Index: E

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: E', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: E', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: E". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Earl's house, furniture for an, 571, 572.

Earls in Ireland, agreement between, mentioned, 159.

Earth, Roger, servant to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, 701.

Eassens and Whittmond, Count Enno's policy with regard to his earldom of, 128.

East Chickerell (“Est Hykerell”) [co. Dorset], priests said to have been harboured in, 367.

East Company, Merchants of the, or Denmark merchants, conference with, touching their claims, 283, 286.

Easterlings, the, 419, 420.

East Friesland (Frizeland], the Earldom of, 315, 640.

East Friesland, Earl of, treaty with dissolved, 645. See also Eynon.

East Indies (Indyes), the, information as to Spanish trade with, 98, 99, 162, 655, 675.

carracks returning from, project to intercept, 459, 460.

prizes from, brought into Plymouth, 697.

late viceroy of. See Vidiguera.

Eastland Merchants, Company of, send a representative to the Court of Denmark, 640.

petition from, 703.

East Marches, outlaws taken on the, 106, 107.

quietness prevailing in, 670.

Warden of the. See Carey, Sir John.

Eaton, 586.

Eaton :

Edward, suggested sheriff for Denbigh, 497.

William, petition from, 580.

Eccleston, a gentleman, information concerning, 168.

Ecclesiastical causes and arrangements, 371, 429, 489.

preferment, 437, 438, 669.

High Commission for Causes, within the diocese of Winchester, 123.

Eedes, Dr., Dean of Worcester, as a candidate for the vacant see of Norwich, 437.

Edgcomb, Mr., 471.

Edinburgh [Edenbrough], 5, 12, 14.

letters dated at, 124, 459, 503, 665, 676, 678.

a merchant of, 82.

Edmonds (Edmondes) :

Mr., 51, 147, 318.

Thomas, 377.

—, letter from, 372.

—, his Memorandum on the Treaty of Boulogne, 86.

Richard, merchant, 704.

William, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Edmunds, Lady, 124.

Edward III., a creation in fee simple in the reign of, alluded to, 73.

Edward IV., statute made in the reign of, goods seized by virtue of, 91.

Edward VI., bond made in the time of, alluded to, 33.

treaty with Queen Mary of Scotland, 257.

Edwards, David, plumber, petition from, 578.

Effingham, “my Lord of.” See Howard Charles.

Egerton :

Sir John, cause against the Earl of Derby, 286.

—, as to a grant obtained by, 441.

—, defendant in a cause, complaint against, 486, 487.

Sir Thomas, Master of the Rolls, Keeper of the Great Seal, 8, 11, 15, 16, 20, 47, 62, 126, 161, 204, 413, 416, 435, 453, 463, 465, 635, 638, 647.

—, letters from, 48, 505, 511, 521, 583, 587, 650, 656, 657.

—, letters to, 157, 211, 274, 275, 477, 482.

—, minute signed by, 60.

—, and the living of Bangor, 669.

—, cause to be heard at the house of, arrangements, etc., 70, 73.

—, suit before, 186.

—, petitions to, 274, 483.

—, and the case of Bydstow Park, 486.

—, his devotion to the Queen 521.

—, serjeant of, 180.

Eglonby, young, a ward, 346.

Egmont, Lamoral, Count of, letters from, 13, 38, 61, 95, 144, 583.

concerning his stay in England, 60, 61.

desires a safe conduct to Holland and gives a list of his debts, 95.

Eivebridg (? Ivy Bridge in the Strand), letter dated at, 234.

Elbing [Prussia], 473.

Elector, the. See Palatine, Count.

Electors, the, letters to the Queen from, mentioned, 42.

Elegant. See Alicanti.

Elham, 190.

Elinglase, manor of, belonging to Sir R. Cecil, survey of, 289.

Elizabeth, Queen. See Queen.

Ellacott, John, 71.

Elliotts, William, merchant, 704.

Elliot, —, 110.

Ellys (Elles), John, tailor, declaration of, 366, 367.

Elsinore (Elsenore) [Denmark], 50, 211, 350, 473.

Elson, one, search for correspondence of, 45.

Elston(e), William, letters from his wife Jane on behalf of, 125, 126, 144.

