Cecil Papers: November 1602, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1602, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp474-499 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1602, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp474-499.

"Cecil Papers: November 1602, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp474-499.

November 1602, 16–30

Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 16. Two letters :—
1. I understand that no man is yet so fast settled in that new charge, but that if you would speak with Mr. Darrel, Mr. Stallenge may find means of admission. Her Majesty should have a most fit servant for that place of your Honour's making.
I again present my suit about the ebano wood, accounting that no sale shall be made without your allowance. If you will not give approbation of the sales, I will use other diligence. I wish to give her Majesty the highest price that any will give.—At my house, 16 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Damaged. 1 p. (96. 43.)
(2.) Having engaged my poor credit in enhancing the price of the ebano wood of her Majesty, I now submit myself to give for it her Majesty's set price of twenty-five shillings a hundred weight, or such part of the price as your Honour and the Commissioners shall be pleased that I pay; to be paid at such time as shall be ordained for the rest of the carrack's goods. I only entreat that I may have the whole parcel entire, and permission to export it free of customs. The expedition of the delivery importeth much, for I would ship it at once.—At my house, 16 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 44.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Sheffield.
1602, Nov. 16. Having received a letter from your Lordship concerning a cause between the two Fayrefaxes, I resolved, before I made you answer, to inform my judgment by looking precisely into all the circumstances of the same. I know the equity of your Lordship's mind to be such as you will keep one ear open for an answer to all informations that did concern your friends, especially men that hold judicial places, yet because I found you to write with some extraordinary earnestness for demission of the matter out of the Court, I was doubtful lest those that are deeply interested in you and in the cause might have possessed you with some prejudice against the ordinary course in the case. If you have not, therefore, heard what hath passed already, your Lordship may please to know thus much. A case hath been made after an open hearing first before me, and that referred to the two Chief Justices of England, persons without exception, if ever any judges of this land were so. It hath been argued at Serjeants' Inn before them, and, which is more than I have usually done in other cases, it hath been yesterday solemnly argued before me in the Court where I sit, and both the Judges assisting me, from whose learning and judgment now my sentence must be derived. But now to come to your letter delivered me by your servant, wherein you please to shew your care to preoccupate any distraction of my love from you by such accident as fell out between my brother and you, I pray you receive this answer from me ingenuously. I do affirm unto you that neither directly nor indirectly my ear did ever hear that there had been the least question between you for anything. Although my love to my brother be as dear as ever was between any, yet if ever any misfortune should bring anything to so great an extremity between you, as I could not be a brother and your friend, I would say to your Lordship, 'Adam ubi es,' before I would leave to become to such a one as is my Lord Sheffield other than his true and affection[ate], etc.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endorsed :—“November 16, 1602. Mynute to the Lord Sheffeld.” 4 pp. (185. 62 & 63.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 17. As to my offer to purchase the ebony at the Queen's own price, I write to tell your Honour, that I have not moved my Lord Admiral, who has already taken upon him for others; that I am ready to perform payment as I shall be ordered. I still implore your favour in this matter—17 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 45.)
Latin verses headed “Soli Angliæ.”
1602, Nov. 17. On the back is a list of names, beginning with Sir Wm. Cecil, and ending with the Bishop of Ross, and dated 1560.
½ p. (140. 130.)
The States General of the United Provinces.
1602, Nov. 17/27. We understand by your letter of the 31st October that her Majesty is resolved to send a naval expedition, in the coming spring, against the King of Spain. For our part, we should be quite willing to accede to her Majesty's demand for furtherance of this enterprise with ten of our best ships, but to be ready by Jan. 15th next, to set out from Plymouth the last of the month, is, we fear, impossible. If we could make our preparations in so short a time, the hard frosts which are prevalent here in January and February would prevent the fleet from putting to sea. Our expenses at this present are so great, surpassing all estimates and projects, that we beseech you to move her Majesty on our behalf to allow the charges of this expedition to be deducted from the sum we owe her for the current year. The money to be spent next year in the relief of Ostend threatens to entirely exhaust our resources, unless the Queen and the French King aid in the complete recovery of that town. We are spending at the rate of more than 500,000 écus a year for extraordinary expenses, without the ordinary charges of our wars by land and sea, which amount to 5,000,000 écus, Ostend excepted, which has cost this year 500,000 florins. To prevent the capture of Embden, we have spent more than 200,000 florins. Without help, we cannot continue the war, and are liable to every kind of discontentment and mutiny among our soldiers and common-folk. Though Providence has given us success against our enemies, He has thought good to afflict our chief provinces and towns of Holland with a long-continued pestilence and mortality, and further with an extraordinary kind of vermin (sourris) which devastate all our crops. Add to this the remarkable floods which have caused the loss and diminution everywhere of “contributions et negociations.” We are unwilling to trouble her Majesty with our sorry complaints, but as, after God, we place our trust in her, we think it right to let her know the true state of our affairs. Many are of opinion that we should agree to peace while fortune appears to smile upon us, but we could entertain no such idea at present. Neither would we conceal from her Majesty that the Count van Lippe and Baron de Louchin are here as envoys of the Empire, and have made another proposal, viz., that we should become a state of the Empire, with no allegiance to Spain or the Archdukes. This proposition seems very plausible, but others are afraid of treachery. You might discuss the matter with her Majesty. On the other hand, we have received her Majesty's packet to be delivered to her ambassadors and commissioners now at Bremen, and as it has pleased her to refer this matter to such instructions as we shall give them on the situation at Embden, we have ordered our envoys there to acquaint her Majesty's Commissioners with all the circumstances. Meanwhile our last advices are as follows :—Our general, Seigneur du Bois, has taken the forts, built by the Count on the river Ems and in the country to control the people of Embden, naming, amongst others, the forts of Gryet, Terknocke, and Longen. The Count has since approached our General with a view to treat for peace, but his commissioners have been sent on to our envoys. You may also advertise her Majesty that we have sent the greater part of our cavalry and some troops of infantry into Luxembourg to keep the enemy on the alert and render him less eager to press the siege of Ostend. We hear from our people that they have been successful in capturing many places and towns of that country, including St. Vit Bastoigne, et St. Hubert, and have so harried the land that the enemy will not be able to hold out much longer. We expect them to retreat by way of Germany and Audenach. The mutineers of Hoochstraete, however, have seized this opportunity to overrun the country of Walon and Brabant, and have taken and pillaged Nivelle, and the country round. The mutineers continue their disorders, but we have been advised that they have again spoken with the Pope's nuncio, and that they appear willing to accept simply their pay in full, and to this end demand the town of Maestricht as guarantee, or else Liere. What will be the end of this matter we cannot yet say. We have always been willing to maintain them without putting further reliance on them than to strengthen them increasingly against our enemy.
Unsigned. French. Endorsed :—“Mons. Caron's proposition.” 3 pp. closely written. (185. 73–74.)
