Cecil Papers: January 1603, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp581-607 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp581-607.

"Cecil Papers: January 1603, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp581-607.

January 1603, 1–15

Sir Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 1. Two letters :—
1. Enclosing a new year's gift. “Towards the garnishing of your new house, I humbly desire leave to add this poor implement; but for the retaining of your wonted favour, I present you with nothing but my dutiful affection.”
Undated. Endorsed :—“1602, 1 January.” Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 20.)
2. I was sorry my man troubled you in so unseasonable an hour, but I charged him to take the latest time that conveniently he could, because I would not have him pester your rooms with such a fardel when company was with you. I did also presume to use my man's hand in writing my letter, because our serving creatures, who are apt to be tattling in all their master's matters, should the better know how unpleasing it is to your humour to be thought pleased with presents. As my words imported, my particular thought varied not from the general opinion of the world, wherein you exchange gain for glory and servile bribery for free power, but I took that course not doubting that the common custom and usual compliment of the time would have privileged a poor friend to send you a fancy that I could no way better, bestow. The stuff, I confess, was given me, and being no way fit for the attiring my declining years or my lowly mansions, I did resolve to employ it to some household furniture and then to give it where I loved. A fitter place than your new house I know none, where it may sort with some, though hardly second many, of your delicacies; and a friend that I have more cause to honour than yourself, I know not where he dwells; but if I affected not the person, I would never fawn on the purple, for I have known others right powerful that neither for hope nor fear I ever flattered or followed; but the assurance of your favour I have long desired and even to my power deserved; and though I have sometimes had mutinous conceits, either out of just discontent or some presumptions, yet my heart and faith never revolted. Thus having at the beginning of the new year confessed, I will desire you to make a better interpretation and acceptance of my present. I have, besides, a hanging garnished with your own coats, which I had 'ere this sent to you but that I knew your puritan humour would take offence at the shadow of a gift, and yet you shall do better to take the use of your own armouries in your own house, than to suffer the moths to eat them in another man's chest. Rather than fail of my desire, I will barter them with you for some other toys.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. Endorsed :—“1602.” And by Cecil, “Concerning a present.” (91. 48.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 1. By a letter from Mr. Harres, Mr. Mayor, and myself, is certified our proceedings in the commission concerning the four ships brought into this harbour by Captain Trevor. Three of them are bound for Lisbon. If it is thought fit to make prize of their corn and powder, a great part of the corn may be better sold in these western parts than in any other place of this land.
Mr. Vice-Admiral showed me a letter from the Lord Admiral and your Honour for sending up the goods sequestrated for the Italian. I would know your pleasure as to the twentieth part for custom.—Plymouth, first of January, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 19.)
The letter referred to in the preceding, relative to four flyboats from Hamburg and Dantzic brought into Plymouth by Captain Sackvill Trevor.—1 Jan., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (91. 21.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 2. After my letter was sealed, I had cause to observe the meeting of all these gentlemen almost at one instant, about Hardwicke, being of several countries and seldom here of many years before :—Mr. Fulgeam and Mr. Hacker, out of Nottinghamshire; Mr. Pott, out of Devonshire; Mr. Humfreson, out of Shropshire; Mr. Henry Cavendish, out of Staffordshire; Mr. Stapleton, out of Yorkshire.—2 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 22.)
Lamoral, Count d'Egmont, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 2. Thanking Cecil for the letters of recommendation given to him by the Queen and Cecil. He has sent them on to Holland to the Baron de Solliers to make use of in the first assembly with the assistance of Mr. Gilpin, so that the matter may be brought to a good conclusion; the bearer will explain to Cecil why he has been detained himself.—London, 2 Jan., 1602.
French. Signed. 1 p. (91. 23.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 2. Things done by necessity carry in themselves their proper excuse, which now you must admit for my unwilling absence. I am prisoner under two cruel gaolers, podagra and melancholia. The one fetters my feet : the other oppresses my heart. For the one, I hope within few days to have some ease. For the other, I despair of relief, until I may hear a sweet heavenly voice say unto me, Valeant amara ista. Eat melancholia ad Tartaros.—2 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 24.)
Julius Cæsar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 2. I have made a true answer to the French complaints and propositions; and have set down in another paper reasons enough to satisfy a reasonable ambassador that it is not meet for her Majesty to consent that French ships shall go unvisited, as he requires. I would willingly bring my first draughts to your Honour, that I may amend what is amiss.—St. Catherines, 2 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 26.)
Lady Arabella Stuart.
(1.)—1602/3, Jan. 2. John Daudridge's Confession.—About three weeks afore Christmas, as I guess, my Lady Arbella asked me, if I would go a little way for her, and I answered, I would do the best I could; so she rested for that time. Not long after, she told me I must go a hundred miles for her : I made answer, that I durst not, for fear of my Lady's displeasure and endangering the loss of my service. She said to me that if I did, I should not need to care, for I should find friends, whereupon I granted that I would go. Then she told me that I must go to a place called Amsbury, in Wiltshire, and deliver a message to one Mr. Kirton, my Lord of Heriforde's solicitor of his causes; the effect of the message, as far as I can remember, is as followeth : Mr. Kirton. You are my Lo. of H. ancient and faithful servant and reputed to be a discreet and honest man, your son married a child of Sir William Cavendish's, and I am a well willer to some of his, and am sent to you by some of good worth to let you understand that about that time when you went into Wales to lease your Lord's land there, for so I understood it, his Lordship commanded you to speak to Mr. Owen Theoder to move my Lady of Shrewsbury about a marriage betwixt his Lordship's grandchild, the Lord Beauchamp's eldest son, and the Lady Arb. So that if his Lordship be desirous of the same still, he must take some other course, for my Lady her grandmother would not seem to deal in it without the Queen's knowledge, and, as my Lady Arbella told me, my Lady Shrewsbury bade Mr. Owen return answer again to my Lord that he durst not move my Lady in the matter. This is the effect of it as it was first delivered to me, which was afterwards called in again, for I was very unwilling to go without leave, though my Lady Ar. was desirous that I should, and therefore requested one of my Lady's gentlewomen to get leave of my Lady for me to go into the country to see my friends, who when she had moved her Honour in my suit, it would not be granted. My Lady said to me that I had gone five or six times within this little while as all that waited can testify. So that when my Lady Ar. understood what course I had taken, she seemed not to employ me in the matter, and yet she thanked me for it for that I was willing to do my good will, and told me that she would get one Mr. Starkey, but I am not sure whether she writ to him or not, yet I gather by a note which was sent to one of her gentlewomen, called Mrs. Sherland, that he should have come to Hardwick, or some place thereabouts, to receive money in the country which before was appointed to be paid at London. I know that the note was of his handwriting and yet his name not set down in it. The effect of his note was that she should receive a silver fire shovel (“shoule”); the