Cecil Papers: February 1602

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1602', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp43-65 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1602', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp43-65.

"Cecil Papers: February 1602". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol12/pp43-65.

February 1602

Thomas Playfere to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 1. Asking for Sir Robert Cecil's intervention in the religious and other contentions at Cambridge.—From St. John's College, 1 Feb., 1601.
Holograph, signed, “Thomas Playferus.” Latin. 1½ p. (85. 6.)
E[dward Somerset,] Earl of Worcester to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601/2 ?] Feb. 2. I have received your letter the second of this instant. The hardness of my fortune has left me this long time destitute of anything worthy the writing. I have received by the same her Majesty's gracious commandment to repair to Court and receive her further pleasure concerning the use of my service, and I will accomplish the same with all expedition. The comfortable remembrance by her Majesty of my poor wife maketh her covetous of more years to do her service.—Fe : 2.
Holograph, signed, “E. Worcester.” 1½ pp. (97. 130.)
Lady Moryson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 3. I pray you grant leave to these lines to answer a conceived error that I should commit, which I entreated my Lord Grey to deliver the truth of, touching both myself and my son. We heard you were so much incensed against us both for seeking to take unfitting courses towards my Lady Susan Veare. But since it hath been brought in question, I humbly entreat you to allow my son to seek to deserve the pretty lady's affection. I leave his disposal to your Honour's favour and direction.—Caishio, 3 Feb., 1601.
Holograph, signed, “Dorothye Moryson.” 1 p. (85. 8.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 3. I beseech you, now my cause is referred to the Lords, to continue your favour, that such a portion of my poor revenue may be left me as will enable me to bring up my eldest son to do his prince and country some service. He is now at the University, and gives me good hope of his well doing, if I am able to maintain him there. My Lord Treasurer lately sent a gentleman to me, to remind me that since I had informed him that I was not allowed the impost of xxx. ton of wine in France, which had been allowed to all former ambassadors, I should now write so much to him in French, and signify how they proceeded about it, which I have accordingly done.—3 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 9.)
Queen Elizabeth to King James.
[1601/2, Feb. 3.] Letter beginning, “My very good brother, though matter I have long to lengthen my letter, yet you must bear with few lines driven thereto by an evil accident of my arm.”
Endorsed :“3 Feb. 1601. Minute of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scotts with her own hand. By Mr. Fowlis.” ½ p. [Printed in extenso in Camden Soc. Publications, O.S. XLVI. p. 142.] (134. 10.)
A. White to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 4. My humble duty to you and my cousins, your son William and daughter Francis. I thank you for help shewn to my son Adlard Welby and my daughter when in London in the suits which still trouble them. My son has been driven to great extremity by a suretyship for his brother Henry Adam. The debt amounts to 2,000 marks, besides the bringing up of a ward and three of his sisters. Begs for a wardship.—Goxill, [Lines.] 4 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 seals. 1 p. (85. 12.)
Ferdinand Cardin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 4/14. Our company started from Portugal, being nineteen priests of the Society of Jesus, sent to Brazil to spread the Christian faith. On the second day of the voyage, while still almost in the port of Lisbon, we were taken by the English. Eleven of us were put on shore, and the other eight brought to England, whereof one died at sea; seven of us landed at Plymouth.
We have lost more than ten thousand “aurei,” which had been subscribed for our use, many silk vestments and musical instruments, four columns, a cross, and other silver vessels for divine service, many books, six wooden candlesticks gilt, and other things, such as bezoar stones, and unicorn's bones, and the like, clothes, several reliquaries of glass set in gold, and two boxes filled with holy things brought from Rome. We also lost writings of our own in Portuguese or Latin, sermons, lives of Christ, and theological commentaries, all of which are now in the hands of Sir John Gilbert, by whose men we were captured.
As religious men we have never done any harm to any of your people; nay more, to English in Portugal we have always shown kindness, bestowing alms, caring for the sick, freeing the captives, as they themselves declare. So now we beg for a like treatment, that to the loss of our goods the loss of our liberty may not be added. So now we pray the Queen and you that our property, especially our writings, may be given back to us, and ourselves allowed to go free, of whom there are four in prison at Plymouth, and two in London. For which I shall hold myself bound to serve all my life.—From the prison called “Gatus,” 14 Feb., 1602.
Latin. Holograph. 2½ pp. (181. 103 & 4.)
Digori Chamond and Francis Penkevell to the Privy Council.
1601/2, Feb. 5. We have searched the house, coffers and study of Mr. John Prydeaux at Padstow, and have not found any writings or letters from Prydeaux to Elson or Elson to him, but the letter sent herewith.—Padstow, 5 Feb., 1601.
Postal Endorsements :—“Received at Padstow, Feb. 6th, at 10 in the morning, Robt. Bellman : Bodmin, Feb. 6th, at 12 o'clock : Lowe at 3 of the clock : From Ashburton, Feb. 8 at 4 in the aft. : Exeter after 9 on the 8th : Honyton, Twysday at 2 in the morning, 9 of Feb.; received at Andever, being Wednesday, at 11 in the morning : Basingstoke, half a nower past four; Harfart Brug, at nine in the night.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 13.)
J. de Thumery to Sir Robert Cecil. (fn. 1)
1600/1, Feb. 5/15. A man came to me yesterday from you with letters from the Queen to the King my master and to “Made” de Rohan with a box, which he was charged to deliver to M. Howard. I told him that M. Howard had just started with M. de Rohan, but had left a messenger to take the letters, to whom I would give them. He agreed to this, but after having dined, he told “Monsieur d'Hostel” that he had forgotten to give me a letter to “Milord Howard,” and begged him to give it to the messenger. This was done without my hearing of it, or I would have sent it to M. de Rohan. The other letters and the box reached him this morning. The box contained a rich jewel, as I hear, her Majesty, not content with all the other favours to M. de Rohan, having added this also; for which I must thank her as both for my master and for myself, as well as I may.—London, 15 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. French. 1½ pp. (181. 105.)
