Cecil Papers: July 1602, 21-25

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 21-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp239-252 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 21-25', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp239-252.

"Cecil Papers: July 1602, 21-25". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp239-252.

July 1602, 21–25

Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 22. Has received this morning Cecil's packet dated the 21st at Court, with an enclosure for Sir Robert Sydney. Sydney embarked in the Downs for Vlushinge on Monday. Will use his best endeavours to forward it.—Dover Castle, 22 July, 1602.
Holograph. Postal Endorsements :—“Dover, 22 July at 8 in the morninge. At Canterbery at 11 at none. Sittingborn past 2 afternoon. Rochester past 5 in the after.” ½ p. (94. 57.)
Francis Gawdy and John Hele to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 22. There was brought to us to Chelmsford, by the widow of one William Glibbery, lately dead in the gaol, a letter, as was pretended, from you, directing us to hold a course with Mr. Gardiner, a justice charged (as the letter imported) with many heinous offences; but when we had advised with some to whom your hand was well known, and the style and method being far from yours, we apprehended the woman, and enclose her examination and others on the matter, and the letter itself. It appears thereby that one John Glibbery has been the counterfeiter both hereof, and of a former like letter sent to Sir Thomas Mildmay, under the name of Sir John Fortescue. Mr. Gardiner is our messenger, who will labour to find out the lewd fellow Glibbery, the better to “boulte oute” this lewd and wicked practice.—Chelmsford, 22 July, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Justices of Essex.” 1 p. (94. 58.)
The Commissioners for Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 22. Although acquainted with a letter written to your Honour by the Justices of Assize of this county, containing a foul practice of one Gliberie against Mr. Thomas Gardiner, a justice of this county, wherein your Honour hath been abused by a counterfeit letter under your name; in respect of our love and duty we might not let him pass alone therewith, but hereby notify our desire to discover the practice of the said counterfeited letter, which by all circumstances cannot be by any other than one John Gliberye a known lewd person. The examinations taken by them are enclosed in the Judges' letter.—From Chelmesford, 22 July, 1602.
Signed :—Tho. Mildemay, John Petre, H. Maynard. Seal. ½ p. (184. 48.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 22. There hath been here delivered to Mr. Justice Gawdie a letter under your name directing him to remove Mr. Gardiner from the bench and confining him to his house, with many other strange directions under your name. A part hereof was in a sort executed before the letter was discovered to be counterfeited, a matter so palpable as a blind man almost might discern the same. The second day after the Judge had received it, he showed it to myself, Mr. Foster and others, who assured him, as well upon the view of your supposed hand as the seal and manner of the style and writing, and likewise finding it to be written with the same hand that one not long before was of, under the name of Sir John Fortescue, that it could not be but counterfeited. Whereupon he was moved to restore Mr. Gardiner again to the bench. Mr. Gardiner hath been desirous to attend your Honour about this matter, being much perplexed with these wicked practices continued against him by one Gleberye, a most notable infamous fellow, ranging over the county under the pretence of a physician and brother to one there lately dead in the common gaol, whither he was committed for many foul matters and had before broached like practices against Mr Gardiner. I presume your pardon for my forwardness in this business, which was disliking to many in the beginning, but now very well pleased.—From Chelmesford, in haste, 22 July, 1602.
[PS.]—I may not forbear to let you know that Mr. Serjeant Heale, although he hath been exceeding tormented with the stone since his coming hither, yet hath discharged his duty in his place with good liking.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 49.)
[The Lords of the Council] to Lord Eure.