weight thereof, as far as my memory will serve, was 24 ounces and a quarter. I think it was rated at 5s. 8d. the ounce. The rest was that he was sorry he could not ease her of that labour of sending the money for he hath not been well of late, as he saith, but at Easter next he meaneth to come into the country and to speak to Mr. Cavendish about his living. This note is in my chamber at Hardwick, it was delivered me by one Mrs. Frances Pierpont, and withal she said, my Lady Arb. would have me go to the place she spake of, for the man could not come, as I might see by the note. After this, my Lady Arb. altered the first note and bid me desire some of trust about my Lord of Her, to speak to him to give me leave to speak to him secretly, but I should not be known to any, from whom I come. But if my Lord were earnest to know, then I should say, from some of her uncles, but should not be known that I come from her, for then would my lord think that she sought such a matter. And the effect of that which I was to deliver to his Honour when I came to him was thus :—“It is best known to your Lordship what your desire was of a marriage betwixt your Honour's grandchild, the Lord Beauchamp's eldest son, and my Lady Arbella. The matter hath been thoroughly considered on by some of her friends, for that they think your Lordship do not take an orderly course in your proceedings, for it was thought fitter that my Lady Arb. should have been first moved in the matter and that the parties might have had sight the one of the other to see how they could like. So that if his Honour were desirous thereof still, he might send his grandchild guarded with whom his Lordship thought good, and he should come and go safely and at his own pleasure, either to tarry or depart. And that, as they would not be seen in it, no more would they wish that his Lordship should, but at their meeting the gentleman and my Lady Arb. to deal as they think good, they should not seem like themselves but, when they come, to make their occasion to sell some land, to borrow money, or what course else my Lord thought good. The ancient man while he was talking with my lady, the gentleman might have conference with my Lady Arbella.” The effect of all this my Lady Arb. delivered me herself, for I had no conference with the Cavendishes, though my Lady Arb. willed me to name her uncles; yet I asked her whether they were acquainted in the matter or not, and she answered me they were. I asked whether there were any danger in it; she told me, “None,” but, if her Majesty should not like of it, it would prove some money matter, but let my Lord of Herf. look to that, he was wise enough. I may fail in setting down the right order of it, but if it please you to make any question of anything, I will declare it to the utmost I know. I will be deposed that my La. Arbella did give me these instructions and yet was desirous to have her uncles parties in it, with whom I never had conference, for Mr. Henry Cavendish was not at Hardwick till the day before Christmas eve. My Lady Arb. borrowed a horse of him for me, which on Christmas day, presently after dinner, he went out at the gates and calling me to him, he told me his man should deliver me a horse; which he did at a place where his horses stood some little distance from Hardwick House. I must not hide from your Honour that I alleged reasons to my Lady Arb. of my unworthiness and insufficiency for delivering of a message to such a one as my Lord of H. She answered me that if I only delivered the message to my Lord, it would be entertained at the first. I can bring no witnesses of this, and therefore will be deposed that it is as I said afore. Whereunto I have set my hand this second of January, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil : “John Doudridg,” and in another contemporary hand, “Concerning the La. Arabella.” 3¼ pp. (135. 110, 111.)
(2.) Note of instructions given by Lady Arabella Stuart to John Daudridge, commencing, “If they come like themselves, they shall be shut out at the gates.”
Unsigned, on a half sheet. Endorsed by Daudridge :—“This is the note which my La. Arbella writ and gave me for my instruction to deal in this business, in witness hereof I have set to my hand, John Daudridge.”
Endorsed in another hand :—“Packington, Swepson, Bilson, Sibson, Nonetan, Atterton, Dreiton, Canketn, Eaton, Caulton, Greffe, Bedworth, Longford. [Printed in extenso, except the second endorsement, in Bradley's “Life of the Lady Arabella Stuart,” Vol. II. pp. 98, 99.] (135. 107.)
(3.) John Daudridge, alias Good, to [the Earl of Hertford]. I am sent by Mr. Henry and Mr. William Cavendish to let my Lord of Heryford [Hertford] understand that his Honour caused Mr. Kerton to speak to Mr. Owen Theoder to move my Lady of Shrewsbury in a matter touching a marriage betwixt his Honour's grandchild and the lady Arbella, and that I should not name them because they will not be seen to deal in the matter, so that if his Honour be desirous in the matter, still he may take what course his Honour thinks best, for my Lady Shrewsbury will not deal in the matter, though it were never so good without the Queen's Majesty's knowledge, and that this motion was made about that time that my Lord sent Mr. Kirton to lease his Honour's lands in Wales, as I understood it. All this was delivered me by word of mouth at Hardwick, from whence I came on Christmas day in the afternoon. If my Lord think good to send his grandchild, guarded with whom his Honour think good, he shall have access to my Lady Arb. to see and speak with her, and at his pleasure to depart with as good safety as he comes to her. They may come, but not like themselves, to avoid suspicion, either to offer some land to sell, to borrow money or what course my Lord thinks best, but if they come, they must bring with them some specialties whereby it may be known that he is the man, to avoid all doubts. So because I can give my Lord no certain ground whereby his Honour may know that I am no counterfeit, I will yield myself to his Honour's pleasure, either to write to my Lady Arb., who will satisfy the bearer to his Honour's content, or else I will go with whom his Honour please to send, and will perform all I shall undertake. John Daudridge alias Good.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“1602. John Dudridg alias Dod”; and in two other hands :—“accusing the Cavendishes. Arabella.” 1 p. (135. 109.)
(4.) John Daudridge to [Lady Arabella Stuart]. My entertainment here is contrary to all expectation, so that except your Honour fully satisfy this bearer, my Lord will not think otherwise of me but that I am some counterfeit, and so am in danger of trouble, for I have signified to his Lordship that I am sent by Mr. Henry and Mr. William Cavendish, whereof my Lord must be fully satisfied, and till my Lord be resolved thereof, I must rest his Honour's pleasure. I beseech your Honour, therefore, to consider the estate I am in, for I would be sorry to do anything that may be offensive anyway to any.
Holograph. Undated. Much blotted. Endorsed :—“1602. Daudridge letter to the Lady Arbella.” ¾ p. (135. 108.)
Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 2. I am bold to send your Lordship this little trifling present of prunes and dry confections.—Clapham, “le second jour de Janvier,” 1602.
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. 183. 127.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 3. I thank you for your many favours. I hope ere long to have my feet loose and to be able to see you at Court. What you have done in bewraying my scribbling to you, I can make no judgement of. But I assure myself you meant it for the best, and if it be not ill taken, it is your good handling of it; and if it be well, to you I will attribute it.
For Owen Tydder, I know no such man. But this is all I have heard of any such person in Anglesey. Richard Owen Tydder, David Owen Tydder, and John Owen Tydder were brothers, all pretending to be of the house of the great Owen Tydder. Richard died without issue. David is his brother and heir, and is living. John the youngest followed the wars, and as I have heard, served with the enemy. Whether he be living or dead, I do not know. There is another one, Rowland Owen, a soldier likewise, born in that country, and serving the enemy also, as I have heard. But this deriveth not himself from Tydder as the other does. It may be you will conjecture more upon this my idle relation than I can imagine, and so I leave it to you to make you merry with a Welsh pedigree.—3 Jan., 1602. Holograph. 1 p. (91. 27.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir John Carey.
