Cecil Papers: May 1602, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1602, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp157-180 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1602, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp157-180.

"Cecil Papers: May 1602, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp157-180.

May 1602, 16–31

Sir Richard Fenys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 16. The bearer, Signor Amerigo Salviatti, who is recommended to Cecil by Cavalle Vinta, the Grand Duke's secretary, begs Cecil's recommendation to Sir Francis Vere, not as desiring any command, but only as a gentleman who wishes to deserve well of him.—Browghton, 16 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Richard Fynnes.” ½ p. (93. 49.)
Roger Wilbraham and George Carew to Sir Thomas Egerton and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 17. They have examined four witnesses against Mr. Proctor for his slanderous speeches against the Earl of Derby, and enclose their declarations, which they have offered to depose. Yet the writers, finding suits in law, which commonly induce malice, between these witnesses and Proctor, they forbore to swear any of them, advising Proctor to submit himself to the Earl as he promised, and the witnesses, being the Earl's tenants, to use good offices towards them both.—17 May, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (93. 51.)
The Enclosure :
Declarations by John Atkinson, John Beckwith the elder, Edmond Wood and Gilbert Anderson. The alleged speeches were that the Earl was a fool, and that he had spent all his inheritance and would make all away. The speeches are denied by Proctor.
1 p. (93. 50.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 18. There are certain books sent over into France by the priests here, to be carried by the party (for whom I have procured the warrant enclosed) to Dr. Bagshaw and Dr. Bisshop at Paris. I send the warrant for your hand unto it, because my Lord Treasurer wished it might be so. The sending over of the said books and notes about their matters are to good purpose.—London, 18 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 52.)
Joshua Aylmer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 18. At his coming out of Ireland, he delivered to Cecil a letter from the Lord President of Munster, signifying the discharge of his duty as commissary of the musters there, and his service at the siege of Kinsale. Begs for some employment in her Majesty's pay in Munster, and for his speedy despatch thither, where his estate is overthrown by the rebels. Encloses a proof of his services.—London, 18 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 53.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 18. The Laird of Glenorgwher [Glenorquhay] is come back from the Bath, and hath desired me to move you to grant him your passport to France, where he intends only to see some part of the country and so return to England; and for his return and abode anywhere where his liking or occasion shall bring him. This letter from Mr. Nicholson in his favour, I doubt not will make known to you the great place he holdeth in his country amongst Highlanders and his kindred with the Earls of Argyle and Mar.
PS.—He is desirous to make haste to France, because he would haste back thence.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“18 May, 1602.” 1 p. (125. 141.)
Dionise Cambell, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 18. Upon my going for Scotland you were pleased to afford your letter to the Deputy of Ireland to tolerate with my absence until about the last of March, 1601, to the end that such weekly stipend as was made to me as a preacher for her Majesty's army in Mounstre might be continued unto me. By reason of my absence for a longer time, I find that my stipend is checked. I beseech your Honour to vouchsafe your letters to Sir Geo. Cary, Treasurer-at-War in Ireland, for the full payment to this present time. My continual residence in these Irish parts remote from the Court has prevented me from certifying anything which might be pleasing to your Honour. It is certain that Tirone is perplexed with the last overthrow of the rebels and the scarcity of victuals, which is thought to be very great, the rather that in these western parts straight order hath been taken to restrain all vessels which were accustomed to resort thither. Touching the agreement between the Earls and our emulations, I know they are better known there than I should write anything of them. The agreements have been usually as hasty as the fallings out, yet I do not see that these are like to prove so. Great report is here of the increasing of Papists in England, and a malicious surmise that your Honour do wink at them, which is thought to have the original from your unfriends there.—From Dumbretton, 18 May, 1602.
PS.—Tirone giveth out a hope of the aid of “readshanks” and a supply of victuals from hence, but it is his forgery to gull the rebels withal.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (184. 29.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 19. By your direction I now send such as are stayed in the ports to the Bishop of London, as this day I sent unto him one John Browne, newly come from Rome. He takes upon him to discover that divers Jesuits are very shortly to come for England. He was stayed at Rye, and sent up to me by this bearer. The Bishop has no direction for the payment of the charges, but sends him back to me. I pray you take order that the poor man may be paid his charges, which come but to 20s.—Blackfriars, 19 May, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (86. 51.)
Enclosed :—Claim of William Hallier, of Rye, for allowance for bringing up John Browne who lately came from Rome, 20s.—19 May, 1602.
¼ p. (93. 55.)
Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 19. I have sent hereinclosed, according to your letter, a copy of the last Act signed by the French Ambassadors and her Majesty's Commissioners, both the Latin and the French copy, the Latin signed only by her Majesty's Commissioners and delivered to the French Ambassadors, the French copy signed by them and us, and in my custody by consent till they sign our Latin copy and send it unto us. Some differences there are between the Latin and the French Act, but not greatly material, which we were contented at Monsieur Boysisse his importunity to accept of, for our Latin Act was first made, which they translated, but with some difference, as appears. Craving your assistance for the signing of my bill, or denial of my suit, that I may dispose my thoughts some other way.—DD. co. [Doctors' Commons], 19 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Dr. Caesar.” 1 p. (93. 54.)
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 20. As I hold myself most bounden to you for your favour for the first inclining her Majesty to a gracious resolution for me, and I conceived great comfort in her Highness' favour, so now finding so good beginnings to quail by some opposition, I have presumed humbly to make my refuge to the same hand for my relief. It is given out in Court, and her Majesty is advertised, that I do refuse Hereford, except I may withal hold St. Crosses; by which device, her Majesty is fallen to a new cogitation of the Bishop of Chester, a man twice already preferred. I beseech you to vouchsafe to acquaint her Majesty that I am not so dishonest so lightly to value her princely and gracious favour, but continue my humble suit still, and will with all acknowledgment accept her most gracious goodness, and with all my strength, zeal and devotion perform my service there. And for St. Crosses, I had no such cogitation, neither do I make such request.—London, 20 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 56.)
Robert Bellman to the Council.
