Cecil Papers: October 1601, 11-20

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp420-440 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 11-20', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp420-440.

"Cecil Papers: October 1601, 11-20". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp420-440.

October 1601, 11–20

Fulk Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 11. I long to know how you do and when some extraordinary business will draw you again to London, because, considering how seldom and unwillingly you repair thither upon any occasion, I cannot choose but reckon it as a piece of misfortune to me that this present and hasty business of her Majesty's should make me lose the opportunity of waiting upon you there yesterday. Be pleased, therefore, to pardon me, if with some unmannerly industry I trouble to repair that loss, and humbly beseech of you that in a word I may know when you return, and in the mean time what Ireland and Ostend say since I saw you. I presume to ask the rather because the loose companions which I have now to deal with, I mean these transitory inhabitants of that moving and living element, do tell me of seconds and supplies preparing and ready to follow the forlorn companies that are gone before them. Within three or four days I hope to have sealed my part in this business, and then I will not fail to wait upon you at the Court, and in my absence it may please you to believe that though I do less than I should yet I do the best I can.—From Deptford, this 11 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 58.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 12.] I humbly thank you for the noble commiseration that I understand by my brother you have of my overwhelmed fortunes, whereunto is added this late unexpected calamity, which I am persuaded was by God's appointment at this time because he would let me know that he had made your Honour the mere instrument for the new making of me.
It pleased you to will my brother that I should set down the exact value of my wife's jointure, which I had then done if at that time I had been able to write. Since, I entreated my Lord Henry, to whom I made the state thereof known, to inform your Honour of as much, which I will also be bold briefly to set down.
My wife's jointure was a demesne, and used commonly to be let by the owners thereof for a yearly rent, which in Sir John Pollard's time was let for 160l. the year; by Sir Amyas Paulet increased to 200l., and by Mr. Rosewell to 250l., and so continued all his time. But myself coming into the possession thereof, being reasonable skilful in the surveying of lands, raised it unto 340l. the year, and so had for it about three years. Afterwards, upon the falling of the price of grounds, I abated it unto 315l., and three years after, upon a new complaint that it was at too high a rate, I abated it unto about 300l., and so still remaineth. But the charges going out of it were so great as there came not of late years unto my purse full 230l. the year, as may appear by this note enclosed, and with the Queen's rent now to be 'defalked,' will not rise fully unto 190l.
It is very true that I might have made 6 or 700l. the year for divers years because the woods that are upon it are better worth than 2,000l., which were in my power to have felled, yet never decayed to the value of 5l., unless it were in the building and repairing of his housing, which if I had not carefully looked unto, might have been worse by 1,000l. ever the young gentleman came of age; of whom my care was to leave him some monument of a kind father-in-law.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“12 Oct. 1601.” Seal. 1½ pp. (183. 59.)
The Enclosure :
My estate when I married my wife was worth at the least 1,500l.
I disbursed the first year I was married, for the wardship of her son and other debts wherewith she had encumbered herself in the time of her widowhood 900l.
I paid since for my office out of my own estate 350l.
And to give my wife contentment, I lived at so high a rate as there was no possibility for the saving of anything.
I received by her of 'praised goods 400l.
I received also for land that Mr. Rosewell appointed by will to be sold for the payment of her children's portions, which he had spent, and to discharge other debts of his own, 2,300l.
Out of which there was due to my wife's children almost 1,800l.
Whereof all is paid except 600l.
and odd pounds
I have paid besides, for his other debts, almost 1,200l.
The land that I have is 8l. per annum, having sold the rest for those occasions abovesaid.
I had a grant of the Church of Welles of a lease in reversion, which will be worth towards 30l. a year.
Charges per annum for the demesnes of Ford :—
Subsidy 4l. Tenths, being abbey lands 4l., poor 8l., church 3l. Horse for service, 20l. Keeper of the house, 8l. Bailiff, 5l. Repairs, 20l. Old rent now to be reserved, 38l. Total 110l. besides setting out of soldiers, the sheriff's estreats, and other petty charges. Rent of the demesnes 300l., deductions 110l., remain 190l. 1 p. (183. 60.)
The Same to [the Same].
I thank your Honour for your noble commiseration on my utter decayed estate, which howsoever it shall please you to raise again, shall ever rest at the service of you and yours. I understand you would be advertised to whom I would have the wardship of my wife's jointure to be passed of trust. I desire it may be granted unto my brother, of whose fidelity I have good trial in these misfortunes, as well of his pains as his purse, the chief part of the maintenance for my wife, her children, and myself being supplied by him.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (83. 63.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 12. On Sunday last the 11th of this month, here arrived into Plymouth one Thomas Gray, servant to Mr. Richard Hawkins, who was warranted by a pass from your Lordship to go into Spain with letters for his master, and came now from the Spanish Court at Valle Delle, from whence he began his journey towards England about five weeks since. He saw at the Court divers captains suing for their despatch, to the number of fourscore, all appointed to take up men to make up their companies; but whither to go he knoweth not, the reports were so divers. For some said they were bound for Argiers, others for the borders of France; but no more speech was made of Ireland, which giveth the more suspicion that they are bound thither to second their army already there engaged. Mr. Grey will wait on you with as much speed as may be.—From the fort at Plymouth, this 12th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 115.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 12. I send you now the draft of the jointure which I intend to make my lady of Kildare. I pray you shew it to my Lord Admiral that I may have his allowance, and that his daughter yield her consent likewise; then with her Majesty's favour I mean to proceed in it that this Parliament it may pass. I have made the offer in the hope you shall receive the jointure made unto my grandmother and likewise that of my mother. I pray you let me hear from you.—From my house in the Blackfriars, the 12 of 8ber 1601. Your loving brother-in-law.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 116.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 12. Considering how hard a matter it will be when those 2,000 soldiers appointed to embark at Rochester shall be come into the country, to contain them, being strangers and lodged scatteringly abroad in the villages, from running away and committing of outrages usual with such kind of people, if the conductors be not commanded to stay with their companies; you will be pleased to cause a letter for the purpose to be written from the Lords to Sir John Leveson to show to the conductors.—From my house in Blackfriars, this 12 of October, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 117.)
