Entry Book: July 1683, 2-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1683, 2-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp853-867 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1683, 2-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp853-867.

"Entry Book: July 1683, 2-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp853-867.


July 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 2. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to send to the Earl of Anglesea an authentical copy of the 20,000l. charge upon him, which was received by him for pay of the Army in Ireland and not accounted for here [in England] or charged in his accounts in Ireland. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 179.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 5,500l. lent into the Exchequer on Saturday last by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 240.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for [one week of the Navy's] weekly money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance Office's weekly] money 500
to the Mint Commissioners 500
to Mr. Packer for the King's new buildings at Winchester 1,000
Same to same to issue 900l. to Mr. Roberts, Receiver of Windsor works, whereof 420l. is intended for Monsieur Verrio and 480l. for the avenue at Windsor. Said issue is to be made out of the 1,916l. 17s. 5¾d. loan money now remaining in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 241.
Same to same to issue 22l. 14s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber out of the 184l. 4s. 6d. of Hearthmoney reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal. (Same to Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay said sum to Thomas Saywell, messenger, on his bills.) Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Thomas Wharton and Phillip Wharton, Wardens of the Mint, to receive from the sheriffs, or others having the same in custody, all clippings, clipped and false moneys and all tools and materials belonging to clippers, counterfeiters, debasers of the coin and other offenders against the laws relating to the coinage from time to time, as by the privy seal of Aug. 9 last and also all the estates, goods and chattels of such offenders as by the privy seal of Mar. 31 last, upon the conviction of same: all for his Majesty's use and upon account to be rendered for the same. Notice to be given to the Treasury Lords from time to time of such estates in order that directions may be given for the sale thereof and for satisfaction to be made to the discoverers and prosecutors etc. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 192–3.
July 2. Money warrant for 26l. 13s. 4d. to John Pottengar, Comptroller of the Pipe, for half a year to June 24 last on his allowance for writing the farms and debts of Recusants and summons of Pipe in Pipe hand twice every year. (Money order dated July 4 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 210. Order Book XXXIX, p. 84.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of a tenement ut infra, of which the present holder, Grace Gayrs (who holds same for the life of her and of her brother Anthony), petitions for a fresh grant to her son-in-law, Thomas Phillips. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 212.
Prefixing: report by John Fisher (in the absence of said Surveyor General) on said Gayrs's petition for same. In 20 James I said tenement was granted to Thomas Downe for the lives of Anthony and Mark, his sons, and Grace, his daughter, who afterwards married Sam Geare. It was in her possession by assignment or settlement from her father at the time of the Parliament's survey, which certified it to be a tenement with gardens and orchard and six closes containing 13 acres of land at the old rent of 26s. 8d. and 26s. 8d. for herriots and was then valued at 12l. per an. I advise a fine of 12l. at said old rent, a lease being chargeable to pass.
July 3. Henry Guy to Mr. Harbord. The Secretary to the Queen's Council has informed the Treasury Lords that information was given to the said Council of great waste committed in several woods in the Honor of Grafton by Mr. Terrill, lessee of the said woods, and by Mr. Elmes, lessee of Kingsthorne Wood in Greens-Norton in said wood and that all timber is excepted out of the Queen's jointure. The Treasury Lords desire you to seize and secure what timber lies felled on the said ground and to prevent any further felling or sale of timber there until the said lessees produce their leases and what authority they have to fell or dispose of said timber. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 179.
Same to Sir Tho. Wharton [Warden of the Mint]. The Treasury Lords have been lately certified by Roger Kenyon, Clerk of the Peace for co. Lancs., that Henry Hartley, Henry Roberts, Tho. Mather, William Mather, Jno. Birchall, William Allred, William Tonge, Richard Chowe, Jonathan Ascroft, Edward Fairebrother, Henry Hough, William Boyer and William Foster, accused of clipping and coining in cos. Lancs, Stafford, Derby etc. deserve pardon. On reference thereon Justice Jones reported that they ought first to do effectual service towards a legal conviction of some of their complices. Report your opinion hereon to the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 180.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Yours of the 30th ult, to hand, but the following enclosures referred to are missing therefrom, viz.: (1) Your presentment of June 8 last; (2) the auditor's certificate in the case of Sir Jno. More et al. upon the Customs Solicitor inspecting the account of the late Farmers for the year 1666; (3) the Treasury Lords' direction of 1679–80, May 16, concerning noontenders' vacancies in London port; (4) the report on the petition of William Christian and Mathias Miller. Send all these papers. Ibid.
