Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


H. C . . . e, in the employ of the King of France at Rome, 49.

Hackenduyvel [Netherlands], 203.

Hacker :

Mr., of Nottinghamshire, 583.

John, letters to, 606 (2), 608.

Hackness, letter dated at, 105.

Hadham (Haddham) [Herts], letter dated at, 136.

Haddon, 695.

Hadersleben (Haderslebe) [Schleswig Holstein], 251.

Hadsor, Richard, “the lawyer,” letters from, 73, 248, 280, 311, 394, 451, 632, 661.

connected with proposals for a match for the heir of Lord Ormond, 302.

alludes to his father, 661.

Hadylsa, Marmaduke, Mayor of Hull, letters from, 33, 296.

Haelmael. See Hamal.

Haewartt [Hayward ?], Mr., attorney of the King's Bench, 466.

Hafton [Houghton ?], Mr., 316, 317.

Hagard, William, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Hage, T., merchant, 704.

Hague, the (s'Gravenhag(e), Haegh, etc.), 55, 166, 270, 292, 645.

letters dated at, 68, 350, 352, 414, 454, 506, 516, 537, 615, 635.

magistrates at, steps taken by, on the death of George Gilpin, 363.

charge for transmission of letters to London from, 412.

news from, 454.

Hainault (Henowe), 294.

Hakluyt, Richard, Prebendary of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Halce. See Halse.

Halem [Netherlands], 203.

Hall :

one, acquainted with certain Jesuits, 513.

Arthur, letters from, 6, 11, 15, 20, 23, 180.

—, letter to, 21.

—, mentions his daughter, 16.

Francis, Post of Royston, letter from, 625.

George, of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, 526.

Halles, Sir Charles, 702.

Halliday. See Holliday.

Hallier, William, of Rye, claim of, 159.

Hallinge, letter dated at, 344.

Halse (Halce) [William], Customer at Plymouth, 99, 104, 114.

Halterrennes. See Allt-yr-ynys.

Hamal (Haelmael), [Netherlands], 203.

Haman. See Hamont.

Hamburg (Hamborough, Hamborrow), 42, 106, 129, 153, 246, 472, 650, 657.

arrival of commissioners from, 644.

Council of, relations with the Duke of Holstein, desires trade with England, 488, 489.

a flyboat of, a prize, 25, 26, 68, 215.

—, arrives at Plymouth, arrangements with regard to, 173–175, 181, 186, 187.

—, owner of the goods of, 180. See also ship Salvator.

merchants of, challenge rights in certain prizes, 278.

ships of, captured by British vessels, 134, 267.

—, information given by, 675.

Hamden, cousin of Henry Knowles, 70.

Hamilton (Hambelton, Hammelton) :

James VI's agent, on his way to London, 136.

Sir James, and his son, enmity against the Earl of Mar, 110.

James, 110.

—, the King of Scot's attitude with regard to, 124.

John, servant of the Baron of Rosslyn, 335, 450.

Hammond, Thomas, in connexion with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 629, 630.

Hamon, Christopher, becomes James VI's domestic servant, 110.

Hamont (Hamonde, Haman), Spanish Mutineers in, 319, 327.

Hamoaze (Hamose, Hamowes), harbour of, Plymouth, 215, 697.

Hampshire, Justices of the Peace for, letter from, 676.

physicians in, in consultation over Lord Burgh, 59, 66.

recusants in, 676.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Court, 233, 376.

Hamptons, the, alledged unfitness for a certain guardianship, 663.

Hamstead Norreys, 554.

Handbridge, 36, 37.

Handford, Humfrey, merchant, 704.

Hankeridge, Haukerige, Giles, captain of Scoble's ship of Plymouth, 119, 208.

Hanmeire, Christopher, petition for a wardship, 526.

Hannce, Mrs., widow of a brewer of London, 140.

Hannaw, letter dated at, 306.

Hannow, Earl of, 121.

Hannowe, Spanish mutineers in, proceedings of, 340, 341.

