Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sachfild, John, letter from, 276.

Sackville (Sackvile, Sackfild):
-, Robert, 290.
-, Thomas, 1st Baron Buckhurst, Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, 42, 107, 127, 159, 257, 301, 315, 365, 373, 467.
-, -, letters from, 72, 173, 179, 180, 182, 246 (2), 275, 303, 306, 319, 328, 374, 378, 387, 431 (3), 432.
-, -, letters to, 28, 260, 300, 345, 359.
-, -, and Lord Cobham's lands and possessions, 9, 224, 338, 375.
-, -, and Berwick garrison, 14, 147, 376.
-, -, and sale of pepper, 51.
-, -, and payment for victualling the army in Ireland, 83, 84.
-, -, and Ralph Winwood, 85.
-, -, and suit of the Countess of Northumberland, 120, 300, 306.
-, -, and the Earl of Ormonde, 140, 181.
-, -, report signed by, 146.
-, -, and Queen's Receivers, 163.
-, -, and Admiralty matters, 202, 431.
-, -, and the Countess of Desmond, 245.
-, -, and Lady Norryes, 257.
-, -, well furnished with chairs, 258.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, Privy Seal to, for Crown Jewels, 300.
-, -, requested to advance money, 310.
-, -, and farm of customs, 319.
-, -, and alnage of cloth, 324, 334, 466.
-, -, on the question of the rates, 328.
-, -, warrant to, 329.
-, -, and patentees for gunpowder, 341, 342.
-, -, and office in Customs, 348.
-, -, and grant of border lands, 358.
-, -, and filing of pleadings in Chancery, 369.
-, -, suggested as overtoiling, 383.
-, -, title of, to grant of office of his Remembrancer in the Exchequer, 387.
-, -, and suit of Lord Burghley, 407.
-, -, and Sir Robert Bassett's lands, 438.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, -, two suits to be heard by, 452.
-, -, and Sir Anthony Standen, 460.
-, Sir Thomas, son of Earl of Dorset, 299.

Sadler, Sir Thomas, 446.

St. Albans (Herts.), 434.

St. André [Holland], 41.

St. Anne [Holland], 93.

St. Anthoine, M. de, 301.

St. Asaph (Asaphen) [Wales], diocese of, subjects of, letter from, 391.
-, Bishop of, see Morgan and Parry.

St. Catoline, fort of, see under Sluys.

St. Davids, Bishop of, see Rudd.

St. Domingo [Haiti], 146, 246.

St. Ives (Cornwall), petition regarding corporation of, 351.

St. James ? Santiago, q.v.

St. Jean de Luz (San Juan de Lut, Ste. John de Lua, etc.; France), 6, 145, 438.
-, letters dated at, 127, 136.

St. John:
-, Oliver, Lord St. John, (of Bletsoe), the King staying with, 209, 263.
-, -, letters dated from house of, 202, 206, 209.
-, Sir Oliver, letter from, 295.

St. Johnstons [Scotland], 16.

St. Julien [Haute Savoie], peace of Savoy and Geneva at, 401.

St. Malo (St. Mallos; France), 27.

St. Mary, see Hoo.

St. Michael's (St. Mickels), see Archangel.

St. Michael's, near St. Albans (Herts.), 434.

St. Michael's Mount (Cornwall), 67.
-, manor of, 374.

St. Omer (St. Thomer, Adomaropoli), [France], 32.
-, the English Seminary at, Rector of, see Gyles.

St. Philip, fort of, see under Sluys.

St. Sebastian(s) [Spain], 116, 227.
-, letters dated at, 7, 345.
-, English goods sent to, 136–137.
-, receiving daily shipping from London, 356.

St. Thomer, see St. Omer.

Saints, George, alias Farmer, 330.

Salbry (Salbrye, Salbury, Salbrey), Bryan, 51, 287.

Salisbury (Old Sarum), burgesses of the borough, names of and dates of election, 457.
-, -, burgesses of parliament for, 458.
-, -, Castle of, 458.
-, (New Sarum), 458.

Salisbury, Bishop of, 455.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, Dean of, see Bridges.

Salisbury, Earl of, see Cecil.