1602, May 20. Prays for recompense to the owner of the Godspeide, of Lowe, who was impressed before last Christmas to carry a letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland. He was afterwards commanded by the Lord Deputy to bring over divers gentlemen and soldiers, and they were by storm driven upon the rocks near Ilford Combe, some drowned, and his bark utterly spoiled.—Padstowe, 20 May, 1602.
Signed. ½ p. (93. 57.)
William Parker, Mayor, and William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 20. Acknowledge his letter of the 18th inst. For the sending of the packet to Sir Richard Leveson, here is now a carvel of his fleet, which a few days after her departure hence lost her rudder, and so was forced to return for Bristol, whence she is come here, and ready to depart again. As they think her very fit for this service, they stay her till Cecil's pleasure be known.—Plymouth, 20 May, 1602.
Signed as above. ½ p. (93. 58.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 20. By this bearer, Captain King, I received a letter from Sir Richard Leveson concerning a carvel sent from the fleet with wheat, and, as he supposes, some hides, willing me to take the same into my charge and to dispose thereof as you should order. I intend to-day to see the carvel unladen, and to send you a particular account of what shall be found in her. The wheat is very bad, and I doubt in this place will hardly be sold.
What service has been done by Sir Richard Leveson, I leave to his own letters and the report of this bearer, which can better declare the same. For his own part, most men commend him. For others of his company (if reports be true), they deserve no great praise. I pray God send better success hereafter.—Plymouth, 20 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 59.)
Jo. Mallorye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 20. He delivered Cecil's letter to the Attorney General, and prayed him to give “the poor man” longer time than next term for the return of his commission; for the man being in London, following the business of Lord Derby, it were impossible for him to return to Yorkshire and get the witnesses' evidence in time. Mr. Attorney answered he could not relieve the man on account of the Star Chamber Order; nevertheless, if the Lord Keeper would give longer time, he would consent. The writer hopes the man's innocence will undergo some favourable censure. The pursuit of his trouble is only suggested by Mr. Procter, who, in the short time he has been a justice, has bred more faction and sedition than many of our justices have made unity : to appease which, “our most worthy Governor” has taken most extreme travail. The writer is ashamed that his father and he should be forced either to trouble “his Lordship” with complaints, or to excuse themselves of imputations laid upon them. Yesterday in the Star Chamber, Mr. Procter's service was so highly advanced that his accomplices give out he exceeds all others in credit, which so puffs him up with vain glory, that he forgets what he has been.—20 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 60.)
[The Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Richard Leveson.]
1602, May 21. We have, since your departure, long expected to be advertised of your proceedings, both in regard of the care her Majesty hath of you, and that we might have been informed how to direct your supplies to find you; for which purpose, when we remember what you resolved to do in that matter, we assure ourself that it hath not risen from any negligence that we have not heard from you, but from some other accident that hath befallen your letters or your messengers. In which consideration, because you may know that we have received something of you, though not directly from you, we have thought good to make you this present despatch. There came in a ship of Barbary a packet from Sir William Monson, who hath advertised that in his course to the southward to seek you out, he met with the captains of the Warspite, the Nonpareil and the Dreadnought, who acquainted him that you, with three more of your fleet, had met with the Indian fleet which was wafted home by the King's galleons, and that notwithstanding that extreme inequality, you, being desirous to put something to hazard, laid the burden upon your own person, and boarded one of the galleons, insomuch as some of your men did enter her; all which notwithstanding, you were forced to quit her afterward, unless you would have been lost yourself and engaged the rest. Of this news, in respect of the misfortune (happening only by the absence of the Hollanders) you can easily conceive how sorry we were to hear; although for yourself it is honourable to have made it appear that you did as much as belonged to courage or judgment. And now, because you may know what course we take, you shall understand that the Merhonor [Mere Honour] and the Quittance, with ten good merchant ships, are ready to depart from hence towards you the 25 of this month, with that proportion of victual that was agreed on for you, and for which you promised long ere this to send word in what height they should find you. And now, although we are of opinion when these ships shall be joined with Sir William Mounson and the Hollanders, who long since passed out of our Channel towards you, that you will be well able to make your party good with any fleet that the King of Spain will be able to set forth in haste, yet because there may be divers accidents which may prove to their advantage, we think it not amiss to give you some caution, rather to make you see our care of her Majesty's honour, and of your safety with the fleet, than that we do any way doubt that you have judgment sufficient to direct yourself out of your own experience. First, it is not unlike that now his treasure is come home, he may either set out a fleet to beat you from his coasts directly, or to waft home the carricks from the East Indies : to either of which courses, if he incline, we doubt not but you will carefully foresee not so to engage yourself, where nothing but blows are to be gotten, as upon any disadvantage to hazard her Majesty's fleet, which if it should receive any disaster, they would make great triumph of it. In this point, we conceive one inconvenience which may befall you by lying too near the coasts, that if you should chance to be becalmed, they might bring forth their galleys, and so tow up four or five ships upon one, to your great peril, the prevention whereof we thought not amiss to recommend to you. Secondly, because we know not in what case your ships are, either by growing foul, or by inward infection, although we have sent you a full proportion of victuals for all your shipping and for all the time; yet her Majesty is pleased it be referred to your own discretion to retain or send home any such as you shall think fittest for either purpose. It remaineth now that we acquaint you with our advertisements, though we know truth will be better known to you. It is said that there is a general stay of all shipping in Spain, and that some galleys from the southward are coming toward the Groyne. If any such thing be, we require you to advertise us, and now that till the winter nothing is to be looked for at the South Cape, and that the carricks must come into Lisbon and so must the Brazil men, of which 48 sail are expected : in which two kinds for matter of profit your greatest expectation consisteth, we hold the fittest place for you to attend to be in the heights of Lisbon, as well for meeting with those hopes as to prevent any other action of hostility which can be intended, especially because Lisbon is the likest place of rendezvous for the fleet, and therefore, for your lying there, you may both impeach the uniting of their forces, and shall be in possibility to meet with the carricks, for which purpose we doubt not but you will employ some small pinnace of your own, or command some small men-of-war which you shall find upon the coasts, to lie off and on about the Islands, who may come back to you with advertisement of their coming, that you may be the better fitted to receive them. To give you more directions were but to show our care, seeing you are well acquainted with all these courses, so as we have now no more to say, but to wish you all the happiness which your own heart can desire.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Undated. Endorsed by Munck :—“21 May, 1602. To Sir Richard Leveson by my Lord Admiral and my master.” Also :—“Sir Robert Mansell, Sir Wm. Monson, Sir Amyas Preston, W. Boroughes.” 6 pp. (93. 61–4.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 21. The Dean of Windsor has entreated my letter to you, to assure you that what report soever has been given forth, yet he continues his former desire to be Bishop of Hereford; and for St. Crosses and other his livings, he is desirous that her Majesty should know he has no purpose to detain any of them, but leaves the disposition of them to her Majesty's pleasure. He prays you to consider what a disgrace it would be to him if now he should miss of this bishopric, the Queen's determination being known that he should have it, so that now the valuation of his credit is more to him than the value of the living.—The Blackfriars, 21 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 65.)
