Entry Book: August 1690, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: August 1690, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp780-794 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1690, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp780-794.

"Entry Book: August 1690, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp780-794.


August 1690, 16-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 16 and 18. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in the 6,500l. in guineas at 1l. 2s. 0d. each which Mr. Evance has agreed to lend. My Lords will take care that they be issued out again at the same equivalence. (Cancelled and replaced by a letter on Aug. 18 shewing that the said 6,500l. so to be taken in guineas from Mr. Evance was by him desired to be so accepted as part of the 8,000l. lent into the Exchequer the 14th inst. in the name of Thomas Lake, esq., on credit of the Post Office revenue.) Disposition Book IX, pp. 2, 3.
Aug. 16. Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver and open at William Harbord's house in Newport Street some goods lately arrived from Holland, on payment of Custom.
Appending : schedule of said goods (chocolate for the Earl of Portland ; a tea drum for the Queen ; Delft ware for Mr. Russell and me [? means Harbord] and clothes and plate for my own journey and my servants ; goods for Mris. Goldsey, including linen for Mademoiselle Schlestine, one of the Queen's dressers ; "in one of my trunks is a box signed and sealed by the Brandenburgh Envoy at the Hague and directed to my Lord Nottingham, being Articles of Peace" ; 2lb. of tea for the Earl of Nottingham from Visct. Dursley).
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 344b.
Same to Mr. Gregor to give my Lords an account forthwith what you have done in relation to the tin which you were desired to buy for the King's service. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from the Victualling Commissioners concerning the shipping of 150 tons of defective provisions to the Western Islands by Mr. Nelson, Customs free, to whom they have sold the said provisions. You are to permit Nelson to ship same in the Prince of Orange. Josuah Daniell master, Customs free, in order to their transport to the Western Islands. Ibid, p. 345.
Aug. 18. Money warrant for 150l. to William Snow, Mahaleel Windham, John Smart, Thomas Romerill (Romerith), John Hankox (Hanckox), David Davis, John Lea (Lex) and Ralph Bradford, the present eight doorkeepers of the House of Peers, for their attendance and service in the last three sessions of Parliament. (Money order dated Aug. 19 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 450. Order Book III, p. 114.
Same for 45l. to John Troy, Solicitor in co. Kent for the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20], for his great pains and expences therein, whereby he much improved the produce of that tax there. (Money order dated Aug. 19 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 450. Order Book III, p. 114.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay Roger Clutterbuck's salary of 10l. per an. as searcher of Southampton port. Money Book X, p. 451.
Money warrant for 30l. 10s. 0d. to the churchwardens of St. Michael, Cornhill, for 2½ years to June 24 last on their perpetuity of 12l. 4s. 0d. for the maintenance of the poor there. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Richard Cocks, Solicitor to the Commissioners for the 12d. Aid in cos. Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford, for his expenses and services therein, by which he improved that tax 2,000l. more than the former Aid : to be satisfied out of the moneys of said Aid. (Money order dated Aug. 19 hereon.) Money Book X, pp. 451-2. Order Book III, p. 114.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, by way of imprest the 9,182l. 0s. 7½d. remaining of the 30,000l. worth of guns, shot, granados etc. which Thomas Westerne contracted to deliver to the Office of Ordnance : towards which contract he has [already delivered to the value of 20,817l. 19s. 4½d. and had money warrants and orders thereupon and advancing the money for same has] had orders of loan to that amount, viz. as follows : 1690, April 4, 1,000l., 1,000l., 1,000l., 1,000l., 916l. 18s. 3d. ; June 25, 7,265l. 2s. 0d. ; July 24, 4,325l. 13s. 1d. ; Aug. 15, 4,310l. 6s. 0½d. The total thereof, 20,817l. 19s. 4½d., is hereby to be satisfied with interest out of the loans on the 2s. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1] in their proper order on the register of said loans. The balance of 9,182l. 0s. 7½d. remaining of said contract is hereby to be issued to the Paymaster of the Ordnance as above, it being certified that Westerne is under contract for said balance and has provided the goods and divers of them lie ready for proof. But no interest is to be made payable in orders of loan for this last named sum, which it is intended that the Paymaster of the Ordnance shall pay over to him when and as the debentures are regularly made forth in the Ordnance Office. [There is no order of loan hereon in the Order Book.] Money Book X, pp. 453-4.
Money warrant for 90l. to Geo. Oxinden, esq., for 2¼ years to Lady day last on his fee as Professor of Civil Law in the University of Cambridge. Ibid, p. 454.
Same for 375l. to Sir Algernoon May for three quarters to June 24 last on his pension in recompense for his office of Keeper of the Records in the Tower. Ibid, p. 458.