Richard Bevys, Mayor of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 18. We have had many experiences of your Honour's favours, but especially in March last, in your furthering of our humble suit to their Lordships for relief and aid against the Dunkerkers and Spaniards, whereupon we the rather obtained an order. But the same not being put in execution, and the enemies' strength and numbers increasing and our losses growing, we are forced to continue our suit, wherein we crave your especial favour to the bearers hereof, John Howell, one of our brethren, and Anthony Moone, of Lyme, whom we have intreated to travel in this business, that we may obtain two serviceable ships and one pinnace to be forthwith sent and continued upon the western coast for the expelling of our enemies.—Exceter, 18 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 64.)
Lady Chandos to the Lord Keeper and others.
[1602], Nov. 19. With respect to the agreement settled between Lord Chandos and herself, prays that such a sheriff may be assigned as shall weigh indifferently both causes.—Sudley, 19 Nov.
1 p. (146. 103.)
[Miler Magrath,] Bishop of Cashel, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 19. I hope your Honour do remember that when the Lord Admiral and your Honour in anno 1599, by her Majesty's direction, had sent me to Mownster, with instructions to procure dissensions amongst the rebels, then, at my departure, you asked if the like might be wrought against 100. I said, No, because I had no trusty instrument that way, but now the case is altered, 100 being in 102 and 107 country, where the fittest instruments for effecting that purpose against 100 may be had, I mean such as are willing of themselves to work the like, if they were sure of any good conditions and security for themselves after. This is the full substance of that which I had to declare to her Majesty, if I were thereunto conveniently admitted, being a matter that will likely induce quietness and prevent many inconveniencies. For myself, having no further cause of stay here, my requests being thought not grantable, I crave some honourable show of countenance, by letters to the governors and State there, whereby the enemies of God and her Majesty, the seminaries and recusants, who think to have prevailed everywhere against me, may not altogether triumph over me because of this unseasonable journey.—Westmester, 19 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “1070.” Seal. ½ p. (185. 65.)
Henry [Robinson,] Bishop of Carlisle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 20. Upon the first notice of the death of the late Bishop of Hereford, I was bold to request your humble mediation to her sacred Highness that I might be preferred to that bishopric. Let it not be offensive that I now renew that petition if the place be not filled up. If it be, may I obtain to be preferred to Norwich. The daily experience I have of your honourable affection towards me assures me that you would not condemn my desire of change, if you saw the many discomforts that are here. Other anchor of refuge than you I have none. If God work this mercy for me by your means, I can promise fidelity in performance and my daily prayers for you.—Rosecastle, Nov. 20., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 46.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 20. If I had been well I would have attended you myself, but I do not yet dare to venture so far. This bringer, Mr. Cutlard, is a very sufficient man, and makes offer for sundry commodities, but especially for the green ginger, more than I think others will give, viz., five pounds the hundred weight, to take it all. I think he may be drawn to give six pounds, which is out set price, or at least five pounds ten shillings.—20th Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 47.)
1602, Nov. 20. Pass issued by Sir John Carey, Governor of Berwick and Lord Warden of the East Marches, to John Couillet and Clement Guyet, servants to the French Ambassador, travelling to London on their way to France with six couple and a half of hounds.—Berwick, this 20th Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 48.)
[Edward Seymour,] Earl of Hertford to the Privy Council.
1602, Nov. 20. I desire to give intimation of disorders crept into her Majesty's county of Somerset, and so furthered by a deputy-lieutenant there, that I cannot in any way redress the same. Your Lordships, upon first erection of the trained bands, having ordered the same to be raised of gentlemen, of farmers, and of the best enabled yeomen and husbandmen, exempting such from foreign service by their home attendance, and having given other directions for their arming and training, upon my view taken last year, by your letters of the 25th April, 1601, I found the footbands compact of many hired persons, menservants, and of inhabitants of the meanest sort, such as have ever been held fitter for foreign employment, than by their home service to be shrouded from the same. I found their arms very defective, but the horse-troops much more than the footbands. I found many abuses in inferior officers for levying money for foreign services. I forbore to advertise your Honours, because not long after my being in the country, the numbers were certified full and complete. Furthermore, by letters in April last, you gave strict order for reviewing and supplying all defects, especially in the horse-troops, and to return a certificate thereof by the 20th June. I forthwith ordered with the deputy-lieutenants and muster-master for the execution of that service, but could not receive the certificate until the 18th of this present Nov., which, albeit returned complete, I find it otherwise, and last year's defect not only unsupplied but increased, and especially in the horse-troops, for the whole number being 300, there were absent and insufficient 157. Wherefore I humbly appeal as disabled to execute her Majesty's commission, the same being brought into contempt by the suggestions of Sir Hugh Portman, who labours to sow dissension between me and the gentlemen of the country. He spareth not to tax me with unjust carriage, attributeth to himself particular knowledge of your pleasures, refuseth that any arms should be there served by Nicholson, whom your Lordships have commended in that behalf, and imputeth want of authority in my commission, either to dispose the coat and conduct money or to order for entertainment to be given to the muster-master, to whom, upon precedents of the Earl of Pembroke, my predecessor, I have assigned an allowance. I confess I have been unwilling to discover this much, for the affection I have particularly borne this gentleman, and for that by myself, I hoped to have compassed these controversies. I beseech your Lordships to convent Sir Hugh Portman before you, and to proceed as to your wisdoms shall seem meet.—From my house in Channon Row, 20 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (185. 67.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 21. The Marie Rose arrived here last night, with one hundred and twenty sick on board, and needing victual to proceed to Chatham.
I have discharged and paid the sick men that came in the Dreadnought; and if I am to pay the other ships' sick men, which will now come hither, I must have money dispatched to my man in London to be remitted here. For I shall not find so much here. Mr. Grivell well knows how hard he found it. I have already paid to the men discharged from the Dreadnought 154l. 16s. 3d. Captain Calfield was buried the last day. It is reported he left in the Dreadnought very good pillage. I have charged the master and purser to see the same safely kept.—Plymouth, 21 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (96. 49.)
