Cecil Papers: October 1601, 21-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp440-465 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 21-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp440-465.

"Cecil Papers: October 1601, 21-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp440-465.

October 1601, 21–31

Sir Edward Dymoke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 21. I beseech you that I may be discharged from having to furnish another horse and man for Ireland, according to the letter from the Privy Council which I have received, in respect of my pitiful loss lately sustained from casualty of fire, wherein I have lost three hundred quarters of corn, my hay, my houses of husbandry and other stuff, to the value of 1,000 marks and more. I am enforced to disperse my family and break up housekeeping.
I suppose this continual charge is laid upon us by your Honours, because we remain in your calendar, and you are not informed of others whose ability is equal to, or greater than ours. Such are in Lindsey, Edward Ayscoughe, William Henneage, Nicholas Saunderson, Thomas Darnell, Edward Marbery, William Hanbye; in Kesteven, William Armine, William Carre, Edward Carre, John Hacher, Henry Cholmley, and William Lacy; and in Holland, Matthew Gamblin and Anthony Ireby. These are men of great estate of grounded wealth, whereof most be great purchasers.—From Kyme, this 21st of October, Ao 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 163.)
Charles Dymoke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 21. I have submitted myself in regard of my dutiful affection for her Majesty, to the order of the Privy Council for sending a horse, or gelding, with a rider furnished into Ireland, but the expense is too burdensome for my poor estate of 200l. by the year, which as a younger son I have only by the preferment of marriage. Wherefore I am enforced to have recourse to you for my relief.—From Howell, this 21th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 164.)
Mistress A[nne] W[hite] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 21. My duty remembered to you, my cousin William, your son, and my cousin Frances, your daughter, giving you thanks for the favour showed to my son Welby and my daughter when they were at London in their suit and trouble, by means of the suretyship and bonds he came in for his brother Adam. And now the ward, Robert Adam, saith he was not ward to my son Welby, whom these suits in law do greatly hinder. Please you to bestow some wardship towards their help, the greater the better, for then it will bring them out of debt. I have been with them and do mean to continue.—From Goxill, the 21 of October 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (88. 165.)
Great Seal of Scotland.
1601, Oct. 21. Examination of Richard Idelle, servant to John Savage, scrivener, lately deceased, concerning the blanks with the great seal of Scotland found in his desk after Bartholomewtide last.
Examinant's master hath used to make these blanks for three years last past. Divers were made for Mr. Robert Savage, ironmonger, for Mr. Nicholas Peron, for Mr. Deputy Hanger, and for Richard Marcoll. Mr. Hanger hath the seal engraven in wood.
Examinant, since his master's decease, hath made three of these blanks, one for William Nightingall, servant to Mr. Peron, another for Mr. Charles Colfox, servant to Mr. Edmund Eaton, (both which were made at the appointment of Mr. Savage), and the third for Mr. Hanger.
Examinant did sometimes put to the King's name underneath the writing, “Jacobus R.” and sometimes it was put to by the merchants.—Oct. 21st 1601.
Holograph by Idelle. 1 p. (88. 166.)
Sir Thomas Conyngesbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 22. I am bold to present my humble excuse concerning a commandment of the Privy Council for furnishing a horse into Ireland for her Majesty's service. I am upon my journey to the Parliament, whereunto I am elected, as God knows, much against my will; which journey I am to perform in coach, being altogether unable to mount a horse. Three serviceable horses must I keep by my oath, as one of her Majesty's band of Pensioners. Besides these, I have no one that is meet for such a service.—From my poor house, Hampton Court, this 22 of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 167.)
Captains Hugh Kenricke and Henry Fortescue to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral.
1601, Oct. 22. The conductor of the Suffolk levies delivered to us 37 short of the 200 appointed to be at Rochester for service in Ireland, and of the rest, many were unable for service, as appeared by certificate of Sir John Luson. Therefore may it please you to grant us warrant for the impressing in Kent of so many men as shall make up our companies, being tapsters, ostlers, chamberlains, wherein the country now aboundeth, and other idle persons that shall pass to and fro in Gravesend barge.—Rochester, the 22th October 1601.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (88. 168.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 22. I thank you for your pithy and kind letter for my stay from the Parliament. I am sending light horses to Chester for Ireland, viz. for myself, two : the clergy of my diocese, six; the bishop and diocese of Durham, three; Chester, three, and Carlisle, one.
You have made good choice of Mr. Dean of Carlisle to be a burgess for Ripon. He is known to be a wise and worthy man. His election I send herewith before the Parliament, because it is thought that Mr. Thornebrough, the other burgess, cometh not up before my Lord President, which, I fear, will not be as soon as he wisheth—From Bishopthorp, the 22th of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 170.)
Fulk Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 22. I have heard how it pleased you yesterday to make me worthy and hold up my poor credit to the ears of the world. Let me be for ever unthankful and unwise in all things, if I strive not with my uttermost service to hold up his honour that hath so far engaged himself for me.—From my lodging, in haste, this 22 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 169.)
Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 23. Being visited with a quartan ague, I shall not be able to attend this Parliament; wherefore I offer you the dispose of my proxy.—Holborne, the 23th of October 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (88. 171.)
Anne, Countess of Arundel to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601], Oct. 23. Requesting his aid in obtaining the restoration in blood of her son.—This 23 of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601. Countess of Arundel to my master.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 172.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir R. Cecil.
1601, Oct. 23. It was something strange unto me to see a packet directed from the Lords, for the levying of horse, to the Secretary [of the Council in the North], there being here a President and lieutenant in this place; but I cannot conceive any misconstruction, the packet being directed with your own hand. But I would it had pleased the Lords to have remitted that to my discretion, who am better acquainted with the state and ability of the gentlemen of this shire than their lordships can receive instructions from any that is above. For as the letters are now directed, divers of them that last found horses are now new charged, to their great burthen; and some one charged which, I think, was mistaken by his name, being a man, to my knowledge, scarcely able to find a common armour. It is one named in their letters Thomas Wentworth, and I think their meaning was to have charged one William Wentworth, who is one of the best gentlemen of ability in this shire. As for the rest of the gentlemen, though such as were last charged seem to be something grieved with it, yet, seeing the necessity of the time, which I declared unto them, they are willing to undergo the charge, only this poor gentleman, who no kind of way is able to bear it without his overthrow. I wish I were as able as desirous to come up, both to do my duty unto her Majesty as to see you.—From York, 23 October 1601.
Signed. 1¼ pp. (89. 1.)
The Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 23. After due thanks for your kindness in my late suit to her Majesty for her gracious licence to be absent from this Parliament, I eftsoones make bold to be further troublesome unto you, to procure for me her Majesty's own warrant of dispensation, as in your last you promised me to do. I would have sent unto you sooner for it but that I have been constrained to ride myself about the levies of these men now to be sent into Ireland from this port, where the whole number of 975, with their arms, appointed to be transported from hence, arrived the 20 and 21 of this month, and are all in reasonable order, though not so exact as they would have been if the warning had not been so sudden. The wind is yet contrary. The packet lately sent to be conveyed into Ireland was presently despatched by a pinnace, and was two nights at sea, but at length put in again by foul weather. The commissioners appointed to muster these men and arms have done their best, and do much marvel that there are no captains or conductors yet come to take the charge of them. I have examined some that come lately out of Ireland, who affirm my Lord Deputy is strong, the enemy in great distress and timorous. The most of these 1,000 men are very tall men and well armed and willing to serve, and they fear nothing more, as they say unto me, than that they shall come too late to fight with the Spaniards.—From Towstock, 23 October 1601.
