Cecil Papers: October 1601, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp401-420 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1601, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp401-420.

"Cecil Papers: October 1601, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp401-420.

October 1601, 1–10

Thomas, Viscount Howard of Bindon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, before Oct.] Prays to be discharged from attending Parliament, on account of indisposition. Some towns, having affiance in the care he will take of their well doing, have given him the nomination of their burgesses, for which place if Cecil appoints one or two, and sends him their names by the bearer, he will appoint them to the chiefest town.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“L. Viscount Byndon. 1601.” ½ p. (90. 42.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, c. Oct. 1.] Hears that this day the writs of Lancaster will come. Begs Cecil to deal with her Majesty in what sort it best seems to him. Although her Majesty took offence at somewhat his mother said (he knows not what, but dares swear without intent of offending her Majesty), he hopes that he, who is innocent, will not suffer for it, but that according to her promise he will taste of her favour. Prescription of times is not for a subject, and if it please her Majesty to grace him, the more it is done without disgrace, the more he is bound to her.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 163.)
[William Bourchier,] Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 1. I have lately received her Majesty's writ of summons for my attendance at this next Parliament, to begin the 27th of this present month; but an old infirmity which hath held me this half year or more doth make me very unfit either for travel or company, as my Lord Bishop of Exeter and Mr. Dr. Swale can testify. I beseech you be a mean to have me excused.—From Towstock, the 1st of October 1601.
PS.—I have entreated my Lord of Nottingham's favour, and I hope my sister of Warwick will remember this my suit unto you.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 76.)
Captain E. FitzGerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 2. I have received by Lieutenant Coates a letter from my cousin Mr. Theobald Butler, only son of Sir Edmund Butler, now prisoner in the Castle of Dublin, whose distressed estate, and the desire which appeareth in his letter to your Honour, I humbly leave to your honourable favour. I am here with two men, a suitor these eighteen months to you and the Lords for some five hundred pounds to me when I was employed in her Majesty's service. About the beginning of March last, it was promised me by mid-summer, thereupon I went to the Bath, being troubled with a “sheatecka” [sciatica] and continued there some three months. Since my return I have had no money but have run on credit always, and now my creditors will trust me no longer, and since the Court was at Windsor, I have been driven by the sciatica to keep my bed. I beseech you to be a mean for me to receive payment of said five hundred and odd pounds, or that I may have one hundred to satisfy my creditors here until the greater sum be paid.—From my lodging at Westminster, the second of October 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 81.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 2. The bailiff of St. Martin's hath arrested a servant of mine who is also an enrolled man under her Majesty. I have made him know as much, and I can neither get my man nor so much as good words at his hands. In respect that he is an under officer unto your Honour, I beseech you that you will cause me to have right done. For all such as are in her Majesty's pay are free from arrest, much more those who are necessary men about the governors. It is no execution, nor indeed no very true debt, and in smaller cases the Sheriffs of London have without delay given me satisfaction. The matter concerns me in reputation, and therefore I beseech you to do me favour in it.—At my lodging, the 2 of Oct. 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 52.)
[“1601, Oct. 2.”] Andrew Bussy : petition for the wardship of the heir of Miles Hubbert, mercer of London.
Note by Cecil that a warrant is to be made for a commission.
Endorsed :—“2 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (1489.)
The Dowager Countess of Derby to her cousin, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 3.] Refusing to take any rent for his use of Russell House.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“3 Oct. 1601.” Seal. ½ p. (183. 53.)
George Kendall to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 3. Since you commanded me to attend at Windsor your letters back to Sir Francis Vere, the Marshal's servants of the Marshalsea, not having had satisfaction for my charges, have taken upon them to imprison me. I beseech you by Captain Bingham to send me my discharge that I may go about my business with Grave Maurice which is now at Middelburgh, the rather lest, the wind coming prosperous, I should lose a speedy passage.—This 3rd of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 82.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1601, Oct. 3. Upon the 3rd of this instant month of October I have received her Majesty's letters of command, and your directions likewise by your letters of the 29th of September last, concerning the levying in this county of 150 men for service in Ireland, wherein such care shall be taken as is by your Lordships particularly required. It being left to my choice either to furnish the men with good armour here, or to send up after the rate of thirty shillings for the arming of every man, I have desired rather to send up the money, and will take order for such money, as well as that required for their apparelling to be paid to Sir Thomas Tasborough with as much expedition as may be.—From York, the 3rd of October 1601.
Signed. ¾ p. (88. 83.)
John Meeres to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 3. I submit myself and am sorry for the words used by me against Sir Walter Ralegh; nothing doubting but that your Honour will be respective of my other causes.—The Gatehouse, this 3rd of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 84.)
George Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, Oct. 3.] Though I do perfectly believe that no phantasms can terrify you where the action is justifiable, the riot of other men's tongues being too weak an opposition against the inward force of judgment and conscience; and do assuredly know that the publishing of this would rather bring forth prayers than clamours, and do well remember that for the discovering of yourself I did never propound it, but advised the contrary in my conference with you; yet I thought myself bound in good manner to accept your reasons for good when you were not tied to yield other reason than your pleasure, and therein to acknowledge your respect though I could not assent to your opinion. But my brother, to whom you referred me, will not allow me this interpretation, but doth assure me that your meaning is to have it set on foot, and to give it all your furtherance so that you be neither confessed as a party nor used as the first mover. If I be thus mistaken, I desire to be reformed by yourself, and pray that for the proceeding I may either take direction from yourself (which I had rather), or else have leave to propound and receive your censure immediately.—Your ever loving brother-in-law.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“3 Oct. 1601.” Seal. 1 p. (88. 85.)
William Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 3. My cousin, Leveson, brother to Sir John Leveson, a little before her Majesty's remove from Greenwich, did inform my Lord Admiral and your Honour of a chest that was consigned to a servant of his in France, pertaining to one Harrison that was committed by his Lordship to the Gatehouse in Westminster, and his Lordship thereupon gave direction that when the chest arrived here, I should search the same : which I did this day, my cousin Levison being present and two of my servants. Amongst other things, there was a little box that my servant the bearer hereof will show your Honour, which my cousin Levison took forth and advised me not to open the same, because he opening the box when the chest was first landed at the custom house, fell on sneezing very extraordinarily. I caused the box to be opened holding it afar off, where I found her Majesty's picture in metal, and a kind of mercury sublimate which had eaten in the metal; whereupon I sent the box by two of my folks unto Mr. Weymes, an apothecary, where it was found to be a very strong poison, and lying with the picture hath so eaten into it as it hath consumed the metal, so as it brake with a little slip out of their hands on a board. I cannot conceive he can have a good meaning that will place the picture of her Majesty's sacred person with such poison as hath endangered the apothecary's man that did but put it to his tongue.—From Charing Cross, the 3 of October 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (88. 86.)
Roger Houghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 3. On Friday I received of Mr. Billett 500l., which I paid the same day into the Receipt in part of your Honour's rent : there is now 2,500l. paid. I have redeemed your Honour's gold with 500l. of the money received from Mr. Killygrewe. Of the other 500l., I have disbursed the best part to your workmen. Mr. Levinus acquainted me that you did wish him to make trial whether he could procure you some money, which he said he could not do, but a friend of mine hath offered me 500l. for a month upon my own bond, for I told him it was for mine own use. I can have it on Monday morning, and the merchant's bond will fitly serve to repay it the last of this month, and you may have it paid into the Receipt to make up 3,000l.
Mr. Skinner willed me to put you in mind to write to my Lord Treasurer about the 200l. for your allowance this quarter. He will deliver your letter to his Lordship and an order ready for signature.—From the Duchy House, this 3rd of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 87.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Mr. Nicholson.
[1601, Oct. 3.] Mr. Nicholson. Because you may now be able to advertise the King, how the state doth stand of her Majesty's affairs, you shall understand that on the 25 of September there arrived 50 sail of ships, great and small, in Munster in the town of Kinsale. Their army by land may be some 5,000 : they are commanded by Don Juan d'Aguila, who commanded in Brittany while the Spaniards were in France. So as now their purpose, which I have long foreseen, doth show itself, whereof I doubt not but such shall be her Majesty's fortune and resolution, as Munster shall prove their sepulchre, and that all the subjects of Ireland which now shall declare themselves Spaniards (wherein they confound all loyalty or merit toward the present and future) shall be held reprobates in that kingdom of Scotland by all those which do desire to retain the titles of good patriots or true Christians. Wherein, though I tax no man in particular, yet it will hardly be believed that many persons of quality in Scotland are not contented with the rebellion in Ireland, for, notwithstanding the King's worthy proclamation, yet all relief to the Northern rebels absolutely proceedeth from the North and West of Scotland : wherein, howsoever some of the King's great subjects may have been loth to dissolve all correspondency hitherto, in regard of some private interest or obligations of acquaintance or alliance, yet now that the K. of Spain, upon his first landing, caused the poor town of Kinsale, wherein there were not 60 fighting men, to be summoned to yield to his army which was sent to reduce that Kingdom to his obedience, and to set up the Roman Church, I presume that no man of honour or religion will from henceforth account this invasion other than an action against God, against a lawful and an anointed prince, and, by consequence, against all those that have interest in the safety of this crown of England. Her Majesty hath already in pay 16,000 foot, and hath lately sent over 4,000 men, besides all the relief to Ostend which had been carried long ere this time; in the mean while the French King gives the States fair words, but is too full of felicity to be sensible of the States' fortune : he hath now a Dauphin of France, than which there could be no greater or rarer blessing. The King of Spain likewise hath newly born a daughter. And thus being desirous that you should not be a stranger to these extraordinary accidents, seeing the King liketh well to hear the occurrences of foreign parts, whereof the place which I hold is tied but too much to be able to give account, considering how chargeable and difficult a thing it is to maintain men abroad as the Secretaries of England must do, from all the parts of the world. I do for this time forbear to write any longer letters, not doubting but you will think this accident draws with it much business.—From the Court at Richmond.
Draft. Endorsed :—“3 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (88. 87/2.)
Jonathan Trelawny to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 4. I am bold now again to present you with two burgess-ships for this Parliament.—Poole, 4 October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 88.)
Examination of Thomas Harrison.
1601, Oct. 4. At his being in France with Mr. Secretary Herbert, he first became acquainted with the bishop of Boulogne, being also Prior of St. Martin's in Paris, to whom he was greatly beholding, and lay in his house in Paris, and the bishop did make much of him because he delivered unto the bishop certain secrets in alchemy.
Being asked what he did with a fair chalice with a cover and a pax, very curiously wrought; he saith that he bought the same in Paris to present unto the foresaid bishop, and did send it unto him by one Moore an Englishman, and the bishop upon some unkindness sent it to the him again after two months.
Being further asked what picture that is which he had in a box of wood, and of what metal, he answereth that it is a picture of a woman, but of whom he doth not know, but saith that the metal is of mercury congealed with vinegar and verdigris, and was made by Mr. Hillyard about eight or nine years since, and saith the other temperature in the box is mercury crystallined or alcolisated and made by himself, and he further saith that the metal of the picture was made by Mr. Hyllyard, and will with aqua fortis be dissolved again into quicksilver, and he saith that the said picture was made about the time that Mr. Hillyard did make models for the great seal in the time of Sir Christopher Hatton. The chalice cost him three score and six or eight crowns.