Aug. 18 and 23. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy for the subsistence of the Marine Regiments (being 3,000l. for each Regiment) the 6,000l. which Mr. John Carpenter has agreed to lend on credit of the unappropriated Excise. (Cancelled and replaced by a like letter of Aug. 23 for the issue of 6,000l. to same for said Marine Regiments out of the 6,000l. which will be lent on credit of the said Excise by the Treasurer of the Navy or by Mr. Stephens, his deputy.) Disposition Book IX, pp. 2, 6.
Aug. 18. Same to same to issue (out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Chamber) 498l. 11s. 0d. to Sir Rowland Gwynn, said Treasurer ; to be by him paid to Robert Greenway, their Majesties' locksmith. Ibid, p. 3.
Same to the Earl of Nottingham to give order for a royal warrant for granting to Derick Storke, his Majesty's body coachman, the profits of the toll of the Haymarket, which he has petitioned for and which his Majesty has been pleased to grant him.
Appending : said petition (undated) for said toll, consisting of 6d. for every load of hay and 2d. for every load of straw sold there : the King having promised said grant to petitioner at the intercession of the Earl of Portland and Lord Overkirke.
Out Letters (General) XII, p. 345. Reference Book VI, p. 224.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to stop the vessel as in (a) infra and to report on the petition therein.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, Aug. 15 inst., made upon reading a petition of John Briscoe concerning the vessel St. Peter, laden with lead, sole leather and jumps intended for Dunkirk and stopped by him at Deptford : which petition is hereby referred to the Treasury Lords and meanwhile the vessel is to be stayed.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 180.
Same to same to employ William Williams as waiter and searcher at Stonehouse in Plymouth port loco Jonathan Fryer, deceased.
John Man as boatman in Colchester port loco Thomas Child, lately dismissed.
John Smyth as same in Newhaven port loco Henry Peircy, dismissed.
Ibid, pp. 180, 181.
Treasury reference to William Lowndes of the petition of several officers of the Yard at Portsmouth, shewing that they are again assessed to the present [Second] Poll for their salaries and have been forced to avoid distress by payment ; that they are informed they are exempt by the Act [of 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2, for the Second Poll], "being in muster and pay by land, upon which the other [Naval] Yards are eased" ; therefore praying relief.
Prefixing : Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, July 18 last, referring said petition to the Treasury Lords.
Reference Book VI, p. 221.
Same to Mr. Knight of the petition of Sir Charles Porter, Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, shewing that he was ordered to take no fees from such of the clergy as should pay their whole [Tenths] dues beforehand "praemanibus," which petitioner has done since 1677, Christmas, whereby there is due [to him for such fees] 148l. 11s. 2d. : and likewise there is due to him 146l. 13s. 4d. for two years' yearly allowance for the Chief Baron's Auditor's fees in passing accounts : therefore praying a warrant to the Receiver of First Fruits and Tenths to pay said 295l. 4s. 6d. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take bond in 5,000l. from Ralph Snow for his trust as Receiver sede vacante of the temporalities of the Archbishopric of Canterbury. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 333.
Aug. 19. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to direct the Tellers to receive from Thomas Fox, upon account of his receipt of the Customs, 2,462l. 17s. 3d. in guineas at 1l. 1s. 9d. each, at which rate he received the same from Charles Fox in answer of two bills of exchange which he [Thomas Fox] paid in silver. Care shall be taken that said guineas be issued out again at the same equivalence. Disposition Book IX, p. 4.
William Jephson to the Navy Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] presented to the Treasury Lords by John Bowles, merchant, for the measuring, surveying and superintending the burthen and tonnage of all ships and vessels hired and taken up for their Majesties' service and for the stating and drawing out accounts of what is or shall be due to any ships or vessels so employed. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 345.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing the petition [missing] of Thomas Owgan for the place of tidesurveyor at the Cove of Cork loco Samuel Bolton, deceased. My Lords recommend him for same, if you have no objections to him. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 32.
Aug. 20. Treasury warrant to John Wildman, esq., Postmaster General, to pay out of the revenue of the Penny Post Office 70l. per an., by quarterly payments, to such persons and in such proportions as he shall think fit, as an increase of salary : all by reason that Thomas Lawe and Francis Golling, respectively Accomptant and Collector in the Penny Post Office, have petitioned for an augmentation of salaries ; upon which the said Postmaster General has reported the 5th inst. that the small receipts out of which that [the Penny Post Office] revenue arises are exceeding numerous and constant entries must be kept thereof, and the work of visiting all the several offices which are very far distant from each other and of supervising all the hourly messengers and correcting their failures is exceeding laborious so as to allow of no rest or intermission to the officers, wherefore he proposed an allowance as above to be disposed of and divided for increasing the salaries of said Accomptant and Collector of the Penny Post Office as shall be suitable to their merits, or else to be in part for them and part for some additional officer to help them to enable them to visit more frequently the several offices and the walks of the messengers ; a like allowance of 500l. per an. additional having been made to the officers of the General Post Office for increase of salaries. Money Book X, pp. 455-6.
