Cecil Papers: March 1603, 21-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp698-706 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp698-706.

"Cecil Papers: March 1603, 21-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp698-706.

March 1603, 21–31

Jo. Ferne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 21. I received your letters with others enclosed to my Lord Cumberland, which I sent him by post. Yesterday I received answer from him that they were delivered to him at Skipton, the 19th inst. Some secret whisperings were in York that her Majesty was sick, but my Lord President has signified the joyful news of her recovery. The posts ride slowly with the packets. Your Honour's last letters (though signed for life) were in running from the Court to York from eight in the morning of the 16th till four in the afternoon of the 18th. Packets signed with an ordinary pass are for the most part four days in running.—York, 21 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 51.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 21. Having received this enclosed packet, I durst not stay it long. I continue my suit for leave to come up. Your packet of the 15th was sent away into Scotland and safely received.—Berwike, 21 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 54.)
Thomas Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 21. I received the letter from the Council this 21 March. It seems the bearer sought me in the country, where indeed I have made my abode here in Highgate the most part of this year, for my urgent business about Lond[on]. My house is infected with small-pox. I was never more unable to travel from the aches that have fallen upon my limbs. I would humbly beseech liberty to remain here in my house for a time.—From Highgate, 21 March, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 55.)
Sir Robert Mansell to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 21. I received your letters of the 15th inst. on the 20th, but, finding not the Dutch fleet at the Downs, nor hearing of them elsewhere upon the coast, thought good to advertise your Honours thereof. There passed this morning a ship, the Perl, of London, whose master's name is Whetley, from Bordeaux. He reports a secret levy of force in the north of Spain for Ireland, and a fleet of 14 sail to transport them from the Groyne. The Admiral, with 800, was cast away near Bayon, in France, and only three persons were saved, of whom the Admiral was one. It will not be long 'ere the ship be at London, when your Honours can understand from the man himself so much as is written here.
As soon as the Dutch fleet appears, I will signify your pleasure unto them.—From the Narrow Seas thwart of Dover, 21 March.
Endorsed :—“1602. Hast hast post hast for lyfe lyfe lyfe hast hast hast. Receved at Dovor the xxij (sic) of March v in the mornyng. At Canterberie past 8 in the moring. Receved Selithingborne past 10 a clock in the fornone 21 of March. Rochester at past 12 at none. At Darfard past 2 in the afternune.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 56.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 21. On Saturday, at night late, I was made acquainted with the Council's letters to the Sheriff and Justices of this county for suppressing the bruits concerning her Majesty's sickness, etc. Being this day at Chelmsford for the execution of the contents thereof, I found a general report of her Majesty's great extremity, to the exceeding grief of myself and many others. To you, Sir, I hereby offer my true, faithful and assured devotion of service.—From Eston Lodge, in haste, this Monday night, 21 March, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 57.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 21. In my last I was carried by my grief to determine a little too resolutely of my coming up, yet considering better of the matter since, I have resolved to stay some determination from you what you do intend for this town, which will be the first to be assailed if these days of desolation come upon us. We have neither victual nor munition sufficient, wherefore it were good that your Honour took some present order for the defence of the place, and that the councillors, captains and other officers who receive great entertainment from her Majesty should not still remain about their own pleasures. Your letter of the 14th inst. increases my desire to come up, which I entreat may be granted, if but for eight days, for my sundry griefs are so intolerable as I cannot long carry them. The Scots are very discontent and murmur desperately at a rumour of the Lady Arbella's marriage. They brag and threaten much and use suspicious words against their own king.—Barwike, 21 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 58.)
Anthony, Viscount Montague to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 22. It cannot but be most grievous unto me to understand of the indisposition of her Majesty. I shall always be ready to concur with your Lordships in whatsoever may tend to the best peace and benefit of our country.—From Cowdry, 22 March, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 59.)
Sir Robert Dormer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 22. Hearing of her Majesty's most dangerous illness, I wrote to a friend of mine to make your Honour acquainted with my good-will. I have sent this bearer of purpose to know your pleasure.—Peterley, 22 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (92. 60.)
High Sheriff and Justices of Dorset to Viscount Bindon, Lord Lieutenant.
1602/3, March 22. In answer to the Council's letters for the levying of 600l. on this county towards the furnishing of 1000 tons of shipping to defend the English merchants against the Dunkirkers. We find that this poor county hath been so deeply charged with many payments (over and above the last subsidy) as it will be a very difficult work for us to levy any such sum. Nevertheless, we will use our best endeavours if the following conditions be granted us :—
1. That the 600l. (if raised) may be employed by ourselves for the building of a ship for the defence of our own merchants. Otherwise, if any ship shall be built for us at London or elsewhere, which our ports (being all of little depth) shall be unable to receive, we shall in no way secure the passage of our merchants.