He put the picture in the box with the other mixture but a little before he went over, for no other cause but because they were both of one substance. Being asked if it be not the picture of the Queen that which was in metal, he saith that he thinketh that Hillyard did make it amongst the models that he made for the seal for the Queen's picture. Being asked if he did see Hillyard make the picture, he confesseth that he did not see Hillyard make the same, but Hillyard telling him how he did congeal the same, he required the said Hillyard to give him one piece and so Hillyard gave him that picture, and after he saw the said Hillyard make the metal.
The mixture in the box is made of quicksilver sublimed from the fæces of vitriol salniter and cinnabar.—Oct. 1601.
Signed :—Lancelot Brown, W. Ward. 2¼ pp. (88. 89.)
10 [Sir Robert Cecil] to 30 [The King of Scots].
1601, Oct. 4. Printed, Camden Soc. Publications, Old Series. LXXVIII., pp. 12–14.
Draft. Endorsed by Cecil :—“4 Octobris 1601. 2 letters 10 to 30.” (135. 61, 62.)
Charles, Lord Wyllughby to “Mr. Secretary.”
1601, Oct. 4. For the wardship of his grandchild.—Tupholme, 4 Oct. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (2116.)
Sir John Gilbert to Captain William Parker, Mayor of Plymouth.
[1601,] Oct. 5. I met a packet at Ashburton directed to me, or in my absence to Mr. Stallenge, that forthwith a pinnace should be sent out upon the coast of Ireland, according to the directions which I have herein sent unto you. Wherefore these are to require you that finding not Captain Morgan's ship in such readiness as the cause requireth, you take up forthwith Captain Amadis his caravel being now ready victualled, and an excellent sailer, and likewise to appoint in your own stead (as it appeareth by the Council's letters you should have gone) Captain Rawlines, of whom, in the absence of Captain Morgan, I have made choice because he is your friend.—Ashburton, this 5 of October, Monday night.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“5 of October, 1601.” ¾ p. (88. 90.)
Lord Morley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. I understand by my man that did attend you with a letter from me that you were discontented with some of the contents thereof. I call Heaven to witness that I had no meaning to give cause of dislike, for I did never more respect that noble and worthy Earl of Sussex, Lord Chamberlain, my near kinsman and dear friend, than I do yourself. Touching my expenses for the bringing to light the wardship of Colley to her Majesty's use, I submit to your honourable censure.—London, the 5th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 91.)
Sir William Browne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. Though the matter be of small assurance I now write of, I would give you to understand that 4 galleys, or else 2 galleys and 2 frigates, went out of the Sluys three days now past, and, as the news comes hither, were seen yesterday between Dunkirk and our coast. There are two of our galleys that pursue them, but I think fair and far off. There are destined to wait for their return, to lie at anchor before Sluys, 2 good men of war, 2 other boats called cromsteavers, and 2 galleys. From Ostend we hear no great alteration of late, only a new bridge on the East side, which we have, I imagine, finished and fortified by this time. The States-General went yesterday from Middelburgh back again, his Excellency follows to-morrow or the next day : what further is thought upon to be done against the enemy is kept secret.—From Flushing, this 5th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 93.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. I do most heartily entreat you to hear Mr. Dean of Westminster at large concerning the Dean of St. Paul's his proceeding with him. I do see the general drift is against me, by Mr. Nowell banding not only to remove Mr. Dean of Westminster, but to bring in a very unmeet man into his place, one Shingleton, whom I myself kept heretofore from being expelled out of Brasenose for country sake, I assure you, and who will be at the Dean of Paul's commandment to many courses that may cross me exceedingly. If her Majesty knew how much this matter touched me, I am persuaded she would not commend the said Singleton, were it that Mr. Dr. Andrewes could be removed as I do think in justice he cannot.—At Lambeth, this 5 of Octob. 1601.
Holograph. 1 p. (88. 94.)
Captain Charles Leigh to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. My last letter was from Gravesend, bearing date the 24th of September, which I sent by the post. On the 30th of September I set sail from Gravesend, and was enforced by a stiff contrary wind to stop again in Tilbury Hope, from whence, on the 2nd of October, with fair weather, though the wind contrary, I plied down to the bay of the Red sand in hope to recover Gorend, but this morning was enforced back to Queenborough, from whence I came with the shallop up hither to procure a pilot to carry us about by Harwich, for it is impossible for our ship, drawing fourteen foot water, with these winds to purchase Gorend through the narrow channel. If the owners of the Marygold had been as willing to further the voyage as they ought to have been, I had been by this time upon the coast of Spain; which your Honours may consider in their payment at the end of the voyage. It was the 2nd of this month before we could receive our “westclothes,” which in the end Hunnyman was enforced to provide at your Honours' charges, for he could not get any from the owners. I have considered of his directions for the Straits, and I find that I must run four hundred leagues within the Straits' mouth unto the island of Gazo and to the South west end of Sicily, where, if we miss at Barcelona, we are to expect the hope of our voyage. Likewise, I am informed by my pilot that Sicily as well as Spain useth a great trade for Alexandria and other parts in the bottom of the Straits, carrying and returning rich commodities and in great vessels. Moreover, if I spend my time about that island and should want victuals, I must run to Zante or to Petrasse to seek relief, which is above 100 leagues further. Wherefore I beseech you that I may be supplied in Plymouth with six weeks' or two months' victuals more, which I shall need for the better performance of the voyage. Let me be thoroughly provided and then if I do not, with God's help, return home your charges to your desired profits, let me be accounted unworthy of the least part of your favour. For the lengthening of the voyage, I have already brought my men, with their good will, five to four men's allowance, and when I am entered into the Straits I hope to set them, six to a mess. I am already provided of eighty men towards my complement of one hundred. I had not thought to have shipped so many men before I had come to Plymouth, but finding them such as I doubted I should hardly find the like upon a sudden in Plymouth, I thought best to entertain them, though thereby some victuals be spent which otherwise might have been saved. But victuals are not lost so long as I have good men to perform our voyage. If I find the rest of my complement in Plymouth answerable to those I have now aboard, I make bold to say there never went ship out of England better manned with sailors for the number. The Lion's Whelp is already in the Downs and tarryeth there for us. She turned over the flats upon an ebb, which we cannot do in the Marygould. God send us a prosperous voyage to countervail your Honours' excessive charges.—From Rochester, this 5th of October 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Mr. Lee to me. Captain Lea to the L. Admiral and my master.” 2 pp. (88. 95.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. I understand by Mr. Attorney of the Court of Wards that you desire to have the nominating of one of the Burgesses for Ripon, whereunto I very willingly yielded. My Lord President hath the other, albeit my Chancellor hath usually had one of those places.
