Entry Book: November 1692, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: November 1692, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1901-1917 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: November 1692, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1901-1917.

"Entry Book: November 1692, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1901-1917.


November 1692, 16-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Nov. 16. Treasury reference to the Earl of Ranelagh and William Blathwait of the petition of Lancelott Robins of the First Troop of Guards, shewing that he has served the Crown in arms ever since the Restoration and for the last 15 years in the said Troop of Guards, so that he was in the action at Steenkirk, and is now grown so old and infirm that he is unable to undergo the fatigues of war ; therefore prays to be put upon the [Army or] Earl of Ranelagh's list of pensioners for 2s. a day, there being a vacancy by the death of Mr. Green. Reference Book VI, p. 431.
Nov. 17. Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 10l. a day as ordinary to William, Lord Paget, as Ambassador to the Grand Seignior : his ordinary to commence from Sept. 1 last and to continue till his arrival at [sic for return from] Constantinople : with the usual clause for allowance of extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 358.
Royal warrant for 40,000l. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest for the Works. (Money warrant dated Nov. 26 hereon.) (Money order dated Nov. 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 358. Money Book XI, p. 459. Order Book III, p. 322.
Money warrant for 455l. to Robert Molesworth for three months, May 26 last to Aug. 25, on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to Denmark. (Money order dated Nov. 17 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 453. Order Book III, p. 321.
Same for 10,000l. to John Richards, gent., as imprest for wages etc. usually paid in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber, as in part of the 30,000l. by the privy seal of June 30 last, supra, p. 1696. (Money order dated Nov. 17 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 453. Order Book III, p. 321.
Treasury warrant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 285l. 2s. 6d. to Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Garter, for half a year to Michaelmas last on the annuity for the support of the honour of that Order. Money Book XI, p. 453.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir William Killegrew for half a year to June 24 last on his pension. Ibid, p. 454.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book XI, p. 31.
l. s. d.
Out of 808l. 19s. 0d. of low wines ; 12,275l. 5s. 3¼d. of the complements of the Excise ; 13,192l. 10s. 0¾d. of loans on the Poll : making 26,276l. 14s. 4d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to all the Forces in Flanders and England, including the Train of Artillery and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Herne towards the value of bills [of exchange] payable in Amsterdam which he gave for the Hanover Forces 1,208 6 8
to ditto for the families of Visct. Galway's Regiment for the month of October last 50 0 0
to ditto for Major Nott etc 400 0 0
to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence to the Regiment of [Col. John] Foulk, the Earl of Meath, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Bellcastle 1,027 11 11
to ditto for Col. Foulk, viz. 696l. 19s. 10d. to be advanced to the three new raised Companies and 260l. for levying 130 recruits lately added to the [his] Regiment 956 19 10
Out of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise.
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service, 500l., 200l. and 200l. 900 0 0
to Mr. Molesworth 455 0 0
to the Master of the Horse for the [part of the establishment of the] Stables [which attended the King] abroad 400 0 0
to Serjeant Ryley 50 3 9
to Mr. [sic for Sir] William Killegrew for half a year 250 0 0
£29,331 18 1
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 72,000l. to Charles Bertie upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Ordnance : to be issued out of loans to be made by Sir Thomas Cook, Governor of the East India Company, on credit of the borrowing clauses in the Poll Act ; the said loan to be registered as follows, viz. 20,000l. after 320,000l. [loans registered thereon], 20,000l. after 420,000l., 20,000l. after 520,000l. and 12,000l. after 550,000l. This sum is intended for saltpetre. Disposition Book XI, p. 32.
Same to same to issue as follows out of low wines, the complements of the Excise and the Double Excise and loans on the Poll : viz. : Ibid, p. 33.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for recalls 2,000
to ditto for a boom vessel 500
to ditto for wear and tear 1,500
to ditto for the Victuallers [on the Victualling ordinary] 2,000
to ditto for same towards paying the Excise 1,000
to ditto for same for ships going to the West Indies 1,000
to ditto [for same] towards the new [Victualling] Declaration 4,000
Same to Major Ingram and Mr. Rawkins to inspect the several parcels of cloth which were embezzled by Mr. Baradale or other tailors concerned in the clothing the Marine Regiments and seized in Jan., 1690-1, by two of their Majesties' messengers : and to report the value thereof to my Lords. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 400.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Hayes, tidewaiter, London port, shewing that not being established in fee he is only employed upon a glut of business ; therefore praying to be made a tidewaiter in fee loco William Wade, who is willing to resign. Reference Book VI, p. 431.