Hanse towns, the, (Hances, the), 129, 657.

statement of negociations with the Emperor, 42.

matters and enquiries with regard to the projected treaty with, 246, 251, 283, 284.

action at the Court of the Emperor, mentioned, 315.

projected meeting with Duke Charles of Sweden, mentioned, 382.

restoration of the privileges of, point insisted on, in the answer from the Imperial Ambassador, 640.

decision arrived at in their Assembly, 644.

Hanywald, the Emperor's Secretary, mission to Emden, 128.

Harbarte. See Herbert.

Harburg, 175, 316.

Harburg, Duke of, 489.

Harderet, son-in-law of M. le Macon, 103.

Harding, Ri., patentee for the provision of saltpetre and gunpowder, 63, 64.

Hardwick, 583, 584, 585, 586, 593–596, 692, 695.

letters dated at, 593, 625, 683, 684 (2), 687 (3), 690, 693.

Hardye, William, farmer of the manor of Abbotsbury, 527.

Hare :

—, cause with Champantie and W. Conradus, 579.

Hugh, Treasurer of the Inner Temple, 647.

Hareis, Haries, Hariss. See Harris.

Harfelde, letter dated at, 512.

Harman, Thomas, master of a vessel, 119.

Harmar, Jo., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Harpur :

Mr., uncle of the heir of Sir Giarvis Clyfton, 276.

John, 540.

Harrington (Harington, Haryngton), Sir John, of Exton, letters from, 187, 199.

requests Sir R. Cecil to stand godfather to his new born son, 188.

Cecil as godparent to the son of, 219.

and his wife, Cecil's protection for their son solicited, 452.

Harris (Aris, Hareis, Harie, Haress) :

one, 140, 141.

Christopher, Vice Admiral for Devonshire, at Plymouth, 105, 117, 153, 365, 371, 393, 471, 582.

—, letters from, 48, 192, 404, 427, 636.

—, and sequestered goods, 592, 611, 613.

Sir Hew, of Scotland, 52, 141, 177.

Lady, wife of Sir Hew, 141, 177.

Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Harrison (Harryson) :

a seminary priest, executed at York, 83.

Mr., Queen's preacher in the co. of Lancaster, 606.

Robert, 16.

Captain Samuel, 92.

Thomas, spoiled by rovers, letter on behalf of, 48.

Harrow, manor of, Middlesex, steward of, 574.

Harry, Count. See Nassau, Count Henry.

Harry, my Lord, 58.

Hart(e) :

Captain, 92.

Sir John, 255.

Mr., 620.

Hartford, Lord. See Seymour.

Hartford Bridge, letter dated at, 77.

Hartwell Park, letter dated at, 85.

Harvy :

George, Deputy-lieutenant of the Ordnance, letter from, 63.

George, letter from, 302.

Harwich, 287.

Haryngton. See Harrington.

Haselwood, Edward, the younger the son of, a ward, 521.

Hassal, Signor Roberto, 116.

Hassall, Mr., 323.

Hassalls, Walter, a secular priest, 632.

Hastings :

Sir Francis, letters from, 68, 77, 546.

George, Earl of Huntingdon, letters from, 119, 669.

—, his complaint against George Belgrave, 119.

—, a suspected proceeding of, 652.

Lady, 219.

Haston, Mr., 292.

Hatfield [co. Yorkshire], the Chase of, as to projected sale of, 384.

Hatton :

Lady Eliza, letters from, 546 (2).

Haughton, parson of Scrivelsby, 411.

Haulbowline (Haylbolyn), fort of, government of, 565.

Hauthain, Admiral, 383.

Havanna, the, Spanish galleons from, 517.

Haver, John, of London, death of, petition for the wardship of his son, 416.

Havivie, an escaped Turkish slave, 398.

Hawerde. See Howard.

Hawker, Serlis, letter from, 480.

Hawkes, John, 71.

