Entry Book: June 1683, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: June 1683, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp846-853 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1683, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp846-853.

"Entry Book: June 1683, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp846-853.


June 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 21. Same to the Commissioners of the Stables. In your report of Feb. 28 you inform the Treasury Lords that there is a house in the Mews which the King has particularly granted for life to George Murry, an old coachman to the King, that may be bought for 100l. for Mr. Eagle, one of the King's Equerries, who is daily employed in his Majesty's service and has no house as the rest of the Equerries have. You are to agree for same at that price and to put Eagle in possession. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the petitions of Mr. Eardley, Mr. Pickering, Mr. Ward, Mr. Oveat, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Simon Young, referred to you long since. Ibid, p. 176.
Same to Sir James Shaen to forthwith write to Mr. Robinson, who is Treasurer to you and your partners in the late Irish Revenue firm, to pay 3,150l. to Lady Ossory, which she complains is behind on the 2,000l. per an. to her late husband. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign out of the Navy's weekly money 20l. to Eliz. Cork (Corke) out of what is due to her, in regard she has a great charge of children and is big with child. Ibid.
Same to same to pay as imprest by two weeks' instalments out of the Navy weekly money the 30l. due by assignment to Ann Hollyday. Ibid.
Money warrant for 261l. 4s. 0d. to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service without account: in part of 500l. for 1681, Sept. 29 quarter, on the 2,000l. per an. as by the privy seal of 1674, Aug. 25. [For the Earl of Sussex.] (Money order dated July 12 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 208. Order Book XXXIX, p. 88.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ James Chambers as a noon tender London port loco Philip Bowles, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 211.
Daniell Donn as a tidesman extraordinary London port and to be employed next after those in fee.
Same to same to pay Ralph Williamson, Comptroller of Newcastle port, 50l. for his charge in settling the rules of the coast bonds and in detecting the fraudulent practices between the merchants and officers in raising the market price of corn there when great quantities of foreign rye were imported there by reason whereof the merchants paid only the low duty on said rye; upon which case a trial was ordered, but the merchants agreed to pay the third part of the duty by the Act of Tillage since which time there has been paid near 7,000l. into the Customs on that account. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords (as by an order of reference dated 1681–2, Jan. 9) on the petition of Sir Thomas Clarges, praying a grant, for 700l. consideration, of the inheritance of the scite of the late monastery of Reading (of which he has a lease for 32 years to come) and also of certain particulars excepted in his said lease, viz. a little brick tenement where Sir William Armorer inhabited, five other brick tenements near thereto in the tenure of William Odes with part of the Forbery and such stables, barns and granaries as were used for any of the horses of the King or his predecessors. We have delayed so long in our report hereon, being unwiling to advise your Majesty to alien any part of your inheritance. The Commissioners of the Stables report that the premises may well be aliened, as it would be a considerable charge to repair and maintain the buildings, which are now very ruinous and can be of no use during petitioner's lease of the meadows. They also propose to sink the office of Surveyor, Purveyor, Granator and Stable Keeper at Reading, if this grant be made, though they also propose that the rights of the Master of the Horse should not be diminished. If the grant be made as desired the Surveyor General rates the reversion at 348l. with a reserve rent of 2l. per an. and the excepted items at 650l. We agree with this valuation. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 208.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to Henry Warner, alias Lee, son and executor of John Warner, the following rents, viz.: Ibid, pp. 210–11.
Co. Warwick. per an.
l. s. d.
a fee farm rent out of the rectory of Bidford 10 10 0
a ditto out of the rectory of Milverton 3 0 0
a ditto out of the rectory of Hampton in Arden 9 6 8
a rent out of tithes in Greenborough 1 0 8
Co. Lincoln. per an.
l. s. d.
a rent out of several lands and tenements in Birmingham 2 7 9
a rent out of the manor of Bever 6 13 4
The abovesaid rents being 36l. 4s. 2d. per an. are valued at 579l. 6s. 8d. at 16 years' purchase being rents in possession; and are to be as a reprisal for the annual rent of 49l. 0s. 7d. (part of an annual rent of 315l. per an. being the ancient farm of the city of London granted to the mayor, sheriffs, aldermen etc.), which said 49l. 0s. 7d. per an. was by indenture of 1674, May 8, conveyed by the Trustees for Fee Farms to John Kent and Roger Reeve and Richard Hawkins as trustees for John Lindsay, and the said Lindsay by indenture dated 1675–6, Mar. 18, conveyed same to John Warner, of Southfleet, co. Kent: but since the execution of said deeds the Queen has claimed said rent as part of her jointure and the Exchequer Court adjudged it to her, wherefore the heir of said Warner is entitled to a reprize. The said rent is valued at 392l. 4s. 8d. and eight years' interest comes to 188l. 5s. 4d., making a total of 580l. 10s. 0d., so that said Warner loses 1l. 3s. 4d.
