Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fairecloth, Alexander, a priest, description of his person, 212.

Fairfax (Fayrfax) :

Captain, 635.

Ferdinand, letter from, 320.

Sir Tho., 206.

—, letter from, 208.

Fairfaxes (Fayrefaxes), the cause of the two, letter dealing with, 474.

Falconer, Mr., 599.

Falkland (Fakeland), 201.

letters dated at, 263 (2).

Falmouth (Famouth), 181, 185, 697.

Fane, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 125.

letters from, 119, 124, 126, 138, 209 (2), 239, 243, 398 (2), 401, 465, 616, 617.

Fanshawe, Hen., Customs' Account signed by, 76.

Farley Wallop, letter dated at, 456.

Faroe, fishing off, matter under consideration at the conference at Bremen, 488.

Farr, one, an attorney, 53.

Faunt, Mr., 391.

Fawconer, Henry, 467.

account of, 625.

Fayreman, George, of Rolvenden, a ward, 480.

Fayrfax. See Fairfax.

Feckenham, letter dated at, 172.

Feells, William, late Keeper of Bydstow Park, 487.

Felton, Edmund, 82.

Fen, Father, at Louvain, his character, 570.

Fenan Buke (Pernambuco ?), 290.

Fends,” the, 500.

Fender, Thomas, 140.

Fenham, letter dated at, 465.

Fenn, or Fennel, Thomas, dispute with Mr. Trafford, 72, 622.

petition from, 579.

Fenner, Captain George, connected with the case of W. and Jane Elston, 86, 126.

Fennis, See Fenys.

Fenton :

Sir Ge., 185.

Sir Geoffrey (“Mr. Secretary Fenton”), in Ireland, transmission of correspondence to, 403, 491, 646, 653.

Fenys (Fynnes), Sir Richard, 702.

letter from, 157.

Ferdinand, Archduke. See Austria.

Feria :

Duke of, Viceroy of Naples, “Cicilia,” 123, 154.

Duchess of, affection for Scotchmen, 568.

Fermer, Mr., of Oxfordshire, 496, 541.

Ferne, John, Secretary of the Council at York, letters from, 83, 85, 232, 511, 698.

Fernsley, Mr., 85.

Ferny, Lord of, desires a passport, 484.

Ferrara [Italy], news from, 285, 286.

Ferrara, Madame Di, rumoured mar riage of, 137.

Ferrers :

Sir Humfrey, letter from, 441.

Sir John, 441.

Richard, Queen's messenger, 47.

Ferrol (Feroll), 134.

Fez (Fetz), King of, 253.

alliance with the King of Spain, 293, 329, 345, 386.

is said to have given his son as hostage, 345.

Fin, M. de, Secretary of Marshal Biron, escapes from Turin, 287.

banished from France, 310.

Finale [Gulf of Genoa], 122, 146.

Fishborne, Richard, merchant, 704.

Fisher (Fissher) :

one, complaint concerning, 106.

a Jesuit, 229.

Fisher's Nose quay at Plymouth, 556.

Fitzgerald :

Sir Edward, letter from, 646.

Gerald, late Earl of Kildare, succession to the lands of, 248.

Earl of Kildare, letters from, 374, 485.

—, matters connected with his property, etc., 248, 395.

—, lands descended to him, through his mother, 248.

Ladies Jane and Ellen, Ladies of Desmond, letters from, 543 (2).

—, petition for maintenance, 578.

Fitzherbert (Fitzerbert) :

—, as to an answer to, directions desired, 704.

Mr., 85.

Thomas, employment in Spain, and book by, 569.

—, at Rome, 608.

Fitz James (Fytzjames, Fitt James) :

an Englishman at the Groyne, 97.

Jo., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Fitz William, William, letters from, concerning complaints by his brother, 197, 221.

Flanders, 137, 235.

reported arrival of Earl Bothwell in, with 6,000 Spaniards, 6.

Spanish reinforcements for the war in, 123, 146, 156, 470, 473, 592.

—, hindered by order of the King of France, 246, 266, 285, 300, 310.

—, speech of the King of France concerning, 348.

—, pass granted to, 294, 301, 310, 313.

—, reported arrival of, 345.

reported treasure sent into, from Portugal, its object, 215.

Count Maurice's failure to enter, alluded to, 269, 271 (2).

news from, 313, 345.

Dutch vessels to watch the coast of, 336.

companies from, join Spanish mutineers, 454.

warships on the coast of, 534.

Spanish troops in, 510.

Fleer, Mr., 366.