2. The appointing of our own captain and company.
3. That we may receive such money out of the general fund as will victual the ship so long as she be in service.
4. That the ship built by ourselves may always remain with us, that afterwards we may assure the people that we will, for 10l. in the hundred loss, restore the sum gathered by sale of the ship.
Wanting these we shall be in utter despair to persuade the generality to such a charge.—From Dorchester, 22 March, 1602.
Signed :—John Rogers, Edm. Uvedale, Robt. Napper, A. Ashley, Caru Ralegh, Ro. Strode, John Browne, John Willyams, Edm. Uvedale, Jo. Fytzjames, Tho. Freke, Tho. Jesope, Thomas Uvedale, James Hussey, John Strode, Ric. Colier, John Wyllyams, Rychard Swayne.
[PS. in Viscount Byndon's hand.]—These hands do testify that the number of voices are taken for the best discharge of that they are enjoined to do in any service. If I had found their answer in any sort to have touched the material point required, I myself and divers other justices would have subscribed also, but finding (in my opinion) nothing less meant than to observe the Lords' directions, I neither have nor mind I to join in so contrary a course.
Seal. 2½ pp. (92. 62, 63.)
M. Regnault to Sir Robert Cecil.
1603, March 22/April 1. Expresses his thanks for the present sent him by Mr. Levin[us Munck] his secretary, and assures him of his devotion to his service. Excuses himself for the expenses of which he has been the cause, through his grave illness, from which he has not yet quite recovered. Awaits the honour of Cecil's commands.—Londres, 1 Avril, 1603, stilo nouveau.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (187. 21.)
Sir George Carewe, President of Munster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 23. After a month's stay at Dublin for a wind, and thrice putting to sea and enforced to return, I have at last, with much ado, arrived in Anglesey. This gentleman, my kinsman, I send before me with the packet, being able to make better haste with it than I, who have had ill health of late. Before coming to the Court, I should be glad to privately kiss your hands at your house in London, and be instructed in many things which are meet to be known before I appear in the Court.
[PS.]—I had almost forgotten to discharge a trust from the Council at Dublin, which is to inform you that Sir John Brockett is detected of coining in the Fort of Doncannon. His eldest son and some of his servants are committed, but he himself is in London. With him is one Thomas Triggle or Tricklie, who is his master workman, a Devonshire man born at Kingswear, near Dartmouth, whose uncle is the parson of Bricksome [Brixham]. If he be not with Sir John, he may be taken in Devonshire.—Bewmarris, 23 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 64.)
Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 23. Yesternight, at the shutting of the gates, I received your Honour's letters. I am not so void of respect as to imagine that singularity or disorder can give any advancement unto merit. I leave such hasty courses to be used where there is an opposition against right intended, which I know to be as far removed from your Honours' resolutions as it is from mine to do anything that may prejudice your opinions of me.—Tower, 23 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 65.)
Sir Hampden Poulet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 24. I understand by Mr. Roger Earth, servant to my Lord Deputy of Ireland, now in Portsmouth, that Sir Henry Davers purposeth speedily to come down to take charge of this town and garrison. The same was left to me by the Lord Mountjoy at his going over to Ireland, and confirmed by her Majesty when she was last in this country. By the which I hold myself so obliged that I hold the safety of the place in more account than my own life. There is here great store of munition, for which I am accountable by indenture given to the officers of the Ordnance. I cannot, therefore, deliver the same to any without good warrant.—Portsmouth, 24 March, 1602.
Endorsed with the following names :—Sir Hamb. Pawlett, Sir Jho. Radligh, Sir Ri. Fennis, Sir Jho. Lassells, Sir Ed. Michelborn, Sir Charles Halles, Sir Jho. Portman, Sir Samuel Sond[es], Sir Stephen Soame, Sir Jho. Byron, Sir H. Sackford, Sir Jho. Palmer, Sir Ri. Boyle, Sir H. Wallop, Sir Fr. Willoughby, Sir R. Yaxley, Sir Ja. Perrott, Sir Patric Barnwall, Sir Ed. Manxwell.
Signed. 1 p. (92. 66.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, March 24.] I send to know how you do after your toilsome day, and what it shall please your Honour to direct.—From the Austyn Fryers, this Thursday night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“March 24, 1602.” ½ p. (92. 67.)
William Brewster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 24. Your Honour and the rest of the Lords have banished for their disloyalty 24 of the prisoners at once, which is a great loss to me, having been at a charge of 1,100l. in her Majesty's service within these six years. I beg that you will make up the number again by such prisoners, Papists, as shall be committed for their disobedience.—Framlingham Castle, 24 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 71.)