Hawkins (“Achinis,” Hawkyns) :

Christian, desires a wardship, 534.

Richard, prisoner at Madrid, letters from, 268, 285, 526, 590, 697.

—, mentions his father, 268.

—, measures for the release of, 450, 505.

—, reasons for going to the Court of Spain after his release, 590, 591.

Hawks and Hawking, 102, 358.

Hay, Alexander, 484.

Hayborne, Ferdinando, letter from, 63.

Haydon (Hayden) :

Benjamin, 371.

Sir John, an offender, Lord Chief Justice discusses the case of, 33, 106.

Hayes (Hayses), Edward and Captain Thomas, project for the establishment of a permanent paid militia, 390.

—, allusion to, 125.

Hayman, Nicholas, Mayor of Dartmouth, letter from, 80.

Haynes Hill, letter dated at, 391.

Hayninge,” the goodman of the, one of the keepers of Liddesdale, 127.

Hayward, Mr., parson of Wolchurch, preacher at Paul's Cross on the Sunday after the Essex Rebellion, 201.

Heale. See Hele.

Heathman, John, desires a singing man's place in Westminster Abbey, petition against his suit, 143.

Hebburne (Hebborne), Anthony, secular priest, 632.

Heckes, Mr., 604.

Hedingham, part of the rents at, to be allowed to Lady Norrys, 61.

Heeylsford, 500.

Heidelberg (Heydelberg), assembly of princes at, allusions to, 57, 645.

Heigham. See Higham.

Heiton, a Jesuit at Valladolid, 569.

Hele (Heale), Serjeant John, of the Inner Temple, Justice of Assize, 126, 457, 647.

letters from, 239, 244.

suffering from the stone but discharges his duties, 240, 241.

Helford, 697.

Hellesfoet [Netherlands], 203.

Helmond (Hellmont, Hell Mounte), castle of, taken and garrisoned by Count Maurice, 226, 270.

Henchelawe, John, and his father-in-law, charged with a murder, 363, 364.

Henden, Edward, letter from, 480.

Hendicott, William, serjeant of Exeter, 53.

Hendon, letter dated at, 385.

Heneage (Henneage) :

Sir Thomas, 142, 402.

Lady, wife of Sir Thomas, 402.

Henowe [Hainault], 294.

Henry, Count, of Orange, 706.

Henry, Earl, late, 669.

Henry IV, King. See France.

Henry VIII, King, allusion to, 112.

creations and grants made by, 73.

schedule of documents relating to, 257.

Henton, Francis, an English youth stayed for refusing to take the oath of supremacy, 464.

Henzken, Berthold, Duke Charles of Sweden's secretary, letter of credence for, 473.

bearer of certain propositions, 644.

intelligence furnished by, 645.

Herbert (Harbarte) :

Henry, Earl of Pembroke, late Lord President of the Council of the Marches of Wales, 263, 303, 342, 479.

—, as Lord Lieutenant of Somerset, Wilts and Bristol, 37, 38.

Sir John, Secretary of State and Privy Councillior, Commissioner for the treaty at Bremen, 147, 241, 249, 250, 251, 289, 420, 640.

—, letters from, 207, 286, 319, 360, 364, 374, 379, 440, 472, 487, 500, 575.

—, letter to, 668,

—, illness of his only daughter, mentions his wife, 207.

—, communications signed by, 247, 502, 645.

—, conference concerning the claims of the Merchant Adventurers, and other merchants, 283, 286, 287.

—, conference with Lord Eure, mentioned, 319, 320.

—, starts on his journey to Bremen, 364.

Lord, letter from, 667.

—, letter to, 678.

—, Sir R. Cecil, to stand godfather for his son, 678.

Lady, birth of a son to, 667.

Mary, Lady, letter from, 27.

—, suit in the Court of the Marches and complaint concerning Owen Vaughten, 27, 28.

—, has many suits at issue, 495, 496.

Sir William, of Swansey, 678.

