Cecil Papers: July 1602, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp221-239 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp221-239.

"Cecil Papers: July 1602, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp221-239.

July 1602, 11–20

William FitzWilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 11. Details various proceedings taken against him by his brother and Mr. Mountague, executor of the writer's late mother, and the causes thereof, which relate to the family inheritance. On Saturday, he and all his men were arrested at his brother's suit for entering into his own house, where his evidence lay, and where his brother had nothing to do.—London, 11 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (94. 21.)
Adrian Gylbarte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 11. The bearer, Cecil's servant, has been here, and seen all, and can advertise him. He desired Cecil to see it before the end of next week, before they bring in water, in case he will have it broader or deeper. Mr. Burge, Lord Northumberland's man, has given Cecil 50 flying tame fowl, and will bring them to Tybboltes [Theobalds]. So shall Cecil have his pleasures this winter, or any time after, with the help of Mr. Raffe Sheldon, who will willingly give Cecil 100 more of these fowl.—Tibbolts, 11 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (94. 22.)
Thomas Cornewaill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 11. Prays Cecil to favour his cause with her Majesty, for the composition for the lands which he claims.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“11 July, 1602.” 1 p. (94. 25.)
Chandos Property.
1602, July 11. Terms of agreement as to the Chandos property, signed by Lord Chandos and Lady Chandos, the widow.
Duplicate of the last portion of (146. 99–100.) See p. 204.
½ p. (146. 102.)
Sir Robert Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 12. Of the place where we now are at siege, I doubt not but it is long since told you. All that we have now done is said in a word. What might have been, it belongs not to my place to speak of; only I will presume to write of my observation in this journey, that an army, for a long journey, is almost impossibly victualled but by rivers, and the carriages belonging to it of necessity so great that no countries almost afford such open passages through them, but that a less army of the enemy's has great advantages both to assail and to dispute the passages. And this we have found, that either the reports of guides or any others which are fain to be trusted, which with a dozen or 20 horse have found the ways very open and easy : when a great army and the cannon come to pass, there are great difficulties found, and impossible to pass at all where an enemy has any army. But by very many hands to make great “explanados,” which take so much time, and make an army march so slow, that it being limited to any precise number of days in victuals, any delays in that necessity were a certain overthrow of an army. Therefore of this journey I may be bold to conclude that the masters or guiders of this journey and this army were either too hasty or too peremptory in their counsels in the setting forth, or else too unsteady in the prosecution, for fortune, it is said, has that feminine nature that she loves to be forced.—The Grave, 12 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 23.)
Dr. Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 12. I have persuaded the merchants trading to Barbary, not without some difficulty, to yield to the charges of the Moors lately redeemed out of servitude by her Majesty's ships, so far as may concern their lodging and victuals, till some shipping may be ready to carry them into Barbary. For that some of the poor captives are Turks, I have moved some of the Turkish merchants, that like care may be had of them out of the charge of that company. But I find an utter indisposition in the merchants to be at the charge of the apparelling, either of the Turks or Moors; therefore it may please you that 20l. be had out of her Majesty's purse to that purpose, to be delivered to the bearer Mr. Slaney; also to give order to Mr. Darell that victual for their voyage be laid into the shipping.—DD. Com. [Doctor's Commons], 12 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Doctor Caesar.” 1 p. (94. 24.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 12. I wrote you before of the strength of our army, from which numbers of men great matters might justly be expected. The 10 June (stylo Angliae) we set forth to seek the enemy, marched the neutral countries through to his frontiers, where he lay strongly encamped. Our horse were all drawn out and shewed themselves, battle by us offered, but by them in the least sort not entertained. In the whole progress of the journey, small or no encounters found. The greatest enemies we met with were scarcity, and once an extremity of heat, whereof there died on our day's marching very many of all nations, notwithstanding the great care and providence for the carriage and relief of weak and sick men. From the beginning has ever been observed a kind of faction among the chiefs, and opposition in counsels; for the Counts Morice and William were never anything affected to the enterprise. Sir Fr. Vere and the Estates deputed for the business held ever strongly for the advancing it forward, and by that means brought the army to St. Truyne within a small league of the enemy's camp, where the Admirante lay with an army not inferior to ours in number, but the half of them not counted soldiers. After the fairest proffer that the Count Morice would permit of drawing them forth, and they keeping their trenches (whereby was judged, he determined not to try the estate of his master's country by the sword, but by advantage of delay, hoping that that would bring famine and other miseries to our army) a new council was called, and a resolution taken to return. The advancers of the journey were driven to yield to that determination, by reason of the certain information of the want of victual and provision which should be necessarily required for such an expedition. How the Estates General will allow of that excuse (they having furnished the army with a proportion for much longer time), I refer to your best and wisest consideration. The Count Morice says already that he shall be as welcome into Holland as a horse that has overthrown his carriage. Upon the 9 of July, the army settled here before the Grave. The proceedings are yet somewhat slow, and discover an uncertainty of the Estates disposing their army. You shall be certified of that as time will give me leave : in the mean, you cannot but have it from those that are of greater place and counsel than I am. There is little speech stirring of the enemy. He is said to be about Diest, and that his troops should be in want of money and victual. That he will yet approach much nearer us, cannot well be imagined, since (till he be better provided) he is not resolved to engage himself to a battle. Touching this town of Grave, it is held strong, being not great in compass, and fortified, without with six bulwarks and ravelins, within with 2,000 men. It is approachable only on two sides, which lie to the quarters of the Count Morice and Sir Fr. Vere. The other two have the river close under the town, and a morass joining hard to the ditch, against which is the quarter of the Count William.—From the Camp before the Grave, July 12, 1602, stylo veteri.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (94. 26.)