Sir Henry Winston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 6. I was lately censured in the High Court of Star Chamber to pay a fine of 1000l., and to come to the next assizes at Gloucester to publicly acknowledge the offence, being matters neither of oppression nor corruption. I gave some blows to two bailiffs who arrested one upon a writ of outlawry in the place where I dwell, being then a Justice of the Peace, and shewed some pity to two or three small offenders. For this I was informed against and prosecuted by Sir Tho. Throckmorton, of malice. I acknowledge the censure to be just, but entreat your favour to have my punishment remitted. I desire rather to remain in prison than to receive open disgrace in my country.—From the Fleet, 6 Feb., 1601.
Signed. “H. Winston.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 14.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 6. I humbly thank you for my pardon. About a month since I wrote you touching those mortar-pieces that were sent for into Ireland, which I forebore to go forward in, because I understood the service was at an end. I was most glad that my Lord President of Munster (being the most understanding gentleman of artillery in this kingdom) hath begun the reviving of them, whose use, through the ignorance of the gunners, is almost forgotten. 100 of them prevail more against a well-fortified town than 100 cannons, yet 10 do not amount to the charge of one cannon. I beseech you not to mention this till I have given a full assurance hereof by trial, for I well know the fashion of this censuring age.
Endorsed :—“6 Feb., 1601”; and with the following names—Mr. Fleetwood, Mr. Ambrose Rogers, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Nich. Fortescue, Mr. Jh. Wynter, Mr. Browne, Mr. Nanton. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 15.)
Thomas Cotells to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 6. Five hundred pounds are ready, whensoever it please your Honour to write unto me to whom I shall tell the sum.—London, 6 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (181. 100.)
Ferdinand Cardin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 7/17. Hieronymus Lopes, merchant of Portugal, informed me yesterday that you were minded that I should procure the release of a certain knight who is detained in Belgium (apud Belgas). I am surprised at this for (1) I am neither a subject nor an acquaintance of Prince Albert, nor (2) a soldier or leader. Yet princes prefer to exchange their captives rather for knights and leaders than for the religious or for strangers, nor (3) have I any money. Moreover, the other was captured when rambling through an enemy's country, I was taken in Portuguese territory when proceeding straight to my own province. He has lost nothing, I, as I have mentioned in former letters, have lost a great deal. It is usual with the English, when they receive anything important from merchants or other travellers, to treat them well and let them go, as was done with the two Portuguese who were taken with me, yet who lost very little : whilst I have been detained in prison for five months. But at your command I will attempt the matter, though it is difficult, only I beseech you to grant me an interview.—London, from the Gatehouse (ex hoc carcere Gati), 17 die Februarii, 1602.
Endorsed :—“1601, 17 Januar, Cardinas, the Jesuit, to my master.” Holograph. Latin. 1¼ pp. (183. 131.)
John More, Richard Carmarden and Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 8. We have understanding of this young fellow to be lately come hither in a ship from St. Lucar. He long dwelt in Spain, yet an Antwerpian, so both ways a subject to her Majesty's enemies, and greatly suspected by the Dutch ships to be a spy. We send him to you by this bearer, the Queen's messenger, Richard Ferrers.—London, 8 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 17.)
Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 8. I have so dealt with some of the Benchers of the Middle Temple as I have brought that the House will be willing to bear 200 marks towards the charge of what is wished to be done, to her Majesty's good liking, and if the young gentlemen will be drawn in to perform what is of their part, I hope it will be effected. Some of the young men have their humors, but I hope that will be over-ruled, for I send for them as soon as other business of her Majesty is dispatched. But the Ancients of the House who wish all to be done to her Majesty's best content, depend upon your favour if anything through young men's error should not have that carriage in the course of it, as they would wish it might not yet be imputed unto them.—At Serjeant's Inn, 8 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 18.)
The Bishop of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 8. I have drawn such a short writing as I would be glad to receive from some three or four of your Lordships. I pray you reform it as you think good and send it me again. Then I will crave your hand to it, and afterwards entreat my Lord of Canterbury, my Lord Keeper and the Lord Chief Justice's. I desire this course for the secrecy, and no man shall know of it but the Lords who subscribe it.—At my house in London, 8 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 19.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 8. The bearer, Thomas Harrison, being spoiled by the Dunkirkers of his ship, fish, nets and goods, hears that his ship is carried into Scotland by one Jeremy Love, a Scot, one of the consort with the Dunkirkers. He is a suitor that you would write to Mr. Nicolson that he may deal with the King for restitution of the ship, for nothing else is left by the residue of the rovers, who fell into the Hollander's hands and had their merits on the gibbet.
P.S.—The ship hath been two months out of his hands and may be sold. If so, I think he should have her restored, seeing she was bought of a thief.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Feb. 8, 1601.” ½ p. (85. 20.)
Christopher Harris to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 8. I received in a packet of your Honour's a letter from Sir Walter Ralegh, who desired a speedy answer thereto by the running post. I have therefore presumed to return the same in a packet to your Honour, and humbly desire your allowance thereof.—Radford, 8 Feb., 1601.
Postal endorsements : “Plymouth this 8th of February in the afternoone. At Ashborton past 3 in the morning the 9th. Exeter at 9 in the morning the 9th february. Honiton at one of the clocke afternone. Sherborne past 12 at noune being Wensdaye. Shastone 6 in the afternoone. Recd. at Andever . . . 3 morning being . . . . att Basyngstoke at 9 of the cloke.” Signed. Seal. ½ p. (181. 101.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 9. In the heat of business I forgot to know of you whether her Majesty's pleasure be to have anything said the last sitting day in the Star Chamber touching seminary priests, etc., or the negligence of Judges and Justices of the Peace for executing the laws for observing fish days. These admonitions and proclamations are no better esteemed than as matters of fashion, and so all grows out of fashion.—9 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 21.)