1602, [July 20.] Our very good Lord. The occasion which moveth us now to write unto you proceedeth from her Majesty's commandment, and her commandment from her occasions to use the service of some nobleman of sufficiency to do her service in foreign parts. Wherein, because she knoweth none more fit (excepting those of her Council) to discharge any such employment than yourself, who have both language and other parts necessary for the same, it hath pleased her to make choice of your Lordship to be a principal Commissioner at an assembly in the town of Breme, when many things are to be treated between herself and the King of Denmark, as also between herself and some princes of the Empire. In this your Lordship shall be assisted with Mr. Secretary Herbert and some other gentlemen of gravity and understanding; and for this voyage, your Lordship shall have those allowances which my Lord Zouch and others of your rank have had into Scotland, Denmark and other places : besides, your journey will be in no ill time of the year, for the day of your rendezvous at Breme at furthest must be before the 26 of September. Upon your repair to the Court, which her Majesty expecteth with all convenient speed, you shall receive her instructions and all things else which belong to the same. And therefore, in expectation of your Lordship's willing mind to undergo the same, which is so good a testimony to the world of her Majesty's estimation of you, we do for this time cease to trouble you any further.
Draft. Endorsed :—“1602. Minute to the L. Eure to go Commissioner to Breme.” 1½ pp. (97. 10.)
Sir Robert Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 23. This night I met with a Frenchman that came the 10th of this present, according to our computation, from Viego in Portugal, since which time weather enforced him into Biskey, at both which places he saw great diligence used in the pressing of soldiers and sailors, hastened with all expedition to Lysboan, where, as he was credibly informed, a fleet of ten good ships of war, and a hundred carvills, was appointed to be in readiness by the first of our September, to transport an army of 10,000 land soldiers unto Ireland, but to what place he did not hear, neither can he deliver the proportions of any kinds of their magazines, nor who are generals. The examinant also reports that the King sent 60,000 ducats, since the beginning of this month, from the Groyne unto Tyroan : how the same was guarded, he knows not, but in all likelihood the security thereof rested wholly in the nimbleness of some small barks.
The complaint of the want of sailors was so general as though sufficient numbers may be found to navigate their fleet, yet their choice was so mean as a reasonable force would prove sufficient to command the poor fishermen and boys which he saw, and credibly heard, were taken up in great numbers to serve in this their action.
There are so many arguments to confirm their greatest defects of this last kind, as I doubt nothing, under God, of their confusion if our forces, which I hear are preparing, may meet them ere they land, which I account a matter not difficult, if we recover the coast before their setting out, else in my weak opinion that course is subject to all apparent danger.—July 23, at midnight.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Postal Endorsements :—“Thwart of the Sowthe foreland July 23 abowts midnight; at Sandich [Sandwich] the 24 of July past 6 of the clocke in the mornyng; at Canterbery at 9 fornon; att Sittingborne at 12 aforenone; att Rochester past 4 afternone; Darford at past 7 at night.” 1 p. (94. 59.)
Sir Robert Mansell to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral.
1602, July 23. Encloses the examination of a Frenchman touching the Spanish preparation for Ireland. There is here but his own ship and the Advantage (now at Vlushinge) to attend the many services of this place; prays him to send directions overland to Portsmouth, where he understands the Vantgarde is, for her repair hither.—Aboard the Hope, in the Narrow Seas, July 23.
Holograph. Endorsed, “1602.” Postal endorsements :—(Drawing of gallows) “Hast, hast, post hast, hast for lyfe, for lyf, hast for lyfe. A Seaboord the Sowth forland July 23 abowts a leven of the clock. At Sandwiche the 24 of July past 6 of the Clock in the mornyng. At Canterbery at 9 fornon. Att Cittingborne at 12 forenone. Att Rochester at 4 after noone. Darford at past 7 at night.” 1 p. (94. 61.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Stephen Triollon, master of a bark of Oldenebardge, in Brittany, taken on board the Hope by Sir Robert Mansell, 23 July. [The information is embodied in Mansell's letter above.]
In Mansell's hand. 1 p. (94. 60.)
J. Colthurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 23. Your Honour hath been persuaded of the impossibility of my endeavour to bring a river through your park. Let me endure any discredit or servitude if I perform it not, into your new trenches, to your well liking, without any charge unto you, but only your letters in favour of my proceeding unto the gentlemen of the country. The water I mean to bring is springs and in no part of the river of Lee, which in my simple opinion the Queen may pass without a commission of ad quod damnum, for I find the country most willing the furtherance thereof, to your Honour's pleasure.—23 July, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 50.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 24. He sent on Thursday Cecil's letters to Sir Robert Sidney by a hoy that trades between Vlushing and Dover, and imagines he received them on Friday.—Dover Castle, 24 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 62.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 24. A messenger, one Owtlaw, has brought to me the priest Trollope which the Lords sent for to York. I have committed him to the Clink, and as soon as I can send him, he shall go to Framingham. Yielding you many thanks for the letter that was sent for him to the Lord President and to that Council.—London, 24 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 63.)
P. Warburton and Christopher Yelverton to the Council.
1602, July 24. According to the Council's letters of June 24, with the Queen's command to have such reserved from execution, to be employed as rowers in the galleys, as are of able bodies, and have justly deserved death, and yet not notorious nor dangerous offenders, they have reprieved the following : Berks—Anthony Wilson; Oxon—William Graves; Gloucester—Nicholas Birch, Thomas Cowdrey, Thomas Vaughan and John Banester; Town of Gloucester—John Townesend and Richard Clements; Monmouth—William Edmonds; Hereford—Thomas Butler; Salop—William Hagard. Only two of them, Cowdrey and Edmondes, have friends that will contribute 3l. a year towards their maintenance. They find the countries in their circuit very unwilling to bear the charge thereof. They have dealt as effectually as they can with the justices in their circuit concerning incorrigible rogues.—Stafford, 24 July, 1602.
Endorsed :—“Justice Warburton and Justice Yelverton.” 1 p. (94. 64.)
Sir George Peckham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 24. Has been a prisoner and sick for two years, and cannot recover until he takes the air of the country. Is therefore resolved to return to his wife, who continues in Wiltshire with Lady Mary Arundell. Mr. Thomas Arundell, her husband, has been informed that the writer is so inclined in religion that it is very dangerous to give him entertainment in his house. He begs Cecil to write requiring Arundell's good will in the matter. Protests his loyalty.—My lodging in Fleet Street, next unto Swan Alley, 24 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 65.)
Francis Gawdy and John Hele to the Council.
1602, July 24. They have spared for the service of the galleys from execution the felons whose names they enclose. Few of them can procure friends to contribute to their maintenance. They have moved the justices in each county to take order for the defraying of the charge by the county. The justices of Kent allege that the people of all sort there are much decayed, and yet their county more charged than any other, and so hope to be freed. The justices in Sussex and Surrey have undertaken to furnish of themselves 3l. yearly for every man so reprieved. The justices in Essex allege the people to be greatly charged, and hardly able to collect the ordinary charges, and hope they shall be no further charged. The justices in Herts agree with the answer of Essex. They have dealt with all the justices for sending to the galleys all incorrigible rogues.—Hertford, 24 July, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Justices of Assize.” 1 p. (94. 67.)
The Enclosure :
List of names of the above felons for Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Essex and Herts.
1 p. (94. 66.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Viscount Bindon.
1602, July 24. Because I know you would not willingly be mistaken, I am desirous to prevent the like. I wrote you a letter wherein I did acquaint you with her Majesty's pleasure concerning Mr. Carye, whereof I did not think to have heard any more, because in such things wherewith a prince pleaseth to dispense withal, it is fit that all her ministers, after they have showed their reasons, ought to obey, so as whatsoever your Lordship, out of zeal in matter of religion, may mislike in him, wherein I differ not from you, or out of judgment may collect of his ill affection, yet, except you could call him in question for his life, you must be pleased to take notice by us that attend near the Queen of her pleasure in things of this nature, to whom many particulars are known, which are not to be imparted but where please her. To be short, therefore, I must let you know that her Majesty will mislike it, if after notice of her pleasure you do not forbear to molest the young gentleman, except you can prove that, besides the circumstances of his religion, which may induce you to suspect his ill affection, in which I confess I am very easily induced to be jealous, you are able to convict justly of some capital crime since his arrival. Now your Lordship hath that from me, which I must justify, and therefore I desire to hear from you what I may expect, for those who obtained his remission are sensible that he is troubled, and if they find that you forbear upon my letter signifying her Majesty's pleasure, they must be driven to procure a letter of her own to which I must also give furtherance, if I see this course still holden, though it be but for my justification, who would be loth to presume to borrow her Majesty's authority at any time for anything for which I have not good warrant.