Treasury warrant to the [Principal] Commissioners of Prizes to appoint Robert Lee, gent., as Agent for Prizes in the island of Guernsey loco William Stephens esq., deceased ; to be rewarded according to the merit of his services without any standing salary. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 108.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Mogg of coal mines, ut supra, pp. 1885-6, for 31 years at a tenth of the clear annual value ; together with a grant of the arrears of profits under any former lease, at a sixth part thereof to the Crown. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 109.
Same to the Master of the Jewel House to observe a Lord Chamberlain's warrant of April 23 last for delivery of 200 ounces of plate to the Duke of Leinster as the Queen's gift at the christening of his child. Ibid.
Nov. 18. Money warrant for 50l. 3s. 9d. to Philip Ryley for half a year to June 24 last on his fee of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day as a Serjeant at Arms. Money Book XI, p. 455.
Same for 250l. to Christopher Tankered, esq., for half a year to Lady day last on his allowance of 500l. per an. as Master of the Harriers. (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of any unappropriated moneys.) Ibid, p. 455. Disposition Book XI, p. 32.
Henry Guy to Mr. Richards to pay said Tankered 150l. (out of moneys for the service of the Treasurer of the Chamber) : being for half a year to Lady day last on his allowance of 300l. per an. Disposition Book XI, p. 33.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,955l. 12s. 6d. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of loans on the Poll : same being to complete the pay of Col. Hales's Regiment to Aug. 31 last. Ibid, p. 32.
Same to William Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 525l. 7s. 7d. to Anthony Bromwich, Daniel Malthus, Christopher Todd, Robert Morris and William Dickonson, apothecaries, without deductions, as in full of drugs, medicines and utensils by them furnished for the Forces designed for the West Indies Expedition. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 401.
Same to same for a same to authorise same to pay 500l. to Major Jo[h]n Langston as compensation for the loss of equipage which his brother, Thomas Langston, deceased, sustained when he marched with his Regiment from Salisbury towards Exeter and in consideration of his early services to his Majesty. Ibid, p. 403.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. Send me to-morrow the account, ut supra, p. 1900, of the offreckonings due to the Duke of Bolton's Regiment, "so that I may have it to carry with me to Kensington to-morrow afternoon." Ibid, p. 401.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of moneys paid by the Treasurer of the Navy to ships between Aug. 26 last and Nov. 12 inst. [out of the second 1,000,000l. appropriated by the second Twelve Months' Aid] ; as also five certificates [missing] of workmen employed in their Majesties' Yards. Ibid, p. 402.
Henry Guy to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing a letter from the [Assessment] Commissioners for the Quarterly Poll in co. Radnor, certifying that they have returned to you the duplicates [of the assessments rolls] for the first and second quarters. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 402.
Same to same to report on the enclosed affidavit [missing] of the Receiver General of the present land tax [the second Twelve Months' Aid, 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5] for co. Southampton. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. My Lords have agreed with the East India Company for 72,000l. worth of saltpetre to be forthwith delivered by said Company into the Ordnance Stores, that is to say for as much as the Company hath in white petre at 5l. per cent. [hundredweight] and the balance in brown petre at 4l. 10s. 0d. per cent. On the storekeeper's certificate of delivery the Company is to have delivered to them the tallies and orders of loan which my Lords have put into the hands of the Treasurer of the Ordnance for this purpose. Send for the saltpetre forthwith. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Lieut. Daniell Sherrard, one of the supernumerary Londonderry officers. Ibid, p. 403.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Francis for a tidewaiter's place, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 430.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise and Arrears of Hearthmoney of the petition of Antho. Brathwayt, praying that the arrear of 7l. 8s. 0d. on his account as a late collector of Hearthmoney may be remitted, he being very poor and unable to pay. Ibid, p. 431.
Same to same of the petition of Arthur Bradshaw for the like discharge of the arrear of 52l. standing on his account as a late Receiver General of Hearthmoney ; in consideration of his services performed after 1690, Lady day, from which time his salary ceased. Ibid.