The Vice Chancellor and Heads of Colleges at Cambridge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, 12 July. Touching the late grace and grant passed for the common benefit of the University, whereof, it seemeth, your Honour hath been informed and requireth stay of the execution until further satisfaction, we are very willing to render our reasons and to refer the consideration unto your wisdom, persuading ourselves that, upon true advertisement of the ground thereof, you will be pleased to give allowance to that is done. The urging cause was necessity, in regard to the University's great need, never pressed with the like in the memory of any, being, besides the stock wholly expended, above 250l. in debt, for 100l. whereof borrowed, divers of us stand bound in obligation for payment within this half year next following. For relief whereof, many courses having been thought upon, we could not find any more convenient or less prejudicial than this is now taken in hand, being under 1d. a week for scholars and pensioners in the lower commons, and under 2d. a week for pensioners in the higher commons, and that only for three terms only for five years. The superior graduates of better ability are now spared until some fitter occasion, when they may be better prepared, for that we had intelligence it would not have passed the houses to have charged themselves, which caused this beginning to be at the lower sort. The University of late years, about controversies with the town and otherwise, being drawn into great and extraordinary charges, far above the small yearly maintenance, it seemed to us reasonable for the common good of the whole body that convenient supply should be raised from the natural members, as we hold the practice usual in all bodies politic, where the same may be conveniently done. And it is no new thing amongst ourselves in several colleges to make contributions in practice accordingly, as when a scholar or honest servant of the University is decayed, or some captive or stranger commended unto us by the broad seal of her Majesty or such like, besides that we have precedents how that for the increasing of the stipend of the Orator, the Mathematical Reader and Library Keeper, several graces and that at several times have been passed in both houses by raising the same upon Commencers yearly, in cases not much differing in our opinions. And if this that tendeth to a more public good of greater necessity having also the force of a statute, now that it is passed by the Head and both Houses, should be recalled and frustrate, though it carried some inconvenience with it, how prejudicial this would be to other like graces concluded both past and to come, we leave to your wisdom to consider. Thus having rendered our reasons, we are not only willing to make stay of the collection of the money, but also refer the consideration of the premises to your good pleasure, being ready to embrace any other better course of supply in our present necessity that your care of our poor estate shall think fit to commend unto us.—Cambridge, 12 July, 1602.
Signed, Jo. Duport, Procan. : Umphry Tyndall. Edmund Barwell, Roger Goade, Robert Soame, Thomas Legge, John Cowell. Seal. 1 p. (136. 102.)
[Sir John Carey] to the Privy Council.
1602, July 12. I have received your letters of the 25th June, with the petition exhibited by one George Muschampe, Esq., against one Henry Collingwood, of Etell, co Northumberland, and Oswald Collingwood, his brother, and of three other soldiers of Barwick, viz., David and William Armorer and another called Henry Collingwood; yet find I not one word in that petition of one Luke Collingwood, a brother of the said Henry Collingwood, of Etall, which was slain in that fray by Mr. Muschampe and his man Carston, nor of one Robert Muschampe, a servant and kinsman of George Muschampe, who, accompanied with Carston that killed this Luke Collingwood, did two years past kill Thomas Smith of Bowsdon, going at his plough, and were both indicted by the crowner's quest for the same, but by the friends of George Muschampe it was so held down as it went no further for that time. Since the killing of Luke Collingwood, there hath not been much injury offered to any of them by the contrary parties, they only meaning to follow the course of law. The effect of your letter to me is, that I should send three of the garrison of this town to the next assize at Newcastle, who, Mr. Muschampe informs, were Henry Collingwood's accomplices. I will cause them all to be there according to your Honour's commandments; but this is the first precedent that ever was showed in the like case, to have soldiers of this garrison sent to the justices of assize at Newcastle, her Majesty having a Governor and Council established here, who hath or should have sufficient authority to punish all such faults. Otherwise it may fall out that her Majesty's service and the safety of the country may, in greatest distress, find want of men for a present piece of service, whereto we are many times called upon a short warning.—Barwick, 12 July, 1602.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (184. 42.)
