Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson :

—, “this matter of,” 587.

John, 632.

Mr., the late, a ward of, 645.

Capt. T., letter from, 272.

Jacobe, John, 641.

imprisoned in the Gatehouse, his release advised, 637.

James :

Dr., Dean of Durham, recommended for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

Dr., prebendary of Bath and Wells, 508.

James VI. See Scotland, King of.

Janissaries, the, 266.

disaffected, 299.

Janville. See Joinville,

Jaqueleine, sum owed to, by Count d'Egmont, 95.

Jardins, Monsieur des, letter addressed, 189.

Jarrald, John, 229.

Jeanes, John, son of a ward, 534.

Jeff, Mr., 648.

Jegon (Jegons), Dr. John, Dean of Norwich, Master of Corpus Christi and Benedict Colleges, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 64.

letter from, 123.

recommended for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

promotion of, 525.

Jehoshaphat, King, allusion to, 112.

Jenebelly. See Genibelli.

Jennings :

gardener of Sir R. Cecil, 317, 319, 407.

of Portsmouth, bark belonging to, 114.

Jephson, W., J.P., for Hampshire, 677.

Jeram, Edward, a gentleman of Essex, prisoner for felony, petition for the land of, 62, 63.

Jermyn, Sir Robert, 322.

Jersey, Island of, 206, 400.

letter dated at, 239.

Jesope :

Tho., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Mrs., a widow, said to have harboured priests, 367.

Jesuits and seminary priests, 56, 101, 154, 268, 489.

a book against, for presentation to the Queen, 113.

certain, information concerning, 211–213, 229, 236.

dispute with the Dominicans, 155.

one said to be employed in the affairs of, 313.

prisoners at Plymouth, arrangements connected with, 27, 31, 115.

—, petition from, 44, 45.

rules made by, 49.

their coming and going in England, information concerning, 159, 230, 231, 232.

in Ireland, information concerning, 236.

in the Low Countries, 513.

in Paris, 608.

of St. Rocks, 339.

in Yorkshire, feared ill effect on the people, 232.

Jevan, Kenrick ap, 37.

Jewel House, Master of the, 140.

Jews, punishment of certain, for abusing Fra Bartolomeo and the Christian religion, 299.

Jobson, Mr., 219.

Jobsonne, Francis, presenting “the description of the province of Connaught,” 579.

Jocke of Tundmouth, marriage of a son of, 115.

John Frederick, Duke, youngest brother of the King of Sweden, marriage, 350, 381, 645.

John, letter from, 305.

Johnes. See Jones,

Johnson (Johnsonn, Jhonsonn) :

Englebert, skipper of the Grey Falcon, 50, 51.

Francis, in training in a seminary, 212.

—, brother of, in the seminary of Seville, 212.

—, father of, formerly schoolmaster of Winchester, 212.

Sir Robert, letter from, 435.

Robert, letters from, 164, 226, 597, 641.

William, son to the Bishop's bailiff of Durham, in training in a seminary, description of his person, 212.

—, brother of, a seminary priest in England, 212.

Johnston (Jhonston), the Laird, of Scotland, 613.

touching an indenture with Lord Scroope, 662.

Joinville (Jianville, Janville) :

Prince of, 146, 659.

the French King's action, against, 592.

Jolles, Mr., 96.

Jones (Johnes, Jhones) :

Isaac, merchant, 704.

Richard or William, a condemned prisoner in Dover Castle, 57.

William, at Ludlow, a dispute with Hughes, 611, 635, 636, 650, 651.

Joseph, servant of Archibald Douglas, 140.

Joyeuse, Cardinal, 329.

audience with the King of France, 348.

Juan or John, Don. See Aguila.

Judall. See Udall.

Judico, Father, confessor of the Archduke Albert, 513.

Juliers, Duke of, state of his mind, 570.


Kar, Mr., eldest son of the Laird of Newbotle, 466. See also Ker.

Katherine of Aragon, Queen, bull for King Henry's marriage upon her divorce, 257.

Kelldare. See Kildare.

Kelley, —, letter from, 486.

Kellett, —, letter from, 548.

Kempe, Humfrey, commissioner at Plymouth, 365, 409.

Kemper. See Quimper.

Kemperlye. See Quimperle.

Kendall, George, letter from, 67.

Keneybolton, letter dated at, 372.