Yesternight I received her Majesty's writ to be at the Parliament, but I fear if I were there I should not be able to discharge my duty in attendance by reason of my years and feebleness of body. It is thought that in the absence of the Lord President I may do her Majesty better service here than there.—From Bishopthorp, the vth of October 1601.
Signed. 1 p. (88. 96.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. Since my coming from the Court I have a swelling fallen into one side of my face, which forceth me to take a course of physic for three or four days, wherefore, if either by her Majesty or yourself, I be missed at the Court, I beseech you to know the cause of my absence. I have letters from Flushing which bear that the enterprise I told you the Prince Maurice had upon the enemy's galleys is failed by the coming on ground, as is pretended through the greatness of the wind, of some of our galleys upon a sand called the Pestmarch, which lieth without the mouth of the haven of Sluys. There is a Count of Solms come from the Elector Palatine to Midleborow to invite the Prince Maurice and the States to be godfathers to a son which is born unto him. This is all I hear from Flushing, saving that in another letter I have that the baggage of D[on] Augustin Mexia was come to Antwerp, and that in the camp there is no hope at all of taking Ostend, and a general opinion that the army will rise.—At Bainards Castle, the 5 of Oct., 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 54.)
Thomas Harvy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 5. It pleased God yesterday to take the lady Davis, mother to my ward, whereby the lands allotted to her jointure are in the Queen's hands. I would entreat your favour to have a lease thereof, as I have of the rest of the ward's lands, having observed the like course to be held almost with all guardians.—From the Tower, 5 October 1601.
Holograph. ½ p. (183. 55.)
Lord Darcy to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
1601, Oct. 5. Be pleased to move the Queen for licence for my stay from the Parliament. Neither my infirmity nor years will permit me to take so great a journey. Be pleased to accept of my proxy.—From Aston, this 15th of October 1601.
Holograph. ¼ p. (88. 92.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 6. For answer whether we would provide the arms ourselves for the men now presently to be levied for Ireland, or else to have the arms provided by their Lordships after 30s. a man, this letter is to acquaint the lords that we undertake the providing of the arms ourselves.—Black Friars, the 6 of 8ber 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (88. 97.)
The Dowager Countess of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 6. In the behalf of Captain Phillips to have a company. “Your assured loving cousin.”—York House, 6 of October.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 98.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 6. I have sent you herewith the treatise that you spake of upon Sunday. I mind to suffer it to be printed by the authors forthwith. In the perusing of it, I trust your Honour will remember that the whole discourse is throughout of the Popish priests to their friends, the Popish Catholics. I heartily pray you to despatch as you may the commission for banishment, &c.; it is time they were gone and of some importance.—At Fulham, this 6 of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 56.)
Marco Giustinian to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 16/6. As soon as I arrived in Paris and learnt my obligations to you, I was anxious to render you my respects and thanks. The many kindnesses I have received from her Majesty will ever bind me to you.—From Paris, the 16 Oct. 1601.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p. (183. 62.)
Edward Turnor to [Sir R. Cecil].
[1601, Oct. 6.] For the wardship of the three sisters and heirs of Gregory Copping, Norfolk, who has died in nonage, and whose wardship he held. Has been at great charge to sustain their inheritance against Thomas Copping, their uncle.
Endorsed :—“6 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (1479.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 7. For Captain Broughton to have employment in Ireland. He hath seen as much service in the Low Countries as the affairs of five years have given advantage.—London, this 7 October.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” Seal. ½ p. (88. 99.)
[William Paulet,] Marquess of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 7. Having certain of my inheritance descended in the right of my grandmother, parcel of my Lord Brooke's possessions, entailed by Act of Parliament, and being desirous to dispose thereof in such sort as my Lord Mountjoy, unto whom the other part descended, was at the last Parliament enabled, I have thought it fit to pray for his assent to be signified to the House in furtherance of my desires, to such effect as by the minute enclosed appeareth; and I do entreat that you will write to his Lordship on my behalf and that his answer may be returned to you. Also that you will so far favour me as to convey both your said letters and mine by the next post. This Act which I now sue for, had been passed with my Lord Mountjoy's, but that my Lord your father doubted that upon my father's liberty obtained therein, he would have conveyed most part to his base sons.—Basing, this 7th of October 1601.
I have here enclosed sent the copy of my Lord Mountjoy's letters.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (88. 77.)
The Enclosure :
The Same to Lord Mountjoy.—Requesting that Mountjoy will not put difficulties in the way of his disentailing bill. He (Winchester) has since his father's death paid 13,000l. to the Queen.