William, exceptions against his appointment as Sheriff of Montgomery, 495, 496.

Hereford :

Bishop of. See Westphaling.

county of, complaint of want of impartiality in the administration of justice in, 118.

—, felons in, reprieved for the galleys, 243.

—, Sheriff of, appointment of, 498.

Dean of, reputed dealings of Scorie with, 458.

See of, vacant, applications for, 77, 78, 109 (2), 160, 163, 424, 478.

—, the archbishop of Canterbury gives a list of persons fit for, 437.

Hermooke (Hermoke), Anthony, a French merchant, assisting Jesuits, 231.

Hertford :

letter dated at, 244.

county of, Justices in, desire to be freed from providing for reprieved felons, 244.

—, High Sheriff of, place of residence of, 512, 534. See also Denny, Sir Edward.

Earl of. See Seymour.

Hertogonbus. See Bois-le-duc.

Hesketh :

Mr., 83, 109.

Sir Thomas, Attorney of the Court of Wards, Justice of Lancashire, letter from, 577.

—, notes by, 521, 527.

Heskett. See Allen, Thomas.

Hesse (Hessen), Maurice, Landgrave of, letter from, 445.

licence to export and buy bows and arrows for, 36.

movements of, 57.

alludes to his wife, 445.

the Emperor insists on his sending to the Diet, 644.

sister of, wife of the Count of Schonenberg, 644.

Heveningham, Sir Arthur, 322.

Heves, J., petition for the wardship of the son of, 416.

Hewes. See Hughes.

Hewton Park, letter dated at, 453.

Hey, Alexander, Clerk of the Council of Scotland, passport issued to, 82.

Heyborn, Ferdinando, letter from, 643.

Heydelberg. See Heidelburg.

Heydon :

Sir Christopher, letter from, 135.

Sir John, 141.

Heidhuizen, (Heytshuysen), [Netherlands], 203.

Hichelome, Ben., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Hicks (Hickes) :

Baptist, mercer in Cheapside, 176, 342, 408, 516, 704.

Michael, desperate case of, 386.

Hide, Bernard, letter from, 513.

Hienkirches (?), Hans v., a member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Higden, Marlian, of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 526.

Higham (Heigham) :

Jo., J.P. for Suffolk, 523.

Thomas, nephew of Serjeant Yelverton, appointed muster master in Suffolk, 22.

William, question of his employment in the affair of Lady Arabella, 704.

Highgate [Middlesex], letters dated at, 139, 210, 362, 496, 541, 698.

Highlanders, the, who overthrew the gentlemen in the Isles, convention appointed for taking order with, 201.

Hiks, Mr., 191.

Hiley, William, Preacher of the Word, letter from, 32.

Hill :

Auditor John, letter from, 36.

Lieutenant, 211.

—, bearer of correspondence from Duke Charles of Sweden, 233.

Sir, a scholar of Merton College, 564.

Hilles, Mr., at Paris, 519.

Hilton :

one, as to a wardship granted to, 348, 349.

Dr., physician of Winchester, attends Lord Burgh, 66.

Hinson, Mr., 210, 211.

Hirlhed, H., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Hiskyng, W., Bencher of Grays Inn, 647.

Hitchcock, Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Hitchens, Mr., one of the chief massers of Plymouth, 130.

Hobart, Henry, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Hoby (Hobby) :

Sir Edward, letters from, 415, 516, 531.

Sir Thomas Posthumus, letters from, 32, 105.

—, bill against Lord Eure and his son in the Star Chamber, Cecil's favour intreated, 22, 32.

Hoddeson, Alderman Christopher, letter from, 390.

Hoel, Mr., 601.

Hoeuenaer, Henry, letter from, 400.

Holford, Mr., connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 686, 692, 695.

Hoogstraten (Hoockstraete, Hogstrat, Hollstraet, etc.), the Spanish mutineers of, 341, 369, 379, 383, 454, 476, 515, 537.

Holborne, Elizabeth, wife of Anthony, letter from, 491.

