Entry Book: June 1683, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: June 1683, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp833-846 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1683, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp833-846.

"Entry Book: June 1683, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp833-846.


June 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 11. Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to William Bowell of Send, co. Surrey, gent., of the penalty of 20l. per month and all other sums which now are or hereafter shall grow due to the King by reason of the Recusancy of Francis, Visct. Montagu, recently convicted of Recusancy at the assizes for co. Sussex, 1681, June 18: to hold during the recusancy of said Visct. A clause is to be inserted signifying the King's acceptance of the said 20l. per month and prohibiting any seizure to be made of the lands or estate of the said Visct for his Recusancy without the consent of said Bowell and that if any seizure be made thereof the said Bowell is to have the benefit thereof: and that if said Visct. be pardoned and afterwards [again] convicted of Recusancy the said Bowell shall have all forfeitures and penalties arising thereby. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 176.
June 11. Royal sign manual for 500l. to Thomas Hughes and William Smith as royal bounty for their discovering the sum of 2,550l. principal money in the hands of Henry Nevill of Holt, co. Leicester, belonging to the Jesuits. (Money warrant dated June 14 hereon. Money order dated June 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 177. Money Book IV, p. 207. Order Book XXXIX, p. 81.
June 12. Henry Guy to Mr. Hind. The Treasury Lords are willing that Capt. Philip Howard should have 100l. more allowed him upon finishing his account. If you gave him credit for it my Lords will pay you same on the perfecting his account. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 153.
Same to Mr. Duncombe to pay as soon as possible 100l. into the Exchequer for Healing gold. Ibid.
Same to same to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 200l. more of the 20,000l. which you are to pay in this week, same being to be employed towards fitting out the Greyhound and the Drake. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed minutes [missing] and the drafts of several patents for the Farmers of Excise. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit Sir Philip Carteret to transport 12,000 bricks etc. to Jersey Customs free for his own use. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 210.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Arran, Lord Deputy of Ireland, enclosing two papers from the Earl of Anglesea. The King directs that there be no further execution on said Earl of Anglesea's estate till after his allegations be examined. Examine them and report to us. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 166.
Money warrant for 300l. to James Grahme, Ranger and Keeper of Bagshot Park, in part of 1,200l. to be by him expended in the building and repairing of Bagshot Lodge and the impaling of said park as by the privy seal of Feb. 14 last. (Money order dated June 13 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 203. Order Book XXXIX, p. 79.
Same for 300l. to Philip Burton as imprest for Crown law charges. (Money order dated June 13 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 203. Order Book XXXIX, p. 79.
Treasury warrant to said Philip Burton to pay 300l. to Richard Graham as imprest for prosecuting several misdemeanours and also several suits against Popish Recusants, priests and Jesuits and their estates. Money Book IV, p. 203.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sir Timothy Tirrill for one year to 1681, Sept. 29, as by the privy seal of 1676–7, Jan. 31, supra Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 532, on which privy seal 350l. has been paid him. (Money order dated June 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 204. Order Book XXXIX, p. 79.
Money warrant for 1,365l. to Richard, Visct. Preston, for nine months to Mar. 30 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to France. Money Book IV, p. 204. Order Book XXXIX, p. 81.
Appending: certificate dated 1682, April 25, by Secretary Sir L Jenkins. that said Visct. Preston took leave of the King at Newmarket, 1681, Mar. 31, in order to his intended voyage into France. (Money order dated June 16 hereon.)
Same for 500l. to same as in part of 719l. 8s. 11d. due to him upon two bills of extraordinaries on his said embassy. Money Book IV, pp. 204–6. Order Book XXXIX, p. 81.
