Cecil Papers: December 1602, 26-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp528-581 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 26-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp528-581.

"Cecil Papers: December 1602, 26-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp528-581.

December 1602, 26–31

John Swinarton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 26. I received your Honour's letter touching letters to be transposed from Bordeaux (by my factor) that should come from other parts of France. I will give orders to my factor accordingly.—26 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 138.)
Sir John Rooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 27. I do in all humble sort thank you for your favour in making stay of Mr. Ansterye his licence, whereby all matters were in good sort compounded betwixt him and me, which otherwise I might have doubted of. I have sent by this bearer a simple present in token of a happy new year.—From my house, 27 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 139.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 27. Mr. Walter Mowbray being unable to ride post, I have sent him by sea to Scotland, and the other John Anderson goeth presently by post, to whom I must buy apparel, for he is come naked out of prison. Mr. Walter sends all that he can charge Francis with under his hand, which seemeth to be no great matter. It may please to send me commission for post horses for the said John Anderson, and to make your bounty up twenty marks.—London, 27 Dec., 1602.
PS.—It may please you to grant your passport to Mr. Walter Mowbray.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 140.)
Gerard de Malynes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 28. Albeit the wars of Ireland are almost quieted, yet formasuch as her Majesty is to maintain the exchange established in Ireland or else to admit some kind of inconvenience, and to answer far more sterling moneys out of her coffers than the benefit of the base money already coined can anyway balance, I proffer the demonstration here enclosed, shewing with what great facility and little charge, her Highness may have a great benefit, offering withal my person and small means for the effecting thereof. Your Honour may easily create me de novo, for all my former troubles. As no man was a loser by me, so are the debts great which are owing unto me, and mine own little which I am owing to others.—London, 28 Dec., 1602.
PS.—I am out of danger of all arrest, to do your Honour service.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (185. 87.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 29. I have sent by this bearer, the Mayor of Folkstone, William Credy, who was there lately stayed, to the Bishop of London with these things he brought. The charges come to 40s.—Blackfriars, 29 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 141.)
Mr. Vice-Chamberlain and Sir Robert Cecil to Lord Scroope.
1602, [Dec. 29]. We hope you are so well persuaded of our integrity where we owe the greatest duty and of our affections to yourself, as in whatever we shall express our opinions, besides such directions as we have now occasion to deliver you, you will receive them with the same mind which they are sent you. You shall understand, therefore, that here is come against you a complaint of very great bitterness, brought by Mr. Aston from the King, consisting of these three points : especially, first, the taking of Robert Greame out of his own house, being a Scottishman by birth, marriage, and habitation, answerable and servant to the opposite warden; secondly, that when the King had been upon the Border to do justice, and had caused execution of some, and taken into his hands some others, where they were to render account of their former courses, you caused the goods of Will of Kynmouth to be forayed away, notwithstanding that he was not the only man that was answerable, but himself then in his Majesty's hands and prison; thirdly, that your Lordship has caused another raid to be made upon the said Will of Kynmouth in like manner, using yourself as if you had been warden of both marches. To these points her Majesty hath promised that you shall make answer, and so we entreat your Lordship to do in as good sort for your own justification and with as great expedition as may be, for we do not find though the King show himself sensible of these things, which when they are brought to clamour cannot but be grievous to them, yet he is very desirous, by fair means, to have all things well, and hath set down under his hand that he desireth only that ordinary course of justice may be observed by you and that you would carry yourself more friendly with his warden and not to make it so ordinary to invade openly and plainly by your officers upon his marches, as you have done within these three months, killing and spoiling the goods of his subjects, which are answerable and actually in his keeping, seeing that there is no one complaint which shall be orderly pursued and followed, but his warden shall do you justice or abide the law of the Borders himself.
Now although by your letters of the 2 of October we see you have had some reason to justify your actions, yet considering how directly the King maintains and offers to prove the contrary, that that attempt was before denial of justice, her Majesty could wish that your Lordship should not too suddenly use such kind of force, if you find desire on the other side to satisfy and not want of good meaning; for it were much more honourable that those in your Lordship's own wardenry were so vigilant to prevent those stealths and piracies as the opposites might have little hope to prevail rather than still to be put to these open revenges, for all that tendeth to the breach of the peace, which her Majesty is willing should be avoided, as long as the King professeth so great desire to give her satisfaction in all things; wherein, because we perceive by a copy of a letter of yours to Mr. Nicholson that you suspect him cold in justifying your actions and partial to the Greames, we think it good to touch that matter something, only out of our own knowledge and opinion of the truth. First, in all his letters written hither to me the Secretary, he doth much commend both your care and your diligence; only it is true, wherein we confess most men do concur, we are persuaded as he is that you might take such a course with the Greames, as they might be of excellent use to you for her Majesty's service; for though we would not have your Lordship to bear with them in any of their particular, yet when we remember how former wardens have used that name and find (to tell your Lordship truth) by all that know the state of the Borders that they have some cause to complain of lack of your particular favour, we could wish that you would dispose yourself to embrace their services and offers otherwise than you do; for this we see, that her Majesty is driven to this dishonour, still to keep soldiers in pay, which if they were faithful need not, and yet having them the complaints are many that are made of them. And therefore, to conclude, we wish your Lordship from henceforth to be advised how you make these open forays into Scotland with her Majesty's soldiers except satisfaction be apparently denied you; for that course would be kept for the last extremity. We pray you, therefore, to return us with all speed your answer as well as you can, and now in the meantime we think it fit of ourselves to advise you, when you write to the King, to take heed of using any undecent or violent terms (In margin : In your 2nd letter of October you tax the King for doing things rashly), though your Lordship shall do well with plain and good stoutness to defend her Majesty's honour and your own innocency. Lastly, we must let you know that these complaints and the expectation of the Borders breaking upon them, make her Majesty in no sort willing that you should come up until she may see that things may be in better quiet; and therefore we are commanded to write so much unto you, to the intent you leave not your charge until her Majesty's further pleasure known. Thus have you in some things what we are commanded to write, and in other what we conceive; wherein, because we mean to show your Lordship's answer to the Queen, you shall do well to let it only contain your reply to those principal things wherewith we have told you that the King did charge you; for the rest of our opinions and advice to you you may express them in some other letter apart, for we deal with you now both as counsellors and otherwise as those whom you shall find ever Your.
Draft. Endorsed :—“December, 1602, from Mr. Vice-Chamberlen and my Mr. to the Lord Scroope.” (96. 142 to 144.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 29. I am best satisfied when in your love I am reputed most yours; you have extraordinary tied me; God will yield you the guerdon and in time enable me to yield satisfaction, which can never be in all. However, I hold myself bound to acquaint your Honour how I bestow any part of my poor self, which is now no more than my present going to Queenborough until Christmas be expired upon earnest business.—Wednesday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“29 Dec., 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 146.)
Meiler [Magragh,] Archbishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 30. Although I requested your Honour's favourable letters to the Lord President, which I expect these three days, it was not in respect that I doubted of his upright dealing, or of his private favour to myself, but only that he and others might understand your care that I may be assisted against my manifold adversaries, the papists and seminaries, specially of Waterford, of whom I cannot have obedience as their Ordinary, nor reverence as Metropolitan of that province should have, and against whom to complain elsewhere it is but frustra, they being as well friended.—London, 30 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 147.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 31. I have herein sent you Mr. Bluett's relation to the two Cardinals, to whom the consideration of the secular priests' appellants' cause was committed by the Pope. Your Honour shall see how the old fellow feigneth many things for his own advantage, which though they be false, yet were they to some purpose, for the clearing of her Majesty from their common imputations of cruelty. It is not convenient that the relation should come to the view of many, in my opinion. I could be content to have the keeping of it again, when you have done with it.—At my house in London, the last of Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 88.)
Charles Paget to Sir Henry Lee, Knight of the Garter, at his house in the Savoy, London, or elsewhere.
1602, Dec. 31./1603, Jan. 10. I hope that neither the death of your wife my sister, nor the distance of places, nor my long absence have altered the good affection you bare me, and the readiness you had, at my being in England, to further all my honest desires. What crosses and traverses I have had since for many years, I presume you have heard, and I have deeply felt. What informations and accusations have been made against me, I do very well know. As I will not confess all that has been said to be true, so it is not my meaning to stand to my justification in that my conscience is charged withal. I have worthily deserved her Majesty's disgrace and the punishments that have been inflicted upon me for my offences. But I wish she might look into the thoughts of my mind, then should she see the grief I conceive of her displeasure and the zeal I have for her service. Her Ambassadors and agents in this country can tell in what sort I have carried myself since my last coming out of Flanders, being four years since that time. I am very desirous to draw some comfortable resolution from her, and I beseech you to deal with her for me, that I may receive such fruit of my long solicitation as the compassion of my 22 years' exile, and the sincere intention of a faithful subject may work in her.—Paris, the 10 of January, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (97. 144.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. I humbly thank you in that you are pleased to participate unto me her Majesty's inclination towards your afflicted ally, unto whom you have given that testimony of merit as he must ever acknowledge his double obligation, who with myself will ever rest in faithful affection to do you all service.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, December, 1602.” (96. 148.)
Federico Genibelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. I understood to my great regret, the 15th instant, that you suspected me of trying to put her Majesty to too great expense over the fort of Plymouth and the island of St. Nicholas by not finishing the works on the island. This may arise from the note added at the end of my accounts of matters remaining to be executed in the island, amounting to the sum of 224l. which sum is indeed required beyond the 240l.17s. 5d. already employed on the parapet, the three houses, the beds of the guns, and other matters. Nevertheless, her Majesty has been at no charge beyond the sum set down in the privy seal of the 16th of July last, which sum is fully sufficient to carry out everything specified in the calculation made thereof ten months ago by Sir Edmund Iudall, Sir John Gilbert, Mr. Christopher Aris, Vice-Admiral, Mr. Tristram Gorgea, and myself, the amount of which privy-seal being 468l. for the fortification of the island. The difficulty has arisen from a mistake made by the said commissioners, who made the sum total required for the work come out at over 1600l. Being told that this was in excess of the order of the Council, they reduced the total to 1400l.; and in order to square the account instead of spreading the 205l. over the whole matter, they deducted it all from the item of the construction of 150 perches of parapet round the island, which at 46 shillings the perch amounted to 345l. Instead of which sum they set down 140l., as appears in the said account. But the 205l. must be taken from the remainder of the sum of the privy seal. Although I perceived this error before I left for Plymouth, I thought it of too little importance to trouble you with it, and decided to discuss the matter at Plymouth with the commissioners, as I did in a letter dated the 21 August, praying them to draw your attention to it. I wrote myself at the same time, and gave the letters open to Sir John Gilbert, who told me four days ago that he had sent them to you; on this point, I can refer you to the Commissioners. The cause of the great delay in the work is to be found in the fact that I was sent there too late, in the heavy rains, and the difficulty of bringing workmen and materials to the place; and this has of course increased the expense, beyond what would have been required, had I been sent four or five months sooner, armed with the authority suitable to such a task. Labour and materials have cost half as much again as is usual in Plymouth. But I would entreat you to believe that my only wish is to serve the Queen in this matter.—London, Dec., 1602.
French. Signed. 2 pp. (96. 149.)
Richard Cole to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. As to complaints touching my slackness to merchants in London for sugars which I sold unto them and now cannot perform. Although I was overshot, yet I will content all I have dealt with in goods or money or both.—Bucks., this — of December, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mr. Cole to my master from Plymouth.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 150.)
Mr. Attorney General (Coke) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [Dec.]. Your letters to Sir Edward Denney may be to this effect, that forasmuch as the town of Waltham, wherein his mansion house is situate, adjoineth to the county of Hertford and standeth conveniently for the exercise of his office of shrievalty of the county of Hertford, her Majesty's gracious pleasure is to give him licence and toleration to abide there, although it be situate in another county, and that, upon conference had with the Lord Chief Justice of England and Mr. Attorney, her verbal licence and dispensation herein shall be sufficient.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. ¾ p. (97. 25.)
Anthony Parsons to Mr. Percival.
1602, Dec. For the promised grant to Christian Hawkins of the wardship of the son of John Jeanes, if Jeanes should die during his son's minority.
Endorsed :—“Dec., 1602.” ½ p. (2463.)
States [General'] Men of War lying on the coast of Flanders.
[1602.] Twenty sails before Sluce; eight before Ostend; six before Nieport; fifteen before Dunkirk; five before Greveling : total 54 sails, besides divers pinnaces which daily traverse the seas for news and intelligence.
Undated. ½ p. (93. 164.)
E. Lady Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] Two letters :—
1. My health not permitting me to attend your coming, I beseech you to acquaint yourself both with the pedigree and my Lord Admiral's letter, and that then, as the chief mediator from Mr. Leighton, you will move her Majesty to further this his humble request. If you find her Majesty graciously disposed, my lady Walsingham and I will presently endeavour to provide some gift that may be acceptable unto her, as the best eloquence we can use.—From my chamber in Court.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Lady Leighton to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 19.)
(2.) I am debarred from presenting myself before you as a foul object to put you in mind of Mr. Leighton's request, and time seems tedious to those that are long held in suspense. I know nothing is here in the nature of a suit hastily effected, only beseech you to take some occasion to feel her Majesty's disposition, she being satisfied touching his gentility, for which purpose I send the pedigree; for this Mr. Leighton and his nephew will ever be bound to you. For my Lord Admiral's leisure. I fear it is very uncertain, yet I doubt not that your least motion can draw him to be tractable.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Lady Leighton to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 20.)
Archer's Information.
1602. He can deliver up the name of one friar Woodlock, now known as Thomas Withrington, who being a learned man and zealous in his function, is therefore holden in great reverence in the city of Waterford, and for this and his great alliance there, he is specially employed to stir up the people of that city to disloyalty and rebellion.
