Cecil Papers: October 1602, 21-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp450-460 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1602, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp450-460.

"Cecil Papers: October 1602, 21-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp450-460.

October 1602, 21–31

James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 21. This gent. Mr. Hamilton, hath showed me the King's pass, which I enclose to you, that it may appear unto you they come with his Majesty's favour, for they came in at the nearest of the Borders without any passport from any Warden, which seemeth to me rather to be done of ignorance than otherwise, and for nearness of the way. But in respect of the King's passport, I am a suitor for your pass for this time. They are bound for France, and have two nags which they brought with them, and the gent. I know, and their dealings.—October 21, 1602.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (95. 171.)
Thomas Lucas to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 21/31. As an humble suppliant I desire you to have compassion of my estate and of my misery endured these five years in desolate exile. Your Honour being the eye of the Commonwealth hath always seen that I have hitherto carried myself in all duty and love towards my prince and country. And if I have offended you particularly, it hath proceeded from the cruel destinies which have so wronged my estate, for I have always wished to serve you rather than to displease you. But now I humbly beseech you to extend your pity upon my wretched fortune and intercede for my liberty unto her Majesty. I have given offence to Lord Cobham. I dare not intreat you to be a mediator for me with him. But I will make any honourable satisfaction he shall demand; and if it please you in your “bonty” to intercede for me, I shall remain always, etc.—Paris, the last of October, stilo novo, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 18.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 22. It is reported that Tyrone offereth to submit himself, and if her Majesty is pleased to accept his submission, Mr. Waad may be caused to make search for certain articles subscribed by Tyrone before the Council twelve years ago for the government of Ulster, and for building a house fit to keep sessions and prisoners in at Tyrone at his charge. And these he may now be urged to accomplish.—The Temple, 22 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 1.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 22. Yester evening I received letters from the Privy Council imputing to the default of the Mayor the long stay of the soldiers in this place. I have only been in office since the 15th of this month; and have now thought good to advertise you that all the soldiers except those who were sick, and those who deserted or were discharged, left yesterday for Dublin.—Chester, Oct. 22, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 3.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 22. By the enclosed petition you may perceive the estate of this poor widow vexed by the devices of a lady. I should be glad that so small causes as these might be ended here without prejudice to that Court where you are chief. Those of the Council which sat with me at this cause were not at home when this petition came, or they would have joined in this request.—Ludlow, 22 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord President of Wales.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 4.)
F. Moubray to Barbara Ruthven.
1602, Oct. 22. My humble duty of service remembered. Sine [since] my parting from London I have written to you from Neucastell; now having the commodity with this gentleman named Captain Rid, I will remember you again with these few lines. As yet I hear no word from my party, therefore I cannot acquaint you with the apparent success of my turn, but I believe myself not to see him here. I intreat you to remember on the last purpose we spoke of, and use as great diligence into it as possible. Let the person be sought earnestly by the other person, or else it will not have the right test, for I protest to you upon my faith and honour, it is the only apparent means to restore you to greater honour and credit nor you can expect. The particular reasons is unknown to you, but the person sought I hope shall be persuaded to acquaint you with them at great length, as you love your own Honour and will use diligence, for upon my faith I speak truly to you, therefore trust me and use a little of my opinion.—From Berryk, 22 Oct., 1602.
PS.—I believe shortly to have his Majesty's lissance to gang in Scotland, that I may be nearer the solicitation of my own turn. I have written three copies of this with several hands to the effect that they all miscarry not.
On another sheet :—I thought to have sent this letter with the gentleman named into it, but finding this surer and hastier commodity, I have sent it by post to Mr. Levinous, the secretary, to be delivered to you. If you think good you may write to me with the same commodity. Always use your own best discretion, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“From Fr. Mowbray to Gowrys sister.” Addressed :—“To my richt honnorable Lady my Lady Maistres barbraye Reuine damme of honneur to ye quynis Matie of Scotland—In London.” 2 pp. (185. 45 & 46.)