Salisbury (Salusbury, Salesburye):
-, -, 459.
-, Captain, John, 459.
-, -, letter from, 328.
-, -, his nephew John, a ward, 328.
-, Sir John, 286.
-, Sir John, letters from, 51, 177, 301, 314.
-, Lady, jointure of, 328.
-, Robert, 328.

Saloppe, see Shrewsbury and Shropshire.

Saltmarsh, Philip, wardship of, 346.

Saltonstall, Sir Samuel, 467.

Saltpetre, making of, licence for, 277– 278.
-, patentees for, see Evelyn and Harding.
-, -, requests of, 341–342.

Salt project, 164.

Salusbury, see Salisbury.

Sambroke, Francis, 330.

Sancta Clara, see Valladolid.

Sanders, see Saunders.

San Domingo, see St. Domingo.

Sandhill, see Ostend.

Sands (Sandes, Sandis):
-, Sir Edwin, 43.
-, -, and Wardships, 141, 142.
-, Lady, 467.

Sandwich [Kent], 346.
-, postal endorsements at, 103, 329.
-, port of, 192.
-, a Netherlands' skipper killed at, 271.

Sandy, Robert, 381.

Santa Clara, see Sluys.

Santa Mediana [Villa Mediana], see Tassio.

Santiago [?] (St. James), letter dated at, 38.

Sapperton (Saperton), [Gloucs.], letters dated at, 304, 318.

Sark, river, 25.

Sarum, see Salisbury.

Sas van Ghent (Sass, Sasse, Saste), [Flanders], 72, 78, 81, 267.

Satterton (Saterton), [Cambs.], 441.

Saunders (Saunder, Sanders):
-, Henry, letters from, 236, 262, 458.
-, Sir Nicholas, 43, 68.
-, Mr. Nicholas, 193, 198.
-, Thomas White, letters from, 293, 384.

-, Sir Arthur, letter from, 374.
-, Sir Thomas, 262.

Savill (Savile), John, Baron of the Exchequer, letters from, 28, 350, 359.

Savire, Sir Henry, Warden of Eton College, 290.

Savoy, wars of, 446.
-, Ambassador of, see Lullin.
-, Senate and Chamber of, accounts of, 401.

Savoy, Duke of, 1.
-, -, and peace with Geneva, 401.

Saxey (Saxy), Captain William, 354.
-, letter from, 370.

Say and Sele, Lord, see Fienes.

Schelbury, —, a priest, 27.

Scheldt, see Scote.

Schevington, Mr., 168.

Schoneval, Sieur de, see Caron.

Scote, the [?Scheldt], 93.

Scotland (Scots, Scottish), 371.
-, Border Causes and disorders, 4, 13.
-, -, Commissioners for, letter from, 342.
-, Border Lands, warrant for grant of, 25, 358.
-, -, Lord Cumberland in, 269, 398.
-, -, ancient feuds stirred up in, 376.
-, -, memorial concerning, 405.
-, Border offices discontinued, 342.
-, gold-mining prospectors in, 37, 194.
-, troops under Count Maurice, 39, 59, 81, 106.
-, the Laird of Buccleugh returns to, from the Netherlands, 86.
-, wars of, with England, 128, 129.
-, Parliament of, agree to Union, 169.
-, invasions of, into England, 176.
-, Marches of, Lord Lieutenant of, 176.
-, language of, 194, 446.
-, noblemen in the Low Countries, 269.
-, Council of, 276.
-, Chancellor of, 276.
-, -, illness of, 423.
-, fighting under Charles of Sweden, 284.
-, trade of with England, 359.
-, appointment of Scotsmen to offices, James I's prerogative of, 363, 364(2).
-, Prince Charles suggested as King of, 367.
-, merchants in Spain, 401.
-, Constable of, 423.
-, the King's guard in, an archer of, 428.
-, Customs in, bonds for, 431.
-, old league of, with France, 447.
-, Prince of, French companies due to, 447.
-, act of naturalization, see under Union.
-, coinage, see Coinage.
-, commissioners for, see Union.
-, the Graemes, of, see Graemes.
-, Henry, King of, see Stuart.
-, Queen of, see Mary.
-, Secretary of State for, see Elphinston.
-, Lord Treasurer of, see Home.
-, union of, with England, see Union.
-, West Marches of, warden clerk of, see Bell, Richard.