Edward Henden, Serlis Hawker and Peter Maplesden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 22. Informing him that George Fayreman, of Rolvenden in the county of Kent, is an idiot and fit to be taken under his protection in the Court of Wards.—22 Nov., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (96. 50.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 21. I was glad to receive from your own hand the understanding of your recovery. That I did trouble you with another letter concerning the matter of precedency betwixt the Justice and the Bishop, it grew only in that I had not received your former advice to that point before. Howsoever, the world doth think in respect that sometimes we differ in opinions, I do think him a very honest man and worthy of any place it shall please the Queen to give him, and if it shall please her to make trial thereof by removing me to be one of the Council, so it may be of those in ordinary, whereby my estate may be bettered, I shall willingly serve her in that place. I was bold to acquaint you with what passed in Mr. Throgmorton's cause, that you might understand how I did proceed and the better defend me from Sir Edward Winter's distempered courses, of whom I had rather Mr. Throgmorton complained regarding the wrong he doth him and this Court than I. If her Majesty permit us to do that which the course of this Court may justly do, I doubt nothing but Sir Edward Winter would see his error, though I hear he committeth others before my Lord of Canterbury and the High Commission, but if nothing be followed against him, I must make complain to my Lords of the Council, for if he may contemn the orders of this Court, I should be much grieved to punish meaner men for the same faults. I am much bound to you for your order for the poor woman in the Court of Wards. You were pleased to promise that I should have all such helps for musters as might be found out; I only desire your order for the rest. I hope Mr. Messenger will take the pains to follow the cause for me. I purpose this Lent to begin, for it will require some time, because, as I understand, things be far out of order and will require time.—Ludlow, 21 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (185. 68 and 69.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 21. I send you enclosed the copy of the letter which I showed you yesterday. I have not as yet made any reply, but will await instructions from the Estates [General].—London, 21 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. French. Seal. ½ p. (185. 70.)
The Enclosure :
A. Baltin to Caron.
1602, Nov. 10/20. I am very desirous to see you for a quarter of an hour, in order to disclose frankly to you an important matter which cannot be well discussed by letter. I beseech you to procure me a passport for this purpose, and if at any time I can be of service to you or your friends in the same way, I will do so.—Bruges, 20 Nov., 1602.
Addressed :—“a Monsr. de Caron, Sr. de Schoonevvalle, etc.”
Copy. French. ½ p. (185. 66.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 22. This bearer Captain Whitelocke is desirous not to be idle, and willing to redeem his last fault by doing some service to his country. He is willing to go into Ireland, and I am willing he should take that course. He wishes to be under Sir George Carew's command, because he knows my friends love him and myself not to hate him. If you will show him some favour in this, I shall be beholden.—Syon, 22 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed : “1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 51.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to the Council.
1602, Nov. 22. Since receiving your letters of the 17th, I heard that the Mary Rose passed in sight of this harbour on Saturday last. To-day, I hear from Richard Hooper, captain of a carvel attending on Sir William Mounson, who by extremity of weather was forced from him and the Lyon's Whelp on the tenth of this present, in the height of 41 and a half, 100 leagues to the offing; both which ships he supposes are now near the entry of the channel, whose people are in very good health. And as he assures me that the Dreadnought and the Mary Rose could report nothing of these two ships, I have written to your Honour.—Pendenas Castle, 22 Nov., 1602.
P.S.—As touching the Adventure, Hooper can say nothing.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 52.)
The Sheriff of Merionethshire.
1602, Nov. 22. (1.) Exceptions to be taken to Hugh Nanney, Griffith Vaughan, and Lewis Anwell, esquires, returned for the place of Sheriffs of Merionethshire.
More than three years since, Ellisey ap William Lloyd, of Rhuoedoge in the said county, and his followers to the number of five or six more, murdered Thomas ap John ap Humphrey in the town of Bala, and to this day nothing has been done by course of law, not so much as a coroner's inquest; neither dare the friends stir in it, fearing the friends on the other side, who every year find means to have such returned for sheriffs as are nigh in blood or by marriage to the murderer. For example :—
Robert Lloyd, now Sheriff, is brother-in-law to Ellisey ap William Lloyd, the murderer.
Hugh Nanney, now returned, is father to the said Ellisey's wife.
Griffith Vaughan, now returned, is cousin german to the said wife.
Lewis Anwell, now returned, is cousin german to the said Ellisey's grandfather and near allied to his wife.
Exception must also be taken to Griffith Nanney, brother-in-law to the said Ellisey; and John Vaughan, Esquire, cousin german to the same.
Moreover, about the sixth instant, one William ap John ap Humphrey and others murdered Ellis ap Robert Wynne in the parish of Llanvrothen in the same county, and there has not been so much as a coroner's inquest in the matter.
Griffith Vaughan's wife is cousin to John Wynne ap Morice, whose daughter William ap John ap Humphrey is married to.
Lewis Anwell is cousin to the same John Wynne ap Morice.
Endorsed :—“22 Nov., 1602.” 1 p. (96. 56.)
(2.) It is affirmed that there was a coroner's inquest of the body, but not any could be justly taxed with the murdering of the party, the fact being done in the dead of the night.
Since this fact committed John Wynne of Gwrdyr, Esqre., was sheriff of Merionethshire, being cousin german removed to the party slain, and having done his best endeavour to find out the murderer, could never bring the same [to] light.
Where it is alleged that there are means made for a sheriff yearly to be made there in favour of the supposed murderer, it is most untrue and a great slander to the Justice there and to the body of the Council established for Wales.
This time three years, the like exceptions were preferred, whereupon Mr. Piers Salesbury, being a foreigner dwelling in Denbighshire, was appointed sheriff, and this murder being enquired of, nothing could be discovered.
This time two years, again Mr. Wynne of Gwrdyr, being a foreigner also and dwelling in Carnarvonshire, was for the avoiding of these clamours and partiality made sheriff, and nothing could be found.
1 p. (96. 55.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Thomas Egerton, the Lord Keeper.
1602, Nov. 22. Where it hath pleased you to ask my opinion as to the sheriff's return for the county of Merioneth, I make bold (being detained by the Carrick business) to assure you that the gentlemen therein named are of the best note in the county, especially Griffith Vaughan and Hugh Nanney, the one having been for many years Deputy-Lieutenant, the other an ancient Justice of Peace.
PS.—It is reported that some persons of mean quality go about by preferring exceptions to the return to frustrate the same, and to get one of themselves made sheriff there; which I humbly beseech you may be looked into.—22 November, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 57.)
John Vaughan's Petition.
1602, [c. Nov. 22]. To Sir Thomas Egerton, knt., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, from John Vaughan, of Karagay in the county of Merioneth, esquire, praying that, whereas one Ellis ap Robert Wyn, the petitioner's cousin, at a place called Llanvrothen, on Monday the 8th Nov. inst. was assaulted by one William ap John ap Humfrey and others, and that the said William did most cruelly murder and slay the said Ellis, and for that being in the second degree of kinship to Griffith Vaughan and Lewis Anwill, Esquires, now returned for sheriffs for Merioneth, he is likely to receive favour at their hands, it may please his Lordship that some indifferent gentlemen may be chosen sheriff of that county, not of kindred or alliance to the said William.
Endorsed :—“Exceptions against Griffith Vaughan and Lewis Anwill, esqrs., returned in the bill for sheriffes, etc.”
Unsigned. ½ p. (185. 115.)
