Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


D. P., letters from, 406, 509, 591, 671.

Dabingcourt, John, information against, 231.

Dabrigecort, Tho., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Daccombe (Daccomb), John, nephew of John Budden, 371, 375, 508.

Dacres, Mr., 110.

Dale :

Dr., late Dean of Wells, 520.

Roger, of the Inner Temple, 647.

Dalkeith, 664.

Dallender, —, Cecil negotiating a lease from, 278, 375.

Dalleson, Thomas, 411.

Dalmatia, 122.

Dalston, John, deputy to Lord Scrope, 613.

letter from, 662.

Dalton, Robert, alderman of Hull, 296.

Dalyson, Roger, sheriff of Lincolnshire, letter from, 363.

Damascus, rebellion in, appeased, 146.

revolt in, reported, 266.

Janissaries of, lay siege to Aleppo, 121.

Dammon, Monsieur, 678.

Dancaster, letter dated at, 78.

Daniel (Danyell) :

—, servant of Lord Ormond, used in transactions with regard to the Earl of Ormond's nephew, 280, 281, 301, 302.

—, connected with Scotch matters, 494.

Edward, gentleman to the Earl of Hertford, in connexion with Lady Arabella Stuart, 628–630.

Richard, 663.

Serjeant, 79.

William, to present his Irish translation of the New Testament to the Queen, 638, 639.

Danish. See Denmark.

Dansey or Dancye, letters dated at, 219, 226, 266.

Danzig (Dantzig), news from, 122, 156, 365.

plague brought in goods from, 438.

D'Arano, Michael, 226.

Darcy (D'Arcy, Darcee), T., Lord, letters from, 3, 280.

a statement as to his receipts in rents, and mention of his son, 4.

mentions his sister, 280.

his dealings with Edward Rye, 581.

Darell (Darrel), [Marmaduke], connected with the victualling, 10, 27, 222, 474.

disagreement with Mr. Bludder, 471.

Darknoll, Edward, 540.

Darsie, Nicholas, Agent for the town of Galway, letter from, 138.

Dartmouth, 10, 185, 654.

letter dated at, 80.

Spanish subjects from, their transport, 69, 116.

French prize brought into, 405.

the Carrack of, mentioned, 697.

Mayor of, 69, 390. See also Hayman.

Daston, Richard, Bencher of the Middle Temple, 647.

Daubigny, M., Duke of Lennox's brother, appointment to the King's Chamber, 110.

Daudel, chief of the Arabs, joins in besieging Aleppo, 121.

Daudridge, alias Good, John, an agent of the Lady Arabella Stuart, confession, etc., of, 583–587, 594–596, 627–630, 682.

imprisoned in the Gatehouse, petition from, 607.

Daunser, Peter, merchant, 704.

Davers, Danvers : Sir Charles, 67.

—, letters with regard to the escheat of, 39, 40, 82.

Sir Henry, 703.

—, a report of his taking charge of the town and garrison of Portsmouth, 701.

Davis, Davies : a priest, execution of, alluded to, 212.

[Richard], Treasurer of the Inner Temple, 67.

Sir John, 46.

—, letters from, 58, 63, 65, 79, 207, 370, 492, 542.

—, loss of a wardship, 63.

—, undertakes to effect great economies in H.M. ordinance in return for his release from Newgate, 59.

—, mentions his ward, 79.

Master, of the Council of Wales, 509.

Nevill, letter from, 459.

Rice, letter from, 502.

Davison, W., concerning the contract between the Queen and Horatio Palavicino, and the jewels engaged for the same, 227, 228.

the jewels delivered to, alluded to, 256.

Dawkyns, Dakens, Dakyne, George, a wasted gentleman, an informer, 513.

De Boys, chief of the troops sent by the States General to Emden, 506.

Decies, Deacies, the Lord of the, marriage connexion, 549.

Dee, Mr., warden of Manchester, “no preacher,” 643.

Deeping, parish of St. James in [Lincolnshire], riotous behaviour of inhabitants of, 177, 178.

Fen, draining of, occasions riots, 177–180.

inhabitants of, dispute with Captain Lovell, 200.

Deering, Anthony, letter from, 340.

as Sir J. Peyton's substitute, 298, 405.

Delantado, Delantathowe. See Castile.

De La Warr, Lord, petition on behalf of, 166.

Delbridge, John, servant of Sir R. Cecil, as to a complaint against, 210, 211.

Deliveries, Clerk of the, an office, 492.

Delvin, Lord of, allusion to the death of, 358.