PS.—I am informed that the lord Bishop of Exeter meaneth to continue this winter season in London, but my desire is you would be a mean that he may return hither when the Parliament is ended; for though here be not in this country many seditious schismatics, yet some here be, as his lordship to his trouble hath found by his small abode here. His lordship hath made a good beginning amongst them, and brought many to their due obedience that were far out of order : but if he be long absent, they will revive, as having a factious, pernicious head, one John Delbridge, late Mayor of Barnstable, not yet reclaimed. I have signified thus much to my Lord Admiral. Signed. 2/3 p. (89. 2.)
Henry Catterall, Mayor of Preston in Amounderness, Henry Hodgkinson, and Ric. Blundell, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 23. We, with a free consent of the mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of our corporation of Preston, co. Lancaster, have given the nomination and election of one person whom you shall name to be one of the burgesses of our town to serve at the next Parliament. The undersheriff of this county shall attend you with the indenture, wherein we have left a space to write the name of such person as you shall make election of.—Preston in Amounderness, 23 October 1601.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (89. 4.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 24. I received this morning by your order a minute for a letter to be sent to Sweden from her Majesty; and addressing myself to the penning thereof, I conceive there are some points of importance to be considered. I would gladly have come myself unto you, but I am not so well disposed that I dare venture so far, for I have, since I saw you last at Basing, for the most part kept my chamber, though some few times, to get some strength, I have ventured to walk to Westminster. But I thank God now the worst is past, and I on the mending hand must govern me a while as a convalescent.
The points of the letter are, first, that the King of Poland is named, judged to be evil led by counsel, and to be violently passionated. Secondly, there is an open profession to yield the levying five hundred men for the cause. Letters commonly even of princes are communicated by domestics, whereof it is good so to provide that if they be communicated they may in honour be justified; neither that her Majesty taketh any party in this foreign cause, neither that she profess enmity with Poland, which might be interpreted by the 'Pollonians' if they get the view of this letter. Whereunto, if in answer thereof they should offer to deal with her Majesty's subjects there trading, by confiscating their goods, apprehending or banishing their persons, as with professed enemies, it would be hard for the State, and the Pollands might pretend some cause given thereby from hence. Wherefore, if it please you, the matter may be carried without naming the King of Poland, and the grant for the soldiers might be left to the instructions of the party that goeth to Sweden. Thus much for duty to the good of her Majesty's service to your content, and ready to perform what you shall resolve; hoping you have remembered me for a place in the Parliament, and desiring the continuance of your favour to a poor sickly follower of yours.—24 October, 1601.
Holograph. 2 pp. (89. 5.)
King James to Queen Elizabeth.
1601, Oct. 24. Right high, right excellent and right mighty princess, our dearest sister and cousin, in our heartiest manner we commend us unto you. This gentleman, William Hunter, our domestical servant, being for certain his affairs and suits in law to repair towards you, we have thought good, in respect of his long and faithful service done to us, and his unfeigned affection to the continuation of th'amity betwixt our two estates, earnestly to recommend him and his affairs to your more especial consideration, not doubting but according to your princely regard had to all those who have either hazarded themselves or their fortunes in your service (as he hath done both to his no small hindrance) you will see such strict order taken by your Council in his affairs as may procure him a speedy and favourable dispatch. The particularities of his suits we leave to his own relation to those whom you shall appoint to hear him, the equity whereof being once made manifest (as being only for recovery of his own) we doubt not but he and his causes shall be thought worthy of all favour. Which if he obtain, and the rather for our sake, we shall account it as a special benefit done to ourselves.—Brechin, 24th October, the five and thirtieth year of our reign 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (134. 16.)
Lord Thomas Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 24.] I hope your Honour will not account it presumption in me to crave your favour at this present, which of the free course of itself is inclined to assist all persons that either speak out of affection or sue with humility. My Lord Admiral, as I understand, hath promised to move her Majesty for some grace this Parliament, a matter not unusual in this case before, for both her Majesty out of her abundant goodness hath in former times bestowed this grace upon others, and lately upon mine own father, within less space after the death of my grandfather than my penance hath endured and my disgrace continued. It is sufficient to present my petition where my case is so well understood, and the means and hopes of easing it more plainly known than to myself, who fall prostrate only that worthy minds may take compassion. It is not possible that indignation should continue ever in so gracious a mind as the Queen carries, nor that yourself should stop your ears to my humble suit, that have so lately to more heinous offenders showed yourself most compassionate. I know my own unworthiness, and therefore will only promise to my sovereign loyalty, to the world integrity, and to yourself as much duty and thankfulness as I shall be ever able to perform.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“24 Oct. 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 66.)
Sir John Salusbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 24. I am to make complaint of a most outrageous abuse offered not only to me but to the whole commonalty of this County of Denbigh at the last County Court, at which time there was an intendment to elect a knight and burgess to serve in the present parliament for this county. Which election was prevented by the complots of Sir Richard Trevor, Sir John Lloid, Captain John Salesbury and others their 'complices, by a most wilful and malicious assault and affray committed against me by the said Sir Richard Trevor and his crew, to bereave me of my life even in the churchyard at the instant when the writ of summons was ready to be proclaimed and executed by the sheriff sitting in Court. For they assembled a warlike and riotous company of disordered persons out of several foreign counties, with pikes, halberds, privy coats and shot, and in most warlike manner marched with their men and armour, placing several troops and companies in several places of the town to keep the same in manner of a rebellion, intending to murder me if I walked the street, myself being then accompanied only with the freeholders that came thither to yield their voices with me in the election. Whereupon, my adversaries perceiving that there was four to one of the freeholders on my side, did maliciously set on foot the quarrel aforesaid, protesting that they would carry the election with blades though they failed in voices. Thereupon the Sheriff, being their most apparent friend, took occasion to rise from court, and albeit I did presently depart to my lodging for avoiding of inconvenience which might ensue, and albeit also all of my side was quieted and that the Sheriff returned to the Court and there despatched other business, and might have well proceeded in the said election, yet he most partially took that colour to dissolve the county and elected no knight or burgess at all, to the great prejudice of the county and mere contempt of the service required at his hands. All which proceedings I have presumed to certify your Honour, lest my adversaries, by way of prevention, should impudently go about to possess you or the rest of the Privy Council with any untrue reports. I mean shortly to attend your Honour.—Lleweny, this 24th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 67.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Oct. 24.] Francis Dyneley. For the concealed wardship of the heir of John Creswell, of Creswell, Northumberland.
Endorsed :—[24 Oct. 1601.] 1 p. (1488.)