Fleet, letter dated at, 180.

Fleet, the, estimate for the monthly expenses of, 487. See also Naval and Shipping.

Fleetwood (Fletewood) :

Mr., 46.

Edward, parson of Wigan, letters from, 643 (2).

Flemings, letter dated at, 452.

Flemings, the, a cause of, settlement of, 467.

Flemish affairs, 254.

goods taken in French vessels, explanation concerning, 432.

ships, in British harbours, 198, 697.

traders, 108, 109.

Fletcher, William, nominee for the Solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

Flete Damarell, letter dated at, 697.

Flint, —, connected with Sir Robert Cecil's property, 190, 292, 316, 358.

Flood (Flud), Captain Ellis, 92, 580.

Florence, 25, 49, 195, 348, 454, 455.

letter dated at, 219.

news from, 313, 386.

Duke of, aids Sir T. Sherley, 576.

—, Secretary to, mentioned, 323.

Florence's son,” marriage for, in treaty, 50.

Flores (Flowers), islands of, 105.

Fludd, Thomas, letter from, 374.

Flushing (Vlishingen, Vlushinge), 85, 91, 239, 242, 243, 282.

letters dated at, 337 (2), 341, 346, 353, 369, 370, 372, 379, 384, 397, 399.

men proposed for the company of, 56.

afflicted with plague, 430.

the quicker route of news, 506.

arrest of a bearer of intelligence at, 547.

Governor of, 453.

serjeant-major of, 361.

Foarman, Simon, 290.

Folkingham [Lincolnshire], sessions held at, for enquiry into the Kesteven riots, 179.

Foljambe, Fulgeam :

Mr., of Nottinghamshire, 583.

Mrs., widow, cause with Sir W. Bowes, 260.

Font, Mr., Clerk of the Signet, holds a lease in the High Peak, Derbyshire, 492.

Fontaine (Fontayne), Mons. de la, 103, 442.

Fontainebleau, 146, 300.

the Court at, letters dated at, 92.

Football mentioned, 37.

Forget, President, chief of the Finance in France, struck by paralysis, 156.

Forrnes, the Archduke preparing to bombard, 116.

Forster. See Foster.

Fortescue (Fortescu) :

John, 51.

Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 247, 321, 376, 554, 577.

—, letters from, 100, 104, 385, 510, 520.

—, letters to, 261, 273.

—, counterfeited letter sent under the name of, 240 (2).

—, and the wardship of Lord Wentworth, 577.

—, recommends Thomas Eyres to Sir Robert Cecil, 492.

Nicholas, 46.

—, letter from, 375.

Fossa di Chio,” the, 314.

Fosar, John, letter from, 574.

Foster (Forster) :

—, connected with the law, 207, 240.

T. of the Inner Temple, 647.

Walter, 359.

William, Queen's preacher in the co. of Lancaster, 606.

—, letter from, 643.

—, his preferment recommended, 446.

Fountain, Monastery of, particulars as to the descent of the lands of, 186.

Fouth :

Martin, 74.

Steven, 74.

Fowler (Fouler) :

Justice, 89, 235.

William, Queen of Scotland's Secretary, 448.

—, on his return to Scotland, his adventures, etc., 547.

Fowlis (Fowles), Mr., 14, 34, 44.

Foxe :

Charles, sinister information against, denied, 171.

Charles, exception against his appointment as sheriff of Montgomery, 495, 496.

Fowey (Foy, Fowye), 99, 180, 181.

a prize of, letter sent by, 420.

arrival of a prize at, cargo in, 175, 186, 192.

Framlingham, Framingham, 243, 312, 326, 405.

priests in prison at, etc., 520, 522.

Framlingham Castle, letter dated at, 702.

France, French :

Ambassador, complaints as to search of ships at sea, 583.

Ambassador in England, conveyance of his letters, 497.

—, entertains certain Italians, 664.

—, gift at christening of a child of, 528. See also Boissise.

Ambassador of, in attendance on the King of Scots, 664.

—, passports for his attendants, 467, 468.

Ambassador in Rome, 301.

—, with regard to the succession to the English throne, 49.

—, true to the Queen, 154, 205.

Ambassador, audience with the King of Spain, 50.

Ambassador for the Duke of Wirtemburg in. See Wallmerod.

Ambassadors. See Beaumont;


and the passage of Neapolitan and Spanish troops, 285, 387.

Chancellor, at the trial of Marshal Biron, 299.

chief of Finance in. See Forget.

conveyance of prisoners out of, 520.

