Index: G

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


G., my La., 686.

Gabri, Cypriano, merchant, 704.

Gabriel, Stanton, 366.

Galicia (Galizia), 654.

intelligence from, 215, 216, 226.

Gallengho, the Chamberlain, deceased, 313.

Galleys, felons reprieved for the, 243, 244.

Galway (Galloway) [Ireland], town of, suggestions for its protection from foreign invasion, 138.

agent for. See Darsie.

Mayor of. See Lynch.

Gambaliota, Chevalier de Malte, an Italian colonel in the Archduke's army, 602, 608.

Game Keeper to the Queen, 580.

Games :

Football, 37.

Mawe, played by James VI., 110.

Garaway, Mr., the merchant, 297.

Garcia ab Horto, Dr., resident in India, a book by, 537.

Gardiner (Gardener) :

—, 413.

—, as to the wardship of, 577.

Berkeley, a condemned priest in Newgate, 519, 520.

—, petition from, 544.

Sir Robert, 84, 522.

—, letter from, 603.

Thomas, Justice of Essex, enquiry into charges brought against, 239, 240 (2).

Gardy, Bassingbourne, Justice of Norfolk, 413.

Garnsey, Islands of. See Guernsey.

Garraway, Mr., 467.

Garrott, Lord, 359.

Garrowe (Garuy), Niele (Neale), payment for Irish horse and foot, 92.

possessed of Tierconnell, 93.

Garter, the order of the, 121.

acceptance of, by the Kings of France and Denmark, 255, 257.

Garwaie, Mr., money delivered by, 625.

Gascoigne, Thomas and Alice, letter from, 521.

Gatehouse, the. See London, Places.

Gaudie, Henry, esq., 322.

Gavell, Thomas, the advowson of churches in Norfolk, granted to, 581.

Gawdy (Gawdie), Francis, Justice of Assize, letter from, 239, 244.

action of, on receipt of a counterfeited letter, 240.

Gedolfo, Captain Francisco, 231.

Gee, William, alderman of Hull, letter signed by, 296.

Gellick (Sellack), near Maestricht, [Netherlands], 203.

General, the, 697.

Geneva, 57.

Genibelli (Genebelly, Jenebelly), Frederico, the Queen's engineer, 677.

letters from, 73, 192, 393, 533.

estimate by, 394.

reports on the fortifications of Plymouth, 555–559.

Genoa, 25, 123, 181, 325, 336.

letters dated at, 470, 473.

extract from an Italian letter from, 220.

news from, 236, 345, 365, 347.

galleys of, movements of, 330.

gentlemen from, visit England, 517, 662, 663.

a ship of, robbery of money in, 25.

the signoria of, commander in. See Guidice, Marco Antonio.

Genoese squadron, commander of. See Doria.

Genop, garrisoning of, by Italians, 262.

Gent, Edward, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 526.

George, Mr., 695.

Georgians, Prince of the, liberation of, demanded, 146.

Gerard (Gerrard) :

Sir Thomas, Captain of the Isle of Man, 219, 448.

Will., Bencher of Grays Inn, 647.

Gerbrantson, John, commander of vessels, 384.

Gerini, Ottavio, merchant, 704.

German troops, money from Spain for the payment of, 123.

reported levying of, 470, 473.

general of. See Madruca.

Germany, a passport into, desired, 147.

King of France's designs in, 521.

Emperor of, effort of, to overthrow English trade with Russia, 630.

the Princes of, letter to, concerning the Company of Merchant Adventurers and the Hanse Towns, 42.

Germyn, Alexander, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Gerson, Fridericus, member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Gervis, G., 185.

Geule, the, [Netherlands], 55.

Geyslingen, (Geyslinghen), [Netherlands], 203.

Gheel (Gheet), [on the river Maas], 203.

Ghelmen, great, 203.

Ghent (Gand), [Netherlands], bonds taken of, 228.

Gibbs (Gybbes), William, Bencher of the Middle Temple, 647.

Gibels, one, resident in Calais, assists Jesuits in their passage to and from England, 231.

Gifford (Gyffard) :

—, 599.

Sir George, letter from, 545.

—, Commissioner at Plymouth, 365, 409.

Richard, Captain of The Fortune, letters from, 357, 432.

—, cause with the Flemings as to the settlement of, 467, 625, 626.