-, Mr., the prothonotary, 22, 23.
-, Sir John, 43.
-, John, 408.
-, Thomas, a broker, 454.
-, William, 14, 15.

Scriver, Paul, 239.

Scroope, John, 34.

-, Clement, 312.
-, Mr., 235.

Scudder, Besse, her two daughters, 467.

Scutage, 141.

Seal of Duchy of Cornwall, see Cornwall.

Seattingborne, see Sittingborn.

Secretary of State, see Cecil and Herbert.

Sedley, Mr., 261.

Selby, Sir William, as Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.
-, -, letter from, 66.

Semenes, Francisco, 246.

Sempill, Sir James, letter from, 293.

Semple, John, purveyor of James I's Household, a licence granted to, by Spain, 39.

Serjant, Mr., letter to, 421.

Serrano, (Cerrano), [Matteo], Governor of Sluys, 199, 229.
-, -, made Governor of Damme, 232.

Seton, Alexander, Lord Fyvie, 220, 222.
-, letters from, 39, 345, 353, 357, 368, 369.
-, to bring Prince Charles to England, 138.
-, manors of, 434.

Seville (Cyvell), 87.

-, Edward, 1st Earl of Hertford, 310.
-, -, letter from, 309.
-, -, appeal of in Court of Delegates, 440.
-, Sir Thomas, 313.

Shafto, Lancelot, 14.

[Shakespeare], his Love's Labour's Lost to be acted, 415.

Shanklin (I.O.W.), 319.

-, D., 162, 166.
-, Mr., 262.
-, Lionel, letters from, 157, 263.

Sheffield [Co. York] Lodge, letters dated at, 327, 332, 336, 360, 364, 383, 387.

Sheffield, Edmund, K.G., 3rd Lord Sheffield, 335.
-, -, "Earl of" (sic), letter from, 44.
-, -, report signed by, 146.
-, -, as President of the Council of the North, argues with King James about a pension, 396–398.

Shelberie, Mr., 193.

Sheppey (Shepey), Isle of, lands in, 233–234, 432.
-, -, valuation of, 439.

Sherborne (Sherburn) [Dorset], Hundred of, 260.
-, manor of, 454, 456.

Sherewood, —, chaplain to Papal Nuncio in Brussels, 400.

Sherland House [? in Sheppey), 233.

Sherley (Shurlye, Sherleis):
-, Sir Anthony, letters from, 71, 109 (2).
-, Lady, 333.
-, Sir Thomas, letters from, 21, 371.
-, Sir Thomas, M.P., letter from, 71.
-, -, bill of, in Parliament, 72, 143.

-, Dr. John, letters from, 179, 313
-, -, 140.

Shingleton, Mr., 158.

Shipping, decay of, at Chester, 158.

Ships [named]:
-, The John, of Harwich, 239.
-, The Mayflour, of London, captured by Spaniards, 246.
-, The Moon, 202.
-, The Prudence, of London, 454.
-, the Quittance, 340.
-, The Tremontane, appointed for service of Ireland, 202.

Ships [not named]:
-, Dunkirk shallops, restitution of, 174.
-, Dutch (Hollanders), 284.
-, -, fishing boats in Nieuport, 332.
-, -, man-of-war, sloop of, attacked at Dover, 271.
-, of Emden, (Embdeners), 284.
-, English, a boat for London hired to take letters to Cecil from Low Countries, 79.
-, -, pirates plunder French merchants, 127.
-, -, forbidden to leave ports except for trade, 202.
-, -, men-of-war, to join Count Maurice against the Spanish, 258.
-, -, and trade with Low Countries, after peace with Spain, 265, 271.
-, -, trading with the Archdukes, attacked by the Dutch, 332.
-, -, a pinnace to take provisions to Carrickfergus, 430.
-, -, four, as escorts to Spain, cost of, 431.
-, -, of Kingston-upon-Hull, taken by the King of Denmark, 445.
-, -, a man of war sent to Spain, 462.
-, a Flemish "scuyte," 289.
-, of Flushing, trading in Ostend, 332.
-, French, a spoil upon, 438.
-, of Lubeck, 284.
-, from Muscovy to Spain, 6.
-, Spanish, in the Low Countries, English treatment of after treaty, 270.
-, -, twelve "shalupps" taken by United Provinces, 73.
-, -, two, captured off the Indies, 87.
-, -, galleys at Sluys, 93, 229, 232.
-, of Sweden sent against Poland, 284.
-, a Venetian, attacked by English, 462.
-, a carrick, pepper from, sale of, 51.
-, carrick goods, valuation of, 231.
-, carricks captured in the East Indies, cargoes of, 107, 230, 231.
-, galleys of Naples, Sicily and Florence, rumoured conjunction of against the Turk, 110.
-, a pinnace sent to the West Indies, 145.
-, Pirating, methods to prevent, 202– 203, 258.
-, captured by Duke Charles of Sweden, 230.
-, a flyboat, 289.
-, a pink at Harwich, 419.

