Index: L

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


La Bela, Marquis de, brother of Prince d'Avallmo, 602.

Lacy, William, J.P., dwelling in St. James' Deeping, his behaviour during the riots in Kesteven, 177–180.

request of Lord Burghley with regard to, 200.

La Fontaine, Mons. de, 103, 442.

Laiborne, in Kent, letter dated at, 140.

Lakes, Mr., a cause decided by, 579.

Lambeth (Lambehith), 290, 306, 695.

letters dated at, 10, 141, 438, 617.

Archbishop of Canterbury's house at, letter dated at, 489.

petition from the inhabitants of, with regard to the reparation of the river bank, 174.

Marsh, 687, 690.

—, letter dated at, 601.

—, Sir H. Brouncker's House at, letters dated at, 120, 145.

Lambert (Lambertt) :

—, 179.

Mr., 445, 456.

Sir Oliver, 198, 393.

—, a project for the establishment of an English Militia by, 590.

Lamote, Mr., 427.

Lancaster, county of, one of the preachers appointed to, recommended for preferment, 446.

preachers maintained by the Queen in, 606, 607, 643.

—, application from, 643.

the escheator of, letter to, 490.

Papists in, means for the converting of, followed by ministers in, 142.

Lanceston. See Launceston.

Land's End, 10.

Landt-daghe, a general meeting of the States General called a, 506.

Lang, Robert, petition from, 579.

Langden, Nicholas, steward, 53.

Langford :

Mr., of Derby, recusant, fined for not attending church, 252.

John, letter from, 152.

Roger, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

Langius, Mr., Secretary of the Magistrates of Staden, 123, 175, 501.

Langley :

B., letter from, 330.

Richard, list of manors passed to, in trust for Sir R. Cecil, 201.

Langtoft, town of, [Lincolnshire], women from, join in the Kesteven riots, 178, 179.

Langton (Langhton) :

James, complaint against, 581.

Dr. Thomas, letter from, 264.

Languerman, Mr., connected with the causes of the Hanse towns, 251.

Langworth, Dr., prebendary of Bath and Wells, 508, 575.

Lant, John, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Lanyer, Alfonso, 278.

Lapis Malacensis, 537.

Laskey, Bartholomew, 71.

Lassells, Sir John, 702.

Latimer, lands inherited by the Queen from the family of, 40.

Lattin (Laten), Stephen, an Irishman, 641.

letter from, 548.

Lattlye, John, rescued from the Spanish galleys, 80.

La Tour, M. de, killed at Ostend, 602.

Launceston (Lanceston) :

letter dated at, 663.

Laughton, letter dated at, 364.

Laugust, Bay of, 75.

Lauvan [Brittany], 449.

Laverdin (Laverdon, Laverdine), Marshal de, commanding French troops, retreat of, allusion to, 326.

orders sent to, 310.

recalled, 329.

attitude of, 387.

Lawrence (St. Laurence), Sir Christopher, letter from, 144.

Layghton Bewdeserte. See Leighton Buzzard.

Leake, the priest, 326, 520.

his removal to Framingham, 312.

Leaster, 119.

Leat, Nicholas, merchant, 704.

Lecaell,” 359.

Lee, river of, 243.

Lee (Lea) :

Sir Henry, Master of the Ordnance of the Tower, Knight of the Garter, 511.

—, letter to, 532.

—, letters from, 58, 380, 633, 647.

—, illness of, 233.

John, of the Armoury, letters from, 191, 575.

Sir Richard, brother of Sir Henry, letters from, 69, 233, 420, 511.

Richard, Alderman of Totnes, 71.

Capt. Thomas, executed for treason, as to his seizure of a castle and lands in Ireland, 433, 434.

—, his son, alluded to, 434.

—, property of the children of, 511.

Sir Jo. of, lands descended to the Earl of Kildare from, 248. See also Legh.

Leeds (Leedes) :

Richard, an officer of the Mines Royal, 514.

Thomas, of Wapingthorne, 176.

Leeke, Jasper, dispute about a lease held by, 491.

Leeuwe (Lew) [Brabant], town of, mutiny in, mentioned, 203.

capture of, by the States' army, 260.

Leffland. See Livonia.

Legge, Dr. Thomas, Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 64.

letter from, 223.

Legh :

Sir John, grandfather of the Earl of Kildare, 485.

