Cecil Papers: June 1602, 1-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1602, 1-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp180-208 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1602, 1-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp180-208.

"Cecil Papers: June 1602, 1-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp180-208.

June 1602

Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 1. Thanks Cecil for his great favours. By Cecil's letter, his man was delivered; and upon his petition to the Lords for leave to proceed against Mr. John Zouche for money owing (Zouche being in the custody of the Lord Keeper's serjeant), it was granted. Begs that the mind of the Lords in the matter be notified to the Sheriff of Middlesex.—Fleet, 1 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 106.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 1. I send you here enclosed such news as is come to me. I have it also from Brage, and I think they be come into Fowey, for so he writes, and that the owner of the goods in the fly-boat of Hamburg is one of Antwerp, and so confessed by them in the ship. If it fall out good prize, these two will do well towards the charges. I spake this day with Captain Poter, one known to me to be very honest. He came newly out of Italy by land. He saw four of the galleys that is to come with Spinola; they parted from Genoa five weeks past, and they are to join with four that are at Barcelona. No question we shall hear shortly of them. He avoweth that the number of them that march for the Low Countries are accounted but 7,000, but are not 6,000. By that time they come to the Archduke, they will not be 5,000. The King of Spain prepareth 80 galleys, and are in great readiness, and he thinketh surely for Arger.—This first.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“2 June 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (182. 42.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Anthony Ketley, of Plymouth, mariner, taken before William Parker, gentleman, Mayor of Plymouth, Anno domini 1602.—At sea, the 23 of this instant May, they met, 70 leagues off the Norther cape, two prizes, which Sir William Mounson hath taken and sent for England, whereof one was a fly boat of Hamburgh laden with copper, grograin, and hollands, which the Hamburgh men esteemed to be worthy thirty thousand pounds : an Indies man laden with hides and ginger; which ships this examinate parted from yesternight off the Lizard, and verily thinketh they are already in Falmouth or Fowey harbour. The examinate and his company took a small caravel at sea, the master whereof reported that Siriago was making ready ships and caravels to come again for Ireland.
Holograph by Parker. ½ p. (182. 43.)
Viscount Bindon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 1. I desire your advice for forbearing the increase of horses. By your last letters, I am required to increase the number of horses as a chief strength for any sudden service; I find such a decay in horses as more than a third part are decreased, and many of those which stand now in the roll sue earnestly for release, alleging that many are left out who are better able. Their challenge is so just as I must either discharge them, to the utter decay of the band of lances, or else increase horses on those of equal and far better ability than the complainers.
In the foot bands, there is no less cause of reformation, the numbers of them being filled up with base, poor men, crept in there to hide themselves for foreign service. The most able sort are neither of train nor troop, though commandments have been received to make the trained bands of the most substantial sort both for their abilities of body and wealth. Many captains also of the trained bands are unworthy of government. I have been the slower in the reformation of these defects by reason of the cold assistance or rather secret crossings of my deputies; otherwise, I could not make any sufficient excuse for keeping the state of the country so long uncertified, being enjoined thereto by a prefixed day, which being too near for yielding a perfect execution thereof, I have made suit for some longer time to be granted.
PS. Byndon, 1 June, 1602.—I desire to be resolved of a doubt whether the whole country shall now be reviewed, or only the foot and horse bands, both of train and troop, and according to your directions, I will send out my warrants for assembly in sundry places, for the most ease of the country, in respect of many discontented, dangerous persons dwelling amongst us. Many, as well as myself, do heartily wish for the disarming and well looking unto the Popish recusants.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 31.)
Walter Dotin, Mayor, and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 3. Seven years ago, an imposition was placed upon Totnes of one last of powder and 5 cwt. of match, as appears by the letter of Sir John Gilbert and Sir George Carye, then deputy lieutenants of Devon, which they send by the bearer. This they have provided, and increased to 1½ lasts and 10 cwt. Now Mr. Edward Seymour, a deputy lieutenant, requires of them a greater quantity. They beg Cecil, by reason of the great losses they have of late taken by the seas, that their charge be not increased.—Totnes, 3 June, 1602.
Signed as above, and by 6 others. Endorsed :—“Mayor and Aldermen of Totnes.” 1 p. (93. 109.)
“30” [The King of Scots] to “10” [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, June 3.—[Printed : Camden Soc. Publications, O.S. LXXVIII., pp. 15 and 16.] (135. 63, 4.)
Robert Newcomen, Surveyor of the Victuals in Ireland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 4. Proposing certain alterations in the apportionment of the victuals to be sent to Ireland, contracted for by Cecil “and the rest.”—4 June, 1602.
Petition. 1 p. (514.)
William Vawer, Mayor, Ed. Wynfield and Samuel Norton, to the Council.
1602, June 5. According to your directions we have taken bonds of William Crowch, Rice Wyllams and Thomas Renes, conductors. We think you shall find them honest men, and free from the knowledge of exchanging any men, or rasing the indentures. Lieutenant Wyllams has supplied his company with good men, and so has Mr. Reanes, and few defects unsupplied of Captain Crowch's. They have entreated us to write you in their behalf, protesting they had no power either to choose or refuse a man; those that were delivered them, they brought to us, according to their indentures, and for the “raysurs” [erasures], they will lay the blame on those that did deliver the indentures rased to them. The fault which Captain Crowch committed was made greater, if there were any, in denying to be bound before he had either spoken with his Lord or heard from him. His reason was, he knew my Lord to be choleric, and apt to take highly any fault found in his Lordship's proceedings by us; and did fear, if he should have appeared before you without his Lord's privity, it would have been the loss of his favour, and so his utter undoing; otherwise, he protests, he would willingly have answered before you to any objection whatsoever, finding himself clear from any touch of corruption. He is very sorry for his fault, and entreats your favours.
Captain Crowch his men that he brought do all acknowledge to be pressed.—Bristow, 5 June.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 112.)
Sir Richard Leveson to “Right Hon.”
1602, June 5. Multiplicity of business will afford me no leisure at this instant to discourse all things that have happened, neither do I think it needful to trouble you with circumstances, since the bearer hereof is able to give your Honours satisfaction in all particularities. Only it is my purpose to let your Honours know that it has pleased God to give me the possession of a very great and, I hope, a very rich caracke, which I did fetch out of Cysembrey Road, being guarded there with 8 pieces of artillery upon the shore, and 11 galleys, whereof the Marquis of St. Cruce and Signor Spindola, being both there in person, were principal commanders. The galleys were lodged to the westward of the road, behind a point of rocks, having bent their prows somewhat dangerously to receive us at our first coming in. But the Wastspite and Garland, luffing up near unto the rocks and coming to anchor, displaced the galleys within a short time out of their cove. The Nonperille, Dreadnought and Adventure, keeping it up under a sail, chased the galleys sometimes to the eastward and sometimes to the westward. To be short, the Marquis, being very soundly beaten, ran his way, and Signor Spindola followed him with no less haste. It was my good fortune to surprise with boats two of Spindola his principal galleys, the one being his vice-admiral, and both being laden with powder and oil for the Low Countries, which I sacrificed to the fire, having no leisure to heave it out. And I protest unto your Honours that two other of his galleys were coming unto me to have yielded themselves, but I, having then a fairer object in mine eye, and being ready to give the attempt upon the caracke, would not stay to receive them. [“400 gentlemen and gallant fellows were aboard her, sent from Lisbon.”—Margin].
