Lateran Regesta 314: 1432

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 314: 1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 314: 1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 314: 1432". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXIV (fn. 1)

2 Eugenius IV

De Beneficiis Vacantibus

Prid. Non. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 8d.)
To the abbot of Ynysgath in the diocese of Killaloe. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Charles Magillapadrig, clerk, of the diocese of Killaloe, who is by both parents of noble race, that Donald Ocuynd, rector of the united parish churches of Kyllnafearbagy and Colleboum, alias Obracayn, in the said diocese, has dilapidated divers of their goods, has children in his house and is a notorious fornicator (notorius in lare suo prolem foucns gradicntem fornicator est), neglects to celebrate mass and say the canonical hours, to preach and to administer the sacraments, and has committed perjury, if Charles will accuse Donald before him, to summon Donald, and if he find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive Donald and in that event to collate and assign the said rectory, of the patronage of laymen and value not exceeding 14 marks, provided that the said patrons consent, to Charles. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (Ja. and M. Pinardi. | Ja. xxvi. Octavo Kal. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
4 Id. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 9d.)
To the prior of Rathclag in the diocese of Limerick, and the archdeacon and Gilbert Olayn, canon, of Limerick. Mandate to collate and assign to Awly (Aulauus) Ohymuyr, perpetual vicar of Valistrostan in the diocese of Limerick, the perpetual vicarage of Kylkyde in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, so long void, by the death of Maurice Ohrulachan, that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see, summoning and removing Gilbert O'Rearmede, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained it for more than seven years under pretext of a collation made by the ordinary after the said lapse; whether it be void in the way stated, or by the obtaining by Richard de Burgo, priest, by authority of the ordinary, of the vicarage of Balymwilhe alias Villiston in the diocese of Emly; notwithstanding that Awly holds the said vicarage of Vallistrostan, which he is to resign upon obtaining that of Kylkyde. Vite etc. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xxii. Octavoas in the preceding.)
10 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 18.)
To the prior of St. Mary's de Ynyssathlyn (rectius Ynysfathlyn) in the diocese of Ardfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Maurice Ocuoma, clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert (who was lately dispensed by authority of the ordinary, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the fourth degree of kindred, to be promoted to minor orders, after which he had himself tonsured) the perpetual vicarage of Kylloccayn alias Conoccayn Naheagaylsy in the said diocese, value not exceeding 5 marks, void at the apostolic see, and therefore reserved, by the death there of Malachy Osuchayn; summoning and removing Donatus Ocuoma, priest, of the said diocese, who has for more than eight years unduly detained it under pretext of a collation by the ordinary. Dignum etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. xx. Secundo Non. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Non. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 29.)
To the abbot of Holy Trinity, Ballintober (de Fonte Sancti Patricii), in the diocese of Tuam, and Lewis (Lodofico) Oberra and John Oculayn, canons of Tuam. Mandate—the pope having been informed by John Machbarit, priest, of the diocese of Tuam, that David Valensis, priest, rector of Inyismeoyn alias Portmayn in the said diocese, has been guilty of perjury, of publicly keeping a concubine and of dilapidating the goods of the said rectory—if John will accuse David before them, to summon David, and if they find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive David, and in that event to collate and assign the said rectory, of the patronage of laymen and value not exceeding 4 marks, if lapsed, or if not, provided that the said patrons consent, to John, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure. Vite etc. (Ja. and P. de Montella. | Ja. xxviii. Secundo Id. Octobris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Non. Oct.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 30d.)
To the provost, and Cornelius Omochan and Donald Omochan, canons, of Achonry. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Philip Machenregi, clerk, of the diocese of Achonry, that Nicholas Onaraid, priest, rector of the rectory of the parish churches of the rural lands of Sliabloga in the said diocese, has dilapidated goods of the said rectory, and, a notorious fornicator, has begotten offspring, still alive, by divers women (ac notorius fornicator existens proles eciam super terram gradientes ex diversis mulieribus procreavit), and has neglected mass and other divine offices and the cure of souls, and has engaged in secular business and led a dissolute life in houses of laymen (secularium)—if Philip will accuse Nicholas before them, to summon Nicholas, and if they find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive Nicholas, and in that event to collate and assign the said rectory, of the patronage of laymen and value not exceeding 12 marks, to Philip; whether it be void by the said deprivation, or by the non-promotion to the priesthood of David de Anglo, or in any other way. Vite etc. (Ja. and pro H. de Hubanto, A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xxvi. Secundo Id. Octobris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 37.)
To the bishop of Killaloe, the abbot of Clare (de Forgio alias de Clar) in the diocese of Killaloe, and the archdeacon of Killaloe. Mandate to collate and assign to Cornelius Odeaid, clerk, of the diocese of Killaloe (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he had himself tonsured), the perpetual vicarage of Disertmaclacala in the said diocese, value not exceeding 10 marks, so long void, by the death of John Odeaid, that its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing Donatus Okealleid, priest, of the said diocese, who has unduly detained it for more than five years under pretext of a collation made by authority of the ordinary after the said lapse. Vite etc. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali | Ja. xxii. Secundo Non. Novembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
4 Non. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 43d.)
To the precentor of Ardfert. Mandate to admit the proposed resignation by Thomas Markathayn of his perpetual vicarage of Kyllukacoyn in the diocese of Killaloe, and to collate and assign it, value not exceeding 8 marks, to John Ohuoluchan, clerk, of the said diocese, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as in the preceding; whether it be void by the said resignation, or by the death of Robert Yhuoluchan, or in any other way. The precentor is to see that there be no simony. Dignum etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. xx. Quinto Id. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
5 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 44d.)
To the bishop of Adria, and the treasurer and the chancellor of Ardfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Cornelius Olongsygh, clerk, of the diocese of Killaloe (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man etc. as in the preceding, after which he had himself tonsured), the perpetual vicarage of Da[n] ghean in the diocese of Ardfert, value not exceeding 12 marks, void by the death of John Omalachan. Vite etc. (Ja. … as in the preceding.) [See above, pp. 5, 48.]
9 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 45d.)
To the chancellor of Ardfert. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Dermit Oscanlayn, clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert, that Donatus Oconcyuyd, perpetual vicar of Magierhir in the said diocese, has dilapidated its goods, has neglected the cure of souls, preaching and the administration of the sacraments and sacramentals, and has committed perjury—if Dermit (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the third and third degrees of kindred, to be promoted etc. as above, f. 37) will accuse Donatus before him, to summon Donatus, and if he find the above to be true, to deprive Donatus, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 6 marks, to Dermit; notwithstanding that the pope lately granted him provision of a canonry and prebend of Ardfert, value not exceeding 2 marks. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect, to hold the vicarage. Vite etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. x. Residuum pro deo. Secundo Id. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See Cal. Lett. VII, p. 483, and above, p. 397, and below, p. 425.]