Sir John, cousin of the Earl of Kildare, 485. See also Lee.

Leghorn, 85, 348, 357, 412.

letter dated at, 414.

Le Grys (Gryce, Grise), Robert, letters from, 503, 615.

the matter of, discussed, 518.

Leicester, lands in, belonging to the Queen from the escheat of Davers, 40.

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley.

Leigh(e) (Leygh) :

Capt. Charles, letters from, 25, 75.

Captain Edmond, payment to, 92.

Richard, of Chester, surgeon, 37,

W., parson of Standish, letter from, 643.

Leighton (Laiton, Leyghton) :

E. Lady, letters from, 534 (2).

—, a gift from, 528.

Mr., probably Sir Thomas, a request of, referred to, 534, 535.

Richard, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

Sir Thomas, letter from, 171.

—, audience with the Queen, 9.

—, petition of Lord Zouch with regard to a patent with, 342.

—, nephew of, letter refuting libellous statements against, 171, 172.

—, —, allusion to, 535.

Leighton Buzzard (Layghton Bewdeserte), letter dated at, 390.

Leinster, lands in, held by rebels, 532.

Leipzig, news from, 311, 326.

Leith, near Edinburgh, 654, 676, 678.

a ship of, report brought by the master of, 93.

Leix (Leax), fort of, 559.

Lemos, Count of, son of, appointed to the Council of State (Spain), 287.

Lenagh (Lenaugh) :

Sir Tyrrelagh, late Oneile, murder committed by, alluded to, 394.

Tyrrelaugh, grandfather of Tyrrelaugh Oneile, wild doings of, recalled, 661.

Lensaye. See Lindsay.

Lent, suggested enforcing of fasting in the Navy during, 10.

Lepton, Mr., 110, 665.

Lerma, Duke of, Marquis of Denia, 590, 591, 655.

instructions from, to the Governor of Ceuta, 253.

son of, appointed to the Council of State (Spain), 287.

a former page of, 292.

at christening of the Infanta, 608.

Lesdiguières. See Desdiguières.

Le Sieur (Lesieur, Lesuire, Leyzeiur, Lezure), Stephen, Commissioner for the treaty at Bremen, 502, 644.

letters from, 57, 153, 278, 315, 344, 521.

statement of negotiations, written in the hand of, 42, 43.

transmission of correspondence to, 211.

notes concerning Denmark and the Hanse towns, 250, 251.

conference concerning the claims of certain merchants, 286.

conference with Lord Eure, mentioned, 319, 320.

starts on his journey to Bremen, 360.

to be employed in a mission to the Count of Emden, 416.

chosen to be the Queen's emissary between the Count and town of Embden, 426.

his diligence commended, 501.

proceedings with the Baron of Minckwitz, alluded to, 657.

Lettice, niece of the Dowager Countess of Kildare, 360.

Leuchtenberg, Langrave of, a messenger from the Emperor, 644.

Leueson. See Leveson.

Leuth (Luyt), [Netherlands], 203.

Levant, the, 155.

English warship said to trouble the traffic on, 622.

suppression of pirates in, 549.

Company the, 637.

Levermore, John, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Leveson (Leueson, Levson, Luceye, Luson), Sir Richard, Admiral, “my son Lewson,” 132, 161, 204, 282, 287, 333, 471, 551.

letters from, 23, 183, 217, 236, 273, 289, 344.

letters to, 161, 330.

his instructions with regard to the transportation of Spanish subjects, 71, 72.

leaves Plymouth, 78, 280.

describes his engagements with the Spaniards, 133–134, 183–185.

forwarding of correspondence to, 160, 167, 175, 193.

prizes sent home by, cargoes in, 192.

taking of a carrack by, reported, 196 (2).

ship of, mentioned, 215.

proposes to visit the Queen, 237.

to go to sea, 271.

Levingston, John, attendant upon the French Ambassador, 467.

Levinus (Levynus). See Munck.

Lew. See Leeuwe.

Lewes, Bevill, merchant, 704.

Lewis :

Griffith, dean of Gloucester, letter from, desiring preferment, 456.

Richard, merchant, sent by the Company of the East Merchants on a mission to Denmark, 640.

Lewkenor (Lewkenar) :

Edward, J.P. for Suffolk, 523.

Sir Richard (“Mr. Justice,”) Justice of Chester, letters from, 86, 680.