Shorne, (Shorn; Kent), manor of, 411.

Shrewsbury (Salop), letter dated at, 121.
-, inhabitants of, letter from, 459.
-, the plague in, 459.

Shrewsbury, Earl of, see Talbot.
-, Elizabeth, Countess of, mother-inlaw of the Earl of Shrewsbury, 360.
-, Mary, Countess of, wife of the Earl, 241.
-, -, letters from, 263, 332, 365, 383 (all enclosures).
-, -, religion of, 364–365.
-, -, her daughter Pembroke, see Herbert.

Shropshire (Salop), 268.
-, loans in, 191.
-, sheriff of, see Owen.

Shudlye, see Sudeley.

Shurlye, see Sherley.

Sicily, galleys of, 110.

Sidney, see Sydney.

Sieur, see Lesieur.

Silesia, Duke of, see Brandenburg.

Sion (Syon) [Middx.], the Earl of Northumberland's house, 360.
-, letters dated at, 277, 373.

Sittingbourne (Seattingborne) [Kent], 201, 211.
-, postal endorsements at, 103, 112, 204, 212, 329, 331, 346.

Skeffington (Skevington; Leics.), 140.

Skeffington (Skevington), Sir William, death of, 140.
-, heir of, wardship of, 140, 243.

-, brother to Sir Griffin Markham, 167.
-, Sir Vincent, 127, 180, 190, 245.

Skipton [Yorks.]. 301.
-, letter dated at, 200.

Slieve Logher (Lohar) mountains, (Ireland), 429.

Sluys (Sluce, Sluice, Sluis, Escluse), [Holland], (besieged by the States General under Count Maurice in the War between Spain and the Low Countries), 84, 98, 223, 333, 361.
-, camp (leaguer) of, letters dated from, 61, 64, 94 (2), 95, 96, 102, 104, 107, 113, 116, 125, 130, 131, 134, 152, 170, 178, 189, 196, 207, 211, 213, 218 (2), 232, 323.
-, Castle of, 59.
-, forts in, Noort, 97.
-, -, Santa Clara, 59, 63, 93, 95, 101.
-, -, Ste. Catoline, (Catelyne), 69.
-, -, -, the enemy take possession of, and set fire to, 210, 214, 219.
-, -, St. Philip, 69.
-, -, -, the enemy take possession of, 210, 213, 219.
-, preparations for siege of, 64, 69, 82, 85, 88, 93, 96, 97, 108, 125.
-, -, floats, batteries, and bridges to be made, 103, 109, 112, 116, 117, 124, 129, 131, 133, 170.
-, preparations of the enemy to defend, 97, 102, 115.
-, attempted attack on, by trenches, 101.
-, the enemy attempt to provision their troops in, 104–108.
-, starvation of garrison in, 112, 116, 124, 130, 133, 150, 170, 189, 196, 198, 207.
-, English troops sent from, to relieve Ostend, 124.
-, Council of States General to go to, 200.
-, the enemy relief retires from, 210, 211, 214.
-, Count Maurice takes possession of, 218 (2), 219, 229.
-, Spanish view of, 228.
-, enemy garrison of, transferred to Ostend, 230.
-, garrison for, after capture of town, 232, 267.
-, ill effects of Spanish-English treaty on, 273.
-, Mr. Winwood at, 281, 282.
-, Count Maurice and the Princess of Orange at, 282, 307.
-, and Damme, prisoners taken between, names of, 449.
-, and treaty between United Provinces and Spain, 450.
-, engraving of, 459.
-, Governor of, 81, 189.
-, -, see also Serrano.
-, see also Nassau, Count Maurice.

