But the matter will appear, being duly examined, and your wisdom is sufficient for particular persons and for the whole land.
The body of the University of Cambridge being sound in religion and uncorrupt, there is yet a corner remaining, namely, Trinity Hall, greatly corrupted in itself and ready to corrupt others. True it is, the Fellows of that House, most of them will go to church like other men, but particular men among them I have heard speaking sometime ungraciously against his Majesty, and divers young gentlemen they entertain in their commons and within their lodgings that go not to church at all; but being the sons of papists are sent thither by their parents and committed to tutors of like religion to be trained up in the institutions of popery. And generally this House is a receptacle of such as are set there to grow or such as are already grown and confirmed in the ways of that religion. They have hours also of divine service within their chapel, the same with other colleges, but usually so unfrequented that it may appear the same not to be that kind of service they would have. And as for receiving the communion, which in all other colleges is observed at the beginning of every term, besides the usual feast days, in Trinity Hall there is no such use, but at the feasts of Christmas and Easter they that will receive may, and commonly the Master and some two of the Fellows do it, the rest as well scholars as fellow commoners and Fellows, under cover of visiting their friends, absenting themselves therefrom. Which condition of the House I knew not at the time of my entering into their commons, neither would have entered into it if I had known it, so far has my education been removed from conversing with those kind [sic] of men by consenting, or undermining them by dissembling; but being fallen into the sight and knowledge thereof. I have thought myself bound, as in the common cause both of loyalty and religion to inform you, to whom the care of that University particularly belongs: and you have there at St. John's College, Mr. Morell, a most honest, sufficient man, that for further satisfaction may inquire of these things, howbeit the lenity of Mr. Vice-Chancellor now, I suppose under correction, to be too great, being left to himself to redress the same. Finally, as for me, I am so bound in all things to the honouring and serving of your person and posterity, even as they are that have gotten their substance, or their fathers, from them by the favour of your most worthy and honourable father in times past, whereon they live.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (136. 142.)
N. Degloysenoue (?) to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. 1606.] Acknowledges the favours he received from Salisbury when his master S. A. [his Highness] de Lorraine sent him to the King of England three years ago; and offers services by the bearer Mr. de Beroluy (?)—Undated.
Holograph, signed: "N. Degloysenoue (?). Marinville." French. 1 p. (193. 27.)
Lord Denny to the Same.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) In that you write you are as far from seeking patents of other men's lands and realties as my self, or any other, I easily yield and say more, I hold you too noble to offer it. My letter yet stands upright for I take it my words are to this effect, that I could not have thought that any man would have sought patents over other men's lands and royalties, especially where himself had not much or any land. This it seems your father did by these your letters. I protest till your letters told me this, I never knew it before or ever thought it. Your lordship purposeth the disposition by deputation which your father did not but by patent and grant from the King. Hereby you may see that I never received the favour from him as derived out of his right, which your letter seems to intimate, but as a direction out of his kind nomination from his [sic] Majesty. To which purpose I had a letter from him without any kind of intimation of a patent, which if he had, I should have made petition to him to have thought me worthy to overlook my own. Whereas your lordship wonders much that I should marvel why you would give the place away without making me acquainted, seeing you wrote to me an information of your patent, first, my Lord, the gift was given before I saw the letter, as your letter itself told me; next, I made bold to tell you that the King might in general terms grant a patent, but was confident he never meant to make other masters but ourselves over our own. So your lordship sees I never conceived your father employed me in this out of his own right but I ever took it as a gracious command from his [sic] Majesty by him. Since you put so noble a respect upon me, if it please you to extend it without any limitation or condition, as your father did, I will thankfully embrace it. Otherwise, that you will impute it to no aptness of forgetfulness of due respects to your lordship if I shall but move his Majesty to interpret his own meaning in his patent.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed in a modern handwriting: "About 1606. Sir E. Denny [sic] to Lord Salisbury.' 1½ pp. (118. 137.)
(2) Understanding of your coming to Theaballs but for tomorrow only, I conceive it to be for your private recreation rather than for visitation. Therefore not to be troublesome I forbear ceremonial observance. If you speak with this neighbour of mine, whom I have used in the making and repairing of the bridges within the circuit I walk, he can well inform you of all the disorders. For his discretion, his daily stirring abroad to see faults, and his good judgment to amend these ruins with a little before they come to greater, I know not a fitter man to be put in trust with the looking to the gates and bridges and the finding out of offenders, whose disorders being, usually in the night cannot be so easily found out, yet oftener and sooner by one inhabiting here than a stranger. All this I must leave to your further direction. I beseech you that some course may be taken therein, for all things are much out of order, and the rather because a man that lays out money in repairing knows not how to come by it again, there being yet no order for it. Touching Amwell I will attend you at the beginning of the term.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Denny to my Lord." 1 p. (118. 139.)
(3) Being driven for a few days out of the town to take a little fresh air. I have in the meanwhile sent you the note of the bridges, what their reparation will come unto, and likewise a note of surplusage which was laid out at the first making of the bridges, besides all allowances; at the foot of both which there is an estimate what the new bridges, which some think fit to be added and new made, will come unto. I would wish that the money for reparation might be delivered to the men that shall have the charge of the bridges, so may they see it done with full contentment and have no just cause of complaint to say they were delivered them in weak repair. For the necessity of the new bridges I will, before my return again, myself make a view of the places and inform you of the necessity of them. The patent is in Sir Thomas Lake's hands. The money at the first laid out in overplus for the bridges was long ago laid out. Therefore I beseech you to be a means to my Lord Treasurer for it. Also I have by this messenger sent you a lock to see, which I take to be a very strong and good lock.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Denny to my Lord." 1 p. (118. 140.)
The Enclosure: £ s. d.
Remaining due to Sir Thomas Dakers upon his account for the bridges, the sum of 11 18 3
Remaining due to William Cooke upon his account for the bridges made by the appointment of my Lord Denny, the sum of 19 2
The Estimate of the repair of the bridges and gates with timber and workmanship is 6 6 6
And 211 loads of gravel 14 1 4
The Estimate of 8 new bridges to be made with gates and a gate without a bridge is 109 13 4
Sum total—161l. 1s. 5½d.
½ p. (118. 138.)
E. Countess of Derby to her uncle the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) I have choice to send this gentleman Ridgby to you both for that he is perfectly acquainted with my Lord's estate and free from ever being charged with the deceit [which] has been used by others. Give him leave to wait on you at some spare time and after to refer him to Sir Cutt Pepper whom [sic] I understand has been appointed by you to take care for me. Concerning Beeston's matter he can inform you the deceit has been used by Jerland.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 141.)
(2) As soon as I heard of my cousin's safe return I thought it time to give account of his first posting journey. My Lord of Essex and his brother Harry accompanied him. I could not prevail with them either to rest themselves longer, or to make two days' journey back. They like so well to post as they tired all their company. We conspired to betray them in the midway, but they prevented it, and said they feared some trick to be put upon them and took another way. When they came within 7 miles of Chartly, Norton got them to tarry all night. The next morning as soon as they came they were so far from weariness as they spent all the day in hunting. Many thanks for sending so dear and welcome a guest. Remember my commendations to my Lord Chamberlain and my Lady.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 17.)
(3) I received a letter from my Lord Chamberlain to command my present attendance, but I hope by his means and yours to obtain leave to stay both for my Lord and myself. I have had my health so ill since my coming down as I was never able to go out of my house and I would be loth to lose this summer, both for the settling my Lord's living and to get him contented that some money he is to receive of leases he has compounded for may go toward the buying again of land joining to his house. Besides he is to send to survey a piece of land that lies on the borders which I desire to have sold.—Undated.
PS.—I was bold to write to you for a ward, which had it not been for myself I would have forborne. The man was not dead when you gave it. There was offered 400l. only for the marriage.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 18.)
P. Countess of Devonshire to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] The news of your sickness has made me haste to this place, where I might receive better satisfaction by the knowledge of your health. I this day met the messenger you sent to Lord Clanricarde, whereby I was assured of your safe recovery. While I was at Draiton with my mother, the young hunters came very well pleased, until your servant came with your commission to guide my Lord of Cranborne to my Lady of Derby, which discontentment for fear of parting three days made them all lose their suppers, and [they] became extreme melancholy, till it was concluded that their train should stay at Draiton and they go together with two servants apiece. I fear nothing but their riding so desperately, but your son is a perfect horseman, and can neither be outridden, nor matched any way. My mother I think will grow young with their company. So longing to hear of your safe and perfect health. I remain.—Wansted, Monday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (193. 15.)
Diet Allowances.
[1606.] Allowance of diet for 14 persons weekly. £ s. d.
14 stone of beef at 16d. the stone 18 8
For a mutton 15 0
For butter 2 6
For eggs, ling, greanefish, and other fish 6 4
For bread 7 0
For beer 2 barrels 12 0
3l. 1s. 6d.
Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (206. 31.)
Albane Doleman to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606.] Is 76 years old, made priest in Queen Mary's reign, in body very corpulent, huge, and most unwieldly, tormented with gouts, and not able without extraordinary help to move himself. He is now bound to forsake his friends, rather than they should incur the danger of the last statutes. Begs that he may be confined to the house of Mr. William Greene, of Samford, Essex, (who is bound by his father's will to maintain him), there to remain upon Salisbury's command.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 125.)
Captain Hugh Done to the Same.
[1606.] Now that it has pleased God to take to Him those two noble Lords, Essex and Devonshire, unto whom your Honour recommended me, and that the Reverend Mr. Dean of Westminster, who was the first preferrer of me to your protection is also deceased, the wars ended and my estate poor and low. I presume to entreat your furtherance in my suit to his Majesty. My humble suit is that, in consideration of eighteen years service in the Irish wars to the often hazard of my life and the expense of one thousand marks to the utter weakening of my estate left me by my friends, and never having had as yet any recompense or preferment, it would please his Majesty to grant me 50l. sterling per annum of such his Majesty's lands, spiritual and temporal, within the realm of Ireland, as by my industry and at my proper costs and charge shall be found concealed and wrongfully detained from his Majesty.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 142.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
1606. This morning the cause touching the King's impositions was argued in the Exchequer, first by Mr. Hitchcok for the merchant and lastly for the King by Mr. Solicitor. It was first published by the court, that two having already argued for the merchant and other two for the King, that now the court was resolved there should be but one course of argument more; viz.. one for the merchant and one for the King, and that the same should be final without any farther argument on either side.
Mr. Hitchcok argued very well as far forth as the weakness of the cause would give him matter, but the chiefest part of his arguments were in taking exception to the King's pleading as insufficient. Some part of his argument concerned the matter, but that was short and not much material. When he had spoken, Mr. Solicitor entered into the cause, first by replying to all these objections and allegations produced on the merchant's behalf, and next by adding farther matter confirming the lawfulness of this imposition. In which course of his he recited all the arguments made by Tuppam, the first arguer on the merchant's side, and next whatsoever was likewise said by Damport on the same side, and lastly all that which was said by Mr. Hitchecok even at that present. Unto all which, I protest unto you. he gave so full and so effectual answers, as he not only fully satisfied the court but also, in my conscience, even the merchants themselves. His confutation was so plain and so full of strength, and his confirmation so weighty and effectual, his Majesty may rest assured that the judgment by the Barons will be clear and certain on his side not only to please his Majesty, but even to please God himself—for in their conscience the law stands for the King.
I sent for my Lord Chief Baron early in the morning and had conference with him according to the contents of your letter. And afterwards in the court I had like conference with the rest of the Barons. But they all are confident and clear of opinion that as their judgments are resolute for the King, so nevertheless in a cause of so great importance as this is and so divulged in so popular minds as it now stands, and being most likely that the merchant will (notwithstanding the judgment of the Barons) yet pursue their writ of error; they all, I say, are absolute of opinion that before they give judgment, it is most fit and convenient that the Barons, who are to give judgment, shall in like sort argue it and so to give reasons of their judgment. Which being so done and reported it will be an assured foundation for the King's impositions for ever. And thereby also, if they should bring their writ of error, the judgment will stand so much the more firm and strong against them, when not only the judges give their judgment but also give the ground and reason of their judgment. Whereas, contrariwise, certainly the adversary will give forth that judgment is given without ground and only to please the King's Majesty. And for my part I am confident of that mind and that the suppressing of arguments in the Barons, notwithstanding all the judgment in the world, will yet leave the world nothing well satisfied. As for any present advantage that they can have the judgment not being given, assuredly they can have none, but rather are parted with the greatest disadvantage in the world: for upon my credit the confutation and argument of Mr. Solicitor was so effectual and so excellent, as they are gone away utterly thrown down and discouraged. Nevertheless we have deferred to publish to the court as yet what course we will take in this cause as whether on Wednesday to give judgment, which by no means we wish; or else, then to signify that the same shall be put off to the beginning of the next term, at the which time in 5 or 6 days or less (for every Baron must argue it) the cause shall be ended and judgment given for his Majesty. Thus much I have thought good to advertise you to the end his Majesty may know the same and have comfort in this cause as of that which assuredly will pass clear on his side.—This Monday, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 3 pp. (118. 144.)
Thomas Duff to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606.] Two letters:—
(1) As all good subjects are bound to make choice of some honourable person to reveal their knowledge concerning matters of state, if any danger be suspected to ensue, tenders his service and gives him to understand that he perceives by a letter newly come out of Spain to a sister of his, that one Mathew Flood alias Tully is bound from thence hither to London, a man to whom the King of Spain allows a great pension. He is his sworn man and has done much mischief and had pardon here. Suspects his coming hither to be for no good. He has been here a retainer at will to the Earl of Tirconnell, a great politician and a commended scholar. Doubts that in the long time of his soliciting his Earl's business here at court, he writing the Spanish language perfect, had done some great service to the Spanish King, for which his pension is made much more than it was. If his Honour thinks fit to have any further conference concerning him, is always ready at his Honour's service.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: "Tho. Duff born in Dublin in Ireland." Endorsed: "16 . ." 1 p. (118. 148.)
(2) Is lying a prisoner like to perish for want of relief in the Counter in Wood Street on several actions amounting to 50l. Thought good, in that he troubled him with a former letter concerning Matthew Flood alias Tully (his supposed brotherin-law), and upon this sudden departure of Tyrron [Tyrone] from his country calls to remembrance where he had often access, to acquaint him with a great presumption of suspicion. If his Honour commands when he shall give attendance, as he lies not on execution, he will be ready with a keeper to tender his bounden duty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 146.)
Edmonton, co. Middlesex.
1606. Survey or terrier of the possessions of Robert, Earl of Salisbury, in Edlemonton [Edmonton], co. Middlesex, made by Israel Amyce, esquire, surveyor to his lordship.—1606.
56 parchment membranes and 44 maps and plans.
John Edwards, recusant.
[1606.] His evasions from the penalties of his recusancy. He first compounded for his recusancy in Lancashire with Sir Arthur Aston. He has conveyed his lands and goods to Edward Harris, who is bound for him. The validity thereof to be inquired into. He is in possession of his house and demesnes, but his pretence will be that his power is from Harris. My Lord Treasurer should cause Mr. Attorney to certify what is passed concerning John Styles's recusancy. He has seduced many of the parish, and not one of his tenants dares come to Church. He has used every harvest, in profanation of the service of the Church, to call people of his own sect, 300 or 400, to sing songs in derogation of the religion professed.
At the end, in another hand: 4 Jac several commissions for Lancashire and Denbigh versus John Edwards, recusant, certified into Mr. Spiller's office the said year. The Treasurer's warrant to Mr. Spiller for a commission. The commissioners' names for the executing thereof. If any matter be sound, then to procure the grant.—Undated.
2 pp. (130. 162.)
Captain A. Ersfeild to Sir Francis Vere.
[1606.] The States fleet that remained upon the coast of Spain were met with by the King [of Spain]'s galleons, some galleys and other shipping to the number of almost forty sail about Cape St. Vincent, where they grew in fight with the Vice-Admiral of the States. Who after some blows was boarded by two of the galleons and, seeing his case desperate, resolutely blew himself up with both the others. The Admiral with twelve others is come away, and as I perceive upon this accident every man hasted homewards. Capt. Garbon Johnson is now come and tells me that the rest will be here within these two days. He advertises me for certain that the Spanish fleet of treasure is come home and that there was fifty sail of them one and other. This is their rendez-vous where they are to attend their directions. If your lordship be pleased to give me other instructions than I have heretofore received from the Earl of Salisbury and am led unto by the articles of peace between us and Spain, for my respects towards them in case they should come in here for their refection, I hope presently to be advertised of it by your lordship.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Captain Eresfield to Sir Francis Vere." 1 p. (118. 151.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] With a letter to the Lord President of the North for Salisbury's signature, on behalf of the bearer, Marmaduke Wyllson, an old and faithful servant of Lord Burghley's. Wyllson has been offered great wrong and the suit is now to come before the Lord President, who he hopes through the letter will have more special care of the justice of his cause.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 19.)
James Faweather to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Praying for his discharge after long military service in Ireland, and that he may be allowed to return to his native land.—Undated.
Unsigned. Latin. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 137.)
Viscount Fenton to the Same.
[1606.] I shall be glad to know where I may conveniently speak to your lordship this 4th or when I shall not trouble you in your business, because I am to ride the morrow betimes to his Majesty, where I hope to find him in a house of one that loves you well.
PS.—I am the more desirous to see you because of some directions from his Majesty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 155.)
John Ferrour to the Same.
[1606.] His former assurance of his lordship's good conceit of him makes his grief excessive for proving now so distasteful where he had most hoped to please. Upon the delivery of his letter referred himself and it to his Majesty's wisdom. The King with a gracious acknowledgment of his services immediately granted and upon full perusal signed the letter, he using no mediator but himself. Protests that if he had perceived but the least tittle therein any way dishonourable to his Majesty or censure to any other he would have been far from presenting it to his royal hands. Hopes yet for the renewal of his lordship's good opinion of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 157.)
First Fruits.
[1606.] Note of the restitutions and times given for the payment of the first fruits by all such Bishops as have been promoted since his Majesty's coming to the Crown.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (214. 56.)
