Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Maas (Mase, Maze, Maese.) river, [Netherlands], 202, 226, 268, 269, 270, 235, 277, 291, 327, 328, 368, 369.

bridges thrown across, 225, 262, 268, 270, 296.

supposed project to cut off the passage of, 308.

MacBaron :

Art., a former follower of Tyrone, 394.

—, “Tyrone's base brother,” submission of, 74.

Cormac, submission of, 610.

McCarthy (Macarte, McCartie) :

Florence, 340.

—, his relations and alliances, 548.

—, prisoner in the Tower, offer of service, 297, 298.

Sir Owen, marriages of daughters of, 549.

McDermot (McDiermoda) :

Cormock or Cormett, Lord of Mussherie, 549.

—, prisoner in Cork, escape of, 424, 445, 446.

—, wife and children of, 446.

Charles (Mack Charta or Carthy) son of Cormock, at Oxford University, is taken into custody, 335, 337.

—, as to his disposal, expenses of, etc., 355.

—, letter from, in defence of his father, 382.

—, feared attempt to assist him in escaping, 445.

Macdonell, Hugh Boy, of Tenekille, a rebel, land held by, 633.

McGennies, former follower of Tyrone, 394.

McGinnis, Sir Hugh, a rebel, land held by, 633.

McHenry, Tirelaugh (Tyrelagh) former follower of Tyrone, 394.

submission of, 74.

suggested service for, 395.

Mack Charta. See MacDermot.

Mackeney (Makenie), L. of, a Scottish “Ilander,” his wealth and personal characteristics, offers his services to the Queen, 185, 191.

cousin of, executed by Tyrone, 185.

Macmahons, the, rebels, land held by, 633.

Maçon, M. le, letter from, 103.

McOnell, Sir James, 664.

McOwen :

Dermot, 549.

Fynen, 549.

Macray, the bishop, 236.

McShane, Henry Oge McHenry, former follower of Tyrone, 394.

MacSorle, Randell, 664.

MacSwyne, Sir Mulmory, a rebel, land held by, 633.

Macye, Richard, 71.

Madeira, 447.

Madrid, the carcel or common jail in, letters dated at, 268, 284.

Madruz (Madruca, Madruzzi), Colonel, or General of German troops, 310, 326.

partial repayment of money advanced by, 137.

Madryn, Robert, at Ludlow, a dispute, 611.

Maese. See Maas.

Maestricht (Mastricke) [on the river Maas], 203, 269, 294, 327, 476.

letter dated at, 203.

Magrath, Miler (Meiles), Archbishop of Cashel (Cassells), 531.

letters from, 440, 445, 455, 477, 531.

son to. See Gray.

Maidstone, as to the rents of, 374.

Mainard. See Maynard.

Mainz. See Mayence.

Majorca, 345.

troops for, 156.

news from, 347 (2).

Makin, Richard, 74.

Mal, [Netherlands], 203.

Malbie (Malbye), Capt. Henry, letter from, 87.

mentions his wife, 87.

Malacca, the stone of, 537.

Malaga, 336.

Malatia, the taking of, alluded to, 121.

Malines (Malynes), Gerard de, letter from, 528.

dispute with Sir H. Palavicino alluded to, 245.

Mallory (Malorye, etc.) :

Sir William, Member of the Council at York, letters from, 232, 452.

—, suit against S. Procter, 186, 453.

Jo., letter from, 161.

Malta, 26.

movements of the galleys of, 155, 330.

Malton (Maltoun), letters dated at, 250, 276, 289.

Malvezzi, Signore, 329.

Man, Isle of, feared invasion of, by Redshanks, 219.

Captain of. See Gerarde.

Deputy Captain of. See Mollynex.

Man, William, Burgess and Surveyor of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 174.

appointed to view building encroachments, 459.

Manacles (Manacells), the, 152.

Manchester, 503.

letters dated at, 622, 643.

religious needs of, described, 643.

Christ's College in, petition for the grant of the wardenship of, 643.

Mandorpius, —, 500.

Mandsfyld. See Mansell.