Smith (Smyth, Smythe):
-, -, of Exeter, father-in-law of Sir Thomas Munke, 237.
-, Edmund, a scholar of Cambridge, 65.
-, John, his brother, of Magdalen College, 65.
-, Sir John, 193, 198.
-, Mr., 146.
-, Nicholas, 311.
-, Richard, 33.
-, Sir Thomas, 329, 431.
-, -, letter from, 185.
-, -, application for position of, 443, 444.
-, -, as ambassador to Muscovy, 185, 459.
-, Thomas, 36.
-, Thomas, of Bath, 274, 311.
-, William, of Norfolk, 427.
-, Wynter, letters from 34 (2).

Snode, Gilles, 152.

Snygge, George [Baron of the Exchequer], letters from, 350, 359.

Soame, Dr. Robert, letter from, 355.

Sodor and Man, Bishop of, see Lloyd.

Sofa, Gaspar de, a prisoner of war, 450.

Soleure [Switzerland], treaty at, 401.

Solicitor General, the, and office of records in the Tower, 346.
-, warrant to, 338.
-, See also Dodderidge and Fleming.

Somersam, manor of, (Cambs.), [?Somersham, Hunts.], 439.

Somerset, loans in, 180, 181.
-, petition from gentlemen of, 325.
-, alnage of cloth in, 334.
-, battery work for armour making in, 418.
-, a manor of Lord Fyvie in, 434.
-, sheriff of, see Rogers.

-, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, 374, 395.
-, -, letters from, 358, 364.
-, Sir Thomas (Mr. Somerset), sent to the Fleet for brawling in the Queen's Privy Chamber, 391–393.

Somersham (Sommersham), [Hunts.], the park of, 202, 217.

Sondes, Lady, 412.

Soria, Gio. Francesca de, letter from, 227.

Sorlett, John, 110.

Sotherton, —, a Baron of the Exchequer, 28.

Southampton (Hampton), [Hants.], 89.

Southampton, Earl of, see Wriothesley.

Southwark, letter dated at, 293.
-, nomination of Registraries for the brokers in, 56.

Southworth, Mr., 33.

Spain, Spanish, 3, 11, 76, 373, 441, 456.
-, trade of, with England, 6, 136, 137, 184, 356.
-, invasion by, 12.
-, and Catholics' cause in England, 71, 110, 185.
-, captains taken in war, 90, 91, 92.
-, galley slaves in the Low Countries War, escape to States General's army, 105, 107–108.
-, news of a peace with James I, 110.
-, defeated at Ostend, 111, 112–113, see also under Ostend.
-, money losses by Englishmen in, 120.
-, redemption of prisoners in, 125.
-, Customs 30 per ciento, 136, 137, 184, 228, 329, 356.
-, a claim against, 145.
-, influence in Emperor's court, 156.
-, friction of, with Germans in Sluys, 189.
-, a translation of Dion from, into English, 197, 201.
-, Commissioners of, for Treaty with England, in England, 222, 223, 233, 302.
-, -, -, and English trade with Low Countries, 265.
-, -, -, a banquet for, 289.
-, -, -, presents given to, 300.
-, -, -, see also Ricardot and Velasco.
-, -, see also Treaty.
-, maintenance of English in, 241.
-, capture English ships, 246.
-, English warships prepared against, 258.
-, and English merchant ships in the Low Countries, 265.
-, Armada, the, 299.
-, -, preparation of, 19.
-, reported treaty of, with France, 329, 356.
-, hope of treaty with Holland and Zeeland, 356.
-, woman in London, christening of a child of, 373.
-, an Englishman in pay of, in Flanders, 376.
-, English resident ambassador in, 398.
-, consul of English, Scottish and Irish in, application for post of, 401.
-, alleged design to choke Rochester river, 406.
-, English escort for ships to, 431.
-, an Englishman imprisoned in, 439.
-, treaty of peace and commerce with the United Provinces, articles of, 450.
-, merchants of, and the Treaty, 460.
-, -, conference with, 246.
-, English consuls in, recommendations for, 461.
-, Admiralty commission to go to, 462.
-, Queen of, (the Queen), 228.
-, King of, and Portugal, 345.
-, -, see also Philip.
-, Ambassador in England, see Tassio and Velasco.
-, army of, (the enemy), engagements against army of States General, see Austria, Archduke Albert's forces; Nassau, Count Maurice, and United Provinces.