Nicholas Fortescue.
[1606.] Whereas I have been informed that there are some who go about, either by mistaking or ill-will, to bring in question Mr. Nicholas Fortescue for some adherence or privity to some of the late treasons committed by Percy, Catesby and the rest, partly in respect that he was then in the country and lived with his father, who for religion was contrary to this estate; forasmuch as I have had particular examination as well of the manner and cause of one of the Wynters coming to his house, as of all things else that could be in any sort objected, in all which he could not be touched with any act of disloyalty but by the traitors themselves was clearly acquitted; I have thought it just to give him this testimony under my hand the better to protect him from unjust oppression or causeless vexation.— Undated.
Draft in the handwriting of one of the Earl of Salisbury's secretaries. Endorsed: "1606." 1¼ pp. (118. 158.)
Thomas Frear, M.D., to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] The great bond I owed your most honourable father for his divers demonstrations toward me, first, in obtaining licence for my going beyond the seas to study physic in Padua, when her Majesty came first to Oxford, and then in vouchsafing to have me only wait on him to show him the Colleges in Oxon when divers great and grave doctors would willingly have been so employed; and using such comfortable speeches to me in the streets, counselling me I should remember I was an Englishman still though I were beyond the seas; thirdly, how most honourably he accepted my letters written to him in the Italian tongue of the unfortunate success of the wars in Cyprus between the Venetians and the Great Turk, at what time Cyprus was lost; fourthly, when I returned home by Spain, when all that were in the same ship with me of note were imprisoned and myself, through his favour, escaped only scot free; which was not long after the D. of Norfolk was committed to the Tower; besides how he saved my credit about the Lo. Edw. Seymar, my Lo. of Hertford's brother, who died of the plague at Hanworth. And after when I was brought before the Council at St. James's by Justice Younge and committed to be examined to Sir Gualter [Walter] Myldmay and Sir Francis Walsingham, and again when I should have been indicted at the Sessions at Newgate in January, 1583, for recusancy, whose letters I had with Sir Francis Wal[singham] to Sir Edw. Osborne then mayor, notifying her Majesty's pleasure I should not be meddled with for recusancy. And after that when I was committed by warrant from my Lord of Canterbury, this Lord Chancellor, and your lordship close prisoner to the Clynck by Justice Schenington, through the means of your aunt, the Lady Russell, how speedily the fifteenth day I was released by Master Attorney General through your favour, concurring with your father and the rest. This great bond, I say, and these most honourable demonstrations from your father have emboldened me to crave of you for his sake yourself likewise would be pleased in istis temporum angustiis not to defend my cause, which all the world knoweth is 'conclamed" against here in England, but myself, my poor wife, and children, more dear to me than myself, with your authority and furtherance. For myself, being now factus grandævior et pene confectus ætate, if I should be as a roving mark for every man that list to shout and run at, which without such a shield as your Honour is no other like but that I should, no doubt but in very short time, be so hit, cleft and riven as having but a few rotten and ruinous houses about me, which every man may see never out of reparations, and a very little revenue yearly, without either annuities or anything else concealed or by other names in hugger mugger, in short time I should never be able utiliter servire either my country or my wife's and children's turns.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1¼ pp. (118. 159.)
Albericus Gentilis to [the Privy Council (?)].
[1606.] Concerning the method of legal procedure to be followed and the points of law arising in some action apparently between an ambassador (legatus) and the Dutch.
Beginning: "Ut omisso omni possessorio agatur in solo petitorio, et hic cum aliis judex sit judex ordinarius."
At foot: "Hoc pro ipsa certa veritate, nec quasi advocatus, sed subditus humilis ad celsissimos consiliarios."—Undated.
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 160.)
Albericus Gentilis to Lord (?) —
[1606.] Recommends that the civil laws be had recourse to for the settlement of a certain controversy. They constitute as it were a law of nations to which all have been accustomed to be subjected. The common laws of England do not seem suited to dealing with questions arising out of England or to those relating to foreign matters or matters in dispute between foreigners.—Undated.
Begins: Illustrissime et Excellentissime Domine.
Holograph. Latin. Endorsed: "1606. D. Gentile." 1 p. (118. 161.)
K. Lady Gerald to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Since it is the fashion to present you great lords with horses, "hakes," hounds, and such like, and I being a poor widow not having any such thing worth the presenting, am bold by your favour to offer such as God has given me. I mean this great boy to do you all true and faithful service in what place it shall please you to appoint him, but the nearer he may be about you the more happy I shall think myself. You shall find him silent, secret and faithful in whatsoever you employ him; and for his fashion, though he be as yet scholarlike, I doubt not but in short time by good example he will learn so to carry himself, as he shall be no dishonour to you nor discredit to me. So recommending my son and service to your gracious acceptance I humbly take my leave.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 162.)
Nathaniel Gilby to the Same.
[? 1606 or later.] Is the minister of God's Word in St. John Baptist church or Hospital in Bedford, and B.D. of Cambridge. He heretofore conformed, but has since been terrified in conscience for the same, and dare not conform to some of the ceremonies now in question, though he uses the service book ordinarily. For this omission he is prosecuted by the most profane and dissolute persons in his parish, who complain to the ecclesiastical officers, whereby his ministry is grown into contempt and his state ruined; and with his ruin the Church is secretly undermined under a pretended concealment. Begs for letters to the Bishop of Lincoln for his relief.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 134.)
The Grahams.
[1606.] Forasmuch as the peaceable estate of the county of Cumberland was thought to be disturbed principally by the Grames, it was concluded by the Privy Council that the country should by their remove be delivered from their oppression.
The first deliberation was for transplanting them and their families into Ireland and placing them there at his Majesty's charge, which for some difficulties was at that time passed over.
The second deliberation was that 150 of the worst and ablest malefactors should be sent in garrison to the Cautionary Towns, which was put in execution and intended that they should not return from thence. Of which number 30 and odd are dead, 20 remain there still, the rest are returned, whose new approach and near neighbourhood (albeit they did no hurt) bringing fear to the people of Cumberland, oppressed for many years before with their rapines, moved the Commissioners to give straight directions to Sir Henry Leigh and Sir William Cranston, Provost Marshals, for their apprehension, and for that end appointed them to garrison in Eske, being the chief place of their reset; whose travails wrought not the wished effect.
Yet to bridle their feared insolence and to restrain them from doing evil, the chief men of their name being aged and remaining at their houses were sent for by the Commissioners and by them committed sometimes to close prison, and sometimes to the city of Carlisle upon good bail, which was found to be one of the principal causes that withheld their fugitive friends from stealing.
Lastly, as it appears by their lordships' letters of [blank], Sir Raphe Sidley had offered to place 40 or 50 families of them in Ireland, who bringing the said letters at the time of the gaol delivery, 2 July, 1606, divers of the Grames ready to be assigned and having got knowledge of this intended transplantation did by petition earnestly entreat that their prosecution might be spared for a short time. For granting whereof they undertook to cause their fugitive friends to enter and to submit themselves to his Majesty's pleasure simpliciter, which (as they pretended afterwards) they could not perform, alleging that they would not be persuaded to submit themselves without assurance of their lives, which his Majesty has graciously granted, as appears by their lordships' letters of the [blank] of this last July. So that if now they draw back, there is little hope of their obedience by mild means.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606. Breviate of proceeding with the Grames." 1 p. (118. 165.)
Arthur Gregory to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606. Two letters:—
(1) The most grievous case of his brother-in-law Waltham and one Geire. Prays that a messenger be sent for Thomas Geire who is with him and fears to go forth, and that his lordship will to-morrow hear their grievances and think them worthy to obtain that favour which so many others in the like case have received. The rather for that it will easily appear that the captain sold their ship as well as the Frenchman, and [they] have been at great charge in seeking recompense and yet are condemned in the Admiralty to pay to the Frenchman double the sum for which their ship was sold, notwithstanding the Frenchman had sentence for the full sum he claimed and 700l. over and above for damages. Which will be found contrary to any law, statute or proclamation and unto all equity or conscience, seeing they are not so much as accessories either before or after the act, for that they only let their ship by a contract made on the land, as a man should let his horse. This being granted and they found guilty they will bring into the Council Chamber so much money as the Lords shall think reason they should answer according to their offence or breach of any law whatsoever.—At the Sarizens Head without Newgate, this Friday, 1606.
PS.—As I was firming this one of their sureties a gentleman of our country is taken by Redman, a messenger who offered of late to have taken some of them by colour of an old proclamation for war: that is executed and brought many French: and the Constables to search which was most shameful. I most humbly desire your favour according to the equity of our cause.
Signed. 1 p. (118. 166.)
(2) Prays that his lordship will write to the Lord Treasurer on his behalf according to the substance of the enclosed draft.— Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 167.)
The Enclosure:—Draft of the letter desired by Gregory. Recommends his cause to the Lord Treasurer. A few forward and contentious merchants, by instigation of one Vyme, a man detected of foul crimes are complainers against his usual fees as searcher of the Port of Poole. In the late Lord Burghley's time at the beginning of the farming by Sir Francis Walsingham, the said fees were confirmed and have continued ever since. As of late there has been an establishment of all fees to the officers in general, desires he will take notice that Gregory is specially deserving of more respect than others. He has long since and of late done good service to his Majesty and State, and is the more worthy to be considered for that he remits the whole of his fees towards the maintenance of his father taking no profit thereby during his life.
Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 168.)
James Guicciardini.
[1606.] A remembrance to put his lordship in mind of Mr. James Guicciardine that abideth at Toulshunt Darcy in Essex, touching the motion that the Florentine Secretary made unto his lordship in his behalf.
The justices of peace dwelling thereabouts are Sir William Aylofe, Sir Henry Maxcye, Sir . . . . Wiseman, Sir Arthur Harris, Sir Edmonde Hurlestone.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (206. 33.)
Edmund Gurnay to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
[1606.] Will hope for a word in his favour from his lordship to the Vice-Chancellor, who might inhibit their prefect from further proceedings against him in a matter still in dispute. The prefect has suspended Gurnay and in the person of the visitor, an office which he cannot exercise in their College but by virtue of the statute enclosed has ratified the suspension. He has not yet, however, deprived him of his board and the other emoluments of their college. Gurnay can only appeal to the Chancellor, as their lawyers are in such awe of the bishopric of Norwich that they will not open their mouths against the Bishop of that see or the Bishop's brother who is their present prefect. Unless his lordship should think good to refer his case to certain men, Don (Dominus) Daniel Dunn, Dr. Richard Swale, Dr. Steward or any others who are more removed from either party, the writer's only hope is in a word in his behalf from Salisbury to the Vice-Chancellor.—Undated.
Holograph. Latin. Seal. Endorsed:"1606." 1 p. (118. 170.)
The Enclosure:—Copy of one of the statutes of the College entitled. "Statutum de accersendo Visitatore"; concerning the reference to the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor of disputes between the fellows of the house and the powers of those officers in dealing with such disputes.
Latin. ½ p. (118. 169.)
Don Juan de Rojas y Guzman to the [Earl of Salisbury].
[1606.] You will remember me because I was appointed to have the custody of Don Thomas Briges, who is related to his Majesty's major-domo or chamberlain, and of Captain Henry Dufil, they being English prisoners in the city of Lugo in Galicia. They assured me that they were rich and that I could live in England as a Catholic, and so persuaded me to accompany them in their flight, leaving behind me a fortune of 14,000 ducats. The Lords of the Council, however, thinking my coming suspicious, gave me in charge to a merchant of this city called Thonson and gave me a passport for Spain. The captains were detained under suspicion but afterwards released. I reached Seville and attempted to take ship to the Indies but was discovered and recognised, and Don Luis Carillo of Toledo, Count of Carrazena, governor of Galicia, sent his captain of the guard for me with eight arquebusiers. I was taken to Corunna, where I remained seven years in prison. I was charged (1) with accompanying two rich English captains in their flight. (2) with giving a real a day each to 50 English prisoners who were intended to die of hunger, (3) with having attempted to secure the capture and return to England of two English students at Bayonne who were going to the seminary at Valladolid. I was condemned to be beheaded and to pay the loss caused by the flight of the captains. The first part of the sentence was remitted for seven years owing to the efforts of the Count of Lemos and his mother, principal bedchamber woman of the Queen of Spain. At the end of this period the Lord Admiral came to the Coruña to confirm the peace. I put my case before him and he promised his good offices. I at last determined to escape from prison and succeeded and now apply to your lordship to find me a place under some gentleman with whom I can learn English and afterwards the true religion.—London.—Undated.
PS.—You have been too busy for me to report my arrival more than a fortnight ago, but I have heard from some of the Spanish Ambassador's people as a great secret that there is a company of English gentlemen some of whom even reside at Court. They meet near the Ambassador's house and I hear he sometimes attends the meetings and has given them jewels and money. The best way to find them all out would be to set some trustworthy person to watch the Ambassador and make inquiries of his household. Because his movements are all reported to Spain, I hear that last Sunday, after inviting the English Roman Catholics who dare not come out of Portemor house to hear mass in his chapel, the Ambassador went to this secret meeting.
Signed. Spanish. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (118. 171.)
Lord Harington to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Give me leave to take knowledge from Sir William Boulstrod, that upon delivery of my letter to the Council, importing the extraordinary charge I undergo with the Lady Elizabeth in my house, it pleased the Lord Treasurer to require an account of the 1500l. I have half-yearly received for her grace's diet, lest the forbearing long to do it might lie heavy on me. I beseech you to call to remembrance that that sum was by his Majesty's privy seal assigned me for her grace's diet as a certain allowance to that end, without account to be rendered for it, which to my far greater charge I accepted thinking if I could by good husbandry maintain my charge with less, I ought not to be accountable for it. Nevertheless, I am willing to give satisfaction if any overplus of that remain, and have by my servant sent a declaration of my charges of household weekly growing and the account of money received for apparel and other necessaries, as the books thereof will at large testify, with the like of my former charge before I undertook the bringing of her grace to my house; that it may appear how much this present exceeds that other, in which I had settled myself and am resolved to continue when his Majesty shall dispose of his gracious daughter elsewhere. As you vouchsafe to tender my estate, I have sent a copy of my letter to the Lords by my servant to Sir William Boulstrod, to offer you if you please to see it, who will attend your pleasure for proceeding in such course as you shall appoint. —Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 1.)
Sir Richard Hawkins to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I beseech you to pass your eyes over the included petition, and to afford me the protection of your justice, whereof I have ever hitherto tasted to my comfort: which I the rather offer to your consideration, for that under correction I hold it a great indignity to the State that a cause once heard by the Lo. Admiral and the late French Ambassador, and twice by your lordship and the rest of the Privy Council, and by them censured should upon the importunity of a Frenchman, that has received and may receive more than his losses by compositions, and satisfaction besides with the lives of the offenders should again be revived to molest his Majesty and your lordships and to wrong a subject.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 3.)
The Enclosure:—Petition touching the complaint of John Guerin, Frenchman, that it had first hearing before the Lo. Admiral and the French Ambassador, who ordered the 150l. given him by the Lo. Admiral to be deposited for him, so he would be content to deliver up the bond and the other 150l. to belong to Sir Richard Hawkins. Now upon a false information a new reference has been made to Lord Bruse, Sir Jo. Herbert, Sir Daniel Dun and Sir Thos. Crompton, knights, who have made a report in the suppliant's absence. The suppliant therefore prays that the cause may be heard and decided by his Majesty's Privy Council.—Undated.
1 p. (119. 2.)
Lord Hay to the Same.
[? 1606 or later.] Two letters:—
(1) I "auspect" to-morrow at night to have the honour to see you at Waltham a cottage otherwise unfit to receive you but as it is furnished with heart that pays you love and respect.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: J. Hay. Seals. 1 p. (197. 2.)
(2) Since it has pleased my gracious master to take upon him the satisfaction of that debt betwixt your lordship and me I am careful that it may return unto you with that contentment as may express my gratitude for so noble a favour. I have now clearly discovered the crosses interposed by the person we last spoke of, the relation whereof will better become discourse than paper; only this be confident of that he shall gain nothing but a discovery of his malice to his own shame.
I am resolved to go to London upon Tuesday or Wednesday. If you command Mr. Dekkom [? Dacombe] to meet me we shall so handle the business as you shall receive contentment upon your return. My care to discover this has given me light in somewhat else concerning you which I am confident to prevent and dare not venture to reveal without violation of my faith. Be ever happy, noble Lord, and do not disdain to know whether the Lady at Enfield goes to London or no, for his sake who is, etc.
PS.—Suffer this corner of your letter to kiss the fair hands of your lady and the pretty mouth of the sweet Lady Anne.— Undated.
Holograph, signed: J. Hay. Seals. 2 pp. (197. 5.)
Lord Hay [of Yester ?] to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) Acknowledging his lordship's great kindness and promising his own devotion.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: James Hay. Seal. Endorsed: L. Hay, 1606." 1 p. (119. 4.)
(2) I have according to your direction delivered your letters and what else I had in charge by Tunye (?), whereof his Majesty received much contentment; only, as you will understand by his own letter, he is very much displeased with the delivery of "Northte"; wherein I have as much pressed to satisfy him as possibly I could but still he presumes to "beme" (?) interest into it, and therefore holds not his punishment sufficient.— Undated.
Holograph. signed: James Hay. Seal. Endorsed: "Lo. Hay. 1606." 1 p. (119. 5.)
[? 1606.] (3) I send you the enclosed with many wishes that you may so study Galen as hereafter you may never have occasion to become his scholar for medice vivere est misere vivere.— Undated.
Holograph. signed: James Hay. Seal. Endorsed: "L. Hay." 1 p. (197. 3.)
Edward and Thomas Hayes to the Same.