Holbye, one, a Jesuit, near Hull, 205.

Holdich, Phillip, 71.

Holland, proposed journey of Count d'Egmont to, 95.

mention of the visit of the Duke of Nevers to, 153.

cheese from, storage of, 103.

treaty with, 256.

plague in, steps to be taken in England to prevent the spread of, discussed, 428, 429, 438.

trade with France, Spain and Portugal, 623.

H.M.'s agents in, allusion to, 101.

States of. See United Provinces.

Holland [Lincolnshire], 220.

draining of fens in, occasions riots, 177, 180.

Holland, Richard, 643.

letter from, 622.

Hollanders, the, or Holland fleet. See Dutch fleet.

Holliday (Halliday, Hollidaie) :

Mr., Alderman of London, 524.

William, letter dealing with frauds committed by the contractors for the forces in Ireland, 704.

Hollis, Hollys, Sir John, 306, 516.

Hollock (Holocke), Count or Grave, 258, 328.

Holmes, Matthew, a seminary priest, 366, 367.

Holstein or Holst, John Adolph, Duke of, appointed Commissioner for the Assembly at Bremen, 246, 344.

letter to, 247.

meeting arranged by, 382.

refuses to execute a commission because of a quarrel with his brother, 472.

his refusal discussed, 488.

his alliances, 489.

in connexion with the negotiations at Bremen, 644.

Holstein, the Dukedom of, 640.

Holwall, letter dated at, 68.

Holyhead [Anglesea], 212, 491.

Home :

Sir George of Spott, Treasurer of Scotland, 110, 124, 678.

—, proceedings of, 5, 90.

—, relations with the Controller, 35.

[Lord ?], 19, 35, 448.

Hone, Thomas, letter to, 412.

Hongre, Hans, dispute with Sir H. Palavicino alluded to, 245.

Honiman (Honniman, Honyman, Hunieman), Thomas, merchant, connected with ordering of prize goods, 107, 114, 131(2), 135, 213, 278, 281, 365, 371, 409, 433, 445, 456, 463, 484.

letters from, 105, 116, 117, 120, 130, 338, 362, 377, 404, 546.

letter to, 328.

mentions his brother, 105.

instructions from, for apprehending pirates in the Levant, 549.

difference with the Earl of Cumberland's servant concerning the distribution of prize goods, 425.

Hooper, Richard, captain of a carvel, 481.

Hoovan, John van, Dutchman, resident in Marseilles, 26.

Hopertinghen [Netherlands], 203.

Hopkins (Hopkines), John. Mayor of Bristol, letters from, 96, 407.

Hopper (Hoper), Richard, letters from, 522, 653.

Horncastle, 411, 412.

Horseley, letter dated at, 310.

Horsley, John, prisoner in the galleys at Sluys, 561.

Hoskins, Father Anthony, 569.

Houbelon, Nicholas, merchant, 704.

Houghton :

Roger, letters from, 297, 318, 407.

—, certain sorts of silk added to the grant of customs made to, 77.

Robert, of Lincoln's Inn, 647.

Household, Kitchen, and wardrobe furniture, etc., 571.

Houston, Alexander, attendant upon the French Ambassador, 467.

Howard (Hawerde) :

Lady Catherine, letter from, 547.

Charles, of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, 17, 69, 73, 83, 96, 102, 103, 106, 107, 114, 116, 131, 138, 143, 147, 171, 173, 202, 204, 247, 278, 289, 309, 312, 315, 351, 413, 415, 475.

—, letters from, 89, 90, 102, 161, 180, 277, 281, 284, 330, 375, 376 (2), 391, 396, 397, 403, 649.

—, letters to, 10, 25, [75 ?], 76, 81, 100, 102, 104, 117, 125, 126, 172, 174, 189, 193, 217, 236, 242, 261, 267, 273, 280, 289, 304, 331, 364, 372, 389, 408, 427, 482, 432, 460, 467, 470, 646.