John Croke, Recorder of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 23. I received letters lately from my very dear aunt the lady Harington, wife to Sir John Harington, of Exton, wherein she writeth that her husband is visited with sickness, but hopeth it shall not be perilous. Nevertheless, they both are suitors to you that if it should please God to end his days, their son might wholly remain under your protection, without being granted to any other than you; which they will hold a very special happiness to them and their son.—23 October, 1602.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (95. 170.)
Edward Suliarde to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 23. Sending a present of a few partridges and a pheasant.—Flemings, 23 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 5.)
William Malorye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 23. There was a bill exhibited against me in the High Court of Star Chamber by Stephen Proctor, imputing that by my countenance and remissness the country hereabouts had relapsed into disobedience in religion, and that myself, my sons, and servants dealt corruptly in causes of musters and soldiers. Whereon my Lord Keeper gave power to Lord Burghley, President of the Council of the North, to examine the truth of these charges, and the said Lord summoned Proctor and myself before him and gave Proctor a fortnight and more to produce proof of his charges; saying that if he did not do so, he must certify you and others of the abuses offered me, which I hope his Lordship has now done.
For that the imputations were such that, if true, I had deserved severe sentence, I trust you will be a means that I may have satisfaction, either by his punishment or by his public acknowledgment of the wrong done me.
It is not for pride that I desire this, but because I have been a Justice of Peace these 44 years, and I am her Majesty's sworn servant by her own mouth commanded to Lord William Howard, then Lord Chamberlain, 33 years ago. Lastly, I have been of her Majesty's Council in the North these 20 years and odd; in all which time my loyalty and service have been known. And now I desire this justice that I may be thereby enabled to serve her Majesty the better.—Hewton Park, 23 Oct., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 6.)
Don Rodrigo de Cordua y Guzman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 23. Your excellency sent me word that you wished to have a share in my voyage. I am starting with two ships and two launches, one of two hundred tons and the other of a hundred, and am taking a hundred and twenty men. If you wish to take a half share, it will be necessary to help the Governor of Flushing to survey the expense of the ships, so that he may help with the money you may wish to invest; for I shall be away all the month of December. I mention this that you may have yourself properly served.—23 Oct., Medialburque, 1602, O.S.
Holograph. Spanish. Seal. 1 p. (97. 26.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 24. In my late sickness I was refreshed with the receipt of a letter from your Honour, but since then I have not had that which was worthy your presenting, the troops being all in their garrisons, save only the greatest part of the horse and some selected foot, which on the 2nd of November after this style set forth from Nimuegen under Count Louis de Nassau to make a journey into Luxemburgh; a journey only for the benefit of the horse, that in the spring they may come the fairer into the field. Next year, the Estates intend to bring the Archduke to the ground, who is already upon his knees by the mutiny of his troops and the spoil they make in his country. They have made raids into Brabant and the country of Namen [Namur]. They are strengthened lately with two companies out of Flanders, and are in number 5,000. Their proceedings towards the inhabitants of the country are more than ordinarily violent. Two Spanish companies that encountered them upon their journey they bastenadoed man by man, passing them through their troops that stood guard-wise on each side of them. This day, I heard it reported to Count Maurice that they are returned to Hoogstraet, having lost 200 of their horse. Of the troops sent to Emden by the States there is no news. To-day is come to the Hague the Count Van der Lippe. By his fashion and train his business should not import much.—Hague, 24 Oct., 1602, stilo veteri.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (96. 8.)
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 24. The troops which left on the 22nd instant have been driven back by contrary winds, and are put ashore about eight miles from the city. I have given orders to “sesse” them in the villages nearest to their shipping, so that they shall slack no opportunity; and have taken order to prevent their running away.—Chester, 24 Oct., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 9.)