[1606.] Pardon us that we move this project presented herewith unto you, so remote from the course of your great affairs as America is from England. But forasmuch as so great a business for planting of Christianity amongst heathens can never be duly effected by private means, in which course some of us have many years past ventured both life and substance without fruit; who have devised another way without offence to private or public, whereby the cause may be completely set forward, supported and seconded, until it be grown to such perfection as it may stand of itself and give large recompense to all co-assistants. Which means require the consent of Parliament, whereunto a motion is drawn by us, and a brief discourse of inducement also, for satisfaction of sundry objections made heretofore, seeming fit to leave as little scruple as may be in men's minds and consciences: whose furtherance must be required in the House, some copies whereof we intend to deliver amongst divers our friends, members of the same. Nevertheless we thought it our duties first to acquaint your lordship therewith, without whose advice we desire not to do anything, for which consideration we present your Honour with the first view of our project, which we hope you will vouchsafe to accept.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 6.)
The Earl of Hertford and Lord Mounteagle.
[1606.] Three papers:—
(1) Order in the cause of the Earl of Hertford and Lord Mounteagle, directing the Lord Chief Baron and others to consider whether a commission may be granted to examine only the impediments alleged in the prosecution of the appeal, without intermeddling with the principal cause.
Signed by the Lord Chancellor and others. 1 p. (146. 117.)
(2) Exceptions by the Earl of Hertford, and the Lord Beauchamp his son. against the draft of a commission lately delivered, in respect to the cause between them and Lord Mounteagle.
1 p. (146. 118.)
(3) Exceptions, on the Earl of Hertford's behalf, against the Commissioners nominated by the Lord Mounteagle.
1 p. (146. 119.)
Sir Baptist Hicks.
[1606.] The debt remaining to him from his Majesty is between 16,000l. and 17,000l., whereof there is above 6,000l. in the account of Sir John Fortescu delivered in the first half year, and the rest delivered in the two first years of the Earl of Dunbar's time.
Since which time he procured a privy seal of 4,000l. only, but could never obtain one penny upon the same. He has done his Majesty many good services before he came into England, not only in giving him large credit, but also in helping his ambassadors (most especially against the christening of Prince Henry, and the last embassage of the Earl of Mar and my Lord of Kinlosse to her Majesty, to the value each time of 1500l.) His Majesty, of his own royal consideration, before he came into England allowed consideration always to Sir Baptist Hicks for forbearance when his Majesty failed of payment at his day, as sometimes he did by reason that his annuity was not always paid here according as he expected. For the debt now owing the interest would rise to above 4000l. He has married his two daughters, the most part of their portions owing for as yet and pays interest for the same. He was straitly commanded by the Lords of the Council to provide velvets damasks, satins, of the colour crimson, to serve the coronation, in such a quantity of yards (which he performed accordingly); but afterwards they altered their proportion for the service, whereby there was left upon his hands more than 1400 yards to his very great damage.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606, Sr. B. Hycks." 1½ pp. (119. 7.)
Nicholas Hillyard to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Understanding that your lordship will take a time to see the tomb of our late sovereign I desire that I may be then there to show you my opinion in some things which may be yet done. I requested to have the trimming of the tomb, because as a goldsmith I understand how to set forth and garnish a piece of stone-work, not with much gilding to hide the beauty of the stone, but where it may grace the same and no more. And having skill to make more radiant colours like unto "ammells" [enamels] than yet is to painters known, I would have taught someone which would not have made it common, thinking the work had been of your cost, because of your calling me to have care of it, and not to have been within the serjeant's patent, as he now has told me it was; otherwise I had not been so bold, for I had once envy enough about a Great Seal for my doing well in other men's offices. But I presume you will stand my good Lord in a greater matter to his Majesty, for the increase of my small annuity, as you once offered.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606 Mr. Hyllyard the Picturer to my Lord." 1 p. (119. 8.)
[The first part of this letter has been printed in R. W. Goulding, The Welbeck Abbey Miniatures, p. 32.]
Captain Robert Hitchcocke to the Lord Treasurer.
[? 1606.] Details his military services, and prays for grant of two parts of the land of Elizabeth Vaux, widow, a recusant in Northamptonshire, not yet indicted.
½ p. (P. 701.)
Henry Hobart, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) Lest his Majesty should to-morrow desire to know the proceedings both touching the grievances and the cause of the Marches of Wales, as my Lord Chancellor seems to doubt, I thought good to finish those things this day with more speed than otherwise I thought needful. That you might first and most fully be informed of things passing my hand, I send you a copy of the observations that Sir Thomas Smith and I took of your lordships' judgments of the grievances, and also the first draft of the book of instructions for the Council of the Marches. I have also in hand, according to your desire, the two commissions devised for the ease of the Lords; the one for examination of offenders, the other for passing of travellers over sea, which shall be made ready with speed. Only be pleased to appoint fit ports for passage and commissioners for the care of passengers, for whose direction there would also be some fit instructions. This great draft of the instructions for Wales (if it be not finished to-morrow), it may please you to return again to Sir Richard Lewkenor, who will attend you about it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Attorney General." 1 p. (193. 20.)
(2) I was at the Parliament House yesterday, and on Tuesday before the Recorder, and pressed the proceeding, and the House refused to proceed till the term done, that they might have the attendance of the lawyers. Thereupon they put it off till tomorrow morning; and I have instructed Mr. Recorder as well with my part, which is not great, as he is instructed in his own. But rather than the least offence should be taken I will be there to-morrow morning and dispatch my part, and then come to the Star Chamber, wherewith I must acquaint my Lord Chancellor this afternoon. But it is hard if the backwardness of the House should be turned upon my blame, that was most desirous to discharge it. Direct what you please and I will follow it presently. I hold it best that I do it myself and then come to the Star Chamber.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Attorney." 1 p. (193. 21.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] The fitness of this messenger I plead excuse sufficient for my now troubling you with these few lines to congratulate your happy recovery. For myself, here I am, ailing I know not well what, not well and yet not sensible of any settled pain; intending not to have returned hither again, (for surely this place will do me no good for my arm), had not some company here overtempted me, being quiet in Wales, when I was hither summoned. But now I determine to stick out till Mich[aelmas] passing away the tedious time of my days, which I wish might be quickly shortened.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 9.)
Elizabeth Holborne to the Same.
[1606.] On behalf of her only son, who, according to her late husband's earnest request, is at the first occasion to enter his lordship's service. With recommendations.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ¼ p. (119. 10.)
Richard Hoper to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) Upon the perusal of certain letters lately by your direction, concerning [Richard] Purcell, I find that his trial for the murder of [Adam] Tobyn is purposed to be deferred till the next assizes in that county, except some speedier course by a commission to be sued forth be taken in that behalf. He is a man of some note in his country and has both kindred and alliance there, and by the laws of that land is to be first put upon trial in the county where the murder was committed, where as the laws allow of a peremptory challenge of 36 of his jury and of as many others as he shall have just cause to except against, there is great presumption that his trial will not be had, but that according to the order in that behalf provided he will be transmitted into the counties confining thereunto. I hold it convenient that his trial by commission be proceeded unto, rather than put over to the assizes, for if Purcell should happen to die before attainder, his Majesty is excluded from all benefit of the hoped issue, and such as hope to be rewarded with a part of his lands (if he be found guilty) frustrated of their expectation. Touching his goods mentioned in the Lord Deputy's letter, the value thereof to come to his Majesty seems not to exceed 100 marks, by reason of the rapine and speedy snatching of the hungry sheriffs, who for the most part being men of small or no estate hunt after such places with no zeal to his Majesty's service, but of a covetous humour to enrich themselves. There is no office in Ireland that has given greater cause to be looked into than this, by abuses whereof many that otherwise might have continued in obedience have been driven into rebellion.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 11.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–1608, pp. 113–115.]
(2) About 3 years past your lordship procured unto me the reversion of the Chief Remembrancer's office in Ireland, directed to the late Lord Lieutenant, and in his absence to Sir Geo. Cary, then Lord Deputy. How unjustly I was then defeated of his Majesty's grant, I have truly set down in a brief hereinclosed. Since his Majesty's grant to me was by your means only procured, and the party that has done me this wrong depends on your favour, I have had no purpose to bring this matter anywhere into question but before your lordship.
PS.—Since his Majesty's letters to me granted and delivered to Sir George Cary received not due execution, and being of him required, his answer to me was that he had sent them back to you in a packet. I pray you that either I may have them redelivered, or the like to be made agreeable to them, whereby I may pass letters patent in Ireland to bring the title into question, whereby I doubt not to reverse the patent made to Mr. Bingley.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 14.)
The Enclosures:
(1) The state of my cause concerning the reversion of the Chief Remembrancer's office in Ireland:—
The grant was by letters patent dated 12 July, 1603. On Aug. 12 the L. Deputy being desirous to do his servant Bingley some good for the future, but not having the old patent to surrender (as appears by his letter of 12 Aug. 1603, directed to the then L. Chancellor) made forth a warrant to the King's learned counsel to draw a fiant in due form to pass letters patent of the said office to Richard Colman and John Bingley upon colour. and in consideration of the surrender of the old letters patent, which was done by the King's serjeant alone. The new patent was with speed engrossed, and the Lord Chancellor caused the Great Seal to be affixed, notwithstanding there was not at that time any surrender of the old patent. And lest the new patent in another point might not prove available in law, except it carried a date preceding the date of his Majesty's letters to me granted, in good conscience the Lord Chancellor was moved to put down the day of the delivery of the fiant into the Chancery to be the 10th July 1603. which should have been the 12th Aug.
1 p. (119. 12.)
(2) Sir George Cary to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.— "In regard of my desire to do my servant Bingley some pleasure in the future time, I have been long bethinking how to bestow some place befitting him, and in the end have made him a joint patentee with Mr. Colman his Majesty's Principal Remembrancer. But for that Mr. Colman's patent is not present to be surrendered, and that I much desire that this grant should be perfected, I desire your lordship to fix the Great Seal thereunto, and do assure you upon my credit that I will not deliver this patent before the former patent be delivered to you to be cancelled. And so wishing etc.—From Dublin this 12 August. 1603."
Copy. 1 p. (119. 13.)
Lady Katherine Howard to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I am very glad to hear of your recovery, for the report of your danger brought much sadness to my heart. My love and duty is the cause I presume.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 22.)
Hyde Hall.
[1606.] Land belonging to Hyde Hall in Hertfordshire, rated at 20 years purchase and being no racked land:—
First cost of house (in good repair) above 2000l., and all the lands of good title.
Pasture:—182 acres, at rent of 10s. an acre.
Meadow:—80 acres, at 8s. 4d. an acre.
Arable land:—123 acres at 5s. an acre.
Wood ground:—40 acres, worth 6l. 13s. 4d.
Endorsed: "1606. Hyde Hall particular." 1 p. (119. 150.)
1606. Bill of jewellery delivered for the Queen, Prince Henry and others.
½ p. (140. 199.)
Sir Ellis Jones to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] My request is that your lordship would be pleased to understand two or three reasons not yet objected in mine own behalf. One is that I think through your favour with some other of the Lords whose favour I might have procured, it is like I should have held my company as long as another of my rank; which how short lived it is now I doubt, which happens to me by reason of having this office, not amounting to half the value of my company anyway, besides that I laid out money in some quantity for the reversion, passing and effecting it. Withal the poor entertainment of the place is but 2s. fee per diem to the Marshal, whereas the Marshal of Connaught, being esteemed the inferior province, is at 5s. 7d. per diem for his own entertainment. And whereas the point you seemed with most reason to touch, of receiving entertainment for Irish employment and being absent from thence, my purpose is for the recovery of my health, which when I have, the country shall not terrify me. I beseech you that I may be considered with some 6s. or 5s. pension per diem out of the Exchequer here.
PS.—Vouchsafe me answer by your man Mr. Townsend whether I shall wait upon you or otherwise.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 16.)
Ben Jonson.
1606. Two epigrams addressed to the Earl of Salisbury, by Ben Jonson.
In Jonson's hand. Printed in his works. 1 p. (144. 266.)
Josias Kirton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] The office of muster master is to be questioned at the Council table, in the management whereof, if there appear in me the least misdemeanour since I was first commended to the place by your lordship. I will desire no favour; but if out of the passion of any violent spirit insulting upon my former misery, I shall be wrongfully slandered, yield me such help as shall be thought I deserve.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 17.)
Sir Thomas Knollys to the Same.
[1606.] It is not unknown to you how in my Lord of Leycester's time, and before with Sir John Norreys. and since with my Lord Wyllowghby, and lastly with my Lord of Essex in the Island journey, I have still performed true service in the wars. I first commanded Osteande in the absence of my brother, where by mine own industry I suppressed a great mutiny, whereby the town and garrison were preserved, which otherwise had been lost long ago. After that was sent to Lockum when Stanley gave over the venture, with like command there, where for safeguard of the town my troop of horse was quite overthrown, whereof yet I feel the smart. In '88 I was at Tylberye lieut.colonel to Sir Thomas Leyghton, and from thence went directly to my Lord Willowghbye, to the siege and relief of Bergen-upZome, where I was knighted. Then I was commanded with Sir John Norreys into the wars of Brittany, where in his absence I commanded the English forces, and at the siege of the Spanish fort by Brest was blown up at the assault with 22 barrels of gunpowder, whereof yet I carry the unfortunate marks about me. After that I went and was colonel with my Lord of Essex in the Island journey and had a ship furnished at mine own charges, which stood me in very near 1000l., where attempting to take the island of Porta Sancta I had my jawbone broken and 7 of my teeth strucken out. Lastly I was commanded to conduct 2000 soldiers into the Low Countries, whereof I was promised a regiment; but the States disposing otherwise of them, I was utterly frustrated of any such command. For my 23 years' loyal service I never received any reward either at home or abroad, whereby now in my declining time I am altogether destitute of means to maintain myself, my wife and poor children. Wherefore, pardon me, if being brought so low that I am almost buried before I am dead, I appeal to your lordship for grace and favour.
I have herewith presented to your view a petition to his Majesty, and if it may receive allowance from you, I shall be encouraged to proceed with it; if not, my suit is surceased.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 19.)
The Enclosure:—Petition to the King and Privy Council:—
Whereas for the defence of the realm there are divers good laws provided, commanding all subjects to have in readiness in their houses certain furnitures or arms for service upon all occasions, upon pain of forfeitures, yet for want of some certain officer to survey from time to time all such furnitures, there is no possible means to bring any information against the offenders; that it may please his Highness by letters patent to appoint therein officer or surveyor his petitioner. Thomas Knollys, knight, with authority for 21 years for him or his deputies to survey whether such furnitures be ready in every town, city, or shire, and to certify such defects as he or they shall find into the Court of Exchequer. Provided always that nothing be done to prejudice the authority of any high sheriff or justice of the peace. And that the petitioner and his deputies may have full power to furnish good and sufficient furnitures at such rates as for ready money are to be bought and sold within the city of London, and as by the next justice of peace adjoining shall be thought requisite.
1 p. (119. 18.)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Five letters:—
(1) Finding the time busy, and some indisposition in your lordship's health, I am bold in a few lines to set down that I was petitioner to his Majesty for some estate in the lands of the late traitors, but now it seems that Mr. Merrye, Clerk of his Majesty's Kitchen, has obtained from his Majesty a verbal grant, not only of those two parcels of Catesby's lands in Northamptonshire, called Ashbee and Silsworth, in my letter expressed, but divers other lands also of Tressham's to a very good value. I pray you that his Majesty may be remembered of my suit, long since presented in the time of my attendance in the Tower, concerning those two parcels above-mentioned, and that I may become his Majesty's tenant for so many years as in these cases pass to others: or if his Majesty be otherwise resolved to dispose of them, I submit myself to his pleasure.
PS.—Sir Thomas Lake has used me very respectively in my business concerning Copley, wherein I am sensible of your noble regards.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 20.)
(2) Understanding that your brother has appointed divers gentlemen in the country his deputy-lieutenants, I find some imputation to rest upon myself, being left out of his lordship's choice at this time; the rather because I have been formerly named amongst others in precedent commissions of this nature, wherein I am bold to discover my poor thought to you and depend wholly upon your judgment.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 21.)
(3) I beseech your favour, if occasion arise, as I suppose in some part question will arise betwixt Sir Thomas Lee, grandfather to the child living, though the judgment of my counsel be very clear for his Majesty's title. It pleased you to write your letter in the behalf of a man of mine to the bailiffs of Worcester for the toll-gate "hering" of the market there.
I sent my man with the letter, who moved an answer, but after some delay he is returned without it. When their answer shall come to your hands, whatsoever their pretence may be, it is very clear that the place rests not in their gift, but in his Majesty's, howsoever the thing being small and not looked into, they have usurped in the disposing of it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 22.)
(4) I have received some advertisement that the lands lately fallen by attainture into his Majesty's hands have at this time some passage, and that your lordship out of your accustomed goodness (whereof I have formerly tasted) has given some stop to those particulars for which I rest at this time an humble suitor. I am moved even out of pity to accompany my poor wife to Cambridge for her better health; by occasion whereof I beseech you to give your direction to Sir Thomas Lake for drawing a warrant to be presented to his Majesty according to that note, which at my coming down you received at my hands.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 23.)
(5) Since your lordship's last sitting at the Star Chamber the proceedings of that day have, as I perceive, come somewhat particular to my Lord's understanding. Amongst which I find him very sensible of that which Mr. Attorney there published concerning him, the parts whereof known best to you I omit. Some distemper at the first this relation begat, but being now better digested, he rests as before in expectancy of his Majesty's further pleasure, of whose natural inclination to be a just King, I assure you, he utters speeches oftentimes (I think unfeignedly) but sure I am. very reverently. Some taste he has what may be the worst of his success; to be sequestered from the Council board, and from his office, and to stand confined to his own house, yet shows some private persuasion of better, knowing, as he confidently protests, the innocency of his own heart; and affirms somewhat earnestly, that after so deliberate examinations, he sees not how his very thoughts, if they had been tainted, could have rested undiscovered. To these discourses my replies are not long, but bold I am sometimes to remember him that even in his own judgment he has hitherto been honourably dealt with, and therefore no just cause of doubting in the rest.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 24.)
Edmund Lassells to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Upon my enlargement I was restrained of coming to the Court by your commandment, which I have ever since dutifully obeyed. Give me leave now to come to Court afar off only, as a poor petitioner, that I may sue to the King for his favour, either to receive me as his servant again, or to bestow some small relief on me to buy my poor children bread.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 25.)