Sir George St. Poll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 25. By virtue of letters from the Privy Council, I have furnished and sent to Bristol a man well armed and horse well furnished in all points, as is required for her Majesty's service in Ireland : although I might (as I persuade myself in good sort) have satisfied you, having last year sent a man and horse into those parts, which cost me 30l., who I think is yet there in her service; and again I sent and kept at London at my own charge five men and horses in summer was twelvemonth, when others more able than myself were not remembered, as there be now also many such not called upon. This I make bold to impart, not that I think other men's hurt would be my help, but that others should not think I either had no friends to relieve me, or else that I am so senseless of my own estate as not to feel myself pressed when the burden is heavy upon me.—Melwood, 25 October 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 6.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 25. This last day I received your letters, with one from my Lord Admiral, for 150l. to be paid by Mr. Bragg (sic) to your use, which he hath promised to satisfy within this month; and I will take order that so soon as my man can receive such monies as are due unto me in London, he shall pay the 150l. to any you please to appoint him. I have given him order to receive for the victualling of Captain Morgan's pinnace, the Lion's Whelp, and the Marigold, all amounting to 262l. 19s. I am appointed one of the burgesses for this town to the Parliament, and would have been at London ere this if these prizes of Sir John Gilbert and the victualling of the two pinnaces had not letted me. The goods of Sir John Gilbert's prizes will be all landed within three days, and with all possible speed I will see what it is; which being done, I intend to make my repair up, hoping by your means this town shall receive no damage for my not being there at the time appointed. My indenture I have sent by Mr. Bagg who is the other burgess and will deliver the same in with his.
In Sir John Gilbert's prize there hath not been so good order kept as there might and in reason ought to have been, so that I doubt a great part of the best things will be found wanting. At my coming up you shall understand more particularly thereof.—Plymouth, 25 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 7.)
The Marquis of Winchester to his uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 26. Enclosing a copy of his letter to Lord Mountjoy concerning his part of those lands late the Lord Broke's, which he desires to be enabled to dispose of for payment of his debts, and entreating Cecil by some few lines to move his lordship accordingly in his behalf.—From my house in London, this 26th October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (89. 8, 10.)
The Enclosure :
The Marquis of Winchester to Lord Mountjoy.—Being enforced upon urgent occasions much importing the state of my house, to follow your precedent in that cause of partition betwixt my late deceased father and you concerning those lands late the Lord Broke's, wherein your lordship obtaining liberty at the last Parliament to dispose of your part, my father remaining restrained in that other unto him descended for some respects well known unto you, notwithstanding his equal right with yours; and having at this Parliament a purpose to pursue my father's intention by bill to pray like liberty on my behalf, the rather for that I have since the death of my father paid her Majesty 12,000l. in satisfaction of her Highness' great debt, and engaged my good friends for my better provision of money to accomplish the same; that no objection in your behalf and absence may be interposed, my very hearty desire is that you will by letter signify your assent herein, with your friendly furtherance to be related unto the House as cause shall require, and those your said letters to be addressed unto my uncle Sir Robert Cecil.—London, 26 October 1601.
Copy. ½ p. (89. 10.)
Roger Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 26. I must first give you hearty thanks for your earnest labouring to deliver me of this burthen; and although it must needs trouble an old man as I am, that hath always lived at liberty, to be so restrained as he may not take his wonted course, as well for his business as for his health, yet I say her Majesty's will be done, which I must humbly obey. But for that her Majesty was wont, in the goodness of her own nature, to have even a gracious regard of her old servants, of which number I account myself, having served her Highness ever since the happy day of her coronation, I should think myself of all other the most unhappy if I alone did not receive comfort thereof. Concerning the naming of some gentleman to remain here in my place with my lord [of Rutland], or to receive his lordship into their house, I cannot possibly think of any but with infinite inconveniences; besides that such as are any ways fit for the place come up to the Parliament. And for his longer stay in this place, it is almost impossible, all my provision being spent, which was proportioned but for six weeks; especially want of wood and firing can no way be helped, because it can no ways be here provided.
Concerning my lord's pleasures of hunting and hawking, they are very private with very few in his company, those of his own servants, and for his health only. My lady, to whom I am not partial, never hawked at all; she hath hunted but twice since her coming into this country; the last time was at least forty days since, her behaviour and apparel suitable to her disposition, which inclineth much more to melancholy and sorrow than otherwise, in regard of the greatness of the offence, the heaviness of her Majesty's displeasure and the present poor estate wherein they stand.
Of this I have written three days since to Sir John Stanhope because I heard exceptions were taken thereat in Court, not doubting both your Honours will give credit to my report. Recommending my humble and importunate suit to your good furtherance for my discharge, considering it is now almost three months since my lord came unto me, I take my leave.—At Uffington, 26 October 1601.
PS.—I have advertised you of the many inconveniences if any other gentleman be put to my lord; but if there be no remedy but that one must be in my place, I can recommend none for more fit than Mr. William Browne, dwelling within 2 miles of this house. Yet how they shall do for fire, I know not.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 9.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 26. If it please you to appoint the place for the receipt of your money, my son shall attend and deliver it this day upon your acquittance; for I think the day and place I am bound to pay it at will not be so convenient this Parliament time. I would to God it were known to you what care I take to keep my credit with you, and how hardly I am set to perform other payments lately laid upon me, having so small a living. I doubt not but when you know that I did overcharge myself with this great payment to you rather to satisfy your desire to sell the house than for any reason I had to desire it, you would be a means to ease me from further charge till God should make me better able, that I and my poor children, being young and not provided for, may not be utterly overthrown.—26 October 1601.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (89. 11.)
Sir Henry Palmer and Jh. Trevor to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral.
1601, Oct. 27. Her Majesty's fleet bound from hence for Ireland have had all their victuals and furnitures on board ever since Friday last; and yesterday, Monday, Sir John Leveson (whose pains amongst the soldiers have been exceeding great) sent down some of the bands to St. Mary Creek, where we attended to ship them as fast as they came. This day we attended with the barges and long boats to ship the rest, and this evening the last man was set on board, so as to-morrow, God willing, if the wind continue where it is, the ships will set sail to join the Wastspite, which is at Queenborough, and the merchant ships, which we hope are in the mouth of the Thames. We must not forbear to let you know the general complaint as well of the soldiers as of the mariners, and of the sea-captains and masters especially, for want of room in the ships, being pestered, as they say, so as they fear they shall not be able to work; yet we find them all ready to afford a ready disposition to discharge their duties. But hereafter we would be glad it might please you to quit her Majesty's own ships from these kind of transportations. We purpose to stay here a day or two to settle some other petty matters which appertain to her Majesty's service in this place and afterwards to attend you.—Chatham, 27 October 1601.
Signed. On the back :—“Chatham the 27 past 8 in the night, Rochester at 10 in the night, Darford at 6 in the morning.” Seal. 1½ pp. (89. 12.)
Thomas Nicolson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 27. Is in London where his creditors may justly trouble him, and he little able for the present to make them any satisfaction before he goes home to the country to procure it. Prays a warrant for his assurance a month's space, that meanwhile he may go about his business and be the more able to satisfy them.—27 October 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 15.)
Thomas Nicolson to Henry Lock.