Endorsed :—“Concerning the inlargeing of Mr. Carye.” Draft. Unsigned. 3¼ pp. (184. 51, 52.)
Pierre Moucheron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 24. I beg you to procure me payment of a considerable sum which is owing to me from Sir Horatio Palvicino's estate, which you were pleased to take under your care for the maintenance of the young children left by him. The debt has been due for nine or ten years, though payment was always remitted to me by Sir Palvicino, under pretext of a dispute remaining undecided between the deceased and Gerard de Malines and one Hans Hongre, as I could prove by his own letters, which I have in my possession, being, as I understand, not yet settled but on the point of being put to arbitration. As the result depends on my proofs, and I wish nothing but the advancement of the family, I resolved to acquaint your Honour that you may be pleased to take order for the assurance to me of my payment, and that I may send you the documents or forward them to whom you may command. If Malines, in default of these proofs, gained his suit, the family would be obliged to make restitution of a considerable sum. That I may know what is your pleasure, I have besought le Sr. Lidgiet to give you this and receive your reply. If your Honour be pleased to receive advertisement from the camp of his Excellency, I have a son there in the camp of the States of Zeland who speaks and writes English well, and would send you word from day to day of all that happened.—From Middelborch, 24 July, 1602.
Signed. French. 1½ pp. (184. 53.)
News from Rome.
1602, July 24/Aug. 3. The Pope is in good health.
People here are discussing the state of things in France. Some think that, if foreign princes have really taken part in the conspiracy of Marshall Biron, the King will make war outside France; others think that any such complicity is impossible and that the assertion is only a pretext for making war. In any case, if the King sends a summary of the process to the other princes containing a charge of complicity against foreigners of importance, in all probability he will demand satisfaction and declare war at once. There is news from Milan and Turin that the French have broken the bridge on the Rhone, where the Spanish soldiers pass from Italy to Flanders. This, if confirmed, points to war.
Various banquets have been given here, and arrangements made as to bishoprics and nuncios.
The King of France has sent the Pope an account of Biron's conspiracy to explain his reasons for war, and the Pope has written to offer to mediate, saying that it appears that the complicity of the foreign ministers was not authorised by their sovereigns.
There have been many couriers despatched about this matter. Various appointments have been made.
From Capua, we hear that Cardinal Bellarmine the archbishop has fallen out with the town and chapter over an appointment to a canonry.
From France, there is news that the Swiss enlisted are on their way; Biron has not yet been put to death.
Some Spanish troops have been sent from Milan towards Savoy and Piedmont. Horses are being levied there.
The present Spanish Ambassador, Duca di Sessa, is to remain in Rome.
Rome, 1602, Aug. 3. Italian. Directed to “Giorgio Limauer a Venezia.” 2 pp. (184. 63.)
Rudolf [II.,] Emperor, to Baron Munckwitz.
