Cecil Papers: January 1602, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp1-22 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1602, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp1-22.

"Cecil Papers: January 1602, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp1-22.

January 1602, 1–15

Sir Robert Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 1. I am bold to observe this compliment of fashionable custom, and present your Honour this New Year's Day with an ambling gelding of reasonable shape and, I hope, of no less goodness.—From my lodging, this first of Janua : 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “Ro Duddeley.” Seal. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (84. 30.)
W[illiam Bourchier,] Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 1. The commission for the subsidy in this county, the first payment of which according to the Act should have been rated by the last of December, only reached us on that day, as appears from the letter of Sir Richard Champernown, which I enclose to show the negligence of the messenger who brought the commission. I have thought it best to send back the commission to the Council, as it cannot now be legally executed.
Touching this last imprest of 350 out of this county for Ireland, to be embarked at Barnstaple on the 10th of January next, I have taken order with my deputies for two parts of the shire, and for the third, I will be at the doing of it myself.
I will not fail to publish that her Highness will be at the whole charge for the arms, apparel and conduct money for this service. And I beseech you be a mean to my Lord Treasurer and the rest of the Lords, that the collectors of the subsidy within this county may disburse the sums here that otherwise must be procured from the Exchequer, which will be a great saving on all sides.—From Towstock, the first of January, late at night, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “W. Bathon.” 1 p. (84. 33.)
Capt. John Vaughan to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 2. As those 1,000 men are not to be sent out of the North, I will send the letters by the first barque that is freighted for that place. Since my going is but to carry Sir Henry Docwra's letters, I do presume to send them by a gentleman that is here with me, and do beseech you to give me leave to return to Court, that I may despatch the business that Sir Henry Docwra sent me about. I will write at large to him of all you told me. I did speak with one that was with Sir Henry in O'Cane's country, that reports of very great spoils he did there, killed many and burnt infinite store of corn, and saith that already amongst them is such want that they die by numbers. He is still abroad and, I think, is at Asheroe. Now is the fittest time to assure the best part of the North, for if O'Donnell do return he will return heartless. Sir Henry will be sorry if I be absent from the Court, for he sent me to attend his letters and solicit there as business should require.—Chester, 2 of January, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (84. 34.)
Robert Bellman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 2. Your letters of the 27th of December came to my hands the 1st of January. I delivered them aboard the post barque, which put to sea this morning about seven of the clock, the wind at south-west and reasonable fair weather, for we did tow her out of the harbour with small boats.
In regard of your great packet of the 25th of last month, I requested Mr. Nicholas Predeaux, a Justice of the Peace near to our town, to take knowledge both for the present providing a new post barque, and also of the delivery of it to sea the 30th of last month; and, withal, to examine the master of it every day by oath of the true cause of his stay. I enclose one of the examinations.—Padstow, this 2 of January, 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (84. 35.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Topcliffe.
1601/2, Jan. 2. I do with very many thanks accept of your kind letter, and the rather in regard of the messenger, whose father's child shall never be to me unwelcome. For the matter, I was glad to find that my Lord Chief Justice had some understanding of the cause, for besides that I know him very wise, he is well acquainted with the condition of these knaves that will one accuse another; so as order is taken by him for the remove of that prisoner. As for Pettye, considering that he is so removed from you, as I hear he is as far as Salisbury, I take it most convenient that he be not dealt withal yet, till your coming up. I have also delivered to her Majesty your letter, who hath commanded me to give you thanks for your great care and diligence, and though she utterly despiseth such base villains' tongues as shall go about to open their mouths so absurdly against her, yet is she contented notwithstanding that you have a warrant sent you down for this fellow's apprehension, which you shall here receive enclosed, not doubting but, according your accustomed discretion (if you shall not find probable ground from the informer to maintain his accusation), that there shall be then as little noise of the cause as can be, for you know that the honour of princes never receives good by slanders how false soever. And thus much for the present, seeing we shall meet so shortly. It now remaineth that I do truly excuse your son, by taking the cause of his stay upon me, though neither of us both in fault, wherein I need not use many words to Mr. Topclyff, who knows first how hard it is to offer long letters of business at all times to princes, especially when we have such a world of business as the land of Ire doth work to this kingdom, or (for God's blessing may be renewed) the land of Promise; but I assure you, sir, that I could not sooner procure you answer, which, I presume, your own son saw by me was displeasing to me, and truly so it was both in my respect to you whom I would not have conceive shall ever be by me neglected, and in respect of your son who had reason to be weary of so long attendance. And thus with my very hearty commendations I commit you to God's protection.—From the Court at Whitehall, this 2 of January, 1601. Your very loving friend.
I am angry with you that you take not some course for his being cleansed in your life time and now whilst his friends would help him.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. 1½ pp. (84. 36.)
Thomas Phelippes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 2. I have not written hitherto for lack both of matter and opportunity; but now there is an express messenger going. Give me any particular directions and I will attend on you three or four days hence for the same.
I did not think it any news to you that one Monowx that some time followed you, should be in the Archd. camp, and therefore I did not signify the same. But there he is with his wife, offers great service and protesteth fidelity, but is holden for suspect and watched.—This second of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 37.)
Lord Darcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 2. I received your letters the 25th of December, and thereby perceive that the reports lately spread of me have not come to her Majesty's ears, nor received any great impression in yourself or other Lords of the Council, Had it been otherwise, although my years and health would hardly permit, yet would I have undertaken to travel to London to give you satisfaction.
