Cecil Papers: December 1602, 16-25

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp518-528 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1602, 16-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp518-528.

"Cecil Papers: December 1602, 16-25". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp518-528.

December 1602, 16–25

Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Nicholson.
[1602,] Dec. 16. Mr. Nicholson, I have now received your last packet from Berwick of the 10th of December, in which there was enclosed a Scottish letter, which when I opened, I perceived the matter, and therefore, in answer thereof, I do here send you a ticket which I desire may be delivered to the party. At this time there came no loose papers but that letter, whereof I do the rather make mention because in hasty opening your letter and going up, I am doubtful (because you have commonly used it) whether there were any papers or no, whereof let me know by your next. For the matter of Grise [Robert le Grys] I pray you make him this answer, that when I give him my [word] for any thing, I mean to keep it, and therefore would be loth to pass it further than I am sure to be able to perform. In which respect I fall into this consideration; if he come up hither, being in danger of his life, and when he comes his service should not answer her Majesty's expectation, then may he be in danger, when I cannot protect him; but if he will write his particulars and send them to me in your packet, I do protest upon my honour if I find that they be things which he can prove, and not loose reports or inventions, whereof I have infinite number, I will assure him they shall never do him harm, if I do not find a ready way open to procure him favour, and hereof bid him be assured as of his life. But if he impart these things to any other, whereby, when I do him right, others may do him wrong, and yet I may be suspected for another action, then entreat him to keep his secrets to himself; for I do assure you that I am as jealous to give any man that lives advantage of any unsecrecy, to whose place no quality ought to be so inseparably annexed, as to deal justly and with reservation. I am glad to find that I am still so apt to be suspected by the King. It is an argument that I am the more honest man, and for my own part, though I hate to do ill for love of virtue, yet if jealousies of me proceed from observation of my vigilancy—to prevent all practices of this estate it is that I must not leave, nor will not. As for Clement Armoer, for whom I understand you are very earnest, it is more than I can obtain of her Majesty, and if the confidence of it only proceed from my speech to my Lord of Roxborough, I must say thus much, truly and shortly, that I did never promise him more [than] this, that I would do my best for him, which I will do very honestly and shall hope to effect, the rather because I see Sir John Carey is so well disposed.
Endorsed :—“1601, Dec. 16, Minute from my master to Mr. Nicholson.” Draft. 4 pp. (96. 113.)
Dr. Richard Clayton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 16. It pleased your Honour in a letter by this bearer to vouchsafe me thanks for my kindness to your son. I should be glad to show in any way the duty I owe to you and the affection I bear to the child.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 16 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 115.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 16. The Lord Chief Justice sent me word that there is a form in the Council chest for the removing of a priest condemned, which he wisheth were sought for, and did add that, as he thinketh, there must be a particular warrant procured from her Majesty for Gardiner. I enclose a note taken out of a letter of Mr. Hilles to Mr. Watson from Paris. The letter came to his hands this morning. I trust you have remembered the sending over of Mr. Bluet from Paris.—London, this 16 of December, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 116.)
Dr. Goade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 16. Has received his letters touching Ryslipp business, and refers every point touching his care therein to the bearer. Is very glad and much gratulates, both in regard to his Honour and the College, which by this disposition hath gotten an honourable tenant. It is not only transacted and done, but is passed with so good and general consent, which he was glad to see, especially in a time and state of a young multitude of some distemper, and if they have not someway dealt so “respectively” with Cecil as they ought, it is rather to be imputed to some evil disposed leaders of faction than unto the whole Society.—King's College, Cambridge, 16 December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (136. 107.)
Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 17. I have looked into the cause which concerneth the Dean and Church of Wells and heard their counsel.
As to the manor of Wedmore, it appears that this is parcel of the rectory of Wedmore, and the rectory of Wedmore is the corps or body of the prebend of Wedmore, and the prebend, with all his rights and members, is granted to the Dean and his successors. I am of opinion that the same is already well conveyed from her Majesty to the Church of Wells, and that they that pretend the same to be concealed are deceived.
Touching the house of the Deanery of Wells and the tithes of the rectory of Marke, both of these were granted to King Edward the Sixth by deed enrolled of record in the Chancery, I am of opinion that the same neither were or could be concealed, and consequently the grant and lease that the concealers have taken of them are void, and the same still remain in her Majesty's hands to dispose of.