Report to the Treasury Lords [from William Blathwaite] on the petition of Capt. Hewetson, ut supra, p. 1885. The petitioner came on a private account to the Bermudas in 1689 with his ship Lyon, 48 guns, 150 men ; and understanding from Sir Robert Robinson, the Governor, that upon the declaration of war the Leeward Islands were in great danger from the French, did voluntarily offer his service for the relief of those Islands, and thereupon secured a commission from the said Governor empowering him to assist and defend the Leeward Islands against the French ; where being arrived he did by order of Col. Codrington, the Governor there, attack and possess himself of the island of Marygallanta [Mariagalante] and relieved Sir Timothy Thornhill and the Forces under his command, which were then in great distress, [Hewetson] having also successfully engaged six French men of war ; all which is acknowledged by Col. Codrington in a letter to the Committee of Trade and Plantations, wherein he represents that the petitioner continued above four months in the said service to the great advantage of those islands. The Councils and Assemblies of Nevis and Antigua have further certified that they owed their safety to the courage and conduct of this petitioner.
But it nowhere appears by any papers produced by Capt. Hewetson or otherwise upon what conditions or expectations he was employed against the French. His good service as above is therefore submitted to consideration for some reward.
Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 390-1.
Nov. 20. Royal warrant to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay Francis Grognett a pension of 5s. a day from Aug. 12 last during pleasure. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 436.
Nov. 21. Henry Guy to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Atkins, late Lieutenant in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, praying for two months' pay respited from the muster roll when he was detached out of the said Regiment to Cork and Kinsale. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 404.
Nov. 22. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of low wines, the complements of the Excise and the Double Excise and loans on the Poll) 8,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh, "to be applied to such uses as shall be certified to the said Earl." Disposition Book XI, p. 33.
Establishment, under the King's sign manual, for three Troops to be added to the Royal Regiment of Horse under Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, Lieut. General of the Forces : to commence from Jan. 1 next (for each Troop : Capt. at 10s. and two horses at 2s. each ; Lieut, at 6s. and two horses at 2s. each ; Cornet, 5s. and two horses at 2s. each ; Quartermaster at 4s. and one horse at 2s. ; three corporals at 3s. each ; two trumpeters at 2s. 8d. each ; 59 private troopers at 2s. 6d. each ; total, 10l. 0s. 10d. a day, or 3,665l. 4s. 2d. a year for each Troop : or 10,995l. 12s. 6d. in all). King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 429.
Nov. 23. Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh to apply the above 8,000l. as follows : viz. : Disposition Book XI, p. 36.
l. s. d.
to complete 1,400l. and 525l. for providing recruit horses for the Guards (marginal memorandum : "These two sums are completed as per letter aforegoing : this therefore [is to be] applicable to some other use." [This marginal note is probably wrongly inserted here instead of with the letter of direction of Nov. 24, infra, p. 1908]) 641 13 4
for providing horses to augment the number of the several Regiments following by nine in each Troop at 15l. a horse, viz. Col. Lumley's Regiment, 81 horses, 1,215l. ; Lord Berkeley's, 54 horses, 810l. ; Col. Godfrey's, the like ; Col. Windham's, the like ; Duke of Leinster's, the like ; Visct. Galway's, 81 horses, 1,215l. 5,670 0 0
for providing recruit horses for the three Regiments as follow in place of those lost in the lat action near Steenkirk, at 15l. a horse : viz. : Lord Berkeley's Regiment, 20 horses, 300l. ; Col. Godfrey's, 23 horses, 345l. ; Visct. Galway's, 36 horses, 540l. 1,185 0 0
to be remitted to Mr. Hill at large to be applied in part of 5,087l. 12s. 5d. for providing recruits for the 18 battalions of Danish Foot in place of those killed in the action near Steenkirk 503 6 8
£8,000 0 0
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces late in in Ireland to pay 273l. to Sir John Morgan without deduction of poundage ; to be by him paid to Richard Roberts for so much the said Roberts advanced to said Morgan's Regiment of Foot when under the command of Col. Toby Purcel "for payment thereof." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 404.
Same to the Auditor for Wales to make forth debentures for sums due [out of the Crown revenues of Wales] to the Earl of Macclesfield as President of [the Marches of] Wales and to the several Justices of Chester and Wales : notwithstanding any former direction [see supra, pp. 1640-1]. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Mr. Fox of the memorial of Col. John Beaumont, shewing that there is cheques upon his Regiment for 8,022l. 11s. 8d. for the officers and soldiers not being present at the several musters, some of them being sick and others in service ; therefore praying that same may be laid favourably before the King that their accounts may be restated. Reference Book VI, p. 432.
