Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Talbot (Talbott):
-, Gilbert, K.G., 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, 138, 166, 241, 295, 303.
-, -, letters from, 262, 263, 327, 332, 336, 350, 359, 364, 382, 386.
-, -, his house at Worksop, Notts., 227.
-, -, his brother Sir Charles, 327.
-, -, an arbitrator in a cause in the Star Chamber, 438.
-, -, his cousin, a recusant, see Talbot, Mr.
-, -, his wife, see Shrewsbury, Mary.
-, -, his mother-in-law, see Shrewsbury, Elizabeth.
-, John, of Grafton, warrant for pardon of, 329, 367.
-, Capt. Sir John, letters from, 166, 295.
-, Mr. (cousin to Earl of Shrewsbury), a recusant, 382, 388.
-, -, a schoolmaster, 193.

Talworth Lane (Surrey), repair of, 68.

Tanfield (Tanfelde), Serjeant Lawrence, 43.
-, letter from, 53.

Tassio (Taxis, Taxces):
-, Don Philip de, 213, 218.
-, Juan de (Giovanni di, John Baptista de), Count of Villa (Santa) Mediana, Spanish Ambassador in England, 36, 329, 331, 340, 348, 438.
-, -, letters from, 26, 461.
-, -, letter to, 153.
-, -, and arrival of the Constable, 201, 203, 204, 212.
-, -, desires to be godfather to child of a Spanish mother in London, 373–374.
-, -, and the treaty of England with Spain and the Archduke, 423–424.

Taunton [Somerset], 194.

Taverns, reform of, act for, 461.

Tavistock (Towstocke) [Devon], letters dated at, 3, 4, 150, 338.

Taw (Tawe; Devon) river, 362.

-, to be discussed in Parliament, 425.
-, by loans, 228, 308, 314, 327, 386.
-, -, collectors of, 186, 205, 323, 327, 350.
-, -, on City Companies, 340–341.
-, -, on ecclesiastical livings, 194, 204, 220, 227, 231, 234, 235, 350, 385.
-, -, in Chester, 315.
-, -, in Devon, 180, 181.
-, -, in Essex, 205, 350.
-, -, in Hertfordshire, 186.
-, -, in Norfolk, 385.
-, -, in Northumberland, 200.
-, -, in Somerset, 180, 181.
-, -, in Shrewsbury, 459.
-, -, in Shropshire, 191.
-, -, in Suffolk, 385.
-, -, in Wiltshire, 180, 181.
-, -, see also Privy Seals for loans.
-, by subsidies in Hertford and Essex, 461.
-, on dyed cloth, 216.

Taxis, Taxces, see Tassio.

Tayler, Dr., 33 (2).

Tayleur, Jno., 291.

Taylor, Thomas, 428.

Templars, Knights (the Temple), lands of, in Stroud, 412.

Tenham, see Teynham.

Tenure in capite, alleged origin of, 142.

Termes, Mons. de, 93, 129.

Terringham, Sir Thomas, 318.

Texero, —, a Portuguese gentleman, 242.

Teynham, (Tenham; Kent), manor of, 439.

Thame Park [Oxon.], letter dated at, 305.

Thames, the river, 55, 174.

Thebalds, see Theobalds.

Theker, John, 330.

Theobalds (Thebalds, Tibbolds; Herts), 191, 196, 327, 328.
-, Lord Cecil's lands at, 58.

Thirsk (Thriske Mills) [Yorks.], manor of, 368, 466.

Thomas, Evan, 287.

Thomasin, Captain, plunders a French ship, 438.

Thomond, Earl of, see O'Brien.

Thornburgh (Thorneborowe):
-, John, Bishop of Bristol, 11, 143.
-, -, letter to, 12.
-, William, of Lancashire, 11.

Thornel (Thornelle), Dr., desires to give information to James I concerning Catholics, 71, 109(2).

Thorneton, Richard, letter from, 309.

Thriske, see Thirsk.

Throgmorton (Throkmorton, Throckmorton):
-, Sir Arthur, 362, 456.
-, -, letter from, 265.
-, John, 10.
-, John, burgess of castle of Old Sarum, 458.
-, Sir Nicholas, 458.

Thwayts, Thomas, 60.

Thynn, Sir John, 73.

Tibbolds, see Theobalds.

Ticknell (Tickenhill), [in Bewdley, co. Worc.], letters dated at, 30, 31, 175(2), 190, 191(2), 286.

Tilleston, Francis, a priest, 47.

Tin, emption of, 381.

Tintinhull (Tyntenhull, Tincknell; Somerset), manor of, 434.

Tinwell (Tynwell) [Rutland], letter dated at, 56.

Tipper (Typper), Mr., 114, 459.