It appears it was her intention to pass to the Church of Wells both the house and the rectory of Marke, but by some imperfection in the letters patent they did not pass in law. There is a charge upon the Dean to find four prebendaries and five vicars choral, whose maintenance was meant to rise out of these possessions, which charge the Dean hath and doth bear. I think seeing it was the Queen's intention to pass the same, and that possession has passed accordingly, it were good for preventing trouble from these eagle-eyed concealers by fresh letters patents to assure these possessions to the Church.
I would gladly be acquainted with such letters patents as shall pass, both to see that her Majesty be not prejudiced nor the church deceived. Dr. Dale, the late Dean, pretended the church's good, but intended his own private gain, for where he should have taken the estate to him and his successors, he took it to him and his heirs. But as God would have it, that estate is void in law.—17 Dec., 1602.
Partly holograph. Seal. 1½ p. (96. 117.)
Sir J. Fortescu to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 17. I pray you show some favour to my brother in this bill for the conveyance of the prisoners out of France, which, although it proved not to have such ground as I could have wished, yet the charge was no less than is desired. Whatsoever you allow, he must be beholden to you for the same.—17 December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 118.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 17. I have sent you a book penned and published by one Wm. Clarke, a secular priest, against Parson's manifestation. As touching the priests in prison, I could send them to Fram[l]ingham by your own direction, saving Gardiner, that is condemned. These are the names of them :—In the Gate House, Hugh Whittofte; in Newgat, Rogers alias Flud, a Jesuit; Gardiner, condemned; in the Marshallsea, Mr. Barowys; in the Clinke, Mr. Leake, Mr. Greene, a friar; in the King's Bench, Mr. Gray, taken lately by my Lord Chief Justice upon suspicion of some great matters. I would be glad to know your pleasure herein, the rather because there will be a “cotche” ready upon Tuesday next to carry them down. The stay, I think, will be upon Gardiner.—At my house in London, 17 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (185. 84.)
Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 17. On behalf of Mr. Rainsforde, for one of the companies that are presently to be sent into Ireland.—Blackfriars, 17 Dec., 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601. Lo. Chamberlain to my Mr.” (204. 144.)
Thomas and Alice Gascoigne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 17. Pray for the delivery to them of certain leases made by Edward Haselwood, late husband to Alice, now remaining in the Court of Wards. Detail the proceedings against them of John Osberne, who has obtained the wardship of the son of Edward Haselwood, the younger.—
Endorsed :—“1 Dec., 1602.” Notes by Cecil and Sir Thomas Hesketh on the case.—17 Dec., 1602. 2 pp. (P. 1504.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, 18 Dec. I have returned herewith the despatch you sent me touching the exchange, &c. It is a maze. I wish a good way may be found out of it. For my coming to Court, I come and stay and live and breathe as her Majesty shall command, but before I be commanded I dare not adventure. As I shall hear from you, so am I ready.—At the Rolls, 18 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 122.
Stephen Lesieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 18. Since my last, dated yesterday, I understand that the Earl of Embden hath sent one Doctor Wyarda (a counsellor of his) unto the States, to expostulate from them the reasons that move them in hostile manner to enter and possess his country, and to show himself ready to assent to any reasonable conditions, to assure them from the diffidence which they have conceived of him. Meanwhile, their forces commit many outrages and disorders, which cannot but procure them the more enemies, though the Earl have but few friends. The town of Embden is by this course to be in short time reduced to great poverty and misery, for they may not traffic in Spain nor almost elsewhere without danger. It seemeth the French King doth pretend to effect some great matter in Germany, now that he hath assured the Swisses of his side, though it cost him dear, for it is not in vain that he hath made the Landgrave his colonel-general in Germany, and doth by his ministers endeavour to win sundry of these princes. He hath written for Monsieur Bougars (his agent in Germany) to confer with him thereupon.—Bremen, 18 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 85.)
Richard Hopper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 20. I understand from Sir Robert Gardiner that upon a motion lately made to your Honour on my behalf for the reversion of an office in Ireland, it pleased you to promise to procure a grant from her Majesty; and for this I will evermore rest devoted to your service.
During my fifteen years of service in Ireland under Sir Henry Wallop, Treasurer at Wars, I had not gift or grant from the State there.