Also, of one Bray, of Clonmel, a town well peopled in Ireland, who, having been trained in martial discipline under the Spaniard of a long time, for his alliance in that town, which is very great, is made a special instrument to raise them in arms on the land[ing] of the Spaniard.
Besides, one named Walter Stanihurst, a common messenger or post from the Cardinal to Tyrone, and a dangerous man to the State.
Endorsed :—“1602, Archer information.” (96. 151.)
Maurice Barkley to —.
1602. We could not have come this night to Andover, without putting ourselves and our horses to too great a labour, but we mean to break our fast there to-morrow morning very early, where, unless your haste be very great, I would entreat that we might find you.—Yours ever.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Mr. Barker (sic).” No address. ½ p. (96. 154.)
Viscount Bindon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] Two letters :—
1. From what I hear from my kinsmen it appears that you all agree to prefer any request of mine as far as you may, so will I study by all means to show my thankfulness for this.
Sundry several matters are lately found out to be fit for present reformation touching the increasing of the trainbands and the ordering of the men left out of them. To introduce these and other reforms, I am once more a suitor for a longer time, and at the beginning of the term I will send or bring a perfect certificate to lay before you. I have, as advised, also written to my Lord Admiral for his assent in this, with an acknowledgement of his kindness to me. It seems that I was in my cradle made subject unto the stings of abusing tongues, which ever uttereth imagination for truth. You say that you hear that I intend to trouble Mr. Carey's son for old offences pardoned; for your satisfaction, I say that he being now not to be excused by his tender years, continues in so disloyal mind to the State, and lives so dissolutely, as showeth little repentance for his former horrible abuses against her Majesty, and causeth suspicion of his being a most dangerous man. He and his father dwell near Poole, which as well as the adjoining parts of the shire, is much infected with recusancy, increasing daily so fast that if order be not taken for his reformation, or removal, such inconvenience will follow as will return to my great blame and danger. All the wiser sort of the country see the increase of recusancy, and fear it, for that they have no hope of reformation where so great favour is shown that the justices of assize can in no way procure the chief heads of these dangerous men to be brought before them. The town of Poole is made so weak by this infection, that it may easily be taken by the enemy, or by themselves, who daily resort thither and can easily collect in one day two thousand of their own sort out of Hampshire and the neighbourhood. And the town so taken, they will be in the judgement of expert soldiers too strong for twenty thousand soldiers.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“1602, The Vicownt Bindon to me.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 157.)
(2.) I am no less desirous to deserve your love than bound to defend my credit as the best means to preserve your good opinion of me. I would remind you that I answered your first admonition touching young Carey by saying that his young and childish years could no longer excuse him, that well affected men had an ill opinion of both him and his father, mentioning also the danger caused to the town of Poole by the great number of the recusants. I write this merely to avoid the fault of leaving you so long unanswered.
I rejoice to find your friendship for me confirmed in your own hand; I desire to be regarded of you no longer than I shall endeavour all dutiful services to my prince and country; and the assurance of your love is further made to me by my friends your faithful lovers, whose love is not least shown in this that they wish satisfaction to us both; of them I pray receive the contents of a plot laid secretly to injure me to the danger of my country.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Vicount Bindon to my mr.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 158.
Sir Calisthenes Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] This Paul Anraet, hearing I was descended of the house of Cobham, made acquaintance to the end I should entreat Lord Cobham for him; being refused by me, he told me that he had heretofore by letter entreated your favour and would again do so. When I understood how he had been employed, and his dwelling, I thought fit to present this enclosed, assuring you that no man is better able to advertise the proceedings than he, for he hath freedom on both sides by his dwelling, which enables him greatly.
For the present this State is busied with preparations to relieve Ostend with men and provisions to work against the water, which already hath done 10 000l. harm. They are treating with the mutineers of Hoogstraten, who are in number 1,500 horse and 2,500 foot. By the enclosed, you may see in what desperate estate they are, yet their demands to the States are so great, that I fear they will eat on the contributions till the Archduke's necessity constrain him to show more mercy than his placard promises.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sir Calysthenes Brooke to my mr. from the Haghe, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 161.)
Lapis Malacensis.
1602. Lapis Malacensis, or the stone of Malacca, so named because it is brought from Pam, a province of Malacca in India. It is found in the gall of an histrix or porcupine, and is there esteemed a most singular remedy against all poisons. Doctor Garcia ab Horto, after he had remained 34 years in India, writ a learned book of all the simples and drugs of India, wherein he reporteth that in all his time, there were but two found, whereof one was bestowed upon the King of Portugal's viceroy for India as a most rare and precious present. This was of colour a pale purple, smooth and glib, bitter of taste, and in consistence like unto a piece of dried cake soap, and unctuous under the finger. Doctor Dimas Bosque, born at Valencia in Spain, and then the Viceroy's physician in India, gave common water, because no cordial water was at hand, wherein the stone had been steeped, until the water became very bitter, unto two men which unawares had drunk poison, whereby they were both delivered from danger of the poison. In India therefore, it is preferred far before the bezoar stone or unicorn's horn.—Lancelot Browne.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (96. 162.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] Though I know that this nobleman [Lord Eure] is not unknown unto you, yet having occasion by reason of his employment in her Majesty's service here to know his estate of living and his ability to serve, as I must recommend the one whereof I have had trial, so I wish the other were more than I find it at this time. You may perhaps think that I am moved by his Lordship to write this to help to excuse his going, but I assure you his estate is so mean that he cannot, upon pawning a good piece of his land, find, 500l. for the expenses of this journey. If I had been in London, I would have engaged my credit so far for him, for I know him so honest as I durst have pawned my credit and my plate for him, and therefore his Lordship has asked me to move you that his allowance may be as large as you can procure.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (96. 168.)
Fr., Lady Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. No creature living can take less pleasure to proclaim their miseries than I. But the best is, I need not, they are so apparent to any that will but look upon me. Therefore in this I desire to be understood, my complaint being as odious to me as my fortune. Let this induce you, good Mr. Secretary, to be a mean to her Majesty for my relief. I will challenge nothing; let my Lord's service be forgotten and all attributed to her princely compassion. I desire that my suit may be as easy as my extremity is great. Therefore, having heard that there is one Skinner for very foul offences fallen into her Majesty's hands, though I am ignorant what they are, I would fain presume by your mediation to beg his forfeiture.
Signed, Fr. Burgh. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Lady Burgh to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 171.)
William Butler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Two letters :—
(1.) Multi cum prodesse voluerunt, obfuerunt. Mr. Doctor Browne, contrary to your writing, without my knowledge, dealt with your Honour to send me a licence to depart. If he did it for affection, I must commend his love but no way his discretion; if in respect of himself, I count it no part of true friendship. The truth is this : when your Honour sent your last letter, I was not only purposed to stay your time appointed but also a further time. And then, if I could not obtain leave, I would have staid your pleasure as an humble scholar to our High Chancellor. I confess I was glad when your servant brought me word of my liberty, taking it had proceeded of your own motion, but afterward hearing it was Mr. Doctor's seeking and procurement, bred in me no small discontentment. For the Lady Scudamore, a feeding ague and a passion of spleen and heart oppresseth her, and Hippocrates wrote, Ex iisdem splen florescit ac corpus contabescit. God in his mercy restore her to her former health.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Dr. Butler to my master, without date.” Addressed :—“Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.” ½ p. (96. 173.)
2. Our sovereign lady must be obeyed propter timorem et conscientiam, as the law of God and man commands us. But of my Lord Howard, I never deserved hard measure. Your father deceased, to whom I was particularly bound (under whom we all lived as under the shadow of his wings), was my good lord and friend, to whom I was in no way wanting in any service I could perform, and I beseech your Honour to consider my poor estate. Concerning the sick lady, ipsa senectus morbus est. Her sickness is inveterate, the light winks in the socket, natural heat is almost spent, it is a melancholic passion, and winter season, and she upon the point of three score and ten, which is the age of man, as the Holy Spirit teach us. If she die of this hidden and lingering mischief, mine enemies will report that I have killed her and sting me with discredit and disgrace. If she live, I shall never be at quiet rest for other courtiers solicitors of your Honour. And yet we live under your protection and you are our loving and honourable chancellor. This cross and band of calamity is laid upon me, and I must bear the burden of my misfortune. So now I find the proverb true : “Better is a small house to hold, than to dwell in a fair tower with fetters of gold.” [O mors, quam amara est memoria tui.—margin.]
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Mr. Doctor Butler to my master without date.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 172.)
Three Letters from Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. (1.) To Sir Arthur Savadge. “If you have cause to doubt my favour, tell me why you doe soe, for it is the fashyon I like, and to such a question, I will make you an honest answeare fitt for my profession, which is nether to flatter nor doe injurye. If you cannot tell why you doubt me, you will not like my answeare, for to surmises I am domb. If it be because I would not in your perticuler cross my Lord of Cumberland, then I answeare that you must ever looke for a great difference when your perticulers are in balance. And for the Queene's message to you wherein you note contrarietyes, it may well be, for Princes change answeares upon new informations; but, to be short, know this. If any have tould you that I have spleen to you, if you will aske me you shall hear what is trew, which language peradventure some such doe not use, but they that willingly suspect me only out of capriccios wilbe deceaved if they looke for much satisfaccon : for I looke for grounds of a question when I meane to answeare, and, if that fayle, then looke to have me as I am used, only remember backward in your former tymes and you shall fynde you have been beholdinge to many others much less then to R. C.”
In Munck's hand. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ¾ p. (97. 4.) [See p. 573 post.]
(2.) To [Lord Mountjoy.] Your Lordship hath received a letter from the Council concerning Mr. Ashley. I pray you write what you did upon it. If you name me your knights, assure your Lordship I shall get you liberty to make them. The matter of Warren, I only do hear of by Mr. Toplyff, who for good will asked me and told me there was such a bruit. As much as you can in all public motions for new charegs or defences and reasons for continuing charges, let your letters be signed by the rest of the Council. Other things of good accidence that are not of sour digestion, your Lordship may write privately. The former your Lordship may direct still, when you write with the Council, to the Council, and, about the issues of money, to my Lord Treasurer, the rest of advices to me. If I did not judge you by myself, I should fear you would laugh at my presumption. The Q. likes well of Sir Thomas Norrys his succeeding and will continue him.
Unsigned. Undated. In Cecil's hand. Endorsed :—“From Sir Robert Cissell to my Lord, 1602.” ¾ p. (97. 5.)
(3.) To Mr. Philip Tyrwhytt and Mr. John Harpur, esquires. I understand that the education of young Mr. Clyfton, her Majesty's ward, and his allowance for his maintenance, hath been by his friends appointed unto you two, and forasmuch as he is now by divers of his friends thought fit for the University, I have thought good, out of the care that appertaineth to my place over all her Majesty's wards, to advise you to take such order for his present maintenance above her Majesty's allowance as shall be necessary, and that he may be sent to the University of Cambridge so soon as convenient, where I could also wish he were placed in St. John's College, because I am particularly acquainted that there is not any place in the University where there is a more careful master nor better government.
Draft. Undated. Corrected by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 11.)
Francis Cherye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. As to the hearing of a matter between him and the executor of Edward Darknoll, referred by the Council to certain aldermen.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. ½ p. (97. 15.)
Captain Henry Clare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. My time spent in her Majesty's service doth put me in hope of her royal regard in this my declining age, and many undeserved favours embolden me to address my entreaty to you : either that I may have some lands in Ireland in fee simple or fee farm to a competent value (much there being of little worth), or that I may obtain the surveyorship of the Tower. My Lady Scudamore hath told me that I had her Majesty's grant of the latter upon the death of Mr. Partridge, late officer there, but was put from it by the late Earl of Essex to place his own servant in it. If either of these may be vouchsafed me, I will not be unthankful, but, howsoever, I beseech your Honour that I may have the keeping of the new built fort of Galway, if not employed here, being desired by the inhabitants, as appeareth by the enclosed, the original whereof remaineth with the Council of Ireland.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 16.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. The Governor of Boulogne hath sent unto you a very fair horse by his lieutenant governor, who yesterday landed. I pray you let me know how you have rested this night. Towards evening I will come and see if you take no physic, and that it be no trouble unto you as to my seal.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ¼ p. (97. 18.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. If my return to the Court presently shall be thought fit by you, I beseech you direct me by this bearer, otherwise I desire to stay at home till Monday.—From Highgate, this Saturday morning.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Also, “Mr. Fermer, of Oxfordshire, to be forborne to be Sheriff.” Seal.p. (97. 20.)
Mr. Attorney-General (Coke) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Upon consideration of the statute, 3 and 4 Edward 6th, I observe two things, first, that by the express letter of that Act the Duke of Somerset could not have his clergy; whereby appeareth how uncertain the vulgar opinion is which by a long time have overruled the case against all truth. 2. If the judges had been learned (marginal note : Erudimini qui judicatis terram) the Duke's offence had not been felony within the purview of that Act. His execution also was clearly against law, so as in omnibus erratum est.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. ¾ p. (97. 22.)
Captain Anthony Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I have served in the wars faithfully and honestly for many years, to my great expence, and, of a good conscience I am able to do her Majesty service if there shall be occasion, which considerations I hope shall move you to admit my just defence of that imputation which in my absence is laid upon me by the letters of the Lord Deputy of Ireland, and allow me, without the restraint of my liberty, to clear myself. These letters, which I received of Sir F. Vere, being suddenly fallen sick with grief and travail, I am forced to send, together with my justification here enclosed.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. ½ p. (97. 27.)
Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I hope your Honour will accept of these two horses, which I wish may do you service, being the first colts of my race.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ¾ p. (97. 28.)