Captain John Ridgewaye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 13. Since my coming from Ostend, being in garrison at Middleburgh, there has been no fit occasion to present the duty I owe. But now I will set down the proceedings of our army. [Here follows an almost verbatim copy of Sir Edward Cecil's letter of July 9. Ridgewaye then proceeds.] We arrived at the Grave with resolution to take in the town if possible, and quartered in three divisions, His Excellency on the Mase side, Count William on the land side, and Sir Fra. Vere in the midst. We hope a good issue, which I will daily acquaint you with, and all circumstances belonging to such a siege as occasion serves; not forgetting presently to show you that since our coming before this town, which hath been these four days, all provisions whatsoever are brought unto us by shipping. We have entrenched all our quarters, built a bridge over the Mase, and a little above it, on Nimigham side, made a battery and mounted six cannon thereon, which played all yesterday upon a sconce of the enemy's and beat it flat to the ground, so at night they were for[ced] to quit it, at which time we entered, fortified, and put men into it. So that now the river is freed for us, and all passages to this town stopped, and I think to-morrow we shall begin our approaches. We have not had 20 shot from the town, and those out of three demi-cannon from one bulwark. They made a little sally yesterday out of the quitted sconce, but to no purpose.—Before the Grave, 13 July, stilo antiquo, 1602.
(PS.)—I had forgotten that his Excellency took in the castles of Endhoven and Hellmont, as we marched by, and put in 100 men in each, somewhat to free the country behind us.
Holograph. 3 pp. (94. 28–9.)
Robert Jhonsonn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 15. Mr. Lynewray has acknowledged a deed of surrender of his former office to her Majesty's use, before Mr. Tyndall, one of the Masters of the Chancery.—The Chapel of the Rolls, 15 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 83.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 15. The bearer Captain Burley, his servant, being at sea 3½ years ago with letters of reprisal, was taken by the King's men-of-war and carried prisoner into Galizia, and is now enlarged upon exchange with Michael D'Arano. His intelligences of the purpose of the Spaniard to send new forces into Ireland, he signified upon his arrival to Sir Thomas Gorges and the rest of the Commissioners at Plymouth. Explains why Burley has not more speedily repaired to Cecil, and recommends him for employment.—Dansey, 15 July, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Lord Chamberlain.” 1 p. (94. 30.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 15. Would have come to the Court to take leave of Cecil for his journey into the country, but that he heard of her Majesty's going to Eltam. Begs any directions Cecil may be pleased to impose upon him. He moved Cecil for a licence for retainers. Cecil knows his poor estate, but he desires to know whether he thinks it fit, or her Majesty will grant it.—Philippe Lane, 15 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 31.)
Jo. Meade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 16. Advertisements I have none, but such as I know are signified by those in highest authority; only for my own particular, as I was during my last office of mayoralty here careful to prevent the Spanish unnatural invasion, so therein now in this place I use my best endeavours to advise and animate the now Mayor and citizens to resist their proud attempts. I expect to see my profession of her Majesty's laws hereafter to flourish, which now in these turbulent times are much silent.—Cork, 16 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 32.)
Lady Stourton to “my very loving brother,” Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 16. The bearer, her brother-in-law, Charles Sturton, is bound to appear at the next Dorset Assizes, and is in doubt to be there and then committed, unless he may procure means to the contrary. She begs Cecil to write to the judges of the Western Circuit for his present discharge in that behalf. Sturton was left to her charge by his brother, her first husband.—Odyham, 16 July, “Your loving sister-in-law.”
Holograph, signed, “Francis Sturton.” Endorsed :—“1602. Lady Sturton.” 1 p. (94. 33.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 16. His return is delayed by his business here. The encumbrance of his debts has so long distracted his mind that he has not attended as he should, nor done her Majesty the service he would. He doubts not a small time will clear these mischiefs, and begs Cecil to procure him liberty to tarry there till it be effected.—July 16, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 34.)
W. Davison to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 16. I have sent you enclosed, according to your request, a relation of the ground of her Majesty's contract with Sir Horatio Palvicino for the debt now in question, as also how the jewels belonging to the House of Burgundy, now remaining in the Exchequer, came to be engaged unto her for the same. What has been satisfied of the principal or interest thereof, the Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor can best inform. For the jewels, it is hard to give an estimate of their value. Before they came to my hands, they were engaged to certain merchants in Antwerp for a small sum in comparison of that they now lie for, most of the things being old and out of fashion, and the stones and pearl for the most part greatly decayed in their goodness and lustre; so as if her Majesty can quit her hands of them for so much as the principal debt amounts to, she shall make a very good bargain.—16 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 37.)
The Enclosure :
Memorandum by W. Davison, on the contract between her Majesty and Horatio Palavicino.