—, death of his only son, desires licence to travel in order to settle his lands, etc., 86.

—, a motion of, concerning an oath, 303.

—, disagreement as to a matter of precedence, 464, 465, 480.

—, disagreement with the Lord President of Wales, 619, 620.

Leyzeiur, Lezure. See Le Sieur.

Libike. See Lubeck.

Liddesdale (Lidesdall), six men of, outlaws, taken by Sir J. Carey, agreement and explanation concerning, 89, 127.

keeper of, 127.

Lidgiet, le Sr., 245.

Liége, 19.

country about, spoiled by mutinous soldiers, 493.

the Bishop of, a town of, 269.

Liere, [Brabant] town of, 476.

Limauer, George (Georgio), letter from, 116.

news letters addressed to, 254 (2).

Limerick (Lymrycke) :

Bishop of. See Thornborough.

Earl of, 665.

Limington (Lymyngton), John, intelligence from, as to Papists, 366, 367.

Linch(e) (Lynch) :

Anthony, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Christopher, Mayor of Galloway, petition from, 74.

James, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Marcus, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Nicholas, Bailiff of Galloway, 74.

Peter, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

William, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Lincoln, pitiful cries of the inhabitants in the country round, 98.

cause to be tried at, 234.

gaol at, a prisoner in, 364.

Bishop of. See Chaderton.

County of, soldiers from, run away, 517.

—, Sheriff of. See Dalyson.

Earl of. See Clinton.

Lindsay (Lensaye, Linsey) :

Sir James, report of, to the King of Scots concerning Lady Arabella, 676.

Sir James, a Scottish gentleman, in Venice, allegations against, 322, 324, 325.

Lindsaies, the, 665.

Linen from Berwick, 578.

Linewray (Lynewray), J., letter from, 288.

acknowledges a deed of surrender, 226.

Lippe, Count Van der, Envoy of the Emperor, arrival at the Hague, 454.

proposal made by, 476.

Lisbon (Lisborne, Lisboa, Lisheborne, Luxbones, Lysboan), 17, 26, 44, 118, 133, 147, 163, 173, 220, 268, 283, 287, 339, 418, 420, 422.

letter dated near, 422.

news from, 282, 298, 331, 333, 339, 654, 655, 675.

naval and military operations at, reports with regard to, 80, 93, 98, 99, 107, 215, 241, 266, 277, 286, 290, 293, 446, 447.

ships from, taken by British vessels, 98, 136.

Spaniards and Portingalls transported from Plymouth for, 117.

arrival of the West Indies fleet at, reported, 328, 332.

the British fleet to visit, 331.

armada at, reported commander of, 254.

the Boa Vista by St. Paul's Church in, 108.

carracks from, allusions to, 69, 71, 72, 132.

Chancery of, seal of, 109.

the Italian Church called St. Loredo in, 108.

principal officer of the navy in. See Cesar.

the Viceroy at, 339.

river of, 117.

Lislie, Edmund, one of H.M.'s Sewers, a former servant of, 85.

Lister (Lyster) :

Antonio, hope of his liberation, 670.

Jno., Alderman of Hull, 296.

—, bearer of a petition from the municipal authorities of Hull, 33.

Lawrence, petition from, 579.

Litstar, —, information concerning his movements, 229.

Littlecote (Lytlecolt, Lyttlecot), letters dated at, 315, 333, 671, 673.

Littleton :

Sir Edward, son of, late scholar probationer at King's College, Cambridge, explanation concerning, 490.

John, forfeitures of, 547.

Liverpool, Mayor of, 76.

Livinus. See Munck.

Livonia (Leffland), scarcity in, 122.

news from, 365.

campaign in, 381.

Lizard, the, 133, 181, 185.

Llandaff, Bishop of. See Godwin.

Llanvrothen, Merionethshire, a murder, in, 482, 483.

Lleweny, letters dated at, 118, 264, 391, 468.

Lloyd (Lloid) :

Edward, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

Ellisey ap William, of Rhuoedoge, in Merionethshire, accused of murder, 481, 482.

Fulke (Foulke), indicted for murder, 468.

Sir John, 263.

—, concerned in a case in the Star Chamber, 118.

Robert, Sheriff of Merionethshire, 482.

Lochinvar, (Lowghinvar), Gordon, Laird of, in London, on his way to France, 547.

