Appendix III

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Appendix III', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Appendix III', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Appendix III". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Appendix III

Book of Petitions. (fn. 1)
[As presented to Treasurer Danby : with Danby's orders or resolutions made thereon.]
Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Petition from John Howland : sheweth that he was Register of Excise from the Restoration till 1669, when that [Excise] Commission was superseded and the King then granted petitioner 80l. per an. out of the Excise in consideration of his services : said payment is in arrear for 5 years ended 1676, Sept. 29 : therefore prays payment thereof. Hereon the present Excise Commissioners report the truth of the allegations and that petitioner served faithfully and that said arrears and the growing annuity should be paid until petitioner be otherwise provided for.
[Resolution hereon] : not granted.
Book of Petitions, p. 1.
Same from Sir John Lethulier for his debt of 1,500l. and the interest thereof (for which he has a privy seal) to be satisfied in the same manner as the bankers' [debts have been]. (See p. 293 supra.)
Resolution hereon : to be paid according to the rule and order of Council.
Same from Col. Robt. Phillipps : shews that the Treasurer appointed by the [late] usurped powers to receive the moneys arising by sale of the late King's and Queen's goods has made an unjust accompt and received money and goods for which he never accompted : therefore prays a grant of the King's interest in the premises.
Resolution hereon : this matter to be further explained to Treasurer Danby.
Same from Sir Tho. Wolstenholme, bart. : shews that there is due to him 6,663l. 4s. 9d. as part of 40,622l. 7s. 6d. which the late Farmers of the Customs paid into the Exchequer over and above their farm rent : and therefore praying the like satisfaction as [several of] the bankers have for their parts of the same debt. The like petition from Sir Jno. Shaw for his part thereof ; from Edm. Turnor for same and Mr. Fra. Millington for same.
Resolution hereon : the particular cases to be stated and shewed to Treasurer Danby who will then give further directions.
Same from John Casbrooke, upholsterer, to the Great Wardrobe : shewing that he had delivered to him two tallies, one for 350l. the other for 250l., payable out of the Customs in 1668 and 1669, and same were afterwards directed to be put into a list for payment with other of his fellows [the Wardrobe] servants who were paid but Sir Geo. Downing or his clerks left petitioner out and so he was not paid : and therefore prays to be transferred to some other fund. The Earl of Orrery recommended this case to Treasurer Danby
Resolution hereon : the Lord Treasurer cannot at present satisfy him.
Petition from Mr. Gwillym : shewing that he was em ployed by the Solicitor General in drawing up the bill for 600,000l. for building ships [the Act for the Seventeen Months' tax 29 Car. II. c. 1. for 584,978l. 2s. 2½d. for 30 ships of war] and the bill [29 Car. II. c. 2.] for continuing the Additional Excise ; wherein he took great pains and afterwards transcribed them fair, the bill for ships being 140 sheets, the other but short : and therefore praying some reward.
Resolution hereon : enquire what has been done in like cases.
Book of Petitions, p. 1.
Same from John Mayo, merchant in Truro, Cornwall : shewing that one John Thomas seized 4 slabs of his tin on pretence that petitioner designed to embezzle same from the coinage [duty] because it was not carried to the Coinage Hall of Helston, the proper Stannary where it was melted : but the truth was petitioner was carrying it to the Coinage Hall of Truro where he inhabits, as appears by 2 affidavits : therefore prays discharge of the seizure and redelivery of the tin.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Tregeagle being spoke with says the tin is condemned according to law. Treasurer Danby will (altered to) can do nothing in it.
Ibid, p. 2.
Same from the loyal and indigent officers : shewing that by the Act of 14 Car. II. all the moneys arising by the assessments upon the counties of Cornwall, Rutland, Monmouth, Lancaster, Westmorland and Anglesea for the Eighteen Months' tax were granted to them [said indigent officers] and directed to be paid to their Treasurer to be distibuted, but it since appears that 3,000l. 7s. 4d. part of those taxes was paid into the Exchequer : they therefore pray the repayment thereof to Col. Birch, their present Treasurer.
Resolution hereon : This to be placed [charged] on some [unpaid] arrear and Mr. Fillingham to search his lists [of taxes to find some such arrear which may serve as a fund to pay this item].
Same from John Lindsey, goldsmith : shewing that his wife, as administratrix of John Colvile, assigned several orders to some widows, children and other necessitous creditors, in satisfaction of their debts ; which [orders] not being paid [by reason of the stop of the Exchequer the said necessitous creditors] are still very clamorous upon him to his great damage : and therefore prays that several orders to the value of 10,000l. or thereabouts, part of the estimate or amount [of his stated principal debt] settled for him [for his annuity] to be passed under the great seal upon his own account [as distinct from his wife's and John Colvile's account] may be taken out [or deducted from such stated account of his principal debt] and that so much belonging to the said necessitous persons may be inserted [in place thereof].
Resolution hereon : no exchange of orders to be allowed.
Petition from Anne Rogers, widow of John Rogers, the King's lutenist : shewing that 525l. was due to her husband at his death for salary ; which is all that is left to petitioner and her children, who are in a starving condition : therefore prays a year's salary for her present relief and that she may receive the residue by parcels as may be most convenient.
Resolution hereon : her case to be represented to the King as very urgent.
Book of Petitions, p. 2.
Same from Mris. Piques : shewing that she has a privy seal for 1,345l. 13s. 0d. due to her for badges, &c., for the King's watermen, &c. : that one Dalowe (for whom her husband was surety) received the Tenths in the diocese of Gloucester and is unable to pay ; and petitioner since her husband's death grown very poor hath little left to support her, and yet is prosecuted : therefore prays that so much as is due to her may be applied to the discharge of Dallow's account.
Resolution hereon : to be laid before the King as an arrear.
In the margin : delivered to Mris. Piques 2 May, 1678.
Same from Mr. Agar and Mr. Strode, Surveyors of Woods, Trent South : praying an addition of allowance of 100 marks per an. each, as their predecessors formerly had ; they being at much more charge and trouble and contracting more odium upon themselves than their predecessors formerly : such addition was thought reasonable and granted by Treasurer Clifford, but [the patent] had not time to pass [during Clifford's Treasurership]. Note : the fees of their office were heretofore much greater than at this day.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Ibid, p. 3.
Same from the Countess of Huntington on reference from the King : shewing that the King 15 Car. II. granted to the late Lord Loughborough (her brother) the Customs of Irish cattle brought into England for 21 years : upon surrender whereof the King granted him an annuity of 500l. for 19½ years out of the Customs which annuity is 4,750l. in arrear at Lady day, 1676 : therefore prays payment thereof.
Resolution hereon : [to be put among] the papers for the King.
Same from Mris. Wilkenson (Wilkinson) : shewing that the King directed 120l. to her husband as royal bounty and an order was drawn accordingly, and he received 105l., but is since dead and petitioner his widow, is in great want : therefore prays payment of the remainder.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from Mary and Sophia Nevill : shewing that their father was of the Bedchamber to the King when Prince, and was killed in his Majesty's service, leaving petitioners very poor : therefore pray Treasurer Danby to move the King for his bounty for them. They are recommended by the Earl of Northampton. (See p. 754 supra.)
Resolution hereon : to be put on the King's papers.
Same from Capt. Mich. Warton to the King for a lease for 60 years of a long slip of waste ground lying without St. James's Park, between the wall and a common shoare [sewer]. Sir C. Harbord reports that this ground is 540 foot long and 24 foot broad, besides the ditch, that Webb's house is built upon it, and many sheds used for feeding and keeping his Majesty's fowl, that there was a lease granted by Charles II., 1661, for 31 years of this ground to William Watkins at 4l. per an. rent, but Watkins never enjoyed it nor paid the rent, nor arched the shoare according to the covenant, that Webb's house, being enjoyed by one Jolly upon an old lease, was thought convenient by the King to be bought in, which was done accordingly for 160l., and thereupon Webb was placed in it to feed the [King's] fowl, &c.