1602, July 24/Aug. 3. Trusty and beloved. That which thou hast caused to be sent to us in two several resolutions in writing, of date at Prague the 12th April and in Aurich the 16th June, concerning the appointing a friendly treaty between the Hanse towns and the Queen of England, and in what state thou hast found things in Staden; also in what sort thou hast granted to them in Staden an interims recess in writing; likewise that herein the Queen had manifested her inclination to a friendly treaty by letters to Otho duke of Braunschweig and Luneburg and to the town of Staden; finally what thine most dutiful advice and opinion is, hath been delivered to us. And as we graciously accept thy endeavours in Lubeck and Hamburg, likewise the serious inquisition and strict accord in Staden, so we mean to ratify the public recess made by thee at Staden and published to the parties the 21st Feb. 1602. We therefore ratify the same with all inserted clausulas et reservationes, referring it in thy discretion to make known this our ratification to the parties interested. Thou shalt also understand out of the enclosed copy, whereof the original is (herein likewise) directed unto John Adolph, duke in Holstein, that we have appointed him commissioner at the intended treaty. Therefore thou shalt advise with thyself to send the said letter to his Grace of Holstein, then shall you two agree with all the parties touching the time of meeting and make the same known to us with the first. The city of Bremen for the place doth most graciously please us; we have also answered our cousin Prince Otho, duke of Braunschweig and Luneberg, as may appear by the hereunto annexed letter.—Given at Prague, 3 August, 1602.
Copy in Stephen Lesieur's hand. Headed :—“Copie out of the high dutche.” Unsigned. 1½ pp. (184. 64.)
The Same to John Adolph, Duke of Holstein.
A letter of the same tenor as the preceding.
Copy in Stephen Lesieur's hand. 1 p. (184. 65.)
The Same to Otho, Duke of Brunswick.
Similar to the above.
Copy in Stephen Lesieur's hand. ½ p. (184. 66.)
Lord Mounteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. Being now on his journey into the north, recommends his services to Cecil, and expresses thanks for his favours. Prays to continue in Cecil's protection, lest the malice of his enemies impose on him burdens above his strength.
Holograph. Signed, “W. Mounteagle.” Undated. Endorsed : “July 25, 1602.” 1 p. (94. 68.)
The Council to Lord Cobham.
1602, July 25. They understand that the plague reigns very greatly in Amsterdam, and that many of the inhabitants are retiring themselves into this realm, and some already come with purpose to disperse themselves in the port towns and in London. As the toleration of this access cannot but breed great peril, Cobham is directed to have diligent watch kept in his Lord Wardenry and Lieutenancy, to prevent their landing during the time of the infection there. If any be already come into the towns, they must be made to retire themselves into some quarters abroad in the fields the better to air themselves, and remain until they have cleared themselves by the trial of 40 days.—Court at Greenwich, 25 July, 1602.
Note at foot :—Another letter at the same time written to the Lord Mayor of London and Mr. Dr. Caesar of the same tenor, to take order for the river of Thames.
Signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral, Earl of Worcester, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Vice-chamberlain, Mr. Secretary Cecil, Sir John Fortescue, and Mr. Secretary Herbert.
Cont. copy. 1 p. (94. 69.)
Richard Hadsor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. Particulars of negotiations for the letting of the Countess of Kildare's jointure lands to the Earl of Kildare. Lady Kildare states that she has the feoffment of entail in her custody by which the Earl claims the lands belonging to the earldom, which is supposed by Sir Robert Digby to be forged, but refuses to produce it. Particulars of young Lady Digby's title, derived from Gerald late Earl of Kildare. He will endeavour to effect an agreement between Sir Robert and the Earl, and hopes to accomplish it. Refers to the Council's letters to the Lord Deputy of May 12, details various proceedings in the controversy between Digby and Kildare, and quotes legal opinions thereon. The Earl has served the Queen as a captain of horse in Lord Gray's government in Ireland above 20 years past, and since as pensioner in Court until his going three years since into Ireland. The Queen has been pleased to call him Earl of Kildare by word, writing, and in the commission of the government of Ophaly. If the title should be denied him, there are other men of his family that would pretend title, not only to the honour, but also to lands of great value which fell to the Crown in England and Ireland upon the attainder of his grandfather “by the policy of Cardinal Wolsey as it [is] set forth and played now upon the stage in London”; alleging that they have an ancient title before the attainder, which would not be convenient for her Majesty to be called in question, the same lands being disposed of. As to lands descended to the Earl through his mother, daughter and heir of Sir Jo. of Lee. Details of the offer made by the Earl for the renewal of his patent thereof. Cecil's furtherance is asked therein, and also in the Earl's suit touching the reversion of lands which return to the Queen after the decease of the elder Countess of Kildare.—25 July, 160[2], torn off.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 3 pp. (94. 70–1.)
