Cecil Papers: November 1602, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp460-473 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp460-473.

"Cecil Papers: November 1602, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp460-473.

November 1602, 1–15

Sir Samuel Bagenall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 1. I humbly beseech your Honour to receive me into your honourable opinion and to forgive that I have forgotten, and I will be to you as serviceable as any man alive. I have delivered to this Lord President my heart, and I hope he will tell you what I am. I have made bold to present you with two dogs. Had I a fairer present, it should come.—Cork, 1 November, 1602.
PS.—This great white dog is the most furiousest beast that ever I saw.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 21.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 1. Since my last of 26 Oct. I have laden aboard the Marigold, of London, for your Honour's account, 24 chests white sugars, 7 chests Muscovados, 4 chests Panells, and 18 casks St. Tome sugars, 20 bags of pepper, and one chest of 205 china dishes. The rest which remaineth due unto your Honour, being small parcels, I will agree for with the parties that are to redeliver the same, and so send a perfect account of all, and what is to be paid in money for Custom.—Plymouth, 1 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 52.)
Sir Robert Cecil and the Lord Admiral to Sir Francis Vere.
1602, Nov. 2. We have thoroughly informed her Majesty how far you had proceeded in bestowing the place for which we wrote by her Majesty's direction, whereby she might the better conceive the great respect you carried to her recommendation, when in that only regard you have neglected the private satisfaction of one to whom you had cause to carry private affection. You must therefore herewith receive from her Majesty her thanks and gracious acceptation, whereunto although we know there is nothing needful for addition, yet in the love we bear the gentleman, we can do no less than let you know that he is a gentleman disposed to honour and follow you, and one for whose merit we dare engage ourselves. We desire you not to impute his staying from you for the present to any lack of respect towards you, but to some accident which doth so much concern him, as when he sees you he will be able to give you full satisfaction.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602, November 2. Mynute from the L. Admyall and my Mr. to Sir Francys Vere. For Mr. Warberton.” 2½ pp. (185. 53–4.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 2. This night I received a letter from my son Thomas Sacvill, dated from Padoa the 17 Oct. stilo novo. Thereby he certifieth unto me that by the sick and weak state of his brother, whom with much ado he hath brought to Padoa, he hath been forced to spend a long time in his passage with him out of Germany, and now there is no matter of importance as he writeth, but thus he advertiseth. Italy is all in peace and so like to continue, for as for the stir about the confines of their countries not long since raised betwixt the Duke of Modena and the commonwealth of Luca, it is fully accommodated by the Count Fuentes, Governor of Milan. That Fuentes is much talked of for his severe government and divers strait edicts by him published in the Duchy of Milan, for the which he is become very odious to that State. Alba Regale, after many repulses, was won by the Turks, and the Emperor's affairs have prospered very ill all this summer, by reason that since the death of Duke Mercurio, his army wanting a head and having only a provisional commander, and he of no great dignity, there hath risen much variance among the chiefs of his army, sundry aspiring to that place. The Emperor is slow in giving Don Ferrante Gonzaga (of his whole army the most worthiest) such conditions as he desireth. This is the sum of his advertisement, which, such as it is, I send you.—2 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (185. 55.)
T. Thwaytes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 3. He that for one repulse is dismayed is holden a coward, so that if I were discouraged with one denial, I were unworthy of any success, especially as the matter is so much for her Majesty's profit and for the good of that poor country, as I had shown you at my last being in your presence but that a plain denial stopped my mouth. You may have thought it will demand a great charge to try out the matter, because I asked to have another joined with me; this was to avoid suspicion of indirect dealing, for I know not only how to try it by bringing out his substance, but I can also make the test and try if it doth hold any other metal, as namely, whether lead do contain silver or no. Sir Tirlogh O'Brien assures me of a mine of lead to be in his country; and Mr. Redmond of another in his country; now both in this city; so that if you will make trial of them, I am at your commandment, and I would not have anyone bear away the credit of this but your Honour.
If I had the means to carry out this trial, I would do so; but my elder brother has consumed his patrimony and my small portion, to the utter overthrow of our house, and much sickness in Ireland has used up all that I was ever able to make besides that spent in this matter.