1601, Oct. 27. Doubts not he knows the lord Duke of Lennox came to town yesternight, which is more than he looked for. Prays his favour in obtaining from Mr. Secretary a protection for a month, to save him from the trouble of his creditors.—27 October 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (89. 16.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 27. I but now received this packet from Dover. If the posts were as careful of their duties as they ought, I had acquainted you with this Scottish Duke's arrival before his coming to London. It is that I have oftentimes complained of; believe me, there must some example be made, otherwise when occasion of greater importance shall happen, in this sort we shall be served. I pray you, sir, apprehend it and so direct that the abuses of this post may be amended. Comans is now at Calais, and attends the next fair passage to come over. To-morrow I will see you.—From the Black Friars, 27 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (89. 17.)
John Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 27. It is constantly reported the Spaniards have landed in Ireland, for suppressing whom, if her Majesty rear any new companies, prays Cecil to call him to mind, that he may spend this latter part of his life in her service, and reap the harvest of his younger years' employment in the same place. Would willingly attend his service meantime if he might procure licence from Sir John Carey, governor there, to be absent.—Berwick, 27 October 1601.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (89. 18.)
Thomas Edmondes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 27. I have received even now a letter from Calais wherein among other things I am advertised of the arrival there of Coamans to return hither into England.—This Tuesday evening, 27 October 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (89. 20.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to [Sir Robert Cecil].
1601, Oct. 27. I have provided this enclosed for her Majesty's signature, and to this the great seal shall be affixed, which shall be done if it please you to send to me. I would have attended myself but for urgent business, and so it is deferred unto Saturday next, and is according to former precedents.—27 Oct. 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (183. 68.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil
1601, Oct. 28. To recount unto you the infinite toil of receiving abroad the landmen, with their arms and all other particular impediments, which have hindered our ships from falling down the river, I should trouble you with many idle discourses. I have forborne to write till I might boldly let you understand that all our soldiers were on board, all things else well fitted, and that we were ready to set sail; in which good forwardness we do now rest. Be assured, I will not lose the least opportunity that wind and weather shall afford me in gaining the port whereunto I am directed. I have received my commission, together with some other directions for the guiding thereof, which I do humbly thank you for.—Queenborough, 28 October 1601.
Holograph. On the back :—“Rochester at 3 in the morninge. Darford at 9 in the morning.” Seal. 2/3 p. (89. 21.)
Captain R. Wigmore to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 28. Since my lord Governor's presence here and late return from hence, Ostend hath brought forth no great variety of accidents—and I think that never place of like expectation hath yielded less—while the enemy, little or nothing at all offending, hath strengthened himself no less than the besieged, and thereby taken from them all means in a manner of attempting by sallies. And from those higher parts, for the most part we have nothing but a hearsay, which ordinarily is falsified in the passage, or uncertainly reported.
Concerning Ostend, it should appear the Archduke hath transported the main scope of his designs from the west unto the east side of the town, assaying to cut off the entrance of our shipping by the Gule into the counterscarp; to which purpose, within some 10 score thereof, he hath planted upon the sands a great number of “gabbeons” in form of a semicircle, seeking, if he may, to erect a battery there, or at least under covert thereof to attempt the firing of such ships as shall at any time be found to anchor within the counterscarp. But if these attempts, though unlikely, should succeed, yet are the States already resolved to elude the same by cutting of a new haven through the midst of the old town. In the mean season, Sir Francis Vere, to hinder these approaches, casteth a bridge over the Gule, and at the end thereof erecteth 2 halfmoons, which being but begun were forced by the enemy with the loss of some of our workmen. Sir Fr. Vere, preparing his revenge, and rightly guessing that the enemy would not fail in the night following to second his former attempt, giveth order unto the guards to retire upon the first charge, leaving a boldness in the enemy to advance further : all which succeeded according to his desires. For the enemy charging again the halfmoons (which were abandoned) immediately attempted the firing of the bridge, wherein while their soldiers were busied in nailing down the fireworks, Sir Fr. Vere commanded 6 whole and demy cannons (which he had there mounted for that purpose) to beat upon them; and in the fury thereof caused so round a sally to be made that the enemy was enforced to retire, leaving behind him dead upon the place 97 as gallant bodies as any were in his armies. Sundry other sallies have been and daily are made by this bridge, whereby the enemy is much annoyed. All this notwithstanding, his Altesse still 'opiniatreth' the siege; howbeit of late he hath shewed himself much more severe to his friends than towards his enemies; for he hath publicly hanged a Spanish captain and alferez, a Walloon captain and his ensign, with other of their companies, because they were not upon their guards when Captain Willford and the French forced those riduttose [redoubts]. Of our men, not 3 within the town in three weeks past have been slain, the enemy now bestowing his great shot only upon the Sandhill and Porkpie, and that at such times only when the sea mounteth. By this, some harm hath been done; by the cannon, nothing. What the sea hath eaten, by the exceeding travail of the defendants is already in reasonable sort repaired; and this place is ready to minister matter in abundance for the perfecting thereof if these stormy winds would admit a transportation of the same. Our men within Ostend are wonderfully wasted, especially by sickness, insomuch that Sir Fr. Vere is already enforced to lessen some part of his outworks. The rest must follow if the English companies, which are extremely weak, be not the sooner supplied. Of victuals and all things else, the town is plentifully furnished. Lastly, the treasonable practice of one Coningsby, Gouldwell and others is lately discovered. Coningsby is reported here to have been recommended by you to Sir Fr. Vere, but with caution because he had lately served the enemy : which was so rightly apprehended by Sir Fr. Vere, that in the end he discovered him by the means of one Addison (a man in shew apt enough to conceal a villainy, and well known to this garrison by the name of 'Wicked Will') whom Sir Fr. Vere purposely discontented with a voluntary imprisonment and some public disgraces, by which bait the gudgeon was soon caught, and the matter suffered to go on till it came to a hanging period. These things are reported by those that came from Ostend at the instant of Coningsby's and seven of his partisans' apprehensions, so as the particularities of their treasons are uncertainly reported. These speak of letters sent to the worshipful Mr. Owen; of their purpose to have murdered Sir Fr. Vere; to have fired the munition within the town; the shipping in the Gule; and to have made good the bridge over the same while the enemy should have entered by that way. But while the Archduke seeketh by treason what he shall never be able to compass by force, his Excellency with the States' army is entered into Brabant, where (as is reported by a soldier of this garrison coming this day from that army) having compounded with the old mutineers at Weerde, taken Eindhoven, Helmount and Boxtell, he is already set down before Bolduke. The substance of the composition between his Excellency and the mutineers, as this man saith, is, that the mutineers shall turn to the States' service if by the end of 2 months they receive not the full arrearages of their pay from the Archduke; and notwithstanding they shall receive this pay, yet they shall not serve against the States during these 2 months; for the performance whereof, he affirmeth they have given hostages, so as 1,700 of their foot do remain quietly in Weerde, and 1,200 of their horse are removed somewhat farther towards Maestricht. By the taking of those other 3 places, his Excellency is possessed of the most principal avenues upon Bolduke, the siege whereof began upon the 1st November, stilo novo.
I am bold to present you with a writing cabinet made at Middleborough, which it may please you to receive in good part.—Flushing, 28 October 1601.
Signed. Seal, broken. 2½ pp. (89. 22, 23.)
Captain Charles Leigh to [the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.]