The Countess of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I entreat your favour to excuse these cumbers of mine, enforced by constraint, that rather ought to be lines of confessing your nobleness in what you have done and promised to continue it till you have made a perfect work, than to entreat further. These gentlemen are contented to enter bond for this 900l. odd money, being part of my allowances of 400l., which is in a hugeness (“ewugnes”) behind. There are some of them to go out of town, and the end of the term will be here before my Lord's return with his niece Warton out of the country. If it might please you either to write to Master “lieutend” and Sir Drew Drury, as it seemed you liked, for these debts to refer them over to Master “lieutend,” and so they to write to my Lord in your name, or else your own letter to my Lord, that these gentlemen may see my Lord is desirous they should be bound, and so money and bonds might be ready against my Lord's coming, thus confessing myself to be one of the beggarly ladies, I conclude.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 32.)
Sir John Davis to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602. First, to save her Majesty instantly a fourth part of all the powder spent in her shipping, which amounteth commonly to 50 lasts : and within one year to save a third part : 1,000 marks a year.
Secondly, to find a matter for saltpetre to serve perpetually within a mile of London, be the occasions never so great. Whereby the subject shall receive so great a commodity in avoiding the breaking up of their dwelling houses, dovecotes, stables, etc., besides the charge of their carriages, as it is not unlikely they would willingly bestow a subsidy upon her Majesty to be eased thereof. Moreover, I will serve it better stuff and better cheap than now she hath by a penny in the pound, which after the rate of expending 60 lasts the year cometh to 600l. per annum saved :
600l., besides the subjects' benevolence. Thirdly, to serve better match for 13s. 4d. the hundred and to bring the making of it into England : 100l. per annum.
Fourthly, to reform the errors of most of the ordnance and yet make it lighter and stronger than that which has so much metal rudely thrust into it, by a fifth part : whereby her Majesty shall save in every cannon 2000lb. weight of metal, which cometh to 50l., and according to that rate ceteris paribus in all the other assises : besides the exceeding benefit for the shipping and land service, being lighter and nimbler for use, and the saving of a fifth part of the gunners to attend the same and a fifth part of the cattle to draw it :
At the least 2,000l. per annum. Fifth, to make a kind of mortar piece whereof ten shall not exceed the charge of one cannon, neither in weight of metal nor powder, yet one of them shall do more execution than 10 cannons.
If her Majesty had any use of fortifications, I make no doubt but to execute the place of an engineer so sufficiently as there should not be occasion to employ strangers.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” and in Cecil's hand :—“Sir John Davies.” (97. 34.)
The Ladies Jane and Ellen FitzGerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. The untimely death of our brother, of whose advancement you were sole author, having left us destitute, we beseech you to be a means for her Majesty to allow his comfortless sisters some competent living yearly.
Signed, Ja. Gerrald, Ell. Gerrald. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Ladies of Desmond to my mr.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 36.)
Lady Jane FitzGerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Out of the grievous sense of our intolerable want, we do beseech you to vouchsafe a speedy and a favourable relation to her Highness of our woeful suit. We know as she cometh near to the divine essence in power and sovereignty, so she doth approach the same in grace and mercy.
Signed, Ja. Gerald. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Lady Desmond to my master.” Remains of seal. ¾ p. (97. 35.)
William Fulbecke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. The book which heretofore I recommended to your Honour's tuition, now cometh again in humble manner adorned by the printer with a brighter garment, which, though it be not greatly to be esteemed as a gift of paper, yet it is not lightly to be valued as the law of nations; and howbeit through mine own sinister fate, whose hap is in wordly things most hoped for to be unhappy, it hath not attained to the public fruition of your patronage, yet, since it hath received so favourable entertainment at your hands, as far surpasseth the apogœum or utmost merit of my labour, it now recourseth to the same climate under whose vital beams it hath before received such maturing warmth, testifying my constant affection, with respect of duty qualified, towards your Honour's person, signed before but with letters of ink, now sealed and settled with characters of steel. I cannot with the pencil of rhetoric draw maps of protestation; I need not unclasp my heart; he that can read the inward senses without vowels or letters knoweth my dutiful affection to your Honour; and him I pray, &c., &c.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” On the back is a drawing of a castle on a mound with a zigzag path leading up to it. 1 p. (97. 42.)
Barkley Gardiner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Is a prisoner in Newgate (“Muguet”). Was taken in London in the street three years ago, and before the Lord Chief Justice confessed to having been made a priest at Rome and shortly afterwards was condemned to death, but as no other fault was found in him but that being a priest he came into England, but as he was not accused of having exercised the office, nor of having persuaded any of the people, still less of having conspired against the estate and the sacred person of the Sovereign, and principally because he alleged that he had been obliged to return to his own country to recover his health, extremely weakened in the foreign land where he had sojourned, the judges deferred his execution; and afterwards you, Sir, commanded the Recorder that the sentence should not be carried out. His health has greatly suffered, because, ordinarily, he has his feet and hands fettered, and is locked in the lowest and darkest dungeons of the said prisons.
Beseeches that he may be set at liberty, submitting himself to perpetual banishment from the realm, but asking for a fortnight's respite to provide himself with money for the voyage.
Endorsed :—“1602. Berkeley Gardiner.” French. 1¼ pp. (97. 43.)
Parsonage of Bangor, co. Flint.
1602. Concerning the presentment of Mr. Gyttyns to the parsonage of Bangor, diocese of Chester, void by the death of Doctor Bullen.
A letter from Mr. Secretary to this effect, that where William Earl of Derby and his ancestors have of long time been the undoubted patrons of the said parsonage, and the said Earl by his deed, dated 13 December, 38 Eliz., did grant the then first and next avoidance to the said parsonage unto Robert Gyttyns his chaplain, Mr. Dr. Bulleyn then being the incumbent thereof, which presentation was lawfully granted by the said Gyttyns unto John Morgell, gentleman, in the lifetime of the said Doctor Bulleyn, to the end the said Morgell at the death of the said Dr. Bulleyn should present the said Gyttyns to the said parsonage, which the said Morgell is ready to perform far within the six months after the death of Dr. Bulleyn : which Gyttyns, as I am informed, is well known to your Lordship to be a fit man for the place : these are therefore to request you to admit institute and induct the said Robert Gyttyns.
Mr. Gyttyns affirmeth that the Bishop of Chester, ordinary of the place where the parsonage is, advised him to get the Queen's letters or mandatum to him the Bishop for the admission of Gyttyns, lest there would be letters for contrary parties from many his honourable great friends.
If any do pretend title by a former supposed grant made by the now Earl of Derby, the same was only for the next avoidance of the then present incumbent, which was Dr. Chadderton, then Bishop of Chester and now Bishop of Lincoln, but not for this avoidance after the death of Dr. Bulleyn.
Mr. Lowe. I pray you cause this to be added in Mr. Secretary's letter for that I do hold it very needful. T. J.
Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1¼ pp. (97. 44.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] For a supplement to my former letter concerning the parsonage of Bangor, Mr. Gittins' assignment of his advowson was made since the death of Dr. Bolleyn to John Morgill, and without his consent or knowledge, and withal is unwilling and refuseth to present Mr. Gittins, for that being my officer and register, he is loth by any act of his to prejudice my proceeding. I am informed that there can be no assignment good after the death of the incumbent, much less any re-assignment. My humble request is that since the church is now full, and that in the right of the now Earl of Derby, and that many others do prepare to cross Mr. Gittins in his title, as well as I, I may be permitted to appeal to the law and justice.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 1 p. (185. 97.)
Sir George Gyffard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. We are forced to appeal to you anew. We have sought all means to avoid the vexation, unreasonableness and trouble of Morgan, and now do we find the wilfulness of Mr. Wood such that he will neither come or yield to any certain account what is due unto him for Morgan's part, nor allow of our former proceedings with your Honour, the Lord Admiral and Sir Walter Rawley, nor contribute to any of our charges, no, not so much as for the taking forth of the adjudication which was yesterday done, nor accept of our more than liberal offer, for our quiet, of 1,240l., but resolutely answereth that he will take no other course than what law will yield him. Beseeching you to overrule Mr. Wood herein, unless he shall show reasonable cause to the contrary, I do rest.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. 1 p. (97. 45.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I have this morning opened a vein and would therefore willingly rest, yet if Monsieur Caron's answer require any long discourse, I will certainly attend you to-night or to-morrow early. I desire much to know what to trust to that my provision may be certain and in better order. Yours. Grey.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ¼ p. (97. 50.)
Fulk Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] From Saturday in the evening till Monday at eight in the morning, I had a continual fit without cold or intermission; now, Sir, I thank God I am mending and hope to wait upon you in many things, both serious and of pleasure, with such love and faith as becomes me. I humbly thank you for this favour, and God send them your kindness that joy in it.—From my lodging this evening.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (97. 51.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. It was my error to think that your Honour's hand and Sir Walter Raleigh's might suffice. Had I found it before, I would have posted personally to you for this business. I now return the gentleman with my hand, holding you as the principal cause of a most conscionable end, happy to them that most mislike it.—Cadbury, this Thursday, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (97. 56.)
Eliza, Lady Hatton, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Two letters :—
1. I beseech you that Mr. Barker, of Suffolk, who has long professed the law and is of good account in the country, besides being closely allied by marriage to Mr. Attorney, may be made serjeant at this call, which is very near.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 57.)
2. “The sweatnes of my cosen's nature and disposission will ever drawe it so for as I thinke it unposybell for a stranger but to yeld as much afeccion to him; but I pray your thoufts to beleaufe, if hee did not afect his booke as much heere as in any other place, I loufe him not so ill nor respect your Honor so lytell to desyer his stay heere, but since my desyer is with so much reson and yet with so much stryctnes to my cosen, grant I beshech you my request that it may be left to my discresion for his retorne.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 58.)
[Mr. Honyman] to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602. Robert Rippon, in Hilary 43 Eliz., exhibited an information unto the Exchequer against Robert de la Barre, stranger, for entering of 1600 quintals of woad in the custom book in other men's names than the true owner, because it was the proper goods of a subject to the King of Spain, and therefore forfeit to her Majesty. Value 1600l.
De la Barre being now likely to be condemned, hath this term procured the Queen's attorney to signify that she was pleased he should not proceed any further, and Mr. Attorney hath signed an ulterius prosequi non vult, which may be revoked this term if her Majesty so command.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Mr. Honnyman.” ¼ p. (97. 61.)
Lady Catherine Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Mrs. Carye desires that the composition may proceed. My desire is that you will refer the matter to the discretion of Mr. Attorney of the Wards. I pray you send for Mr. Gwalter about John Littleton's forfeitures.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lady Catherine Howard to my Mr,” and, in another hand, “1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 62.)
Theophilus Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Sending my servant into England, to visit such as I am most bound to, I beseech you to believe that I will ever embrace the welcome tidings of your health and commandments. I hope one day to testify by my actions how much I am yours in all faithful service.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 63.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Two letters :—
(1.) I understand by your servant Mr. Levinus your granting of my suit, whereof I most heartily thank you. This will be to me sufficient to help the wants I wrote of, and it is the more pleasing to my mind as not being any charge on your own purse. The Earl of Mar's eldest son is coming to this town, bound to France to see the country and learn the language. The Laird of Lowghinvar, Gordon to his name, and a great man of living in the West, is here in town, and will to France. There is also another laird of the North here with him, that is Crighton to name, who will also over.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 64a.)
(2.) Mr. William Fowler, who, upon his affection to the laird of Bakclewgh, passed lately to the Low Countries to the laird under your pass, is now returned and bound for Scotland, not having power for all his pains to persuade the laird to return till his mind be satisfied with the sight of such singular things as are there to be seen : and now he is in Ostend, and meaneth to be here about the spring time to return home.
This Mr. William Fowler, who is the Queen of Scotland's secretary, but would not be known because he travels privately with one servant, is now a humble suitor for your Honour's commission to ride post; yet he rides his own horse, but in case his horse should fail, as one did in his coming up, he would not be driven to buy new. He is a very religious man, and hath suffered persecution and perils in Rome and Paris by the malice of his own nation. He tells me that at his embarking at Flushing he saw a gallant man taken by the burgomaster at the entering of the ship to have gone for Calais, where he thought he would have gone to the Archduke's camp with some intelligence of the secrets of Ostend, but he knoweth not what he was.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. (97. 64b.)
[Kellett] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. On the subject of the trial of an action with regard to a lease.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, Kellett's l're.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 66.)
Mrs. Dorothy Killigrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. My very good friend Mr. Henry Locke is this day arrested as surety for my husband, Mr. John Killigrew, at the suit of one John Baker, of Westminster, who is the bailiff's man of the said liberties. My husband will pay the small sum due at furthest within these 14 days at his return out of Cornwall. Please take order for the releasement of the said Mr. Locke.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 67.)
The Mine in Knowsley Park.
1602. We are given to understand that besides the copper mines already found and wrought within the county of Lancaster, there are other royal mines to be discovered within the park of Knowsley in the same county, being the possessions of Will : now Earl of Derby. We, the Governors and Assistants of the Mines Royal, do hereby warrant and authorize you, with the assistance of George Bowes, esquire, or any others, to dig within the said manor and lordship for any manner of copper mine or other mine royal whatsoever, and to certify unto us your whole proceeding herein with your opinions thereof.
Undated. Draft, the words in italics in Cecil's hand. Endorsed :—“Minute concerning the mine to be digged for in Knowsley Park. 1602.” ¾ p. (97. 69.)
Stephen Laten to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602. Am an Irishman, servant of the Venetian Ambassador (oratoris Venetiorum), and beseech you that I, who have studied for two years in Lower Germany, may safely travel into my country and there live in peace.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Latin. ¼ p. (97. 70.)
The Alliances of the Lords, chieftains and chief gentlemen of Munster, and especially of Florence McCartie.
1602. The Lord Barrie is cousin-german to Florence, and so is the L. Roche. The L. Roche married Barrie's sister and Barrie married his aunt. (Note by Cecil—“The L. Roch his mother and Florence his mother were sisters.”)
