Index: U Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Udall (Eudall), William, 26.
-, letters from, 7, 12, 57.
-, information of, report on, 9–11.

Ulpha (Ulfay) [Cumb.], 441.

Ulster, Earl of, see Plantagenet.

Underhill, William, 311.

Union of England with Scotland, (the Union), 143, 256, 345.
-, Scottish attitude to, 86, 99.
-, and Lord Zouche, 314.
-, Commissioners for, 332, 364, 420, 446.
-, -, choosing of, 98, 169, 413.
-, -, good wishes to, 336, 359.
-, -, meeting of, at Westminster, 357.
-, makes Border offices unnecessary, 342.
-, James I's views on, 363–364, 366, 369, 395, 422–423.
-, act of naturalization under, 366, 369.
-, French attitude to, 367.
-, Act of, ready for Parliament, 382.
-, Preface to, objected to, 395, 422– 423.
-, goodwill of Commons towards, 414.
-, as a principal proposition in Parliament, 425.

United Provinces, States General of, letters to, 1.
-, letters from, 67, 94.
-, and cloth trade with England, 1–3.
-, Council of, in Holland, 96, 102, 103, 267, 306.
-, -, at Sluys, 200, 280.
-, and war in Low Countries, army of, see under Nassau, Count Maurice.
-, -, cost of, 360–361.
-, -, English troops employed by, reward of, 92.
-, -, -, advancement of officers of, 130, 131, 306.
-, -, -, a pension to an officer's widow, 134.
-, -, -, an attempt to make mutiny, 251.
-, -, -, see also Army, English.
-, -, disagreements with Count Maurice, see under Nassau, Count Maurice.
-, -, Scottish troops employed by, see Scotland.
-, -, see also Ostend and Sluys.
-, order Dutch to impeach English ships trading with the Archduke, 332.
-, and treaty between England and Spain, 424.
-, -, effect of, on wars in the Low Countries, 270–274, 282, 301, 360–361.
-, question of dependence on English help, 436.
-, treaty of peace and commerce of, with Spain and the Archdukes, articles of, 450.
-, their agent in England, see Caron.
-, English agent to, see Winwood.

Universities, the, 372; see also Oxford and Cambridge.

Upton [?Lincs.], Sir R. Wingfield's house at, 385.

Usher, the Gentleman, 143.

Uxbridge river, plan to supply London with water from, 55.


Valadolid, see Valladolid.

Valasco, see Velasco.

Valencienne (Vallenchyne), 278.

Valladolid (Valadolid, Valledelid), [Spain], 38, 67, 116, 123, 127, 136, 137.
-, letter dated at, 228.
-, Sancta Clara in, 6.
-, a licence dated at, 39.

Vallenchyne, see Valencienne.

Vandalia, Markgrave of, see Brandenburg.

Vandalorum, Marchio, see Brandenburg.

Vandenberg, Frederic, and the Mutineers, 72.

Vander Node (Vandernode), Colonel, sometime Governor of Ostend, 93, 178.
-, in command of States General fleet round Sluys, 104, 105, 107, 112.

Vane (Fane):
-, Sir Thomas, 193, 198.
-, Mr., 240.

Vanlor, Mr., 444.

Vasey, Robert, 376.

-, Capt. John, letter from, 296.
-, Owen, 314.
-, Dr. Richard, Bishop of Chester, afterwards Bishop of London, 101.
-, -, and taxation, 220, 236.
-, -, proposed for Court of Delegates, 440.

Vavasour, Sir Thomas, 193, 198.

Veazy, Goodwife, 280.

Velasco (Valasco, Veliasco):
-, Juan Fernandez de, Duke de Frias, Constable of Castile, (the Constable, the ambassador), 285, 289, 450.
-, -, embassy of, to England, 85, 173.
-, -, -, delayed by illness, 72, 73, 202, 212.
-, -, -, arrival of, at Dover, 201, 203.
-, -, -, journey of, to London, 201, 203, 205, 206, 208(2), 211, 212, 217.
-, -, -, proposed audience of, with James I in London, 209, 222.
-, -, -, arrival in London, news of, in Spain, 228.
-, -, receives letters from Louis de Velasco, 212.
-, -, presents given to, 300.
-, -, at Arras, 329.
-, -, alleged to be persuaded to distrust James I, 400.
-, -, see also Spain, treaty of, Conmissioners for.
-, Don Louis de (General of the Archduke's cavalry), 89, 212.
-, -, and a battle near Damme, 90– 92 passim.