Same to same to direct the Receiver General of the Post Office to pay 434l. 3s. 0d. to Francis Bastinck, undertaker and contractor for furnishing pacquet boats at Dover, as towards his claim of 496l. 0s. 5d., ut supra, pp. 580-1 ; on which claim the said Postmaster General has reported July 31 last advising allowance of 24l. for wages of the extraordinary seamen for the Newport pacquet boat ; 260l. for the boat and its furniture taken by the French ; 149l. 13s. 0d. for disbursements for the maintenance of prisoners ut ibid. : making 434l. 3s. 0d. in all. Ibid, p. 459.
William Jephson to the Victualling Commissioners. My Lords have considered the article in your late memorial which relates to the 9,055l. 3s. 3d. comprehended in the list delivered by the last [late] Commissioners of the Victualling to be satisfied out of the [400,000l.] moneys appropriated [by the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1], being due for cask, demurrage, freight, iron bars, ropes, tar, clothes, printing, and for glaziers, masons, plumbers, smiths etc. My Lords have also perused the opinion of the Attorney General that what is used and commonly comprehended in the account of victuals supplied to the Navy may be paid out of the said appropriated money. My Lords have therefore no doubt but that the said particulars, if they be incident charges relating to the Victualling and such as have been usually allowed in Victualling accounts, are to be paid for out of the said appropriated money. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 346.
Treasury reference to William Blathwayte [as Auditor General of the Plantations] of the petition of Jahleel Brenton, shewing that the place of Surveyor of Woods in the Colonies of New England is at present vacant and by reason of such vacancy great waste and spoil will in all probability be daily committed by cutting down and defrawing such trees as would make the best masts in the whole world for the Navy: therefore praying for said employment "as the yearly supply from thence doth much conduce to their Majesties' service, as also the trade therein and the profit thereby may be further increased to the full supply of this kingdom without any dependency on any other for the same." Reference Book VI, p. 222. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 335.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Taylor, merchant, shewing that in May last he contracted to deliver, this summer, a considerable quantity of masts into the stores and was promised immediate convoy for such ships as he should send from England to import same ; but that convoy was not allowed of when expected and the time being uncertain when his Majesty's other occasions would admit of it, petitioner ordered his factor at Riga to freight one or more Swedish ships to load said masts bought there ; and accordingly freighted the City of Riga, Leonard Goasten master, but same with her lading of masts and clap boards etc. is seized by the Customs officer at Deptford on the pretext that said ship was not built in Sweden, which is unknown to petitioner, he having freighted her for a free Swede : therefore praying a discharge of said seizure. Reference Book VI, p. 222.
Same to same of the petition of Nathaniell Gould to the like effect concerning his freighting the Armes of Riga, Hans Garretz master, for bringing contract naval stores from thence, which is now seized in London on the like pretext, although petitioner had the greatest assurance of the ship's freedom, [she] having laden the same goods three several times for England before. Ibid, p. 223.
Same to same of the petition of Benedicto Bassano, shipowner, shewing that in March last he and some other merchants laded his ship at San Remo with 1,200 chests of lemons for Rotterdam and unladed there about the middle of July last ; that said ship sailed thence to Lisbon and in her passage was overtaken by one of his Majesty's ships and brought into Dartmouth about the end of July and was brought to a trial in the Admiralty Court, when it appeared that she was a free ship of Genoa and bound from a free port to a free port, whereof Sir Cha. Hedges, Judge of said Court, was well satisfied and did declare there was no just cause for seizing her and decreed her restoration : but petitioner is informed that she is since stopped by Order in Council upon a misinformation of some malicious persons. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a new grant to Stephen Godfrey of the offices of bailiff and collector of the Liberty of the late Monastery of St. Mary near the walls of the city of York and of the manor of Whitgift and Armin, co. Yorks ; his patent for same being only during pleasure and therefore void by the present King's accession. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 334.