Resolution hereon : to be laid before the King.
Petition from the Earl of Roscommon for payment of the 500l. [payment of] which was suspended by the late order of Council ; same being due upon his pay 1675-6, Jan. 28, to 1677, Mar. 31, of 1,000l. per an. as Captain of the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners.
Resolution hereon : [Treasurer Danby] to speak with the Earl of Roscommon in it.
Book of Petitions, p. 4.
Same from Jerome Lacy, underhousekeeper of Audley End and keeper of the gardens and wardrobes, privy lodgings and galleries there : shewing that his wages and disbursements are reduced [settled] by patent to 370l. per an., whereupon there is due [to him] 1,850l., the greatest part [thereof] being money disbursed : therefore prays a dormant warrant and constant [regular] payment thereupon. (See p. 497 supra.)
Resolution hereon : a state of the case to be made and then his lordship [Danby] will further direct.
Same from Hughs (Hughes), Cooper and Harding, attendants on the House of Commons : shewing that they formerly petitioned the King for a reward for their attendance, and their petition was referred to Treasurer Danby [with a recommendation] to gratify them [to an amount] not exceeding 60l. : they therefore pray payment thereof for their service in the last session. Memorandum : Cary, the doorkeeper, in the place, of his father (who shared with these petitioners in his life time) complains they keep all the money for themselves. And Mr. Harris, another of the officers there, complains in like manner, and has entered a caveat to be heard [on the hearing of the affair] by Treasurer Danby. For former sessions they had but 40l. amongst them.
Resolution hereon : 40l. to be paid for their attendance. (See p. 723 supra.)
Same from John Aston : shewing that he being a head collector for the Royal Aid and Additional Supply in Tewkesbury Hundred was set in super 50l. 6s. 4d. by the Receiver General [thereof for co. Gloucester] ; which [sum] was in a subcollector's hands from whom petitioner has since been able to get only 28l., he being fled with the rest ; and that no course is taken to re-assess the [deficiency on the] county and petitioner has been vexed with process to an expense of at least 30l. : therefore prays that the 28l. in his hands or some part of it may be remitted.
Resolution hereon : a letter to be written to the Commissioners [for co. Gloucester for said Aids] to re-assess [the deficiency on the county]. Mr. Fillingham to be spoken with.
Petition from Robt. Tompson (Thompson), Groom of the Privy Chamber, praying Treasurer Danby to direct payment of 80l. 1s. 0d. due to him for 2 years' liveries, 1666 and 1667 [due] out of the Wardrobe in the Earl of Sandwich's time [of being Master of the said Wardrobe].
Resolution hereon : not granted.
Book of Petitions, p. 4.
Same from Christopher Banastre (Banistre) Esq., Receiver of the late subsidy in co. Lancs., and from Edward Dobson, one of the [said Banastre's] sureties (to whom by Treasurer Danby's late warrant 30l. was allowed for their extraordinary pains upon the report of the Agents for bringing in the Taxes) : pray a further allowance, there being but 163l. due from them [on account of the receipt of said subsidy], and they conceiving that the said 30l. granted upon the said Taxes Agents' report was too little.
Resolution hereon : not granted. In the margin "Delivered to Mr. Dobson, 31 Jan., 1677-8."
Same from Henry Ball : shewing that King James in the 17th year of his reign erected an office of the clerk of the passes in all the ports and directed his officers there to administer the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to all persons going beyond sea and thereupon to grant them liberty to pass ; which office is now held by the assigns of one Mayhew for a term of years unexpired : therefore prays a grant thereof for 21 years in reversion, it being of no great value and the petitioner's father and family were great sufferers in the late troubles. Recommended by Col. Tempest of Durham.
Resolution hereon : the Attorney General to be advised with in this.
Ibid, p. 5.
Same from the Gentlemen and other officers of the Chapel [Royal] shewing that there is 1,422l. due to them for travelling charges at Windsor incurred in 1674 and 1675, which sum Sir Edw. Griffin [Treasurer of the Chamber] cannot pay without an assignment : they therefore pray an assignment. Their case is recommended by letter from the bishop of London.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Griffin to be spoke with in this.
Same from Thomas Bignell, one of the yeomen prickers [of the King's privy harriers] : shewing that he never received above 20l. upon his salary since your Lordship [Danby] was [made] Treasurer and the last year when the rest of the yeomen [of the harriers] had warrants he was omitted : there is due to him 110l. for 2¾ years' salary, whereof he prays payment or of some part thereof. (See p. 766 supra.)
Resolution hereon : a state to be made of this.
Same from Edmond Hall, clerk to the Commissioners for Prizes at Plymouth in the last Dutch war : shewing that in the said service he received and paid several sums whereof he can clear himself by his account and the account of the said Commissioners when an auditor shall be appointed to take the said account, which is not yet done ; but process is gone against him to account for about 200l. which he can prove he paid by order of the Commissioners, but cannot bear the whole charge himself of stating and passing the account : therefore prays that process may be stopped till the whole account be directed by Treasurer Danby to be passed by the said Commissioners. (See p. 750 supra.)
Resolution hereon : to be referred to an Auditor.
Petition from Mr. Jay : with Sir Cha. Harbord's report thereupon. Requisite to be read at large. (See p. 592 supra.) Book of Petitions, p. 5.
Same from Mr. Hebdon : shewing that he undertook the employment [of Envoy] to Russia for 600l. upon prospect that he should have landed at the Narve, and so according to custom have gone to Moscow at the Czar's charge : but to prevent the freezing up of the King's frigate by the lateness of the year he was forced to land at Riga, where he stayed six weeks till the roads were passable with sleds and then went 300 miles at his own charges more than by the way of the Narve ; which cost him 200l. more charge than was expected : therefore prays that [said 200l.] may be allowed him, there being much more saved by the frigate not being frozen up.
Resolution hereon : to be laid before the King at his return from Newmarket.
In the margin : this petition with all papers relating to his Custom House business [was] sent to Mr. Hebden by his servant, 24 Sept., 1678.
[Before 1677-8, Feb. 19.] A report [from the Customs Commissioners] on the petition of James Burkin : [the said report is not preserved, but Treasurer Danby's warrant founded thereon is entered in Customs Book IV. p. 13, where it is] to be read at large. [See supra, p. 915.]
Resolution hereon : granted.
Same on the case of Mr. Shoyswell : to be read at large. Ibid, p. 6.
Petition from William Legg, Esq., Page of Honour : shewing that upon his pension of 120l. per an. there is due 165l. for your [Danby's] Lordship's time [of being Lord Treasurer] ; the whole due to him at Midsummer last being 225l. : therefore prays payment of said 165l. which will leave him 60l. in arrear as some other of the King's pages are.
Resolution hereon. see the certificates.
Same from Mr. Arnold : shewing that your Lordship [Danby] having heard the equity of his case he hopes you will not expound the agreement which he made wholly in the dark to oblige him further than the bond [itself extends to] but give him relief or leave him to equity in the Exchequer and stay process on his bond and judgment in the meantime : Mr. Dent having given bond for a moiety of the arrear charged on Stockdale [therefore petitioner] prays that he may with an accomptant peruse the accounts and that the duplicates at Dover may be delivered to Mr. Stockdale and that the first payment on his [petitioner's] bond may be suspended till the accounts be adjusted.
Resolution hereon : the Attorney General to advise what is fit to be done.
Same from Tho. Phillips, distiller in ordinary to the King, praying payment of 104l. 2s. 8d. due to him at the Exchequer for seven years on his fee and livery. (See p. 455 supra.)
Resolution hereon : to be paid according to the order of Council.
Petition from the six under marshals [of the House of Lords] : shewing that by order of the House of Lords the Lord Treasurer is desired to recommend them to the King for the allowance of 40l. amongst them for each of the six last sessions of Parliament, as was formerly allowed for their attendance on that House : they therefore pray Treasurer Danby's favourable recommendation accordingly.