Appending: said bills. (1) from 1682, April 1, to July 1.
l. s. d.
charges in passing my privy seal [for my ordinary] at the Signet [Office], the Secretary [of State's] Office, the Treasury Chamber, and charges at the Admiralty for passes, etc. 36 6 0
fees paid at the Exchequer for 955l. for equipage and ordinary 22 12 0
for entertainments of servants after taking leave of the King 7 0 0
to the Captain of the yacht who carried me to Dieppe 25 0 0
gratuities to the Master and seamen six guineas 6 9 0
to the boat's crew who landed me from the yacht which could not come into the road, one guinea 1 1 6
paid at the Custom House, London 6 9 0
for a barge and boats to bring myself and goods on board the yacht 3 12 0
for carrying some of my goods and servants to Dieppe in the Kitchen yacht. Marginal note by Visct. Rochester to the last three items: all[owed] under the head of travelling charges 10 10 0
£118 19 6
Livres. Tournois.
a gentleman's journey to Paris and his stay there above six weeks being sent before to take my house, etc. 271 0 0
for sending 14 horses with servants to take care of them from London to Paris by way of Calais 633 13 0
for my journey from Dieppe to Paris with 17 servants, being for coach hire, horse hire, diet and all other expenses on the road 845 16 0
for the carriage of goods, etc. coach from Dieppe to Paris (marginal note by Visct. Rochester to the last three items: all[owed] under the head of travelling charges) 616 17 0
to the officers of the douane at Paris 64 0 0
for my expenses the first day I had my audience of the King at Versailles (marginal note by Visct. Rochester: what exceeds the 5l. to be allowed) 114 10 0
given as is usual to the guards des portes and to the coachmen of the King and Queen and also to the servants of Monsieur de Croissy and to those of the Introducteur des ambassadeurs and his Lieutenant at the same time 198 0 0
given at my audience of Monsieur and Madame at St. Cloud, to their coachmen and to the servants of their introducteur 92 14 0
for ultramarine for his Majesty by order 336 0 0
postage from the 25th May to the 29th of June, 1682 (marginal note ut supra: a charge given to him to allow no letters but his own and those that are for the King's service) 136 0 0
for intelligence, prints, Gazettes a la main, with stationary wares 300 17 0
sending one to Versailles 4 0 0
in all Livres Tournois 3,613 17 0
l. s. d.
or in English money, at 1,230 Livres to the 100l. 293 16 1
Total £412 15 7
Followed by: Secretary Sir L. Jenkins's allowance dated Whitehall, 1682, Oct. 30, of said bill with the exception of the three items for fees paid at the Exchequer, for entertainment of servants after leave-taking and the 271 livres for a gentleman's journey to Paris: which three items Jenkins refers to the Treasury Lords.
(2) The like bill for the period 1682, July 1, to Oct. 1.
Livres. Tournois.
for mourning when the Courtmourned for the Duke de Verneuil 300 0 0
for journeys, messengers and entertainment for myself and servants at several times at Versailles. (Marginal note ut supra: [allowed] as in the case of travelling charges in the preceding bill) 365 14 0
for intelligence, books, prints and stationary wares 347 10 0
for an express 300 0 0
for another express 300 0 0
paid by particular order 220 0 0
for new trimmings to my pages, coachmen and footmen and accommodating their liveries when I had audiences of the King, Queen, etc., upon the birth of the Duc de Bourgoyne 269 12 0
extraordinaries upon the arrival of the Earl of Feversham and my brother 380 0 0
postage of letters from July 1 to Sept. 12 478 1 0
expenses on the three nights of Rejouissance upon the birth of the Duc de Bourgoyne in decorations of my house, wine, fires, trumpets, etc. 448 11 0
for furniture for my chapel, as pulpit, cushions, bibles, prayerbooks, etc. 174 0 0
for interest of plate for six months. (Marginal note ut supra: to be left out) 189 0 0
Total 3,772 8 0
l. s. d.
which is at the above exchange rate, sterling 306 13 4
Followed by: similar allowance by Secretary Jenkins dated Whitehall, 1682, Oct. 30, except for the last article which is referred to the Treasury Lords.
(Money order dated June 16 for 500l. hereon accordingly.)