Entry of a memorandum [of a Treasury memorial to the Privy Council] as follows. The Treasury Lords have received certain information of a wreck discovered upon the Serranillas about 40 leagues south of the west end of Jamaica, where several of his Majesty's subjects have already taken up silver and continue at work to come at the hulk of the ship, wherein they have received disturbance from the French, as they may do from other nations and the privateers in those parts ; therefore their Lordships propose that a small fourth rate frigate may be sent out of the Squadron now at the Leeward Isles to Jamaica and thence to said wreck with orders to countenance and protect the King's subjects at the wreck for such a time as may be requisite and to follow such other directions as the commander thereof may receive from the Admiralty at the instance of the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (Plantations General) I, pp. 324-5.
Aug. 21. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in at the Receipt guineas from the Chamberlain of London at 1l. 2s. 0d. each for what money he shall this day lend on the unappropriated Excise. The Tellers are to note on their bills how many guineas they so receive. Disposition Book IX, p. 4.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 15,113l. 5s. 6d. residue of 38,500l. reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal and out of any other disposable moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, p. 5.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the current service of the Navy 2,000 0 0
to Dr. Colvile 20 0 0
to Emanuel College in Cambridge 50 0 0
to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for the French ministers at the Savoy 60 0 0
to Serjt. Topham for the doorkeepers etc. of the House of Commons 80 0 0
to [the poor of] St. Michael's, Cornhill 80 10 0
to Dr. Oxinden 90 0 0
to the doorkeepers of the House of Peers 150 0 0
to Serjt. Trenchard, surplus [fees] 73 9 6
to the Vicars [Choral] of Lichfield [Cathedral] 45 0 0
to the poor of St. James's [Westminster] 50 0 0
to Mris. Cock 20 0 0
to Southwell School[master] 20 0 0
to the Vicars of the Tower of London 43 6 8
to Mr. Fox for the shoemakers employed by Col. Godfrey 600 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Wharton on account of the carriage horses 600 0 0
to ditto for 14 days' subsistence for the Regiment of Horse under Lord Cavendish 420 0 0
to ditto for [ditto to] the Royal Regiment of Dragoons 560 0 0
to ditto f or [ditto to] Col. Beaumont's Regiment of Foot 357 17 0
to ditto for [ditto to] Col. Hasting's Regiment 357 17 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence of 46 Gentlemen of the Guards 46 0 0
to ditto to answer two bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Coningsby, one for 100l., the other for 50l. 150 0 0
to ditto (which with 2,000l. already at Chester makes 25,000l. to be sent for Ireland) : whereof 21,613l. 5s. 6d. is to be in guineas at 1l. 2s. 0d. each 23,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance towards the works at Sheerness 600 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence of the Forces [in England and Holland] 6,666 19 6
to ditto for the growing week's subsistence : of which last two items 2,462l. 17s. 3d. is to be in guineas at 1l. 1s. 9d. each 7,158 13 0
to Mr. Aaron Smith [for Crown Law costs] 400 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service 1,100 0 0
to the Earl of Shrewsbury in part of what is due to him 500 0 0
to the Earl of Nottingham in part of [3,000l. for] secret service 500 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household upon account 400 0 0
£46,149 12 8
William Jephson to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to pay into the Exchequer 500l. of Customs money per week from this week to Nov. 1 next, for the Treasurer of the Navy ; to be applied to the Victuallers. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to so issue same to said Treasurer as it is paid in to the Exchequer.) Disposition Book IX, p. 6.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for Transporting Forces to Ireland of the petition of Mark Wildbore, praying payment of 1,480l. 9s. 6d. which he expended by order of said Commissioners "as by the account annexed" [missing]. Reference Book VI, p. 223.
Aug. 22. Money warrant for 50l. to the churchwardens of St. James's, Westminster, for one year to May 19 last on the annuity for the poor inhabitants there. (Money order dated Aug. 23 hereon.) Money Book X, pp. 456, 456b. Order Book III, p. 115.
Same for 45l. to the Vicars [Choral] of Lichfield Cathedral for three years to Christmas last on their annuity. Money Book X, p. 456.
Same for 50l. to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Emanuell College, Cambridge, for same to same date on a perpetuity. Ibid, p. 457.
Same for 43l. 6s. 8d. to the Vicars of the Tower of London for 6½ years to 1688, Christmas, on a same. Ibid.
Money warrant for 66l. 13s. 4d. each to Brook Bridges and Tho. Done for one year to Lady day last on their fee as Auditors of Imprests. Money Book X, p. 457.
Same for 20l. to Thomas Haseldon, master of Southwell School, for two years to Lady day last on a perpetuity. Ibid, p. 458.
Same for 20l. to Robert Bertie for half a year to June 24 last on the annuity for Mris. Mary Cock. Ibid.
