Entry Book: September 1690, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: September 1690, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp794-809 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: September 1690, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp794-809.

"Entry Book: September 1690, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp794-809.


September 1690, 1-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Sept. 3. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 18,400l. to Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby on any unsatisfied order in their name for the use of the Forces in Ireland : same to be satisfied by tallies on Ralph Williamson, as Receiver General of the last [Second] Poll and of the Review of the First Poll for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland. Money Book X, p. 463.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sir Samuell Moreland to complete 150l. for 1689, Lady day quarter, on his two pensions. Ibid.
Money warrant for 4,398l. 8s. 7¾d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, as imprest to satisfy the like sum due in the Office of Ordnance to William Benge, founder, on his contract for brass and iron ordnance and other stores to the amount of 13,771l. 8s. 3½d., whereon he has already delivered and been paid for 3,220l. 11s. 3d. and has now produced debentures for further deliveries to the amount of said 4,398l. 8s. 7¾d. ; to be satisfied out of loans to be made to that amount by said Benge. (Money order dated Sept. 5 hereon.) (Money order dated Sept. 8 for said Benge's loan to that amount.) Money Book X, p. 464. Order Book III, pp. 76, 89.
The like for 225l. to Thomas Brisco for the complement of his contract in like terms. (Money order dated Sept. 5 hereon.) (Money order dated Sept. 8 for loan repayment.) Money Book X, p. 464. Order Book III, pp. 91, 95.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioneis to employ William Cooke (present jerquer of the wood duties late in farm) as one of the jerquers in London port at the established salary ; out of which he is to pay William Michelborne one half "in like manner as was done to Mr. West, late one of the jerquers" ; the said Michelborne having complained that the business of that office grows too hard for him and having desired liberty to retire into the country for his health and ease. On said Michelborne's death the 50l. per an. salary of the jerquer of the wood [duty] office is to be sunk.
Thomas Gate (waiter at Mindrim in Berwick port) as landwaiter at Whitehaven loco Roger Strickland, lately deceased.
Henry Christian as tidesman in Yarmouth port loco Benjamin Mould, lately dismissed.
Joseph Taylor as riding surveyor in Beaumaris port loco Howell Hughes, lately deceased.
Ralph Muschamp as waiter at Mindrim loco abovesaid Gate.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 183, 184.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of John Taylor, merchant, shewing that in 1689, July, he contracted with said Commissioners for two loadings of masts for ready money ; that one of said loadings and some stowage, in all 1,593l., were unpaid for at the time the Treasury Lords agreed with him et al. for the discharge of 50,000l. "owing upon course of the Navy by money and tallies upon the 2s. [Aid] Act, with interest," the said 1,593l. being part of said 50,000l. ; therefore praying a tally for interest on said 1,593l. in like manner as has been done for the interest of money due for hemp comprised in the said 50,000l. Reference Book VI, pp. 226-7.
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. On Jan. 23 last the King promised that the offices of customer and collector in Dublin port should be granted to John Jephson and a caveat was accordingly entered at the Treasury. We are informed that there are several other pretenders to said places or one of them upon the ground of recommendations of later date than the King's promise. We desire you to take care that the King's intentions be made good to Jephson. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 32.
Treasury warrant to John Knight, gent., Comptroller of First Fruits and Tenths, to take the securities of Thomas Newcomb, of St. Andrew, Holborn, gent., as sede vacante receiver of the temporalities of the Bishopric of Ely : said sureties being himself in 3,000l. and Daniel Barton of St. Sepulchre's, London, pewterer, in 1,000l. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 339-40.