Sir Walter Ralegh.
1602, May 21. Bond of Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil for 4,000l.—21 May, 1602.
Signed by Ralegh. ½ p. (214. 39.)
W. Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 22. Encloses the original examinations, received from that careful and honest gentleman, Sir Nicholas Parker. He has made stay of John Beveridge, the Scot mentioned in them, and of his ship and merchandise, till he hears from the Council or Cecil what he shall do with him.—Towstock, 22 May, 1602.
Signed, “W. Bathon.” Endorsed :—“Earl of Bath. He has stayed a Scots ship that brought prisoners from Spain.” ½ p. (93. 66.)
Robert Jhonsonn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 22. Begs for employment in home service. Sends an enclosure.—22 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 68.)
Jo. Baxter to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 22. At his coming to this town, he viewed the 300 men that are for Knockfergus. They come 100 each from the counties of Northampton, Worcester and Salop. Those from the two last are reasonable : only a few defects; Northampton has sent very ill men, not 40 good ones. Never a county send such men hither as they; yet he must take most of them with him if the wind serves in time. The Commissioners will certify this to the Council in their general view, but he informs Cecil in order that Northampton may be certified, and he excused.—Chester, 22 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Captain Baxter.” 1 p. (93. 69.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 22. With a present of a barrel of conserves, from a lately taken Portingall prize.—22 May, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 70.)
Anne, Lady Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 23. Prays Cecil for the deliverance of Mr. Nevill out of the Tower, who, through his long imprisonment, is much decayed in health. Confesses that her suit is very great, by reason of her Majesty's heavy displeasure. The exceeding increase of her deafness is the cause why she rather writes to Cecil than attends on him, and has hindered her from soliciting her Majesty personally. Asks him whether she should present a petition to her Majesty.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“23 May, 1602. The Lady Nevyll.” (93. 72.)
W. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 23. Reports his proceedings in the unlading of the carvell, and his proposed disposal of the wheat and small hides from the Islands it contained. They are of small value, and the charges will daily increase. On Friday last, was here delivered a commission for the examining of parties for the prizes brought in by the Refuzall and others, wherein he is named with others. Yesterday, Mr. Chichester was examined in behalf of Sir Robert Baset and consorts, and the commission deferred till Wednesday next.—Plymouth, May 23, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 73.)
Thomas Alabaster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 24. I sent the enclosed to the Savoy on Saturday, being given to understand that as then you would be there, but missing thereof, it returned to me. Since, in opening of barrels, I find two smaller, which for that seem not common (for I have seen no more of those kinds), I presume to add them to accompany the first now together : and although they are two, w[orth ?] nothing than the other, I am notwithstanding [emboldened] to send them, through the great favour wherewith you yesterday vouchsafed to remember me, which I esteem in the degree that I ought.—24 May, 1602.
Holograph. Damaged. 1 p. (86. 59.)
Sir Charles Percy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 24. Thanks Cecil for his favours, and proffers his services. Observing by Cecil's carriage in general towards all men that have been blasted by this storm, as well as himself, that his goodness springs rather from his worthy mind than any man's desert, he begs Cecil's favour towards him, a poor gentleman distressed by the error of his youth, and utterly abandoned by those that should have been the supporters of his decay. Wishes that “we that are more bound than others to her Majesty by the favour which we have received by the sparing of our lives (myself especially), might be first employed in any service of hazard that might express our desire to show our thankfulness.”—London, 24 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 3 pp. (93. 74–5.)
1602, May 25. Passport for James Isak and Alexander Broutfield, Scots gentlemen, with their boy Archbald Wilky, and four nags, to travel southward.—Barwick, 25 May, 1602.
Signed, P. Wyllughby, Governor of Berwick, etc. 1 p. (93. 77.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Mr. Secretary [Cecil].
1602, May 25. To make you have sore eyes, I send you these three enclosed, all of old dates, which were delivered to me, since the Queen went from the dancing, by Sir H. Powre, with an excuse that they were forgotten in his trunk at Chester. I would have brought these myself, but my heels ache with standing, and I am ready to wait on my wife to supper at my Lord Lumley's, where we will drink to your health.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“25 May, 1602.” ½ p. (93. 78.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 26. Has written to the Council his opinion of the service now committed to his charge. The errors he can perceive are too many, and he fears the corruption of some is great, though carried in such sort as not easily to be perceived. Cecil will see by the books of defects and letters he has sent that devices have been used, or else it were impossible for so evil men to be brought. Details his dealings with the conductors.
Desires Cecil's letters to the Lord Deputy for employment. He has served the Queen three years at his own charges and has lost his blood. He was never these 20 years before out of entertainment.—Brystowe, 26 May.
Holograph. Signed :—“Ed. Wynfield.” Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 79.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 26. Prays Cecil's favour to young Lord De La Warr, that the Queen would bestow on him those things which his father enjoyed. Cecil will thereby bind Lord De La Warr to him, and also do a deed of charity, for the young gentleman is left in a most broken estate.—26 May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Tho. Shyrley the Elder.” 1 p. (93. 81.)