L. Countess of Leicester to the Same.
[1606.] I am urged by such friends as I cannot deny to trouble your lordship with these few lines of entreaty of your favour toward them, in the behalf of my niece and nephew Digby, who can find no possibility of justice considering the greatness of his adversary that sits as judge in his own cause, unless you and the rest admit him one of the Council there. I assure you he is honest and as sufficient as most there to do his Majesty's service. And if they fare the better, as they imagine, for my sake, I must receive it as one of your high favours. If my daughter of Devonshire do not her best endeavours herein, she is much to blame, being tied thereto by promise and desert.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 26.)
The Earl of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606. These are to desire you to bestow two or three lines by this bearer to the keepers of Hyde Park, to deliver me possession thereof according to your covenant, which I hasten the rather for that I am bound to you to pay the rent at Our Lady Day, and also to discharge you and Sir Edmund Carew of the charge incident thereunto, according to the effect of the King's patent. For myself I could be very well contented to hold it paying the rent during your life and Sir Edmund Carew's, without seeking any further, the rather for that I may have the more cause to pray for your life; yet if it be your pleasure that I shall agree with them for the fourscore pounds a year, I shall be ready always to yield to that which is reason. Nevertheless, I do think much that they should seek to constrain me to anything by keeping the possession from me wrongfully, seeing that by your covenant I should have had it 8 years since.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 27.)
Reclaimed lands in Lincolnshire.
[1606.] Three papers:—
(1) Petition of John West, a groom of the Privy Chamber, setting forth that within some royal manors in Lincolnshire the sea has subsided and left dry certain parcels of land, which have been enclosed and utilised by the inhabitants there. He prays that in view of the insecurity of their title a lease may be granted to them for a term of years at a fitting yearly rent.
Copy. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 146.)
(2) Notes on the foregoing:—
The manors concerned are North Somercotes, North Cotes, Gaynethorpe and Teteney. The number of acres here won from the sea amounts to 2000, and each acre will be let at 4s. 4d. The land will yield presently 4d. an acre. There is one Mr. Turbervile sent for, who will disclose the state of the whole matter.
1 p. (119. 147.)
(3) Note of lands specified by Lord Burleigh in the Book of Concealments:—
32 Eliz. 25 Febr. "Omnia terre etc in Gosberton, Pinchbecke et Spalding parcella nuper manerii de Spalding."
34 Eliz. 30 March, "Omnia terre etc in Bowrne et Kyrkeby Underwood, seu alibi, nuper manerio de Bowrne spectantia."
Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 148.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Here is a speech that Sir John Ratcliff is dead. His wife was my cousin german. If it will please you to think on me for the wardship of his son, no man shall be more thankful to you for it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 23.)
Henry Lok to the Same.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) I beseech your pleasure touching my employment for the present but with a packet anywhither, as well for my better stay of happier occasion and placing of my son, as to prevent my growing peril (which your lordship after my last trouble advised me to look into), who alas! as yet have no better wings than you shall bestow upon me.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 28.)
(2) Having, since I last spoke to your lordship, understood by Sir Roger Asten that he has twice since acquainted you with his Majesty's pleasure to have me disposed of by you in some fit employment for his service, as also to relieve my estate by some convenient suit, I parted with the place you bestowed upon me, only to relieve myself out of my last trouble and to procure his Majesty's favour. And for that a suit of that nature, which by your signification I understand I only may hope for, is not presently to be procured, grant me only a packet into Flanders or Paris, as well to entertain my time until Michaelmas and cover my disgraces here, as to aid me with some means the better to bestow my eldest son in those parts, whose time is here (through my disability) unprofitably spent. You this last term vouchsafed to refer the causes between Kill. and me to Mr. Attorney General's hearing, the issue whereof in this enclosed petition is truly set down. I beseech you refer the same to be ordered and ended by the said Mr. Attorney.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 29.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 307.]
(3) He begs Salisbury's allowance in some part of his last letter, if but in that point of a posting voyage for some few months of the Court's progress, wherewith to succour him and settle his son beyond seas. Though fortune has left him he has still ability and industry, and can yet brook "travel" to regain a competent retreat to any safe and honest life.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 24.)
Lady Jane Lovell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Four letters:—
(1) I have long complained, as my physician Dr. Tuner knows, of a pain in one of my breasts, which growing every day more extreme, it is doubted will breed unto a cancer if not prevented by some speedy remedy; and the physician holding the Spaue [Spa] for the most certain cure of this infirmity, my suit is that I may have leave to go thither for help, and that your Honours will grant me licence to stay there some years, for as this disease is long in breeding, so commonly the cure thereof is lingering. My request is that I may have my children there with me, being young, the one 8 years, the other 5, to be bred under mine own eye, which being their mother cannot but be more tenderly careful of them than any other to whose charge I should commend them.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 31.)
(2) I understand how graciously you have stood with me for the grant of my licence. Now that I have liberty to depart the land for time to recover health, my suit is that I may have no hindrance in my passage, of which I am put into some fear by a rumour spread abroad of an oath to be offered all such as pass the seas out of England disagreeing with a Catholic. If it be so, my Lord, and that it be a general thing from which none are exempted, I wish this licence had not been granted me rather than to have this impediment in my journey, having provided for it. For to deal truly with you, I am resolved to undergo any misery that may be imposed upon me rather than do that thing which a religious and catholic conscience cannot justify. Wherefore if it be thought fit that I go at all, I beseech you that order be taken that I may pass freely, and that I may have two servants more, finding that 6 is too few for me and my children. I have taken the boldness to present you with a trifle of my own work, and if you accept of this, it will encourage me to go forward with some works I have begun that haply will be more grateful to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 32.)
(3) If I committed any errors in my last letters I beseech you to pardon me, and impute it to my want of experience in these affairs. If I had advised myself that this motion for the avoiding this oath might have been distasteful to you I would have forborne it, though I confess I know not whither else to resort to satisfy my fear of that oath which I hoped to escape by your favour. But since I see it cannot be without inconvenience to you, if my speedy going will not prevent it, I must have patience to stay without hope of cure for my infirmity rather than to purchase health with the least prejudice to your lordship. I have been much grieved that you would not accept of that mean present I sent, which if you permitted me to send home to your house in the Strand, I should esteem it a high favour. If it be not pleasing to you, then I beseech you give me but hope that when I have finished a work I have begun of more worth and delight, that your lordship will not refuse it from me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 33.)
(4) I could not but take occasion upon this gentleman's return, who I know much honours your lordship, to present my respects. Since there is nothing wherein I may serve you but in my prayers and works, I desire to perform it in the one as in the other; for by reason that I go not to the Spaue till next summer I have much leisure to employ my works, which I would gladly dedicate to your service, though I dare not present them till I know your pleasure, in that it pleased you to refuse the last I sent, being the work of mine own hand. If I may understand that you will accept some trifles which I have and shall work, I will present them.
PS.—I cannot but let you know with how much honour my Lord Ambassador uses me (and his Lady), finding it one of my comforts in this place.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. From Brussels." 1 p. (119. 30.)
A Marriage Proposal.
[1606.] Being now determined to impart unto you a matter of that nature which this letter must deliver you, I must confess I should have [been] much better pleased to have had the opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . own tale, letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make reply, wherein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . strongest part of all persuasion . . . . . . . . . . . And yet, Madam, seeing this is a [matter] which presseth the gentleman whom it concerns, and so is prest upon me to use my speediest and best mediation. I could not forbear to yield to a request so honest and so reasonable, especially by one to whom I wish so well, and for a matter which I should have desired for him, if he had not prevented me. To be short, Madam, this is it which I have to say, that this gentleman hath an earnest and extraordinary desire [to be] heard speak for himself to you, of whose person, modesty and disposition he doth retain so affectionate and constant impressions, as he is resolved to pursue this only suit, that you . . . . . . . . . . . . to give you himself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you a greater gift. To com[mend] . . . . . not my custom, and yet, if I [should say] that I think him of an extraordinary value for his honest and discreet [behaviour], having had of both so particular probation, besides that he is a gentleman of a good house, and like to thrive in this world by his own good and provident courses in his place about the King, where it is apparent to the world how acceptably he serveth his Royal [Highness I] should be both ungrateful for his good affection to me and injurious to his own merit, to conceal from you what he is and will be to you. If you think him worthy he desires to lay before you, and my most earnest desire is to you to hear him for my sake, for whom and for all favours that you shall show him, as I shall ever be ready to yield you my best thanks, so, I pray you, believe that I love so well the memory of my dead friend, as I would not thus far seek to engage myself for [him], if I did not assure myself that [you will] find both him and his fortunes [worthy of] your favours and acceptation; which I shall wish may prove to both your comforts.—Undated.
Mutilated draft. Endorsed: "1606 for Mrs. M. concerning a mariage." 2 pp. (119. 84.)
Mr. Martin.
[? 1606.] Note of Mr. Martin's man's speeches.
The first thing he made inquiry of was whether all my Lord Northumberland's officers were displaced at Tinmouth Castle and Warkworth, and who was there.
He said my Lord of Salisbury was to them as his father before him little for their good, and if he were gone, it were a happy thing for all them.
Speaking of the oath of the last statute, he said they had sent to Rome and expected a dispensation from the Pope. He brought 300l. in gold.—Undated.
½ p. (206. 87.)
Sir Edward Michelborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] The joy I have received of your favour so much overcomes my conceit that I have no power to relate anything to you. This gentleman can better report to you the passages of my poor affairs.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 36.)
George Montaigne to the Same.
[1606.] Since I delivered the King's letters, by reason of great means my Lord Chancellor uses for his chaplain, and because I durst not use your name nor acknowledge it in the business without your privity, I find myself very much perplexed in the same. I beseech you to write to the Commissioners in my behalf, or else to send some by word to request their suffrages for me according to his Majesty's letters.—"Your lordship's humble servant and chaplain."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 43.)
Lord Mordaunt.
[1606.] Observations relating to priests and recusants who are associated with Lord Mordaunt. Three of his servants, called respectively Slaughton, Bowker and Halle, are known recusants and have sons at seminaries abroad. His house appears to be a receptacle of most dangerous persons, and there is a continual concourse between it and foreign seminaries.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 154.)
Captain Edward Morice to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] His Majesty (the wars in Ireland ceased and my company cast) granted me a pension there of 5s. a day for my maintenance. I have of late besought his Highness to confirm his royal grant to me here in England during life. My petition he has referred to you and the rest of the Commissioners for Irish causes. I have served there long, none with less benefit and more misery. I am returned a maimed man, having lost the use of one of my arms, and now my Lord of Devonshire is dead have neither friend to depend on, nor other means to sustain me.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 41.)
Another version of the above.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (119. 42.)
Pierre de Moucheron to the King.
[c. 1606.] States a claim which he has against the estate of the late Sir Horatio Palavicino, the greater part of whose goods came into the hands of Sir Oliver Cromwell, who married Palavicino's widow. Gives details of the arbitration and the law proceedings which have been taken. Is advised that as his dealings with Palavicino only took place par voie de facture, he has no legal remedy, par faute de specialité; and therefore prays the King to refer the case to the decision of some persons experienced in commerce.—Undated.
French. 1 p. (174. 47.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 326.]
Lord Mounteagle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Lord Buckhurst is resolved to buy the manor of Pembsey [Pevensey] in Sussex of him, but it is alleged by the officers of the Duchy that the same is no manor, but belongs to the ruinated castle of Pembsey. Prays for a commission out of the Duchy Court to survey the same and end the matter in question.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (206. 74.)
Mulberry Trees.
[1606.] Terms of a patent for mulberry trees. To be for 2 years. The patentee to bring in only the white mulberry; plants of themselves and not slips of others: and of one year's growth at least; to bring in one million a year: and not to take above a penny for each plant.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606," and by Salisbury: "Mulberry trees." 1 p. (193. 28.)
Richard Neile, Dean of Westminster, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) Upon those speeches which it pleased you to have the other night concerning the dieting of your almsmen, I have made this proposition which I think is [the] least that you may conveniently have.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 45.)
(2) I am bold to move you to sign this letter enclosed to the University, touching Mr. Harsnett, who is by the University chosen Vice-Chancellor for the year to come. If he should now go down to Cambridge to be admitted he would greatly hinder the prosecuting of Anne Gunter's business, in which we cannot have either his Majesty's learned counsel or any of the Clerks of the Star Chamber, to do anything longer than myself or Mr. Harsnett do ourselves attend them. The admitting of the Vice-Chancellor in this sort by proxy is a thing ordinary.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 47.)
Capt. William Newce to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) You were pleased to tell me in your chamber that you would remember me to be relieved, and that was no small comfort from your mouth. A month before Christmas my Lord Carew told me he had moved you for me, and that you would remember me. If there be no hope of some relief or pension, I entreat your letters to the States for a company.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 46.)
(2) I find myself so ill that I have not stirred forth of my chamber since Friday last, of which I thought it requisite to acquaint you, most humbly thanking you for the 10l. I received of your steward.
I perfectly remember that Colonel Franciscoe in some private conference in his chamber at Bruseles told me that by his wit he got out of the Fleet, having been three years prisoner, and yet my hand was in the treason with Babingtton and Ficheborne, as also in Sir William Standle's [Stanley's] revolt; but I trust his wit nor his brother to help him can or shall stand them in that stead now. By this you see I have had to do with a wild fellow and gone through this business enduring many a weary mile both by sea and land with many great expenses to do his Majesty service. My only trust is in you to procure for me such a pension as you shall deem me worthy of.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 53.)
Amos Newman to the Same.
[1606.] This day by post your Honour wrote letters directed to Sir Tho. Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, which came to Dover about one o'clock this morning. But as my late master, Sir Tho. Fane, departed this life upon the 18th of last month in the morning, I held it my duty in the absence of my present master, Sir Tho. Waller, now at London, and deputed in my old master's place, to return your packet with all speed by post.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. Sr. Tho. Waller's deputy to my Lo. from Dover." 1 p. (119. 121.)
Thomas Nicolson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I, the most humble and "obleist" poor wretch to your favour, being now in the greatest distress, yea even at the point of death, and abandoned of all men's help, address my "indigne" lines to you, craving your bountiful aid at my great need.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 48.)
Lord Norreys to Sir Walter Cope.
[1606.] The nurse was on her journey before return of the messenger, and I had no envy to send her in great state to London. I am loth to part from the child, but if it be commanded from me I will send it in a litter. I am sorry I have spoiled my wife's coach horses, who carried me but to Uxbridge; and since she has so long a journey to ride as into Lancashire, I have sent by this bearer 40l. to buy two more. For any spleen remains in me I rather need cordials than medicines to purge choler.— Undated.
PS.—I count not this any part of my allowance to my wife, which shall be as truly paid as is possible.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 30.)
The Earl of Northampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1606.] Being resolved this fair day to take some breath, because I find by you that no matter of great moment is in hand, excuse my absence if I should chance to be called for. You may commend to me any office, that now toward the spring may make election of a fit place for a person that may purge melancholy, for the place is commodious, your occasion may be important, and I have been a good fellow. If I were not, you were in danger of discovery as Bersabi was a domus solar— though I be no David that should walk in it. I beseech you tune my Lord Chamberlain's excuse in my behalf, that you may concur in one note, for you know who loves to put his clerks to their "gammouth" [gamut] if they jar in the least note of the plain song that his book limiteth. Wishing you rather in Paradise where I shall be, than in Purgatory where you must be, I take my leave.—Friday at 7.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (193. 31.)
[The Earl of Northumberland] to the King.
[? 1606.] After so long . . . . . . undergone for this year past to have a . . . . and release. If your Majesty but understood . . . . . . displeasure it is to me, your Majesty out of your mercy . . . . . . upon me with a favourable eye, and not suffer me to spend the better part of my days in sorrow, in his days, under whom I had more reason to hope for comfort than in hers that was your Majesty's predecessor; since my heart can bear a true testimony that it never in thought or deed willingly did consent to anything that it conceived might be prejudicial to your Majesty or yours; and as I speak truly or falsely so I pray God deal with me in the last day of judgment.—Undated.
Holograph. Damaged, and signature torn off. Endorsed: "Earl of Northumberland." 1 p. (108. 150.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) I understand you will give order very shortly for the manner of my durance which your sentences have laid upon me. I shall with all patience attend his Majesty's pleasure, which I hope will be gracious. I desire you will befriend me so far that my imprisonment may be as tolerable as his Majesty shall think convenient. The time of my affliction promises length, therefore use your best means to further me; though I doubt not but it will be thought reasonable that I shall have the same measure that other men have in like case, I mean the liberty of the Tower. My chiefest desire is the free access of my wife and children my officers and servants which shall not be many, for the dispatch of my business. The rest I refer to the report of Sir William Lane.—From the Tower this present Sunday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 32.)
(2) I understand it was taken offensively that Sir Edward Francis spoke to me in the Star Chamber the other day. I protest it was my fault, for I turning about, asked him a question I doubted of, which he could not choose but answer me unto. I pray you let him have no blame for my follies.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (193. 33.)
(3) My wife has been with his Majesty. He says he has referred my cause to some of your lordships' considerations, and that then she shall see what his pleasure is. I will use no arguments to persuade you what you shall do. I leave it to the consideration of your own breast, upon which I will rely, being very well assured that you will do nobly.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (193. 34.)
The Countess of Northumberland to the Same.
[? 1606.] Four letters:—
(1) I much desire to hear you are well, both for your own sake and for my Lord's; for howsoever he has been jealous, and perhaps taken somewhat unkindly heretofore, yet in these undeserved troubles he and I are very confident that though you did not love him, yet out of love to justice, and for the King's honour, you will be the forwardest to do him right, which I assure me he will seek to merit. I would gladly come speak with you when I may not be troublesome for I long to know that which it pleased you to promise me. It will both quiet my mind and give me contentment by witnessing to me your favour and trust.—Undated.
Holograph. Signed: D. Northumberland. Endorsed: "1604" [sic]. 1 p. (108. 153.)
