Appendix II

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Appendix II', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Appendix II', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Appendix II". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Prefatory Note

The following table of payments is transcribed from a thin folio volume among the Leeds MSS. It is lettered on the back "1677, orders for rewards." This volume is a secret service book so far as, and in the sense that, it contains items of payment which were not made through the Exchequer in the ordinary way and which consequently were not entered in the ordinary Treasury entry books. But it would be absurd to look upon it as Charles Bertie's secret service book pure and simple. No person, official or unofficial, who was employed as a payee or channel for the true secret service would have dared to keep an account of his proceedings. Charles's true, real and most intimate secret service expenditure (that which he disbursed by his ambassadors abroad and that which he disbursed among the members of Parliament at home) will never be known. But outside this there was (and there will always be found in the English Treasury history) a separate class of payments in which for a variety of motives many of the restrictions of Exchequer forms are brushed aside. Payments had now and then to be made quickly, or quietly, or gratis (i.e. without being subject to Exchequer fees), and so on, payments of small amounts, or of a half-shady nature, which it was not worth while or not desirable to enter in the ordinary Treasury books or to subject to the ordinary Exchequer routine of issue and accompting. For one class at least of such payments a provision in bulk was made. As a rule a dormant privy seal was passed for 10,000l. and on that dormant privy seal the king himself by his sign manual or the Lord Treasurer himself by his warrant could direct the issue of any particular sum until the total of 10,000l. was reached. When that total was reached and the privy seal exhausted a fresh one was passed and so on. The payments which were made out of these dormant privy seals were as a rule small payments of royal bounty in various forms, or payments for special services or for special purposes in which despatch was essential, payments intended to meet the charges upon the passing of accompts in the Exchequer or to meet the Exchequer fees on Exchequer issues or to meet the charges in the Privy Seal Office on the issue of a privy seal, and so on, and so on. The volume of so-called "Secret Service expenditure of Charles II. and James II.," published by the Camden Society (Vol. VII.), is of this nature. If instead of styling such accounts as secret service accounts historians would look upon them as petty cash accounts they would have a prospect of understanding their true meaning. The true secret service money account never can be hoped for. What accounts we actually have surviving here and there are, from the historian's point of view, different in nature and less in importance. With the introduction of the Civil List after the Revolution of 1688 the whole of these petty cash,bounty cash,immediate service cash,payments grouped themselves round the item termed King's money, which was not looked upon either by Parliament or by the Executive as secret service money at all (see pp. v-xx of the Introduction to the Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Vol. II., 1735-8). Necessarily in the days of Charles II. the system was not so clear-cut and precise in form : it had not yet crystallized. There are in the following tables payments of a secret service nature mixed up with merely petty cash payments, and it is quite in keeping with this that pages of payments have been cut out of the volume [presumably by Danby's, or Bertie's, own hand]viz., 2 leaves between pp. 6 and 7, 5 leaves between pp. 16 and 17, 1 leaf between pp. 40 and 41, 1 leaf between pp. 50 and 51but none the less it remains true, speaking broadly, that the true secret service accounts of Charles II.'s reign are not contained in this record or in any other record, and that in the main what are here contained are "King's money" items.