Sir J. Stanhope, Vice-Chamberlain, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 12.] I have sent you the pass for this gentleman, Mr. Browne, who was recommended to me by the Earl of Sussex his letter, which I have likewise sent. If you will sign the pass, I know my Lord Admiral will, and I will join with you. He promiseth to advertise anything shall fitly come to his knowledge.—This 12th of 8ber.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 118.)
Robert Belman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 12. The provisions for the shipping of horses at Padstow are all ready, and there is store of shipping sufficient in place, but as yet the stay which my Lord Admiral did promise to send for ships in that place is not come. I beseech you to acquaint him herewith, and also to send your directions to what port in Ireland the victuals shall be sent. The post bark is ready to attend your pleasure.—Plymouth, the 12 of October 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (88. 119.)
Elizabeth, Dowager Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 12.] Let me be so much beholden unto you as to send for Justice Warberton, the puisne judge of the Common Pleas, and sharply to take him up for doing me an open wrong, as better learned than himself affirm : he was made Justice but the last term. The case is this :—In the matter between Anne Lovelace and me, their side had put in an insufficient plea : my counsel moved that they would amend their plea : they did not. Whereupon I had order in the Court that if it were not amended by such a day I should have judgment. After the term done and my counsel out of town, Mr. Justice Warberton revoked this rule, which by law he could not, being a record of court. Whereupon an horrible riot followed : a hundred coming upon my land and reaped and carried away twenty acres of wheat, thirty well weaponed persons with pikestaves and bills standing to guard the workmen, where two of my men were hurt and the rest cast down, and not suffered to carry any of my corn out of the field. I am persuaded to put up a complaint to the Lords of the Council, and am bold to acquaint you first withal.
The grant she claimeth was for service done and to be done, made while she waited upon me. She went from me and refused to serve me, as appeareth by an homage, whereupon I entered and took it into my hands. She paid no fine. My counsel put this to a demurrer of judges. Mr. Warberton, after the time of term more than he ought, revoked the order to a common issue. Good Mr. Secretary, let him know his duty since he knoweth not honesty nor justice. My being your aunt, my place had deserved more regard of justice than to have my maiden's cause, contrary to the order of the Court and after term ended, and when my counsel was out of town, to be altered. It is the first precedent that ever was heard in any court.—Your desolate wronged aunt.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“12 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (88. 120.)
John Seintleger to the Queen.
[1601, Oct. 12.] The great miseries I do endure compels me to humbly pray your Highness to release me out of this miserable thraldom that daily is threatened to be laid upon me, only by the means of my long delayed suit, which by my evidences and great costs I have effected, to my utter undoing; although your Highness assured me upon the recovery thereof to bestow it upon me for the raising up of my poor decayed house. My dutiful endeavours therein for your Majesty hath been justly proved, in that they have submitted themselves to you to deal with as you shall think fit. But I, your poor vassal, only endure miseries and imprisonments. For being lately released forth of the prison of Newgate by certain of my friends, who are bound to redeliver my body by a day now at hand, I am in doubt they are like to fall into great trouble for me by the strictness of your laws, unless you take order for me to have some speedy end. My extreme miseries are such as it shameth me to relate, being lineally sprung from those noble ancestors which the good Queen your mother was descended of. The matter I crave is but the third part of my charges thereby sustained.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“xiimo Oct. 1601.” Seal. p. (183. 61.)
Robert Carter, Feodary of Herts, to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, Oct. 12.] For licence to assign his lease of the third part of the manor of Willesford, Lincoln, to William Gedney. Refers to Henry Allen's petition on the matter.
Report by the Surveyor and the Attorney of the Court of Wards thereon.
Endorsed :—“12 Oct. 1601.” 1½ pp. (1483.)
Sir John Bolle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 13. Understanding from the Commissioners for the musters in this county that you have been advertised of the Spaniards' arrival in a place in Munster where I once commanded, and that supplies are to be sent thither and to Lough Foyle, I thought fit to dispatch this messenger touching the disposing of my service. Wherefore I beseech you either to grant my long suit to be freed from that service, or that at least I may be employed when Sir Henry Docwra may not command me. I had waited on you myself but that my wife, who is too impatient of my absence, is at this time sick.—Thorphall, this 13th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 123.)
The Spanish Landing in Ireland.
[1601, Oct. 13.] Letters which have been written since the landing of the Spaniards in Munster.
To the counties, for levying 5,000 men, for levying—horse. To the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, for 60 horse to be levied of the clergy in their Provinces; to the Ports of Barnstaple, Bristol and Chester, for providing shipping to transport the 5,000 foot, &c.; letters to the several ports to the Mayors and Commissioners to take a view of the soldiers appointed to be embarked, to see them kept in order and embarked so soon as wind and weather will serve, and the apparel distributed to the soldiers, with a list of the counties and numbers of men where they are levied. Directions to Mr. Babington and Mr. Bromley to provide winter suits of apparel for 5,000 men and to send the same to the ports.