Kensington, 331, 407.

Kent, levying of voluntaries in, 126.

felons in, reprieved for the galleys, 214.

Judges for, stay certain proceedings, 69.

justices of, desire to be freed from providing for reprieved felons, 244.

Ker (Kar) :

Thomas, of Fourde, assists in the capturing of certain Liddisdale outlaws, 89, 127.

Robert, Earl of Roxborough, 177, 376, 518.

—, and the pledges from York, 94, 128, 135, 136.

Kerry, O'Conor, 549.

Kerry, the Knight of, 549.

Kerton (Keyrton), Lieutenant Francis, conductor of soldiers for Ireland, 305, 340.

Kervan, Joneck, 74.

Kesteven [co. Lincoln], the riots in, description of, 177–180.

—, allusion to, 187.

suit from the division of, 220.

Ketley, Anthony, of Plymouth, examination of, 181.

Kettleby (Kettelsby), Andrew and Francis, cause between, 68, 577.

note as to the properties of, 577.

Keull, Robert, 74.

Kew, letter dated at, 261.

Keylwaye, Thomas, letter from, alluding to the sinister practices of his father, 101.

Keymar, Mr., 357.

Keynes, a priest at St. Omer's, 570.

Keyrton. See Kerton.

Kightley, Mr., 297.

Kilby, one, stabbed in a brawl, 652.

Kildare :

Earl of. See Fitzgerald.

Frances, Dowager Countess of, 395.

—, letter from, 359.

—, negotiations for the letting of jointure lands of, 248.

—, questions arising concerning the property of, 359, 360.

House of, 360.

my Lady, 84.

Kilkenny, letter, dated at, 220.

Killigrew (Killegrew) :

uncle of Sir H. Neville, 589.

Mrs. Dorothy, wife of John, letter from, 548.

Sir Henry, 297.

John, in difficulties, 214, 295.

—, letter from, 484.

—, arrest of surety of, 150, 151, 548.

—, alludes to his wife and children, father and uncle, 484, 485.

—, dispute with his sister, 485.

King :

Captain, 132, 134, 160, 175, 192.

Robert, letter from, 172.

King Road, near Bristol, 649, 650.

King's Almazenes, provedor of the. See Cezar.

Kingswear, near Dartmouth, 701.

Kinloss, Abbot of, 665.

Kinsale (Kynsaylle), 10, 655.

capture of, 23, 30, 38.

siege of, plans of, mentioned, 41, 105, 117.

—, allusions to, 158, 279.

Spaniards in, transportation of, hindered, 93.

Don Juan's composition at, allusions to, 272, 276.

Kirkeby Malazert, manor of, lawsuit concerning, 186.

Kirkesteade, letter dated at, 345.

Kirton (Kyrton) :

—, connected with Arabella Stuart, 601, 605.

Mr., Lord Hertford's Solicitor, 584, 586.

Knevett (Knyvett), Sir Thomas, complaint against, 22.

letter to, 401.

Knightly :

the post, 401.

Sir Richard, 206.

Knock, fort at, in course of erection by the Earl of Embden, 350.

Knockfergus, men for, 164.

Knott, Robert, part owner of the Thomasine, 81.

Knowle, near Bristol, the manor of, 581.

Knollys (Knowles, Knowlyes) :

Henry, letter from, 70.

Sir William, Comptroller of H.M.'s house, 9, 69, 247, 359, 407.

—, letters to, 72, 642.

Sir Thomas, lease made by, proceedings in regard to, 278.

Knowseley (Knowslie), 168, 330.

Park, keeper of, 167.

—, minute concerning the mine to be digged for, in, 548.

Knyphuysen, Junker Willelm van, governor of the fort of Longen, articles of agreement with Capt. du Boys, 470.

Knyvett. See Knevett.

Königsberg, news from, 365.

Kussouce, Erasmus v., a member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Kyddy, Serjeant, late Serjeant Plumber, 578.

Kymbolton, letter dated at, 105.

Kynaston, Roger, of Shropshire, ward ship of the heir of, 503.

Kyngton, William, petition for a wardship, 484.

Kynnard, Laird of, toast proposed by, rebuke of the Scotch King, 110.

Kynmouth, Will of, raid upon, 529.

Kyreham, a decree against, 9.

Kyrton. See Kirton.