And so I would beg you either to employ me in this matter, or to obtain from the Queen a pension for my old age, or that she will bestow on me thirty pounds per annum of concealed lands in that country in fee farm, in regard of eighteen years' service in Ireland.—Lambart Hill in London, 3 November, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 22.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 3. Recommending the cause of his friend, Mr. Neale. The fault that was committed was done by others contrary to his will.—London (sic), 3 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“30 November 1602. Mr. Stallenge to my Master from Plymouth on behalf of Mr. Neale.”
Seal. ½ p. (96. 24.)
Hortensio Spinola to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 3. It is now twenty days that my keeper has confined me to my little chamber, saying that he does so by your orders, but refusing to tell me the reason. I am very ill and in need of many things that I cannot have in this confinement I am not conscious of having offended you by deed or word, but have always been quiet and peaceable during the three years and eight months of my imprisonment. I would humbly beg you to take pity on my miserable state, and to order that I may have the liberty of the prison that I used to have.—The Gatehouse, 3 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p. (185. 56.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 4. Enclosing a bill of lading of the Marigold. The “gomb laker” had also been sent, but as yet it cannot be received from the Commissioners, who are indebted to the Customer, who will not suffer them to remove it.
The last day there arrived her Majesty's ship Crane. She is to return to the narrow seas and her captain has promised to accompany the Marigold to the Downs.
The bark which was ready long since to go to Sir William Monson departed the last day.—Plymouth, 4th Nov., 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“with a note of lading of the goods in the Marygold.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 25.)
The Enclosure :
Bill of lading of the ship Marigold of London, master John Boorne, laden with sugar, pepper, copper money, china dishes and other cargo at Plymouth by William Stallenge.—Nov. 3, 1602.
1 p. (96. 23.)
Fulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 4. The prize is now come up to Deptford, and either she must presently be unladen or the government of her disposed to some very trusty man. Mr. Honyman and I refuse nothing in this service which it shall please you to command us, only we think it convenient to have warrant from yourself or my Lord Treasurer how we shall order or dispose of the goods, and that in writing to avoid the envy of men in these petty things.—London, this morning.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“4 November, 1602. Mr. Greville to my Mr.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 26.)
Lord Zouche, President of Wales, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 4. The especial cause of my writing at this time is to pray your favour that these enclosed may be sent to my Lord Keeper and my Lord Treasurer. The one is concerning the sheriffs, the other concerning the escheators. For the first, though the statute be that it should be directed to my Lords of the Council, yet the use here hath been that it hath been sent to my Lord Keeper, from whom I would be loth to derogate the least. For the other, though I do see no rule either by statute or instruction, yet because it is said here that the use hath been so to do, I have observed the same. I pray your help, as occasion shall serve, against Sir Edward Winter, or rather, in defence of this Council, who hath been pleased to undertake the crossing of us here, the matter being thus. There hath been some communication of marriage betwixt Sir Thomas Throgmorton and one Mr. Baneham, of Gloucestershire, for the son of the former and the daughter of the latter to be had. The fathers breaking off after some extraordinary liking by the young couple, a marriage or contract hath passed betwixt them, such as I think the laws of this land will adjudge so, but young Throgmorton complaining of a detention of his wife by bill in this Court, and swearing to the parts of the bill, we could not, as was thought, do less than send for the gentlewoman and her father, and upon hearing the cause take order that an indifferent place might be chosen for the keeping of the gentlewoman from further dissuasion by the parents and persuasion by the young gentleman or his friends, until the cause might be decided by the ecclesiastical law, to which the decision did belong. Sir Edward Winter, in contempt of this Court, hath withheld her, contrary to justice and reason, for if we have done any fault, it were better that we should be punished than the Court contemned.