Maners, Mr, 695.

Manhood, one, a bankrupt fellow, 503.

Mannering, Captain, recommended for gallant behaviour, 184.

Manners :

Roger, 167.

Roger, Earl of Rutland, letters from, 33, 99, 187, 232, 289, 679.

—, refers to his wife and family, 33.

—, sister of, Cecil asked to further a proposed match for, 187.

John, former Earl of Rutland, treaty with the Earl of Bothwell and others, 257.

Mansell (Mansfyld, Manxel), Sir Robert, 72, 109, 163, 185, 237, 277, 377, 384, 391.

letters from, 189, 241, 242, 266, 267 (2), 278, 282, 331, 335, 389, 675, 698.

letter to, 275.

starts to cross the Channel, 189.

examination taken by, 242.

Mansfelt, Count of, 395, 396.

Mantua, news from, 137, 146, 299.

Duke of, movements of, 146.

Mantuan princes, eldest of the, proposed marriage for, reported arrangements as to the dowry and exchange of territories, 328.

Manwood, one, 491.

Manxwell, Sir Ed., 702.

Maplesden, Peter, a letter from, 480.

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine.

Marazion (Markasue), town of, in the manor of St. Michael's Mount, 680.

Mayor of. See Roswarren.

Marcam. See Markham.

Marches, the. See Scotland, Borders of.

Margarita in the W. Indies, 697.

Margate, 364(2), 376, 379.

letter dated at, 364 (2).

Margitts, George, letter from, 96.

Mariners, imprest of, 616.

Markasue. See Marazion.

Marke, rectory of, tithes of, 519, 520.

Markham (Marcam) :

Sir Griffin, letters from, 503, 604.

Lady, wife of Sir Griffin, 229.

Mr. Thomas, 551.

Marks, letter dated at, 302.

Marlor, Christopher, M.A., formerly of Trinity College, Cambridge, in training in a seminary, description of his person, 212.

Marlyn (Mawlyn), one, co. Suffolk, the heir of, wardship of, 82.

Marmaduke, servant usher of the Court of Wards, account of charges laid out by, 355.

Marocco. See Morocco.

Marseilles, 26, 85, 347, 470, 473.

news from, 313.

Bishop of, summons an assembly, 313.

Marshe, Alexander, 526.

Martin (Marten, Martyn) :

Dliuly, 74.

Dominick, Recorder of Galloway, 74.

Don, a Spanish prisoner. 577.

Dudley, a priest, 367.

Father, 85.

Jeffery, 74.

John, an attorney of Exeter, 53.

Nicholas, 74.

Sir Richard, master and worker of Her Majesty's moneys, Alderman, letters from, 21, 22, 198, 377, 524, 551.

—, complaint against Sir Thomas Knyvett, 22.

—, reasons for his discharge from the place of Alderman, 412.

—, indignity suffered by, 524.

Richard, son of the above, an officer in the Mint, 551.

Richard, sent by his uncle to Sir Robert Cecil about a lease, 616.

Robert, 74.

Thomas, 71.

Walter, 74.

William, Alderman of Exeter, 71, 151.

Martin Marprelate, mention of, in connexion with church controversy, 7.

and his ministers, designs of, 112.

Martock [Somerset], parsonage of, disposal of Cecil's moiety of, 35.

alluded to, 54.

Marvin, Sir James, 167.

Mary, Queen of England, treaty and conclusion of her marriage with King Philip, 257.

Mary, Queen of Scots, James VI. acquits the Queen of her death, 110.

Masonnall, Sir James, allusion to proposition made concerning, 124.

Massagan. See Mazagan.

Massam, William, merchant, 704.

letter from, 139.

alludes to his brother, 139.

Massena, Myssyna [? Messina], Vare of, 549, 550, 551.

Master, George, suggested sheriff for Gloucestershire, 497.

Matherne, letter dated at, 382.

Mathias, “un brassuer”, money owed to, by Count d' Egmont, 95.

Matling, lease of, 442.

Matthew, Tobias, Bishop of Durham, complaint of, to the Privy Council, 91.