Demetrius, 414.

Denbigh, sheriffs of, 497.

Denia, 406.

Denmark, Danes, Danish, (Dawnemark) :

remembrances for negotiations with, 250, 251, 640, 641.

leagues with England, alluded to, 251.

news from, 381.

Commissioners or Ambassadors for Bremen, 316, 376, 379.

—, at Bremen, reception given to the English Commissioners, 440

—, at the Conference, 471, 472, 473, 487, 488, 489.

—, negotiations with, 500, 501.

Dutch Chancellor in. See Ramell. King of, ordnance taken from a wreck, said to be the property of, 5.

—, controversy with the Corporation and merchants of Hull, 70, 296.

—, report concerning, contradicted, 122.

—, controversy with Duke Charles of Sweden, 156, 645.

—, and the enquiry at Bremen, 241, 250, 251, 278, 376, 440, 488.

—, acceptance of the Garter, 257.

—, rates and customs payable to, conference with regard to, 283.

—, intended marriage of his youngest brother Duke John, 350.

—, an answer to, discussed, 373, 374.

—, movements of, 381.

—, alliance with the Duke of Holstein, mentioned, 489.

—, relations with the Emperor of Russia, 630.

—, brother of, reported death of, in Russia (Muscovia), 58.

—, brothers of. See John, Duke;

Ulrick, Duke.

—, youngest daughter of, marriage of, 381.

—, sister of, as to her marriage with the Duke of Saxony, 122, 153, 156, 311, 326, 507.

—, the Court and Council of, remembrance for a mission to, 640, 641.

merchants. See East Company, merchants of.

Queen of, accompanies her daughter on her marriage journey, 381.

ship wrecked on the Coast of Lancashire, 4.

Denne, Thomas, merchant, 704.

Dennis (Dennys, Denys) :

Jho., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

alias Tunett, Stephen, the elder, part owner of the Thomasine commissioned for transport of Lord Zouch, 69, 81.

Stephen, the younger, 81.

Denny (Denney) :

Sir Edward, 202, 318.

—, letters from, 321, 344.

—, sheriff of Hertfordshire, resident at Waltham, 534.

Mary, Lady, letter from, 202.

Depredations, the Commission of, mentioned, 644.

Deptford (Debtford), letters dated at, 190, 417.

arrival of a prize at, notified, 463.

De Questere, secretary of late Lord Cobham, 414.

Derby :

Countess of, 330, 439, 486, 669.

Earl of. See Stanley.

Earls of, patrons of the advowson of Bangor, 544, 545.

Derbyshire, as to a lease of lands in the High Peak in, 492.

Dering. See Deering.

Des Bancqs des Roys, letter dated at, 258.

Desdiguières (Lesdiguières), M., 181.

Desmond, Earl and Ladies of. See Fitzgerald.

Dethick (Dethik, Dethicke), Humfrey, former factor in Italy, 324.

letter from, 180.

in trouble in Scotland, 176.

Deubulyne. See Dublin.

Deuxponts (Dui Ponti), Due de. See Zweibrücken.

Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex, allusions to, 58, 63, 177.

his Island voyage alluded to, 88.

a Jesuit sent to York by, mention of, 232.

list of men sent into Normandy with, 256.

libel by a favourer of, mentioned, 306.

office formerly held by, 441.

Devon, the county of, levies and imprest of mariners, etc., in, 67, 151, 616, 636.

—, arrangements as to apparreling of, 13.

Lieutenant of. See Bourchier, Earl of Bath.

former and present deputy lieutenants of. See Cary, Sir G.;

Gilbert, Sir J.;

Seymour, Edward.

Treasurers of, 151.

Dickenson, John (“Mr. Gilpin's man”), letters from, 349, 361.

Diego, Don. See Brochero.

Dieppe (Deype), 73.

accord made for defence of, 255.

reported treasurer at, said to be removed, 284.

fishermen of, 404.

allowance for transport and posting from London to, 435.

Diest [Netherlands], 203, 223, 369, 383.

Digby (Digbie) :

nephew of the Dowager Countess of Kildare, 359.

Mr., 85.

Lady, title to lands derived from Gerald, Earl of Kildare, 248.

—, a gift from, 528.

Digges, Diggs :

Captain, payment to, 92.

Dudley, commended to Sir Robert Cecil's favour, 141.

Richard, nominee for Solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

Tho., author of a treatise, 56.

Ditchley (Dicheleye, Dychelie), letters dated at, 233, 380.