Thinking it more honourable for her Majesty and less scandalous to this Council to have every term a bishop to assist here, I have thought good to pray the presence of the Bishop of St. David's for this term. Now it should seem that Sir Richard Lewkenar doth take it that his place should be before the Bishop, notwithstanding the instructions expressly place the Bishop before. He allegeth that the Justice of Chester hath ever preceded. What will grow betwixt them I know not, but I should be loth that Sir Richard Lewkenar should think that I would do him wrong. There is another matter may come to your hearing, wherein I crave your help, and that is in respect there is some money beforehand, but little or no implements of household, so as there is not ordinary linen for the board, but that they are fain to wash every day. The Council themselves complain of their beds and for want of lodgings. These things had need to be bought, so will there arise another question when there is money, by what warrant it ought to be. For my part, I should think it fit upon my Lord Treasurer's warrant, but if it might please him to procure an instruction, that as we are to send the account into the Exchequer, so we should pay into the Exchequer by such a time that which remaineth, I should think myself well satisfied; but to have the Receiver of the county to demand it, as if it were due to him, or to have no trust with a surplusage here, if any be, I beseech you conceive what is fit to be, and then deal with me as justice will work in you.—Ludlow, 4 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (185. 57–8.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 6. I have sent to you by this bearer one Francis Henton, an English youth, coming from Paris by way of Calais, and landed at Ramsgate by a Frenchman, and thence brought to Sandwich to be examined by the Commissioners of Passage, and there stayed for denying to take the oath of supremacy. The parties' bill of charges I have rated to 40s.—From my house in Blackfriars, 6th Nov., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 27.)
Sir William Reed to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 6. I humbly thank your Honour for assuring me of your furtherance in any matter where my name shall come in question.
I am still a suitor for the renewing of a lease from her Majesty. My Lord Treasurer moved her Majesty in my behalf, but she answered that by reason of her going on progress she would hear no suitors. I have now sent this bearer my son to beseech his Lordship once again to stand my friend; and as this is all I have to leave this bearer and my other children, I would ask you to move the Lord Treasurer to this for me.
Sir John Carey, knight, Lord Warden of our marches and Governor of Berwick, is pleased to commend my son to you.—Fenham, 6 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed with a list of names. Seal. 1 p. (96. 28.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1602, Nov. 7. Here arrived this day M. Tamma, lieutenant governor of “Bollyn,” who brought over a horse with him from the Governor of “Bollen” for Sir Robert Cecil.
He hath brought with him one of the slaves which came ashore at Calais.—Dover Castle, 7 Nov., 1602.
Postal endorsements :—“Dover, vij November at vj in the afternoon; at Canterbury past — at night; at Seitingborne past ix at night; Rochester past xj at night; Dartford past 7 in the morning.”
Signed. ½ p. (96. 29.)
The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 7. Announcing his own election as Vice-Chancellor.—Clare Hall, 7 November, 1602.
Holograph. Signed : Guill. Smythe. Latin. Seal. ½ p. (136. 105.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 8. Bear with me that I press you again to relieve me in these doubtful courses, where my instructions lead one way, and use another way, that I may not be condemned of want of regard to my instructions, or maliciously to press the observing of them, where precedents have been in some cases to the contrary. Sir Richard Lewkenor only desires to keep the place above bishops and noblemen because he is informed that his predecessors have done so. I wish not to abate the honour of any, but would willingly observe all due courses. The Bishop, he in taciorem partem yields the place to Sir Richard, and so I leave it, until I may by your means understand further order upon these suggestions, for I see I am like to be condemned in every matter, as I hear the judges labour to cross this Court more than ever, and more uncivilly than ever, so as I hope we shall be made an example of some notable justice, which I desire may be, if there be cause. I am condemned already for using Mr. Justice too proudly. I beseech you think whether I have not cause to desire plain helps, since I have to deal with so cunning a world. Favour me so much as to confer with my Lord Keeper, and that I may know what course I am to hold in this case. I neither take benefit nor pleasure here, further than that my own heart witnesses with me that I strive to do that for which I take myself to be sent.—Ludlowe, 8 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord President of Wales.” 1 p. (199. 102.)