Cash is. Per contra.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
1677. April 3. Received then at the Excise Office and paid as followeth 1,125 0 0
1677. April 4. Paid Mr. Seger 100 0 0
5. Paid to Mr. Roger Hewitt 300 0 0
Paid Mr. Seger 125 0 0
Ditto 50 0 0
Paid Col. Philips 75 0 0
6. Paid Sir John Talbot 125 0 0
7. Paid Mr. Seger 100 0 0
Ditto 100 0 0
Ditto 100 0 0
16. Paid Mr. Seger 14 0 0
Paid Mr. Edward Beine by Mr. Seger's order 2 0 0
17. Paid [fees] at Secretary Coventry's office 20 0 0
Ditto at Secretary William son's office 2 10 0
June 1. Received then at the Exchequer of moneys brought in from the Customs House 2,230 18 6 June 1. Paid Mr. Tilleyard 700 0 0
Paid fees in the Exchequer 56 8 6
Paid the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Cristaine [Christian] 66 13 0
2. To Col. Coward [Howard] of Suffolk 100 0 0
To Mr. Niccolls 50 0 0
To Sir John Coael 100 0 0
To Dr. Taillor for Mr. [? Wells] 150 0 0
6. To Mr. Gregory on the Earl of Dover's tally 100 0 0
8. Received of Mr. Lang with 200 0 0 8. Paid to Mr. Clerke 200l. that I received of Mr. Langwith 200 0 0
9. To Mr. Langhorne 100 0 0
To Sir Phillip Mounten [Monckton] 100 0 0
10. Paid the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
11. Paid Mr. John Cary 15 0 0
12. Paid the Earl of Plymouth 55 0 0
14. Paid Mr. Anthony Lawarnce [Lawrence] for the discovery of Aly Beell [a libel] 20 0 0
To Mr. Osborn 100 0 0
16. To Mr. Predinckos 200 0 0
18. Received then at the Excise Office of Mr. James 500 0 0 18. Paid the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
19. Paid the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
June 19. Paid fees at the Exchequer for striking a tally of 10,000l. 252 7 10
24. Paid Mr. Rob. Gargrave 50 0 0
28. Paid Mr. Westwood for the Earl of Plymouth 17 17 0
Paid Mr. Twist for the account of the Earl of Plymouth 12 10 0
Paid Westwood for the account of the Earl of Plymouth 68 5 0
29. Mr. Grenvelde [Grenvile] 75 0 0
Paid Mr. Admes 2 12 2
Paid Mr. Seger 32 5 0
July 9. Received then out of the Excise Office 535 14 4
Received out of the Farmers of the Hearthmoney 1,430 0 0
July 10. Paid the Earl of of Carbery 100 0 0
Mr. Robords [Roberts] for Midsummer last 125 0 0
11. Sir James Smith 125 0 0
Del[ivered] to the bishop of London 50 0 0
Del[ivered] to Col. Thomas Howard of Suffolk 150 0 0
12. To Sir Robert Holte 100 0 0
To Mris. Buckley for Midsummer 100 0 0
To Sir John Pa[u]let 25 0 0
Sir John Tallbot 125 0 0
Sir Lionell Walldin 75 0 0
Maj. Gen. Egerton 125 0 0
To Dr. Taillor for Mr. Welles, Governor to the Duke of Richmond 150 0 0
13. To Sir Bainamd Frogmorton 150 0 0
To Major Parey 20 0 0
Paid Col. Robert Phillipes 75 0 0
14. To Sir Phillip Howard 100 0 0
14. Received then of the Farmers of the Hearthmoney 1,000 0 0
16. Paid Mr. John Robenson 75 0 0
Paid Mr. John Wynne 75 0 0
Paid Sir Thomas Sands 125 0 0
Paid Esquire Houmph[rey] Cornewell 100 0 0
Paid Thomas Price, Esq 100 0 0
Paid Sir Gillb[ert] Garatt [Gerard] 100 0 0
Paid Thomas Knowles, Esq 100 0 0
July 16. Paid Sir John Barnebey 50 0 0
Paid Herbert Wasfuley [Westphaling] Esq. 50 0 0
Paid Col. Edward Progers 100 0 0
17. Paid Sir Thomas Knyveston 25 0 0
Fees at the Exchequer for striking a tally of 2,500l. 63 6 10
Paid Samuell Chace which was due to him upon bond 100 0 0
18. Paid Major Clarke 100 0 0
Paid Sir Joseph Seymour 50 0 0
19. Lent Mr. Rawkins 20 0 0
Lent Mr. Rawkins 30 0 0
20. Paid the bishop of London 100 0 0
To the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
21. To Mr. Percy Goring 150 0 0
Paid Mr. Eyest in trust for Capt. Rich. Bertey 43 15 0
23. To Dr. Bagshaw for the interest of 100l. due 23 June 2 0 0
July 21. Received of Mr. Goring (moneys lent) 20 0 0
[ ] Paid "on bard" [?] 100 0 0
21. Received then of the Farmers of the Hearthmoney 1,000 0 0 [Here follow two separate sets of duplicate entries of the payments as above, viz., 7 under date July 16, 2 under July 18, 2 under July 20, 2 under July 21, and one under July 23, continuing as follows.]