The Earl of Bath to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 24. I received your letters of the 20th inst. containing the sorrowful news of her Majesty's continued indisposition of health, on the morning of the 24th. For myself I am ready to yield assent and best furtherance to any thing you and the rest of the nobility shall think meet for the common good. I trust you will find me of avail in these remote parts for the prevention of disorders and the preservation of peace in the country. I have of late examined some men from Lisbon. They affirm that the King hath there good store of men and shipping. The enemy's purpose and particular malice to Plymouth, I need not remember unto you. Nevertheless, in this time of distraction, I hope I may without offence put your Lordships in mind thereof.—Towstock, 24 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 72.)
30 [King James VI.] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602/3, March. Endorsed by Cecil : “R. Mar., 30 to 10 concerning Papists.”
Printed in extenso : Camden Society's publications. O.S. LXXVIII. pp. 36–38. (135. 80.)
Lord Mounteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, March.] There is an universal report that her Majesty's is somewhat distempered, and although I hope she will happily recover, still since princes as all others must die, if she do, it may be you shall have use of your friends, amongst whom I beseech you place me, as one deeply tied to you, both in my late misfortunes and your good opinion of me, which I learnt from Sir Henry Davers. If in this disquieted time, any reports are brought to you that I have misbehaved myself, I intreat you suspend your censure till I have made my answer, by which it will appear that I will always submit to authority and be directed by those whose wisdom makes them truly understand the nature of these important affairs.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“March, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 90.)
Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3, March.] Wanting opportunity of access, we have been bold to offer our petition enclosed. We most humbly beseech you to pardon our boldness and speak favourably to us. Your Honour's most humble suppliants, the most distressed Society of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.
Endorsed :—“March, 1602.” Seal. ¼ p. (136. 97.)
The Company of Eastland Merchants to Sir Robert Cecil. Petition.
1602/3. We have been informed by the Lord Mayor that the Council is likely to order that ships coming from the east parts, now infected with plague, should stay unladen below Woolwich for 40 days, and that, for better assurance, the goods should be aired in open fields. We are most willing to observe such an order so far as conveniently we may, but we cannot unlade our goods at any place where there are not cranes and storage from weather, and the great part of our goods such as soap ashes, pitch, tar, corn, tarred cordage, copper, wax, iron, wainscots, clap-boards, “oares” and barrelled fish are in no way apt to take infection; and the rest, as flax and hemp, are the less dangerous for that it is the manner of those countries to have these goods kept in storehouses out of the towns, where no people do inhabit, from whence we do directly send them aboard our ships lying about 20 miles from the town. Moreover, these ships now presently come thence may seem sufficiently tried from infection, being now near eight weeks on the way, and by the laws of this realm, we forfeit all our goods landed at any other place than at the appointed wharves in London.
Endorsed :—“1602/3.” (97. 95.)
Names of the Merchants that subscribed.
Baptist Hicks, Thomas Bothbie, Robert Brooke, William Bornford, Edward Bates, Richard Fishborne, William Canning, Robert Bateman, Robert Palmer, Thomas Francklin, Thomas Bennet, Nicholas Walmesley, Thomas Morley, John Bate, Robert Gregge, Ralph Freman, Ralph Allyn, Adrian Moore, Isaac Jones, Peter Daunser, Thomas Carter, Lionel Cranfeild, John Conyers, Richard Welbye, David Briggs, Alsop Crosse, Edward Lutterford, Giles Clutterbooke, Nicholas Leat, Richard Aldworth, William Freman, William Duncomb, Tristram Berisford, Michael Payne, Richard Howes, Thomas Denne, Bevill Lewes, Clement Greene, Gabriel Myles, Robert Clerck, Richard Beale, Humphrey Handford, Thomas Pettet, Humphrey Spencer, Richard Edmonds, Thomas Mowlson, William Massam, Thomas Wytham, William Ellietts, Thomas Symonds, William Torperley, Peirce Morgan, George Freman.
And the following strangers :—Ottavio Gerini, Robert de la Barra, Mauro Berti, Jaques Samin, David Samin, Charles Hudgebaut, Gio. Franciso Soprani, Francisco Bernardi, Francisco Rizzo, Giovanne Lupi, Cypriano Gabri, Nicolas Boudison, Arnold Lulls, Jan le Clerck, Nicholas Houbelon, John van Solt, T. Hage, David Stanieri.
[In the handwriting of Cecil's secretary.]
Endorsed :—“1603. Names of merchants that subscribed.” (97. 96.)
