Cecil Papers: July 1602, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp208-221 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1602, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp208-221.

"Cecil Papers: July 1602, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp208-221.

July 1602, 1–10

Sir Edward Wynfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 2. I will strive by what means I can to deserve those infinite graces you have afforded me. I am now ready with the first wind to set sail. The soldiers cry out for clothes. I dare not, in respect of my instructions, deliver them any; besides, I fear divers of them will run away. They continually broil and mutiny. I threaten them with hanging. One of them this day stabbed his officer, and they all give out that they will before they go aboard without their clothes; but if I had power, I would make them quiet enough. But I will do my duty, and truly observe my instructions. Give me leave to remember you of your promise to write your particular letter for me for employment. I never was out of entertainment so long as I have been lately, not these 20 years. It disgraces me to see so many employed, nay, all those almost in Ireland that were scarce captains the best there when I was a colonel. I know my Lord Deputy, if he durst, would do anything for me he could, if you will but let him know that her Majesty has a good opinion of me, and desire him to perform his promise to me, which was to bestow on me 200 foot.—Bristowe, 2 of July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“2 June, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 107.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1602, July 2. As I understand that the great carect, which the Hollanders have taken, is now between this and Calais, and will be up and down the Channel besides Goodwin Sands this night, I have held it my duty to advertise you. She has neither cable nor anchor, but has sent into Dover this morning for some. She is of the burden of 1,000 tons, and draws 22 feet water.—Dover Castle, 2 July, 1602.
Holograph. Postal endorsements :—(Drawing of 2 gibbets) “hast, hast, post hast, hast for life, life, life. Dover 2 July at 10 in the fornowne. Canterbery past one afternone. Syttingborn 5 night. Rochester past 8 at night. Rd. at London at 6 in the morninge the 3 of July.” ¼ p. (93. 165.)
Sir William Cornwaleys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 2. Has made her Majesty understand that the grant of this suit, with the limitation of five “sheers,” would be small service to her, and small good to him. He asked twenty “sheers,” to which she would not agree, but seemed inclined to grant more than she had yet set down. No commodity is to be made out of the suit without great industry and charge, and he begs Cecil to incline her Majesty to a dozen or ten “sheers” at the least.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“July 2, 1602, Sir William Cornwallis.” 1 p. (93. 166.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 2. Reports that, according to Cecil's letters of June 25, he has paid 40s. to one Potter, whom Cecil formerly purposed to employ, but found insufficient. The bearer is his servant, Anthony Sanders.—Dover Castle, 2 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 167.)
Zacharias Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 2. I have cause to acknowledge my duty to your Honour, in that you pleased to subscribe my petition to her Majesty, touching the joint patent of the office of Clerk of the Markets. Her Majesty desires resolution of my sufficiency in means, conceiving it to be an office meet to be executed by some Justice of the Peace, whereas, in truth, it rather requires a man of honesty and trust, for he never fingers any of her Majesty's money, but returns all escheats and amercements into the Exchequer. I have depended upon my Lord these two months to give her Majesty satisfaction of me, but as yet opportunity fits not.—Court at Grinwiche, 2 July, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 40.)
“John Arundell off Lanheron” to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 3. On behalf of Richard Tremaine and Henry Stephens, two of his chief officers in Cornwall and Devon : confined recusants, who stand bound to appear at the next Assizes. Begs for the Council's letters to the judges of that circuit not to commit them. They are no meddlers, but men of good carriage, already confined, and the Queen for 14 years past possessed of two parts of the living of one of them, according to the statute, and the other having nothing to lose but his (the writer's) service. The suit much concerns him, as they have the whole charge of his poor estate.—Highgate, 3 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 168.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 4. I send this gentleman my servant to deliver the certificate of the forces of this county taken at the last musters; and the indenture of the hundred men lately sent out of this county to Carlingford; also for the payment of 350l. to her Majesty's use, levied here for the arms and apparel of that company; with a note for the receipt of her Majesty's ordinary allowance for coat and conduct to the country, wherein I desire your furtherance.