Matthias, Archduke. See Austria, Archduke Matthias of.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau.

Maws, George, 74.

Maxalein and Donolgorham,” “the Maconel of the Lews” brother-in-law to, 185.

Maxwell, Lord, 662.

treaty of Lord Scroope with, 257.

May :

Captain, bearer of a letter to Sir Walter Ralegh, 599.

Captain Joseph, letters from, 68, 422.

Tho., 185.

Maye, the Isle of, Newfoundland, 636.

Mayence (Mainz), celebration at, 326.

Archbishop of, sends to the Diet convoked at Prague, 644.

Maynard (Mainard) :

Mrs., visit to Theobalds, 319.

H., Commissioner for Essex, letters from, 240, 699.

Samuel, an Englishman, taken in a Dutch flyboat, 26.

Mayork oil, 432.

Maypole and the minister,” topical allusion, 187.

Maze. See Maas.

Mazagan[t], (Massagan) [Africa], 108.

flyboat laden with provisions etc, for the garrison at, captured, 99.

Meade, Jo., late Mayor of Cork, letter from, 226.

Mecklenburgh (Meckellborgh), Duke of, 381, 382.

Medenblick [North Holland,] ship of war of, sinks a Spanish galley, 400.

Medialburque. See Middleburgh.

Medicis, D. Juan de, 361.

arrival in Brussels, 294.

Medina, Duke de, probability of his succeeding to the Viceroyship of Portugal, 655.

Megen, 308.

Meidglay, Richard. See Midgley.

Meiel (Miele) [Netherlands], 203.

Melazzo, Cussaim di, captain of a Turkish galley, killed by the slaves, 266.

Memmo, Giovan, a Venetian nobleman, a bandit, 663.

Menckwytts, Baron of. See Münckwitz.

Mendo, Signor Don, ambassador from Spain to Savoy, arrival in Milan, his mission, 137.

Mendoca, Fray Domingo de, letter from, 485.

Meneses, 293.

Merchant Adventurers, Company of, and the Hanse Towns, statement of the negotiations with the Emperor concerning, 42, 43.

the Senate of Groningen anxious to welcome them, if forced to leave Stade, 111.

the bonds taken of, 228.

a gift from, for Sir Robert Cecil, 527.

plate belonging to, sold, 630.

evade the Imperial mandate, answer of Baron Münckwitz concerning, 639.

Governor of the, mentioned, 251.

—, letter to, for exchange of money desired, 336.

a Governor of. See Hoddeson.

Governors of, and other companies of merchants, conference with concerning their claims, 283, 286.

—, inquiries instituted concerning, 287.

Secretary of. See Robinson.

Merchants, names of those who subscribed to a petition, 704.

Mercœur, Duc de, 146, 493.

Mercurio, Duke, death of, 461.

Meredith, Mr., 8.

Mergaghe, Arte McHughe, payment to, 92.

Merick(e) (Merricke) :

Abraham, of Lambeth, petition of, 174.

John, a messenger between the Russian Emperor and the Queen, 421.

—, letter from, 397.

Meringley, Richard, Preacher in Lancashire, 643.

Merionethshire, Sheriff of, as to the filling of the place of, 481–483, 580. See also Lloyd, Robert.

former Sheriff of. See Wynne, John.

Meritte, Hugh, master, placed in charge of a prize, 184.

Messenger, Mr., 480.

Messina, 266, 330, 347.

Mervin (Mervyn) :

Sir James, letter from, 487.

Edmonde, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Metz, tumult in, alluded to, 645.

Governor of the Citadel in. See “Sambole.”

Mexico, a commodity called, 108.

Michaelchurch (Mychillchurch) [co. Hereford], name of certain land, 376.

Michel, one, the Queen's falconer, capture by the Spaniards, ransom fixed for his release, 148.

Michelborn, Sir Ed., 702.

Michell, Thomas, captured by the Spaniards, letter from, 678.

Michellot, a cause touching, referred to, 51.

Michelson, John, of Whittoughe, an outlaw taken by Sir John Carey, 107.