June 13. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to contain an indenture of agreement between the King of the one part and Charles Duncomb, Tho. Rowney, Samuel Dashwood, Felix Calverd, John Friend, William Strong and Edward Buckly, of London, esqrs., Farmers of Excise, of the other part, for regulating the last year's overpayments of the said Farmers' farm. After reciting the indenture of 1681, Nov. 29, supra, p. 303, and that the above-named Farmers (in order that the said indenture [of 1681, Nov. 29] should not obstruct or interfere with the Excise Commission lately issued, ut supra, p. 782, and for the accommodation of his Majesty's service in other respects) have by deed under their hands and seals dated 1683, June—,surrendered to the King the said indenture. In consideration of such surrender and to the end that the said farmers may have sufficient security for the repayment to them of the Excise overpayments by them made on the strength of the said surrendered indenture, viz. for the year ended 1683, June 24, the present indenture therefore witnesses that the King commands the Treasury Lords etc. to cause due payment and satisfaction to be made out of the Excise to them of the full sum they shall appear to have paid on account of the said year in excess of their farm rent and overplus: said repayment to be made as follows: 1,500l. on 1683–4, Jan. 19; and thenceforward every week 1,500l. on the Saturday until repayment of the whole. For the more sure payment thereof tallies of pro or assignment are to be levied at the Receipt for 30,000l. on the Excise and are to be delivered to said Farmers, who hereby on their part covenant that if their overpayment do not prove to be so much as said 30,000l. they will deliver up the balance of said tallies to be cancelled: and if the overpayment prove to be more than 30,000l. the King covenants that the whole sum shall be fully and entirely paid to them although no tallies be levied beyond said 30,000l. Further hereby 6 per cent. interest per an. is to be paid to said Farmers half yearly until the principal be repaid. King's Warrant Book IX. pp. 177–9.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to receive from Charles Duncombe, Thomas Rowney, Saml. Dashwood, Felix Calverd, John Friend, William Strong and Edward Buckley the tallies levied for the 40,000l. advanced by them (viz. 10,000l. 1681, Nov. 24; 10,000l. 1681, Dec. 1; 10,000l. 1681–2, Jan. 2; 10,000l. 1681–2, Feb. 1, for which sums four tallies were levied 1682, May 4, and for which the King gave security by the indenture of 1681, Nov. 29, supra, p. 303, which tallies remain still unpaid in their hands); and likewise for the 25,858l. 7s. 7½d. (which the Excise Farmers overpaid on their farm account for the year ended 1682, June 24, for which sum tallies were struck April 5 last by virtue of the abovesaid indenture, which tallies also rest in their hands); and further for the sum of 8,000l. which on Feb. 3 last they lent to the King, paying same on that day to the Excise Commissioners as for his Majesty's use for repayment whereof the privy seal of May 29 last was granted, but the tallies thereon for said 8,000l. are not yet struck. On the delivery of said tallies to said total of 73,858l. 7s. 7½d. you are to give receipts as for so much lent or advanced for the King's service, which receipts are to be the ground of the new security which is to be given them by patents under the great seal: all by reason that the said persons have agreed to deliver up said tallies and to accept new security in order that the grant to them under the abovesaid indenture might not obstruct or interfere with the new Commission of Excise, which is to come into force as from June 24 next. The Excise Commissioners are to charge themselves with the said tallies as for the sum of 73,858l. 7s. 7½d. received by them for the King's use from the said persons respectively as loans or advances on the Excise. Money Book IV, pp. 202–3.
June 13. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to Mr. Gately's house in Norfolk Street in Arundell Buildings on Friday to pass the baggage of Sir Francis Leigh and Sir Thomas Fotherley, who with their ladies are going into France. Out Letters (General) VII p. 169.
June 14. Same to the Earl of Anglesea. I return the papers which you desired to have back before you answered the [Treasury Lords'] last letter to you: viz. an Act of Council in Ireland, Baron Denham's opinion, an answer to the inquiries and observations made by the Irish Revenue Commissioners, a copy of an order to the sheriff of Meath. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to bearer a pack of gilt leather hangings arrived on the Providence of London, Magnus Mason, master, directed to Richard Kent for the Duchess of Ormonde, provided that the goods are not of the growth of France. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Stephens for an estimate what money will be sufficient to pay off the overplus of the men turned over from the Reserve to the Bonaventure. Ibid, p. 170.
Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing (a) infra. If you agree therewith you are to present for Commissions all such Excise officers as shall from time to time be certified to you by the Excise Commissioners to make seizures within their respective districts. Ibid.