Sept. 4. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book IX, p. 10.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy to repay so much disbursed by him in July last for the Marine Regiments 300 0 0
to ditto for subsistence to the two Companies of the Marine Regiments lately set on shore 300 0 0
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence [of the Forces in England and Holland], including 700l. for the Regiment of the Earl of Portland and Auverquerque's Troop of Guards : to be paid in such gold [guineas] as is in the Exchequer, at the rates same was taken in at 6,783 0 0
to ditto on account of the Earl of Portland's Regiment, 1,500l., and Mr. Auverquerque's Troop of Guards, 1,000l. 2,500 0 0
to ditto for 12 weeks' subsistence in arrear for 20 of the Dutch Horse Guards left here 240 0 0
to ditto to clear 12 Companies of the 1st Regiment of Guards to Jan. 1 last 3,100 0 0
to ditto to be paid over to Mr. Vander Esch on account for shipping [Sir Thomas] Lloyd's Regiment 108 7 0
to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence to Lord Cavendish's Regiment of Horse 210 0 0
to ditto for ditto to the Royal Regiment of Dragoons 280 0 0
to ditto for ditto for 46 Gentlemen of the Guards 46 0 0
to ditto for Sir Oliver St. George on account of his half pay as late Captain of Horse at 7s. per diem to May 1 last 31 17 0
to ditto on account of Cambon's recruits 100 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Bridges in further part of the provisions for 30,000 men for 20 days 1,000 0 0
to the Earl of Shrewsbury for secret service 500 0 0
to the Earl of Nottingham for the like 500 0 0
to the Cofferer on account of the Household 400 0 0
to Visct. Dursley, a quarter['s ordinary] 728 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for Sir Polycarpus Wharton's powder works for the month of September 200 0 0
to ditto for freight of powder bought in Holland, including primage and average 361 2 2
to Mr. De Brien, housekeeper at Kensington, for last Christmas quarter 75 0 0
to me [Jephson] for secret service. 621 8 6
to Mr. Pullen, Master of the Stud, for half a year 10 0 0
to the Master of the Horse ; to be advanced to Mr. Corbet for paying the hackney coaches that were "layd" for the King to Hoylake 368 1 0
£18,852 15 8
William Jephson to Serjeant Ryley. In reply to the letter dated Lindhurst, Aug. 30 last, from you and Mr. Eddy, Purveyor of the Navy at Portsmouth, my Lords leave it to you as to preserving for the Navy the knees, standards or compass timber in the timber you are now felling [in New Forest], ut supra, p. 788. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 352.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to obtain affidavits as to the beating of Elias Tackett, one of the boatmen in Guernsey, "which was done by order of Lord Grenville" : as informed of by the letter of the 3rd inst. from Mr. Stephens, Register of Certificates in said island. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir Peter Rich, praying payment of 2,019l. 10s. 0d. for powder and other stores delivered into the Ordnance Stores. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] from the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, concerning a vessel come from Waterford, lately seized from the rebels and laden with wool and butter without clearing or paying the duties there. You are to take care in this matter. Ibid.
Same to William Blathwaite [as Secretary to the Forces] to prepare a royal warrant to authorise Charles Fox and Tho. Coningesby to pay Isaac Pereyra 1,000l. (making 3,000l.) in part of bisket etc. for 30,000 men of the Forces in Ireland. Ibid, p. 353.
Treasury reference to same [as Auditor of the Plantations] of the petition of Thomas Robson in behalf of Col. Steede ; petitioner shewing that on Jan. 17 last 1,200l. was owing to said Stede for two years' pay as Lieut. Governor [of Barbados], being payable out of the Four and a Half per cent Duty in said island ; and that said pay is far short of what he has expended in the support of his Government [of the island] ; but the island is of late so impoverished by want of trade and great impositions [by taxes in England] on their commodities that they have not been able to assist him in his great expences as they have formerly done : that it also cost him 500l. in proclaiming their Majesties ; that being now to resign the Government he prays that said arrears may be ordered out of said revenue as it comes in "to enable him in some measure to bear the charge of the Government, which hath been very great." Reference Book VI, p. 227.
William Jephson to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing the petition [missing] of Edward Corker, who was employed in the management of that part of the late King James's revenue in Ireland which was called his private revenue. My Lords recommend him to you to be employed as formerly if you have no objections ; with such salary and such allowance for his arrears as you think fit. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 32.
Same to same. In reply to yours of the 19th and 23rd ult. concerning the ship Friends' Adventure, Thomas James master, lately taken from the rebels at Waterford, which sailed for England with wool and butter without clearing or paying the duties in Ireland, my Lords have referred it to the Customs Commissioners to take care therein. Ibid.
Sept. 5. Royal warrant to Sir Rowland Gwynne, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay 100l. 16s. 6d. to William Rider, late Master of the Harriers, for 66 days, 1689, April 25 to June 10, on his salary after the rate of 800l. per an. ; it appearing by certificate of Christopher Tancred, present Master of the Harriers, that said harriers were not delivered to him till said June 10. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 120.