1601, Oct. 28. The 8th of this month I passed the Sands, and the same night recovered Dover road, where I found the Lion's Whelp, and the next morning we both departed for Plymouth. Upon the 11th, off the Isle of Wight, we met with a small fly-boat of Lubeck which came from Lyshborne laden with salt; and because I had intelligence that such like ships had Spaniard's goods under their salt, I sent some men aboard to search her hold, but finding only salt, I dismissed her. Upon the 21st in the evening, after much foul weather and contrary winds, we arrived in Plymouth Sound (praised be God!) in safety. I have here received of Mr. Stallenge, by your commandment, six weeks' victuals for the Marigold, and Captain Norris as much for the Lion's Whelp. This supply of victuals will be a marvellous great furtherance to the voyage, which I pray God may succeed to your expectations. The Marigold hitherto hath bettered the Lion's Whelp every way in sailing, and yet Captain Norris hath omitted no means to trim her to his best advantage; either the Lion's Whelp saileth worse now than she did in her first built, or else the Marigold saileth passing well. Captain Norris is of opinion that she is overmuch strengthened in this built. If it may please you, I have here entertained for the voyage a French pilot who was brought home by Captain Earle. He is a marvellous good pilot for the Straits and knoweth the whole course both of the Spaniards' and Sicilians' trade. He offereth to lose his head if he do not bring me to exceeding great riches. Through his knowledge I shall be free from offending her Majesty's friends, whom otherwise I might wrong through ignorance; and likewise the Spaniards cannot deceive him under the name of Frenchmen, as it is likely they would do me. Mr. Goddard, who goeth with me by your lordship's appointment, confirmeth the report of this pilot's sufficiency. I understand by secret conference with the said pilot that the ships of Barcelona which trade to Alexandria do usually depart from Barcelona in September and October and return in February and March; they go and return exceeding rich, carrying money and returning drugs and spices. He affirmeth that one of their great ships cannot be less worth than 100,000 or 150,000 ducats. The like ships go in the said seasons of the year from Messina in Sicilia to Scandron and Alexandria. If I should fail of all these at their next return, in February or March next, my purpose is, God willing, to spend the whole summer in the Straits, that I may attend them outward bound in September and October following. For victuals, the pilot assureth me I cannot want sufficient means, and yet never to offend her Majesty's friends, whereof I will have a most especial care; for I consider that I must in this service maintain her Majesty's honour and amity with her Highness' friends. Presuming upon the pilot's information, I purpose to carry with me in the Marigold 20 men more than my complement, not doubting but the victuals I have aboard will sufficiently serve until the seas yield further supply. Because I know that your chiefest intent in this voyage is to suppress English pirates, which do so much dishonour her Majesty in the Levant seas by robbing the subjects of those princes which are there in league and amity with her Majesty, I think it meet that you write unto the Duke of Venice the intent of the Marigold's going into the Straits, whereby his Seignory will be fully satisfied of her Highness's most royal affection towards him. And if it fortune that I be driven to seek relief in Candie, or any other part of his dominions, before I shall meet either with pirates or good purchase, I shall be by that means well accepted of them; and I will endeavour to deserve good estimation amongst them. I make no mention of the Lion's Whelp, because I think it dangerous to adventure her in the Straits lest some dishonour might happen unto her by the Spaniards, she being her Majesty's ship and but a small vessel. Wanting here some money for the ship's use, I entreated Mr. Bragge in your behalf to furnish my wants, but I could not procure of him five pounds, so little doth he respect your business. Afterwards, making suit to Mr. Stallenge, I found him very ready to disburse these charges following : for making a new mainsail and bonnet, whereof I had the canvas in bolts—4l. 8s. : for necessaries to make fireworks—3l. 2s. 11d. : for one dozen of short swords, whereof I had none in the ship—2l. 8s. : for the discharge of the French pilot which he was indebted—5l. 4s. : and disbursed by the purser in other necessary charges, as by his account appeareth—3l. 16s. 2d. The total sum which Mr. Stallenge hath disbursed amounteth to 18l. 19s. 11d. I make bold to trouble you with this that it might appear unto you how unwilling I am to disburse any money but upon necessity. Ever since my coming hither the wind hath continued contrary, but I am ready to receive the first benefit God shall send of a fair wind.—From Plymouth, 28 October 1601.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (89. 24, 25.)
George Stanbery, Mayor of Barnstaple, and W. Wynson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 28. We have expected the coming of the conductors from above to receive these companies of 975 men of us at Barnstaple ever since the 20th inst., as we entreated the Earl of Bath formerly to signify unto you, and as now we have declared unto the Privy Council by our letters on this present date, wherein we pray your furtherance. Touching the packet lately sent hither to be conveyed into Ireland, we used all the best means we could to transport the same, but the winds being contrary, being two days at sea, returned again into the harbour, but shall be sent away with the first wind that bloweth.—From Barnstaple, 28 October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (89. 26.)
Vice-Chancellor and Proctors of Cambridge University to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 28. It pleased you long since to write in the behalf of one Wallis, a turbulent and factious townsman against our University, whom all this while we have expected to see if he would vouchsafe to open his mouth unto us for any favour, but his stomach is too stout, and purposeth, as it should seem, to use your letters to prejudice the judge, actors, charter and statutes of the land, which, as should manifestly have appeared in Court, are violated by the party for whom in 40l. the said Wallis was bound, namely Mr. Joweles, the purveyor, whose provision in that Sturbridge fair, being for Her Majesty's service, was not by us inhibited, but his patent only in Court demanded, to justify his action and to discharge us unto the country, who began to murmur at his taking up of butter as a thing extraordinary in that place, where such a multitude of people, far and nigh, resort to make their provision. Considering therefore that the Proctors pay unto Her Majesty a yearly rent of 10l. for commodities arising upon such, and other like delicts, in so much that Her Highness, in abundant and gracious respect to the University, vouchsafeth to submit the purveyors for her own diet unto our charter and statute of the land provided in that behalf, and considering also that the aforesaid Wallis, as it seemeth, doth contemn this jurisdiction, in that being called thereunto orderly, first by notice left at his house, and after by viis et modis, he never appeared, but sought to stop all proceedings by your letter, our humble petition is that you would permit us to call the said Wallis to answer in Court, and we are willing to refer the taxation or full remission of his sentence unto you.—Cambridge, October 28, 1601.
Signed, John Jegon, Vican; William Boys, Randolphe Woodcocke, Procuratores. 1 p. (136. 92.)
Sir John Gilbert to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 28. Here arrived one Robert Kinge, a man of very good discretion, who desireth to serve your Honour, and is very fit to be employed in matters of intelligence. He did, as he saith, from time to time advertise my Lord Admiral of the last Spanish preparations, some of which advertisements came to my knowledge, which maketh me presume to commend him to you as one that will not refuse to do any dangerous enterprise, nor will expect reward till he hath performed it. He hath offered his service to my Lord Admiral, because he is to have pass from him to defend him from men-of-war upon the coast of Spain, by whom he hath been near undone, and lately by Captain William Morgan, but he cannot complain of any hard usage by him. I desire to hear whether you will have part of my ship, or employ her any way, otherwise I will presently set her out. I keep the Jesuits until I may hear from you what shall become of them, divers being desirous of them to redeem their friends. I doubt not but you have heard of great spoils committed in the prize, but I hope I shall so satisfy you therein as I will be without blame. As yet I cannot certify you what goods there are in her, but you shall command your choice of anything that is in her.—From the fort by Plymouth, this 28th of October, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 69.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Oct. 28.] 1. Petition of Margaret Le Grice for the wardship of her son Francis, and of the lands of the late Christopher Le Grice, of Billingford, Norfolk.