Sir Oliver St. John to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 22. Since my coming hither I have not been able to get a passage into Ireland, for besides mine own want of health, having with much ado recovered this town, and since my coming continuing very ill, the last easterly winds had so rid away all the barks of this river, as till their coming back I could not hear of any to carry me away. I hope, though in worse case than ever to take a journey, to be gone within these few days. In the meantime, I beseech you to hold me excused and to give me leave to make known unto you how desirous I am to free myself from the toilsome course of life I am in, and to anchor myself in a quiet port under your protection. My decay of health hath given so main a blow to all my hopes, as I shall think of nothing than to gain to myself a private life.—Chester, 22 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 71.)
Court of Wards.
1602, Nov. 22. Brief of the cause between John and Margaret Hughes, and William Jones. With respect to the wardship and marriage of Ellen Wynne. The cause dismissed.—22 Nov., 1602.
1 p. (2482.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 23. Having now a settled order by Mr. Honiman for my “convay” of letters and exchange, I do now only attend your Honour's particular despatch, which I crave to know by Mr. Levinus, and to have a pass for myself, one servant and two horses, without which (beside a great saving of charges present) I cannot so secretly and unsuspectedly travel, which I beseech your Honour I may have also in a readiness when I shall kiss your hand. At what time I have for your Honour a means to leave, instead of a cipher. And have already one other on my expense to pass to Spain and so to the Court and to meet me at Lyons.—Acton, 23 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (96. 58.)
1602, Nov. 23. Petition of William Kyngton to Sir R. Cecil, for the wardship of the heir of George Cooke of Sussex.
Notes by Cecil, (1) that he is to have a commission; (2) that he will be certified by the feodary what he knows of the state of the ward.
Note by Thomas Frere, feodary, that the estate is at present nothing.
Endorsed :—“23 No. 1602.” 1 p. (234.)
John Parry to the Countess of Warwick.
1602, Nov. 24. Not able nor daring to go forth of my chamber, I presume to write on behalf of a poor gentleman, my nephew and the heir of my father's house. I would ask you to write two lines, or speak to Mr. Secretary, on a matter depending in the Court of Wards between my nephew and Mr. Wildgoose and others. Mr. Wildgoose has got some advantage by means of a false certificate made by Mr. Wildgoose's commissioners; and my nephew is not ready for the hearing, because his witnesses are not yet examined, and for other matters. My nephew desires that the hearing may be postponed to next term, as was already agreed upon by both parties.—24 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 60.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 24. The Lord of Ferny and Mr. Alexander Hay, the King's servants, desire a passport for themselves and their horses. They come from France and are bound for Scotland.—London, 24 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (96. 61.)
John Killigrew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 24. I am sorry that with your Honour's so great trouble so little comfort will be drawn to my wife and children, and I marvel that those who remind you of my follies, have no compassion on them. I deny not my error in trust of an uncle, since it is true that a golden prey enticeth many a man, and to be so forward to assure a benefit to so unnatural a sister as at my father's death I found her. Yet I trust you will see that my uncle was freely put in trust by and for me, and he nor Stanes ever lost but gained much by it, that my sister had nothing she could recover from me for my father's will, but what I in fond kindness did promise and she after got assured by this lease, and that 300l. a year is a large portion for an incumbered man (as my father) to leave to his daughter, which if it rest not in you to redress, I must leave it to God to judge them both; only now craving that the hundred marks a year may be assured by some parcels, and after her death my children to enjoy the lease, or that she will take 300l. a year during her life out of it or leave the lease and take the benefit of our father's will, whereof she so much boasteth, that it may appear that she hath this lease of a free gift of a brother, of whom in such a case no Christian should for 10,000l. take so violent a forfeiture, as 300l. a year, besides 4,000l. received by her in the past. For the performance of either of my first demands, I shall be contented that she surrender for her security the present lease and take the same unto herself for her life, and unto two other lives in remainder for the benefit of my wife and children; only desiring for my poor wife and eleven children, that as your father gave me this lease freely, my wife and children may secondly enjoy the same.—London, 24 Nov., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 62.)
The Earl of Kildare to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 24. The Commissioners have rated my lands at five years' purchase. I have conferred with my cousin Sir John Legh, whose case and mine are all one, who informed me that he paid but three years' purchase. Likewise, I am informed that all the lands belonging to Sir John Legh, my grandfather, were rated this time twelvemonth, in your presence, at four years' purchase. I would ask you to send for Mr. Tipper, who will confirm this, and that I may be favoured as my cousin Legh was.—24 Nov., 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (96. 63.)
Fray Domingo de Mendoca to Queen Elizabeth.
1602, Nov. 25/Dec. 5. While in my poor cell I pray to our Saviour for the peace and union of all Christendom, I desire with especial fervour to see this accomplished with your Majesty, before I die; so much does my soul admire your natural virtues and desire to be assured of the salvation of your soul, with those supernatural virtues only to be found in the faith of the holy catholic and apostolic church of Rome.
Thus my zeal for the service of God and Christendom, and of Don Philip King of Spain, my master, and of your Majesty, and my grief at the daily evils of this war, and also my special information of your Majesty's desire for a general peace, which I owe to Don Ricardo Aquines, who can find no words sufficient to praise your Majesty; all these have moved me to humbly pray you to renew the old friendship between the crowns of England and Spain; and any difficulty that may arise between your Majesty and my master the King, I am ready to offer to overcome by means of my influence with his councillors, and particularly with Fray Gaspar di Cordova, his confessor, and other Catholic and respected gentlemen and ministers.
I can assure your Majesty that it is not nor ever has been the intention of the King, my master, to conquer the realm of England, but to assist your Majesty to reform those errors which have entered into the Catholic apostolic Roman religion, which above all other lands England was accustomed to maintain. Nor does the Spanish nation hate the English, but rather loves them beyond all others, as many centuries can witness. And therefore I would beg your Majesty to do me so much favour as to send me by this bearer your permission to be a means to negociate and conclude this task, the most important work in all Christendom, truly worthy of all Christian princes, whereof there will spring increase of glory and renown in heaven and earth, so that in all and for all sit unum ovile et unus pastor.—5 Dec., 1602.
Spanish. Holograph. 3 pp. (95. 47 & 48.)
— Kelley to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Nov. 25. The case of Bydstow Park has now been pending six years, owing to the evasions of the defendant, Sir John Egerton, who now offers to put in a former lease and so perverts the Judge's orders.
The plaintiff Kelley's lease is held to be good by the most part of the Judges; it has been examined by the Judges of the Common Pleas and by Serjeant Drew and Justice Glandville, formerly his counsel.
During the past three years the defendant has offered to compromise; and lastly, the Lord Keeper, at the hearing of the case, asked the plaintiff to compound, who answered that he was restrained from doing so.
Now considering these shifts of the defendant, and that the plaintiff has faithfully kept his promise to the Countess of Derby not to consent to any composition, I would now offer three reasons why your Honour should grant a lease from your former estate if Sir John shall refuse this new trial. [Sets out the reasons.]