14. Received then of ditto 1,000 0 0
Received of Mr. Goring of moneys lent 20 0 0
[These latter two items are apparently duplicates of the items already stated under dates July 14 and July 21.] July 23. Paid Serjt. Ramsey 50 0 0
Paid Sir Henrey Carey 200 0 0
24. To Dineis [Denis] Swyny for discovering Lodwick Muggleton book 70 0 0
To the Earl of Bath 364 10 6
To Mr. Hille for discovering a seditious private printing press 20 0 0
To Andrew Forster for discovering one Mr. Gosling for several (seditious) libels 70 0 0
Paid Mris. Fanshaw 50 0 0
18. To Mr. Edward Christian 50 0 0
30. Received of Mr. Pereg[r]en Bertie 100 0 0
[ ] Paid to Mr. Christian [probably a duplicate entry of the above] 50 0 0
July 30. To Sir William Nevill 100 0 0
July 30. [Exchequer fees] for striking two tallies on the Hearth-money for 27 8 3
To Sir Tho. Knyveton due at Michaelmas next 25 0 0
To Mr. Perig[re]en Bertie for on year's interest for 400l. at 8 per cent. to the 14th of this inst. July 32 0 0
31. To the Earl of Plymouth 100 0 0
Aug. 18. Received out of the Exchequer of moneys brought in by the Farmers of the Hearthmoney on the quarterly rent] of the farm 1,000 0 0 Aug. 13. Paid Mr. Bernard Howard 150 0 0
To Cap[tain] Mongomrey by his Majesty's order 100 0 0
(15)-17. To Frances the footman for journey to Plymouth 15 0 0
[This item is duplicated on pp. 43 & 51 of the original MS.] For the charges of the privy seal for 10,000l. for secret service [see infra]
27. Received out of the Exchequer of moneys brought in out of the Customs 500 0 0 For striking tallies in the Exchequer one on the Customs for 3,000l. the other on the Excise for 600l. [see infra]
20. To Mr. Fanshaw 200 0 0
[The items above to Howard, Montgomery, Frances and Fanshaw are duplicated on pp. 43 and 51.]
20(? 15). To Lady Lindsey to complete the 400l. for the building 200 0 0
20. [Exchequer fees] for striking tallies for 3,000l. on the Hearth[money] Farmers and for 600l. on the Excise 91 17 6
Fee paid in the Exchequer for the 1,000l. [order drawn] on the Hearth[money] Farmers 25 15 0
Fee for the privy seal for 10,000l. [for secret service] 15 10 0
25. To the Harbourer of the deer 50 0 0
To Mr. John Lloyd 25 0 0
To Capt. Phillips 100 0 0
28. To the Mistresses Nevell 50l. each 100 0 0
Fee [paid] in the Exchequer [on the order] for 500l. 12 10 0
Mr. Andrues for the Earl of Plymouth 50 0 0
Mris. Mary Namond [Hamond] by order of Council 20 0 0
To Col. Whyller [Wheeler] Midsummer quarter 50 0 0
Mr. Napoote 50 0 0
Oct. 24. Received out of the Excise in part of a talley [for] 2,900l. 1,200 0 0 Oct. 20. Paid fees in the Exchequer for striking a tally for 2,900l. 74 5 0
27. Received out of the Excise the remainder of the [abovesaid] tally 1,700 0 0 [Fees] for passing the privy seal for 20,000l. on the Excise for secret service 15 10 0
22. Paid the baron Demese 100 0 0
24. Paid Sir John Pallet [Paulet] for Michaelmas [quarter] last 25 0 0
For the Customs on the Prince of Orange's wines 23 10 0
To the Earl of Sussex for three quarters to Michaelmas last 450 0 0
25. Paid Dr. Bravall due at Michaelmas last 20 0 0
Paid Sir John Corington due at Michaelmas last 100 0 0
To Mr. Roberts [due] at Michaelmas last 125 0 0
26. Paid the bishop of London for the Sluerd [Leeward] Islands 120 0 0