Middelburg (Middleborch, Medialburque) [Netherlands], 42, 225, 278, 432, 669.

letters dated at, 56, 130, 166, 245, 363, 382, 453, 597, 663.

Middle Pasture in the High Peak, Derbyshire, tenant of, 492.

Middlesex, Sheriff of, 33, 180.

Middleton (Mideton, Middeltone, Myddleton) :

Arthur, captain of the Watt, 114, 116, 119.

Captain, captured and hanged by the Spaniards, 654.

Thomas, H.M. Commissioner at Plymouth, letters from, 47, 273, 478, 482, 505.

—, alluded to, in connexion with prize goods, 100, 104.

—, leaves Plymouth, 280.

Midgley (Myglaye, Meidglay), Richard, Queen's preacher in the co. of Lancaster, 142, 606, 643.

Miele [Netherlands]. See Meiel.

Milan, 313, 345.

news from, 123, 137, 146, 156, 246, 310, 235, 326 (2), 386.

senator of, ambassador from Count Fuentes, 122.

Governor of. See Fuentes.

Duchy of, reported unpopularity of Count Fuentes in, 461.

Mildmay (Mildemay) :

Sir Anthony, allowance given to, for posting and transportation on a former mission to France, quoted, 435.

Sir Thomas, Commissioner for Essex, 240.

—, letter from, 62.

Milford Haven, 220, 507.

Milgate, letter dated at, 374.

Militia, a project for the establishment of a permanent, devised by Edward Hayes, 590.

Militon :

Master, 450.

Thomas, letter to, 670.

Miller, Richard, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Milner, Robert, letters from, 35, 54.

Minckwittes, Mintquitz, etc. See Münckwitz.

Mines Royal, the, 514.

authority from the Governors, etc., of, to dig for copper, 548.

Mint, the. See London, Places.

Miranda, one, of Fetter Lane, 575.

Mirandola, Count, 326.

Mishahaut, a Moor, late captive in a Spanish galley, furnishes intelligence, 401.

Mobre. See Mowbray.

Modena, news from, 329.

settlement of troubles with Lucca, 285, 299, 329, 461.

Moke [Netherlands]. See Mook.

Moldavia, a Woywode from, at Constantinople, 155.

Moll, a servant of Lord Burghley, 343.

Molyneux (Mollinax, Mollynex) :

Mr., Deputy Captain of the Isle of Man, 219.

Sir Rich., 206.

Monbarrott, Monsieur, appointment as ambassador mentioned, 659.

Monceau, 348.

Monferrato. See Montferrat.

Monk, Mr., petition for a Deputy Lieutenancy for, 284.

Monmouth, County of, soldiers for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

felon in, reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Monowx (Monox), one, and his wife, detained at the Archduke's camp, 3.

to furnish intelligence, 661.

Monson (Montson, Mounson) :

John, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Sir William, Admiral, 134, 163, 175, 185, 218, 339, 371, 378, 390, 402, 481, 510, 597.

—, letters from, 78, 146, 289, 304, 333, 417, 446, 551.

—, —, allusion to, 234.

—, letter to, 330.

—, movements of his fleet, mentioned, 162, 280, 338, 348, 403, 404, 428.

—, prizes taken by, 173, 174, 181, 186, 192.

—, recommended for gallant behaviour, 184.

—, ships to go to sea with, 236.

—, suspected implication of, in Romish practices, 290, 552.

—, instructions to, 330, 331.

—, —, mentioned, 237.

—, accounts of an engagement of, 419, 422.

—, departure of a bark to, notified, 462.

—, —, reported to be taken by the Spaniards, 633.

—, an estimate of the monthly expenses of his fleet, list of his ships, 487, 488.

Montagu (Mountague) :

Doctor, brother of Henry, candidate for the Deanery of Windsor, 291.

Henry, letter from, 291.

Jas., of Cambridge, letter signed by, 649.

Mr., proceedings against William FitzWilliam, 221.

Viscount. See Browne, Anthony.

Montague lodgings, 567.

