Cecil Papers: January 1602, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1602, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp22-43 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1602, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp22-43.

"Cecil Papers: January 1602, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp22-43.

January 1602, 16–31

Sir Richard Martyn to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 16. The malice of Sir Thomas Knyvett towards me may now sufficiently appear. As he hath gotten one of mine offices, so he would dispossess me of the other; alleging that the patterns I preferred may be easily counterfeited, and proferring to make her Majesty's moneys for 100l. every thousandweight, as I understand from your Honour. For the easiness of counterfeiting, I utterly deny, seeing the perfectness of graving and their right sizing will hardly be done by any, and for his other offer, it is rather a malicious course to hinder me than a profit for her Majesty. I am sure it is far different from his word and promise to me at the yielding up of mine office to him. Having served as an officer in the Mint these 30 years, and having with much expense of time and money found out how her Majesty's coins may be made for the same charge they now are and yet far fairer, I beseech that Sir Thomas Knyvett's greatness may not bear me down in such things as properly belong to me.—From my house in Westcheap, London, this 16 of January, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (84. 71.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2,] Jan. 16. Our house will be ever bounden to you for your favours to myself and my son. As to the slanderous bill which Sir Thomas Posthumus Hobby is preferring against us before you and the honourable Council in the Star Chamber, I entreat you to suspend your judgment till the first of this term, when the cause is to be opened, and I shall be pressed in defence of my honour to present the true state of the cause to the open view of the world, which hitherto I have forborne to do in regard of yourself and some other of his friends. If it might stand with your liking to vouchsafe your presence then, I should be happy of so honourable trial.—Birdsall, the 16th of January.
Signed, “Ra Eure.” Seal. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1. p. (84. 72.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 16. I have received your kind letter. According to my direction I am returned in safety (I thank God) with H.M. ships to Plymouth. For my further employment, I will wait upon you to understand your pleasure.
The town of Kinsale in Ireland is delivered up to the Lord Mountjoy upon composition, and because I do presume that the general despatch of Ireland is not yet come to your hands, I send you a true copy of the conditions.—Plymouth, the 16th of Jan., 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir R. Luson.” Seal. ¾ p. (84. 73.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 17. The 17 of this month I sent a petition to her Majesty, which I would it had pleased her to have read, touching her own benefit. If she refused (a disgrace heavy to a poor servant of hers upon the point of 40 years) yet her Highness was not ill-conceited of me the 11th of this month. Did I deserve, Mr. Secretary, by my behaviour then, or doth the report thereof to her Majesty make her so offended with me? You may remember how I ventured my life for you to my Lord Borowe, the Lord Treasurer now is can witness. I beseech you let your poor friend past have just construction, though now an abject in the world, else with grief must I say, “Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem.”—Fleet, 17 Janua., 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (84. 74.)
Sir Robert Cecil to George Nicholson.
1601/2, Jan. 17. Mr. Nicholson. Because yourself can best discern by this time how ill I was used by him that would have borrowed ten pounds of you, as well by the substance of my letter lately written since I heard it, and penitent letters which you have sent me under his hand, I will use the fewer words now upon that subject; only this I think very fit to impart unto you upon receipt of his new letters, which is shortly this, that I have been so often bitten with the discontented humour of intelligencers when they have spent my money a good while and think I begin to find it, and so play me some slippery trick at farewell, as this fellow was about to do, that as soon as I understood from you of his proceedings, I kept no counsel of his loose dealing with me, but let it fall both to his uncle here how slippery he had used me, and to some others of his nation, a matter which now cannot be undone; and, therefore, I would have him know it, which when he doth, then he must thank himself. For when I saw such humour abound in him as not only to trifle away my money for his intelligence to little purpose, but even in the conclusion to complain I had not used him well, or say that I had employed him in private business of mine own, I did by way of prevention make known all my employments of him, both in Ireland for intelligence and elsewhere, knowing well that my conscience could not be accused before God or man for any other purpose than to do my country service. But now that I do see how he vows to have fallen into Scotland against his will when he should have gone elsewhere, and finding that he was in want by his riotous living, and that he is willing to redeem his fault by tarrying there where by his brother's means he may sometime come to know some of the Papist practices against this state, I am content to bear with his former weakness, and do like it well that you shall receive such letters as he shall write and send them me. And seeing my speeches of him in this kind were not secret, he may from henceforth the better hide himself thereby from being thought my Intelligencer, seeing I have here opened myself to discard him; and yet, as I said before, I only told his uncle in generals that he had used me ill to cozen me, seeing I had rewarded him as well after he went into Ireland, whence he brought me but idle intelligences, and that I had chargeably maintained him since in the Archduke's camp from whence sometime he wrote me truth, but often very many lies. This being the true circumstance, he need not suspect that I did particularize anything which he pretended to have done at Donluce in the North of Ireland, for I protest to God I never did direct him in it, so, to tell you true, I did never think that he had done that which he bragged of himself, at least he knows that I never gave him any such commission. When you have, therefore, let him see this, then tell him I leave him to his own free will, not desiring for my part to employ him more than I was when he first sought me, but leave him quiet and forgive him, and yet if he have any affection to do any honest endeavour, considering how idly he spent my money already, I do remit all, and desire you to give him quarterly ten pounds till I command the contrary, but let me give him this caution by the way, that he do not use any speeches of me as taking upon him to brag of his knowing my disposition to this way or that as all such companions do, for as it is true I have as few future ends as any man that lives, so I would wish myself buried when I should be so simple as howsoever I hear them whom I must employ for the service of the State to babble or prattle, yet to discourse myself to them of any matter of moment; no, I thank God, I hate that humour, although I think never poor man hath been oftener belied than I have been in such cases.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1601, Jan. 17. Minute from my master to Mr. Nicholson.” 4 pp. (84. 74/2.)