To the Earl of St. Albans the 20l. lent [to] Mr. Killigrue 20 0 0
27. Paid Mr. Guinne 1,250 0 0
Paid to the Farmers of the Hearthmoney that Mr. Bertie bore on his letter 200 0 0
30. Paid my Lady Daleson 50 0 0
Oct. 30. Received of Mr Belenchard on a bill of exchange 500 0 0 Nov. 1. This 500l. paid to Mr. Langworth [Langwith] by Mr. Bertie's order. [Signed] Antho. Segar 500 0 0
1. To Capt. Tho. Price, Michaelmas [quarter] last 100 0 0
2. Mrs. Barkley Michaelmas [quarter] last 100 0 0
Paid Mr. France Godfry, Midsummer last half year 50 0 0
7. Paid at the Privy seal Office for the order for 5,000l. for Esqr. Berty 7 10 0
(struck through)
For passing the privy seal for 20,000l. on the Exchequer
15 10 0
9. For striking a tally on the Excise for 5,000l. 126 18 6
Nov. 12. Received then on tallies of 5,000l. at the Excise Office 1,000 0 0 15. Paid Mr. Gor Latton for his expence into France and to London again 86 1 6
24. Received on [a] tally on the Excise 1,000 0 0 16. Paid Sir John Handmor 100 0 0
To Mr. Rob. Stepnes [Stephens] for discovering [a] libel and the printer 70 0 0
Nov. 17. Paid Mr. Brent for Mr. Harris [? Francis] 224 0 0
Paid Major Clarke 100 0 0
Paid Sir William Glascoke for Thomas Pris for his use 100 0 0
19. Paid Mr. John Wood for Sir John Bramston 125 0 0
Paid Mr. Henry Fanshaw 50 0 0
20. Paid Col. Phillips 75 0 0
Paid Mris. Fanshaw [her executors] for [last] Michaelmas quarter 50 0 0
21. Paid fees in the Exchequer for striking two tallies, one on the Excise for 5,000l. and one on the Hearth[money Farmers'] Office for 500l. 139 11 6
22. Paid Mr. Chantepye for the account of the Earl of Plymouth for 6 0 0
24. Paid Capt. Parry one quarter of a year's pension due at Michaelmas last 20 0 0
Paid Mr. Collbey for clothes for the Leward Islands 152 0 0
26. Paid Mr. King 100 0 0
27. Sir Joseph Seymor 50 0 0
Paid the Earl of Carbery 200 0 0
Paid Tho. Holland, Esq., for Midsummer and Michaelmas 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Note, servant to the Lords of the Admiralty 20 0 0
Paid Sir John Fen[w]icke 100 0 0
Tho. Price, Esq., for 100 0 0
30. To the bishop of London 50 0 0
To the keeper of Cranbourn walk for hay for the deer 20 0 0
Dec. 3. Received on the tally for 5,000l. in part 2,075 0 0 Dec. 4. To Capt. Shalles 100 0 0
To Maj. Gen. Egerton 125 0 0
To Sir Thos. Sands 125 0 0
10. Received of Lord Byron 175 0 0 Paid Mr. Stephens 400 0 0
Mr. Grunvelld [Grenville] 75 0 0
13. Received at the Excise Office 700 0 0 5. Sir Robert Holt 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Winne 75 0 0
Mr. John Robison 75 0 0
Dec. 18. Received out of the Excise Office 2,000 0 0 Paid Sir John Berneby 50 0 0
Paid Sir John Sallsberry 75 0 0
Paid Mr. Barton 100 0 0
Mr. Masha, harbourer of his Majesty's deer, in full of 230l. 80 0 0
To Major Godfry for Michaelmas last 25 0 0
Mr. Progers for Michaelmas last 100 0 0
Mr. Tho. Knollys for ditto 50 0 0
Mr. Wesphaling for ditto 50 0 0
Sir Lionel Waldin for ditto 75 0 0
Sir John Talbot for ditto 125 0 0
Dec. 6. Paid Mr. Perse Goring for ditto 100 0 0
10. Paid Mr.Peeter Cariton for ditto 75 0 0
11. Paid Dr. Buckthow [? Buckthorn] principle and interest 102 0 0
12. Paid Sir Phillip Howard 100 0 0
13. Paid the Baron Demeys 100 0 0