Appending: (a) memorial to the Treasury Lords from the Excise Commissioners. We understand that the Customs Commissioners do issue [extraordinary] Commissions, by Treasury warrant, to men to make seizures on the [principle of] no purchase no pay. It would conduce to the service if the Excise officers in and near all the ports might have such Commissions whereby they could prevent frauds not only on Exciseable liquors imported, but also on all other merchandise. We think they are the only sort of men fit for such Commissions.
June 14. Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue 200l. to Phillip Burton out of the money paid in [to the Exchequer] by Thomas Preston for the profits of Sir Thomas Preston's estate. Disposition Book II, p. 236.
Similarly to issue to same 300l. out of money paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by Roger Kenyon, receiver of fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants in co. Lancs.
Same to same to issue 2,360l. 19s. 2d. to Mr. Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, for provisions supplied [to the Wardrobe by the tradesmen] before May 1 last: issuing same out of Hearthmoney now in the Exchequer paid in by Mr. Toll. Ibid.
Same to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to apply as follows the abovesaid 2,360l. 19s. 2d. viz. 27l. for a tour du lict for her Majesty's bed, 30l. 10s. 0d. for brocatella for her Majesty's closet, 38l. 0s. 9d. for damask hangings etc. for the Private Oratory, 8l. for a serge canopy for the Gr[oom] of the Bedchamber, 18l. for a purse for the Lord Privy Seal, 10l. for a close stole of crimson velvet for the Queen, 13l. 15s. 2d. for new dying and making up several window curtains for the Privy Chamber etc., 229l. 11s. 6d. for funeral provisions for Prince Rupert, 32l. for muslin for cravats and cuffs for the King, 30l. for Portugal mats, close stoole, pans, dog cushions, mending and repairing chairs, stools and forms, 40l. for dressing and scouring bed feathers for the King and Queen, 195l. 13s. 5d. remainder of 1,994l. 13s. 5d. for furniture for the King's new lodging, 10l. for two gamekeepers' coats for Mr. Chiffinch, 20l. for green bayes to cover the stage and forms in the Great Hall at Whitehall against the dancing there, 28l. for a green cloth carpet trimmed with gold fringe for the Queen, 75l. for 20 pair of sheets for the Removing Wardrobe, 80l. for hangings of crimson damask, an elbow chair and a carpet for the King's closet and two carpets for the Queen's bedchamber at Newmarket trimmed with silk fringes, 15l. for trunks for his Majesty's robes, 3l. for close stool pans and serge to put them in for the Queen, 3l. for a Portugal mat for the Queen's bedchamber at Whitehall, 400l. for the Queen's Chapel, 45l. for the Queen's Wherry, 210l. for the King's maundy, 53l. for [a] shallop, 38l. for bedding at the Backstairs, 100l. for Portugal mats, 150l. for Mr. Townsend for half a year, 22l. to the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, 62l. 8s. 0d. to Mr. Poyntz, 15l. 12s. 0d. to John Pare for half a year, 10l. 9s. 4d. to John Stephenson, 10l. 9s. 4d. to Solomon Smith, 10l. 9s. 4d. to Francis Love, 10l. 9s. 4d. to Widow Calcot, 162l. 3s. 4d. to Mr. Mearne's executors, 15l. 14s. 0d. each to John Opholfam, David Demacht, Peter Rodieur, Jacob Vanderbozen and Anthony Vanderbozen arras workers, 13l. 1s. 8d. to Robert Nott, yeoman tailor, and 10l. 9s. 4d. each to John Barnard, Robert Thompson, Richd. Tunstall, John Eldridge, John Dypee and William Middlbery, tailors. (Total, 2,360l. 19s. 2d.) Ibid, pp. 237–8.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for the re-payment out of the Excise of 20,000l. to Charles Duncombe which he advanced to his Majesty and for which he has a receipt from the Excise Commissioners dated the 15th inst. [sic]: the re-payment to be as follows viz. 1,500l. at 1684, Nov. 3, and thenceforward 1,500l. weekly until 19,500l. be repaid and the remaining 500l. at the end of the then succeeding week. Tallies of pro or assignment to be forthwith levied at the Exchequer on the Excise and delivered to said Duncombe accordingly. Further, the Excise Commissioners are hereby to pay 6 per cent. interest out of the Excise half-yearly thereon. (Treasury warrant to the Receipt dated July 4 for levying tallies for said 20,000l. accordingly.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 180. Money Book IV, p. 215.