I beseech you censure me not in my writing to you otherwise than favourably. I would not have reminded you of your promise, but that I am told that the office is not long since passed to another by her Majesty's letters under her signature. If this is true, there is no more cause of suit herein; yet still am I bound for your favour intended towards me.—20 December, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 124.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 20. Bickley is a Jesuit : (Bucley is one of the appellants) Dryland : Hughes and Barloe are violent fellows and altogether Jesuited. All these are at Framingham already. The effect of the Lords' letter to me yesterday is only for the sending of such priests to Framingham as are now prisoners in London.—At my house in London, 20 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 125.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 20. I send you herein a project of that which was moved yesterday for 40l. sterling to be delivered upon the exchange of each 100l. I am persuaded the substance of your project must be hearkened unto, and I pray you think well of that which was moved to be permitted current also here, for I fear me it will bring upon the state here an infinite many of discommodities and inconveniencies, which I shall be ready to impart unto you. I make choice to write this much unto you, as to one that I do specially respect, and for that I hold these things are of that kind as you will better satisfy yourself upon a full digesting of it with yourself than upon any sudden speech or motion of others.—At my house, 20 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 128.)
Enclosed :—The Exchange.—If to receive here 100l. sterling, there must be delivered in at Dublin with 60l. Irish 40l. sterling, it followeth then, for 100l. Irish delivered in at Dublin, there must be delivered also 100 marks sterling to have all together in sterling moneys here.
Then make this the case : A merchant of Dublin buying here 100l. worth of commodities hath yet 200 marks sterling at Dublin; he selleth his commodities there for 200 Irish : he putteth his 200 marks sterling there with the 200l. Irish into the Exchange; he hath here for all 500 marks sterling; then he payeth himself his 200 marks sterling, which he put into the bank at Dublin; he payeth himself also his 100l. stock, and yet there remaineth to him clearly of gain upon the stock, with the forbearing of 200 marks, but for three months, 100l. sterling. But if the merchant there have never a penny for stock, nor any one penny of sterling, yet if he might find an evil treasurer, there might be as much gotten upon the state here, and no one penny disbursed, as may appear by the plot on the other side, and yet not to be perceived.
Admit a merchant of Dublin will take up here a 100l. worth of commodities at six months' pay. He selleth these in Ireland for 200l. Irish; now to cast this upon the Exchange, he cometh to an evil treasurer, prayeth him to take upon him to have received not only the 200l. Irish, but also 200 marks sterling, for which he will gratify him with 40l. sterling, and pay the 200 marks to his friend here. Now this merchant hath his bill of exchange and is paid here 500 marks sterling, 200 whereof he payeth to the treasurer's friend here, to satisfy the state here, which is as if so much had been delivered in there; 40l. more he giveth that treasurer, and with 100l. more he satisfieth his creditor; and yet he hath clear gain, never disbursing penny, 60l. sterling.
A shrewd temptation to an officer, if he be not groundly stayed and honest.
In Popham's hand. 2 pp. (96. 127.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 20. I have made diligent search for the Irish boy that robbed the French gentleman, and chanced to apprehend him in a town near the coast about ten miles off. He is now in the city gaol, until I hear your pleasure. The purse described was found on him, with seventeen French crowns, three pistolets, and four pounds in silver in it. I find from him that some of this country have a great part of the money to convey him away. May it please your Honour to write to Mr. Justice Warburton to join me in the examination.—Chester, 20 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 135.)
The Justices of the Peace for Suffolk to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 20. Recommending Dr. Tyndall, now Dean of Ely and Master of Queen's College, Cambridge, to be Bishop of Norwich.—Bury, 2 Dec., 1602.
Signed :—Nycholas Bacon, Jo. Heigham, Thomas Crofte, Edward Lewkenor, Henry Warner, George Waldegrave, 1 p. (96. 126.)
Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 21. This day I have been so hardly handled by the Lord Mayor of London, who knowing my purpose to be present among the inhabitants of the ward, whereof I am alderman, according to my oath and the ancient custom of the city, hath caused Mr. Halliday, another alderman, to intrude himself and to supplant me, and offered to disrobe me before them all, and committed me prisoner to the house of one of the sheriffs, where I now remain. This indignity I can the less endure, because it was signified to me that I should remain in that place until the Queen's pleasure was known to the contrary; and that upon three several motions of the Lord Mayor's unto my ward for my remove, they still gave me their general approbation. I would ask you to acquaint the Queen with this unbrotherly dealing, and if it please her that I be thus dealt with, I will bear it; otherwise, I beg that the cause may be enquired of.—From Mr. Sheriff Pemberton's house, 21 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 129.)
