Cecil Papers: March 1603, 16-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 16-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp676-697 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 16-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp676-697.

"Cecil Papers: March 1603, 16-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp676-697.

March 1603, 16–20

Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 16. As to Laurence Bradshaw, curate, finding him so poor by his long imprisonment, I have set him at liberty upon bonds. The wind has long been in the E., which I understand is the cause of the stay of the Lord President of Mounster, whose men and horses have stayed in this city these ten days past in expectation of his coming.—Chester, 16 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 38.)
Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 16. I received your letters requiring me to commit to safe custody George Cotton, esquire, and Gilbert Wells, gentleman, of Hampshire. The name of Gilbert Wells is mistaken for Thomas Wells, who now lives in Hampshire, his father Gilbert being dead these three years. As for George Cotton, he is living, but hath long kept his chamber, pretending sickness. There are other recusants of some note in this country—William Corham and Richard Brewning, gentlemen.—Waltham, 16 March, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (92. 39.)
Justices of the Peace for Hampshire to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 16. According to your letters of Feb. 22, we at several places have tasted the affection of the country by opening to them the imminent dangers unto the whole estate by those devoted enemies, Spain and the Archduke, and the remedy for the prevention thereof. We find the people willing to engage their whole estates for her Majesty's service, but so unable to perform this tax through the frequency of other payments and the general fail of corn in these parts last year, that we find little hope of raising a fourth part of the sum required.—Winton, 16 March, 1602.
Signed :—Ben. Hichelome : Thomas West : Jho. Denys : W. Sandys : Ric. Poulett : H. Wallop : Stephen Thornhurst : Ro. Oxenbregge : Ric. Norby : Hameden Poulet : William Vuedale : John Whyte : Tho. Dabrigecort : Fr. Cotton : W. Jephson : Willm. Dodington : Wm. Wallop : Thomas Ridley : H. Hirlhed : Jo. Harmar : Edmonde Mervyn : Richard Milles.
2 pp. (92. 40.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 16. On the 17th inst. the carrack was driven on shore upon the island of St. Nicholas, where she is cast away without hope of recovery. I beseech you to give order in time for the ripping of her, that the planks and timber may be employed in the making of platforms and carriages for the fort and island, which are now altogether unserviceable. Your Honour knows that Jenebelly, the engineer, and I have heretofore complained of these defects, and that they cannot be any other way so easily supplied. Meanwhile, I will look that all things shall be carefully preserved from being broken up by the country.—From the Fort [Plymouth], 18 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 41.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 16. I dispatched away your last packet to Mr. Nicolson into Scotland in good time, for that there came post with the same packet a gentleman of Scotland, called Master Alexander Morrey, who came a through post from London, although he denied it here, and brought with him letters of her Majesty being very ill; but your packet was at Edinburgh before he came there, whereby Mr. Nicolson had the first knowledge. Your last letter to me, with the report of Master Morre, hath grieved me much, so that I had meant to come up had not special causes of the country stayed me for the present. Whatever happens, I shall come up to see her Majesty rather than remain with these terrors and fears of mind as now I do. What should I do here, not knowing how or for whom to keep this place, being only in the devil's mouth, a place that will be first assailed, and I not being instructed what course to hold, either for the good of my country or to continue myself an honest man. I mean then presently to leave Mr. Richard Musgrave in my place to keep the town, and myself to come up as well to satisfy my desire of seeing her Majesty as to take further directions. In answer to your enquiring how many packets I have lately received from you since March came in, I have received but three packets, on the 6th, 8th and 14th. In February, I received only two packets, on the 14th and 25th.—Barwike, 16 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 42.)
George Nicolson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 16. For convoy of these enclosed letters to Mr. Hudson (sic), one from the Lord Treasurer and the other from Sir Thomas Erskin—both of them on the King's service—I have addressed these presents to your Honour, and pray you to have them delivered to him. I can tell you no news but that the Italian Nicholas Cossina, being yesterday examined by the Lord Treasurer and Sir Thomas Erskyn at Leith, after his coffers had been searched to no purpose, declared he had letters from the Archduke Albert to the King, which he has indeed, but as I judge as much to cover his designs with others here as for matters of effect with the King. The Italian is free again, and, I hear, enquired at the first for Francis Mowbray. He is for language a fit man for this place, speaking as good Scots as any. There is news come to the agent for the Estates, but as yet I cannot say they are of importance, for the King is very busy, and I have not enquired Monsieur Dammon of it.—Edenb., 16 March, 1602.
[PS.]—Now God of His mercy preserve her Majesty—otherwise I may go beg. Baucleughe is said to be come to Leith.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 43.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Herbert.
1602/3, March 16. You cannot but be assured how great a contentment I receive by the news your Lordship hath sent me of the birth of a son. I account myself honoured to be chosen for a godfather to him whose alliance bringeth honour to my poor house. I have written to Sir William Harbart, of Swamsey, to perform those duties which I should do if I had my heart's desire, which were to see and congratulate with you both.
Unsigned. Copy. 1 p. (184. 3.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 17. The letter herewith is from one Thomas Thornton that hath had the charge of keeping the carrack which came aground near St. Nicholas Island. It imports some speedy order be given for the ripping of her. I have heretofore desired favour for a warrant to take up some Spaniards or Portingals for the redeeming of Capt. James Willes and Thomas Michell who went as master of the bark. By the master's letter herewith, you will perceive how hardly I am thought of for that service, besides the loss I am likely to sustain.—Plymouth, 17 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 45.)
The Enclosure :
Thomas Michell to Mr. Stallenge.
