Cecil Papers: March 1603, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp660-676 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp660-676.

"Cecil Papers: March 1603, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp660-676.

March 1603, 1–15

Jo. Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 1. On the subject of a grant of a lease, consequent on a forfeiture.—March 1, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 169.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 2. The priest James West, lately stayed at Dover by the commissioners of passage, was this day brought up to me by this bearer, whom, according to your direction, I have sent to my Lord Bishop of London. I pray you give order that the bearer be paid his charges.—My house in Blackfriars, 2 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 173.)
Sir Richard Bulkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 3. I have answered my Lord Gray's letter inclosed in yours two days past. I have set down all I can learn upon so short warning.—3 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (92. 2.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 4. I went yesterday to Mr. Wattson to desire him to lay down some course for the defalcation to her Majesty's use of the 20l. which Tyrrelagh Oneile received by Sir Henry Dockery's direction at Chester, and of such money as he should receive from her Majesty here.
Mr. Wattson answered he understood of no horse or foot he had in her Majesty's pay. I conferred with Captain Brooks who assurred me that Tyrrelagh had 50 horse and 100 foot in her Majesty's pay, and so much money as he hath and shall receive may be defalked out of his entertainment. If your Honour shall procure him so much money as shall furnish him and his servants with apparel and bear his charges into Ireland, and letters in his favour to the commissioners that he may have the Queen's pardon and a patent of his grandfather's lands in Tyrone, and also to Sir Henry Dockery to use him with good respect; it will encourage him to follow her Majesty's service faithfully. His grandfather, Tyrrelagh Lenaugh, killed Brian Tyrone's elder brother, so that they are of several factions, which is to be nourished. The same Tyrrelagh Lenaugh burned and spoiled my father's living in the county of Louth, within 28 miles of Dublin, at the time of Shane Oneile's rebellion, yet in furtherance of her Majesty's service I am content not to take notice of the wrongs done me.—4 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 3.)
Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 4. The bearer, Lancelot Lovelace, is he that hath undertaken the voyage to Monox. Some 12l. will royally serve his turn. He hath Hortensio Spinola's letter to Frederico Spinola. He shall have a note of such Spaniards as are here. I have urged Monox to advertise the enemy's designs and the state of his general's charge, for which purpose I have sent him a cipher. Argent fait tout, as your Honour knows. I understand your course for getting in Tyrone. I hear that last summer's preparation supposed for Algier was in truth for Ireland. I am bound to you for your last letter to Mr. Dean of Westminster, who did me a very good office, so I pray your favour for the writing of the inclosed for the protection of one that absents himself only for a cause of mine, whereupon depends the principal part of my estate. He seeketh to teach a school there for the time, and now the time of receiving the Communion draws on, he will easily satisfy them touching the slander, and will take the oath of Supremacy if there be cause.—March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 4.)
Thomas Alabaster to “Levinus de Munck.”
1602/3, March 5. On behalf of Jno. Francisco Soprany and Philip Bernardi, merchant of Genova, dwelling in this city, with whom the minister of their parish is yearly busy, under devotion to their money, to urge them with the threat of excommunication because they go not to church, although I doubt not he knoweth that they are tolerated by the State, as all Italians are, and licensed to go to mass to the French ambassador's. I entreat a letter may be sent to Dr. Stanhoop and others whom it may concern, to desist from such proceedings.
Here are newly arrived Jno. Baptista Giudice and his company, for whom you obtained his Honour's passport. They are people of quality. I hold it that all good preventions with that nation are to be used. I understand his Honour hath a good parcel of unround pearls to sell. If I may see them it may be I shall either be, or help him to, a chapman.—London, 5 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 5.)
John Dalston to Sir John Stanhope.
1602/3, March 7. For the indenture betwixt my Lord Scroop and the Laird Johnston touching the performance of the King's command, true it is that Johnston hath performed nothing at all.