This concludes the wrongs offered the Earl; for six years he has paid no rent; he hath taken and carried away all the red deer (except one that he could not take) to his own park; he has cut down 100 timber trees and polls and built with them on his own land; he has taken down a house on the Earl's land and set it up on his own; all which appears by a certificate delivered unto the Lord Chief Justice by William Feells, late keeper of the Park.
Holograph. Endorsed :—”25 November, 1602,” and by Cecil's Secretary, “to my Mr.” 2½ pp. (96. 64 & 65.)
James Greame.
1602, Nov. 25. Pass issued by Sir John Carey, warden of the East Marches, to Captain James Greame, “Egzant” to the French King's Guard, a Scotch gentleman, and his servant, Bastian Gozyet, a Frenchman, to travel to London.—25 Nov., 1602.
Signed, “John Carey.” Seal 1 p. (96. 66.)
Sir James Mervin to Mr. Percyval, secretary to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 26. I have herewith sent you this bearer, my near neighbour Mr. John Rusewell, for whom I moved you last night to have the wardship of Jack Roberts' son, if he be dead, as Mr. Rusewell is informed, who upon the obtaining of the said ward will be ready to make present performance of the 100l. I promised.—At my lodging in Fetter Lane, 26 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (96. 68.)
J. Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 26. Since my last of the 20th of this month we have pursued the liberty of fishing about Iceland and at Wardehouse, and the freedom of the passage to St. Nicholas, but we have found them obstinate without respect either of former treaties or of the law of nations, so that they will have all referred ad arbitrium Regis, with a plain allowance that the dominium maris borealis appertains to him. Whereupon we fell to an agreement of a recess, which we have this morning subscribed, and mean to send to you in three or four days, with an account of what has passed, and our proceedings with the Baron of Mincquitz, wherein some give us hope of better success.
And thus in haste this 26 of November. Even at th'instant the artillery played at the parture of the Danes. I pray God to bless her Majesty and never to need that nation.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 69.)
The Fleet.
An estimate that the monthly expenses of the fleet under Sir William Monson, knight, will amount to 1,380l. 3s. 4d.
The ships in the fleet are the Mary Rose, the Dreadnought, the Swiftsure, the Adventure, the Lions Whelp, and the Paragon.
The ships are victualled for four months and entered into the spending of the victuals the 8th of August and may continue out until the 28 November, 1602.
Endorsed by Sir Robert Cecil :—“Note of the state of the Fleet with Sir W. Monson.” ½ p. (96. 70.)
Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 26. My delay in writing has been partly through the uncertain dealing of the Danish, and partly through the expectation we had of better conformity in them. In whatever we urge that tendeth to the alteration of anything which the King hath had by descent from the other Kings, or modification of any matter to the good of the subject, wherein the King findeth sweetness of profit, or in whatever touches the regality that oppresses the subject, we find no relenting. So that we are forced by their departure to rest with the recess by them this day [margin : “26 November”] signed, as by the acts and journal may appear.
Your Honour may hereby judge how to advise with her Majesty, whether to insist in our demands, or to relent. Neither will interpretations of league be admitted for the licence of fishing nor modifications of the last-ghelt and hundred penny, neither the hundred Rose nobles abated; but they labour rather to ground prescription upon every little usurpation or admission, pretending to such regality in Mare Boreali as to inhibit all fishing without licence in the islands of Iceland, Norway, and Faroe. For our proceedings I refer to our general letter herewith.
The Baron of Minckwittes, since his first coming, has sent no word to us, till from the Senate of Staden we understood that he had been with the Duke of Holstein, who refused to sit as commissioner in any part of the diocese of Bremen, which occurrence came unto us the 31 of October. But on the 15th instant, the Baron arrived in Bremen and told us how much he disliked of the Duke's exception of Bremen as the place of meeting; he seemed also to dislike of the postponement of the time to May. We informed him that we had certified her Majesty of the place of Bremen as selected by the Emperor, which we wished should not be altered without the privity of their Majesties. We further desired that the time of session might be hasted.
We insisted herein because we understood the Council of that Duke to be much affected to Hamburgh and Lubeck, and it was thought rather for her Majesty's service since the Baron seemed inclinable that some other inferior commissioner should be united with the Baron.
The Baron replied that the colloquy should be held by the 2nd of February, and that he would write to the Emperor for the renewal of the commission if the Duke persisted in his refusal of Bremen; whereunto we assented, and hope for your approval.
We hope a better end to this business than to that of Denmark. The Duke of Holstein is in alliance with the King of Denmark and the Earl of Embden, and is favoured of Hamburgh and Lubeck. Hamburgh desireth the mart of the English (no doubt more for the love of their own gain than of our nation). I have no cause to despair the worst, but pray the best.
I would ask for her Majesty's letters to the Duke of Harburg to thank him for lending us coach and accommodation, and for the information he has given us in this business of the Hanses, as may appear by his letter enclosed.
It might be well to congratulate the Baron of Mincwitz, who seems to carry an indifferent mind in this business.—Bremen, 29 November, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 2½ pp. (96. 72 and 73.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 27. I chanced of late to receive a servant into my house, who of his own voluntary hath related very strange matter to one of his fellows concerning Jesuits and seminary priests, with their places of abode and resort in no small number, with which (as he saith) he hath long been very familiarly acquainted. I did myself thereupon commune with him, and found so much as I thought I could do no less than make it known to some of authority. Otherwise, I protest it is far from my disposition to play the informer, especially in cases that may concern men's lives and fortunes. If it please your Honour, I will attend and be ready to discharge my duty, which had been done [ere] this, but that I have of late been shrewd pinched with this new tedious sickness.—27 Nov., 1620 (sic).
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (185. 72.)
John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 27. This bearer, the Dean of Wells, will acquaint your Honour with a cause of great wrong to the Church and place where he is now resident. His living is distracted by a nice extremity of conceit in law and misinterpretation of words, yea, and his very house like to be pulled from him by a mere fraud; besides the utter subversion of four prebends and five vicars choral in that church, which are to be maintained out of that small remainder of living, which her Majesty graciously restored by two several grants, but now, for want of sufficient words in the patents, much endangered. I pray you favour him so much as that he may have reformation of these great wrongs, whereof he complaineth in his petition enclosed.—From my house at Lambehith, 27 Nov., 1602.
Endorsed :—Canterbury, Sandwich, Dover, Rye, Faversham, Coventry, Oxford, Salisbury, Lemster, Bridgwater, Worcester, Northampton, Harwich, Preston, Lynn, Rochester.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (185. 75.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Escheator of the County of Lancaster.
1602, Nov. 27. Understands that a commission is directed to him to enquire after the death of [left blank], of Lancashire, to the wardship of whose heir Lord Mountegle pretends title. Requires him not to proceed to the finding of the office without giving Lord Mountegle warning.—27 Nov., 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (2221.)