Nov. 24. Establishment, under the King's sign manual, for an addition of five Troopers to each Troop of the three Danish Regiments of Horse in the King's service to make them up to 51 privates in each Troop : to commence from Jan. 1 next (total, 90 Troopers at 28 guilders each in 42 days : total, 2,520 guilders per 42 days). King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 427.
Same of same for nine Troopers to each Troop of the several Regiments of Light Horse to make them up to 59 in each Troop : viz. ; the six Troops of the Royal Regiment at 2s. 6d. a day each ; nine Troops of the Queen's Regiment at same rate ; six Troops of Col. Villiers' Regiment at same rate ; the Regiments of Lord Berkeley, Col. Godfrey, Col. Windham, Col. Coy and Duke of Leinster at same rate ; Lord Galway's Regiment at same rate (total addition, 540 men at 67l. 10s. 0d. a day, or 24,637l. 10s. 0d. a year). Ibid, p. 428.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. to the Earl of Oxford for last Sept. 29 quarter on his pension. Money Book XI, p 455.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book XI, pp. 34-5.
l. s. d.
Out of 3,749l. 4s. 5½d. of loans on the Poll ; 55l. of the first quarter of the Poll ; 6,506l. 7s. 5½d. of the complements of the Excise and the Double Excise and 16,126l. 10s. 11d. of any moneys that shall first come in on any of the aforegoing heads : making in all 26,437l. 2s. 10d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence to all the Forces in England and Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and contingencies and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne towards answering the value of bills payable in Amsterdam which he gave for the Hanover Forces 1,208 6 8
to ditto in full for recruit horses for the three Troops of Guards and Grenadiers, ut supra, p. 1906 651 13 4
to ditto for providing two recruit horses for the Second Troop of Guards 40 0 0
to ditto for providing 60 recruit horses for Lord FitzHardinge's Dragoons 540 0 0
to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence to the Regiments of Foot of [Col. John] Foulk, [Earl of] Meath, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Belcastle 1,027 11 11
to ditto to clear the pay of several officers of Col. Foulk's Regiment who were lately respited upon the muster rolls 235 15 0
to ditto for Col. John Foulks in reward for his care and pains as Governor of Dublin 100 0 0
Out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 2,000 0 0
to the [Guy], 200l. and 60l. for secret service 260 0 0
Out of silver coined.
to Mr. Vernon, late Secretary to the Embassy at Constantinople 123 16 6
to Visct. Dursley, Envoy in Holland 174 15 0
to Lord Paget, Ambassador in Constantinople 500 0 0
to Mr. Molesworth, Envoy in Denmark (marginal note : altered as by the letter of Nov. 25, infra, p. 1911) 256 10 0
to Sir William Dutton Colt, Envoy to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg 455 0 0
to Mr. Stanhope, Envoy in Spain 379 16 6
to Mr. King, three months' advance on 30s. a day (marginal note : altered as by the letter of Nov. 25, infra, p. 1911) 250 0 0
to Mr. Poley, Envoy to the Duke of Savoy 193 8 8
£31,030 9 6
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] out of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise 240l. for secret service. Disposition Book XI, p. 35.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smyth. How does the matter stand concerning the writ of error against the bankers, and in what time do you believe it may be determined in the Exchequer? If you are not in a condition to come abroad send your clerk to my Lords to inform them. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 404.
Same to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Major Shadrack Vincent for a grant for 21 years of the post groats and the arrears thereon. Ibid, p. 405.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of the money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy between the 12th and 19th inst. to the ships etc. [as part of the second 1,000,000l. appropriated by the second Twelve Months' Aid]. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a commission to Maynard Colchester, esq., et al., detailed, to enquire of estates, real and personal, within the county of Gloucester and city of Gloucester which have been conveyed to Popish uses : of which my Lords are informed. (In the margin : per the Earl of Warrington.) Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit Sir Henry Belasyse to ship seven horses and a chariot on the John and Rachell, Stephen Bedman master, for Ostend and to seal his equipage in order to its transport in the Fubs yacht : Belasyse being ordered by the King to immediately embark for Flanders. Ibid, p. 406.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite. My Lords notice that the book containing the establishment of the Land Forces is not countersigned by the Secretary of State as it ought regularly to be. I return it for countersignature and you are then to lay it before the Treasury Lords for them to countersign. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mary Cambridge for payment of 35l. due to Lieut. Thomas Cambridge of Sir Henry Belasyse's Regiment, who was slain at Athlone. Ibid, p. 408.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Cranfeild for leave to appoint a deputy [to himself] as Receiver of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados till the recovery of his health. Reference Book VI, p. 432.