Same to same for a same for the similar repayment out of the Excise revenue of the 30,000l. which Charles Davenant, Dr. of Laws, John Friend and Felix Calverd have advanced to the King, for which they have a receipt from the Excise Commissioners dated June 15 inst. [sic.] The repayment to be as follows viz. 1,500l. each succeeding week. Tallies to be levied and 6 per cent. interest to be paid, ut supra. Further, the King [hereby] covenants with said Davenant, Friend and Calverd that if they be not continued as Excise Commissioners then the said 30,000l. or the unpaid balance thereof shall be fully paid in one entire sum out of the Excise before their removal from the said Commission. (Treasury warrant to the Receipt, dated July 4, for said tallies, ut supra.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 181. Money Book IV, p. 215.
Same to same for a same for the like repayment to Thomas Rowney, Samll. Dashwood and Edward Buckley of 23,858l. 7s. 7½d., which they have advanced to his Majesty and for which they have a receipt signed by the Excise Commissioners dated the 15th inst. [sic]. The repayment to be as follows viz. 1,200l. on Saturday, Sept. 1 next, and 1,200l. on each succeeding Saturday thenceforward until repayment of 22,800l. and the remaining 1,058l. 7s. 7½d. on Saturday 1683–4, Jan. 12. Tallies to be struck, ut supra, and the King hereby declares that same shall be paid out of the Excise with preference to all other tallies on the Excise. Also 6 per cent. interest to be paid, ut supra. (Treasury warrant dated July 4 to the Receipt accordingly for said tallies, ut supra.) King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 182–3. Money Book IV, p. 215.
June 15. Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing a writ of certiorari for the debts of the Earl of Ranelagh and others. The Treasury Lords desire you to see same executed. Also you are to prepare the first half-year's account of the produce of the whole revenue of Ireland. The Customs Commissioners, England, have by the enclosed presentment to my Lords desired that directions might be given into Ireland that for the future 2d. per £ only might be paid there for tobacco from England as is paid for tobacco from the Plantations. Give my Lords your opinion on it before they move the King for such directions. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 167.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 236.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 800
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 20,000l. which Charles Duncombe has agreed to lend on the credit of the Customs, which loan the Tellers of the Receipt are hereby to take in and to give Duncombe tallies of loan therefor: viz.. Ibid.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for Chatham and Sheerness yards 7,507 17 11
to ditto for wages to sea officers 2,168 7 1
to ditto for [one week of the Navy's] weekly money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [for one week of the Ordnance office's] weekly money 500 0 0
to ditto for Tangier, intended for stores sent to Tangier 2,000 0 0
to ditto for fortifications at the Tower 3,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Greyhound and the Drake 200 0 0
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse for Healing medals 100 0 0
£18,976 5 0
The remainder of said 20,000l. is to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal.
Same to Mr. Milton, Deputy Clerk of the Crown, to forthwith send to Mr. Langford at the Treasury Chambers a list of the several Lords Lieutenant of England and the counties under their respective care. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 170.
Same to the Earl of Sunderland. The Treasury Lords are content that Mr. Hall's grant of the office of Wardrobe Keeper at Windsor do pass provided it commence only from Lady day last. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. I have laid before the Treasury Lords your presentment desiring that the Admiralty Lords should give Commissions to the present Commanders of the Custom House smacks and other boats. Send a list of the said Commanders' names, the smacks and boats and in what places they are. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hewer to attend the Treasury Lords next Tuesday with an account what seven months' pay to the garrison of Tangier comes to and when any ships will go thither that may carry said pay thither. Ibid, p. 171.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 171.