In 1578, the Estates of the Low Countries borrowed of Baptista Spinola 12,000l., payable at six months on their own bonds; and not long after, being distressed for money, entered into treaty with Spinola, both for prolonging that debt, and the loan of 15,000l. or 16,000l. more, which Spinola was content to hearken to, if they would procure Davison to give his bond in her Majesty's name for the whole, by virtue of a procuration he had then in his hands for taking up 100,000l., if need were, for her Majesty's service. This he refused. Not long after, Lord Cobham and Mr. Secretary Walsingham, being sent in ambassade to those parts, the Estates pressed them in the matter, and Cobham and Walsingham recommended the cause to her Majesty and divers of the Council, but to little effect; but through Mr. Sommers they afterwards prevailed. Her Majesty then gave Davison direction to deliver his bond in her name for 28,700l., taking both the general bonds of the Estates, and particular bonds of the towns of Antwerp, Gand and Bruges, besides certain chests of jewels, anciently belonging to the House of Burgundy, which the Estates had offered to put into Davison's hands ad majorem cautelam, which he received, brought over, and delivered into the Receipt at Westminster, where they yet remain. This was the ground of the original contract with Spinola in Antwerp for the 28,700l., whereof the latter debt of 16,636l. and odd money properly belonged to Horatio Palavicino, who had first several bonds from her Majesty for the same; but afterwards compounding with Spinola, bought in the rest of that debt and renewed her Majesty's bonds in his own name for the whole, and procured like bonds of the City of London and Society of the Merchants Adventurers for his better security. All which remain still liable to the payment of this debt.
1 p. (94. 36.)
William Atkinsonne to J. Byrdd.
[1602, July 16 ?] Asks him to repair to this place, having some extraordinary business with him concerning special affairs of her Majesty. He is to acquaint no one with the matter. “Come directly up to me, and come not into the Lodge, lest the recusants should espy you.”
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (94. 35.)
The Same to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1602, July 16.] “Prisoner.” Though urgently moved by divers secular priests not to submit myself, unless under warrant by the Queen's hand and seal, yet confiding in your clemency I offered myself to the shelter of your shield, as to my chief hope. You may be informed by my adversaries that I have not been so forward as I might have been; but I protest that what has been committed through delay must be referred to ignorance rather than to slackness. Now agreeably to the Lord Chief Justice's pleasure, I have by all means possible procured the recusants' amity and favour, so that they promise that all my former faults shall be committed to oblivion. Now that I utterly relinquish the poisoned doctrine of treacherous fugitives, and espaniolized Jesuits, I crave to employ my best endeavours to the extirpating of their confederates; and if you would grant me my liberty, I would perform it both in England and Ireland.
It is credibly reported that Mr. John Jarrald, Fisher, a Jesuit, and Litstar are to be at a hunting in Beskwood park, for not long since they were with Mrs. Griffin, of Dingley, and there they determined to go to the Lady Marcam, Sir Griffin Marcam's wife; and likewise Francis Tresam, young Vause, and Mr. Griffin's son and heir was to accompany them. I am likewise informed of one Oswald, a Jesuit, who lies in San John's Court, and other youths who be to go over sea, by Oswald's means. Likewise, there resorts unto a scrivener's house hard by Newgate one Blunt, a Jesuit, very oft, and there is one Mr. Pellam, an Irish gentleman, who lies in a great white house in Grais In, and to his house repairs one Henry Scharratt, who is not long since come from Ireland, of whom I certified the Lord Bishop of London, concerning news he brought thence of certain Jesuits landed there, and of other divers matters.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“16 July, 1602”; (in Munck's hand) “William Atkinson, prisoner in Newgate, to my Mr.” 2 pp. (94. 38.)
Henry Carew to Edward Gordges.
1602, July 16. Thanks him for the letter he procured from Mr. Secretary to Viscount Bindon on behalf of his son; but notwithstanding it, Bindon directed his warrant to the justices for his son's apprehension; so he is forced to entreat Mr. Stowghton to remove him out of Dorsetshire into Hampshire, to his great charge. He cannot conceive Bindon's meaning, but imagines that either he has received countermanding letters from Mr. Secretary, or else that he little respects Mr. Secretary's report touching the Queen's clemency to his son. Asks Gorges' counsel for redress of these mischiefs which are likely to fall upon the innocent young man. Begs him to remember him to Mr. Wade in the other matter.—Dorsetshire, 16 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Carey.” 1 p. (94. 41.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Council.
1602, July 17. I pray that the carrick's ordnance may not be removed hence, both in respect of their better readiness to be hereafter employed into Ireland, or elsewhere, as also for the better security of this fort and island, which are very defective both in artillery, carriages and platforms, insomuch as without supply thereof, we shall not be shortly able to use those few pieces we have. For the Irish service, I was commanded to send two pieces of ordnance, with their carriages and mountures, in my ship for Ireland, but I was enforced to acquaint you that our defects were so great that I was not able to fulfil your command, had it been to have saved the kingdom. I hope you will therefore give order for the stay of them, both because (in the Tower) they cannot be employed to so good a use, as also that the freight for transportation will be hereafter saved, when necessity will urge a better supply for these places.—Fort by Plymouth, 17 July, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “J. Gylberte.” 1 p. (94. 39.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 17. On the same subject. Details of his offer to Cecil and the Lord Admiral for their shares of the sugars. Prays for the privy seal for which he has long sued. He purposes to set out his ship very shortly, and if Cecil will not hold his part of her, will he signify so much? Hopes Cecil will bestow his part of the prizes' hulls upon him, to make fire withal, for they are so chargeable to him, that he will lay out no more money on them. He is fain to disburse 3l. a week for labourers to keep them swimming, as the Lord Admiral can witness for his great Biskaner, with whom he begs Cecil to deal in his behalf, both for his part in the ships and his adventure.—Fort by Plymouth, 17 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 40.)