Montferrat (Monferrato) [Italy], Duchy of, 329.

troops being collected in, 137.

Montforte, Thomas, Prebendary of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Montgarett, Lord of, marriages made by his daughters, 281.

Montgomery, Popish Recusants in, 495.

intended sheriffs of, 495, 496.

Montpensier, the Constable, 493.

Montrose, 110.

Montrose, the Chancellor of Scotland, son of, in Venice, 322.

Mont Seins, 325.

Mook (Mooke, Moke) [on the river Maas], 202, 262.

Moone, Anthony, of Lyme, 477.

Moore :

Adrian, merchant, 704.

John, suspected of robbery, information against, 204.

Tho., the suit of, 580.

Moors, redeemed from servitude by H.M.'s ships, arrangements for the care of, 222.

to take part in the campaign against the Turks, 293.

“the height of 43 of the,” letter dated at, 134.

Mor Baratt, Mons., Governor of Rennes, sent to the Bastille, 493.

Mora, Christopher, Viceroy of Portugal, 654.

his term of office nearly expired, 655.

Moravia, one reported to have been employed in the Jesuits' affairs in, 313.

Mordant, Mr., letter endorsed, 132.

More (Moore) :

Sir Edward, letter from, petitioning for military employment for his son, 199.

Alderman John, Commissioner for the carrack, letters from, 36, 47, 121, 150, 261, 273, 343.

—, as to his office of collectorship of sweet wines, 150.

—, leaves Plymouth, 280.

—, as to the furnishing of money by, 408.

—, collector of customs, 514.

O'Solevan, 549.

Morgan :

—, a complaint against, 545.

William, Bishop of St. Asaph, a boy sent by, informer concerning papists, 524.

Capt., of the Lion's Claw, 116.

Charles, of Herefordshire, 499.

Pierce, merchant, 704.

Robert ap, labourer, servant to Ethley Cadwallader, charge brought against, and examination of, 36, 37.

Sir Matthew, payment to, 92.

Morgell, John, gent., 544.

Morles. See Morlaix.

Morice :

Mr., 549.

John Wynne ap, 482.

Morley, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Morlaix (Morles, Morlyes) [dep. Finisterre], 148, 449.

Morocco (Marocco), the King or Emperor of, a fortress of, 286.

his children hostages in Valencia, 329.

alliance with the King of Spain, reason of, 329.

letters from, sent to the Queen on behalf of John Wakeman, 578.

Morrant, Tho., suit of, 580.

Morrel, Roger, letters from, 194, 406, 440, 457.

Morrey (Morre), Master Alexander, a gentleman of Scotland, 677.

Morris [Spain], soldiers raised in, 172.

Morris, servant of Lord Cobham, robbed by a priest, 88, 89.

Morrison (Moryson) :

Dorothy, Lady, letter from, mentioning her son, 43.

one, servant to the Earl of Lincoln, 411.

Sir Richard, 516.

Mortar pieces, superiority of, over cannon, 46.

Mortara in Genoa, mentioned, 591.

Moryson. See Morrison.

Moscow (Mosco), letter dated at, 172.

Moscovy. See Russia.

Moseley, Sir Nicholas, letter from, 622.

Moskry. See Muskery.

Mosley, Nicholas, and others, letter from, 643.

Mostrales,” furious North West winds in the Mediterranean, 550.

Motte, M. de la, letter to, 92.

Moubray. See Mowbray.

Moucheron, Mucheron, Pierre, letter from, 245.

his letter, alluded to, 278.

Moulesworthe, Bevil, a custom's waiter, 514.

Moulin, M. du, lends money to Aurelianus Townshend, 621.

Moulsham, letter dated at, 63.

Mount, the [Cornwall ?], 35, 108.

Mountayne, Mr., Procurator of Combridge University, 65.

Mounte, Doctor William, letter from, 139.

Mounteagle, Lord. See Parker, William.

Mountjoy. See Blount.

Mounster (Mounstre). See Munster.

Mourton, John, the bearer of a list of mariners impressed in South Devon, 636.