By my last I wrote your Honour for the Graimes suit in behalf of the Armstranggs, whereof I beseech your Honour's remembrance. I was at charges for relieving the English prisoners, which I could not get effected, by reason they were kept in a strong stone house. Now their friends, hearing of their straits, have made means as, contrary my commandment, they are come home upon ransom.
The Lord Maxwell lieth at Dumfreece, whereby he putteth Johnston in great fear, and the Borderers report there will soon be doings betwixt them. The King hath performed his agreement, and Huntley's son is to marry Argyle's daughter, and Murrey Huntley's daughter, and all to join against the broken Highlandmen. There hath been some harm done to England which my friends and servants with the Graimes followed to a stone house of Scotland, wherein were some of the offenders (but no outlaws). The house being demanded to be searched, was not only rendered, but also offer made of full satisfaction. I received two letters from the Deputy-Warden of Scotland, called the Laird of Newby, of desire to suffer Jo. Musegrave to go over into Scotland, the former to a wedding and this last to a hunting, which I have refused.—Careleile, 7 March, 1602.
Endorsed (wrongly) :—13 March.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 29.)
J. Wheeler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 7. This bearer, Richard Daniel, hath received orders from the Privy Council to repair to England with a young maid, six years of age or thereabouts, daughter of Reinold Copcott, English merchant, late deceased. The friends of the girl's mother in this town will not suffer Daniel or anyone else to remove her to England, lest she should come to the hands of the Hamptones, who, they alleged, are no fit guardians for the child.—Middlbroughe, 7 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 7.)
Hannibal Vyvyan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 7. I have caused Richard Cooke to be apprehended, and sent to the gaol at Lanceston, because he could not give good caution for his appearance before your Honour. Since Mr. Lower, before whom Cooke was brought, neither examined him nor informed you, I thought fit to ride to Lanceston for that purpose, and enclose his examination. If your Honour be pleased to grant my late suit to you for the wardship of the young Treffrye, I shall never cease to be thankful.—From Lanceston, 7 March, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (92. 8.)
George, Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 7. I am advertised by my man, this bearer, of the hearing of my cause before yourself and others of the Council, concerning George Belgrave. I am much beholden to you for your furtherance thereof, and the hope of being freed from the scandalous report against me. I feared that my old body should have gone to the grave and left this blemish to my poor house untouched, but now expect to be fully delivered therefrom.—From my lodge in Donington Park, 7 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (92. 9.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 7 [? 8]. Hither is come that gentleman of Genova, Gio. Battista Giudice, for whom at my suit you granted a passport. He desires to attend you at Court to-morrow, Shrove Tuesday. He brings with him two other gentlemen, of whom I have gathered notice as follows :—Giovan Battista Giudice, aforesaid, a Genovese noble, brother to Marco Antonio Giudice, a chief man and commander in the signoria of Genoa, and a great agent of the King of Spain for payments in the Low Countries to the Archduke, who owes them above 2,000 ducats. Giovan Memmo, a Venetian noble, but has become a bandit with taglio of 40,000 ducats to him that shall kill him. Giovan Giacomo Crivelli, a gentleman of Milan, a bandit also from thence.
The first-named defrayeth all charges, but they will not stay long. Yesterday the French ambassador feasted them all. The said Venetian hath visited the messenger that is here from Venice.—7 March, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 11.)