Spalding (Lincs.), Queen's liberties of, 343, 385.
-, late monastery of, 353.

Spark, Mr. (Dr.), 249, 250.

Sparle, John, letter from, 264.

Speke, George, letter from, 325.

Spence, Mr., 164.

-, Sir John, formerly Lord Mayor of London, 153.
-, Robert, Lord Spencer, 451.

Spilman, John, of Norfolk, 427.

Spinola (Spynnola):
-, Augustin, a prisoner of war, 449.
-, Florencio, letter from, 153.
-, Marquis of, 91, 92.
-, -, rumoured death of, 111, 112, 115, 116.
-, -, -, denial of, 117.
-, -, makes an attack on Sluys from Middelburgh, 178, 188, 199, 206.
-, -, attempts to relieve Sluys, 214, 229–230.
-, -, "Armado" of, overthrown, 232.
-, -, noble reputation of, 307.
-, -, his "tercio," men of, 449.

Sponheim, Count of, see Rhine.

"Spott," Lord of, 323.

Spynnola, see Spinola.

-, Captain, letter from, 293.
-, Sir Edward, 42, 463.
-, -, letters from, 264, 294, 310.
-, Sir Reade, 264.

Stallenge, William, 125.
-, letters from, 87, 340, 348.

Stalls, see Bath.

Stamford (Stanford), [Lincs.], in possession of Earl of Cambridge, 331.

Standen, Sir Anthony, 27, 67, 252.
-, letters from, 200, 460.
-, account of, of the murder of Rizzio and of his services to James I's father and mother, 15–21.
-, his brother Anthony, 10, 16, 19, 20.
-, in the Tower, 21, 26.
-, presents brought by, from the Catholics, 26.

Standish (Lancs.), letter dated at, 108.

Stanford, see Stamford.

Stango, Carolo, a prisoner of war, 449.

Stanhope (Stannop):
-, Sir Edward, a master of Chancery, 290 (2), 440.
-, Sir John, 75, 141, 209.
-, -, letters from, 264, 294 (2).
-, -, letter to, 305.
-, Sir Michael, letter from, 315.

-, Sir Edward, death of, 283.
-, Henry, 4th Earl of Derby, 65.
-, Mr., letter to, 421.
-, William, 6th Earl of Derby, 121.
-, -, letters from, 156, 315.
-, -, manors of, affairs of, 200, 268, 283–284, 302–303, 466.
-, -, his wife, see Derby, Elizabeth, Countess of.

Stannaries, the, 455.

Stannop, see Stanhope.

Stapars, Huett, 126.

, (Staperr), Richard, merchant, 126, 381.

Star Chamber, Court of, references to, 76, 77, 120, 291, 334, 337, 346, 352, 354, 467.
-, a case in, 99, 132, 138.
-, suggested correction of a puritan petitioner in, 363.
-, Lords of, draft letters patent to, 437.

Starford, letter dated at, 325.

States General, see United Provinces.

Stationers, Company of, see under London.

Statutes, penal dispensations of, 43.

Steering, Grave van, 232.

Step', Tho., a priest, letter from, 33.

Stephen, —, 13.

Stephen Bathori, King of Poland, and the Hanse towns, 297.

Stephens, —, undersheriff of Herefordshire, a petition from, 30, 31.

Stettin, Markgrave of, see Brandenburg.

Stevens, Mr., Lord Cranborne's servant, 299.

Steward, Sir Robert, letter from, 460.

Stewart (Stewarde):
-, Sir John, of Traquair. Captain of Guard to Mary Queen of Scots, 17.
-, Patrick, 2nd Earl of Orkney, 110.
-, see also Stuart.