—, said to credit the evidence of Capt. Fenner with regard to one Elston, 86.

—, alludes to his son, 91.

—, concerning his mercantile ad ventures, 119, 152, 230, 338, 456.

—, his instructions to Sir R. Leveson, 161–163.

—, —, the forwarding of, 167.

—, allusions to his son and his wife, in connexion with the disposal of prize goods, 281, 282.

Lord Henry, letters to, 263, 706.

Lord, 538.

Lady, 679.

Mr., 45.

Theophilus, letter from, 547.

Lord Thomas, 271.

Lord William, former Lord Chamberlain, allusion to, 453.

Lord William, purchaser of Gylslund lands, 115.

Howell, John, of Exeter, 70, 71, 477.

Howes, Richard, merchant, 704.

Howson, Jo., Chancellor of Oxford, letter from, 337.

Howten, Capt., a Dutchman, in garrison at Huisden, 85.

Hucknall, 690, 696.

vicar of. See Chapman.

Hudgebaut, Charles, merchant, 704.

Hudson :

James, Agent for the King of Scots, letters from, 48, 52, 141, 158, 176, 177, 438, 441, 448, 450, 466, 484, 528, 547 (2), 637, 665, 676, 678.

—, warrant to free him from payment of subsidies, etc., 38.

Lady, excuses herself from attendance at Court, 589.

Hughes (Hewes) :

—, cause of, alluded to, 635, 636, 648, 650, 651.

a Jesuit, 522.

John and Margaret, cause with William Jones, dismissed, 483.

Humphrey, tries to obtain the Shrievalty of Merionethshire, 580.

Huisden, 85.

Hull, 205, 694.

letters dated at, 33, 296.

Corporation of, letters from, complaining of wrongs committed by the King of Denmark, 70, 296.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 33.

Mayor of. See Hadylsa.

Hull, Henry, Alderman of Exeter, 151.

Humfreson, Mr., of Shropshire, 583.

Humphrey :

Thomas ap John ap, said to be murdered, 481.

William ap John, accused of murder, 482, 483.

Hungary, 85.

campaign in, 122, 136, 146, 155, 156, 299, 329, 366.

Turkish general in, marriage of, 146.

Walloons leave for, 266, 298, 326.

despatch of provisions to, 345.

Lower, Ferrante Gonzaga appointed general in, 123.

Upper, provisioning of, 122.

Hungarians, escape from a Turkish galley, 266.

Hungerode, 96.

Hunieman. See Honyman.

Hunsdon :

Eliza, Lady, letters from, 266, 589.

Lord. See Carey, George.

Hunt :

the promoter, 9.

Thomas, keeper of the English house at Lyuorne, 85.

Thomas, recusant, safe conduct for, 396.

Huntingdon :

County of, soldiers for Ireland from, 31.

Earl of. See Hastings.

Lady, 377.

Huntly (Huntlay, Huntley), Marquis of. See Gordon.

Husien, an escaped Turkish slave, 398.

Hussey, James, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Hutcheson, a messenger, 695.

Hutton, Mathew, Archbishop of York, letters from, 7, 111, 112, 170.

letter to, mentioned, 312.

defends himself against a charge of slander, 170, 171.

vindicated, 238.


Ibrahim, widow of, sister of the Grand Seignor, married to a Turkish general, 146.

Iceland, fishing on the coast of, 487, 488, 500.

Ilfracombe (Ilford Combe), 160, 320, 340, 439, 654.

Illnesses, allusions to, 120, 139, 150, 156, 241, 264, 309.

Imperial Ambassadors, the. See Minckwizt, Baron of;


commissary, return to the Imperial Court, 175.

Diet, 136.

—, to meet at Ratisbon, 311.

India, allusion to a book of all the simples and drugs of, a poison antidote used in, 537.

Indies, the, Spanish fleet from (“India fleet”), 102, 162, 339, 510, 654.

Spanish galleon returning from, reported captured, 254.