George Nicolson to Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 8. On Friday the 25th of the last, the Italian, after a new leave of the King, took journey, carrying with him a letter in his favour to her Majesty, which will be there before this. The other two, Mr. Water Mowbray and John Anderson, are suiting for their reward of the King, but will not get their expectations, the King, I hear, in secret accounting them knaves. In my former, I wrote something of the Bishop of Vazon whom I should have named Cheseham. He hath a servant here and is travailing to get him leave to come hither and establish him in the reversion of the Bishop of Glascoe's place here, and ambassadorship in France. But there is a book of his making directed to the King, maintaining popery and the pope's authority to depose and make Kings at his will, which the King takes so evil as it is like to cross not only the Bishop's hopes, but his book with the King's refutation thereof. The Lord Semple long ago told the King that Bothwell had a purpose to take his life, and did project to the King to cut off Bothwell, which the King gave him leave, as I hear, to use his own disposition in, and upon secret pretence whereof the Lord went out of this country, but no further than to this Frenchwoman he hath brought with him into this kingdom. This matter coming to be opened, the King is justly angry. The Lord [Semple] laid the devulgating thereof first on one, and now lies it upon Beltres, whom the King seems so to clear as he will not hear the Lord Semple. Sir Thomas Erskin hath received a horse of the Lord and is on good terms with him. It is marvellous to hear the people here say the Lady Arbella is married to the Lord Beacham's son. Mr. Robert Bruce is far in the King's displeasure, and the leaving of the country will be best for him. The King hears daily of Gowrie's brethren who are in Yorkshire, and better received of the gentlemen than before. I see he cannot endure they remain in England and will think it a great favour if her Majesty put them out of her kingdom. Randell MacSorle is looked to come hither, to sue for the King's favour to Sir James McOnell. The King's journey north, and his purpose to carry Murray with him, will hold, but the Queen's going is uncertain, or whether she will go to Dalkeith or Dumfermling. The Lord Ambassador of France attends the King this journey.
Yesterday, the Council was much occupied with the Clangregors' affairs. The King will presently seek the reconciliation of the Lindsa[ies] and Oglevyes. The death of the Earl of Wynton is daily looked for.—Edinburgh, 8 March, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (92. 9(2).)
Enclosed (on another sheet):
8 March.—Seeing the King so esteems the Italian, I wish your Honour to use him well, for he will seek to you. Your last, with Mr. Hudson's therein to Sir Thomas Erskyn, I received yesterday. In his letter was enclosed another from beyond the seas, discovering some high matters against the King and country and England, for which some in Scotland, it is meant, shall be taken here, and in which both advertisements and proceedings Nicolson must know more to advertise her Majesty and your Honour, as I hear. Rome, as Beltess tells Nicolson, is making strange offers, which the King of Scots listeneth unto so far as he hath put them into Kinloss and Sir Thomas Erskine['s hands], and means so to carry them close, but how, God knows. In Scotland, there is a bond made for a friendship in crossing of Marr, which is very secret if it be, yet I am told it will appear within one half year, which I cannot see through, but rather that it will desert and nul of the self among them, for Marr's side have the King of Scots wit and constancy. The King is rumoured to have said “regratingly” that the time and place was appointed for the meeting and seeing of the Lady Arabella and the L. Beacham's son, but to me he saith nothing. Mr. Lepten hath a hunting the 18 hereof, within 6 miles of the town, with the Laird of Newby, and is gone on Sunday last to bring in his horse, but in him I note no fault. I beseech you direct this packet to be safely delivered to Mr. Craven's servant, for it only concerns my affairs.
Holograph. Unsigned. In the same handwriting as above, the words in italics being in cypher but decyphered. (92. 9(3).)
William Udall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 8. I understand by my Lord of Limerick that your Honour will relieve my necessities. I beseech you that my poor son may receive your warrant for 10l.—From the Gatehouse, 8 March, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (92. 10.)
Edward, Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 8. I beseech you to further my better reconcilement to the favour of my most dread sovereign, whom I grieve so unadvisedly to have offended.—8 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 12.)
Edmund Asplen, Mayor of Southampton, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 8. This evening there arrived here in a French bark from the Groyne a man called Hugh Prowse, with the enclosed letters directed to your Honour. I have sent him up in company with this bearer, Christopher Turges, and have furnished them both with horses and money. I have also paid 20s. to the Frenchman that brought him over.—Southampton, this 8 March, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 13.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3 [Before March 9]. This morning I have your letter by post, which hath much assured me of your care of me and of the way to take, which is presently to repair to my charge, whither I mean to set forward to-morrow, God willing, and to perform that duty, if God send me health, as shall become a true Englishman.