Lord Zouch to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 21. I might well say that your letters brought me a sufficient taxing of myself for negligence towards you. I know your fortunes can bring me more than I desire; if I were worthy to enjoy a part of your good fortunes, I would willingly run any other with you. But I fear to be tedious, and this term time one business has caused me to forget another. I hear of your honourable dealing with me in all places, and even in that of Sir Edward Winter's bad carriage, for which I am much bound, being sorry that the place I hold should receive such carriage. For myself, I can put up much, but it would grieve me so worthy a place should be blemished by so unworthy a person. I confess that, however fortunes temper me, I find my mind not consenting to any indignity, the preventing whereof did first settle a retired mind in me so far as obedience only maketh me walk in this public course, which if it serve not my sovereign, I shall be happy to return where I began, and, being without hope of Guernsey, would be rather contented to serve you at Theobalds than in the blasts of these storms. What you will have me you shall make me.
I should have acquainted you long since with a boy the Bishop of St. Asaph sent me, who seemed to have means to reveal unto me seminaries, Jesuits and of the worst disposed Papists. I sent a pursuivant to search with him, but found nothing worthy of advertising you. There was only the copy of an authority given to an archpriest, which I enclose. Would you could conceive how much falseness there is in men of that brood, I am persuaded they should not be so at ease. This country is very full, and so little care of good ministers to work them better, as if it were promised that there should be no means to bring the people to good. If the state like thereof, I can serve faithfully, as far as I am commanded, but if it shall be otherwise thought fit, I shall more willingly live a private life until I be removed to that which endures. I am heartily sorry that those which profess true religion give blemish, but this is to let men see that further than God upholdeth the building it cannot stand. This should take away security and work more watchfulness, and make men see it is better to strengthen men in good than to tempt them to evil. I know there is no strength where there is no temptation, yet I pray you think there are weak men can be loyal to their prince and faithful to their friend. So will I hope the Duke of Bouillon is, till he be otherwise tried. In matters of policy, events make men's actions seem wise, but surely they are not esteemed most wise which judge by events. I had rather heard of twenty Papists to have been traitors than of one Protestant to be suspected; yet I thank you for imparting this to me as I dare not marvel what kind of men those be which are reported to be sent from France by our Ambassador, for I am content to be no wiser than you will have me be. I would I were once so happy as to be received into your school, and must still hope that after long trial you will either accept me as worthy, or ease me of a burden too heavy for me to bear.—Ludlow, 21 Dec., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dec. 21. Lord President of Wales to my master, with copy of a letter from the Pope to Blackwell, the archpriest.” 2½ pp. (96. 133 & 134.)
Enclosures :
Pope Clement VIII. to George Blackwell and the Catholic Priests, Clerks and Laymen in England. [Printed in Dodd's Church History of England (Tierney's Edition), III. clxix.] Latin. 2 pp. (96. 130, 131.]
List of Faculties to be Conferred on the English Priests going to the harvest in England by Cardinal Caietan. [Printed in the “Archpriest Controversy” : Camden Society's Publications, New Series, lvi, Vol. I. p. 152.)
Latin. 1 p. (96. 132.
Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 22. We have gotten knowledge that by your suit and mediation, our worthy Master, Dr. Jegon, is like to be advanced to the See of Norwich, and so thereby his place in government of us like shortly to become void; we and this college have received much good by his wisdom and provident care over us and it, in that he hath restored it, which was near fully ruined by some needy and careless Masters before him. From whence having taken a due consideration, we are desirous to make choice of such a one to succeed him as is for his learning and degrees, experience, gravity and wisdom, meet and sufficient to guide us and our little commonwealth, and in his own estate so settled, as he shall not need to prey upon us, but will be able and careful to uphold our house in the present flourishing estate. Our humble suit is that you would vouchsafe your allowance that we may be permitted, when our Master shall leave, to proceed freely to a new election, wherein we will be so careful that we doubt not your Honour will be fully satisfied.—Cambridge, December 22, 1602.
Signed :—Anthonius Watson, proprœses; Henry Buttes, decanus; Edward Gent, prœlector; John Robinson, George Hall, Marlian Higden, prœlector Greci; William Starkey, prœlector rhet. : Edmund Gurnay, prœlector top. (136. 108.)