June 22. Henry Guy to the Earl of Anglesea. Send your reply to the enclosed letter sent from the Auditors of Imprests to the Treasury Lords [and relating to your accounts]. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 176.
Same to Mr. Creed returning the demand of the Victuallers of Tangier. The Treasury Lords approve thereof. Ibid.
Appending: note of said demand viz. for 2,196l. 16s. 6d. for the latter moiety of provisions issued to 3,446 men from 1682–3, Feb. 5, to 1683, April 2.
Same to the Navy Commissioners enclosing (a) infra. Certify the Treasury Lords how much will be sufficient to pay two years' wages to the seamen of his Majesty's ship Swan. Ibid, p. 177.
Enclosing: (a) the petition of Margrt. Grant, Anne Rawlins and Mary Davis in behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of Wapping showing that the seamen of the Swan are indebted to them and being burnt out by the fire there they pray for said seamen to be paid to preserve them and their children from ruin.
Same to Sir Ri. Haddock, enclosing (a) infra. Certify the Treasury Lords what is due to the seamen and their wives named therein. Ibid.
Enclosing: (a) a letter directed to Sir Stephen Fox from about 20 seamens' wives whose husbands belong to the Diamond, Tiger, Crown and Newcastle.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the Barton of Bradridge with a view to a lease thereof to William Symons. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 209.
Prefixing: said Surveyor's report on said Symons's petition. The only parties concerned, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Hatsell and Mr. Row, have petitioner's assurance that the grant desired shall be for the benefit of Francis Nele [Hele] after his attaining 21 years of age. The last grant in 1671 was to Mrs. Hele, petitioner's late wife, and her son John, who are both dead. I advise a rent of 10l. and fine of 350l. for a 99 years' lease terminable on three lives; the premises being worth 100l. per an. above the old rent. As to the renewing of leases within the Duchy of Cornwall, I conceive the tenants will be ruined if they be not permitted to renew and fill up their estates, and I know no inconveniency to his Majesty by granting reversions therein so as they be left to the rules prescribed by former Acts of Parliament, which are not to grant manors nor tenements for a longer term than 31 years or three lives in possession and reversion and reserving the old rents, which estates have always been confirmed by the next Act of Parliament that hath been passed for the Duchy and may be reasonably presumed will be so again.
June 22. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Probin as a tidesman in extraordinary, London port, and to be employed next after those in fee. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 211.
Money warrant for 13,000l. and 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward thereon to Sir Nathll. Johnson, Sir Cornwall Bradshaw, Patrick Trant, William Bridges and John Hind in repayment of 6,500l. and 6,500l. by them lent into the Exchequer respectively on Feb. 26 and 27 last, which loans by mistake were made wholly on the credit of the Hearthmoney farm rent payment [due 1682, Sept. 29 and] payable by the utmost days of grace 1682–3, Mar. 15, whereas that payment being otherwise charged there could and can be satisfied out of it only 3,300l., leaving a residue of 9,700l. with the interest and reward thereon to be satisfied out of the half year's Hearthmoney farm rent payment [due 1683, Sept. 29, and] payable by the utmost days of grace 1683–4, Mar. 15. The said interest and reward on the said 3,300l. is to be computed from Feb. 26 last to Mar. 15 last, and no further: the interest and reward on the remaining 9,700l. is to be computed from the day of the loan to 1683–4, Mar. 15 next, making the same principal at the end of each six months. The present orders are to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Farmers for 3,300l. on the farm rent payment due Mar. 15 last, and for 9,700l. together with all the interest and reward on the like payment due Mar. 15 next. The tallies of loan of Feb. 26 and 27 last are to be taken in and vacated. (Two money orders dated June 27 hereon, one for 3,300l. the other for 10,755l. 3s. 3d. being 9,700l. principal and 1,055l. 3s. 3d. being 9,700l. principal and 1,055l. 3s. 3d. interest, ut supra.) Money Book IV, pp. 208–9. Order Book XXXIX, p. 83.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Excise money directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 239.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 400 0 0
to Mr. Roberts for repairs of the Household offices at Windsor 300 0 0
to Mr. Packer, on the extraordinaries [of the Works] for laying in the water and pales in the King's garden in St. James's Park 72 10 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200 0 0
to Mris. Elianor Gwynne 250 0 0
to Sir Stephen Fox: for secret service, intended for the Earl of Sussex 300 0 0
£5,522 10 0
June 22. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Secretary Jenkins for secret service 1,000l. out of such loans as are or shall be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Richard Bell. Disposition Book II, p. 240.