Lord Grey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 27. Since I saw you I have omitted no industry to expedite my journey, but find my conditions likely to prove short, rather, as I yet can gather, by reason of past resolutions, than want, or working of any here. The three partitions are disposed of; the old troops unto Lodowick, the new unto two Counts, near kinsman unto the Palsgrave and Lantsgrave, under whose favour they were raised. Mr, Gilpin has delivered the letters, and insists for a resolution, yet receives none, but promises of as much as can be done. I stand alike prepared for good or bad. When we come into the field I doubt not to make them see their error, if they undervalue me, or my desert, if they accommodate me to the recommendation I brought; only in future I will beware of traps from such. His Excellency is yet at Haghe, whither I post to find him, arriving at Middleburg but last night.—Middleburg, 27 May, st. vet.
Holograph signed, “Grey.” Endorsed :—“Lord Grey, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 83.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 27. This last day the Mayor and he received a packet from the Lord Admiral and Cecil for Sir Richard Leveson. It shall be sent by the carvell as soon as the wind shall serve. This morning arrived here Captain Willes from the fleet, to whom he leaves the report of Sir R. Leveson's proceedings.—Plymouth, 27 May, 1602.
Holograph. ½ p. (93. 84.)
Sir John Smythe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 27. By Cecil's furtherance, he was enlarged to travel five miles distance from his house, and for two terms to resort to London. Begs licence to go to London next term about important law cases, and for his health. When he last took leave of Cecil, and asked his protection, Cecil answered that he would not protect him in any evil, an answer so strange that it made him suspect some malicious flatterer had made false reports of him. His conscience is clear of offence. Besides, when last in London, he did Cecil great honour, by acquainting Sir William Russell, Mr. Roger Manners, Lord Henry Seymer, Sir James Marvin, the Queen's Attorney, Mr. Bacon, and others his especial friends, how greatly he was bound to Cecil for his honourable dealing.—Toffts, 27 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 85.)
Sir Edward Cecyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 28. Letter dated at Diuborroe, 28 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602, Sir Edward Cecyll.” 2 pp. [Printed in extenso in Dalton's Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Earl of Wimbledon, Vol. I., pp. 83–5.] (93. 86.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. [? Lord] Cromwell.
1602, May 28. Will be pleased to accept one of the two horses Mr. Cromwell has offered him, but it would be unreasonable to accept them both unless he saw some imminent opportunity to requite him.
Undated. Draft in Munck's hand. Endorsed :—“28 May, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 86–2.) [See Lord Cromwell's letter, p. 541 post.]
John [Thornborough,] Bishop of Limerick, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] May 28. I presume by my servant to be your remembrancer for that letter from the Earl of Darbie to the keeper of Knowslie Park, with which letter I leave to your pleasure for a warrant for a buck also while we lie at Prescot, the next town to Knowslie. Udall seems still most resolute for that mine, and wishes me to further him to the gallows if he abuse me. I should verily then be as ready and willing for the one as other. He never replied when I told him he must stay in that prison, but only this, “It is all one to me so that I be well used till your return, and then I hope both of liberty and recompence.” I spake with the keeper in private to use him well, but withal gave him secret warning to have a watchful look towards him and Spinula, that there be none escape. Barwisse, the priest, have I stayed.—Westminster, from my lodging in the Rownd Wolstaple, 28 May.
[PS.]—I understand by Udall that Eccleston is a gentleman dwelling near Knowsely, but has left his habitation, and abides altogether in London, in Peticote Lane.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602. The B. of Lymrycke.” 1 p. (93. 87.)
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 28. I lately presumed, yet with all humility, to beseech your favour in my petition for Hereford, without hope whereof I had never adventured the suit, and whereof I received great comfort by your late honourable testimony given of me, for which I will ever be most thankful. I desire to receive this preferment as a testimony of your regard unto me, an old servant of your father, whom I served with all true affectionate duty, and as a bond to tie me faster to all respective dependence and service to his house. The matter I now respect is the wound I may receive in my poor credit, and the discomfort I am to take by her Majesty's alteration, which will be holden of the world as a testimony of her heavy conceit against me, to whom I have endeavoured many years to approve my service and loyalty with all the affection of my heart. Wherefore I humbly once again beseech you to receive me into your favour in this cause.—From her Majesty's chapel of Windsor, 28 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 94.)
William Thomas, Mayor, and Others, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 29. They commend their poor town to Cecil's protection : consisting of a corporation and a body politique for at least 500 years past, governed by a Mayor, Recorder, two Justices of Peace, two Bailiffs and Sergeants, in which there are inhabiting 1,000 persons and upwards.—Carmarthen, 29 May, 1602.
Signed as above. Seal. 1 p. (93. 88.)
Sir Edward Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602,] May 29. If in his letters to the Council there be not all matters so fully answered as they expect, he begs Cecil to answer this much for him. He is in a strange place, strangely used, for such men and such devices were never seen. He wishes he were a painter that he might have sent a picture of those creatures who have been brought to him to receive for soldiers, and Cecil would have wondered where England or Wales had hidden so many strange decrepid people so long, except they had been kept in hospitals. His letters will prove the too great negligence used in this so weighty service. He was glad the Mayor and Mr. Norton joined him in his last letters. In his next, he will observe the instructions for particular examination of the faults committed by both the conductors and lieutenants.—Bristowe, 29 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 89.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 29. Acknowledges Cecil's bounty, by which he yet breathes at liberty, though not enfranchised from the peril he is in for debts. Encloses a brief of the reckoning of his estate. Since it is in so evil hands, prays Cecil to direct him in a way whereby he may live without scandal, to some public or private use, till by course of time he may repair the errors of his youth.—May 29, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 90.)
The Commissioners at Bristol to the Privy Council.