Appending: (a) petition to the Treasury Lords from John Wyatt, gent., concerning his discoveries in the Excise by discoveries of moneys concealed and plans for saving in the management of Excise: prays to be employed as an accomptant in the Excise Office, having been concerned in the Excise above 20 years.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Referring to the hearing yesterday of the case of Mr. Steere, Comptroller of Bridgwater, before the Treasury Lords, are you still of opinion he should be removed ? Ibid, p. 172.
June 16. Money order for 382l. 17s. 0d. to Temperance Packer, relict of Robert Packer, late Usher of the Receipt of the Exchequer, for paper, parchment, books, bags, ink and other necessaries delivered for the use of the officers of the Receipt in 1680, Easter and Trinity terms. Order Book XXXIX, p. 81.
June 18. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Preston of Holker, co. Lancs., of the premises as follows, which by indenture dated Feb. 24 last between the King of the one part and Francis Visct. Carrington and Humphry Weld of Lulworth Castle, co. Dorset, of the other, were surrendered to the King in pursuance of a decree of the Exchequer Court made 1682, May 30, in the suit by English bill between the Attorney General, plaintiff, and said Carrington, Weld et al. defendants: the said premises being heretofore the estate of Sir Tho. Preston of Holker, co. Lancs.: viz. the scite of the late dissolved monastery of Furness and the appurtenances and lands etc. thereto belonging in Furness; the parcels of land called the Booth grounds in the townfield, parish or precincts of Dalton; the pasture, turbary or moss called Angerton Moss; the fishings called Oyster Fishings; the fishing at Rampside, Walney and Duddon; the liberty to take coneys in Walney and Old Barrow and such other liberties as John Preston (grandfather to the said Sir Thomas) did enjoy there; two messuages in Dalton and Kirk; the barcary or sheep pastures at Kirkby Moor and Mean Moor; the rectory of Dalton and the appurtenances thereof and all tithes, oblations, obventions etc. thereto belonging; the parcel of ground called Colt Park; the two water grist mills called Hart Mills and Sea Mill lying in Gleaston and Muckland, alias Mickland in Furness; the park called Hart Park; the pasture called the Kilne Close; the seven acres of meadow called the Mill Dam; the parcels of meadow and pasture called Here Hill, Werelett, Greenhill, Worthwick, Mare Meadow and Hare Park; the ten acres of arable land near Gleaston Castle; the herbage and pasture upon le Quarrels; the park called Sheep Park; the farm and lands called Wheat Farms and Dry Moulter Rents, late in the tenure [of _] and heretofore of the Priory of Conishead; the mines called Your Mines, alias Iron Mines; the fishings called Urswick Tarn in Urswick; the Mayre in Aldingham and the standing tarn in Muckland: all being parcel of the castle and manor of Gleaston in Aldingham within the lordship of Muckland and heretofore in the tenure of Tho. Preston, of Furness, co. Lancs., and of Tho. Preston, of Kirklington, co. Yorks, and of George Preston, of Holker, Lancs.: and all the profits, courts, liberties etc. to the said premises belonging: and of all other the lands of the said Sir Thomas Preston in Furness which by indentures of lease and release dated on or about 1674, May 5 and 6, made between the said Sir Tho. Preston of the one part and the said Francis, Visct. Carrington and Richard Walmesly of Dunkenhalgh, Lancs. (since deceased) [of the other part], were conveyed to said Carrington and Walmesly and their heirs for ever with reversion to the Crown. The present grant is to be to said Thomas Preston, his administrators and assigns for seven years from Lady day last at the rent of 400l. per an. payable to the King, the lessee paying and discharging the several fee-farm rents thereon, amounting in the whole to 190l. 13s. 4d. per an. during said term. And whereas it is supposed that the King is or ought to be entitled to the tenement called Stonedike's tenement and the meadow called Goldmire Meadow in Furness, and some copyhold lands in Stainton Fields in Furness, which were purchased of George Hilton, gent., a covenant is to be inserted in the said lease that if same be recovered to the Crown within the time of the present lease said Thomas Preston shall enjoy same without increase of rent. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 183–7.