The course which I held with the caracke was this : first, I thought it no discretion to board her with any of her Majesty's ships, because the Spaniards might at any time burn her, being no longer able to defend her, and then fly to the shore. I did therefore prepare a hulk of the east country, which I had taken about three days before, with fireworks. I put into her 20 of my gallantest men, with direction to board her in the “hauss,” and to cut cable if it were possible that she might drive out to sea; if not, then to burn her, and come away in their boats. Now you shall perceive how fortunately this fell out. The hulk, going to board the caracke, was taken upon the stays by ill steerage, and having a leeward tide was not able to fetch her again within any short space. My purpose being thus defeated, I had then no other shift but to let our guns go off roundly, as well at the caracke as at the fort, purposing indeed to have sunk her, but within 2 hours' space we had so well quieted both the fort and the caracke as I received but sometimes a “faynty” shot from them. Then I sent off my boat with a flag of truce, and the Spaniards entertained the parley, sent some gentlemen to treat with me, and I did the like. In the interim, I got up my hulk again to windward, and anchored her right in the hausse of the caracke, within half caliver shot. The meaning of the Spaniard was no other than to protract time, that they might be able to send some of their principal men and wealth to the shore, and then burn the ship. But being thus well provided with my hulk, I showed them my fireworks. I laid open all my purposes, with protestation that if they would not presently resolve to yield, they should all presently resolve to burn. Hereupon the caracke was delivered up unto me.
In this service, I must recommend unto your Honours the honest carriage of Captain Trevor and Captain Mannering, that left nothing undone which their little ships had power to perform. But especially I do humbly desire that her Majesty may take notice of Sir William Monson, who hath showed himself in this business a very gallant worthy gentleman. Of myself, I can say least because I performed least, though I had a desire to rank myself in the number of those that did best. Now the caracke is under sail with the red cross in main top, God send her well home; in hope whereof I have placed myself captain of her, Hugh Meritte, master, and have chosen out all the gallantest fellows in our fleet to man her. I have appointed these ships likewise to guard her, viz. the Wastspite, Garland, Nonperille and Adventure. The reason why I bring home so many ships grows out of these considerations; first, the mortality of our people hath been such, and the sickness daily so much increasing amongst us, as when the caracke is thoroughly manned, not any one of these ships which I have named is able to keep the sea, at least unable to encounter a very weak enemy; and therefore, their being abroad will be chargeable to her Majesty without use or profit. Besides, I am of opinion that if the Spaniard dare do anything, he will send all the force that he is able to make unto the Lizard, there to welcome us at our return. Wherefore, if necessity did not constrain me to send away these ships, surely I could not in good discretion send home the caracke but very strongly guarded. For my own return, it is not the love of my own ease, I protest, nor the fear of the King of Spain his power that draweth me home, but only a desire to preserve my prize in safety. If it be her Majesty's pleasure that I shall return to sea in the other ships, I am willing and ready. And I do humbly beseech your Honours to undertake thus much for me unto my gracious Sovereign, that whilst I breathe I will refuse no peril nor pains that may do her Majesty one day's good service.
The place which I desire to arrive at is Plymouth, because I hold it to be the best port for a ship of charge. If your Honours will have me go for any other place, let certain of the fisher boats of Plymouth lie off the Ramhead with your directions. I do desire that long boats be laid in all principal ports upon the coast, viz. Famouth, Plymouth, Darbmouth, Portchmouth, and the Downes. I know not what weather we may have in the Channel, therefore a man cannot work too surely with a matter of such weight.—Off Cape Pitcher, 5 of June 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Richard Leveson,” and the following list of names :—“Sir R. Leveson, Sir Rob. Mansell, Sir W. Monson, Sir Amyas Preston, Mr. Barrough, Vavasor, G. Gervis, Sir Fra. Drake, Sir Rob. Cross, Sir Rob. Dudley, Sir H. Palmer, Sir Ge. Fenton, Tho. May, Sir W. Wynter.” 3 pp. (93. 113–4.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 6. On Saturday, dined with the L. of Mackeney, a Scottish “Ilander” now in London. Mackeney has the best wealth of any baron in Scotland; is brother-in-law to “Maxalein and Donolgorham, the Maconel of the Lews”; is allied to most of the greatest of the Isles; in religion more than ordinarily inclined to “our reformation”; and is of not accustomed temper of body and mind for a young man of that nation. Mackeney offers his services to the Queen and State; and intimates grounds of just cause for him and his “to be evil affected to Tiron's particular (if it were but for the slaughter of his cousin, only executed by him) and of means as well to spoil his country and to discover to my Lord Deputy daily his designs, as to seize easily on his person if need required.” Mackeney offers this without object of profit or charge, “but her Majesty's acceptance, and the King's oversight.”—June 6, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (93. 115.)
Step. Procter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 6. Of the cause between the officers of the Earl of Derby, Sir William Mallory and others, and himself. Complains that his freehold has been entered upon, his officers assaulted, his goods taken, his coal mines destroyed in one night and a gallows set up in the place, his houses pulled down, etc. Gives details of proceedings in the suit in the Star Chamber, and before the Lord Keeper, and the orders made. Is to receive his trial before Cecil and the rest of the Lords in the Star Chamber. Prays Cecil to have commiseration upon him as her Majesty's poor servant, and give him leave to proceed against his adversaries. Hopes to make it evident that the lands, moors, mines and suit of court in question, now entitled to the Earl of Derby, are no part of the manor of Kirkeby Malazert, but are things formerly granted by Mowbray to “my Abbey,” ever since used by the abbots of that place, so came to the King by the dissolution, by him were sold to Gresham, and used with the Abbey ever since, under whose title he holds them by purchase. Further details of law suits with the Earl, of the unjust proceedings of the Earl's officers and of the various claims of title. The Forest of Netherdale also in question.—6 June, 1602.
Signed. 2 pp. (93. 116.)
Petition that a day may be appointed for the hearing of the cause between the Earl of Derby and Mr. Procter.—Endorsed : “1602.” ½ p. (883.)
State of the cause between the Earl of Derby and Mr. Procter, as to Thorp Moor, Kirby, Yorks. Contains some particulars as to descent of the lands of the Monastery of Fountain : and as to “Fountain Earth” moors.—Endorsed : “1602.” 1 p. (2466.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 6. Last night my man returned from Foye, where he has unladen the small bark that came from Sir William Monson, and has received from her 7 cwt. 2 qrs. of ginger and 1,646 hides, whereof 1,257 dry, 368 wet, and 21 rotten and full of holes. The goods are laid up in a storehouse at Foy, except the wet hides, which he has left abroad to be dried. The 3 Spaniards that were in that prize are brought hither, where I have placed them until your pleasure be known. They are but ordinary mariners, for the best of their company, as I understand, remain with Sir William Monson.
The flyboat here is very leaky, and if there come not speedy order, I shall be forced to land the goods that is in her, lest any mishap should fall out, although I continue 12 men on board her. The rest of her company remain still at charge, and yet complain that there is no order for their pay, and so do also the other companies of the other two carvells. I pray you let me understand what shall be done therein, as also with the corn and such other goods as receive hurt by lying. The carvell, with your letters, as yet remains here, attending a fair wind.—Plymouth, 6 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 119.)
The Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 6. You must give me leave to acquaint you what success my business with the Lord Willoughby has had for the match between my sister and his grandchild. After I had heard that your letter was come to him, I resolved to know his pleasure whether he would treat with me or no, and to that purpose sent unto him, to which he answered that he had written to you his humble thanks to her Majesty for her gracious favour, refusing to accept of the offer, and absolutely leaving it to your disposing. I therefore pray the continuance of your favour to this match, and that you will please to dispose the wardship either to myself or someone for me who you think fittest, I making the same satisfaction that Lord Willoughby should have done.—Belvoir, 6 June, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (94. 5.)
W. Lord Chandois to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 7. Apologises for not waiting upon Cecil as he purposed, as he has been very sick. Will do so as soon as he is able, as the business much imports him.—From my lodging in Stronde, 7 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” ½ p. (93. 111.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 7. Being this last week in Nottinghamshire, about business of my own, I returned by Grantam, where I heard the tragi-comedy of the Maypole and the minister, in which women were such agents as the men were at last forced to be patient. Also in the same shire, I heard of a more serious riot against one Captain Lovell that drains the fens there, in which the women were too impatient, and worse may come of it if wisdom prevent it not.
Coming to Stamford, I was showed your most worthy father's tomb, a most beautiful monument of his happy life and death. In my way thence hither, I saw both the palace of Burleghe and the paradise of Theballs; and though it where out of my way, I could not balk Cambridge, the nursery of all my good breeding. In this University, I saw not only the colleges increased in number, beautified and adorned in buildings, but all orders so duly observed, disputations so well performed, all old controversies, both with the town and among themselves, so appeased, as I rejoiced at much, and gratulated their happy choice of so worthy a Chancellor. And I thought they might well call you, as one of their learnedest doth in an epistle, their fœlix that impart unto them so much felicity by your honourable care and providence. How dearly welcome your sweet son is to that University, I need not tell your Honour, though many of them told it me. But that I may tell your Honour all the news that may concern you, not far beyond Theballs I met with an old Norfolk gentleman, who told me he heard you would sell Theballs, upon which I wished him to go with me to see it, whether it were kept like a house the master was weary of. But when I beheld the summer room, I thought of a verse in Aryosto's enchantments :
But which was strange, where erst I left a wood,
A wondrous stately palace now there stood : (fn. 1)
and the sight of it enchanted me so as I think the room not to be matched, if you will put two verses more of Aryosto (fn. 2) to the chamber in the same canto :
And unto this a large and lightsome stair,
Without the which no room is truly fair.
To conclude, I came thence hither full of delight, of honour and admiration of you and all your father's house by that I observed in this journey. And in this cogitation, a man of mine own comes to me post from mine own poor house, with a letter from my eldest son (of twelve years old), with news that my wife was delivered of a son, and because my son must “patrisare”, he writ it in this verse : Gaude, pater, quartum genetrix peperit tibi natum, which moved me to make this suit to your Honour to be pleased to be his godfather, that he may bear your name. My desire herein I make my pledge of my love and honour to you, and the granting of it I shall take as an assurance of your favour and good opinion of me, which I would both deserve and confirm by all means I may.—Channon Row, 7 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 117.)
Sir William Reede to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 7. Prays Cecil to further his suit for the renewal of a lease he holds of her Majesty. It was procured him by Lord Burghley and the Earl of Leicester for his services to the Queen and her progenitors. Begs his acceptance of an “unentered” Scottish hawk.—Phenham, 7 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 118.)
— to —.
1602, June 7/17. God knows, I have always wished to serve you faithfully and devotedly. If I have not succeeded, circumstances are only to blame. Your last words to me, that I must show my faith by my works, are printed on my heart, and you will see the effect of them. To-morrow, or the day after at the latest, I shall start 'verso la fiermara Ligeri', to embark afterwards at [place indicated by a cypher]. I should have done this sooner, but a contrary wind, illness, and the uncertainty of the position of this Court have delayed me.—Paris, 17 June, 1602.
Italian. Unsigned. Endorsed :—“Mr. Pinson to my master.” Addressed :—“Monsieur des Jardins.” Seal. 1 p. (93. 141.)
Sir Robert Mansell to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 8. According to your directions, I hastened to this place, where I arrived this afternoon. At my coming, I found no choice of ships for my transportation, the Advantage and the Charles being gone as far as Dongeness to meet with such advertisements as pass that way. The wind standing contrary, as at this instant in the eye of my course, though it cannot be expected that I should in so short a time as otherwise make my return, yet have I put myself under sail, and if the weather hold fair, will turn it up. Thereof this good will follow, that a slow passage along the coast will give me means to satisfy your Honours more fully touching that which is required in one article of your instructions, which notwithstanding is not without inconvenience, for that if the wind hold opposite, I shall be forced to send back my ship, being furnished only with 10 days' victual, and to put myself into some Flemish man-of-war before Ostend. Howsoever, I doubt not but to make upon you an honest account of what I stand charged withal.—From aboard the Hope, being under sail in the Downes, June 8, about 6 of the clock.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” Postal endorsements :—“At Sandwiche the 9 of June past 3 of the Clocke in the mornyng. Receaved past 6 morning at Canterbury. Sittingborn past 8 in the morninge. Rochester at 12 in the afternoon. Darfoote at 4 in the after noone.” 1 p. (93. 120.)
Captain John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 9. Upon the 10th of this month (stylo Anglico), the Estates' army begin to advance to march. It consists of 16,000 foot and 5,000 horse, and is divided into three bodies, which are each of them named armies, having in each body a general and chief officers as in an army. The one of them is under Count Morice himself, to him is the Count Ernest Lieut.-General; the other, under Sir Fr. Vere, consisting of 6,000 foot and 1,500 horse; and the third goes under Count William of Nassau, but I hear he takes not the name of general upon him. The brother to Count Morice is the second commander of that body. Touching the design, and the preparation according, you have already better knowledge than I shall be able to advertise upon my best observation. The speeches of the enemy's strength and provision for resistance are uncertain. The most received opinion is that we shall not pass through their country without battle, but the most probable is that the longer he defers it, the more will be his advantage, after that our troops shall be much wearied and weakened by the casualties of war. To-morrow, from Nemeghen, we begin to set on foot. When there shall anything succeed that I may presume to impart to you as worthy your hearing, I will omit no opportunity to express thereby the great desire I have to do you service.—Panderen, 9 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 121.)
Foulke Grevyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 10. The business will not yet give me leave to wait upon you myself, the haste being great and the particulars infinite, as you may imagine. Pardon me, and be pleased to give order that letters from your Honours go away with speed according to this minute, and into all these shires named in it, because the return of mariners will prove the greatest impediment to this service, and I am in zeal and duty “curius” to satisfy the Queen's expectation in the discharge.—Debtford. [PS.]—Touching this other estimate, I beseech you to hear this bearer only a word, and save your good eyes from reading many in an ill hand.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“10 June, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 122.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 10. Sends a stag and buck such as Craven now affords. If he were at the eating of a piece of them, he would compare either with Elham or Chesterford, though he is far from the sun, and the poorness of his last brought up stags much discredited him. “How I shall come contented to you for the despatch of my business here, I know not; but for a horse, a setting dog, and a farcell for the field, I will return so proud that Flint had need to look about him.”—June 10, 1602.