Lochon, Serjeant-Major of the town of, under arrest in England, letter on behalf of, 38.

Locke. See Lok.

Lodwicke, Lodovic. See Ludovic.

Loghen. See Longen.

Lok (Locke) :

Henry, letters from, 150 (2), 169, 185, 191, 214, 295, 468, 484.

—, arrested as surety, 150, 548.

—, mentions his family, 150.

Mr., 54, 60, 61.

Zacharias, letter from, 210.

Loke, Michael, letter from, 622.

Lokson, Richard, 16.

Lomarie [Brittany], 449.

Lombardy, a friar preaching in, to be examined, 313.

London :

soldiers for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

bonds taken of, 228.

money borrowed from, by French ambassadors, obligation for the repayment of, 257.

quays, arrangements for unlading of ships at, 176.

a subsidy in, mentioned, 656.

Bishop of. See Bancroft.

Customers of, letter to, 444.

Lord Mayor of, 103, 201, 377, 656.

—, complaint concerning his pressing of men, 145.

—, to take order to prevent the spread of the plague from Amsterdam, 247.

—, and the shipping in the river, 703.

Lord Mayor and certain Aldermen of, copy of a speech giving offence to, 672.

Preachers in, instructions issued to, alluded to, 29.

Recorder of. See Croke.

London and Westminster Places :

Aldersgate Street, letter dated at, 22.

Austin Friars, letters dated at, 527, 702.

Barbican, 94.

Baynards Castle, letters dated at, 71, 445.

Blackfriars (Black Friars), letters dated at, 51, 204, 416, 448, 521, 589, 590, 614, 637 (2).

—, Lord Cobham's House in, letters dated at, 57, 66, 89, 94, 110, 111, 126, 159, 163, 373, 404, 429, 438, 443, 456, 464, 529, 660, 674.

—, as to the suppression of works in, 219.

Bridgehouse, the bakehouse of the, proposal to dry bacon in, 103.

Bull in Bishopsgate, 625.

Cecil House, 32.

Channon Row, letters dated at, 188, 199, 479, 511.

Charing Cross, letters dated at, 374, 440.

Cheapside, 438.

Clements Inn (Clemmanes yeande), 458.

Clerton Well [? Clerkenwell], letter dated at, 330.

Clink, the, 265, 312, 205, 406, 520.

—, a prisoner in, 212.

—, priest committed to, 243.

Conduit, the, 415.

Crutchett Friars, 324.

Doctor's Commons, letters dated at, 74, 160, 222, 374, 476.

Duke's Place, 231.

Fetter Lane, 577.

—, Sir James Mervin's lodging in, letter dated at, 487.

Fleet (Flete), the, letters dated at, 11, 16, 20, 23, 46.

—, a former prisoner in, 248.

Fleet Street, Sir George Peckham's house near Swan Alley in, letter dated at, 244.

Flemish church in, alluded to, 58.

Garnet's Buildings near Temple Bar, letters dated at, 74, 281, 312, 633.

Gate House (Gatus), the, 520, 637, 704.

—, letters dated at, 45, 46, 312, 396, 430, 450, 262, 607, 665.

—, priest released from, 230.

—, prisoners in, petition from, 580.

—, a prisoner in, memorandum concerning, 681.

Gracious Street over against the Conduit, 415.

Grays Inn (Grais In), 229, 623.

—, letter dated at, 491.

—, the Benchers of, certificate of nomination by, 647.

Haberdashers' garners, proposal to store cheese in the, 103.

Hackney, letter dated at, 82.

Holborn, letter dated at, 512.

Inner Temple, the Benchers of, certificate of nomination by, 647.

—, Treasurer of. See Davies.

Inns of Court, certificates of nomination by, 646, 647.

King's Bench, an attorney of. See Haewarth.

King's Bench Prison (H.M's Bench), 258, 520.

—, a prisoner in, 33.

—, letter dated at, the common gaol of, 54.

—, Deputy Marshal of. See Trench.

Lambart Hill, letters dated at, 421, 462.

Leadenhall (Ledenhall), 646.

—, letter dated at, 233.

—, prize goods laid up in, mentioned, 309.

Limehouse, 75.

—, letter dated at, 260.

Lincoln's Inn, the Benchers of, certificate of nomination by, 647.

Ludgate Hill at the sign of the Hare, letter dated at, 403.

Marshalsea, the, 265, 326, 520.