I have sent by this bearer the conveyance of those lands that I received from her Majesty, to be bestowed as best pleaseth my Lord of Shrewsbury and yourself. I thank you for your favour and desire its continuance to my son. I wish he may not flatter himself with the greatness of my living which hereafter shall come unto him, as I know he is by some too much persuaded to do. My receipts in rents these forty years past, together with the demesne of my whole living, are under 400 pounds by year. Your Honour may perceive by my book that some part of those lands I received from her Majesty, I have leased upon good consideration, which I must needs make good. The necessity of my estate did so require it, and if any course should be taken by my son contrary to my mind to avoid that estate, I cannot with my honour nor with a safe conscience receive such sums of money as I have done for it. I have been troublesome with long letters, because haply your Honour might have been informed that of free gift I have passed these things, which appears I have done unto my servant Rye, and not upon good considerations.—Aston, this ijth of January.
Signed, “Darcy.” Endorsed :—“1601, January 12.” Seal. 1¼ pp. (84. 61.)
John Ratclyff, Mayor of Chester, to the Lords of the Council.
1601/2, Jan. 3. In obedience to your letter of the last of December received on the 2nd instant, I handed the letters therein enclosed to Captain Vaughan, who is here awaiting a passage.—Chester, of January the 3rd, 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (84. 38.)
Ralph Gray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 4. I send here enclosed some advertisements from a friend of mine touching the present estate of Scotland. I have not of late heard anything from the Master of Grey.
About the 12th or 13th of December last, near Dunston-brough Castle, where I am officer to her Majesty, being parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, there was a ship with certain strangers having testimonial from the King of Denmark, sore distressed with the “contageousnes” of the winds. I repaired thither to relieve them with some twenty of my household servants, but after a week's abode there and more, the said ship did run upon a rock and so was split and broken, and yet, by God's providence, all the passengers and men that were in her, escaped with life.
The said ship was only laden with fir, deals and such like wood, and after view of their said testimonial, I suffered the owner to make profit of his goods, always reserving the ordnance, being four iron pieces, which I have kept with some cables, tackling and anchors, until you were advertised thereof; which the sailors required more than their freight, alleging that the ordnance was the King of Denmark's. I sent the sailors with some of my servants to the Mayor of Newcastle, with their testimonial, who allowed the same, and said it was the only course I took with them.—From Chillingham, the 4th of January, 1601.
P.S.—The King intended about the 15th of November to be at Spott, Sir George Home's house, being Lord Treasurer, where the Master of Gray expected to be sent for, but the storm of snow was so great it hindered his Majesty's coming thither, since which time I neither heard from the Master of Gray nor of his being with the King.
Holograph. Signed, “Ra. Gray.” Seal. 1½ pp. (84. 40.)
The Enclosure :
— to Ralph Gray, of Chillingham.
[? 1601/2,] Jan. 3. I have always been at Edinburgh since Martinmas, and have been now and then beholding afar our weak and uncertain estate, whereof I disdain to hear myself, let be to certify of the same to others. To descend in every particular, it was a matter greatly to be lamented by me, howbeit to you an occasion of sport or “lawtheing.” I wish in God it was better, yet thanks be to his Majesty, I may bear it as it is among the rest of neighbours. But to forbear long discourse, in one word there is nothing among us but plain confusion, no respect neither had to God's glory, nor care of our poor commonwealth, the burdens of all laid over upon the shoulders of few feeble and weak persons, only our last created Treasurer, my cousin, and his companion the Controller, governs absolutely all things within the country, and has both the King and Queen at their devotion. It is thought they have the Queen upon condition they shall set back the Earl of Mar, to whom her Majesty continues in malice, but it is not looked for they shall perform that point, for it is certain he is in course with them, and in end they shall either cast him off, or if they keep him, then the Queen, wherein howsoever they resolve, is in some peril. The King and Queen had never such love and concord among themselves as now. Their men occupy themselves only with matters within the country, for foreign things and matters without, the Earl of Mar, his cousin Sir Thomas Erskine, and Mr. Edward Bruce, abbot of Tolloss, bear the sway, and entertain their credit thereby. I find, being in conference with sundry noblemen, a great misliking and miscontentment in their hearts, but who shall take upon them to reform this misorder, I cannot yet espy him out, but to my judgment the cup is so full it “man” shortly run over. You shall have with you above shortly your countryman Roger Ashtone. They are desiring of our King a few number of men, which will be granted; if it were in any other part nor Ireland, her Majesty might find men of good calling to do her service. We hear for certainty that the Earl Bothwell is already come to Flanders with 6,000 Spaniards, and it is reported and we expect the same that his intention is to come here to ourselves and so have “moyene” to uplift 3,000 horsemen. What will be the end of all I remit to God, who has the hearts of all men in his hands and dispones at his own pleasure. But for myself, if my own and my friends' affairs drew me not against my will so oft towards Court, I protest I should never see it, till such time as some comfort might be had thereby, that now there is nothing but displeasure. I mean generally to the most part of the subjects, but for myself in particular, I have no cause to complain, but has credit to do my own turn, and to further my friend in any honest action.—The 3 of January.
pp. (22. 27.)
Captain Jonas Bradbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 5. I delivered your letters to Mr. Mayor the 4th of this month, and am proceeding to Barnstaple.—Bristol, the 5th of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 41.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 6. I send your Honour the very true copy of my petition to her Majesty, which shews what affliction drives a man unto, who is undone in state and credit. Thanking you for your honourable favour towards me.—6 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. ¼ p. (84. 42.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 6. I requested my good friend and kinsman Mr. Saville to acquaint your Lordship with another offer, which I meant to make unto her Majesty on perceiving that my former was not like to be accepted : and having understood from him that your Honour did not dislike of it, I have moved it unto some other of my Lords, who have thought fit that my wife should put up a petition to her Majesty to the same effect, which I purpose she shall do upon Sunday next. I beseech you to let her understand your pleasure in it and to further it. The longer I lie here, the less able I shall be to give her Majesty any satisfaction, for it is a double charge, and I find my estate to go to wreck. No man will pay me anything that is due unto me, but every man is ready to detain and to take from me that which is mine, so that I have been forced to sell my plate, horse and cattle, and even my bedding, to supply my necessities : but the calamity of the innocents who are made miserable by my occasion woundeth me most deeply.—The 6 of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (84. 45.)