To the Officers of the Ordnance, for brass ordnance, one cannon, one demi-cannon, two culverins with mounture, shot, carriages and other things incident. To take up gunners and other artificers to attend the same. To the Lord Deputy, to advertise him of the provisions sent him. Contract for 3 months victuals for 8,000 men to be sent to the province of Munster. To the Vice-admirals of Devon and Cornwall, for imprest of 500 mariners to be sent to Plymouth to furnish her Majesty's ships. To the Mayor of Plymouth, to see them lodged and dieted at 6d. the day, until the coming about of her Majesty's ships. To the Lord Treasurer, to give imprest unto the captains. Instructions for the captains appointed to have the charge of the 2,000 men sent to Rochester. Instructions to those that are appointed to have the conduction of the soldiers from Chester, Bristol and Barnstaple. To the Mayors of Padstow, Barnstaple, Bristol and Chester, to provide shipping, oats, hay, straw and other necessaries for the transportation of the horse. Other letters to commissioners to view the horse, to take the height, colour and marks; the time of their arrival, &c.
Endorsed :—“13 Oct. 1601.” (88. 124.)
Mr. Harvy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 13. I may not neglect anything concerning the reputation of my nephew, and therefore am bold to acquaint you with the lewd proceedings of one Anthony Painter, who, out of malice because he could not be surveyor, hath preferred an information into the Exchequer against Mr. Linwray for an account of provisions amounting to 7,000l.; wherein, though Mr. Linwray be named, yet in truth it must of necessity fall upon Sir George Carew. The matter standeth thus. Sir George, in the Cales journey, being Master of the Ordnance, was to indent for all the provisions for that service taken out of Her Majesty's store, and having indented for some part thereof which he had shipped, he willed Mr. Linwray, whom he chose for clerk of the ordnance in that voyage, to indent for the rest on his behalf; which Mr. Linwray did accordingly, and upon the end of the journey did yield a just account of all unto Sir George, who standeth yet charged for all. Which account, to my knowledge, remaineth with Mr. Palfreyman, being committed to his custody by Sir George himself at his departing for Ireland. At which time he desired me to move my Lord Treasurer that a commission might be granted to take his account for that voyage. The motion being made by myself and Mr. Linwray, a commission was drawn and delivered to your Honour, and by you returned to my Lord Treasurer, with whom it yet remaineth. Her Highness hath besides being moved by Sir John Stanhope therein, and hath signified her pleasure for the same. All which doth manifest the great forwardness and care which Sir George, Mr. Linwray and myself have had to declare the said account, the like whereof hath never hitherto been offered or effected in the Office of the Ordnance, and yet that shameless creature, only to bring an imputation upon Sir George whom he never loved, doth not blush to inform that this account was never tendered, and would insinuate unto the world that Sir George is indebted to her Majesty 7,000l. Mr. Linwray must appear and put in answer to this information on Thursday next, if it be not prevented; and there is no means to prevent it but only in Mr. Attorney to withdraw the bill, which he hath good reason to do, because Sir George, whom it particularly concerneth, is now in her Majesty's service. I would, therefore, humbly entreat your Honour to be a mean unto Mr. Attorney for the present withdrawing of the said information, and that the Commission for the taking of the said account may proceed.—From the Tower, 13o Octobr, '601.
PS.—I have presumed to insert here the draft of that which Mr. Attorney is to sign for the discharge of the bill.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 126.)
The Draft. Parchment. (88. 125.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 13. May a dutiful mind offer the service of an inferior workman to a master builder, to the furtherance of the intended work of our enemies' overthrow? My humble supposition is that the harbour of Kinsale is no broader over than may be well commanded by ordnance from either side, and that the Spaniards will therefore fortify both sides. The safest way, as I esteem it, both to preserve our side from slaughter, and to retain these Spaniards from carrying news again into their country, will be speedily to build counterforts against every fort that they shall build, so near unto theirs as that the great ordnance may not annoy each other, and to plant them in such places towards the land as may most interrupt the enemy's relief of water, wood and other necessaries. Our forts being thus made and our garrisons planted, may be at all times supplied and relieved. The enemies on the contrary must trust only to that which they brought with them; for our forts on the harbour will beat off their sea supplies, and our other forts will be able to stop all their land sallies. By this means it seemeth to my shallow conceit, we may hold the victory with least effusion of blood. Lastly, as they were wont to say for Callys, I humbly beseech you remember Scilly, the only place of relief for succour of all ships to be sent with provisions from the South side of England into those Southern parts of Ireland, and also the chief place from whence ships of service may most annoy the Spaniards' intercourse by sea, and therefore the want of them would be most hurtful and unsufferable. Accept hereof, as I do truly mind it, only as offer of loyal service without any respect of vain ostentation.—From Tavistock, the 13th October 1601.
Holograph. On the back :—“Ashberton halfe an hower after 12 of the clock in the night. Exeter at 7 in the morning. Honiton 9 in the morning. Crewkern at 2 after none October 15. Sherborne five a clocke in the after nonne. Rd. at Andever at 7 in the morning being frydaye. Harfartburg [Hartford Bridge] at 3 in the afternon.” 1¼ pp. (88. 127.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601,] Oct. 13. Printed in extenso in Edwards's “Life of Ralegh,” Vol. II., p. 243.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (88. 128.)