1602/3, Jan. 3. I am sorry to see you troubled about this matter of Jackson, wherein it were a weakness in you towards your friends to think that they would ever seek to obtrude him upon you who hath declared himself against you, so as for my part you shall do me injury to believe that ever I had such a thought. As for Mr. Vice Chamberlain, I dare say he hath likewise been as clear from any such intention, though it is true I heard him say that in respect of the importunity of the man, whose words were confident, that if his humble submission and desire to recover your favour were but once recommended unto you, he should obtain it, that he did only yield so much to his request, leaving all to your own election. But, Sir, for the matter of the chamberlainship, her Majesty will in no wise yield such an example as if you had power to dispose it again, for which you have once received satisfaction; for you having passed the interest you had, she knoweth it is sufficient that her Majesty hath a resignation from him, and so hath she willed me to tell you that she will place some honest wise conditioned gentleman there who shall be an assistant to you in the services that are proper to the place, which being all I can say at this time I commit you to God.
Draft. (91. 28, 29.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 3. As I was formerly most bound to you for vouchsafing me your letter of credit for 1,000l. without which I could not have gotten any money here; so now I presume to become a like suitor for another letter for the like sum to Alderman Rooe, that he may write his directions to Mr. Pennefather here to see me furnished of the same. Your honourable care in satisfying the sum received has given great contentment to the parties and binds me to you perpetually.
You will see by our joint letter what likelihood there is of my longer stay on this side, where I find all things dearer than in England. If the reports of our English merchants from London were to be trusted, who write to their agents here that it will be Easter before the Colloquy begins, these be motives that make me shameless to importune you for further favours.—Bremen, 3 Jan., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 30.)
Sir Henry Poole to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 4. I am heartily sorry it is my fortune to trouble you. I must confess the quality of the cause would have required my own presence rather than the sending of a messenger; which I would have done, had I been in a state to travel. I did my best, so soon as I received this enclosed letter, to have the party apprehended, but he so cunningly shifted himself away that I could not; wherefore my suit is that he may be sent for and myself admitted to my justification, as the council shall think best.—Okesey, 4 January, 1602. (91. 32.)
The Enclosure :
Francis Griffith to Sir Henry Poole.—If I had thought you would have dealt so hardly with me I would a revealed your message you sent to my master by me, and that was, you could and would be ready at any time to aid my Lord of Essex with three hundred men. Now if I had revealed this in my Lord's trouble, you had not been keeping Christmas so merrily in Wiltshire. I know you would rather a given me all the whole money you did pay to the Queen for me, than this matter should be known. But such was my zeal and love to you that I would not do it for double the money, and I hope you will consider of me and not drive me to do that that is contrary and full sore against my will. Truly, rather than I will lie and starve in prison and you to live upon my undoing, I will, if I lose my own life, reveal your cause and make it known.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Fra Griffitth, rec. die Martii, 4 Januarii.” (91. 31.)
The Dean and Chapter of Wells to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 5. We have received letters from the Privy Council with a complaint and petition from certain of our tenants of the manor of North Curry in this county of Somerset. This suggestion and complaint is very untrue, for neither have we taken one foot of common, neither do we grant any estate of tenants there otherwise than hath been done time out of mind. And whereas they would make it the complaint of three hundred tenants, they are but some nine or ten that are led by a seditious person, a tenant also of our church's, who has persuaded them that if they join with him they shall enjoy their tenements to them and their heirs for ever; whom, for these attempts, the whole body have in open court disclaimed for mutinous disturbers; as can be proved if enquiry be made.—From our Chapter House, 5 Jan., 1602. Signed. 1 p. (91. 33.)
Lady Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 5. My last night's ill rest and some little pain which I have in my head have altered my purpose in coming to the Court as this day, and have therefore deferred it until Friday next. I will not fail to speak with you before I show myself to her Majesty.—Blackfriars, 5 Jan., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (91. 34.)
Queen Elizabeth to King James.
1602/3, Jan. 6. Letter commencing :—“My very good brother, it pleases me not a little that my true intents without glosses or guiles are by you so gratefully taken.”
Endorsed :—“6 January, 1602. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scotland, written with her own hand.”
2 pp. [Printed in extenso : Camden Society Publications. O.S. XLVI. pp. 154–6.] (134. 19.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 7. I have understood, both from my uncle Mr. Killegrew and from Mr. Lieutenant, how affectionately you have dealt with her Majesty for my liberty, wherein I protest I no less rejoice than I should in my deliverance if it were effected. For as my own heart bears me witness that I never carried other than a dutiful and respective mind towards your Honour, so am I glad to find that neither my errors, which I have committed, nor the evil suggestions of malignant spirits apt and ready to make the worst interpretation of them have been able to alter your constant and favourable disposition towards me. I shall ever hold not only my poor fortune but my life well spent to give you any testimony of my thankfulness.—7 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 35.)
Edward Hayes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 7. Describing a project devised by himself, Sir Oliver Lambert, his brother-in-law, and Captain Thomas Hayes, his kinsman, for the establishment of a permanent paid militia in England; which might be employed and trained in service in Ireland.—Thistleworth, 7 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (91. 36.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 8. At five o'clock I will be with you at your chamber in Court. For the success, I leave all to God and her Majesty's good pleasure, but howsoever your worthy and careful dealing for me is as well accepted as if all things were to my best satisfaction, and when occasion and not protestation must be the proof, then you shall have the perfection of my profession.—Blackfriars, 8 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 37.)
Richard Hawkins to the Queen.
1602/3, Jan. 8. The Lord High Admiral and Mr. Secretary signified to me that it was your Majesty's pleasure that I should explain my reasons for going to the Court of Spain after I was set at liberty.
First, to procure my ransom to be remitted, and to give satisfaction to those which had engaged themselves for me.
Secondly, to know the parts of the King and the Duke of Lerma, and of those of the Council of State and War, for that the reports were divers according to the passion and humorous affection of the persons where I was prisoner.
Thirdly, to inform myself of their inclination to peace with our nation.
Fourthly, to see the Court, which the ignorant that have not seen others thought to exceed all in majesty, greatness and order, which I found nothing so.
Fifthly, to learn, if I could, the secret practices against your Majesty, and state.
Sixthly, to know their forces at this present which might annoy your Majesty and kingdom.
And lastly, to maintain in my liberty, that which I had ever sustained in my prison, your Majesty's honour, virtues and inclination to peace, and to work a different opinion in the best sort to that which Jesuits and other traitorous companions had with long time persuaded.