Veldenz, Count of, see Rhine.

Venables, William, 266.

Venice, (Italy), 356.
-, letters dated at, 71, 109, 110.
-, ambassador of, 212.
-, restrictions of, on English trade, 381.

-, Captain Edward, 207.
-, Edward de, 17th Earl of Oxford (Great Oxford) pension of, 258, 397.
-, General Sir Francis, Governor of the Briel, in command of the English troops at Ostend, 45, 406.
-, -, letters from, 215, 307.
-, -, resigns his charge, 42, 46, 215, 280, 305, 307, 436.
-, -, desired by the States for further service in the Low Countries, 306.
-, Henry de, 18th Earl of Oxford, 434.
-, -, letter from, 310.
-, Col. Sir Horace, 42, 92, 103, 214.
-, -, letters from, 94, 101, 116.
-, -, ordered to recruit Englishmen for Low Countries War, 94, 95.
-, -, requested to give war information to an opponent of Cecil, 129.

Verney, Sir Richard, 43.

Vernon, Sir Robert, 13, 147.
-, and a claim to a manor, 114.

Verzellini, Jacob, letter from, 212.

Vice-Chamberlain, the, 135, 168.

Victoria, Antonio Chouel de, 450.

Vincerst, —, 256.

Viq., Mr. de, 289.

Vlissinge, Vlushing, see Flushing.


Waad (Wade), Sir William, 400.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290 (2).

Waddesdon (Waddesden, Wadsden), [Bucks.], 379, 380.

Wakeman, Mr., 193.

Walachia, 156.

Walden, William, 296.

Wales, 34, 243.
-, shires in, loans in, 191.
-, union of, with England, 364.
-, law-officers in, appointment of, 465.
-, Marches of, the Wardrobe in, a claim for office in, 30.
-, -, James I's attitude to, 325.
-, -, claim four English shires, 412.
-, -, Council of, 30.
-, -, -, letter from, 337.
-, -, -, some names of, 337.
-, -, -, a trial by, 330.
-, -, Lord President of, 301, 313, 465.
-, -, -, see also Zouch.
-, -, -, and Council of, a case concerning, 412.

Walker, —, 37.

Wall, Rev. Father Richard, 34.

Walleis, Clement, 193.

Waller, Sir Tho., 433.

Walloon troops, 59, 81, 87, 90, 113.
-, Colonel of, see Markett.

-, Sir John, letter from, 266.
-, Sir Henry, letters from, 313, 355.
-, -, his brother Gifford, 313, 355.

Wallwood (Essex). 307.

Walmesley (Walmysley), Thomas, justice of the Common Pleas, 290, 307, 350.
-, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.

Walsingham, Sir Francis (Secretary), 243.

Walter, Morgan, 276.

Waltham [Essex], 58, 165.

Walthamstowe [Essex], care of King's game in, 339.

Waltsall, Alderman, 467.

Wanlock (Winlock) Water, [Dumf.], letter dated from, 37.

Wanstead (Wansteede) [Essex], letters dated at, 222, 237, 301, 430.
-, packet sent by Cecil from, 206, 208.
-, the King and Queen to be at, 255.

-, [Peter, justice of the King's Bench], 350.
-, Sir Richard, letters from, 206, 305, 306.
-, -, his wife Ann, letter from, 267.
-, -, his son, christening of, 277.
-, Mr., 267.
-, Thomas, letters from, 462 (2).

Warcopp, Walter (32).

Warde, Mr., Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 378.

Wardehouse (?), 43.

Warder, Mr., 431.

Wardrobe, the, a claim for office in, 30.

Wards, Court of, 73, 89, 128.
-, Attorney of, 146.
-, profits of, 167.
-, forfeited bonds in, 448.