Sir Thomas Parry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 14. Modestly accepting the high and weighty charge lately imposed on him by her Majesty.—This 14th of October 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (88. 129.)
Alphonso Lanyer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 14. By your Honour's means her Majesty granted to me and others the goods and chattels of certain fugitives, amongst the which one Arthur Pyttes and Thomas Pyttes are expressed; who being both unmarried, did leave certain leases which were given unto them and departed this realm some twenty years past; since whose departure, one Philip Pyttes has enjoyed the profits. About seven years past one Ballard, one of the patentees joined with me in the grant, at his charges did first proclaim them fugitives, and after found the same by inquisition to be her Majesty's, and gave Philip Pyttes notice thereof. Who found another office in deceit of her Majesty, and got a lease from the Commissioners at 4l. 10s. per annum, the land being worth a hundred a year. And now finding his office and lease void, a new commission was lately procured, but said Pyttes hath made means to Sir John Fortescu, who has stayed our proceeding by law. Wherefore I pray your good favour with his Honour, that I may have proceeding in my grants, having spent already therein above a hundred pounds.—14 October 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 130.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 14. On the receipt of your letters of the 8th instant, I chose one William Lowe, a burgess of this city, to take charge of the two packets of letters for the Lord Deputy of Ireland and the Lord President of Munster. Mr. Lowe was twice put to sea, but has been driven back by contrary winds. Nothing has come hither from Ireland, although I have been expecting some barque these five days past.—At Bristol, this 14th of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 131.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 14. I am called home for a few days by my physician's advice. On Thursday I will return.—From my house in the Blackfriars, the 14 of 8ber 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 132.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 14. I have this instant received the enclosed from my deputy in Scilly, and I send it herewith to the Mayor of Plymouth to be conveyed unto your Honour by the running posts.—Tavistock, the 14th of October.
Holograph. Noted on the back :—“Att Plymouthe 10 of the clock in the forenoone. At Aishberton halfe an hower after 12 of the clock in the evening. Exeter at 7 in the morning. Honiton at 9 in the morning. Crewkern at 2 after none October 15. Sherborn at 5 of the cloke in the afternun. Rd. at Andever at 7 morning being fridaye.” Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ¼ p. (88. 134.)
The Enclosure :
1601, Oct. 10.—Robert Penwarn to Sir Francis Godolphin.—I have now heard from Ireland, having had nothing thence since your departure. The author came from Cork on Tuesday, having been there four days in a small bark of Plymouth, and arrived here on Thursday. He delivered that on Monday was fortnight there arrived at Kinsale thirty five sail of Spaniards, who on their entrance into the harbour summoned the town to yield unto them, and that they should have mercy, otherwise they would force it and put them all to the sword. There was two companies of English in the town, who had neither captain nor lieutenant there, but only a sergeant, who, finding the Mayor's willingness to yield up the town unto the Spaniards, got forth thence and went for Cork. So that the Spaniards had peaceable landing and entrance into the town, the gates being set open unto them : where they now fortify both the town and castles upon the harbour. He saith that they are not above four thousand strong, and that they want victuals, but are full of money and wealth. They give already three pounds for a cow, two pieces of eight for a mutton, and four reals for a hen. They had when they came from Lisbon but a month's victuals, and were six weeks at sea. Their expectation to have the Irish risen with them is hopeless, for he saith that in Munster there hath not any made show thereof; in the North there hath some risen. He saith there is now but twenty five sail of them in Kinsale, whereof there are seven of the King's ships, as the St. Paul, St. Philip and others. The rest, being French and Scots, are discharged, being but enforced to carry some provision. And now the best report of his is that my Lord Mountjoy is in Cork, within ten miles of Kinsale, with eight thousand strong; who forbeareth to make any assault on them until the coming of the Queen's ships who may keep them in by sea, as his Honour would by land; for he imagineth that if he should be too busy with them before the coming of the ships, they would betake themselves unto their ships again and remove for some other parts. He saith that my Lord's company are all on fire to have them by the ears. God grant them a happy day on them. Sir George Carewe, Lord President of Munster, is in the North. He further delivered that one Keyser of Plymouth, now at Cork, hath undertaken with three small barques the burning of the Spanish fleet now in Kinsale, having all necessary provisions, in readiness for such an exploit, lying in the harbour of Cork at their coming away, expecting but a fair wind to put them for Kinsale to execute their device. This Keyser is promised by my Lord Mountjoy to be well rewarded if he shall perform the same, which he shall well deserve. And lastly, confirmeth the happiness of Sir William Godolphin, whom he saw not, but heard of him and of his great favour with my Lord Mountjoy. Henry Millett hath been more than ten days windbound here, yet I hope he may come soon enough for the delivery of his fish.—From her Majesty's fort in St. Mary's Isle in Scilly, the 10th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal.pp. (88. 133.)
Richard Percivale to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1601, Oct. 14.] For a lease of the lands of James Percivale, the Queen's ward. As to a dispute between the pretended administrators of Sir George Rodney and the Lords of Liberties thereto.
Report by the Attorney and Receiver of the Court of Wards thereon.
Endorsed :—“14 Oct. 1601.” 2 pp. (1482.)
Lord and Lady Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 15 I have received your kind letter and would have been glad of my little jewel's (fn. 1) company much longer, if so it had pleased you. I hope we shall shortly meet; in the mean time you may command us.—15 Oct. 1601.
Signed by both. Endorsed :—“Lord Lumley to my Master.” ¼ p. (88. 137.)