Fran. Tregian to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. On the day that through her Majesty's clemency he came from the Fleet to Chelsea, he was enriched with a litter of greyhound whelps, and designed a brace of them for Cecil. Being now a year old, he sends them by the bearer.—Chelsea, 25 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 72.)
George Snygge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. Understanding that Bristol is in her Majesty's progress, he offers his services to Cecil as an inhabitant there.—Andever, 25 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 73.)
Simon Willis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. Whatever conceits may be held of the pride of my spirit, yet the reading of my fellow Levynus' letter hath so much dismayed it, as it hath almost bereft me of the little wit I had. The letter that I sent to him with my bill, I never meant should have come to your sight, knowing it to have past my hands with a mind so passionately distracted, as I did rather wish myself a fathom under the earth than to breathe on it any longer. I desire you to dispense with the errors of it which are many (though not wittingly committed) and accept of this assurance, that as I have now felt the weight of your displeasure and have had leisure to repent me of those inconsiderate speeches that I have used towards your Honour, only out of my harsh disposition, and not out of any undutiful humour, so I am sorry for them out of the bottom of my heart, and do protest, that, if your Honour will pardon that which is past, and vouchsafe me your wonted favour and service, it shall take such an impression in my mind, as I will hereafter be too well advised how I run into any more such follies. For the suit in question, though you may consider that I may be a blind man before it fall void, yet I do so highly value a gift of her Majesty (procured by your Honour as a reward for my service), as I am not ashamed to beg the dispatch of it at your hands at your best opportunity, and, if it shall please you to make some further trial of my service, I hope to make it appear that I will deserve it.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. Endorsed : “25 July, 1602.” 1¼ pp. (184. 54.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Stanhope.
1602, July 25. Two letters :
(1.) I received on the way to my house from the assizes at York the 23rd July, your letters of the 20th of the same, by which you signified her Majesty's commandment to prepare myself as principal commissioner, assisted by Mr. Secretary Harbarte and others, at a treaty to be holden in the town of Bremen, at the furthest before Sept. 26th. My desire is to do her Majesty all possible service, and I wish I could discharge this service of such weight to the honour and dignity of her Majesty, which, by reason of my long discontinuance from the Court, am disfurnished of such courtly respects as fitteth a messenger to so worthy a Princess. Further, the affairs of the country and delights hath withdrawn me from the practice and exercise of languages and hath long deprived me of the society of men of that quality, so that I neither can deliver message or entertain discourse with foreigner in any language save English. Likewise, my poor estate of living will not afford me means to furnish myself in that sort in so short time, fitting such a service and the society of honourable worthy and grave gentlemen, except her Majesty of her princely bounty, more than her ordinary allowance to men of my rank, do enable me thereto. Nevertheless, such service as the infirm body, weak judgment, want of languages and poor estate of living is able to perform is freely devoted to her Majesty's commandment. I beseech that these just reasons may be accepted not as civil and mannerly excuses for delay of service, but as true reasons.—Maltone, 25 July.
Signed. 1 p. Endorsed :—“1602.” (184. 55.)
To Sir Robert Cecil.