(2) I was yesterday at your lodging to have spoken with you, hearing that my Lord's fine should go to the paying of debts. I beseech you, if there be any such purpose, that there may be a stay, and that there be not such haste made to stop all ways of grace before we can have time to sue; for in matters of this nature I hope to find favour, seeing it has pleased you to profess to wish well not only to my Lord, but to me and my children, on whom this is like to lie heaviest.—Undated.
Holograph. Seals. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 49.)
(3) My being ill makes me still a prisoner to my chamber, which troubles me the more because it gives some that are ready to interpret matter to work upon, and say that I believe so much as I do nothing but leave my Lord as one forgotten. But I will undergo their censures rather than endanger myself, especially so long as I know those that I believe in can sway in matters of justice, and now being neither cause nor colour left to hold my Lord any longer, I doubt not but this long looked for term will make an end, which if you will vouchsafe the knowledge of, it will give great satisfaction.—Undated.
Holograph. Seals. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 50.)
(4) I was enjoined by my Lord to have waited on you, but being not well give me leave to send by this bearer what I should have delivered, which I leave to your noble mind to consider of.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606"; and by Salisbury: "The Countess of North. by Mr. Polton for leave for my Lord's tenants to have access." 1 p. (193. 36.)
The Enclosure:
[List 1] Hepsley. Elys. Williams. The cook. The bottleman. Ogle.
All these attend here now, saving the last, who I desire should be added because two of Sir William Lane's will be gone that helped to do service: and in the place of Hepsley who is sickly, one Talor to come in his room: besides that these men may have free going and coming about their own business.
[List 2] My wife and children. Sir Edward Francis. Polton. Cartwright. Warner. Lucas. Carvell my solicitor for my law causes.
These are persons I use in my businesses, who I desire should have access to me when I need them; besides some receivers and auditors and such like officers when they come to make their accounts.
[Note: A cross is put against the names of Ogle and Cartwright.]
In Northumberland's hand. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (193. 35.)
Mr. Norton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I understand Sir Patrick Murrey labours to erect a new office in the county palatine of Chester, and it is expected your lordship gives way unto it. It may be you are not informed how prejudicial it will prove to the Earl of Derby, who shall at the least lose 200 marks a year by it. Sir Patrick aims at engrossing into his own hands the making of the processes and receiving the fees due, where the same indeed is only proper to the baron's office, who is to have the third part of the fee, the other two parts being due to the Earl of Derby. I hear Sir Patrick has his bill ready to be signed, if it be not already done.—Undated.
Signature torn off. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Norton." ½ p. (119. 51.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Same.
[1606.] According to his Majesty's pleasure I have commanded the judge to forbear to execute sentence till he hear farther from me. The judge has a hard office when justice done is a fault. I send you herewith his letter to me with the marks and numbers of the sugars allotted to the Spanish Ambassador, as also those that are to the Dutch. Show it to his Majesty, and if his Majesty thinks that he has not done justly or that it tastes of any corruption, I shall say he is not fit for his place, nor he shall not stay in it. On the other side, if he has done uprightly. I shall be very sorry that his reputation, being a judge and of my making, should be brought in question.
I wish as well to the Ambassador as any other does, but he may be misinformed. I would have been to-morrow to have waited on his Majesty, but it is the day that I, my wife, my children and household receive in, and also my wife is churched to-morrow, so I pray you make my excuse to his Majesty.
PS.—For the Spanish Ambassador's letter it is no matter what is become of it. It is enough for me that you signify his Majesty's pleasure. I have written to the judge to forbear the execution of sentence to the Dutch till he hears further from me.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 52.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral.
[? 1606.] Minute requiring him to give direction to all the officers of the several ports of the realm for the prevention of the ingress and egress of all Jesuits, seminary priests and the like.—Undated.
Draft. 5 pp. (197. 68.)
[1606.] List of the pieces of ordnance in Wark and Norham castles and Holy Island.
Endorsed.: "1606." 1 p. (119. 164.)
Captain Roger Orme.
[1606.] Three certificates testifying to the good conduct and true protestantism of Capt. Roger Orme before and after his service with the Archduke.—Undated.
(1) Signed: "Eston." Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 55.)
(2) Signed: "John Dones: Humfrey Ferrers: Thomas Gresley: T. Abington: Brute Babington: Eston." Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 56.)
(3) Signed: "Thomas Bratt. vicare of Whittington: John Everard: Thomas Thicknes: Homfreye Gem: John Byrde." Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 57.)
Lucy, Lady Osbern, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I am informed by Sir Thomas Lake one Mr. Wryte is a suitor to you for the procuring of a lease of one Mr. Cavill, being a recusant, a Norfolk gentleman. In her late Majesty's time I procured a lease of the same Mr. Carvill's [sic] living, and paid 100l. for a fine and a yearly rent in the Exchequer; and my brother Sir John Doringeton with others entered into a recognizance for the payment of the rent, which bonds still remain in the Exchequer. Wherefore I beseech you cause Mr. Wryt's lease to be stayed, and that I may have the lease. I have entreated my brother Sir Lenard Hyde to attend you at whose house I now am.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 58.)
Hugh Owen and Captain James Blunt.
[1606.] That the persons named are detected and known to be traitors is manifest by the voluntary and public confessions of the principal conspirators: the one denying not his privity to the Powder Treason during his imprisonment in the Low Countries, but excusing it by being a subject to his Majesty of Spain, and discharged of his allegiance to the King of Great Britain; the other silently confessing it by withdrawing himself upon summons received from his Sovereign to return into his country to answer to justice, which by the laws of the same amounts to a conviction.
No even parallel between traitors and conspirators of so unnatural and inexampled a treason of his countrymen who, though receiving their birth in the Low Countries, yet almost in their cradles being removed by their parents into England (not with malice or other evil meaning, but only to avoid the furies of the wars) are permitted to live by their own industry and not upon pensions or other maintenance of his Majesty, as in like case many of the King's subjects are suffered to live in Spain and other his Majesty's dominions here, unto whose abode and entertainment there is taken no exception.
The permission of his subjects to serve the Estates, and restraints of them from service of his Majesty and the Archdukes, has been so often answered that it needs no reply.
The King my master neither capitulated nor intended to restrain his subjects from their free liberty to serve where they liked.
His restraint was but for a season, and that only during the second session of Parliament, and immediately after the first fearful apprehension of the treason. The following reservedness has grown out of the subjects themselves, who, finding there no preferment without becoming obsequious to Baldwine the Jesuit, Owen, and others of like condition, nor hope of favour from them without change both of religion and faith to their own Sovereign and their country, and kindled against this estate with the continual complaints of their countrymen in England of the little justice and favour showed unto them here, forbear to serve where they have few hopes, much fear, and little affection, in regard of the general distaste given to their whole nation.— Undated.
Endorsed: "A reply to the answer concerning Owen and Blunt &c." 1 p. (115. 17.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino's Debt.
[1606.] In September. 1578, the debt was created amounting in all to 28757l. 11s. 3d.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Wherof there pertained to Horatio Palavicino and his brothers 16636 7 3
To Battista Spinola and Gerard Birboom 12121 4 0
28757 11 3
In December, 1580, the creditors aforesaid accounted with the Queen's commissioners, and because the debt was many months overdue, bonds were given them for the interest during the time amounting to 4616l. 13s. 1d. which was added to the principal, the debt thus amounting to 33374 4 4
Queen Elizabeth paid Horatio an annuity of 3337l. 8s. 5d., for 11 years amounting to 36,711l. 12s. 7d., but of this 789l. 14s. 2d, was received by Gerard Birboom. She also paid the same annuity (reduced to 2894l. 17s, by the repayment of 4425l. 13s. 10d. of the capital) for a year and a half amounting to 4342l. 5s. 6d. which added to the aforesaid 36711l. 12s. 7d. and the 4425l. 13s. 10d. of capital makes a total payment of 45479 11 11
The principal now due remains 28948 10 6
And besides H.M. owes 26 payments of the annuity from the last of December 1593 to the 1st July of this present year 1606, the annuity granted under the Great Seal remaining payable so long as the principal remains in the King's hands. 37633 1 0
66581 11 6
For the aforesaid debt the City of London is bound under its seal and by bonds drawn up by the best lawyers of Italy and Flanders. And shortly before his death Horatio at the instance of his brothers commenced a suit against the City at Common Law upon these bonds, and his brother Fabrizio caused some of the goods of Richard Stapers citizen of London to be arrested. And on his preparing to seize other goods in Genoa and other cities of Italy he received a letter from the Lords of the Council written in July 1600, requesting him to release the goods and promising him satisfaction at the hands of the commissioners then appointed. He accordingly desisted from these sequestrations of goods and has not renewed them, nor has he renewed the law-suit which expired with the death of Horatio.
It may appear strange that so much interest should have been paid and so large a sum should remain due: but the debt has been in existence 28 years, and the rate of interest is 10 per cent., being less than other potentates, or his Majesty's ancestors have paid. And the creditors have always pressed for repayment, being able to employ their money to better advantage elsewhere. Besides Horatio spent the best part of the sums which he received as interest on his four journeys in the Queen's service, which cost 7000l. or 8000l. Besides it is notorious that property of Horatio's was confiscated in Rome to the value of 5000l. and his brothers were deprived of theirs to the value of 10,000l. for 14 years. The Republic of Genoa, of which the Palavicini are members, has paid interest since 1523 to some English gentlemen called Widipoll, upon a deposit in the Bank of Genoa; and besides the annual interest, (with the exception of a few years during which it was added to the capital), the capital itself has increased in value from 1500l. to 10,000l., the republic has thus given 15 for 1 in 83 years, far beyond what the King would have to pay if he satisfied the whole debt.
The King has similar securities for the debts of the States General of the Netherlands and can arrest all the Flemings, but in the last agreement it was provided that the debt of the Palavicini should not be included, and the King can claim 112,062l. 3s. 5d. out of the sum which he owes.—Undated.
Copy, Italian. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 59.)
Capt. Thomas Panton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Thanking him for favours in the time of his imprisonment at Dunkirk. and for his late good report of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 60.)
James Paynton to the Same.
[? 1606.] Prays him to pardon his boldness in writing. Has served in the wars by sea and land for 16 years and lately came from the service of the Archduke. He advertises him of certain so-called English fathers and English Catholics who receive pensions from the King of Spain and land at his Majesty's ports by stealth from Antwerp. Brussels and Ghent, and the English colleges there.—Undated.
1 p. (197. 35.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Same.
[1606.] I have sent this bearer according to your appointment, and beseech you to perfect what you have so kindly begun. I know words to be a very weak requital for so great a kindness, but since I am yet "banquerout" of better means to give you satisfaction, I beseech you to take these in good part.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 62.)
Sir James Perrott to the Same.
[1606.] It has pleased his Majesty to refer unto the Lord Treasurer and your lordship the examination of my title and the consideration of some satisfaction. if any interest appear to remain by Sir John Perrott's conveyance, upon the hearing of his Majesty's counsel and mine. I pray you either to appoint some time for the hearing of this cause, or else signify your disposition to hear the same at some time when my Lord Treasurer and your lordship shall think convenient. I desire nothing more than to employ myself in his Majesty's service in Ireland, having some hope to do more acceptable service in that place than I can accomplish anywhere else.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 63.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Same.
[1606.] Beseeching him, as no great public scandal nor prejudice to the King's service has arisen from his errors, to be so good as to deliver him out of his miserable estate, and find him employment in his service either within or without the realm.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 64.)
Lewis Pickering.
[1606.] 1. His Majesty and the Lords of State require nothing in the worship of God and administration of the sacraments in the Church of England but may be proved to be lawful out of the Word of God.
2. They have good warrant out of the Word of God to deprive such ministers as refuse to conform according to the canons.
3. We discharge his Majesty of the vow which he has made that he would take away all the corruptions of the Church, and free his Majesty and the Lords of State from the blood of all those souls who are likely to perish through default of these men's labours who are and shall be deprived, desiring that their blood may be required of us and our posterity.
To these 3 articles we the Clergy of the Church of England subscribe.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Articles sett downe by Mr. Lewys Pickringe." ½ p. (119. 66.)
English Pirates.
[1606.] Copy of a memoir by the Spanish Ambassador containing allegations of piracy committed by English ships on Spanish and Portuguese vessels coming from Brazil and elsewhere, under pretext of letters of marque issued by the English government. Prays for redress of these grievances, and that magistrates and officers at the various ports may have instructions to keep a careful watch on vessels entering and leaving their waters, or attempting to discharge cargoes of merchandise illegally come by.—Undated.
French. Endorsed: "1606." 2½ pp. (119. 104.)
Sir John Poley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I have out of my desire to continue employed in that profession wherein the greatest part of my years has been spent conceived a purpose of presenting my service this spring unto my master the King of Denmark, by whose gracious means unto his brother, the Duke of Saxony, I hope to procure employment in the Emperor's wars, or in some other service. For the accomplishment of that design my chief hope relies upon that pension, which I have granted me out of the Exchequer. If by your motion I may now receive 200l. for 2 years' pension beforehand, for my better furnishing towards the undertaking of this voyage, you shall add so great an increase to the duty and service wherein I stand already deeply engaged.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 67.)
Posting Charges.
[1606.] Account of Thomas Moreton, postmaster for London, and James Netherwood, postmaster for the Court, for horses supplied for the use of the King of Denmark and his suite, amounting to 53l. 16s. 1d.—Undated.
Attested by Per Saltonstall. ½ p. (119. 161.)
Sir Stephen Procter to the Queen.
[? 1606.] Understanding by Mr. Bethell at London it was your pleasure I should attend your Highness and though I am loth to attempt it but with your good liking, yet now I am here, my humble desire is you would admit to your presence this day, for that there is some matters of good importance that yet you have not heard of, which I would impart to yourself, that may not be delayed and cannot well be committed to message or writing. For which I doubt not your Majesty will well like of my service. My former suit standing upon some good dispatch, which I hope will redound to your Majesty's good profit, I dare not often be absent from attending the same.— Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 58.)
Memorandum as to Recusants.
[? 1606 or later.]
Southt. Sir John Webb, knight.
Ebor. Cressacre Moore, esq. Habet firmam de Gybbons in Northmymes.
Lincoln Robert Tirwhitt, esq.
Leicester John Beaumont, esq.
Wilts. Katherine Gawen, widow.
Barbara Buckland, widow.
No endorsement. ½ p. (118. 2.)
Robert Redmer.
[1606.] His father was James Redmer, deputy to Mr. Fuller, one of his Majesty's seven auditors general. His mother was Margaret Adams, a gentlewoman descended of the Adamses in Buckinghamshire, who were of good rank there. James Redmer died, leaving his son Robert at the age of 12, and one daughter. After this the mother of Robert Redmer married one Fr. Fuller, who with her now dwells in Essex at his house called "Beehive" near Ilford, and has 400l. yearly in land and lease. Mr. Fuller, having no issue by his wife, held Robert for his heir, and in 1596 being sick almost to death did by his will so declare him. But the said Robert, being by the importunity of his friends drawn from Cambridge (where in Philosophy and the chief tongues he excelled all of his standing) to the study of common law, followed that hard in the Inner Temple for 5 years; at which time weary of studying against his will, he began to follow certain suits at Court, thinking that a shorter cut to preferment. But therein being crossed and betrayed, specially by a Western knight, after he had in his unheedy youth spent his stock and indebted himself 1000 marks, and been by his friends withheld from marrying a gentlewoman of great blood and extraordinary beauty, whom he had for 7 years together loved, he gave himself upon these discontentments to travel. Passing through the Low Countries and visiting learned men he came into High Germany, where weary for want of employment, and willing to put many toys out of his head with busying himself about one, he received a ring which was given him at a collation of certain German doctors and learned men in Hamburgh, upon this condition, that he should out of each art and part of Philosophy choose one question and write and dispute of them in Greek (for the Germans in their disputations do write of all the questions they propound) at the next University he should come to. The questions most whereof we had at the banquet discoursed of were those in a paper here enclosed. Meanwhile he wrote to Sir Thos. Lake his friend desiring to serve his Majesty or the Earl of Salisbury. What will become of these matters is uncertain, for at this time he is in his journey to Marpurg, one of the chief universities of Germany, where he attends Sir Thomas's answer, as being very near Frankfort and in the way to Italy.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 157.)
Enclosure in the above:—As I travelled towards Lemgau, a city of Nether Saxony, wherein the Grave of Lippe keeps his court, I overtook one on foot in habit almost like a hermit. Whereupon, taking him into my wagon and discoursing with him for some hours, I found him perfect in the Latin, Greek, French, Italian, High Dutch and Spanish tongues. Hearing I was going for Italy, and taking me for a Frenchman of the old superstition, which I occasioned him willingly in some speeches, he told me that he was a Brabander, and in like sort travelling for Italy, but was to make some stay in certain places hereabouts, and so to come to Frankfort Mart. The news he told me was this. There was a plot as mischievous and horrible as the last Powder Plot, to be performed in England about Michaelmas next following, which he knew by a certain calculation made by the same German astrologer that foretold the last plot. He proposed to visit the astrologer now in Brunswick, and at Frankfort Mart to show me the book and tell me more. Also this book has been already delivered to some princes of Germany in private. So appointing to meet at Frankfort and go together for Italy, we parted.
Now my conjecture is this, that this man was either the selfsame astrologer, or else some Italian Jesuit. If he were that astrologer, I think he fetched his cunning out of his intelligence from Brabant, or Italy, rather than out of Ptolemy's Almagest. If he were a Jesuit he may well pass here, as many others do at this time, some under colour of taking up soldiers for the Pope, some as scholars, some as hermits.—Undated.
Unsigned and unaddressed. In the handwriting of the preceding letter. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 156.)
Lady Rich and Audrey Hobart.
[1606 or later.] Sir Robert Riche has married a wife that brings unto him 2200l. per ann. in possession, and 1500l. per ann. in reversion.
The said Lady Riche (fn. 2) brought 1500l in ready money at her grandfather the Lo. Gawdie's death, and 800l. in moveables.
All this she had in present possession by her grandfather, who at his death left his grandchild in debt 7000l.