Holograph, signed “George Cumbreland.” 1 p. (93. 125.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 10. Acknowledges Cecil's favours, which he will strive to requite by his best service. His men are embarked, the wind is fair, and he must be gone.—Brystowe, 10 June.
Holograph. Signed, “Ed. Wynfield.” Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 126.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 10. Thanks Cecil for his acceptance of his petition by Mr. Hiks for continued employment. Has recommended to Cecil what use may be made of the Lord of Makenie's frank offers. Makenie expects a willing and profitable acceptance, and desires an answer, as he would ere long depart. Makenie's ability of wealth, friendship in the Isles, and constant, wise and religious temper, no subject in Scotland exceeds; “his object, honour and reputation here (with some particular revenges) are only motives.” Cecil's wisdom must decide whether Mackenie's sufficiency may make him hated at home of courtiers; and his good dealing here, suspected there : or the fruit of his best power and will, able to countervail the incident oppositions.—June 12, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 129.)
Christopher Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 11. I send here enclosed a minute in English, as you desired, for Venice, conceived in my opinion as may be sufficient to prevent violent courses as long as they will proceed in form of justice. When you return me it again, or any other to your liking, I will do my best to satisfy you.—11 June, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“D. Perkins.” ½ p. (93. 127.)
John Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 11. Begs Cecil's pardon for the offence he has committed in his suit to the Queen to refer to the Lord Chief Justice and others the hearing of his controversy with Mr, Paulfreyman, touching the custody of the small guns. Refers himself wholly to Cecil's sentence in the matter.—Tower, 11 June, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Mr. Lee of the Armoury.” ½ p. (93. 128.)
Dr. Roger Goade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 11. Favours, specially from great persons, sued for and obtained, are thankworthy, much more if they come voluntary and of mere motion. In which regard lately understanding by Dr. Neale, how it pleased you without any suit of mine, at the instance of another, to spare one of my Lord Grace's articles, the rather to gratify me therewith, as you were borne in hand, I could not in duty but thankfully acknowledge your kind respect of me therein. But as for the party who, without my desire or privity, used my name to serve his own turn the better to persuade, he deserveth herein no thanks of me. If I had affected such a favour, knowing at my coming to London that article to be intended among the rest, I would myself have been bold to move you and my Lord Grace in that behalf, but of purpose I abstained, partly taking my case to differ, having my separate lodging after a sort in the town, as my Lord Grace well knoweth, as also for that my wife and family usually remain in a house I have in the country about two miles distant.
We are now, after consultation, according to your direction, about the effecting of your desire for the good of this University,—11 June, 1602, King's College, Cambridge.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (136. 101.)
Federico Genibelli to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 12. The delays in my cause force me to recur to you as my friend, and to ask in all humility for a speedy end to be made in it.—London, 12 June, 1602.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (93. 130.)
William Parker, Mayor, Chr. Harris and Wm. Stallenge to Lord Buckhurst and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 13. Enclose a note of goods received [see enclosure below] and give details of their dealings with the goods, and with the crews of the ships.
The letters and “cargacons” that Captain Calphild brought from Sir William Monson remain there, by reason of Calphild's sickness. They pray directions about them.
For examining the masters and mariners of the Plough, or any other, they pray warrant whereby to swear them; otherwise they doubt there will be little good done with them.—Plymouth, 13 June, 1602.
Signed as above. 1 p. (93. 132.)
The Enclosure :
Note of goods received at Plymouth and Fowye out of a carvel, a small bark, and a flyboat, sent home by Sir Richard Leveson and Sir William Monson.
Out of the carvel brought to Plymouth by Captain King : wheat and small island hides. Out of the bark brought to Fowey by Edward Weare : Indian hides and ginger. Out of the flyboat brought to Plymouth by Captain Calphild : round copper plates, dry fates (vats), packs and fardells, barrels, and cheese. Quantities given.
½ p. (93. 131.)
William Parker, Mayor, and William Stallenge to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 13. On the 8th, the carvel departed with your letters for Sir Richard Leveson; and the same day departed the Flemings men of war. This last day we received your other letters for Leveson, which are delivered to Captain Browne, who with his company will be the first and safest conveyance for them.—Plymouth, 13 June, 1602. (PS.)—The examinations enclosed were taken by me the Mayor.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Examinations taken of sundry persons lately come out of Spain.” ½ p. (93. 134.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Thomas Peers, Henry Wethers and Thomas Trippett, before William Parker, Mayor of the borough of Plymouth, 13 June, 1602.
Thomas Peers, of Ratcleif, chirurgion, says that the 21 April 1601, he was taken in the Rebecca, of London, off the Southern Cape, by the King of Spain's galleons then bound to the Indies, and carried with 26 others into the Indies, kept aboard till the next February, when they came thence and arrived at Cales in April last, where they delivered the King's treasure unto small barks which carried the same at Civell, and there landed it. About 30 leagues from Cape St. Vincent, in their passage home, being 40 sail, whereof 7 were galleons of the King's which carried the treasure, they met with 5 sail of the Queen's ships, and another small ship of Bristol, and in the evening her Majesty's ships came amongst the Spanish fleet, and boarded a merchant ship called the St. Peter, of 400 or 500 tons, but took her not, and so fell off, her Majesty's ships then getting the wind of the Spanish fleet, lying in sight one day and a night, but being calm they could not come together, and so the next morning the Queen's ships left them plying to windward, and the King's fleet kept company until they safely arrived at Cales.
At his coming from St. Lucas a month since, there were then ready 8 sail of galleys riding at an anchor within St. Lucas, which are bound for the Low Countries, and, as they reported, for Sluce. About six weeks since, it was generally reported that the Lanthoe of Spain died suddenly, sitting in his chair, for whose death many Spaniards and all others rejoiced. There is now at St. Lucas 30 sail or thereabouts, ready to go for Nova Spania; and the fleet that are expected to come from Nova Spania are not yet come into Spain.
Henry Wethers and Thomas Trippett, shipwrights, confirm the above.
2 pp. (93. 133.)
Sir Thomas Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 14. I could not, as I much desired, come into England till this journey that now the Lord Deputy is afoot for be ended; and having by this bearer, whom I must trust, received your honourable respect of me, I held it my duty to signify my humble acceptance of the least your favours, which I hope shall be still firm to my good as I shall hereafter study to deserve them. You will be pleased to guard my poor fortunes till your own work make my mean desert of that quality to be worthy your undertaking.—Near Newrii, at the Camp, 14 June, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Burke.” 1 p. (93. 135.)
Roger Morrell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 14. Would before this time have written Cecil of all occurrents since “our” departure, but waited till D. Neale's return to London, to whom he leaves the relation. Is mindful of Cecil's last charge, and will certify of all matters.—St. John's College, in Camb. June 14, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 136.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 14. There is one in prison at York by the name of Welburye, but his right name is Cuthbert Trollope. He is a priest, and a chief man among the Appellants. Besides, he was the party that opposed himself to Parsons, against the reading of his “Dolman” at meals' time in the Roman College. It would be very inconvenient in many respects that he should be proceeded with there according to law. I think it therefore very expedient for her Majesty's further service that he might be sent for up hither, either by direction of the Lords, or by my Lord President of York your brother, and disposed of here as afterwards it shall be held meet. And this is not only my opinion but my desire, except you shall be of another mind.—At my house in Fulham, being troubled with the fall of my uvula; 14 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 137.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [c. June 14.] I am very glad to receive so honourable favour of you as your letter doth import, and, since it hath pleased her Majesty to lay this place upon me, I desire to be holden in your good opinion. If I headstrongly demand unjust matters, I crave no favour; if I deserve not your love as I may, impute me false. Though I fear your means hath brought me from that course of life desired, yet I know that no malice hath wrought it, and if I receive no disgrace therein, you shall find I shall walk cheerfully. I hope you shall have no dishonour in advising thereunto. I write evil, but speak worse, and therefore I am bold to trouble you with these lines till I wait upon you.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Remains of seal. 1 p. (97. 135.)