[The Archbishop of York?] to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1601/2, Jan. 6. As I am glad that the attempts against the Church took no better success this last Parliament, so am I right sorry to understand that there is banding to overthrow the poor collegiate church of Southwell; but I hope that her Majesty will never suffer a college of so many doctors of divinity and other godly preachers to be dissolved. Now in the time of so learned a prince is the greatest number of learned men, both in Universities and abroad in this kingdom, that ever was, and in my opinion may be compared with any kingdom in Europe. But take away the reward of learning, and learning will decay, as appeareth in our neighbour kingdom, where simul et semel all were overthrown, save a small number of preachers only. Ignorance aboundeth there in the multitude of ministers, and though King, as I hear, laboureth to reform it, he prevaileth little. Her Majesty never had inclination to gratify Martin Marprelate, who being out of all hope to overthrow in one the ecclesiastical state of this church also, took another course sensim sine sensu to deal with bishoprics, then more palpably with country colleges, wherein if he prevail, “Have at colleges in the Universities.” Holes and imperfections can by shifting lawyers be found in the best assurances, and therefore we must appeal to her Majesty's mercy, and as for the ministers of Martin, we ought to pray for them, or, if they repent not, against them, as David did against Edom. It hath pleased God to bestow on you many good and white gifts, and her Majesty to advance you to the chiefest place in the clergy, and I doubt not, therefore, but you will still employ your skill and will that her Majesty may continue to favour learning.—Bishopthorpe, the 6th day of January, 1601.
Unsigned. Endorsed :—“To the Archbishop of Canterbury.” 2 pp. (84. 46.)
William Becher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 7. I beseech your Honour's compassion. I have been a prisoner almost five years, without means of compounding with my creditors, having no goods other than some doubtful debts as yet unrecovered, in which I have been exceedingly hindered by the detainment of my books of accounts. Many petitions have I presented to the honourable Table, but cannot perceive that any hath been read. The last, being agreeable to this enclosed, I exhibited in the beginning of these holidays. Vouchsafe your commandment that it may be read.—This 7th day of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 43.)
The Enclosure :
William Becher to the Lords of the Council.
Against Sir Thomas Sherley, Lawrence Smyth and Richard Turner.
Smyth and Turner have had my books and writings almost five years in their examination. One while they produce one information, and another while another, and insist upon nothing certain to abide justification. I do not know that I am anything indebted unto her Majesty, neither doth her Highness in any Court of Law or Equity demand accountancy of me. Why, then, should my books and writings be detained.
Sir Thomas Sherley's demands against me are but for show and policy. For he procureth Mr. Meredith to set down calculations of charge and discharge betwixt him and me according to his own fancy, and then showeth forth the same under Mr. Meredith's hand to give colour of credit to his untrue allegations. Meanwhile he hath had his suit in Chancery and another at the Common Law in the Exchequer depending against me, and prosecuteth neither of them to trial in four years' time.
That in the Chancery he brought to a hearing in Mich. 42o, and the very morning it should have been heard, he made suit to have it put off as not being ready for hearing, which like course he holdeth in the Exchequer.
I have performed all her Majesty's services which to me appertained, and if there be aught in right to be demanded of me for her Majesty or for Sir Thomas Sherley, I have been ever ready to procure satisfaction.
The impoverishment which the detaining of my books hath brought upon me I leave to your honourable considerations.
1 p. (84. 44.)
Lord Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 7. Whereas I wrote to you that our meeting might be on Saturday, I must now let you know that Saturday is the day in which my Lord Keeper and I do go into London to perfect the subsidy. So as, if it may not be put off till Sunday, and then to banish all private petitions, and all that day, both forenoon and afternoon, to attend the public, I know not how it can be performed but to-morrow being Friday; on which day, though I have appointed many causes of importance, yet these you propone being greater, I shall be ready to attend. But of your mind herein you must presently advertize me.—This 7 of January, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “T. Buchurst.” ¾ p. (84. 47.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 7. Your letter of the last of December, with the enclosed packet for Mr. Nicolson, I received not till this morning, and sent it presently into Scotland. The fault of the delay is the posts, who are generally too negligent in hasty affairs. Touching Muschampe, he will needs come up, saying he dares not abide here, for that he is sure the friends of Mr. Carre will have his life. I have told him that they are to live within a law, but he says they will procure it to be taken by means of Scots, so as themselves will be in no danger. But in spite of all my assurances, he will come up, unless I should stay him perforce, which I dare not do. All is quiet here, and I think the good news from Ireland will keep it so.—Berwick, 7 January, 1601.
Holograph. Signed, “Jhon Carey.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 85.)