PS.—I pray you, when the fatal matter cometh to pass, let me [hear] from you by post and you shall always hear from me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Lord Burghley to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 170.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 9. Blame me not if I write again, your letters breeding me a troubled mind. I doubt nothing but what you write is just and honourable, but that you write not all, there is my grief increased. I implored your advice concerning the carrying this seal with me in my voyage, a thing done before by other presidents, though they were not tied to such a quaternity indeed, and my necessity, both for countenance and expense, pressing me, I cannot receive satisfaction therein, neither can I find advice. I could have been contented in my own affection to have appointed particular prayer and fasting, but doubt how it might have been taken. A man may be too hasty in well-doing. I have given out letters to the deputy-lieutenants to muster certain shires in Wales and the Marches. If it be not fit, I beseech you advise me.—Ludlow, 9 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (92. 15.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Alderman Roe.
1602/3, March 9. The 700l. which my Lord Eure hath taken up by bill of exchange, and for which I passed my word to you, shall be duly paid out of the Exchequer. My Lord Eure hath entreated me again for further credit, and I desire that he may be furnished with 300l. at Staode, as he shall have occasion.
Draft in Cecil's secretary's hand, unfinished. ½ p. (92. 16.)
Lord Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3,] March 9. In the midst of your weighty affairs you will think it strange to hear of a woman's safe delivery, and think me a little idle that could find no fitter a subject to tell of. It hath pleased God to bless your cousin with a son, and she persuades me that the news of it would not be altogether unpleasing to you. I am an earnest suitor that you would yield your helping hand to make him a Christian soul, and finding it unreasonable to desire your presence, that you would be pleased to give leave to some gentleman in this country to be your deputy.—Ragland Castle, 9 March.
Holograph. Endorsed : “1602.” Seal. 1 p. (92. 17.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Nicholson.
1602/3, March 9. I would not have you ignorant of those things which are like enough by bruit to pass into that kingdom [Scotland], concerning matter of the nature whereof I now must write. First, it is true that till within these 10 or 12 days I never beheld other show of sickness in the Queen than such as is proper to age. Now her Majesty is free from any peril, but because all flesh is subject to mortality, I must confess to you that she hath been so ill disposed as I am fearful lest the continuance of such accidents should bring her Majesty to future weakness and danger of that which I hope mine eyes shall never see. Although she hath good appetite, and neither cough nor fever, yet she is troubled with a heat in her breasts and dryness in her mouth and tongue, which keeps her from sleep, greatly to her disquiet. This is all, whatsoever you hear otherwise. She never kept her bed, but was, within these three days, in the garden.
Endorsed :—“March 9, 1602.”
Draft in Cecil's secretary's hand, unsigned. (92. 18(2.3).)
Sir Robert Cecil to Lord Eure.
1602/3, March 9. Although there comes as much from you as occasion affordeth, and that which contenteth her Majesty, because she sees the diligence used by you that are her ministers, yet your Lordship can well conceive that there is little which requireth answer from hence because all dependeth upon your meeting. It remaineth therefore, now, that I do only acquaint you with your own particular, first, that no man loves you better or would be gladder that the cause of your great expense were cut off than myself, but because that is subject to circumstances beyond my power, I can give no other remedy than my good wishes. Concerning the store of moneys which you have taken up, this is all I will be bold to say unto you, that you will be pleased when you give your bills to consider what will be due unto you by the Queen by that time you assign me to pay them, for otherwise I protest I must take up money at interest to satisfy their importunity; as, for example, now there is 700l. demanded, which exceedeth by 200l. any payment due to you till the 13 of March, so as your man craving further credit at this instant, if you shall send me back any new bills of exchange for any great sums, it will come ill unto me. Nevertheless, that you may assure yourself that I will not now put you to any stand, I do hereby also send you credit to Alderman Roe for 300l. more, which will be all that will be due unto you though you should tarry till the 22 of July next. More I have not at this time, saving that which I have imparted to Mr. Secretary, wherewith I know he will acquaint you.
Draft. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary : “9 March, 1602. To my Lord Eure from my master.”
pp. (183. 149.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Secretary Herbert.