It was our unhappy chance to be taken by one of the King's men-of-war, which had 18 pieces of ordnance, all brass, but four. She killed and hurt 18 of our men. The sore wounded are put into hospital, and are well used, but the not so much wounded are healed in the galleys. Dun Dego de Brochero was general of the fleet last abroad, and he hath sworn that as many English men-of-war as they take that be none of the Queen's ships nor have the Queen's pass with the Broad Seal, he will hang the captain and master and condemn the rest to the galleys. They will not allow of my Lord Admiral's pass in this sort. You told me you had our pass, and Capt. Willes so shewed me the box going aboard our ship, and I believed it to be good, or else your ship had not carried me to sea. Having brought us into this slavery, I hope you will be a means to redeem us again. Here is speeches blown abroad that the Queen hath put Spaniards in the galleys, and they have sent word to the King, so if the contrary be proved, all men are in good hope but we. Our fare is bread and water, our lodging a hard board not half our breadth or length. We lie in heaps amongst the slaves, being extremely lousy, having no clothes to shift us or cover us withal, so that the very cold must needs kill us ere long. If death came by wishing, we had been cold enough by this time. I know Capt. Willies is not forgetful of you, or I would write more at large. I hope you will remember us in this extremity.—From the galley called the Patroon, 29 December, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 44.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3], March 17. My Lady Howard hath sent me word how graciously the Queen hath promised her I shall see her Highness and kiss her hand. For this happiness I must ever thank you as my chief mediator. The report of her Majesty's indisposition hath been no less grievous to me than the former hath been comfortable.—Belvoir, 17 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (92. 46.)
Carlo Scaramelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 18/28. God knows how lively a sense I have of her Majesty's bodily troubles, which must affect all her good servants, and how continually I pray that divine mercy may grant her and all men relief. But inasmuch as in any case there is no possibility of negotiating with her Majesty at present, and I have despatches from the Republic on matters that admit no delay; and as I think that the Council might itself for the satisfaction of the Republic give certain orders, I would ask your Excellency, to consider if part or all of the Council would hear my petition.—London, 28 March, 1603, “Alla novo.”
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (92. 80.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Thomas Roswarren, Mayor of Markasue.
1602/3, March 19. I have purchased of the Queen's Majesty the manor of St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, whereof the town of Markasue [Marazion] is a member. I would be glad to have some particular knowledge of the royalties and liberties belonging to me, and meanwhile, the sheriffs or justices of the peace to forbear any proceedings until they receive farther order therein.—From the Court, 19 March, 1602.
Draft or copy. Unsigned. 1 p. (92. 32.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 19. Your last letters satisfied me much, but the uncertainty of her Majesty's health perplexed me and therefore I cannot rest from writing to you. I desire to know what is to be looked for. Her Majesty's years can bear no violent nor long sickness, but principally, my writing is to know what course you think fittest for me to hold, for you know best what is to be intended. For my coming up presently, I am unable to travel by reason of a great cold. If you think fit I will repair up, though I am now in a place mid-way ready to go in either direction. I can remain strong in both places, being provided with men, horse and weapons to defend the right to that which God direct our minds. Though you be a councillor, yet you are my brother, and will give me plain and true advice in matters of this consequence.—19 March, 1602.
I lately wrote letters into the North before the receiving whereof I find the news of her Majesty's sickness was but newly spread. I advertised the Council there to have vigilant regard of the place and to call the mayor of the city before them and give him likewise the same charge. I hear many things are spread abroad, more particularly of her Majesty's disease, whereof I am sorry so much is known, be it false or true. This morning came a general letter from the Lords of the Council to me, which was either evil sealed or had been opened, for there was no print of the seal to be seen.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 47(2)).
Sir Richard Lewkenor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 19. I presume to trouble your Honour with what I know of the state of the country within this jurisdiction, which truly are (God be thanked for it) very well and in good peace and quiet. The principal thing to be misliked is that many of the people, especially in Wales, are much given to superstition and papistry, and for the most part irreligious for lack of understanding and good teaching, though the Bishops in these countries take great care to reform the same by planting good preachers and ministers within their several charges as places do become void. Touching the courses in this place since the coming of my Lord President, if I should write that all is and hath been so well and in such quiet sort as had been fitting, I should not only do myself wrong but lay myself open to be taxed with untruth. Of the several matters of disagreement between his Lordship and me, I forebore to write till his letters to you in that respect had been answered. But hearing nothing further, I ask your Honour's pardon if I offer some defence of myself in those matters whereof he has written. [Enters into details.] Her Majesty hath granted me in precise words such place, voice, etc., as Sir Richard Shutleworth or any other Justice of Chester had. I trust I so carry myself as that my Lord cannot say I am short in any duty towards him that hath been done by any of my predecessors, but do yield to do rather more than less, because I would be glad to enjoy his good liking and a peaceable and quiet life; if it may be. I trust I may have that which your Honour denies to none—hearing before condemnation.—Ludlow Castle, 19 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. closely written. (92. 48.)
Thomas Bridges.
1602/3, March 19. Memorandum that on the 19th day of March, 1602, one Thomas Bridges, alias Strange, prisoner in the Gatehouse at Westminster, being offended with the Keeper's men, because he could not come down out of the prison through the Keeper's own private rooms, but the ordinary way appointed, spoke these words in effect :—“We must be abused with every scurvy base slave, but I hope to score them up one day, and see such villains have their hearts pulled out of their bellies.”
Signed : “Roger Okey, Simon Bell.”
½ p. (96. 160.)
Lady Arabella Stuart.
1602/3, Feb./March 19. Series of letters from or connected with Lady Arabella Stuart.
1. Lady Arabella Stuart to the Queen.
Letter commencing, “May it please your most Excellent Majesty. Sir Henry Brunker hath charged me with many thinges.”
Holograph in a formal hand. Seal. 1 p. (135. 146.)
[Printed in extenso in modernised spelling in E. T. Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 99–100.]
2. The Same to the Same.
Letter commencing, “I yeld your Majesty most humble and dutifull thanckes for your Highnesse most gratious interpretation of this accident.”
Holograph in a gradually deteriorating hand. No Signature. Endorsed, “The lady Arabella's leter.” 2½ pp. (135. 144, 145.)
[Printed in extenso in modernised spelling in Bradley's Life, Vol. II. pp. 100–103. “Reverted,” on page 101, line 15, should, however, read “swerved.”]