R. P[ooley to Sir Robert Cecil.]
[1602,] July 18. How, half offended, you said to me I never made you good intelligence, nor did you service worth reckoning, is the cause I have not since presented myself with offer of my duty, although I much desire my endeavours might please you, my necessities needing your favour. Yesternight, Barrowes delivered me the enclosed to be conveyed to you. Since his late enlargement out of the Gatehouse, he has often conferred with me concerning the secret in and out passages of the Jesuits, the conveyance of their closest affairs, and in what places they remain; wherein he seems well informed. Please by Mr. Willes let me know your pleasure, for I think not fit to attend you openly in Court, if any proceeding be admitted in this discovery proposed.—July 18.
Holograph signed, “R. P.” Endorsed by Cecil's secretary :—“R. Pooley to my Mr., 1602.” 1 p. (94. 43.)
The Enclosure :
Robert Barrois to Sir Robert Cecil.
Since I promised to signify to you the means of the Spaniards' intended escape, I find for the many difficulties conceived that the intendment is respited till their further liberty from thence, and then to proceed in their conveyance over. Before I proceed further in discovery of the passage (including therein the principal means the Jesuits use to transport themselves, their packets and businesses), I beseech you to entreat her Majesty that no extreme punishments may be inflicted, especially that of death, upon any person that shall chance to be apprehended by this discovery of mine, except for offences directly proved treason against her Majesty. Trusting in your assured goodness, I will freely now and hereafter relate what I have learned and may discover in these matters. John Dabingcourt has now familiarity with one Anthony Hermooke, dwelling in the Duke's Place. This Hermoke, without further relation of him, has, as a French merchant, the means of many “passenges” to Calais, Bullen, &c., and these I think the most secret, by fishermen and small “catches”, which usually run from coast to coast unsuspected or questioned for transporting of passengers by any officers of any port or ships at sea. By these means passed Spinola and Captain Francisco Gedolfo, and by these small boats the Jesuits commonly pass in and out, both themselves and their businesses, with all speed and safety, who in their going out do commonly land on Calais sands, and in their coming thence, they use also much the help of one Gibels, resident in Calais, who within a few hours' warning can provide at any time a “schife” [? skiff] or fisherboat for a sudden passage, landing at some odd creek, either upon the coast, or in the river of Thames, in the night. In one of these came not long since three Jesuits, whereof Baldwine was thought to be one. For the conveyance of their packets, they seldom commit them to any shipper, but send in these aforesaid “passenges” some special agent of theirs with charge of the businesses. The chief for that purpose are, as yet I can learn, Robert Spiller, Richard and John Fulwood, etc. I vehemently suspect also that for their packets they use Phillipo Bernardo, a Genoese merchant abiding in London, because I know Spiller and the Fulwoods to be very conversant with the said Philippo, and have some other reasons to induce me to that opinion; and old Lopez, the Portuguese, in my conceit, is also used for that end. What these shippers be, where, and in what sort they take in their passengers here, and in what creeks and other places they make land when they return, I have and will endeavour, as opportunity shall serve, thoroughly to learn, as also where Spiller and the rest make their chief abode, and when their passages are likest to be made, wherein they are very secret and cunning. I will leave no means unattempted to discover and hinder the plots of the Jesuits, whom I believe to be most dangerous practisers against her Majesty and the State. I beseech you, a special care for concealment be had of my papers.—July 17, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Barrois the priest” 2 pp. (94. 42.)
Ro. Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 18. Had hoped to see Cecil here at Enfield. Is now going to Lincolnshire, to his poor cottage at Uffington, and prays that Cecil will not suffer him to be wronged in his absence.—18 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 44.)
Lord Burghley, W. Malorye, J. Stanhope and Jo. Ferne to the Council.