Dixon, Thomas, conductor of troops, letter from, 390.

d'Onat, Monsieur, entrusted with a letter to the French King, 598.

Docwra (Dockery, Docray), Sir Henry, 642, 661.

in Ireland, 2, 271.

payment to, 92.

Dodd, Mr., of Cambridge University, 52, 53.

Dodington, Willm., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Doesburgh (Diuborroe), letter dated at, 167.

Dolgelly, 37.

Dolman, Mr., determination of the Queen to visit his house, 279.

Dolvyn, the Baron of, 265.

Donaldson, Alexander, 140.

Dongamon [Ireland], 271.

Dongeness. See Dungeness.

Donington Park, Earl Huntington's lodge at, letters dated at, 119, 663.

Don Sebastion, 339.

Doranenes. See Douarnenez.

Dorca's, the, merchants, loan concluded with, 286.

Dorchester, letter dated at, 700.

Doria :

Don Carlo, return from Spain, 123.

—, commanding the Genoese squadron, 406.

Prince, 366.

Dormer, Sir Robert, letter from, 699.

Dorse, the [Ireland], fortified by the Spaniards, 271.

Dorsetshire, alleged Popish plots, priests and recusants in, 366, 367, 536.

letter with regard to a proposed levy in, towards the furnishing of shipping, 700.

Dorsye, James, Alderman of Galloway, 74.

Dort (Dortt), letters dated at 308, 320, 328, 355.

Dotin, Walter, Mayor of Totnes, letters from, 71, 182.

Douarnenez (Doranenes) [Brittany], 449.

Douglas :

Archibald, letter from, 252.

—, letter to, 140.

—, nephews of, alluded to, 140.

James, letter from, 140.

“Lord,” letter to, 79.

[Richard ?], letter apparently from, advising the King of Scotland as to his relations with the Queen, 17–20.

—, Cecil's instructions to George Nicholson with regard to, 14, 15, 23, 24, 40, 41.

—, uncle and brother of, mentioned, 23, 24, 40.

[Thomas ?], letter to, 657.

Douai (Douay, Doway), 88, 148, 212.

College at, 88.

President at. See Barrett.

Dovall, Mr., 284.

Dove :

Henry, connected with the affair of Lady Arabella Stuart, 690.

—, examination of, 696.

Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough, late Dean of Norwich, 413.

Dover (Douvre), 10, 111, 209, 284, 404, 660.

letters dated at, 125, 155, 332, 336, 400, 401.

intelligence from, 57.

Commissioners for restraint of passage at, examinations taken before, 85, 88.

Mayor of. See Breadgate.

Castle, letters dated at, 119, 126, 138, 209, 210, 239, 243, 398, 399, 616, 617 (2).

—, a prisoner in, 57.

roads, Dunkirkers in, molest British ships, 57.

—, arrival of the Dutch Admiral and Flemish men of war in, 124, 125, 126.

Straits, letter dated from, 698.

Doves, Cobham, Sir R. Cecil asked to favour his petition before the Council, 308, 309.

Dowbleday, Ed., Burgess of Westminster, 174.

Downs (Downes), the, 185, 189, 239, 280, 344, 462, 698.

letters dated from, 267 (2), 268, 279, 283.

Drake, Sir Francis, 185.

Drakelow, letter dated at, 469.

Drayton, 448.

Dreiton, 586.

Drenaw, Baron of. See Münckwitz.

Dresden, 311.

marriage to be celebrated at, 326.

Dress of retinue of the Italian Ambassador, 617.

Drew, Serjeant, 486.

Drimpen, 376.

Dringe, —, 695.

Drury (Drewry) :

Sir Drew, 206, 542, 572.

—, letter from, 617.

Sir Robert, letters from, 221, 259.

Robert, secular priest, 632.

Dryland, a Jesuit, 522.

Dublin, 491, 650, 661.

letters dated at, 87, 144, 646.

manor near, sold, to pay debts, 94.

soldiers to be transported to, 154.

munition for, 288.

departure of troops for, notified, 451.

Archbishop of, Chancellor of Ireland ? 265.

the Council at, coining detected by, 701.

Dean of St. Patrick's in. See Cambell.

H.M.'s commissaries of victuals at, 346.

Duchy, Mr. Attorney of the, 633.

Duchy business, the, alluded to, 331.

Duck, William, Keeper of the Queen's game, complaint against the Earl of Derby, 580.

Ducke, William, Alderman of Totnes, 71.

Duckett, Mr., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 607.

Dudley :

Robert, Earl of Leicester, 188, 672.