George Sharpe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, c. Oct. 15]. My Lord and my Lady commend themselves very heartily unto you. They continue their earnest desire to have my young master (fn. 1) stay with them at Nonsuch for the time of the Queen being there : if it be not your pleasure, yet not to send him away before you hear from my Lady. She willed me to tell you that they oftentimes wished for you there when you little thought of Nonsuch. My Lady has provided a very convenient lodging for him near unto your lodging when the L. is there. I perceive that out of their exceeding love towards him, they would be very glad to have him continue with them in London this winter, where no doubt he would spend his time very well, for they both have so parentlike a care over him, both for his necessary studies, and convenient pastimes. But if I may be so bold, I would wish that he might spend this winter at Westminster, and the next summer wholly till Michaelmas with my Lord and my Lady Lumley, and by that time I doubt not but he will be tolerably fit for the University. My Lady would be glad to hear as much certainty as may be of the Queen's coming to Nonsuch.
Prays for the wardship of William Asquith in Yorkshire.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 158.)
Sir John Haryngton and Mr. W. Bodenham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 15. By wrong information, as we take it, to the Privy Council, this little county of Rutland, containing about 45 parishes, hamlets and villages, many of them standing in barren and hardy soils, hath, since the death of your father, been charged to furnish and set forth to the wars half the number of men that Cheshire doth, the same being five times as big as this county is, and by your father so esteemed. For which cause these poor countrymen, being greatly impoverished, would now have come to the Court to have been suitors in person but that by our means they hope in equal sort to be relieved.—Exton, the 15 of October 1601.
Signed by both. Seal. ½ p. (88. 138.)
Captain Edward North to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 15.] I received instructions from the Council for the receiving of one hundred men pressed out of Hampshire for service into Ireland. There was delivered over to me by the Conductor no more than fourscore and nine; the rest ran away before I took charge of them. I have laboured by all the means I could, and so have made up my full number of such men as are very sufficient for the service now in hand. I have apparelled and furnished these men in such sort as I was directed, but find the want of their arms in not receiving them here, to be a great loss of time to the soldier and a maim to me in seeing them so naked, for the wind not serving and the idle time we have here, would have made them very perfect if so be they had been armed. Notwithstanding, my care is to see them as trained and ready as men without furniture may be.—From Bastable, this 15th of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601 October 15th. Received the 11 of August (sic) 1601.” Seal. ¾ p. (88. 139.)
Thomas Forrest to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 15.] If your Honour will employ me, you shall find that I have a careful and honest mind and a most faithful heart. I aim to discover unto you somewhat which concerneth matter of state : a cause wherein you have already, by commitment, imposed some small punishment on the offender, but had you known the true ground of the offence, I think he should not so easily have slipped the collar : and albeit you took order to prevent any danger might ensue, yet now, it seems, he hath found means to free himself of that prevention. Wherefore, comparing the evil disposition of the man with the quality of the action (by whose treachery and most unhonest practice I have been imprisoned almost three quarters of a year), I will hazard mine own peril by revealing my knowledge. I beseech you to protect me in speaking : I omit the rest or to name the man until it shall stand with your pleasure to hear me.—From the Counter in Woodstreet.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, 15 Oct.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 140.)
Ellis Jones to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 15. Whereas I was said to be one that should attempt your person, I was at one time the only occasion of diverting it, being called upon, amongst others, to such a purpose, as you should return from supper from my Lord Cobham's. My reason to them was the assured undoing it would be to the late Earl [of Essex], he then being prisoner in York House; and to myself, the secret reason was the natural abhorrence I had of blood shed murderously, especially of so honourable quality and place. This is most true, I protest before the Almighty God. How unwillingly I was drawn from my charge in Ireland to this desperate reckoning wherein I was an unfortunate actor, God and mine own conscience can witness. If it might seem good to you to transplant me into my former place into Ireland, where I commanded 200 soldiers, and when I had least, 150, I should owe my life and uttermost service to you; the fault of my too much fidelity to him I last followed, without reservation to my prince, being my unhappy error.—15 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ p. (89. 40.)
George Stanberye, Mayor of Barnstaple, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 16. I have received your Honour's letter, dated at Richmond the 12th of October, together with a packet of letters directed to the Lord Deputy of Ireland. I can understand of none that doth pass hence that way, and because Mr. Belman is not here, and Padstow lieth forty miles from hence, and passage thither is doubtful at this time, I have hired a small barque to carry the packet, and will charge the master that, if he fall into the enemy's hand by the way, he shall use the packet as you have directed. He will depart with the first wind.—Barnstaple, the 16th of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 141.)
Henry, Lord Mordaunt to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 17. Your kind acceptance of my last unworthy present makes me presume to present you with the like.—Turvie, this 17th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 142.)
Sir Henry Wallop to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 17. Desiring to be freed from the charge imposed on him for furnishing a horse into Ireland.—Farley, 17o Octobris 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 143.)
Sir Arthur Throkmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 17. Making a similar request.—October 17th 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 145.)
Mr. Justice William Saxey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 17. At your first sitting in Council at Richmond, I attended to have delivered my Lord President's letters to the table : the report of the arrival of the Spaniards in Munster then being fresh did interrupt me; since which time my grief of the stone hath detained me in my chamber these ten days; wherefore, fearing some imputation of slack delivery of these letters, I have sent them to your Honour.—17 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 144.)
Thomas Preston to Ralph Ashetonn and Richard Holland.