Since that the Lord Riche has received 2 rent days amounting to 2000l. and odd 100l. Of this they have delivered for the Lady Riche's use 200l.
Her said grandfather's funeral cost them between 500l. and 700l.
If the Lord Riche had maintained his son and daughter but 3 years, there needed not one foot of land to have been sold, but all the debts cleared and the young couple to have had 1000l. in their purses to begin the world. And order might have been, and yet may be done, for payment of the debts by allowing them 1000l. per annum and the rest going towards the quitting of the debt, and so her inheritance preserved.
I understand their bill preferred comes in with a pretence of 10,000l., which is most unjust, and she being under covert baron must be wrought out of her own estate, and the Court of Parliament made the means of so great a wrong, the prevention whereof properly belongs to your lordship, the patron of wards and orphans; the young lady being yet unprovided either of jointure for herself, or inheritance for her children, if her husband die before his father.
The mother of Mr. Attorney-General that now is, the daughter of Mr. Hare, was by Act of Parliament, Hen. 8, enabled to convey her lands to Sir Nich. Hare, Master of the Rolls, according to the direction of her father's will and her brother's meaning, from whom the land descended unto her; yet in Ed. 6, when she was married to Sir Ed. Warner, this was thought so injurious an act, that she had repealed the same act and recovered her lands again had not the said Sir Nich. Hare ended the matter with a large composition, and the entailing of the land upon her issue for default of heirs male of himself; whereof at this day there remains but two very old men without issue and the lands to descend to her heirs, which is Sir Henry Hubberd's [Hobart's] (fn. 3) eldest brother's son.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Sir Rob. Riche." 1 p. (119. 70.)
John Roelife to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Want hath already disfashioned me. It is the uttermost meanness I will endure where I am known, and I will not be bad or unconformable where the laws may reach me. I have therefore devised a suspectless way of sending intelligence, or if suspected, not discoverable by deciphering, fire or water, wherewith I will acquaint you in the least minute of your leisure. I know the best spirits are sooner corrupted than dejected, and know not how either better hap or worse in other countries, under God otherwise served, under other princes may alter a man's affection to his own. But rather than desperately to put myself upon chance elsewhere, I first address myself to your lordship with that persuasion wherewith my prayers flee into the bosom of God, that you can and will relieve me. Quid non audebit qui miser esse ne vult.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 71.)
Roman Catholics and the Gunpowder Plot.
[1606.] A series of articles for consideration as to how Roman Catholics in England may be cleared from suspicion of complicity in the late conspiracy. The Pope and his nuncios are to receive true information of the Plot and the judicial proceedings connected therewith, and for the removing of scandal all priests privy to the Plot, who have fled from England, are to be sought out and punished.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 155.)
Robert Rothe to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1606.] Being now dispatched and ready to go towards Ireland, I pray your lordship to write your letters unto the Earl of Ormond. who I know looks to hear from you. My Lord Butler is gone toward Bristol, and willed me to put you in mind to write unto the Earl. I also pray your letters unto the Lord Deputy to afford me his lawful favour from time to time.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 72.)
Elizabeth, Lady Russell, to the Same.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) Vouchsafe me your presence at the Star Chamber tomorrow. My matter was let the last day by the Lord Norress's, Upon a motion the Lord Chief Justice and Chief Baron are to deliver their opinion on whether the lodge appertain to the castle or to the keeper only; so to proceed for censure for end. Wherein I beseech that Dolman, justice of peace, may be punished for not housing me nor rendering the force of 2 drawn swords, 24 halberts, and as many he[ad]pieces out of the castle, mine own weapons against myself, and that he may be put out of commission. That Duke who has been the author of all this trouble to the spoil of the Lord Admiral and beggaring of me by so manifest false information may be punished, and put out of his office of the Paymaster of the Almshouse, which is in my patent, granted by the Queen before the new corporation. That James likewise may be punished for his false informations set on by the Duke to the Lord Admiral. That Belliniam may be punished for his saucy performance of his master's service with such saucy taunts to myself, saying, when I disposed myself to silence, that I came not thither to answer his questions. "Oh," saith he, "belike you think me like some of your own kin, that delight to hear themselves speak." He saith in his answer that I called him knave, which on my faith I did not, scorning to 'file my mouth with a servant who did but his duty for matter, though not in manner.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 73.)
(2) To-morrow is appointed to be the day of hearing of my cause against the Earl of Nottingham. Lord Admiral, touching Durrington, where I crave your presence; hoping that, though in the beginning you denied to deal between us, yet in that place as a judge you will censure according to justice and equity.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 74.)
Barnaby Ryche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I am now enforced to become a suitor at the Council Stool for my poor pay in Ireland, which for 10 years I have received here in England, but is now denied me by an order of his Majesty's Privy Council. I could speak of many things that might move a favourable consideration, but appeal to that privilege that has ever yet found favour, that is to say, mine age and impotency; my years being 64, and by reason of 40 and odd years' continuance in service, I am dim of sight and lame of limbs, neither do I seek anything prejudicial to his Majesty.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 69.)
Sir Christopher St. Laurence.
[1606.] An account of a robbery from Sir Christopher St. Laurence of a purse containing 50l. and a diamond worth 25l. by one John Somerfeild and nine others, under pretence of an arrest for debt.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 106.)
Monsieur de St. Victor to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Length of time must have taken me entirely out of your memory. But I, who have so much reason for recollection, cannot omit to give you the story of my great labours and calamities since 1601. when I last left England. As soon as I had arrived at Bruselles I was taken prisoner in my bed. taken to the court prison and interrogated as to whence I came. I answered that I came from England where I had been a prisoner and by the Queen's command I had left that country. Notwithstanding, on that day and the following one the justice of the court came to me saying that I was a traitorous spy of the said Queen and that my imprisonment in London was a matter of arrangement (une chose d la main) between you and me to enable me to play my part better at my ease. I said that I knew nothing of such treasons and when they saw that I would not admit what they said they gave me the ordinary and extraordinary rack with 120 pound weights on my toes and with eighty-five stretchings of the ropes. After that they lifted me on to a ladder and made me drink sixteen quarts of water. After having endured all that and being kept prisoner for half a year I was banished and ordered to leave the country within three days under pain of death, and never to return. This I was forced to do and went to the war in Hungary, where after spending some time I went into Spain with letters of the Emperor to King Philip praying him to take pity on my unjust fortunes. The King answered that he had no command in Flanders; that his father had given the country to his sister in marriage; but he would beg the Archduke to have consideration for my rights. After waiting over half a year after this answer and nothing coming of it, I put myself with the Admiral of England (who then arrived at the Court of Spain) in the service of his son-inlaw Sir Richard Lucens [Leveson] and remained in his service until his death in London. (fn. 4) Since I had been banished from my country and knew not what to do, I set myself to practise medicine and am now in the lodging of Sir Henry Lee, whose mother will present this letter to you.
I pray you, my Lord, to take pity on my misery and to speak to his Majesty that the Archduke may be written to in my favour. In recompense therefor I will make it my duty to cure your brother's gout, for which complaint and many others I believe I have as many fine secrets as anybody in England and more experience, having in Oxfort [Oxford] cured several persons who were crippled with it in all their limbs, leaving them as sound as though they had never had the complaint. The London doctors being jealous of me have tried to stop me from practising medicine any longer in London, to remedy which I would desire also your favour seeing that no one has any complaint of me but everybody praises me for the benefits they have received from me. I hope to be shortly in London and with your permission will come to kiss your hands. I am called Captain St. Victor, he, who when you were at Angers at the court of the King of France as Ambassador of the late Queen, came to kiss your hands (being then Captain for the King) and after the peace was made in France came to England. From certain false advertisements which came from Caillaz [Calais ?] you had me put in prison at Waesmonstre [Westminster], where I remained six weeks until the King of France wrote in my favour and the Sr. Edmont [Sir Thomas Edmondes], who is now Ambassador at the Archdukes, released me from prison by your orders. But though I still desired much to speak with you I was never permitted to do so.
I pray you speak in my behalf to his Majesty that he may be pleased to have the Archduke written to protesting against the great wrong done me by his ministers.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 3 pp. (119. 107.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Lord Norreys.
[1606.] I have received from your lordship a letter so full of profession of your care of my niece, your wife, of your respect to myself, and purpose to afford her all things worthy of her, as I hold it my part to take notice thereof with thanks; yet when I consider how great a contradiction there is between your private professions and those proceedings of yours whereof the world takes notice, I must no longer conceal from you how much her friends have cause to complain of her misfortune. For as there can be nothing more common than the discourse of your hatred to live with her, so is there nothing which can make the same more visible now by effect than your proceeding. Therefore, because you may no longer please yourself with thinking it sufficient for you to express kindness privately, and so set her upon the open stage of scorn and practice, I think it a better dealing for us that have interest in her, first to speak clearly what we conceive of your actions; and that done, to move you to resolve of those ways which honour and equity must challenge at your hands.
Whereas you are content to make your quarrel that she is grown so subject to fears of your intention to destroy her, your lordship has judgment enough to conclude whether she has cause or no. If there be, it is in you to amend, and not in her; if none, you shall do well to proclaim her a mad woman, or else that exception will seem to little purpose. If you will say that I have no reason to suspect your love to her, when you have professed so much to me by your letters in her behalf, you must pardon me and all her friends to receive much satisfaction by any of them, when you have left it under the same hand (much about the same day you wrote to me), that the sight of your wife was no better to you than the sight of a basilisk. If you say that those things must be secret, I must answer that whensoever Chelsey House has aught in keeping which may tend to the injury of her father's daughter, it shall want neither art nor malice to divulge it, neither need there any more to overthrow any woman's fortune than once to have it spread that her husband has left her, be the cause what it will. Therefore, as you see on our side a disposition to use plainness, so am I for my part as ready to yield to the best way of quietness, and as there is no other choice but to go on with a friendly course of separation. I am required in the name of her best friends to offer it you according to your own desire; only this is it which we must add, that we expect that you will as quietly and certainly resolve us what we shall trust to for her support, not (as we have heard) by offers of weeks' and monthly allowances in petty payments, somewhat like the form that noblemen use to pay their servants' board-wages, but in some better fashion by assuring a yearly pension, such being her birth and that addition which she has given to your fortune, as she has many friends that will expect no less than is her due in honour and reason. Thus have I thought good clearly to impart our resolution, wherein we desire you will let it be known with expedition, what you will allow her, and how it shall be assured, lest we that betrayed her to you when she was free should now be accused to neglect her when you have taken the ways to make her miserable. As for your complaint against the nurse, if she may be believed she has cause to complain of you, but therein I have nothing to do nor mean to meddle, being in my conceit too base a matter to trouble any of us both. For your child, seeing the mother is now to leave her husband, I could wish you left the child if you think good. And thus expecting to hear from you before her going to the Countess of Derby, where we intend she shall remain without your trouble, I end etc.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1606." 2½ pp. (119. 76.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the Surveyor of the Court of Wards.
[1606.] We understand there is a disposition in the now Earl of Derby and the heirs-general of Ferdinando [Stanley], late Earl of Derby, to procure an Act of Parliament of confirmation of all such agreements and awards as have past between them. For which purpose it will be requisite that some orderly draft be conceived by such as have heretofore been of counsel, or otherwise employed in these businesses; we desire you to frame such a perfect draft, containing all the particular agreements and awards, as the same may be presented to the Parliament, there to be established. We do also understand that Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Ireland are well acquainted with these causes, from whom you may receive good light of many circumstances necessary for you to know concerning this business. We wish, therefore, that you call them unto you, or any others whom you shall think fit.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 88.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Levinus Munck ?]
[? 1606.] By anything already done. I have small cause to expect much matter, and it is true that if he mean well he will not desire to come to me, for that is good for none but double spies.
If he (fn. 5) will therefore set down in writing his knowledge, I will on my credit send it him sealed, and afterwards accordingly proceed. Or if he will tell it you, I will be glad, of which two ways I leave him his own choice.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "My Lord. To be showed to W.N." 1 p. (192. 39.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to "A Scottish Lord."
[1606.] If I could change a principle from which I cannot be removed, which is, to judge other men's constancy by my own. I should be curious to prevent any impression which my long silence may have wrought in your mind, from whom I have received so many letters and returned no answer. But I will spare my labour, both because I presume that in the little experience which you have had of my nature you have found no inclination to pride or rudeness; and because I am provided of one reason which would be able to rectify your mind, if you were one that had given me the least occasion to say so much as modicae fidei quare dubitasti. The sum whereof is only this. that after I found it a labour to procure you your own, in a time of so great a dole of benefits to others, I made this resolution to myself, that I would never vex you with papers of more hopes until I saw the success; where now on the contrary, having read both that which Mr. Hay delivered me, and that which the Master of Orkeney also gave me, whereof the first contained relation of the Earl of Dunbar's kind dealing with you, and my Lord of Scone's; and the second, concerning some particular of the Earl of Orknay's, I have thought it my part to give you some account of them both. First, Sir, I will not fail to take notice to both those Lords of the obligation wherein I find myself engaged for your cause; and as concerns the Earl of Orknay, although I think you are not ignorant how improper it were for me to obtrude myself into the causes of Scotland, to which I am such a stranger, as whensoever I should delivery any censure upon particulars I should discredit my own judgment; yet I doubt not when you shall speak with the Earl your brother he will acknowledge that I have neither made dainty to profess how far you are interested in my friendship, nor yet refused in the general to yield him in his particulars any good office whensoever any just occasion offers me opportunity. For the rest, contained in that particular letter, it is spoken to one that has no idle time to speak of things superfluous, which is enough for your satisfaction in that point. Thus being sorry to hear no better of your health, nor to be able to give you greater cause to thank me, I have no more to say unto you but this, as to one whom I esteem sensible of my good or evil, that it has pleased Almighty God to bless us all with a prince of such an excellent composition for wisdom and benignity as not only in the general he has made the realm happy, but in particular by his acceptation of my endeavours and benign dispensation with my errors and weakness daily adds (if more it were possible to increase it) to the dear and humble affections of your affectionate friend.—Undated.
In hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1606. To a Scottish Lord." 3½ pp. (193. 43.)
The Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Elegiac verses addressed to the Earl of Salisbury.
Latin. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (140. 107.)
Earls and Countesses of Salisbury.
1606. A catalogue and succession of all such noble persons as have been honoured with the name and title of Earls and Countesses of Salisbury, with their marriages, issues and deaths, from the time of the Norman conquest to 1606. Collected by Rafe Brooke, York Herald of Arms.
Illuminated coats of arms. 24 pp. (223. 3.)
Sir William Sandys to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[? 1606.] In 45 Eliz. he became bound for Robert Catesby, one of the confederates in the late treason, unto Doctor Stanhoop in 800l. and Edmond Meese in 400l. Catesby's sureties were Robert Wintour, Ambrose Rackwood [Rookwood], John Graunt and Thomas Wintour. Prays that his debt may be paid out of the estates of the foregoing.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 85.)
Lord Saye and Sele to the King.
[1606.] Your Majesty was pleased to recommend a suit of mine to the College of Winton for the reversion of their parsonage of Andevor, (wherein one Venables is present tenant). The Warden shows all readiness to effect the same, and on the other side the tenant (bearing the Fellows in hand that he can and will easily work such means by friends, as by a second letter from your Majesty to revoke your former written in my behalf) has wrought them to a little present backwardness. Forasmuch as the tenant clamorously pretends equity on his side, I have offered to rest the balancing of both our causes to the wisdom of my Lord of Salisbury, whether the lineal heir of the founder, to whom by the ordinary course of law the whole lands of the College should have descended, and who hitherto has not enjoyed any part of them, shall seem to do wrong unto a Fellow both of small deservings and whose father but by marriage came to be tenant to the College, and yet since that time, partly by that and otherwise has clearly gained to the value of 3000l. at the least. The one half of which proportion of benefit if I might by your Majesty's favour reap from them, I should acknowledge myself bountifully rewarded for those poor services which I have done.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Say and Seale." 1 p. (119. 89.)
The Union with Scotland.
[1606.] Two papers:—
(1) Seeing it beseems every honest member of this House by all means to endeavour so to clear our actions, as to make them justifiable to all that would go about to calumniate our proceedings, that we refuse nothing out of any humour of opposition but out of reason, it is necessary that we be more careful in the penning of this act of abrogating hostility than in any other bill that can come in question. For although there may be just cause to forbear the repeal of laws unknown for the causes which have been delivered, yet it would be very fit that there be some words interlaced in the preface or elsewhere which declare that we conclude that there can be now no enmity between the two kingdoms, which are subject to one King. And therefore, although the putting in of this be not much material, yet the denial to put it in may be much prejudicial, and conceived that those which have it out, and refuse the general cause of repeal would have it tacitly inferred, that there were some defect in his Majesty's right to both kingdoms; I could wish that after the clause allowed of yesterday, that if they could have found more laws they would repeal them, these few words (if nothing else will be yielded) might be inserted "Seeing all which was enmity in former times between the two kingdoms and people is now taken away and turned into fraternity," a brotherly friendship as Mr. Fuller has often said in divers of his speeches. If in this either my speech or my dependency be suspected, for the first, I speak but mine own conscience, which I would not betray for all the world; and, for the second, I hope that very circumstance may secure all men. that I desire nothing more than to leave no ground for any indisposed persons to move his Majesty to conceive otherwise of our proceedings than we deserve for the great love and duty which we have ever carried and will in all our actions.—Undated.
Corrected draft. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 75.)
(2) "Ballendine's verses about the Union."
Latin. 2 pp. (140. 102.)
The Naturalization of Scots.
[? 1606.] Considerations concerning the naturalizing of Scottishmen.
The writer concludes that a Scottishman is the King's liege man in England, enjoying all personal privileges within this realm equally with the English: but not local privileges till he has acquired them; but having attained any local possession within this realm, he shall have like privileges and be in like subjection for that local possession in all respects as an Englishman.—Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Parliament; concerning naturalization." 2 pp. (193. 29.)
Lord Scrope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Thanks for having procured him leave of absence from the present sessions of Parliament with his Majesty's favour. Encloses proxy.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 91.)