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for stating as follows William Harbord's accounts from 1689, Mar. 25, to 1690, June 5, as Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland : all by reason that some doubts are made whether by the strict rules of the Exchequer he can be allowed for moneys paid to some of the said Forces on the authority of warrants from the late Duke of Schonberg or whether he may be regularly allowed the payments by him or his agents made for the subsistence of any of the said Forces in such time for which their pay was not fully cleared or discharged according to the establishments and also whether he can be allowed Exchequer fees deducted from moneys issued to him. It is therefore hereby ordered that in his said accounts he be charged with all issues to him at the Exchequer and with all moneys paid him by the Paymaster of the Forces, England, and with all deductions made by him or his agents from the pay of the said Forces in Ireland as well for provisions as for the Hospital pursuant to the royal warrant of 1689, July 23, and also with all moneys saved or gained by guineas received in England and paid at a higher rate in Ireland and with all other his receipts whatsoever on account of said Forces. Per contra he is hereby to be allowed all payments made on said account by royal warrant or by warrant of said Duke of Schonberg for any of the said Forces or for the pay of the Forces of Enniskillen and Londonderry before they were established, or for the pay of the Regiment of Horse of Sir John Lanier, Col. Heyford's Regiment of Dragoons and Col. Hasting's Regiment of Foot (for which no muster rolls are produced) for the times they served in Scotland, and also payments on account of provisions, contingencies or otherwise howsoever. Further, as Harbord has paid several sums to the Forces in Ireland or intended for service in Ireland for subsistence or pay since the times that those musters have been cleared (whereas it is not usual for the auditors to allow any payments made on account of pay or subsistence till the musters have been cleared) it is hereby ordered that the original acquittances of the officers or regimental agents (together with copies of them entered in a book) be delivered to the auditors and after perusal thereof the said original acquittances be delivered to the succeeding Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland in order to their adjusting accounts with said officers and agents and that what shall be thereon allowed to said Harbord in his account as for pay and subsistence shall be charged upon said succeeding Paymasters' account and they to have allowance of the full pay upon clearing the musters from the time of the [last preceding] clearance of the musters by Harbord. "And in case the payments they shall make shall not be for clearings but that they shall go on to pay subsistence only, in such case that [then] the acquittances before proposed to be charged upon them, or so many thereof as they shall deliver up again, ought [and hereby are] to be allowed upon their account." Further, as Harbord or his deputies or agents have paid several sums to be laid out in provisions or necessaries for said Forces the said several persons are hereby to be duly set in super for same in order that the King may have just accounts thereof in the Exchequer of the said moneys and of the several species of provisions and necessaries and the prices thereof and to whom delivered and how disposed and what remains. All deductions made for the said provisions are to be charged on Harbord for his time and on the subsequent Paymasters for their time that so the King may have a complete account of the whole transaction and be repaid so much at least of the money so disbursed as the provisions and necessaries shall amount to at the rates set upon them by the general officers of the Army, usual and accidental waste and damages excepted. Further, hereby Harbord is to be allowed Exchequer fees and charges paid by him [on his receipt of moneys out of the Exchequer]. Ibid, pp. 121-5.
Royal warrant to Sir Rowland Gwynn to pay 17l. 17s. 6d. to John Webb, keeper of the King's ponds in St. James's Park ; being for his salary from 1688, Sept. 29 (to which date he was last paid) to 1689, April 29 (on which date he was sworn into the present King's service). King's Warrant Book XV, p. 126.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for warrant to be given by the Treasury Lords to the Receiver of the Honor and Castle of Windsor to pay the ancient fee or salary of 3½d. a day to John Branch from 1688, Sept. 29, to 1690, June 24, and thereafter for the future, for his office of Circuitor or Bayliff of Battles Walk, alias Battles Bayliwick, in Windsor Forest : which office was granted him 1686, Mar. 25 : and further for the payment to said Branch, out of the Exchequer, of the yearly sum of 50l. for providing hay for the deer and for increase of the keepers' wages and for 112l. 10s. 0d. for 2¼ years' arrears thereon from 1688, Lady day, to 1690, June 24 : the King being pleased to continue said Branch in said office and also that all his said arrears as above be paid. Ibid, pp. 126-8.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for payment to John, Earl of Bath, Chief Ranger or Keeper of St. James's Park, of 120l. to be distributed to the two underkeepers for two years' arrears to 1690, June 24, on the yearly allowance of 60l. as granted by the privy seal of 1687-8, Jan. 31, for said underkeepers' wages : which yearly sum is hereby to be continued. Further, hereby said keeper is to be paid all charges, services and disbursements for keeping the decoys and fish ponds and for feeding, breeding and preserving all wild fowl in said park under the charge or custody of John Webb, keeper of the fowl there, or any his successors ; and also the charges of materials, labourers, workmen, artificers and gardeners employed in any works or repairs in said park ; the bills thereof to be examined and allowed by the supervisor of said park when there is one appointed, but if there be none, then by Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, or by such other as the Treasury Lords shall direct ; and likewise all moneys laid out and expended for hay and fodder for the deer in said park : all said sums to be received by said keeper without imprest or account : all mainly on the lines of the said privy seal of 1687-8, Jan. 31. King's Warrant Book XV, pp. 128-31.
Same to same for a same to ratify and confirm the grant to William, Bishop of St. Asaph, the King's Almoner, of the forfeited recognizances which were granted to him by the privy seal of 1689-90, Feb. 22, supra, p. 497, together with all estates which may be extended thereunder ; to enjoy same as royal bounty as amply as is in the King's power to grant, but to such uses as the goods and chattels of felons are granted to said Almoner : and with authority to sue and recover and levy etc. the premises. The present confirmation is by reason that doubt has arisen that the Treasury, Exchequer Court and Attorney General may by virtue of a general authority compound the said forfeited recognizances, which would utterly frustrate the King's intended bounty as above. The said power of compounding and annulling is hereby revoked so far forth as may concern the recognizances herein granted. Ibid, pp. 131-5.