1602/3, March 9. Mr. Secretary. I must say to you, as I have done to my Lord Eure, that I am sorry to perceive that your stay doth waste both your contentment and your purses, of which none of your friends is more sensible in that behalf than I am : but first, seeing her Majesty taketh so well your actions, and by your last letters I find no other likelihood than of a speedy meeting, I will please myself with the expectation of some good end of your negociation, of whose return I would be so glad to hear; hoping thus much, that if you should find the Emperor purposely defer any meeting by any dilation of more months, which would prove to her Majesty's dishonour, except you see apparent cause to the contrary, that you would resolve amongst you rather to agree of some good recess than to continue thus for their pleasure, as you do, for so, surely, it would be most convenient. And now, sir, that I have spoken to you of our particulars, let me touch that to you which is dearer than all particulars, the state of our sovereign, whereof because I fear you may hear many bruits which do ever crescere eundo, I think it fit to inform you as followeth. It is very true that her Majesty hath of late for eight or nine days been much deprived of sleep, which you know was ever wont to moisten her body, and whenever she lacked it, she was ever apt to be impatient. This continuance for nine or ten days decays her appetite somewhat, and drieth her body much, wherein, though she be free from sickness in stomach or head, and in the day catcheth sleep, yet I cannot but affirm unto you that if this should continue many months, it promiseth no other than a falling into some great weakness or consumption which would hardly be recovered in old age; other peril, I assure you, there is not, and therefore, though I write the worst to you, yet I pray you suppress all other vain bruits the best you can, only I let my Lord Eure have a sight of my letters which shall be seconded by the next post by Middleburgh, by whom I hope to send you better news.
Draft. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary : “9 March, 1602. To Mr. Secretary Herbert from my master.”
2 pp. (183. 148.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 10. Last night I received a letter from Mr. Varrell, dated at the Court the fifth of this month, willing me to certify in how short time there may be provided here two months, victual for 2,000 men, with shipping to transport the same. I have sent an answer with this packet.—Plymouth, 10 March, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (92. 18(1).)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 10. I received your letters of Feb. 23 for the admission of Mr. Gittins to the parsonage of Bangor. It is now two months and more since the avoidance of the said rectory, whereupon no less than eight titles were set on foot. Many wished it to myself as a necessary supply to my poor bishopric in so chargeable a passage and confluence of both the kingdoms, but myself was no eager suitor, nor did intend to entangle myself in so great a multiplicity of titles, till it pleased my Lord of Canterbury to wish it unto me and my Lord Keeper to send me his presentation, by virtue whereof I stand instituted. This presentation is fortified with other titles, and the one derived from the now Earl of Derby, which though it seem determined upon the translation of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, yet the rule of the law is, quod verba intelligenda sunt in effectu, and also, quod non valet impedimentum quod de (sic) in re non sortitur effectum, to say nothing of the opinion of Mr. Attorney General, who holdeth Sir Randall Brereton's title to be the best, nor yet of her Majesty's title purchased of late by Sir Richard Trevor. Concerning Mr. Gittins, I wish he were a man worthy of such a place, but of him, being myself a party in this action, I will say nothing save that I could hardly be persuaded to admit him to a place whereof the best divine in England would be right glad. It is well known how little able the small revenues of this see is to defray the charge thereof, and how great favour my Lord Bishop of Lincoln had in this very case at the hands of the most honourable Earl Henry, of worthy memory, and I conceive good hope that your Honour and the Earl and Countess of Derby will be favourable to me in this particular.—Chester, 10 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1¼ pp. (184. 1.