Gilbert (Gylbarte, Gilbeart) :

Adrian, 297, 318, 319.

—, letters from, 206, 221, 292, 316, 389.

Sir John, Governor of Plymouth, 10, 45, 116, 117, 182, 208, 315, 364, 388, 393, 401, 409, 533, 611, 613.

—, letters from, 102, 114, 118, 131, 145, 230 (2), 365, 392, 400, 408, 592, 607, 677.

—, letter to, 397.

—, bargain and sale of the fourth part of the Refusal to Sir R. Cecil, 83.

—, Earl of Bath objects to his absence from Plymouth fort, 88.

—, as to his mercantile adventures, his prizes, claims, etc., 98, 99, 100 (2), 102, 105, 107, 108, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 130, 131, 132, 135, 153, 230, 338, 345, 362, 364, 371, 378, 390, 416, 425, 433, 456.

—, examinations of Portuguese concerning his prizes, 104.

—, enmity of the Mayor of Plymouth towards, 130.

—, accounts of money disbursed by, for his ship Refusal, 135, 340.

—, fortification of Plymouth, 230, 412, 556, 557, 558, 559.

—, sues for the privy seal, 230.

—, touching proposed purchase of a ship of, 378, 392, 404.

—, prisoners under the care of, as to their exchange, 429, 430.

—, letters to, alluded to, 466.

—, his ship Refusal, capture made by, 510.

Gillingham Manor [in Kent], belonging to the Queen, letter dealing with, 82, 83.

Gilpin (Gilpyn) :

George, agent for the Queen in Zealand, 96, 166, 292, 361, 416, 578, 583.

—, notifications of his death, 346, 349, 351, 352, 363.

—, wife and children of, 349.

—, arrangements made upon his decease, etc., 350.

—, filling of the vacant post of, discussed, 384, 390, 431.

—, charge for the conveyance of letters from, 412.

—, servant to. See Burnett.

—, man of. See Dickenson, John.

Mary Points, his widow, petitions from, 578, 672.

Gilson, Tirlagh, payment to, 92.

Ginger, price obtained for, 571.

Giorgians, the, successes of, 122.

Gironde, Don Antonio, prisoner in the Gatehouse, letter from, 312.

Gittins, Mr., candidate for the parsonage of Bangor, 669.

Giustiniani, Signor Antonia, commander of the great galleys, death of, 345.

Glandville, Justice, 486.

Glanfeild, Tobie, imprisoned at the suit of the Governor of Brest, petition from, 577.

his petition, alluded to, 147.

father-in-law to. See Waddham.

Glamis, Master of, 89.

Glamorgan, County of, levies for Ireland from, sent back, 31.

Glaseour, Hu., Mayor of Chester, letters from, 451, 454, 491, 517, 523, 637, 646, 653, 676.

Glemham (Glenham) :

Sir Henry, 206, 567.

Lady (“Lady Glen”), daughter of Lord Buckhurst, 568.

—, sale of offices by, etc., 566, 567.

Glenorquhay (Glenorqwher), Laird of, kinsman of the Earls of Argyle and Mar, desires a passport to France, 158.

Glibbery (Gliberie, Gleberye) :

William, widow of, presents a counterfeited letter, 239.

John, his brother, counterfeiter of letters, 239, 240 (2).

Gloucester, assizes at, Sir H. Winston to acknowledge his offence at, 46.

felons in reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Dean of. See Lewis.

Gloucester, County of, levies from, non-arrival at Bristol, 27.

—, mutiny amongst, 169, 170.

a Commissioner for, suit of, 32.

deputy lieutenants of, 563, 564.

Sheriff of, appointment of, 494, 497, 498.

Glyne, the, suit concerning, 235.

Goade, Dr. Roger, Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 64, 224, 649.

letters from, 191, 223, 224, 490, 519, 598.

mentions his wife and family, 192.

commended for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

application for the deanery of Windsor, 598.

Godolphin, Sir Francis, letters from, 423, 428.

letter to, 403.

Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Landaff, prebendary of Bath and Wells, 371, 508.

letter from, 382.

Goffe, —, connected with improvements at Theobalds, 316, 370.

Gofton, Mr., auditor, 614.

Gold Mine, to be worked by Catholics, 575.

Golden Grove (Goulden), letter dated at, 172.