Same to same for a same for salaries of 1,000l. per an. each to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery ; John, Earl of Carbery ; Sir Thomas Lee, bart. ; Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven ; Edward Russell, esq. ; Sir Richard Onslow, bart., and Hen. Preistman, as Commissioners for the Admiralty : to be paid by the Treasurer of the Navy as from May 29 last. Further, hereby the like salary is to be paid from Lady day last to May 29 last to the late Commissioners, viz. Thos., Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery ; John, Earl of Carbery ; Sir Tho. Lee ; Sir John Lowther and Sir John Chichly. Ibid, pp. 135-7.
Same to same for a same to discharge Dame Margaret Poole, widow of Sir William Poole, late collector of Customs in Bristol port, of the sum of 4,247l. 7s. 2d. as follows. The said Sir William did by the King's direction make abatements of the new impositions on tobacco and sugar amounting to the said sum and stands charged therewith in the accounts of his collection. Plenary allowance and discharge is hereby to be given for same in his said accounts. Ibid, pp. 182-3.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to forthwith satisfy to John Fitch the sum of 8,855l. 4s. 8¾d. secured to him by the privy seal of Mar. 20 last, supra, p. 534, for work done at Portsmouth, Hull and at a storehouse in the Tower ; the said sum being due on nine several orders dated Mar. 26 last, with 6 per cent interest ; which said orders are now in course to be paid. Same are to be satisfied out of the loans on the 2s. Aid, now in the Exchequer or which shall be lent upon said Act either by said Fitch or by any other person. Money Book X, p. 465.
Money warrant for 273l. to Charles, Visct. Dursley, for three months to June 6 last on his ordinary as Plenipotentiary at the Congress at the Hague : as by the privy seal of April 10 last. (Privy seal dated 1690, April 10, for 300l. as equipage and 3l. a day as ordinary as Plenipotentiary at said Congress : his ordinary to commence from 1689-90, Feb. 26, and to continue till the determination of the Congress or till prior signification from the King : same to be paid him at the same times as his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General, which ordinary is continued to him.) Ibid, p. 466. King's Warrant Book XV, p. 12.
Same for 455l. to same for three months to June 6 last on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the States General. Money Book X, p. 466.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 41l. 1s. 0d. to the Earl of Ranelagh. (Same to said Earl to pay same to John Price for two chests of medicaments provided by him for the Forces that went with the Earl of Marlborough.) Disposition Book IX, p. 9.
Same to same to issue (out of moneys reserved for the Treasurer of the Chamber) 130l. 16s. 0d. to Sir Rowland Gwynn to be by him paid as follows, viz. 30l. to Mr. Webb ; 100l. 16s. 6d. to Mr. Ryder. Ibid, p. 11.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Roger Burford as tidesman in Yarmouth port loco Richard Morley, lately dismissed.
Richard Vernon (for several years deputy comptroller at Chester) as landwaiter at Chester loco Duke Gifford, who was formerly a [Customs] officer in Ireland and has returned thither.
William Ld. Estrange [sic for L'Estrange] as collector of Southwold port loco Anthony Wainfleet, dismissed for insufficiency : it being thought fit to remove said Ld. Estrange from Ipswich from his having contracted a long acquaintance in that town.
Charles Pratt as collector, Newhaven, loco Robert Dosmyniers [Desminiers], who quits said employment.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 185.
Treasury reference to same (and also to the Excise Commissioners) of the petition of Gilb[er]t Heathcot and Arthur Shallet of London, merchants, shewing that they imported 150 tun of Spanish brandy on the Rose frigate in cask, which pay duty by the gallon ; that they are apprehensive there may be some difference between the Spanish tun and the English gallon, which may cause the Customs officers to interrupt the landing : therefore pray orders to the officers to cause the brandies to be taken up on payment of the duties. Reference Book VI, p. 228.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition dated Sept. 4 from Christian Crues, master of the ship called Madam Swaen, belonging to Si[eu]r Edward Crues and other subjects of the King of Denmark, shewing that said ship came from Norway to the Channel under Danish convoy and with a pass dated Copenhagen, Feb. 1, being bound for Portugal ; but when the convoy had to return, said ship for fear of falling into the hands of the French retired to the Hope, where it was detained three weeks and then seized by Mr. Borford on pretext that it intended to unlade here and evade the dues and as amenable to the [Navigation] law because said vessel was Dutch built. Reference Book VI, pp. 228-9.
Treasury letters patent constituting William Gribble as supervisor of the re-melting of tin in Truro, co. Cornwall, loco Israel Pennell, deceased. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 336.