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 11. I have sent your two packets dated the last of February and the 3rd of March to Mr. Nicholson in Scotland. I found in them two letters to myself, by the first of which, I learn so much good manners as not to send any more packets barleycoted (sic); by the other, I understand of my Lady Nottingham's death and her Majesty not having been well. I find myself so laid and moored up here as no occasion whatsoever can procure me liberty of coming up, if but as a common soldier for six weeks' barley (sic). I have suffered by the loss of my father, by whose death I benefited not a pennyworth, owing to my absence, albeit others present received some commodity to mitigate their loss. I have not preferred my children, the neglect of whom must be a grief to me, nor allowed myself to be hindered by my misfortunes in this vile place, from whence all men that have either friends or any being do abandon themselves, liking better of her Majesty's entertainment than of the discharge of their duty. For the town of Berwick and the East Marches, it as quiet and free from harm as any other place, yet I must be so strict for other men's pleasures as I may not lie out of the town for a single night for recreation, for want of some counsellors to take charge of the town in the meantime. I cannot receive my rents as I may not follow my own business, whereof every man takes advantage. There is one that owes me six score pounds by year that pays me nought. I began suit with him before coming from Court, but the law hath afforded me no remedy. Five or six others are in the same case, of whom I can receive nothing. I will renew my old suit that her Majesty, out of the governor's fee which remains in Sir William Bowsse's hands, do give me some such allowance as shall seem fittest, and grant me leave next midsummer to come up for six weeks or two months, by which time I think some of the other Wardens will come down, and Sir William Bowes, or one of the two gentlemen porters who have been there two years at their own pleasure, may then be sent to take charge of the town.—Barwike, 11 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (92. 19.)
Gaspar Alurez to Thomas Militon.
1602/3, March 11/21. I have often written to you from this court asking for your commands and I do not intend to go to Portugal without your leave, and when your wishes are fulfilled, I shall return to England. I hope every day to hear from you, as I am wasting time here. As to the liberty of Antonio Lyster, I am doing all I can and hope he will be set free; I hope the same for Edward Bird, for whom I am doing all I can for the sake of Mr. Samuel Saltonstol. I salute him and his wife. I entreat you to let me have your commands. I am only waiting for them.—Valladolid, 21 March, 1603.
Spanish. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (98. 29.)
D. P. to Jeronimo Paluzzo.
1602/3, March 11/21. I hear that the news of the loss of the armada is not true; here there is no word of it, and it is said to be meant only to put a stop to the piracies of the English and Dutch.—Valladolid, 21 March, 1603.
Spanish. Holograph. Addressed : “Jeronimo Paluzzo at Bayonne.” Seal. ½ p. (98. 30.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [After March 11]. Your letters of the 11th of this month declaring her Majesty's good amendment were messagers unto me of great comfort, having notwithstanding received letters the day before, but of the same date, from the Lords of the council, that caused in my heart sundry passions and in all men's hearts sundry expectations; but I trust in God this that might have proved a tragedy will prove a comedy for so long a time as God shall appoint. I pray God she may for the good of her soul be persuaded in her mind to leave that behind her that may leave her realm in quiet after her. And if no council or counsellor can persuade her, I hope in the end God of his mercy will do it, as he knoweth best.
This sudden warning piece will make numbers that were asleep to look after times to come, and I pray God I may hear from you a confirmation of her amendment. And that this may make her know that she is old and to have more care of herself, and that there is no contentment to a young mind in an old body. Thus, Sir, desiring a little to discourse with you in this matter wherein both you and I have some interest, I pray you pardon me that taketh a councillor's office upon me, but dare not speak that by letters, which I would if I were present with you. And so I remain, as I will always write, your true and devoted brother in all love.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed : “1602, Lord Burghley to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 109.)
Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 12. I have received the Lords' letters and will not fail to do what they require me thereby, but matters for which I have already appointed certain days will occasion that I shall hardly get hence these 15 days without some suspicion unto these parts. After that I have so carried the matter as it will not be expected that I am to stay much longer in these parts, I doubt not but all will be well. Of all other places, the confines of London would be well looked unto, for the most dissolute and dangerous people of England are there, and upon the least occasion will repair thither.—At Lytlecott, 12 March, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (92. 22.)