W. Temple to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [c. June 14.] I am by advice of friends moved to solicit with my Lord Zouch my entertainment in his service. You will engage me in an obligation of duty and devotion by yielding me a line or two of recommendation to his lordship.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.”; and, in another hand, “Mr. Temple to my master.” ½ p. (97. 123.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 14. Her Majesty hath willed me to send you word that she is sorry that what is written touching Tirone should be written so as to be seen by the Council. She had rather it were left out and put in a little ticket by itself, which she will sign. Her reason is, least it should be too much known and talked of.—14 June, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (184. 32.)
P. Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 15. Recommends the bearer, Mr. Pilkington, sometime his son's tutor and a bachelor of divinity, who desires to serve Cecil as his chaplain.—The Court, 15 June, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (93. 138.)
Aurelianus Townshend to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 15. If when I took the last 200 crowns I had turned towards England, I should not have had occasion for new expenses. But not having then gone past Venice, it seemed to me I had not been in Italy. At Bologna, on my way to Florence, I found myself in the company of that Doctor Thornit, an English canon of Vicenza (whom I have already mentioned in my letters of the 9th of May). We came to Florence together, and he told me all that I wrote in my last letter. I believe that if you were to enter into relations with him, it would repay you.
He returned from Florence to his canonry, and I went with him. He is now gone to Rome, and has promised to accompany me to Naples; for this I have taken 200 crowns which, with what I have, will be enough for that journey and for my return to England. If you were to bid me bring him with me to England, he would willingly come, if assured of your protection.—Venice, 15 June, 1602.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p. (93. 110.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 16. Here is arrived a hulk of Lubick, sent from the Marie Rose, under the command of one of Captain Slingsbey's followers, and as Mr. Mayor and I are informed, the most part of her lading is bacon and other victuals. We have sent aboard to take order for safe keeping the same, and by the next will certify with Mr. Vice-Admiral what we find.
The taking of the carrack by Sir Richard Levison is thought to be very certain, for the report comes sundry ways, but notwithstanding, I hope it will be no hindrance to the despatching of her Majesty's fleet here ready to depart, but rather an encouragement to hasten and strengthen them better for further service.—Plymouth, 16 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 139.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor, to Lord Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer.
1602, June 16. The barques in which the soldiers for Carrickfergus and Carlingford were shipped are now returned, who bring news of the safe arrival of the men at both places, and that the 500 landed at Carlingford, being armed and apparelled, forthwith marched to the Lord Deputy, who was then within 3 miles of that port, and so went with his Lordship in his journey.—Chester, 16 June, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mayor of Chester.” Postal endorsements :—“Att the city of Chester the 17 daie of June at 4 of the clocke in the morninge. At Namptwich at 8. At Stone at 12. At Lychfeld at 4. Coventry paste 8 at nyght. Daventry between 11 and 12. Tocester at 4. Brickhill at 7. Saintalbons at 11. At Barnet a[t] none.” ½ p. (93. 140.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 17. Doubts not but that Cecil will be advertised by Sir R. Leveson's letters, and Mr. Copinger's report, in what sort the carracke was taken. Understands that the latter has deserved well. Details the proceedings of the Mayor and himself as to the hulk, of Lubicke, brought from the Marie Rose, and of the opposition offered by the master of the hulk, Burras. Particulars of the lading.
Already many sick men have been brought here from her Majesty's ships, and, he understands, more are to come with Sir R. Leveson and the ships in his company. He has entreated the Mayor and the officers of Stonehowse to see them lodged, and will do the like in other villages; and has promised to allow for their diet and bedding 6d. per man per day, without abatement of pay, till they recover. If it please God to send the carracke here, it will be very hard to take up any money here to be paid in London, for every man will keep the same to employ it to his best means; order should therefore be taken for the furnishing of money here other ways, for payment of mariners and other charges. That being done, the mariners who shall be found sufficient may be employed again in other ships which are here ready to depart. If the number of her Majesty's ships now ready shall not be thought sufficient, here are of the victualling ships of very good defence, and being manned accordingly, may do good service. Seeing her Majesty has been at the charge of so many victuals, it were best spent upon the coast of Spain to the annoyance of her enemies than other ways.
For the carracke's goods, the best for her Majesty's profit will be to transport them to London in other shipping.—Plymouth, 17 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (93. 142.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 17. Your good news brought me a double joy, one that her Majesty hath such worthy fortunes over her enemies, the other that it pleased her to graciously impart the same to me, to whom it is more welcome than I think it can possibly be to any other. Thus to our endless and exhausting expenses, we may yet find some comfortable means of support. I desired to have come presently myself to her Majesty, but I assure you her Majesty's business and services will not suffer it. I beseech you, therefore, perform this office for me, and render all humble thanks to her Majesty. The good news that I can send her is that her loyal subjects do make it their joy and comfort to live and die in her service. And even when the messenger brought your joyful letter, he found my chamber full of Barons, Judges, all her Majesty's attorneys and many others, all labouring to advance her revenues with the yearly profit of many thousands.—17 June, 1602.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 33.)
William FitzWilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 18. The Lord Treasurer has informed him how grievously his brother complained against him to the Lords, objecting very foul matters; and added that he was most bound to Cecil for his defence. Expresses his obligations. The particulars were not given him, but if the complaint regarded his entrance into his house after his mother's death, he has done nothing disorderly or dishonestly. If it concerns his demeanour to his parents in their lifetime : if it be proved that his service was slack, or his respect not performed with dutiful regard, Cecil may disclaim him; but if, on the contrary, he prove that he left his fleece without opening his mouth, and groaned under the burden others should have carried, only in duty to content them, then may Cecil continue his protection. It would sting him to play the part of Ham, the cursed child of Noath, in laying open the nakedness of his parents; and to detect his brother in many matters odious to nature in regard to his parents (which he is able to make palpable) would be averse to his disposition. He stands innocent towards both.—St. John's St., 18 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 143.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 19. Although it may be you have the like advertisement, yet do I think good to send you these enclosed, praying you to keep them both until we meet to-morrow. I know not whose name these long letters are, if not Oliver Lambert or Oliver St. John, I know not which. I have sent also to the officers of Southampton that one of them ride to Portsmouth and attend there for the coming of the carrack with all speed.
PS.—When I had finished my letter I found it was written upon half a sheet of paper; you will pardon this error.
Holograph. Endorsed :—19 June, 1602. Letters from the Mayor of Chester and Sir Oliver Lambert.” Seal. 2 half pages. (184. 34 and 35.)
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 20. I think it so long since I have seen you that I am bold to send this bearer to bring me word of your health and well doing, which I wish to you as to every friend, hoping to be refreshed (ere this summer passed) with your good company in these parts.—Nonsuch, 20 June, 1602.