1602, July 18. We have received yours of the 6th, directing us to cause Trollopp and Calverley, the seminary priests, to be sent up to you. We are sorry you should conceive that by our letters of the 29th June, concerning those priests, we should be so forgetful as to cherish any conceit that you did not look into the inconveniences that may grow by these present affairs of the priests and Jesuits, or to give any way to any toleration in religion. Such misconstructions of your wise proceedings were far from us, and the rest now absent, which joined in those letters. Please admit this our answer as the true ground of that our writing. We hold it our duties to advertise you at all times our knowledge and opinions of things here, as the present occasions shall offer, and we hope you will always leave that freedom to this place; and because experience informs us that the people here (with whose affections we are acquainted, being for the greater part inclined to popery) will apprehend any occasion, though never so false, to confirm themselves in that religion, and to weaken and withdraw others, as was seen by Wright, the Jesuit, his coming down to York, who was sent hither by the Earl of Essex his means in the last Lord President's time; but his presence in this country was the cause of many secret conventicles, many took hope of toleration, and fell back from religion. The like conceit being now again apprehended amongst the people here, by reason of Calverley's liberty, and the hope (though upon a false ground) of Trollop's delivery, we, and the rest that joined in the said letters, thought ourselves bound by the duties of our places to advertise you of this opinion conceived amongst them by these occasions. Nevertheless, in our letters, we left the same to your wisdoms, neither were the letters written out of the particular opinion of anyone here, nor conceived upon any private meaning against the Bishop of London, by us or any of those then present, and therefore we beseech you to interpret them as we intended them. We have sent Trollopp to you, in the custody of Richard Owtlawe, the pursuivant attending upon this Council. We have likewise sent Calverley up under the like pass, as he came into this country from the Bishop of London.—York, 18 July, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“L. President and Council at York.” 2 pp. (94. 45.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 18. The bearer, Lieutenant Hill, who brought letters from Duke Charles to her Majesty and Cecil, desires to return, and to receive Cecil's commands. The Duke had her Majesty as godmother to his last son, which was answered by a deputy by the Duke's own appointment; if her Majesty now write to the Duke, Lee begs that her liking and allowance herein may be signified. His brother, Sir Harry Lee, who sends his services, is very ill.—Dicheleye, 18 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 46.)
James Ware to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. I was commended by my Lord to you and my services to her Highness in those causes that concerned my faculty (which I have done since his government) signified by his Lordship, though I confess his servant withal, but humbly leave the consideration of them. I am afraid that I have offended you by the manner of my petition to the Queen, which was not done with any intent of collusion, but only disjunctively desired, either the one or the other, yet will I not make any apology, but confess my fault in making motion at all for any fee farm. I beseech you to be admitted to your presence.—July 19, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (80. 86.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, July, rectius Aug. 19.] Pardon a few lines written only to know how you do, and praise ourselves in this day's service to you, for we have laboured so industriously as upon Saturday we shall have nothing to do except to watch thieves, whereof, thanks be to God, this city is not destitute. A perfect account of all I mean to bring upon Saturday; be pleased, therefore, to tell this bearer whether the remove hold to Hampton Court that day or no.—From Leaden Halle, Thursday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“19 July, (fn. 1) 1602.” 1 p. (94. 48.)
H. Alington to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. In favour of the suit of his physician, for the quiet enjoying of certain ground.—Tynwell, 19 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 49.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. With letters from Sir William Monson. Leaves the report of the carick's business to those who have charge thereof. For Cecil's part of the goods brought in by the Refusal, he thinks Mr. Balbaine will be his best merchant. Prays Cecil to employ him in his business in those parts.—Plymouth, 19 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 50.)
Ro. Walshe, Mayor of Waterford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. With a present from the Corporation of a pair of bed coverings and two rondells of aquavite, sent by Nicholas Wise, their agent. Begs Cecil's furtherance of their suits.—Waterford, 19 July, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (94. 51.)
Sir Robert Crosse to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. Understands that Cecil has bestowed upon a servant of his the wardship of one Asten, a dyer near Poles [Paul's] Wharf. He wishes to deal with the servant for the same.—My lodging at Eivebridg [? Ivy Bridge in the Strand], 19 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 52.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. I send my letters to the Lords to you, from whom they will have the better acceptance. I desire you to think in some measure of the great extremities that Bawtrey, Sir Ed. Dymock's counsellor, has driven me to, by plotting with this loose fellow Staynes to exhibit this information at this time, chosen purposely when Dymock and I have divers nisi prius presently to be tried at Lincoln, concerning the title of the best manor I have; myself not daring to go down, my solicitor stayed by a pretence that he should be used as a witness. Dymock spoils and wastes my land, and enters into my meadows at midnight with 50 and 60 persons on horseback armed, and carries my hay with 10 or 12 “weynes” [wains] at once; frights my poor wife, children and servants with threats and injuries. There is no justice within ten or twelve miles of me which is not his cousin, uncle, brother or fee'd lawyer, all brought into commission by Sir Tho. Munson, his brother, son-in-law to my Lord Anderson, who is our judge in that country; the sheriff and under-sheriff his cousin, and assured friend, picked out purposely to serve their turn. My heart nor pen cannot express the villainies and outrages I receive.—19 July, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “H. Lyncoln.” 1 p. (94. 53.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. The proceedings of this army depend much upon the resolution of the enemy, who discovering as yet no certainty whither he bends his forces, leaves us uncertain what to determine. Thereupon, approaching of the town is yet deferred, and fortifying the quarters of all sides, as well on the other side of the river, as on the side where we lodge, only intended. The enemy is yet betwixt Venlo and Rymont, whence it was given for intelligence he meant to make a bridge over the Maze, and so draw up to Berke. Upon this information are this day sent from the three bodies of the army 15 companies, under the conduct of Count Ernest of Nassau commanding in chief. Fifteen more are destined for that place if the enemy come before it; though the Count Morice seems now to be of the resolution to follow the enemy if he engage himself before Berke, quitting the siege of this place. I think that he will neither attempt Berke to besiege it, nor will the Count Morice too deeply engage himself here, but that he may rise without dishonour when occasion shall call him away. For it should seem they both watch their advantages. The enemy, in my poor opinion, will certainly not go to Berke, unless Count Morice be settled so here as his honour must tie him to stay. Count Morice (it should seem) will not bring himself to any such conditions, having a strong enemy attending him, till he see what course he takes. By provision Flanders is foreseen with three regiments more to the rest, and this army under the Admirante only to attend us.—Camp before Graef, 19 July, 1602 veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 54.)