Mary Gilpin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 12. I had hoped before my departure hence towards Holland to have seen a final issue of my suit. I beseech your Honour that, although myself shall be absent, your powerful furtherance may be vouchsafed. At my late husband's first entrance into employment for her Majesty in the United Provinces, he was sent over, before the Earl of Leicester's first going, with promise of good recompence, although for the first two years he received not one penny, but spent his own means in the maintenance of himself and his charge. I hope my husband's long and faithful services shall not receive harder measure than others. I ask, being on the point of departure, that I may have your Honour's pass.—London, 12 March, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (92. 23.)
Sermon by Richard Stock.
1602/3, March 13. A true copy of a speech uttered at Paules Crosse by Richard Stock, minister, whereat the Lord Mayor and some of the Aldermen of the city are offended :—
“I have lived here some few years, and every year I have heard an exceeding outcry of the poor that they are much oppressed of the rich of this city, in plain terms, of the Common Council. All or most charges are raised by your fifteenths, wherein the burden is more heavy upon a mechanical and handicraft poor man than upon an alderman, proportion for proportion.”
“. . . . . . You are magistrates for the good of them that are under you, not to oppress them for your own ease. I would speak to him which is the chief of the city for this year. What is past cannot be remedied, but for the future, as far as lies in your power, prevent these things.”
Copy. 2 pp. (92. 24.)
Thomas Alabaster to Levinus de Munck.
1602/3, March 13. Upon receipt of yours, whereby I understood his Honour's pleasure. I caused them to stay from going to court, I mean, Gio. Battista Giudice and his company. Concerning the description I made of them, I felt bound to inform the worst I heard of them, holding, as I do, that nation justly and deservedly suspect unto this state as much as the Spaniard himself. They are now desirous to depart to-morrow if his Honour shall be so pleased. Please deliver the enclosed to him and procure a passport for their departure. I make account the rumour of her Majesty's indisposition hath struck into them a sudden haste to depart.—London, 13 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 25.)
The enclosure, from Giudice, expressing regret at the postponement of his audience, the approach of Easter obliging him to return home, and asking for a passport.—London, 12 March, 1603.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 20.)
Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 13. Bear with me if I become somewhat troublesome to you in this time of your disquiet. You may conceive how I have been perplexed since the receipt of my Lords' letters, and the rather that if I suddenly return hence I might add some impression to the rumours that might spread in these parts. Hence (having already put stay to some happenings since these letters) by stirring from thence, howsoever the state of my body were, it might lay some imputation of lack of duty in me, which I had rather die than endure. I will still carry the matter as no suspicion shall be anyway conceived. I pray I may either receive two or three words of comfort from you, or if not, that I may be permitted to be a present partaker with yourself, and the rest, of the grief and in whatsoever may befall.—From Lytlecott, 13 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 28.)
Lord Zouche.
Three letters :
1602/3, March 13. (1) To Sir Robert Cecil.—I press my Lords in general for the service of her Majesty and the country for that which I would willingly have obtained from your loving-kindness. My desire to serve her Majesty is as great as any man's. Why should not then my wants be helped?—Ludlow, 13 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 26.)
(2) To the same.—I little thought instead of help to have received your hand to a letter confirming a new commission only by reason of putting in a deputy-lieutenant for the county of Worcester, which hath been ever held due to my place to nominate.—Ludlow, 13 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 27.)
(3) To the Privy Council.—I hope the hearts of all good men bleed within them for the least indisposition of our Sovereign. My only comfort is that God will be pleased to multiply her days. I entreat you set me down some directions of that providency that in any case may fall out. The whole government whereof her Majesty hath made me a principal member, is stuffed with papists, and those not of the meaner condition, who possess plenty of arms and money. How far they will keep within the limits of wise courses. I cannot tell. This house is wholly without arms, either the Queen's or any particular man's. I propose to use such endeavours as my poor wits can think upon, but I humbly and heartily entreat advice from you. You shall have the honour of commanding, I only of faithful executing. The days and hours will be tedious unto me, until either preventing news bring greater comfort or present answer appease my pain.—Ludlow, 13 March, 1602.