June 18. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a discharge to the Excise Farmers on their accounts ended 1682, June 24: said discharge being in the form of an indenture between the King of the one part and Thomas Rowney, Samll. Dashwood, Felix Calverd, John Freind, William Strong and Edward Buckley [said Farmers] of the other. After reciting the indenture of lease of the Excise, dated 1678–9, Mar. 13, and the indenture of 1681, June 3, ut supra, p. 100–1, the present indenture witnesses that the said Farmers' Excise account for the year ended 1682, June 24, shows a charge of 572,670l. 5s. 5½d. and a discharge in excess of said charge by 25,858l. 7s. 7½d. overplus, for which overplus other security is given or intended to be given by the King to said Farmers. The King therefore hereby releases and discharges said Farmers, their heirs etc. of all claims on them for said year whether for rent etc. or for surplus; and further directs that at the desire of said Farmers the Treasury Lords shall direct tallies to be struck to discharge said Farmers of all claims on account of the Excise surplus for the said year. On their side the Farmers covenant to account for the Excise surplus for the last year of their farm in accordance with the above-said indentures as if the present release had not been made. Finally the King covenants that when the account of the last year of the farm be passed the Farmers shall have a discharge for the last year according to the form of the present discharge. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 187–9.
Same to the Attorney General to acknowledge satisfaction upon record for the residue of the judgment against John Finch, who was prosecuted by John Pheasant in 1680, Michaelmas, in his own and the King's name, for 220l. for not coming to church, whereupon the said Finch is now in Chelmsford gaol at the King's suit for two [third] parts of the said recovery. As it appears that the proceedings in the said suit were by malice and surprise and prosecuted by a third person in the said Pheasant's name without his knowledge and that said Pheasant discharged said Finch of his [Pheasant's] part of the said recovery, the residue of said judgment is to be hereby discharged and Finch set at liberty. Ibid, p. 190.
June 19. Treasury warrant to Sir John Shaw, Collector Inwards London port, to swear Cezar Freeman into office as deputy to Christopher Sheene, a patent waiter London port. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 207.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Edward Le Neve as a deputy searcher London port loco Peregrine Bertie, lately removed to be a surveyor of the landwaiters. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 210.
Same to same to permit the export, Customs free, of the following details for the soldiers of the Earl of Dunbarton's Regiment in Ireland and Tangier, viz. 1,230 coals, 1,119 pair of breeches, 1,230 hats, 1,230 belts, 2,100 shirts, 42 drummers' collars. Ibid.
Money warrant for 494l. 3s. 4d. to Brooke Bridges and Thomas Done, Auditors of Imprests, for their pains in examining the following accounts, viz. Mr. Chiffinch's account of the French money, the account of the Coinage duty for the whole time the Act for said duty was in force, Visct. Yarmouth's account of the farm of glass, timber, etc. for 7½ years to 1681, Sept. 29, Sir Evan Lloyd's account as Governor of Chester Castle for two years, Sir Henry Osborne's account as Treasurer for the sick and wounded seamen, John Shales's account of the Prizes, Mr. Slingsby's account of the Dunkirk money, the accounts of the Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland for 10 years to 1680, Mar. 20, Visct. Ranelagh's account as Vice-Treasurer of Ireland for five years to 1680–1, Mar. 20, the several debts due to the Eastland merchants in the Officers of the Navy and Ordnance [on account of the war intended against the French King] the several interest accounts of Mr. Pepys as late Treasurer of Tangier Garrison, [the interest accounts] of Mr. Kingdon as late Paymaster of the Guards, Garrisons and New Raised Forces, [the interest accounts of] Mr. Gauden et al. Victuallers of the Navy [the interest accounts] of Sir John James and Company for money by them advanced on the Fifth Part of the Excise and [for money advanced] to the Royal Household. (Money order dated June 19 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 207. Order Book XXXIX, p. 82.
Same for 25l. to Thomas Corbin for half a year to 1679, June 24, on his salary as Surveyor General of Woods Trent North. To be paid out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer. (Money order dated June 22 hereon. To be paid out of the sale of wood in Sherwood Forest. Money Book IV, p. 208, Order Book XXXIX, p. 82.