Lord Audeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. He received the Council's letters to the Lord Deputy, for advancing his foot company to 200, but could never receive answer. Begs Cecil's help therein; also to remember her Majesty of her promise touching the Glyne, which once granted absolutely, he would give as much rent as ever was given, and besides would do her good service in that place.—Cork, 19 July, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “Ge. Audelay.” 1 p. (94. 156.)
William Atkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. I am grieved to understand that your Honour should think I deceived you. Certes, my greatest deceit was my desire to intercept the priests I told you of, wherein, I grant, I committed some oversight, yet my goodwill was seen in apprehending two priests, whereof one being a Jesuit and a notorious conspirator, he suffered death; and the other [is] yet prisoner. After I departed from your Honour last, within three or four days I wrote a letter and delivered it unto Justice Fowler to give you, wherein I unfolded whatsoever was concluded by the priests, and likewise made known of certain letters the priests wrote in my behalf, which the Lord Bishop received by Mr. Barras, priest. Whereas it was told your Honour how I was not to be had, presently, after sending my letter and understanding how I should have been produced at the sessions against a masked Jesuit, I absented myself, and for better service, I protest, since which time if ever I omitted opportunity, let my adversaries be my umpires. Very lately I let you know by my Lord Bishop of London how one Henry Sharratt, a priest, came to the prison and told me of the landing of many Jesuits in Ireland, of their commission from the Pope, how they were directed to Macray (sic), the bishop, and were to meet at the Clunye at the Barrana Delvins, and that divers were entitled to church livings by the Pope's privy seal; I delivered also how the Spaniards were in great preparations for Ireland, and the Pope had, under excommunication, tied all the chief of Ireland to contribute to Tyron's rebellion; how certain priests were to go into Scotland to the King with a letter from Parsons the Jesuit; also of certain attempts to intercept her Majesty's treasure as it went for Ireland, and how Sir William Standlee had sent money to his wife or his daughter, with many other informations, and the priest's description and the houses whereunto he repaired, who came from Ireland. Now, right honourable, the mite I offered being only a testimony of a further goodwill, ready, if you shall deem me worthy, to testify a thousand-fold more, and in that sort as, if I may once persuade myself of your acceptation, if shall be performed in no less measure than I offer it. If otherwise, I am most willing to avoid the least suspicion of dissimulation and to make a public recantation at Paul's Cross, when or what day your Honour shall vouchsafe; for I am now as resolutely bent in disdain of papistry as ever heretofore I have been dissolute to the contrary, their only unchaste livings, their Machivilliou's (sic) dealings and pharisaical libels. I trust your Honour will have just consideration of my estate and either in honour employ me in the one or let me show my zeal in professing the other.—July, 19.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 2¼ pp. (184. 43 and 44.)
Fulke Greville and Sir Richard Leveson to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. Give us leave, for the carrack, to refer you to our common letter, and in this only to account for our charge of the fleet. The Adventure, Dreadnought and Mary Rose are grounded, and have in their ballast and ordnance, are in hand with their victuals and already so well supplied with new men, that so soon as the Swiftsure and Answer shall arrive, they will instantly be ready, together with the Whelp and Paragon, to carry Sir William Monson to sea. We resolve to hasten this fleet away for Spain the rather in respect we hear the Hollanders have taken six Brazil-men, and doubt lest that booty may draw them homewards, if they be not stayed by the return of our fleet. This done, Sir Richard Leveson may have time to wait upon her Majesty, and against his coming back I doubt not he shall find the Merhoneur washed and supplied with men, and the Wastspite, Defiance and merchants fit for service. Your Honours may therefore be pleased to give him his despatch as soon as you think good. We find no cause of stay for the ships if our men do appear. What course I took to press them from all parts, I wrote in my last; what I have since done to punish the notorious contempt of the service, you may perceive by the enclosed copy of a warrant, which I send to all the justices hereabouts, whereby I trust not only to furnish the present occasion, but also lay the foundation of more respect hereafter. The chief maim of all our presses is the great licence of small men-of-war in these parts, for, though we have strict order for their stay till her Majesty's ships were set out, they forbear not in this very port to steal and carry away our pressed men. Who the offenders are, we will acquaint your Honours when we wait upon you, and refer to your wisdom the particular punishment and the general consideration, how far it shall be meet to suffer private men's reprisals so long as her Majesty continueth her wars. Though in times of interruption of traffic and princes' forbearance there may be a convenient toleration thereof, yet for subjects to make wars as it were in fellowship with their sovereign must needs be dishonourable and prejudicial in all manner of respects. The last point concerning the fleet is the supply of money to be carried along to relieve and discharge their sick and impotent men as occasion shall serve. The late misery of these companies hath taught us the necessity thereof. I therefore send 500l. in the trust of an honest paymaster to be issued by the admiral's warrants according to our instructions in like case. We entreat your order for the employment or discharge of two small barques, called the Elizabeth and Katherine, which by your warrants to the mayor of Exeter and Mr. Stallenge were long since manned and victualled for some special service in the narrow seas under Sir Robert Mansell and Capt. Turner, and lie still here idly attending your pleasure. Be pleased also to send your warrant for the payment of the Richard carvell, which attended the admiral in this late voyage, and for the Lion's Whelp since her first going out. I have appointed my servant to wait upon you for them all.—From Plymouth, 19 July, 1602.