July 3. Money warrant for 150l. to Sir Thomas Windham for 1681, Lady day quarter, on his annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 210.
Same for 250l. to Thomas Lane for half a year to 1678, Christmas, on his same. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Francis Reynolds for half a year to 1680, Christmas, on his same. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Thomas Whitgrave for half a year to 1681, Lady day, on his same. Ibid, p. 211.
Same for 159l. 18s. 6d. to Philip Burton as imprest for Crown Law charges. (Money order dated July 4 hereon.) Ibid, p. 211. Order Book XXXIX, p. 84.
Same for 20l. to Robert Swan for 1683, June 24 quarter, on his annuity or pension for his fidelity in securing the King in his escape after Worcester battle. (Money order dated July 4 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 211. Order Book XXXIX, p. 84.
Same for 200l. to Rachell Windham and Francis Windham for half a year to 1682, Christmas, on their pension. Money Book IV, p. 211.
Same for 50l. to Joan Hurford for one year to 1681, Sept. 29, on her annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Mris. Katherine Gunter for half a year to 1679, Lady day, on her same. Ibid, p. 212.
Same for 250l. to Dame Jane Fisher for 1676, Christmas quarter, on her same. Ibid.
Same for 150l. to Charles Gifford for half a year to 1682, Lady day, on his same. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Francis Mansell for half a year to 1681, Sept. 29, on his same. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to John Rogers and Anne his wife, daughter of Richard Pendrell, for half a year to 1682, Lady day, on their same. Ibid.
Same for 10l. to Sir Thomas Fanshaw, kt., and Small. Astry, his Majesty's Coroners and Attorneys in the Court of King's Bench, for one year to 1681, Sept. 29, on their fee: to be paid out of such King's Bench fines received by them by virtue of their office as they shall pay into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 213.
July 4. Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners. The following is the disposition of the Excise for the week ended June 30 last, viz.: Disposition Book II, pp. 241, 242.
to the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to the Royal Household for ordinary 1,000
to ditto for extraordinary 500
[to me Guy] for secret service 200
towards Mr. Toll's interest 2,300
(The like letter exactly dated July 7 for the disposition of the Excise for the week ended July 7. Followed by: a letter dated July 7 from Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid items accordingly to the said total of the 8,000l. out of the 8,000l. which Charles Duncombe has agreed to lend into the Exchequer, which loan the officers of the Exchequer are hereby directed to take in and to give him a tally of loan for same.)
July 4. Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer to send to the Treasury Lords a copy of the last proposal you brought to them for the manner and times of payments of what is due to you for the service of Tangier. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 180.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have opened at the Duchess of Portsmouth's lodgings in Whitehall a tax and a package marked D. P. for which Dr. Taylor her Grace's Com[missione]r will pay the Customs. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to Lord Dartmouth [Master of the Ordnance]. Representation is made to the Treasury Lords by Sir Tho. Fitch and Mr. Peckham in behalf of Mr. Cozens that there is in the hands of Mr. Bertie [Paymaster of the Ordnance] 382l. odd which he received for them for interest on the orders in the name of Capt. Williams: they desired that they may receive the said interest upon account of the forbearance of their moneys for the fortifications at Portsmouth as they were promised. You are to give direction for the payment of the said interest to said Fitch and Cozens accordingly. Ibid.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, Sir Jno. Ernle, kt., Sir Edward Dering, bart., Sidney Godolphin and Sir Ste. Fox, the Treasury Lords for 1682, Sept. 29 quarter's salary. (Money order dated July 5 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 213. Order Book XXXIX, p. 84.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 15l. 3s. 4d. to John Langwith for last June 24 quarter on his 3s. 4d. a day as messenger appointed to attend the affairs of the Customs. Followed by. Treasury allowance of the like fee to same for same quarter as messenger attending the Treasury Lords. Money Book IV, p. 213.