1602, May 29. We have now taken a view of the last shire of all those men that are to be transported to Cork, and oftentimes reviewed the rest of the troops brought out of the several counties by your Lordships' orders. This last shire hath proved worst in bad men, and though unwilling to trouble you with complaints, we think ourselves engaged to acquaint you what intolerable hindrances are offered to the service. Your Honours appointed 12 shires to bring 800 able men to Brystowe, and from thence to be transported to Cork. We protest, excepting some two or three shires, there was never man beheld such strange creatures brought to any muster. They are most of them either old, lame, diseased, boys or common rogues. Few of them have any clothes; small, weak, starved bodies, taken up in fairs, markets and highways to supply the places of better men kept at home. If there be any better than the rest, we find they have been set forth for malice, as shall appear by some examinations we have taken and sent you. Most of all the indentures be rased, altered and strangely used. We have done what we could to help the weakness of the troops by putting able men into silly creatures' places, but in such sort as they cannot start or run away. In a book inclosed, your Honours may perceive some of the faults committed. The 26th of this month, there was committed by the Gloucestershire men a great mutiny, and if we had not suddenly prevented it, the danger might have been troublesome. The course we took was to seem careless of their strength, and by violence to overrule them. We took first one out of troop and committed him, commanding all the rest to their quarters. The whole company, set on by one lewd fellow, protested they would die but they would have their fellow again, but we took him that was ringleader and carried them both to prison. The rest made a show of going to their quarters, but waited their opportunity and set upon the officers that were guarding the prisoners, but were beaten back and another of their chiefs taken. Having no martial law, we thought good to make them believe we had, caused a “jwbitt” [gibbet] to be set up, and kept all that night strong guards, and sent a preacher to the prisoners to prepare themselves to die in the morning, which they did believe. When the time was come, we brought them to the place of execution with halters about their necks, and caused them to go up the ladder, all the troops standing by. After they had said their prayers and expected no life, we caused them to be “bedyed,” which example we hope will do much good, for now are they very quiet. The occasion was because they might not have money to pay for their “mashing” and the mending of their shoes when they list. If your Lordships thought it fit, in respect this city of Bristow is the rendezvous for great troops, to have martial law given to the Mayor and some other, it would keep all mutinous soldiers in awe and make them careful of giving base offences or running away.—From Brystowe, 29 May.
Signed :—Wm. Vawer, mayor; Ed. Wynfield, Samuel Norton. Endorsed :—“1602.” Seal. 2 pp. (184. 30.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 30. I have written my answer for my defence to the Council, which I am bold to send to you, praying not only you will be pleased to cause it to be read, but also give it your favourable construction, and I make no doubt there will appear very much mistaking, both of the Lords' letter to me, and also of my certificate, etc.
I wrote of late unto you to clear myself of a wicked slander, and now I do add that I protest in verbo sacerdotis, that I never wrote, spoke, or thought any evil against you. I have received divers favours and courtesies at your hands, which I acknowledge with all thanks, and have showed with gladness to my friends divers of your short, pithy and kind letters to me, which I keep (as worthy to be kept) among others from her Majesty, from your worthy father, and some other honourable friends. And can I degenerate so much from all humanity as to render evil for good? God hath blessed you with singular gifts, and also with her Majesty's most gracious favour. Therefore I pray you give me leave to admonish you not to be credulous in believing the first tale. You are a judge in divers great courts, and I also, among others, have been a judge in this Council many years, and sometimes very hard it is to find out the truth; as for example, A putteth in his bill into the court, B putteth in his answer, A his replication, B his rejoinder, A his rebutter, B his surrebutter (if I miss not the words of art). After, witnesses are examined on both sides, published and read, and yet sometimes the Council cannot discern whether to decree with A or dismiss B. Whereby it doth appear that much error and danger also may grow by giving credit to the first tale. It is good counsel that Saint Paul giveth to Timothy, not to admit an accusation against an Elder, Priest or Bishop, but under two or three witnesses. As for my Lord your brother, I make no doubt but that he and I shall be good friends, when sycophants shall be known to sycophantise, and to abuse his good nature. Beseeching God to bless you with His manifold graces, that you may long serve our most gracious Sovereign in the steps of your noble father.—Bishopthorpe, 30 May, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (93. 91.)
Sir Edward Wynfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. With much ado, has almost patched up his number, lest the wind should come fair; but if the supplies come in time, he purposes to cull out almost 200 men, and then, he hopes, the troops will be strong and full of good men. His despatch to the Lords will show his proceedings, and he hopes the course now taken will warn the negligent. There was never less corruption used, for he dare swear none of his followers have taken a penny, though they would fain have followed the fashion, for he has been moved to tolerate that course; but he has utterly denied it, protesting that if he heard of any offering of money, or taking money for changing of men, he would complain to the Lords of the takers. His captains are much discontented at the preciseness of the course he holds, and after he is gone, he knows not how he may be dealt with by those he has complained of, and therefore makes this protestation to Cecil. Has sent to the Council divers examinations, and a letter to William Croch, Lord Bindon's man, conductor for Dorset, wherein Cecil will see how peremptory the lieutenants are in their commandments, notwithstanding they know Cecil's pleasure. Prays Cecil to remember the letter to the Lord Deputy for him, for he is going with the first wind.—Brystow, 31 May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (93. 92.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. Has sent to Lord Nottingham a letter wherein he both bemoans himself of his ill hap, and has set down reasons to satisfy her Majesty touching the sinister information she has received against Mr. Charles Foxe, father of his (Leighton's) nephew, touching not only his dishonesty but his baseness of blood, which extends to the son : which hinders the Queen's favour to him, in gracing his nephew at his request. Has also sent a pedigree of the young gentleman for seven descents. Begs Cecil to inform himself thereof, and obtain what favour he can for him.—Feckenham, 31 May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 93.)
Sir John Vaughan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. Of the untrue and slanderous articles preferred by his enemies against him, of speeches surmised to be spoken by him against Cecil. Protests his innocence thereof, and begs the continuance of Cecil's favour.—Goulden Grove, last of May, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (93. 95.)