Tipper, a, 442.

Tirrell, Mr., 187.

Tobacco, duty on, 339.
-, James I refers to, 394.
-, licences to sell, 442.

Tockington (Tokington), [Gloucs.], letter dated at, 179.

Tokens, see Coinage.

Tokington, see Tockington.

Tomkins, Captain, letter from, 462.

Tomson, John, 311.

Tooker, William, letter from, 327.

Topcliffe, Richard, 458.

Topclyffe, Charles, formerly Marshal of Brill, letter from, 266.

Torr Abbey (Devon), letter dated at, 343.

Touchet, George, 18th Baron Audley, letters from, 52, 384.

Tounsehend, see Townsend.

Tourner, Dr., 310.

Towerhall, see London, Tower Hill.

Townsend (Towneshend, Tounsehend), Sir Henry, Justice, 268, 286.
-, letters from, 121, 314, 337.

Towstocke, see Tavistock.

-, English, with the Low Countries, 265, 332, 423–424.
-, -, into Scotland, 359.
-, -, with the Levant, 380–381.
-, -, with East Indies, and Spanish treaty, 432.
-, -, effect of Hanse Towns proposals on, see under Hanse Towns,
-, bills of traders abroad, 312.
-, foreign, effect of, on English company, 315.
-, prices of commodities in Spain, 356.
-, and treaty of peace and commerce in the Netherlands, 450.

Trades and Occupations:
-, an armourer, 467; see also Armour.
-, an artist, 238.
-, a baize merchant, 6.
-, a carpenter (woodmonger), complaints against, 149, 338, 362, 403.
-, cloth dyeing, 215–217, 226.
-, cloth makers, 2.
-, cloth merchants, 76.
-, a cutler, 52.
-, a cutter, 183.
-, jewellers, 253 (2).
-, laundress and seamster, 188.
-, a mechanical inventor, 239.
-, plasterers, 454.
-, a plumber, 247.
-, a schoolmaster, 193.
-, shipwrights, 89.
-, a shoemaker, 375.
-, a silkman, 194.
-, a stationer, 434.
-, a 'sylke raser,' 183.
-, a tailor, 221, 223.
-, victuallers, 8, 83.
-, a writing master, 402.

Transylvania (Transilvania), 156.

Traquair (Traquare), see Stewart.

Traughton, see Troughton.

Treasurer, the Lord, and licence for gunpowder, etc., 278.
-, See also Cecil and Sackville, and under Ireland.

Treasurers for Wars, see Ireland.

Treasury, the, 334.
-, alleged abuse in, 463.

Treaty of Spain and the Archdukes with England (the treaty), 145, 219, 225, 277, 282.
-, to be engrossed, 233.
-, effect of, on United Provinces, 270– 274, 282, 301, 360–361.
-, explanation of, 285.
-, and pardon for Englishman formerly in pay of Spain, 377.
-, and Geneva, 401.
-, English Commissioners for, letter to, 432.
-, -, impartiality of, suspected, 424.
-, and effect on trade with East Indies, 432.
-, small errors in writing of the ratification, 460.
-, and Spanish trading merchants, 460.
-, effect of, on price of corn, 464.
-, and France, see under France.
-, commissioners for, see under Austria and Spain.

Tredegar [Monm.], letter dated at, 14.

Tredwaye, Richard, a lawyer, 446.

Tregenan, John, 351.

Treherne, John, vicar of Newport, 14.

-, John, 153.
-, Robert, 153.

Trench, Mr., 187.

Tresham, Lewis, 373, 374.

Tressame, Francis, 318.

Trevor, Thomas, an auditor, 335.

Trevulci (Trivulcio), Count de [of the Archduke's army], 54, 104, 188, 210.

Tring [Herts.], 380.

Trivulcio, see Trevulci.

Trott, Mr., 429.

Troughton (Traughton), Captain, 154, 168.

Trubshaw, —, 176.

Tudeley [?] (Tuderly), [Kent], letter dated at, 304.

Tulebro, Captain Sebastian, 401.

Turato, Jehan Andre, 435.

Turkey, Turkish (the Turk):
-, Sultan of (the Great Turk), 19, 21, 371.
-, -, and trade with England, 380.
-, wars against, 110, 156.
-, slaves from Sluys, 232.

-, Captain, 279.
-, Robert, 458.

Turpin, —, 168.

Tuscany, Great Duke of (Francis of Medici), 19.

Tuttle, see London, Tothill.

Tweed, the river, 194.

Tylsley, John, 183.

-, John, a lawyer, 446.
-, Humphrey, 378.

Tynewell see Tinwell.

Tyntenhull, see Tintinhull.

Typper, see Tipper.

Tyse, Philip, 187.