Sir Henry Bromley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 9. I beseech you to have my miseries in remembrance, and procure my deliverance from this captivity, drawing with it the ruin of my poor wife and children. Be the means of my enlargement with such convenient speed as may give some life to my languishing estate.—9 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 22.)
Christopher Cocks to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Feb. 10.] I hold it my part to relate the manner of Mr. Tristram Tirwhit's sickness and death, whom I knew to be well affected to his country and your Honour. He arrived at Florence the beginning of December hasting his journey to Rome, where he desired to keep Christmas. He stayed there 16 days and then left for Florence, but the second day of his journey could hardly endure his horse, till he came to a town called Buon Convento, 12 miles from Sienna, where he lay eight days extremely sick. Upon the first news I rode to him, but after I had been there four days, he said he could not possibly escape, for he knew himself to be poisoned. I asked what reason he had to think so, and he answered if he recovered, he would tell me a strange discourse of it, and that was all I could get out of him. His disease began with an extreme flux, and lastly grew an “impostume” on the right side of his face about the ear. Not long before he died, he commended to my care the payment of his debts and the disposing of his things to the use of his servant, who lay dangerously sick as himself. He desired me to burn all his writings, but finding these enclosed, and supposing them to be the fruits of his journey to Rome, I thought them fitter for your Honour's view than the fire. I confess it had been my duty to have written it out fair, but being interlined with many obscure written words which I could scarcely comprehend, I thought best to send his own handwriting.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“10 Feb., 1601. From Sienna.” 1½ pp. (85. 25.)
The Enclosure :
After it was reported that the Queen was dead, Par[sons] laboured to the P[ope] that he would pronounce absolutely “the Infa” [“Alb” is struck out] for King of Eng[land], but this he could not effect in such haste. At the same time the French amba[ssador] laboured for his master that he should have the chief “stroache,” and did protest all service to the P[ope], and that he would reduce it to be Catholic. Besides this open dealing of the French ambassador, I am credibly informed that H. C . . e was employed here by the Fr. king to negociate this with the P[ope] and so doth Ch. Paget in France. He feareth no opposition so much as France that is so mighty and hath the best colour on his side, which is the Scot, though it will be but a pretence to possess himself, for it is unlike he doth desire the unity of these two kingdoms. The Scot wanteth not here agents that give fair promises to the Pope, and hath gotten some crowns from him by these devices. P[arsons] swayeth the greatest part of English Catholics, both abroad and at home, yet in two factions, the one for Spain and the other for Alb[ert]. The Jesuits have now ordained that no priest can come out of England without the Arch-priest's leave, nor can any write letters without his leave, so jealous is Parsons of the Catholic power being transferred to others. He fears the peace, because negociations with Spain being taken away, his credit must fall. He is about another book, some collections of loose pamphlets translated into Latin by one Stephenson, but published in [Parson's] name. In the last audience that the French ambassador had with the King of Spain, he desired that the Marquisate should be restored to his master. He answered it was now to be decided by the Pope, and he could not intermeddle in it. He asked further if his master went about to obtain his right by force, he would not give aid against him? The King replied that it seemed his master mocked him that he would not have him to aid his nephew that is likely to want the crown of Spain. It is said the King of Spain intended, if the wars held, to go himself, and was making great preparations for that purpose, for they say in Spain he imitates the justice of his father, but the valour of his grandfather, Carlo Quinto. They treat of a marriage between Florence' son and the daughter of Don Francesco Aldo, and that with title of Queen, which Florence had so long affected. Another marriage that the Cardi[nal] doth treat [of] between Don Francesco Aldo's son and a daughter of S . . . . and that the Marquisate should rest for dower to him, and the King to yield his interest to gratify the Pope. . . .
Unsigned. 4 pp. (85. 23 and 24.)
The Mayor of Plymouth and others to the Privy Council.
1601/2, 10 Feb. On receipt of your letter of the 6th, we called before us one Engelbert Johnson, skipper of the Grey Falcon, of Elsennore, with a cargo of 11,000 pipe staves, bound to Elegant [Alicante] and Valencia, and William Peter, of Middleburgh, merchant, of 4,000 pipe staves aboard a Scottish ship, the Falcon, bound to the Canaries. We acquainted them with your letter touching the stay of the same for her Majesty's use at a reasonable price, but they refused to make choice either of two indifferent persons on their behalf, or to sell the same at less than 10l. the thousand. We have detained both the ships and cargo till your Lordships' order be further known.—From Plymouth, 10 Feb., 1601.
Postscript.—The said pipe-staves are worth but 5l. 10s. the thousand, to be received aboard of the said ships, discharging the Flemings of all customs and other charges.
Signed :—William Parker, mayor : Jh. Trevor; Wm. Stallenge. Seal. 1 p. (85. 26.)
The Mayor of Barnstaple and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 10. Of the 650 men brought to this port, we have selected 400 that shall serve, and delivered them over by roll indented to their several captains. We have dismissed the residue each to his own country. On Monday last, the wind being fair, we addressed letters to the Lord Deputy of Ireland touching the overplus of apparel in our hands for the 200 Devonshire men (over and above one entire suit delivered them here), which we caused to be packed up and transported with them. The soldiers marched out to the place of embarking, distant five miles, but on a sudden the wind altered and forced them to return. I entreat you that some speedy order may be given her Majesty's Receivers in this town to relieve me with a competent sum for the great charges I am daily at. Some of the men daily run away in spite of a continual watch by day and night. We have taken a few with hue and cry, and will keep them safe.—Barnstaple, 10 Feb., 1601.
Signed :—George Stanberye, mayor : John Fortescue : Tho. Browne : W. Wynson.
Seal. 1 p. (85. 27.)