Richard Hawkins to Edmund Palmer.
1602, Dec. 23. I could not get the shallop to stay for the sealing and superscription of my letter unto you, and therefore those which go herewith were not sent you from the bar, and one for Thomas Bradshaw, which I also send now. Those enclosed I pray you recommend to our friend over the water to be sent presently away, and to continue the friendship which I renewed, for I hope it will for the good of both, for old Besse must pay all first or last. Commend me in most heartiest manner to your wife and household, and to kind Master Cox and to Alexander Marshe, with all the good crew which I remain so much indebted unto; and to Mr. Wyllson, I pray you send the enclosed with my heartiest commendations. You shall hear from me more largely shortly. The dog, I pray you let our good friend deliver to John de Arbolays for the Duke, for I have so written unto him with the letter enclosed.—In post haste from Plymouth, 23 Dec., 1602, English computation.
Holograph. Addressed to Palmer in St. John de Luz. 1 p. (96. 136.)
1602, Dec. 23. Petition to Sir Robert Cecil. Christopher Hanmeire : for the concealed wardship of the heir of Francis Poole, of Spinckhill, Derbyshire.
Endorsed :—“23 De., 1602.” Note by Cecil that petitioner is to have a commission. (1275.)
George Sharpe : For the wardship of the heir of Edward Sonky.
Endorsed :—“23 Dec., 1602.” Note by Cecil thereon (1385.)
Fulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 24. The bearer desires to kiss your hands, and in my knowledge is bound to do you more homage, if it were in his power; he hath done the Queen good service upon that mutinous unconstant element. I humbly beseech you to be pleased to favour him as you find reason. Within a day or two, I hope of perfect health to wait upon you. In the meantime, a working day servant may be best spared on holidays.—Austin Friars, this Christmas even.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 137.)
Petition of Lady Newton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 24. Is lessee of the manor of Abbotsburie, Dorset, with right of wrecks of the sea. The right is claimed by Wm. Hardye, farmer to Lady Yonge of the demesnes of that manor. Prays to be restored to possession of the right.
Note by Cecil :—“Mr. Attorney to certify him what he may write.” Note by Thos. Hesketh, advising that Hardye be commanded to deliver the wreckage he has seized to the bailiff of the manor, to be kept till it is decided to whom it belongs.
Endorsed :—“24 Dec., 1602.” (240.)
Humfrey Perrot to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 24. For the wardship of George, son of Henry Greswolde.
Endorsed :—“24 Dec., 1602.” Note by Cecil, granting a commission. 1 p. (1384.)
Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Dec. 25. “New Year's gifts given to your Honour at Christmas, 1602, whereof received of Mr. Rainsford the parcels following :”
From Lord Burghley, one bason and ewer of silver white, 108½ oz. 3 plates of silver, 27 oz.
From the Company of Merchant Venturers, one great standing bowl in a case. [Margin :—“Sold to Prescott.”]
From Sir John Roper, one other great standing bowl in a case. [“Sold to Prescott.”]
From my Lord of Hertford, one pair of great Dutch pots, gilt, 162¾ oz.
From Mr. Nicolson, one fair standing bowl. [“Sold to Prescott.”]
From Mr. Owen, one other standing bowl, lesser, 8 oz. [“Given to Sir Henry Nevell's child.”]
From the Bishop of Winchester, one standing cup.
From Doc. Stanop, one other standing cup, lesser. [“Given to Doctor Elvine.”]
From my Lord Nores, one cup of gold in a velvet case.
From Mr. Coalle, of Devonshire, one basin and ewer of fine “purslen” gilt. Six fair dishes of “purslen” gilt. Six lesser, of fine “purslen” gilt. One perfuming pot in the form of a cat, of “purslen.” One fine voider of China gilt.
From my Lady Digbie, one fine “quishon,” lined with carnation satin.
From Mr. Cope, one sweet bag.
From Mr. Skenner, one other sweet bag.
From my Lady Laiton, one chair embroidered.
From Comptroller of the Works, a fire shovel, tongs and a lock for a door.
Mr. Savadge, two barrels of figs.
From Sir Robert Crosse, one little casket.
From a ward, one great standing cup with scollop shells, 66 oz. [“Given at the Christening of the French Amb. child.”]
From a ward, one great salt set in crystal, 106 oz.
From Mr. Penrudock, one salt, 28 oz.
pp. (204. 145.)