Same to same of the petition of Capt. Jo[h]n Leake, shewing that he bought some brandy out of a prize at sea "for the use of their respective ships," which coming to Blackstakes in Chatham River on board the Eagle was seized, though same remains on board and has never been landed : therefore praying that same may be discharged or kept on board till my Lords have determined the matter. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smyth [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of William Braddock, shewing that he is a prisoner in Newgate for a fine of five marks which he is wholly unable to pay ; therefore praying for it to be remitted. Reference Book VI, p. 432.
Nov. 25. Money warrant for 500l. to William, Lord Paget, for his equipage as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Grand Seignior. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 456. Order Book III, p. 324b.
Same for 250l. to Gregory King. Lancaster Herald, for an advance on his [ordinary] entertainment of 30s. a day ; he being appointed with Sir William Dutton Colt to carry the Order of the Garter to the Elector of Saxony. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 456. Order Book III, p. 323.
Same for 455l. to Sir William Dutton Colt for three months, Aug. 24 last to Nov. 23 inst., on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Princes of Brunswick and Luneburg. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 457. Order Book III, p. 323.
Same for 76l. to James Vernon for 76 days, Aug. 8 last to Oct. 23, on his ordinary as Secretary to the late Embassy to the Grand Seignior. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.)
Appending : certificate by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham that said Vernon returned into the presence Oct. 23 last.
Money Book XI, p. 457. Order Book III, p. 328.
Same for 47l. 16s. 6d. to same for a bill of extraordinaries in the said service. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.)
Appending : said bill, as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, except the item of Exchequer fees, which he refers to the Treasury Lords :
Money Book XI, pp. 457-8. Order Book III, p. 327.
l. s. d.
for extraordinary expenses from the Hague to the Army and from the Army to the Hague and thence to England 25 0 0
for Exchequer fees upon four quarterly payments 22 16 6
£47 16 6
Same for 174l. 15s. 0d. to Charles, Visct. Dursley, for a bill of extraordinaries as follows as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General. (Money order dated Nov. 27 hereon.)
Appending : said bill for the three months, June 6 last to Sept. 6 last : as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Nottingham :
Money Book XI, p. 478. Order Book III, p. 324b.
l. s. d.
for pens, ink, wax and other stationery wares 30 0 0
for postage of letters, expresses, gratuities etc. 49 10 0
for printed papers, intelligence etc. 28 10 0
Treasury and Exchequer fees on 528l. ordinary and 208l. 9s. 0d. extraordinaries 41 15 0
to my Secretary, Mr. Prior, one quarter due Sept. 6 [last] upon an allowance of 100l. given him by the Queen's special command 25 0 0
£174 15 0
Money warrant for 379l. 16s. 6d. to Alexander Stanhope for a bill of extraordinaries from 1691, May 21, to 1691-2, Feb. 21, as Envoy Extraordinary to Spain. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 458 Order Book III, p. 324.
Same for 193l. 8s. 8d. to Edmund Poley for a bill of extraordinaries, 1691, Nov. 21. to 1692, Aug. 22, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Grand Duke of Savoy. (Money order dated Nov. 27 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 459. Order Book III, p. 325.
Same for 256l. 10s. 0d. to Robert Molesworth for four bills of extraordinaries, 1691, Aug. 25, to 1692, July 24, as Envoy Extraordinary to Denmark. (Money order dated Nov. 27 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 459. Order Book III, p. 323.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. In the [weekly] letter of disposition of the 24th inst., supra, p. 1908, you were directed to issue 455l. to Mr. Molesworth and 136l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. King. "My Lords desire that the payments which shall [instead thereof] be made to them may be as follows," viz. 256l. 10s. 6d. to Mr. Molesworth and 250l. to Mr. King. Disposition Book XI, pp. 35, 38.
Same to same to issue 6,002l. 5s. 0d. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the Works : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Lloyd on credit of the three fourths of the Customs. This sum is to satisfy what is due upon the books of the Works to James Groves, Charles Hopson, John Gibson, Tho. Hall and Tho. Hues ; as certified by the Deputy Paymaster of the Works. (Same dated Dec. 2 to the Paymaster of the Works to so apply said sum.) Ibid, pp. 37, 46.