W. Sterrell to Mr. Wade, one of the clerks of her Majesty's Privy Council.
[1602/3.] I am constrained to importune you to have resolution in these four points. First, to have some directions to answer Fitzerbert his letter : secondly, William Higham is come to town who hath been so often writ for; I must know whether I shall send him over or not; I do think he shall be messenger in the matter of Arbella between us; it is best no doubt I send him : thirdly, let me understand whether I shall have Nicholas Ouen out of the Gatehouse or not : lastly, whether I shall have any money this quarter. In good faith I have none.—This Friday morning.
Holograph. Signature erased. Endorsed. “To Sir William Wade.” (97. 106.)
William Hollidaie to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3.] I informed her Majesty of frauds and abuses committed by the contractors for the apparelling of her forces in Ireland and other parts, which I was and still am ready to prove, to the profit of her Majesty 20,000l. at the least. But upon the examining of the matter by your Honour, the Lord Treasurer and my Lord Chief Justice, your opinion was that the sending short of apparel each season, and combining with the captains and giving them money in lieu of apparel, was no fraud to her Majesty, although contrary to their covenant in their contract, by which I perceived that it was not pleasing to you that I should proceed any further against them. But since, having examined the matter further and taken counsel upon it, I am informed by her Majesty's Counsel General at Law that it is an insufferable fraud, and that whatsoever can be proved that they have defrauded her Majesty of in that kind, they ought not only to make satisfaction, but also it is punishable. Upon manifesting to her Majesty the great gain that they got, as appeareth by this precedent now delivered to your Honour, and I offering to bring good and sufficient men with good assurance to serve her Highness's forces with as good apparel and better than they served and for less by 5,000l. the year in every 12,000 men, and the same to be truly delivered to the use of the poor soldier, it hath pleased her Highness to dismiss them from providing apparel for her forces in Ireland. I doubt not but that your Honour will be pleased that such course of law may be had against them for recovery of the arrears that they shall be found in as by her Highness's learned counsel shall be set down, and that your Honour will not stand for them further than the equity of their cause requireth.
Addressed :—To the right honourable Sir Robert Cicill, knight, Principal Secretary to her Majesty, Master of her Highness's Court of Wards and one of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.
Undated. Holograph. 2 pp. (105. 47.)
The Enclosure :
The summer suit for an ordinary soldier as it stands the contractors in following :
1 cap cost 0 0 11 Her majesty payeth the contractors. 29s. 4d.
1 doublet cost 0 5 6
1 pair of “venicons” 0 6
2 shirts, 2 bands 0 4 10
1 pair stockings 0 1 4
2 pair of shoes 0 2 8
The winter suit for an ordinary soldier :
1 cap 0 0 11 Her majesty payeth the contractors. 49s.
1 cassock 0 8 2
1 pair venetians 0 6
1 doublet cost 0 5 6
2 shirts, 2 bands 0 4 10
3 pair of stockings 0 4 0
2 pair of shoes 0 4 0
0 33s
The contractors get clear of all charges by every ordinary soldier 20s. the year besides what they get by delivering money to the captains in lieu of apparel. So by this computation they got 14,000l. per annum.
In the handwriting of William Hollidaie.
1 p. (105. 46.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [the King of Scots].
1602/3. Letter beginning, “When I reade over most of those dispatches.”
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Undated. (135. 67, 68.)
30 [James VI.] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1602 or 1603.] Letter beginning, “My dearest and trustie 10.”
Holograph. (135. 69.)
30 [James VI.] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1602 or 1602/3.] Letter commencing, “My dearest 10, I am ashamed.”
Holograph. (135. 71.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [James VI.].
Draft commencing, “It is the property of the Creator.” In Cecil's hand. (135. 72 to 75.)
30 [James VI.] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602 or 1602/3. Letter commencing, “My dearest 10, In regarde that my trustie 3.”
Holograph. (135. 76, 77.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [James VI.].
Draft entitled, “My letter in answer of His Majesty's letter concerning Papists.” Begins “The comfort which ariseth daily in my heart.”
In Cecil's hand. (135. 78, 79.)
30 [James VI.] to 10 [Sir Robert Cecil].
Letter commencing, “My dearest 10, the fear I have to be mistaken by you.”
Holograph. (135. 80.)
[All the above printed in extenso : Camden Society's Publications, Old Series, LXXVIII., pp. 20–38.]
30 [James VI.] to 3 [Lord Henry Howard].
1602 or 1602/3. Letter commencing, “If i sould afflict you by my scribbeling.”
Cont. copy. (135. 87.)
[Printed in extenso : Camden Society's Publications, Old Series, LXXVIII., pp. 43–4.]