Lady Cooke to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, Nov. 27. For the wardship of the son of John Brand, Suffolk, clothier, to be bestowed on her husband.—27 Nov., 1602.
½ p. (2178a.)
Dr. Roger Goade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, 28 Nov. 1. Thanks him for his favour for his preferment to the Deanery of Windsor, referring the issue to God's providence.
2. I am further occasioned to acquaint you with a College matter, concerning one Littleton, late scholar probationer of this College, and son to Sir Edward Littleton, of Staffordshire. At Bartholomew last, his three years of probation being complete, and his interest of scholarship then by statute determined, he stood to be assumed Fellow of the House, if he should be found in learning and manners qualified according to statute, so to be allowed in my judgment and my conscience onerated not to assume any, but such of whom by due probation, I might firmly believe to be fit. I not so finding him, but rather a very weak non proficient in learning, and for none other sinister respect, I protest, could not upon so strict a charge, give my consent, and so he was ipso facto excluded the College, being not put from any right he then had, but from a preferment to a further condition. Now I lately having credible intelligence that some of his friends, animated, as themselves say by some of the society, are about a suit in Court, to have something shortly done from and by her Majesty, for remedy of his supposed injury, whether by letters for restitution or otherwise, I know not. I am bold thus much to intimate unto you, to the end that both in respect of the case itself, as also of your place, it may please you to stay and prevent such extraordinary courses, if any be taken, being so prejudicial both for the present and also for future precedent.—King's College, Cambridge, 28 November, 1602.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (136. 106.)
E. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 29. Relative to a lease of the manors of Gristhorpe, and Normanton, in Nottinghamshire, in his brother Jasper Leeke's name, granted to Mr. Hugh Beeston, as supposed to be forfeited for non-payment of rent. Asks him to summon Beeston and himself to see what proof he can make of the due payment of his rent to the Feodary.—Grays Inn, 29 Nov., 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (96. 71.)
The Answer of the Earl of Shrewsbury.
1602, Nov. 29. The lands came into the Queen's hands in the third year of her reign for a debt of Mr. Whalley.
He took a lease of the land at the same rates he valued it. The Earl bought that lease, which is not yet expired. This being shown to the Queen, it pleased her that the Earl should have preferment of it either by purchase or lease.
The petitioners and nine others, who are all the householders there, had leases from the Earl at the same rents he paid, and so have continued. And for half the fine he is now to pay to the Queen, he suffers them to continue as his tenants at will, which may show how unjustly they complain.
They, or others in their name, sought to purchase the lands over the Earl's head.
By their submission to the Earl, dated 6 Dec., 1601, they acknowledge their error in this.
They have been stirred up to this clamour by one Manwood.
Endorsed :—“29 Nov., 1602. The E. of Shrewsbury's answer to the petitions and informations of the tenants of Norton in comitatu Nott.” 1 p. (96. 74.)
Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Holborne, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [Nov. 29]. The care my husband had of your business in studying to effect the same took such a cold that I fear will be his life's loss. And by his death, I shall be left a desolate widow, unable to give him that burial that befitteth a man of his place. Most humbly I beseech your Honour to comfort him dying, as his hope was only in you living, for in his life's passage hitherto, his senseless mind and speeches tends only to your Honour's service.—This present Monday night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Primo December, 1602. Widow Holborne.” Seal. ½ p. (96. 84.]
Hu. Glaseour, Mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 30. Your letters enclosing others directed to Sir Geoffrey Fenton in Ireland, as there were no ships here, I sent on to Holyhead. Touching Sir Oliver St. John, albeit he hath been held here fifteen days by an extreme fever, whereof he is not yet quite recovered, yet he was yesterday morning embarked in the barque of one Griffith, and under sail before six of the clock, with a direct wind for Dublin.—Chester, this last day of November, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 75.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 30. Having spoken with Mr. Slingsby touching such writings and proofs as he hath for the prize taken by the Paragon, he tells me that Mr. Fulke Greville hath all these writings saving some few in the hands of Mr. Slingsby himself, which he will deliver to the Judge of the Admiralty, and, as he saith to me, he will with care follow the same on behalf of her Majesty. I have written to the Judge to appoint Doctor Crumpton to be advocate for her Majesty, and that he appoint a sufficient proctor. If you think fit to nominate any other man that is skilful in languages, he may also give furtherance to this cause, and have reward out of that which is recovered.—30 Nov., 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (96. 165.)
Thomas Eyre to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. 30. Tenant of Middle Pasture, in the High Peak, Derbyshire, a lease of which in reversion has been granted to Mr. Font, one of the Clerks of the Signet. Prays Cecil to be a means to Mr. Font that he may have the lease of him at a reasonable rate.—Undated.
Note by Sir J. Fortescue recommending the petitioner to Cecil.—30 Nov., 1602.
1 p. (697.)
Sir Robert Napper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, Nov. Enclosing a note containing the state of the controversy for the sums of money in question between Sir Edmond Pelham and himself.—Temple, this — of November, 1602.
Holograph. ¼ p. (97. 83.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, Nov.] It pleased your Honour to will me to set down a project of such services as I would assuredly perform, that you might have means to move her Majesty to some pity of my ruined estate. This I have done, and would beseech you that, as you preserved my life and do now maintain it, so you will be a means for the restoration of my fortunes.
I have thought of a means for some present entertainment, wherein, by my skill and diligence, I can save many times the fee every year; and also out of the same services a reasonable satisfaction for my industrious inventions, that I may be established Comptroller of the Ordnance, with competent fee and allowances, which is no new matter, for they have the like office in the navy, and, in imitation of the navy, her Majesty erected the office of Clerk of the Deliveries in the 14th year. And by how much the use of ordnance hath of late increased, by so much has increased the need of such an officer.
Undated. Holograph. Endorsed :—“November, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 76.)
Sir Robert Cecil to the Master of Gray.