I received your letter importing that I had committed the hearing of an information, wherein Thomas Parker, of Barnstaple, had complained of John Delbridge your servant, to Mr. Hinson, whom Delbridge supposes to be no friend of his, and no meet person to be an examiner of his cause, which is most untrue. Parker did not nominate Delbridge, nor had I cause thereby to refer the same to Hinson or any other; for the complaint consisted of many abuses supposed to have been offered by the Governors and Magistrates of that town to the poorer sort of the town, which I ever purposed to hear myself with the assistance of other justices : wherein Delbridge might be in some particular touched. I have begun and shall proceed in the examinations, wherewith you shall be made acquainted if there be cause. Delbridge was possessed of a causeless fear of Hinson when he suggested this accusation. It is not the first abuse he has offered me by many. Towstocke, 4 July, 1602.
Signed :—“W. Bathon.” 1 p. (94. 1.)
Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 4. Since the receipt of your minute for Venice, being not well, I have kept my chamber, but that yesterday I forced myself to be at your lodging, with the hope to have spoken with you, and now I am compelled to keep from the air a day or two. Yet I have not omitted in some competent sort to despatch the Venetian letter, sending it you herewith, and for the good of this service I have a motion not to be committed to letters, ready to make it as shall be to your best content. In the letter there is some little alteration from the minute, as the Venetian letter to her Majesty, and her Majesty's former to them, seemed to require, wherein there is no mention by name of Mr. Parvice, but the ship written of is named Donum Dei, and the desire in the last letter specified was that they would commit the cause to the censure of the judges. Of my late speech in passage concerning the messenger sent with letters to Mr. Lesiure that there be no mistaking, so it is I had means to send him the Thursday before Whitsunday. The Saturday Whitsoneen he was at Gravesend, and 13 days after at Elsinore in Denmark, whence Mr. Lesiure was departed before his coming. He found there Duke Charles then bound by sea for Ryga, his secretary that was here in England with Mr. Hill, then to return to his Duke, with whom he was in hand for the safe delivery of that letter. And now I daily expect his return.—4 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dr. Perkins, 1602.” 1½ pp. (93. 169.)
William Vaughan to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir Thomes Egerton, Sir Robert Cecil, and the rest of the Council.
1602, July 4/14. I thought it the part of her Majesty's loyal subject in these my travels to forewarn the Council of certain caterpillars, I mean Jesuits and seminary priests, who, as I am credibly informed by two several men, whose names, under your pardon, according to promise, instantly I conceal, are to be sent from the English seminary at Valladolid, in the kingdom of Castile in Spain, to pervert and withdraw her Majesty's loyal subjects from their due obedience to her. I have therefore sent notice to some of you from Calais in France of some such persons, and of their dealing, the one of whom, George Askew, as then he termed himself, being made priest at Douay in Flanders, is taken, as I understand, and lies prisoner in the Clink.
But to the purpose. There is in the foresaid seminary one Christopher Rokewood, whom the Jesuits his superiors lately, contrary to his will in part, enticed to undertake the order of priesthood, a lean, tall young man, born in Suffolk, as I am informed, and is to come over in the latter end of this month of July, or the beginning of August.
There is there also one Alexander Fairecloth, of London, priest, of a middle stature, crooked nosed, lisping somewhat in his speech, and brown bearded : to come over the time aforesaid. Also one William Robins, a Welshman, of the county of Caernarvon, about ten years past taken at Holyhead in the county of Anglesey, and condemned in the company of one Davies, priest, whom I saw executed at Bewmares in the county aforesaid. He is of stature low, round faced, little or not bearded at all, bending in the shoulders, about the age of 30 years, and is come over ut supra. Besides, one Roger Owyn, of Clynnoke in the county of Caernarvon, priest, of stature tall, black head and beard, of a very sanguine complexion, and (whereby he is best noted) pureblind, to come over ut supra. Add to these, one that goes by the name of John Salesbury, of Denbighshire, priest, yellow headed, sanguine, and short of stature, about the age of 26, and never will have a beard, to come over ut supra. Besides, one that goes by the name of William Vincent, of Kent, priest, of very low stature, hollow eyed, yellowish head, and beardless, to come over ut supra, or at the next spring, with other of the like brood.
In the said seminary there is one Robert Tibald, of Norfolk, sometime master in arts of St. John's College in Cambridge, not yet priest, but ready to be sent over two years hence; he is tall of stature, red headed, and speckled faced. Moreover, one Christopher Marlor (as he will be called), but yet for certainty his name is Christopher, sometime master in arts of Trinity College in Cambridge, of very low stature, well set, of a black round beard, not yet priest, but to come over in the mission of the next year ensuing. Also, one William Johnson, born about Durham, son to the Bishop's bailiff of Durham, (who has also a brother one of the most principallest seminary priests in England), not yet priest, but to be sent over next year, of stature tall, and gross, with a great black head and beard.