Sir John Stanhope, Vice Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, [Jan. 8 ?]. Yesternight her Majesty fell into the matter of Mychelett with me, I think upon the calling on of one Hunt the promoter, who followed her when she was on horseback; and understanding that it stayed but for my Lord Chief Baron to grant execution against Mychelett and his sureties, she was very forward that it should proceed, because she expects a good sum of money thereby; yet at last bade me that I should write to my Lord Treasurer, that he should speak with you therein, because she said there was something in it that your good father the late Lord Treasurer did favour Mychelett and the cause for, and that if you knew any good ground therefor, then it might rest as it did, otherwise my Lord Treasurer might give order to my Lord Chief Baron to grant execution. I have written to the Lord Treasurer, with whom please you to confer thereof. She hath willed me to write likewise to Mr. Attorney about Kyrcham's decree, or rather a decree against Kyrcham, and to hasten on Quarelus cause in the Exchequer, and these be the greatest causes that possess us here, saving certain orders for the chamber which I have this day in charge from herself, who, meseems, is the best pleased that may be both yesternight and this day. This afternoon Sir Thomas Leyghton was with her, who so applauded to her choice of me as was wonderful, and almost in plain terms to herself condemned Mr. Controller for hindering my Lord Zouch, whom he greatly recommended to the Queen, and the Queen assured him she would retain him here with good satisfaction to himself.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Mr. Vice Chamberlain to my Master.” Seal. 1 p. (84. 49.)
John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 8. Sir William Lovelace, knight, my very good friend and neighbour at Canterbury, having wholly addicted himself to martial affairs, is very desirous to be employed that way in her Majesty's service. And, therefore, I request that you will have him in remembrance.—From Lambeth, the viiith of January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (84. 50.)
William Stallenge to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, and to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 9. This last day I received Mr. Darell's letter of the 3rd of this month, whereby I understand your pleasures for the service here committed to me. By my last I certified what the whole charge of these victuals will amount to, whereof I have received but 2,071l. odd money. I beseech you that more money may be delivered to Mr. Darell, for the payment of such bills as I shall give in him, or to send me hither by the carrier of Exeter some part of the money before received.
This last day about 10 of the clock, here arrived the Antelope and the Charles, with certain victualling ships, which I understand by Captain Torner are to be wafted by him to the Land's End. As he had but five days remaining of the month's victuals he received at Dover, I have delivered aboard his ship and the Charles for one month more, with which he shall be ready with the victualling ships this day to depart hence. Whereas I had former order from your Lordships to send two months' victuals for 470 men for Ireland, I understand by Mr. Darell's letter the Tremontaine being of that company is at Bristol, where she is to be furnished, and the Rubine being now at Dartmouth and may take in her victuals here if you think meet she return to that service. I do send at the present for Ireland victuals for the rest, being 320 men, which is all laden, and so do wholly discharge here one of the barks that came from London.
Your Lordships having given order for sending a ship of Lubeck with wheat to Cork or Kinsale, and for English men to be appointed to convey her thither, I have with the advice of Sir John Gilbert delivered aboard the said ship 21 days' provisions for 32 men. Of whom shall I demand allowance for the same?
Beef beginneth to grow very scant and dear, wherefore I could wish your Lordships by your letters, or by her Majesty's proclamation, would put her justices in mind about the due keeping of the laws concerning the eating of flesh in Lent or days forbidden, and that men-o'-war, or others, going to sea be compelled to keep the like orders as is used in her Majesty's ships, and not to victual with flesh, as they do, so well in the Lent as at other times.—Plymouth, the 9th of January, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (84. 51.)
Sir H. Carye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 9. I desire to know your pleasure for the appointing of the collectors of fifteenths and tenths, which should be returned to my Lord Keeper to-morrow. The coming out of the book so late will make every shire backward, as I imagine. I crave pardon for troubling you with so small a matter.—Aldenham, this 9th of January, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (84. 52.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 9. I sent you the copy of my petition to her Majesty and the same day I did the like to my Lord Keeper, whose favour and good opinion I greatly desire, so as my poor credit be not stained to her Majesty. I hope that either he or the Lords, according to their letter to certain commissioners, will take some order to my relief. If neither my Lord nor their Honours will afford me so much, I beseech that I may be called before the Lords to prove what I have inserted in my petition to her Majesty. But, good Mr. Secretary, vouchsafe that I be not he should exasperate so great a magistrate as my Lord Keeper is.—Fleet, 9 Janua : 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (84. 54.)
[Sir Robert Cecil to Sir John Carey.]
[1601/2, Jan. 10.] Having already answered the substance of your former letters, and acquainted you with the estate of her Majesty's affairs in Ireland, from whence we are in continual attention to hear further to her Majesty's contentment, I have thought good at this time only to return you an answer concerning the matter of Mushamb [Muschamp. See Carey's letter, Cal. of Border Papers, Vol. II., p. 777], that has served Mr. Thomas Kar : wherein I observe these circumstances : the first, the condition of the accuser; next, the substance of the accusation. For the first, I observe out of your own letter that you do wisely set down your doubtfulness of the truth of the information in respect that he has been his servant, and called in question by him, so as it is not unlikely but malice may have been the author, which I confess is to me more probable, because it proceeds out of the mouth of a servant, who when they begin to bear rancour are ever fullest of poison. And now concerning the matter, though it is true that if the speeches had no reference to her Majesty, towards whom he is charged to forget himself, I should not have been forward to stir in it, because I suspect the truth : yet being as it is in that point, I think it fit the party be examined privately in the country there for the first, without any such noise as the sending for the parties hither would make, until the party accused may be heard, and the accuser confronted, whereby some judgment may be made whether there be likelihood that it can be maintained. For this purpose, therefore, I have thought good to move you to take assistance of the Master of the Ordnance, and either to write for Mr. Kar to repair unto you, or if he be come back already, to call him and the party before you, and there to hear them face to face. In his information I observe three things : first, his declaration of Carr's going into Scotland in my Lord Willoughby's time. Secondly, his railing against myself. Lastly, his speeches of the Queen. For the first, it seems to me a tale without head or foot, the substance being that he did make offer of service to the King in a private access, and after repaired in a more public form to Edinburgh. Wherein although it is true that his words do not carry any sense as if he had any practice with the King, yet because those professions savour of hollowness, and those secret addresses are suspicious, and that the departure out of the march without leave in no way allowable, it is very fit, if he had not the Warden's leave, or have been called in question before, as I have heard he was for something, and cleared, that he be punished; and to that end it is good that he be interrogated of the cause of his going, and hear what he can say for his own justification. For the second, I pray you in any wise forbear to meddle with it, for if he did use any malicious speeches of me, they do not break my charity, neither will I in any wise have my private mixed with them, and therefore I pray you, seeing it touches only myself, let it be carried as I do desire it. For the latter part, it is most worthy your insisting upon, and therein because I see the equity of your mind, as becomes any public magistrate in matter of accusation, leads you to examine the grounds, not thinking it sufficient to condemn because men are accused, I will suspend my judgment of it until it be assisted by your report after your hearing both parties, whereupon such further course may be taken as is convenient. Lastly, where you doubt some mislike when the friends of Kar shall hear of your dealing in the matter. I shall ever be able to justify you to have done no more than duty binds you, which neither you nor I must be afraid of if we will do her Majesty the service which we are born for. Wherein I must confess, because I see your temper and discretion joined to your affection in all her Majesty's services, the more I am right glad of her Majesty's favour towards you, for of such men this state has need.