G[eorge Carey,] Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 10. I have made suit to her Majesty to accept, in satisfaction of the debts I owe her for my father, a statute made over to me by Mr. Essex, of Berkshire, whereby she may be answered her money. If you shall but seem upon my relation to let my Lord Chief Baron know that at my motion her Majesty is pleased to accept the debt as aforesaid, with your opinion how needful it shall be for her to do it, I doubt not but your motion shall induce him to consent thereunto, and free me from making a further suit to her Majesty for the same. The Chancellor and the rest of the Barons of the Exchequer think my request fit to be granted; only the Chief Baron, in a spleen against me for my Lord Riche's suit, seems in dilatory sort to require her Majesty's consent to it, which, if it shall please you to pretend that she has yielded unto, I do not think that he will ever make further question of it, but despatch it as a matter both usual and lawful.—Blackfriars, 10 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“L. Chamberlain.” 1 p. (199. 64.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 11. By letter from Mr. Mayor, Mr. Trevor and myself, you have been advertised what is done to the owners of the pipe staves here stayed. The parties have confessed the same were to be transported for Alicante or Valencia and the Canarias in the King of Spain's dominions. Notwithstanding I have offered 5l. 10s. a thousand, but it will not be taken. The Nonparill hath already taken in part of her victualls, and the other ships shall have theirs as soon as they can be made ready.—Plymouth, 11 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 28.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 12. I have been told by Mr. Edmonds the proceeding of the cause touching Michellot, wherein I will be ready to join with you in any course for her Majesty's honour.—12 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. ¼ p. (85. 29.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 13. My suit was not in no sort that your Honour writ to any other but Mr. Nicholson, as ordinarily hath been done for many for restitution of goods lost by sea and land. This enclosed I received from Sir Hew Haris, whereby you may perceive his suit. He would gladly have seen you himself, but would not presume so to do till he knew your Honour's pleasure. He was minded to write the King to have moved him to write to her Majesty, to pardon the sergeant and the parson for this act of his servant Sir Hew Haris, seeing it is nothing other than whereof the like hath been done in many countries.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“13 Feb., 1601.” Seal. ¾ p. (85. 30.)
W. Barlow to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 13. Asking Cecil to favour his request for the Deanery of St. Paul's; he is a native of London, and a prebendary of the Church. In Westminster, he daily receives vile returns for the service wherewith Cecil possessed him, and for which alone of all those employed he has received no reward. This is his first request, and will be his last, and, if it fail, he will rest as he is, a poor monk in Westminster.—Feb. 13, 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (181. 102.)
John Du Port, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 14. Crayford has performed his submission, according to the condition of his bond, and therefore I have returned his bond to Dr. Neale. For the difference about the posers, it was ordered among us the next day after we received your letter, and that as I offered the Provost ten days before in my chamber, that Mr. Bird and Mr. Dodd having jointly already performed the office of posing the questionists, and Mr. Bird also particularly having made his oration in the House and delivered his judgment of them, from that time forward Mr. Bird should give place and only Mr. Dodd supply the rest. The body stood out awhile after very stiffly upon some particulars, wherein they thought themselves especially interested, but they yielded also in the end, upon this grace preferred unto them, whereunto in full congregation was returned placet eis, not above six negatives in the whole House. The grace I have made bold to present to you to the end it may appear that my act about the posers was not disannulled either in my conclusion with the heads of Colleges, or with the body. I make no doubt, but I shall be ever able to make it good by the judgment of so many sound and judicial civilians, that it was agreeable to law and the government of this University.—Jesus College, Cambridge, 14 February, 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (136. 89.)
The Enclosure :
The Grace referred to in the above letter, with this note added : This Grace was by me presented to the Head with these words inserted, remoto Mro. Bird, but for fear the body should be incensed withal, it was thought good they should be put out.
A slip of paper. (136. 100.)
Geoffrey Gronno to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 15. My messengers are so daunted that they are afraid to deliver my petitions. I wrote therefore to Mr. Trench, Deputy-Marshal of this house, to pray him move my Lord Chief Justice touching my liberty. His Honour took bail of me half a year past and again at Michaelmas, intending, as I took it, to set me at liberty. One Farr, my adversary's attorney, had order of discharge for me, but because I sent to put his Honour in remembrance again, he would not discharge me. Likewise one John Marten, an attorney of Exeter, had a discharge for me, but would not come, for he said if my Lord would have my adversary, he should send for him himself to do it, alleging, if I came out of prison I would appeal the said adversary again for the treason. It hath cost one of them 200l. to shift this matter. I could never have him before the Judge, since I arrested him of high treason before the mayor of Exeter. When I was removed from Exeter prison, Mr. Nicholas Spicer, of Exeter, did take my writings from me, because they were against the traitors, which I did prove before Bishop Babington and the mayor of Exeter. Also one David Atkins, a pursuivant, kept away all the writings that the bishop did send to the Council, and three days before I was removed, Richard Bodie and Nicholas Langden, stewards, and William Hendicott, sergeant of Exeter, did take away from me forcibly 57 writings. I was very sick, for I had been in prison ten years, in a close house, doubly ironed. I prayed my Lord to give me one day respite to speak for the Queen, but he would not grant it, and committed me to the common gaol of the Bench. Here I have been three years. I sent many petitions, and my Lord Chief Justice did put my messenger in prison. Another time, one of his men threatened to set my messenger in the stocks. Then I sent to the Council table, but the matter was committed from them to my Lord Chief Justice to end it. Michaelmas last, I made a prisoner here write to the Attorney General, wherein he enclosed my petition to her Majesty. Whereupon my Lord said he would set me in the pillory if I did speak any more. I pray, therefore, that some order may be taken that I be no longer driven by imprisonment to such clamoreus and outrageous outcries.—Written at the common gaol of her Highness' Bench, 15 Feb., 1601.
Signed. “Gefferie Gronno.” Seal. 2 pp. (85. 32.)
Wm. Vawer, mayor of Bristol, to the Privy Council.