PS.—My wife most kindly recommends her into you.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (93. 145.)
Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 20. One Broad, sometime melter and refiner under me in my office in the Mint, had a servant who purloined certain silver of mine, for which and other causes I removed “him” from his place; nevertheless, in good will, I entered into bond to pay “him” 30l. yearly, and have continued the same many years. Nevertheless, “he” has sued me upon the forfeiture of his bond, and restrained me of my liberty. Prays Cecil to be freed, being willing to submit to such order as Cecil may think just.—My house in Westcheape, London, 20 June, 1602.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Alderman Martin.” 1 p. (93. 146.)
Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Secretary Cecil.
1602, June 21. Upon my coming from the Court, I sent for Baron Clerk, and earnestly moved him to forbear his going these assizes in respect of his lameness; and after this that my Lord Chief Justice would give over going any more, and so should he the next time, and so always after be the chief. But to be short, he told me that he doubted not but to be very well able to go these assizes himself, for he began to feel himself better and better, and therefore made no doubt at all of his going. So I could by no means persuade him unless her Majesty would expressly forbid his going, and that I told him I had no warrant to say so unto him. This passage of speech with him I have advertised to my Lord Cobham, who in like sort wrote to me, to have dealt with him for his stay, as you did when I came from the Court; whereof also I advertised his Lordship, namely that, before his letter, I had upon your request attempted the like yesternight, and could not prevail.—21 June, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lord Treasurer.” 1 p. (93. 147.)
Dudley, Lord North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 21. Before his departure, he was at Cecil's lodgings, in Cecil's absence, to take his leave, and Cecil's commands. Offers services, and thanks him for his favours.—London, 21 June.
Holograph, signed, “Du. Northe.” Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 148.)
Sir Edward More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 22. Begs Cecil's letters, and other help, for conveying his unfortunate son to Sir George Carew, in Munster, to be bestowed to become a soldier, and in time, by his care and travail, recover some part of the credit he has lost by his foul oversight.—Odiham, 22 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 149.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 22. I have sent you by the bearer hereof a homely present, and though the metal therein be neither gold nor silver, yet if Mr. Controller of the Works or I can judge ought, it will be worth gold and silver to your house. In my idle discourse on this subject (if you can remember) I valued this device for my own poor house to be worth 100l., and in Theballs (as might be in proportion) worth a thousand. But, seriously, you shall find, for your house in the Strand as well for your private lodgings, as for all the family, the use of it commodious and necessary, and above all, in time of infection most wholesome. The errors of some dull workmen have made that in some places it has not done so well as it might, but Mr. Basyll and myself will give that direction for yours as neither fair nor foul weather shall annoy.—Channon Row, 22 June, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 150.)
Jonas Bradbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 23. Begs for employment as a captain in the Narrow Seas.—23 June, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 151.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 23. According to your desire, I have sent you here included an estimate delivered me of the value as near as may be of [three or four words scored out and illegible], and I dare assure you the value and measure of the grounds will fall out rather more than less, but the woods will fall out, as I am informed, to no greater a rate than is set down. I had thought those parks had been better replenished with timber trees, than I find they are.
Since my coming down, I have been so importuned by petitions of the inhabitants of the two Depyngs to view their wrongs that they supposed Captain Loovell has offered them, as thereby likewise taking opportunity to view the works they had tumultuously thrown down, I must needs confess they had just cause to complain if they could have forborne the unlawful doing of it, but where shall a man find discretion in multitudes whose proceedings for the most part are rash and violent. And therefore I must be an earnest suitor unto you to be a mean unto the rest of the Lords of the Council that the course begun against them by Captain Lovell in the Star Chamber may be forborne, and the proceedings to be referred here in the country, according to their statute. And in my opinion, considering these times, it were not convenient to make multitudes desperate, but to impose rather the punishment upon some few of the better sort, to the example of the rest. I have written a letter to Captain Loovell to forbear likewise to urge the matter in the Star Chamber, which reasons that I have alleged unto him by my letters, I hope he will find best for himself to follow. I pray you deal so herein at my earnest request unto you, as the party by whom I send this letter may perceive that through my motion unto you they shall find more mercy than otherwise they should have done, which favour, if they shall find, I will take it as a particular kindness from you.
I understand that there is a meaning to send by a pursuivant for one Lacy, a justice of peace, that dwells in the town where this great riot was committed. I pray you he may be otherwise sent for, by reason of the great charge it will be unto him, having many children and of mean estate. Touching his guiltiness in this cause, I will leave him to his own purgation.—Burghley, 23 June, 1602.
(PS.)—I pray you bear with this my scribbling, being ready to leap on horseback in my journey from Burghley towards York.
Holograph. 2 p. (93. 152.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 23.—You may remember that your Honour and the rest of my Lords, disliking the preacher that was of course appointed to preach at Paules Crosse the next Sunday after the Earl of Essex Rebellion, willed me, upon the Saturday in the afternoon, to provide another, if possible, more apt for that service as the occasion had fallen out. Thereupon I entreated one Mr. Hayward, parson of Wolchurch, a man greatly then followed in the city, very well learned, honest and of a very smooth speech, to take that burthen upon him almost at eight or nine hours' warning. Some that came after him to that place opened divers more points as they fell out in time to be more clear, but Mr. Hayward brake the ice, and for the directions which were delivered to him, no man, though four came after him upon the same argument, did discharge his duty with greater commendation of those that were dutifully affected to her Majesty. Since which time, he hath been very greatly maligned by the seditious crew, and very much depraved, so as where before they followed him as if he had been an angel, many since will not come to hear him, as accounting him a dissembling time-server. Your Honour will say, quorsum hœc? Now you shall hear. Many about the city having built new houses contrary to her Majesty's commandment, some must be pulled down for example's sake. Now this poor man having bestowed about 50l. in building upon a little vacant place in his churchyard, his shed (so I may term it) must, in revenge of an old grudge, be one of those examples, except your Honour help him. I do therefore entreat you that since all new houses are not to be pulled down, you will be pleased to write a word or two to the Lord Mayor, that this poor man's may be spared.—At my house in London, 23 day of June, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (184. 36.)
Cecil Property.
1602, June 23. List of manors passed from the Queen to Thomas Bellott and Richard Langley in trust for Sir Robert Cecil, with purchase money and value, and notes as to dealings therein.
2 pp. (204. 139.)
Ralph Gray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 24. This day I received this packet from the Master of Graye. I hear of nothing in Scotland, but two conventions, one this present day at St. Jhonestone, the other the 5 of July at St. Androis. The first is for transporting the Prince to Fakeland, and for taking order with the Helanders who overthrew the gentlemen in the Isles, who before hath been much hurt by them; the other, for agreeing Huntly and Murray, who will not agree, as I am most credibly informed.—Chillingham, 24 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 153.)
Mary, Lady Denny to Sir Robert Cecil.