In the said seminary there is one Francis Johnson (whose brother is in the seminary of Sevilla), son to Mr. Johnson sometime schoolmaster of Winchester. There is also one Henry Greffon (whose brother is also at St. Omers in Flanders), son to a gentleman, one Mr. Griffon, of Kent. And one Edmond Worthington, one of that wicked race of Cheshire, whose brethren be all Jesuits, and he himself means to be one.—Pisa, 14 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“4/14 July, 1602.” 2 pp. (93. 170.)
Thomas Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 5. I am much ashamed that the cause concerning you is not yet ended, but the witnesses are so many, 50 at the least, and the contrary party desirous to have all read to the judge, that it was impossible to have any speedier end. The contrary swearing in principal points betwixt our witnesses and theirs being many, gives cause of delay, and ministers matter of more difficulty than I expected. By Sir Walter Rawleigh's means, who heretofore seemed to favour Cole, and thereupon offered a composition, and a subscription to a petition by you sent to the judge touching this cause, there has more encouragement been taken than there is cause. Notwithstanding, if yet the judge might perceive that you have a special regard hereof, they might be easily discouraged and disappointed of their expectation. Before the cause be sentenced, if you desire a brief on both sides delivered you, or that the judge attend you when I may be present, that the cause be not misreported, I doubt not but there will be an end to your good content. The judge has very indifferently carried himself, but I know Cole's conditions of long, not to omit any means to work his purpose, and therefore desire this cause may be extraordinarily regarded. After 2 or 3 days I will attend you, for Mr. Honyman desires to be gone about other business, and there is no cause of his stay for this.—5 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dr. Crompton.” 1 p. (94. 2.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 5. I did move your favour for the despatch of my instructions, and other warrants usual for the place it has pleased her Majesty to appoint me unto. I would be loth to be accounted negligent of her Highness' service, as I would not willingly be held desirous of so great a burden. You know that there is needfully to be prepared many provisions at this time of the year, or else greater charge will grow to me, whose purse had need be spared, since his deserts must first stir up further help. This interim cannot but be chargeable, and far more troublesome whilst it is in disposing, than I needfully should be at. My own business calleth me to settle them before I go into those parts, and some presently call me into Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Hampshire. Those people which depend upon my going may very well be distasted before I go, and I doubt not but you know what evil report that may breed by their means. These causes considered, being loth to take time from you, which I know is precious to him who employs it so well, and knowing you may better understand my meaning by this rude writing rather than by my unorderly speaking, have persuaded me rather to trouble you therewith, hoping thereby to grow to some certainty, than to come till it please you to command me. I beseech you it may be brought to an end, as my necessities may be thereby relieved. I should go to-morrow and I cannot return until Wednesday fortnight. I should be ready to go so soon as this bearer had made provision for my coming to Ludlow, whither I would take order that he should go so soon as, by her Majesty's instructions and warrants, I might know how to dispose of him and myself.—Philippe Lane, 5 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 3.)
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 6. I entreat you to let me know whether you think it fit that I should come to the Court, or that I may go to despatch my business before I repair to the Court.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“6 July, 1602.” ½ p. (94. 6.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 6. Being obliged, between this and next term to take some order in my private affairs, and a great part thereof resting in Killegrew's proceeding with me (of whom I have not here, nor scarce hope of, any good dealing), the substance also of my book lying in Somersetshire, I shall be forced to make my present repair to the west parts. I am ready to return, upon the least advertisement by Mr. Staledg (sic), of Plymouth, or Sir Nicholas Parker, of Cornwall, as also Mr. Vivion, sheriff of Cornwall. Though I neither sound well the depth nor taste the relish of Philip Mowbray's speech (who, being yet in London, still importunes your Honour's private conference, or direction to me to hear his greatly pretended secrets), yet I think he seemeth to know much of Fra. Mowb. his cousin's Scottish counter dealings, and of some offers made him here from Scotland. Understanding that Bawirp was here at my last being in Cornwall and much grieved at my absence, and is to be here again within twenty days, I crave to know if any such satisfaction appeared from him as might require my speedier return.—July 6, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (184. 41.)