Endorsed :—Copy. (88. 78.)
William Vawer, Mayor of Bristol, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 7. I received this day your letters of the 6th instant with two packets, one for the Lord Deputy of Ireland, the other for the Lord President of Munster. Patrick Crosbie, to whom the packets should have been delivered, left yesterday forenoon for Cork, and now there is no ship or bark to pass from hence for Ireland until the shipping do go thither with the soldiers; so as the packets cannot be transported presently unless I should hire a small bark for that purpose only, and appoint a special messenger to be landed at Waterford. The hire of the bark will be 20 marks, besides the charges of the messenger, wherein I humbly desire your Honours' direction. I will forthwith provide sufficient shipping and victual for the transporting of the 1,025 soldiers according to their Honours' letters of the 5th instant.—At Bristol, this 7th of October 1601.
Signed. ½ p. (88. 100.)
Edward [de Vere,] Earl of Oxford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 7. My very good brother. If my health had been to my mind, I would have been before this at the Court, as well to give you thanks for your presence at the hearing of my cause, as to have moved her Majesty for her resolution. In all thankfulness do I acknowledge that by your only means I have hitherto passed the pikes of so many adversaries. Now my desire is, since themselves who have opposed to her Majesty's right seem satisfied, that you will make the end answerable to the rest of your most friendly proceedings. I am advised that I may pass my book from her Majesty if a warrant may be procured to my cousin Bacon and to Serjeant Harris to perfect it.—This 7th of October, from my house at Hackney, 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 101.)
Thomas Windebanke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 7. The cause why I sent not these letters sooner was the taking copies of them for making entries. Having no messengers here, I was fain to send as I could, and so happened upon this bearer Conradus, even going up to my wonted exercise.—This 7 of 8ber 1601.
Holograph. ¼ p. (88. 102.)
Salisbury House.
1601, Oct. 8. Order from the Mayor and Aldermen of London, granting to Sir Robert Cecil a small quill of water into his house near Ivy Bridge (Salisbury House) to be grafted to the City's principal conduit, on certain conditions.—Oct. 8, 1601.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (204. 122.)
George Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 8. I have nursed and brought to perfection with my great charge the invention of another man upon hope of benefit to myself : but as well that benefit as the publishing of the mystery depends upon a privilege to be procured. Which kind of suit in my opinion, as it is very injurious in things already common, wherein every man's interest is equal, so is it in a manner due unto all new inventions if the matter brought forth be in itself allowable. For to suppress them here is but to send them over and our money after them, instead of drawing money and commodities from all parts when by such favour they are planted at home. But this consideration is your proper. For myself, if my wish were in my power I would not desire such a privilege but in other men's names, both because the nature of the mystery is mechanical and the estimate of the profit uncertain. If it shall please you to protect and direct this suit, it is in your own power to invest yourself in it, and I am ready to inform you further in it whensoever you shall give me leave.—Blackfriars, this 8th of October 1601.—Your loving brother-in-law.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 103.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 8. I gather assurance from credible report that great forces of Spaniards are entered and landed at Kinsale in Ireland. Wherefore in my duty I needs must write of the present dangerous estate of the isles of Scilly under my charge, being the fairest inn in the direct way between Spain and Ireland. I pray God their eyes may not be opened to find it out before it have such guard to repel them as the importance of the place deserveth. For better discharge of this my duty, I have written my general letter to all your Honours, wherein I cannot say much more if I were present than in a description of those isles and fortifications I did set down in April 1600. Of which descriptions I left one with your Honour, one with the Earl of Nottingham and one with the Lord Treasurer. I spent some idle hours this last summer in Scilly in framing a project for the wars in Ireland, which would have saved all her Majesty's yearly charges in Ireland, gained 40,000l. yearly revenue to her Treasury, and yet have abated very little of the present forces maintained there. But this new accident of a Spanish army arrived will require a speedier and rounder kind of proceeding, even before they be enclosed in the strength of their fortifications. As for their harbour, except they be able to be masters of the field on both sides, and thus weaken themselves by dividing their force, they will neither have entrance nor safe rest for their ships of supply, except indeed the harbour be so large as shot of great ordnance cannot reach over.—From Tavistock, the 8th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 104.)
Herbert Croft to Sir R. Cecil.
1601, Oct. 8. Details his proceedings in a difference between Mr. Delahay and Owen Hopton as to lands in Alterennes (Hereford).
He is suitor, on behalf of Thomas Bowen, for a lease from her Majesty of Mannor Beere, Pembrokeshire, lately Sir Gelly Meyrick's. Sir Francis Meyrick endeavours to cross him therein. Prays Cecil to further him in the matter.—Croft, 8 Oct. 1601.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (214. 36.)
[1601, Oct. 8.] Three petitions to Sir R. Cecil :—
(1) Steven Ellise prays for the wardship of the son and heir of John Tylnye, of Tudmed, Norfolk.
Note by Cecil : “Let a warrant be made for a commission.”
Endorsed :—“8 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 146.)
(2) Thomas Browne, “one of your Honor's stable.” Prays for the wardship of the heir of John Jeninges, of Somerset.
Note by Cecil : “Let a commission be made.”
Endorsed :—“8 Oct. 1601.” ½ p. (P. 100.)
(3) Sir John Davis. On his marriage with his wife, partly for the wardship of her son, and partly for satisfying her debts, he sold most of his estate to the value of 1,500l., and became debtor for her children's portions. Whereof two remain unsatisfied, to the sum of 700l. Prays commiseration of his distressed estate, and to have allotted to him, out of his wife's jointure, and of such goods as are seized to the Queen's use, competent means to his own relief and the payment of the portions.
