Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 55

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 55', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 55', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 55". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 55

730. John de Anesty.
Writ, 8 May, 17 Edw. I.
[Leicester.] Inq. The feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 17 Edw. I.
Kereby. A capital messuage, 32a. arable, a piece of land called Stockyng, 5a. meadow, a wood in the forest of Leyc[estre] where nothing can be taken without licence of the foresters, and 11s. rent, held of the king in chief by the courtesy of England by reason of Margery sometime his wife, by service of finding, together with certain tenants who hold 18 virgates land there, a horseman in the king's army for 40 days at their own costs.
Amice the wife of John de Wheston, aged 30, and Agnes the wife of Robert Cristofre, aged 26, are daughters and next heirs of the said John and Margery.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (1.)
731. Cecily, late the wife of Matthew Mauntel.
Writ, 28 June, 17 Edw. I.
[Essex.] Inq. Friday after St. Bennet, 17 Edw. I.
St. Laurence. A capital messuage, a little marsh, and 141a. arable.
Little Maldone. 20a. arable and 33a. wood.
Great Maldone. A third part of a watermill.
All held in dower through the death of the said Matthew, who held of the king in chief by knight's service, and now in the king's hand.
Thomas Fillol, kinsman of the said Matthew, aged 22 at Christmas in the year abovesaid, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (2.)
732. Thomas Filiol.
Writ to Ralph de Hengham, to enquire whether Thomas Filiol, kinsman and heir of Matthew Mauntel, who was born at Hatfeud Peverel and baptized in the church there, and is in the king's wardship, is of full age as he says, or not, 16 July, 17 Edw. I.
Writ to the sheriff of Essex to summon a jury for the above inquest, 16 July, 17 Edw. I.
Mandate of venire facias from R. de Hengham to the sheriff of Essex (undated).
Essex. Inq. made at Branketre on Saturday after St. Giles, 17 Edw. I.
Thomas son of Baldwin Fillol, kinsman and heir of Matthew Mauntel, was aged 22 at the beginning of Lent last.
Robert Dyket knows it because he has a son born on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, and the said Thomas was born at the beginning of Lent preceding.
William de Braham knows it by the son of a neighbour, who is of the same age; and Robert de Tywyng the same.
William de Purle knows it by his own son, who is elder by a year and seven weeks.
Richard de Bures is of the town where he was born and well knows his age.
Thomas de Toppingho knows it by the death of his father, who died two years after; and John de Toppingho by the death of his father, who died two years before Thomas was born.
Gilbert Smith (Faber) knows it by his son, who is two years older.
Robert de Schaldeford knows it because he was hundredor of Wyham twenty-four years ago, and often went to the house of Thomas's father.
Others know it from faithful men who know the truth.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (3.)
733. Roger de Karentham.
Writ (missing).
Wilts. Extent, Friday before Holy Trinity, 17 Edw. I.
Bereford. A messuage, 80a. arable, 3½a. meadow, and 6 cottages, held of the king in chief by service of the serjeanty of keeping a moiety of the forest of Gravele, which bailiwick is worth 3s. 4d. yearly, because he paid 9s. yearly at the king's exchequer, and to the church of Salisbury 12d.; and 32a. arable held of the prioress of Ambresburi in chief by service of 8s. yearly.
Hurdecotte. 5a. arable, held of John de la Mare, service unspecified.
Dalwode. A messuage, a mill, and a piece of meadow, held of the abbess of Wiltone by service of 20s. yearly.
John his son, aged 13, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (4.)
734. Alan son and heir of Roger la Zusche alias la Zuch, la Souche.
Writ to Peter Heym and Robert de Radington, to enquire whether the said Alan, who is in the king's wardship, is of full age, as he says, or not, 20 June, 17 Edw. I.
Devon. Inq. The eve of St. Margaret, 17 Edw. I.
The said Alan, who was born at North Molton and baptized in the church there, was 21 on the day of St. Denis, 16 Edw. I.
Proof of age (defective).
The abbot of Lyleshull says the said Alan was born in Devon on the feast of St. Denis, and was 22 at that feast last past, and he knows it because he was keeper of a grange of Alan's father at Assheby four years ago, and knew from his father and mother that he was then 18.
The prior of Repindon agrees, and knows it because his predecessor was created prior in the same year and was prior for twelve years, and he himself has now been prior for ten years.
The prior of Swaveseye agrees, for he has been prior for twenty years, and saw him (Alan) before his creation when he was 2 years old.
The prior of Ulvescroft agrees, for he has enquired from religious men, and especially from the nuns of Gracedieu who dwell near Alan's father's manor of Assheby.
