Cecil Papers: November 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp337-355 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp337-355.

"Cecil Papers: November 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp337-355.

November 1606

Serjeant John Hele to the Same.
1606, Nov. 1. By a statute and letters patent, 11 Edw. III, the Duchy of Cornwall and all lands annexed to the same were to go to the King's eldest son for the time being. Since that time by a statute the same Duchy and lands were given to the King and his heirs for ever, whereby all grants by the late Queen Elizabeth are good. This as I conceive is a matter secret and as yet unknown to the learned counsel of the King or Prince or any other except this bearer, who can show your lordship the same Act of Parliament. I have forborne to plead or publish this matter to the hazard of the loss of mine own land, and do mind to prefer a petition and information to his Majesty thereof, which this bearer can show you. I protest I have chosen and make you first and only acquainted with it.—"From Serjentes Inn this first of November, 1606."
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (118. 38.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 1. Begs for some consideration for his service. He has hitherto in the opinion of his country endured much disgrace, especially being so hardly sifted by this last commission for the restitution of Winter's goods, which were given to men of no desert, who are to deal with him as if he were the meanest and basest man in his country. He never meant to defraud his Majesty in any way. Begs that his charges in his Majesty's service may be allowed.—Sheldsley, 1 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 145.)
Lord Haryngton to the Same.
1606, Nov. 5. Has sent the bearer, his servant, to attend the Lord Treasurer for receipt of the money due to him out of the Exchequer for the two half years last past. Is, by order of the King's privy seal, to have his bill signed by six of the Council, Lord Salisbury being one of the quorum. Entreats the like favour in the perusal and signing of his bills as he has heretofore received.—Coombe, 5 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 40.)
Mildred, Lady Maxey, to the Same.
1606, Nov. 5. The same reasons which moved your lordship to favour us the last year continue still in force and rather more powerful than before. I am forced now to make this humble petition in the behalf of Mr. Maxey, my husband, who now again (I know not by whose procurement) stands in hazard to be chosen sheriff of the shire, many others of more ability and far fitter for the place being left out of the bill. My intention is not to have him still exempted from the choice but only that he may be spared at least for this year, being altogether unprovided for it. After which respite he will be ready in this or any other employment to show the zeal he carries to his Majesty's service.—From my poor house at Bradwell, 5 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606. Lady Maxey to my Lord that her husband may be spared from being Sheriff in Essex." 1 p. (118. 41.)
James Hyll to the Same.
1606, Nov. 6. There has appeared since the five years of this my wearied and straight imprisonment some discontents of your Honour's towards me, whereby it might give the occasion that my most renowned and famous King has not in all this time wrote unto the King of Pouland in my behalf for my releasement, which he and the senators did nothing less expect. If you be offended with me in suspicions, the world wrongs me greatly and I, guiltless, crave pardon. And if your Honour has been informed by my ill-willers I know your wisdom to be so great that you should not lightly be drawn to believe the same. I have always lived in that hope through your favours to have proceeded the further in causes of honour. Since the time of my last being in England may I "relent" my sorrows anent my friends with our old father Job, yet knowing no end thereof must with patience draw the cross of the Lord. And amongst many thousands of my miseries it has pleased the Lord to raise me friends amongst my enemies, especially after the old Chancellor's death. Now [it is] the Palatine of Maryngburge who labours for my releasement. And in these my solitary miseries I endeavoured my studies with great industry in searching out of all kinds of histories some piece of work worthy to present to my country; but being laden with sickness and this wearied imprisonment could not effect the same as yet to my desire. I wish myself no more happy as to live so long to see my gracious King. I beseech you to salute Sir Edward Cocke, my most loving cousin, as also Sir Richard Lea, Doctor Parkynes and many others of your friends and well-wishers, as also to remain my gracious lord; promising by the faith of a soldier in whatsoever I am able after my releasements to serve you and omit no labours.—From the Castell of Maringburg in Prusen, 6 Nov., 1606.
PS.—This Justice of Assize here in Pouland has struck herself upon the sands and is crazed. Nine days after Christmas is a Parliament convented, and what is not effected then to be fully concluded. Betwixt the Palatine of Cracowe and the great Marshal is great enmity. The Marshal in his letters calls him openly for a liar, so that it is to be expected coals to kindle. The rumour is for certain that Demeterius the great "Muskowyter" lives. There be prisons of Poules [Poles] in Musko, of ladies 60, of noblemen 100.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "from Polonia." 1 p. (118. 42.)
Sir Gamaliel Capell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 6. Is in the book of sheriffs for the county of Essex. Being both unprovided and in debt, prays to be spared this year.—Rookwood Hall, 6 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (118. 43.)
The Bishop of Durham to the Same.
1606, Nov. 6. My purpose was to have attended his Majesty the first day of this session of Parliament. But his Majesty's services in these parts and some of my own enforce me to be a suitor that my absence for some few days at the beginning of this session may not be grievously imputed to me, purposing, in the best means that my tenuity can, speedily to make amends. —From Duresme, 6 Nov., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (118. 44.)