I found a general inclination to peace, and so procured to have had the hand-writing of some one of their Council of State for the better propounding of peace to your Majesty with authority. But el negro punto de honra no dava lugar a cosa que tanto les importava; notwithstanding, a grave friar, parent to the Duke of Infantado and confessor to the Duke of Lerma, who was principal cause of my liberty, gave me the letter which goeth inclosed for your Sacred Majesty, I cannot tell if with their knowledge; praying me to present it unto your Highness, and to send him answer, which I promised so far as might be.
For defence of your Majesty's honour I suffered three years' imprisonment in the Holy House, and on sundry occasions put my life in hazard for the same.
It is notorious that the general which took me laboured by every means to win me to the service of the King, and swore that he would part with me while he lived the one half of his revenues, and undertook that the King should restore my losses.
The Duke of Lerma, by diverse mediators and after by his own mouth, persuaded me to serve the King, offering that the King should make me a knight of the order of St. Yago, give me 12,000 crowns a year, employ me as his general, and restore me to better estate than ever I could look for in England; which I despised, refusing all honour and riches unless from my liege sovereign, and where I had deserved it.
In all occasions that concerned your Majesty I sent true intelligence, as my letters manifest, and if they slowed in coming, the fault was not mine. For in four days they were on the frontier of France, and in the power of those of our nation which might convey them speedily. Had they been intercepted, they would have wrought my death, which I regarded not to do your Majesty a service.
If my faithful service and long durance suffice not to wipe away all jealousy, and if my dead father's services and my own merit no reward, I shall think myself more unhappy than any that have served your Highness, yea, than those which having committed treasons and after reconciled have participated of your Highness' bounty.
I and my father have spent our years and substance in your Majesty's service, irreprovable ever, as the world will witness, which whilst I live shall be continued in like manner, nothing doubting that your wisdom will have that consideration of us, which your Majesty has ever had where are such demerits.— 8 January, 1602.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (91. 38, 39.)
D. P. to Jeronimo Palucio.
1602/3, Jan. 8/18. I am much pleased to find you so near me. It is only a few days since I wrote to you at Mortara in Genoa, and I now get your answer. You must forgive me for being more Flemish than Spaniard, so that I write and speak the latter badly. The soldiers landed from the fleet will remain in Spain, to the number of two thousand, and among them are a thousand Italians; they will all be sent into Murcia. In Italy, they are enlisting 4,000 Neapolitans, and in this country, about 8,000 infantry for the needs of the war in Flanders. The Marquis Spinola has leave to enlist 4,000 Walloons to fill up the numbers of his command. This government has raised a loan of eleven million to be paid in three years, each month at the rate of two hundred thousand ducats in Flanders and fifty thousand here in Valladolid or Lisbon; this is for the service of the royal household; and high interest will be asked for other loans. I cannot hear that there are more than four ships in the ports of Spain, others say ten, others twenty, but I do not believe this. But the King will not lack for sixty ships, besides the galleys of the squadrons of Naples and Sicily, because he can at any time arrest all the Spanish ships and those of Ragusa. There is no talk of a fleet, although they have hopes of taking Ireland. They have intelligence that the rebels there were hoping to drive the English out of the island. The Earl O'Donnel is dead here.
From France, we hear of the discovery of those concerned in the conspiracy of Biron, as Bouillon and “Jianville.” Some say that it is all an invention of the French King's in order to rid the kingdom of the great men; in truth I think he wishes Bouillon to appear to be his enemy, in order that he may continue to supply Count Maurice with French soldiers, without the consent of the King appearing.—Valladolid, 18 Jan., 1603.
Spanish. Holograph. Remains of seal. 2 pp. (97. 148.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 9. According to your directions, I have sought for a ship both in Dartmouth and Plymouth, but could find none fit for the purpose, they being all of bigger or lesser burden than you gave order for. In February next will be the best time to meet with the Brazil fleet homewards bound. I understand that you have given order to Christopher Harris for sending up of the sequestered goods. I therefore humbly desire leave to come to London that I may be present at the division thereof, as well as for other business. Whereas I promised you a chest of sweetmeats out of my prize, I must intreat your pardon therein, for there was not any to be found at her unlading.—From the Fort by Plymouth. This 30th of December, altered into 9 of January, 1602.
PS.—If you will bear half the victualling in the Refusal, I shall be well contented therewith, and I will conclude it with your honour at my next coming to London.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 39–2.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury to the Queen.
1602/3, Jan. 9. Most gracious sovereign. I cannot sufficiently in words express the infinite and great comfort I have continually received by your Majesty's most princely favours to me and now by your most gracious letter and message sent by Sir Henry Bronkhorne, who will particularly inform your Majesty of all things here. His preciseness at his first coming to keep the offence from me till he had privately talked with Arbell, did make me doubtful that your Majesty had some suspicion in me, but when I considered your Majesty's great wisdom in it, I did in my heart most humbly thank your Majesty for commanding that course to be taken. These matters were unexpected of me, being altogether ignorant of her vain doings, as on my salvation and allegiance to your Majesty I protest. Notwithstanding her vanity, I rest most certain of her loyal and dutiful mind to your Majesty. But seeing she hath been content to hear matters of any moment and not to impart them to me, I am desirous and most humbly beseech your Majesty that she may be placed elsewhere, to learn to be more considerate, and after that it may please your Majesty either to accept of her service about your royal person or to bestow her in marriage, which in all humility and duty I do crave of your Majesty for I cannot now assure myself of her as I have done.—From Hardwick, the 9th of January, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (135. 112.)
Sir Henry Broncker to the Queen.