Mowbray (Moubray, Mobre, Mowbrae) :

—, employed by Cecil in Scotland, 494.

Francis, 177, 678.

—, letter from, 451.

—, letters sent by, 294, 295, 297.

—, his Scottish dealings, 214.

—, “his odious practices,” 660.

—, conspiracy of, mentioned, 676.

Philip, 214.

—, letters from, 60, 61.

—, arrested, 61.

Walter, sent to Scotland by sea, 528.

—, suit to the King of Scots, 664.

Mowlson, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Mownster. See Munster.

Moyare in the county of Meath, fee-farm of, petition for, 94.

Moyle, Donough, 549.

Moyre, the pass of the [Ireland], defence of, suggested, 395.

Mucheron. See Moucheron.

Muffs, the, mutiny amongst, 260.

Mufti, the, head of, demanded, 121.

Mullem (Mullen), [Netherlands], 203.

Munck, Levinus, (Levynus, etc.), “your servant Livinus,” secretary to Sir R. Cecil, 58, 249, 318, 407, 441, 452, 484, 547, 631, 700.

letters to, 252, 517, 662, 672.

draft in the hand of, 22.

plate sold to, footnote, 630.

Münckwitz, Baron of (Menckwyths, Mincqwith, Mynquitz, etc.), and Drenaw, Councillor and Commissioner from the Emperor at Bremen, 315, 344, 639.

letter to, 246.

arrives at Bremen, 58.

awaited by Earl Enno, 129.

on his way to the Earl of Emden, 153.

at Aurich, proposed visit to England, mentioned, 175.

and the enquiry at Bremen, 471, 472, 487, 488, 489.

negotiations with, and proceedings of, 500, 501, 644, 657.

answer to the declaration of the Senate of Stade, 639, 640.

Munson, Sir Thomas, son-in-law to Lord Anderson, complaint against, 234.

Munster (Mounstre, Mownster), 64, 138, 477, 650.

debts concealed in, 68.

a former commissary of the musters in, 158.

chieftains and chief gentlemen of, 548.

scarcity of food in, 649, 650.

army in, the Dean of St. Patrick draws a stipend as preacher for, 158.

munition for, transportation of, 288.

rebels in, assistance sent by the King of Spain to, 275.

Lord President of. See Carew, Sir George.

late Lord President of. See Norreys, Sir Thomas.

victualler of H.M.'s forces in. See Wood.

Murray, Earl, 664.

as to his agreement with the Earl of Argyle and the Marquis of Huntly, 90, 141, 201.

James VI's intention of effecting a reconciliation, 110.

Muschampe (Mushamb) :

George, Esq., petition exhibited by, letter from Sir J. Carew on, 225.

Robert, servant and kinsman of the above, slays Luke Collingwood, 94, 225.

Roger, servant of Thomas Carr, accusations against his master, Cecil's instructions with regard to, 11, 12.

—, goes south in haste to inform against his master, 27.

Muscovy, Muscovia. See Russia.

Musgrave (Muscgrave) :

—, an informer, 600.

John, of Edenhall, deputy of Lord Scrope, letter from, 115.

—, recommended for a pension, 120.

—, —, bill for, allusion to, 297.

—, divers outlaws held in bond by, 127.

—, application for passport for, refused, 662.

Mr., 94.

Richard, Sir John Carey proposes to leave him as deputy at Berwick, 677.

Mushe, John, 632.

Muskery (Moskry, Mussherie) :

lord of. See MacDermott.

strongholds of, 446.

Musketoni, 555.

Musters, Commissioners for, letter to, desired, 220.

Mychelett, one, cause of, 9.

Mychillchurch. See Michaelchurch.

Myddellburg. See Middelburg.

Myddleton. See Middleton.

Myglaye, Mr., a minister in Lancashire. See Midgley.

Myles, Gabriel, merchant, 704.

Myllet, Mr., desires to resign a lease, etc., 624.

Mynckwytts, Baron of. See Münckwitz.

Mynterne, Mr., 36.

Mynteron, carpenter of Sir R. Cecil, 317.