Money warrant for 730l. to Isaac Legouch, his Majesty's Jeweller, for a diamond ring of the value of 200l. given as a present from the King to Monsieur Halke, Envoy from the Landgraf of Hesse (as certified by the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 1680, Sept. 16) and for a jewel of diamonds of the value of 530l. to be given as a present from the King to Don Salvador de Montforte, commander of the Spanish troops which served at Tangier (as similarly certified by said Arlington, 1681, Sept. 1). (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 214. Order Book XXXIX, p. 90.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Agents for Taxes, for their disbursements for 5½ years from 1676, Christmas: (including cost of letters of instructions to the Commissioners of the Poll money, payments to Mr. Ponder for books, messengers to Mr. Stradling in South Wales and to Bedfordshire and Oxfordshire, Serjeant Ramsey's journey for superseding Hollingshead's commission in Lancashire and Cheshire, ditto to Shrewsbury, Bridgwater, Chester etc. about the Shropshire and Cheshire arrears, and 84l. 3s. 6d. for fees paid at the Exchequer and Privy Seal Office). The present allowance is with the proviso that the said last named item be discounted by the said Agents out of the next allowance that shall be granted them. Money Book IV, p. 216
July 4. Treasury warrant to the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer to forthwith renew the process lately issued against Francis Holcroft, of Chesterton, co. Cambridge, gent., for the 20l. per month due from him upon his conviction for Recusancy. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 212.
July 5. Henry Guy to the officers of the Receipt to take in from Henry Dering the loan of 2,000l. and to give him a tally of loan for same. Said money is to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal. Disposition Book II, p. 242.
July 7. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 4,100l. which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe have agreed to lend into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid, p. 243.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for [one week of the Navy's] weekly money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [for one week of the Ordnance Office] weekly money 500
to the Auditors of Imprests in part of 494l. 3s. 4d. 100
Money warrant for 43l. 2s. 6d. to Anthony Segar, being 33l. 2s. 6d. for incidents for the Treasury Office for 1683, June 24 quarter, and 10l. for same quarter's salary for attendance on the Treasury Lords. (Money order dated July 9 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 216. Order Book XXXIX, p. 85.
Treasury allowance of Richard Kent's incidents bills for the year ended 1681, Sept. 29, being the charges of passing his accounts for that year as Receiver General and Cashier of the Customs and his charges on payments of money into the Exchequer and for portage of money [into the Exchequer] received upon bills of exchange [from the collectors of the outports]. Money Book IV, pp. 217–9.
Appending: said bills as approved by the Auditors of Imprests (total, 343l. 13s. 8d.).
Money warrant for 3,013l. 19s. 9½d. to Sir William Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Isles (of St. Christopher), viz. 700l. thereof for one year to 1681, June 24, on his allowance as Governor, and 2,313l. 19s. 9½d. as imprest for the pay and entertainment of the two Foot Companies in said Islands (in St. Christopher), which sum of 2,313l. 19s. 9½d., together with the 464l. 10s. 10½d. (which Stapleton acknowledges as remaining in his hands for the King's moiety of the proceed of the ship Providence and of the negroes seized on board her by Capt. Christopher Billop and condemned in the Admiralty Court at Nevis 1682, June 10, as an interloper against the patent granted to the Royal Africa Company, 1672, Sept. 27) makes up the sum of 2,778l. 10s. 8d. due to the said Foot Companies for one year ended 1681, July 7. The present warrant is to be satisfied out of the money in, or that shall be paid in, the Exchequer by the Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty on account of their rent. A memorandum is to be made in the Exchequer books that said Stapleton is to be charged with said item of 464l. 10s. 10½d. in the next prest certificate. (Two separate money orders dated July 12 hereon for 2,313l. 19s. 9½d. and 700l. respectively.) Ibid, p. 219. Order Book XXXIX, p. 95.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to William Hewer, Treasurer of Tangier, as imprest for the garrison thereof as by the privy seal of 1674, Dec. 23, authorising the ordinary of 57,200l. per an. for same. Hereof 2,156l. 9s. 8½d. is to complete the quarter ended 1681, June 30, and the remaining 2,843l. 10s. 3½d. is in part of the quarter ended 1681, Sept. 30. To be satisfied by tallies on the Customs and to be paid by tobacco bonds. In the margin: for the Victuallers. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 220. Order Book XXXIX, p. 86.