1602/3 [Jan. 9 or 10.] On Friday I came to Hardwick and found the house without any strange company. My Lady of Shrewsbury, after she had my name, sent for me into her gallery, where she was walking with the La. Arbella and her son William Cavendishe. I told her Ladyship, in the hearing of her grandchild, that your Highness having occasion to send me down into those parts, commanded me to see her Ladyship and to commend your Majesty unto her with all gracious favour. The old lady took such comfort at this message as I could hardly keep her from kneeling. Then drawing her on with other compliments towards the further end of the gallery to free her from the young lady, I delivered your Majesty's letter. In the reading thereof I observed some change of countenance, which gave me occasion again to comfort her with the assurance of your Majesty's good opinion and favour and to desire that according to your Highness's pleasure I might speak privately with the Lady Arbella : which, after protestation of her own innocency and love to your Majesty, she easily granted. So leaving her there, I led the Lady Arbella to the other end of the long gallery, where I told her that your Majesty wished her well, gave her thanks for her new year's gift and did graciously accept it and would be glad to hear how she did, and added withal that your Highness had observed in some things a dutiful respect in her towards your Majesty; only I must break a matter unto her Ladyship which your Majesty willed me to tell her that you took unkindly, considering how ready she would have been upon any notice from herself or grandmother at any time to have yielded to any her reasonable desires if your Highness had been made acquainted with it. In which point although she had deceived your expectation yet there was an open way for her to give your Majesty a great testimony of her integrity to you if she would truly and sincerely impart unto your Majesty all the particular circumstances of the matter, how it hath proceeded, and whom she had used in it, a matter wherewith your Highness is so well acquainted as you do nothing for inquisition, for it is so openly confessed as there is no denial, unless she would have your Majesty believe that in her action she had laid aside that duty and affection which she doth owe to your Majesty both as her subject and of her blood, whereas otherwise upon the naked laying open of her heart, both of herself and others, she should show her desire to repair any error committed by her. During the delivery of this message, it seemed by the coming and going of her colour that she was somewhat troubled, yet (after a little pause) she said that the matter was very strange to her; she was much grieved that your Highness should conceive an ill opinion of her; if it pleased me to acquaint her with the offence, she would answer truly and either justify herself or confess her fault, yielding herself to your Majesty's mercy. I asked her whether her conscience did not accuse her of any late undutifulness and whether she were not guilty of any practice that might be offensive to your Majesty? She would by no means acknowledge so much as a thought to offend your Highness. I then demanded whether she had had no late intelligence with the Earl of Hertford or employed any man to him. She denied all, but with great show of humility both in words and gesture. Here I was bold to tell her that she failed both in duty and judgment. Your Majesty's nature was not jealous or suspicious : in accusations you never take hold of anything that is not manifest, though in your great wisdom you foresaw almost all things. It was not strange for a young lady to err. That which was passed could not be recalled; it might be amended with repentance and plain dealing. I would be glad she did so carry herself as it might appear her offence to proceed of vanity and love of herself rather than of want of duty and contempt of your Majesty. I prayed her to remember herself before she waded too far in this course of wilfulness; that she must needs do, I persuaded her to do it willingly. Finding her still obstinate I asked her whether she knew one Daudridge and when she saw him. She said she knew him well and saw him a little before Christmas, but he was now with his friends, as she thought, in Berkshire. I then enquired whether he had nothing to do for her in those parts and whether he was not sent to Amesbury : she still denied. I told her that I was sorry to see her so wilful, I could draw the matter at length and trouble her with many questions, but seeing she was resolved to be wilful I would shew her something against which there could be no exception, and thereupon I shewed her Daudridge's confession. She knew the hand, confessed she had once a meaning to send him to the Earl of Hertford but that, upon better advice, she revoked her instructions. I asked whether any man would undertake such a matter of his own head without good warrant. She said he was a bold, lewd fellow, and would do anything for gain. I told her that now she could not doubt that all was discovered and therefore prayed her to tell me who was the first mover of this marriage. She said, “A man of the Earl of Hertford's to one Owen Tether, servant to my grandmother,” I said that that was moved long sithence, but I desired to know how it was lately renewed. She said she would tell me all, and that was done so confusedly with words so far from the purpose as I knew not what to make of it. At length I told her that she might do well to deal plainly, which she protested she would and then confessed all, in a manner, which Daudridge had set down, saving that she faintly denied that her uncles were acquainted with the matter. Then I thought good to tell her that she could not be alone in a matter of this nature and consequence, and therefore every person used in this business must be made known. She promised she would deal plainly and sincerely so as I would promise to conceal it from her grandmother, wherewithal I was well contented if she dealt soundly. I prayed that all might be set down in writing that nothing might be left to my report, which might err through ignorance or forgetfulness. So for that night I left her to herself and the next morning expected her letter. When I read it, I perceived it to be confused, obscure and in truth ridiculous. I told her it was not a letter fit for me to carry, nor for your Majesty to read; I assured her it would best satisfy your Highness if she omitted all ceremonies and delivered the truth plainly. She wrote again and little better than before, which made me believe that her wits were somewhat distracted either with fear of her grandmother or conceit of her own folly. At the last, perceiving me moved with her often and idle writing, to show her good will to satisfy your Majesty, she entreated me to set down what I would and she would subscribe it, which by any means I would not : but, to conclude this endless business, I was forced to make a collection of all the particulars wherewith she was charged, which she willingly confessed and humbly besought your Majesty's pardon. For end I imparted all to the old lady whom, next to your Majesty, it most concerned. She was wonderfully afflicted with the matter and much discomforted, till I assured her of your Majesty's favour and gracious good opinion of her faithfulness, which, I said, I understood from your Highness' own mouth. In truth, she took it so ill as with much ado she refrained her hands. This is the effect of all that passed saving that the old lady at parting would have fastened a purse full of gold on me in honour of your Majesty, which likewise for your Majesty's honour I refused. Because I stayed longer than I meant and do fear that I cannot this day be admitted to your Majesty's presence, I am bold in haste to trouble your Highness with this scribbled paper, which I humbly beseech your Majesty to accept of till you may be pleased to hear the rest.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 4 pp. (135. 113–114.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 10. Two letters :—
1. Being stayed on my way by an unhappy accident, lest her Majesty might think me negligent, I am bold until mine own coming to advertise your Honour of the chiefest occurrents in this business. On Friday I came to Hardwick, &c. (Almost word for word the same as his report to the Queen above, except that Arabella was finally brought to confess by its being represented that “She might hope by the course which her Highness held with her, that no extremity was meant to any,” and the following :) “Now seeing that things succeeded no better by my promise to conceal it from her grandmother, I told her she had brought me into a great strait, for I perceived that she had acquainted her uncle William with all my proceedings, which I was sure would not be silent, and therefore I was bound both in duty and discretion to disclose all unto the old lady; but if her Ladyship would under her own hand open all the particular circumstances of this practice, I would conceal her instructions given to Daudridge, as she desired, but withal I told her that she used many instruments in this business, and therefore every party whosoever must be made known, which faithfully promising she fell to writing anew, and performed it as ill as before, though it seemed she had will enough to have done it better, for she entreated me to set down what I would and she would subscribe it; which I would not yield to by any means.”—From Northampton this 10th of January, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Sir H. Bron,” and in another hand, “1602.” Seal. 5 pp. (135. 115–117.)
2. I have sent you a true relation of the business committed to me, wherein it appeareth what help I receive by your instructions. The La. Arbella is persuaded that the Earl of Hertford was from the beginning acquainted with the matter as a thing he much affected, but because I am persuaded that the poor lady was abused, my Lord guiltless, and the truth may easily be known by the examination of Owen Tither, I thought it not fit to press it too far to my Lady, nor in the report of my proceedings, lest his Lordship might be wronged by an ill opinion, which once settled in her Majesty would hardly be removed. This is my discretion and conscience, which upon better advice I would be most glad to reform if you find occasion.—From Northampton, this 10th of January, 1602.
PS.—I had a very shrewd fall, and am scarcely able to ride, which forceth this rude despatch, which I pray your Honour to pardon.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (135. 118.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 10. On Saturday last, I received your letters of the 5th, and will go in hand to make ready the sequestered goods and load the same upon the Fancy, of London, Mr. William Church. The twentieth part for her Majesty's custom shall be taken out here, if I receive not my Lord Treasurer's order to the contrary.
As yet I understand no certain news from the bark that was sent to Sir William Monson. Her whole victualling was for three months, whereof she spent in harbour fourteen days, and so departed with ten weeks' victuals for fifty men.— Plymouth, 10 Jan., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (91. 40.)