Same for 60l. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for one year to June 24 last on the annuity for the ministers of the French Church in the Savoy. Ibid, p. 459.
Same for 20l. to the University of Cambridge for two years to 1689, Michaelmas, on the perpetuity for a preacher. Ibid, p. 460.
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to satisfy in their course without interest five tallies levied this day for [in all] 1,301l. 11s. 7d. payable to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy, out of the Hereditary Excise and the unappropriated fourth part of the Excise. Disposition Book IX, p. 4.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to order the Tellers to take in guineas at 1l. 2s. 0d. each from any lenders for a week from to-day. Ibid, p. 6.
Same to same to issue the above 66l. 13s. 4d. each to Auditors Bridges and Done out of the small branches of the revenue reserved for officers and ministers of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of any disposable unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, p. 7.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for one month's pay to the six Regiments that are now to embark at Portsmouth 1,773 0 0
to ditto for a fortnight's subsistence to the [same] soldiers 2,151 6 0
to Mr. Fox for two months' pay for the Regiments of Beaumont and Hastings, being likewise to embark 1,171 0 0
to ditto for a fortnight's subsistence to the [same] soldiers 715 14 0
"You are to issue what guineas you have ovér and above 5,811l., which was yesterday directed, towards payment of this sum at 1l. 2s. 0d. each."
Same to the Navy Commissioners to return to the Treasury Mr. Bowles's proposal [supra, p. 783] on which you have reported. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 346.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith, enclosing the Earl of Nottingham's letter of the 21st inst., signifying the Queen's pleasure that the master of the Hopewell and the merchant that sent lead on board her for France be prosecuted for high treason. You are to prosecute accordingly and to consult Mr. Hutchinson, the solicitor of the Customs, about putting in suit the ship's bond in 800l. not to go to France. Ibid, p. 347.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Other great quantities of defective provisions have been sold [by the Victualling Commissioners] to Mr. Nelson, as by advices from Portsmouth, which, with the 150 tons, supra, p. —, will make in all 300 tons. You are to permit Nelson to ship same, Customs free. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ George Jackson as riding surveyor of Customs at Lulworth in Weymouth port loco Nicholas Culliford, who quits the service.
Hugh Keese as tidesman at Dartmouth loco Stephen Harvey, who has quitted the employment.
Anthony Tayler as surveyor, waiter and searcher at Bridgwater loco Roger Thirkly, who has quitted the service.
Thomas Bankes as a coastwaiter, London port, loco Wareham Jemmett, who is gone over into Ireland.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 181, 182.
Treasury confirmation of the warrant for 2,000l. to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham for secret service, ut supra, p. 11. Order Book III, p. 1.
Aug. 23. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me for secret service (after first satisfying former [existing] letters of direction) the 3,400l. which Mr. Herne and Mr. Evance will lend into the Exchequer on credit of the General Letter Office ; and 1,600l. out of any disposable money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book IX, p. 7.
Same to Serjeant Ryley to take care that no Navy timber be felled under the warrant of July 21 last, supra, pp. 738-9, for 5,500l. worth of felling in New Forest. If there chance to be any felled fit for the Navy either as knees, standards or compass timber you are to reserve them for that use. Certify my Lords in what places of said forest 500 Navy trees can best be spared. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 348.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Customs Commissioners have applied to you for payment of their expences in procuring what seamen they could for the King's service : to which you answered that you had no orders therein. The Treasury Lords therefore desire you to pay such moneys under the enclosed minute [missing], which was taken upon the Order in Council of July 5 last directing the Customs Commissioners to procure such seamen. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. On your report on the petition of John Johnson, master of the Amos of Stockholm, lately seized by your officers, my Lords leave the matter to you to proceed according to law. Ibid.
Aug. 25. Treasury warrant to John Wildman, Postmaster General, to pay Phillip Frowde 296l. 18s. 6d., which, with 78l. 1s. 6d. ordered April 15 last, supra, p. 579, makes 375l., as for a quarter's salary to 1689, June 24, as late Governor of the Post Office, he having been at great trouble and expence in attending the making up of the accounts of that Office. Money Book X, p. 460. Order Book III, p. 116.
Money warrant for 23l. 10s. 0d. to Symon Smith for his charges in seizing into the Crown's hands the estate of Sir Edmund Doyley on account of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Doyly's grandfather. (Money order dated Aug. 28 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 461.
Treasury warrant to John Smith, Receiver General of Crown Revenues for London, Middlesex, Essex and Herts, to pay 100l. to John Phelips, one of the auditors of the revenue, for half a year to 1689, Michaelmas, on his annuity or yearly pension granted 1674-5, Feb. 27. Money Book X, p. 461.