3. The Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir John Stanhope and Sir Robert Cecil.
I understand her Majesty's gracious pleasure by your letters, and rest infinitely bound to her Highness for her Majesty's gracious favour to me. I will follow your directions so near as I can. To my great grief, I see with what vanity, base and lewd instruments this inconsiderate young woman hath been abused, as by Daudridge and others not unknown to you, who bare her in hand for my Lord of Hertford's grandchild. I protest before the living God, I think his Lordship as clear from this practice as they that never heard of her. Some of the plotters hereof, by undoing her, thought to bring me to my end, with grief if not by violence, as upon good grounds I think, and not vainly. Lately, I suspected she had some other like matter in hand whereof I advertised her Majesty; since then, I have still persuaded her to manifest all to her Highness and to crave pardon, but I could not prevail, neither learn more than I formerly advertised, until the receipt of your letter, which according to her Highness' pleasure I showed her to make her look into her great follies, and to see that her Majesty's pleasure was she should impart to me any matter of practice whatsoever. Your letter, together with my earnest persuasions, prevailed so far as that she hath set down with her own hand this declaration fraught with vanity. Such as it is, I have sent it hereinclosed, but I could not by any possible means prevail with her to set down the matter plainly, as I desired she would, in few lines. These strange courses are wonderful to me, and cannot but greatly grieve me to see how wickedly she hath been abused. If I can learn more, I shall advertise, but I think it must be some strait commandment to her from her Majesty to declare the truth and all circumstances; otherwise, I doubt she will not. She protests nothing shall force her to it, but I think she will be better advised upon a new commandment, seeing she hath been brought to set down so much already, which is more than I looked for. Upon these circumstances, you in your wisdoms may have some conjecture who the party is, by what means she hath been wrought. Their malice to me was so great that they respected not her undoing, but what should I complain of their malice when they forget their duty so greatly to her Majesty. What truth there is in this new matter, I know not, I have found her to 'swarve' so much from truth, and so vainly led in the first practice, that I cannot give any credit to her. It may be the matter is not so far proceeded as she makes show, and that it is but a practice, as the former was, but I cannot but doubt the worst. I have often heretofore in time of infection restrained resort from my house, as at this present the country hereabouts is infected with agues, small-pox and measles and the plague not far off, which pretence of restraint I took. But I see it is increased by some lewd and idle persons or rather by this unadvised young woman's letters. I have not had in my house above two persons more than my ordinary household and those but for three or four days. I was more careful and somewhat more precise in looking to the safety of my house for that I was told in plain terms she could go away at her pleasure and against my will, which I made sure she should not. These new matters falling out may make some alteration of her Highness' pleasure for her stay here : in a strange place she cannot have those means of the sudden to send and hear; but what it shall please her Majesty to command me, to the uttermost of my power I will do my best service, though it be to the shortening of my days. I have ancient gentlewomen in my house which are much with her, and gentlemen and others of good sufficienty. By her own servants she hath conveyed and received letters and hath corrupted some of mine. I presently mean to part with mine to give example to the rest. Even to the last hour of my life I shall think myself happy to do any acceptable service to her Majesty.—From my poor house Hardwick, this second of Februarie, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Jan. 1602.—The Countess of Shrewsbury to Mr. ViceCh : and me.” (135. 129.)
4. The letter from Lady Arabella to her Grandmother, enclosed in the preceding.
Holograph. Endorsed : “My Lady Arbell's declaration to my Lady hir Graundmother :” and by Cecil, “The Lady Arbella's first Ire. A. This ye old Lady sent up.” 6 pp.
[Printed in extenso—E. T. Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 103/113.
The following corrections, among others of less importance, should, however, be made :
p. 104, line 11. For “without” read “with.” For “instant” read “just.”
” ” ” ” For “advertised” read “adventured.”
” 106 ” 1. For “of” read “or.”
” ” ” 17. For “his friends, marry” read “his friends many.”
” ” ” 21. Omit “unwitting.”
” ” ” 24. For “As the” read “The.”
” 107 ” 8. For “rejoice” read “resolve.”
” ” ” 12. For “unreservedly” read “unrevocably.”
” ” ” 13. Add “cannot nor will” before “repent.”
p. 108 line 11. For “plead” read “pretend.”
” ” ” 17. For “unfavourably” read “unfaithfully.”
” 109 ” 3. For “plan” read “plat.”
” ” ” 4. After “thinks” add “will be needful.”
” 110 ” 11. For “revenges” read “red eyes.”
” ” ” 12. For “might” read “ought.”
” 111 ” 12. After “must do,” add “and he will do.”
” 113 ” 5. For “first” read “port.”
” ” ” 18. For “commend” read “command.”
” ” ” 19. For “which” read “wherewith.”]
(135. 139–141.)
5. Contemporary copy of the preceding. (213. 88.)
6. The Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
Arbell is now in mind, as she saith, to make the party's name she favoureth known to her Majesty by any that shall please her Highness to send hither, as may appear by her own letter to you hereinclosed. For that Sir Henry Brouncker hath been employed before in these matters, her humble suit is that he may be sent again. He is a very discreet gentleman. She saith she would more willingly impart her mind to him that doth already understand some part of these matters than to an other. I wish she had been better advised than to have entered into any of these courses without her Majesty's good allowance and appointment.—Hardwick, 6 Feb. 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (91. 105.)
7. Lady Arabella Stuart to Sir John Stanhope, the Vice-Chamberlain, and Sir Robert Cecil.
Letter commencing :—“May it please you : For as much as my Lady my Grandmother doth interprett the letter.” Ending, From Hardwick the sixt of February.”
Holograph. Seal. 4½ pp. (135. 147 to 149.)
[Printed in extenso, E. T. Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 113–118.]
8. The same to Mr. Edward Talbot.
Letter commencing :—“Noble gentleman.”