Endorsed :—“28 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 102.)
2. John Spence, for the wardship of the heir of John Laycocke, of Whitecote, Yorks.
Endorsed :—“28 Oct. 1601.” ¾ p. (1480.)
Note by Cecil that he is to have a commission.
3. John Glass, for the wardship of the heir of one Eltonhead, of Lancashire.
Endorsed :—“28 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (1481.)
Note by Cecil thereon.
4. Margaret Le Grys, widow of Christopher le Grys, of Billingford, Norfolk, for the wardship of their daughter and lease of the lands.
Endorsed :—“28 Oct. 1601.” ¼ p. (1484.)
Sir T. Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 29. I have presumed (in a cause whereon my poor credit doth wholly rely) to fly unto you for assistance and redress. And because you shall see my cause is honest and my wrongs sustained too injurious to be smothered, I send here enclosed a short brief of my whole complaint, according unto my proofs already published. And although I might have been not a little discouraged by some reports published in the country by Mr. William Dawny, Mr. Richard Cholmly (two of the defendants) and their friends, how far you were satisfied by them in the cause; yet resting very assured of your just inclination, I assure myself you will afford me your favourable countenance, according to the uprightness of my honest cause, how far soever the same hath been formerly extenuated by any.—29 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 27.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 29. Understands by Sir Thomas Gorges the continuance of his kind favour towards him. Cannot choose but give him all possible thanks and beseech him to put an end to his worthy work, that as well in body as soul he may manifest the obligation wherein he acknowledges himself to stand bound.—From the Gatehouse, 29 of October.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (89. 28.)
William, Lord Sandys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 29. Your favours to me in my late affliction shall ever bind me to you. I acknowledge her Majesty's mercy, and will never refuse any hazard in her service. From Foreley Castle, far distant from mine own poor habitations where my livelihood resteth, and I much lose in absence from them, being demesnes. If I may be so bold to crave your assistance for enlargement and the attaining to my horses.—This 29th October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 70.)
Henry [Robinson,] Bishop of Carlisle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 30. Through want of Parliament robes which on the sudden I can by no means either buy or borrow, I am brought by an unavoidable necessity to offend this day somewhat like unto him in the parable, who sat down amongst the guests not having on his wedding garment; or as the other did, who when they were called came not. I request your favour in procuring her Majesty's pardon of this fault, which I can no way avoid, and beseech you to signify by this servant whether it will be less offensive if I absent myself this day from the Parliament house when her Majesty shall be present, or be there in my rochet alone, all the other bishops being there in their robes.—October 30, 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (89. 29.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 30. Sends him a havyor and a doe, having nothing of better value worthy the sending. Though his letters came too late to Cecil in behalf of his son Edward Capell for obtaining charge of a company in these Irish wars, entreats his favour in the same matter when other companies of men be sent thither. God of His goodness has given him many sons; would be glad to bring them up to serve her Majesty, some in one course and some in another.—From my poor house at Haddham, 30 October 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (89. 30.)
William Stallenge to Simon Willes.
1601, Oct. 30. I have written unto my man, wherein I pray your assistance, for the getting of my Lord Admiral's pass for a Frenchman which last year went for Spain in my bark, but is now employed by others in a bark of this town. He hath followed Mr. Vice-Admiral a long time, but cannot obtain leave to depart, although some others have scaped, I know not by what means. The Frenchman did some service by advertisements in his last voyage, and will do the like now if he happen to go that way, although I do not know but that he intendeth to go for France.—Plymouth, 30 October 1601.
Holograph. Two seals. ½ p. (89. 31.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 30. By a general letter herewith unto my Lord Admiral and you, I have certified of such monies as since my last I have here disbursed to Capt. Leigh, who is now ready to depart on his voyage. I have now ended viewing the goods of the carvel brought in by Sir John Gilbert's ship and others, wherein is found of silks only 2 pieces, of velvet three remlets [remnants], of satin four pieces, and certain remlets of tafty [taffeta]; whereof I have taken for you the 20th part. We are now to view the fly boat, where I doubt there will be much goods found wanting, if the purser's book with such 'cargazo' and letters as are in the hands of Sir John Gilbert might be seen; for between her two decks where commonly the best things are laid, there was nothing left. Sir John Gilbert protesteth very deeply that himself nor any for him hath had to the value of 5l. of the said prize goods, so that what is done must needs be by the captains and companies of the men of war. If your waiters at London do make good search, as well by sea as by land, there may be found such things as have escaped from these parts. The master, the purser, and two others of the flyboat, Sir John Gilbert keepeth in his fort, not suffering any to speak with them : what he meaneth thereby, I know not.—Plymouth, 30 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (89. 32.)
Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 30. It pleased you to advertise us that one Elias Allen did by his wife become suitor to Her Majesty for an alms room within this our College, of Her Highness' gift, which he pretends to be now presently void, by reason that one George Willes, whom he is to succeed, hath long since sold his place, and is besides reputed a person of very bad and inordinate life. We therefore have sent for Willes and appointed a day when both shall meet together at the College, at what time we will not fail to have all due regard both of the local ordinance and likewise of your special pleasure.—From Trinity College in Cambridge, 30 October 1601.
Signed : Thomas Nevile, Jer. Radcliffe, Gre. Miever, Thomas Harrison, William Hall, Richard Wright, Nathanael Cole, Thomas Furtho, William Barton. 1 p. (136. 93.)
Captain John Ridgeway to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 30./Nov. 9. The enemy have lately raised two batteries on the east, one of them very far upon the sands 'gainst the mouth of the haven, which playeth on our ships at their entrance, and hath done much hurt; the other somewhat more to the southward and nearer to us, right against the place where our ships now lie within the counterscarp on ground, and that they made to shoot fireworks out of it, to burn our shipping. But there is nothing done yet, for our General caused a half moon to be cast up right against it without our counterscarp, upon which the enemy came down the first night, possessed themselves of it, slew 8 of our workmen in it, then threw it down and so quitted it. After they were gone, our workmen were set into it again and made it sufficiently strong by the morning. The next evening they came down again with their whole troops, thinking to have sped as before; but we had planted of purpose two murdering pieces on our counterscarp 'gainst the halfmoon, which played so amongst them that we slew above 80 of them, by their own reports : 40 dead bodies lay on the ground next morn.
Here are four Englishmen taken which have been racked, and some of them confess that they have these three weeks dealt by letter with the enemy, and now at length promised him if possible to kill our General and his brother the Colonel, to burn our ships, and make good the bridge that leadeth from our counterscarp to our new halfmoon on the east, till the enemy were entered the town. They confess besides that they had drawn above 30 into this plot, and the chief plotter is one Cunnisby, who, as I hear, was sent from you to our General. This is all I can write of ourselves or the enemy, but that they and we are exceeding weak, and that our men fall daily sick; and that we and they lie very quietly one by the other, for our cannons speak seldom.