Dermot McOwen and Cormock McDermot are cousins german to Florence and so allied to Barrie and Roche, and, besides, Dermot McOwen hath married Roche's sister, and Cormock the L. of Cahir's sister. McCartie Reough, Donough Moyle, Fynen McOwen and all the chief gentlemen of the Carties are cousins german to Florence.
Two of Barrie's daughters were married to the L. Power's son and the L. of the Deacies.
Five of Florence's cousins german, the daughters of Sir Owen McCartie (note by Cecil—“Unkle to Florence”) were married to Sir Fynen O'Driscoll, O'Donevan, Dermot O'Solevan, brother to O'Solevan More, the knight of the Vallei (note by Cecil—“Young Charles”) and Cormock Oge.
The White Knight's daughter married to Florence his cousin german. O'Solevan More married to Florence's sister; O'Solevan Beare married to O'Solevan More's sister; the Knight of Kerry is O'Solevan More's sister's son; Mr. Morice is Florence's cousin german removed and cousin german to his wife : O'Conor Kerry married O'Solevan's daughter Florence his niece.
Endorsed :—“1602,” and, by Cecil, “Florence his alliances.” ¾ p. (97. 72.)
Captain Norris' Reasons.
1602. Whereas in this voyage with the good ship called the Marygould, of London, and her Highness' pinnace, the Lyon's Whelpe, for the apprehending of such English pirates as do impeach the quiet trade of her Majesty's friends in the Levant Seas, it is ordered and appointed by the Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England, and by Sir Robert Cecil, knight, Principal Secretary to her Majesty, that the instructions given by Mr. Thomas Honyman should also be followed for the reprisal of some of her Majesty's enemies, the King of Spain his subjects, trading these seas, and whereas one article of his instructions is that we should lie in wait near the Isle of Gozo, by Candy, for such ships of Barcelona in Spain, which trade for Alexandria, it is thought fit by those whose names are underwritten, that we should alter that commission and rather spend our time in the trade way between the Vare of Massena and Candy and not far from the Cape of Calabria, as well to expect such Massenezes as come from Alexandria, who trade thither in greater number than those of Barcelona, and also to lie in wait for such ships as go to and from Venice with Spanish goods : because—
1. All ships laden with Spanish goods that come from Alexandria do, for fear of English men-of-war, colour their goods so effectually under the name of Frenchmen and Genoeses, that being taken near Candy or to the eastward thereof, it will be impossible for us to find out the true owners of the goods.
2. All ships trading for Alexandria, as well Spaniards as others, having been beaten and taken upon the coast of Candy both by English men-of-war and Maltesians, do now forsake the sight of that isle and the course they were wont to keep.
3. If we should in this course between the Vare of Myssyna and the isle of Candy meet with any of those ships, we may presume, however their letters shall import, that they are bound neither for France nor Genoa, but for Massyna.
4. If we should go to the eastward of Candy and near unto the Turkey shore, where we should have most possibility to meet with those ships which come from Alexandria, we should not only incur extreme danger, but almost an impossibility of safety if the furious nor'west winds, which in these countries are called “mostrales,” should take us and drive us upon that coast, where we have no harbour to friend but only Alexandria, which place for our lives we must avoid of all others; and, besides, the goods which we should there surprise will be coloured as aforesaid.
5. To lie near Candy, as we are enjoined by our commission, would be most dangerous for us, by reason the state of Venice, pretending to be admiral of these seas, adherent to their own dominions which they account their chamber, have armed out two great galliasses and certain galleys to free the same coast from all men-of-war whatsoever, and especially from Maltezians and Spaniards and their neighbours and friends; who, lying to the eastward of Candy in course against the Turks, have offended the state of Venice by robbing some of their ships, so as for us to encounter with that Venetian armado can by no means be for the good of the journey.
6. We understand that all the English men-of-war to the eastward, for fear of this armado, are departed thence, and therefore we have no colour to spend our time thereabouts, which to do would enforce us yet to further inconveniences. For after we should have spent our victuals, we could succour ourselves nowhere to “somer” in, but in the Arches of Pelaga in the Turk's government, which would be exceeding dangerous for these reasons following :
i. We should be suspected to have wronged some of their ships. An English merchant ship lately upon the like suspicion was apprehended, many of the men murdered and the rest kept in prison until they had cleared themselves of that suspicion, and this mischief did arise by reason of the Spanish men-of-war, who, being some of them in English bottoms, do take the Turks under English colours. And it is much more likely that we should be accused of such actions than merchant ships.
ii. If we be under command of their fleets and forts, we may be by them enforced to serve on their part against the Christians, as our English merchants' ships already have been, wherein her Majesty's honour would be much engaged, besides the peril and spoil of our ships. For some princes of Christendom, her Majesty's enemies and ill-willers, have charged her Highness to be a favourer of Turks and infidels. But if to summer under the Turk's commands is one way dangerous, so to summer in an open road, where is neither people nor victuals, is as much subject to the surprise of the enemy as dangerous for starving our people.
iii. The ship being unsheathed and the bottom of the Straits much subject to worms, it is to be doubted that the ship may be so spoiled with them, that she would not be able afterwards to carry us for England.
We, have therefore, thought good not to go unto Candy, but to keep our course near unto the Vare of Massyna, that, when our victuals is almost spent, we may in short time, through God's help, obtain Tunes or Argear upon the coast of Barbary for our relief and succour.
These reasons were agreed upon by Captain Norris, his master and pilot, before we departed the harbour of Cephalonia.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602. Instructions for the Marygould of London that goeth for reprisal of pirates and Spaniards.” Also, “The reasons why I did not follow Mr. Thomas Honyman's directions for Candy.” 2½ pp. (97. 74, 75.)
The State of the Cause between Mr. Thomas Markham and Mr. John Skynner.
1602. Refers to mortgages upon the manor of Campes.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (97. 76.)
Mr. Alderman Martin to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602. I have long been an humble suitor to her Majesty for the joining my son Richard Martyne in patent with me in mine office of the Mint. For 14 years I have trained him in the execution thereof, and now feeling age to come upon me, I would be glad if by your Honour's means I might encourage him to continue his travail to ease me. I will be bound there is not any experter for that office in England.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602.” 2 pp. (97. 77.)
Sir William Monson to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602. I received a message by Sir Richard Leveson from your Honour, that I should not countenance a man in Plymouth suspected to be a conjurer. There was an accident happened, which I will deliver truly, and then you may judge how like I was to have been abused by the folly of the Mayor, if by mere fortune I had not prevented it.
I had of late a youth that served me, that through the extremity of a calenture fell so extreme mad as he was forced continually to be watched, and kept in a dark chamber; and one day, observing when all my servants was abroad, broke out of his chamber window and ran to one of his acquaintance in the town and told him that, the day before, he came into a house at five o'clock in the afternoon and see this supposed conjurer with six more, all disguised, saying Mass, and going into a chamber above it, he found me all alone. The man to whom he told this, having as little wit as the mad body, informed the Mayor thereof. The Mayor thereupon sent to entreat me that my youth might come unto him. I presently sent him and a man with him to inform the Mayor that he was mad, desiring him to pardon him if any complaint came against him for some disorder which he used to do when he could steal abroad. The house where this was said to be done was searched, and the suspected man's lodging who lay in the same house : there was found in his chamber two books and a piece of paper full of figures touching diseases, and one about the success of one of the Queen's ships with the name of one Stephen unto it, sailor, that was to go in the same ship. The man hearing his chamber was searched, went unto the Mayor, who committed him until he made proof where he had been all the day the Mass was supposed to be said. And I hearing by chance how my name was used, went immediately to the Mayor, who showed me the boy's confession. I told him how unlike it was any such thing could be, for that the time of the day was against the use of Masses to be said, and for mine own purgation, I protested that I had never been in that house in my life; that all the men in the fleet could witness that I was aboard that day from one o'clock until eight at night; that the boy was mad could be proved by half the town, and, that he was locked up all that day, my servants and the folks of the house where I lay could testify.
When the Mayor heard these evident proofs, he began to remember himself that there was no such chamber in that house where the boy confessed I was, and seeing his error, was sorry and would have delivered me the boy and his confession, which I refused to take, but wished that the boy might be kept that night with a watch to observe his humour, whether he was mad or no, that all persons suspected to favour a Mass in the town might be examined, that the man which by name was reported by the boy to be there, might be offered his oath of supremacy, and enquiry might be made when he had been at church. All this was done, the boy was found by his keepers to be mad, and all to proceed out of an idle brain.
Then the Mayor asked my opinion what he should do touching the books and paper. I advised him, if they touched religion or state, to bind him over to answer it before the High Commissioners, and, if he could find no friends to be bound for him, to keep his money in deposit, which the Mayor told me was 50l. found in his chest. What the books imported I know not, but it is like no great matter, for of the 50l. he kept but 20l. for the answering it, and I never heard what became of it since that time. My countenancing him was to clear myself, who through the Mayor's indiscretion might have been brought to utter discredit.
For such intelligence as I received by a Portingall lately taken, and the Englishman who brought home the said Portingall, I refer you to my other letter.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Without date. Sir William Monson to my master from Plymmouth,” and, in another hand, “1602.” 2 pp. (97. 78.)
Francis, Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. My hope to travel liveth only in your promise to speak to the Queen for my leave. If before or after my going I might have your direction, I should give better account of my time's expence, being resolute while abroad to expose myself in whatever project may be for the general good or any your own particular ends.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ¾ p. (97. 85.)
[The Queen to the Doge of Venice.]
1602. Concerning the ships you now write of, the Cornelio and St. Marke, we have given special commandment to our judges that with all speed they despatch the same. The said our judges have humbly declared unto us that in the examining of like causes they find great injury daily offered unto our men-of-war by such as profess friendship with us : some of them confidently interposing themselves to assure and colour our enemies' goods that happen to be taken from them by the law of war, and others lightly using our enemies' bottoms for transporting their goods, whereas by the express laws of our kingdom and of other nations, Bello capta fiunt capientium, and whatsoever goods found in enemies' bottoms are esteemed to be of like condition with the bottoms themselves : for that such free confusion of other men's goods in enemies' ships may otherwise yield means and occasion of much danger and prejudice to the contrary party. The which their information, as we think, in your own judgment maketh it manifest that some time will be necessary for the examining of the truth, and that it appertaineth to our dignity duly to pursue what the law of war urgeth us unto and in like cases hath ever been usual amongst all other princes— yet at your intercession we have given our order that all convenient speed be used in examining both the said causes, and, for the better performing of justice, that the goods in question be kept in sequester till the issue, then to be delivered to whom they shall justly appertain.
Draft, with one correction by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1602,” and by Cecil :—“Venice.” 1¼ pp. (97. 128.)
Lord Norreys.
1602. The order and consideration as they passed in the agreement. My uncle assured the remainder of Wytham to me, reserving an estate for himself and heirs males, and jointure to his wife, the value being 260l. a year. In consideration whereof I assured him 100l. a year, lands of old rents, not reserving power thereof to make any jointure nor to be liable for thirds.
I granted him an estate for life in Hamsteed Norreys, Everington, Buckhold, lands in Cookham, and lands in Reading. In consideration whereof he released Twyford and Wokingham (“Okingham”); his pretence to them being the mistaking of the counties wherein the fines were levied.
I released unto him all covenants as executor to my grandfather, having direct advantage against him for a great sum of money.
Moreover, his lands being settled in the Queen, to prevent my disinheritance was by this agreement set free by my payment of 100l.
Endorsed :—“My L. Norrys,” and in another hand, “1602.” ¾ p. (97. 86.)
Tirlogh O'Brien to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I humbly thank you for the letters to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland touching my grievances, and I beseech you to countenance my suit to her Majesty for some relief of sustentation, praying you also to receive into your tuition and service one of my two sons, only remaining, that he may be taught to serve God, his prince, and your honourable person as one of the chiefest governors of our state. I have no means to maintain my sons, and fear they may in desperacy, by ill employing themselves, bring more sorrow upon my old days, as my elder son, deceased, did.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 89.)
Sir Robert Osberne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Beseeching to be sworn her Majesty's servant extraordinary in place of “a query.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 90.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. My Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescu under her Majesty's Privy Seal, have made assurance to me of lands late Mr. Tressam's, so as I am fully satisfied of 1,500l. which out of her Majesty's favour was assigned to me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 93.)
Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I have not heard anything of those men on the other side since I saw your Honour last; neither have others that have more interest in them. But I look daily for some of their news. The meanwhile I send you the book which is now come abroad, whereby you will see that our seculars are miserably overmatched when it comes to writing. I must crave leave, as soon as I can be at fit leisure for it, to publish somewhat for the clearing of that point, page 43, which I have folded down; being myself also by name most spitefully and falsely touched in that pamphlet of Southwell's about that matter. And although I cannot now avoid it to have all the world witness of my folly in respect of the poor requital I had of my true service, yet shall I make it apparent that the industry of that discovery was free from all unlawful or dishonest practice. I hear say the Bishop of London's workmen are busy about somewhat touching that matter. I could wish they were not permitted to publish anything without survey of those that know more than themselves.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 94.)