[De Dignitatibus Vacantibus]

7 Id. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 91d.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Dungemin, in the diocese of Derry, and Nemeas Ohenrachtaich and Donald Oceallachan, canons of Clogher and Armagh. Mandate, if they find that it was lawful, to admit for this time only the resignation mentioned below, and to collate and assign to Dermit Machlosgaid (sic), canon of Derry—who has for several years in the university of Oxford and in other studia particularia studied canon law, and who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, according to some, as the son of a priest and a married woman, according to others, (i) to be promoted etc., as above, f. 37, (ii) to receive and hold, in the event of their being collated to him in virtue of a papal mandate of provision which had been made in his favour, the perpetual vicarage of Nuatmail alias Nuadmail Kannid and the rectory of Drumgoasa sive Ros alias the comorbanship of St. Kannicius, in the diocese of Derry, which rectory has under it three churches, of whose fruits the rector of Drumgoasa has been wont to receive two parts, and the perpetual vicar one part, and which rectory is called by some a plebanatus or dignity or personatus—the deanery of Derry, a major elective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 48 marks, which Eugenius Macmenmun Ydomnaill, clerk, of the diocese of Derry, resigned in the Roman court; summoning and removing Catholicus Macgillabridi, priest, of the diocese of Raphoe, whom Dermit cannot safely meet in the city and diocese of Derry, and who has unduly detained it for more than three years and three months under pretext of papal letters surreptitiously obtained, which made no mention of the then detainer, as required by certain papal constitutions [see Ottenthal, Regulæ Cancell. Apost., pp. 219 and 248, i.e. Regulæ Mart. V, No. 127, and Eug. IV, No. 81]; whether it be void by the said resignation, or by the resignation of the late John Mercmaclind (sic), likewise made in the Roman court, or in any other way; notwithstanding that Dermit has been received as a canon of Derry by authority of papal letters by which provision was ordered to be made him of a canonry of Derry with reservation of a prebend, that he holds the said vicarage, and that provision has been ordered to be made to him of the said rectory, value not exceeding 8 and 40 marks respectively. He is hereby specially dispensed, on account of the said defect etc. to hold the deanery, upon obtaining which he is to resign the said vicarage and all right in or to the said rectory. Vite etc. (An. and Conilli. | An. xxxiiii. Sextodecimo Kal. Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See Cal, Lett, VII, p. 43, and above, pp. 354, 355.]