His Excellency, we are informed, made his rendezvous with his whole army, 7,000 foot and 2,000 horse, at Gitternbarke the 15th November, stilo novo. From thence he marched towards the south part of Brabant, thinking to have put the mutineers to the sword or have made them serve him; but they fled and scapt him. Then he burnt all the country as he marched and spoiled these towns, Wert, Helmont, Sichenen and Aerscott, and many others; but in Diest he hath left a garrison, and so hath brought all the south part of Brabant under contribution. Then he marched towards Thertogenboss, and sat down before it with his whole army 1 November stilo novo, but ere he entrenched himself he sent certain horse before to discover and view the ground, which Grobbingdon, Governor of Thertogenboss, perceiving, sallied out of the town upon them with his troop of horse and some foot and took sixteen prisoners and then went in again. Notwithstanding, the burghers next day, seeing his Excellency was so royally come before it, began to mutiny, and one of them ran out of the town unto him and told him they had laid in no provisions to withstand a siege, for they doubted not of his coming, and that there were not any soldiers in the town but only the Governor's troop of horse; and withal he said there were 1,500 monks and friars that carried arms in the town. Now his Excellency is ensconced, intrenched and lodged before the town, as this enclosed paper will plainly shew you, and hath taken all forage and provisions within ten miles of the town, and carried it into Huesden, where it serves for his horse and soldiers. He carried 30 cannon with him and hath 28 more now sent him. He hath mounted 3 of them, and hath with them already battered down their highest steeple, which overviewed his army and played into his trenches with some small pieces. His Excellency had with him 700 waggons, and hath sent letters to the States that in regard of the burghers mutinying, their want of provisions and the impossibility of being relieved, he doubteth not to gain the town within these 4 weeks.—From Ostend, 9 November, stilo novo, 1601.
Holograph. Three seals. 2 pp. (89. 90, 91.)
The Enclosure :
Plan of “Boss” or Thertogenboss. Showing the surrounding country, and the dispositions of the besieging forces.
In Ink. 1 p. (89. 90.)
Lucie, Marchioness of Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 31. Desires his letters in behalf of the bearer her servant, who is undone by a commission granted forth against lands in his possession, whereto he has right both by law and conscience. Refers delivery of his case to himself. Your very affectionate niece.—Augustine Friars, this last of October 1601.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (89. 33.)
Justice R. Lewkenor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 31. This bearer Captain Johnes, muster master within the counties of Merioneth and Cardigan, telleth me there are defects and wants of men, weapons and armours of the trained bands in those counties, and hath prayed directions from me and the rest of her Majesty's Council established in these parts, for reformation and supply thereof : telling me he understood by your speeches some directions should be sent hither from the Privy Council. I told him I had not as yet received any directions, and therefore knew no course but to write to the sheriffs and justices of peace of those counties to cause the trained bands to be made complete and supplied with arms; which he thought would do little good. I also advertise you of a great disorder fallen out in Denbighshire at the late appointed election of a knight of that shire to serve for this Parliament; which I think you have heard of before this. The particularities I cannot advertise because it is far from this place, and I have not heard from any of the parties of the matter. But suspecting at my last being in those parts, that some matters of discontentment were offered by Sir John Salisbury to Sir Richard Treavor and Sir John Lloyd, I did my best and used my best advice to them on each side to pacify those discontentments. At which time I left them in very good terms the one to the other, although Sir Richard Treavor and Sir John Lloyd held themselves to have been wronged by Sir John Salisbury : howbeit, they then upon my speeches were content to bear it until an apter time to decide it with more quietness, such as might give no occasion of such offence as it might have given at that time of the Sessions. I hoped some good reconciliation would have ensued, for that after these my speeches used to them severally, I found them during the residue of the Sessions not only to use one another with good speeches, but also interchangeably to drink one to another. But now I perceive those matters of disagreement to have fallen so far forth, that without you and other the lords of the Privy Council do take some speedy course of pacification, it will breed such dissension in the shire, where the people are factious and ready to follow those they do affect in all actions, without respect to the lawfulness or unlawfulnesss thereof, as justice will hardly be administered or the people kept in quiet. Also, sithence it is now Parliament time, I am bold to make known that there is great backsliding in religion in these parts, and especially in the confines of the shires between England and Wales, as Monmouth, Hereford and Shropshire, and the skirts of the shires of Wales bounding upon them, and many runners abroad and carriers of mass books, super-altars, all kind of massing apparel, singing bread, of wafers, and all other things used at or in the saying of mass. I have two in prison with whom such trash were taken; they will not confess where they had them; but one saith he found those which he had, the other that they were an old kinswoman's of his now dead that left them to him. They both, taken at several times long between and far distant one from the other, agree in this, that they carried them to be sold, but will not tell to whom, but say they meant to sell to such as would buy them. They are both very obstinate recusants, and so have been divers years. I, seeing the daily backsliding, do fear it will increase if some severer course be not taken in this Parliament for repressing them, and my lords the bishops being now there being required to look otherwise unto it than by their chancellors, who rather turn the presentments in these cases to matter of gain and profit than reformation.—From Ludlow, the last of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ pp. (89. 35.)
Captain R. Wigmore to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 31.] Boisleduc is besieged by his Excellency. As to his going to Weerde and composition with the mutineers there, contrary to my last letters, he never came nearer to Weerde than by 2 English miles, and before his coming, the mutineers having burnt and wasted all the country thereabouts, retired over the Mose into Gulickland. Eindthoven and Boxtell, his Excellency hath taken, and already so strongly entrenched himself and fortified all avenues upon the Buss, that it will be too late for the 2 regiments lately sent from the Archduke's army to enter thereunto. There is here no doubt of the taking of the town unless the Archduke come in person to raise the siege.—Flushing, this last of October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (89. 36.)
Geo. Stanbery, Mayor of Barnstaple, Tho. Brown, and W. Wynson, to the Privy Council.
1601, Oct. 31. The 975 men appointed to be at the port of Barnstable have been and yet are in readiness to be transported, but the conductors to whom you require us to deliver these men are not yet arrived here, whereat we greatly marvel, and do suspect they have had some misfortune by the way hitherwards. We doubt likewise that your letters unto us have been intercepted, because we received none from you touching this service since the 20th inst., save only this last for viewing and mustering the 66 horse, which we received not before the 29th late at night. Next day we proceeded to the muster, and find them for the most part good and serviceable. Some defects there be, which now for want of time we are constrained to omit. We are driven to send away these in some haste to you, because we rest in great doubt (if these conductors come not) to whom we may commit the charge of them; for on Monday in the morning, if the wind hold fair, the water will serve to pass them over the bar, where we think it meet that the soldiers' with their arms, both horse and foot, should be in readiness on shipboard to take the benefit of the wind—which being once lost, it may be long ere it come about again at this season of the year. Some of us in defect of these conductors have conferred with the Earl of Bath, who adviseth us in any case, though no conductors come, to send away the men, and his lordship will appoint one or two sufficient gentlemen of his own that shall take the charge of them and deliver them with their indentures to the Lord Deputy in Ireland.—From Barnstaple, 31 October, 6 o'clock in the morning.