Robert Bennett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 7. Begs Cecil's furtherance of his suit, which if repulsed would be the utter ruin of his credit and disgrace to his name. Prays him to obtain her Majesty's hand to “our bill,” granted by Cecil's means last summer, but yet depending uneffected : a mean whereby he might in some measure enable himself (otherwise weakened by his extreme charge here) to give Cecil some condign satisfaction.—Her Majesty's Chapel of Windsor, 7 July, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dean of Windsor.” 1 p. (94. 7.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 7. Her Majesty's Commissioners came to this town on Monday, but as yet are not determined whether the carricke shall be brought in to Hamowes or Cattwater. They have given me order to unlade the hulk of Lubicke sent home by Captain Slingesbie, being about 280 tons, which they intend shall be laden again from the carricke. The other flyboat of Hamborough is very leaky, and not fit to be employed with the carrick's goods, and there will be other good shipping sufficient of the victuallers and others if need require.
The pepper, I understand, they intend to put in cask, which no doubt is the surest way, and if they will bestow the labour to weigh it, I think it will very well answer the charge. I pray some answer of my former letters. The advertisements received from Mr. Burley, I leave to the report of those gentlemen that are now taking his confession.—Plymouth, 7 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 8.)
Declaration of John Burleigh, of the Isle of Wight, gent., having been prisoner in Gallicia 3½ years, who arrived this morning at Plymouth.
1602, July 7. On June 23 novo stilo he took shipping at Robadewe in a Frenchman, and was discharged at the Groine, 16th of May, and the next day after was stayed again until the 16th of June, which was by occasion of the coming in of Sir Richard Leveson's ship into Bayonn, from which ship six of his men were put off and could not recover the ship again, but were taken and brought to the Groyne, where he was prisoner. On the 15th of May there was a Portugall taken in the Groyne for a spy, and put to torture, upon which he confessed that there was sent out of Portugal into Flanders three millions of treasure to Don Emanuell, to make an army to come for Portugal, and to move them to revolt; and the Spaniard hearing that the Queen's fleet and the Dutch fleet were upon the coast, the King sent the forces to Lisbon to cut off the Portugals, and to resist the English and Dutch forces, by which order of the King's there were executed to the number of 2,000 persons, of which 500 were of the chief gentlemen of the country. And it is reported that the names of these 500 Portugals that were executed and put to the sword were taken in writing by a Duke of the country of Portugal, whom they made choice of, and relied upon to be a head and leader of the residue in this action against the King, and he, having their names, betrayed them and gave them up in writing to the King. He further says that at his coming from the Groyne, he left there, of the King's ships, two galleons and nine flyboats of great burden under the government by sea of Syriago, and this was the said 16 of May. He being detained until 16 of June at Sainct Yago in Gallicia, received his pass and came away through Bytances, where Don John de Agula lay with his troops of soldiers to the number of 2,000 old Spaniards soldiers, besides a general muster of 3,000 or 4,000 Busonies or country people of Gallicia, where it was given out that there come more for the increase of the strength of this army from Lisbon a great number more, but how many he knows not. Upon the 16th of May he left Odonell in the Groyne with 40 or 50 of his followers Irish, who receives of the King for his diet 500 crowns a month, and it is said that these soldiers gathered together are to go for Ireland under the conduct of the said Don John, who has not been suffered to come to the Court, but offering himself at two several times to come thither, and being in the way, was commanded to return back again upon his allegiance. For the maintenance of this army, besides the treasure that was returned back again out of Ireland thither, there has been brought for two months together continually treasure laden on horseback. Coming through Bytances the said 16 of June, he heard that there was a small pinnace of 50 tons sent with 35,000 crowns for Ireland, wherein was embarked some 40 or 50 of Odonelle's followers, sent before to give notice to Tyron that the army would follow with all speed, which pinnace being put to sea was forced back again to Vivera, and from thence departed again to sea within three or four days.—7 July, 1602.
Signed, John Burley. 1½ pp. (94. 9.)
Court of the Marches of Wales.
1602, July 8. “Considerations touching the Court of the Marches of Wales.” Printed in S. P. Dom. Elizabeth, Vol. 248, No. 70, from another copy, in which the first of the two following articles is given differently, and the second is omitted :—
“The foundation of this Court was for riots and unlawful assemblies, and to keep the people there from disorders, and that the laws of England might have there free course, and to that end England and Wales were united and made subject to one law by Act of Parliament. Now the Court hath engrossed all suits determinable in the great sessions, the spiritual courts, corporations, and other base courts in those parts; and when the said causes have been long holden, to the great delay of justice and impoverishment of poor subjects, then at last, after two or three years' suit, they are dismissed to the common law.”