Christofer Reitlinger to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. Although it has pleased God to place him here in a station far beyond his strength and sufficiency (and what assistance God gave him therein he refers to the Emperor's gracious letters testimonial), yet he will never neglect his duty to her Majesty, and will perform any service for her or the public good that Cecil may enjoin him to. There is no potentate in the world that more highly esteems and more affectionately regards the Queen than this mighty monarch of all Russia; and being the like assured from her Majesty, the Emperor was the more willing to make choice of him to succeed his late deceased physician. If Cecil will make her Majesty acquainted therewith, he doubts not but it will be sufficient excuse for any fault by him unwittingly committed, and that she will recall him and deliver him out of the golden fetters he is here bound in, to enjoy once again the sight of so precious a jewel, etc.—From this great city of Mosco, last of May, 1602.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Christopher Reilinger, Physician to the Emperor of Russia.” 2 pp. (93. 96.)
Robert King to [the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil].
[? 1602, May 31.] The 15th of April, the 12 galleons arrived at St. Lucus, esteemed 13 millions for the King and so much for the merchants, and 8,000 Roves cochenelo.
There are eight galleys which were ready the last of May, I mean the new style, of the Delantados II., which he had, whereof seven were in the port St. Mary, two in St. Lucus, and two in Syville. Spindelo is general for Sluce. The Delantado would not obey the King's first provision. They are to bring 3,000 men. There are soldiers raised in the kingdom of Valencia and Morris and Barcelona and other, which is thought to pass for Naples.
The Vize Rey of Valyncyal goes Vize Rey of “Naplne” [? Naples].
What I write is true. Duty binds me to write, hoping you will pardon me. Yet I had vowed never to write to nobleman the last year for the Irish action. I thought my intelligence might have been left for divers others. The Q[ueen] hath I never served for money. God I take to record. Newly coming ashore, and want of rest this six days, I cannot write at large, but Mr. Mayor of other ordinaries has writ.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“King to my L. Ad. and me.” 1 p.
Richard Calphill to Sir R. Cecil.
[1602,] May 31. Having been sent from Sir William Monson with a flyboat of Hanbrowe, which he took not far from Cape Sacre, bound for St. Lucars, I am arrived this Sunday safe in Catwater. Here I have advised with Mr. Stalens [Stallenge], finding in him no power to discharge me, but very careful that things may be well husbanded and safely kept until we shall be by you further directed. Being extremely weakened with sickness, so as I cannot use such haste as is looked for in these cases, I thought good to send the letters I had in charge to deliver unto the Lord Admiral and you with my own hands before me, myself using all such speed as my weakness will give me leave to attend you in person. In the mean season I have sent you the examinations of those mariners and passengers which we took aboard her, keeping the bag of letters which we found with myself, because the post cannot conveniently carry them. I refer all things touching this prize to Mr. Stallens' relation.—Plymouth, the last of May.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1602”; and by Cecil, “K. to me.” 1 p. (93. 98.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. Yours of the 26th, concerning the report of John Beveridge, a Scot, that came lately from Luxbone, I received on the 29th, whereby I perceive he has given you cause to enter into a further course with him for his better trial touching his purpose of intelligence either with or against this State. Accordingly, I have sent him up to you with this bringer, my servant. His speedy despatch is not much pleasing to him. I have found his necessity such that he could hardly furnish himself for this journey. In the end, by means I made to his creditors, I suppose he is able to defray his charge. Wishing him his due desert for his lewd reports.—Towstocke, last of May, 1602.
Signed. 1 p. (93. 99.)
Marmaduke Servant, Thomas Tickeridge, William Man, Ed. Dowbleday, Robert Gouldinge and Thomas Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. Whereas Abraham Merricke and others, the inhabitants of Lambeth, have petitioned you to cause the Surveyor for the highways of Westminster to repair the bank that leads from Westminster to the horse ferry boat, and you have directed us to consider what is to be done on our part : we find that the inhabitants of Westminster have not been charged therewith heretofore, but they which have the profit of the ferry have usually repaired the bank, and have had licence of the late Dean of Westminster to dig gravel in Tutthill for the repair, they paying for the digging and carrying, and have at sundry times brought “furrs” [? furze] and other stuff from Lambeth to repair the same.
The farmers of the ferry have heretofore made like suit to your father, who has taken notice of their unjust request, and being satisfied therein, gave them answer accordingly.—Westminster, last of May, 1602.
Signed as above. Endorsed :—“Burgesses of Westminster.” 1 p. (93. 100.)
The petition above referred to :
About two years past a petition was delivered to you touching the reparations of the bank that leads from Westminster to the horse ferry boat, which by your good means was then somewhat mended, but yet in such slender manner as that the same is still in winter time in many places unpassable; and moreover the bank is so exceedingly annoyed by reason of the mill ditch there adjoining, and the spring tides, that if you be not a means for redress, no subject can have passage that way. For that the bank is in the parish of Westminster, we beseech you to cause the Surveyors for the highway of Westminster to repair the bank.
Undated. 1 p. (93. 101.)
W. Stallenge to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31. On Saturday Captain Calfild arrived in Causon Bay with a flyboat of Hamborough, sent from Sir William Monson, and this last day he brought her into the harbour, and delivered me Sir W. Monson's letter, whereupon I caused the hatches to be nailed up, and sent a man aboard till your pleasure be known. The ship has been already pillaged and a great part of her goods taken out, but Captain Calfild says the same was done by the companies of two barks, the Plough of this town and the [blank] of Lyme.
[Describes the lading, and the disposal of the crew.] Sir W. Monson writes of another bark laden with hides and ginger, which on Thursday entered the Channel, but is not arrived here. If I understand of her arrival in these Western parts, I will order the goods to be put in safety.
There are here the companies of two carvells, besides 36 Englishmen that brought in the flyboat, and those that come on the other bark. Most of them are of Bristol and other places, and many sick, and such as were sent from the fleet for their insufficiency. It may please you to give order, they may receive their pay, and be licensed to depart for their dwellings. So long as they are here unsatisfied, they will still exclaim. The 8 Dutchmen also remain at her Majesty's charge, for according to Sir W. Monson's order, they are dismissed from the ship, and have no other means to maintain them.