(2.) I beseech you vouchsafe at this present such respect to me your poor well-willer, as that I may be strengthened either to discharge this service now imposed upon me by her Majesty's commandment to Bremen, to the dignity and honour of her Majesty and our nation, or a remission thereof with her Majesty's good favour. I am merely ignorant of the manner due to a commissioner in such case, and though Mr. Secretary Harbart and other gentlemen of gravity be commissioners with me, on whom the secrecy and weight for the managing of these affairs be principally imposed, yet the charges and honour must chiefly depend upon my purse, which I assure your Honour I cannot so presently provide as is fitting. What her Majesty's allowance hath been to others of my rank in like case, I know not, but I do imagine such a journey will cost 2,000l. if not 3,000l. If her Majesty will furnish me by your means fitting for the honour and dignity of this her service, I shall with time join the small revenue of my poor estate most willingly to my assistance so far as it will extend. I know not where to borrow such sums as is fitting for the same, except your favour do assist me from the Queen. I will not forbear to bestow my best service, though my body be unfitting, the rather with Mr. Secretary Harbart, whose judgment is approved, and whose perfection in languages will enable my wants. I pray you return me answer with your advice and directions as also her Majesty's further pleasure.—Malton, 25 July, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (184. 56.)
Negotiations with Denmark, Etc.
1602, July 25. Notes of remembrance for the intended treaty with the King of Denmark's commissioners.
That it may please her Majesty to resolve upon the commissioners for the treaty with Denmark.
Then to make her pleasure known to them, that they may have time to prepare themselves, for if they must be the 25th Sept. next in Bremen, they must depart hence the 4th Sept., and before that day must send to Bremen for lodgings and other necessaries.
It may please your Honour to remember that order be given for the drawing and ingrossing the commission under the Great Seal, whereby the commissioners may be authorised to treat : also the Privy Seal for their entertainment from her Majesty.
Likewise their instructions for treating.
Certain leagues, whereof copies are to be taken :—
Between H. the 6th and Erick, King of Denmark in 1432.
Between H. the 6th and Christian I. in 1449.
Between H. the 7th and John in 1490.
Between H. the 8th and Christian in 1523.
Between her Majesty and Frederick II. made at Haderslebe in 1583.
If there be any more it is very requisite they be found out and perused.
I doubt not but Mr. Secretary Herbert may deliver much in writing in respect of his several ambassadges from her Majesty to the King of Denmark. Also, I understand that Dr. Rogers hath been employed not only to the King of Denmark, but to meet and treat with the commissioners upon the same or like points, now in question, and that he hath many authentical writings concerning the said cause. Therefore, it may please your Honour to require them of him; likewise papers and writings concerning the Hanse and their pretences in this realm.
It is convenient that two letters be written from her Majesty, one to the Archbishop of Bremen and the other to the magistrate of that city, requiring them to permit and assist the commissioners as occasion shall require.
Notes of remembrance for the intended treaty with the Emperor's commissioners :—
It is requisite that copies be taken of the last privileges which the Hanse towns pretend to have had in this realm, which original privileges or copies of them are to be had from Mr. Robinson, Secretary to the Company of Merchants Adventurers, or from Mr. Languerman, who is here resident and solliciteth the causes of the Hanse : Mr. Robinson hath certain books of collections made by Mr. Beale (late one of the clerks of her Majesty's Council) touching the state and pretences of the Hanse and the proceedings against them from time to time, which he may be required to bring to your Honour, the same to be restored to him after perusal, or copies thereof taken : the Governor to the Company of Merchants Adventurers may confer with such of his Company from whom he may receive advice in writing touching that which they shall conceive fit to be remembered by the commissioners and deliver the writing to your Honour.
Endorsed :—“25 July, 1602. Mr. Le Sieur's notes concerning Denmarck and the Hanses.” Unsigned. In Lesieur's hand. 2½ pp. (184. 57 and 58.)
Archibald Douglas to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 25. My humble and last suit to your Honour is that you would consider my poor estate, being in years and great necessity, and unfit for any service, who desireth to go home to my native country, rather to submit myself to the King's mercy than here to perish in misery. I am engaged to divers poor men, which is a great burden to my conscience. I am bold to intreat your remembrance of me to her Majesty, that for my service heretofore and willingness to serve to my power, she would bestow on me my last request, that I may have means to pay divers poor men, and in any fashion of a gentleman to bring me home to my native country.—25 July, 1602.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (184. 59.)