Elston and his wife, letter with regard to, 86.

Eltam, 226.

Elve, river of, 176.

Elvine, Doctor, a gift to, 527.

Ely, Dean of. See Tindall.

Emanuell, Don, 215.

Emden (Embden), town of, 42, 129, 153, 252, 341, 505.

pitiable case of, owing to the evil practices of Earl Enno, 128–130, 501, 502.

news from, 350.

contentions at, likely to trouble the States General, 352.

besieged by the Earl, 383.

Spanish preparations feared to be designed for, 397.

the Queen resolves to interfere in the controversy with the Count, 416, 426.

assistance given by the States General to, 453, 476 (2).

the surrender of, 470.

meeting of soldiers sent for relief of, 515.

attacked by the States General's forces, 521.

treaty with United Provinces and the Earl of East Friesland dissolved, 645.

commander of the troops sent to. See Boys.

Earl or Grave of. See Enno.

English merchants in, with regard to the Imperial mandate concerning, 639.

magistrates of, as to the granting of a request of, 467.

ships of, information given by, 675.

Emperor, the [Rudolf II.], 85, 122.

letters from, 246, 247 (2).

a statement of the negotiations with, 42, 43.

his representative at Ratisbon, alluded to, 57.

dealings with Earl Enno, 128, 129.

privileges given to the town of Emden by, alluded to, 129.

refuses to accept the peace offered by Prince Battory, his demands, 136.

sends an envoy to suppress the troubles at Emden, 153.

assistance for, for the war in Hungary, 156.

notes of remembrance for the intended treaty with his commissioners, 251.

negotiations at Bremen, etc., 283, 284, 315, 316, 344, 441, 471, 472, 488, 639, 640.

rumoured secret negotiations with the Sultan, 299, 345.

representative of, at the approaching Imperial Diet, 311.

details of his war with the Turk, 345, 365.

proceedings, etc., 461, 644, 645, 657.

ambassador of, leaves Heidelberg with a conclusion for the Diet at Ratisbon, 57.

brother of. See Matthias, Archduke.

Councillor of, and Commissioner from, at Bremen. See Münckwitz, Baron of.

Commissioners of, negotiations with, 500, 501.

secretary of. See Hanywald.

Empire, the princes of, to treat at Bremen, 241.

war with the Turks, 266.

proposal made to the States General, 476.

intelligence connected with, 645.

Ems (Emes), river of, 176.

Spanish preparations feared to be designed for, 397.

forts built on, captured, 476.

Endhoven, castle of, 226.

Encusan. See Enkhuizen.

Enfield, 232.

England, alleged Papist plots in, number of priests resident in, 366, 367.

hopes of toleration of religion in, 569.

England and Wales (Berwick excepted), estimate for the custom and subsidy of silk imported, 75, 76.

Englebert, Mr., 139.

English :

Commissioners for Bremen, arrangements connected with their mission, 374.

—, arrival at Stade, 376, 379.

—, alluded to, 382.

—, arrival at Bremen, etc., 440, 441.

—, letters dealing with their negotiations, 471–473, 487, 488, 489.

—, and the situation at Embden, 476.

companies in the Low Countries, disposition of, 430.

deserters, punishment of, 260.

fleet and ships, activity against the Spaniards, engagements, etc., 93, 136, 148, 253, 254, 286, 287, 294, 450.

—, reported capture by, 329. And see under Naval and Shipping.

foot, reported for service in the Low Countries, 254.

men-of-war captured by the Spaniards, 654, 655.

merchants, intelligence given by, 149.

—, evading Imperial mandate, as to negotiations concerning, 639, 640.

—, projected scheme for the defence of, 700.

preparations against the Spaniards, 272.

prisoners taken by the Spaniards, treatment of, 679.

Roman Catholics, divided into two factions, Father Parson's influence over, 49.

suspected understanding with the Moors of Africa, 253.

seminary at Rome, oration made on the feast of the Trinity at, 205.

—, at Valladolid, Council warned against Jesuits and priests from, 211, 212.

ships captured by Dnukirkers, 148.

throne, intrigues at the Papal Court with regard to the successor for, 49.

troops for service in the Low Countries, projected conference as to, 55.

— in the Low Countries. See Low Countries, campaign in.