Draft, with corrections in Cecil's hand. Undated. Endorsed : “10 Jan., 1601.” 5 pp. (86. 88/2.)
Mistress Eadithe Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 11. I have forborne to press during the busy time of the late session of Parliament the suit which I have been urging since my husband's death for some competent annuity for the relief of my necessities. I have now entreated the Lady Scudamore to solicit my petition unto her Majesty. With your good liking, she shall remember me to her at some convenient time when you shall be present. I am the more encouraged by your favourable commendation of my late husband's services.—From my poor house in London, the 11th of January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (84. 57.)
Count D'Egmont to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Jan. 11.] I send the memorial which you have desired. I shall seek every imaginable occasion to testify my gratitude.
French. Signed, “Lamoral Egmont.” Undated. Seals. Endorsed :—“ximo Jan., 1601. The Count Egmont to my master. Brief of his suit to the Queen.” ½ p. (84. 58.)
Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 12. This gentleman hath many suits wrongfully prosecuted against him by one Mr. Rid. I earnestly entreat your favour for him, knowing his causes to be honest and conscionable, and his adversaries to be very malicious and troublesome. He hath long served her Majesty in the wars.—Normanbie, Ja : 12, 1601.
Signed, “E. Sheffylde.” Seal. ½ p. (84. 59.)
George Stanberye, Mayor of Barnstaple, and others, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 12. As touching the 650 soldiers appointed to be here on the 10th January last to go for Cork in Ireland, all the Devonshire men, with the Lord Lieutenant himself, came on the 10th, and the Somerset men on the 11th. The furniture and coats for the latter, 300 in number, are not yet brought in, but are expected to-night or to-morrow. The captains and their officers arrived either on the 10th or the day before. We will proceed to the viewing, mustering and arming of the men with all expedition, and will then allot them to their several captains. The wind yet is contrary for their transportation, and so likely for a while to continue, but the shipping and all things else are in a readiness for them. The Somersetshire men begin to dislike that they are not so apparelled as the Devonshire men be, for they have only coats sent them from London, and 20s. apiece to provide the rest themselves, which many suppose they will spend wastefully, and go away thinly clothed, not without some extraordinary trouble to us to satisfy them at the time of their embarking.—From Barnstaple, the 12 of January, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (84. 62.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Nicholson.
1601/2, Jan. 12. Of the King's resolution to give her Majesty all reasonable satisfaction in employment of his people into Ireland, I am glad to hear by your letter, although it seemeth to me very strange that such a cause should receive opposition by any man that would be held a good patriot. As for the particular conditions concerning their levies, howsoever Mr. Fowles hath delivered it, if it vary from yours, he mistook us in some things, and herein these circumstances are to be observed. First, her Majesty chooseth not this course to use them because she lacketh men, but because those which are bred in that climate so near to Ulster, are more proper for those services which are to be performed in those parts. Next, one great reason is in respect that she would not be put to the trouble of providing of victual (her people requiring another manner of provaunt than these do) nor ever meant to furnish them with powder or arms, as a thing in former offers never spoken of, for if in these particulars her Majesty's charge were not eased, it may be well conjectured that her Majesty would not make choice of those people, who are like enough to deceive her, seeing they are not always sound to their own Prince. But of this matter I will say no more now, seeing Mr. Aston is to come up, yet I thought good to let you know for certain that her Majesty neither will be troubled with their transportation, victual nor arms, neither is it expected that they should be armed as the English foot, but after their own fashion as they use when they make their own “roads” heretofore. As for the point of being under colonels, that may be as the King shall please, for it shall be all one to her Majesty; besides, it shall be at their own pleasure whether they will divide themselves from H.M. garrisons by encamping by regiments in a quarter peculiarly assigned them, or no; which, upon better consideration, seeing the difference of their discipline and ours is such and the jealousy and diffidence that will be in either part so great, I know her Majesty will like that it be so, although it is intended always that they should be so near to the Queen's power, as they may at all times upon any alarum unite themselves against the common enemy. And although it is true that I did wish at first to see how low you could draw them, because I knew that they would be apt to stand upon lofty demands, yet I think fit you know that her Majesty will be contented to give their principal leaders of the two regiments such entertainment as she doth her own colonels, and so to the captains and soldiers as much pay as she doth her own; besides, all booty or anything they can get shall be left to their own use. And so much answer of your last letter, saving that where you move that her Majesty might make use of the King's coining house, you shall not need to urge it for it is all one to her to send coin or bullion.