William Jephson to the sheriffs of Middlesex to pay into the Receipt the fine of 100l. lately set upon John Clancy at the Quarter Sessions for Middlesex as soon as you levy same. In the margin : "this letter was cancelled." Disposition Book IX, p. 7.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh 100l. out of the above Clancy's fine. In the margin : "this letter was cancelled." Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Hasten your report on the East India Company's petition about coffee. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 349.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition of William Wallis, agent to Col. Beveridge's Regiment. Send my Lords a state of the case of said Regiment.
Appending : said petition, shewing that said Regiment is in arrears upwards of 15 months, for which the officers are very pressing with petitioner for money "and tells him that other Regiments which are in Scotland have been paid their clearings some time since till Jan. last."
Same to Mr. Browne. My Lords have desired Sir Samuell Moreland to report concerning the mill and engine at Windsor and in order thereto he desires of you an exact account of what moneys you have received since May, 1685, from Richard Talbot, miller, and of what you have paid for repairs of the mill and engine. Send this account with all speed. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Guise. In reply to yours of the 23rd inst. you are to voluntarily charge yourself with what money you have received upon the late Revolution "as is usual in the like cases." Ibid.
Same to Mr. Gregor. In reply to yours of the 21st inst. you are to send my Lords an account of what money you have received and disbursed [in the purchase of tin] and then they will give you further orders. Also send them your opinion when will be the best time to buy more tin, whether now or after Michaelmas. Ibid, p. 350.
Same to Mr. Russell [Treasurer of the Navy], enclosing John Bowles's proposal touching the measuring and tonnaging of merchant ships employed in the King's service, together with the Navy Commissioners' report thereon. The Treasury Lords agree to that part of the proposal which relates to the reward desired by Mr. Bowles and desire you to lay the matter before the Admiralty Lords "that you may there consider whether what is therein proposed be practicable or how it may be made so." Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to order that the allowances to the three superannuated landwaiters in London port (viz. 40l. per an. to Mr. Willey, 40l. to Mr. Bathurst and 30l. to Mr. Turner) be for the future paid out of the [salaries of the] six junior landwaiters as follows, viz. the senior of them 10l. per an. and the other five 20l. per an. each and to be discharged in turns as the said superannuated men die off or as other junior landwaiters are admitted. Out Letters (Customs) XII,p. 182.
Treasury reference to Aaron Smyth of the petition of the ministers of the parish church of Leyland, shewing that they petitioned to have settled on the poor vicar of Leyland a house and lands in said parish dedicated to superstitious uses, which petition was referred by the Privy Council to the Treasury and thence to the Attorney and Solicitor General, who reported thereon, and thereupon Mr. Smyth was ordered to prosecute the business [of the seizure thereof] for the Crown, which has been done : wherefore petitioners pray a settlement of the house and lands accordingly. Reference Book VI, p. 224.
Same to the Attorney General of the petition of James Hardey, shewing that he is able to discover certain lands in Staffordshire that do belong to the Crown : therefore praying an inquisition in order to a [seizure and] new lease thereof [to petitioner]. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Jane Bake, executrix of Henry FitzWilliams, setting forth that in 1689 said Henry petitioned for extension of term in a house in the Castle Close at Exeter and on reference Mr. Fisher proposed a fine of 14l. for same : therefore praying that on payment of said fine she may be admitted to fill up said term. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Cornelius Gliften, shewing that he has made a discovery for the removing of several officers of the Excise, which will be much for the advantage of the revenue ; therefore praying a place as landwaiter or surveyor in the Customs. Ibid, p. 225.
Same to same of the petition of Robert Clerke for a landwaiter's place in any of the outports, he having appeared in arms for the present King and being fitly qualified for any station in the Customs. Ibid.
Report [to the Treasury Lords from William Blathwayt] on the petition of Mr. Brenton, ut supra, p. 784. Within the Provinces of Maine and New Hampshire in New England there is great store of excellent timber for shipping and masts reputed to be the best and largest in the world, which have not only been made use of in New England and the Plantations, but frequently brought into this kingdom for the Royal Navy. These two Provinces were for many years past possessed by the Corporation of the Massachusetts Bay or Government of Boston in New England ; in 1676 (upon a report of the two Lord Chief Justices to the Privy Council) the propriety of New Hampshire was adjudged to belong to John Mason, esq., and the Government thereupon vested in the Crown : and upon a judgment given in the last year of Charles II against the charter of the Massachusetts Bay the propriety and Government of the Province of Maine were also vested in the Crown. Thereupon a commission was granted to Edward Randolph to be Surveyor of the Woods in those Provinces. The timber and masts are now very much exposed to destruction and waste as well by the late invasion of the French and Indians as otherwise and the preservation thereof is of great necessity and benefit to the shipping as well of New England and other Plantations as also of this kingdom. This may well be effected by such a survey [office] as is proposed and by a careful execution of this office ; for which I think petitioner very fit. "But inasmuch as the Government of those Provinces has been lately altered so as not to be at present under their Majesties' immediate direction and authority I humbly conceive it will be difficult for such a commission from their Majesties to be put in force until the jurisdiction and property of those countries be brought under a due and proper settlement."