“There are only eight lawyers permitted to practise in the Court, and if any matter be drawn in question there that is out of the jurisdictions of the Court, the said lawyers (because it is against their profit) will not except thereunto; whereby multiplicities of suits (not determinable in the said Court) are there sentenced. And if a cause touch a man never so near, yet he is forced to commit it to one of the said eight lawyers, who live upon every man's fee and carry all causes according to their liking. Therefore, it is meet all lawyers be permitted there to practise, as they are in all other Courts of England.”
pp. (83. 45.)
Jo. Rooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 8. Though this year has proved one of the worst he has known for Kentish fruits, yet he sends by bearer a “syve” of the best cherries his orchard will yield.—8 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 10.)
Foulke Grevyll and Sir Richard Leveson to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 8. These intricate businesses wherein I presume out of grace and trust her Majesty has been pleased to bestow me, have hitherto every way proved envious, as you my Lord Admiral can easily judge, my duty for the carricque having been first to watch, restrain and punish stealth and traffic universally, a distasteful course alike to fleet, strangers and inhabitants, and all sorts of men in these parts. In the ships again, this haste enforces me, according to the rule of Cyrus, first to distribute every captain, master and minister his several charge, and then to require a daily and curious account of them. What a gentle office this is, and withal to govern and command the dissolute mariner from his riot, your own infinite pains (whereof at your last being here my eyes were witnesses) can best inform you; besides the keeping in of the men of war, which is the principal trade of this whole coast, is to interdict them fire and water, yet so excellent a provisional caution in you, my Lord Admiral, as without it the Queen's pressed men would hazard laws and lose their wages to go away in them. But the most heavy burden to me has been that while I stir up so many sharp humours in all degrees, I have hitherto had neither credit nor means to give just relief to any. Now I hope to go on more lively and give her Majesty better account. Yet while I neither breathe sound air, nor hear good word of myself, if there should any cloud hang over my poor endeavours, then have I no refuge but to make misfortune a wisdom; and as the falconers, when they beat their spaniels for running at sheep, cry “ware mutton” to them, so will I cry “ware caricque” to myself while I live; where if it shall please her Majesty to make a favourable construction, then is her service perfect freedom unto me, and I shall return as rich and contented as any man living. Till the coming of our fellow commissioners, we prepared, according to our former letters, to carry the caricque to Portsmouth, but the winds have continued directly against us, and finding their opinions peremptory to unlade here, and their instructions to command as much indefinitely wheresoever they found us, we resolve to do so, and transport the goods hence in such shipping and order as we out of caution had formerly provided and acquainted you with; to the which course we submitted ourselves, the rather because we would not alone undergo the fortune of so casual and heavy a charge.
By the examination of Burley sent to you in our general letter, you understand the state of those parts; and lest the alarm of those preparations for Ireland should, together with a care, stir up a doubt in your minds of our slack proceedings in setting out these ships to interrupt them, we let you know in what forwardness we are, and that howsoever the business of the caricque, the mortality and disorders of our men, are great distractions unto us, yet we go on with all speed possibly. The Quittance, as I write in my last, is already gone, the Merhoneur, Lion's Whelp and Paragon are ready for all commandments, the Adventure is grounded, the Mary Rose and Dreadnaughte come on ground this spring. The Wastspite and Defyaunce, we fear, must, for lack of help, be deferred till the next, yet is their carpentry works in hand, so as if the worst come, they are no sooner grounded but they are instantly ready to be gone. The merchants' ships, which need neither grounding nor other works to be done upon them, we suffer to continue laden, both because of the want of cellarage, of hands to labour, and specially to save the waste and corruption of the victuals, which must happen if we should shift them before each ship be ready to take in her own complement, which in their turns, as they come of [off] the ground, we purpose every one shall; so as there shall be no time lost, till by the return of Sir William Monson we may understand her Majesty's final resolution. This is the substance of all the shipping which may be expected from hence. If they be found too weak, you must in your wisdoms then be pleased to send away some more ships from Chatham, wherein we may conveniently be supplied from London (as I moved in my former letters) with extraordinary stores of provisions, munition and men, which cannot here be gotten without much more charge. I have sent to my servants the books of all our wants, wherewith they shall acquaint you upon knowledge of her Majesty's resolution, and also put you in mind of letters to be sent to the coast towns for the presting of mariners, according to the number of ships which shall be employed. We presumed to stay these ships which are now ready, as well expecting her Majesty's resolution as I wrote before, as out of the experience of this last journey, wherein some of these which went out after, never met with the rest of the fleet.—Plymouth, 8 of July, 1602.