1606, Nov. 7. For Wales—A note of instructions that are wanting and desired by the judges, viz.:—
Earl Rivers and John, Bishop of Worcester, William Smyth, B. of Lincoln, Geoffrey Blith, B. of Coventry and Lichfield, Richard Sampson ditto, John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, Sir William Herbert, knight of the noble order, Nicholas Heath, B. of Worcester, William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Gilbert Bourne, B. of Bath and Wells, Sir John Williams, Lord Williams of Thame. This last instruction (save one) of 6 Mary, as it seems by some records under Mr. Packer's custody, was sent to the Lo. Treasurer that now is.—7 Nov., 1606.
1 p. (119. 166.)
Sir Oliver Cromwell and John Holland.
1606, Nov. 7. Warrant by the King, granting to Sir Oliver Cromwell lands to the value of 250l. yearly; and to John Holland lands of 50l. yearly.—Westminster. 7 Nov., 1606.
Signed by the King. Seal. 1 m. (219. 1.)
The Earl of Derby to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 9. I have received your lordship's letter, whereby I perceive your kindness towards me in procuring my stay at home, for the which I am to thank you and the rather because I have not had my health of late. For my voice in Parliament I entreat you to deliver it for me in my absence, as in your wisdom you shall think meet.—Lathome, 9 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 45.)
Postal endorsement:—"Chester this 11th of November at 12 of the clock. Jo. Frauncis, post at Chester."
Sir Edward Conway to the Same.
1606, Nov. 9. I know your Honour has most particular knowledge of all things that pass here. I know you have cast your eyes already upon the carriage of this multitude in their variations this year; how, upon the losses they received, they scandalised their general and the best sort murmured and all feared and despaired to the uttermost. Upon the mutiny of the enemy his Excellency keeping the field, beating a small convoy and the rendition of a little nest, the people called that providence foresight, courage reserved to the best times and purposes, which before they had called sloth, fear and worse if it be possible in a chief, and then hoped more boundlessly than they feared before. They had ground for their fear, little for their hopes which now again grow cold in all, it being received for truth that the West India Fleet is safely arrived in Spain, Grolle is relieved and the States' army in garrison and the people at their former vows and prayers. France aids them with money, and they have a confidence that both England and France or one of them would declare themselves on their party rather than behold their ruin; which God forbid, for truly they are a worthy industrious people and many virtuous men of them. But for the interest our State has in it, I wish them best. You know their power and possibility better than they do, and so long as they have your judgment and care for them, which watches also in them for our State, they will do the better.—Brill, 9 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (118. 46.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Nov. 10. That which I feared in my last falls out too truly with me that I should not by reason of my lameness be able to attend this Parliament. I continue so lame that I cannot well go without carriage and I have forborne to write for leave to stay till I might better recover my strength, because I was marvellous desirous to have come up and still hoped of recovery, but my expectation is utterly frustrate. Therefore I pray you make the King acquainted therewith and procure me his gracious allowance for my stay till it please God to make me better able to attend him.—Normanbie, 10 Nov.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 47.)
The Earl of Bath to the Same.
1606, Nov. 10. My desire was now at the conclusion of the Union to have given my attendance on his Majesty's person. But the season of the year with the length of my journey and shortness of the Parliament (by report) considered, I presume once more to become a suitor to you to procure his Majesty's leave for me to be absent for this one time only and to remain here in my country. With many thanks for your manifold kindnesses towards me, as also for your late favour in the defence of my poor reputation about an unjust complaint by one Chamberlain to the French Ambassador.—Towstocke, 10 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Seal broken. ½ p. (118. 48.)
R. Morrall to the Same.
1606, Nov. 11. My Lord Cranborne for bodily health was never better since ever I knew him, and for going to his book I find that as his lordship grows in years, so his love of learning and liking of his book daily increase. Every Saturday in the afternoon with your good leave and liking, as he tells me, and I have no cause to suspect him to tell me an untruth, because I never yet found him faulty in that kind, his lordship rides to Chesterford Park to see the young ladies and returns again upon Monday morning, if the weather will give him leave, without failing. He was of late with his Majesty at Royston, being carried thither by my Lords of Pembroke and Mungumbry [Montgomery] who undertook to be my warrant to you for that journey.—"From St. Jhon's Coll: in Camb.," 11 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (118. 49.)
The Bailiffs and Town of Colchester to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 11. By reason of divers statutes made concerning the making of woollen cloths, the clothiers of this town cannot by any possible means make them without forfeiture. Many, although sufficiently made, have been seized and forfeited to the great loss and hindrance of many clothiers within this town and elsewhere. At the last Parliament the clothiers here and of other towns laboured to have had the same in some part repealed, and obtained so far as that (as they say) their petition and bill was allowed in the Lower House but rejected in the Higher. Most humbly entreat your furtherance in their behalf for the passing of their bill at this Parliament, for if the same statutes still remain in force they should be urged to give over their trade, as some already have done, which would very much impoverish this corporation and many poor people and in the country about us thereby much distressed and unrelieved.— From Colchester, 11 Nov., 1606.