1602. Three reports of Frederick Genebelli, the Queen's Engineer, to the Council :—
1. Touching my visitation of the town and port of Plymouth, my opinion is that the port standeth in great danger to fall into the hands of the enemies; and the goodness and situation of the harbour such, that to take it again from the enemies' hands, the same will be very hard. To assure the realm of such a danger cannot be without to fortify the town in manner of a tranchée, (“trencee”) and join it to the same fort, following my project and plot in the general carte presented for to wall the town, with nine ravelins and their curtains, which being in length in all 594 rods, of 20 foot every rod, which fortification conform to the measure of the profile beflanked round about the town, will cost about 3,000l. In such a manner, it shall be most sufficient for to defend himself with 800 men for three or four months against 25 or 30 thousand of the enemies, and without great ordnance, to wit, with 200 musketoni 10 feet long with one bullet of four to a pound, every four musketoni upon a light carriage for to discharge all at once; and in every flank four of these carriages for to serve to three cannoniers in every flank with five men, three for to discharge and two for to recharge, the which being in all 90 men for to serve the 18 flanks, which being abated of the 800 men, there resteth 710 men; the which parted for the nine curtains, every curtain shall have 78 men for their defence, with muskets, calivers, and other “armure” ordinary for such a purpose. The 200 musketoni will cost, with their carriages, about 400l. And for to entertain them with munition and shot, it will cost no more than to entertain a cannon of 50lb. bullet, and will be a great deal better and more commodious for to defend the town with these musketoni than with 54 pieces of great ordnance, by reason of the easy handling, discharge and recharge of the musketoni : for you may discharge six times before you can once three pieces of ordnance, so that instead of three pieces of ordnance in one flank to shoot all at one time, you may discharge 300 musketoni and kill and spoil of the enemies' men 10 times more than they can do with great ordnance. And the town being entrenched and joined to the fort in the manner of my plot, the fort shall command the town as well and better than it doth now, staying open as it is now before the fort from the old castle to the west-south-west ravelin, which is 350 paces, so that there shall be no other fortification than there is now between the fort and the town, just like the situation of the castle against Anwarpe, Melan and other towns, which the King of Spain, and other princes have builded for their security.
Unsigned. 1 p. (97. 101.)
Pen and ink sketch of the section of the proposed rampart and ditch for the fortification of Plymouth. (97. 102.)
Entitled :—“The opinion of Frederick Genebelli touching the fortifying the town of Plymouth.” Endorsed :—“1602.” (97. 101, 102).
2. Note of such fortifications as may best be spared about the fort of Plymouth :—With sufficient magazine of victuals and munition continually kept in the fort, then that charge of making the quay at Fisher's Nose may be spared, which doth amount to 100l.
If there may come so sufficient an army out of the country within seven or eight days as may encounter the enemy that shall besiege it, then the works without the fort towards the Hoe, and also the lining of that part of the parapet of the fort with earth which is towards the Hoe, may be spared; which works do amount to .. .. .. .. .. .. 374l.
Sum of the deductions .. .. .. .. .. .. 474l.
Of these underwritten, there cannot well be any left out; but in my simple opinion, to secure the fort and island from a sudden surprise, the works must be done, and also the lodgings for soldiers and other reparations of the houses.
The parapet of the lower fort close adjoining to the sea is but a thin stone wall which by cannon from shipping will be so beaten that the soldiers shall not be able to stand to defend it, which is the principal place to offend shipping. Therefore the wall must have a parapet of earth joined close to it, in length 50 perch and 10 foot thick, the charge whereof about .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200l.
In the lower fort there is a ruined blockhouse which, being broken down, will make a more necessary platform for offence and defence than any there. The charge whereof near .. 20l.
The finishing of a very necessary work begun by Sir John Gilbert, which is a platform and a passage from thence to the new powder house, through which both the soldiers, the cannon and other instruments of war may pass safely out of the upper fort into the nethermost; will cost .. .. 20l.
The main port of the castle is very imperfect, wanting both a drawbridge, a place to keep the guard and their arms dry in, and also to give passage from one rampier to the other now divided by the port; which defects must be amended, the charge whereof .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20l.
The stone parapet of the upper fort from the corner next Fisher's Nose to the chapel should be lined with earth six foot thick, the charge whereof .. .. .. .. .. .. 75l.
There is in the fort towards the Hoe, a hollow bulwark which must be filled with earth, there being no room on the rampier for a cannon to play. The charge of filling it .. 60l.
We find in the upper fort and lower fort platforms for 50 pieces of ordnance, the beds of which platforms are so rotten as they must be new made. The charge whereof, with the best of the joists (“Joyces”) and planks of the old beds .. 62l.
Whereas in Sir John Gilbert's note there is a motion made for making the roof of the house flat, for saving of charge, we think it fit to leave the house as it is, and only to compass the roof with gutters of lead, and to make three cisterns of lead, containing 10 tuns, for the receiving of rain water : a matter most necessary in time of a siege. The charge whereof, with the old lead saved of the burnt blockhouse.. 16l.
The house of the fort standing bleak (“bleet”), the weather doth so vehemently beat on it that it pierceth the walls. We find by experience in the town of Plymouth, that to point and cover the walls with blue slate (“slatt”) will very sufficiently preserve them. The charge whereof will be.... 35l.
There should be an house for an armoury. For saving the building of a new house, we think that the roof of an old chapel in the fort be raised four foot higher, and a loft made, the walls mended and planked inside with deal boards, with racks nailed on them to hang pikes, muskets, calivers, and other short weapons on, and rails in the midst of the house to hang armours on. The charge whereof .. .. .. 60l.
The parapet of the island, being 150 rods, we find much decayed. The charge of reparation will be .. .. .. .. 140l.
We find in the island great want of lodging for the soldiers : there is walls for lodging begun, fit to be finished, amounting to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70l.
In the island, we find platforms for 20 pieces of ordnance, as rotten as those in the fort. The cost of repair .. .. 28l.
It is desired by Sir John Gilbert, and we do find it very fit, that there should be a place made at the island to succour the boat that the soldiers have to fetch their victuals, for that for want thereof, by the extremity of the weather, the boat doth either perish or drive away. The charge will be .. 25l.
Sum of the whole charge .. .. .. .. .. 831l.
Apparently a fair copied draft by Genebelli. Endorsed :— “1602.” 3½ pp. (97. 99, 100.)
3. The declaration of that which is done and left to be done in the fortification of the Isle of St. Nicholas in the port of Plymouth.
I arrived to Plymouth in the beginning of August last. After having delivered to Sir John Gilbert, Mr. Christophell Aris, Vice-Admiral, Mr. Tristran Gorgia and Mr. William Stalinge your Honour's letters, and showed them the note of what was her Majesty's pleasure, I caused to be brought into the island tools, materials and workmen. In the end of the said month, having made part of the wall of the parapet round about the isle, I desired the above-named commissioners to come and view the work, to whom I gave to know my intentions, and according to their opinion I followed the work till the midst of November. The said wall was finished, the parapet filled with good earth, the three houses builded and covered, one being for the Governor's lodging and the other two for the soldiers', and the cannon provided of their beddings, where need was. When, being time to leave off the work because of the winter, and Sir John Gilbert being departed to London, I prayed the other three to view the work, and presented to them the account of what was spent on the same, amounting altogether to 240l.17s. 5d., being 70l.10s. 6d. for the parapet, 118l.14s. for the houses, and 51l.12s. 11d. for the beds of the cannons, the entertainment of a clerk and a man for a boat and two boatmen to pass to the workmen and fetch fresh water for the masons. These accounts, underwritten by these three commissioners, were left in the hands of Mr. William Stalinge as paymaster, and the 23 of November I departed for London.
The particularity of that which remaineth to be done.
Imprimis, the harbour, or receipt to keep a boat, for which must be made a quay 40 feet long, 14 foot high, and 10 foot broad, with a crane to be made thereon, for the island's use and to hoist up the boat on the quay, 60 perches at 6s. 8d. the perch, and 5l. for making the crane .. .. .. .. 25l.
To finish the work comprehended in the calculation of 150 perches of parapet at 46s. the perch, amounteth to 345l., whereof is set down in the calculation no more than .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 140l.
For making 80 perches of the wall, and for the mending of the old wall by the gate, being cleft and ready to fall down, at 4s. per perch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16l.
For making 280 perches of wall in seven places about the plain on the outside of the parapet, for the better assurance of the place, at 3s. the perch. .. .. .. .. .. 42l.
For making of five casemates with stone, like to the former plots, in length 240 foot and 14 foot broad .. .. .. 30l.
For mending four casemates already made with stone in length 160 foot and 14 foot broad .. .. .. .. 12l.
To pave all the way of the parapet, being 2,666 yards, every yard to be three feet square, for stone and workmanship 3d. a yard (which is for the conveyance of the rainwater into the cisterns) .. .. .. .. .. 33l.6s. 6d.
To make a corps de garde above the gate, being 30 foot long and 16 foot broad .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15l.
To make a powder house, 14 foot square and to vault it overhead with stone.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12l.
To make four cisterns for rain-water, 10 foot square and six foot deep 24l.
To rough cast the houses and the corps de garde, and trim the houses.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15l.
To have 25 tons of timber out of her Majesty's lands or forests in the parish of St. Stephen's or of Calstock, both in the county of Cornwall. Out of which timber Sir John Gilbert is to be repaid 12 tons used in the building of the houses already done; and the other 12 tons (sic) to be used about the quay, the corps de garde and other necessary things.
Within the fort there is done yet nothing at all.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602. The declaration of Frederick Gennebelly, engineer to her Majesty, &c.” 2¼ pp. (97. 97, 98.)
Sir Henry Power to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Giving in detail his proceeding for the obtaining of the fort of Leax. The cause of my coming over at Midsummer last was about my lands Sir Richard Grimes got over my head. I was a year entitling the Queen unto it, and had built a house on the land, which cost me 300l. This being in my government, I could not but have feeling of these disgraces, by one that was but a lieutenant; and so I came to Court, and her Majesty was pleased to make me a promise of my suit, my request having been for the grant of a value in reversion in Ireland; and on your promise to undertake such grant for me, I do wholly rely.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 103.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Letter commencing, “I have persuaded all the poor taverners of England.”
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. [Printed in extenso : Edwards' Life of Ralegh. Vol. II. p. 256.] (97. 104.)
Lord Sanquhar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Asking for a passport for his servants and horses, whom he desires to send over to France before he goes himself.—London, this Sunday morning.
Holograph, signed, Sanchar. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. Scotch. ½ p. (97. 105.)
Captain Henry Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I, and my poor wife and children, have to bear an intolerable burden of necessity for want of this small sum of money due to me from her Majesty. I have long been her Majesty's soldier, and ever since I served your father, her sworn servant also : and finding any present suit unsavoury, I beg to make offer as follows. One Skynner not long since was possessed of the office of the chamberlain of the town, as also of a standing foot company in Berwick. The same hath of late been offered to one Captain Price and refused by him. I have served longer in the wars than he and borne office and place of better quality; but I am content to offer for the same not only of that my present debt, but also to yield up for the same during my life the present pension, which I have for my life.
My debt 200l., my pension 4s. a day.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ¾ p. (97. 107.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Three letters :—
1. My wife was invited to the christening, but hath excused herself, she will be at home all this day and to-morrow too, come which it best pleaseth you, unless you would have her come to any place. I beseech you, if you happen to see my Lord Treasurer this day, speak a word with him of Norton men, which will encourage him to persist, though he be already well inclined therein.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 109.)
2. We have heard somewhat of your most dainty, most bountiful and chargeable entertainment yesterday, and that her Majesty parted full of satisfaction and contentment, whereof we are very glad with you; only our doubt is, lest your over care should procure any distemper of your body, for which cause only these lines do now trouble you, and this bearer sent to return us answer thereof. We are both grieved that our ill-haps was to be absent, but it concurs with many such like destinies of ours who will wish ever unto you as to our own hearts. She little more than half awake and both of us in bed this Tuesday morning.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 110.)
3. My invective against pancakes causeth my wife to send you a little glass of her cinnamon water, which is so small as you need not fear it will heat you at all, and if you had emptied your stomach, a spoonful or two would do very well after it. Inflame it will not, for there is no wine in it, but cinnamon in borage water only. You have been her physician to-day, for now she is well and she would have me believe she wisheth you so too. She will send you the caroche tomorrow to your house at one of the clock, and looks for Will : Cecil here at dinner, so we will bid you good night.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed;—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (97. 111.)
Captain John Skynner to Sir John Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain of the Queen's Household, &c.
1602. I am not “amated” at this answer to my suit, but rather hopeful that her Majesty will relent. I hope mine action, by observation of the establishment and from the no wrested right of her Majesty's gracious patent, shall not intermingle with Sir John Carye's fault in being here and not acquainting the Queen therewith. My suit, as I have conceived it, was referred to your two Honours, with power given unto you to settle my well-doing. I distrust that there is some tale told or some dislike had that Mr. Secretary is not pleased I should have those places. So may I ever see heaven, as I have ever been worthy to have that esteem with his Honour that humble love and devotion might merit.
I refer it to your conscience how unfortunate I am; I am your bounden servant, and before you came to be honourable, I have ever believed you to have been honest and gracious, and it doth much trouble me to carry my sticks and stones to houses whose building I cannot so heartily desire as I do your Honour's.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (97. 113.)
English Prisoners in the galleys at Sluys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Right Honourable the Lords of the Council. We poor Englishmen, prisoners here in these galleys, or earthly hell, have no recourse for help but unto God, her Majesty and your Honours; being here detained, some many years and some less, not for any offence to the King of Spain nor his laws, but only because we are Englishmen and her Majesty's faithful subjects, for that we would not yield unto their demands or that being free, we should reveal that some like not of; four of us are thus hardly detained, being demanded of the Estates of Holland so many times contrary to the law of arms and justice, and since the agreement made between her Majesty and the King. How many thousand have been sent home out of England into their countries since we have been prisoners, with good entertainment and money in their purses, and we still abide here as men cast away or in another world drowned in oblivion. The names of we four are William Cannon, John Brooke and John Horsley, for these three were three men given for them at Cales, and I, Robert Sallowes, the writer hereof, for me the chief friar of these galleys got out the King's warrant for my liberty five years since, and hath testified it to this general, yet, unmerciful, he will not let me go, for that certain prisoners was detained for me in Ireland, for I did belong unto Sir Thomas Norris, late Lord President of Munster. I am also in the city of Cork married, and have a wife and five small children. I being in Brittany five years since in these galleys, being demanded of the general that then was to pilot the galleys for the coast of England, for to do some service there, the which, although I was offered great rewards, refused to do, and this hath been the only cause of this my long misery, as their own countrymen of this galley can testify. Here is in all about twenty-five Englishmen prisoners, depending upon God and your Honours' aid, that your wisdoms will tender our woeful case; that, as daily there fall prisoners in your Honours' hands, that before they go home your Honours will take order for our liberties, for if the King understand by your Honours how your subjects are dealt with, he straightways will command our liberties.—From Sluce, 1602.