Goldsmith, Clement, nominee for the Solicitorship for Ireland, 633, 647.

Gondi, Cardinal, brother of, See Retz.

Gonzaga (Gozago), Don Ferrante, 122, 123, 136, 461.

Good, —, apprehended, 619.

Good, alias of John Daudridge, q.v.

Goodwin Sands, 209.

Gordon (Gorden) :

the Jesuit, 15.

Laird of Lochinvar, 547.

George, 6th Marquis of Huntley, 89.

—, incurs the Scotch King's displeasure, 90.

—, as to his reconciliation with Earl Murray and the Earl of Argyle, 90, 110, 141, 201.

—, son of, marriage arranged for, 662.

James, pass issued to, 466.

Sir Robert, 466.

Gore, Captain, payment to, 92.

Gorgea (Gorgia), Tristram, 533, 558.

Gorges (Gordges, Gorge) :

Sir Arthur, letters from, 261, 581 (2).

Edward, letter from, 125.

—, letter to, 229.

—, a servant of, examination of, 32.

Sir Ferdinando (Mr. Ferdinando), 315, 365, 409, 621.

—, letters from, 29, 125, 489.

—, bemoans the extremity of his wife and children, 29, 30.

Sir Thomas (“Mr. Gorge”), uncle of Sir Ferdinando, H.M. Commissioner at Plymouth, 30, 226, 393.

—, letters from, 261, 273, 280.

—, leaves Plymouth, 280.

—, connected with the disposal of the goods of the carrack, 281, 282.

Goring, Mr., a priest, 367.

Gosnoll, William, nominee for the Solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

Gostlime, Mr., Procurator of Cambridge University, 65.

Gotham; “the wise men of Gotan that drowned an eel,” 380.

Gould, a student at Oxford, 337.

Gouldinge, Robert, burgess of Westminster, 174.

Goure, Capt., 134.

Governor, Captain, 25.

Govers Lake, near Penzance, 105.

Gowry, death of, allusion to, 19.

Gowry's sister. See Ruthven, Barbara.

Gowryes, the (“Gowrie's brethren”), proceedings in regard to, 612, 664.

Goxill [co Lincoln], letter dated at, 44.

Gozago. See Gonzago.

Gozo, Isle of, by Candy, 549.

Gozyet, Bastian, servant to Captain James Greame, 487.

Graden, town of, outlaws captured in, 127.

Grame (Greame) :

one, of Scotland, a knight of the Pope's making, in Venice, 322.

Captain, James a pass issued to, 487.

Richard, of Brakinhill, 115.

—, daughter of, marriage of, 115.

Robert, capture of, and delivery to the King of Scotland, 415, 494, 497, 504, 529, 619.

Grames, the (Graimes), and other border thieves, 115.

suit of, allusion to, 662.

Grand Duke, the, galleys of, join with those of Malta for a voyage to the Levant, 155.

secretary of. See Vinta.

Grantham, 187.

Gratz [Styria], news from, 122, 136, 146, 156, 298, 326, 345.

Grave (Graves, Graef) [Brabant], the, 341, 397, 399.

letters dated at, 369, 373.

camp before, letters dated at, 219, 222, 223, 235, 258, 259, 262, 263, 277, 292, 296, 320.

siege of, 223, 225, 226, 235, 258–263, 270, 271 (2), 276, 285, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 305–308, 313 (2), 320 (2), 328, 336, 352, 354, 448.

surrender of, 368, 369, 370, 377, 383.

number of Spaniards garrisoning, 270.

Governor of “a simple man.” And see Senisco.

Gravelines (Greveling) [France], 399, 534.

Graves :

John, letter from, 296.

William, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Gravenhagh. See Hague, the.

Gravesend (Gravsend), 85, 88, 110, 111, 211, 360 (3), 364, 513.

ships stayed at, directions concerning desired, 428, 438.

Gray (Grey) :

one, son to the Archbishop of Cassells, at Oxford, 337, 338.

Mr., a priest in the King's Bench, 520.

the Master of, 4, 5, 127, 201.

—, letter to, 493.

—, relations with the King of Scots, 35, 110.

—, audience with the King of Scots, 89.

—, reconciliation with the Duke of Lennox, 124.

Graye, Ralph, of Chillingham, letters from, 4, 35, 127, 201.

