Lateran Regesta 313: 1431-1432

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 313: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 313: 1431-1432', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 313: 1431-1432". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta. Vol CCCXIII (fn. 1)

1 Eugenius IV

De Dignitatibus Vacantibus

5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 3.)
To the bishop of Glasgow, the abbot of Dunfermelyne in the diocese of St. Andrews and the dean of Dunkeld. Decree etc. as below. Martin V granted on 9 Kal. Oct. anno 13 [1430] collation and assignment to Richard Creyche, canon of Dunkeld, I.U.D., out of consideration for and at the petition of James, king of Scots, whose counsellor he was, of the archdeaconry of St. Andrews, a non-major non-elective dignity with cure, void by the death extra curiam of Thomas Senescalli, value not exceeding 100l. sterling (that of the canonry and prebend of Stobo in Glasgow, provision of which the said pope had intended to make to the said Richard on the above day, not exceeding 80l. sterling), whether the said archdeaconry were void as stated or in any other way, and whether it were specially reserved, or were generally reserved because the said Thomas had been a papal chaplain, and notwithstanding that the said Richard held the parish church of Erole in the diocese of St. Andrews and a canonry and prebend of Dunkeld, value not exceeding 100l. and 20l. sterling respectively, the former of which he was to resign on obtaining the said archdeaconry. The pope hereby decrees etc., as above, p. 322, and for the same reason, in regard to the letters concerning the said archdeaconry, and orders the above three to collate and assign it to the above Richard. Racioni etc. (An. and N. Volrat. | An. xxviii. Sexto Kal. Octobris Anno Secundo. de Adria.)
3 Non. May.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 6.)
To the bishop of Glasgow. Mandate as below. It has been set forth this day to the pope on behalf of Walter Stewart, canon of Glasgow, bachelor of canon law, that on the voidance of the deanery of Moray, a major dignity, by the death of John de Duglas, the chapter, perhaps in ignorance of Martin V's reservation of all major cathedral dignities, elected the said Walter, who, then holding by a papal dispensation the parish church of Tanados (fn. 2) in the diocese of St. Andrews and the treasurership of Dunkeld, a dignity, had the election confirmed by Columba, bishop of Moray, and in virtue of the said election and confirmation obtained possession, holding together for more than a month the said deanery, parish church and treasurership, and resigning the latter to the said bishop in exchange for the right possessed in the said deanery by Thomas Archier, clerk, of the diocese of Brechin, to whom provision thereof, void as above, had been made by papal authority. The said Walter has continued to hold the said deanery and church for more than two years against ‘Execrabilis,’ on account of which the pope has rehabilitated him, requiring him to resign both deanery and church [above, p. 379]. The said deanery being therefore still void as above, and still reserved, the pope orders the above bishop to collate and assign to the said Walter, after he has duly resigned them, the said deanery, with cure and value not exceeding 60l. sterling, and the said church, the value of which and of his canonries and prebends of Barlanerk in Glasgow and Balhelbi in Aberdeen does not exceed 120l. sterling. He is hereby dispensed to receive the said deanery and church and with them one other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to hold for five years three, and for life two incompatible benefices, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases.Dignum arbitramur. (An. and H. Raiscop. | An. lxx. Octavo Kal. Decembris Anno Primo, de Adria.)

(f. 38d.)
Eugenius etc. dilecto filio Thome de Lawedre, canonico Glasguen'. Cancelled without note. In the margin: Anselmus, P. de Montella.
5 Id. March.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 41.)
To David de Hamylton, dean of Aberdeen, S.T.B. Decree as above, p. 322, and for the same reason, in regard to the collation and provision made by Martin V on 6 Id. Nov.anno 12 [1429] to him (who was also a bachelor of canon law, had received the degree of M.A. at Paris, was a kinsman of divers earls and barons of the realm of Scotland, had followed the Roman court for nine years, and for ten years had studied in divers universities) of the deanery of Aberdeen, a major elective dignity with cure, value not exceeding 60l. sterling (upon which a yearly pension of 20l. sterling was reserved to Ingram Lindesay, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow), void at the apostolic see, and therefore reserved, by the death there of James Scrymgrouc (rectius Scrymgeour), whether it were so void, or were void by the death of Nicholas Tunnok in the Roman court, or were void in any other way; notwithstanding that he—who had been lately successively dispensed by papal authority, (i) when holding inter alia the parish church of Cummok in the said diocese and having had provision ordered to be made to him by the said authority of the deanery of Glasgow, a major elective dignity with cure, to hold together for life the said deanery and church, or the said deanery and any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible therewith, even if it were a dignity etc., even elective and with cure, or another parish church, and to resign the said deanery and church, or the deanery or such other benefice, simply or for exchange, and hold instead two other benefices incompatible with one another [see Cal. Lett. VII, p. 258], (ii) provision having been ordered to be made to him by the said authority of the parish church of Kirkk[i]ner in the diocese of Whiteherne, to hold together for five years the said deanery of Glasgow and the said two churches, and to resign meanwhile Kirkk[i]ner, simply or for exchange, and receive instead an incompatible benefice and hold the same together with two of the said deanery, church of Cummok and incompatible benefices [ibid., p. 425]—was holding the said churches of Cummok and Kirkk[i]ner, value together not exceeding 120l. sterling, and the chapel without cure of St. Thomas the Martyr without the walls of Glasgow and a canonry and the prebend called the vicarage of the church of Brechin, that provision had been lately made to him of a canonry of Glasgow and the prebend called ‘Glasgoro (sic) Primo’ and of the hospital, also without cure, of Rothfen in the diocese of Aberdeen, wont to be assigned as a perpetual benefice to secular clerks, and that he was litigating about the said deanery of Glasgow, of which he was in possession, value not exceeding 8l., 20l., 60l., 40l. and 60l. sterling; pope Martin requiring, as the said David offered, that as soon as he obtained the said deanery of Aberdeen he should resign that of Glasgow, if he meanwhile won it, or the said suit and all his right in or to the said deanery. Racioni etc. [See also ibid., pp. 241, 242.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Teramo (Aprutin.) and the abbots of Deire and Aberbroctohoch (sic) in the dioceses of St. Andrews and Aberdeen. Racioni etc. (An. and Ja. Goier, M. Pinardi. | An. xx. xxii. Secundo Idus Julii Anno Adria.)