Charles Leigh and Thomas Norreis to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 19. We have taken a flyboat of Hamburgh which came from Scanderoon, laden, as we think, for Spaniards. The reasons we have sent herewith, when you have considered of, we doubt not but you will send to Hamburgh to enquire the truth before Peter Yoncker can use any means by intelligence to cross you. We are now bound to Cephalonia to victual the prize and to send her directly for England. We understand that Captain Griffen is dead in Tunis. And here are other English men-of-war which rob her Majesty's friends. Captain Crofton and Captain Governor have robbed a ship of Genoa of 4,500 pieces of eight. We understand they are gone to Candy, where we purpose to seek them out.—Aboard the Marigold, between Sicily and Cephalonia, this 19th of January, 1601.
Written by Leigh, signed by Leigh and Norreis. Seals. Endorsed by Cecil :—“1601. Ch. Leigh, Tho. Norreys, from the straights.” 1 p. (84. 78.)
The Enclosure :
Reasons to prove the Salvator, of Hamburgh, to be lawful prize.
After she was summoned sundry times by all fair means to take in her flag and to strike her topsails to her Majesty's ship, and persuaded for the space of an hour together to submit unto her Majesty's forces, yet she did still in contempt wear her flag, keep up her topsails, and stand on her guard, and in the end made all the resistance by force of arms she could.
She hath neither invoices, bills of lading, nor merchant's letters.
She came from Hamburgh, where many Spanish merchants are resident, to whom it is likely her goods appertained.
The several examinations of her purser and master prove an uncertainty that the goods should belong to Peter Yongkar, of Hamburgh. The master confessed that Peter Yongkar did make over his money from Hamburgh by exchange first for Venice and from thence for Florence, and the purser confessed that Estaven Nerrye, an Italian, did take up the money in Genoa by exchange for Peter Yongkar of Hamburgh. Both which confessions, as they are contrary, so they seem to be untrue, for it is not likely that Peter Yongkar would make over money by exchange which yieldeth no profit, whereas if he had sent commodities in the ship they would have yielded good benefit. It is more unlikely that an Italian in Florence would take up by exchange such a sum of money for a Dutchman in Hamburgh, who had neither servants nor goods in Italy, as the purser confesseth.
No Dutchman hath any lawful trade for any of the Turk's dominions : all Dutch ships go thither under French colours, and therefore it is unlikely that Dutchmen would adventure such a sum of goods in these parts.
John van Hoovan, a Dutchman resident in Marseilles, was a dealer for the lading of the ship. He tradeth for Sicily and Malta, as appeareth by his own letters taken in another ship (and shall be sent by the prize), and was confessed by Frenchmen taken this voyage to be a colourer of Spaniard's goods.
It is confessed by the purser and by the pilot, a Frenchman, that the same merchants in Aleppo, viz., Thomas van Strangh and Jeromye Rozo, which laded this ship, are factors to John van Hoovan, and they did at the same time lade another flyboat called the St. Sebastian for the said John van Hoovan, to be discharged in Malta. Whereby it is manifest that John van Hoovan is a colourer of Spaniard's goods, and those Dutchmen in Aleppo factors for the Spaniards; moreover, one of them, Jeromye Rozo, is cousin to the said van Hoovan.
It is confessed by the shipper in his examination that if he should put into Toulon or Marseilles he was to receive directions where to discharge or whither to carry his goods from the said John van Hoovan, which proveth that van Hoovan had to do both with the ship and goods which the purser in his examination utterly denieth.
One Samuel Mainard, an Englishman which was taken in his ship, offereth to be deposed that the gunner of the other flyboat, called St. Sebastian, told him that if his ship could not carry her whole lading, that then the St. Sebastian should take in the remainder, for that it was all one merchant's goods.
It is confessed by the purser that the shipper, Bernould Allers, came some five years since from Brasil with sugars bound for Lisbon, and that by the way he met with two English men-of-war with whom he had a great fight, and in the end escaped them. Whereby it appeareth that he is not only a transporter of Spaniards' goods, but a violent protector of them against her Majesty's subjects.
If the goods should not belong to Spaniards, yet I think they ought to be confiscated, because the ship did not only deny to obey her Majesty's commission, but maintained fight against her ships and authority.
We find among his papers a letter of favour under the seal of Hamburgh, directed to Peter Seviore, and the Adelantado of Castile to use him with kindness, which they promise to requite.
pp. (84. 76.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 20. I have received your letters for sending up of the Jesuit, which shall be done so soon as I can provide fit company for him.
As my business in providing victuals draweth to an end, I am forced to give my bills in my servant payable at London, in regard whereof I have written to my Lord Treasurer, and do also beseech you that Mr. Darell may be furnished with money to meet the same.—Plymouth, the 20th January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (84. 80.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 20. According to your letter of the first of this month, I have received 620l. to your use from the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and have delivered his Lordship's bond to the party who brought the money.
All the companies of soldiers, which were appointed to repair to this port by the 10th of this month, are now come hither, saving one hundred men from the county of Carmarthen, and fifty from Pembroke, and fifty also of the two hundred that were appointed to come from Gloucestershire.—Bristol, this 20th January, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (84. 81.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 21. I have received your letter of the 11th instant touching Master Thomas Carr and his servant Roger Muschamp, but before I received it Muschamp was departed from hence southward to you, whom I could not stay unless I would have kept him by force, so earnest he was to confirm his information, which causes me to think his complaint is rather of malice or to get some recompense, than of any other ground. I doubt not but when you hear him, you will take the best and consider honorably of the rest. I know you have all the news of Scotland sent you by Mr. Nicolson, otherwise I would have sent you the Irish petition thrown into the King's bedchamber, but I will mention the birth of another prince born the 18th of this month.