Merchant Taylors' garners, proposal to store cheese in the, 103.

Middle Temple, letter dated 395.

—, the Benchers of the, certificate of nomination by, 647.

—, House of the, willing to bear 200 marks towards an unnamed charge, 47.

Minories, the, letter dated at, 656.

Mint, the, officials in, 22, 198, 551.

Newgate, 265, 520.

—, letter dated at, 59.

—, prisoners in, 229, 544.

Paul's Cross (Paules Crosse), 236, 265.

—, the preacher at, on the Sunday following the Essex Rebellion, 201.

—, copy of a speech uttered at, 672.

Paul's (Poles) Wharf, 234.

Petticoat (Peticote), Lane, 168.

Phillippe Lane, letters dated at, 214, 226, 288.

—, Lord Zouche's lodging in, letter dated at, 157.

Poultry, the, 428.

Queen's Treasury at Westminster, 255.

Ram Allye End in Fleet St. (Fletstreat), 86.

Rolls, the, letter dated at, 521.

—, search made for documents in, 73.

Rolls Chapel, letter dated at, 226.

Round Wolstaple, Bishop of Limerick's lodging in the, letter dated at, 168.

St. John's Street, letter dated at, 198.

St. Pauls, the Deanery of, a supplicant for, 52, 67.

St. Peter of Westminster, Dean of the Collegiate Church of. See Andrewes, Lancelott.

Salisbury Court, letter dated at, 176.

—, the house of one Hurste in, letter dated at, 265.

Savoy, the, 32, 165.

—, letters dated at, 469, 511, 633.

—, a resident in, 532.

Strand (Strond), the, 32.

—, letters dated at, 187, 220, 297, 316, 319, 321, 236, 347.

—, Sir R. Cecil's house in the, 199.

—, allusion to question of water supply in, 370.

Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, letters dated at, 29, 33, 47, 145, 621, 642.

—, a cause heard in, 474.

Southwark, the Bishop of Winchester's house in, letter dated at, 123.

Temple, the, letters dated at, 291, 451.

Tower (Toware), the, 164, 695.

—, letters dated at, 64, 72, 80, 113, 191, 288, 298, 340, 701.

—, search made for documents in, 73.

—, a prisoner in, 405.

—, Keeper of the small guns in. See Palfreyman.

—, Lieutenant of. See Peyton.

—, Master of the Ordnance in. See Lee, Sir Henry.

—, Surveyor of, 540.

Tower Hill, Lord Lumley's house at, letter dated at, 111.

Tower wharf, 94.

Tyburn (Tiborne), an execution at, mentioned, 265.

Westcheap, letters dated at, 21, 22, 198.

Westminster, letter dated at, 202.

Whitefriars, letter dated at, 84.

Whitehall, letters dated at, 3, 38.

Wood Street, the monastery in, 428.

Woolstaple (Wolstaple), the, letter dated at, 576.

Longen or Loghen, the fort of, 476.

in course of erection by the Count of Emden, 350.

governor of. See Knyphuysen.

Longford, 586.

Lopes (Lopez) :

old, the Portuguese, suspected of conveying packets for Jesuits, 231.

Harnando, a Spaniard, 398.

Hieronymus, merchant of Portugal, 46.

Jeronimo, 396.

Lord, an unnamed, symptoms of his illness, remedies applied, 264.

Lord Chancellor, 84.

Lorraine, 570.

Cardinal of, 57.

Losca, 313.

Lostwithiel [co. Cornwall], letter dated at, 648.

Louchin, Baron de, Envoy of the Empire, proposal made by, 476.

Lough Foyle (Loughfoill) [Ireland], 93, 580.

army payments in, 92.

relief of the garrison at, 604.

Lough Sydney [Ireland], 271.

Louis, Count, proceedings of the soldiers under, 505.

Louth, co. of, 661.

Louvain, 570.

Love, Jeremy, a Scot, 48.

Lovelace :

Lancelot, 661.

Sir William, knt., 9.

Lovell (Loavall), Captain Thomas, and the riots in Kesteven, 177, 180, 187.

dispute with the inhabitants of the two Deepings, Lord Burghley's attitude with regard to, 200.