1602, Nov. 9. Pass issued by Sir John Carey, Governor of Berwick and Warden of the East Marches, to Sir Robert Gorden, Sir John Crighton, Andrew Rorison, Laird of Bardonnoughe, and James Gorden, to go through England on their way to France.—Berwick, 9 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 30.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 9. Yesterday the Mariegold left for London; the Crane was to accompany her, but hearing from you that the goods are insured, I told the captain of the Crane to follow the Lord Admiral's directions, and I think he intends to stay here some days. I enclose an account of the customs and other charges.
Under your letters to Sir John Gilbert in July, 1601, there was here taken up a small pinnace of Captain Parker's, which was sent to discover the Spanish fleet and lost at sea. Captain Parker demanded for her of the then Mayor 120l. and is like to recover the same. The cost to her Majesty of the victualling and wages of the company was 14l. odd money, which was, I think, as much as the pinnace was worth. But had she been worth more, she being taken for her Majesty's service, there is no reason that the Mayor should be made to pay for her.—Plymouth, 9 November, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 31.)
[James Hudson] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 9. The Lord of Newbotle his eldest son, who has been a student abroad, and has now been in this country in Cambridge, London and elsewhere for three or four months, is now desirous to be made known to your Honour, wherein he has requested me to be his convoy. Other errand than to see you I know none, yet it may be, he may speak for Mrs. Barbare Ruthven, because he is of her acquaintance, but if it so be, I have nothing but conjecture. His name is Mr. Kar.
There is one Mr. Haewartt, an attorney of the King's Bench and a Norwich indweller, that hath a purpose to make a suit for a concealed ward, for which he would give 500l., which if it prove ward, he says, will be better than 2,000l. Herein I was offered to be a partner, but think it my duty first to know your pleasure in this matter.
Holograph by Hudson. Undated. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“9 November, 1602. Mr. Hudson to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 32.)
Thomas Windebanke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 9. After the performance of the points of my charge, to her Majesty's contentment (which was the more by hearing of the towardness of your amendment) I acquainted her Majesty with your opinion, that it were not amiss for her to grant the request contained in the letter from the magistrates of Embden. Her Majesty concurred with you, and willed that the gentleman who brought their letters might attend on your Honour, that upon conference you might give direction for a letter to be drawn and signed by her Majesty, which was always, in the same case, directed to the Treasurer, for taking order with the officers in that behalf. It must be considered whether the same shall be with or without custom, which, if it come to no great matter, I wish might be remitted. Her Majesty would not have you venture to go too soon abroad, the rather because she saith she will be at London on Saturday next.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“9 Nov., 1602. From Court.” Seal. ½ p. (185. 59.)
1602, Nov. 10. Pass issued by Sir John Carey, Governor of Berwick and Warden of the East Marches, to Fortunat Dugné, Adam Rowland, Alexander Houston, Jacques Sagar, and John Levingston, attendants upon the Lord Ambassador for France presently in the realm of Scotland, to travel to London.—Berwick, 10 Nov. 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 33.)
Dr. Julius Caesar to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 10. I am informed by Mr. Fawconer that the arbitrators agreed on to hear and end the cause between the Flemings and Captain Gifford have concluded upon five hundred and fifty pounds to be paid by the captain to the Flemings between this and Wednesday next in settlement of the claim of 2,500l. The accepting whereof, and payment of the money out of the six hundred pounds in Mr. Garraway and Cordel's hands, I hold to be most safe and honourable to your Honours as the case standeth.—Doctor's Commons, 10 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 34.)