Resolution hereon : see by what right they pretend : and what they call a session.
Book of Petitions, p. 6.
Same from William Goldsborough, Clerk of the House of Commons : shewing that he having from the beginning of the rebellion served the Crown not without losses, hazards and considerable expense, the King on the Restoration gave him that place of Clerk to the House of Commons with the salary of 10l. per an. (which salary is in arrear from the time of the grant) and [with grant for him] to have the usual allowance for his labour, care and charge o money bills and other public matters for [all] which he never received anything but 100l. in Lord Clifford's time, and what he received for bills copied this last session by Mr. Lownds : [further shewing that] petitioner has unsatisfied orders registered on the revenue for former work. Therefore prays some fitting direction [of moneys]. He further complains that Mr. Barnard received money for him for copies of bills upon a suggestion to Treasurer Danby that he had paid petitioner, whereas in truth petitioner never knew he [Barnard] had received any money for a great while and now he [Barnard] will not pay him [petitioner] his due. Memorandum that the petitioner in his bills annexed to his petition inserts those for which Mr. Barnard was paid "so that your Lordship may be doubly charged if this be not taken notice of."
Resolution hereon : 200l. granted. (See p. 771 supra.)
The officers of Whittlewood Forest certify that 12 ton of timber and 20l. in money will be needful to repair Hanger Lodge, "which certificate your Lordship required on reading Mr. Glen's petition for timber to repair it ; he being the Keeper of Hanger Walk."
Resolution hereon : granted. (See p. 756 supra.)
Ibid, p. 7.
Petition of Edward Deering, Esq. Ibid.
Same from Sir John Peak and Sir Thomas Stamp, sheriffs of London and Middlesex : shewing that upon the King's proclamation for apprehending felons, &c., the Justices of gaol delivery have directed certificates to the petitioners to pay several rewards amounting to above 100l. which they cannot pay unless it be out of their own [private] money, great part of the King's revenue in their charge being granted to the Queen, &c., and they being [already otherwise] at great charge in removing felons to the counties where [such] felonies are committed : they therefore pray Treasurer Danby to order every sheriff of any county that shall receive any prisoner by habeas corpus from the petitioners or their successors to pay the charge of bringing the prisoner, [such sheriff] having allowance thereof on his account ; and that petitioners may have a record of surplusage upon any other sheriff to reimburse what shall be due to the petitioners on their account [and so petitioners may be able to receive their due] without paying any fees in the Exchequer "which otherwise is very expensive." (See p. 871 supra.)
Resolution hereon : "approved : but Treasurer Danby to advise [hereon] with the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] and Barons of [the Exchequer]."
Petition from Richard Smith : shewing that the King granted to Sir George Charnock a pension of 200l. per an. for 20 years from 1665, Christmas, out of the alum farm ; and that Sir George by indenture dated 1666, Nov. 9, assigned same and all his interest therein to petitioner, who prays a warrant for paying same to him.
Resolution hereon : to shew what legal authority he hath.
Book of Petitions, p. 7.
Same from Richard Mountny (Mounteney), junr.
Resolution hereon : granted.
Same from Thomas Offley, Esq., Groom Porter, shewing that in 2½ years past he has expended about 1,300l. in provisions [for the King's household] at Whitehall, Hampton Court, Windsor and Newmarket : that Treasurer Danby not disliking his proposal to perform his said service [of furnishing such provisions and furniture for the King's Household] for 640l. per an. [which proposal was also] approved by the Treasurer of the Chamber [therefore as a result] petitioner has made no annual bills [for such provisions] to be allowed by the Lord Chamberlain as formerly, but relies on Treasurer Danby [for his repayment] ; and having orders to make immediate provisions at Oxford is unable [to comply therewith] without the Lord Treasurer's assistance : therefore prays that for this service the Treasurer of the Chamber may be directed to pay him 600l. on what has been long due to him.
Resolution hereon : agreed. (See p. 488 supra.)
Same from Robert Cooper : with the report from the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded thereupon. Ibid.
[Before 1677, Aug. 29.] Report on the petition of Francis Dackett, praying that Mr. Skipwith may be admitted his deputy in his office of King's waiter, London port. Mr. Culliford, who has procured your Lordship [Danby's] warrant for Mr. Carpenter to be his deputy has entered a caveat [and desires] to be heard [thereupon].
Resolution hereon : Treasurer Danby to consider it in his Chamber. (See supra, pp. 468, 739.)
Ibid, p. 8.
Petition from Sir Henry Coker : shewing that in the late rebellion he was Col. of Horse in the west for the late King till his army was defeated ; that afterwards he was sequestered and banished the realm till the restoration and hath ever since been Deputy Lieutenant and Capt. of a troop of Horse, co. Wilts : that in 1663 he being sheriff attended the King a month with 40 men in liveries and sold 600l. per an. inheritance to pay his debts contracted by these means : that he is chargeable with 570l. of the One Month's [part of the Three Months'] Tax for the Militia [which one month's part was] raised whilst he was sheriff ; but because his deputy ran away with a great part of it he [petitioner] formerly petitioned the King to be discharged, whereupon the process [out of the Exchequer] was directed to be stayed till a particular order [should be made therein] ; that endeavours are [now being] used to prosecute him for his [said Militia money] debt : therefore prays a privy seal for his discharge. The King refers this petition to Treasurer Danby to take such course therein as he shall think fit.
Resolution hereon : to be discharged if the King can discharge it and therefore the Attorney General to be advised with. (See p. 477 supra.)
Petition from Francis Negus : shewing that the King by warrant dated May last required the Earl of Pembroke, Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, to prosecute the arrears of the One Month's [part of the Three Months'] assessment for the Militia, and that by said Earl's appointment petitioner took forth process against abovesaid Sir Henry Coker which [process] is stayed by Treasurer Danby's warrant : therefore prays that said warrant [for such stay] may be recalled.
Resolution hereon : answered in Sir Henry Coker's petition [ut supra].
Book of Petitions, p. 8.
[1677, before Nov.] Same from William Levet, Esq. : shewing that he was Page of the Bedchamber to the late King and for his faithfulness and diligent service his Majesty the day before his death recommended him to the care and provision of his now Majesty by the late Archbishop of Canterbury and since the restoration the present King granted him a pension of 200l. per an. : therefore prays that the arrears of said pension may be paid him.
Resolution hereon : to be laid before the King. (See supra, pp. 478, 782.)
Same from Francis Benson : shewing that he is seized to him and his heirs (according to the custom of the barony of Kendal) of a messuage and lands, parcel of the manors called Richmond fee and Marquis fee, under the old rent of 4l. 5s. 5d. and the fines of the two years' old rent on the death of the lord and three years' on the death or alienation of the tenant : that on this land there are many young oaks which the neighbours cut down by a pretended custom[ary right] to take estovers in any place of the manors, and he not having the freehold in him cannot bring his action against them : as the said rent and fines are inconsiderable he therefore prays a grant of the freehold and inheritance of his said messuage and lands. The King, inclining to gratify petitioner referred this petition to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to Sir C. Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Ibid, pp. 8-9.
Same from Charles Gifford : shewing that he was the first instrument in his Majesty's escape from Worcester : that he spent an inheritance of 300l. per an. in the King's service, and contracted many debts to maintain his late wife the daughter of Sir Joseph Vancolster, to whom the King owed 20,000l. ; that seven years after the Restoration the King granted him a pension of 150l. per an. and [further granted him] two old debts [due to the Crown] which [however] petitioner could never recover ; that he promoted a discovery of about 13,000l. concealed from the King and is under many great debts : therefore prays an augmentation to his pension.
Resolution hereon : granted.
Ibid, p. 9.