The corn and hides brought home by Captain King are of no great value, and will take hurt by lying, besides the charge that will grow by keeping. I pray order what shall be done therewith.
As Captain Calfild reports, the flyboat is very leaky, and not sufficient to go from hence with her goods, wherefore, whether she prove good prize or not, the safest way will be to land the goods in some fit rooms, taking a note thereof without opening anything. It would be much more for her Majesty's profit that the like course were held for anything that shall be so brought in, for aboard the ships there can be no safe keeping.
The carvell attends still the wind for the carriage of your letters to Sir Richard Leveson.
I have just received a letter from Mr. William Trefrye, of the 29th inst., whereby I understand the other bark is arrived at Foye, 30 tons burden, having in her 1,500 hides and 15 hundredweight of ginger. I intend to send my man thither to take order for the goods and company, who are 7 Englishmen and 3 Spaniards.
At this instant I received the letter that goes herewith from Mr. Mayor, which, as he says, is of great importance.—Plymouth, last of May, 1602.
Holograph. 2 pp. (93. 102.)
The Magistrates of Stade to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602, May 31/June 10. We learn from the report of our secretary, Master Reiner Langius, of your good will towards us, and are sending you by the next ship a vase filled with sturgeon as a testimony of our gratitude.
We have despatched to King Otho the letters from the Queen of England by our secretary. Meantime, the Imperial legate, the baron Erenfrid von Minquitz, is at Aurich with Eynon Count of East Friesland, and desires that our secretary may be sent to him, to inform him of his journey into England, and on other points. Accordingly, the Secretary returned from Harburg and proceeded to Aurich, whence the Imperial commissary has now returned to the Imperial Court, all having passed off well.
We will let you know of future events more fully.—10 June, 1602.
Latin. Seal. 1½ pp. (93. 123.)
Duplicate of the above.
Latin Seal. 1½ pp. (93. 124.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[C. May, 1602.] Begs Cecil to cause the enclosed packet to be covered and sent. It is from Mr. Baptist Hicks, touching the man now in trouble in Scotland named Dethik, who was Hicks' factor in Italy, and has not yet cleared his accounts with Hicks. Dethik is a very honest man.
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (93. 15.)
Daniel Archedeacon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, May.] Begs Cecil's help to obtain the return of a sum of 30l. he lent to Thomas Leedes, of Wapingthorne, Sussex, above six years ago.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“May, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 103.)
Richard Wingfeild to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1602, May.] Encloses a petition sent him by his father on behalf of John Toomes, chirurgion, under whose hands his father now is in a desperate cure. If the petitioner would have been content with the value of the suit, Cecil should not have been troubled; but he seems more to affect Cecil's letter than the effect of it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“May, 1602.” 1 p. (93. 104.)
— to the Officers of the Custom House.
1602, May. Is informed by Mr. Secretary's deputies that he has made very small profit this year by his farm, and that they cannot prevent frauds because the Book of Orders is not observed, and the officers daily appoint ships from Zeland, Amsterdam, and other places (wherein there is fine wares) from her Majesty's quays to other by-quays and wharves, to his great loss. The officers are therefore required to appoint all ships coming from the rivers of Elve or Emes, Amsterdam or any other part of Zeland (in which the Secretary's commodities are especially brought) to be discharged at her Majesty's quays; and to command all masters and pursers to deliver a true content of their lading, and all merchants to deliver a bill of entry of all goods inwards, with mark and number, as they likewise do to the collector, without which the deputies cannot judge wherein the frauds are hidden and coloured.—From my house at Salisbury Court, May, 1602.
Draft in Munck's hand. 1 p. (93. 105.)
James Hudson to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1602, [May]. The King hath written a long earnest letter to her Majesty with his own hand in favour of Sir Hew. Hariss, requesting her for his sake to permit him liberty to come and go in this her kingdom as other of his people. He urges it for that he was one of the three that saved his life, and answers for him that he had nothing to do with Essex. The letter is three sides of paper, and should have been delivered by the L. of Newbottell, who is now at the Bath here in the county of Somerset, but now he hath sent one up here, with a letter to be sent to Sir Hew. Hariss, whereof he intends to have answer, else he will not come here to deliver it, and will stay till the 10th May for the answer, and no longer. It appears he would have some other matter to grace him with, being a councillor, or else some commission to deal in fitting some other design. It is he that was chief dealer when Sir Robert Ker (now L. Roxbrough) and Francis Mowbrae intended an employment and intelligence here and had appointed an agent here for this purpose.
[PS.]—Lord Newbotel's letter to Sir Hew. must go by the Lord Sankier, who hath carried the Duke de Nevers to see my Lady Hariss divers times, and hath been his convoy here in London. The King hath promised to be gossip to this child that the Lady Hariss is with now, and I think this Lord Newbotle will return before answer of his letter come.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1602.” 1 p. (184. 22.)
The Riots in Kesteven.
1602, [May or June.] Captain Lovell having undertaken the draining of Deeping Fen and Spalding Fen, partly in Holland and partly in Kesteven, being long delayed by the inhabitants of Kesteven, in Easter week last, at a solemn meeting at Spalding, in Holland, of divers knights and other gentlemen of other counties and of the county of Lincoln, the bounds of the two countries, Holland and Kesteven, were first agreed, and then the captain's third part divided and set out by metes and bounds, according to which bounds he set on workmen for the dividing of his third part from the other two, which continued until the 10th of May following, about some fortnight or thereabouts.
From the beginning of the work until the 5th of May (all which time William Lacy, a justice of peace dwelling in St. James', Deeping, bordering upon the fen, was not at home), there was no tumult or stir or any dislike shown. Upon the 5th of May, being Wednesday, Mr. Lacy came to Deeping : the next day, Thursday, and Friday, the women and people of St. James', Deeping, drew into companies and tumults, and the whole town was in such uproar in borrowing of shovels, spades, forks and weapons, that strangers and passengers did take knowledge, and carried the news into all parts of the shire, and word was brought hither to London to the captain on Sunday, the 9th of May, that they would cast down his ditches the morrow, being Monday, the 10th. They had first determined upon the Saturday, but being not furnished with tools and weapons, deferred it till the Monday.