Sir John Salusburye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 10. I make bold to acquaint your Honour with the loss of my servant and kinsman John Lewis Gwyn, lately murdered by the followers of my adversaries in this country, by whose labour and for want of an indifferent sheriff it is wrought that those few offenders that are brought in to answer (the rest being fled) may not as yet take any indifferent trial, but are encouraged to rely upon a pardon, which they think they can obtain before trial, Captain John Salisbury being come up to solicit for them. I have already informed your Honour how cruelly he, being alone, was instantly slain by seven or eight persons in the view of one Foulke Lloid, their master that is by indictment found to be the procurer of his death. I beseech, therefore that if any motion be made for a pardon for the said Fulke Lloid, or any other of the offenders, your Honour will remember the odiousness of the fact. And as the course of due trial depends upon him that shall be appointed sheriff next year, my desire is that an indifferent man may be appointed. My uncle the bearer of this shall attend upon you to inform you of those that shall come up in the return. My assured confidence is that the Lord President will take order for choice of indifferent officers for our country, whom I find my very good lord and most honourable friend.—Lleweny, 10 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 35.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 10. I would presume to crave your farther pleasure for my dispatch, which I am very speedily purposed to prepare myself for. I have now, by your Honour's good means, procured an answer from Sir Anthony Wingfild, such as I trust shall serve my turn, who hath referred the safe conveyance of things in law to our counsel to consider on, which may as well be done in my absence as presence, who am to receive, not to give any assurance. For my debts, such as are mine own and most conscionable and urgent, I hope to take honest order for forthwith, for their securities if not payment.—Acton, 10 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 60.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 10. Last night here arrived Captain Calfild with H.M. ship the Dreadnought, leaving the rest, as he saith, about 14 days since upon the coast of Spain, until which time I do not understand of anything done by them. This ship has lost by sickness at sea about 25 men, and has brought home near 80 sick, which the captain, with the Mayor's assistance, goes about to provide for. The ship is brought into Catwatter, where it is intended she shall remain until my Lord Admiral's further order. The rest of her company have also in them many sick men, so that, as I think, they will not be long from hence. The Mayor not suffering any of the sick men to be placed in this town unless he might be assured their charges might be paid, I have promised to allow for every of them 6d. each man per diem, for that I would be loth that any returning from her Majesty's service should perish for want of necessary relief. If the rest of the ships come into this place, it will be needful some letter be written to the Justices to see the sick people provided for in other places hereabouts, for this town will not be able to relieve them all.—Plymouth, 10 November, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (213. 64.)
Sir Arthur Capel to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 12. I have sent your Honour by the bearer hereof a brace of does and a brace of pheasants killed with a hawk. My wife also has been so bold as to send you three of her cheeses.—My poor lodging by the Savoy, 12 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 36.)
Thomas Gresley to the Privy Council.
1602, Nov. 12. I understand I am named second in the bill for sheriff for Staffordshire. I have conveyed all the little land I had there to my son and remain myself in Derbyshire, being there Deputy Lieutenant to the Earl of Shrewsbury; for which reasons I petition not to have that charge laid upon me.—Drakelow, 12 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 37.)
Charles Comte d'Arenberg to Lord Cobham.
1602, Nov. 12/22. Monsieur, Laffection et zele que je porte au bien publicq m'ha donne courrage de vous escripre la presente pour entendre si vous demeurez encores pres de vous si constant qu'il ny peult avoir aultre conference sans que nous envoions pour traicter chez vous. Je vous supplie, Monsieur, me voulloir tant obliger de me faire entendre librement sur cela vostre opinion, ne faisant doubte d'une bonne responce bien agreable, vous asseurant que je m'emploieray tant affectueusement par de ca en ce faict comme je voy que la calamite en quoy le pais et generallement tout la Chrestiente est le requiert.
PS.—Longtemps y a que j'attends avecq devotion la pourtaiture (sic) par moy tant desire le quel je vous promets sera si bien venu comme l'affection de l'avoir me presse.—Brussels, 22 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Count of Arenbergh to my Lord Cobham.” 1 p. (96. 53.)
— to Gieronymo Paluzzi.
1602, Nov. 12/22. I reached my house with great trouble and no less risk, but now all I want is news of you; I hope you have reached Bayonne, whither I send this by your man, who is leaving to-day for Marseilles. I gave him the letter you left me and money for his expenses; for though you left no order, I wished not to be wanting in any way to your service. I have been in doubt whether to send him to London where I have business, but not being sure that I could trust him, I decided to make use of you, although it was a longer route. I have busied myself in reconciling you to your enemy. He is much angered against you, yet having discovered in him a certain inclination to peace, I attacked him with fresh reasons and he has now promised friendship. It is true that it is necessary to satisfy the account of 500 scudi which he asserts he paid for you to Mr. Thomas Wilson; if you wish the matter settled in this way, let me know soon. He promises to let you have good merchandises and hopes for every good from it. You will have heard that the armada is being dissolved and that we expect the gallies back. The infantry will land on our coast 3,000 in number, who will go by way of Piedmont to Flanders. I hear that it is proposed in Spain to equip a hundred galleons like those of England, so as to be superior by sea. I hope to get particulars of this from a gentleman, who has promised them to me.