Same to Visct. Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy. To-morrow there will be paid into the Exchequer two quarters' [pay] for Woolwich and Deptford yards. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 171.
June 23. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the loans made this day week by Mr. Duncombe and out of the loan of 9,400l. which he is this day to make into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 239.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for Deptford and Woolwich Yards 5,348 17 1
to ditto for [one week of the Navy's] weekly money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance Office's weekly] money 500 0 0
to Mr. Rycaut, Consul at Algiers 50 0 0
more to the Treasurer of the Navy for Deptford and Woolwich Yards 1,023 15 0
to ditto for Deptford and Woolwich Yards: out of loans made or to be made by Richard Bell into the Exchequer 4,000 0 0
£14,422 12 1
June 26. Same to the Earl of Sunderland to put a stop in his office to a grant which some person is procuring for serving the offices of Excise or Customs with stationery wares. (The like notice to Secretary Jenkins.) Out Letters (General) VII, p. 177.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign by three weekly instalments out of the weekly money for tickets the payment of 40l. 10s. 0d. due to Peter Wright, carpenter of his Majesty's ship Ruby upon his ticket. Ibid, pp. 177, 178.
Likewise to assign by way of imprest out of the weekly money 40l. to Ann Flawes, widow of Capt. William Flawes, late commander of his Majesty's pink Prosperous, in part of 98l. 11s. 10d. due upon a bill dated 1676–7, Jan. 15.
Likewise to assign by two weekly instalments out of the Ticket money the payment of 100l. to Capt. Richard Dickinson in part of 234l. 15s. 0d. due to him for wages as commander of his Majesty's ship Diamond.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to hasten their report on Samll. Charlton's petition referred to them Mar. 31 last. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn to give order for filling the King's Bathing Room with writing tables etc. for said Guy's clerks, the King having directed that it should be applied to that use. Ibid, p. 178.
June 26. Money order for 5l. to William Parks, porter of the Receipt of the Exchequer, for 1683, June 24 quarter's attendance at the gate of the Receipt and on the officers there. Order Book XXXIX, p. 83.
Same for 25l. each (275l. in all) to the following for 1683, Lady day quarter, on their yearly allowance or salary as Masters of his Majesty's High Court of Chancery, viz.: Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Adam Otley, Sir Timothy Baldwin, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir John Hoskins, Sir Samll. Clarke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir John Franklyn, Sir John Coell, Sir William Beversham and the executors of Sir Thomas Eastcourt. Ibid, p. 86.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 63l. 2s. 0d. to the Clerk of the Pipe for one year's fee to 1682, June 24, to himself and the secondary and other sworn clerks of the Pipe. Also to pay 5l. 15s. 0d. to the Comptroller of the Pipe for same year on his fee and 11l. 15s. 4d. to John Ady and John Cole for same on same. Money Book IV, p. 209.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: for 1683, June 24 quarter, on his 20,000l. per an. for three years as by the privy seal of Jan. 17 last. (Money order dated June 27 hereon.) Ibid, p. 209. Order Book XXXIX, p. 83.
Same for 22l. 15s. 0d. to the Vicars of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield for 1 ½ years to 1683, June 24, on their perpetuity. Money Book IV, p. 210.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Guy] 181l. 1s. 8d. on three orders remaining unsatisfied for secret service: same to be issued out of the 311l. 15s. 8d. paid into the Exchequer by me, being received by me on the order No. 87 registered on the late Poll and assigned to me by Mr. Kingdon for secret service. The remainder of said 311l. 15s. 8d. being 130l. 14s. 0d. is "to be issued to me when you shall receive an order for the same." Disposition Book II, p. 240.