1601, Oct. 17. I am informed by gentlemen of credit that about Tuesday was a sevennight there was a pinnace anenst the creek of Ravenglass in Cumberland. Some fishermen being abroad with their coble boats, the pinnace coming near them called one of the fishermen into their pinnace, and made him drink very good beer, as he doth report. They were men very well apparelled, and to the number above the hatches 30; as he thought, there were as many under : asking him what he called the coast, which he told them, and then they did ask him of Mr. Pennington and some others in the country, and so let him go to his boat again : and they made towards the Isle of Man, or Ireland, as it seemed to him. And that there was also a great vessel seen about, some two miles from the said pinnace, “vavering” up and downe, which I doubt be some man of war to do some harm to such as shall pass from Chester into Ireland, or, otherwise, to come and sound the coasts of the North, for the which I would gladly hear what you think best to be done, and, as you think convenient, to make Mr. Sheriff and the rest of the Commissioners acquainted with the same.—Lancaster, this 17o of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 146.)
Fulk Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 17. The world saith you are a passing good gentleman, and one that will, after the old manner, do common courtesies to men who are never like to requite you. If it be so, I pray you let me be a little beholding to you. Your noble father, if he were now living, for long acquaintance and his compassion upon the impotent, would have done more at my request; and that kind mother of yours, even in heaven where she is, if she can but remember that heavenly text of Quare fremuerunt gentes, with many other particulars of unoffensive familiarities which she vouchsafed to let pass between us, I assure myself would yet charge you upon her blessing not to refuse an old friend and courtier such a common courtesy. My suit is shortly this. I hear that sweet lady and blessed Queen of ours is now become a seller, as I have been all the days of my life, and if it please you to ask her, she knows I never loved wealth half so well as I did her; so as I am not well provided to be a purchaser. Notwithstanding, shame and necessity make me resolve to do like him that sold his clothes to buy him a press, and part with some quillet of land to buy stones. For I have a house much older than I, and so kind as, lest I should think it had any purpose to last after me, it threateneth every day to fall upon me. Now, Sir, the Queen hath the ruins of a house in this country, which hath been a common gaol these ten or twelve years; the walls down in many places hard to the ground; the roof open to all weathers; the little stone building there was, mightily in decay; the timber lodgings built thirty years agone for herself, all ruinous; the garden let out for forty-four years, the barns fallen and stolen away, the court made a common passage, wherein the people prescribe already; so as in very short time there will be nothing left but a name of Warwick. This, Sir, I beg not, but desire to buy for as much as it is worth; because the stone is ready cut and the love of my country will give me carriage. If you please to examine the surveys in my Lord your father's time, or those taken this last year by the Queen's officer, you shall find all I say true, for believe it, Sir, in the time wherein I was bred, men ordinarily would not lie for advantage, as they say they do now. Were I to look in those sweet eyes myself, I know she had no power to deny an old never-begging servant, and I would not use my young master, my son's help, because I have confidence in mine own credit with her. I pray you, therefore, play my part well, and since the world saith all courtiers more naturally love bribes in this age than in the former, I will give you the finest high-flying tercel that ever you were master of.—From Beauchampscourt, this 17th of October 1601.
Signed. 1½ pp. (88. 147.)
Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 18. Such is the present hard fortune of my poor estate, made much poorer by 20 years' continuance in her Highness' wars, and now lastly by this unfortunate cause of my confined liberty, that I cannot but desire that her Majesty would descend to some merciful consideration thereof, and that your Honour would bring the same to her gracious remembrance, where through might I be freed and again employed in her service.—18 October 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (88. 148.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 18. I have this day sent a barque and a special messenger into Ireland with the two packets which I received from you for the Lord Deputy and the Lord President of Munster.—At Bristol, this 18th of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 149.)
Dr. William Bruise to the Eastland Merchants resident at Elbing.
1601, Oct. 18. Incontinent at my meeting with my Lord in Samogetia at a town called Owins, I rendered your letters to his Excellency, and declared so your request that forthwith he despatched a servant to the Chancellor of Lettow, who released presently your countryman, and rendered him all his letters, and gave him a pass to go into Moscovia with good and sure company, for himself desired so. Which answer my Lord commanded me to advertise you of with diligence; but I had no occasion of any bearer before this time. His Excellency bade me thank you in his name likewise for the clothes lent to the Crown at the town's assurance, offering all favour that you shall require of him, as well for that good deed as for your lending to me such a sum; I specified unto him more than it is. He promised to give me money to satisfy you, but as yet I have received none, neither wages nor other extraordinary sum; so scant is money amongst us, both with king and chancellor, in the camp. If money come not sooner, we shall all be constrained to retire back. The dearth is already here and sickness in the camp; we are so great a number of unprofitable by men of war. Of soldiers, we are not passing twenty thousand in all; of followers, near one hundred thousand, and twenty two thousand wagons, so that in the field amongst us are to be fed sixty thousand horses at the least. By our servants we wreck, waste and burn all over; we regard not whether they be friends or foes, so great is the necessity and disorder amongst us; therefore, I pray you, have me excused till we get money. It is spread amongst our soldiers here by our intelligencers, and as prisoners taken from the enemy do testify, that our enemy is helped of her Majesty, your Sovereign, but his Excellency is otherwise persuaded by many other arguments and by your lending of clothes to the crown, and by the Chancellor of Lettow his relation renewed in the camp of the courteous proceedings of your ambassador into Muscovia. And surely it will be very evil done to do our enemy any assistance; for he is neither prince of any valour or counsel, neither of any proceeding of any prince to bring to end any good enterprise. I have seen here where they have fought so unwisely, as hath been lately seen at Seabour, and he kept castles without any knowledge or understanding, for that he had the best and fairest occasion to meet us in the world, we being far from any return with a small number of men in comparison of his camp, and having to pass places greatly to our disadvantage, where principal forces consisted in horsemen : and now when he fled, he was 17 thousand strong, and we not 14 thousand at that time. Since that our Cossacks (“Casshacks”) are arrived, he hath now made countenance to skirmish and to stop us any passage, having a land full of water and straits, yet flieth away as if fire were in his tail. We stay in passing the waters and for want of provision, otherwise we would have followed with more heart. Other news we have none but the letter of defiance sent to Duke Charles, which, together with the other letter of grace to our rebels, I send you.—At Riga, the 18th of October 1601.