14. Paid Fran. Newporte, Esq., for Michaelmas last 50 0 0
4. Paid the Earl of Plymouth 103 15 0
15. Paid for striking a tally for 2,000l. on the Excise 50 17 6
18. Paid Mr. Stephens 1,000 0 0
19. Paid Mr. Langford to balance his account 380 3 6
21. Paid the Lady Offley upon account 100 0 0
Paid Madam Langhorne 50 0 0
22. Paid Don. Marco Plati's receipt for 150 0 0
24. Paid Capt. Shalles [Shales] 50 0 0
Paid Madam Roberts to St. Thomas's day last 125 0 0
Paid Col. Edward Phillips to Michaelmas last past 75 0 0
Paid Mr. Langworth [Langwith] 300 0 0
Paid Col. Macknorton 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Christ[i]an for New Park 100 0 0
Paid Capt. Creisett for Col. Wentline 100 0 0
Dec 31. Received then 500 0 0
1677-8. Jan. 2. Received more out of the Exchequer for New Year's gifts 500 0 0 1677-8. Jan. 1. Paid Mr. Langwith without a receipt 200 0 0
3. Paid Mr. Buckley for Christmas quarter 100 0 0
5. Paid Mr. John Carton 100 0 0
Jan. 7. Paid Mr. Pearson by the King's order 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Grinfeild [Grenville] due at Christmas last 75 0 0
Paid fees in the Exchequer for striking a talley for 5,000l. of [on] the Excise Office 126 18 6
8. Paid Mr. Langwith out of 380l. 5s. 0d. 100 0 0
(struck through)
Paid Mr. Langwith
200 0 0
12. Paid Mr. Jo. [? Jervis] Prise 100 0 0
Paid Sir Phill. Howard 100 0 0
Paid Sir Jo. Fen[w]eke 100 0 0
Paid Sir Jo. Barneaby 50 0 0
Paid Sir Jo. Pawlett [for] Christmas last 25 0 0
Paid F. Prise to Christmas last 100 0 0
Paid Mr. Fanchaw [for] Christmas last 50 0 0
Paid [fees] for the dormant privy seal 15 10 0
14. Paid Mr. Westfaling [for] Christmas last 50 0 0
Paid Maj. Gen. Egerton for ditto 125 0 0
Paid Sir Jo. Talbot for ditto 125 0 0
Paid Mr. William Prise 200 0 0
Paid Sir Jos. Seymour to Christmas last past 50 0 0
Paid Col. Phillips to ditto 75 0 0
15. Paid Col. Ed. Progers for ditto 100 0 0
Paid Dr. Brevall for ditto 20 0 0
Paid Mr. [? Mris.] Fanshaw for ditto 50 0 0
17. Paid Major Sands for Sir Tho. Sands 125 0 0
Paid fees on the Exchequer for striking 2 tallies one of [on] the Hearth[money] Office for 1,000l. and one of [on] the Customs for 1,500l. 64 13 6
Paid Sir James Smyth to Christmas last 125 0 0
18. Paid Mr. Syman Pary to Christmas last 20 0 0
19. Paid Sir Co[ur]tney Poole 500 0 0
Paid Sir Joseph Tredenam 400 0 0
Paid Capt. Shalls [Shales] 100 0 0
Paid Lord Alington 351 16 8
Paid Col. Tho. Howard of Suffolk 250 0 0
Paid Sir Lion[el] Walden [for] Christmas last 75 0 0
Sam Langford's Account Of Money Paid For Secret Service By Mr. Secretary Bertie's Command. (fn. 1)
Cash is. Per contra.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Sept. 26. Received for a tally struck upon the Hearthmoney [Farmers'] payment due in March last 1,000 0 0 [1677.] Sept. 4. Paid Mr. Lenthall 10 0 0
7. Paid Mr. Andrews for the Earl of Plymouth 50 0 0
18. Paid Dr. Bagshaw for interest 2 0 0
20. Paid fees on the Exchequer for striking a tally upon the Hearthmoney for 1,000l. 26 0 0
Paid Mr. Christian for repairs at New Park 100 0 0
22. Paid Mr. [? Mris.] Laugharne 20 0 0
Paid Mr. Langwith for Prin[c]e Domary Platy 100 0 0
Paid same more for same without acquittance 100 0 0
27. Paid Mr. Tilliard for the Earl of Lichfield's lodgings in St. James's Park 210 0 0