Philadelpha, Lady Scrope, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] None knows better than yourself my services to my late Queen and dear mistress, and that my gain was small, considering the expectation of my place. By your directions I attended her Majesty that now is from Warwick hither, to my great charges and some pains. The rest of my fellows in that service have had satisfaction, and I only remain unrewarded. My dear mother had a pension of 200l. a year during her life out of the Exchequer; and now it has pleased God to take her, my request is I may have the same pension, if by other means that I can make to the King he refer it to your lordship and some other of the Council.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 92.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1606.] At this time being so sick, as I have not been these many years, I am hindered to solicit you touching my no less sick estate, that I might by your pains in considering the nature of my request to the King know what to trust to. I desire an answer anyway, for I would fain be gone out of this town, fearing else to leave my bones here. I will use no other argument in this hard case of mine, but that I am of the same religion you profess; I love you as truly as any friend you have, and shall not be found unwilling or unable to assist you in any your honourable enterprises.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 95.)
Sherburn House, Durham.
[1606.] Petition against the nomination of a layman to the mastership of Sherburn House, Durham, when the act of foundation requires that the master should be a minister and preacher, or a Master of Arts, and one perpetually resident there without acceptance of any other living.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 153.)
[See Calendar S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 340.]
Sir Thomas Sherley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I am so much bound to your lordship for your high favour yesterday in gracing me to his Majesty, as I want words to utter what I am bound to express in thankfulness. I understand you vouchsafe few men the honour to present them to his Majesty, and I would have waited on you with these mine humble thanks, but that I feared to be troublesome in this busy time; and I could not prolong the time of performance of this duty.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 98.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to the King.
[1606.] At the Queen's request the parsonage of St. Saviour's, Southwark, Surrey, is taken from him to bestow upon Mr. John Elpheston. It is the only prime thing that would have yielded him money towards paying his debts; for the rest of the impropriations granted him by the King prove of much less value than he expected. Begs for 200l. yearly more of impropriations, for which he will give an annual rent of 200l., according to the tenure of the King's former grant to him. Asks for this the rather because the King would have bestowed upon Elphiston 200l. yearly during his life, if he would have forborne to take St. Saviour's.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1606. Sir Thomas Sherley." ½ p. (193. 49.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 218.]
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) That honour and good hap I have by the affinity of my name to yours as an honest keeper, brought me half of a stag from his Majesty this morning; but when I came to render his Majesty thanks, it was Salisbury and not Shrewsbury to whom it was meant, but the King, hearing the keeper's mistaking, said it was well enough, for that my Lord of Salisbury uses to present merchants with the venison that he bestows on him; yet out of courtesy I send you the side, and mean to eat the other half haunch before I go out of London. To-morrow or the next day I hope to see you.—At Hampton Court, this Sunday after dinner.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 99.)
(2) God has taken to His mercy this last night my cousin, Jo. Talbott the younger, who came up to follow his father's business. He has some lands of his own purchase and has left two sons and four daughters. I beseech you stay the wardship and I will attend you so soon as I am ready, who am but new awaken.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 100.)
(3) Because you may see what excellent varieties my poor town of Sheffield can afford, my wife sends you a case of knives made there, representing the figure of Christ with His 12 apostles, which as they far exceed those made in the finest dozen of silver spoons that ever you saw, so this is my suit unto you, that you will spare so much time as to cast your eye upon them all particularly, and if by the figures they bear your learning cannot reach to distinguish them (as I confess mine did not any more than 5 or 6 of them), then if you peruse between the hafts and the blades, you may read their names. And where you may disvalue the fineness of the sheath, being but poor black leather and not of the sweetest, know that all the sheathmakers in London, yea, and in all Great Britain, cannot make the like.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 101.)
Edmund Skory to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] If his desires 7 years since had obtained the success of his Honour's service (in the belief of which he was dishonourably deluded by Sir Walter Ralegh), his hard estate had not driven him to live among the Turks, neither had he, like Job, been forsaken of his 3 friends, who promised all to comfort him in his cause, and have left him the argument of misfortune. He has none to seek unto but Salisbury, nor man to plead for him but himself. Concludes with offers of service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 93.)
Sir Thomas Smith to Mr. Calvert.
[1606.] Though my man tells me that the copy I took of the answer to the grievances was examined, yet for my more assurance I pray you procure me either the original again for a while to see a perfect examination, or, if that may not be, to let my man examine it there with you; but the first would be more convenient.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 102.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I hear since the return of my brother Arundell that he takes the marriage of his son much worse than I expected, which makes me bold to put you in mind of my request that you would use your authority with him to make peace between them.
I persuade myself your lordship affects it and I am assured it is in your power to bring it to pass. The good or ill fortune of the young man (during his father's life) depends wholly on his pleasure, and I make no doubt but little pains will bring it to a good effect.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 103.)
1606. The sum of the petition of the starchmakers, with reasons and motives of each material point of the same.
pp. (141. 289.)
Frances, Lady Stourton, to her brother-in-law, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I can but thank you for the great comfort you gave me that you would speak to the King for my brother. What favour he shall have next under God I must attribute it unto you, for otherwise I know his estate desperate. I shall never be able to requite your favour, which I acknowledge the greater because for my sake you will do your best for his releasement.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. The Lady Stourton." 1 p. (193. 52.)
Descent from Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.
[1606.] Two papers:—
(1) Notes of proceedings in the Court of Wards relating to the descent from Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and intervention of the Attorney General on behalf of the Crown as entitled to certain lands in dispute.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606. Between the Lo. Beauchamp and the Lo. Mounteagle." 1 sheet. (146. 114.)
(2) Case of Lord Morley to be tenant by courtesy to certain lands whereof the Lady Frances, one of the daughters of Charles, Duke of Suffolk, was seised.
The descent from the said Duke is set out. The Lady Frances married (1) the Marquis of Dorset by whom she had three daughters, Jane, Katherine and Mary, who all died without issue; (2) A[drian] Stokes, who was tenant by courtesy of her lands for life.
The reversion of one part went to Elizabeth, wife of Lord Morley, as cousin and heir to the said Lady Frances and daughter and heir to William, Lord Mounteagle, son to the Lady Mary, the other daughter of the said Duke, father of the said Lady Frances, mother of the said Katherine.
At the end is this note: "We take it very plain that my Lord Morley may without office or any oustre le main enter and continue his seisin." Arrented by William Towsey.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Lord Mounteagle." 2 pp. (146. 115.)
John Swynnerton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Upon your return from your instalment at Windsor I presented you with a treatise, which I called "A Christian Love Letter," and I have ever since at Court or your house in the Strand continually awaited to know your acceptance of the same. But the papists, who find themselves touched in the book, have made use of the hard success I have had in the dedicating the same unto you, reporting abroad that you rejected the book as a toy, and held me an idle fellow for making it, and would never so much as speak to me or do me any favour. I assure myself your judgment is not repugnant to the judgment of those grave and learned divines that have approved it. Tender my case and weigh the premises in an honourable consideration.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 110.)
[1606.] Memorial concerning the patterns of tapestry sent into England.
Two accounts. The first gives "the tapissiers' first demand" for the following sets of tapestry; the Triumphs of Petrarch; Story of Hannibal; Story of Jacob; Story of Julius Caesar; Labours of Hercules; and Story of the Acts of the Apostles. The second gives the "price offered by their lordships for the same."
Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (193. 53.)
Sir Arthur Throgmorton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] My so near being at the gate of the grave and the weakness the unexpected recovery has left me in have kept me from giving testimony of the comforts I received of your vouchsafing to present from me the books to his Majesty and the favourable words for me at the Council table, persuading the payment of my poor bill, which yet rests unanswered. And last, by the exceeding joy you put me in, dying, and my woeful wife (as I understood by Sir William Cooke) touching the obtaining of the wardship of my children after me. I am sorry my health does not at this time serve me to attend you. I have now sent you the picture you desired (too plain a piece to possess any place in your house), as also the old manuscripts. My sickness and absence from London make them come thus in their old coats. There are eleven of them in number, all I assure you I have; some of them are rare, witty and pithy.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 111.)
Henry Ticheborne to the Same.
[1606.] Such has been the respect your letter gained me with Sir John Ogle that he omitted no opportunity in recovery of my just pretence; which as I am only to attribute unto the dependency you allow me of, so I doubt not but you will continue the like honourable aspect towards me, which in itself is sufficient unto the bettering of my fortunes.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 113.)
Henry Timberley.
[1606.] Account of a dispute between Henry Timberley and the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen respecting the building of a house on a piece of ground within the precincts of the Tower of London, after leave obtained from Sir George Harvey, late Lieutenant of the Tower.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 3 pp. (119. 158.)
[1606.] "Instructions for your lordship to entitle the Queen to the tobacco at Apsham in Devon, being 1110 weight."
Nov. 1605, Joice Waus, owner of a ship called the Delight of Apsham, with certain merchants traded to Trinidado, and whiles they were there a stranger, who had lived 17 years by the river of Aranoco where no English ever were, (but there are 300 Spaniards there, and have builded a little town, where they make indigo, have store of bezar stones, cotton wools and hides), came unto them with the tobacco and dealt with him to freight them into England, where he would sell that tobacco and persuade divers English merchants to go with him to that river. July 8. 1606, this ship arrived at Apsham, otherwise called Topsham. He cellared the tobacco with Henry Wade, and was riding from Topsham to Exeter, but by the way was death-stricken and died without speaking. Topsham is the Queen's jointure, and her Majesty has all the admiralty, escheats, goods forfeited and royalties by grant from the King and Act of Parliament. If this man be a Christian, and in the King's protection, then the Bishop is to sequester the goods, and if no challenge be made by any in blood, to dispose them in pious uses; if out of the King's protection, then plainly are they escheated. No merchant nor mariner in the ship, nor the owner knew what he was, or whence, more than of Aranoco.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 169.)
The Tower Ditch.
[1606.] Presentment of encroachments and abuses on the bank of the Tower ditch arising from the practice of letting out parcels thereof to sundry persons, with a fine and reservation of rent.—Undated.
Signed: W. Waad locum ten. Turris; Sy. Basyll: Tho. Baldwin. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 160.)
Dr. Peter Turner to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] It is supposed by those of counsel with this gentlewoman in a controversy between her and her brother before your lordship, that if you understood the case the gentlewoman is in concerning her weakness of mind, it might move you to pity her and deal the more favourably with her, if the rigour of law should be against her. I am bold upon their earnest solicitation to certify you that she is as melancholic a creature as may be without total loss of her wits. The which to preserve in some sort has been not my smallest care these two or three years. If her belovedest child should be given from her I am in great doubt, my Lord, she would with grief fall clean besides herself, never to be recovered by any art.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 114.)
The Earl of Tyrconnell to the Same.
[1606.] I have several times written to you humbly entreating the continuance of your favour. I must crave your patience to accept my importunities, as from one wholly devoted to you. I have some few suits to prefer to his Majesty, and crave your favour to further the speedy dispatch.—Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 115.)
William Typper.
[1606.] An application by one William Typper to have power to appoint persons in every shire, to whom all commissions should be directed for taking depositions of such as are to be examined by way of commission.
Typper is to have such allowance upon every deposition taken as is now usually received in the courts from whence the commissions are awarded.
Objections to the proposal with their answers are appended.— Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (119. 112.)
The Pope and the Venetians.
[1606.] "The invaliditye of the Pope's Censure against the Venetians abstracted."
A series of propositions with arguments designed to show that the Prince of Venice does not derive his authority from the Pope.
In the handwriting of one of Sir Henry Wotton's secretaries. Endorsed: "Venice 1606." 3 pp. (119. 116.)
Frances Vernon to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Her husband had no recompense for his 42 years' service, more than his ordinary entertainment, save only the office of the victualling of Berwick garrison, taken from him by its dissolution. She prays for Salisbury's furtherance of her husband's suit for a pension of 200l., and that the pension may be granted for their two lives, as her whole estate depends on his life.
Writes as "being near allied unto her who was most dear to your lordship."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 56.)
The Conde de Villa Luenza.
1606. "A relation of the rents and goods of Don Pedro Franquesa, Conde de Villa Luenza, seized and embarged by the King in Madrill, anno 1606."
His rents 83,000 ducats a year, being lord of 7 towns in Castill and Valencia.
206 "roues" of plate wrought viz. 56 silver tables, 44 basins, 24 flagons, 37 close stools, 50 small basins, 400 plate trenchers, 50 salts, 32 chafing dishes, and all things for the kitchen service of plate.
180 cabinets of divers fashions, and one of China earth, also "purslandises" and other curious pieces, all valued at 19,000 ducats:—1 "roue" of amber green, 2 "roues" of "almisques," 16 leather jerkins rich and perfumed with amber, 500 pair of sweet gloves.
In his counting-house or oratory, the pieces of imagery, with 6 small pieces of cloth of gold, and other curious pieces wrought with gold, valued at 71,000 ducats.
The 12 signs of the year, each a quarter of a "vare" in length, the letters expressing the names of the signs being diamonds, esteemed at 36,000 ducats: it is said the King of France sent him this present.
The 7 planets made after the same manner, valued at 14,000 ducats.
The image of Pan, half a goat, one of the heathen gods, being a quarter of a "vare" in length, made also of emeralds garnished with gold, a rare piece of workmanship, valued in 12,000 ducats: it is said to come from the Emperor.
A unicorn's horn of half a "vare" in length with gold, an inestimable piece, sent him by the State of Venice.
Three cups of terra sigillata against poison, set with gold and rich stones, sent him by the Duke of Florence, with whom he had much correspondency.
Two carbuncles so great that the lapidaries affirm not to have seen the like.
A St. George made of gold and diamonds valued at 7,000 ducats.
Twelve pieces of tapestry of the 12 months, that no prince can have better; 6 pieces more of rich tapestry, 18 furnitures of beds of cloth of gold, some of them lined for the winter, 99 furnitures of beds of satin and other silks, 40 China beds perfumed with amber, 2,600 fine Holland sheets. 200 Turkey carpets, 80 long cushions of cloth of gold and velvet.
In his private house of office there was found a chest with great quantity of pearls, 100 chains and jewels of diamonds; a desk of gold set with diamonds, which was to hold his Countess's looking-glass when she dressed her head, valued in 5000 ducats, besides other 3 desks for the like purpose of silver.
The form and platform of Mount Ferratt made in crystal, which they say was sent him from the signory of Venice.
Three boxes of bezar stones.
The provision of his buttery valued at 1,700 ducats.
Conserves of Genoa and other sweetmeats, 225 "roues," besides great quantity of sugar and spices.
30 "jennetts" and great horse.
12 coach horses.
6 mules.
4 handcoaches for his Countess.
4 wagons.
2 coaches.
In his counting-house in pistolets and other gold, 53,000 ducats, in silver, 24,000 ducats, besides quantity he sent into Aragon. All his substance amounts to 8 million ducats. This man has risen and purchased all this within 8 years, being then but an ordinary "Escriuano," and married a tailor's daughter, which is his Countess.
It is reported that the first ground of his apprehending was that the King and Queen would needs play at cards, and called for 2000 ducats for each, and there was no money to be had. Whereupon he went to his house and returning presently presented 4000 ducats to the King and as much to the Queen in gold, and thereupon made question that his coffers should be poorly furnished as not to afford 4000 ducats and the Conde to be able to lend him money. Also the marrying of his son with a noble woman and giving with him 30,000 ducats a year, as also his taking of bribes very notorious.
2 pp. (119. 117 bis.)
Virginia and the Indies.
[1606.] It seems by the journal of the treaty, that the adventurers into any parts of the Indias should be left unto the peril which they incur thereby. Hereupon grows this question, what is to be done with the mariners that are taken in Spain (being 18 or 20 in number) as they were going from the West parts of England to a discovery into Virginia; and what course is to be taken with the Spanish ship driven into Bordeaux, which was a principal actor in taking the English ship. First it must be considered, that although it is disputable whether Virginia be part of the Indias, though situate upon the same continent of the West Indies; yet for avoiding of the occasion whereby to call into the general question of the Indias and our trading thereinto, it might be better to leave these prisoners to their fortune than by bringing it in question to stir up some greater inconveniences. Secondly, if it be alleged that they went but to a place formerly discovered by us, and never possessed by Spain, this allegation alters only the form of the question, whether we may trade into any parts of the Indias not possessed by Spain, which point was then at the handling of the treaty directly denied by the Spanish commissioners. All which considered, it may be more aptly stood upon that the prisoners having not yet offended (unless it be an offence to be in those seas which by the law of nations ought to be free quoad narigationem), but were only going towards a place yet disputable; whether it be allowed or not by the treaty, howsoever it may not seem unjust to have diverted them from their journeys, yet it seems to be unjust so rigorously to punish them for it, as to commit their bodies to prison, and take away their goods. Wherefore it may be concluded that his Majesty may write in their favour to the King of Spain, or to his Ambassador there, and may give order to his Ambassador in France to demand justice against the Spanish ship at Bordeaux, that took and robbed our men at sea, as pirates do.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (119. 149.)
Baron Vitry to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Praying his acceptance of some tobacco better than that used in England, and 100 eating pears—Undated.
Signed. French. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 118.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) The Earl of Northumberland desired me late yesternight to send these letters, in which there is one to his Majesty. He makes a further request that one Woodcocke, a kind of drudge, may be admitted to attend here on Mr. Elkes, in place as Ogle should have done, wherein it may please you to give direction.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 119.)
(2) I understand by Mrs. Vaulx that Richard Fulwood was with Garnett at Coughton and also at Henlye about the time Sir Henry Bromley came thither; so as by these circumstances and Garnett's late words, and inquiry of him before of Mrs. Vaulx by his keeper, and that I have formerly known of him, I persuade myself, besides Jesmond and Jerrat. there is no man able to discover more than he. Carey can easily deliver the means how he may be taken, which importing so much I could wish all endeavour were used therein.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 120.)