1 p. (97. 114.)
Mary, Dowager Countess of Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. I could now hate myself and sex that bars me from showing my love to you as most I would. Yet as I can, I desire to assure you that no alteration of time or fortune (that is far from you) can make me forget my bond to you for me and mine, who, under God, breathe by your means. God give him means, as I believe he hath mind, to be truly thankful to Him and you. Grieve not yourself to hurt, for that cannot be recalled, let it be your comfort your own true worthiness has made you more happy though for the present less great. All wise and honest give you due commendation for your exceeding wisdom and temper in the carriage of this great cause. God, I doubt not, will bless you and yours for that and more, and I will remain, while I have breath, your true thankful friend.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602. Countess of Southampton to my master. Giving my Lord thanks for her son's life.” Fragment of seal. ¾ p. (97. 115.)
Sir John Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Three letters :—
1. If there be any use for me, either at the castle of Bristol or in our county of Gloucester, I offer my service. I am more bound to your Honour than to any man living, but I love you more for your exceeding care and industry for the good and peace of our commonweal than for the hope of any particular commodity for myself.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. 1 p. (97. 117.)
2. It is not long since I was a suitor unto you to be inserted in the commission of lieutenancy jointly with the Mayor of Bristol and with my Lord of Hereford; and now, whereas there are three lieutenants deputies appointed in Gloucestershire, whereof Sir Richard Barklye is one, whose place is within the division of my limitation, who being very often absent cannot so well further the service in that part of the country as is convenient; therefore might my service in this latter be added by your means to my former suit, I hold it requisite in the absence of my Lord of Herford that a gent of some rank be joined with the Mayor, for 200 well-disciplined soldiers, as you know, are more available in the field than 300 raw disorderly carried. The chiefest causes of my travel into the Low Countries were to make myself experienced to serve the Queen in my country and to await upon him whom I knew you loved.
Partly holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (97. 116.)
3. Because you have made no answer, I have presumed that I shall be bound unto you for your favour in moving the Queen on my behalf, desiring nothing but grace and credit among my neighbours, whereby I may be better able to serve her. May God increase your true honour to your everlasting comfort.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 119.)
Michael Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil, Principal Secretary.
1602. I trust my letter shall bring you no infection; if there were danger, or any suspicion, it should be far from me to venture your person : I was with my sister one day before the disease did appear when she was a sick woman in all extremity, and little hope either of physicians or any other about her of her life. I went from her about ten at night and went to another house to my bed. About five in the morning it appeared to be small pox. Word was brought me where I lay, since which time I never came near her nor near her chamber; so, as I hope I am free from infection, yet I will not see you until you send me word that you fear me not. It is now eight days since; neither do I desire to come near her Majesty's person until a full and wane be past. I shall spend some few days at Ansterton, then return to London.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 121.)
Michael Staynes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Upon Friday last I had set down a copy of a certain letter which was sent, as I was informed, to the Earl of Lincoln from the King of the Scots, the which I meant to deliver to her Majesty, yet in regard that I was once my Lord's servant, I wrote to one of my Lord his men that except his Lordship would call the parties whom I would nominate before some of the Council, that I myself would do it, and the next morning he sent two of his men to will me to send him my mind and his Lordship would make answer unto it, so I sealed up this note and sent it his Lordship, and since I have not heard any more concerning this matter, and hereupon I have brought your Honour the copy of the foresaid letter.
Unsigned. Undated. Addressed :—“The humble petition of Michael Staynes to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Cecil, knight.” Endorsed :—“1602.” (97. 122.)
[The Fellows of Merton College to Sir Robert Cecil.]
The case of Sir Turner.
1602. By reason of a disagreement between the Warden and the Fellows, the election was not finished, but put off; and thereby Sir Turner, with two more, though propounded, were not admitted. The proceeding was as followeth :—Six being deducted from twelve or fourteen competitors, of those the Warden propounded in the first place two of the best, and those were accepted of presently by the House. After these, he propounded first Sir Grinell, then Philipson, and last of all Sir Turner, omitting the sixth, which was one Sir Hill, a good scholar of the House and well liked of by most of the Fellows. The first two being, as I said, accepted, the other three were not simply rejected, but, as it were, put off till Sir Hill were propounded. But Mr. Warden, disliking to be indented withal, and refusing to propound Sir Hill, would not admit of any conditional allowal of the Fellows, but would have either a flat “Aye,” or “No.” Whereupon the Fellows, being denied to have him propounded whom they most affected, refused to give their voices to three other otherwise than with condition, which the Warden taketh for denial. And upon this dissension, the election was deferred. Now Mr. Warden being solicited again to propound Sir Turner the second time, a thing whereof there are many examples, is very loth to do it, alleging that he is simply denied, which is not so. For it appeareth now plainly by the confession of the electors themselves to divers other friends that, what with absolute and conditional voices, he had eight of thirteen, who with the Warden had been enough to have admitted him Fellow. Notwithstanding, he was proposed in the last place, and after a junior of his and no way eligible by his country, but by all the thirteen voices. Now if it would pleased Mr. Secretary once more to request Mr. Warden to propound Sir Turner single, as they call it in the first or second place, he will be without all controversy chosen, unless Mr. Warden counting this kind of requesting violence, will cross it out under hand.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sir Turner. 1602.” 1 p. (97. 126.)
Monsieur de St. Vittores to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Having written to you from Paris and given the letters to the Queen's agent, who assures me that he has addressed them to you, I will now be brief, merely begging you to honour me with a word in reply, and to give it to le seigneur Mattheu Rens.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” French. Seal. ¾ p. (97. 129.)
Mary, Lady Winfelde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Sir Edward Winfelde has enjoined me to attend you as a suitor in his behalf, but I trust your noble courtesy will let my unfitness for travel speak my excuse. I entreat you to peruse the copy of his letter to me enclosed. He hath appointed this bearer to attend your answer. Howsoever my hopes shall return, your former kindnesses have tied my prayer and service to your command.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 132a.)
The Enclosure :
Sir Edward Wingfelde to Lady Wingfelde.
My Lord President doth strive wherein he might advance me to my good; and hath laboured Mr. Secretary in my behalf, naming me to the government of the fort of Haylbolyn, a place that may be for my credit and profit. Therefore, good Mall, follow the noble Mr. Secretary with all attendance; believe me, he will not fail my distressed fortune now, whom he hath already pulled out of the jaws of devouring discontent. You shall do well to remember his Honour with some present. I know his noble courtesy can supply our weak ability; but of all, good Mall, let me entreat thee thy own self to be my solicitor.
Copy, in Lady Wingfield's hand. Undated. 1 p. (97. 132.)
James VI., King of Scotland, to the Queen.
[1602.] Two letters :—
1. Commencing : “Madame and dearest sister, upon the returne of the ansoure to the Frenche Ambassadoure.”
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 2¼ pp.
2. Commencing : “Madame, my dearest sister, Haveing the occasion to send this bearare my servant unto you.”
Holograph. Undated. Seal. 2 pp.
[Both printed in extenso, Camden Society's Publications, O.S. XLVI. pp. 151–154.]
[1602.] The writer represents that throughout her Majesty's reign, though the value of merchandise had increased since Queen Mary's time, the Customs had never increased, but had been collected by a book of rates made in Queen Mary's days, so that her Majesty's Customs hath been diminished in “these 44 years of her most happy reign” above half a million of pounds. Her Majesty may call in the old and false book of rates, and command that all her officers in the ports of England be sent for to London at Michaelmas, and give them order and warrant to collect her yearly Customs inward according to her laws and statutes, and that a new book of rates may be made. The Customs then shall be augmented yearly at least 20,000l. inwards; and when this is effected, “I trust to augment her Customs outwards as much more, and cross the great thieves that hath angels in their pockets to pardon their false deceits, where poor thieves hath no such means to help them though they steal but pins. The book that I have endured all these afflictions for was bound up in a parchment book, the cover gilt, with her Majesty's arms upon it, and dedicated to her Majesty, wherein was expressed the sale of offices by the Lady “Glen,” contrary the oath of Lo. T. and against the statutes of the realm. In this book were also the deceits in her Majesty's lands leased and sold, in the conveying of great ordnance, etc., in the sale of corn licences, in Customs inward and outward, in the Exchequer by clerks and informers, in the imposts of wine, the spoil in woods, forests, etc., the ruin of H.M. houses and forts, the putting out of good officers without conviction and the replacing them by bad persons, the persecuting of her Majesty's officers by maintenance by L. T. and his followers; and the supporting of suits and suborning of witnesses against the officers and subjects, with many more oppressions and disorders, all which offences were set down in the book, and the offenders was in great danger and to lose their offices, to be fined at her Majesty's pleasure and to be tried by the peers of the realm. This book was made ready in the Parliament time and delivered in trust to the Earl of Ox[ford], who promised to give it her Majesty, but it was detained until the Parliament ended, and then I was committed for that book and for uttering fifteen articles and points of high treason that Elston spoke before me and two more witnesses, and I did not conceal the same five hours, yet six weeks after that the same was revealed by me to Lo. T., was I committed and used worse than any traitor since her Majesty's reign, but it was done to cut me from my office and stop my mouth for the book which Lo. T. got from Ox[ford], with another book of proofs, and said he gave it to her Majesty, but I think never that book, but one of his own making, for the scrivener was conveyed and never seen since that he wrote it, and I suppose made a new one of a contrary mould. I was kept close prisoner and conjured for half a year “with sperytuall persons, lawers, cosens, brother and keper” to submit and confess I had offended the State in dealing against Lo. T., and that it touched her Majesty to have any of her Council dealt with, though they had offended in high matters. So I, not knowing what to do for want of advice, yielded to confess I had offended Lo. T. in uttering and writing six articles culled out of thirty-three that was in the book, which six was uttered to me by “those three wants their ears,” and they were authors and witnesses, but they were made deny all upon their oaths by indirect means, and to make me author of all; so I was forced to prove by four witnesses that they were authors thereof, whereby they committed perjury and ran in danger of law, whereby they lost their ears, I my credit and living, and Lo. T. escaped free from blame by Mr. Attorney's great help, wherein he used all his wits and his friends to aid him. Lord T. promised some of my friends and my keeper that if I would keep my tongue against Lo. T. his son Ro., daughter Glen, and his servants, I should endure no shame, loss of blood, and be restored to my former estate or better; but I and my friends are made fools therein. There was never in this kingdom the like plotting that was in preventing this matter of the book, lest all deceits would have burst out. The practices would contain a volume, the murmur of the people is great herein, and Lo. T., his son, daughter and servants are odious to the most part of the kingdom that are Protestants, and Mr. Attorney is holden to be a second Cardinal Wolsey and gapes at great matters. It is generally said that the Papists and lawyers in England have gotten all the gold and much money, that the Lo. T., Sir Henry Glenham and others their friends will set up Popery and bring in the Infant. All true-hearted subjects quake for fear. There are many foul presumptions to make men believe the same, and all things are hid from her Majesty. God knows the event! A gentleman that was in great favour about Lo. T. asked him why he dealt so hardly with her Majesty's officers, servants and tenants, saying if her Majesty knew she would be angry. He answered again, her anger was but for a brunt and he could please her with a gift or matter of small moment. “Phillips his secretary” told me if her Majesty would hear him he would open matters against “Lo. T. his son” and daughter that would break all their necks. Sir Henry Glenham, “Cormyck,” my Lord Steward and others called me bloodsucker and persecutor for apprehending Boost and other traitors, and that I was not worthy to have my office. Montague lodgings doth harbour Blackwell, arch prelate, and a number of Jesuits and seminaries, and none dare meddle or speak of any sanctuary that belongs [to] him L. T. or his, but people grieves in heart. I trust to see her Majesty overlive the Popish Queen and the [“puritan,” crossed out and altered to] Arbelle Queen, that are in nomination. Pray her Majesty for good cause to look unto all matters. Her revenue is above 60,000l. yearly hindered, but this is death to tell Lo. T. or Mr. Attorney.
Unsigned. Undated. 5 pp. (139. 97–99.)
Dr. Oxenbridge.
1602. Paper endorsed “A submission of Doctor Oxenbridg in Cambridge, 1602.” A comprehensive oath of allegiance to the Queen, with reference to the Pope's action, etc.
1 p. (139. 144.)
1602.—Verses beginning :—“ Now we have present made To Cynthya, Phebe, Flora.”
Verses ending :—“ But love and woe's expence, Sorrow can only write.”
1 p. Endorsed :—“1602.” (140. 132.)
Henry Saunder to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601 or 1602.] Is Cecil's prisoner. The matters charged against him are his going into Scotland, and afterwards into Spain. The cause of his going to Scotland was the disgrace offered him in England by Lady Glemham and the Lord Tre[asurer], and other difficulties. His journey into Spain was to apprehend a goldsmith's son, Daniel Wright, who had robbed him at Rochelle of nearly 400 French crowns. He admits his error, and trusts Cecil will think that his grievous losses, want, misery, together with the punishment he now sustains, are a sufficient satisfaction for his offence.