It were well that your Honour caused Sir John Stanhope to give the postmasters some check, that they have better regard of their service; your last letter of the 11th, although it was directed with all speed, did not reach me until the 20th, whereas letters can come in five or six days.—21 January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 90.)
Mary, Lady Herbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2,] Jan. 22. It is now some years since I commenced suit in her Majesty's Court of the Marches against three of my tenants for encroaching of a large part of commons within one of my poor lordships, which suit came to issue, witnesses examined of both sides, publication granted, and day appointed of hearing by the counsel there. In this interim of time, the defendants finding by their learned counsel the weakness of their title, shrouded themselves under the defence of one Mr. Owen Vaughten, now plaintiff, who was ever prone to oppose himself against me, took the tenancy upon him, procured an injunction out of her Highness' Court of Wards and Liveries for staying the cause in the Marches, then presently to be heard, called me by process from thence to declare my title, and by due course of law day appointed for this term to be heard before your Honour. As for the means whereby he wrought his purpose : he procured a “tennuer” of his own lands to be found and to hold of her Majesty but xl.s. a year and of Powes 20l. a year, whose land's records do witness his father acknowledged by fine the number of four score and fifteen thousand acres, the gentleman's years being about forty, and yet sueth not forth his livery. All which be apparent proofs that his intent was but to shadow his pretence under the protection of that honourable Court, to debar justice or enforcing me by excessive charge to surrender my right. The credit of his deponents suiteth with the rest of his proceeding, being his mercenary men and used for witnesses in all, or most, of his causes. The chief is a minister who for his qualities was thrust out of the ministry, the rest so mean as never employed in any service of her Majesty in sessions or otherwise. Neither himself by plea nor his witnesses by oath do entitle him in the lands in variance, but seeks to invest a third Lord, a stranger to them, who never challenged any property therein. If his full courses in this, with the rest of his sinister practices, were known to your Honour, I might be assured that he should be so terrified as his poor neighbours should feel less of his grievous oppressions, wherein he hath never ceased since my widowed state.—Poole Castle, the 22th of January.
Holograph. Signed, “Marye Herbert.” Seal. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (84. 82.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Cambridge University to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 22. Expressing their sense of the lofty qualities of his mind, their gratitude, etc. Have entrusted to Doctor Baron the task of further viva voce explanations relating to their concerns.—Datum e Senatu nostro undecimo Calendas Februarii.
Latin. Endorsed :—“1601.” (136. 88.)
The Earl of Bedford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 22. I heartily thank you for sending this bearer hither with that advertisement which may much concern me. Many can better deserve your love than myself, yet in desire I yield to none.—Chenies, Jan. 22, 1601.
Signed, “E. Bedford.” 1 p. (181. 91.)
Lord Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 23. The great good bargain that is made for the Queen about the paying of Irish debts, you know. All the doubt is that the same will come upon the exchange; for prevention of which I have devised as much as my conceit can imagine, and caused Mr. Solicitor to put the same into form. I pray you peruse it and add what you think fit.—23 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“With the contract between Mr. Dyllon and him.” Seal. ¼ p. (84. 86.)
Christopher Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 23. You were pleased at my request to procure my nephew Mr. William Yelverton a captaincy in Ireland, and upon the discharge of that company to provide him with another command. I hope her Majesty will have such success there as every day to need less service, but while there is any service of war fit for him, I trust my nephew may have your furtherance. It is his native country and he knows the country; his two brothers were slain and his whole living possessed by the rebels. For which reasons, as well as for his love to you, I ask your remembrance of him.—Serjeant's Inn, in Fleet Street, 23 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (181. 92.)
Richard Bancroft, Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 23. I send herewith such instructions as I have given the Preachers in London against to-morrow. For an introduction, I have deduced for them a short recital of some other points, which you will not, I hope, think impertinent, because otherwise the narration delivered me would have been for the purpose somewhat short. I have willed them to conclude with a short prayer of thanksgiving. I have required them to avoid all acerbity of speech, not forgetting to commend unto them the other observations mentioned by you.—My house in London, 23 January, 1601.
Signed, “Ric. London.” 1 p. (181. 93.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2,] Jan. 23. Under this cloud of her Majesty's heavy indignation my soul is in torment to see how I have charged my friends, brought into extremity myself my wife and children, and (which of all “wothers” is most grievous to me) lost the bright light of her Majesty's favour, being bereaved of all manner of means save my poor endeavour to recover it. But of all those I am most bound to under God and her Majesty, I must acknowledge your Honour the chiefest, and I “beche” you to accept this confession not as if I only meant to serve my own turn, but as coming from an honest and free heart, though the body be captive, nor shall any fortune make me to go against myself in this; and when by your favour (for without I will neither seek nor hope for anything) I shall be free, you will find you never bestowed your love on any man more faithful. My desire is to spend the little remnant of my life in the service of my Queen and Country, so that I may ransom my error towards both, but if it be not possible to remove her Majesty's heavy indignation from me, whereby I shall be forced to seek my fortune out of my native country, I “beche” you it may be accomplished with what expedition be thought convenient. I have begged my uncle Sir Thomas Gorges and my wife to wait upon you, that you may remember my miserable estate, being over chargeable to my friends, and forced to see my wife and children ready to starve.—Charlton, Jan. 23.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 2 pp. (181. 94.)