PS.—The horse were appointed to be here the 28th, but their captain is not yet come.
Signed. 1 p. (89. 38.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 31. The packet which lay here some time attending the wind for Ireland is now gone, and before the writing hereof we are out of doubt it is at Waterford, which we had forgotten to signify in our present letters to my lords.—Barnstaple, the last of October, in the morning, 1601.
Signed. ¼ p. (89. 39.)
The Earl of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 31. Except you do a little more further me, as by your noble disposition you have thrust me into the action of the 17th day's honour, I cannot but deceive your expectation, for I find here no respect of persons except there were a hope to enjoy some benefit, as a farm in reversion or some capons towards Christmas, or to be allied unto or favoured by some Councillor, that by some such means may be procured a letter of recommendation or suit. Which being wanting, there is no hope to borrow the use of a four footed beast from one end of the tilt yard to another. As I am wholly your knight in this triumph, I beseech you that one of your horses may be brought hither that I may exercise daily upon him. He shall be as well tended as in your own stable.—Greenwich, this 31st of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 72.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Oct. 31.] William le Grys. The wardship of the supposed heir of Christopher le Grys has been granted to his widow Margaret. Information of Margaret's incontinency, and practising to poison her husband, and confession that the child was not her husband's. Prays that the grant be stayed, and the lease of the lands committed to Henry Le Grys towards the payment of Christopher's debts.
Endorsed :—“31 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (1486.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.] [Printed in extenso in Edwards' “Life of Ralegh,” Vol. II., p. 244.]
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601 Oct. Sir Wa. Raleigh to my master, without date.” Seal, broken. 1 p. (89. 41.)
Sir James Simple to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.] Having acquainted the Duke of [Lennox] with your speeches yesternight anent the conjecture you had of his being wherein indeed he was, he hath made such account of it, that he on the other part holdeth that the great contentment he had in seeing her Majesty at so great leisure proceeded rather of favour than fortune. So that I hope in God, where only good conjectures do breed so good conceits on either side, that farther acquaintance shall draw their affections to better offices. Now you will be so good as to remember what I spake for his lodging, and where his own mind would have it. I named specially Alderman Beyning's, being towards the water, which is his chief desire; but if there be more difficulty in that particular house than perhaps we know, any other fit for such a person, and situated as I have said, will serve us. He would be obscure without any notice taking from her Majesty to him till he were removed from this, for his people and furniture are not yet come from Dieppe. He was not weary yesterday to take every travail well to see that which he saw, who is this day by only weariness retired and bedfast. Thus looking for your answer, I rest.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. October.” ½ p. (89. 42.)
Lord Mounteagle to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.] I do understand that I am to be removed in regard of the gentleman's trouble where I now remain. Seeing I have been already so burdensome to one, I would be loth to make election of any other. If, therefore, you would afford me that favour as to confine me to some lodging in London, I would willingly put in any bonds not to exceed those limits that were appointed me.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601. October.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 74.)
Court of Wards.
[1601, Oct.] [Mary,] Lady Cholmeley, widow of Sir Hugh Cholmeley. For the wardship of her son.
Endorsed :—“Oct. 1601.” ½ p. (1485.)
Mary, Lady Verney to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.]. My son Verney being prepared to go into the country to remain at Sir Edward Radcliffe's, according to your direction, is now a suitor, rather to attend her Majesty's ambassador into France, which his friends at their late being in the town seemed to like of. But while we were preparing to fit him for that journey, he understood of my Lord Deputy's lying before Kinsale, and like a young man changed his purpose and would needs go for Ireland, which we thought too dangerous for him; and now being confined to live in the country for a time, he returns to his former suit to go into France. Wherein I would know your pleasure; and if it please you, I shall readily assent, upon his faithful oath and vows made before Mr. Coape, that upon his return he will love and respect his wife as he ought.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lady Verney to my Master 1601.” ½ p. (91. 5.)
Symon Willis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.] Enclosing two letters from Sir Francis Godolphin relating to the Spaniards at Kinsale.—From the Court, this Saturday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 13.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct.]. I was writing to have entreated your leave for the visiting of my wife, who lieth in great extremity of sickness, but now she is drawn so near unto her end as there is no possible hope of her life, but am thereby made the most absolute instance of misery of any man living. I entreat you to reserve out of her jointure what you should think fit for the maintaining of my miserable life.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 103.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, c. Oct.] Two letters :—
1. I have written to my Lord Admiral to be earnest with her Majesty for my leave to travel, and I beseech you let me have your best assistance. When the parliament is ended, her Majesty will have no employment for me, and I hope she will not so far extend her anger towards me, as having herself no use for me, to confine me to a country now most hateful to me of all others, when my travel will enable me to do her service.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 119.)
2. Yesternight I received a message from my Lord Admiral by my uncle, that, when his Lordship moved the Queen for me, she said she would have me go keep house in the country. How unfit this course will be for me, I am sure you are sufficiently satisfied. Only this I have gotten, that I perceive her Majesty still continues in her wonted displeasure towards me, for when she was in the height of her anger, her answer was the very same. I request that all motions for me but for my travel may not so much as be remembered. When I last spoke with you, you made no doubt of obtaining my leave. I beseech you still be earnest in it.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (183. 120.)
Arthur Throckmorton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,? Oct.] I do now presume to remember the same by the return of my sister with these few lines, humbly beseeching your favour for me about the horses of this shire, because I am assured Sir William Lane will have the Queen moved for him, if he prevail not with yourself and the Lords, as he looketh for upon the letter written in his behalf, from a few here, wherein Sir Anthony Mildmay and the rest refused to join. I hear they begin to wish it were unwritten, as coming from a false ground which they find I take notice of, when they now write that in regard of your former recommending of Sir William Lane to the charge of the horses about Tilbury time, being no such matter, but only Sir Christopher Hatton's hand had, and that but during the shrievalty of his nephew Saunders, for whom after he writ to be restored, they move now a continuance, being a matter far fetched, rather than to fail of some thing to explain their spleen to me, and a doubt of the little forbearance they shall find from me, in respect of others, in their faults, which have been but too long forborne. For these thirteen years (until my Lord of Nottingham by his letter appointed myself, wherein I stand to their judgements that will not forbear me of my care and behaviour). Sir William Lane never did so much as to look on a horse or ever took order for them; yet whatever you determine, with that will I rest contented.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 4.)
Hugh Kenrick and Others to the Privy Council.
[1601, c. Aug. 7 (fn. 1) ] We have received your Lordship's commandments for our abode in Yarmouth. We are bold to inform you of the want of arms for this six hundred men, and desire that order may be taken to send them to us, as also directions for the payment of our soldiers and ourselves, we and our officers remaining as yet at our own great charges, and the soldiers not so well accommodated for their daily means as the keeping of them under good command doth require.
Signed :—Hugh Kenricke, Thomas Mynne, John Brett, Thomas Hawkins. Endorsed :—“The Conductors of the six hundred men at Yarmouth to the Lords. They are victualled but for three days.”
Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. 1 p. (91. 18.)


  • 1. See p. 328.