Aureliano Townshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 24. I have several times informed you, in my letters from Florence and Sienna, of the loss I have sustained by lending two hundred scudi to Sir Antonio Sherley; and to my discontent at the lack of this money is now added the fear that your Honour should be angered with me for having been free with your money, free, I mean, since I was risking what was not mine, except in so far that I am your Honour's humble servant. But if you knew how cunningly he laid the net in which finally I was entangled, you would not wonder that a young man like me was not strong enough to resist the affection, the consideration, and the promises of Sir Anthony. And if my past error does not make me in your eyes unworthy of faith, you may believe that if I had not and did not still think him a most attached friend to our country and to yourself, all my affection for him would not have conquered my sense of my duty as a subject and as your servant. Thus much I have written to your Honour on this matter in order that on the first opportunity I may tell you orally what would be too long to write. I put my trust in your usual goodness, knowing that there will be more time for me to defend myself with the truth from calumnies than there will be for my calumniators to falsely accuse me, seeing they attack me not for any ill that I have done, but to rob me of your favour. This letter will reach you by means of John Brown, an English merchant at Florence, who at the request of Mr. Basil Brooke has lent me a hundred scudi, Mr. Brooke having bound himself, in case you do not accept my letters, to pay the same. This sum of money has discharged my expenses through Tuscany, the Romagna, and a good deal more of Italy, whence I am now returned to Venice. If it had been possible to have recovered my own money here, I should have repaid the hundred scudi, and with the rest started for England. But Sir Anthony is so over sanguine of his fortunes, that I am obliged to apply to your Honour, having promised Mr. Brooke to repay him this money, or to advise you of it. Since my arrival here, I have seen an order from you against lending me money; if I had seen the same at Florence, I would not have embroiled this gentleman, still less overpassed the bounds laid upon me. As soon as I can find the means to come to England without further burdening your Honour, I shall do so to show that no one is more your humble servant than myself.—Venice, 24 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Italian. Endorsed :—“Mr. Aurelianus Townshend to my Master from Venice, with a bill of exchange of 27l., which my master refused to accept.” 2 pp. (96. 11.)
[Miler Magrath,] Bishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 25. Though sometimes you made 1070 afraid that you would utterly reject him, not only from your own favour, but also from 2021, yet being again revived from his conceived fear and so honourably entertained by your Honour, he thinks it too little to dedicate himself and his uttermost endeavours to be employed in 2021 service. And because 1070 wrote to you that he had some matters of importance to be declared to 2021 and thereof to acquaint first your Honour, whereof you made delay to give the hearing, which he presumed to come of no other cause than fearing to be troubled with vain words as you belike have been by others of 1022, now to remove that conceit from your Honour, you shall know that 1070 intent is chiefly, without dissimulation, to further all 2021 proceedings, and to do as much good as he may to 1022, which cannot be effectually done there but by aisrooting all 2055 and first 100, to whom, although many great blows hath been given hitherto, yet 2021 charges and the danger of 601 is not much diminished as yet in 266. Therefore if it please you to admit 1070 to be in some measure bold to declare what he thinks to your Honour the cause he dares not move any such matter to 1023, fearing many dissembling favours of 2056 and 2057 to be about him, you shall hear by his declaration how in all likelihood 100 at this time may be put to uttermost extremity if 1070 demonstration be followed in time, and if the reasons therein to be showed shall not like your Honour, then 1070 shall have no cause to trouble 2021.—At the Court at Richmond, 25 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “1070.” Seal. 1 p. (185. 47.)
Griffith Lewis, Dean of Gloucester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 26. Had I been as well known to you as I was to your father for many years, then I should not lie in the dirt and dust of indignity and disgrace. My deserts I will not boast of. I served her Majesty as ordinary chaplain nineteen years, and was never promoted to anything but the poor deanery of Gloucester. Wherefore I would beseech you to be another patron to me instead of your father. If you should doubt of my life or doctrine, I refer myself to my Lord of Canterbury, my Lord Admiral, and my Lord Chamberlain.
Meantime I send a couple of Worcestershire cheeses, as a present, small in quantity but in quality excellent.—26 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 13.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 26. This bearer, Matthew Bennett, was now brought me from Dover. He is an Irishman, son of William Bennett, Mayor of Ross by Waterford. It is now some six months since he went out of Ireland into France. I see no great cause to stay him.—My house at Blackfriars, 26 October, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 14.)