I hear that 5,000 German troops and 4,000 Neapolitans are being levied.—Genoa, 22 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Italian. Signature illegible. 2 pp. (96. 54.)
The Surrender of Embden.
1602, Nov. 13. Articles of agreement between Captain du Boys, commander of the troops sent to Embden, and Junker Willelm van Knyphuysen, governor of the fort of Longen.—November 13, 1602, stylo veteri.
½ p. (96. 39.)
William Stallenge.
1602, Nov. 13. Two letters :—
(1.) To Sir Robert Cecil—By a letter herewith to my Lord Admiral and your Honour I am a petitioner. I would also have some order whereby I may be freed of the Mayor and his brethren, according to my former letters in that behalf.
Concerning your part of the Refuzal's prizes, the weight and the tares thereof have been allowed very large. Everything should be weighed again when sold.
Captain Calfild is suspected to have been dealing with the Flemings. I pray God it prove not true.—Plymouth, 13th Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 38.)
(2.) To the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.—I have received your letters concerning six bales of indigo left with me and the Customer by Capt. Nories. By my last I certified your Honour of the arrival of her Majesty's ship Dreadnought, with many sick men, of whom about 30 are already placed in this town, not without great trouble, by reason of the late infection brought into this place by those returned from Ireland and the last service under the command of Sir Richard Leveson. Were it not that I do pay for their charges, I fear me they would be suffered to die in the streets. I beseech your Honour to write to the Mayor and to Sir William Strowde, Mr. Carew of Anthonie, Mr. Edgcomb, and Mr. Harries, that if the rest of her Majesty's ships arrive in this place, they take order to see the sick men placed. For my own part, I can do no more but disburse my money, which I hope will be allowed me again. It were good these sick men did here receive their pay, and so be dismissed as soon as they are able to travel to their dwelling-places. Although I am a very bad beggar, I would remind your Honour of my continual employment, not having as yet received any recompense for the same, neither am I certain of any place, whereby to live. I am informed there is like to be some alteration between Mr. Darell and Mr. Bludder. I desire not there to be joined with Mr. Darell, for that I know I may in this place do her Majesty better service, only that I may be authorised for the victualling of her Highness' navy in these western parts as Mr. Darell is for the rest. The Customer's place of this port is not yet disposed of. I have written to my Lord Treasurer for it. If it shall please you to use some speech thereof, not taking knowledge of my letter, happily his Lordship will be pleased I have the place. There is remaining for Custom above 300l., which, if not already disposed of, may serve towards the paying of the mariners here to be discharged.—Plymouth, 13 Nov., 1602.
PS.—The Crane shall have in her two months' victuals by Wednesday next.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. closely written. (185. 61.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 14. The scarcity of messengers must excuse my unfrequent letters. The Danes have at first meeting entertained us with fair speeches, and protested their desire for amity with her Majesty, so that we made no doubt of good success in our negociations. But the event of Princes' affairs are not by private due to be censured, and in dealing with secret and wilful persons small hope is to be had of good success. The Danes esteem profit more than Christian dealing, pride and hope of greatness is more preferred by them than religious and worthy friendship with true and well affected princes. The event of these causes you shall shortly receive by a purposed messenger from us all.
Touching the Emperor, we received at our first coming notice from the Baron of Minckquitz of the Emperor's liking of us as commissioners and of Bremen for the place of our session, since which time, now more than five weeks ago, we have heard nothing from the Baron. They of Stoade have acquainted us that the Baron hath solicited the Duke of Holstein to execute the Emperor's commission, who refuses to meet for that purpose in any of the dominions of the Archbishop of Bremen, his brother, with whom he is at variance, but maketh choice of Hamburgh, Lubeck or Luneberg. We have answered Stoade that we had given her Majesty knowledge of Bremen as the place of meeting; and as the place was appointed by the Emperor, we expected the continuance thereof, but could not alter place or commissioner.