Brother William Ysnach of Gerendon agrees, for he sued the pleas of the house for nearly twenty-two (?) years, and Alan was born at the feast of St. Denis preceding.
Geoffrey prior of Brackele agrees, for he was always with Alan's ancestors and ... twenty-four years ago, and within two years following Alan was born.
Richard le Flemyng, knight, agrees, and knows it from the wife of William de Raleye who nursed Alan.
John Punchardon, knight, agrees, for he held his land for such a time.
Alfred de Suleny, knight, agrees, for his firstborn son was born on the same day.
John de Curteny, knight, agrees, for his mother died at Easter before Alan was born.
William (?) de Sancto Albino, knight, agrees, for his brother gave him certain land, which he has held for twenty-one years, and one year previously Alan was born.
William L'Estrange (Extraneus), knight, agrees, for his (Alan's ?) father made him a knight sixteen years ago last Christmas, when Alan carried the sword before him, and was then 6 years old, except between Christmas and St. Denis.
Robert de Crues, knight, agrees, for he has a daughter of the same age.
Henry la Zuche, clerk, agrees, for he is his uncle, and likewise knows it from him who was at that time parson of the church of Hamme.
Walter parson of Manecestre agrees, for the church of Karlingford in Ireland was given to him nearly twenty-two years ago, and when the news came to him in Devon Alan's mother lay in childbed.
Robert parson of Pakinton agrees, for he was instituted into his vicarage at the Purification last past now twenty-two years ago, and Alan was born at the feast of St. Denis following.
(See No. 581.)
C. Edw. I. File 55. (5.)
735. Emery (Almaricus) son and heir of William de la Zusche alias la Zouch.
Writ to Peter Heym and Robert de Radington, to enquire whether the said Emery, who is in the king's wardship, is of full age, as he says, or not, 3 May, 17 Edw. I.
[Devon.] Inq. Friday the eve of St. Barnabas, 17 Edw. I.
The said Emery, who was born at Toteleye and baptized in the church of Blaktoriton, was 21 on the morrow of St. Edmund the king in the year abovesaid.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (6.)
736. Robert son and heir of Thomas Terri alias Terry, of Whytefeld.
Writ to John de Metingham and Elias de Betingham, to enquire whether the said Robert, who was born at Whitefeld and baptized in the church there, and is in the king's wardship, is of full age, as he says, or not, 23 Nov. 17 Edw. I.
Writ of scire facias &c. to the sheriff of Northampton, 23 Nov. 17 Edw. I. Endorsed, on the morrow of Epiphany came Master Henry de Bray, and could say nothing why this proof should not proceed.
Panel of Jury summoned to be at Witefelde on Tuesday in Christmas week.
Northampton. Inq. Tuesday after Epiphany, 17 Edw. I.
William de Syresham, clerk, says that the said Robert was 21 on Friday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 16 Edw. I, and he knows this because he has a daughter named Alice of the same age.
Peter de Burle of Siresham knows this because his father bought his land at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next preceding.
Thomas le Notte of Holmeden knows it by the relation of the above.
William Bryd of Holmedon agrees, for the spiritual father of the said Robert acknowledged it to him by oath on the day he took a view of the said Robert at Whytefelt.
John Cornewaleys knows it by the relation of the vicar of Whytefelt, who baptized him.
Richard de Radeston knows it by the relation of Musiella, who lifted him from the font.
Adam de Wappenham at the hall and Alan de Kant of Midelton know it by the relation of the aforesaid.
Ralph le Bulle and Robert le Cras of Astwyk know it by the relation of Peter de Montibus, lord of Whytefeld.
Jordan Bagge of Syresham knows it because his eldest daughter Sibyl was born at the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula next preceding.
Henry Capon of Stuttesburi knows it by the relation of the town of Whytefeld.
Hugh Jermayn knows it because he married his wife at the feast of the Purification next preceding.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (7.)
737. Robert son and heir of Hildebrand de London.
Writ of plenius certiorari to Ralph de Hengham, on the complaint of Robert, son and heir of Hildebrand de London, who held of Robert de Wychehampton, sometime bishop of Salisbury by knight's service, that whereas the said bishop's executors, in whose wardship he was, in January, 16 Edw. I restored to him his land as of full age, so that the wardship of the land and heir of Henry de Pydele who held of him by knight's service, and who died after the aforesaid restitution, came to him as mesne lord of that fee, the escheator, asserting that the said Robert was under age at that time, took the wardship of Pydele into the king's hand, by reason of the vacancy of the said bishopric, to enquire whether the said Robert, who was born at Axeford and baptized in the church there, was of full age when the wardship of Pydele fell to him, or not, 15 May, 17 Edw. I.
Writ of venire facias to the sheriff of Wilts, 15 May, 17 Edw. I.