Entry of the [Treasury Lords'] orders, rules and instructions to be observed by the Remembrancer of First Fruits, the Comptroller thereof and the auditors and all others concerned in the revenue of First Fruits and Tenths. [1] The Remembrancer not to make any composition but with the consent of the Comptroller ; and both to sign the composition : and the Comptroller to have free access to the surveys of ecclesiastical benefices and other books of said revenue of First Fruits and Tenths. [2] If any incumbent be willing to pay down in ready money at the time of composition or similarly to pay off their bonds already entered into, no fee whatsoever is to be demanded of him. [3] A [state of the] remain of bonds is to be annually taken by the Remembrancer and Comptroller and the Comptroller to have the power of retrospecting to examine whether the Remembrancer and other officers have faithfully executed their trusts and thereupon to make representations to us [the Treasury Lords]. [4] The bonds so remaining and all others that shall be taken hereafter are to be immediately numbered and locked up with two distinct locks, one key thereof to be kept by the Remembrancer, the other by the Comptroller. [5] The Comptroller not to deliver out any bond without production of an acquittance from the Receiver of due payment made on such bond. [6] No process to issue out of the Remembrancer's Office but what shall be signed by the Remembrancer and Comptroller. [7] Forthwith upon receipt of any returns, from the Bishop, of institutions and inductions, the Remembrancer is to communicate them to the Comptroller, who is to enter them in books for that purpose. [8] The Comptroller to keep exact and fair entries of all matters relating to said revenue, which may be a perfect comptroll upon the Remembrancer's accounts ; and the Remembrancer and Receivers are to submit to the keeping of such comptrol. [9] The Comptroller is from time to time to sign and attest the Remembrancer's account of compositions before it be received by the auditors. [10] The Comptroller and the Receivers are quarterly to compare their books of receipts to see whether more money hath not been answered to the King than acquittances have been produced to the Comptroller ; that so process may not issue to the harassing the subject when there only wants the formality of taking up the bond. [11] That as soon as the states of rectories, vicarages etc. are made out by the Remembrancer they be forthwith transmitted to the Comptroller, that so he may speak with the parties to know if they will pay down their First Fruits and to see that too much time be not given to such as shall not pay down. [12] The books of values in the Remembrancer's Office are to be compared with the auditors' [books] in order to adjusting one with the other. [13] The auditors are to receive no constats but what shall be signed by the Remembrancer and the Comptroller. [14] These instructions to be set up in the Office as also a Table of the Ancient Fees so that all concerned may know. [14] No fee to be demanded on account of process but when 'tis actually issued. [15] In case the Bishops do not make their returns duly the Remembrancer and Comptroller are to quicken them. [15] A convenient time to be allowed the Comptroller for examining all such process as shall issue : and the returns thereof are to be communicated to the Comptroller. [16] Such method is to be followed for bringing in the First Fruits from the Bishops as the Treasury shall now or hereafter direct, "the Bishops not being in process as other clergy are." [17] As fifth [sic for fresh] bonds are taken they are to be kept on the file and not altered from time to time unless when the parties pay down the whole duty. [18] All returns from the Bishops upon writs of certiorari are to be entered by the Comptroller and all pleas thereon or otherwise for discharge of bonds, according to Act of Parliament, are to be both entered and signed by the Comptroller. Ibid, pp. 337-9.
Treasury warrant to the [surviving] Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to Sir John Banks, bart., rents as in schedule (b) infra as in reprize, recompense and satisfaction of rents as in schedule (a) infra and the arrears thereof, these latter having proved to be unrealisable by reason of having been doubly conveyed, or of being bad, illeviable [or undiscoverable]. Banks is first to pay the balance of 82l. 15s. 4d. as below.
Prefixing : (a) schedule of said illeviable rents as certified by Auditor John Shales July 10 last.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 340-3.
County of Kent.
Per an.
l. s. d.
a rent out of certain lands in Denchurch [Dymchurch] 0 10 6
a fee farm rent out of five acres in Sevenoaks 0 3 4
a rent out of the manor of Rumney [Romney] in the parish of Brookland 1 9 1
a rent out of land in Shoulden 0 1 4
a rent out of land at Spouts Crowch in Bringwood [Ringwould] parish 0 0 10¾
a rent out of a tenement in Holden [Hollanden] 0 0 7
a rent out of lands ibid. 0 3 4
a rent for lands in Great Carte [Great Chart] 0 6 8
a rent for lands in Halstow 0 13 4
a ditto out of other lands in Halstow 0 13 8
a rent or Tenth out of lands in Marden 0 3 8
a rent for a croft in Elmsted 0 1 6
a rent for land ibid. 0 0 8
part of a rent of 1l. 1s. 8d. for lands in Yeilding [? Lelden] in Adersham [Adisham] parish 0 3 4
part of a rent of 14l. 15s. 4d. for divers lands in Dover and Hufhams [Hougham] 7 11 5
a rent for Beckhurst Wood in Aldington 3 6 3
£15 9
which at 16 years' purchase make 247l. 13s. 0d. and the arrears thereon for six years to 1677, Michaelmas, come to 92l. 17s. 4½d. ; and for 12 years to 1689, Michaelmas, on 41l. 0s. 2¾d. [sic for 40s. 2¾d.] (part of said total) come to 24l. 15s. 9d. : thus making a total of 365l. 6s. 1½d. for which reprize is to be given.