[1677, Oct. 3.] Petition from Mary Hagedot : shewing that her husband and eldest son were successively Collectors of the Customs at Exeter during their lives and did good service in advancing the duties ; that it appears by an annexed certificate [missing] (which is subscribed by several persons of quality of that country) that her husband served the late King as a major of horse and was a great sufferer ; that her husband and son lost 900l. in returns of the King's money [arising in their Collectorship] to the Receiver General [of Customs, London] by the insolvency of those who drew the bills, whereby they became indebted to the King 800l. : therefore prays some abatement of that debt, she being left with her children very poor. Said petition is referred from the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to the Commissioners [of Customs]. See supra, p. 755.
Book of Petitions, p. 9.
Upon reading lately before your Lordship [Danby] the petition of Dr. Troutbeck for the arrears of his pension of 200l. per an. charged on the Tenths of Lincoln, and the King's [order of] reference thereupon intimating his gracious sense of the petitioner's many good services, your Lordship was willing to know what had been paid him in your Lordship's time [of being Lord Treasurer]. Petitioner now offers Sir Robert Howard's certificate that he has been paid 500l. for 2½ years' time since June, 1673, so there is 1½ years' due to him since your Lordship was Treasurer.
Resolution hereon : to be laid before the King.
Petition from John Brattle, Assaymaster of the Mint : shewing that he has long served the King in that employ and educated his eldest son for the same, and that it hath been usual to have two Assaymasters there : therefore prays that his son may be joined with him in patent for life.
Resolution hereon : denied.
[Before 1678, Aug.] Same from the 40 Yeoman Warders of the Tower and Yeomen of the Guard in Extraordinary : shewing that in the late King's time they had their salaries quarterly and each [also had] a livery gown and halbert yearly or money for the same : that now they are in arrear upon their salary for 1¾ years [during the term of] Sir John Robinson's Lieutenancy [of the Tower] and as much since the Earl of Northampton was made Constable [of the Tower] ; their duty being great in attending to open the gates of the Tower day and night for delivering out stores in the Dutch wars, receiving pressed men, attending prisoners, &c., and in 9 years' time [they have] had but each a [single] livery and a halbert, and since have received yearly but 20 liveries for 40 warders : therefore pray [payment of] their arrears of salary and liveries and a future settlement [in like manner] with the Yeomen of the Guard in ordinary.
Resolution hereon : Query what payment has been made [to said Robinson for said warders] by [i.e. during the Treasurership of] his lordship [Danby]. See supra, p. 848.
Ibid. p. 10.
[Before 1677, Nov.] Petition from Major John Clark, captain of a foot company in the "Gouldstreame" Regiment : praying payment of 1,700l. and interest, due to him on an order of loan for so much really lent on the credit of the Customs in Oct., 1671 ; [he] having received no interest at all [thereon] : said petition being referred by the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon :a perpetual interest granted [in the manner of the bankers' annuities]. See supra, p. 801.
Book of Petitions, p. 10.
Same from Lord Wotton : shewing that there has been long due to him from the King 13,463l. for which he has a privy seal and several assignations on the revenue [which have all up to the present been] without effect ; and at his Majesty's desire he surrendered a patent of 3,000l. a year on the Customs upon assurance of something equivalent which he hath dutifully waited for many years : therefore prays that, till the whole can be paid, he may have 6,000l. out of such arrears of the revenue grown due before Danby's time as Lord Treasurer as petitioner should pitch upon [or discover]. Said petition was referred from the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from Anne daughter of Sir Rich. Browne, deceased : shewing that the King granted to her said father as Major General of the city about a year before his death 600l. per an. in lieu of his salary for the said service and assured him of the payment thereof, but nothing has been received [thereon] : therefore prays the King's order therein. Said petition is referred from the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon :
Same from Lewis Grabu : shewing that the King declared that (though another is in petitioner's place) yet petitioner should receive the growing benefit thereof till his arrears were paid, whereupon (though with grief) he will retire from being menial servant to his Majesty : therefore prays the speedy payment of his arrears and that in the meantime he may be maintained and supported as others are under his circumstances. The King referred this petition to the Lord Chamberlain to state those arrears, who, upon certificates from the several offices reports that there is due to petitioner 450l. at the Exchequer, 145l. 4s. 6d. at the Treasury [of the] Chamber, and 32l. 5s. 0d. in the Wardrobe [Office] for the Earl of Sandwich's time [as Master of the Great Wardrobe].
Resolution hereon :
Ibid, pp. 10-11.
Same from Grace Davis : shewing that there is due to her out of the Wardrobe by assignment (from Mr. Townsend, deputy to the late Earl of Sandwich) upon the Law bill the sum of 101l. 2s. 9d. which money her late husband lent to two of the King's huntsmen : petitioner being poor and having 5 children prays payment. Said petition is referred by the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon.
Ibid, p. 11.
Same from Sir Gilbert Talbot.
Resolution hereon : nil.
[Before 1677, Aug. 9.] Petition from Visct. Yarmouth : shewing that his lieutenancy of Norfolk (for his Majesty's honour and his own and the satisfaction of the gentry) being very [chargeable by reason so] numerous resorting daily to him forces him to live in greater port and expense than his revenue will well maintain : therefore prays a remittal [and discharge from the King] of the 1,900l. per an. rent [reserved and payable by petitioner] on the wood farm for 5 years from Sept 29 next, until which time the said rent is anticipated ; and he will wholly devote it to his Majesty's honour in the said service.
Resolution hereon : granted. See supra, p. 721.
Book of Petitions, p. 11.
Mr. Connop's petition and reference.
Resolution hereon :
Petition from the town of Wallingford.
Resolution hereon :
Same from Sir John Cox's (Coxe's) children : recommended by the Duke of York.
Resolution hereon :
[Before 1677-8, Jan.] Same from Anne Oliver, widow : shewing that her late husband, Thomas Oliver, was Receiver General for the present King and the late Queen Mother in the Counties of Worcester, Hereford, Salop and Stafford, and at his coming into [that] office paid to the King 600l. for an arrear of [owing to the King by] his predecessor in said office ; and further did by direction of the late Treasurer Southampton pay 600l. more to his said predecessor's widow ; said Oliver enjoyed his office but a short time and suffered much for his loyalty and by reason of many losses by returns of moneys he died indebted 293l. 14s. 8d. to the King and 1,105l. 18s. 5¼d. to the late Queen Mother, and left no manner of provision for petitioner : all his securities except the Earl of Castlemaine are dead insolvent ; yet petitioner and the widows of her husband's sureties are continually vexed by process without any benefit to the King : therefore prays to be discharged.
Resolution hereon : Consult Sir C. Harbord. Hereon Sir C. Harbord reports confirming the truth of petitioner's allegations, and that the Trustees for the Queen Mother often tried but could find no estate and is of opinion nothing can ever be gotten save of the Earl of Castlemaine. See pp. 900-1, supra.
Ibid, pp. 11-12.
Same from Hanserd Knollys (on reference from the King) : shewing that having bought a house and some ground of the Artillery Company in London and spent 750l. to build and repair it, he was by force put out of it by the officers of the Ordnance and thereupon complaining to the King he was referred to the present Lord Chancellor (then Attorney General) who made report to the King that petitioner should be restored to his house ; but the [Ordnance] officers alleging that the house was of great use for his Majesty's service, the King was pleased to make reference to the Lord Chancellor when Lord Keeper, who made a second report that petitioner should either have his house or 750l. which it cost him ; since which [time] no use is made of the said house : therefore prays to have the house or 750l.
Resolution hereon : Sir C. Harbord to be spoken with by Treasurer Danby. Sir C. Harbord since the reading this petition upon [the present] reference to him reports the equity of the petitioner's case and conceives it just that petitioner have his house or the 750l.
Ibid, p. 12.
Petition from Thom. Boun : shewing that he has an order on the fee farms for 18l. 6s. 0d. [which said order has been] never stopped [and yet it remains] unpaid : therefore prays payment thereof, having by accident lost all his estate and [being] ready with his family to starve.
Resolution hereon : My Lord will not enter into the business of fee farm rents.
Book of Petitions, p. 12.