He details his travels at great length. At Newcastle he was apprehended on a charge of being newly come from Germany, and of having been sent there by the King of Scots to provide him with 500 coat armours, but for want of proof was set at large. At Edinburgh, Cecil's letters came to the agent to order his departure thence, whereupon he went to France, and was despoiled by Wright as above stated. Believing Wright to have gone to Spain, he went to St. John de Luce, whence Pope wrote to Cecil the intelligence of his passing to St. Sebastian. His intention then was to pass himself for a Scotsman, and to go to the Duchess of Feria, believing that for the natural affection she had toward her nation she would give him her protection; but this determination he altered, being perceived to be English by certain Scotsmen at St. Sebastian. Being carried before the Governor there, he pretended that he had secret business with his Majesty, that could only be imparted by word of mouth. The Governor, deceived thereby, then bade him put on his hat, called for a chair for him, and for wine and drank to him, questioned him on many matters, and among others what he thought of the peace. He replied that he doubted not but in three months it should be fully concluded. The Governor then signed his testimonio, and sent two officers to attend him to his lodgings, who for honour's sake went before him with white staves. Continuing his journey, at Valladolid his money failed him, and he went to the English College there to raise some on a diamond ring, on which 200 rialls were lent him. The Jesuit who procured him the money said he was not well advised to go to Spain without recommendation, and not being reconciled; nevertheless he would do him what furtherance he could, “although,” said he “the gentlemen of England report they have no greater enemies when they come abroad than the Jesuits.” This Jesuit said his name was Heiton, and desired Saunder to carry a letter for him to Thomas Fitzherbert at Madrid, which he did. He opened the letter on his way, and found his name not to be Heiton but Blackfan. In the letter Blackfan said that he had received letters lately out of England whereby he conceived great hope of toleration in religion. He delivered the letter to Fitzherbert, who was very suspicious of him, thinking him a spy let slip by Cecil. But on hearing his story he changed his mind, and promised to help him out of Spain again, and if Wright that robbed him could be heard of, the knave should row in the galleys seven years. During his abode there, Fitzherbert told him he had 40 crowns a month from the King for his services in many matters, but chiefly for decyphering and interpreting intercepted letters. Fitzherbert enquired as to Edward Squire's execution, and whether he had seen the book of Squire's treason, written by Mr. Bacon to his Padoan friend, saying, “They did the poor man mighty wrong, and me, too, amongst others.” Fitzherbert then showed him a book of his own penning, his apology and answer to the Padoan letter, and denied any conference between himself and Standley, as stated in that letter, and said that if the Queen might live till he sent any to kill her, or consented to the killing of her, she should live long enough. He read his whole book to him, which is written with great wit and judgment; but very bitter, especially against Mr. Cooke the Attorney General; however, at Saunder's persuasion he razed one thing out which would have been very scandalous to Mr. Attorney himself, and very dishonourable to my Lady his wife. Cecil was mentioned in the book, but nothing to his praise. Fitzherbert said he stayed the printing of his book till he saw whether they were good to the Catholics or not; but Saunder believed it was already committed to the press. Cresswell, the Jesuit, was not at Madrid, but was returned to Valladolid; they met on the way, but neither knew the other. In the end, he had to go before the Inquisitors, before whom he was half an hour on his knees. They told him the nature of the Inquisition was not to proceed against those that never were received into the Church, but against those who had been once in the Church, but had fallen off again. To get out of their hands he was glad to say even what they would have him. Father Anthony Hoskins, a courteous, friendly and temperate man, had persuaded him to go to the Inquisitors, but “will I nill I” there was no remedy. Being still in danger from the State, as having no one to undertake for him, he made haste to be gone, first taking leave of her Grace of Feria, who relieved his present wants. At his return to Valladolid to redeem his ring, he there found Cresswell the Jesuit, a lordly priest, who by reason of his great grace with the King is unmeasurably proud and stately; a man shall sooner come to speech of the Adelantado than of him. Following up the traces of Wright, he went to Paris, where he met Dr. Cecill, a man generally distrusted and suspected of the Catholics, “the rather for his name. If I were as he, I would turn Protestant sure, for there is never a Catholic on that side the seas that dare trust him.” Speaking of the peace afoot, Dr. Cecill said, “It will cut all our throats,” meaning the Catholics of that side the seas. He then went to Lorraine, where there was no staying for him, by reason that Englishmen were nothing gracious there, because Madame de Bar, the King's sister and wife to the Duke's son, will not go to Mass, but continues a Protestant in despite of Duke, husband and all. Therefore Englishmen are not welcome there, because they carry the name of Protestants. In Lorraine he met Orton, a banished man who lives there, a lewd fellow, with a rancorous heart to his prince and country. Thence he went to Juliers, where the Duke was little better than stark mad. The Duchess being a stranger newly come out of Lorraine, was not as yet in peaceable possession of the State. Returning to England, he was again spoiled between Tienen and Lovaine, and at the latter place he met a priest, Father Fen There is not on that side the seas a ranker traitor to his prince and country, without religion, conscience or honesty. Thence he went to Brussels, where was the Earl of Westmorland. He saw him not, but saw his daughter, and David Ingleby her husband, “all as beggarly as brown paper.” The Earl was not at the late conflict where the Archduke had the worse, and all the English captains on Albertus' side lost their lives; that is, such as had then charge; for Sir William Standley had resigned his regiment to Colonel Bostock, that then was slain. Ingleby said the Earl was absent from the battle only for want of money to furnish him out. At St. Omers, the Governor had him carried to the English College, to be sifted whether he was an Englishman or a Scotsman; there he fortunately found a priest named Keynes who had been sometime secretary to the Lord Lumley, who, having known him before, found means to shift him out of the town. On arriving in London he kept close a few days till he had apprehended Wright, after which he presented himself to Cecil, and now lies at his command.
Holograph. Undated. Addressed :—“To Sir Robert Cecil, principal secretary to her Majesty and Master of the Court of Wards.” Endorsed :—“Mr. Henry Sanders,” and “1586.” 3 pp. (142. 158–160.)
The Prize Carracks.
1602. i. Inventory of the cargo of the two Spanish ships, San Salvador and San Juan, that arrived at Lixboa in August, 1602 : consisting of ginger, dry and preserved, camphor, wax, amber, rope, &c.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Carick goodds. 1602.” Spanish. 1 p. (95. 56.)
ii. Notes by Cecil of the price [obtained by the sale?] of the above.
19d. wet pepper : gumlacke, 10l. a cwt. : wax, 7l. a 100 : catoshes, 8s. : green ginger, 6l. 100 : raw silk, 30s. [the] little pound : low sort, 14s.
Endorsed :—“Carick. 1602.” ½ p. (95. 57.)
The Family of the Earl of Derby.
1602. 1. The demands of the young ladies, heirs general of Edward, Earl of Derby, to be performed by the Earl of Derby.
Endorsed :—“1602.” (2468.)
2. “Particulars of the agreement.” The widow Countess is to have 2,000l. for maintenance of her daughters. The daughters to have 8,000l., which the present Earl owes them, and are further to have, for their title to the earldom, 11,200l. which is to be paid to Lord Anderson for his lands in Middlesex, near Colham, 1,200l. for their title to the lands sold by the present Earl, the reversion of Colham after the death of their mother, and the reversion of Evensham after the death of Mr. Edward Stanley. As to the disposition of those properties in certain contingencies. Colham was Lord Strange's, and came by the marriage of Johan Lady Strange with Stanley. Evensham was the site of an abbey near Oxon. Arrangements as to the Shropshire lands. Particulars of the Earl's income. Undated.
p. (98. 79.)
[1602.]—Desires a survey of all those necessaries, which have not been repaired these many years, only 20l. this last summer my Lord disbursed :—
Kitchen.—There is such great want as we must either borrow or hire, as now we do, or else there must be an increase both for the house here and in the country.
Pantry.—There needs spoons a dozen or two, two spout pots of silver for wine and beer, two or three silver bowls, a bason and ewer, two candlesticks of silver, silver plates and other things.
Wardrobe.—Tablecloths, napkins, towels, sheets, pillow-bears of all sorts, both coarse and fine. Especially, if I go into the country, it will require the greater increase, and so likewise of bedding, hangings, chairs, stools, and such-like.
Stable.—There is but one coach, and that is both old and very ill-favoured, so there is need of a new coach and furniture. If I go into the country, I have not a saddle for myself to ride on, but as I borrow; for my daughter, now she hath a horse given her, yet hath she neither saddle for herself nor her woman. Neither is there saddles nor furniture for the men when they ride, but what is hired or borrowed. All these things have been valued at some 500 marks or above for an earl's house, and after the meanest rate it will come to above 200l. And for the rent of a house in the country, for which my Lord offers 30l. a year, I desire to know if I shall enter at our Ladyday next, and so to make provision there till it be near Michaelmas. In the meantime, to make provision at the best of the year in the London house for winter, it should be known whether I continue in this house I am in or where I shall have some other house provided. I mean to leave most of my wardrobe here, and then I may have lodging ready at any time of my coming up, if I should be commanded to attend her Majesty. I desire I may not be to seek of this, as aforetime I have been, and had been still, had not my Lady of Darbie, out of her kindness to my Lord, made him her executor, and so left him this house.
Endorsed :—“To Sir Drew Drewry and Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower.” Unsigned. 2 pp. (185. 89.)
Monsieur Beaumont, French Ambassador, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] Monsieur, suivant vostre desir, je vous env[oye] par escrit le contenu de ce que je proposai laultre jour a Messieurs du Conseil de sa Mate Serme. Vous me feres faveur de le leur monstre[r] et de m'en moienner leur response, avec quel[que] satisfaction, qui puisse contenter le Roy mon maistre. Car aultrement je [subieroi] de la brouillerie laquelle je serai tousiours aussi desir[eux] dempescher comme jalous et passioné a conserver la bonne intelligence de ses (sic) deux couronnes. V[ous] conjurant par vostre prudence et bonne voulonte en cest endroit d'aider à mon intention et me vouloir continuer vostre amitie.
Holograph. Undated. Damaged. 1 p. (185. 90.)
Four letters from Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. (1.) Forasmuch as I perceive that your friend is willing to redeem his former faults by some visible argument of his repentance and future loyalty, I wish you to make him this answer. Whosover observeth the clemency of her Majesty's nature need not doubt but she that hath pardoned great offences merely out of mercy, will pardon this, after service done, for which let him take my word, which I would not give, if I knew not so much of her Majesty's mind, but if he think the fair promises to procure either grace or maintenance till he have it by effects, he must use some other means than myself. For which, if it be true that he is employed into Spain by the enemy, I would have him hold on his journey, and if he can, during his abode there, write back to you by the way of St. Malo, or to any other place that you two shall find most commodious, from whence I may receive it without his peril, by which letters I may find that he doth advertise me the truth of all proceedings of the King of Spain for Ireland, so as her Majesty may the better judge of his purposes before they be put in execution, I will make over some money to you, if you can convey to him, for his maintenance. But I will not do that before I see that his letters carry truth, otherwise, if he do not write, for fear of intercepting, let him make an escape hither with certain news of their purpose. If that prove true he shall—[MS. ends.]
Endorsed :—“Mynute 1602.” Draft. 2½ pp. (185. 91, 92.)
(2.) I have understood by this bearer, that you have so far respected him, being an old tenant, as not to suffer a mere stranger, set on to disgrace him, to carry that over his head, which he hath long enjoyed. I do not now send unto you to move you in her Majesty's prejudice, if you think that all other tenants have been no worse dealt with, but only now to let you see what a strange demand of charges besides is made by this party, whose cunning coming by it, if all be true that I have heard, deserveth punishment. For the ordering of your man's bills, Mr. Chancellor, I refer myself particularly to you, who promised me he should be no gainer by this, as he should be no loser, and for the matter Mr. Skynner doth desire that his interest may rather come from the Queen immediately, than by any such second hand, whose estate may be subject to those inconveniences, whereof he may be ignorant. I desire you not to misinterpret my often dealing in this matter, seeing I take it myself bounden as long as I have any means to keep my father's old friends from disgrace or injury.
Endorsed :—“1602. Mynute for Mr. Skynner.” Draft. 2 pp. (185. 93.)
(3.) To Sir Arthur Savage. If you have cause to doubt my favour, tell me why you do so, for it is the fashion I like, and to such a question, I will make you an honest answer, fit for my profession, which is neither to flatter nor do injury. If you cannot tell why you doubt me, you will not like my answer, for to surmises I am dumb. If it be because I would not, in your particular, cross my L. of Cumberland, then I answer, that you must ever look for a great difference when your particulars are in balance.
And for the Q[ueen]'s message to you, wherein you note contrarieties, it may well be, for princes change answers upon new informations, but if you will believe me, I rather think your means deceive you, as all will do whom you bind only with those bonds which you have done them that, I think, last spoke for you. But to be short, know this, if any have told you, that I have spleen to you, if you will ask me, you shall hear what is true : which peradventure some such do. But they that willingly suspect me only out of caprices, will be deceived if they look for much satisfaction, for I look for grounds of a question, when I mean to answer, and if that fail, then look to have me but as I am used, only remember backward in your former times and you shall find you have been beholden to many others much less than to me. Ro : Cecyll.
Endorsed :—“1602. To Sir Arthur Savage. Minute of expostulation.” Holograph. Draft. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 94.) [See p. 539.]
(4.) My honourable good Lord, I am informed that Mr. Clerke had a grant from your grandfather of the stewardship of the manor of Harrow, in Middlesex, for term of his life, which he exercised for 24 years. Since your grandfather's death, he is put from the exercise thereof. He hath made suit to me to entreat your Lordship to be his good Lord, alleging his grant to be such, as it is not to be impeached during your minority in respect of her Majesty's possession. Wherefore, as he is an old officer, it may please you that his case be considered of by some man of learning, and if he have right, that he may enjoy the office.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Clerke, draught of a lre.” Undated. ½ p. (185. 98.)