De Beneficiis Vacantibus.

2 Eugenius IV
Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 194.)
To the archdeacon of Limerick. Mandate to collate and assign to Cornelius Ohymur, canon of Limerick, by both parents of noble race, the rectory of Croom (Croma) in the diocese of Limerick, value not exceeding 20 marks, of the patronage of laymen, so long void because John Oreuerdan contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti that its collation lapsed to the apostolic see; summoning and removing William Erchedekyn, priest, of the diocese of Kildare, who has unduly detained possession for more than two years under pretext of a presentation by the patrons and institution by the ordinary, made after the said lapse; whether it be void as stated, or by the resignation of Thomas Ygrada, or in any other way, and notwithstanding that Cornelius holds the canonries and prebends of Kyllide in Limerick and Culeny in Cloyne, value together not exceeding 8 marks. Dignum etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten pro P. de Montella. | Ja. xvii. Decimoseptimo Kal. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.) [See above, p. 199.]
Prid. Non. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 195.)
To the archdeacon, the precentor and the official of Ardfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Cornelius Ochuahall, clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert, the perpetual vicarage of Achwmalayn in the said diocese, value not exceeding 8 marks, void because Donatus Ochinnela, who is to be summoned and removed, held it for more than a year without having himself ordained priest, and has unduly detained it for another year after the said year. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Decimoseptimo Kal. Decembris Anno Secundo. Aprutin.)
1 Eugenius IV
16 Kal. Jan.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 221.)
To the bishop of Alet, the abbot of Kinlos and the prior of Uruhart in the diocese of Moray. Mandate to collate and assign to Thomas de Fordyse, priest, of the diocese of Aberdeen, the subchantership of Moray, to which are annexed the parish churches of Rofort and Forthefas in the diocese of Moray, and whose value does not exceed 20l. sterling, void because William Damson has contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti, summoning and removing Adam de Narne, priest, of the said diocese [of Aberdeen], who took possession under pretext of a collation and provision, made to him by authority of the ordinary after six months from the day of the said voidance, and has detained possession for more than a year; whether it be void as above, or by the free resignation of the said William, or in any other way. Vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xx. Quinto Non. Octobris Anno Secundo.Aprutin.)

De Litteris Dominorum Cardinalium

13 Kal. Nov.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 254d.)
To Ardicinus, cardinal deacon of SS. Cosmas and Damian's. Indult during ten years to visit by deputy his archdeaconry of Northcampten in Lincoln, and to receive the procurations in ready money, not exceeding 30 [gros] tournois of silver a day, twelve to a gold florin of Florence. Quanto Romanam.
Concurrent mandate to the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of Adria and London. Quanto etc. (An. and N. Volrat, Conilli. | An. Gratis pro persona domini cardinalis. de Adria.) [See above, pp. 315, 316, 359.]


  • 1. Described on the back in Italian, as usual, ‘Eugenio IV. 1432 (sic). Anno 2(sic).Lib. 16. A flyleaf has the contemporary notes: ‘Aliotus’ (cancelled), ‘Primus de dignitatibus vacantibus, de prebendis et dignitatibus vacantibus, de beneficiis vacantibus, de litteris dominorum cardinalium Anno imo ’ (which appears also, nearly invisible, on the bottom edge of the volume), ‘Petrus M.’ and ‘Rubricatus per me, Petrum.’
  • 2. Waterstained, as is also a considerable part of this letter and of the whole volume.