Paid Mr. Battaylea, an Italian musician 300 0 0
Paid Mr. Fox, the messenger, for fetching up the Lord Mayor of York 12 3 6
28. Paid Mr. Andrews more for the Earl of Plymouth 30 0 0
Paid Mr. Mushaw harborer of the King's deer 100 0 0
Remains due this 3rd Nov., 1674 160 3 6 29. Paid Mr. Screven 100 0 0
1,160 3 6 1,160 3 6
Due upon the foot of this accompt made up to the 3rd Nov., 1677 160 3 6
Nov. 10. Paid to my Lord [Visct.] Latimer for Mr. Culpeper for which there is no acquittance 200 0 0
12. Paid Mr. Rannew to encourage him to build ships of stone 20 0 0
Remained due to me this 19th Nov., 1677 380 3 6
[Mr. 's Account Of Secret Service Money. (fn. 2) ]
Debit. Credit.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
1676-7. Mar. 5. Mr. Segar's account of what I had in my hands 200 0 0 1676-7. Paid Esq. Henery Killegre[w] 75 0 0
Mar. 7. Paid Mr. Seger 100 0 0
8. Paid Mr. Seger 25 0 0
14. Received at the Hearth[money] Office of Capt. Buckley and Company upon a tally of 500l. 500 0 0 14. Paid to Mr. Seger 75 0 0
Paid to Mr. 200 0 0
15. Paid fees at the Exchequer for 200l. 10 8 0
14. Received at the Excise Office 75 0 0 16. Paid more to Mr. Seger 100 0 0
15. Received at the Exchequer 200 0 0 17. Paid fees for 75l. 4 16 6
19. Paid to Mr. Per[cy] Goring 20 0 0
17. Received at the Exchequer 75 0 0 Paid to 70 3 6
Paid fees at the Signet Office and Privy Seal Office 7 5 0
20. Received then of Capt. Buckley and Company of the Hearth[money] Office upon 2 tallies for 1,000l. 1,000 0 0
Paid the Earl of Carbery. 100 0 0
Paid the bishop of London 100 0 0
1677. Mar. 27. Paid Mr. Langford 53 1 6
28. Paid at the Custom House 160 0 0
29. Paid fees at the Exchequer for striking a tally of [ ] 125 17 0
31. Paid Mr. John Powlett 25 0 0
1676-7. Mar. 17 (fn. 3) Received then and borrowed of Mr. Anthany Seger the sum of 100l. which I promise to pay upon demand. Witness my hand, John Rawkins.
20. (fn. 4). Received then of Mr. Pereir [? Bertie] by the order of Sir Hugh Bethell 699 9 11 Mar. 20. Paid Mr. Brentt 500 0 0
21. Paid Mr. Seger 38 0 0
Mr. 's Account Of Secret Service Money. (fn. 5)
1677. July 21. Received then of the Honble. Charles Bertie [a tally for] 1,000 0 0 And delivered the tally to Will Stenaypole 1,000 0 0
Aug. 17. Received then of Richard Kent, Esq., a tally for 3,000 0 0 Delivered the said tally to Francis Chapline, Esq 3,000 0 0
18. Received then of Sam Bulkley, Esq., by direction of the Honble Charles Bertie, Esq 1,000 0 0 Delivered the tally to Sam Bulkley, Esq 1,000 0 0
Nov. 27. Received then of the Hearth[money] Farmers a tally for 500 0 0 Delivered the said taly to the Etalians [? Italian comedians] 500 0 0
[Another Accompt. (fn. 6) ]
l. s. d. l. s. d.
1676. Nov. 14. Received out of the Excise on the tallies of 600 0 0 1676. Paid to Frances Newpartt, Esq 100 0 0
Paid the Lady Sussex 100 0 0
Paid ditto 50 0 0
Paid Mr. George Markham 100 0 0


  • 1. p. 91 of same MS. as the preceding.
  • 2. p. 154 of same MS. as the preceding written in reverse order.
  • 3. p. 146 of the same MS. as the preceding written in reverse order.
  • 4. p. 140 of the same MS. as the preceding written in reverse order.
  • 5. p. 133 of the same MS.
  • 6. p. 108 of the same MS. written in reverse order.