Same from Elizabeth and Ursula Britton, the daughters of Dr. Robert Britton : shewing that their father lent to your Lordship [Danby] and Sir Thomas Littleton when [Joint] Treasurers of the Navy, 2,000l. and had orders assigned for repayment : but the stop [of the Exchequer] coming and their father dying they are reduced to great extremities : therefore pray to be considered in way of satisfaction. This is one of those debts which Sir Robert Howard certifies to be money lent as he conceives, but is not certain.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Bertie to require Mr. James Littleton to make a certificate [as to whether it was money bona fide lent to the Navy or merely a fictitious loan].
Same from Eliz. Dorney, widow of John Dorney : shewing that her husband for many years and until his death served Treasurer Danby and preceding Lords Treasurers [and Treasury Commissioners] as a clerk in the Treasury Secretary's office for a small salary ; and was encouraged by your Lordship to beg a reversion of some place in the Custom House for his son which he did of the office of Customer in London after Edw. Brewer, which your Lordship was inclined to grant ; but he dying and the said Brewer since dying your Lordship has disposed the said office to the Honble. Edw. Bertie : therefore prays the reversion thereof after him for her son Daniell Dorney.
Resolution hereon : denied (struck through) : no answer to this.
Ibid, p. 13.
Same from the potters : shewing that notwithstanding several statutes and proclamations against the importing painted earthenware, several great quantities have been imported and some of them seized and condemned at petitioners' cost ; that there was lately a parcel seized by one Shaw, an officer of the Customs who, combining with the merchant, has delayed bringing it to trial and thereupon one Fountaine, another officer, has brought a devenerunt, and the petitioners are to be at the charge of this trial : therefore for their encouragement pray a grant of the King's moiety [of the said seizure when condemned]. The King being graciously inclined to encourage petitioners refers this petition to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution thereon : to quicken the report of the Customs Commissioners on a reference to them already made.
Petition from Sir William Blackett et al. assignees of Lord Townesend [in the farm of the 4s. per chalder of sea coal] : shewing that by the lease of the [said] coal farm from the King [to said Lord Townesend] they are to have allowance for all coals exported Customs free ; that since the commencement of the lease to the 13th of Jan., 1676-7, there has been exported from London [Custom free] 1,264 chaldron the whole custom whereof amounts to 316l., of which they pray a moiety, viz., 158l.
Resolution hereon : to see what their right is and to grant it them.
Book of Petitions, p. 13.
Same from Sir Jno. Clayton, a surety of Mr. Goddard, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Suffolk : prays that he [Clayton] may be discharged forasmuch as Mr. Goddard and his mother (another surety) are sufficient to pay the debt : he brings Mr. Goddard's certificate of his own and his mother's ability.
Resolution hereon. my Lord can't discharge him himself.
Ibid, p. 14.
Same from Sir Francis Compton and Barnard Greenvill : shewing that the King having promised to grant to petitioners, by a privy seal, the [net amount of the] improvement of the fines and capias pro fine above what has been answered for [same for] 3 years last past provided that his Majesty's charity towards the rebuilding of [St.] Paul's be not thereby obstructed or lessened, and the petitioners further offering in compliance with Lord Chief Justice North, to allow 30l. per an. out of their share [towards the said rebuilding] therefore pray Treasurer Danby to put this matter into a way of settlement.
Resolution hereon : done.
Same from Margery Thomas : shewing that her husband was the private messenger for carrying letters to the King (when beyond sea) and at his Majesty's return had a pension of 40l. per an. which was duly paid until 5 years before his [Thomas's] death : that 200l. was then [at his death] due upon it for which petitioner was by order of Council referred to Treasurer Danby. Petitioner produces a certificate from Sir Herbert Price, Sir Ste. Fox, Sir Edw. Walker and Mr. Offley that her husband was 7 years employed in that service.
Resolution hereon : done ; 100l. granted her in full satisfaction of all accounts.
Same from Mris. Brewer : shewing that there was due to her late husband as Customer of the Great Customs, London port, at the time of his death, 150l. for 3 years' salary ; that she is very poor and necessitous ; therefore prays payment, nothing having been paid to him during Danby's time [as Lord Treasurer].
Resolution hereon : my Lord must follow his orders [from the Privy Council as to scheme or order] for payments : Mr. Secretary Bertie is to answer. (Delivered 31 Dec., 1677, to Rd. Hamlin.)
Same from Sir Courtney Poole praying for the payment of the 1,500l. due to him to be placed upon Mr. Awbrey's debt.
Resolution hereon : my Lord asks what the damage will be and whether it be otherwise assigned.
Ibid. p. 15.
Petition from Mary Newman, who by order of Council is recommended to Treasurer Danby for the King's charity to carry her back to Ireland, being come hither to be touched [for the King's evil] and [being] in great distress. (Entry struck through.) Book of Petitions, p. 15.
Same from the Lady Prestwich, widow of Sir Tho. Prestwich : shewing that her husband served the late and present King with great fidelity, for which he was [by the rebels] deprived of an estate of 20,000l. value and died much in debt, leaving the petitioner (who brought him above 5,000l. portion) in a very wanting and deplorable condition : therefore prays your Lordship [Danby] to commiserate her sad condition.
Resolution hereon : she must find something [i.e. discover some arrear due to the King or concealed lands or concealed moneys as a fund on which an order may be charged for her].
Same from Bridgett Lamb for payment of 40l. payable to her on an Exchequer order dated 1671, Dec. 13, being royal bounty for the relief of her necessities, which are very great : the order is charged on the Exchequer in general [and has therefore up to the present not been paid : she therefore prays that it may be charged on some such fund as will admit of it being paid quickly].
Resolution hereon. she must petition the King.
Same from Col. Naper : setting forth that the Navigation Act obliges all ships from the Plantations to unlade in England on pain of forfeiture for ship and goods, one moiety to the King, the other moiety to the prosecutor ; that this Act has hitherto been little taken notice of, to the great prejudice of the King's Customs and of trade and navigation [of this Kingdom of England] ; that petitioner holds intelligence with those that have made it their business to detect this abuse, having lately seized ships in Ireland and lying in wait for others : therefore prays the King to grant him his [the King's] moiety of such seizures to enable him to prosecute the ships seized or to be seized and that all [ships'] bonds entered into in foreign parts may be transmitted to him [if he may be appointed as such officer] to enquire whether they be forfeited or no ; reserving to the King such proportion of his [the King's] moiety as the King shall think fit. Said petition being referred to the Attorney General, he reports it neither legal nor fitting to grant the King's moiety before it be recovered [by course of law by condemnation of a ship or lading] but if petitioner shall be instrumental in discoveries and condemnations on the said Act, the King may grant him such part of the King's moiety as shall be thought fit, for which the petitioner is to depend on the King's grace and your Lordship [Danby] may order the Customs Commissioners to give petitioner from time to time the lists of the vessels lading in the Plantations and of the bonds taken there, to help him to find out the transgressors.
Resolution hereon : to be further understood upon this matter. Mr. Lown[d]es says this is referred to the Customs Commissioners and no report as yet.
Ibid, pp. 15-16.
Same from William Hester, his Majesty's ratkiller : praying a direction [from Treasurer Danby] to Sir Edw. Griffin to pay petitioner half a year on his salary of 12l. per an. and also 54l. due to him on bills signed by the Lord Chamberlain for service done ; he being at continual charge and reduced to very great distress in want thereof.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Griffith [Griffin] has money to pay wages and tallies to pay bills.
Ibid, p. 16.
Petition from Capt. Coghlan : shewing that he served the King in Cornwall and furnished his [late Majesty's] army with money and provisions to about 16,000l. ; that his [present] Majesty allowed him 2s. 6d. a day, but that was long since stopped and the King referred him to Treasurer Danby 28 months since for relief, he being very aged and ready to starve ; prays to be relieved.
Resolution hereon : to have 10l.
Book of Petitions, p. 16.
Same from Bridget Lamb for payment of 40l. payable on an Exchequer order. Ibid, p. 17.