Same to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] for an account of all moneys received by you for any duties or revenue which was raised in the Colony of Maryland [see supra, p. 1836-7] and how much thereof you have issued or paid, to whom, by what warrants, and what thereof remains in your hands. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 406.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, enclosing Lady Sandys' petition [missing], praying to be paid the 80l. per an. and the arrears [thereon] which she says she is to receive by agreement out of her husband's pay. Please pay her if you have any such assignment from her husband. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hall. My Lords are informed that great complaints are made by divers Parliament men and others who have paid their Poll tax in the country and have nevertheless, whilst here in town, been assessed here and returned into the Exchequer for non payment, particularly Sir John Pelham and Mr. Pelham. Acquaint my Lords forthwith what will be the most expeditious and least chargeable way to take off such returns. Ibid, p. 407.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall to make forth debentures for the sums due to the Earl of Bath on his 3,000l. per an. out of the revenue of the Duchy ; notwithstanding the directions of May 19 last, supra, pp. 1640-1. (Same to the Receiver of said Duchy to pay same.) Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 407.
Same to Mr. Story. Bring my Lords to-morrow an account of the principal moneys [owing] to the bankers and others charged on the Hereditary part of the Excise for which perpetual interest is payable, and also an account of the yearly interest thereof, and likewise what tallies of loan or other tallies struck upon the Hereditary and Temporary Excise do now remain unsatisfied, with all the names of the lenders or other persons [assignees of the lenders] to whom same are payable : and the names of the respective persons who have pensions charged upon any branch of the Excise, what the said pensions are and how much in arrear to this time. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt, enclosing a copy [missing] of an Order of the House of Commons. Please prepare and send to my Lords by Monday next the accounts therein mentioned. Ibid, p. 408.
Same to the Attorney General. My Lords agree that you should consent to put off until next term the trial about Sir Carbery Price's royal mines. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from Edward Urwen, containing a complaint against Mr. Wood, a general rider of Excise ; same having been sent to the Admiralty. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 45l. 8s. 10d. to Richard Stanion et al., inhabitants of Higham Ferrers, co. Northampton, being due to them for quarters of Capt. Boad's Troop of the Regiment lately commanded by Sir John Lanier : in accordance with your report on the petition from said Stanion et al. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Nov. 24, requiring the Customs Commissioners to send to the Council a list of all ships gone out on the several trades this year with the respective numbers of men ; also an account of what numbers of men are further allowed or proposed by them for each trade.
Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 2.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) like Order, granting leave to the Two Brothers, Thomas Gwyn master, 90 tons, nine men, to sail to New England, notwithstanding the embargo, she being stopped at Beaumaris : the said ship and crew belonging wholly to New England.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, Aug. 18 last, granting leave to the ship Great Tunisien, 450 tons, 40 men, to sail to Tunis with the convoy designed this year for the Turkey trade ; the petition of their Majesties' subjects trading to Tunis for such leave having been referred 1691-2, Jan. 28, to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham to defer the sailing of the ship till the Turkey convoy went and she having been stopped accordingly.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall of the petition of Richard Tregear for a fresh grant of two small tenements in said Duchy. Reference Book VI, p. 432.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Richard Burnaby, Receiver General for co. Rutland of the second Twelve Months' Aid and the Poll, praying that 1,200l. paid into the Exchequer on his account of the Poll by mistake should be transferred to his account of the said second Twelve Months' Aid. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant, Ireland. The Commissioners for examining the Accounts of the Army in Ireland have received no manner of salary or allowance for that service. As the business of their Commission is near a determination, please advise what reward each of them deserves.
Also send as soon as possible a state of the accounts of John Price, late Receiver General of Revenues, Ireland, expressing his debt to the Crown and the best method to recover same.
Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 224.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of Lord Ossulston that nothing pass concerning the reversion of Marybone Park until he be heard. Caveat Book, p. 30.
Nov. 27. Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces lately in Ireland to pay 696l. 19s. 10d. to Col. John Foulks by advance for so much chargeable on the three new raised Companies for clothing etc. more than their pay will bear from the time they were raised to Sept. 1 last, to which time the Regiment is cleared ; "and therefore to be charged on their growing pay" : and likewise 260l. for levying 130 recruits lately added to the Regiment at 40s. per man. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 418.
Nov. 28. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 8,500l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Works : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Lloyd upon the three fourths of the Customs : and to be paid to John Butcher, timber merchant, on account of goods furnished. (Same, dated Dec. 2, to said Paymaster to so apply said sum.) Disposition Book XI, pp. 37, 41.