(1602,) June 24. At Mr. Denny's request, Cecil commanded Mr. Skinner to stay, to her use, 40l. of certain money out of Lady Sellenger's account with the Queen, which Denny paid Sir Warram for Castell Maine. Understanding that the commissioners have perfected Lady Sellenger's reckonings, and that she sues for her money in Ireland, the writer begs that she may receive the money here, otherwise she doubts she may lose it.—Westminster, 24 June.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 154.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 26. I have seen Mr. Wright's books touching the order taken about the last carrack, which liketh me so well as I wish no better nor no other clerks than he and Mr. Stallenge, who were then so appointed. I hope, by this enclosed, which I send you, the carrack is towards Portsmouth, otherwise 5,000l. is to be presently sent to Plimouth, and I, having sent for merchants and such as have been there and traded there, they assure me that without further vain hopes it is not possible to take up 5,000l., neither at Plymouth nor Exeter, which is but 24 miles from thence.
Next, they tell me that if we should carry it by cart, they can go no further than Exeter and there horse must be provided. If we send it by horse from hence, it will come there much sooner. So as I am resolved to send it by horse with ten carbines to guard it. I hope that my Lord Admiral and you do consider that if this 5,000l. be to pay the mariners, if you should pay them fully and discharge them, how you were puzzled last time in discharging of one ship, whereby being presently to set forth others you could not provide new mariners in a great while. I hope you will retain the mariners, though you pay them, whereby you may set forward a new fleet. I assure you, though I would not have you build upon my intelligence, there are advertisements that the King of Spain doth mightily prepare both for shipping and new levies of men both in Spain and Italy.
I keep my bed now, having sat up all the night on Thursday and never slept till yesternight past two o'clock.—26 June 1602, 10 of the clock.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (184. 37.)
The Campaign in the Low Countries.
1602, June 27/July 7. The army's proceeding until this present has been as follows. On the 21 and 22, it passed the Maese at Mooke; on the 23, they set forward by break of day in 3 divisions, the one led by his Excellence, who kept along the Maese, the other by Sir Fr. Vere, along the Peel, and the third by the Count William of Nassaw, between both. That night his said Excellence came to Sambeeck, the 24th to Blyterswyck over against Venlo, the 25th to Baerle, the 26th to Bugghenam over against Reormonde, the 27th to Altdyck near Maseick, where they were to tarry until the first of July, to be better furnished with provision of victuals, setting up to that end sundry ovens. The advertisement came thither that the Archduke's Italian supplies were arrived at Namur, and that the rest of his forces assembled at Halem, where they ensconced and fortified themselves, having sent back their great ordnance to Diest. When his Excellence lodged at Sambeeck, the Count William had his quarter at Mullem, and Sir Fr. Vere at Oploo. The 24th they quartered at Miele and Venroy, the 25th at Brey and Sevenum, the 26th at Baxen and Heytshuysen, the 27th at Geyslinghen and Ophoven.—Maseick, June 29, stilo novo, 1602.
On the 2nd present, having supplied our wants of provisions, we set forward, and came to Luyt. On the 3rd to Sellack, above Maestricht, and yesterday, being the 4th, to Mal by Tongheren, where we remain this day to distribute the bread which was baked there beforehand for us. To-morrow we shall march forward betimes, and (as it seems) towards St. Truyen. The enemy is at Thienen, seeming to entrench himself without the town. Of his strength is diversely reported. Within 2 or 3 days we shall know what his purpose is. Meanwhile it is thought he will not fight us, but seek by other means to hinder and endommage us. Hitherto we have marched in very good order, hoping by God's grace to hold on our course in like sort. There is a speech that amongst the enemy there is no money stirring. If that be true, then in all likelihood they will ere long disband themselves, to the great diminishing of his powers. He would fain hinder his Excellence from passing the river at Gheet.—By Tongere at Mal, July 5, stilo novo, 1602.
By letters of the 7th of July, like stile, is advertised that from Mal the army marched towards Haelmael, and lodged by the way, his Excellence at great Ghelmen, the Counts William and Henry of Nassaw at Hellesfoet, and Sir Fr. Vere at Hopertinghen, but at Haelmael they lodged altogether, that village being of exceeding greatness, and the country so fair and spacious between that and Mal aforesaid that the several parts of the army marched in sight each of other, and in order of battle. The Admirante of Arragon was at a place called Haekenduyvel, having behind him Thienen. The fore part of his camp was entrenched and fortified, but the hinder part left open, because he meant to have the said town for a retreat. In the town of Lew were 600 Dutches of the enemy in mutiny, with whom his Excellence had a purpose to try what good might be done.
Endorsed :—“Translation of letters from the Camp of sundry dates.” 3 pp. (93. 155–6.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 28. Acknowledges Cecil's favour to his nephew Coppinger, who now desires to return to Sir Richard Levson, fearing his absence will be some hindrance to him. Begs Cecil's help for him in the matter.—Black Friars, 28 June, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 157.)
Jo. Croke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 28. Has examined Nicholles touching the purpose in him and others to rob Cecil's new house. Nicholles affirms that John Moore solicited him to the attempt, but he refused, and Moore said that he would find some time before winter to do it, and that the wife of one Wigges should be a mean to show him the house. This woman and Moore are fled, but he has made out warrants and laid wait to apprehend them.—28 June, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Recorder of London.” 1 p. (93. 158.)
The Chandos Case.
1602, June 28. The resolution of the Lord Chandos case, and the Lady Chandos with the co-heirs, collected by the Lord Chief Justice. Signed by Sir John Popham. Certified as reasonable for the composition by Sir Thomas Egerton, the Earl of Nottingham, and Sir Robert Cecil. Assent thereto on certain conditions, signed by Lord Chandos and Lady Chandos the widow.
Endorsed by Cecil. 2½ pp. (146. 99–100.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 29. I have received two letters, one yesterday and another this day, from Mr. Bluett, the most ancient priest of those that went to Rome. His hand is scarcely legible but to such as are acquainted with it. I have, therefore, together with the letters themselves, sent you the copies of them, for your ease, one written with my own hand, little better than his, because it contains some matters of importance. I remember I did write once a very earnest letter unto you concerning my opinion of the state of the recusants in England generally (some few excepted) as now they stand in subjection to their Archpriest. And let men say what they list to the contrary, I shall hardly be removed from it. To be subject to Blackwell, is to be subject to Parsons, the vilest traitor that lives, and consequently to the King of Spain. And do not the priests themselves (that know of old all their secrets) confess as much? Would a State desire better warning? You will bear with me herein, if I be too scrupulous. I would gladly have Mr. Bluett's letters again when you have done with them, if you think so good.—At my house in London, 29 June, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 159.)
The Enclosure :
Right Revd. father my hon. Lord; all duty presupposed, etc. I have thrice heretofore written from this city. I hope all are brought unto your hands, else I am deceived miserably, as I have been in many things. I have no man that I dare trust to write for me, and you know with what pain I write what I write. I have in this place a thousand against me of great ability and might, besides the King and his pensioners; yet three lines of her Majesty's hand had sufficiency to drown all. The good old man did demand it of me, not once. Woe is me that I could not show it, for then I had overthrown all their drifts, and gotten all out of their hands, I mean the seminaries, etc., etc. Look well to Hull, and to another place hard by it, for it is in request. I dare not ask the name of the place for fear of suspicion; but vide et vigila. You have many in the land that have pensions from Spain. The Archpriest has 300 crowns yearly. Take heed of one Holbye, a Jesuit, not far from Hull. The description of the places are given up to the S. K[ing]. Remember where I am, etc. I have done nothing, nor will not, that shall offend her Majesty. I dare not write freely, for I am where I am, etc. The good old man is fatherly, but he has many children filios rubiginis. Parsons, to do me villainy with her Majesty, has written in the advisoes of Rome (a thing here most usual) that her Majesty sent her Ambassadors to His Holiness for her submission, promising to all Catholics a toleration in religion, and that to that effect she has written to Cardinals Burgesio and Aragonio. I do most humbly desire, and by the dreadful day of judgment require, that if any such villainous pamphlets do come to your hands, that you do maturely consider whence they come, and what vile enemies and vipers her Majesty has here. This day, being the feast of the blessed Trinity, the feast of the English seminary, Parsons made an oration, appointing one of the youths there to pronounce it before three Cardinals and a multitude besides; wherein, besides other villainous reports, these words were uttered : Imperatrix nostra Herodias, caput Johannis in disco rogat. Ex uno disce omnes. Let none of my letters miscarry that come to your hands, for some letters have been shown here as though they had been mine; and although they have not troubled me much, yet they have troubled me. I will come as fast as I can, but I cannot come before three or four points be decided for me. The French Ambassador is most true unto her Majesty. Valete.—Roma, 3 June.