1601/2, Feb. 15. I received your warrant of the 13th for the pressing and sending to Plymouth of all the sailors and mariners to be found here. The warrant being directed to the vice-admiral of the county of Somerset, I sent to Sir Edward Winter, vice-admiral there. Having sought through this city and port, I find no sailors but such as are already shipped for the transporting of the soldiers in those ships which are ready to depart with the first wind, above 20 sail in number, besides her Majesty's ships in the road, who as yet lack men to carry them hence.—At Bristol, 15 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 33.)
Postal Endorsements :—“This packet cam not to the post mr hand of bristoll before x of the clok. at nyght the 15 of Februry. At Marchefeeald at one of the cloke after myd-nyght this 16. At Calnn 16th of Febarye half owr past 4 in ye moring. At Marlbrowth at — of the colik in the moring. At Novbery at ii of the cloke. At Readinge at 7 of the clocke in the night xvi day of Febarye. Hovnsslow the xvith of Februarie at almost tow a cloke in the night.”
The Mayor of Barnstaple to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 18. Upon Wednesday, the 17th of this month, the wind coming fair, all the captains and 400 soldiers with their furnitures were shipped in 2 ships and put to sea. If the wind continues they will arrive at Cork this night.—From Barnstaple, 18 Feb., 1601.
Signed :—George Stanberye, Mayor : W. Wynson. Endorsed :—“Ipswich, Colchester, Kyngston uppon Hull, Boston.” (85. 35.)
Ro. Milner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 18. I fear Mr. Lok did not deliver my last letter. I beseech you vouchsafe me your warrant of employment for my liberty and quiet, that I may seek for my right and satisfy such as I am indebted to, who by arrests and otherwise daily trouble me. Mr. John Quarles, the merchant, means to carry away from me for 4,000l. lands worth 1,200l., being the whole fruits of my life's travail.—Feb. 18, 1601.
PS.—The lands I released unto him are worth 1,200l. de claro per annum, and as fineable lands as the west affords. Now that the parsonage of Martock is despatched, I trust you will help me in this suit.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 36.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 18. Mr. Trevor, as long as he was in health, did effect as much as might be done, but the extremity of his sickness is such that he cannot now look to this service himself. Therefore, I would wish some man of especial regard to be sent, else it will be a long time before her Majesty's ships will depart from hence. I understand there is a report of a great sickness in this town, and some have written to my Lord Admiral thereof. The truth is those who came hither in her Majesty's ships from Ireland brought with them the disease of the country, whereof, and of other sickness, there have died here from Jan. 13 to the 16 of this month 82 persons, viz., 45 strangers and 37 of the place, the most of this town being either young or very old people. Mr. Trevor's disease is something more dangerous. I wish some order might be given for such sick persons as remain in this town to be removed to some other place, lest others should be infected.—Plymouth, 18 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 37.)
Capt. John Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 18. I had long ere this written to your Honour, but that my despatch from Ostend hastened me into Holland, where I have since attended the resolution of his Excellency and the Estates concerning the troops granted by her Majesty; who as yet have taken no certain determination of any project, deferring it till their conference with Sir Frauncis Vere in person. They have sent for him by me to make a speedy repair to the Haghe, and according as things shall be resolved upon, to return again. The time of levying those men which it shall please her Majesty to vouchsafe them is referred to Sir Frauncis Vere when he shall think fittest. His advice I am now to attend at Ostend, which in the opinion of Count Morice would be with all expedition, because there is certain advertisement of the great preparation of the enemy, who is levying 22,000 men, of which 8,000 should come with the Duke of Parma out of Italy. The Estates are as yet altogether unprovided of power to make any head, their forces being generally ruined in the town or in long attending to get into Ostend. Particulars of the estate of that place, I hope to bring myself or send shortly without fail. I am informed that the late storms have much ruined the old town and part of the counterscarpe on the west side. What materials have gone in to repair the breaches, I have not learnt, but provision of all sort was diligently cared for by the Estates according to my request at Haghe, being instructed by Sir Frauncis Vere of the particulars I should demand. I make no doubt there is good quantity of all kinds gotten in, though some ships have miscarried in the Geule. The 3,000 already granted by her Majesty is thought to be best disposed thus—1,000 to be put into the companies of Flushing and the Briel (in their places so many of those soldiers to be taken into the regiments); 500 to be put in those companies that have first come out for their reinforcing in Holland; the other 1,500, the Estates wish to dispose into a regiment to be placed on their frontiers, and so many of the old companies which were in those garrisons drawn out for the field. I understand you shall be much importuned for the command of that place; for my part, I will say nothing which shall not agree with your most discreet disposition and good inclination toward me, yet will I be a humble suitor to your Honour in that behalf.—Middleburgh, this 18 Feb., 1601, stylo Anglie.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (85. 38.)
Edward Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 20. This bearer, whom I told you of, has persuaded himself that if he might speak with you he could testify his ability to do you service. I have sent him according to your order. I would myself have waited upon you, but that I am going to Putnay to see if I can obtain leave to speak with her Majesty, finding her pleasure to be that I shall not go to Guernsey. If I can not remove it by acquainting her Highness with my necessity, I will undergo as well as I may this punishment. I will wait upon you to-morrow with news of my success.—From my lodging near Poles, this 20 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 40.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, [Feb. 21 ?]. I have sent you enclosed a little book, and for your ease have noted out the chief points of it. The author of it (as you may see, pag. 22) is one Tho. Diggs. It hath been abroad above a fortnight, but I could not meet with it till yesterday, neither can I as yet learn where it was printed. Being with my Lord Chief Justice yesterday afternoon, he hath a conceit it should be a cunning fetch contrived by the Jesuits, but I am not of his opinion. The parts of the treatise are—“A petition to her Majesty” and “A letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces.”—From Fulham, this present Sunday, 1601.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Feb. 20.” ½ p. (85. 39.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 21. I desire you to move her Majesty for my leave, to be absent from my charge for some small time to come to the Court, leaving my lieutenant who is a soldier of good experience. This bearer shall wait your answer, and for my business, I pray you give me leave to signify the same by word of mouth.—Pendenas Castle, 21 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (85. 43.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 22. Two letters :—
(1) This confession of Richard Jones was sent me this morning with this letter, which comes to yourself from Thomas Barrie.