Wards and Wardships, 140, 168, 233, 243, 247, 264, 296, 305 (2), 365, 403, 415 (2).
-, marriages of, composition for, 22.
-, proceedings in Parliament concerning 43, 141–144.
-, lands of, tenants of, 70.
-, -, in Ireland, 325.
-, an agreement for, 346.
-, profits from, in Ireland, 442.
-, and parish registers, 460.

Ware (Herts.), letter dated at, 165.
-, postal endorsement at, 359.
-, the King to reach, 220.

Ware, James, 44.

Wareford, Mr., 289.

Wark, Castle of [Northumb.], 376.

Warrant, Royal, concerning grants of lands, 187, 323.
-, for pardon of a recusant, 329.
-, for alnage of cloth, 334.
-, for Treasurer of the Navy, 357.

Warrin [Earl of Warren], lands of, 331.

Warwick, 465.
-, assizes, 176, 177.

Warwick, Earl of, see Dudley.

Washington, Richard, letter from, 33.

Waterford (Ireland), 429.

Watson (Wattson):
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 38.
-, Mr., 94.
-, Thomas, agent for the Treasurer for Wars in Ireland, 44, 83, 464.
-, -, a slanderous charge against, 462–463.
-, [William], a priest, 248.

Watts, John, 312.

Weald, —, LL.D., principal official of consistory court of Worcester, 440.

-, Mr. Dr., 33, 36.
-, William, 458.

Wedgnock Park [co. Warw.], letter dated at, 197, 303.

Wekeyes, William, 457.

Welbourne, —, a Roman Catholic, 44.

Wells [Somerset], letter dated at, 204.
-, see also Bath and Wells.

Wells (Welles):
-, Alice, 223.
-, Ro., 60.
-, Thomas, a recusant, 457.
-, -, petition from, 322.

-, Sir Richard, 344.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 305.

Wentworth, Mr., 42.
-, Lady, 335.
-, Peter, 20.

Wescomb, Justinian, 6, 7.

West, Thomas, 3rd Baron De La Warr, 71, 343.
-, letter from, 379.

Westbie, —, 255.

Weste, Richard, letter from, 356.

West Indies, voyages into, 145, 246.
-, Spanish fleet from, 462.

Westminster, City of:
-, letters dated at, 79, 185, 449.
-, Bishop of Lincoln's house in, letter dated from, 43.
-, College, letter dated at, 95.
-, Bailiwick of, 120.
-, Bailiff of, 171.
-, Abbey (St. Peter's) and Godmanchester rectory, 145, 453.
-, -, Queen Elizabeth's foundation of, 185.
-, -, Dean of (Mr. Daene), as nominator of Registraries for brokers, 56.
-, -, -, see also Andrews.
-, -, -, and Chapter of, letter from, 185.
-, Queen's Chancery at, 162.
-, deaths in, 186, 383, 387.
-, the plague in, see Plague.
-, Palace of, royal warrants dated at, 187, 334.
-, meeting of Commissioners for Union of England and Scotland at, 357.
-, translators of the Bible at, 403.
-, Parliament at, see Parliament.
-, places in, see London and Westminster Places.

Westmony [? Vestmannayjar, Iceland], 239.

Westmorland, 327.

Westmorland, Earl of, see Nevill.

Weston, letter dated at, 66.

Weston, Nicholas, letter from, 83.

Wexford, (Ireland), waste lands in, 430.

Weymouth [Dorset], farm of customs at, 348.

Whale, Robert, 32, 33.

Whitaker, —, 311.

Whitbourne (Whitburne) [Herefs.], letter dated at, 234.

White (Whyte):
-, John, a cook, 311.
-, Nicholas, letter from, 304.
-, -, petition of, 305.
-, Thomas, letter from, 40.
-, -, son of Mrs. Harvy, 457.

White Knight, the, see FitzGibbon.

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 65, 344.
-, death of, 95, 349, 355.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, as Bishop of Worcester, 407.

Whitny, Walter, of Norfolk, 427.

Whyte Boy, the, 35.

Whyte, see also White.

Wiatt, see Wyatt.

Wich, James, an English merchant in Spain, 6.

Wick, see Hampton Wick.

Widdrington, Henry, Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

Wig', E., 32.

Wight, Isle of, 367, 462.
-, an accusation from, 319–322, 375, 447–448.