PS.—Our camp is passing upon the water four mile from this town. I am remaining here refreshing my men and horse and abiding for money.
Copy. Endorsed :—“The copy of Doctor Bruise his letter to the Company. This letter was sent to the Company of Eastland merchants resident in Elbing.” 1¼ pp. (88. 150.)
Sir Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 18. I am informed that one Harvye, a merchant, hath received certain goods of Duke Charles, and is by contract to pay to this gentleman, captain Scott, part of that money to defray here the Duke's service. The gentleman being ill dealt withal hath entreated me to move your Honour herein, that Mr. Harvye may be spoken unto. This gentleman is ready to inform you with less trouble than it shall be for me to write. I hear, Sir, he hath brought a letter to her Majesty from the Duke, which I hope her Majesty will be ready to satisfy, if the request be not great. I understand, Sir, that Duke Charles hath gotten Rye, so is he absolute in all Lefeland. A speech there is, I hear, that Grave Maurice shall marry Duke Charles his daughter, and that good correspondency holds between the Emperor of Russia and the Duke of Sweden. Sir, thus am I bold to hold my honest word with that noble Duke, with this caution ever to myself to wish all well but best to my dear and sacred sovereign.—London, this 18 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 151.)
William Udall to Sir John Stanhope and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 18. This poor gentlewoman maketh her repair unto you to beseech your furtherance for the performance of the services which I lately offered.
The late accidents in Ireland being most dangerous, so do they yield me important advantages for performance of what I have offered.
If at the first time of my coming to the Gatehouse you had put me to trial, you should have found the grounds of all these late accidents discovered, as my former letters to you may easily witness. When all men promised upon hopes, I told you of dangers, and now I must plainly tell you, there are greater mischiefs than I fear you are acquainted withal, yet are there greatest means of prevention if in time they may be regarded. Yield me now furtherance to discharge my duty and zeal to her Majesty and my country. I have kept my wife in prison now 11 weeks, the most part in sickness, at great charges; you would pity to know what extreme provision I was enforced to make to send her to you. Upon my first access to you, you shall find good proof to deserve favour.—From the Gatehouse, this 18 of October 1901.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 103.)
John Seintleger to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 18. My desire is that you would move her Majesty for me to be released out of these miseries. I have done her in her wars true, honest and faithful service, and if it please you to raise my house, I shall always be ready to serve you.—This 18 of October 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (183. 63).
Sir J. Herbert to Mr. Percivall.
1601, Oct. 18. For his favour to the bearer, Mr. Morgan Glyn, who solicits on behalf of Mr. Evans, for the wardship of a nephew of his, and Herbert's kinsman, Morgan Lloyd.—Court, this 18th of October 1601.
1 p. (P. 2201.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 19. Give me leave, by the presenting of this and this messenger, to recommend all in one, my promise of faith, my service in my son, and the remembrance of all thankfulness for your favours to my dear brother Sir William Eure.—Malton, xixo Octobr 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“The Lord Eure to my Master by his son.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 154.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 19.] I had forgotten to deliver unto you the bill for Mr. Pellam to be serjeant. There must 15 days pass after it is signed before he can be made serjeant, and I would be glad it were done and he gone. He comes not now to me for it, but I do set it forward for him, for the arrival of the Spaniards hath daunted him extremely, as I am told by a dear friend of his, and if he could tell how to go back, he would.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“19 Oct. 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 64.)
Dr. William Wilkinson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 20. I have by your good means obtained the jurisdiction from Doctor Lillie, Archdeacon of Wilts, wherein my Lord Bishop of Sarum hath shewed me great favour. If it would please you to give him thanks on my behalf, he would, I hope, not only think his past favour well bestowed, but would continue it by conferring on me some prebend in his church, whereof I am made by dispensation capable.—From Sarum, the 20th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 155.)
William Tate and William Samwell, Justices of the Peace for Northamptonshire, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 20. Mr. Valentine Knighteley, being ready to take his journey towards London, received letters from one John Constable, prisoner in Northampton gaol upon a vehement suspicion of horsestealing, importing his discovery of some great matters for the benefit of the State. We present his information here-enclosed, together with the letters to Mr. Knighteley.—Northampton, October the 20th.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 158.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) Examination of John Constable, late of Waston, Yorks, taken the 20th day of October in the 43rd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.—Mr. Mullenax, of Bevercotes in Nottinghamshire, Mrs. Aslibe, of Skytter in Lincolnshire, and Mrs. Eyre, in Derbyshire, near to Chesterfield, do commonly receive priests and Jesuits into their houses, and have masses there. The priest that resorteth to Mr. Mullenax, is called Moore; he hath a club foot. The Jesuit who frequenteth his house likewise, is one Tyrwhytt, but not commonly known by that name, but by another which he remembereth not.