(b) Schedule of other rents to be hereby granted as above as reprise : certified by Auditor J. Phelips.
Co. Kent.
l. s. d.
a rent out of the manor of River 14 12 0
a rent out of lands in Swinefield [Swingfield] and Brockland [Brookland] and St. Austins 2 4
a rent out of lands in Halstow paid by Mr. Castor Venman 0 5 8
a ditto there paid by Henry Collins 0 6 8
a ditto in Upton paid by Sir Edward Boyce 0 11 10
a ditto there paid by Edward Turner 0 12 0
a ditto there paid by Clement Buck 0 2 6
a rent out of Brewers Luckingdale Farthings and Walton 2 2 0
rents out of Butsom paid by Sir Jon. Honywood 2 6 0
rents out of Honnygavell paid by Jo[h]n Dunkin 0 5 0
a rent out of the manor of Dean paid by Samuell Clerke 0 8 5
a rent out of Elmstead Court Lodge paid by Jo[h]n Lushington 0 1 8
a rent out of Parkehouse and land called Lindsorsin, Folkeston 0 8 10
a rent out of part of the manor of Ashmes Feild in Waltham 0 1
a rent out of the manor of Sheaford paid by Richard Morris 0 19
a rent out of 25 acres of land in Hackington 0 3 6
a rent out of the manor of Mayton [? Maytham] or Maxton in Sturry 0 11 6
a rent out of Northwilderton paid by Anthony Turry 0 1 6
a rent out of Roughton, alias Shelve, paid by — Wilkinson 0 13 4
a rent out of lands in Sutton Valentse [Sutton Valence] in Parkendon Mon[astery] 0 2
a rent out of the manor of Nunnington paid by — Sampson 0 2 4
a rent out of the manor of Ham paid by Jo[h]n Boyce 0 1 6
a rent out of Westgate manor paid by the Dean of Canterbury 0 1 6
a rent out of lands in Upper and Nether Court paid by Jo[h]n Johnson 0 4 0
a rent out of Lewknor Court paid by Mr. Nowell 0 3 4
a rent out of lands in Harbledown paid by Richard Mosden 0 1 8
a ditto there paid by William Mann 0 0 10
a ditto there paid by Anthony Farrer 0 4 3
£28 0 3
which at 16 years' purchase come to 448l. 4s. 0d. : thus leaving 82l. 15s. 4d. balance due from Banks to the Crown on this reprisal.
The like warrant as above for the like reprise, as follows, of lands as in (b) infra to be made to said Sir John Banks in satisfaction of Pipe rents as in (a) infra, from which said Banks has received no return for the last 12 years [for like reasons as above].
Prefixing : (a) schedule of Pipe rents conveyed to Sir John Banks 1672, Sept., which have proved illeviable as above and for which he desires recompense.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 343-8.
l. s. d.
for the half hundred of Bledgate [Bleangate] 0 13 4
for the borough of Bridge 0 5 10
for the hundred of Kinghamford 0 7 3
for the borough of Littlebourn 0 6 8
for ditto of Wickhambren, alias Wickhambrean [Wickhambrenx] 0 6 8
for ditto of Little Hardres 0 5 10
for ditto of Great Hardres 0 11 8
for ditto of Patrixbourne 0 5 10
for ditto [? hundred] of Ringslow 2 13 4
for the borough of Preston 0 13 4
for ditto of Whitstable 1 0 0
for ditto of Nottinden 0 5 10
for ditto of Litchingborne, alias Bishopsbourne 0 5 11
for the hundred of Blackmanbury 0 5 10
for the township of Southton, alias Sutton 0 1 0
for ditto of Waldershare 0 2 0
for ditto of West Langdon 0 0
for ditto of Barefriston [Barfreston], alias Burston 0 1 6
for ditto of Wickham 0 2 0
for ditto of Denton 0 1 9
for ditto [? hundred] of Cornulo [Cornilo] 1 17 6
for the township of Belsinger 0 3 6
for ditto of Oxney 0 2 0
for ditto of Fredville 0 3 6
for ditto of Knowlton 0 5 0
for ditto of Soles 0 3 6
for ditto of Linnborough 0 0 3
for ditto of Each 0 0 9
for ditto of Bedding, alias Geddinge 0 3 6
for ditto of Little Huffam [Hougham] 0 1 0
for ditto of Little Syberston 0 0 6
for ditto of Newfield 0 2
for ditto of Elnodington 0 1 3
for ditto of Cumberwell, alias Cromwell 0 0 3
for ditto of Popishall 0 3 6