Wigmore [Herefs.], a sergeant of, 81.

Wigmore, Sir Richard, letters from, 238, 280.

Wigorn, Gerv., see Babington.

-, Ralph, J.P. for Herts, letter from, 434.
-, Sir Roger, Master of Requests, 83, 217, 241, 347.
-, -, letters from, 110, 355.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, -, as a lawyer of Gray's Inn, 446.

Wilford, William, 247.

Wilkinson, Mr., an unconformable minister, 379, 380.

Willemstad (Williamsteede; Netherlands), 53, 450.

William, Count, see Nassau.

-, David, Justice [of the King's Bench], 268.
-, John, 314.
-, Mr., 123.
-, -, 67.

Williamsteede, see Willemstad.

Willowghby, —, 311.

Wilmott, Sir Charles, letter from, 464 (2).

Wilson (Willson):
-, Thomas, letter to, 1.
-, Mr., 345.

Wilton (Wylton) [Wilts.], James I and Council at, 240, 328.

Wiltshire, loans in, 180, 181.
-, a manor of Lord Fyvie in, 434.
-, Sir Philip Herbert's lands in, 439, 440.
-, sheriffs of, see Barnard and Danvers.

Wimpole, (Cambs.), 48.

Winchester (Winton), 34, 260, 353.
-, prisoners at, 192, 197, 372, 455.
-, College, Warden of [Dr. John Harmer], 193, 198.

Winchester, Bishop of, 344.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290, 322.
-, -, see also Bilson.
-, -, consistory court of, principal official of, see Ridley.

Winchester, Lucy, Marchioness of, niece of Lord Cranborne, letter from, 351.

Windsor (Wynsore), [Berks.], 209, 222.
-, the Court at, letters dated from, 313, 322.

Wine, duty on, 157, 158, 381.
-, Office, the, 455.
-, Gascon, 452.

Wingfield (Wingfelde, Wingfeilde):
-, Mary, Lady Wingfield, letters from, 202, 296.
-, Mr., 296.
-, Sir Robert, 43.
-, -, letters from, 343, 385, 464.
-, -, as deputy steward in Lincs., 343, 353.

Winlock, see Wanlock.

Winter (Wynter):
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 267.
-, Captain John, letters from, 274, 308.
-, -, christening of his child, 313.

Winton, see Winchester.

Winwood (Winwood, Wynwood), Ralph, references to, as English agent to States General, 45, 61, 66, 79, 90, 117, 130, 170, 222, 279, 368, 382.
-, letters from, 1, 41, 46, 53, 58, 63, 69, 72, 77, 84, 103, 134, 198, 229, 282, 360.
-, letters to, 87, 301, 418, 435.
-, and the Laird of Buccleugh, 39.
-, embarks for Holland, 102.
-, arrives at Flushing, 281.

Wisbech (Wisbeach; Isle of Ely), 464.

Wismar (Wissmar) as a Hanse town, 297.

Wodrofe, see Woodrofe.

Wollerton, 280.

Wood (Woodd):
-, Captain, 179.
-, -, letter to, 276.
-, John, 8.
-, John, victualler for Munster, 454.
-, -, 34.
-, -, a servant of Lord Cobham, 193, 198.

Wooddall, —, 336.

Woodhowse, Captain, 80.

Woodrofe (Wodrofe):
-, Sir Nicholas, formerly Lord Mayor of London, 153.
-, Sir Robert, claim of, to a city office, 153, 154.

Woodstock [Oxon.], 304, 339.
-, Lodge, letter dated at, 356.

Wootton, see Wotton.

Worceley, Mr., 34.

Worcester, 190.
-, letter dated at, 177.
-, a charge of coining at, 268.

Worcester, Bishopric of, consistory court of, principal official of, see Weald.
-, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Babington, and Whitgift.
-, Dean of, 366.

Worcester, Earl of, see Somerset.

Worcesters (Worceters) manor [in Enfield, Middx.], 58.

Worcestershire, alnage of cloth in, 334.

Workington (Wyrkington) [Cumb.], letter dated at, 127.

Worksop (Worsop; Notts.), letters dated at, 227, 350.
-, the Earl of Shrewsbury's house in, Prince Charles at, 227.