J. Wheler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 10. Enclosing a letter to the Queen from the Prince Elector Palatine.—Middleburgh, 10 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (91. 41.)
Robert Johnson to Walter Cope.
1602/3, Jan. 10. I did by chance to-day see the beginning of a wall towards my Lord's court; and from what the workman told me, I gathered that the wall shall be anchored to the house; now assure yourself the wall will settle, and then it must either rend itself or tear out the timber it is fixed to; the foundation is the worst that ever I saw. A good way had been to have given it bond with the other wall, pulling it down and making both together, which might have been done without inward harm.
Again, as the wall is begun, there will be a great part of Mr. Secretary's house want that defence, unless they begin above the coach house on the little terrace there, which is for a foundation just like the other.
I should think it good that piece of wall were down and then raise both together home to the depth of the coach house a brick of length thicker than it is towards my Lord's ground, and so proceed the first story, and after the wall still to rise a brick half thick, whereof the half brick may rise in the crassitude of the now wall, pulling off the lath and let the timber stand, so in the passage it may be seen where fitly to place the anchors.
Besides this, the lights may be orderly and safe, which in the course offered will be far out of course; and I am loth to appear presumptuous, but lother to see a course taken so far out of square—10 January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (91. 42.)
Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV.
1602/3, Jan. 10. Entendant que M. d'Onat retourne en France, je ne puis rafrener ma plume qu'elle ne vous face souvenir de la sincerite de mon affection en vostre endroict qui redouble de jour a jour nos bons souhaits pour vostre contentement et bon estat, desirant le bon Dieu de vous conseiller pour le mieulx en toutes vos actions, et que tels qui n'estimeront vostre honneur plus que leurs humeurs ou ne soyent ouys ou au moins ne soyent suivis. Et d'une chose devant toute aultre nous aultres Roys en devons fort soigneusement nous garder de n'estre mesprisés ny de nos ennemis ny de nos sugets. Car estant la principalle columne qui soustient toute la fabrique de nostre regne, peu a peu tout tombera si cela ne soit deuement garde. Vou voyez, mon bon frere, comme je m'eslarge en pensant de vostre bien, esperant que le prendrez en bonne part, considerant la racine dont il sort.
Endorsed :—“10th of January, 1602. Copy of a letter from her Majesty to the French King written with her own hand and sent by Monsieur d'Onat.”
1 p. (134. 20.)
Dr. Roger Goade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 10. I did by letter acknowledge your ready favour touching the Deanery of Windsor, being in my native country, which moved me the rather to affect it, when the Dean's removal was doubtful. Now that his bill is lately signed, I am bold to signify that in that respect, also by the persuasion of my friends, I remain still so affected that it may please God, by so special a mean as your Honour is, to give it success. I crave pardon for this boldness, whereunto I was induced, lest I should seem careless and wanting to myself.—King's College, Cambridge, 10 January, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (136. 95.)
Anthony Parsons to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3. Jan. 12. Since my last letter to your Honour, I have grown to composition for an estate for three lives in the tithes of Bower Henton for the fine of 850l. and the yearly rent of 8l. 6s. 8d. I should be glad to know your pleasure.— Stoke-under-Hamden, 12 Jan., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (91. 43.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Walter Ralegh.
1602/3, Jan. 12. The spoils which have been committed by the ship wherein Gifford went, have worthily deserved her confiscation, as now she is by judgment, to my Lord Admiral, and the parties who have confessed themselves to be owners in the Court of the Admiralty are now forthcoming with their bodies to answer their offences; till which time, and that the Lord Admiral to whom she is confiscated had passed away his interest, as we understand, to one Fawlkoner, I was resolved, as I am in all cases, to have nothing to do with her nor anything thereto belonging. But now the bearer hereof having order from Mr. Falconer to venture her carcass and all those things that belong to the ship, whereof she is well furnished, there remaineth now no more but that she be presently manned and victualled to sea. For which purpose, the bearer hereof, who is her master, hath been appointed to carry her to the port of Weymouth, from whence he is directed to advertise you, to whom this is now our request : That you will presently give order for her victualling, choose her a master, if you like not him, and mariners fit for the purpose, and if you think the bearer hereof, Captain May, able to discharge the trust we shall commit, then we know no more to be done but to proceed with all expedition, wherein for that which he is to do we leave it wholly to your direction, to whom satisfaction shall be made upon such account as you shall deliver for her expenses, in which I will be contented to be half victualler, and the rest may be borne between my Lord Cobham and you, or for such part as any of you will not receive, let it remain upon my head. But now, Sir, that you know all these particulars, I pray you as much as may be conceal our adventure, at the least my name above any other. For though I thank God I have no other meaning than becometh an honest man in any of my actions, yet that which were another man's pater noster would be accounted in me a charm.
Endorsed :—“Minute of my Master's letter to Sir Walter Raleigh.” (91. 45, 46.)
Queen Elizabeth to King James.
1602/3, Jan. 12. Right high, right excellent and right mighty Prince our dearest brother and cousin. We have perceived by your letter of the eighth of December how earnestly you recommend unto us the prevention of such disorders upon the Borders as may in consequence peril the amity between us which you profess to hold so dear. In this providence and good affection we pray you to assure yourself that we concur with you in equal proportion, and therefore you shall not need to fear that we will take it at any time for importunity to hear your just complaints, or that we will be one jot behind you in desire at all times to remove the true causes by chastising the offenders. For as we have as much occasion as any Prince on earth to acknowledge God's blessing in the continuance of a long and happy reign, so do we best know that justice is and must be always one of the principal pillars of our estate, and therefore would be the first that should condemn ourself if we should not carefully correct all those that violate the same. But forasmuch as oftentimes informers may be transported with passion (as may now appear in the person of Musgrave, who offers to enter and abide trial upon the last accusations exhibited against him for the receipt of the murderers of Carmichaell) and that in all complaints the more particulars are expressed the more equity accompanies the censure; because we have not had commodity to hear our Warden's answer to many things objected against him, we conceive you will find reason to be satisfied (for the present) with the contents of this letter, whereby you shall understand, first, that we have commanded him to make his repair hither to give us satisfaction in those things with which he is charged, leaving behind him a deputy both well disposed and straightly enjoined to do right to his opposite. Next, because your servant Aston had some notes in writing (as special branches of those complaints) we gave order to our council to hear him, which being done they were directed to write thereof to our Warden to the intent that with more expedition than he could come up (in this dead of winter) we might have some taste beforehand of the probability of his being able to discharge himself of the rest, whereunto he hath made such answers in writing as if they be true will go near to weigh down the balance on the other side. Always whatsoever they may be found to be upon examination in part or in whole, they are sufficient in the mean time to make it appear to you that he knoweth well that neither he nor any other there can have evasion from our displeasure, longer than whilst they can make it good, that they observed all things whereunto the treaties or particular indents between the Wardens mutually tie them. This being a matter which cannot be denied in rules of government by any Prince that though it be not in their own power nor in the power of their laws to keep all men from offences, yet it is in their own free will so to execute their laws upon offenders, as their remissness be not causes of their subject's transgressions. For the answer made by our Warden, we have commanded our agent to make collection out of such writings as we have received from the Warden, and to present the same unto you, not as that satisfaction which we intend if his answers prove but words, but as that which may assure you sufficiently of our own sincerity who will neither suffer wilful negligence nor contempt of our commandments to pass away with impunity, much less in those things which do essentially concern the amity between us, wherein you may be assured of all the offices of honour and justice that can be expected of.