— Webb to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1606.] At my being in France the last year I spent my spare time in the judicial consideration of the difference betwixt their drapery and ours, as also to find out why our fine drapery was utterly rejected in those eastern parts of France; which when I had well weighed, I found it to be only the want of judgment in our merchants to cause such cloth to be made as they required, or else the want of judicial clothiers to make such things as the merchants directed. I then entered into consideration how I might recover the decay of that our fine drapery in those parts, and having sent to Paris 40 pieces of sundry sorts, they were all well accepted, and presently sold beyond my hope; which good success enforces me to devise by all means how to bring so worthy a work speedily to good effect. Although it were most needful to require some help from the State to set me forwards the better, I fear it would be unpleasant to require any moneys out of his Majesty's coffers, but crave that you will obtain from his Majesty that all the cloths I shall make for this purpose and adventure into France may pass custom-free for the space of seven years, which will be most honourable to the State and beneficial to many hundreds of poor people.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Webb for the ventring of fyne cloth in to France." 1 p. (119. 122.)
Capt. E. Whitlock to the Same.
[1606.] When I was last with your lordship to give thanks for your many favours, I understood by a word cast out the errors I came into unawares; and made no excuse for my ignorance, because I saw the time unfit. For the fault I have committed in that kind, had I not been borne in hand with many protestations that my endeavours for that party stood with your great good liking, I should not have taken to myself more liberty than other men; but since I perceive I was abused, I am well warned for any more offending. Favour my request for the Tower, because now my Lord of Northumberland is settling his estate and giving order for all his dependents, where my presence is necessarily required. My admittance will assuredly help my fortune, my absence peradventure may lose it.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 123.)
Sir Charles Wilmot to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Being often by letters entreated from my Lord Norreys to this suit (which now himself has imparted to you), many denials of my part to deal in so tender a matter (especially where your lordship is interested) have drawn upon me almost his unkindness. But since his last request comes but to deliver a letter, to discharge myself in somewhat to him I have taken upon me this adventure, wherein I beseech you I may not be held as a meddler but as a servant to my friend whose mind I find desperately troubled and fit for comfort. With this sorrowful difference I had no acquaintance till my Lord's last being in town, and any further than may witness a servant to my Lady as much as to him, only he sometimes honours me with his company; which I cannot but respect, both for the ancient honour I have borne his name, and in that he acknowledges me his kinsman. I crave your answer, which I will either attend myself, or receive by Mr. Lavinus your servant.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 133.)
Thomas Wilson.
[? 1606.] Expenses of Thomas Wilson in his Majesty's service, being sent into Worcestershire and other counties, April 1 to 16.
Expenses of himself, servants and horses, 16 days at 12s. 9l. 12s. Horse hire 3l. Charges and rewards for such as did service in travelling and watching about houses for the apprehension of certain persons 2l. Sum 14l. 12s.
He was sent a good while since to fetch up the Count Palatine's Ambassador and the traitor Dowglas, and other services about that matter, for which he never required allowance, until now that it might be conjoined with some other sum, in which service he spent 20s.—Undated.
In Wilson's hand. 1 p. (130. 184.)
[Thomas Wilson] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1606.] This morning came to me Garter King at Arms and told me that Sir W. Dethicke, being to receive his annuity of 200l. in consideration of surrendering his office, was demanded to surrender his old patent. He answered that he had it not, but that your lordship had it, it being taken from him (as Garter says) by my late Lord Treasurer for some former fault committed; and yet was suffered to exercise the office (as it seems but durante bene placito) by a duplicate. Tis true that I have his patent, but I would not tell Garter that until I knew your pleasure. I advertise you before his new patent be sealed for if his patent were taken from him for just cause, he had little reason to be so peremptory as he was in his petitions to the King, and as small cause had the King to be charged with 200l. a year for one that shall do him no service, if it could be avoided.
At my being in Hertfordshire on Monday last I was told of a farm which was to be let. which I was willing to see for my wife's younger brother, Henry Mewtys. It fell out to be your land, wherein one Coe dwells, near Sir Henry Cock. Coe, carrying me into his cellar, showed me a great number of pipes of lead which he has digged out of your ground, which were the aqueductus of that ancient huge house, the value of 40l. or 50l. at least, which he makes account to convert to his own use, and would not doubtless have showed them to me if he had thought I had been your servant. He digs up also the "rudera" and old foundation, purposing to sell them, all which I take to belong to you.
In this journey also riding to my brother's at St. Albans I understood there was commission come out of the Exchequer to Sir Vincent Skinner, Sir Thomas Dacres, my cousin Amis, and to myself (as being one of those that was first employed in that business) to sell the goods that were Garnett's at White Webbs. Thither I rode for an hour or two, and saw the chief things conveyed away, which were there when we first searched the house; and the remnant of small value was quickly bought up by the neighbours. Watson that owns the house had of late let it to a Londoner, but now will not let him have it, because he purposes (as the report goes) to let it again to Mrs. Vaux, which kept before by the name of Mrs. Perkins, when she comes out of the Tower. This I tell you because it is next neighbour to Theobalds, and unfit it should be again a nest for such bad birds as it was before.
These are things out of the compass of my service, yet coming to my knowledge I think it my duty to let you know them.— Undated.
In Wilson's hand, unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Wilson's journey in Hertfordshire." 1½ pp. (193. 57.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester, to her uncle, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) My Lord having received a letter from the Privy Council for his repair and mine unto the Court with expedition, I am in his behalf to be a mediator to you that his attendance may be pardoned, in regard of his present health, which is imperfect. For my attendance, I shall in all duty be ready as speedily as I may.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 124.)
(2) On behalf of the bearer Sir John Browne, whose son desires to enter Salisbury's service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 59.)
Sir William Windsor to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Three letters:—
(1) Since my last attendance on you according to your command, I have ever since been remaining at one of the two places I was confined unto, not being by that restraint able to follow otherwhere any affairs of my own; which has been much prejudice to me. I beseech your leave to come up this term to London, where I may seek to prevent the extreme misery is like to fall upon me, and that you will favour me to address myself to you, in whose good opinion I desire to live.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 125.)
(2) Disclaiming all complicity in the [Gunpowder] Plot, and asking help to pay his debts and relieve his desperate condition.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 126.)
(3) To the same effect as the preceding.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 127.)
Sir Robert Wingfield to Sir Morryce Bartley and Sir Herbert Craftes.
[1606.] I am very willing to give you meeting this afternoon about the intended business, to effect which I am very desirous. But yet I desire the place to be altered and that we might meet in the Exchequer in the private place there, because the great bill of the Fens is dealt withal in the Exchequer Chamber, where I must of necessity be.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Sr. Robert Wyngfeild to Sr. Maur. Berkley and Sir Herbert Crofts." ¼ p. (118. 110.)
Sir Robert Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] I am sorry that your Honours of the Higher House did take such an exception of our message, sent by Sir Edward Hoby, who out of abundance of wit, speaking many things pleasantly, might for this have been pardoned. It is taken diversely of our House, for some think that the exception is over curious, considering the placing of the words "Barons" in the lowest place might have assured you that he meant the Barons of the Cinque Ports, for he left out of what places they all were; for if he had said knights of shires, citizens of cities, burgesses of boroughs, he would surely have said Barons of the Cinque Ports. But I hope your Honours will stay this matter. As for the word "Court" to which there is exception taken, it is confidently denied by Sir Edward Hoby, and that he used the words "of Common House of Parliament." But we think you should deal very nobly with us, to propound some cautions and reservations to be inserted into the Act, if we agree to a general naturalization of the ante-nati, as well as of the post-nati of Scotland.
Whatsoever is informed the King, I freely confess that our House is fully bent to give contentment to him, by taking away the hostile laws, by admitting of commerce, and naturalizing, with reservation of some needful conditions and these but for a time. Therefore, be you a means, to move that we may leave off contending about words, and lend ourselves wholly to the matter for which we are come. I beseech you send me the note I delivered you in your passage to the Parliament House, for I promised to my friend that lent it to deliver it again. For the matter of law whereof we have already conferred, I think the greater opinion of our House is to have it quit of all sides, and no more to be spoken on. There is a business also in our House of the King's displeasure towards us, and of the dissolving of the Parliament, but I hope it is not true, for I know that the bent of the House is to give the King satisfaction, being impossible that so great a matter can be concluded without difficulty and hardness.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 131.)
Mary, Lady Wingfield, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] It pleased you to bestow of me the wardship of my son, for the relief of me and mine, whose unfortunate matching where there was nothing to be had, and altogether without my knowledge, deprived me of that benefit and turned altogether to my loss; so as my estate, being weak before, is now nothing in regard to my charge. I hear that Sir William Stafford lies very weak, not likely to recover. My petition is for the wardship of his son, when he falls. What he may be worth I know not, but I am told not much, the living being not above 900l. a year to be divided between the two brothers, Sir William and Humphrey Stafford; but be it but 200l. or 300l. as much to me as 3000l. to some others. I have none to be my mediator but these barren lines, but expect your favourable answer by this poor "healgore," my second son.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 132.)
Roger Witherington to Sir Henry Witherington. (fn. 6)
[1606 or later.] To relate all circumstances of the usage and pride of Sir Wilfred Lawson and Sir William Selbie at this gaol delivery should be tedious and frivolous, only so much as concerns yourself and friends. Their course is high against you and their heat great, if they should get any fuel to their fire. They have been inquiring after all occasions that might give a colour to their intentions. The matters thus far framed have been these. First, that to the cross of their designs and the hindering of justice the withdrawing your friends for effecting any service; second, for your behaviour in that trust committed to you by the Council, that it was no ways commendable especially concerning Davison, who for the gold he had from the traitor his late master has found more liberty at your hands than was befitting; thirdly, concerning myself who by reason of the late reconcilement between our forces and friends reunited are so great, that if you should party my actions you might prove very dangerous, so that they would have you curbed and looked unto, and me withdrawn from you. Much of this is in hand. Whether they will be so blinded with spite or catch upon so silly ground, you shall sooner perceive there than I learn here. Thus much concerning yourself. For the country there were very few called who did not appear within your charge, so they shall have no occasion that way for the present, but for the future their intention is this; upon some apprehension of fear, for they expect extremities, they are hot in hand with their first intention of disarming the countries. They mean to prosecute all old matters, yea of 12, nay of 20 years old, whereby they will run you into one of these extremes, either to bring them in and so weaken you by being the author of your friends' overthrow, or else if they keep out to run you in contempt and dislike both of my Lord and the State. They have been too forward with Will of Heppell to deliver Robin Lawson to be tried for the murder of Roger Smith (fn. 7), in which as in much else privately John Brown is their open instrument. I caused him make refusal, alleging that he was committed by his master who only knew for what. It might for him concern the State in greater matters than an old slaughter long since agreed for and now upon spleen revived. They would not take that answer but have given the Sheriff a warrant to fetch him. Sir Robert Delaval commanded the Sheriff he should not take him unless Will Hall would deliver him, but the two grand commissioners Sir Wilfrid and Sir William commanded him to take him whether he will or not. They have hanged Jock of the Shucks upon mere spleen. Edward Graye will not set his hand to the Calendar unless Jock were left out and reprieved as before. Sir Robert Delaval promised the like, but has unhonestly broken. They will certify against Edward Graye for it and so they told him. He answered the desert of the man was cause of his first reprieval, the same desert remaining and no new cause given he would not alter his opinion. There were over eighteen hanged, amongst which were the Davisons, only Michael Davison and Fergus Grame of the Wall were reprieved. Cuthbert and Will Charlton are hanged and John fled. There was one of the Armstrongs of St. Margaret's which disgraced Sir William much after his condemnation, and told him he looked more like a hangman than a judge, and that his place should have been at the bar with him and not on the bench, for he was but condemned for a felony and he had been a bloody murderer and unfit to try other men's lives. None known to belong to us were used in any juries. The jury returned over night by the Sheriff adjourned to the next morning, was taken out of the court by Sir William Selby and another called, yet for want of jurors they were forced to send to the town, yet if any of our name appeared Sir William Selbie only rejected them. I have been very tedious in opening the sore, therefore brief for the salve. There is no way for the general, except a general pardon for all matters before his Majesty's reign except murder, which must be either by Parliament or some direction from the Council to stay the commissioners in such. The ground to have this granted is that most men having formerly offended and seeing death before their eyes, it breeds despair, and is rather a way to revive old troubles than make new quiet. For particular if you could be put in commission after your last service here, your ground for it must be this; that in respect of your forwardness you have heaped upon your head the dislike of my Lord of Northumberland and of them that belong to him, especially Sir Wilfrid Lawson, his chiefest follower and officer in Cumberland, and Sir Robert Delaval who through expectancy of having his son my Lord's servant his office here at Alnwick laboured by all means to please my Lord of Northumberland. But these reasons are rather to be used in private. I have written to my Lord W. Burn my letter lest you lose it out of your pocket.— Undated.
Copy. 2 pp. (91. 17.)
Jo. Wodenothe's Report.
[1606.] Two papers:—
(1) A long account of conversation which passed between the deponent and a supposed adherent of Sir Walter Ralegh's in the Star Chamber at the Earl of Northumberland's trial, as to the justice of legal proceedings in England.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. closely written. (119. 151.)
(2) Attestation by John Walter, servant to the Licutenant of the Tower, of what passed between Mr. Wodenothe and Talbot, as above.
Signed. ½ p. (119. 152.)
Woollen Cloths.
[? 1606.] "An Acte made touching the transporting of certen wollen clothes beyond the sea called vesses, rahes, sailing clothes, pack clothes or sortinge clothes made in Summersetshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire. Oxfordshire, or elsewhere of like makinge."
7 pp. (139. 300.)
The Bishop of Worcester to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Because my time was so short at Greenwich with you, by reason of that accident that fell out, I signify that to many former favours vouchsafed me at my petition by letter last summer you made stay at the Privy Seal of a charter sought by my neighbours of Worcester, very injuriously encroaching upon both the liberties of the bishopric and Dean and Chapter. Ever since we have expected their either relinquishing of such course, or their calling us before you to show our reasons of dislike. But all this Parliament time they have not done anything, but some of them have said that at my coming down they would repair to me about it. What they will do I know not, but I entreat you to make stay until they call us to show our reasons, which we shall ever be ready to do. This gentleman, Mr. Dr. Amy my Chanc[ellor] at Worcester, will return me your pleasure.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (193. 58.)
Lord Wotton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606.] Two letters:—
(1) This bearer, Lewis Vaughan, brought me out of Spain those letters I showed you. He says he can do service and offers himself to your lordship. Talk with him, and as you shall judge him sufficient or not, so resolve.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 134.)
(2) I have delivered the Count Vaudemont into the hands of my Lord of Arundell. This only to your lordship—in his company there is a knight of Malta that has brought letters from the Great Master of that Order, and from the D[uke] of Lorayn to his Majesty, for restitution of such lands as belonged to that Order. One of their chief reasons is this that no prince or state in Christendom whatsoever (though contrary in religion) has detained either their lands or rents from them. Hereof I advise you, that his Majesty might be provided of an answer.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 135.)
Thomas Yonge to the Same.
[1606.] I have been this six years towards your lordship and, as your chiefest officers know, have at all times attended as diligently as any except those about your own person. I have a suit unto Sir Thomas Ridgeway, moved by sundry of my good friends, for the receivership of his Majesty's rents in Munster, where I have some money owing me. It is in a manner granted me and would be presently effected would you vouchsafe one favourable word in my behalf.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 136.)
— to [the Same].
[? 1606.] Since the writing of this letter I am given to understand that the company at London have written unto their adherents here, forbidding them to lend me any money to defray my charges, so that I cannot get 10l. amongst them all upon the assurance of the King's pension towards me. Consider whether this be thankful dealing, whereas by my assistance they are defended from making restitution to the King for defrauds done in his custom, which he values at 40,000l., and have likewise against the strong practising of the city of Danske maintained their residence here, which appears prejudicial to both estates. Therefore I will meddle no more in their affairs until more advice from your lordship; mean space I beseech you to think upon their ingratitude.—Undated.
A fragment. (119. 141.)
[1606.] Keys to be delivered to the Earl of S. Commrs. Er. Salab.: L. Deary(?): Sir H. Cock: Sir R. Wroth: Sr. John Brett: Mr. of the Horse. Gwerry. L. Chamb. Way maker. Mr. of the Hawks. Sandy. Flynt. 3 keepers.
Notes in Salisbury's hand. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (119. 165.)
Sir Robert Bassett to the King.
[? 1605–6], Jan. 20/30. Being in hope that his submission and great afflictions had qualified the King's heavy displeasure, he is advertised that at the suit of certain French merchants, to whom he became bound, a proclamation of fugitive is granted against him, requiring him to return home. He hopes the King will accept his apology, and not prosecute his heavy indignation upon him. Beseeches that his wife and children may not be suffered to perish at the suits of merciless people, which is like to come to pass, as it was impossible for him to return so speedily as the proclamation required. The weather is so unseasonable, and he so weakened by sickness and long affliction, that he could not pass the mountains without danger to his life. As soon as he is able, he will move to Brussels, where he prays he may safely remain under the protection of the Ambassador till his debts are satisfied. Congratulates the high wisdom of the King in the discovery of "that horrible treason," the very news whereof not only made "us Britons here" to quake, but astonished also this whole city.—Rome, 30 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (115. 84.)
[See above p. 37 and cf. Cal, S.P.D., 1603–1610, p. 301.]


  • 1. Some of these, e.g., The Dreame of the pillgrimage of the Soule, are still at Hatfield.
  • 2. Frances, who had married in Feb. 1604–5 as his first wife, Sir Robert Rich, was heiress through her mother of her grandfather Sir Francis Gawdy, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, who died in or about June 1606.
  • 3. The mother of Sir Henry Hobart, appointed Attorney General, 4 July 1606, was Audrey, daughter of William Hare, who married Thomas Hobart.
  • 4. Sir Richard Leveson died in July, 1605.
  • 5. Perhaps referring to "W.N." or "N.W." the spy: see his letters 23 March 1606 and following dates.
  • 6. This is possibly the letter referred to in Lord Sheffield's letter of 30 Oct. (See p. 333 supra.)
  • 7. He was murdered in or before Jan. 1605–6. (See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 286.)