Endorsed :—“8 Oct. 1601.” 1 p. (P. 101.)
Roger Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 9. Finding in the Lords of the Council's letter to me no other thing commanded but to receive my Lord of Rutland into my house at Uffington, I was comen hither to Huntington towards London about my private business, leaving my house for his Lordship's abode during Her Majesty's pleasure.
But now receiving a letter from Mr. Screven, signifying that their Honours' pleasure is that I should still remain there with my Lord of Rutland, I do return back again.
I have no ways offended her Majesty, whereby I should be restrained of liberty to go about mine own business, for I have been always loyal and dutiful. I humbly pray you, therefore, to be a means for me that if her Majesty will not permit my Lord of Rutland to go to his own house, yet that it may be lawful for me to go about my own business, leaving my house for his Lordship's abode.
I thank you for your favours as well to his Lordship as to myself.—At Huntington, this 9 of October 1601.
Holograph. ¾ p. (88. 105.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to Lord Scrope.
[1601, Oct. 9.] I have received some letters from you of late which did not require any present answer and, therefore, I presume you have dispensed with my silence, especially seeing this new accident of the Spaniards' landing in Ireland in the Province of Munster hath given us a world of business, though I hope in God they are come to provide themselves a sepulchre rather than to be able to effect their designs. They landed in Kinsale to the number of 4,000. The Deputy is at Cork with good part of her Majesty's army, for reinforcement whereof she doth send 6,000 men and a good fleet to sea, one good accident happening whereof I think it not amiss to advertise you, namely, that a ship of Sir J. Gilbert's being at sea hath taken one of the arriere garde of the fleet, being a ship of 400 tons, full of soldiers, some commanders and divers fine jennets. I like this beginning, and hope that we shall see a prosperous conclusion. And now, Sir, to the substance of your letters. Her Majesty hath read both the letter directed to you and your answer, wherein although it is true that the letter directed to you was well and respectively written both to her and her estate, yet would she have me tell you that when she perceiveth by your answer upon what terms you are able to stand to justify your action, she cannot but very highly commend the style of your letter, both for discretion, stoutness and all other circumstances incident to such a matter, whereof I think good to let you know for your comfort beforehand of her Majesty's gracious acceptance, although I do expect your coming now before many days end. As concerning the powder, there shall be order taken according to your desire.
Draft. Endorsed :—“Oct. ix. 1601. Minute to the Lo. Scroope.” 2½ pp. (88. 107, 1.)
Lord Henry Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 9. Let me put you in mind of your careful promise in case Brett should attempt to beg the reversion of Bulkingam, to whom I would gladly have repaid the money I had taken upon mortgage of it, with his interest and charges of counsel. But he denied both my cousin Sir John Fortescue and me.
Mr. Johnson, being in possession of it for the whole 3 lives and the last life in remainder, by my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor their mediation to her Majesty, hath obtained her contentment to accept of him 700l. for a fine; for the performance whereof he hath sold his land.
Brett opposeth himself by all the means he may. I beseech you further Mr. Johnson in his just cause by joining with my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor. This I am enforced to write by coming a little too late yesterday in the morning.—From the Blackfriars, this 9th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 107, 2.)
Sir John Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 9. I have lately received from your Honour two letters, the one of the 25th of September, the other, as it shows by the packet, of the 3rd of October, therein confirming the arrival of 5,000 Spaniards in Ireland, which by your former letter was but somewhat strongly doubted, whose end I hope shall be as successive as their countrymen's was that came in my Lord Grey's time; but it will be some hindrance to the forwardness of the happy end likely to have been had they not come. Yet will it be a good mean now to see how frankly her Majesty's subjects will contribute to money subsidies or offer themselves to serve, for those that are not fit to serve in person will serve in purse, and that not niggardly by way of subsidy, but every man will contribute out of his own voluntary as men knowing their own estates better than a few poor 'sessors. For my part, I would never desire greater honour than to be employed by her Majesty hence with some competent number of men, thought fit to hold that rebel Tyrone in play in his own county, that he might be kept from joining with them, or from troubling of those honourable persons that shall be fain to attend them.
The latter part of your letter doth much comfort me in your honourable favour.
Here is little news stirring, but some likelihood of more, for the Scots begin to be somewhat busy, which we fear will breed us some trouble these winter nights.
It may please you to understand, for want of better news, that upon Thursday the 30th of September there came into a town in this country, called Felton, a gentleman of England, who called himself Cortney, and one Daves, with a young man between them attending. There was more with them one Master Bruse, a Scottishman, who, as it seems, was their guide. I am given to understand that all these being at Felton, the chief man of the town being a drunken fellow and seeing these persons travelling extraordinary, charged them with some matter of treason. Whereupon they were somewhat amazed, fearing to be stayed, as it seemed, for they persuaded this bad fellow with many reasons, and, as I am told, gave him 20 mark in gold, whereupon he let them go free. The same night they were conveyed by the same Scotsman to the “loughe tower,” in Scotland, where they remained that night. The next morning, being Friday, they were carried to Kelsey within my Lord of Roxburgh's command, who at his coming carried them from thence to his house at the Friars, within a mile of Kelsey, where they lodged all that night. They came meanly apparelled thither, but Cortney, who seems to be chief, hath with him a very rich suit of apparel. They have with them great store of gold certainly known. After they had been at the Friars' one night, the Lord of Roxburgh understood by some means he used with Bruse the Scottishman that he had an intent to have cut all their throats and to have spoiled them of their money and goods; whereupon the Lord of Roxburgh took him and presently carried him to the King, who is now in the North parts sporting himself, and what will become of Bruse I know not, but the Englishmen remain still at the Friars', where I have made the best means I can to learn what they are, and what I can learn your Honour shall know.—October the 9th.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” 2 pp. (88. 108.)
George Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 10. Yesterday my Lord of Roxburgh, returning the night before from the King, sent for me and shewed me the King had directed him to show me the matter of Nerne and the two Englishmen whereof in my last I wrote, and that I should write to learn what they were. Nerne, [marginal note : Mr. Peter Nerne] as my Lord of Roxburgh doth understand it, drew the two English gentlemen, the one called Peter Saltonston, whose father hath been Mayor of London, and the other Benjamin Ruger, of the Temple, as Nerne names them, to come hither, promising them favour of the King (as if he were employed by the King for drawing Englishmen's affections to the King; which he stands upon, though the King denies it, saying he never gave him any such commission by word or writ, and that Nerne cannot show his hand for it, confessing indeed that Nerne had promised him much but performed nothing) and a licence to be gotten them for their coming hither by my means [marginal note : “otherwise they said they would have sought your Honour's licence”], though I never had further speech with him than that I openly demanded his name when he was a busy dealer here, which he refused to tell me, as also that he meant here to kill and rob them, at least Ruger, upon this “platt,” because Ruger loved a rich widow whom a friend of Nerne's suited, and thought her love to Rogers to be his only hindrance, and thus had dealt with Nerne to draw away and cut him off. But what the truth is I cannot say, neither said my Lord of Roxburgh he durst meddle to be curious to examine the Englishmen either of their names or other matters, because they came to come to the King. Always, the King is well pleased with my Lord, as he conceives, [and] meant to have had the Englishmen brought to this Castle but that my Lord of Roxburgh intreated for them, whereon the King hath charged him by a charge in writ to keep them and present them here to him at his return out of the north, which will be, I judge, now within fourteen days, that the King may examine them himself, which he intends to do, pretending nevertheless to think them no better than “deboshed” persons to “come away with such a shifter as Nerne,” as he says. And for Nerne, the King hath also given my Lord of Roxburgh commission to try and examine him and punish him agreeable to the quality of the fault, with direction by mouth to hang him; but my Lord, being wary to walk within sure bounds now in this time that the Court little likes him, took the Advocate's advice what he might do, and hath written to the King to give him plain commission to hang him if he will have him hanged; and thereon he intends indeed to hang Nerne, both for his calling my Lord “Cousin” at every word, bringing them to his house, and threatening them there. In which Nerne says that the King told him he might trust my Lord in English matters and bring them by him : but the King says he never said such words to him, but is angry at him for pretending in England to have secret employment for the King. My Lord of Roxburgh's part is very honest in this, and his plainness would be reserved close; as likewise it may please your Honour to inform yourself of these men, and me what you would have told the King and done with them, that I may do it accordingly. I have sent them word to desire to return and enter themselves to our English Warden, and to deal plainly, and their faults would be overseen, as the like was to many thus ignorantly coming hither : in which case the King cannot, nor will not, I am assured, detain them. My Lord of Roxburgh hath Nerne back with him, and hath written to the King that he may have the boots to torture Nerne with and work out the truth. You shall know all, when he is examined, that I can learn.
Your Honour's intelligence of the Spaniards' coming now proves too true, for here is now certain word conveyed by one Nathaniel Johnston that 45 sail of Spaniards are landed at Kinsale near Cork, the place I made long ago advertisement that they were to come to : that their numbers are four thousand and provisions for a year, and that the worthy Lord Deputy is gone against them. Yesternight I told my Lord Treasurer, Sir George (who this day is gone to the King) of it, and that Bothwell was not with them, but to be otherwise employed as the King had need to look to it. That if I were a Scot's man, I would advise the King to think this matter of no small moment, but presently to send out his Islanders and Highlanders to make incursions and spoils upon Tyrone and O'Donell, to keep them from going to aid the Spaniards, and now to show him the Queen's in act, as the best policy he could use. To which my Lord Treasurer said the King had gotten the very like advertisement of Bothwell and the courses to be held by him, that in this he was sure the King would “kithe” plainly their enemies and do so : which indirectly I shall press as much as I can. The letter with Mr. David is both kind and large in that point, yet the King looks to be entreated. In these I ever found it. I told Sir George (my Lord Treasurer) that from home I had yet no word of their landing, further than that your Honour wrote they shipped the 3rd and, you doubted, were landed there, and would advertise me when you should hear it clearly, and with which, when it came, I should come to the King and advertise him.
The King enquired me if I had received no word anent Mr. Lepton's leave to stay here. I said, “none; I thought it wanted but remembrance.” He prayed me to write again in it, and intends to cause Mr. David Fowles to move it if it come not otherwise. The mint goes fast, but Mr. Lepton hath no dealing at all in it; neither practiseth anything in alchemistry, but lives very civilly here.
The Laird of Glenurquher is out of ward and free, for which his purse hath well paid. If the Spaniard prevail to make great stirs in Ireland, and her Majesty, upon the King's fair offers by Mr. David, resolve to deal with the King for his aid, then it were meet some ambassador were here, as Sir Henry Brunker, who is true, wise and not disliked, but reasonable well thought on here : for in that case, though the King do make these fair offers, yet in the performance it may be he will look for condition to such as he will use, or they will look for it themselves, which were meeter for Sir Henry to deal in than for me, though I do know them all here and their marks they shoot at. 16 out of all doubt hath long desired that 12 should “nede” to him in this, but I dare not say it. And further also, it were very meet he were here when the French Ambassador comes, as is looked for after the Duke's return, and most especially if the Spanish Ambassador do come; for of these things to come from Spain, her Majesty's care must be better than theirs here for the whole Isle, or else I fear the worst. And for me, I shall by God's grace do good service here to him, or wherever her Majesty please to appoint, for I owe her Highness my life and all. There is one thing that I humbly crave pardon for writing of, yet it is of such moment to be helped as I have presumed to do it : it is this. The late money coined for Ireland, and now used there, is held so base as hinders the soldiers of victuals, and many things else needful; as if it be not mended, it is thought it will be the loss of the country, and the enemy joys in it. And the country of Ireland say the Spaniards' good silver and their religion is welcome, meaning of this army. Yea, the civillest merchants and best men of that country says it, as I am certainly informed.