Copy [in the hand of Cecil's Secretary]. ¾ p. Endorsed in the same hand : “1602. Copie of the lady Arbella her Ire to Mr. Edward Talbot.” (135. 170.)
[Printed in extenso, Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 119–120.]
9. The Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil. Letter commencing :—“I much beseech you to bear with my often troubling you.”
Signed. ¾ p.
[Printed in extenso, Bradley's Life of Lady Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 120, 121.] (135. 150.)
10. [Sir John Stanhope] and Sir Robert Cecil to the Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury.
Draft or copy of letter commencing :—“Her Majesty being pleased to send down this gentleman Sir Henry Broncker.” Ending, “From the Court at Richmond the 21st of Februarii, 1602.”
[Printed in extenso, Bradley's Life of Lady Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 122–123.] (135. 151.)
11. Edward Talbot to Sir Robert Cecil.
I received a letter the 21st day of this instant from my sister, Lady Grace Cavendish, wife to Mr. Henry Cavendish, wherein was, as she writeth, a copy of a letter from the Lady Arbella, both which I have here inclosed sent to your Honour; which is so strange a thing to me as I know not what to make of it, and because it toucheth a message to be delivered to her Majesty, I thought it my duty to advertise you of it with all convenient speed. I protest to the Almighty God that I have ever lived a stranger to that lady, without ever having had a thought of anything concerning her, or ever so much as a letter or message from her in all my life (but this only), nor ever gave her any testimony to think me a man fit for her employments.—Bothall, 23 Feb. 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 149.)
12. Enclosure :
Lady Grace Cavendish to Edward Talbot.
Good Brother, I have sent you here inclosed a copy of a letter which my lady Arbella sent to Mr. Cavendish and me, the principal whereof she writes she hath sent to you already, but lest it should not be come to your hands, I send you this, with her request that you will make the more speed into this country. How glad I shall be of any occasion to see you, I hope you will imagine, nothing can be more to my contentment. Besides, my Lady my mother-in-law hath told me of late many things touching your state in some great lands of her jointure, which may be also behovable to us, as her ladyship assureth, wherefore if it were but for that cause your presence would do much good. Thus with Mr. Ca. and my best well wishing and most loving commendations to my good sister and yourself, we wish to you as to ourselves.—Tutbury, 16 Feb.
I pray you commend me to Lady Ogle.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 136.)
13. Lady Arabella Stuart to Sir Henry Broncker.
Sir Henry, I sent my page this afternoone for somm bookes into my quondam study chamber, which he might not be suffred to enter, much lesse I to receive the comfort and good counsell of my dead counsellers and comforters. If you thinck to make me weary of my life and so conclude it according Mr. Starkey's tragicall example, you are decevied; if you meane to shorten the time for your frend's sake, you are decevied in that too, for such meanes prevaile not wt me; if you thinck it hir Matys pleasure, hir commaundment should either be injustly pretended or covertly and cunningly infringed, I hope it is not hir Matie's meaning nor your delusive dealing, and sure I am it is neither for hir Matie's honour nor your creditt, I should be thus dealt withall. Your will be donne. I recommend my innocent cause and wrongfully wronged and wronging frende to your consideration and God's holy protection, to whom onely be ascribed all honour, praise and glory for now and for ever, Amen. For all men are liers. Theare is no trust in man whose breath is in his nosthrilles. And the day will comm when they thatt judge shall be judged, and he that now keepeth theyr counsell and seemeth to winke at iniquity and suffer it to prosper like the greene bay tree, will roote out deep rooted pride and mallice and make his righteousnesse shine like the noone day. I was halfe a Puritan before, and Mr. Holford, who is one whatsoever I be, hath shorthned your letter and will shorten the time more then you all, as he, he (sic) hath already driven me my La. my G. presence wt laughter, which upon just cause, you are my good witnesse, I cannot forbeare. Farewell good knight.—Monday.
Addressed : “To Sir Henry Broncker at Lambeth Marsh.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (135. 166.)
14. The examination of the Lady Arbella, the second of March, 1602.
In Sir Henry Bruncker's hand with a few corrections by Arabella. Signed by her. 5 pp.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“3 Martii, B. Sir H. Bronkerd being sent to learn ye particuler of ye writing wch is marked “A,” brought this from her": and in another hand, “L. Arbella examinat.” (135. 153 to 155.)
15. Contemporary copy of the above.
Endorsed by Cecil : “This Sr H. Bronkerd brought. B.” and in another hand, “Examination of the Lady Arbella. 2 March.” 5 pp. (135. 156–8.)
16. Another Contemporary copy of the above. 4½ pp. (213. 87.)
[Printed in extenso : Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 124–130.]
17. Paper commencing : “I take Almighty God to witnesse.” Ending : “death which onely can make me absolutely and eternally happy.” (135. 142, 143.)
18. Contemporary copy of the above. Endorsed by Cecil : “2 Martis. This she also gave him,” and in another hand, “Arbella's declaration.”
Endorsed :—“This Sr H. Bronkerd brought.” 3 pp. (213. 89.)
[Printed in extenso : Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 131–135.]
19. The Countess-Dowager of Shrewsbury to Sir John Stanhope and Sir Robert Cecil.
Letter commencing, “Sir Henry Brouncker will make relation of all that hath passed here.”—From Hardwick, 3 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 1.)
[Printed in extenso, Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II. pp. 135–137.]
20. Arabella Stuart to Sir Henry Broncker.
Letter commencing :—“Sr Henry. I cannot but wonder at your light beleefe when great ones tell you incredible tales.”
Holograph. 4 pp. (135. 159, 160.)
21. Copy of the above. 4½ pp.
In hand of Cecil's secretary.
Endorsed : “1602, Mar. 4,” and by Cecil “D. This was written since Sir H. came up with his exposition marked B. so as by this time you see, I think, that she hath some strange vapours to her brain.” (135. 161–3.)
22. Another copy. (213. 86.)
[Printed in extenso : Bradley's Life, Vol. II. pp. 137–143.]