—, allusion to his attempt to overthrow the collegiate church of Southwell, 113.

—, commission from the States General, 256.

—, allusions to his burial at Warwick, 402, 403.

Sir Robert, 185.

—, letter from, 1.

Ro., Mayor of Newcastle, letter from, 499.

Duffield, Duffild : Edm., commissioner at Plymouth, 365, 409.

John, lease from the Queen to, 306.

Dugné, Fortunat, attendant upon the French ambassador, pass issued to, 467.

Dumbretton, letter dated at, 159.

Dunferline (Dunfermlinge, Dumfermling, etc.), 89, 124, 664.

the palace at, letter dated at, 385.

Dumfries (Dumfrice, Dumfreece), 662.

letter dated at, 439.

Dun Patericke in Lecay, letter dated at, 279.

Dunboy, Donboy, castle of, in Beerhaven [Ireland], captured, and the defenders put to the sword, 271, 272, 275, 276.

Duncannon [Ireland], Fort of, coining detected in, 701.

Dundalke [Ireland], 395.

Dunluce in the North of Ireland, 24.

Duncarks. See Dunkirkers.

Duncomb(e) :

Capt., captured by the Spaniards, 654, 655.

William, merchant, 704.

Dungannon [Ireland], defence of pass at, suggested, 395.

Dungeld, Bishop of, 613.

Dungeness (Dongeness), 189.

letter dated at, 675.

Dunkirk (Dunkerk, Duynkercke), 332, 389, 423.

news from, 148.

wrecks off, 398, 399, 400, 401.

—, suggestions for the recovery of the treasure, 423.

warships lying before, 534.

Dunkirkers (Duncarks), sea rovers, 81, 151.

in the Channel, mistaken for Spanish ships, 15.

a fisherman spoiled by, 48.

molest British ships, 57, 71.

captures made by, 148.

complaint of preference towards, in the negotiations at Bremen, 472.

petition for aid against, 477.

destroy English trade, 637.

projected scheme for the defence of English merchants from, 700.

Dunington Castle, letter dated at, 280.

offer of lodging for members of the Queen's suite at, 279.

Dunn (Dun, Donne), Daniel, Master of Requests, H.M. Comm. for the treaty at Bremen, 502, 640, 645.

letters from, 73, 364, 379.

conferences concerning the claims of merchants, 283, 286, 287.

conference with Lord Eure, mentioned, 319, 320.

accounts of his accident on the outset of his journey to the Continent, 360 (2), 364 (2).

Dunstonbrough Castle [Lancashire], 4.

Duport, Dr., Master of Jesus College, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 64, 649.

letters from, 52, 223.

Duretis, a priest, 512.

Durham, Bishop of. See Tobias.

Dean of. See James.

son of the Bishop's bailiff of, in training in a seminary, 212.

Durham House, letter dated at, 292.

Dutch :

Chancellor in Denmark. See Ramell.

fleet (“the Hollanders,” “loo country ships”), co-operating with the British, 333.

—, spoken of slightingly, 91.

—, movements of, etc., 119, 124–126, 134, 162, 377, 378, 389, 400.

—, captures made by, allusions to, 237, 271, 290, 298.

—, expected in British waters, 698.

—, Admiral or General of, (“Joneker Jacob of Duyuenuoirde, Heere tot Opdam ende Hensbroeck”) as to the delivery of letters to, etc., 78, 125, 126.

——,—, brings letters from the States for M. Caron, 138.

——,—, at Portsmouth, 377.

——,—, movements of, 378.

——,—, smitten with smallpox, 400.

—, Vice-Admiral of. See Adryaenssen.

man of war, captain of, and the delivery of a packet, 119, 120.

men-of-war at Guernsey, 267.

naval co-operation with the English against the Spaniards, discussed, 335, 336.

ships sailing under French colours, 26.

—, arrival in Venice, 146.

—, goods being delivered out of, 36.

States. See Low Countries.

trade with France, Spain and Portugal, 623.

Dutches” belonging to the Spanish army, in mutiny at Lew, 203.

Dutton, Captain, payment to, 92.

Dychelee. See Ditchley.

Dyer, Sir Edward, 16.

Dymock (Dymmock, Dymoke) :

Sir Edward, 60, 206.

—, letter to, 344.

—, the Earl of Lincoln's cause against, 234.

—, abuses offered to, by two Lords (in company with Mr. Brown), 344, 345.

—, the affairs of, 410.

Edward, uncle to Sir Edward, 411.

Lady, 344.

Dyot, Anthony, of the Inner Temple, 647.