Viscount Byndon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 24. I am sorry to be misjudged by you, in whose assistance princely power could only command my further service in fruitless labours. The detaining of my evidence I cannot take to be meant for the pleasuring of any other, yourself knowing my purpose in giving Byndon to one who loves you as your best friends. More than renewed with the comfortable news now at this instant delivered unto me touching the yielding up of Kinsale to the Lord Deputy.—Byndon, the 24 of January, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “T. Byndon.” Seal. ¾ p. (84. 83.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, and Samuel Norton to the Lords of the Council.
1601/2, Jan. 24. According to your letters of the 22nd of this month, I have caused the horse remaining here to be stayed, being eleven in number, and their riders, the schedule whereof I send herewith. I have charged the innholders, in whose houses they are, to see them and their furniture carefully retained until further direction. These horse and men have remained here at her Majesty's charge from the 10th November in the morning, and have been twice at sea and by stormy weather returned. Divers of them were returned insufficient by the Earl of Thomond and Captain Banckes, but were allowed of afterwards by those whom you appointed to view them in London. I have received, as may appear in my last account, for their transportation at the rate of 2l. 6s. for a horse and his rider, also for their victualling in the city until the 8th day of December, and for their victualling at sea for 10 days : all which, together with their charge since the said 8th day of December, I will present in my next account. William Chocke, gentleman, appointed by the Earl of Thomond for the conduction over of those horse and others to be brought hither, hath divers times applied to me for his charges, but I have no warrant from you to disburse them. According to your letters of the 20th of this month, I have sent back all the companies from London, Huntingdon, Pembroke, Wilts, Glamorgan, Cardigan, Radnor, Brecknock, Monmouth, Carmarthen and Worcestershire. I will discharge all other companies that are to be returned, saving some that are reserved for the supply of such as are wanting of the County of Gloucester. I have delivered to every conductor money for the conduction of the men home, and charged him to deliver the men to the commissioners from whom they were received. The arms of divers counties have been taken into my custody, but the coats only of those soldiers which remained here to be sent home, because some of the others came to this city from the counties in their apparel, having no other change, and the rest have sold their old apparel, so that to take any more from them would leave them naked.—At Bristol, the 24th of January, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601. Jan. 23.” 1½ pp. (84. 85.)
The Enclosure :
The list of the eleven horses with their riders remaining in the city of Bristol.
Signed. 1 p. (84. 84.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 25. This day I do send the Jesuit from hence with Robert Browne, one of the messengers of her Majesty's Chamber, who being here on some other business for his friends, hath taken on him this charge at my entreaty. His pains and charges I leave to your consideration.
I could not fit the Jesuit in any company that goeth to the Term, and my own man cannot well be spared.
The victual for her Majesty's ships shall be all ready as soon as they can take it in, if I be not hindered for want of money.
The victuals for Ireland is aboard ship, but tarryeth here for lack of wind.
I suppose H.M. ships here will not be all grounded until the next spring, although Mr. Trevor useth therein all possible diligence.—Plymouth, the 25th of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 87.)
Wm. Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 25. Enclosing quittance of Wm. Greves for 620l. paid to him by Cecil's order, being money received from the Bishop of Bath and Wells.—Bristol, the 25th January, 1601.
Holograph. Postal endorsements :—Bristol, 25 Jan., 9 p.m. Marshfield, midnight. Calne, 3.45 a.m., 26th Jan. Marlborough, 7.30 a.m. Newbury, 12 noon. Reading, 4 p.m. Hounslow, 9 p.m. Seal. 1 p. (84. 88.)
William Bramble, Mayor of Poole, and William Hiley, Preacher of the Word, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 26. Enclosing the examination of a servant of Mr. Edward Gorge, named Richard Barret, found to be in possession of a brass crucifix. So far as they can learn, they find him a dutiful subject.—Poole, the 26th January, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (84. 89.)
The Enclosure :
Examination of Barret, taken 19 January, 1601.
He obtained the crucifix by gift from the wife of William Bachelor, of the parish of the Savoy, living in the Strand, near Cecil House, about two months past. Examinate acknowledges the Queen's supremacy and abhors all popish trash and trifles.
Signed by Bramble and Hiley. 1 p. (84. 90.)
Sir John Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Jan. 26.] May I be joined in the commission of lieutenancy with the Mayor of the city of Bristol, as my late predecessor of the Constableship of the Castle of Bristol hath ever been; to be assistant to the Mayor for the allowing of all such soldiers, armour and munition as shall be embarked hereafter at that port for her Majesty's service? The especial reasons that move me to trouble you in this suit are these. There be three assistants out of Somerset with the said Mayor, and none out of Gloucestershire. Secondly, the Castle of Bristol standeth in Gloucestershire; and my predecessor of the said Castle hath been ever hitherto joined a lieutenant with the Mayor in the said service; so that I shall be in some sort disgraced if I may not attain to the same preeminence. Moreover, being the Queen's servant, I shall be ever ready to inform you of every particular service done there, and being a Commissioner for Gloucestershire, my service shall be very convenient to supply defects, while the grant of my request will encourage me in her Majesty's service.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. 26 Jan. Mr. Waade to be spoken with concerning this matter.” Seal. 1 p. (84. 92.)
Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 26. Requesting Cecil's presence in the Star Chamber on the morrow, when the rude and savage wrongs and injuries inflicted on Sir Thomas by Lord Eure's family are to be considered.—This 26th of January, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “T. Posth. Hoby.” Seal. 1 p. (84. 94.)