George [Clifford,] Earl of Cumberland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602.] I heartily thank you for the news of the galleys' overthrow, which is more pleasing to me for the good which I hope will grow out of this fortune than for the service itself, though it be a very great one. Her Majesty will clearly see by this year's success how easily the great eagle's feathers may be pulled, if their counsels be followed who only respect herself and the general good. I have had this summer a miserable fortune, so to lame my right arm with the fall of a horse as I fear I shall never [have] the perfect use of it, and sure I am it will not [be] possible for me to run at tilt, so that if you could get me this year freed, I were very happy, for my business here are much more tedious than I expected, and I leave the weightiest of them unfinished if now I come away; but I pray you, if the motion will be anyway ill-taken, forbear it. Her Majesty's contentment shall ever be my chiefest study, as, when this country business (which I hope will make me a free man, though with sale of some land) are ended, my daily courses shall clearly manifest.
Holograph. Undated. 2 pp. (185. 101.)
John Fosar (?) to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[?I602.] I have been in many places about London, to inquire for that Spaniard which came from Dunkerke, but as yet I cannot find him. He hath been in London twenty days, and the Spaniard who first told me of this, is Capt. Coupare's prisoner, and doth lie in his house in Feter Laan in company of one Miranda his master.
Holograph. 1 p. (185. 103.)
John Herbert, Secretary of State, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602] According to your desire, I have written to the Chapter in that manner and form as you prescribed, saving in some few formalities between them and me. So have I to the Bishop, according to her Majesty's commandment, who expecteth a speedy resolution in that her demand. I have in like manner written to the two Bisses and to D. Langworth, three who chiefly leadeth our Chapter, and with whom I ought to prevail, for I have pleasured them and their friends sundry ways.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (185. 105.)
John Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Vouchsafe me the favour to be a mean to her Majesty, that I may alienate and set over the place of the Keepership of her Majesty's store of the office of the ordnance to some such one as shall be held by your Honour and my Lord Treasurer to be sufficient for the discharge of the same.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (185. 106.)
John [Thornborough,] Bishop of Limerick, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Before my going hence, I thought it meet once again to conjure Udall not to abuse me his best friend in the report of this mine. But first, I gave him the 20 marks and promised that I would keep his counsel, enforcing withal that myself, in his case, would rack my wits to the highest strain to purchase liberty. Whereupon he brake forth into these speeches. Besides all (said he) that is written and spoken for confirmation of truth herein, I will tell a secret, so you will promise silence. Within these very few days, he said, one Standish, a priest, well-acquainted with this mine, sent letters (which I saw) to Spinola, and she that brought them was a widow, by name Mrs. Barton, a Catholic, daughter to old D. Barnes of Oxford. The contents of which letter were, that now within these four days the said Standish was to go over seas into the Low Countries, and therefore required him to write to Frederick Spinola, captain over the galleys, or Marquis Spinola, leader over 14,000, to send over some one cunning refiner, who secretly might have of the ore, and refine much gold to be coined, and that Banks the priest was to be entrusted therewith. Which letter Spinola hath answered accordingly, and Standish goeth within four days. I find it an hell to deal with these men, for if I ask many questions, they are nice of answers, and a man must take hold of what themselves speak, and oftentimes their own tongues make them fall.—From my lodging round the Wolstaple, Westminster.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 107.
Sir Turlagh O'Brien to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. A suit for favour to his distressed estate, and enclosing a collection of certain services of state performed by him.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ½ p. (185. 109.)
Enclosed :—Statement above referred to. 1½ pp. (185. 110.)
Another letter to the same effect.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 111.)
Sir Thomas Shirley.
1602. The merchants of London trading with the Signorie of Venice and the dominions of the Grand Signor. Pray that whereas Sir Thomas Shurley, knt., is gone to sea with two ships of war and a pinnace, which lately arrived at Lighorne, in the dominions of the Duke of Florence, and hath been by him supplied with fresh men and victuals to go in the archipelago and Turkish coasts, to spoil the galleys, shipping and subjects of the Grand Signor, whereupon will follow the overthrow of all English intercourse in the dominions of Turkey, and the loss of estates and goods belonging to the factors resident there; it may please their Lordships to advise of some course to prevent the common danger that this private attempt may bring upon the whole nation.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (185. 114.)
Sir Edward Wotton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Even now I received the enclosed from my brother, which I the rather send you to read, because it makes some mention of Sir Tho. Sherley. For the discourse of Savoy, I hold it to be idle. When you have read it, it may please you to return it me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 116.)
Christopher Willughbye to —.
(1602.)—Begs him to recommend his cause to Mr. Secretary, for employment in the Straights, whereby he might the better effect his own business.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (214. 41.)
1602. Objections against Morgan Williams, one of the bailiffs, and Roger Spencer, Recorder of the Dowager Countess of Pembroke's Town of Cardiff. Details of their dangerous practice of innovation of Court; the contempt with which they have received the Earl's letters; and violences committed : the walls under the castle having been pulled down, the locks of her Ladyship's private walks torn off, her men arrested, and her household servants beaten in at her gates, sore wounded.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (2301.)
Mary Barker.
1602. Draft warrant to Thomas Wingfield, Feodary of Suffolk, ordering the payment of a sum of money (unspecified) to Henry Bright, towards the maintenance of Mary Barker, daughter and heir of Richard Barker, of Suffolk, out of the revenues of the ward's Estate. 1602.
1 p. (2178.)
1602.—Note as to the properties of Francis and Andrew Kettelsby, and terms of agreement.
In Ralegh's hand. Endorsed :—“1602.” (2237a.)
Cuthbert Pepper and Thomas Hesketh to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Dec. Report as to the wardship of Gardiner, which the Lord Treasurer desires to have assigned to him by Sir John Fortescue.
Endorsed :—“Dec. 1602.” 1 p. (2462.)
Court of Wards.
1602. Monies paid out of the Court of Wards into the Exchequer. 1602.
½ p. (2465.)
Petitions to the Queen or her Privy Council.
[?1602.] Lady Wentworth. Since the decease of her husband, almost eight years ago, has brought up her son Lord Wentworth at her own charges. Prays that his wardship may be granted to her, Lady Cheyne his aunt, Sir John Fortescue his uncle, and Edmund Pooley his near kinsman.
Note signed by J. Stanhope, that the Queen refers the petition to the Master of the Court of Wards. 1 p. Undated. (p. 177.)
1602.—Tobie Glanfeild is imprisoned at the suit of M. de Surdeac, Governor of Brest, for taking a ship wherein was Don Martyn, a Spaniard, who was prisoner to Surdeac for his ransom. Prays the Queen to satisfy Surdeac out of the money remaining in her hands.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (p. 516.)
1602.—Francis Kettleby. The manors of Over and Nether Suddington, Gloucester, were assured to him by his kinsman Andrew Kettleby, in consideration of money lent. Andrew's second wife has now procured him to suffer a recovery of his lands, and to settle the inheritance thereof in her and her heirs, contrary to the assurance. The case was heard in Chancery, but he could not be relieved, by reason of the said recovery. Prays relief in Parliament.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1970.)
1602.—The Ladies, sisters to the late Earl of Desmond. For permanent maintenance.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1165.)
1602.—John Saunders, mariner of Rye.—Details his complaints against Nicholas Berry, a Frenchman, and prays that Berry and his wife, now in London, be stayed and ordered to perform their promise made before Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1685.)
Petitions, etc., to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602. Mary Points, widow of George Gilpin, her Majesty's late agent and councillor in the Council of State of the United Provinces. By reason of the mean estate wherein her husband hath left her, with a charge of four children, and her own sickness, she is enforced to become a suitor for relief, because her husband's entertainment, even when he received it fully, was spent in maintaining a state according to the quality of his place. She purposes to beseech her Majesty to grant that the other half of three years' entertainment remaining unpaid, with a further consideration for her husband's long and loyal service, may be allowed unto her, either here out of the Exchequer, or else out of that wherein the States are indebted to her Highness.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1602.” 2 pp. (185. 112.)
1602.—Richard Wakeman, on behalf of his brother, John Wakeman, Barbary merchant. His brother was employed by the Emperor of Morocco to buy certain goods of English men-of-war there, but part of the goods have been claimed in England by certain Frenchmen. Letters from the Emperor to the Queen are sent with the petition certifying his brother's employment. Prays that the letters be delivered, and that the Court of Admiralty may take notice of them, and his brother dismissed from the Court.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (155.)
1602.—Walter St. Michell, Baron of Reeban, in the county of Kildare, asking for private audience on some special matters concerning the Queen's service in Ireland.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (204.)
1602.—David Edwards, plumber. For the Sergeant Plumber's place, fallen void by the death of Sergeant Kyddy.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (207.)
1602.—James Carre, Scotch merchant. Brought linen cloths from Berwick to Newcastle, and paid all the customs at Berwick, but the Searcher of Newcastle takes exceptions as to the measure, &c. Prays for the Lord Treasurer's order that his cloth be delivered to him.
Note by Cecil referring petitioner to the Lord Treasurer Endorsed :—“1602.” Undated. 1 p. (230.)
1602.—Augustine Novey, for the farmership for the receipt of reprisal goods, paying ready money and adding 10l. per 100l.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (231.)
1602.—Anthonie Brokenbury, praying him to cause Francis Brokenbury his near kinsman to pay him a share of his deceased uncle's property, according to the testator's intention.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (344.)
1602.—Captain Anthony Crompton, defending himself against charges in connexion with his Irish company.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (345.)
1602.—The Same. For allowance for his services in bringing letters, and at the siege of Ostend.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (1470.)
1602.—Francis Jobsonne, presenting “the description of the province of Connaught.”
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (363.)
1602.—Peter Penkevell for release from the Marshalsea.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (366.)
1602.—William Conradus, schoolmaster. The cause between Champantie, Hare and him has been decided by Mr. Windebank and Mr. Lakes, but Hare refuses to seal the book of agreement. Prays Cecil to order perusal of the book : is content to abide reformation of any defect found in it.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (397.)
1602.—James Beverley. His late brother's wife has resolved never to re-marry unless she be released from the clause in her husband's will requiring her to yield possession on re-marriage of his late house and lands. Cecil has, at the suit of Mr. Ellis Rothwell her suitor, written to him for his assent to this. Gives his reasons for refusing.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (398.)
1602.—Robert Lang.—Of his imprisonment and impoverishment. Begs for 50s. or 3l. to buy apparrel.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (681.)
1602.—Thomas Fennel. For redress of injuries suffered at the hands of Mr. Trafford and his followers.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ¼ p. (708.)
1602.—Lawrence Lyster. For the revival of his former pension, which he resigned on going into Ireland for the Queen's service.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (873.)
1602.—John Richardson. Humphrey Hughes, who has corruptly abused his place in the commission of the peace, labours to obtain the Sherivalty of Merionethshire. Prays that choice may be made of an honest substantial Sheriff.—1602.
1 p. (999.)
1602.—Captain Ellis Flud. Holds a company at Loughfoyle. Prays for payment of 325l.7s.d. due to him, and for recompence for his military services.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1278.)
1602.—John Sosar. His services in Spain and Portugal, and as Spanish and Portuguese interpreter in the Admiralty Court, and in other matters. If granted a yearly allowance, he will translate and collect matters out of such documents as shall be taken at the seas by any English men of war, whereby there will be great benefit in discovering of “coloured” goods.
Endorsed :“1602.” 1 p. (1287.)
1602.—John Skynner. His sufferings through her Majesty's disgrace. Thanks them for “thus much good” granted him. Prays for compassion. His wife will inform them of his state, and “about Burlyes accusations such as concern not her Highness.”
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1308.)
[1602.]—William Duck, keeper of the Queen's Game. Looking to the game about Richmond, he met with the Earl of Derby, to whom he spoke touching the spoiling of the game, with certain partridge takers that follow the Court, and his setting dog, and himself in person. The Earl said in a great fury that it was true, and that he would take partridge again in despite of any noblemen in England, and threatened to run his rapier through him. Prays Cecil to take order therein.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1310.)
1602.—Thomas Bridges, John Chamberlain and William Eaton, prisoners in the Gatehouse. Are provided with sureties, and pray that their bonds be taken, and they set at liberty.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (1314.)
1602.—Edmond Birne. His services in Spain and Ireland. For letters to the Council of Ireland to continue his pay of Skout Master during life, or other relief.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1317.)
1602.—Anne White.—Has borrowed 300l. for the delivery of her son-in-law Adler Welby from prison. Prays Cecil to hear the suit of Tho. Morrant and Tho. Moore, who upon the effecting of their suit, have given security for her debt.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (1400.)
1602.—John Baxter. Details his legal and other services to the late William Bassett, in Derbyshire and Staffordshire. His services in the discovery of Bassett's tenures for the Queen. Prays for a portion out of Bassett's living for his maintenance during the minority of the ward. Appends genealogy of the Bassett family, and descent of their lands.
Endorsed :—“1602.” I p. (1523.)
1602.—Edmund Stanhawe, minister within the diocese of Norwich. Obtained a presentation from the late Lord Willoughby, who granted the advowson of the united churches of Whitaker, Burrowes and Peter, Norfolk, to Thomas Gavell, at the request of Sir Philip Sidney, to whom Gavell was near allied. The advowson is now called in question in the Court of Wards. Makes various alternative requests.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (1657.)
1602.—Christopher Salmon. Hugh Cuffe was arrested for a debt due to him, but at the request of Mr. Walter Cope, who promised to see him satisfied, Cuffe was set at liberty, and has gone to Ireland. Mr. Cope neglects the course he promised to take for the debt. Prays Cecil to take some course for his satisfaction.
Endorsed :—“1602.” (1716.)
1602.—Thomas Pytt, Chamberlain of Bristol. Complains that James Langton and John Smith maliciously nominate him and his son to be parties to a great riot, to be tried in the Star Chamber. Prays that by Cecil's means the depth of their cause may be duly considered for their defence. Appends brief of the cause, which relates to the endeavours of Langton to thrust one Pykes from possession of the manor of Knowle, near Bristol.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 2 pp. (1826.)
1602.—Edward Rye. His services to and dealings with Lord Darcy. Particulars of leases granted to him by Darcy, and of the conditions he is prepared to assent to in respect to them.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 2 pp. (1972.)