—, letter to, 5. See also Grey.

Greame. See Grame.

Greece, compulsory levying of troops in, 137.

Greene :

Mr., a friar imprisoned in the Clinke, 520.

Clement, merchant, 704.

Greenfield, Sir Richard, 85.

Greensmith, Mathew, letters from, 128, 381.

Greenwich (Greenewich, Grinwiche), 40, 154, 259, 298.

letters dated at, 69, 123, 125, 247.

proper direction of warrants passed at, 318.

the Court at, letter dated at, 210.

Greffe, 586.

Greffon (Griffon), Henry, son of Mr. Greffon of Kent, 213.

brother of, at St. Omers, 213.

Gregge, Robert, merchant, 704.

Gregory XIII., Pope, 253.

Gregory, Mr., 46.

Gresham, —, 186.

Gresley, Thomas, letter from, 469.

Greswolde, Henry, George, the son of, a ward, 527.

Greveling. See Gravelines.

Greves, William, 31.

Greville (Grevyll, Grevel, Grivel, etc.) :

Fulk(e), Treasurer of the Navy, Commissioner at Plymouth, 289, 415, 448, 479, 492.

—, letters from, 41, 190, 217, 233, 236, 261, 272, 273, 280, 362, 417, 430, 439, 463, 526, 545, 702.

Mr., 342, 445, 603, 611.

Mr., entrusted by Mr. John Lyle with his fortune, case, 636.

Grey (Gray) :

Arthur, Lord [former Lord Deputy], mention of his government in Ireland, 248.

Edward, letter from, 496.

Lord, 43, 58, 311, 436, 660.

—, letters from, 166, 291, 423, 545.

—, horse commanded by, in the Low Countries, 269.

Griffen, Captain, reported death of, 25.

Griffin :

Mrs., of Dingley, 229.

Mr., son of, information concerning, 229.

Griffith (Gryfyne) :

one, the barque of, 491.

Francis, letter from, 588.

Captain Pierce, a pirate, arrested, 649.

Grimes, Sir Richard, 559.

Grimsby [co. Lincoln], 363.

Grinell, Sir, 564.

Gristhorpe [co. Notts], a lease of the manor of, in dispute, 490.

Groningen, Senate of, letter from, 111.

Gronno, Geoffrey, a prisoner, letter from, 53.

Grosvenor, Richard, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

Grovandonck, Governor of Bois-le-duc, offer to victual the Spanish army, 308.

Groyne (Groigne, Groyneun), the, (Corunna), 132, 133, 134, 147, 163, 241, 286, 289, 315, 331, 333, 337, 418, 419, 666, 698.

fleet reported to be bound for, 80.

intelligence from, 93, 97, 134, 215, 216, 417, 422.

Gryet, fort of, 476.

Gryfyne. See Griffith.

Gteague, 58.

Gueldres, inundations in, 608.

Guernsey (Garnsey), 400.

Lord Zouche desirous to visit, 56.

—, estimate of the expense of his passage to, 69.

—, arrangements in connexion with, 60, 81.

the matter of, alluded to by Lord Zouch, 436.

Dutch men-of-war at, 268.

Guicciardine (Guicciardin), Signor, letter for the King of France to be entrusted to, 140, 144.

Guidice, Giovanni Battista, brother of Marco Antonio, commander in the Signoria, of Genoa, letter from, 502.

visit to England, applications for passports, 517, 662, 663, 672, 673.

Guilford, Lady Elizabeth, 656.

letter to, 99.

Gulf, Captain of the, 156.

Gumlacke, price obtained for, 571.

Gurnay, Edmund, of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, 526.

Guyese, William, suggested sheriff for Gloucestershire, 497.

Guyet, Clement, servant to the French Ambassador, 478.

Guyne, 697.

Guzman, Don Rodrigo de Cordua y., letter from, 453.

Gyttyns (Gittins), Robert, as to the grant of the parsonage of Bangor to, 544, 545.

Gwalter, Mr., 547.

Gwider, John Wynn de, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

Gwyn, John Lewis, kinsman of Sir J. Salusburye, murder of, as to the punishment of the offenders, 467, 468.

Gybbes. See Gibbs.

Gylbart, Gylbert. See Gilbert.

Gylslund lands purchased from the Queen, 115.