It remaineth now that I acquaint you with the matter of Douglas, of whose being in Edinburgh I protest to God, I thought as much to have heard as of his being at Rome. For shortly thus standeth the case. The man, a good while since (as you know), took upon him unsought by me a journey into Ireland, pleading want and discontentment against his uncle, he desiring relief, telling me he would do great service by casting himself into Tyrone's camp in Ireland, whither he made a journey, or at least as he pretended as you best know, and for the success thereof I say nothing but that he vows had delivered Tyrone dead or alive if the Jesuit Gordon had not hindered : all which because I could not disprove, though I confess I suspected it, his smooth tongue gat money from me still, and the rather because he bore me in hand at his coming back that he could get by way of Scotland great recommendations into Spain from some Catholics, and would there do the Queen service as an espial. For this purpose he went back to Scotland, and came again in company of the Duke of Lenox, and so being furnished by me for Spain, being as far onwards of his way as Weymouth, about July last he came back again with a hot alarum that he met certain Spanish ships in the channel, which proved nothing so but only a Dunkirker or two, who hailing his ship in Spanish, he would needs affirm unto me to be part of a Spanish fleet. I did much mislike these levities in him, and yet, because I saw he was an active body and might be good for some such purpose, I did stay him from that employment, and resolved to send him into the Archduke's camp, where he pretended by the means of my Lord Sanchyer to be able to give me intelligence, and so lived there and wrote to me daily from thence. One of his first news was that Earl Bothwell was come into those parts; whereof when I doubted, because my own intelligence maintained ever that he was in Spain, he stuck not to affirm that he had him by the hand himself, which, though I could not prove to be false, yet in my conscience I think he told me a lie. Nevertheless, because he sometimes lighted upon truth from the camp, I still gave him after the rate of 6s. a day, and even now lately gave him 30l. imprest to go back again, since which time I never heard of him till now, but would have sworn he had been at the camp till I saw the letters you sent me, and this is the whole truth, God of heaven is witness. Whatsoever, therefore, he demand of you, give him not a groat, and where he seems to write in his letters as if I had any particular employment for him other than in these matters of state, I pity the poor fool's invention, and scorn to hear of him, and so I pray you make known to any that shall have heard of it, for though I see by his last letter to you that he doth almost confess to have done it to try you and in a manner to show penitence, yet I am glad I have so good cause to abandon such a companion, and because you shall see in what sort I used him, I send you a letter or two of his own hand which I pray you return to me by the next, and as for him, if he go about to caluminate me in anything, let me know it, though I despise both him and all such. And thus in haste I end.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endorsed :—“1601, Jan. 12. Minute to Mr. Nicholson from my master.” 10½ pp. (84. 62/2.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 13. Your Honour hath partly heard that her Majesty's favour joined to my Lord Keeper's authority not only cannot relieve me, but hath been the occasion of my harm. Though in comparison with my Lord Keeper I be very impar congressus Achilli, yet I must not derogate so much from myself that my small understanding cannot yield me reasons but that my Lord might have done in my cause much less than he did since my coming to the Fleet in the cause between Robert Harryson, Anthony Warren, and Will Bowsar, both the last in execution. And again Richard Lokson and John Shefild, concerning whose suits his Lordship made a decree in May last.
Since his Lordship can do me no good, I beseech you to move her Highness, as I already have done, to commend my causes to my Lord Anderson alone, or with him one other of the judges of the same Bench.
The 4th of this month it was brought me that at the Council your Honour should say to my daughter not to trouble the Board nor her Majesty any more for answer of my petitions, for that her Highness would take order therein; but if the report be true, I cannot say.
I trust and assure myself that as there was no mention made before the Lords of what my petition to her Majesty specifies touching my Lord Keeper's information to her against me, so her Highness shall know as much.—Flete, 13 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (84. 63.)
Edward Wymarke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 13. Sir Edward Dyer and Mr. Tipper were enjoined to compound with me for my book of Concealments according to agreement made before you and other Commissioners, and consented to give me 1,200l., payable at such times as they received any money out of the Receipt proportionably with them. Afterwards I agreed to take 200l. a term until the whole amount should be paid, on Mr. Tipper's assurance that he would never receive any money out of the Receipt but that I should have my portion with him. Since and before which time he hath brought into the Exchequer great sums of money raised out of my book and otherwise, whereof he hath received a great part and is shortly to receive more, besides taking from her Majesty a lease of lands to the value of 900l. per annum, and yet I have as yet received no one penny thereof. Nevertheless, in respect I doubt it would be some hindrance to her Majesty's service if I should take the advantage of their covenant which the law will give me, I have chosen humbly to entreat your favour for the accomplishing of my satisfaction.—This 13th of January, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (84. 64.)
C. Bellott, Customer of Weymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 13. A month since there was brought in by a man-o-war of this town certain money of foreign coin and some jewels of “currell,” gold and pearl, taken from certain passengers out of a French ship bound from Lisbon into the Straits, and withal some store of silks, as was reported. Concerning the jewels, although they are of no great moment and too far from the report of their value, it is thought meet the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Admiral and your Honour should have sight of them this term, which are delivered by particular under seals to Sir Carewe Rawleighe, knight, as one chosen indifferent for all. Touching any silks, otherwise than a silk gown or two, besides some wearing linen, I could not by any means find, though I did swear both the captain, master and company in the custom house and viewed their chests.—From Wey. Mel. Regis, the 13th of January, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (84. 65.)
— to James, King of Scotland.