Sir H. Wallop to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 26. Sending a brace of pheasants and a dozen of partridges alive.—Farley Wallop, 26, 8bris, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 15.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 26. I have received your Honour's several letters, and with the first Mr. Hunyeman's accounts for the division of the goods brought home by the Refusal and her consorts, wherein in my poor opinion there hath been more labour spent than was needful. I do herewith send a report of the accounts for so much as concerneth the Refusal and the carvel's part, and what your Honour is to have according to your adventure in them. The charges of commissions, commissioners' diet, and other ways, is very great. I understand there is certain ordnance praised in the “friperie” at 50l., for which there will be above 70l. given. Mr. Bragg, having received my Lord Admiral's tenths of the china dishes, refuseth to redeliver your Honour's part again, saying that his Lordship hath very few and therefore he will satisfy you for them in London. Your Honour's part of the goods in Mr. Lambert's hands, I intend to lade the next day in a ship of London called the Marigold, whereof is master John Borne, and will send your Honour a particular note thereof, that if it shall be thought meet, you may there have the same insured from this place to London, which I think will not cost more than 3½ for the hundred or 4 at the most. It is reported here that the Paragon is passed to the Eastward with a prize, and some that were in a bark of this town at the taking thereof have gone to London to recover their parts of the same. It pleased your Honour to grant your letters to the Mayor of this town and his brethren for not putting me in the election for that place. Notwithstanding, I was chosen Mayor for this year, which refusing, they have laid a fine upon me of 40l., although they very well know, and were certified by Mr. Serjeant Hele, that besides the place which now I hold, being one of the sequestrators in the Customers' office for this port, my other employments for her Majesty's service are such that I cannot discharge my duties of mayor. I pray your favourable letters to the Mayor and his brethren to discharge me of that fine and dismiss me out of their number.—Plymouth, 26 Oct., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 48.)
R. Morrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 27. I should be ashamed to trouble you with my idle letters but for your kind construction of them, the hope of the continuance of which emboldens me to sing my old song, that your son, my pupil, was never better in bodily health, and follows his book in such sort as I cannot find any fault with him.—St. John's College, Cambridge, Oct. 27, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 16.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Oct. 27. Enclosing a fair draught and the two copies of the amendments made in every point according to Cecil's directions.—Fulham, 27 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 17.)
John Penkevell to Hanyball Vivian.
1602, Oct. 27. Considering what I have said or shall say in the defence of my truth is not nor will be believed, I rest content, considering that time shall in the end make it manifest. For Mr. Secretary's ill opinion of me, I attribute it partly to my sins, but principally to the love that Almighty God hath of my soul's health and salvation, for the which he permitteth me to be made a scandal both to my friends and enemies. Whereas you think that it will be my best course to leave England, I am contented with that or any other course which shall please Mr. Secretary. As for that other course of trying my friends, whether they would be bound for my good behaviour and forthcoming, I have no means to try them, in respect I cannot get horse and necessaries for travel, because I have not in all the world but threepence in my power. Also, when my friends perceive me to be held in such jealousy to the State, they will surely be afraid to enter into bonds. I beseech you intreat Mr. Secretary to give me so much as to apparel me, for I am almost naked and full of lice, and surely it will be a very hard course to enter a strange country without money or apparel, carrying with me that superscription of a spy, and I am always to expect a continual persecution with the Jesuits. Sir, now to resolve you concerning the suspicion that is held of me and my brother in Spain, considering that ingratitude is a vice ahborred, I speak it to this end, that if I should show myself unthankful to those that love me, and chiefly yourself, of whom I have received so many kindnesses, as hiding from you anything that might concern my prince or country's safety, I desire that this paper may be brought forth against me in the final doom, to sentence me to condemnation, or to blot my name out of the Book of Life.—From your house at Tolowaren, 27 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Addressed :—“To the Right Worshipefull Hanyball viuiuian (sic) Esquire, Headshreefe of Cornuall, at his loging in Clemmanes yeande in London.” 1 p. (185. 49.)