(PS.)—We send this bearer Mr. Jobson, who is able to inform you particularly in all things, beseeching you to give him thanks, and let him know that you are well pleased with the good service he has done here for her Majesty.
Signed as above. 2 pp. (94. 11.)
Robert, Lord Willughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 8/18. Acknowledges Cecil's favours and offers services.—Florence, 18 July, stilo novo, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 12.)
John Wynter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 8. According to Cecil's directions, has christened Sir John Harington's child, and named him Robert. He was accompanied by Sir Morris Barkely [and] Mistress Coper, deputy for my Lady Hastings. He presented a rich bowl and cover of double gilt plate, with Cecil's good wishes, to the child, which the parents took very joyfully. He also bestowed Cecil's liberality upon the midwife and nurses. Thanks Cecil for his regard of him.—July 8, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 13.)
G., Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 8. Thanks Cecil for his great forwardness in the business between him and Sir Jerom Bowes, for the suppressing of Bowes' works in the Blackfriars. Of his infirmities.—Dansey, 8 July, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“L-Chamberlain.” ½ p (94. 14.)
Edward Cecyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 9. Letter dated, from the Leager before the Grave, 9 of July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Ed. Cecil, 1602.” 2 pp
[Printed in extenso, Life and Times of Sir Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon, Vol. 1, p. 89.] (94. 15.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor, to Lord Buckhurst.
1602, July 9. On receipt of the enclosed letter, the bringer told him that about 6,000 Redshanks lie upon the border of the Isle of Man, and greatly doubted that they intend to enter that island, and that the letter signifies so much from Mr. Mollynex, Deputy Captain of the Isle, to Sir Thomas Gerarde, Captain of Man. As the letter cannot by post be conveyed to Gerarde, and as he thought it his duty to make the matter known to Buckhurst, he sends it to him.—Chester, 9 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (94. 16.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 9. On behalf of this poor gentlewoman, his steward's mother-in-law, who stands indicted for recusancy. He desires Cecil's letters to the judges, that it may be forborne this assizes, and the next she will willingly answer the law.—Syon, 9 July.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (94. 17.)
William Carr to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 9. Prays Cecil's favour for the enclosed suit from “our poor division of Kesteven.” They desire to have a letter to the Commissioners for Musters to continue the ancient rates as they were used all Lord Burghley's time. If the gentlemen of Holland, or any others within the shire, find themselves grieved thereat, they desire the Lord Chief Justice to have the hearing of the cause.—Strand, 9 July, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (94. 18.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 9. Enclosing an extract from an Italian letter from Genoa as follows.
The King of Spain is making great preparations for war and putting troops on ship-board. The gallies are appointed to go to Lisbon.
On the 23rd ultimo, ten gallies were to leave Seville to join Signor Federico Spinola, and with them 1,500 infantry. The brother of Spinola has taken 9,000 infantry to Flanders.
And suggesting that an attack is intended upon London, Wight, Plymouth, Silly and Milford Haven.—From his house, 9 July, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 145.)
Thomas, Earl of Ormonde to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
1602, July 10. By your letters of Jan. 26, I understand how far the motion of marriage betwixt my Lord Marquis his son and my daughter proceeded. The course therein followed, I like very well of. Touching my nephew Theobald Butler his cause, and your honourable dealing therein, I yield you my heartiest thanks, and think myself much bound to Mr. Secretary for the friendly course used by him in my suit touching my nephew, by whose care his liberty was procured.—Kilkeny, 10 July, 1602.
(PS.)—Some think I am severe in prosecution of some bad members in these parts, which I must confess is my nature, odious to all traitors, specially in this dangerous time, where they look for aid from foreign realms; yet, I protest, void of malice in regard of any particularities.
Signed, “Thomas Ormonde.” 1 p. (94. 19.)
The Earl of Thomond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, July 10. After the taking of the fort of Berehaven, where I took shipping, I have been these fourteen days by contrary winds at sea, and landed at Bristol the 10 of July. Where, by my long lying at sea, I was not able presently for to ride, I have sent you this packet, and expect the next tide other letters which my Lord President has sent after me, which I will bring with as much speed as I may possibly.—Bristol, 10 July, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 20.)