1602, Nov. Having by my own hand touched some things of more private matter than is fit for every pen, I think it my part to acquaint you with our foreign occurrents. There is daily more and more suspicion conceived in France that the King of Spain practiseth upon all religions and humours to disturb the State, and make the King desirous to live in peace for fear of domestical ruptures, which are shrewd clogs to divert him from opening a foreign war, for demonstration whereof very lately the King caused the Marshall Brissac, in Brittany, suddenly to apprehend Mons. Mor Baratt, Governor of Rennes, and send him in a close coach with a hundred carabyns to Paris, where he is in the Bastille. He is accused to have hearkened to the King of Spain for some revolt in Brittany, whereof the improbability is very great. For first in all the time of the League he absolutely declared himself a noble and worthy patriot, bearded the Duke “Mercury,” kept that town where the Court of Parliament is seated from his possession, and though he have not avowed his religion, yet is he a Protestant and his children bred in the same; but, which is more than this, you shall now understand that since the death of Biron, the Baron of Luz, his lieutenant, and fled upon his apprehension into the French County, is now come unto the King. He hath accused the Constable Montpensier, Espernon, and Bouillon, but him most directly, as it appeareth, for the King hath only directed his summons unto him. He is charged to have been privy to Biron's treasons, and that he hath been deal[t] with from the King of Spain to practise a marriage between the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Savoy's daughter. Out of this root that they intended never to allow this late marriage of the King's, nor to suffer the succession to go that way. What to think of this accusation, whether all or part be true, is hard to judge. For though I am not of opinion that ever the Duke of Bouillon would entertain treaty with Spain, yet because I see so contrary humours as these were united in some one counsel or other, it is not unlike but that in the matter of succession they may have accorded, because whosoever of them misliked one and other out of private ambition, yet they all concurred in mislike of the present Government, were discontented against the King for his neglect of them, and were none of them ill affected to the Prince of Condé. I wish you, Sir, to observe this letter and the fashion of it, whereof we shall shortly see the success by his coming or tarrying, who will be as well advised in any thing he doth as any man in France. From the Low Countries, there is nothing but misery in the Archduke's camp, for there are no less than a body of 7,000 foot, Spaniards and Italians, that have continued in mutiny this three months. They do hold correspondency with Count Maurice, who continually protects them when any attempt is made on them. They have spoiled from Liege to Antwerp and Brussels Gates. They receive 8,000l. a month contribution and daily offer themselves to the States, but that they are not willing to entertain so great numbers. It is true the Archduke hath sent many ambassadors to them, yet all come home re infecta. Ostend is besieged, but with little (sic), and the army for Algiers dissolved. Count Maurice hath despatched his army into garrisons; and this is the state of foreign affairs.
Endorsed :—“Minute to the Master of Gray. Nov., 1602.” 7 pp. (96. 77–80.)
1602, [Nov.]. Pricked list for the counties of Gloucester, Hereford and Salop.
Signed by P. Warburton and Chr. Yelverton. ¾ p. (97. 112.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Nicholson.
[1602, Nov.] I have received your packet of the 13 of November, which doth not require much answer, saving this, that I am so well satisfied in the birth and condition of R. Greame as I think it very convenient that her Majesty should send him to the King, and so I mean to move her to do, and doubt not but to receive her order for it. For the matter between Daniell and Moubray, although conscience is instead of 1,000 witnesses, yet because the world is apt to judge by circumstances, I am glad that they have not yet ended their lives, for that might have obscured truth here, and it falleth not out ever that God in this world showeth his judgement upon the greatest offendors, so as it is not always certain that the innocent may not die by the sword of the wicked, for which distinction, to tell you truly my opinion, there is no great room left between them; for as knavery conjoined them originally, so malice severed them. And in my conscience in some things they each belie the other. That Moubray might tell Daniell fables of me, I do not wonder, for it was a condition between him and me that he should take the liberty of a spy to traduce me, but that he will dare to maintain against me or upon any strict examination will accuse me of any unhonest thing in any kind, if Daniell were a thousand kings or prophets, he should pardon me to believe him. But, Mr. Nicholson, what he hath confessed, or not, we shall know but at second hand. For I doubt not but rather than he should fail, there would be now found out that should tempt him to accuse me. You have heard, I think, that the Duke of Bouillon hath been suspected to have been privy with Biron and is now sent for by the French King with a shrewd summons to appear, which if he should now resist, he must either declare himself an ill subject, or come. If he find any danger, as he hath many, then it is not impossible how clear so ever he be, but that all those who have now wrought the King so far to suspect him, may work upon that humour of suspicion so far as to disgrace him, in whose fortune those affronts how light so ever leave scars behind them. With Mr. Craven, I have taken order, who maketh over 60l. For the other money, you shall receive your 400l. so soon as the party in whose name the book is past hath compounded for the matter, which will be before Christmas. In the mean time I am contented hereby to assure it you free from all danger. Her Majesty, thanks be to God, hath passed the 17th of November with as great an applause of multitudes as if they had never seen her before. In the Low Countries all things are as my last certified. In France, the French Queen is brought to bed of a daughter.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602, Nov.” 4½ pp. (96. 81–3.)
Sheriff of Montgomery.
1602 [Nov.]. Three communications to Sir Robert Cecil :—
(1.) Exceptions against William Herbert, esquire, who intends to be Sheriff of the county of Montgomery this next year, albeit he be not returned.
His wife is a recusant, and has not been to church for two years. She was indicted at the last sessions, when the said Herbert countenanced the cause against her Majesty, and publicly said that the prosecutor was a base fellow, by reason whereof the bill of indictment was not then found.
Conceiving that a similar bill will be preferred at the next sessions, he doth make means to be Sheriff, and hath given out that he will try all his friends in England for the obtaining thereof.
His child by the said wife hath not been christened by the parson or curate of the parish where he dwelleth, nor by any other known minister of the country.
His mother, Lady Mary Herbert, and others of his friends have suits at law in the county touching titles of lands and other things against other gentlemen of the county, and therefore he is not indifferent to be Sheriff.
Endorsed :—“Mountgomery,” and in another hand, “1602.” ¾ p. (97. 82.)
(2.) Exceptions preferred against Charles Foxe, esquire, now in the return to be Sheriff of the county of Montgomery.
He is a young gentleman, inhabiting at Ludlow, about 20 miles from the county, and hath no dwelling house in the county.
Dissension hath been, and yet continueth between William Herbert and other esquires of the one part, and other justices of the peace and esquires of that county of the other part. The said Charles Foxe is of kindred and alliance to the said William Herbert, and a great favourite of him and his friends, and therefore no indifferent man to be Sheriff.
The wife and mother of the said Herbert, being Popish recusants, will be indicted before the next sessions for the county. The said Herbert or his mother have also weighty suits in law in that county against divers gentlemen there, and therefore he doth make great means and labour to have the said Foxe, being so of kindred unto him, to be elected sheriff.
Endorsed :—“Mountgomery,” and in another hand, “1602.” ½ p. (97. 81.)
(3.) From Owen Vaughan and others of the county of Montgomery.
“Articles or exceptions preferred against William Herbert, Esq., who intendeth to be Sheriff of the county of Montgomery for this year to come, albeit he be not returned.” Herbert is suspected to be backward in religion, his now wife being a known recusant, and his child is reported to be christened by a Popish priest. Lady Herbert, his mother, has many suits at issue; and Herbert endeavours to procure either himself, or Edward Fox, to be sheriff, for the bolstering and maintenance of those suits; and also to have better benefit upon his adversaries.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (2068.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [Nov.]. My son in law, Mr. Fermer, of Oxfordshire, being not ambitious to be preferred in office before the other two knights of the same shire who be in the bill for election of sheriffs, beseeches that it may please you to put by the thrust with a pin for this year, his poor wife being great with child, and desirous to come up and lie near or in London, where she may have the comfort of my wife her mother.—From Highgate, this morning.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 21.)