Low Countries, (the Netherlands), the Campaign in the, 55, 56, 190, 202, 203, 221, 222 (2), 223, 225, 226, 235, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 268–271, 276, 277, 291, 292, 295, 296, 305, 308, 313, 319, 320 (2), 327, 328, 336, 353, 354, 361, 368, 369, 379, 383, 399, 430, 431, 453, 454, 476, 493, 505, 515, 607.

the Queen intends to continue her assistance to, 93.

rumoured preparations in, 99.

divisions and commanders of the army in, 190, 260, 261, 268, 269.

English troops reported to be for service in, 244.

English troops in, before Grave, 292, 296.

—, commanded by Count Henry in the absence of Sir F. Vere, 308.

—, reduced in number, 369.

Spanish army in, mutiny and disorder in, 340, 341.

Spanish galleys said to be bound for, 193.

Spanish troops for, 181.

agent of the King of Spain for payments in, 663.

Envoys of the Empire in. See Lippe. See Louchin.

Lowe, Mr., 545.

Lower, Mr., 663.

Lowman, Mr., 508.

Loxbone. See Lisbon.

Lubeck (Libike, Lubicke, Lybick), 42, 129, 153, 246, 282, 472.

news from, 285.

arrival of commissioners for the negotiations from, 644.

embassy to the Muscovite from, 645.

Council of, relations with the Council of the Duke of Holstein, 488, 489.

a hulk of, a prize, arrives at Plymouth, 196 (2).

—, arrangements concerning, 215.

merchants of, challenge rights in certain prizes, 278.

a ship of, conveying victuals to Ireland, 10.

Lucas, Thomas, letter from, 450.

Lucca [Italy], settlement of troubles with Modena, 285, 299, 329, 461.

Luceye. See Leveson.

Ludlow [co. Shropshire], 214, 495.

letters dated at, 86, 304, 311, 409 (2), 436, 437, 448, 451, 464, 466, 480, 508, 525, 603, 612, 619 (2), 620, 648, 651, 652, 666, 673 (2), 674, 681, 697.

arrival of the Lord President of Wales at, 303.

Ludvic, (Lodwicke, Lodowick), Count or Grave, general of a division in the Low Countries, 269.

troops placed under the command of, 166.

spoil made by the troops under, 515.

Luff or Love, Capt., an Englishman, taken and executed by the Spaniards, 655.

Luke, Bishop of, 319.

Lukeland, province of, proceedings of the army in, 260.

Lulls, Arnold, merchant, 704.

Lumley :

[John], Lord, letters from, 111, 198, 509.

—, the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury propose to sup with, 166.

—, a sometime secretary to, 570.

Elizabeth, Lady, alluded to, 111, 198.

—, letters from, 279, 305.

—, mentions her brother, 279, 305.

Luneberg, 472.

arrival of Commissioners for the negotiations from, 644.

Luningborgh, Duke of. See Otto.

Lupi, Giovanne, merchant, 704.

Luther's (Leuther's) religion, Earl Enno's attitude towards, 128.

Lutterford, Edward, merchant, 704.

Luxemburgh (Luxemberg), 453, 505.

troops sent into, 476.

Luyt. See Leuth.

Luz, Baron de, lieutenant of the Duc de Biron, 493.

expected in Paris, 348.

arrested 301.

safe conduct and pardon granted to, 329.

Lybick. See Lubeck.

Lyddel, Thomas, of Newcastle, 499.

Lyeth [Leith ?], agreement for the demolition of, 257.

Lygeland [Liege ?], Spanish army in, 336.

Lyly, John, letter from, 636.

wife of, delivers a petition, 636.

Lyme, a ship of, pillage said to have been committed by, 174.

Lymehouse. See Limehouse.

Lymrycke. See Limerick.

Lymyngton. See Limington.

Lynewray. See Linewray.

Lynkenhorn, letter dated at, 289.

Lynne, a ship of, captured by Dunkirkers, 148.

Lyonell, Maddison, of Newcastle, 499.

Lyons, 85, 329, 484.

news, from, 285, 287, 301, 310, 348.

post, news contained in, 136, 155.

Lyuorne, See Leghorn.

Lysboan. See Lisbon.

Lyssenburgh, spoil made by the troops in, 515.

Lyster. See Lister.

Lytlecott, Lyttlecot. See Littlecote.

Lyttell Dun,” Mr., 380.

Lyttleton :

Gilbert, portion given to his daughter, 67.

Sir John, portion given to his daughter, 67.

John, referred to by Sir H. Bromley as my brother, 67.