These news are fourteen days' old, since which time we hear nothing.—Bremen, 14 Nov., 1602.
Signed. 1½ pp. (96. 40.)
J. Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 14. I have been more sparing in writing to you than was convenient, if I had known sooner how to despatch letters to England. Hereafter I will be more careful to watch the departure of the ordinary messengers, which go weekly.
As to the negotiation for effecting a good respondency between England and Denmark, with all our care and patience, such vehement debates, contradictions and disceptations have of late fallen between us and them as, for my part, I conceive of little good to be expected.
First, we dealt with them to make a perfect league and amity between both kingdoms. They utterly refused the same as not convenient for them nor agreeing with their instructions. We then proposed to examine the treaties, article by article, and to reform such as were defective. They again refused this as not agreeing with their instructions. Whereupon, three weeks being lost, we asked them to let us know wherein they had authority. They assured us they had power to treat de vectigalibus, de piscatione, et de depredationibus, and then sent us two papers, one claiming the dominion of the Great Ocean and inhibiting our nation to fish or use any trade without license, another a declamation against our nation for spoils committed on the seas, and want of justice in England, preferring the justice of the Dunkerkers before ours. What blood this bred in us, I must leave you to conjecture. Yet we deferred making any answer until we had verbally expostulated with them, and then proceeded to the merchants' complaints of the excessive exactions in the Sound. Herein we found them very obstinately bent, maintaining their tolls and customs to be as good and lawful as those of England. To which we answered in speech with as great a vehemence as theirs, and in writing with good and lawful reasons, and then they began to complain of consuming of time to little purpose, and we replied that we thought our time and labour unprofitably spent, seeing there was no better hope of any good to be effected. When we saw that they would neither abolish the hundred penny nor last-guelt, we propounded that a reasonable estimation of all rates of merchandise might be agreed on between us, and the same published at Elsinore for the better settling of the trade, and to reduce the last-guelt according to the true quantity of a last, either by weight, measure or number, as it is usually esteemed in all these parts. Though they approved this, yet having no special information on the point, they promised to procure on their return a rate to be set up for the due payment of the hundred penny and the quantity of a last in each kind of merchandise such as is presently rated and paid, the which the merchants, which be here, esteem will suck their principal stock in the space of eight years, trading but twice through the Sound in each year.
We have laboured what we may to have the certificates from her Majesty's Customers to be allowed in the Sound, and so the certificates from Elbing and other places, which though they are most commonly accepted, we cannot obtain by articles, for they wish to reserve their liberty of search at the will of the Tolners. We are now made entry into the matter of fishing and the navigation to St. Nicholas, wherein we expect to find them as peremptory as in the rest.—Bremen, 14 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (96. 41, 42.)
— to [? Gieronymo Paluzzi.]
1602, Nov. 14/24. I hear that the courier is leaving for Spain, and do not wish him to come without a letter from me to tell you of my arrival at home; I hope you also have reached Bayonne, whither went the other day your servant, by way of Marselles, leaving me the enclosed. The business is settled with this friend, who promises other favours in those parts, where you so much wish for intelligence. I was going to send your man to London, but did not trust him. The galleys are expected shortly, the old infantry will be disembarked and will go to Flanders, with 3,000 more, by way of Piedmont. It is said that 4,000 Neapolitans and 5,000 Germans are being raised for Flanders. In Spain, they intend to build and equip 100 galleons in imitation of England.—Genoa, 24 Nov., 1602. Italian. By the same writer as of the letter to Gieronymo Paluzzi, of Nov. 12/22, 1602, above.
Signature illegible. Address illegible. 1 p. (96. 59.)
Charles, Duke of Sweden to the Commissioners at Bremen.
1602, Nov. 14/24. Letter of credence for Berthold Henzken, the Duke's secretary.—Stockholm, VIII. Kalend. Decemb. ao. 1602.
Latin. Copy. 1 p. (96. 100.)