Spanish galleons bound to, capture a British vessel, 193.

Infanta, the. See Spain.

Ingleby, David, and wife, at Brussels, 570.

Inquisition in Spain, its object, etc., 569.

Ireland :

army in, complaints about excessive charges made to, 642.

—, apparelling of, as to frauds and abuses committed by the contractors, 704, 705.

—, levies for, transport, apparrelling and arrangements in connexion with, 1, 10, 13, 30, 31, 50, 51, 67, 93, 96, 151, 154, 164, 166, 171, 182, 196, 209, 277, 320, 340, 346, 355, 369, 372, 390.

—, —, mutiny amongst, 169, 170.

—, —, arrival of, notified, 196.

—, number, etc., 6, 10, 92, 151.

—, ordnance and munition for, 230, 288.

—, reinforcement of, 275, 276.

—, Scotch levies for, the Queen's stipulations and instructions with regard to, 14.

—, surveyor of victualling. See Newcomen.

—, victualler of. See Wood, John.

bank master in, money paid to, 263.

Causes Ecclesiastical in, office of Register to the High Commissioners, 83, 84 (2).

Chief Baron of the Exchequer in, application for the appointment of, 68.

Commisioners to be sent to enquire as to land held by rebels in, 632.

Deputy of. See Blount.

Jesuits in, information as to, 236.

Marshal of. See Winkfield.

the monetary exchange between England and, discussed, 522, 523, 528, 529, 642.

—, agent for. See Blake, Robert.

oats shipped for, 35.

rebels and Spaniards in, terms of the agreement made after their defeat, 38, 39.

scarcity of food in, 646, 649, 650.

Scout Master in, 580.

Solicitorship of, certificates of nominations for, 646, 647.

—, nominee for, 633.

Spanish designs and preparations for, reports of, 80, 216, 236, 241, 253, 266, 271, 272, 275, 276, 311, 325, 361, 510, 697, 698.

Spanish soldiers from, greater number dead, 134.

spoken of as “the land of Ire,” 3.

state of affairs in, 9, 23, 271, 272, 275, 276, 305, 358.

Treasurer-at-War in. See Carey, Sir George.

wars in, British policy with regard to, discussed, 314, 315.

Ireton, Mrs., connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 690, 696.

Irish :

affairs discussed, 394, 395.

at the Groyne, news of, 216.

at the Spanish Court, reported representations of, 697.

Boy, the, imprisoned for theft at Chester, allowed to escape, 637, 638.

debts, bargain made for the Queen about the paying of, mentioned, 29.

disturbances, alluded to, 265.

petition, thrown into the Scotch king's bedchamber, 27.

tongue, the New Testament translated into, for presentation to the Queen, 639.

Irishman, an, offers his services in the Archduke's camp, 149.

Isak, James, a Scotch gentleman, 165.

Isham, Mr., 85.

Island wardhouse, 287.

Isolana, Count, 137.

Istelworth, letter dated at, 446.

Istria, murder and robbery in, 122.

Italy, Italian :

Ambassador to the Queen, 617.

—, coats of his retinue guarded with blue and yellow, 617.

Church in Lisbon, called St. Loredo, 108.

galleys and infantry of, rumoured disposition of, 155, 336.

levies in, for the war in Flanders, 55, 202, 602.

mercenaries in Spain, 592.

news and affairs, 181, 253, 254, 461.

President of the Council of. See Cineron, Count of.

supplies for Archduke Charles, arrival of, reported 203.

troops, in the Low Countries, 150, 341, 352.

Italian, the,” in Scotland, reception by the French King, 664, 665.

Italians, garrisoning Genop, 262.

in Lisbon, Captain of, 108.

in London, letters concerning, 662, 663, 664, 672.

subjects of the King of Spain, captured ships said to belong to, 105.

Italians, the, goods out of prizes sequestrated for, at Plymouth, 364, 365, 371, 389, 402, 408, 409, 425, 582.