Signed: John Bird and Ralphe Northaye, bailiffs; Marten Bessell, Tho. Haselwood, Henry Osborne, Willm. Turner, Thomas Heckford, Nicholas Clere, Richard Symnell and Robte. Wade, aldermen. Seal. ¾ p. (118. 50.)
The Bishop of Carlisle and Sir Wilfred Lawson to the Same.
1606, Nov. 11. Your letters of November 2 we have received and imparted to our associates in Northumberland, with whom we have appointed a meeting the 17th instant, that we may give you the speedier satisfaction in those special directions which we have now received.
Two of the Graymes, who were transported into Ireland, are lately returned. The one we have already apprehended and imprisoned and purpose at our next gaol-delivery to bring him to trial (and as many more as we can get of them, unless we receive direction to the contrary from your lordship), being one who formerly fled from the Cautionary Towns since the time of his Majesty's gracious pardon by Parliament. We well assure ourselves that if his life be not taken away by justice, it will prove a dangerous precedent for others to follow.
We hear sundry rumours that many of the most offensive persons of them are already landed in Scotland, but we know no certainty thereof. The cause of their sudden return, this Grame now in prison imputes to Sir Raufe Sidley and says they can get none of the money which was delivered him for their relief. We humbly beseech you to examine Sir Raufe at his being at the Court, what present course he has taken for their satisfaction and with whom he left them in charge in his absence. If he suffer them to wander without limitation, we may justly fear that before his return, his number will be small at RoseComon.—Rose Castel, 11 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Seal (broken) of the Bishop. ½ p. (118. 51.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 12. I trust you will be yonder anon where I will be ready to attend you and the rest of the Commissioners. In the meantime I send you some few reasons for the fortifying of my suit, which I beseech you to peruse at your leisure. I have great trust in your favour, if you see that the cause will bear it, that at the least I shall not be overborne by power, if any will seek willingly to cross me. And I assure myself that some will expect how they see you affected and accordingly carry themselves.—At Baniards Castle, 12 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (118. 52.)
Lord Eure to the Same.
1606, Nov. 13. Is forced contrary to his desire to require absence from this Parliament, where he hopes and prays that the good work begun of Union shall receive a happy conclusion. Is visited with two painful diseases, the stone and sciatica, by which griefs he is unable to endure journey or attendance when he has some ease. Prays Salisbury to obtain the King's favour in his behalf to be released of his attendance for this session, and that the Lords in the Parliament will admit of his proxy to the Earl of Salisbury.—Malton, 13 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (118. 53.)
Lord Carew to the Same.
[1606, Nov. 13.] The bearer, being made believe I had idle money to bestow in trifles, brought me divers rare things curiously wrought. Though I admired the workmanship, yet my purse is not so imposthumed but I thought it better to let them alone. It may be you will like them, therefore I have sent them to you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "13 Nov., 1606." ½ p. (192. 146,)
Captain Mewtys to the Same.
[1606], Nov. 14. Understanding by some of my friends that your Honour is much offended with me about a difference betwixt Sir John Wentworth and myself, it much troubles me to think I should be so unfortunate to give you the least dislike of me, which makes me assure myself that he that first informed you did not truly understand how and in what faction this business has been carried by me. I mean not to be my own judge but will appeal to the world my own innocency, being as free from quarrelling as any man without occasion offered. But if you will but talk with my Lord Shandosse, who knows all the matter, I doubt not but you will hold me in the same rank and station as I was before this matter fell out. Thus much I should have acquainted you withal myself, but because I have twice taken my leave of your Honour, I feared your displeasure, which more daunts me than a thousand swords.— Graveseand, 14 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 39.)
Sir Bevys Bullmer to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 14. The favours your lordship offered me above all other his Highness's subjects at my last being at the Court bind me ever devoted to your service. I have forborne to write either to his Majesty or you until I had some certainty to write of, considering how I have been suspected and condemned of many. I have found three several veins of gold towards the head of two several brooks and I find the gold to descend down into the rock to an infinite depth, and the gold sticks and grows to the spar and stone so that it must be stamped with mills into powder and so washed before it be gathered together. But because my poor estate is sore wasted in this action and no man would offer to adventure with me but your lordship, I am bold to write to his Majesty that it will please him to lend me 500l. but for one year to help to buy timber, build mills and houses for my workmen, until I may gather the gold out of the stuff I daily land forth of the veins; which help will be a great further to his Majesty's part, wherein I crave your favour. I have written a large discourse to his Majesty of the manner of my proceeding, wherefore I shall not need to be tedious to you herein. I find here divers several stones of divers colours and waters and I keep a man in my house to cut them. I have sent of all sorts to his Majesty to see and have commanded my servant to show them first to you for I know you have great skill in stones. I trust to find better than these and, if you take liking of any of them, send me word which kind you like of you shall have them at your command. I hear that my Lord Treasurer is very earnest to send out process against my sureties for a half year's rent due to his Majesty for the farm of the coals I had, whereof of 3,100l, 2,200l is paid by bonds and moneys paid in and taken by his Majesty's customers, whereof I am to have allowance. [In margin apparently in the handwriting of Salisbury's secretary:—He desireth that your lordship would speak to the Lord Treasurer in his behalf about his favour of the coal mines.] So that I trust that service being only brought to his Majesty by me and at my charge deserves a greater reward than the remains of that debt. But if his lordship please to forbear me a time (seeing his Majesty's assurance is good) I trust either to deserve a pardon thereof or else to be able to discharge it.—His Majesty's goldmines at Crawford More, 14 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (118. 54.)