[De Beneficiis Vacantibus (cont.)]

6 Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 96d.)
To the precentor of Ossory. Mandate to collate and assign to David Gunden, priest, rector of Bewle alias Ownyng in the diocese of Ossory, the perpetual vicarage of Feden in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, void because John Obroter, who is to be summoned and removed, held it for more than a year without having himself ordained priest, and has detained it for another year since the end of the said year; notwithstanding that he holds the said rectory of Bewle, value not exceeding 3 marks, which upon obtaining the said vicarage he is to resign. Dignum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxii. Tercio Non. Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See above, p. 397.]
9 Kal. April.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 118d.)
To the abbot of St. Mary's, Clochor, and Solomon Macreuair and Maurice Olergussa, canons of Clogher. Mandate as below. The perpetual vicarage of St. Tierney's (Sancti Tygernatii), Cluayneys, in the diocese of Clogher, became void, and ipso facto reserved to Martin V, by the death when following the Roman court of John Mocmolind at Cave (in loci castri Cavarum) in the diocese of Palestrina, less than two days’ journey from the pope's city of Anagni, whither the papal court had been transferred from Rome, and, the said pope having died without disposing thereof, remains reserved to the present pope. The pope therefore orders the above to collate and assign it, value not exceeding 6 marks, to Magonius Oleargassa, clerk, of the said diocese, who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as above, f. 37, summoning and removing Nellanus Macannlegynd, priest, of the said diocese, who under pretext of an expectative grace of pope Martin intruded himself after and against pope Martin's said reservation, and detained the vicarage for two years before the death of the said pope; whether it became void as stated, or by the resignation of Brice Omearaich in the Roman court, or in any other way. Vite etc. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xi. Residuum pro deo, Terciodecimo Kal. Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.) [See Cal. Lett. VII, p. 202.]
16 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 136.)
To the dean of Ardagh. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Rory Macmurcheartaich, clerk, of the diocese of Ardagh, that Richard Ofragail (sic), perpetual vicar of Rillacythe (sic) in the said diocese, simoniacally promised and paid money to Carbricus Ofergail, clerk, of the said diocese (who was litigating against him about the said vicarage), is a public fornicator and has been guilty of dilapidation, if the said Rory (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman related in the triple third and the fourth degrees of kindred, to be promoted etc. as above, f. 37) will accuse Richard before him, to summon Richard, and if he find the above or enough thereof to be true, to deprive and remove Richard, and in that event to collate and assign the said vicarage, value not exceeding 8 marks, to Rory. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xiiii. Residuum pro deo. Secundo Id. Junii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See Cal. Lett. VII, p. 571, and below, f. 151d.]
16 Kal. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 139.)
To the prior of SS. Peter and Paul's de Innocentia by Athlone, in the diocese of Elphin, and the provost and the official of Elphin. Mandate to collate and assign to William Ofalluyn, priest, of the diocese of Elphin, the perpetual vicarage of Hathhsgrach in the said diocese, value not exceeding 10 marks, so long void by the death of Malachy Offalluyn, that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see, summoning and removing Malachy Ocormuc, clerk, of the diocese of Cashel, who has unduly detained it for more than a year under pretext of a collation by authority of the ordinary made after the said lapse. Vite etc. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali. | Ja. viiii. Residuum pro deo. Decimo octavo Kal. Julii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
8 Id. June.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 151d.)