23. Arabella Stuart to Sir Henry Broncker.
Letter commencing :—“Sr Henry, this gentleman Mr. Chaworth.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (135. 164.)
Addressed “To Sir Henry Bronker at Lambeth Marsh.”
Endorsed : “4 March, 1602. Lady Arbella to Sir Henry Bronker,” and by Cecil “D. This was sent after Bronkerd came.”
24. Contemporary copy of the preceding. (213. 85.)
[Printed in extenso : Bradley's Life, Vol. II. p. 144.]
25. Arabella Stuart to Sir Henry Broncker.
Letter commencing : “Sir Henry, this day of rest doth not priviledge my travelling minde.” Ending : “Hardwick this Sunday.”
Holograph. Addressed “To Sr Henry Broncker at Lambeth Marsh.” Seal. ½ p. (135. 165.)
[Printed : Bradley's Life, Vol. II. p. 145.]
26. Lady Arabella Stuart to [Sir Henry Broncker].—Letter commencing, “Sr, as you weare a private person.” Ending, “From Hardwick, this Ash-Wednesday. Your pore friend.”
[Printed : Bradley's Life, Vol. II. pp. 147–169, but the following corrections should be made in the version there given :
p. 148 note for “Sir William Cecil” read “Sir Robert Cecil.”
” 149 line 11. for “and the whole world [told]” read “and the whole world made judge.”
” 149 ” 26. for “by” read “with.”
” 152 ” 7. before “distress” dele “my.”
” ” ” 14. before “worthy” insert “as.”
” 153 ” 1. for “what” read “that.”
” ” ” 2. dele “not.”
” ” ” 5. for “instituted” read “intitled” (intituled).
” ” ” 19. dele “[which penalty].”
” ” ” 21. dele “[I].”
” ” ” 25 and 29. dele brackets.
” 154 ” 7. after “policy or” insert “officious pretence of superabundant love, to the best deserver.”
” ” ” 34. after “false accusation” insert” or authorized examination.”
” 155 ” 1. before “unusual” insert “very.”
” ” ” 1. for “of” readby.”
” ” ” 2. dele “but.”
” ” ” 3. after “me,” insert “or, I think, anybody.”
” ” ” 5. for “[or]” read “and.”
” ” ” 16. dele “then.”
” ” ” 16. for “crime” read “sin.”
” ” ” 20. before “innocent” dele “and.”
” 156 ” 7. after “credulous fool” insert “if I could believe anything but what I find which is unkindness and rigour, or a faint-hearted fool.”
” ” ” 8. for “[to] a power” read “to power.”
” ” ” 30. for “packing” read “patching.”
” 157 ” 20. for “your opinion” read “the fashion.”
” 158 ” 17. for “My omidomina” readMyrmidonum.”
” ” ” 17. for “Dolopumue” read “Dolopumve.”
” ” ” 18. for “Ulisses” read “Ulissei.”
” ” ” 23. for “to the adventure” read “with the adventure.”
” 161 ” 6. for “just let me know” read “first let me know.”
” ” ” 19. dele “and.”
” 162 ” 26. for “me” read “one.”
” ” ” 30. for “panic” read “pain.”
” 163 ” 3. for “service” read “sin.”
” 164 ” 25. for “worse-constructed” read “worse construed.”
” 165 ” 14. for “descent” read “desert.”
” 166 ” 22. for “ruined greatness” read “kindred greatness.”
p. 169 line 7. for “miserable” read “inexcusable.”
” ” ” 11. for “Majesty” read “Majesty's.”
” ” ” 21. for “mine” read “to me.”
Endorsed “Arabella.” 18 pp. (135. 130–8.)
27. The Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Henry Broncker.
Good Sir Henry Brounker, this Thursday the 10th of March, about 12 of the clock, Arbell came out of her chamber, went towards the gates (as she said) intending to walk, but, being persuaded it was dinner time did stay. About two of the clock in the afternoon, there came to my gates my son Henry Cavendish and one Mr. Stapleton, son and heir to Stapleton of Carleton in Yorkshire, with him. For that Arbell was desirous to speak with my bad son Henry, I was content to suffer him to come into my house and speak with her, rather than she to go to him, but sent him word not to remain here above two hours. I would not suffer Stapleton to come within my gates, for I have disliked him of long for many respects; it is about eight years since I saw him. He hath written to me many times to know if he might come, but I misliking him, would not suffer him, so as he never durst presume till now to offer to come. Arbell and Henry Cavendish had not talked as I think a dozen words together but they both came down and offered to go out of my gates. One of my servants intreated them not to offer to go out until they had my consent. Arbell seemed unwilling to stay, yet at length by persuasion did stay till word was brought to me. When I understood of it, I sent to her that I did not think it good she should speak with Stapleton, and wished her to forbear it, for I thought Stapleton no fit man for her to converse or talk withal. She asked if she were a prisoner, and said she would see, and so went to the gates, and would have gone out but was not suffered, yet she did speak to Stapleton, looking through the gate, some vain, idle words of salutation, and bade him go to Mansfield and stay there till he heard from her, with some more words to no purpose, many being present and hearing what they said. So with much sending to Stapleton to depart, at length he went from my gates. She had appointed Henry Cavendish to come hither again to-morrow, which I forbade, and so I think he will not come. He was no sooner gone out of my gates but she made herself ready to walk abroad, which I thought not convenient she should do and so she stayed. Other days she hath walked to take the air in several places. One came hither yesterday morning post from London to Arbell from her servant Chaworth. I hear he brought back to her a letter which Chaworth should have delivered to you, which she was seen to burn presently upon the receipt of it, and returned him with other letters to you again. She saith she hath likewise sent Basset her page to London post two days since with letters to you. She never rests writing and sending up and down in the country and to London as she saith. Henry Cavendish here showed to have but three or four men with him and Stapleton but one. I suffered but one of Henry Cavendish's men to come into the house with him, but I am informed that there were of their company who kept themselves secret within a quarter of a mile of the house, above forty horsemen well weaponed and some of them had dags. They were in four several companies, some at Hucknall, viz. at one Mrs. Ireton's, twelve; at one Chapman's house there, ten; in a bushy ground near here, called Rowthorn Carr, nine or ten; and ten at one Dove's house in Rowthorne where Stapleton hath lurked three days, as I heard even now. They being thus wickedly disposed may as well have five hundred men within a mile of the house and I not understand of their ill-intent. Arbell threatens and will give it out upon any little occasion, being intreated not to speak with any bad body, that she is kept as a prisoner. I should not so much have forgotten myself to have troubled her Majesty and some of her Majesty's privy council for Arbella's remove hence but that I feared the danger that I was not able for my life to withstand, and she being here one day, I fear I shall not have her here the morrow if I should suffer her but to go without my gates. In my opinion it were best she were removed farther from the North, which way I fear she would go. She shall not of long time in the South be acquainted with so many to help her as she is hereabouts. I hear that one of the company had a pillion to carry a woman behind him and covered it with a cloak. And so, being very late this Thursday night the 10th of March, I cease, wishing you all happiness. From Hardwick.