June 27. Same to the Board of Greencloth, forwarding (a) infra. Make such order and rule therein as you think fit. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 178.
Enclosing: petition of Geo. Barkham, yeoman rider and Ferdinando Herbert, yeoman of her Majesty's stirrup, shewing that each of them had formerly 50l. per an. boardwages, but by a retrenchment of 1 July, 1679, same was taken away without any consideration for same. Pray power to be given to the Cofferer to pay the arrears of the retrenchment to 1683, Mar. 31, being 187l. 10s. 0d. to each.
Same to Mr. Corbyn to report on (a) infra. Ibid.
Enclosing: (a) letter to the Treasury Lords from Nath. Prestland, dated Edwinstowe, June 23 last. In reply to Mr. Guy's letter I think that 2,000l. a year for eight years may be raised by the old decayed oaks and birches in Birkland and Bilhay woods [if sold] for cordwood, together with what the said old trees may produce for the better uses than cordwood, if well husbanded "besides that which is old and decayed oaks in the Rt. Honble. the Earl of Kingston's parcel that his honour hath petitioned his Majesty to purchase, which said old trees may amount to near 2,000l. there being no birches in that parcel."
June 27. Henry Guy to Mr. Brisbane. The Treasury Lords resolve to send a sum of money to Tangier. Let them know what will be the longest day before the Bonaventure sails thither. In the meantime they desire the Admiralty Lords to think of a yacht to carry the money round to Portsmouth. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 171.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Brian Ambler of the lands etc. in co. Montgomery, of John Jervis, outlaw: at a rent of 2s. 6d. per an. and fine of 5s. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 211.
June 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Astry, Clerk of the Crown. Have you received from Essex Strode the fine imposed on him for his riotous breaking open the house of the late Envoy from the Duke of Savoy, and the fines of any other his accomplices? Out Letters (General) VII, p. 179.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for the payment to the East India Company of 40,463l. 10s. 0d., being the price of 1,051 tons of saltpetre at 38s. 6d. per cwt., which the said Company has agreed to furnish into the King's stores and a part whereof is already received to the King's use. The issue of said money is to be made to the Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance as imprest to be by him paid to the said Company and the same is to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs of East India goods which shall be imported by said Company from and after Sept. 29 next with 6 per cent. interest from 1673, June 20, and preferable to any other payments which are to be made out of such Customs of East India goods so imported. Further said Company is to have discount for six months and six months as by their charter, to be computed from the times of their respective importations. (Money warrant dated July 23 hereon accordingly. Money order dated July 27 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 191–2. Money Book IV, p. 232. Order Book XXXIX, p. 97.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of a docquet of a demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Sir Tho. Duppa and William Bissell of divers lands etc. in co. Monmouth of William Priddy and Fair Pridy extended for debt: at a rent of 5s. 4d. per an. and fine of 10s. 8d. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 211.
June 30. Henry Guy to Sir Tho. Jones to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 179.
Enclosing: (a) a certificate from Mr. Kenyon, Clerk of the Peace of the co. Lancs. of such persons' names as he conceives merit pardon for clipping and coining "for that they have detected others guilty of the same offences."
Same to Mr. Fillingham for a certificate of all such moneys as the several sheriffs of England have paid to the respective Receivers of Recusants' forfeitures from 1681, Sept. 29, to the present. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Mr. Roberts, Receiver of Windsor Works; same to be issued out of the 1,023l. 15s. 0d. loan money now remaining in the Exchequer. Hereof 420l. is intended for Monsieur Varo and the remaining 580l. for the avenue at Windsor. Disposition Book II, p 240.
June 30. Privy seal for 200,000l. to Visct. Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy, as imprest for the service of the Navy and Victualling. (Royal warrant dated June 28 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated July 7 hereon. Money order dated July 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 192. Money Book IV, p. 216. Order Book XXXIX, p. 85.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Joseph Crabb as waiter and searcher at Orford, a creek in Ipswich port, loco John Saunders, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 212.
Thomas Wainwright (one of the extraordinary tidesmen, London port) as a tidesman in fee, ibid. loco Thomas Baugh, lately deceased.
James Thornton as a tidesman Hull loco Richard Perry, lately dismissed.