Don Luys Faxardo to the King of Spain.
1606, Nov. 14/24. In reply to your Majesty's letter of the 29th ult. commanding me to give satisfaction to a memorial of complaint handed by the Ministers of the King of Great Britain to Don Pedro de Cuniga, I present the following report which I am prepared to confirm (if desired) by the testimony of the crews of the 28 ships which were with me, including many foreigners and that of the English and French who were present. Approaching one morning Cape St. Vincent, where the rebel fleet was reported to be, I found more than 50 ships approaching at once in three divisions. I sailed in amongst them and made the usual signal, that if they were friends they should approach and give the salute, which is usually given to your Majesty's flag in your waters and ports, and which Spanish captains in English and French waters usually render to the flag-ships there. Indeed it is the custom all over the world unless they are enemies and mean fighting. Accordingly the greater part of the said ships veiled their topsails and came up to speak the flag-ship, and say they were friendly; but four or five of them which were just as near as the others and could not but have recognised the Royal Standard, though they saw what their consorts were doing, contemptuously set their topsails, and continued their course with their flags at the mast-head, until the Admiral's ship and the ship of Biscay got the weather gauge of them and by the power of their guns forced them to strike sail. And all the masters being assembled on board the flag-ship and having shown their papers I was particular to offer your Majesty's assistance to all those who had performed their duty and to let them go without anything being taken of them. I even refused to take a bottle of beer, which they usually bring me, without paying for it. But in order that both they and the others might see that I proceeded with justice and reason, I had the other masters who had been disobedient put in the pillory. And in a few hours they were let go, on paying a barrel of powder each, which was less than had been wasted on them. This is literally what took place. I assure your Majesty that I interfere with strangers as little as possible and have not seized a ship this year, contenting myself with making them show their papers, though I fear some of them have goods of Holland and Zeeland on board.—Lisbon, 24 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Spanish. Endorsed: "An answer to our complaints for putting some into the stocks by the head, which he confessed to have done, and to have taken of every ship a barrel of powder, because at his summons they would not come in to him. 2 pp. (118. 72.)
Sir William Fitz William to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 15. I beseech you to keep me this year from being sheriff. I see to my grief I shall have no end as yet of my suits though I endeavour it all I can, and to enter upon that office with a distracted mind and an empty purse would be small comfort to him that should execute it.—15 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (118. 55.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 15. Begs for the pardon of Daniel Clement, condemned to death for being in a ship of war of the States which took a Spanish carvel laden with sugar. The severe law condemns him for having been "natiff en Angleterre," his parents being Flemish, refugees from the Spanish tyranny. He has always held to the United Provinces and embarked in the ship only to visit his parents in London. Begs also for the King's signature to the pardon of three other Flemings, already signed by the Lord Admiral and the Judge of the Admiralty.—Suydt Lambet, 15 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (192. 147.)
Sir David Murray to the Same at Court.
1606, Nov. 16. The remembrance of your favour and kindness has induced me to crave your accustomed aid in a time so necessary and in a matter of such importance; the particulars I cannot set down in writing for fear of being too tedious, but to-morrow at the Prince's coming to Court I shall acquaint you with the whole matter. Only the general is this, that whereas some of my own countrymen, having had an intention to be very near about the Prince, used all means to bring their purpose to effect, which by a great mistaking has not succeeded according to their expectation; whereby they lay the whole blame upon me in railing most bitterly against me and by injurious slandering and detracting of me seek to discredit me and work my disgrace, whereas I am free from any imputation that they can lay to my charge. For the which I beseech you to stand my true friend at his Majesty's hand, if you hear any of this matter.— Richemont, 16 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (118. 56.)
Lord Eure to the Same.
[1606, bef. Nov. 18.] I presume of your favour in that it will please you to mediate with his Majesty for my absence, this sharpness of weather hindering my desire to present my personal service in the beginning of this Parliament. (fn. 1)Undated.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ⅓ p. (118. 153.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Same.