Mandate from the said Ralph to the said sheriff to summon jurors.
Jury panel.
Wilts. Inq. Thursday in Whitsun week, 17 [Edw. I].
The said Robert had entry into his lands in 16 [Edw. I] by restitution made by the executors of Robert, sometime bishop of Salisbury. He was born on the day of St. Dunstan in May, and on that day in the 16th year was of full age. Hugh de Pidele, who held of him by knight's service, died after the said Robert was of full age; so that the wardship of his land and heir fell to the said Robert.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (8.)
738. Maud de Haversham, Daughter and heir of Nicholas de Haversham, alias Maud de La Plank.
Writ to Ralph de Hengham and John de Lovetot, to enquire whether the said Maud, who was born at Compton by Salisbury and baptized in the church there, and is in the king's wardship, is of full age, as she says, or not, 10 April, 17 Edw. I.
Wilts. Proof of age (undated).
John de Stonden says that Maud de la Plank was 16 at the feast of St. Laurence last, which he knows because he was born in Cumpton, and was then with her father, and knows she was born on the feast of St. Laurence before the feast of St. Edmund on which the king &c. (was crowned).
Geoffrey Cof agrees, for he was born in the same town and has enquired from his contemporaries.
John de Hortleye agrees and learnt it from the chaplain who baptized her.
Robert le Fevere agrees, for he was born and baptized in the same town, and his brother was killed in the same year and had a son of the same age.
William Primerolt agrees, for he was present when Ranulph the chaplain baptized her, and served her father all his time.
Walter Gilbert agrees, having enquired from Robert de Cumpton, who lifted her from the water.
Robert atte Crozz agrees, and knows it from the relation of Ranulph the chaplain, and because they were in expectation for two days who ought to lift her (from the font).
William de Wilton agrees, for her nurse was with him the year the king was crowned.
Others agree, knowing it from the relation of the country or of their neighbours.
C. Edw. I. File I. 55. (9.)
739. Emery (Almaricus) son and heir of Emery de Sancto Amando.
Writ to the sheriff of Buckingham to summon a jury to enquire whether the said Emery, who was born at Melbrok and baptized in the church there, and is in the king's wardship, is of full age, as he says, or not, 10 Sept. 17 Edw. I.
Bedford. Proof of age made at Swafham on Wednesday the feast of St. Matthew, 17 Edw. I.
Thomas de Northwode, knight, says the said Emery was 21 in Mid Lent last, for he was born at Melebrok in the same year in which the tournament was at Bedeford, when Sir Reginald de Grey and Sir Emery, the father, led an ass between Bedeford and Elvestowe where the king then was, and then he was with the said Emery; the tournament was twenty-one years ago at Shrovetide (carniprivio) last, but he cannot tell how he knows of the lapse of so much time, and has no other knowledge of the age but by the report of the country.
John Conquest agrees, for Emery was born a year before the said tournament, but he knows not in what year that was, except by the report of the country.
Peter Loreng agrees, but can give no reason except by the report (of the country).
Peter de Tyngri agrees and says that twenty-two years have elapsed since the said tournament.
Richard de Kereseye agrees and says Emery was 21 on the feast of St. Mary in March last, which he knows because his wife Joan, who was born at Hocclive and is 21, was born half a year after the said Emery.
William Bernard agrees, for he has a son John born in the same week.
William de Ho agrees, for at the feast of All Saints twenty years ago he married his wife, and afterwards came Sir Emery's tailor relating that Sir Emery's wife had borne a son, for which news he gave him ½ qr. of oats.
Richard le Clerk agrees, for he had a brother three years older than the heir, who would now be 24, but died two years ago.
Robert de la Burne agrees, for his father, whose heir he is, died twenty-two years ago on the day of Epiphany next, and the said heir was born in Mid Lent following.
Robert le Mareschal agrees, for his grandfather died the month before the birth of the said heir twenty-one years ago.
(See No. 592.)
C. Edw. I. File 55. (10.)
740. Margery, late the wife of James Ketyng.
Writ to Walter de la Haye, escheator of Ireland, 18 Dec. 17 Edw. I.
Witness, J. archbishop of Dublin, guardian (custode) of Ireland.
Ireland. Inq. (missing).
C. Edw. I. File 55. (11.)
741. Patrick de Dunbar.
Writ, 11 Nov. 17 Edw. I.
[Northumberland.] Inq. made at Witincham on Tuesday after the Circumcision, 18 Edw. I.
Scippeley. 6s. 8d. rent from Sir Edmund, the king's brother, for the said town.
Benley. 8l. rent from John de Benley for the said town.
The three Midiltons with Rodum. 30s. rent from Henry de Hilderton for the same.