Same from the Gent[lemen] and Yeomen Harbingers : and praying a direction [from Treasurer Danby] to Sir Edw. Griffin to pay them about 580l. due to their office upon bills, they being now to attend his Majesty.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from Thomas Tompkins, son and executor of Giles Tomkins : shewing that there is 129l. due on his father's livery of 16l. 2s. 6d. per an. out of the Wardrobe, for which [arrear] he had a warrant signed by the late Treasurer Clifford and directed by Treasurer Danby to be executed : prays [a letter of] direction for payment.
Resolution hereon : my Lord can't pay this order.
Same from Jno. Weldon to the King : shewing that when he was an officer of the Customs he got his Majesty 12,000l. on the Additional duty on wine and linen by procuring a greater importation thereof than ordinary ; that at Michaelmas last there was 3,540l. due to him on his pension of 240l. per an. granted by patent, as appears by certificate from the Auditor of the Receipt : therefore prays payment of some part thereof. The King refers this petition to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : done, viz., a warrant is signed for one year of his pension.
Same from Jno. Van Haesdonk, Esq., shewing that upon a reference from the King dated 1673, Sept. 3, Treasurer Danby referred to Auditor Beale the examination of petitioner's demands, and said Beale's deputy stated the principal and interest at 60,675l. 18s. 7d. the 3rd of Sept., 1673 ; therefore prays Treasurer Danby to be a means that he may have the same satisfaction [by way of perpetual annuity] assigned him as the goldsmiths have.
Resolution hereon : can't be paid.
Same from Francis Poyntz, his Majesty's chief Arras maker : shewing that since midsummer 1673, by the King's command he [has] served into the Wardrobe hangings to the value of 5,000l., and for above 12 months has provided men to make a suite of sea fights and has made them so perfect in the work as could not be done without great expence and time and that he may not lose his men and consequently the design wherein he has exposed his fortune on royal encouragement, he prays he may have some supply for carrying on so noble a design of grandure and industry, an estimate whereof in an annexed paper [missing] amounts to 23,927l. 10s. 0d. whereof he prays 1,000l. may at present be imprested to him and the rest by 73l. 9s. 8d. per week which will pay the whole in 6 years' time.
Resolution hereon : he must have patience.
Ibid, p. 18.
Petition from Henry Carverth, commander of the Francis, in behalf of himself and [his ships] company, which were removed out of the Young Spragg : shewing that on their removal they had about 19 months' pay due and received six, and have since been a cold, hard voyage in the Francis to Riga ; many of them have families and, the frigate being fitting out, they cannot buy them clothes and leave them [money for their] support ; as 250l. will pay them all for [balance of wages due to them when in] the Young Spragg they pray Treasurer Danby's favour for that small sum.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Book of Petitions. p. 18.
An order of Council on a petition from Col. Maurice Kingwell [said order referring said petition to Treasurer Danby]. Ibid.
Petition from Sir Robt. Harding.
Resolution hereon : to know the Duke of Newcastle's opinion whether [petitioner be] a fit man.
Same from Lord Fanshawe's daughters (struck through). Ibid, p. 19.
Same from the town of Wallingford on a reference from the King (struck through). Ibid.
Same from Sir John Cox's children on a [like] reference (struck through). Ibid.
Same from Elizabeth Acton, praying [for the addition of] a third life in a copyhold tenement parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, wherein her two sons have estates already for their lives. On reference thereof the Surveyor General of Crown Lands reports thereon that a fine for such third life may be valued at 35l. and hereupon petitioner in another petition to Treasurer Danby sets forth that her husband served the late and the present King and was with him in his exile to his restoration to the expense of his own fortune and without obtaining any bounty for his service ; and therefore prays a remittal of the said fine in consideration of her said husband's services and sufferings.
Resolution hereon : she must petition the King and get good certificates for her allegations.
Same from Abell Carew son of Abell Carew, late doorkeeper to the House of Commons, being admitted to the said place upon his father's death ; hath attended there during several adjournments but hath not received any part of the money that Treasurer Danby has ordered to the doorkeepers since petitioner's father's death nor his proportion of a sum which was ordered while his said father was alive but which was not paid till after his death ; petitioner's dividend coming to 10l., therefore prays that he may have the said 10l. and the same proportion for the future which his father had.
Resolution hereon : this money to be paid [to] the serjeant at arms [attending the House of Commons] and he to distribute it [among the doorkeepers].
Petition from Sir Edward Farmer praying that the security of Mr. Peters (late collector of Tenths of Lincoln [diocese] who died indebted to the King) may be assigned to him, he paying the King's debt and giving security not to make use thereof to defraud the creditors but to come in among them according to law. Said petition being referred 1677, Dec. 8, to the Attorney General, the latter reports 1677, Dec. 10, that petitioner may have such an assignment on said terms.
Resolution hereon : let it be done accordingly.
Book of Petitions, p. 20.
Same from Anne, widow of Thomas March (Marsh) : setting forth that her husband served [as] Clerk Assistant to the Parliament [for] 13 years since the Restoration without salary or fee, and died in 1673 leaving 4 children : therefore she petitions Treasurer Danby to move the King for his royal bounty, her husband's father having spent his estate in King Charles's service, &c.
Resolution hereon : my Lord [Treasurer] to be minded to speak to the King when the Lord Chancellor is by.
Same from William Byshop, serjeant at arms to the House of Commons : prays to be paid 78l. expended for necessaries and contingencies for the [said] House as per bill annexed [missing].
Resolution hereon : directed to be done.
Same from Sir Thomas Morgan, Governor of Jersey : shewing that for 11 years past he has spent 40l. or 50l. a year in repairing the King's castles and forts there, and that he has lately seized a new England ship Flyboat laden with timber for trading contrary to the [Navigation Act] : desires that if same be forfeited he may out of the proceeds of the sale thereof be repaid [the above expenditure]. Referred to Treasurer Danby from the King 1677, Dec. 3. Ibid.
Same from Ann, widow of Major General Laugharne, praying Treasurer Danby to establish on the Excise her annuity of 100l.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from William Smith, messenger [of the chamber : shewing that he has been] often sent beyond seas and lately to Madrid and is in arrears 5 years [of his salary] ; therefore prays the King for the arrears. Referred 1677, Nov. 15, by the King to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : let it be settled and put on the King's paper.
Same from Col. Kingwell to the King : sets out a debt of 2,801l. 12s. 0d. contracted for his Majesty's service at Dunkirk. By order of Council dated 1677, June 22, said petition is referred to Treasurer Danby. The regiment which he had at Dunkirk was afterwards commanded to Tangier and clothed by him at their going. Ibid, p. 21.
Petition from Jerom Lacy, under-housekeeper of Audley End : setting forth that the King by grant under the great seal agreed to allow him 370l. a year for doing several things [at the King's house of Audley End as] in a schedule annexed [missing] ; said sum is 3¼ years in arrear, therefore prays payment of said arrear and a warrant dormant for said 370l. a year for the future. Mr. Chiffins affirms that before this agreement it cost the King more.
Resolution hereon : to be paid a year's pay.
Book of Petitions, p. 21.
Same from Matthew Johnson : petitions the King for some lands in Leicestershire mortgaged by Robert Smith for about 250l. and since escheated to the King by attainder of Henry brother of Robert [? Smith]. Said petition was referred [from the King to Treasurer Danby and from Treasurer Danby] to Sir C. Harbord 19 June, 1677, who reports 21 July, 1677, that the lands, if clear, were worth about 500l. but that the mortgage and some charges would amount to half the money and that upon consideration of petitioner's good service to the King 'tis advisable to reward him with a grant of the fee.
Resolution hereon : Let Sir Charles Harbord's report be agreed with.
Same from Henry Ayloffe, trustee of Evelyn Visct. Fanshawe : petitions the King shewing that the principal business of that office [? the King's Remembrancer's Office] is taking securities for the [Receivers, &c. of the] King's revenue ; that by the present state thereof and the reduction on the last tax the [profit from the] office is decreased ; further that when in 1673 there was a reduction of fees upon the taking of securities on a tax then raised the King was pleased by a privy seal dated 1673, June 30, to order payment of a sum amounting to full fees.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. Lawrence. Treasurer Danby to know what has been paid in his time [of being Lord Treasurer].