[1606], Nov. 19. I know not whether I do well to move this matter to your lordship alone or no. If I do not, then let me pray you to propound my desire to the rest of the Lords. It is now one year since my first restraint that Tinmouth Castle has been withheld from me. By this time I hope his Majesty and all your lordships in your thoughts free me of the imputation of a disloyal person to the State, howsoever an offender otherwise or my offences be. The castle, fees and lands were granted my father for term of three lives under the Great Seal, in recompense of Norham Castle and those lands then resumed into her Majesty's hands. I doubt not but you understand that the place is of no force if of necessity I were to be trusted withal and suspected. The house I hear goes to decay, the leads stolen away, and all things else about it in ruin. If any seek it, it is rather to get a footing there than for any good or harm may ensue (more than of every creek in England) in the defence of it. If it may stand with his Majesty's liking that I may place my officer there, who shall be such an one as no exceptions shall be against, I shall think myself graciously dealt withal. I speak thus much because I hope his Majesty will not bar me of any right that I have under so worthy a mark as the Great Seal of England; and if it shall fall into any man's hands but such as I shall nominate, the charge will be great to his Majesty and perhaps his house not so well tended and preserved.—19 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 57.)
Sir Stephen Procter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 19. Came to town yesternight. Has had small countenance in his service this summer to Lord Derby, but rather has been discouraged. Yet he has made compositions, already sealed by himself and ready to be sealed by their Honours, to increase in one of his Lord's manors 200l. rent for ever and a fine also of 4000l. and doubts not but to taste as much more, and all of things which never before yielded any profit to his lordship or his ancestors. If Salisbury had not been abused with a petition which he was pleased to subscribe and therein to notify that he was neither acquainted with the writer's doings nor would allow them, he could have hoped to have made more of the same lands compounded at least by 2000l. For though he showed their Honours and his Lord's commissions and covenants to warrant his lawful proceedings, yet on that petition being shown to Lord Derby, he directed letters to the writer and the commissioners to proceed no further. Both these being published not only much hindered the service but disgraced himself, as he was charged to have counterfeited their Honours' hands and seals. But finding the petition a mere practice, himself innocent and his authority absolute, has proceeded as Salisbury perceives. Has acquainted both Lord and Lady Derby of this and received of them comfortable encouragement. Prays leave to speak with Salisbury in this matter and that he may be called to answer any petition or complaint that shall hereafter arise, or the same be left to the law if any wrong be suggested.—Westminster, 19 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (118. 59.)
Sir Edward Brabazon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 19. Was allowed by the Earl of Salisbury to be employed in his Majesty's service for the alteration of the necessary use of the great hall in Dublin Castle. Has served the most part of the last summer in Ireland, since it pleased the Deputy and Council to write to the Lord Treasurer to procure the employment of his services there. Is now picked sheriff of Staffordshire, in which office no Councillor of State ever served before. This alters the course of his service in Ireland, where his experience serves to perform far better service than to be chosen sheriff of a shire, where there is choice of sufficient experienced gentlemen fitter than himself, who is a stranger there. Nor has he any house there fit to exercise the office. There were joined with him to be picked Sir Walter Chetwind and Mr. James Scrimshawe. Prays to be discharged of the office for this time.—London, 19 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (118. 60.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Same.
[1606], Nov. 20. God has taken from me a most worthy and kind father and, if I be not much deceived, this poor country has in him lost a father too. The world, his debts, his will and executors shall bear witness with me that the ruins of his estate. which he has left behind him, will for divers reasons sink me lower than I was before, so that I assure myself my own end will come upon me before I shall see any end of these misfortunes which have constantly followed me since the death of my blessed mistress.—From Beauchamp's Court, 20 Nov.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 61.)
Sir Thomas Robertes to the Same.
1606, Nov. 20. Not long since your lordship amongst other gentlemen of these parts acquainted me with your desire to store Canterbury Park with deer. Since of those thirty deer which came from me there lived not above two or three at most to give increase, I could not rest satisfied until I had addressed these to make tender to you of the like number again. Which if you shall be pleased to accept at his hands who has ever unfeignedly honoured you, it shall give him much content; entreating your direction for delivery of them.—Glassenburye, 20 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (118. 62.)
Richard Hoper to the Same.
1606, Nov. 20. Lately upon the hearing of my cause you ordered the re-delivery of his Majesty's letters (so long detained from me by Sir George Carie, knight,) or otherwise new letters of the tenour of the former, that so procuring a patent to be passed thereupon I might bring an assise against a former patent made to Mr. Bingley for the trial of the validity thereof. As the obtaining of my first letters and the means leading to the recovery of my long suppressed right have proceeded of your free favour, so I beseech you to add the accomplishment thereof, which is yet wanting. One word from your lordship to Sir Thomas Lake for the drawing of a letter for his Majesty's signature according to your order will remove all cause to be further troublesome in this behalf.—20 Nov., 1606.
Signed. Endorsed: "Mr. Hoper, my Lo. servant." ½ p. (118. 63.)