Jones is prisoner in Dover Castle for carrying of victual to the enemy without leave. By law he is to be hanged : the letter he brings you, if it be of importance, the proceeding with him would be considered of, and therefore I desire your direction. Where the Queen's ships lie, I know not, but on Saturday two Dunkirkers lay close by Dover roads, and had almost taken two of our Dover men laden for Calais if they had not taken the opportunity in going into the harbour. The pain of my foot is much eased.—From my house in the Blackfriars, 22 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (85. 45.)
(2) Since my last letter to you I have received another packet from Dover with these several confessions, and a larger confession of William Jones written by himself, which it is worth your consideration. In my opinion it were not amiss to send for Jones. The other confessions, I pray you return me with your advice what you would have me do with these persons.—22 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 44.)
Stephen le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 22. By my letters of the 12th February I acquainted your Honour with so much as I had then touching the assembly of the princes in Heydelberg. Two days past, I received letters thence that the said assembly was dissolved, the Emperor's ambassador was gone with a conclusion from the Elector and other princes that they would presently send to the Diet at Ratisbone, where the Archduke Matthias was to be about this time to represent the Emperor's person, to contribute to the entertainment of the Administrator of Strasburg his forces : meanwhile to try whether a good accord may be procured between him and the Cardinal of Lorraine : And, for other causes for which the said princes would have redress from the Emperor, they resolved omnia prius quam armis tenenda.
The Landgrave Mauritz of Hesse had been there more than three weeks and was, the 15th of February returned towards his own town, Cassel. The Elector-Palatine had sent the Baron of Wonau (an ancient councillor to that house) to visit the Marquis of Awltzbach, whose life was doubted in respect of sickness and great age : and from thence to repair to Ratisbone as one of his ambassadors at the Diet. The Duke of Bouillon remained in Heydelberg expecting with patience answer from the French King upon a despatch he had sent him from Geneva, the said King was expect . . .
The first of this month arrived here the Baron of Munckwitz his secretary, with others of his train, plate and such necessaries. He told her Majesty's Commissioners that he had left his master about half way between Gteague and this place, but because the passages were troublesome and dangerous by reason of the great snow, ice and waters, he could not make that speedy repair hither which he would, therefore had sent him day and night to advertise their Lordships and make his excuses. By this we expect him here this day, or to-morrow, at the furthest, also by that time, or very shortly after, his colleague, the Count of Schoumburg.—Bremen, this 4th of March, 1602. The death of the King of Dannemark his brother in Muscovia is still affirmed. Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (183. 147.)
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 23. I am bound to you for the last speech you had with her Majesty about me, upon which she gave order that my Lord Treasurer, my Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Attorney should determine the matter. I hope for your speedy recovery and repair to the Court, where I trust, as occasion is offered, I shall not be forgotten. I desire expedition though to my cost.—From Woodstock, the 23 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (85. 47.)
Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 23. I called on you this afternoon to show you some letters which were brought to me to-day by the Minister and one of the elders of our Flemish Church, and to take measures that the man mentioned in these letters should not leave sooner than we liked; he appears to be a man of bad life, cunning and factious. I enclose the letters, which your servant Livinus can translate for you, so that you may do what you think fit.—Clapham, 1601, Feb. 23.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (181. 106.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 24. I am most sorry that so bad an occasion should be a mean to effect that which I have often wished, I mean, to taste of your noble favour : for the obtaining whereof I appeal to my lord Grey, my lord Harry and Mr. Thomas Arundel, whom I entreated long since to be mediators for it. How faithfully I ever served my lord of Essex and at what charge, both in the wars and at home, all that know me must justly witness, being tied unto him only by external accidents, as honour, wealth, &c. But the favour I desire from you is my life and the preservation of my poor estate, which doth so far overbalance all the favours that hitherto from all the world I have received as I must ever bestow my life and other fortunes at the least of your commandments. I did not vainly or for hope of life merely intimate unto you some worthy services for her Majesty, for I will undertake to perform those as yet she never had done by any subject since she came unto her crown : for in powder only, I will instantly save her a third part that shall be expended in her shipping, which will be worth 1,000l. the year. I do assure myself that I shall reform her ordinance in such sort as she shall have it lighter and stronger and yet a fifth part gotten unto her in the same species and length that now they are, with the whole charge of casting defrayed. I hope to increase the force of powder at so small a charge as her Majesty in few years shall save an infinite sum of money. There are other services touching match and cordage wherein I will save her Majesty a matter of good moment. If her Majesty have bestowed my office upon any man, yet I hope with your assistance that these services will be a mean for my restitution unto it. I understand that I am yet in the indictment, out of which I humbly beseech you that I may be put, according to your promise. The sooner it shall please you to restore me to her Majesty's favour from this extreme misery wherein now I am, besides the unspeakable comfort which I shall receive, the more will it be for her Majesty's profit; and therefore do wish that in the meantime the monthly contract for powder may stay awhile, there being already enough in the store.—Newgate, this 24 of February, 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (76. 104.)
Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 24. I am heartily sorry that my endeavour for the young Lord Burgh taketh no better success. He complained of a crick in his neck on Thursday fortnight, and thereupon kept his chamber, but without any apparent fever. I sent for physicians, who doubted the new disease in him, and thought it best to expect some declination of the heat which troubled him at times. On Thursday night last he went to bed in reasonable plight and slept more heavily than he was wont. I sent presently for as more learned physicians as Hampshire did yield, and after some pause they doubted he was falling into a kind of lethargy. This next Thursday is the seventh day since this heaviness oppressed him. How this disease should grow so strangely, I cannot conjecture. I have only noted that he desired to feed much on fat meats, and have had many small combats with him to bring him from that diet, so that often he hath risen hungry from the table, because I would not suffer him to feed on so oily and unctuous meats as he affected. His nimbleness of body made me least suspect a lethargy of all diseases, and his sullenness when displeased made us nothing to doubt that event which after shewed itself. The danger is greater if this collection of flux (?) and oily matter be fastened to the receptacles of the brain. If the matter be more tractable, we conceive hope it may decline. If not, I can but rest pierced at heart for the loss of so noble an imp [sic].—From Waltham, Wednesday, 24 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“23 Feb., 1601.” Seal. 1½ pp. (85. 46.)
Lord Zouche's journey to Guernsey.
1601/2, Feb. 24. Minute of a safe-conduct for Lord Zouche to pass into Guernsey, warranting him to obtain the use of all necessaries for the journey.—Dated from the Court at Richmond, 24 Feb., 1601.
Signed :—Tho. Egerton, C.S. : T. Buchurst : Ro. Cecyll. 1 p. (85. 49.)
H[enry Clinton,] Earl of Lincoln to Sir John Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain.
1601/2, Feb. 24. Send me word by this bearer when you come to London, that I may take my leave of you. I am desired to inform you of such matters as have been proved afore me in the country concerning the concealing, yea, and countenancing of lewd persons that have published matters concerning her Majesty, nearer in my opinion that this bearer can make proof of any. I have hitherto forborne to deal in what I am not called to do, but others authorised to examine these matters, have very loosely proceeded in them, and those things which have been truly informed have been shuffled off by a supposition that they have been maintained by me of malice to Sir Ed. Dymmock, wherein I have received great wrong. All this I have plain proof of, when I shall be called to show the same.—This 24 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (85. 50.)
John Ratclyff, mayor of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 25. By a former letter of the 15th instant, I certified that I had apprehended two young men for suspicion of the robbery committed on your nephew. I have detained them here since to await your pleasure. In regard to their earnestness, they having already lost one fair wind for their passage. I have presumed to put you in mind hereof.—Chester, the 25 day of Feb., 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (77. 9.)
Philip Mowbray to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, c. Feb. 25.] Two letters :—
(1) I thought good to write these few lines to your Honour, because I could not meet with Mr. Lok at his lodgings, where I was told he would not be in town for a fortnight. My cousin has shewn me that Count Deegmont has been here busy with her Majesty concerning an enterprise upon the Cardinal and in some part of his country. He saith the Cardinal is advertised 10 days since. Of his own motive he has promised to tell me in Caillis who is his “intelliger.” He has stayed me here till he was dispatched himself, or else I had been gone a month since. Mr. Lok promised to give me the man's name that dwells in Callis, who would send the letters that I wrote your Honour. My cousin is gone and has sent me the little ticket that is enclosed in this letter. At my going out of London, I had some business ado in Santmertin's, and there I am arrested for the sum of six pounds that I gave my word for. I request your Honour to send me as much as to release me, for I have it not. Please send an answer with the bearer, and my cousin's ticket back again. I thank your Honour for dispatching him so quietly that he has no suspicion of me.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“25 Feb., 1601. Received.” 1¼ pp. (85. 53.)
(2) I have received your letter. I perceive you are in doubt which of us two to credit, but time will give the best proof. I said nothing to your Honour but what he told me. At our meeting in Callis he has promised to shew me his mind further. I pray you to send me the man's name that dwells in Callis with this bearer, to whom I must deliver my letters to send to your Honour.—From St. Martin's, this last Saturday [? 27 Feb.].
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Feb. 25, 1601.” ½ p. (85. 52.)
Lamoral Count d'Egmont to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 25. I know that the remedy of my affairs depends on you alone, and believe you will have the inclination out of pity for my inhuman treatment, which you will perceive by the copy of a letter translated from Flemish to French which I send you. I pray you move her Majesty to help me in this generous enterprise. I will give all the security of which I have spoken. If you wish to confer more particularly with me. I will come when you please.—25 Feb., 1602.
Holograph, signed, “Lamoral degmont.” French. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 54.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 26. My Lord Noryce hath made my Lady a jointure. I made Mr. Anthony of the Wards peruse the book afore it was ingrossed. My lord will allow her for herself and her servants part of the rents at Hedingham, which will be about 250l. a year, and too little considering what portion she brought him, and the purchase made with her money is now 300l. a year, and will be in four years as good as 400l. My Lord Noryce hath had of me to his own use 900l. My Lady's humble suit is for you to deal with him as you shall think fit. I take that 350l. is as little as he should allow her. I offered to pay my Lord for my Lady Susan and two servants' board, but he would take nothing. I am bold to be a suitor in behalf of one Robert Weigge, one of your Honour's waiters at the Custom house, to accept him to be your man, not that he shall be chargeable to you any manner away, for I assure you he is an honest man and one of experience in all trade of merchants, who fear him above all the rest of the waiters, for he is acquainted with all the practices which they use to deceive the Queen of her customs.—26 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (85. 55.)
Edm. Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 26. Being lately to attend my Lord Keeper, his Lordship holding in his hand a paper which was a petition to the Queen, delivered it to me, saying it was unread by him and newly come from Mr. Vice-Chamberlain. The petition was exhibited by William Bullock, of whose brother I purchased lands some years ago. Ever since he hath been turbulent and clamorous, and now lies in prison for his manifold miscarriage thereabout. The effect of the petition is to obtain a review of the passage in all the principal Courts of Justice, the danger of which proceedings I leave to your Honour's insight. I pray you signify your mind therein to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain.—26 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (85. 56.)