Same to same. The order in the name of Mr. Fox and Lord Coningsby for the service of the Forces lately in Ireland will not bear [suffice to meet] the issues directed thereon. Whatever is in excess you are to pay them by way of advance. The warrants for the regular issue thereof shall be sent you as soon as possible. Ibid, p. 37.
Same to same to issue as follows to said Fox and Coningsby out of loans to be made by said Fox on credit of the East India goods duties : viz. : Ibid, p. 38.
l. s. d.
for the Forces lately employed in the reducing of Ireland 5,881 14 0
for the Commissioners of Transportation 31,916 18 7
£37,798 12 7
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 6,773l. to the Earl of Ranelagh on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the Forces : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the East India goods duties. Disposition Book XI, p. 38.
Same to same to issue 2,000l. to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Navy : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Russell on credit of the East India good duties : and to be paid to the Treasurer for Sick and Wounded upon account of the prisoners of war. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier]. My Lords agreed with Daniell Osborne and Edward Darrell that on their lending 500l. each on credit of the Exchequer in general they should have 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity : and the said 6 per cent. has been paid them from June 13 last to Nov. 10 inst. You are to pay them 4l. 1s. 9d. each for the said gratuity. You are to bring my Lords an account each quarter what you shall so pay [for gratuity] and they "will then order how it shall be placed." Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 408.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lieut. Col. Frederick Hamilton, praying payment of 59l. 18s. 3d., being three weeks' subsistence which he advanced to the officers of Lord Meath's Regiment. Ibid, p. 409.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to report on (a) infra.
Appending : (a) note of a proposal of Anthony Phillips, brewer, shewing that the large brewhouse at the Red House, near Deptford, is in his hands and fit for the service of the Navy and proposing to let same as follows, viz. for management, 200l. per an., and for housekeeping, 200l. per an., "and the grains remaining after the horses are supplied."
Same to Col. Hales. Send my Lords your speedy answer to the enclosed petition [missing] of Edward Dutton Colt, esq., Lieut. Col. to Col. Goodwyn's Regiment, relating to some differences in the accounts between you and him. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing a duplicate [of the Assessment roll] for the third quarter of the Poll for Hemlingford Hundred, co. Warwick. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Earl of Ranelagh of the memorial of Godfrey Webster, Charles Middleton et al., [proposing] to lend 3,000l. on the borrowing clauses of the Poll Act provided they may have tallies on the East India goods duties for 4,984l. due to them for clothing the Earl of Bath's Regiment. Reference Book VI, p. 433.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of a lease of Holy Island to Barbara Collingwood, ut supra, p. 1708. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 108.
Nov. 29. Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces lately in Ireland to pay as follows : viz. : Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 409.
l. s. d.
to Col. Francis Langston in full of his arrears of pay, 1689, Sept. 1, to 1692, April 1, as Col. of Horse 1,287 18 4
to ditto in full of Lieut. Cha. Gourney's pay as Lieut. in his Regiment for same time 360 2 3
to ditto in full of arrears of pay of the late Lieut. John Swan of same Regiment, as by an account signed by the Commissioners of Accounts in Ireland 268 5
£1,916 6
Nov. 30. Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to Samuel Reynolds, esq., of Colchester, of all the manor or reputed manor of Cowherne, co. Hereford, the lands, woods, rights etc. thereof and all the Crown title thereto, to hold in free and common socage : which said premises were in the possession and inheritance of Ralph Goodwin of —, co. Salop, deceased, and after the reversion expectant upon an estate therein of his relict Elizabeth did escheat to the Crown by failure of heir general or special. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 418.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 500,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster General of the Forces, as imprest for such of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces as are committed to his care of pay. (Money warrant dated Dec. 16 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Dec. 15.) (Money order dated Dec. 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 419. Money Book XI, p. 470. Order Book III, p. 330.
Same to same for a same for 200,000l. to Charles Fox and Thomas, Lord Coningsby, Paymasters General of the Forces lately employed in the reducing of Ireland : as imprest for said Forces. (Money warrant dated Dec. 16 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 420. Money Book XI, p. 470. Order Book III, p. 330.
Royal sign manual for 150l. to Edward, Bishop of Cork, as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 359. Money Book XI, p. 463. Order Book III, p. 325.