The Pilchard Fishery.
1606, Nov. 20. Reply of Don Diego de Aggreda to the complaints of Edmond Musgrave and other English merchants.
The substance is contained in the endorsement in English, which is as follows:—
The complaints of Edmond Musgrave, Stephen Wood, Thomas Johnson, and the complaint concerning pilchards.
It is answered, That Musgrave confessed that his lading belonged to one Louff, a Hollander of Amsterdam, and thereupon his goods [were] confiscated, but his ship restored him out of favour; notwithstanding he appealed, and his cause is depending before the Council at Madrid.
That of Stephen Wood referred to the censure of Ecclesiastical Judges.
Johnson and his man were imprisoned but were delivered upon composition afterward with the widow of him that was drowned: and for their returning unladen it is answered that they were laden with great quantity of raisins and wine, as appears by their obligations for unloading the same again in England.
The Scottish ships likewise, whereof Johnson makes mention in his complaint, were proved to be laden with Zeelanders' goods, and therefore the [em]bargo lawful. For the pilchards; they had no certificates to show where they were laden, and therefore it was supposed they had robbed some on the coast of Gallicia; but their ship and all was restored to them.
And for the complaint concerning their forcing out of houses to kneel before the Sacrament, they affirm it to be untrue.
Spanish. 5 pp. (P. 1987.)
Sir Henry Docwra to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 21. His name has been mentioned and his report as a witness required in a matter of discord, coming to be debated before the Privy Council, between the bearer and Sir William Wyndsor. He was affirmed to be so well acquainted with the bearer's factious disposition (both the bearer and Sir William living together and being employed with him in that service at Lough Foyle) as to use means of policy to rid himself from him by taking a colour of preferring him to another government. Has been requested by the bearer to afford him a testimonial of his carriage in that action. The truth is this; finding him industrious and fit in his opinion for the execution of many services, he committed them unto him and found him faithfully and with good resolution and issue to perform them. Found no defect in his private carriage to alter his affection. Shall be glad if his humble recommendation of him may give furtherance to his credit or in any sort stead him.—Bradfield, 21 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1½ pp. (118. 64.)
Tibbot Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 21./Dec. 1. Knows not whether he has failed more by carelessness in so long having omitted his duty, or by boldness in troubling his lordship with his frivolous discourses. Proposes to leave for Paris towards the spring. Since his first arrival at Angers has not met many English people. Those whom he has seen go for the most part to the mass. Some of these left England as papists. Such are the eldest son of Monsr. Shelden with his tutor Claiton and another, by name Laurence Michelborne, a man of about fifty years of age. The rest have been corrupted since their departure from their country. Such are the eldest son of Sir Lowis Leuknor who resorted too much to an English Capucin at Orleans, and three brothers named Bery from Cornwall (pays de Corwell). Of the latter the eldest has been in Spain where he made a companion of a certain Guilliams from Wales, a learned man and one well versed in business affairs, who does nothing else than send and receive large packets of letters from one side and another, in Spain, Italy and the Low Countries, being such in the service of Monsr. Owen, who is with the Archduke in Flanders. Doubts much but that there are plenty of others like these elsewhere.—"Angers le premier jour de Decembre, 1606."
Holograph. French. 1 p. (118. 78.)
The Grames and other Fugitives.
1606, Nov. 22. Carlile, Nov. 22. 1606. The names of the Grames and other fugitives.
Ric[ard]us Grame of Netherbie.
Arthure Grame of the same
Thomas Grame
David Grame (Dickes Davie).
David Grame (Young Davie).
Walter Grame (Wills Wattie).
Alexander Grame (Geordies Sandie).
Francis Grame his brother.
Rinion Grame.
Francis Grame of Loggan.
David Grame, Banckheade.
Will[ia]m Grame, Cockplay.
Will[ia]m Grame, Langtowne.
Fergus Grame his brothers.
Richard Grame
Robert Grame, Howende.
George Grame, Carlile.
Andrew Grame, his son.
Arche Grame. Milhill brothers.
Fergus Grame, Milhill
Arthure Grame (Wills Arthure).
Fergus Grame (Wills Fergie).
Robert Grame his sons.
James Grame
Richard Grame, Righeades.
Thomas Grame younger, of Randelinton.
John Grame of the Baliffe.
George Grame of Rulespeile.
Alex' Grame (Bells Sandye).
Raynald Grame, his brother.
Arthure Grame of the Lake.
John Grame of Neake.
Florie Grame of Browefoote.
George Grame (Wills Geordie).
John Grame alias Jocke of Galloway.
Patricke Grame (Markes Toms Pate).
Will[ia]m Grame, Flangtaile fugitive from Ireland.
John Grame, Powte.
Fergie Grame (Plumps Fergie).
Fergie Grame of Baliffe.
Richard Purthame.
George Storey of the Holme.
John Urwen alias Plowey.