Addressed “To my very loving Frend Sr Henry Brounker Knight at his house at Lambeth Marshe.”
Endorsed by Cecil “The old Cowntess of Shrewsbury to Sir H. Bronkerd” and in another hand, “1602.” Seal. 2 pp. (135. 167.)
28. The Lords of the Council to the Countess of Shrewsbury.
Madame,—We are very sorry to find by the strange style of the Lady Arbella's letters that she hath her thoughts no better quieted, especially considering her Majesty's own ready inclination, notwithstanding her first error in dealing with my Lord of Hertford, to have taken no other course with her than was expressed by our first joint letter under two of our hands, and because we would be very glad, even for the suppression of vain reports, that the bottom of her heart were known, seeing the bearer hereof is known to us to be of good religion and seemeth to be agreeable unto her in respect of his depending upon her house, it is thought fit that your Ladyship should suffer him to have access unto her as often as she shall desire him. Next, whereas your Ladyship complains that she is not removed from you, we must reply unto you for the present, that her Majesty can in no sort be brought unto it, but rather wisheth, seeing she groweth so troublesome both to herself and to others, that you will deal as mildly with her in words as you can, howsoever she may offend you in this time of her passion, because that is one pretence of her quarrel, and that as much as may be, her sending up and down such strange letters may be forborne, in the which we must tell you truly, and so we pray you to let Mr. William Candish know, that her Majesty and my Lords do expect at his hand that he should interpose himself more earnestly and particularly toward the discovery of her meaning by these vain fancies than he doth, seeing that it is her Majesty's pleasure, and so we do again signify to you, that he do ease your Ladyship of that continual care which we see you take, the same being a great trouble to yourself and more proper for him whose company is more agreeable unto her. These directions we have thought fit to give you in her case, first, because the dispersing of her letters abroad of such strange subjects as she writes is inconvenient for many respects, and in our opinion disgraceful to herself, which maketh us the rather wonder that her uncles there are no more sensible of it, nor do not by their letters or otherwise open themselves unto us in their desire and industry to prevent and suppress these things, or in discovering their knowledge of such particulars as have come to their understanding, especially Mr. Henry Candish, who knowing himself to be charged in the first matter of my Lord of Hertford, ought in duty either to have written or come up to have given satisfaction, whereof we pray your Ladyship to take notice unto him in that head, as to Mr. William Candish, of that which is expected by the State at his hands. Lastly, we entreat your Ladyship for your own part to lay from you all suspicion or fear that any of her unquiet informations can touch you in her Majesty's opinion, neither ought in wisdom to be so apprehended by you towards her as to be moved thereby to any such course as might hurt your health or give her cause of further vexation to herself, whom her Majesty would have barred of no thing fit for her where she remains as long as those discreet friends of hers, whom you assign to accompany and attend her, can keep her within bounds of temper and quietness; of both which, though we can judge but by her letters, yet you must think that we assure ourselves that they which do daily accompany her have so much discretion as to discover the causes, the ends and the remedies of all actions, if they list. Fashion all things as the young lady may not mislike her habitation, so as your Ladyship do assign Mr. William Cavendish to attend her, who is a gentleman that can both please her and advise her in a due proportion. And thus for this time we commit your Ladyship to God's protection.—From the Court at Richmond, this—of March, 1602.
Draft in Munck's hand, which has been largely added to and partly re-written. 2 pp. Endorsed “March 14. Minute to my Lady Shrewsbury by Mr. Holford,” and in another hand, “1602, concerning the Lady Arabella.” (135. 168, 169.)
[Partially printed : Bradley's Life, Vol. II. pp. 170–2.]
29. Arabella Stuart to [Sir Henry Brounker].
Sir,—I see both the cause and the end of your comming, thearfore I pray you spare your owne trouble and mine in seekeing that which by these meanes will not be gott. If you comme as a commissioner, consider what powre one mortall creature how great soever hath over another how miserable soever. If as a frend, deserve that holy name before you take it upon you. I would neither deceive nor be deceived, grieve you with my untowardnesse nor be grieved wt yr cunning and importunat inquisitivenesse. Thearfore pardon me if wt out cerimony I shutt you out of dores if you will not at my most earnest entreaty forbeare to comm to me selfe-confined wtin this chamber till I be absolutely cleared and free every way and have my just desires granted and allowed. Satis et sine nomine nota. Arbella Stuart.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“La. Arbell to Sir Henry Brounker.” ½ p. (135. 152.)
30. Sir Henry Brouncker to the Council.
As soon as I came to Hardwicke, I sent for Mr. Henry Cavendish, not by warrant as I was directed, but by a friendly letter, requiring his speedy presence and advice in some things tending to the good of the lady Arbella whom, I knew, he greatly honoured. At his coming the next day, I delivered unto him your Lordships' pleasure for his present repair to the Court, concealing the true cause and pretending that your Lordships desired to be thoroughly informed by him (who was best acquainted with her griefs) of the ground and occasion of her passionate behaviour. He desired respite for two or three days, being unfurnished both of money and garments for his journey, but on Friday, at the farthest, will not fail to attend your Lordships at London.