Preceded by: two separate orders each dated June 26 for the execution of two previous money orders dated 1677–8, Jan. 7, and 1678–9, Feb. 26, for respectively 25l. for half a year's salary to 1677, Sept. 29, and for 62l. 10s. 0d. for 1¼ year's salary to 1678, Christmas.)
Henry Guy to Richard Kent, Customs Cashier, to pay into the Receipt 493l. 3s. 4d. of Customs money by five monthly instalments the 1st 100l. the 30th inst. and so successively: same being intended for the Auditors of Imprests. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same to said Auditors.) Disposition Book II, p. 238.
June 19. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) VII, pp. 172–3.
Appending: (a) letter from the Swedish Resident Leijonbergh to the Treasury Lords dated York Building, June 14 inst. praying for the discharge of the Swedish vessel Soutfatt of Malmo, Claas Isbrandson Kielholt, master, bound from Malmo with Spanish timber for Lisbon, but driven by bad weather to re-fit in London port and seized because of the sale of part of her lading to meet the charge of such re-fitting: the case being supported by the reiterated recommendations of the General Governor of Sconen, Lord Archenbergh and the chief magistrate of Makmoo [Malmo].
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign by two weekly instalments out of the Navy's weekly money the payment of 41l. 13s. 4d. to Robert Manesty, chirurgeon of his Majesty's ship Henrietta and late of the Antelope. Ibid, p. 173.
Same to same to assign out of same the 25l. 10s. 3d. due to James Littleton as a volunteer in the Assistance. Ibid, p. 175.
Same to Nathaniell Presland ("to be left with Mr. Hutchinson at Rufford Abbey in Nottinghamshire for Tuxford bag"). The Treasury Lords have seen yours of May 19 last and of the 9th inst. to me. You are to stay in the forest till further order from them and send them an account speedily how many years the 2,000l. per an. will be made by the sale of old decayed oaks and birches as you offer to my Lords and whether any of the said trees which are to make the 2,000l. per an. be part of the woods which Lord Kingston now petitions the King to buy. Ibid, p. 173.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Beaufort. On our encouragement Sir John Ernle, Supervisor of Dean Forest, has made us a proposal for raising a constant annual revenue out of the said forest. We enclose a copy thereof. Consult thereon the Justices of Peace and the neighbouring gentry and the officers of the Forest and then give us your opinion. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Harbord to report on the abovesaid proposal of Sir John Ernle's. Ibid, p. 174.
Same to Mr. Hewer to advance to Mr. Francis Nicholson, a Lieutenant of Capt. Strode's Company at Tangier, 212 days' pay being "so much of his pay as is now going over to the garrison there." It is to be made good to you out of his pay at Tangier. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Board to inform the Treasury Lords whether the 200l. issued on Saturday last to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Greyhound and Drake will not be also sufficient to fit out the Diamond. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brisban. I have laid before the Treasury Lords yours of to-day transmitting the copy of the petition to the King from the company of the Mordant. You do not mention what the Admiralty Lords desire thereon. Why is it sent to the Treasury Lords seeing it is not referred to them ? Ibid
June 19. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent [cashier of the Customs] returning the incidents account of the Customs. You are to make an affidavit as on the passing of the last account of that nature and likewise to get from the Auditors of Imprests such a certificate as they made upon the said last account. The Treasury Lords expect this before they sign the warrant for the allowance of this money. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 174.
June 20. Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a letter received by the Treasury Lords from Mr. Wallis of Berwick. Ibid, p. 175.
Appending: (a) letter signed Allex. Hall and dated Woodhall, June 6 inst. I was this morning in Tynehead with some persons that I took for my assistance where we met 10 men and 16 horses laden with Scots corn. I endeavoured to seize it. The carriers fell upon us so hard that we went to blows: they being the greater number was too hard for us upon which we were forced to draw our swords to defend ourselves and to make good the seizure, upon which there is one of the carriers killed and some more wounded and we all bruised and lamed. If I be not justified in this there is no person employed in the Customs that endeavours to be active in this business can say their lives is their own.
Same to Mr. Dickinson. The King having given his bathing room to the Treasury Lords for enlargement of the Treasury Office you are to forthwith remove your glasses and other things there. Ibid.