Prefixing : note of said petition and reference thereon, ut supra.
Out Letters (Plantations General) I, pp. 335-6.
Treasury confirmation of Symon Smith's order for 96l. 12s. 3d., ut supra, p. 508. Order Book III, p. 59.
Aug. 26. Treasury reference to Auditor Bridges of the petition of the inhabitants of Chester, Liverpool, Whitchurch and Shrewsbury, shewing that they furnished Mr. Frith at Chester with divers provisions for the service of Ireland to the value of 4,200l., for which there is credit allowed him in his accounts : therefore praying that they may have a tally for same on the Excise at the usual interest. Reference Book VI, p. 225.
Aug. 27. Money warrant for 84l. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College for two years to Christmas last on their perpetuity. Money Book X, p. 462.
Treasury orders for the execution of dormant warrants of 1689, June 21, for the salaries of Thomas Apprice and William Talman as King's waiters, London port, ut supra, p. 160. Ibid.
Money warrant for 42l. 9s. 4d. to the churchwardens of the parish of St. Magnus, London, for two years to 1689, Michaelmas, on the perpetuity for the poor of that parish. Ibid, p. 463.
William Jephson to Mr. Kemp, undersheriff of Norfolk, to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the moneys levied on the estate of Sir William Doyley on the baronet fee debt of 1,095l. due to the Crown from Sir William Doyley, his grandfather. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 353.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Jerman for a landwaiter's place in the Customs, for which he is certified fit. Reference Book VI, p. 225.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Newton, Woodward of Whittlewood Forest, to fell 26 loads of timber, not fit for the Navy, in Wakefield Walk, and also sufficient dotard trees to raise 56l. 10s. 0d. for the repair of the lodge in said walk, as petitioned for by William Ryder, lieutenant of said forest and master keeper of said walk : he covenanting to keep the premises in repair thereafter : an account of the offal wood to be presented before the end of Hilary term next. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 335.
Aug. 28. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable unappropriated money in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book IX, pp. 8-9.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a fortnight's subsistence to the Regiments of [Charles] Churchill, [Charles] Trelawney, [Earl of] Marlborough, [Sir John] Hales, [Sir David] Collyer and Fitz Patrick over and above what was ordered them last week 2,151 6 0
to ditto for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces in England and Holland], not including the above Regiments [to be paid in] what gold [guineas] there is in the Exchequer, to be issued at the respective rates it was taken in at 6,083 0 0
to ditto for Sir Robert Holmes to repay so much he took up from the Receiver [of Taxes] in the Isle of Wight for the service of said island 81 2 10
to ditto for two months' pay to the commission officers of the 4th Battalion of the 1st Regiment of Guards : the other three [Battalions] having received it 250 0 0
to ditto for the 2nd Battalion of the Coldstream Regiment for an arrear of subsistence due to them before May 14 last 850 0 0
to ditto for Lord Lucas, as Governor of the Tower, and Col. King as Lieutenant Governor, for their pay to 1689, May 1 386 3 2
to Mr. Fox for 14 days' subsistence for the Regiments of [John] Beaumont and [Ferdinando] Hastings 715 14 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence to Lord Cavendish's Regiment of Horse 210 0 0
to ditto for ditto to the Royal Regiment of Dragoons 280 0 0
to ditto for ditto to 46 Gentlemen of the Guard[s] 46 0 0
to ditto to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Mr. Coningsby 400 0 0
to ditto for the wives and families of the late Duke Schonberg's Regiment of Horse 65 10 0
to ditto for Lieut. Geo. Giles on account of his half pay as late Lieut. of Foot in Ireland at 2s. per day 30 6 0
to ditto for Mr. Bridges in part of provisions he is to buy for 30,000 men for 20 days 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Mary Bernier 15 5 0
to ditto for Dr. Fairclough on account 30 0 0
to Sir Samuell Moreland in part on his pension[s] 100 0 0
to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College 84 0 0
to the poor of St. Magnus, London 42 9 4
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the Gentlemen of the Chapel 20 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service 125 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the train now sent to sea 500 0 0
to ditto for a further supply for the works at Sheerness 600 0 0
to ditto for the works at Portsmouth 300 0 0
£15,365 16 4