In the meantime, I have a sure eye upon Mr. Cavendishe, that if his stay exceed his appointed time, he may know the force of your Lordships' commandment.
Mr. Stapleton is at London already, as appeareth by his own letter intercepted, and the examination of others, though some think he is returned. The Lady Arbella hath neither altered her speech nor behaviour. She is certain in nothing but in her incertainty, she justifieth herself and desireth liberty. I persuade her to patience and conformity, but nothing will satisfy her but her remove from her grandmother, so settled is her mislike of the old lady, upon what ground I cannot conceive, unless it be upon the restraint of messengers and letters which minister occasion of much writing to the distempering of her brains, apparent enough by the multitude of her idle discourses, which your Lordships have lately seen.
I am bold herewith to send unto your Lordships such examinations as I could take in this short time with least bruits. Now Mr. Cavendishe is going towards London and Mr. Stapleton already there, there is no fear of any new practice (though a second assembly was appointed) unless the opinion of her Majesty's sickness, which is here too common, draw on some sudden resolution, which I will endeavour to discover and prevent as occasion shall be offered. The old lady groweth exceeding weary of her charge, beginneth to be weak and sickly by breaking her sleep, and cannot long continue this vexation; whereof I thought good to advertise your Lordships, because I suppose Mr. William Cavendishe will be unable for such a burden if it light upon him.—From Hardwick, this 19th of March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (135. 174.)
31. The same to Sir Robert Cecil.
Because my direction was general from all the Lords, I thought it would be ill-taken if I addressed my letters to your Honour in particular. If I have done amiss, I beseech you to excuse my error. What course I have taken your Honour may see by my general letter, only I must remember your Honour that this Stapleton is a very wilful Papist, and had long since sithens practised to convey my La. Arbella into Norfolk, and there to keep her amongst seminaries and priests, and to defend her by a strong party if need required, as Arbella herself told me, though after she would have denied it and entreated me to conceal his name. Every man's mouth is full of the Queen's danger, and Arbella receives daily advertisements to that purpose. One I intercepted by the way, which I send here enclosed. I suppose her wilfulness (which is much greater and more peremptory than before) ariseth out of a hope of the Queen's death. I find her so vain and idle as I seldom trouble her, neither doth she much desire my company, though I pretended I came to see her wrongs righted and to compound all matters between her grandmother and her. She told me that she was charged with a late practice to steal away, but sware she was innocent and entreated me to bolt out the truth, which I seemed to do unwillingly (as a thing I lightly esteemed,) till she earnestly pressed me; yet, when I had undertaken the matter at her request, she would needs know whom I had examined, what was confessed and whether she might not be present at the examinations, and by that your Honour may discern her judgment, and her spirit by the paper hereinclosed, sent me on Thursday, after supper, when I went to have seen her according to her own desire and appointment. I feed her with good words and so I do all that follow her, holding it the best course at this time. I dare not deliver my judgment of this late assembly, but do leave it to your deeper wisdom till I have searched farther, but I am verily persuaded that her remove only will stay her practice, which I perceive is resolved by herself and others. If her Majesty should miscarry (whom the Almighty bless with health), Mr. William Cavendish being indeed but a weak man for such a purpose and of little love and respect here, I do not see how she can be kept in this place two days, and therefore it were good that her remove were thought on in time, if her escape may breed danger. Sir John Byron (“Biren”) is very old and his son at her devotion and not well reported of; all the gentlemen in these parts as unfit for one respect or other, if I be truly informed, whereof I thought good to advertise your Honour, leaving all to your direction. The nearest place for shipping is Hull, which is forty miles from this house, which maketh me think that her purpose, if there were any, was for Scotland; though now apprehending the danger of the Queen's sickness, I suppose she may alter her opinion : and yet all her words and actions are so contrary to reason as no man can divine aright of her. I crave pardon for troubling your Honour. I desire to be advertised of her Majesty's recovery, but God's will must be done. I refuse no service it shall please you to command me, but my love to your person and my desire to show my thankfulness enforceth a longing to be about you, which I humbly beseech you to think on. The Almighty bless her Majesty and give me means to do you service.—This 19th of March, 1602.
Holograph. Seals. Endorsed [by Cecil's secretary] :—“1602. March 19. Sir Henry Broncker to my Mr. With a letter from the Lady Arbell to Sir Henry Broncker and some examinations and letters concerning her.” 2 pp. (135. 175.)
32. George Chaworth to Arabella Stuart.
May it please your Honour to understand that I presently after the receipt of your Honour's letters (which was the 13th [14] of March presently after dinner) I went and delivered them in all the speed possible to Sir Henry, and had delivered your Honour's letter, which came by Ned Franke, before Travis had delivered his letter from my old Lady. What he said, I leave till the next messenger, but he appointed me to come to him the next day and I should have answer without fail. I went the next day, being this now present Tuesday, the 14th [15] of March, and found him gone from Court. I went to my cousin Carre's; she was with the Queen, for she is sick, though courtiers say contrary. I was there assured that if I spake to my cousin for your Honour, I should be heard and it would be well accepted, and that she would do anything she could for your Honour, and the rather because my old Lady said her nay in disgraceful sort when she proffered to her service my cousin Quarles. This her chambermaid told me, and I mean to go again to-morrow to move myself for your Honour what I can, and so assure yourself. But to the matter. I better bethought me of Sir Henry's going from Court against his promise made to me. I presently departed, posted to his house with all speed at Lambeth, he was gone from thence post, as they told me, into the country. I followed him to know the cause of his sudden going; I overtook him and, as I perceived, against his will. I feigned to him that I heard matters reported of his going down, which indeed I had not, as that he went to fetch your Honour to “Toware” or to London, or to procure your Honour's strait keeping in the country and hard usage from my old Lady, all which he with solemn protestations denied, saying he went not to your Honour, but about her Majesty's business into Nottinghamshire, not to Hardwick, except he went in kindness to see my old Lady, else, he protests, he hath nothing to speak to your Honour, nor will not any more of this matter, because he hath you not at any certainty, but in a hundred minds, and that you say and unsay, and divers several things; he protests to me there is no hurt meant to your Honour but all good. As I think by his asking me how far it was to Haddon, he goeth to Mr. Maners, and whether to bring Mr. George up or no, I know not, or else to give charge that you be not suffered to pass through the country or to give charge to the gentlemen in the country, or else northward, that none help your Honour away—(marginal note : “These be only my foolish conjectures”)—for, as I heard, the posts northward be stopped already, I thought it not amiss to certify your Honour thus much if it was possible before his coming to the country, which I hope I do, though this messenger, I am assured, was, at his first setting forth, as I think, at least ten miles behind him, but I gave him strait charge to post night and day without rest. His name is Hutchenson. I have delivered him 3l. 5s. for his charges.