Same for 2,000l. to Henry Dering, esq., in repayment of the like sum lent by him this day into the Exchequer on credit of the rent payable by the Wine Licence Commissioners, together with 6 per cent. interest thereon: the principal and interest to be satisfied by tallies on the Wine Licence Commissioners or Agents as follows, viz. 500l. and interest on the half year rent due from them at 1685, Lady day; 500l. and interest upon the like due 1685, Sept. 29; 500l. and interest upon the like due 1686, Lady day; 500l. and interest upon the like due 1686, Sept. 29. (Money orders accordingly dated July 7 hereon for 705l. 16s. 1d., 546l. 7s. 0d., 529l. 1s. 11d. and 515l. 9s. 0d.) Money Book IV, p. 226. Order Book XXXIX, p. 87.
July 7. Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to John Kyffin of the lands and tenements in co. Denbigh of Theodore Morris, senr., outlaw. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 213.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process till next Michaelmas term against John Basire, Receiver General of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment and Six Months' Assessment for cos. Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle and Berwick, on which assessments he is indebted 576l. 1s. 1½d. and 255l. 11s. 11d. respectively or 831l. 13s. 0½d. in all; which debt he has promised to clear by the beginning of next Michaelmas term. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Saltfatt of Malmo, which, with her lading, was seized by Capt. Lowe, Deputy Surveyor of the Navigation Act, being Dutch built and arriving in the Thames with timber and with the greatest part of her mariners Dutch, it appearing that she entered the Thames in distress and only sold her cargo for 225l. to pay for repairs, which came to 289l. 10s. 0d., the master having no money or credit here. The present release is granted on the memorial of the Swedish Resident. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 212.
July 9. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants now remaining in the Exchequer, viz. 100l. to Capt. Mansell, 100l. to Mr. Whitgrave, 50l. to Mr. Rogers, 20l. to Mr. Swan, 150l. to Col. Gifford, 50l. to Mris. Hurford, 100l. to Mr. Reynolds, 250l. to Lady Fisher (in the margin: not paid), 200l. to Rachell and Frances Windham, 100l. to Mris. Gunter, 250l. to Mr. [sic for Mris.] Lane (in the margin: not paid), 150l. to Sir Tho. Windham (in the margin: not paid). (Total hereof, 1,520l.) (Entry struck through and replaced on July 12 by a letter for payment, out of Recusants' forfeitures, ut supra, of the sums respectively as above to Mansell, Whitgrave, Rogers, Swan, Gifford, Hurford, Reynolds, Rachell and Francis Windham and Gunter and for 15l. to Mris. Ursula Elliott out of Hearthmoney now in the Exchequer. Total hereof, 885l.) Disposition Book II, pp. 243, 244.
July 9. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to pay by way of imprest out of the weekly money of the Navy the 9l. 10s. 6d. due upon the ticket for the victuals of Rupert Kempthorne and John Facknold, late Volunteers on the Royal Charles. (See supra, p. 609.) Out Letters (General) VII, p. 182.
July 10. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to receive into the Exchequer 5,000l. from Sir Hugh Cholmely as a loan on the Customs, giving him a tally of loan for same. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hall to send to the Earl of Anglesea or to the Auditors of Imprests a copy of the 20,000l. charged on said Earl as received for payment of the army in Ireland etc. "unless you find it discharged." Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners enclosing the [Treasury] warrant for exporting victuals for the soldiers that are to be fetched from Tangier in the Unity. The Treasury Lords have directed 500l. to be speedily paid into the Exchequer [out of the Customs] for fitting out three ships, viz. 200l. for the Mermaid and the Pearl and 300l. for the ship that Sir Richard Haddock spoke of yesterday which my Lords take to be the Rose. Ibid, p. 183.
Same to Mr. Duncomb to pay into the Exchequer 4,500l. 13s. 4d. for the Judges early enough for them to receive it on Saturday morning in regard they begin their circuits next Monday. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to make a strict inspection whether the King receives any advantage by the divers increases of salaries made to the Customs officers. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of the Stables to send to the Treasury Lords your report on the petition of Mris. Mason against Mr. Gargrave. My Lords suppose you have now called all parties before you. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, to draft instructions for the Commission which you desire to be issued for enquiring into the proposal of Sir John Ernle, junr., his Majesty's supervisor of the timber and woods in Dean Forest. You are to advise with Mr. Agar herein. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 213.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of the following victuals in the ship Unity, William Tucker master, which are intended for the use of some sick and maimed soldiers whom the said vessel is to fetch from Tangier, viz. 24 bags of bread, 35 tuns of beer, three casks of oatmeal, five casks of beef, eight casks of pork, eight casks of pease, eight firkins of butter, 30 cheeses, 300 fish. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 213.