Endorsed :—“To the King of Scots, 12 Jan., 1602.” Draft, corrected by Cecil. 2 pp. (134. 22.)
The Council to Sir Richard Bulkeley.
1602/3, Jan. 12. Forasmuch as it is confessed by the Lady Arbella and some others that one Mr. Owen Tydder hath been a dealer with her in a matter of marriage with the grandchild of the Earl of Hertford, we give you authority hereby to send for him privately to yourself, and to command him to deliver unto you ingeniously what he knoweth of that matter, and to set it down under his own hand, which declaration we do hereby require you in her Majesty's name to advertise us by post, and to take bond of him in the sum of 1,000l. for his appearance. You may let him know that in this matter one Kyrton is also accused to have been a dealer. We are also informed that he hath a son or a kinsman attending the young lady. Do not make either his examinations or his declarations known, of what nature soever they be.
Draft. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“January 12, 1602. Minute to Sir Richard Buckley from my master concerning the Lady Arabella.” 3 pp. (135. 119–120.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13. I came here this morning, but very secretly, as you advised me, and do attend your pleasure for my coming to you either this evening late or early in the morning. I had thought that being sent to you for my despatch, I should first have addressed the success of my travail unto you; I humbly thank you for reforming my error. If her Majesty be well satisfied, I shall think my labour well bestowed.—From Lambeth Marsh, this 13th of January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (135. 121.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13. That you should not conceive I deal in this case altogether recklessly (although Mr. Hoell, who follows the cause, was not ready with his reckoning, and not yet hearing from Mr. Trevor) I send you these enclosed, whereby you may perceive what and how the first project grew to 1,300l. and odd pounds, and how we had drawn it down to 7,957l. or near thereabouts, her Majesty allowing the powder, shot and munition, which, I hope, will not come near to the proportion set down, yet not amiss it appear to be so much, and I believe that of the rest some good portion by good husbandry will be saved. For the countries we knew not, we put down the sums in gross, to the end such as should have the managing of those causes there might apportion what were fit for the towns. Somewhat more, haply, may be raised on the towns westward, and if any want happen, it may be raised from some other countries without any new proportion to be set down upon those already charged; for I hold that which is down to be as much as they may well be drawn unto, and I pray God the same may be effected, which without very provident carrying of such as shall be travailers there, this will hardly be brought to pass.—At my house, 13 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (91. 47.)
1602/3, Jan. 13 13 Janvier, 1602. Ostende nous donne matiere d'en parler. On avoyt essaye de faire assault, auquel il y en est demeure, entre aultres, ung colonel ou mestre du camp Italien nomme Gambaliota, chevalier de Malte.
Le Lieutenant Colonel du Conte de Bucquoy, gouverneur de Rets, nomme M. de la Tour, y fut aussy tue.
Mathias Seraio, Gouverneur de l'Escluse, mort ensamble.
Don Pedro de Velasco et plus de vingts capitaines et enseignes et environs mille soldats. Lowys de Villa Verde et le Marquis de la Bela, frere du Prince d' Avallmo, sont fort blessez. On faict des nouveaulx apprests pour recommancer, voire tels qu'on n'a jusques ici faict des pareilles. Hier passarent ici 150 chareaux, venuz de Namurs avecq des provisions de poudre, balles, pesles, et toutes sortes des instruments, et demain viendront encoires 160.
On continue a faire la levee en Italie.
Quant a l'argent, il s'attend quelque provision contre le mois de Februyr prochain mays jusques ores est l'apparence bien petite.
Tout ce qu'en reste encoires des vieulx garnisons s'envoye vers Ostende.
J'entends qu'on besoigne fort par les Jesuitres en Escosse et s'envoiera quelqu'un encoires afin de mectre tout en trouble et empescher que le Roy n'envoye pas de secours d'hommes ny pour la Roine en Irlande ny en voz quartiers; entendant icy que le dit Roy s'est offert a secourir la dite Royne en Irlande.
Endorsed :—“Advices 13 Jan., 1602. Dig.” (91. 48.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13. Upon some occasion of finding some priests, I, with the consent of Mr. Justice, sent a pursuivant with warrant to search for such, who finding a copy of a letter from the pope, the copy whereof I sent you in my last, thought good amongst other things to bind a gentleman's son, being a young youth, to appear before us for some misdemeanours which he used to the pursuivant, besides his recusancy; to whom I took some affection because I saw a sharpness of wit in him, and wishing to reform him, committed him to a man of mine to be kept only from going away or talking with any further than I did license, but he gave him more liberty than I meant, whereby the youth took an opportunity to steal away. There may be some speeches about this, so I acquaint you with it. I received also a letter directed to you from my Lord Willoughby, and another to Mr. Grevell, which I opened before I was aware, and therefore am fain to enclose it in one of mine, and pray for pardon that I enclose it in yours. I shall be glad that there be matter therein to establish your affection to him, whom I confess I love, but can show little by reason of my employment here. But if I could win him your love, I should think I had done a good duty to his deceased father. I beseech you to let me know what I may advise him to do to deserve it.—Ludlow, 13 January, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord President of Wales to my Master.” 1½ pp. (91. 49.)
Sir Robert Gardener to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13. When, by your only favour, I repaired into my country four days before Christmas, my son and only child who was in my company fell into extreme sickness like to die; whereby Christmas and my home coming joined together; and four of the children in the house, besides servants, fell down sick of the small pox, which caused such separation between me and my friends as to hinder my purposes, until within these last three days I rode to Yarmouth, almost 40 miles from my house, and removed my son from that place to take change of air, where I received your letters of the 9th of this present summoning me to Court. I will repair thither either before or in the very beginning of term, forsaking my son and all private respects.—This 13th of January, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 129.)
Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13/23. Your late honourable grace vouchsafed me in him who is as yet in like manner defective of power to acknowledge as myself to merit it, doth make much more than humble thanks due unto you; he shall not longer of me be accounted mine than that he profess his duties, his service and himself entirely yours. The hope of my affairs in England is only sustained on your favour. I know myself in my absence to have such opposites as will neither spare to speak when a false tongue may profit them, nor spare to spend so they persuade themselves that another man's purse than their own shall maintain them.—Paris, stylo novo, 1603. Januar, 23.
Holograph. Signed, “Du Northe.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 153.)