Sir John Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 26. I have caused the clerks to search how far the process was passed against Sir John Haydon. The exigent against him was delivered to the Sheriff of Middlesex at the end of Michaelmas term last, and he cannot be out-lawed till near about the 25th day of March next, so as now there is no apt mean to help him from being corrupted in blood, unless a pardon may be before that time gotten, or that he surrender before that time to the Sheriff of Middlesex, which, if he do, and it be true that he has so served against the enemy as is stated, will be a great motive to the Queen somewhat to mitigate the just cause of offence she has against him. I had advertised you of this yesterday, but that first after dinner I examined a merchant, who by chance finding Patrick the Irishman to be in prison in her Majesty's Bench, hath discovered him to be a most wicked wretch and traitor.—Serjeant's Inn, 26 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (181. 95.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 26. At the suggestion of Anthony Atkinson, now or late searcher of this port, they are impleaded in the Exchequer on a bond of 2,000l. made, as is surmised, in the time of Edward the 6th, concerning their castle and blockhouse, which bond Atkinson maliciously infers is forfeited. Details of a previous cause relating to the same bond. They pray Cecil to hear Mr. John Lister, the bearer, one of their burgesses at the last Parliament, on the matter.—Hull, 26 Jan., 1601.
Signed by Marmaduke Hadylsa, Mayor, and others. Much damaged. (213. 18.)
[Roger Manners,] Earl of Rutland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2,] Jan. 27. This great taste of favour it has pleased her Majesty to give me by increasing my liberty must, under her, come from the bounty of your noble affection to me, so that now I am made a free man to follow my own business. How great a favour I feel this, I wish you could look in my heart and see. Now that I am a free man my purpose is, after I have settled my wife and family in my own house, to come up for three weeks to see you and to settle some part of my business; of which determination I crave your opinion.—Uffington, 27 Jan.
Holograph. Signed, “Rutland.” Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (181. 97.)
Sir Robert Cecil to [George] Nicholson.
1601/2, Jan. 28. Since the last despatch from the L. Deputy of Ireland the wind hath not served to bring us any more from him, neither hath it served to rid away the caterpillars into Spain. But by my next I hope to certify their departure, they attending nothing but the favour of the wind. From Ostend, since the parley and the last assault, we have heard nothing, for the passage out of that town is not so easy as ships are willing to adventure but in cases of necessity, it being incredible to imagine what means the Archduke useth to stop up the new haven, by raising such gabionados and cavaliers for his artillery, whereby to command all entering, as the like hath not been seen in any siege. Nevertheless, such is the providence and wisdom of that government, as when the Archduke shall have spent both time and charge upon all those works, another entry shall be opened to receive supplies of men and victual, so as I doubt not but this shall prove to him a bitter siege, although on the other side it lieth heavily on the States to consume so many men and such provisions to defend the same, neither is it a little charge to the Queen, whose hand is not sparing therein. But we must not desist. For if we can still engage and waste that army which is the garland of Spain before that place, he will be at little ease to think of other enterprises; it being sufficient reason for us to value that port at a high price, seeing he could be contented to purchase it at so dear a rate. To be short, considering the seat of that town, how much it annoys all the province, for defence whereof he continually maintained 5000 men in forts to block it before it was besieged, and how fitly also it stands to annoy England, it is easily discerned what is his object. I send you a pamphlet written by a principal captain of Ostend, wherein you shall see a true relation of all the proceedings. The style is but coarse, neither should it have passed in all things as it doth if I had seen it, but such is the greediness of printers as they will never refuse anything that is brought to the press. And thus having imparted to you as much as is fit for you to deliver, &c.
The gratuity is paid, and, I think, Mr. Fowles upon his departure.
Draft with a few corrections by Cecil. Endorsed :—“M[inute] to Mr. Nicholson. 28 January 1601.” 3½ pp. (180. 14.)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 28. This bearer, Sir Hamden Poulet, my Lord's kinsman, holding place of deputy lieutenant in that County, hath been of late highly wronged in his reputation by William St. John esquire, by sundry most unfitting terms by him in public delivered. And for that this cause is now commanded before yourself and the rest of the Privy Council, I desire that you will afford the gentleman your furtherance so far as the honesty of his action shall deserve. Your ever well-wishing niece.—From my house, this 28 January, 1601.
Holograph, Signed, “Lucie Winchester.” Seal. 1 p. (84. 97.)
Robert Milner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 28. Mr. Parsons in disposing of your moiety of the parsonage of Martock [Somerset] hath but built on my foundations. I beseech you to remember that in addition to my charges in that matter, for the payment whereof I am thankful, I had a gelding foundered, and to take me as one of your retainers that my liberty may be enlarged whereby to reduce my business to a head, and so yield every man his own, and draw to myself what others have long unjustly detained from me. There are three small manors in Cornwall, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, which if your Honour could deal for, I could make you a great gainer. There is a pretty manor also in Dorsetshire not yet gone.—This 28th of January, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (84. 98.)
Ralph Graye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 29. I received this letter the 29 of January at 2 in the morning from the Master of Gray, which I send your Honour herewith. The Master is watchfully espied at by his enemies, and the King is so animated against him that he keeps quiet. The Duke of Lennox accounts himself to have been well used in England, but is very discontented with France. Bothwell is dealing to come into Scotland. My lady hath been at my Lord Home. The Queen is falling in new dislike of Mar, and the Treasurer, Sir George Home, with the Controller.—This 29 of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 101.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 29. Your former letters went to sea on Saturday the 23 of this month, and I doubt not but they recovered their port, or else Youghall, for otherwise they were to return to Padstow. Three months past I shipped 900 quarters of oats, 200 of them being in the Heardsman of Fowey, which ship was driven into Wales and came thence to Padstowe. She being too deep, I took ashore 10 tons of oats mostly wet. These oats I believe to have arrived. I likewise sent 250 quarters from the Mount, and another 130 in a small bark; both of these last are arrived. I hear that the Christopher Hosanna is in Scilly with 400 quarters, and I am now shipping 1200 quarters more. I beseech you that a more speedy course may be had for your letters, this last packet was 7 days before it came to my hands.—Exeter, this 29 of January, 1601.