July 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords [for salary] issuing same out of the 2,000l. lent into the Exchequer by Henry Dering on the credit of the Wine Licence revenue. Disposition Book II, p. 243.
Money warrant for 13,479l. 16s. 0d. to William Hewer as imprest in part of the 50,000l. by the privy seal of 1682, Nov. 2, for the extraordinary expense of the garrison of Tangier. The present issue is to pay seven months' pay to the extraordinary Forces now in said garrison. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 220. Order Book XXXIX, p. 86.
Same for 10,141l. 4s. 8d. to same as imprest for the ordinary of said garrison to make up 12,984l. 14s. 11½d in part of the quarter ended 1681, Sept. 30, on the Tangier ordinary of 57,200l. per an. The present warrant is for seven months' pay to the ordinary Forces of said garrison. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 220, Order Book XXXIX, p. 86.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 4,000l. to Visct. Falkland on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs which are to be paid by tobacco bonds by 1,000l. a week for four weeks from the 1st inst. The present issue is upon account of naval stores. Money Book IV, p. 221.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 150l. to George Porter for half a year's salary to Christmas last as Surveyor of Customs, London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 2,471l. 19s. 7d. and 1,535l. 11s. 6d. (or in all 4,007l. 11s. 1d.) to Charles Toll, esq., for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward from 1682, Oct. 1, to 1683, June 30, on several sums by him advanced for his Majesty's service; as by two accounts thereof audited by Robert Hewitt, deputy to Auditor Anthony Stephens and approved by the Treasury Lords April 4 and June 5 last. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 221. Order Book XXXIX, p. 85.
Mr. James Kynvin, solicitor for the Royal Africa Company, desires on behalf of said Company that if any application be made for discharging a seizure of the ship Goulden Fortune, Bartho. Fortune master, and her lading, the Company may be heard before anything be done therein. Caveat Book, p. 22.
July 11. Henry Guy to Mr. Whitfield to make out process upon the recognizance of Joyce Buckeridge, lately convicted of forgery, and to deliver same to Mr. Burton, solicitor to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 181.
Same to Mr. Hooker, Deputy Receiver of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall, to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday next with an account of the surplus in your hands of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 181.
Enclosing: (a) memorial to the King dated Westminster, July 1 inst., from Arnaut Van Citters, the Dutch ambassador, concerning the injustice done to two masters of ships of Freisland by Capt. Stisted, an officer of the Customs at London, and praying for the return of the money taken from them. Followed by: note of the affidavits of Sier Peters, Josiah Jones, public notary, Douwe Hobbs, and Jno. Liddiard.
Same to the Attorney General to report on several papers concerning New England which Mr. Randolph is instructed to bring you. Ibid, p. 182.
Same to Sir Richd. Mason et al. [late Agents for Taxes] to report on the petition of Sir Edward Stradling, bart. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for erecting an Office which shall be called the Office of Auditor of all such casual revenue as shall arise to the Crown by reason of any penal laws and of such other accounts as shall be referred to him from time to time by the Treasury Lords, "so [or provided] that the same interfere not with the right of any auditor already constituted": and for a grant of said office to William Aldworth with the yearly fee or allowance of 100l. per an. payable quarterly out of such [said casual] revenue and during pleasure. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 193.
Royal sign manual for 780l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the privy seal dormant of May 23 last. (Money warrant dated July 14 hereon. Money order dated July 16 hereon.) Ibid, p. 194. Money Book IV, p. 225. Order Book XXXIX, p. 87.
Same for 630l. 14s. 0d. to same for same: to be issued on same privy seal dormant. (Money warrant dated July 14 hereon. Money order dated July 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX. p. 194. Money Book IV, p. 225. Order Book XXXIX, p. 87.