1601/2, Jan. 13. At my returning hither the first renconter I had was an advertisement sent to the Queen of my writing to your Majesty, and of divers great offers that I had made you. For me, Sir, I care not what they can advertise, for in place to disgrace me, they have greatly augmented my credit. I cannot serve so much for you here, nor speak so far to your advantage, but the Queen will think the better of me; if I do not for you, my natural Prince, all I can, ye thinking of me but as of any indifferent subject, it is not likely I should deal well for any other. But, Sir, I am sorry your Majesty should be so ill-used, for whatever I could have effectuated hereof before, is now condemned. This and the discovery of a gentleman who of good will did hazard in private to speak with your Majesty, as now himself hath deposed, engendereth jealousy in the Queen, maketh your friends inclinable to alienation, and confirmeth your enemies in their opinion. Whoever have the advertisement of the one, have it in like manner of the other, and men in credit, as is alleged, with your Majesty. It is a hard part to be a man's both priest and sticker. I see indeed some there be most desirous for to insinuate themselves here for the service they can do there, and, Sir, I am most desirous for to reinsinuate myself with your Majesty, for the desire I have to serve you here. Yet reason would it should cost them the prentice fee, as it hath done myself, before they come to great perfection here. I in all humility beseech your Majesty, as a dutiful subject, and even in remembrance of that love wherewithal once your Majesty did honour me, to take the course that all Princes to this age did take, who ever 'perveinit,' a doing in your own important affairs yourself, and not to think every man capable of all, nor to impart all to any one, but to every man according to his capacity, and let every one answer for his own charge. In this doing every one shall bear his own 'bourding,' and if matters 'decover,' your Majesty shall know who playeth the knave and who the honest man. This course taketh the Queen of England, this doeth the King of France, and seemeth to do nothing, yet he doeth all. This did the late King of Spain, to omit all precedents of time past. Now, Sir, as for the point was falsely alleged I did offer to your Majesty, was this that I should obtain you to be proclaimed heir apparent or some such thing, your grandfather's lands, matters indeed I never spake, for the Queen hath oft said to me she will never cut her own throat; yet in seeking many things I think, if it had not been wrested from thence, I should have obtained part upon sufficient trial of your behaviour. But that any in England may move her without, that I think by God none may affirm it. For it is certain at this present, through advertisements of your practising with foreigners, she is as far alienated from you as you are from her. And albeit at this time she have perhaps more freely sent you your annuity than customably she hath heretofore done, it is that, when matters shall fall in reckoning, she may have for her to say that in all points she hath done duty to you and you the only breaker. Another point was that I had offered that Mr. Secretary should be yours; what I said in that I abide by it; that if your Majesty shall fall again in sound amity with the Queen, Mr. Secretary shall prove one of the best friends you shall have in England, but that ever he will be yours otherwise, look not for it. I never saw any about the Queen that loved herself better and less mindful of future fortune than he. This for the advertisements made of me. To the end I be not accused hereafter of wilful undutifulness. I am to write my own opinion freely, and I care not although it were trumpeted through Europe. Your Majesty's only weal is to take with the Queen here and estate a sound dealing; for albeit the Queen of herself never gave you benefit; yet your gain is great in making a free familiarity between you and the subjects of England, where now ye are as a stranger Prince to them and in worse care; and she using you familiarly and more kindly than any other Prince, albeit it be not to proclaim you second person actually, yet there is never a subject in England so blind, but he shall see it is in the Queen a tacit consent that so you are. For it is of late that these two countries were so good friends, nor could they have been so long time but on their part for the benefit they think some day to bestow and on ours for the hope of that we think to receive; and I think in my conscience and as I shall answer to the great God of heaven, if she knew to die presently, for all that is past, she should leave your her heir in testament. What I have for me in particular I will not write, seeing counsel is not only so evil kept, but imputations forged, yet I write this that I have heard her say sounding to that purpose, that I looked never to have heard from her mouth. And if on trial of your behaviour, she shall not share all ye look for, think it is not through defection of natural love towards you, but abundance of jealousy, which it may be ye find sometimes in yourself in persons nearer to you than ye to her. As for the estate of foreigners and their disposition towards you, I could write at great length, but seeing I am a stranger and must live amongst them I forbear, till I know how I may live in Scotland, for fear they have the intelligence of it, before I see them. But the “conquising” of the hearts of the subjects of England shall be more profitable for you than all the foreigners in Europe, which is easily obtained in keeping in the Queen's own time a sound amity with herself, and in the good government of your own subjects and estate of Scotland to serve them here of a mirror. At my returning here I found divers letters from beyond sea, and I perceive amongst other things they have been very hardly informed of Gowry's death. I have written in it very particularly to sundry, both Princes and for to be shown to Princes, and have shown them the true grounds, so far as I could reach, without nevertheless the disgrace of any according as my cousin my Lord Home informed me, but little information needed, for in my own conscience I did guess even at first how the matter fell forth; so ye may see my conscience and Mr. Robert Bruce's as our credo, be discrepant. No man can be better trusted in that nor I, for if I had not found him worthy the death and procurer of his own death himself for bloody cause, at least I should have been silent. Likewise, I have fully resolved the Queen and some of the best here in that matter. I am advertised Bothwell to be upon this army naval from Spain, yet here advertisement is come that he is at Liège, but I think neither of them true. What is true your Majesty shall know by my next, together with his offers in Spain, whereof I am to receive a copy. All occurrences I have written to your secretary to be shown your Majesty. I would be glad from my heart to serve your Majesty in all I could, but service done unto your Majesty abideth the censure of so many that I have oft times foreborne to serve for fear of wrong construction, for it is hard to content all men's humours, but if I had