PS.—I wish your Honour all happiness. This present Tuesday in the afternoon, half-an-hour past 4 a'clock, being the 16th of March. I will answer your Honour for other matters and letters to-morrow by Dringe. In the interim, let it suffice your Lp. that Mr. Holford is well, and at liberty, and will be with your Honour so soon as his age will suffer him. I will write more of him by Dringe.
Holograph. Endorsed [by Cecil's secretary] : “1602. George Chaworth to the Lady Arbella.”
Addressed : “To the right honourable my verye good ladye the ladye Arbella at Hardwicke.” Seal. 1 p. (135. 169 (2)).
33. Examination of Christopher Chapman.
Friday the 18th of March, 1602.
Endorsed [by Broncker] :—“The examination of Christopher Chapman, vicar of Hucknall;” and [by Cecil's secretary] :—“Examination of Christopher Chapman, vicar of Hucknall;” and in a third hand, “1602. Arabella.” ½ p. (135. 171.)
[The material part of this examination printed in Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. II., p. 172.]
34. The examination of John and Matthew Slack, both “marksmen.”
Friday, the 18th of March, 1602.
Endorsed [by Broncker] :—“The examination of Jhon Slackes and Mathewe Slackes;” by [Cecil's secretary] :—“Examination of Jhon and Matthew Slackes”; and by a third hand, “1602. Arabella.” 1 p. (135. 172.)
[Printed in Bradley's Life, Vol. II., pp. 173, 174. The following corrections should, however, be made :—
p. 173. lines 17 & 19. For Stark read Slack.
line 19. For Mr. Facton read Mrs. Ireton.
line 23 For gentlemen read horsemen.
line 23 For Den read Carr.
line 24 For Hawthorn Den read Rawthorn Carr.
” ” 26 For a hunderd horsemen read two horsemen.
p. 174. ” 1 For master's read mistress's.
line 3 For being read and bring.
line 12 This paragraph should precede the other.
” ” 12 For master's read mistress's.
” ” 15 For a hundred read two.
” ” 18 Omit shortly.
” ” 25 For neighbourhood read in the bushes in Routhorn Carr and there came four more from thence.
” ” 26 For Mr. Facton's read Mrs. Ireton's.]
35. Examination of Henry Dove. The 19th of March, 1602.
Endorsed [by Broncker] “The examination of Henry Dove, servant to the La : Arbella.” and [by Cecil's Secretary] “1602. Examination of Henry Dove servant to the Lady Arbella.” ½ p. (135. 173.
[The material part printed in Bradley's Life, Vol. II. p. 175. The sentence commencing, Only four came, should, however, read, “There came but four first to Hucknall that day, and four more hid in the hollins in Rowthorn Carr.”]
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 20. I have now one suit to you, and I pray you refuse me not, which is, that I may have leave to come up and satisfy my Lords in some things and receive some satisfaction from them. The term will this week be done and the muster is deferred. I shall be contented to come back when it shall please the Council, and I hope then with much more comfort.—Ludlow, 20 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 49.)
Richard Hawkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 20. Since leaving you I have not had conveniency to write, neither is there now any special matter of importance. Here is a bruit, but the ground uncertain, of great preparation in Spain against our State. I gather that they purpose to drive us to a defensive war, and either it will be against Ireland or the port of Plymouth. The Irish, which are many in that Court, possess the King's ministers with hopes of an easy conquest of that kingdom, and some fugitive English have said that if they can possess themselves of Plymouth they may remain there in despite of all the world. Yesterday I was at Plymouth and aboard two ships of Holland and Zeland come from the E. Indies richly laden with mace, nutmegs and a few cloves, for at their being in Terenata the cloves were not gathered off the trees. They have also some porcelain and toys of china by means that they had the rifling of certain Spanish ships from thence.
The General had a large discourse with me concerning the surprising of Benjamin Wood and his company in the South Sea upon the back side of the Nova Spain. Of our ships which went for those parts, I could hear nothing. Other four or five of the same company are in Helford or Falmouth. There were also in the harbour 13 or 14 Flemish ships laden with salt from Margarita in the W. Indies, and one from Guyne laden with olifants' (sic) teeth and other commodities of that country. Coming from Hamose [Hamoaze] I passed by the old carrack which two nights before was cast away upon the north point of the island. Many abuse her Majesty on the like occasions with vain advices and hopes of great price, but I dare say that in the carracks of Dartmouth and Saltash, in this, and in the great ship Sir Martin Furbussher brought in, her Highness hath lost above 1000l. that might have been made more of them had they been sold by the Commissioners at first. If her Majesty would let me buy the carrack at a fair price for repairing my decayed houses, I will receive it as a great favour. I have a dozen porcelain dishes, the best that I could find, for you. If I had not come somewhat late, I would have provided more and such as would be worthy of your acceptance.—From Flete Damarell, 20 March, 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (92. 50.)