PS.—We send you the instructions drawn for Sir William Monson, which you may please to alter as shall seem good and return them presently. We touch not the islands in our instructions, because, till the whole fleet assemble, the course of interruption will be safer than any uncertain expectation of profit. I have made a grounding place at Saltash to serve the Queen's great ships for ever.
Signed. 2 Seals. 3 pp. (184. 45–46.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 19. I have allowed this long time to elapse before waiting on your Honour, because I wished first to have news of the Estates or at least of some of my friends. Hearing (by common rumour) of the change in their affairs and intentions, of which I am much astonished to have not been informed by them, I will wait a few days longer before coming to salute you, in the hope of receiving some information. This letter will serve to lay before you the enclosed, that we may have the letters agreeable to the said request, which appears to me to be reasonable, for Mr. Attorney General tells me himself that if he had the necessary letters and documents, he would have great hopes of arranging matters between the brothers.—From Clapham, 19 July, 1602.
Holograph. French. Seal. 1 p. (184. 47.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 20. I received of late a packet containing both a general letter from the Lords Council, with a private letter from you, wherein the willingness you express what you would do satisfies me altogether in that which you have done. Otherwise you might think me unjust in my doings, if I would seem unreasonable in my desires. For I must confess, as I have had so sufficient testimony of your love, so shall I esteem it the greater if you assure yourself you have as great power and interest in me as your heart can desire.
Touching the letter from the Lords, wherein the taxation seems most to be laid upon the Archbishop here, I assure you in that point, as it fell out, he was the clearest of us all, being accidentally come hither to see me after my coming down, when we were ready to have sent away the letter; so, in my opinion, the Bishop of London deserves a more taxation in being over apprehensive in mistaking.
We have, according to their Lordships' pleasures, returned both the seminary priests. The like precedent was never seen in this place. I pray God the good that is intended thereby may take his good effect, but in the meantime it has a little distasted this government, that has heretofore proceeded severely in these cases.
I have no news to write from hence, all things being so quiet as I am like him that sails in a ship becalmed. I am glad to hear of the good news of Ireland, which I hope will prove better than those out of the Low Countries, which for a time did greatly please our ears, but in the end went to smoke. I have, upon my Lord Warden's word, Sir Robert Carye, as from you, delivered into his keeping one of the Scottish pledges of his own borders, assuring me from you that there was a meaning shortly to send warrant for the delivery of the rest, which now are but three, to be sent to Berwick, which I pray may not be long deferred. Poor Reddhedd's case is very hard, who is here ready to be arrested for debts for victuals which he took up for their diet. It were dishonourable for the poor man to bear the charge of the prisoners, since no order can be taken that they themselves will discharge it, being put to his custody by letters from above, and therefore I beseech you, when you send down the warrant for their delivery, move her Majesty to allow his reasonable charges. I thank you for the exchange of our Judge here, in whose place you have sent a grave and a learned Judge, one greatly respected in these parts et secundum animum meum.—York, 20 July, 1602.
Holograph. Signed, “Tho. Burghley.” 2 pp. (94. 55.)
Sir W. Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 20. Letter dated, Jersey, 20th July.
Postal Endorsements :—1602. “Jersey the 21 of July. Sherborn at 4 in the morninge the 22 of Julye; at Shafton at 9 in the morninge. Reseved a pacet from Chaftone at 4 of the cloke in the afternone the 23 day of Julye by a foteman. Rd. at Andever at 9 at night being fridaye the 23 of Julye. Basyngestocke at 1 in the morning the 24 of July. Harf(ord Brid)g” [the rest torn off]. 1 p. (94. 56.)
[Printed in extenso, Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. II. p. 247.]


  • 1. This is probably an error, the true date being Aug. 19, Thursday, when Grevyll was in London.