Contemporary copy in the hand of the Bishop of London. Endorsed :—“The copy of Mr. B. letter.” 1½ pp. 93. 108.)
Adrian Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, June 29]. Pardon these scribbled lines. With much ado in a crooked ground I have finished the plot of my work here, and where Sir Walter promised that the spring we have brought through the wood to be sufficient for all our turn, I desire that it will serve but to your lodge plentifully summer and winter.
Then from the lodge to the great pond by your Honour's house. There I will have the waste of all the water that cometh to your house in pipes. The house served, the waste day and night shall serve my river, and the spring that serveth the great pond that cometh down the highway, I will bring for little, I hope, into my river, and then from me the waste shall fall into your pond, as now it doth. And for more surety in your best spring, which is called the Caryon pool, I will with these men bring in a close conduit or deep of a two or three fathom under the bottom of it as it is now, so then, if there be any water in all the hill of any other springs rising upon that height, it shall come to me to serve your turn for this water work of yours or new river.
I have had some ploughs here for the more speedy ending of this business, and now I have one that will serve our turn.
And I desire to have a floodgate or two to be set up to stop and let go water at our pleasure; a matter of an angel or two; that all may be done before I go hence, or so ordered that there may be no miss hereafter.
Sir Walter was very earnest with me to come presently after him to go to Jersey with him : which your Honour must excuse, for I cannot be yet absent well from hence.
And for the doing of this foolery or care to perform it, whatsoever is, or shall be, said to the contrary, if we may have water, which I hope we shall not miss, believe none however wise or foolish they be, for I will have nor blame nor shame in anything I take in hand justly.
So then if your leisure will serve, after a two or three days you shall see it in good forwardness. Fear nothing for Gilbertus est hic, a phrase I write to Sir Walter.—Theobalds, this Saint Peter's day.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 3 pp. (97. 46.)
Henry Bromley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June 30. To-morrow is the day for the hearing of Mr. Cornwall's pretensions, where I trust you will be, and then I doubt not that cause will not only have a full hearing, but a true relation to her Majesty.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“30 June, 1602. Sir H. Bromley, Sir E. Dymmock, Sir Anth. Standen, Sir Rich. Mollinax, Sir Tho. Fayrfax, Sir H. Glemham, Sir Geo. Trenchard, Sir Drew Drewry, Sir W. Clark, Sir W. Courtney, Sir Rich. Knightley, Mr. Fra. Tresham.” ½ p. (93. 160.)
Edward, Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June. I received these letters presently. I beseech you remember in my cause that I desire but expedition with honour or quietness with favour, I am ready to serve and ready to obey.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“June, 1602.” ½ p. (93. 161.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June. I beseech you pardon my importunity touching Mr. Bassett's statute, being persuaded both by Mr. Forster and Mr. Cocke, who were of my counsel, that the Court did ordinarily relieve many in the like case. Notwithstanding the long forbearance of so much money draweth very deep in my poor estate, yet I would rather be driven to extremities than desire anything that might turn you unto the least dishonour. I had hoped her Majesty would employ me in the performance of such services as I have long since offered, or else use me in somewhat, wherein I might have made a redemption of my offence. If the time be not yet seasonable for the moving of her to it, nor that your Honour have any occasion to use my service, I beseech you give me leave to retire myself for a time into the country, where my charge will be less and myself no less ready to attend your commands.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“June, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 38.)
J[ohn] Herbert, Secretary, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, June. The occasion of my sudden departure from Court was the extremity of sickness of my daughter, mine only child. Yourself being a father, I hope will bear with the natural imperfection of parents in loving their children. During my abode at home, the youth who ordinarily attendeth me fell sick of a pleurisy, and being let blood, as a present remedy, within 12 hours after it fell out to be the ordinary disease that presently reigneth. Though my wife, distrusting the worst, had settled him in a bye-house five or six score [yards] from my abode, yet fearing my repair to Court might by multiplying bruits be made more dangerous than in truth it is, I have and do as yet forbear the place.
My daughter, thanks be to God, is well recovered and the youth past all danger, so if there be any occasion of service presented, I will be ready to attend either at London or anywhere else. Meantime I have taken order that the letter which Pandolphini brought from the State of Venice shall be delivered, as anything else that remaineth in my hands.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“June, 1602.” Seal. 1 p. (184. 39.)
Thomas, Bishop of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [c. June.] This young gentleman, son of my neighbour Sir William Uvedale, is going over with Sir Thomas Parry, her Majesty's “ambassador lidger” designed for France, and being himself a stranger to Sir Thomas and not well known to any about the Court, has entreated my letters to you to countenance him with the ambassador. The young gentleman hath been bred up in the University and Inns of Court, he is sound in religion, sober in behaviour and wise and discreet in his actions more than usual in one of his years. If therefore, you will be pleased to recommend him to Sir Thomas, I doubt not he will endeavour to deserve the favour, and I shall thankfully acknowledge the regard had of him for my sake.—From my house at Waltham, 1602.
Signature. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. ¾ p. (97. 131.)
Sir Thomas Fairfax to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602 [c. June]. If I should write as I remember those favours which your father did to my poor father, and which you have done to me, I should rather seem to dedicate a volume to your Honour than to write a letter. My requital is only an acknowledgment of them, by those humble services, which I and my son can do you, and that he may be fitter for the same, I crave that you will give him leave to see this summer's service in the Low Countries, and that he may return again at Michaelmas, to attend your Honour.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (185. 102.)
Eliza, Countess of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, [? c. June or July.] I perceived by a message I received from my cousin Sir Walter Rawelege, how very kindly it pleased you to answer him, when I desired him to be my mean to you for a company for a gentleman : I meant to have written to you in all thankful manner, if the gentleman had not disposed otherwise of himself; but, notwithstanding, I acknowledge your favour, and am now the bolder to entreat your friendship towards this Captain Haukerige, who some few years back did serve my Lord and me, which gave me a willing mind to have a little adventure with him; and the ship he went in has by right a part in this prize; and Sir John Gilbert denies all any parts; whereupon they seek for their rights. Their only request to me is to desire your favourable means in it; for that it is reported you have a great venture with Sir John Gilbert in it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 1 p. (96. 155.)


  • 1. Sir John Harington's Translation of Orlando Furioso : Book XLIII, Stanza 124 (Edition of 1634).
  • 2.