[PS.]—For your Lordship's stay of my determined musters, I humbly obey, and send forth accordingly directions.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (92. 31.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 14. I hope to hear from you of the recovery of her Majesty. I am constrained to stay at home this day to ease my leg; to-morrow I hope to see you.—Blackfriars, 14 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (92. 33.)
Dudley Norton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 14. May it please you to accept this my humble confession of the inestimable benefit I have received from you. I esteem to hold my liberty from you, and consequently my life, which of necessity must have been much shortened, if not soon ended, by the inhuman usages received from those under whom we suffered and from whom you have redeemed us.—From Wiharton, 14 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 34.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 14. I received your letter the 12 of this month, but forbore writing till this bearer—who I knew would safely deliver my letters—returned home. I am infinitely bound to you, and for your favour to me, be assured that if any friend of yours have any suit in these parts, I will find him an honest and kind jury. I exceedingly miss my Lord your brother at York, for I never saw so many good hawks fly together as I have now, and it troubles me that there are none in this country worthy to look upon them. Sir Art. Savadge dealeth very strangely with me, as this bearer can tell you. I pray you give him leave to speak with you and then give him your directions and help. Except I now get Sir Ar. avoided, I cannot tell where to settle my brother and his wife, whom of purpose I brought out of Yorkshire to dwell there that I might have a resting-place with them, my own home being as you know it is.—This 14 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 35.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602/3], March 15. Hitherto, having met only with French shipping from Spain, I found their reports suitable to their humours, each differing in their tale. Now, having met with a small fleet of five ships of Hamborough and Emden homewards bound, I find their information to carry more likelihood of truth. These men came from Lisboan yesterday three weeks, and left there in harbour seven galleons, whereof two came lately under the conduct of Seryago, who is to succeed Don Diego in his charge upon the Spanish coast, he being called away to be admiral of Cecylia. Also there are 25 men of war to be made ready in two months, when there are expected six carricks from the East Indies. At their departure from Lysboan, there were ready to sail five carracks richly appointed of treasure for the East Indies, with two or three men-of-war to act as convoy as far as the Canaryes. The carracks carry only such iron ordnance as is taken out of the Dutch merchants, two out of each ship by special commission. The Spaniards seem hotly bent upon our English men-of-war, for a Scottish ship out of Lysboan encountered in the night with a Donkerk, and, either taking other for English, the one was well beaten, the other sank in the sea.—Dungeness, March the 15th.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1602. Seal. 1 p. (92. 36.)
The Earl of Cumberland to the Privy Council.
1602/3, March 15. I received the 15th of this month your letter, wherein I understand the ill disposition of her Majesty's body, upon whose health our happiness consisteth. Where your Lordships wish me to take extraordinary care to prevent any disorders upon such occasions, my fear is, that if the country (which as yet is all quiet) should see me, that never dealt in any country causes, now intermeddle in them, it would cause many idle conjectures amongst them. So I forebore to do anything more than watchfully to listen till I have further directions from your Lordships.—Skipton, 15 March, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (92. 37.)
Roger Aston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, March 15. The King hath communicated to me the contents of your letters to Sir James Semple concerning the employment of the Duke to England and France. Your answer to him the King thinks to proceed out of your wisdom and agreeable to that he would have wished. He condemns withal the folly of the other in dealing in these matters which he had no commission to do, for it was never his Majesty's mind to employ any great man there so long as all matters stand in so good terms between the princes as they do. By the last packet from Mr. Hudson was discovered the coming hither of an Italian that was of Franses Mobre's conspiracy. He is last night taken in Leith with his coffers. What shall be discovered you shall know if anything be laid to his charge. Concerning the state of England, his Majesty would have Mr. Necolson advertised if any matter fall out in the meantime that may concern her Majesty. I beseech your Honour we may hear from you of her Majesty's good estate. The bruits here are diversely. The Lord preserve her and send her many happy days.—Edenbrouth, 15 March.
[PS.]—The bruits have passed here diversely of Arbella. Sir James Lensaye hath confidently told the King that she had written to the pope and was a papist.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (184. 2.)