English and Dutch fleet combining against the Spaniards, 119, 125, 126, 215, 266.

Englishwomen arrive at Lisbon to take vows, 655.

Enkhuizen (Encusan), 428.

Enno, Earl, Count or Grave of Emden, dealings with the Merchant Adventurers mention of, 42.

evil practices of, 128–130, 153.

sends his Chancellor to Prague, 129.

States General send excuses for not accepting his invitation to a christening, 327.

struggle with the citizens of Embden, 350, 352.

—, the Queen resolves to interpose in the matter of, 416.

—, her instructions to the Commissioners at Bremen anent, 426.

said to be assisted by the Spanish King, 383.

desires to treat for peace with the States General, 476.

alliance with the Duke of Holstein, mentioned, 489.

wars of, 506.

a counsellor sent on a mission to the States General from, 521.

father, wife and children of, alluded to, 128.

brother of, allusions to, 129.

Erenfreid, Baron von. See Münckwitz, Baron of.

Ersfeild, C., letter signed by, 516.

Erskin(e) (Erskyn) :

Capt., commission given to, by James VI., 90.

John, Earl of Mar, 665.

—, letter from, 98.

—, —, alluded to, 109.

—, Queen of Scotland's dislike of, 5, 35.

—, part taken in the government of Scotland by, 5.

—, movements of, 110.

—, a kinsman of, 158.

—, passing through London on his way to France, 547.

Sir Thomas, cousin of the Earl of Mar, 5, 110.

—, relations with Lord Simple, 664.

—, and Scottish affairs, 665.

—, at Leith, 678.

Escurial, the, 253.

Espinola. See Spinola.

Essex :

County of, Commissioners for, letter from, 240.

—, felons in, reprieved for the galleys, 244.

—, Mr. Waad, mentions his farm in, 356.

Justices of, letter from, 239.

Earl of. See Devereux.

House, rebellion at, referred to, 81.

Rebellion, the preacher at Paul's Cross the Sunday following, 201.

Essex, Mr., of Berkshire, 51.

Este, Marquis of, 137.

Esterford [co. Essex], 85.

Eston, Lodge, letter dated at, 699.

Eure (Eurye, Evers, Ewre) :

Ralph, Lord, Her Majesty's Commissioner for the treaty at Bremen, 296, 640, 668, 669.

—, letters from, 22, 249, 276, 288, 316, 320, 321, 336, 347, 356, 360, 379, 471, 488, 501, 588, 657.

—, letter to, 241.

—, minute appointing him Commissioner 241.

—, his answer, protests his incapacity and poverty, 249, 250.

—, correspondence with regard to his mission 273, 288.

—, conference with, mentioned, 319, 320.

—, money arrangements and the furnishing of credit for, 321, 334, 356, 633, 666, 667, 668.

—, starts on his journey to Bremen, 364.

—, a recommendation for his poverty, etc., 537.

—, desires more credit, 588.

—, reception of Commissioners by, 644.

—, communication signed by, 645.

—, and his family, a suit to be heard in the Star Chamber against, 22, 32.

Lady, 363, 511.

Evelyn (Evelin), Robert, patentee for the provision of saltpetre and gunpowder, 63, 64.

Evensham, Oxon, the reversion of, 571.

Everington, 554.

Evers, Ewre. See Eure.

Exchange (monetary), between Ireland and England discussed, 522, 523, 528, 529.

Exchequer, causes in the, 8, 9, 33.

an office in the, petition for, 84.

the Receipt of the, schedule of bonds, treaties and other records delivered into, 255–258.

—, jewels held in bond, lying in, 227, 228.

the proper direction of warrants to, 318.

Lord Chief Baron of, opposition concerning a debt of Lord Hunsdon, 51.

Barons of the, 51.

Exeter, 105, 202.

letters dated at, 35, 68, 70, 88, 151, 477.

reasons for exemption of, for furnishing soldiers for Ireland, 151.

carrier of, 10.

Mayor of, 53. See also Bevys;

Walker, Tho.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letters from, 70, 151.

prison, 53.

serjeant of, 53.

Expedition money, a bribe in the customs, called, 514.

Eynon, Count of East Friesland, 175.

Eyre, Thomas, letter from, 492.