for ditto of Roddesbury 0 0
for ditto of Shringling 0 3 6
for ditto of Upper Hamwould 0 1 6
for ditto of Ringleton 0 5 0
for ditto of Gurtham 0 1 3
for ditto of Bewsfeild 0 1 6
for ditto of Crestney Court 0 1 0
for ditto of Sybertswould [Sibertswold], alias Upton 0 2 0
for ditto of Great Hangham 0 1 0
for the hundred of Folkestone 3 6 8
for ditto of Loveingbirth, alias Loveingborow 0 10 0
for ditto of Stowting 1 0 0
for ditto of Heane 0 8 0
for ditto of Ham 0 8 0
for ditto of Oxney 0 8 0
for ditto of Streate [Street] 0 10 0
for ditto of Newchurch 0 1 0
for the township of Buckland 0 3 6
for ditto of Baldesmore 0 6
for the borough of Throwleigh [Throwley] 0 9 10
for ditto of Ecasture 0 4 0
for ditto of Selling, alias Haefield 0 13 4
for ditto of Pevington 0 2 0
for the seven hundreds 1 3 4
for the borough of Romden, alias Romsden 0 1 9
for ditto of Rudloe 0 0 6
for ditto of Swinsford 0 1 9
for ditto of Ewell 0 8 0
for ditto of Selgrave 0 4 0
for ditto of Gosfold, alias Gosthold 0 6 8
for ditto of Market 0 2 8
for ditto of Northernes 0 4 0
for ditto of Bowerland 0 2 8
for ditto of Shrumpleden 0 1 5
for ditto of Argarishall 0 8 7
for ditto of Buxford 0 2 8
for ditto of Stepleden 0 9 4
for ditto of Wilgrave 0 4 8
for ditto of Rode 0 3 6
for ditto of Herste [Hurst] 0 2 8
for ditto of Hertigh 0 6 10
for ditto of Loddenham 0 3 6
for ditto of Easling 0 7 6
for ditto of Brinuston 0 3 2
for the township of Cowling [Cooling] 0 3 0
for ditto of Ardeington, alias Allington 0 2 0
for ditto of Barnfield 0 3 0
for ditto of Chettham [? Chatham] 0 13 4
for ditto of Ryarsh 0 1 4
for ditto of Cobham 0 3 4
for ditto of Chalk 0 3 0
for ditto of Shorne 0 4 8
for the hundred of Hoo 1 6 8
for the township of Brenthesley [Brenchley] 0 18
for ditto of Great Cakely 0 0 8
for ditto of Mortimar 0 1 0
for ditto of Perry and Cliffe 0 2 0
for ditto of Cottingham 0 0 8
for ditto of Luffington, alias Lullingstone 0 5 4
for ditto of Combe 0 4 0
for ditto of Charlton 0 2 8
for ditto of Maplescombe 0 2 10
for ditto of Little and Lesnes [Lessness] 1 0 0
for ditto of Little Hoo 0 4 0
for ditto of Plumstead and Little 0 4 0
for ditto of Somerden, alias Queenborough 0 3 0
for ditto of Chistehurst [Chislehurst] 0 0
for ditto of Rudloe 0 1 5
for ditto of Bettenham [Beckenham] 0 6 0
for ditto of Wickham 0 1 5
for ditto of Ash 0 2 4
for ditto of Chappesfeeld, alias Chelsfield 0 1 0
for ditto of Coddenham, alias Cudham 0 8 0
for ditto of St. Ling 0 0 6
for ditto of Paulstray 0 2 0
for ditto of Okemere 0 1 2
for the hundred of Oxney 0 12 10½
for ditto of Twyford, alias Twisford 0 8 0
for ditto of Larkfield 1 2 8
for ditto of Faversham 0 10 0
for ditto of Chart 0 9 10
for ditto of Filborough 0 10 0
for ditto of Wye 0 13 9
for ditto of Bredge [Bridge] 0 15 0
for ditto of Estroy 1 19 6
for ditto of Stowting 1 0 0
for ditto of Bewsborough 0 12 4
for ditto of Blengate [Bleangate] 0 6 8
for the township of Brenthly [Brenchley] 0 6 8
for the Court Leet of Greenwich and Dertford [Deptford] 0 10 0
for the township of Higham 0 3 6
£44 14
which at 16 years' purchase come to 715l. 15s. 4d. : and 12 years' arrears of rents thereon from 1677 to 1689, Sept. 29, come to 536l. 16s. 6d., making in all 1,252l. 11s. 10d.
(b) Schedule, certified by Auditor J. Philips, of the rents which are to be conveyed to said Banks as in reprise for the above :
l. s. d.
a rent out of the manor of Northfleet 54 19 10
a ditto out of the manor of Shoreham 20 5 5
a ditto out of the manor of Woodnesborough 3 6 8
£78 11 11
which at 16 years' purchase come to 1,257l. 10s. 8d. : thus leaving a balance of 4l. 18s. 10d. due to the Crown from said Banks on the completion of this reprisal.