Same from Frances How (Hows), widow of Job How : petitions the King shewing that her husband spent 300l. for the reception of the Duchess of Orleans, for which there was an assignment by Mr. Townsend on an order of the Treasury Lords to the Earl of Sandwich for a greater sum. The principal and interest of said 300l. is now 427l., of which she prays payment. Referred 29 June, 1677 [from the King], to Treasurer Danby.
Resolution hereon : nil. Note : Delivered this petition 31 Dec., 1677, to Mrs. How with the [orders of] reference &c.
Mr. Shoiswell's case stated by Mr. Lawrence. To be read as reported.
Resolution hereon : Treasurer Danby to be minded of this when the Trea[sury] is shut up Dec. 24.
Ibid. p. 22.
Petition from Capt. James Barrett, who petitioned the King and obtained thereon a reference to Treasurer Danby 1676, Nov. 8 : now petitions said Danby and sets forth that as Capt. under Sir Tobias Bridges in the West Indies there was due to him 433l. 10s. 10d. ; the half he has received but there remains 216l. or thereabouts which he prays payment of. Said petition was referred 1676, Dec. 18, to Commissary Banes, who reported 1677, April 10, that of said 433l. 10s. 10d., all due, said 216l. 10s. 11d. thereof was still due according to a state of those accounts [of the Barbados regiment's pay].
Resolution hereon : to know how the whole are paid.
Petition from Jerome Nipho to the King : setting forth his services and correspondence in the Dutch wars to his great hazard ; prays, as a recompense, a lease for 50 years of the light [house fees] of the North and South Forelands in reversion after N. Osbeston, whose lease will expire in a few years.
Resolution hereon : to have an account from Trinity House of the yearly value [of said fees] : [this matter to be put upon] the King's papers.
Book of Petitions, p. 22.
Same from Jane Davies to the King : shewing that Sir Denis Ganden did agree to assign to her a tenth part of some sums of money due to him from the King : that he has received said sums but not paid to petitioner more than a moiety [of her own debt] ; therefore prays that stay may be made of all payments to him on the future till she be satisfied. Referred 1673, Nov. 3, to Treasurer Danby [from the King].
Resolution hereon : Treasurer Danby to be put in mind of this (and of Mr. Nutter who has like pretences) by Capt. Shales on Wednesday, 1677, Dec. 26.
Same from Sackville Whittle and James Pierce to the King : shewing that on 21 Feb., 1671-2, they were sworn Chirurgeons to the King, that Richard Wiseman was then by patent Serjeant Chirurgeon, who having arrears due to him and hopes of recovering them by assurances from your Lordship [Danby] refused to resign his patent so that petitioners could not pass their own patents : and thereby they are in arrear "to that time," being 3½ years : therefore pray payment thereof.
Resolution hereon : he must be paid as others are.
In the margin : delivered to Mr. Whittle 8 Jan., 1677-8.
Same from Francis Smethwicke : shewing that the King granted him the first reversion of a searcher's or tidewaiter's place [London port] and recommend[ed] it to the [Customs] Commissioners, and (the [Customs] Commission expiring) to Treasurer Clifford in whose time he had a warrant [for such appointment] but was prevented passing his patent by his [Clifford's] death and that the King has now recommended it to Treasurer Danby : therefore prays the Lord Treasurer to take it into consideration.
Resolution hereon : my Lord can do nothing in it.
A state of the [King's] musicians' riding charges to Windsor in 1674 and 1675 [is] to be shewn to Treasurer Danby [being] for 744l. 10s. 0d. ; and also their petition.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Shales to attend Treasurer Danby 26 Dec., 1677, Wednesday, to settle this [by collation] with Mr. Griffin's book [of wages payable in the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber].
Ibid, p. 23.
Petition from Elizabeth and Ursula Britton, daughter of Robert [Britton] : shewing that their father lent 2,000l. for the Navy during the Navy Treasurership of Sir T. Osborne and Sir T. Littleton : of said sum their said father borrowed 400l. and he had orders for [payment of] principal and interest, but said orders were comprised in the stop of the Exchequer : therefore pray that interest may be stated and satisfaction made them. Book of Petitions, p. 23.
Same from Margarett, widow of Tho. Sambourne, to the King : shewing that one Martin Urlin is apprehended on suspicion of robbery on the high way : if he be convicted she prays [a grant of] his small estate.
Resolution hereon : to enquire the value of this estate.
Same from Thomas Coleman, deputy under-house-keeper at Hampton Court : setting forth that at Christmas there is due to him on account of his place 1¾ years ; that now Mr. Griffith tells him he cannot pay him without your Lordship's [Danby's] order ; therefore prays such order for payment of one year's bills.
Resolution hereon : to be brought before Treasurer Danby : the Treasurer of the Chamber to be there.
Same from the Earl of Dorset and Earl of Rochester to the King, praying for the reversion of the manors of Byfleet and Weybridge, co. Surrey, parcel of the Queen's jointure and now in the possession of John Harvy of Ickworth, co. Suffolk, by lease.
Resolution hereon : the King don't grant manors in reversion.
Same from the Serjeants at Arms to the [House of] Lords for their attendance money : have an order of the House to your Lordship [Danby] 15 March, 1676-7, whereon there is a privy seal [issued] dated 1677, April 30, for 800l. [to be paid to them ; therefore pray some present issue to be made to them on said privy seal].
Resolution hereon : to help them to 200l.
Same from the Farmers of the Law Duty to Treasurer Danby to prevail with the Lord Chancellor to confirm an order drawn by advice of the Attorney General that they may be Receivers of the King's duty [said Law duty] at the Six Clerks' Office ; and that his Lordship would command obedience thereto from the underclerks [in the said Office].
Resolution hereon : this to be heard and the Lord Chancellor and Attorney General to be here [at the hearing].
Same from Sir William Smith : sets out a settlement in Council of the coining halfpence and farthings of tin and a farm of the pre-emption of tin at 4l. a hundred [weight] ; says he has been delayed a year and prays to go on with his farm or to be [appointed] a Commissioner to manage.
Resolution hereon : my Lord can't answer this yet.
Same from Ann Smith alias Horsley : shewing that there was due to her brother by debenture for his service in the Caribbee Islands 35l. 0s. 11d., which by deed dated 31 Aug., 1672, he gave her and so went to Ireland ; since when one Patrick Trent pretends he bought it for 5s. in the £ and petitioner is like to lose it : therefore prays a reference to the Commissioners to hear her cause.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Bertie to answer this, being before Treasurer Danby's time.
Ibid. p. 24.
Petition from Edward Dering : setting out that in satisfaction of an imprest in question he has extended sufficient estate of Mr. Fenn's, that [further] he had in Sir Thomas Player's hands 875l. 11s. 9d. [representing money due to petitioner, but because of his indebtedness to the King] stopped on that score by privy seal, and that since then the said money is extended for the King to satisfy a debt on the foot of his account as Receiver [of Crown revenues, cos. Suffolk and Cambridge], that [further] he has 2,400l. security [bonds taken] in the Exchequer [Court] to answer the King : therefore prays that his [abovesaid 875l. 11s. 9d. in] money may be released.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. Bertie to speak to Sir Edward Deering herein.
[Note :] see the petition what [amount] of Mr. Fen's [estate is] extended.
Of Mr. Fenn's
Goods to 300l.
Suffolk lands, 40l. a year.
Cheshire lands, 80l. a year.
4 navy bills, 2,600l.
Book of Petitions, p. 24.
Same from William Rutlish, the King's Embroiderer : shewing that there is due to him for work 680l. 16s. as by an annexed certificate [missing] from the Clerk of the Wardrobe : therefore prays [payment of] his money.