Bartholomew Warwicke of Newbie.
Will[ia]m Grame, son to Watte of the Bray.
Edward Armestronge (Antons Edward).
Thomas Armestronge (Geordies Tom of Williavay).
Andrew Armestronge (Ingrams Andrew).
Richard Armestronge, Williavay.
Thomas Armestronge (Antons Edward [sic] son).
John Armestronge, Stowlugges (Antons Edward [sic] man).
John Foster (Andrewes Jonie of Stonegarthside).
John Foster (Reade Jonie).
Will[ia]m Foster.
Quintane Foster of Crakethorpe.
pp. (118. 66.)
Edward Gyfford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 23. It pleased your Honour by your letters of Jan. 29 last to appoint that my son John Gyffard should remain with me some space until you might understand from me of his behaviour. Upon my Lord of Shrewsbury, his honourable master's good liking, I was contented he should have bestowed the time he was abroad in France only, for the bettering of his language and knowledge, without going to any other parts. Yet being abroad, I perceive he neglected the same in passing farther upon the desire of novelty. Wherein, if it had not been your favourable respect of him that I should not show my displeasure towards him for that was past (his error not having been criminal), I should have been the more heavily offended with him; notwithstanding, I have no doubt but he shall ever prove himself a loyal and dutiful subject in all things. Concerning the other matters, which you doubt, of backwardness in religion, I am assured of his resorting to church and that he never was recusant; neither I dare assure myself has any man heard him speak at any time in dislike of the proceedings or religion here established. Therefore I beseech you that, with your licence, he might return to the service of his honourable lord, if his lordship please to accept him after his calling in question. If my many years and indisposition of my body would have permitted me, I would not have omitted to attend you myself with my humble requests.—23 Nov., 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (118. 68.)
John Gevara to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, Nov. 23. Thomas Dawson, a man born in this country and lately indicted for recusancy, being of mean birth and wanting means of his own to maintain himself, has bestowed his time, most part of these last five years, in foreign parts beyond the seas; from whence he is lately returned not without suspicion of being a seminary or some agent for the Popish consort, he resorting most to known recusants and sometimes counterfeiting himself an alien both in speech and habit. As a commissioner for the Peace in these parts of Lincolnshire, Gevara has received many other like informations against him. Forbears to pursue any strict course against him until he knows his lordship's mind, by reason of a licence he has to travel beyond seas about his private occasions, subscribed with the names of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earls of Suffolk, Northampton and Salisbury, and Lords Knowles and Stanope, and bearing date the 10th inst.— Staingod, 23 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (118. 69.)
Sir James Mervin to the Same at Court.
1606, Nov. 23. Letter accompanying a gift of pheasants. —"Fowntell, my poor house, where I lived in some hope to have seen your lordship if you had followed the Court this last summer, as it was thought.—23 Nov., 1606."
Holograph. ½ p. (118. 70.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1606], Nov. 24. Has received Lord Salisbury's letters and the King's gracious allowance of his just excuse. Thanks his lordship for his kind sorrow for his absence as also for the cause. For the first there is no need, that assembly being furnished with so many grave members. Prays him to accept from him, as a declaration of his love and affiance in him, his voice in Parliament, which as also his heart should have concorded with him, if accident had not interrupted his presence.
PS.—I wrote to you of late about Tinmouthe Castle and some other affairs, of which I have received no answer. I fear therefore they have miscarried. I pray you only let me know whether you received them or no.—24 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 71.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], Nov. 25. I pray your lordship do me the favour to deliver this same to his Majesty and withal to give it your good word if there be occasion. You may see in this case of mine how near it comes to all your doors, and so I leave it to your judgment. —This 25 November.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 73.)
The Bishop of Sodor and Man to the Same.
1606, Nov. 25. Expresses his thanks for the Council's letters to Lord Gerard for composing the differences between himself and some few of the Isle. Gerard calls the Bishop of Chester and himself to him this afternoon, to take some course to obey the Council's command. Begs Salisbury to signify to Gerard his pleasure that the rights of that poor church and bishopric be favourably respected, especially as far as any usage in the days of the former Earls of Derby may give light thereunto; and so things may be friendly composed during the dependency of the title.—At my lodging, 25 Nov., 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 148.)
The Master and Seniors of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Same.
[1606, Nov. 26.] Very lately we have received a letter of request from the King in the behalf of one Ambrose Copinger, B.A. of Trinity College, brought up there from his first coming to this University till now, by the space almost of seven years, that whereas he had missed a fellowship in that College we would respect him in ours, and the rather for that his Majesty, having by serious letters moved that College lately for some others that way, would now further the preferment of this party rather in some other College than there. Concerning the which, to omit that it pleased his Majesty little more than half a year ago to send us another more peremptory letter in that kind, which forthwith was performed, as also by the continuation of this course the young students of good hope brought up in our house will utterly be discouraged, the party now written for by divers particular Statutes of our College is altogether uncapable, so that without manifest perjury we cannot admit of him; as one of the bearers hereof, of the company of our Seniors, will at large declare unto you, by whom we have sent in writing the very words of our Statutes which directly disable him. Our suit is that in a cause so honest and so reasonable, you would be a means not only to satisfy his Majesty for the present, but also to stay the like courses hereafter, as tending greatly to the prejudice of learning and the utter discouragement of young students of good towardness wanting friends to procure the like means of their preferment: wherein you shall tread in the steps of your most famous father of happy memory, whose help in such cases was never wanting to our Society.—Undated.