Worsley (Worseley):
-, Bowyer, 319, 320, 375, 447.
-, -, character and account of, 321.
-, Mr., 295.

Worsnam, Mr., 328.

Worsop, see Worksop.

Worth, John, of Norfolk, 427.

Worthe, Peter, 34.

-, Dr., President of the English College at Douai, letters to, from Catholics, 32(2), 33 (2), 35, 36.
-, William, letters from, 32 (2), 33.

Wosnam, Mr., 467.

Wotton, (Wootton):
-, Edward, Lord Wotton of Maherly, 138, 244, 392.
-, -, letters from, 186, 208, 212, 465.
-, -, report signed by, 146.
-, -, meets the Constable, 205, 211.
-, -, an arbitrator in a cause in the Star Chamber, 438.
-, Sir Henry, and dealings with Papal Nuncio, 366.

Wray, Sir William, 43.

Wrexham [Denbighs.], letter dated at, 314.

Wright (Write):
-, Laurence, letter from, 223.
-, Mr., 118, 186.
-, Mr., in the King's stable, 197.
-, Mr., his law books, 433.
-, Richard, 153, 154.
-, Thomas, 311.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, 274, 339, 415.
-, letters from, 263, 353.
-, and Lord Grey's imprisonment, 122, 248.
-, and advancement of an English officer in the Low Countries war, 131.
-, royal warrant for grant of lands to, 187.
-, commendation of, 320, 321.
-, and a suit to imprint chronicles, 433.

Write, see Wright.

-, of Elegit and Scire facias, 22, 23.
-, De Quo Titulo, 43.

Wroth (Wrouthe, Wrothe):
-, Sir Robert, 42, 43, 385, 446.
-, -, letter from, 307.
-, -, and wardships, 141, 142.
-, William, a recusant, 14.

Wryghtinton, John, letter from, 108.

Wyatt (Wiatt), [Sir Thomas], his rebellion, 139.

Wylde, George, a lawyer, 446.

Wylton, see Wilton.

Wyndebanck, John, a prisoner, 427.

Wynsore, see Windsor.

Wynter, see Winter.

Wynwood, see Winwood.

Wyrkington, see Workington.

Wystoun, 292.

Wytherington, —, 310.


Yarmouth road, 332.

Yelverton, Christopher, Justice of the King's Bench, 138, 350, 438.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.

Yeoman of the Guard, 143.

York (Yowrk,) 63.
-, letter dated at, 38.
-, James I at, 7, 10, 12.
-, Castle, Roman Catholics committed to, 44.

York, Archbishop of, see Hutton.
-, diocese of, the plague at, 327.
-, -, patent of a registership of, 335, 340.
-, province of, 461.

York, Duke of, creation of and grants to, 331.
-, see also Charles and Plantagenet.

Yorkshire, 404.
-, the Queen in, 126.
-, assizes in, 268.
-, land offered to Viscount Cranborne in, 277.
-, Dacres lands in, 428.

Youghal (Ireland), 429.

Young, John, Bishop of Rochester, report signed by, 146.

Younge, Richard, 153.

Ypsych, see Ipswich.

Ysendick, see Isendike.


Zealand (Zeland, Zeeland, Zeelanders), state of:
-, and the war between Spain and States General, 46, 47, 54, 64, 69, 108 (2), 280.
-, rejoicing in, over fall of Sluys, 218.
-, and the English treaty with Spain, 226.
-, English ships trading with, 265.
-, hope of treaty with Spain, 356.
-, and cost of Navy of United Provinces, 360.

Zoch, see Zouche.

Zorbehe, Heer van, 460.

Zouche (Zowche, Zoch):
-, Edward la, Lord Zouche, Lord President of the Marches of Wales, 150, 177.
-, -, letters from, 11, 13, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 40, 169, 174, 175, 190, 191 (2 enclosures), 228, 267, 268, 276, 286 (1 enclosure), 296, 314, 323.
-, -, letters to, 14, 51, 314, 337.
-, -, offers to resign, 296.
-, -, memorial of, concerning lawofficers in Wales, 465.
-, Sir John, 120, 171, 384.

Zurich (Switzerland), 47.