Money warrant for 125l. 9s. 4½d. to Serjt. Fitz Symonds for 1¼ years to 1691, Christmas, on his wages and board wages. Money Book XI, p. 461.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 685l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby for Brigadier Stewart for his pay to Jan. 1 last : to be issued out of loans to be made by said Fox on credit of the East India goods duties. Disposition Book XI, p. 45.
Henry Guy to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Francis de Cadolle for 208l. 4s. 1d. whereof 99l. 15s. 2½d. is devised to him by Elizee de Madronet for his arrear of pay as late one of the Engineers in Ireland and 108l. 8s. 11½d. is for his own pay as a same. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 410.
Same to the Agents for Taxes, enclosing papers [missing] concerning a complaint against some of the Commissioners for the Poll within the town and Liberties of Shrewsbury. Please use means to compose the difference. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the lodgings of Mr. Porter, Vice Chamberlain to the Queen Dowager in Somerset House, to visit a list of goods in order to their being sent to Portugal.
Appending : said list (including "29 pictures great and small," linen, furniture, a small box of books, earthen flower pots, an old clock etc.).
Ibid, p. 411.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners. Your cashier has applied to my Lords that the guineas which he hath or shall receive from the Treasurer of the Navy for the service of the Victualling at 22s. each may be issued out by him at 21s. 9d. each. They have agreed thereto and you are to give him your warrant accordingly. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to allow the loss of 3d. per guinea on the above in the accounts of the Victualling Commissioners or their cashier. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, 1692, Nov. 28, that the Customs Commissioners clear no more ships for the unlimited trades, viz. into the dominions of Spain and Portugal, than such as they have already orders for from the Council Board ; and that they attend the King in Council on Thursday next concerning bonds taken for ships going out.
Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 3.
Treasury reference to Charles Fox of the petition of Tho. Pultney, shewing that he had a commission dated 1689, Dec. 10, as Cornet in Col. Villiers' Regiment of Horse and served in that post during the wars in Ireland and quitted 1691, Oct. 8, when Mr. D. Sageaux came in his place, about which time four years' [sic for months'] arrears were ordered for the officers of the Army, but not paid till July last, and [which were] then received for the said Regiment by Lieut. Col. Carpenter, who paid the [petitioner's] said arrears to Cornet Desageaux, pretending to forget petitioner, and will not refund same without an order from the Treasury ; so that hitherto petitioner has not received any other than subsistence from the date of his first commission : therefore prays an order to Col. Carpenter to refund "the said four months' arrears" to petitioner. Reference Book VI, p. 433.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Augustine and William Wade, shewing that said Augustine imported three tons of "Lyme Juice" from Holland for the Navy and paid aliens' duties, but Mr. Newberry, a Customs officer, seized same and the ship as forfeited, and petitioners were forced to compound : therefore praying that the King's share of the composition may be remitted. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer Court to swear Daniell Brattle into office as Assaymaster of the Mint loco his father, Sir John Brattle, kt., lately deceased ; said office having been granted 1679, May, to said Daniell in reversion to his father. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 110.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to order payment to the Earl of Ranelagh of 759l. 5s. 0d. as follows (out of the profits before Nov. 10 inst. of any custodiums granted in cos. Meath and Dublin) : which sum he was charged in his accounts as Vice Treasurer of Ireland as received by him out of the rents of lands set out upon the Doubling Ordnance, to wit 500l. in his account ended 1680, Mar. 25, and 259l. 5s. 0d. in his account ended the 20 March following : which sums he paid by a warrant of Charles II, dated 1682, Oct. 31, and by an order of the then Lord Deputy, dated 1682, Nov. 6, therepuon, viz. 200l. to Major Nicholas Bayley and 559l. 5s. 0d. to William, late Earl of Inchequin, wherefore said Ranelagh craved allowance thereof in his last account as Vice Treasurer of Ireland ended 1683, Mar. 25, but the allowing thereof was refused by the Commissioners of Accounts (although he produced the warrants and acquittances for the same) upon suggestions that there was in his [said] last account no charge of money received upon account of the Doubling Ordnance : the said Earl being thereby made a debtor in 72l. 3s. 7d. on his said last account instead of being in surplus 687l. 1s. 5d. : all which facts have confirmed the report of the late Lords Justices of Ireland.
Care is to be taken that on payment of said 759l. 5s. 0d. the said Earl pay and discharge his abovesaid debit of 72l. 3s. 7d. remaining on the foot of his said last account.
Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 225-7.