Signed: Ric. Clayton, Roger Morrell, Daniel Mously, Arthur Johnson, John Allenson, William Holland, Wm. Billingsley, W. Nelson, Abdie Assheton. Seal. Endorsed: "26 Nov. 1606." 1 p. (136. 141.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Charles Cornwallis.
1606, Nov. 28. When his Majesty understood by Cornwallis's letter which Goldingham brought hither the 24th inst. of the great affliction which God has laid upon his family he was much affected with it. If Salisbury's dispatch of 27 August had come to Cornwallis's hand, as it ought long before the date of his letter, he had been sufficiently informed of the whole course of the proceedings which by his Majesty's directions they were forced to take with the Spanish Ambassador to make him the more capable to represent the great mass of complaints daily brought to his Majesty and to make him see the intolerable denials of justice in Spain upon a supposed pretext that the Ambassador could receive no justice in England. As there is some doubt that some evil accident may have befallen this dispatch Salisbury sends a copy of it at large. It will satisfy Cornwallis that nothing has been done in England but what was just and most necessary for his Majesty's service and in no way prejudicial to himself. As such peremptory denials of justice in Spain and such rash and intemperate answers to Cornwallis merely proceeded from the ill judgment of the Spanish Legier it could not be avoided to make Cornwallis the author in counter-balance of the Legier's person in time to unmask those hidden affections and make the Spaniards see how sensible his Majesty ought to be of his subjects' grievances which should be represented not out of idle and passionate reports of merchants or parties aggrieved but out of Cornwallis's own advertisements. Therefore some short extracts were thought fittest to be made out of his letters and yet qualified with such words and terms as were far from bitterness and passion. For the speeches delivered by the Secretary de Prada the form observed can no way derogate from Cornwallis's credit as he may see by the paper enclosed which is the copy of that delivered in eisdem verbis. For the verity of the report Salisbury hopes Cornwallis makes no question since by the latter's direction Paul Pinder reported the same as appears by his relation enclosed.
Notwithstanding the Spanish Ambassador's promise in August to produce his own complaints against the English within 5 or 6 days and to show the reason that moved him to find fault with justice in England he has temporised all this while, excusing himself upon one dispatch or other to come about it. nor has he as yet made any answer for the receiving again of John Ball into his house. It would give much satisfaction in England to understand what judgment was made of the matter of Ball in Spain and whether the Ambassador's peremptory behaviour in it received approbation or not.
Since Salisbury's last dispatch another accident like to the former has befallen of a watch set upon the Spanish Ambassador's house to intercept such English as should resort thither to mass. This happened unknown to the Council by warrant only of the Ecclesiastical Commission. In the execution of this warrant, because some disorder was committed by the parties put in trust, three of the principal ones were committed to prison, where they lay until the Ambassador, being thoroughly satisfied, made often intercession for their discharge. So as in that particular the Ambassador shall not need to complain for want of respect towards them.
"The offices of visitation which the Duke of Mantua's Ambassador hath performed towards you, his Majesty taketh very kindly and willeth you to requite him with the like courtesies and professions of his Majesty's readiness to correspond with the Duke in all offices of honour and love that are fit for princes.
"Concerning Mr. Henry Cornwalleis I cannot return you any other answer but that you shall do well to contain him as long as you can, either from receiving pension or from purpose to change his rapier for a corner cap. And when you shall find him resolute to embrace the one or the other, to defeat yourself in time of him and to leave him to his own ends for avoiding of further scandal. I will not fail at the first opportunity to deal effectually with my Lord Treasurer about payment of your moneys, howbeit it is the common calamity here to be much behindhand. But I hope to overrule his lordship in it.
"Since the writing of this letter I have received another of yours by the conveyance of Brusselles all written with your own hand but without date, by which I am sorry to understand that you are not yet provided of another house; a notorious negligence in that State, of which his Majesty must needs be sensible, especially the former house being so infected and consequently so dangerous for you to live in.—From the Court at Whithall this 28 of Novemb. 1606."
Draft in the handwriting of one of the Earl of Salisbury's secretaries. Endorsed: "Sent by one imploied by Peter van Loor." 4¼ pp. (118. 74.)
[Printed with the exception of the last three paragraphs in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, II, 271–273.]


  • 1. The Earl of Salisbury was Lord Eure's proxy at the meeting of Parliament on Nov. 18 (House of Lords Journal).