Holograph, Endorsed :—“A certificate of what oats he hath shipped for Ireland.” Seal 1 p. (84. 102.)
Thomas Sachevill to John Spilman, esquire, her Majesty's jeweller.
1601/2, Jan. 29. I desire you to be a mean to Sir Robert Cecil for licence for me to export and buy 200 bows and 1000 arrows for the Landgrave of Hesse, in like manner as Mr. Browne had some four years since.—This 29th of January, 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (84. 103.)
Alderman John More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 30. I forward four pounds of hard sealing wax. I am employed in delivering the goods out of the six Dutch ships which her Majesty and you have given us order for.—This 30 January, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (84. 104.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 30. I understand that Thomas Stone, of Trevigo in the parish of St. Minford, Cornwall, her Majesty's tenant, is not like to live long. In regard whereof, I most humbly pray for the wardship of his son.
Her Majesty's ships the Warspite and the Nonpareil are both graved. The Garland and the Defiance, Mr. Trevor intendeth not to ground, but to careen. So soon as they are fitted under water and in hold, I will lade their victuals.—Plymouth, the 30 January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (84. 105.)
Auditor John Hill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 30. Of the manor of Tring, I can say no more than is contained in this brief enclosed, taken out of a Record de anno xxxvijmo Regis Henr. viijvi., in the custody of Mr. Mynterne, amongst the records of the late Court of Augmentations. The manor should be surveyed. Particulars have very lately been delivered of the offices of bailiff and steward.—In London, this 30 of January, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (84. 106.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Chester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 30. Enclosing, in answer to Cecil's letter of the 21st, examinations relative to the outrage committed by Robert ap Morgan on the postboy.—Chester, the 30th day of January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (84. 107.)
The Enclosure :
Examinations taken at Chester the eight and twentieth day of January, 1601, before John Ratclyff, Mayor, and the Aldermen.
Robert ap Morgan, labourer, servant to Ethley Cadwallader, of Careckerudyon, widow, admits having ridden in to Chester on the 8th January, and having met the postboy William Francis riding in the opposite direction at Handbridge. They passed very close, but he did not touch the boy, although his horse may have done so. He set up his horse at Kenrick ap Jevan's, and went on to a certain tailor's, where he was apprehended. Asked whether he had been a football player, or accustomed to “ride at the Wynton” at weddings, he denied the same.
John Richardson, of Handbridge, saw both parties riding very fast, but did not see the collision. The boy's leg was broken. John Breanes deposes to the same effect. Margaret Pemberton, spinster, aged 20, deposes that William Frauncis, son to John Frauncis, Postmaster of Chester, rode post through Handbridge : and seeing the man that afterwards hurt him come riding towards him, took his horn in his hand and set to his mouth to have blown; but the man jostled him with his horse and did not shrink out of the way. And so the postboy being passed by him cried and said he was hurt. Then Hugh Sweane took the boy's horse by the head at John Smith's door, and stayed him, else the boy, by reason of the hurt, had fallen off his horse. Hugh Sweane says he stopped the boy's horse. He had previously seen ap Morgan put out of his way a horse with panniers. Richard Leigh, of Chester, surgeon, deposes that the boy's leg was badly broken. Richard Barrowe the same day saw ap Morgan put two boys that did ride upon horses with panniers beside the pavement. John Owen saith that Thomas Vaughan, gentleman, who dwelleth near Dolgelly, wrote to deponent to have procured Robert ap Morgan discharged.
Signed. 4 pp. (84. 100.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to King James VI. of Scotland.
[1601/2,] Jan. 30. Letter commencing, “It is the property of the Creator to accept.”
Endorsed :—“A letter to 30 in Jan.” [Printed in extenso, see Camden Soc. Publications, O.S. LXXVIII. p. 28.] (135. 72–75.)
Anthony Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 31. The Lords of the Council have bestowed a company of this employment upon me and recommended me to the Deputy of Ireland in her Majesty's name (for a company next in his Lordship's gift). I pray I may hold this company in Ireland, which with so great a charge I have hitherto borne.—Bristol, 31 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 3.)
The Lieutenancy of Bristol.
[1601/2, Jan.] The Commission of Lieutenancy in Bristol concerneth only the taking of muster and training of the able men of that city, and the providing of armour and munition for them there, which hath been performed only by the Mayor as deputy lieutenant to the late Earl of Pembroke, who was Lieutenant of Somerset, Wilts and Bristol, being a county of itself. His Lordship had not the Lieutenancy of Bristol in respect of the Constableship of the Castle, neither was there ever any Constable of that Castle joined with the Mayor in that or any other service to be done in Bristol at any time. The viewing and allowing of soldiers, armour and munition, to be transported from thence for her Majesty's service, hath been performed from time to time by special letters from the Lords of the Council to the Mayor there, and to Mr. Samuel Norton and other gentlemen of the county of Somerset, and not by the Commission of Lieutenancy in Bristol. In which letters hereafter to be written for like service, it were as requisite that some gentlemen of the county of Gloucester should be in Commission with the Mayor as those of Somersetshire, so that there might be soldiers punished in both counties when they escape or disorder themselves.
Unsigned. ½ p. (84. 93.)
James Hudson.