Edward Grey, Esquire, and others to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, [Nov.]. Why Roger Owen, esquire, should not be Sheriff of Salop this year.
Sir Robert Vernon, knight, pretending title to the barony of Powis, jointly with Henry Vernon, esquire, who sometime called himself Henry, lord Powis, have many suits in law depending concerning the title of the late lord Powis his lands, to be tried by jury of that county.
The matter to be tried will rest chiefly whether Vernon be heir to Edward Grey, last lord Powis deceased, or not.
1. Sir Robert Vernon hath lately sold to the said Mr. Owen the manor of Westbury in the county of Salop for 500l less than the value, partly to gain money to maintain these suits in law, and partly to gain the favour of the said Mr. Owen and his friends and freeholders in that county.
2. Mr. Owen hath also bought at a low rate the manor of Pontesbury in Shropshire, which was parcel of the barony of Powis, and he hath lately been in hand with Sir Robert Vernon and others for the purchase of Crowe Meole in Shropshire, part of the lord Powis' land, worth 200l a year : which thing is now in suit of law and ready to be tried by jury.
Endorsed, “Mr. Owen,” and in another hand, “1602.” ¾ p. [97. 91]
The names of the Gentlemen in the Return to be Sheriff of the county of Denbigh.
1602. [Nov.]. Edward Eaton, ar, Edward Lloyd, ar, Roger Langford, ar.
If all these be objected against, then my humble suit is that one of these three may be pricked :—
Richard Grosvenor, ar, John Wynn de Gwider, ar, Richard Leighton, ar.
These gentlemen do dwell out of the shire, and have good livings in the shire and be justices of the peace in the shire and nothing factious.
Memorandum. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 39.)
Richard Codrington to [—].
1602, [Nov.]. Prays to be spared from being Sheriff of Gloucestershire. Others fit for the service are Thomas Baynham, Pawle Tracy, Sir John Tracey, William Guyese, George Master.
Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (627.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Nicholson.
[1602, Nov.]. I cannot write you much from this estate, because I thank God here is little change. I would all things there were as quiet, for I am not of their opinion that think it to be well at home when there is broils abroad. For the present, you shall understand that hearing from you as I did by my last letter concerning Robert Greame, I wrote immediately, without showing the reason why, to countermand his delivery, to which I must confess your reasons most carried me, for otherwise my Lord Scrope was ever against it. I do always cause your letters to be delivered according to your superscriptions; whether the parties take notice or no I know not; and of the French packets I am very careful, but I do hear of late that the French Ambassador sendeth many messengers express from hence, though he receive sometimes letters by me. The Duke of Bouillon has been twice summoned to appear, and though he gave hope of coming, yet he hath now returned back this answer, that he is so jealous of his enemies seeing they have had power to make the King suspect him, which he thought had been impossible, especially for such as had been traitors themselves, as he rather trusts upon the King's good favour to dispense with that fear, than that he should be author of his own destruction; and so, although he, being a marshal of France, ought to be tried at Paris, where there is a special chamber appointed by the edict for those of the Religion, yet he is bold to choose upon this necessity another court in that province where he resideth, which is Castres in Dauphine, hoping the world will not count them partial to him if they find him guilty of Spanish practices, but rather likest to be severe judges. Methinks, when all is done, it should not be possible that 17 should conceal anything that concerneth 16, although in compassion not fearing the worst 17 may favour those who abuse 17 judgment's, only to compass their own rising, wherein I suspect no man more than—. For your own business, as I had promised so I have given my word to Mr. Craven that the whole 400l. shall be paid him before the next term, though I assure you of the gift, wherein others had part, there is not yet 10l. received. I marvel much I hear not of 99 : I hope he is well. Ostend had lately like to have been betrayed, for the Count Bucquoy, who besiegeth it on the east side, had a practice with the serjeant-major, which, being discovered, he and other are sent to the Hague, where they will not long be left unhanged, for that people useth much more justice than mercy. It is an infinite consumption of all their means, the defence of that town, and if it be not by some action in the beginning of this summer freed from this siege, infection or practice will carry, or else the defence of it will prove such a sink of treasure and such a sepulchre of all their best soldiers as the conservation will be of equal prejudice to the loss. Yet cannot I say but the Archduke's state is full of confusion, and the mutineers rather increase than show any signs of reconcilement; but that may be and will be only a temporary distraction. For when the King shall send those portions of treasure for which he hath made very great partidos of late with the Genoese, the fire of these mutineers will be quenched by that water, and then will he have a gallant army in the [ends].
Endorsed :—Copy of my master's letter to Mr. Nicholson. (96. 119–121.)
Reasons on the behalf of Richard Codrington, Esquire, to be spared from being Sheriff of the county of Gloucester.
1602, [c. Nov.]. He is but lately come to the country, he has not fully paid for his newly purchased land, his house is in course of building.
For want of notice, this could not be urged at the lords and judges' meeting for Sheriffs. Many other gentlemen of the county of better ability were forgotten or, by means made, kept out of the bill.
Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (97. 19.)
Herbert Croft to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, [c. Nov.]. I beseech you Honour's favourable regard of me in the nomination of the sheriffs for Herefordshire, in respect that the office which I have found for Baskervile's tenures is sought to be traversed. I have by petition informed her Majesty, how greatly it concerneth her Highness, in the present profit of 2,000l., and her disenherison in the tenures of 40 or 50 manors more. There are two men procured to be put into the bill of sheriffs, of whom these that have so defrauded her Majesty do assure themselves for returning a favourable jury for their purpose, namely Charles Morgan and John Berington, esquire. The third man, being one Mr. John Blount, they have caused to be excepted against upon most untrue surmises. And they have put me off from the hearing of my cause until the next term, that in the meantime by their clamorous slanders against the now sheriff they may hold the truth of the title in suspense.
Endorsed :—“1602.” (185. 100.)
The Mayor and others of Newcastle to Sir John Carey, Governor of Berwick.
1602, Nov. This present day there came before us one Tobie Saskers, of Harling in Fr[e]zland, mariner, shewing unto us these letters hereinclosed, and that he purposed to send them by some messenger of his own appointment, declaring that the same were sent from Grave William, stateholder or governor of West Frezland, and from the council at Harling, on behalf of a distressed Dutchwoman, whose husband two years since was murdered in Scotland, and that the King of Scotland was well acquainted with the matter. We misliked of that course, and thought it rather fit to send them to your Lordship. Newcastle, this — of Nov., 1602.
Signed :—“Ro : Dudley, m[ayor], Lyonell M[addison], Thomas Lydd[el], George Selbye, F. Andersonn, F. Burrell, vic.” Damaged. 1 p. (185. 108.)