Sir Griffin Markham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 13. It pleased you upon my last letter to admit Mr. Heckes to go to Mr. Arundell with an expression of your honourable regard of me your poor alliesman. I make no question it prevailed much to my good, but something Mr. Arundell thought in conscience fit to be left him (though the whole substance of his land was nothing near valuable to our layings out) and thereupon hath awarded such an end as I think is unpleasing to both. Yet, for my part, I will stand to it, the obligation in Christianity being so great. Yet I think that to my brother Skinner's power it will be resisted.—This 13th of January.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 128.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 14. Enclosing a petition from Captain Vaughan for the relief of the garrison at Lough Foyle. He seems to express infinite lacks and miseries to fall upon that garrison, and therefore I would be glad it had some consideration and relief, and do therefore pray you that on Sunday next, either before all Lords or before my Lord Admiral, Mr. Chancellor and yourself, and myself, to whom the peculiar consideration of these matters is by the Lords referred, the same may be considered and some way taken to help them.—14 Jan., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (91. 51.)
Sir Richard Bulkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 15. I received your letter to-day; and Mr. David Owen Tither, dwelling but six miles from this town, I sent for him, and he immediately came, whose examination I herein enclose, together with his bond of 1,000l. for his appearance. I was forced to give him the day set down in the bond, for he protested he wanted both horse to carry him and money for his charges, and being unwieldy and aged, said he cannot now ride past 16 or 18 miles in a day. I know him to be a poor gentleman of a mean living, and giveth himself only to good fellowship, pleasure and hunting, without respect of his profit, and of a plain wit. Hugh Owen, who he nameth in his examination, is a gentleman that for the most part used to dwell in Pembrokeshire, near Milford Haven, but sithence his father's decease; has used his year to remain much at his house in the south part of this Isle, about 16 miles from this town. I am told he rode lately out of this Isle not known whither, but thought towards the Marches. The Lord President may soon send him to you if he be at the Marches or in Pembrokeshire or returned. I have charged Mr. David Owen Tither to conceal this cause until he come unto you; and he which wrote his examination, I have sworn upon the Bible not to reveal any part thereof.—Beaumaris, 15 Jan. 11 of the clock in night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (91. 51.)
The Enclosure :
1602/3. Examination of David Owen Tudir, esquire. Taken before Sir Richard Bulkeley, knight, the 15th day of January, 1602.
Being examined whether he hath dealt in any matter of marriage with the Lady Arbella for any person at any time, denieth that ever he spake unto her of any matter concerning marriage, and being examined whether any did deal with him to further any marriage to the said lady Arbella, saith that about three or four years past, the certain time whereof he remembreth not, but he thinketh it was before one Hugh Owen of Bodeon, esquire, was married unto the Earl of Northumberland's sister, the said Hugh Owen came to this examinate's house, unexpected of this examinate, and there in talk motioned this examinate to move a marriage between the lord Bewchampe's eldest son and the lady Arbella, which this examinate utterly refused to do or have any dealings therein. He, the said Hugh Owen, then entreated him to do so much favour as to help him to the speech of the said lady Arbella, and he would come thither as a suitor to one of the old Countess of Shrewsbury, her grandmother's, gentlewomen; which he also refused to do for him, and told him that he had no occasion to go into that country, yet within short time after the said Hugh Owen sent to this examinate divers notes declaring all the Earl of Hertford's livings and commodities, which remained awhile with this examinate, but he never read them over, and, within a short time after, the said Hugh Owen came for them again to him; which he delivered him, and denieth that ever any other person but the said Hugh Owen had any speech with him touching the marriage of the lady Arbella : and denieth also the knowledge of any man called Kirton; and, being demanded, whether he have not a son that serveth the lady Arbella, said about Midsummer was twelve months he sent his eldest son, being about 14 years old, to the old Countess of Shrewsbury, whom this examinate had served above twenty years in house with her, meaning that his said son should have been her page, but as he hath heard since, the said old Countess hath put him to serve the lady Arbella as her page, for this examinate hath not been with the said old Countess since Whitsuntide was twelve months.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (135. 122.)
Lady Arabella Stuart to Mr. Hacker.
1602/3, Jan. 15. I pray you advertise my aunt of Shrewsbury that my lady my grandmother and all here are as well in health, or better, than when she was here, and this I assure her on my faith to be true and no excuse. But if she will make me more bound to her than ever I have been in my life, or ever shall or can be hereafter to her or any living how great soever they be or how well soever they love me, I beseech her to come down.
[For continuation : See Bradley's Life of Arabella Stuart, Vol. 1, pp. 118, 119.]
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“Lady Arbella to Mr. Hacker.” Seal. 1 p. (135. 123.)
Bridget Shorlande to Mr. Hacker.
1602/3, Jan. 15. Good Mr. Hacker. It was my La. desire to heave me write to you for to com to speake with me becase I sholde have toulde you sum thinges wch I will not write, but I praie these thinges that I write of, if you will ever doo any thing for my lady, afecte it for my lady : it is her desire that you doe seande for ye younge La. of Shoresbery to com with all ye speade yt maie be for her for she is restrained from her liberty and therfore she olde intreate you for to heave you seande poaste for her to com or ealse she will make my Lady thinke if she doo not com that all her frindes will for sake her when she heath moste neade, and you have promised yt you will doo what lieth in youre power for her and I am sure yt it is in youre power to heave this matter eaffectted if you will doo it as my La. heave reaposed her trouste in you. Thus, with moste kinde solutes, from Sutten in Asfilde, this xv of Jenuery.
Holograph. Addressed :—“To ye worsupfull and my very loving frinde Mr. Hacker at Bidgford on ye Hill.” Endorsed by Cecil's secretary : “Mris. Shoreland.” (135. 124.)
Richard, Bishop of Chester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602/3, Jan. 15. Complaint hath been made to the Lord Treasurer of great neglect of due attendance in the preachers maintained by her Majesty within the county of Lancaster. Such complaint was indeed most just against one Mr. Adams, who some half a year since left his place, as also against one Saltford, who by the letters of Sir John Fortescue was commended to his room, but since hath been for the most part absent : yet is it most unjust against three of them, viz., Forster, Harryson and Midgley. You may conceive how great a check it would be to religion if this allowance should be so soon withdrawn, and how hard a case it were if the negligence of one should prove a bar to so general a blessing. My request, therefore, is that you will deal with the Lord Treasurer for the continuance of that which was to so good an end begun, and to substitute for him who hath been so careless in his charge a more sufficient and careful man. For such a one, I am bold to commend Mr. Duckett, the bearer hereof, fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge, a man sufficiently qualified both for learning and staidness, who being born in these parts and well acquainted with the nature and manners of the people, is most likely to prevail with them in cases relating to their souls and consciences.—Aulford near Chester, this fifteenth of January, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (183. 130.)
John Daudridge, prisoner in the Gatehouse.
1602/3, Jan. 16. Petition to Sir R. Cecil. Asks pardon for his offence and prays for liberty.—The Gatehouse, 16th January, 1602.
1 p. (P. 232.)