Royal warrant to Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor of the Works. By royal sign manual of Jan. 19 last the King gave licence to Patrick Lamb and William his son to sell by retail wine, strong water, ale, beer, and all other liquors and tobacco within the Palace of Whitehall, and where else the court shall reside with prohibition to any other to utter the same there. Said Patrick Lamb has represented to the Treasury Lords that the tenement where he intends to manage his employment in our said palace, adjoining to the coal house near the wood-yard there, being slightly built of boards and but 30 feet in front and 12 in depth "will not be sufficient to entertain such of our family as shall resort thither for their accommodation and refreshment." He therefore desires eight more feet in depth to be allotted to the ground so that he may erect at his own cost a brick house and make convenient room therein for the reception of the King's servants. On your report hereon the said eight feet are to be added to his ground on the express agreement that the King may resume possession without paying any satisfaction for said building. You are hereby to mark out the said eight feet. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 194–5.
July 12
[sic ? for
Money warrant for 3,985l. 11s. 6d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for one quarter to June 14 last for interest and reward on several sums by them lent for his Majesty's service: as by an account thereof stated by Robert Hewett and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 5th inst. (Money order dated July 11 [sic] hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 221. Order Book XXXIX, p. 86.
July 12. Same for 25l. each to the following for a quarter each on their fee or salary as Masters of Requests, viz. Sir Charles Cotterell to 1682, Lady day, Sir William Glascock to same, Thomas Povey to same, Charles Morley to 1682, Christmas. Money Book IV, p. 222.
Same for 125l. to Sir Geo. Jefferys for last Easter term on his salary or allowance as one of the Justices of the City of Chester. Ibid, pp. 222, 223.
50l. to John Warren for same as a same.
40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Robert Sawyer for half a year to June 24 last on his fee or salary as Attorney General.
35l. to Heneage Finch for same as Solicitor General.
Same for 375l. to Sir William Scroggs for last Trinity term quarter on his annuity or pension. Ibid, p. 223.
Same for 5,500l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe, together with 6 per cent. interest as in repayment of 5,500l. lent by them into the Exchequer June 30 last. To be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. (Money order dated June 30 hereon. [This money order is fictitiously given the date of the tally of loan.]) Ibid, p. 223. Order Book XXXIX, p. 90.
Same for 20,000l. to same, together with 6 per cent. interest, as in repayment of 20,000l. by them lent into the Exchequer June 16 last. To be satisfied, ut supra. (Money order [fictitiously, ut supra] dated June 16 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 224. Order Book XXXIX, p. 89.
Same for 9,400l. to same, together with 6 per cent. interest, as in repayment of 9,400l. lent into the Exchequer June 23 last. To be satisfied, ut supra. (Money warrant dated [fictitiously, ut supra] June 23 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 224. Order Book XXXIX, p. 89.
Same for 4,100l. to same, together with 6 per cent. interest, as in repayment of 4,100l. by them lent into the Exchequer the 7th inst. To be satisfied, ut supra. (Money order dated [fictitiously, ut supra] July 7 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 224. Order Book XXXIX, p. 90.
Same for 6,000l. to Richard Bell, together with 6 per cent. interest, as in repayment of 6,000l. by him lent into the Exchequer June 23 last. To be satisfied. ut supra. (Money order dated [fictitiously, ut supra] June 23 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 225. Order Book XXXIX, p. 91.
Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to examine and state Col. Kirke's general account of contingencies and other charges laid out [at Tangier] from 1681, May 3, to 1683, Apr. 20. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 183.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have considered the extract of Mr. Culliford's letter concerning the proclamation prohibiting the exportation of certain woollen manufactures by any but the Hamburgh Company. In regard the proclamation is so lately issued they cannot at present give any directions therein. You are to strictly observe the effects of it and to give my Lords a frequent account how far you find it prejudicial to the revenue of the Customs. Ibid.
July 12. Henry Guy to Mr. Astry. Inform my Lords whether the 26 persons of Worcester city who were lately fined upon an information have paid their fines to you and what same amount to. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 183.
Money order for 100l. to William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, for one year to June 24 last for reward for attending the Treasury Lords for despatch of business. Order Book XXXIX, p. 88.
Similarly for 45l. 8s. 4d. to same for same year as well for attendance in vacation time as in lieu of 16l. 13s. 4d. and 8l. 15s. 0d. per an. anciently allowed him by tally on the Customs.