William Jephson to the Agents for Taxes. Alderman William Allen, agent at Chester for Mr. Charles Fox, has heard nothing from the Receiver of Poll money, co. Salop, as to the 2,000l. which you were directed, supra, p. 777, to order him to pay at Chester to said Fox's order. Write by this night's post to said Receiver to so pay it. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 350.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from Capt. Pottinger, commander of the King's ship Dartmouth (which letter was sent by the Admiralty Lords to the Treasury), concerning his having secured at Glasgow two vessels which have unladen their tobacco without entering the same in England. The Treasury Lords direct you to take care in this matter. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor William Aldworth of the petition of Sir Robert Rich, kt., et al. in behalf of the town of Dunwich, co. Suffolk, shewing that there was anciently a quit rent of 65l. per an. due to the Crown from said town, but most of the land being swallowed up by the sea and the inhabitants thereof becoming very poor, in King Hy. VIII's time the quit rent was reduced to 12l. per an. for 60 years, and the said term being elapsed and the town becoming more necessitated through poverty they applied to Charles II, who reduced the quit rent to 5l. per an. till further pleasure ; which said 5l. per an. has ever since been punctually paid ; that the said quit rent being part of the Queen Dowager [Catarina's] jointure, by a mistake in the patent is set at 60l. per an., but in the schedule thereto annexed is put at 5l. per an., which the agents of the Queen Dowager have all along received until Dec. 25 last ; but since that date by order of the Queen Dowager's Commissioners process is taken out in the Exchequer against the town for 1,400l. arrears of said ancient rent, which will be to the utter ruin of the inhabitants for that the said town is now so poor that they are scarce able to pay said 5l. per an. : therefore pray a stay of said proceedings and that the town be discharged of all further demands save said 5l. per an. Reference Book VI, p. 226.
Aug. 29. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh the 400l. 18s. 10d. which will be lent into the Exchequer by the Earl of Monmouth, or by his procurement, on the unappropriated Excise : same being intended to be paid by the Earl of Ranelagh to clear the Earl of Monmouth's Regiment to Jan. 1 last. Disposition Book IX, p. 9.
Same to same to issue (out of such loans as shall be made by Charles Fox on credit of the unappropriated Excise) 261l. 5s. 3d. to said Fox to be by him paid over to Thomas Fotherby for the balance of his account relating to the Danish Forces. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a commission to Sir John Carew, bart., Sir Bouchier Wray, bart., Sir William Massingbear, kt. and bart., Sir Edward Ascough, Sir John Morton, Sir Robert Napier, kts., Thomas Chaffin, William Savery, Courtney Crocker, Edmund Philips of Hampt, Josias Calmady, William Cary, Hump. Bestland, Simon Hale, James Gould, esqrs., Machaell Langdon, Richard Eare, Henry Gregor, Thomas Ridler, Thomas Cooper, Robert Neilder, John Neele of Plymouth, Aaron Pengry, gent., to enquire of oosey and sandy grounds in several parts of England and Wales between high and low water marks belonging to the Crown, daily overflowed and of no advantage to the Crown, but which may with some pains and charges be made good and profitable ground. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 351.
Same to William Blathwaite [as Secretary to the Forces] to prepare a royal warrant authorising Charles Fox and Thomas Coningesby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, to pay 2,000l. to Monsieur Isaac Pereyra, as in part for providing biscuit, wheat or wheat meal for bread for 30,000 men of the said Forces [in Ireland] for 20 days. Ibid.
Aug. 30. Same to the Victualling Commissioners. My Lords have considered your late memorial touching several particulars relating to the old debt of the Victualling. Their opinion on the several articles therein is as follows : (1) As to the payment of several bills of exchange, amounting to 981l., which are not comprehended in the list delivered by the last [late] Commissioners for Victualling, my Lords agree that same shall be paid ; but no further bills of that nature. (2) As to the 851l. 18s. 0d. owing to Charles Shales for biscuit and the 1,000l. to John Shales for victuals, my Lords think it necessary to strike these two debts out of the list to be paid by you ; and that the late Commissioners for Victualling give certificates to said Charles and John of what they received to discharge them "and that they charge themselves with the same." (3) As to the 9,758l. 15s. 3d. computed to be owing for necessary money, short provisions and freights, my Lords do not think that any part of the money you have to pay should be reserved towards payment of that sum. Ibid, pp. 351-2.
For the order of repayment for Thomas Lloyd's 10,000l. loan see supra, p. 697. Order Book III, p. 116.