only your own judgement for to satisfy, I should never omit any occasion wherein I could serve you; for I know I could satisfy even as your commandment verbal had directed me, and in good faith your Majesty doth yourself double wrong, for you know more without all flattery than all about you. To serve here I am to have many enemies, for all whom ever you have employed, and all who be desirous of employment, and all about you of contrarious disposition either to this course or myself, will be enemies; beside that in England here, as already doth appear, all who serve the Queen as intelligencers of that estate will be sorry that I should serve, for albeit now matters be somewhat spilt yet, if so it shall please your Majesty, I persuade myself by time to bring you to understand each other better nor ever ye did in your lives, by the which intelligencers shall lose their Latin, where now, through hard counsel ye have received, and sometimes lies of intelligencers, together with th' indiscretion of foolish “traschmen,” I see you very far “cast in sindry.” All the benefit I have to crave for a beginning is that it may please your Majesty grant me a supercedere of all “horningis” from the day I come in Scotland for six months thereafter. I desire it be done by your Majesty's self, to the end I be obliged for it to no other, and your Majesty should the rather grant it, because I have allowance of your exchequer, where you are indebted to me of far greater sums than I am at horn for. And all my hornings are for your own proper debts; yet as I have been notwithstanding that ye have withholden my living very wrongly these seventeen years from me and used me more hardly without all cause nor any subject ye have, so I am to continue a very gentle craver till God provide the moyen and better fortune, and never shall spare the little rest fortune hath left me, when question shall be to do you service. If you will have me either here or beyond sea to do anything for you, before I shall have the honour to see you, let me have a note of your own hand, that no man know, and if it either be never or be not well done, then think me the knave. I pray God preserve your person from unexpected treachery, and I doubt not matters will frame better than you look for by time. But Princes of all men be in greatest danger, for that men dare not acquaint them with their own peril. I humbly take leave, praying God to have your person and estate in his maintenance. Your Majesty's humble subject and servant.—London, 13 Jan., 1601.
Apparently in Richard Douglas's hand. Endorsed :—“Copy ye letter to the K.” In Cecil's hand, “Read.” 3½ pp. (181. 86/7.)
Arthur Hall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 14. I find your Honour's words were mistaken which were delivered me you had uttered at the Council board the 4th of this month.
I am very sorry you should think me one who is apt to take unkindness.
My servant tells me from you that if I will send one to the Council table you will further my cause. I humbly thank you, but, with your pardon, methinks I should so but trouble the Honourable Lords, forasmuch as my Lord Keeper hath answered he hath done what he can, and the Lords say they have no way to help me but by entreaty, and my adversary is not in the town.—Fleet, 14 Jan., 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (84. 66.)
Sir Robert Cecil to King's College.
1601/2, Jan. 14. For the place of Chancellorship which by the affectionate choice, unlaboured for, of the whole body I hold in the University, it was never nor ever shall be in my thought to contrive any courses for private advantage; but respecting it as of patronage of the principal nursery of learning and piety in this state, have resolved to interpose and engage myself by my best endeavours for the good of that body, in upholding the ancient liberties, immunities, privileges and good usances and in furthering the orderly and peaceable goverrnment thereof. Notwithstanding, in regard to the nearness of situation of my houses both of Theobald's and Westminster for the better conveniency of provision, having made myself, with charge, the principal tenant of the site and demeanes of Ruislip in the county of Middlesex, part of the possessions of your College, I have thought it no way repugnant to this profession of my intentions to request of you a kindness, being of ordinary course, both to be reputed as the tenant thereof to your College and to receive such further courtesy from you therein as in this kind is seldom denied to other tenants. In which my request, besides that I presume that you shall never have cause to repent hereafter that myself or mine have become tenants to your College, I desire you should perceive for the present my regard equally fixed as well upon you as on myself. For though with great charge in the foresaid respects I have compounded with the tenants and do require it without any other's prejudice, and do offer to surrender a lease in being for eight years yet to come, whereby there will arise an increase of commodity to the College, which otherwise during the time would not be had, yet I wish it but in the same terms of favour that another should have, yielding all rents and duties to the College according to the true intent and purpose of the statute in this case provided, and according to the practice of other colleges in the execution thereof. The particulars whereof I do refer to your conference and determination with this bearer my chaplain, whom I have sent to you for that purpose.
Draft with a few corrections in Cecil's hand. Endorsed by him :—“14 Jan., 1601. A copy of my letter to King's College.” 1 p. (84. 68.)
Sir Richard Martyn, master and worker of Her Majesty's moneys, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 14. I have received your letters, and have sent you herewith the amounts of my fees for making fair coins.—From my house in Westcheap, London, this 14th of January, 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (84. 70.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Arthur Hall.
1601/2, Jan. 14. My manner is not to fly men in difficulties, and therefore I do not put you off for lack of disposition to pleasure you, but because I see (to tell you true) no way to help you, and that I have so little time for necessary duties as I love not laterem lavare. Besides, I say this again that when your quarrel was to such a magistrate, not for dealing with you unjustly or rigorously, but because in your opinion he might have done more if he would have laboured for you, by my faith blame me not to be wary to entertain both a remediless cause and for a jealous patient, and so I end, your loving friend.
Draft in Levinus Munck's hand. 1 p. (181. 88.)
Christopher Yelverton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Jan. 15. Not long since the Privy Council appointed my nephew Mr. Thomas Higham, muster master in Suffolk. I now hear that labour is being made to appoint another in his room; I hope that my care to deserve your favour will prevent any cunning or covert means being used to procure your repugnance to me.—Aldersgate Street, London, 15 January, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Sergeant Yelverton.” ½ p. (181. 89.)