Upon Monday the 10th of May, the women of St. James', Deeping, to the number of 197, besides men, some in women's apparel and some not, with weapons, forks, pikestaves, spades and shovels, went along by Mr. Lacy's door down into the fen three or four miles, where the captain's workmen were, beat them from their work, took away their tools, and wounded one of them very dangerously, and if strangers had not come by, they had slain him outright, and he was saved with much difficulty. Wounded as he was, they carried him to Deeping with them. All this while Mr. Lacy pretended sickness and ignorance, for that he took physic and kept his chamber.
The women returning with the captain's man brought him immediately to Mr. Lacy's house, where it was answered that Mr. Lacy was not within, and so was the man willed to be carried to the constable, and to be brought again two or three hours after. During which time Mr. Lacy, being at home indeed and not abroad, had some conference with some of them. And after was the captain's man carried by the constable to Mr. Lacy, who required surety of the peace of him, and because he had none present, committed him to the constable again, where he was kept and watched all night by men paid by the prisoner.
The next morning, two other of the captain's men coming to Deeping to bail their fellow, and to relieve him, the women and people there railed upon them, saying further, “They came for their fellow, but they should go without him”, taking knowledge, as it seemed, of Mr. Lacy's purpose. Notwithstanding, he was by them bailed, but when he required to have the peace against them which hurt him, Mr. Lacy denied him. They likewise required that they might have security to pass through that, and the other towns, to the fens, for themselves and their workmen, but Mr. Lacy told them they might go another way, whereas there is no other way but through those towns that made the tumult. They desired Mr. Lacy to take knowledge that the women of that town and other towns meant to come again upon Thursday or Friday after, which he said he would do, but did not.
Upon Friday, there came from Langtoft and Baston towns, next to Deeping, within two or three miles, 9 score women and odd, and did cast down a great deal of the captain's ditch on the north side of the fen, threatening further to burn his house, to drown his servants, and if they had himself, to cut off his head and set him upon a stake, and such like; and, if by good hap a gentlewoman had not come that way and dissuaded them from it and sent them back, they had burnt his house and done some great mischief. Upon all this, Mr. Lacy being within three miles, neither before nor after did anything.
Upon Saturday after, being the 15th of May, there came from Uffington, Tallington, Langtoft, Baston and the Deepings, three hundred and thirty women at the least, and did cast down a mile in length of the captain's ditches in a place called Cogisland in the parts of Holland, and these came down again by Mr. Lacy's door, and yet he never did anything for the preventing or hindering of them, or for the examination or enquiry who they were.
At Thurleby, a town near, by the example of these, the women gathered together to have done the like, but one Robert Taylor, a chief constable dwelling there, pacified them and stayed them. And being asked by Mr. Lambert after why he and other his fellows did not take the like order with the others, his answer was because the first companies had been before Mr. Lacy, whereby he thought that Mr. Lacy had taken order, and would have been offended if he and others should have meddled.
Upon Wednesday, the 19th of May, when the people had had their full scope and liberty and done what they would, Mr. Lacy, to colour his doings, having heard from London that your Honours and the justices of the country likewise being here had written down letters, did direct out warrants to the chief constables to suppress those tumults, himself, all this time from the 5th of May continually, having been at home and done nothing, and divers of the inhabitants reporting and telling Prudemore, the captain's man, that if it had not been for Mr. Lacy, they would never have stirred.
The justices of the country having appointed two several sessions for the enquiry of these riots, the one at Spalding, in Holland, then at Folkingham, in Kesteven, for that the riots were done, some in the one place some in the other, Mr. Lacy being no justice in Holland, came to Spalding, with a great number of his neighbours, the offenders' husbands, and almost filled the whole Sessions House. And for that in the indictment which contained almost two hundred names, there were very few known by their Christian names, but only set down “the wife of” such a man, Mr. Lacy being in court, was required by counsel, who gave evidence to the jury, that he would in furtherance of the Queen's service and discharge of his duty, help him with their Christian names, for that he dwelt among them, did know them and ought to have taken some examination of that matter, but he would not help him with any one name.
After, at Folkingham Sessions, Mr. Lacy took upon him to sit as a justice of peace, notwithstanding that he knew that at Spalding the bill of indictment was preferred against him as a procurer of all this stir; and brought neither examination nor name of any person, although he had been, as afore, required at Spalding. But further, where the bill of indictment at Folkingham was openly read, and did contain that the rioters did assemble by his procurement, yet did he still keep his place during all the evidence giving against the others; and then, preventing the counsel, who gave the evidence, he only slipped down upon his feet, putting off his hat, stood still in his place, and challenged the counsel to prove that he had preferred against him by way of embracery and open maintenance, often interrupting him in his evidence, whereby neither at the one Sessions nor at the other could any indictment be found against him, and, if it had not been for one justice, there had no name been known of any offender.
Signed. Endorsed :—“The certificate of Thomas Lovell, esquire. 1602.” 2 pp. (97. 71.)
Humfrey Dethicke to [the King of Scots].
[1602, May or June.] Declares his innocence of Popery and “athiesme.” He came hither, because, while abroad, others have deprived him of his inheritance and of the name of his house, which has continued since 200 years before the Conquest. Speaks of an enterprise which he undertook, with a nobleman of England, to surprise a place of the enemy's where were great riches : but the design was overthrown for this year. He came to Scotland intending either a renewal of that attempt, or else to undertake a merchant's voyage. Since his arrival, he has fallen into this misfortune, whereby he has wrecked his life. Prays the King to remember his present misery, either relieving him by free grace, or remitting him to a final trial. If the King wills that he dies in these irons, he will patiently endure it.
Undated. Copy in hand of Wyllis, Cecil's Secretary. 3 pp.
Covering letter, praying his correspondent to present the enclosed petition to the King. ½ p. Endorsed :—“Copy of Dethick's letter to the King of Scots.” (186. 21–3.)