Dr. Robert Soame to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 26. May it please you to favour me in some such particular for my maintenance as my Lord Grace of Canterbury shall like, with her Majesty's favour, to respect me in. The reasons I present to your Honour are my service and expense in Court, and in the city of London by commandment, my continuance above 42 years in the University, and the want all this while of so much as a competent clergy living. All I crave is that, while others have their child's part in very good sort, I may not be a step-child.—From Cambridge, 26 Feb., 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (85. 57.)
Sir Thomas Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 26. There is a young gentleman of Essex, called Edward Jeram, not yet of age almost by a year, who is supposed to have brought himself within the danger of the law as principal or accessory to some felony lately done. He remaineth now in the common gaol at St. Edmund's Bury by the Lord Chief Justice's warrant inhibiting bail. If the law for his offence shall take hold of him, then such land as he hath, to the value of 50l. by rent in reversion after his mother's death, will be in the full disposition of her Majesty. If it should fall out so, I beseech you to be a means for me to her Majesty, whom I have faithfully served 35 years, and never till now been a suitor for anything. But the case standing hardly against this gentleman, and that small living of his being somewhat near me. I hope I may be free from any imputation if I sue for your assistance.—From my poor house at Moulsham, 26 Feb., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (85. 58.)
Ferdinando Hayborne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 26. Prays for warrant for the stay and examination of Mr. Symcocks and his boy Christopher Coward, for contempt of court.
Endorsed :—“26 Feb., 1601.” ½ p. (P. 1710.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. 27. The continual hearing of the increasing of new afflictions upon me maketh me now to begin to sink under the burden of them. The loss of my office was very grievous to me, not so much for the gain that I made of it as in regard of a reputation that I desired still to be held in the number of them that were fit to do her Majesty service. But the taking away the wardship of my wife's son goeth beyond all my other miseries. There wanteth but a few boils and botches to make me as low as ever was Job.
With what conscience, care and zealous affection I always carried myself towards the young gentleman, I even appeal to those that love me least. To be the occasion of the undoing of so towardly a young gentleman giveth torment even unto my very soul. It was merely by the goodness of your noble father that I obtained him, to whom I ever professed myself most bounden of any man living next my Lord of Essex. The grief of my misfortunes hath so much weakened my wife, that she cannot attend you herself, but, if her dearest child be taken from her, I know her life is at an end. How much better had it been that I had never been born than to become the overthrower of the son and the murderer of the mother.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“27 Feb., 1600.” [sic]. 1 p. (77. 2.)
G. Harvy, Deputy-lieutenant of the Ordnance, to the Privy Council.
1601/2, Feb. 27. I have received from Mr. Hardinge, Mr. Evelin and others, patentees for the provision of saltpetre and gunpowder, a complaint that divers saltpetre works are ceased and the rest much hindered by the late proclamation, whereby ignorant people pretend that those works should be no further proceeded in. The store at this time is very weak of powder by reason of the great issues of the same, and if it be not supplied may greatly weaken her Highness' service, As it is uncertain in these times how her Highness should be furnished with foreign powder, I thought it my duty to give you notice hereof. If these patents for want of assistance should cease, her Majesty would be driven to pay 12d. at the least for every pound of powder, and so lose in 100 lasts (the yearly proportion now delivered) 5,000l.—At the Tower, 27 Feb., 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (85. 59.)
The complaint referred to, Enclosed :
Petition of gunpowder and saltpetre makers complaining that, by the late proclamation of Nov. 28 concerning monopolies, they are hindered in the working of the gunpowder and saltpetre works, although their letters patent are warranted by common law, and praying for speedy redress to enable them to make their monthly delivery and perform their contracts.—24 Feb., 1601.
Signed :—Ri. Harding : Robert Evelyn : Jo. Wrenham : Simeon Furrier.
Addressed :—To George Harvey esq., deputy lieutenant of her Majesty's Ordnance.
1 p. (85. 51.)
Lady Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. I have lately received letters from my husband [Sir Anthony Cooke] whereby he lets me understand that my Lord Deputy hath cast of his 150 foot company, which he went away with from hence last, 50 of them, which is no small grief and disgrace to him. I beseech you that by your favour he may not lose the rest of his foot company, but that upon occasion falling out, they may be made him up again, and though the wars there grow to an end, yet his company may be of them which remain in Munster or elsewhere. I would have attended upon your Honour myself, but I and my household are sick with the new sickness which reigneth. I have sent my man to attend upon your pleasure.
Holograph, signed, “Avis Cooke.” Undated. Endorsed :—“Feb., 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (85. 60.)
Chancellorship of Cambridge University.
[1601/2, Feb.] Memorandum containing names of Heads of Colleges and other officers of the University who are in town and intend to wait upon “your Honour” [Sir Robert Cecil].
D. Jegons, Vice-Chancellor Mr of Benedict College.
D. Goade ” King's College.
D. Tindall ” Queen's.
D. Soame ” Peter House.
D. Nevel ” Trinity.
D. Duport ” Jesus College.
D. Clayton ” St. John's.
D. Andrews ” Pembroke Hall.
D. Legg ” Caius College.
Mr. Gostlime Procurators.
Mr. Mountayne
Mr. Smith Register.
Mr. Brooks Senior Bedell.
D. Playfer.
Mr. Thompson.
Cecil's Endorsement :—“Persons that do come up with the presentation of the Chancellorship of the University.”
Undated. 1 p. (136. 207.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601/2, Feb. Notwithstanding that your Honour has made me the instance of your compassion, I find myself far from that happiness, wherein I should be if I had once kissed your hands, in testimony of my gratitude for my enlargement.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Feb., 1601.” Seal, ½ p. (181. 107.)
Mrs. Cassandra Cotton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601/2, Feb.] I desire humbly to present you with a part of my first born son, which if you vouchsafe, I shall think it a presage of good fortune to him : if you refuse to lay such an honour on his poor parents, yet will we presume to have him a Cecil.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“February, 1601.” ½ p. (204. 135.)


  • 1. This letter is out of place here, belonging to the previous year.