July 13. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 8,000l. lent yesterday into the Receipt by Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 244.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to the Cofferer [on the Royal Household's] ordinary 1,000
to ditto on the extraordinary 500
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to Mr. Toll for interest 2,300
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid, p. 245.
l. s. d.
to the 11 Judges 2,750 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery 275 0 0
to the Welsh Judges 175 0 0
to the Master of Requests 100 0 0
to Sir William Scrogs 375 0 0
to the Attorney General for half a year 40 13 4
to the Solicitor General, for ditto 35 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 500 0 0
£4,250 13 4
July 14. Same to the Hearthmoney Farmers to hasten the payment of the half of 13,000l. which you promised to pay into the Exchequer this week. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 184.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to present some other for the place of weigher and tidesman at Yarmouth, Mr. Eardley (whom you have presented for same) being a gentleman and the place too mean for him. Hasten your report on the Dutch ambassador's memorial concerning the seizure made by Mr. Stystead. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Sir Tho. Wharton [Warden of the Mint], enclosing (a) infra. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 184.
Appending: (a) letter to the Treasury Lords from Tho. Doyly dated July 14. On Thursday last I tried three persons for clipping two Welshmen and a Scotchman. All were found guilty. With them I found a parcel of clippings, part melted and some money clipped, about 12l. value. I pray an order to the Warden of the Mint that I may have same towards my charges. This morning will be several more tried at the Old Bailey. I have attended with the witnesses since Monday and have been at great charge. As soon as the Sessions are ended I shall go to Salisbury.
Same to Sir Geo. Downing. The Treasury Lords are informed that Sir Richd. Temple and Mr. Newport are out of town, so that there cannot be a quorum of the [Customs] Commissioners unless you attend. Please attend on Monday next and daily till their return, "notwithstanding the occasion you now have of staying within." Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of two tenements [in Cleeve, co. Cornwall] with a view to a lease thereof to Tho. Stanbury for 99 years or three lives at 40s. per an. rent and 30s. for a herriot and fine of 140l. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 214.
Prefixing: report dated June 5 last from John Fisher in the absence of the said Surveyor General on said Stanbury's petition for said lease. The tenements are rated at above 40l. per an. by the Parliament's survey, but four gentlemen of quality certify the value to be but 34l. per an.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Symons (for 99 years terminable on the lives of Francis Hele and two others at the rent of 10l. and fine of 350l.) of the capital messuage and Barton of Bradridge, co. Cornwall, with the appurtenances called Will. Park, Barne Park, Furre Park, Hillcomb, Beefhillcomb, Southpark, Bradridge Down, Bradridge Down Mead, West Park, the Gratton, Middle Gratton, Homer Gratton, Castle Park, Northpark, Outwood, Openwood, Bradridge wood, the Hammes, Newton Ball Bennis Bargain alias Bennis tenement, Bennis Moare, Little Bovetowne, Beofepark, Easter Bovetown, Wood Parkmead, Woodspark, Longsnap, Quarry Park, the Grove, Cowna Park and Cottleswood: all late in the tenure of William Noble and granted to Sarah Hele, 4 Aug., 1669, for 99 years, terminable on the lives of her and her sons John and Francis, the said Sarah and John being now both dead. Ibid, pp. 214–6, 217.
Prefixing: (1) particular of the premises made out by John Gryffith, Deputy Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall; (2) ratal thereof by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands: (3) entry dated July 23 of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of this lease; the three lives to be Francis Hele, William Symons and Hen. Devenish.
Same to same to make an allowance to James Herbert, late sheriff of co. Monmouth, of the surplusage of 27l. 5s. 6d. upon his sheriff's account; allowing same out of the debit of 67l. 2s. 10d. standing upon the account of Thomas Morgan, late sheriff of same. Ibid, p. 216
Prefixing: note of said surplus and said debit extracted from the Pipe Roll.
July 14. Treasury warrant for the execution of a dormant warrant of Treasurer Danby dated 1678–9, Feb. 3, for the issue of 300l. per an. to Hen. Dering as chief clerk to the Trustees for Fee Farms. The present issue is to be for the sum of 1,125l. to Dering for 3¾ years to Christmas last thereon: to be satisfied by tallies on the Wine Licence revenue, viz. 625l. on the half year's rent thereof due 1684, Lady day, and 500l. on the then succeeding half year's rent. (Money order dated July 16 hereon.) Money Book IV, pp. 226–7. Order Book XXXIX, p. 87.