Dauphin of, 287.

—, removed from St. Germain, 348.

despatch troops to Provence, 137.

from Calais, pass into Holland, 149.

impost of wine allowed to former Ambassadors in, alluded to, 44.

King of, Henry IV., 18, 92.

—, letter to, 598.

—, action with regard to the succession to the English throne, 49.

—, answer from, awaited, 57.

—, correspondence with the Queen, allusions to, 45, 140, 144.

—, relations with James VI., 110.

—, equipping galleys, 123.

—, movements, doings, etc., of, 136, 155, 287, 329, 348.

—, in connexion with the conspiracy of Marshal Biron, 245, 246, 266, 299, 300, 325, 326.

—, policy and proceedings of, 253, 300, 301, 310, 313, 325, 347, 493, 644, 645, 659.

—, treaties, bonds and contracts, etc., of, 255–258.

—, in connexion with the granting of a pass to troops on their way to Flanders, 266, 294, 300, 301, 325.

—, order concerning lackeys, 329.

—, money coming from, as to the transport of, 376, 377.

—, enterprise in Germany, 521.

—, action as regards the Duc de Bouillon, etc., 592.

—, reported preparations of, 655.

—, mistress of. See Verneuil.

money exchange of, 72.

murmurs of war with Savoy, 325, 326 (2), 387.

news and affairs, 245, 246, 253, 254, 271, 285, 286, 287, 298, 299–301, 310, 313, 329, 348, 493.

Peers of, trial of Marshal Biron before, mentioned, 287.

ports, suggested destination of the Spanish fleet, 337.

Queen of (Marie de Medici), pregnancy and confinement, 136, 495.

—, detains a nun reputed a saint, 348.

—, mention of winnings won by Marshal Biron from, 300.

relations with Scotland, discussed, 659.

relations with Spain, 300, 301, 493, 510.

schedule of treaties and bonds with, 255–257.

Scottish lairds passing through London on their way to, 547.

ship, goods taken from, a description of, etc., 17.

—, brought into Dartmouth, 405 (2).

—, arrested, 427.

shipping, goods taken in, explanation concerning, 432.

—, practices to increase, 623.

Spanish Ambassador in, audience with the King of France, mentioned, 287.

supply of provisions to Spain, 420.

—, means for preventing, 418, 419.

treaty with, alluded to, 159.

Franck(e) :

Esmonde, 74.

Patrick, 74.

Robin, 74.

Stephen, 74.

Francis (Fraunces) :

John, Postmaster of Chester, enquiry with regard to his son William's accident, 36, 37.

Mr., cause with Andrew Kettelby, alluded to, 68.

Franclin, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Franconia, the Diet of, resolve to assist the Emperor in the war in Hungary, 156.

Frank(e) :

Mr., extract of letter to, 609.

Ned, 694.

Frankfort, news from, 122, 146, 156, 266, 298, 326.

Freke, Tho., J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Freman :

George, merchant, 704.

Ralph, merchant, 704.

William, merchant, 704.

Frenchman, an unnamed, quartered as being in the pay of Spain, 313.

Frere, Thomas, 484.

Fresnes, Mons. de, French Ambassador, 257.

Freston, Ja., endowment of hospital, schools, etc., by, 252.

Friar, a, in Lombardy, said to perform miracles, 313.

Friesland (Friezeland, Fresland), treaty with, 256.

storage of cheese from, 103.

the bringing of the Earldom of Eassens and Whittmund under, 128.

West, Stadtholder of, 499.

Frises, the, mutiny amongst, 260.

Frobisher, Sir Martin, 697.

Frost, William, a sailor of Dover, 617.

Fuentes, Count, Governor of Milan, 122.

rumours concerning, 137, 345.

settlement of the difference between Modena and Lucca by, 285, 329, 461.

aids troops for the Spanish army in Flanders, 310, 326.

policy of, 325, 387, 461.

nephew of. See Toledo.

Fulbecke, William, letter from, 543.

Fulgeam. See Foljambe.

Fulham, letter dated at, 400.

Palace, letters dated at, 56, 148, 194, 201, 204, 253, 312, 318, 326, 406, 424, 457.

Fulwood, Richard and John, suspected of conveying packets for Jesuits, 231.

Furbussher. See Frobisher.

Furrier, Simeon, patentee for the provision of saltpetre and gunpowder, 64.

Fwes, the [Ireland], country of, defence of, pass entering, suggested, 395.

Fynnes. See Fenys.

Fytzjames. See Fitzjames.