Sept. 6. Money warrant for 75l. to Simon de Brienne and Mary his wife for 1689, Christmas quarter, on their yearly allowance as housekeeper and wardrobekeeper at their Majesties' house at Kensington. Money Book X, p. 465.
Same for 100l. to Thomas Pullen for half a year to 1689, Sept. 29, on his fee as Master of the Stud. Ibid, p. 466.
William Jephson to Mr. Hen. Gregor at his house at Truro. I have yours of the 1st inst. in reply to mine of the 25th ult., supra, p. 789. My Lords desire you to send with all speed a particular account stated by way of debtor and creditor of all the money by you received and paid for buying tin [for the King]. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 353.
Sept. 8. Same to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing Mr. Bowles's certificate [missing] concerning the measuring of ships. Certify my Lords if the method therein be according to the rules of the Navy for measuring ships ; if not, give my Lords a plain and particular account what the rules of the Navy are [for same]. Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren and Mr. Talman, respectively Surveyor and Comptroller of the Works. My Lords approve of the articles of agreement between Mathew Child of Kensington of the one part and you of the other for the conveyance to the Crown of a parcel of ground abutting west on the way or passage leading from the common road from Kensington to London [and ...? lacuna] to their Majesties' new palace of Kensington, and containing 200 feet in depth from the said road to the brick wall behind the stables there lately built and 31 foot in breadth, together with a triangular piece of ground at the south end thereof next the road : which said piece of ground is to be laid into said way or passage and separated by a brick wall from the garden now belonging to the messuage there commonly known by the sign of the Whitehart, now in the possession of said Child : with a covenant on Child's part not to build within 30 feet of said wall, or make a door in it or allow the building of any brewhouse, dyehouse, malthouse, soap boiling house, tallow boiling house or other houses of any such offensive trades to the prejudice of the air or annoyance of the said palace or the gardens thereto : the purchase price to be 400l.
Appending : said articles of agreement.
Ibid, pp. 354-6.
Sept. 9. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to satisfy the orders for 6,031l. 10s. 10d. to John Hayward, carpenter, for stores, ut supra, p. 548, out of the loans on the 2s. Aid, whether made by said Hayward or any other person. Money Book X, p. 467.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Hearthmoney Office, London, for the year ended June 24 last : total, 564l. 2s. 5d. (including items to Eliz. Holt, printer ; Hen. Hatley, Richard Goodall and Richard Littleton, stationers ; Tho. Gill for sending letters etc. ; Edward Noell for law charges ; Tho. Hall, treasurer [of the Hearthmoney] for payments to Jo[h]n Stephenson, Walter Harris, Noell Glover, Cha. Wind and Richard Roberts). Ibid, p. 468.
William Jephson to Mr. Smith, enclosing a letter from Mr. Sotherne, Secretary of the Admiralty, enclosing the bond given by Mr. Woolfe and two other merchants of London to procure 30 mariners at Portsmouth for the Navy. You are to prosecute said bond. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 354.
William Jephson to Major Norton. I have communicated to the Treasury Lords yours of the 4th inst. concerning moneys due to the inhabitants of Gosport and thereabouts on account of Sick and Wounded. My Lords have spoken to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded about it, who say they have lately returned 200l. thither and they are taking care to pay the said inhabitants more money. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 354.
Same to Visct. Falkland. Why is your account as late Treasurer of the Navy not proceeded with? You are to cause it to be forthwith despatched, as the account of the present Treasurer cannot be perfected for want of finishing yours. (The like letter to Sir Edward Seymour concerning his account as late Treasurer of the Navy : addressed to his house at Maiden Bradley ; to go by the Shaftesbury [post] bag.) Ibid, pp. 356, 357.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to admit to entry on payment of 16d. per gallon duty the 81 pieces of French brandy now at Dover, which when bound for Hamburg were taken as prize and lately cleared by the Admiralty Court, 13 pieces whereof containing 1,652 gallons are above proof, on which the duty is 2s. 8d. per gallon : and the remaining 67 [sic] pieces containing 7,344 gallons are low proof (the duty whereon is 1s. 4d. per gallon) or very low proof ; Mr. Jacobson, the merchant owner of said brandy, being resolved to transport the same to Hamburg unless the duty of 1s. 4d. be accepted for the whole parcel, many of the pieces having been abused since they came into the King's warehouse. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 348.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to John Jennings, gent., of divers lands in Upton, Tetbury and Stapleton [co. Gloucester], being parcel of the estate of Tobie Mayo and William Atwood, extended for debt : at a rent of 7s. 8d. per an. and fine of 15s. 4d. Ibid, p. 349.
Sept. 10. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of any disposable money in the Exchequer, 6,263l. 5s. 6d. to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to complete 150,000l. for the service of Ireland, "which is intended to be sent thither." Disposition Book IX, p. 11.
Same to Mr. Hall to pay the Hearthmoney incidents bill of 564l. 2s. 5d. for the year ending June 24 last. Ibid.