Prefixing: said Danby's warrant of 1678–9, Feb. 3. Said Dering being appointed said clerk by privy seal of 1678–9, Jan. 22 (ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books V, p. 1201) has represented to me the confused state of the affair of the fee farms which will require great labour and pains to bring into order wherein many hands will be necessary and great care and circumspection must be used through the whole course thereof: therefore he is hereby to be paid a salary of 300l. per an. as from Lady day next for himself and his clerks employed herein and such further sums for incidents as shall from time to time be thought necessary by the Trustees for Fee Farms.
Same to the Customs Cashier to take tobacco bonds to the amount of 4,000l. from the Receiver of Plantation Goods, London port, and to deliver same forthwith to the Treasurer of the Navy, taking from him in return the tally dated July 11 inst. for 4,000l. for the Navy. Further the calculated mercantile discount on said bonds is hereby to be paid by you to said Treasurer. Ibid, p. 227.
Money warrant for 8,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe as in repayment of the 8,000l. by them lent into the Exchequer the 12th inst.: together with 6 per cent. interest: to be satisfied by tallies on the Excise. (Money order hereon accordingly. [This money order is fictitiously given the date July 12 being the date of the tally of loan.]) Ibid, p. 228. Order Book XXXIX, p. 89.
Same for 8,000l. to same in repayment of 8,000l. by them lent into the Exchequer the 7th inst., with interest ut supra: to be satisfied ut supra. (Money order [fictitiously ut supra] dated July 7 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 228. Order Book XXXIX, p. 89.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Thomas Doyley for last June 24 quarter on his annuity. Money Book IV, p. 229.
Treasury allowance of the 1683, Lady day quarter's incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office in London. (Total 619l. 18s. 0d.) Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of further victuals and stores (60 bags of bread, 400 ordinary deals, 200 hamacoes, some nails etc.) on board the Unity, William Tucker master, for the accommodation of the soldiers who are to be fetched from Tangier. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 213.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Fisher of Newcastle, John Swainston master, which sailed from England in March, 1682, for Stockholm and other ports in the East country with six men and a boy, all English, but at Stockholm two of the English left him and he could only hire two Scotchmen in their place, wherefore his ship is seized on arrival by Capt. Low, Surveyor of the Navigation Act, who has made him deposit aliens' customs for the hemp on board. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 213.
Same to same to pay 10l. each to William Christian, customer of Carlisle port, and Mathias Millar, comptroller ibid. for five years to Aug. 25 last and Feb. 6 last respectively on the allowance of 40s. per an. each for returning their books quarterly to Sir Edmund Turner: and dormant warrant clause for the continuation of said allowance in the future: Treasurer Danby having formerly ordered them the like allowances as are made [for the like service] in the port of Berwick. Ibid, p. 214.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 215.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week [of the Navy's weekly] money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to ditto for fitting out the Rose 300 0 0
to ditto for fitting out the Mermaid and Pearle 200 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance office's weekly] money 500 0 0
to Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe for interest 3,985 11 6
£8,485 11 6
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 5,800l. to be lent by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe of the 719l. 8s. 11d. of Excise money which is directed to be paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid, p. 246.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Toll for interest 2,319 8 11
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200 0 0
£6,519 8 11
Same to the Excise Commissioners. For the payment of this week's 8,000l. (which sum is to be weekly supplied out of the Excise) Mr. Duncombe has lent 5,800l. into the Exchequer, and he has in his hands of the revenue of Excise about 2,200l. This total the Treasury Lords have disposed as follows, viz. the abovesaid four items to Toll, the Paymaster of the Forces and Guy, 830l. 13s. 1d. for bankers' tallies, 619l. 18s. 0d. for incidents [of the Excise office], 30l. to Mr. Vile. You are to put the said 2,200l. into your certificate to be sent to the Treasury Lords with the disposition thereof. Ibid.
July 15. William, Lord Russel, being bound to the Earl of Chesterfield in a bond dated 1676, April 29, in 3,000l. for payment of 1,545l. on the then following Oct. 13, Capt. Ely desires on behalf of the Earl of Chesterfield that no part of Lord Russel's estate be disposed of till this debt be satisfied. Ordered by the Treasury Lords this day that the Earl of Chesterfield have notice before anything be done herein. Caveat Book, p. 22.