1601/2, Jan. Warrant for James Hudson to be freed from the payment of all subsidies, fifteenths, etc., in the county of Durham, in consideration of his services as agent of the King of Scotland upon the Border.—At Whitehall the — of Jan., 1601.
Draft unsigned. 1 p. (85. 2.)
Lamoral, Count d'Egmont to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. The friends of a gentleman named Balche, who quitted my service since I came to England, intending to go to France with another person, have asked me to write to you about him. He has served me very well, and is the son of an honest and learned gentleman who desires to dedicate his books to the Queen, and has been in the service of the States for twenty-five or thirty years as captain of horse or Serjeant-Major of the town of Lochon, where his eldest son now acts for him. I hear that he is now arrested in some town in England, and am very glad to write to you on his behalf. “Ce—de Jenvier.”
French. Signed, “Lamoral degmont.” Endorsed :—“Jany., 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 88.)
Capture of Kinsale.
1601/2, Jan. After the defeat on Christmas Eve, wherein the Lord Deputy overthrew the whole army of the rebels and those Spaniards that were united with them, the next news that came is this : That the town of Kinsale is yielded up to the Lord Deputy and the composition was not only to yield up that town, but to conclude all the rest of the places [“Castle Haven, Baltimore, Beerhaven. The cannon could not be carried to two of these three places without great difficulty, and therefore would have been chargeable to the Queen.”—Margin.] possessed by them in Ireland, and to have free passport to return into Spain with all things they brought thence. They are to pay for their transportation, their victuals, and such like. Don Juan hath taken his oath not to land in any place before he arrive in Spain, and if new supplies come before the wind will suffer him and his army to depart, he hath capitulated to remain neutral; himself and their captains of best sort remain hostages for performance of all things, and when they are gone, there are left hostages of principal men for the safe return of the shipping which they are to provide and pay for in Ireland. So that now that country is altogether freed from these Spaniards.
Since this composition there passed a pretty jest between the Lord Deputy and Don Juan del Aquila. When Don Juan bemoaned the King of Spain his master's misfortune to be so abused to trust such a nation that had neither constancy nor resolution, the Lord Deputy asked him what he thought of the nature of the country; who, to show his extreme alienation, said that he remembered that part of the Scripture when the Devil carried up Christ to the top of a pinnacle to show him all the world, “wherein” (said he) “I verily believe the devil hid Ireland from him, because it was fit for none but for himself.”
O'Donnel and another traitor of Connaught are fled into Spain, and Tyrone hath recovered his country, heartbroken and with great difficulty.
1 p. (91. 25.)
Edward, Earl of Oxford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. It is now almost a year since by the promises of your help when the escheat of Davers was found nothing for her Majesty, 26 shillings excepted, that I did undertake to recover it. Now, Brother, I do not by these letters make challenge of your words, for if you list to forget them, my putting in remembrance will be bitter and to small purpose. I mean not to tell any new thing, but that which is known to you. The matter, after it had received many inventions of delay, at length hath been heard before all the Judges, both unlawful and lawful, for so may I affirm, since Walmslie, who had matched in the house of Davers, besides some others were admitted to the deciding of the cause, notwithstanding long since, I did “accept” against him, and it was then thought reasonable. But now, I understand the Judges are, if they will be indifferent, to make a good report to her Majesty. Yet I understand that the truth much oppressed by the friends of the contrary part is likely to be so extenuated as the virtue thereof will be of little effect. Now, as I understand that it is meant to delay the report to the end to get a composition of her Majesty, whereby all my hopes will end in smoke, I must solicit her to call for the report, which I had not needed to do, had gospel been in the mouths of my Lord Chief Justice and the Attorney, who assured me that at the next hearing on the second of this term, it should have a full end. Now in this conjuncture I find myself destitute of friends, having relied only on her Majesty. Another confidence I had in yourself, in whom, without offence let me speak it, I am to cast some doubt by reason as in your last letters I found a wavering style much differing from your former assurances. But I hope better, though I cast the worst howsoever, for finis coronat opus, and then every doubt will be resolved into a plain sense. For I do not forget how honourably you dealt with her Majesty when you first moved her, showing how out of nothing to her : for so it was found : if I could make something, she should yet give a prop and stay to my house. I know that this escheat of Davers shall be made a great matter to cross my good hap and to obscure the rest of the lands which descend from the mother on Latimer side to her Majesty, which is as clear her Majesty's as this is. Last, I desire you to remember that I craved of this escheat only what I could recover in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, leaving to her Majesty the lands of Oxford, Leicester, Northampton, and Yorkshire. In the beginning the whole was thought desperate, yet now the law is clear of the Queen's side. Yet more this case has opened her right to a far greater matter than this of Davers; and therefore I hope that her Majesty, after so many gracious words as she gave me at Greenwich upon her departure, will not draw in the beams of her princely grace to her own detriment. Neither will I hope less from you than I did in the beginning.
Holograph, Signed, “Edward Oxenford.” Undated. Endorsed : “Jan. 1601.” Seal. 2 pp. (181. 99.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to George Nicholson.