To the official of Ardagh. Mandate—the pope having been informed by Rory Macmurcheartaich, clerk, of the diocese of Ardagh, that Andrew Okasayth, priest, rector of St. Mary's, Lochside alias Ballymore (Villamagna), in the diocese of Meath, value not exceeding 40 marks, simoniacally promised and paid money to William Cruys, priest, of the diocese of Meath (who was then litigating with him about the said rectory), has publicly kept a concubine and been guilty of dilapidation—if Rory (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son etc. as above, f. 136, and who has no hope of obtaining justice in the city and diocese of Meath) will accuse Andrew before him, to summon etc. as ibid., mutatis mutandis; notwithstanding that the pope lately granted Rory provision of the perpetual vicarage of Kylladoche (sic) in the diocese of Ardagh, value not exceeding 8 marks. He is hereby specially dispensed on account of the said defect etc. to hold and to resign, simply or for exchange, the said rectory, upon obtaining which the said grant shall be null. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxxii. Septimo Id. Julii Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See above, f. 136.]
Id. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 201.)
To the prior of Urqhuard in the diocese of Moray. Mandate to collate and assign to Thomas Giffart, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews, the perpetual vicarage of Cousalmoind in the diocese of Aberdeen, value not exceeding 8l. sterling, void at the apostolic see and therefore reserved, by the resignation there to the pope of Andrew de Logy, made by his proctor, Robert de Crannak, dean of Dunblane. Dignum etc. (An. and Hubanto. | An. xxii. Septimo Idus Junii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
17 Kal. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 249d.)
To the official of Glasgow. Mandate as below. It has been set forth this day to the pope on behalf of Thomas de Peblis, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow, that after he had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as above, f. 37, and in virtue thereof had been so promoted and had obtained the parish church of Bigare in the said diocese, collated to him by authority of the ordinary, he, without obtaining further dispensation on account of the said defect, exchanged the said church with William Schot, priest, for the vicarage of Innerlethane in the said diocese, the exchange being carried out by the late William, bishop of Glasgow. The pope, who has rehabilitated Thomas, and required him to resign [below, pp. 444, 445], hereby orders the above official to collate and assign to him the vicarage, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, still void by the said William's resignation; whether it be so void, or by Gilbert Foristerii obtaining the archdeaconry of Brechin, or by Thomas Roube obtaining the parish church of Cambuslang in the said diocese, or in any other way. The said Thomas is hereby specially dispensed to receive and hold the vicarage, and to resign it, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Dignum etc. (An. and Jo. de Crivellis. | An. xxvi. Quarto Id. Julii Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
3 Id. Sept.
S. Peter's, Rome
(f. 260d.)
To John Oculean, canon of Tuam. Mandate to collate and assign to Andrew Ottonis, perpetual vicar of Roba in Kera in the diocese of Tuam (who was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to be promoted etc. as above, f. 37), the vicarage of Roba in Conmacarerule in the said diocese, value not exceeding 6 marks, so long void, by the death of John le Butiler, that its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, summoning and removing Emundus le Butiler, clerk, of the said diocese, who, without sufficient dispensation on account of illegitimacy, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, has unduly detained it for about five years; notwithstanding that he holds the said vicarage of Roba in Kera, value not exceeding 4 marks, which upon obtaining that of Roba in Conmacarerule he is to resign. Dignum etc. (An. and pro. G. de Elten, A. de Camporegali. | An. xxi. Duodecimo Kal. Octobris Anno Secundo. de Adria.)


  • 1. Described on the back in Italian as ‘Eugenio IV. 1432. Anno 2. Lib. 20,’ and on the bottom edge as ‘Primus de beneficiis vacantibus Anno iido Eugenii pape iiiiti .’ A flyleaf has the contemporary notes: ‘Rubricatus per me Andream de Bripio,’ ‘Andreas,’ ‘Primus de beneficiis vacantibus Anno Secundo,’ ‘Johannes Prully’ and ‘R[ubricatus].’