A gentleman of good credit and action hath shewed me that he and another have a plot to take some men of good account out with some spoil, so they may know to be received in England and have free sale for their prizes. And for the prisoners they shall take, they will give them to her Majesty for their ransoms to them, for her Highness to make her use of them, and they think to get the best on the coast of Spain or the Isles. But in this they mean to procure my Lord of Mar his letters, which I beseech your Honour to keep secret. Though it be hard to assure in Scots' quarrels, yet I am assured that Huntley and Errol are clean broken off, and will never agree; that Erroll, knowing that the gentlemen of the country will party him if they see him once in blood with the Gordons, intends to enter as soon into blood as he can have the opportunity.—Edenburgh, the 10 of Oct. 1601.
PS.—The device of the new coin here is a strange profit to the King : the 9 part of all the money in the country and of all to come into it to be melted.
Holograph. Endorsed.—“Mr. Nicholson to my Master; with a proclamation concerning coin.” Seal. 2½ pp. (88. 108, 3.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 10. On Tuesday last I received from Sir John Gilbert a copy of the Lord's letter to him for the setting forth of a vessel to the coast of Ireland. Captain Morgan having returned hither on Thursday last, I have arranged for him to go as originally intended, rather than Captain Rawlens who was proposed as a substitute. Captain Morgan started last night. I delivered him a month's victuals for 60 men, four barrels of powder, one hundred weight of lead for small shot, and ten pounds in money for imprest to his company.—Plymouth, the 10th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (88. 109.)
Roger Wilbraham, Master of the Requests, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 10. Recommending Captain Hugh Done, his cousin, for the command of a company. Captain Done has served 12 years in Ireland with credit, and is recommended by Sir Byngham.—Gray's Inn, this 10th October.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1601.” ½ p. (88. 111.)
Sir John Gilbert to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601,] Oct. 10. Captain William Morgan put to sea for the coast of Ireland the 10th of this present in the morning. I received a packet the same day from your Honours, concerning jennets which my ship had taken. They are not yet arrived, which maketh me doubt they are in some distress by reason of the long easterly winds; but if any do come you shall be assured of the choice of them.—From the fort at Plymouth this 10th October.
PS.—I beseech you that I may have speedy order for the sending up or discharging of the skipper and Allen, of whom I have formerly written, for that I am much troubled with them.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1601.” ¾ p. (88. 112.)
Robert Johnson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 10. The matter of the enclosed petition, as I do perceive by the Lord Treasurer and Mr. Chancellor, is by her sacred Majesty referred to your Honour's and their considerations. Whosoever be one, I am glad your Honour is another, for were it your Honour's own cause, I am persuaded five such prebends could not move the course offered me. All my petition is that I may enjoy that true measure of honourable equity which all that know your Honour have evermore applauded in you.—This 10th of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (88. 113.)
William Parker, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 10. Here arrived this present day a bark of London, wherein John French is master, whose examination I do send herewith, and also a letter sent me out of Ireland from Captain Brymsteede.
I received the enclosed letter from Sir John Gilbert, and accordingly caused a carvel to be made ready and would presently have sent her away, but Captain Morgan coming from the Mount in Cornwall by land, stayed her and went himself, although not until to-day.—Plymouth, this 10th of October 1601.
Signed. Seal. On the back :—“Hast hast post hast. Plymowth the 10th of October at 10 of the clock. At Ashburtonne at 3 of the [clock] in the morning. Exeter past 8 in the morning. Hunyto[n] almost 12 at fore nown. Crewkern at 6 afternoone. Sherborn paste 9 of the cloke in the night. Receved at Salesberi a munday at a leyne of the clock in the fore none. At Andever at 6 of the clock at night, being Mundey. Stans at 6.” ½ p. (88. 114.)
The Enclosure :
1601, Oct. 10.—Examination of John French. He came out of the harbour of Youghal the last of September, and there heard credibly reported that there arrived at Kinsale the 23rd of the same month 37 sail of Spaniards; and that 16 of their ships came to anchor at Ballycotton, some three or four leagues off the eastward of Cork.
Signed. ¼ p. (88. 114.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, Oct. 10. I humbly thank you for your letter to Sir Francis Veer in behalf of my son Edward Capell, the bearer hereof. He was, upon the delivery thereof, received into Sir Francis Veer his own company, where he was in garrison some part of this last winter, and from thence marched with them to Barke, and so to Ostend, where he continued in the town three months and more without once going out, and then, being very dear to his mother and me, we sent for him to come over unto us. Before this, he was trained up under Sir Nicholas Parker some three years, who failed not to instruct him in all things appertaining to a soldier. Now, Sir, perceiving that her Majesty is purposed to send forces into Ireland, I beseech you to prefer him to have the charge of a company in these Irish wars. Of his towardliness in his profession, Sir Nicholas Parker hath, I know, conceived such liking as he would omit no means for his preferment if he were now to attend your Honour. I had attended you myself but that I was tied by promise to be present at the weighty business of one of my friends, and withal, as you know, to set forward the levying of men and money for service in Ireland.—From my poor house at Haddham, this 10 of October 1601.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (183. 57.)