To the widow, Mrs. Aslibe, there is a seminary frequently, whose name he knoweth not; but he hath seen him there in the beginning of this summer, being a man of middle stature, brown-haired, apparelled in a canvas doublet and a pair of “paned” cloth hose drawn out with green. Her son, Mr. William Aslibe, told him, if he would tarry, he should hear a mass before he went.
At Mrs. Eyre's he saw a priest and a Jesuit between Easter and Whitsuntide last, whose names he heard not. The one of them is there abiding for the more part, and is a man of middle stature, brown-haired, young, and having little hair on his face, whom he hath heard say mass at Mr. Mullenax his house in Easter last.
Signed. ¾ p. (88. 157.)
(2.) 1601, Oct. 14.—John Constable to Mr. Valentine Knightley.—I have matter touching the state of the Realm which I desire to reveal unto you.—Northampton, this 14 of October 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (88. 156.)
John Delbridge, Mayor of Barnstaple, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 20. These letters enclosed I received yesterday, being the 19th of October, of one Anthony Dullyn, gentleman, who reported that the Vice-admiral of the Spaniards arrived at Kinsale some 4 days since with some three other ships.
Holograph. ¼ p. (88. 159.)
John Delbridge, Mayor of Barnstaple, to the Lords of the Council.
1601, Oct. 20. Your letters dated at Richmond the 15th of this instant October, I received on the 19th in the afternoon, and I have taken up sufficient shipping for the transportation of 65 horses, with their riders and provision, into Waterford in Ireland. I cannot compound with the owners of the shipping in any reasonable rate by the poll, but am driven to take them up at the accustomed rate by ton and tonnage. I do purpose to lay aboard victualling for 7 days; the charge a man will stand between 7d. and 8d. a day, and, for a horse, 12d.—From Barnstable, the 20th October 1601.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 160.)
William Phelips to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1601, Oct. 20. Upon Thursday next, the 22th of this instant, there is to be argued in the Court of Wards, a case of great consequence, whereon, as I have heard some of her Majesty's officers of the said Court report, dependeth the whole making and marring of the proceedings of the said Court. The case is upon a lease made for 1,000 years of land holden in capite, wherein there is a covenant that the lessor shall make to the lessee and his heirs such further assurance in fee simple, whensoever he shall be there unto required.
I do beseech your Honour to vouchsafe your presence at the arguing thereof, and the rather for that I know there is great means made that the same should be found against the Queen.—20 October 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 161.)
Richard Ogle to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 20. Grant me pardon to inform you of some mistaking in the choice for furnishing horses and men for Ireland of these gentlemen in Lincolnshire. One of them which is charged hath been deceased two years, and in his lifetime was of weak estate. Some of small living are now burdened and others of the greatest ability altogether spared, and now no one but myself in all Holland is drawn out to this charge, as I was likewise about two years past.—From Pinchbeck, this 20th October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 162.)
J. Linewray to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 20. It pleased your Honour to command me and Mr. Darrell to repair aboard the ships in which her Majesty's munitions are embarked for Ireland, to view the stowing thereof and the manner of the provisions made for the transportation of the soldiers. Before our coming it was appointed that the four hundred soldiers should have been lodged in the holds of the four merchant ships, upon the match and armour, as I delivered to your Honour on Sunday last, which would have been dangerous and prejudicial to the service. We took this course. We appointed every of those four ships to receive fifty soldiers a piece, which may well be lodged above the hatches. I have unloaden one of the two crompsters, and have shipped all the same munitions into those four ships where the soldiers were formerly appointed to be lodged, and have caused their hatches to be made fast, whereby there may be no passage up and down, which I hope will very much secure the same. In this unloaden crompster, we have placed one hundred and fifty more of the soldiers, with their victuals, and in the other crompster the other fifty, out of which we have for that purpose taken divers of the munitions. By this means the munition shall be transported with much more safety and the ships shall go more like men of war than transporters.
We have likewise desired my Lord Mayor to cause the soldiers to be sent in barges to be shipped at Blackwall, which his Lordship willingly granted should be performed on Thursday morning. In the meantime, the ships being now fully ready, shall fall down thither the first ebbing water to-morrow. This alteration will not be 5l. charge to her Majesty. Craving pardon for my presumption herein.—Tower, 20 Octobr 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Lynewray, Mr. Temple, Mr. Dickenson, R. Jhonson, Mr. Wentwort, Mr. J. Sympl, Sir H. Kyllegrew, Sir Gaven Harvy, Mr. Williamson, Simon Basill, Mr. Byrkham, Mr. Cornwalles.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 65.)
Mons. de Lesdiguières to the Queen.
1601, Oct. 20/30. Thanking her for her kind reception of the Sieur de Crequy, his son-in-law, and presenting the bearer, Brocardo Boronio, of Parma, who has news importing all the reformed churches of Christianity and her estate in particular.—Grenoble, 30 October 1601.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (183. 71.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Oct. 20.] 1. George Elliot. For the wardship of John Pinson, heir of the late Anne Pinson, of Surrey, in place of the wardship of Rowland Fynch, of Southwark, which he has lost.
Endorsed :—“20 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (1179.)
Note by Sir Robert Cecil, that a commission is to be granted.
2. Statement of the case between the Queen (in right of the heirs of John Dent in ward) and Francis Dent and others.
The cause concerns the manor of Halloughton and other lands.
Endorsed :—“20 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (2141.)


  • 1. Sir Robert Cecil's son.