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor, to Lord Cobham.
1602, Oct. 31. I have sent your Lordship a sure and sudden answer, but a true defence, against that railing libel sent unto me. If I have not answered truly, let me enjoy neither credit with her Majesty nor living in England. I defy the accusations, and beseech you help me with some hold of the accuser's hand, if he will maintain his course. Preachers of the gospel are subject to the tongues of the wicked, and I must not think it strange. If this be intimated to her Majesty, I may not endure it thus without further answer. I know the plot. Scorie hath written letters to the Dean of Hereford, offering him the bishoprick upon such conditions, and there is an agent gone up to solicit the course, and what are the conditions, in part I know, and it shall go hard but I will acquaint her Majesty. I commit this answer to your Lordship, knowing you will take care I be not traduced openly to my reproach. Her Majesty's courses for justice are honourable, and I hope her Highness will not suffer me to be condemned before trial.—From Windsor, 31 Oct., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 50.)
James VI., King of Scotland, to the Warden of the West Marches.
1602, Oct. 31. Your letter received signifying to us your contentment to accomplish that order set down to be accomplished by you, and our Warden, your opposite, and your readiness to do all good offices tending to the preservation of the amity and safeguard of true subjects. We accept very thankfully thereof, and have sent the note of your bills received from Mr. Nicholson to our Warden, with a letter commanding him to see the same redressed, and to conform himself to all other things prescribed by the said order and Act passed thereanent. As anent the cutting off of the insolent malefactors, outlaws, and fugitives, English and Scottish, we yield to their pursuit by force and all other means conform to the power expressed in our former letter. You shall receive an authentic copy of the said Act subscribed by the Clerk of our Council.—From Edenburgh, this last of Oct., 1602.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (185. 51.)
1602, Oct. Warrant by Sir Robert Cecil, as High Steward of Westminster, and Lancelott Andrewes, Dr. of Divinity, Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter of Westminster, appointing William Spicer, surveyor of her Majesty's works, Symon Bassell, comptroller of the said works, William Portington, her Majesty's master carpenter, and William Man, surveyor of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, to be viewers of building encroachments upon her Majesty's waste in the City and Liberties of Westminster and St. Martin's le Grand.—Oct., 1602.
Draft. Parchment. 1 p. (218. 9.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [Oct.] Till now I have not answered your letters, being loth to write upon uncertainty, before this day not seeing what day certainly to be at London, which now shall be the 7 of November without fail. Then shall you see how my arm is, if it will perform what I desire there shall be no want, if not I will honour the day with my purse and sitting on horseback, though I entreat another to perform my courses. My last letter will satisfy you what my fear was, though necessity of business made me make a rash request.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602”; and, in Munck's hand, “Erle of Cumberland to my Mr.” Seal. 1 p. (97. 30.)
[Nevill Davis] to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, [before Nov.]. Heretofore I have delivered to your Honour a project of a voyage to intercept the carracks, to be effected with a small force, and now I am, upon so good occasion, emboldened to renew the same. There are gone out of Lisbon this year six carracks for the East Indies, which departed the 15th of March, and no doubt, if the preparation be managed with secrecy, they may be met withal in their return homewards at the Island of St. Helena, where usually they do refresh themselves.
Therefore, if it please her Majesty, to cause two of her ships of five or six hundred tons apiece to be set forth and with them to go three merchant ships and a pinnace, and these to be well manned and victualled for eight months; which ships must be ready to depart by the 1st of November or the 10th at the furthest. These ships must be all sheathed for the better performance of the voyage, and the charge hereof will not amount to above ten or twelve thousand pounds at the most. This force will be sufficient to encounter with them, and I hope it will be a very beneficial voyage.
If this may proceed, then it will be requisite her Majesty's ships do go in hand to be sheathed, and for the merchants' ships, I think not but that your Honour shall find them always ready.
Unsigned. Unaddressed. In Nevill Davis' hand, with his signature on the back. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (97. 32.)