(Unspecified.) 66s. 8d. fine from John de Midilton for a certain 'Waytingum' sometime due to the said Patrick; and 20s. cornage yearly from all the aforesaid towns. The said Patrick held all the above of the king in chief, together with Edligcham, Lemoton, Witton, Hayropp, and Hiddisley, which Walter de Edlingcham held of him, by the portion of cornage pertaining to those towns; and he owed to the king suit at the county (court) of Northumberland, 30s. yearly rent at the exchequer of Newcastle, and 21s. cornage at the same exchequer; and he was of fee 'inbourf' and 'houtebourf' for the march between the realm of England and Scotland whenever required by the sheriff.
Patrick his son, aged 47, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (12.)
742. Warin de Menwarin alias de Meynwaring.
Writ, 20 June, 17 Edw. I.
Norfolk. Inq. Thursday the eve of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 17 Edw. I.
Wabrun. The manor (full extent given) held of the king as of the honour of Cestre by service of 1 knight's fee; and the said Warin demised to farm to the prior &c. of Wabrun 20a. arable for a term of twenty years, whereof the said prior has two years of the said farm; and there are boonworks called 'lovebenes,' and 'lingfothers,' 'mucfothers,' and 'halmfothers' (?).
He died on Tuesday in Whitsun week in the year abovesaid. His daughters, Joan aged 5, Margery aged 3 and more, and Maud aged ½ year and more, are his next heirs.
Chester. Extent made before Reginald de Grey, justice of Chester, on the day of St. Lucy, 18 Edw. I.
Wernyngeham. The manor (extent given) tenure unspecified.
Pevere, held by William de Pevere of the same Warin in fee, by service of 2s. yearly.
Moston, held by Richard de Moston by service of 6d. yearly.
Little Wereford, held by Robert de Wyninton by service of 6s. yearly.
Little Werford and Tetton. 1 carucate land held by Robert le Vernon by service of 9d. and a pair of gloves.
Tetton. A messuage held by Roger de Bedulf by service of 12d. yearly; 1 bovate land held by William de Kelsale by service of 2s. yearly; and ½ carucate land held by Stephen de Kelsale by service of 1d. yearly.
[Le Schawe.] 3a. land held by Alice de le Schawe, in the same, by service of 12d. yearly.
[Sondbache.] 3a. land held by Thomas de Sondbache, in the same, by service of 6d. yearly.
[Hulm.] 3a. land held by Henry de Hulm, in the same, by service of 6d. yearly.
Tetton and Helton. 6a. land held by Laurence de Meynwaring by service of 13½d. yearly.
Wernyngham. 3a. land held by Roger son of the chaplain, by service of 12d. yearly.
[Le Mosse.] A messuage and 3a. land held by William de le Mosse, in the same, by service of 16d. yearly.
Lady Agnes, wife of the said Warin, has in dower a third part of all the above.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (13.)
743. Henry son of Conan de Kelkefeud.
Writ of certiorari, on the complaint of Petronilla late the wife of Henry son of Conan (sic), who held of the heir of Marmaduke de Thwenge, who is in the king's wardship, by knight's service, that whereas the said Henry (sic) with the assent of his father, dowered her at the church door when he married her of all the lands of his father, the king on the death of the said Conan (sic) took the lands &c. into his hand, and committed them to William le Latimer until the (full) age of the heir, no assignment of dower having been made to the said Petronilla, 8 Nov. 17 Edw. I.
York. Inq. taken at York on Monday the morrow of the Close of Easter, 18 Edw. I.
The said Henry father of Conan granted to the same Conan his son to dower Petronilla his wife of all his lands &c. and this well appears because he received her and maintained her in his own house for three and a half years.
Endorsed:—Inquisition for Petronilla who was the wife of Conan son of Henry.
Writ of plenius certiorari, on the complaint of John de Britannia, earl of Richemund, that whereas the marriage of Henry, kinsman and heir of Henry son of Conan de Kelkefeud, ought to pertain to him, because the lands held by the said Henry of him are of more ancient acquisition than the lands he held of other lords, the escheator detains the heir in his own keeping by reason of lands &c. held of the heir of Marmaduke de Tweng' who is in the king's wardship, 28 Jan. 18 Edw. I.
York. Inq. taken at York on Monday the morrow of the Close of Easter, 18 Edw. I.
The jury are entirely ignorant which of the lands are of more ancient acquisition; but in whosesoever fee the heirs are found after the death of their ancestor, to him the marriage is always accustomed to pertain, and Henry son of Conan on the day of the death of the said Henry his grandfather was found at Lyverton in the fee of Marmaduke de Tweng'.
C. Edw. I. File 55. (14.)