Stileman, John, accounts of, 119, 135.
-, letter from, 264.

Still, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, letter from, 204.
-, certificate of, 146.

Stillington, Mr., 33.

Stirling, 18.

Stockholm, letter dated at, 284.

Stoell [Stowell], manor of, see Alton.

Stoke, 238.

Stokys, Math., 60.

-, Christopher, report of, on the plague in Bath, 308.
-, Mr., of Cornwall, 247.

Stonor [Oxon.], letters dated at, 316, 387.

Stonor, Sir Francis, letters from, 316, 387.

Storye, Jerry, an old soldier, 139.

Stralsund [Prussia] as a Hanse town, 297.

-, Patrick, letter from, 461.
-, Thomas, of Gloucestershire, information of, 9–12 passim.

Stratford Langton Marshes, [Essex], care of King's game in, 339.

Straung (?), 73.

Strelley [Notts.], letter dated at, 129.

-, Sir Nicholas, 128.
-, Philip, letter from, 128.

Stringer, Abraham, 256.

Strond, see London, the Strand.

Strood (Stroud; Kent), 412.

Strowde, Sir William, 266.

-, Lady Arabella (Arbell), 249, 382.
-, -, James I's pension to, 397.
-, Henry, (the King), Earl of Darnley, father of James I, 15.
-, -, and the murder of Rizzio, 16–17.
-, -, flight of, from Edinburgh, 17.
-, -, death of, 18.
-, Ludovic, 2nd Duke of Lennox, (the Duke), 86, 98, 221, 263, 293, 368.
-, -, letters from, 56, 237, 256 (2), 324.
-, -, letter to, 465.
-, -, a follower of, 194.
-, -, and alnage of cloth, 324, 334, 465.
-, -, James I's allusion to marriage of, 326.
-, -, as ambassador to France, 374, 400.
-, -, -, at Calais, 346.
-, -, -, instructions for, 366, 446–447.
-, -, grant of Lord Cobham's lands to, 411.
-, Matthew, 4th Earl of Lennox, grandfather of James I, 15.

Sturminster (Sturmister; Dorset), manor of, 434.

Sturton, Lady, 292.

Style, William, letter from, 295.

Subsidies, see Taxation, 461.

Sudbourne, [Suff.], letter dated at, 315.

Sudeley (Sudleye, Shudlye), [N. Gloucs.] letters dated at, 49 (2), 53, 324 (2).

Suede, see Sweden.

Suffolk, 385, 403.
-, a J.P. for, 356.

Suffolk, Earl of, see Howard.
-, Countess of, 374, 410.

Suissers, see Swiss.

Summerton, Sir John, and wine duty, 158.

Surrey, king's oaks in, 316.
-, Sheriff of, 404.

Surveyor, the, 200.
-, office of, 428.

Surveyorship of goods and chattels of felons, office of, 449.

Sussex, land offered to Viscount Cranborne in, 277.

Sussex, Earl of, see Ratcliffe.

Sutcliffe, Matthew, Dean of Exeter, 290.

Swabia (Swevia), [Germany], goods from, brought into England, 315.

Swale (Swayle), Sir Richard, master of the Chancery, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290 (2).
-, letter to, 52.
-, employed in Council for Earl of Hertford, 440.

Swarte Gat (Sawrtigate, Swartigat) channel of, 58.

Swayle, see Swale.

Sweden (Swethen, Suede), Duke Charles of, see Charles.

Swevia, see Swabia.

Switzerland, Swiss (Switsers, Suissers):
-, troops, levying of, by States General, 47, 125, 130, 199.
-, Protestant cantons, league of with Milan, 110.
-, Catholic cantons, league of, 110.

Swynsed, Thomas, letter from, 165.

Sydnam, manor of, property of Norreys family, 344.

Sydney (Sidney), Robert, 1st Lord Sydney, Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, Lord Governor of Flushing, 269, 270, 353, 391, 444.
-, letters from, 265, 335, 461.
-, letters to, 96, 97, 115, 418.
-, signs as Privy Councillor, 163.
-, his uncles the Earls of Warwick and Leicester (q.v), 461.

Symonds, Thomas, 381.

Synkler, Captain, slain at Ostend, 152.

Syon, see Sion.