[1601/2, Jan.] By your letter of the 9 of Jan., 1601, I have received an enclosed packet or two, to the which this enclosed contains an answer, which I desire you to let him see plainly every word, for I do not love to deal doubly with any, and having upon the first notice from you perceived how lewdly he had used me, I resolved before he should play the knave farther, to possess some of his nation here with the truth of things as they stood, which I had as leave he should know by myself as by any other. And seeing he is where he can do me no wrong, but may come by some fragments sometime not amiss for me to know (although I will believe no more than I see cause), if the knave do show himself honest I care not, as you see by my letter, to cast away some few crowns upon him once again. Always I know him to be an open mouthed fellow, and apt to lie, wherein have you an eye over him, and as you find him so inform me. And though it is true that if I had known his penitence so soon, I would not have said to his uncle and the rest as I have done, yet all I have spoken has been but to declare that I had employed him to have been a spy with the enemy, of which himself never kept counsel, for by his often tripping up and down hither from Calais, all the Scottishmen in the town know it, whereas now, if his resort to you be private, and that he keep his own counsel, my late speeches of him will make him be less suspected. But tell him from me, though I give him liberty now to converse with whom he will, and to speak dryly of me, because he may be the less suspected for me, yet let him not, under that liberty, devise any tales or lies as if I had either practiced with Pope or Spain, with man or woman, against Scotland or against religion, or enjoined him to any other end than to do my country service, for if I can prove that he do so, let him trust to it he shall buy it dear : otherwise, if he keep a good tongue, and confess his folly, be he unplaced and not employed, I forgive him. For the matter you write of, that 37 shall do good service against the Spaniard, and by the means of 12 have the favour of 16, it is a matter that I will not deal in in any kind, for I know they be too tender things for me to deal in. For the strife that is between the D. and 34, I am glad they both strive who shall do best offices, and though I think the one a modest fine gentleman, yet the constancy of the other in religion and his sound estate make me think him the abler man. But I do therein leave them to their own proceeding to work their own credit as they can, for I will not meddle, only I do approve your diligence in having so narrow eyes and so daily advertising me of all things that pass in that kingdom, where for my own part God doth know I wish all at as good quiet even as here, especially so long as they do not agree nor pack to molest us, so far am I from having nourished in my heart the least thought of practice against head or body of that estate. And thus having no more at this time worthy your knowledge than to advertise you that Mr. Aston has had access to the Queen, whom the King's kind letter has much pleased, I commit you to God.
Draft, with corrections by Cecil. Undated. 4 pp. (86, 87, 2 & 3)
Baptista Boazio to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Jan. ?] A gentleman not long since coming from the siege of Kinsale delivered me a copy of the town and of the same besieged by her Majesty's forces against the Spaniards, which I now on a sudden have somewhat roughly performed of purpose to send to your Honour; your acceptance of which would encourage me to acquaint you with the like from diverse places as occasion shall serve.
Endorsed :—“1602. Baptista Boazio to my Mr.” Holograph. 1 p. (96. 159.)
Fulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Jan.] I have been this day at the Custom House and, I hope, both satisfied the party and yet kept all duties safe to the Queen. I humbly thank your Honour for the true light which you were pleased to give me. Let me presume to entreat you to hear this bearer a word or two from me; with what tenderness and respect I mean to proceed, yourself shall be judge, and from you I must have the favour and authority. The rest is better 'cheape' in his words than my cipher, and therefore I must humbly crave pardon; and when he hath showed you my motives, I submit all things to your wisdom. From my house this evening. After Tuesday, God willing, I wait upon you, until you command me away again unto some of these troublesome dark services.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Jan. 1601.” Holograph, signed, “Foulke Grevyll.” ½ p. (181. 98.)
The Hanse Towns.
1602, Jan. or Feb. ? A statement of negociations with the Emperor concerning the company of Merchant Adventurers and the Hanse Towns, giving abstracts of letters (and commenting thereon)
(1) The Emperor to the Queen, 15 July, 1595.
(2) The Queen's reply, 8 Nov., 1595 : which, as it appears, was never received; for in 1597, the Emperor issued a mandate to expel the Queen's subjects on the ground that his letters of 1595 had never been answered. Thereupon was written :—
(3) The Queen to the Emperor and other princes of Germany, Dec., 1597; at which time there was an Imperial Diet at Regensburg, at which Archduke Matthias, brother to the Emperor, presided. Then followed :—
(4) The ratification, by the Diet, of the said mandate, 31 March, 1598. Mr. Wroth, who followed the Emperor's Court for answer to the Queen's letter, finally obtained it, i.e.,
(5) The Emperor to the Queen, 24 April, 1598, and also a more particular answer
(6) The Emperor to the Queen, 28 May, 1598. These letters being brought by Mr. Wroth, with letters from other of the Electors by Mr. Lesieur, which led her Majesty to expect that the mandate would be redressed at the next Imperial Diet, which as yet has not met.
Meanwhile, the merchants withdrew from Staden and other places in the Empire to Middelburg, but finding it inconvenient (and that many of their brethren—not of the meanest nor poorest sort—were trading independently with Hamburg and Lubeck, to the prejudice of the Queen's true subjects) they accepted the offer of the Earl and town of Emden to go thither, provided they came as simple traders and not as a body of merchant adventurers. Details how subsequently they found Emden inconvenient for trade and removed again to Staden. About this time the Emperor wrote (7) to the Queen, 6 April, 1601, to which she replied
(8) 3 Aug., 1601.
and (9) the Emperor wrote again, 13 Nov., 1601, detailing troubles then again brought upon the merchants at Staden by the efforts of the Hanse cities, in January following, about which time the Queen received the Emperor's letter of November.
II. “The present reasons to induce are” :—
1. The Emperor's first letter in 1595; 2, the decree of the Diet in March, 1598; 3, the Emperor's letters in April and May following; 4, the Emperor's letter in “April last,” which she answered in August; and 5, a late letter of Nov. 1601, which gives her Majesty an honourable occasion to send a gentleman to make further representations to the Emperor.
8 pp. closely written, in Stephen Lesieur's hand, with marginal notes to the letters, such as “See this letter at large, dated 15 July, 1595,” etc. The original correspondence referred to is in the Public Record Office (State Papers, Foreign). (139. 148–51.)