Resolution hereon : this is a Wardrobe debt and to be paid there.
[Note :] 31 Dec. : delivered the petition and certificate to one Applegarth, Rutlishe's solicitor.
Same from Elizabeth, widow of Lord Lindores of Scotland to the King : setting out a great sum and several annuities due from the King to her husband and that the King had since his [her husband's] death promised her a warrant [to grant her the fee of 1,095l. due to the King on some patent] to make a baronet : therefore prays [such] a warrant.
Resolution hereon : she told my Lord [Treasurer] she had a warrant and could make but 50l.
Same from the same Lady to the King : setting out the same debts, that is 9,533l. [payment of what has formerly been] granted out of the fines in Scotland ; and several years' arrears of a pension of 500l. and [another of ] 300l. a year due to her husband.
[Note :] read this petition.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from William Potell, clerk to the late Council of Trade [and Foreign Plantations] : setting out that at Michaelmas, 1674, there was due to him 75l. for three quarters of a year's salary, which is attested [by certificate dated] 20 Oct., 1676, by Lord Colepeper : he says your Lordship [Danby] has paid the rest [of the clerks of said Council] and prays favour.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Petition from John Morea and John Jacob, two converted Jews, natives of Poland : have applied themselves to the Master of the Rolls for relief granted to him for [relief of such Jewish] converts, he tells them they must have order from your Lordship [Danby], which they pray.
Resolution hereon : my Lord [Treasurer] to speak with the Lord Chancellor.
[Note :] Henry III. built the house [domus conversorum] where the Master of the Rolls lives. Edward III. in the 15th year [of his reign] annexed it to the Rolls for Jew converts to inhabit.
Book of Petitions, p. 25.
Same to the King from Samuell Sellwood, late Register of the Office of Excise for Middlesex and London : setting forth that he discovered to the Earl of Southampton, [former] Lord Treasurer, a forged lease (of that part of the Excise in his care) pretended to be made to Sir William Bucknell and other [his partners] Farmers [of Excise], whereon he [petitioner] was persecuted and lost 164l. salary and two places worth 500l. and 300l. : says he is qualified to do the King good service : desires to be referred to Treasurer Danby to make it appear ; and the 3 Aug., 1677, is so referred [by] Secretary Coventry.
Resolution hereon : to be admitted to speak with my Lord Danby.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from George Robinson, one of the Clerks to Mr. Prettyman, Remembrancer of First Fruits : shewing that for want of opposing the sheriffs from the beginning of the rebellion to 1672 there were great arrears [of sheriffs' proffers, &c.] ; that by Baron Turner's orders he brought in considerable old debts, and for that service was recommended to the Lord [Treasurer] Clifford ; says he has expended above 10l. a term [in the said service] ; mentions no time, but prays the allowance of that money and a salary for the future ; he brings the Lord Chief Baron's letter of recommendation [dated] 1677, July 30.
Resolution hereon : the Chancellor of the Exchequer to consider what's fit to be done.
Same from John Wickham, late [a] messenger of his Majesty's Great Chamber in Ordinary : setting out that he is under the King's displeasure to the loss of his place, but that the King has in Council, 1677, Aug. 29, ordered him his arrears, which are certified, 1677, Oct. 24, to be 174l. 11s. 3d. [due] out of the [Office of the] Treasurer of the Chamber and 57l. 7s. 9d., certified 1677, Nov. 29, [as due] out of the Wardrobe.
Resolution hereon : a warrant drawn by [virtue of the] order of Council.
Same from the Mayor and Justices of peace in Berwick on Tweed : setting forth that there were four companies quartered there and suddenly removed before their quarters were discharged, which came to 893l. 13s. 9d., and that the King on the 20 June, 1667, by his letter upon their remove did assure the town [of the payment of] their quarters : the copy of which letter is annexed [missing : signed by Henry, Earl of] Arlington.
Resolution hereon : my Lord [Treasurer] to have a state of the thing for the King's papers.
Ibid, p. 26.
Petition from Edward Randolph : shewing that the Committee for Trade did recommend to Treasurer Danby the sending a collector to Boston in New England, where the navigation laws were broken ; that though formerly the Customs Commissioners did not approve of him [petitioner, for said post], yet on some further satisfaction they had recommended him to Treasurer Danby : therefore prays he may have a warrant to pass a Commission to be collector there.
Resolution hereon : the Commissioners to bring in several names for my Lord (the King) to nominate one.
Book of Petitions, p. 26.
Same from Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon : setting forth that being Captain of the [Band of Gentlemen] Pensioners, by the suspension [of salaries as by the order of] 28 Jan., 1675-6, he is in arrear 500l. for half a year's fee [for the period] between 1675, Christmas, and 1676, Midsummer : therefore prays [payment of] his money.
Resolution hereon : my Lord Treasurer remembers an agreement [made by said Earl promising to surrender or] to quit [his claims to] arrears on condition the whole pay were paid [hence]forward, which has been done.
Same from William Battie setting forth that he had a warrant for levying fines on conventicles, [which warrant was] limited to a certain time ; that that time is expired without effecting anything [this result being caused] by the concealments of the Clerks of the Peace : therefore prays a warrant for a further [extension of] time.
Resolution hereon : denied.
Same to the King from Edward Cornewall and Herbert Aubery, securities for John Davies : setting forth that said Davies having been for 2½ years Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Hereford, did augment the [said] revenue [by] 472l. 14s. 0d. a year, but therein he spent and lost by casualties 1,881l. 7s. 0d. and is insolvent ; his [said] securities by imprisonment and sequestration in the late times are impoverished and beg a relief : referred to Treasurer Danby, 1676, March 28, by Secretary Williamson as per copy of the petition and reference [annexed hereto but missing] : they therefore petition Treasurer Danby for a report to the King [on their case].
Resolution hereon : to draw a report [as from Treasurer Danby to the King] containing a state of the case and leave room [at the end of it] for my Lord [Treasurer's] opinion to the King.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Edward Agberow : setting forth that as pricker of the Stilyard he was accompted first King's waiter [London port] ; that since the fire of London he was ordered by the [Customs] Commissioners to attend his duty [as a King's waiter] but never received [his share of] the bill money above stairs ; therefore prays he may have [his share of] the bill money and other perquisites.
Resolution hereon : the [Customs] Commissioners to be written to to examine the thing, and if they can to adjust it without suit in law.
Ibid, p. 27.
Petition from Capt. Bernard Phillipps : setting forth that the King in Council ordered him his arrears of 4s. a day and that the same allowance should be continued : therefore prays payment.
Resolution hereon : if he be a Catholic he is in the list now before the Cabinet Council. (See p. 470, supra.)
Book of Petitions, p. 27.
Same from John Wingfield, York Herald : setting forth that he has only the fee of his place to maintain him and his family, which [fee] is in arrear : therefore prays payment.
Sir Robert Long certifies, 1672-3, Feb. 21, that the fee is 26l. 13s. 4d. per an. and that petitioner was three years in arrear at Michaelmas, 1672. Annexed to the petition there is another petition half a year later [? than 1673] to the same purpose.
Resolution hereon : my Lord can do him no good without the King's order.
Note : delivered to Mr. Howard, 1677-8, Jan. 15.
Same from George Torriano and William Bellamy, merchants : petition your Lordship [Danby] (struck through and altered to) the Lord Clifforde and sett out, that the Mathew of Bordeaux coming to London was stranded on the Isle of Wight, and that they saved some small quantity of wine and brandy, and that the Commissioners demand Custom, etc. : therefore pray a defalcation proportionable to their charges of salvage. Lord Clifford referred it to the [Customs] Commissioners, 6 March, 1672, who in a report, 15 March, 1672, report the duties to amount to 298l. 16s. 3d., the charges of salvage 143l. 18s. 6d., the value of the goods saved 650l., and are of opinion that it was reasonable to allow the charges of salvage out of the Customs, etc.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Bertie to show the Commissioners of the Customs this certificate, being before my Lord's time, and discourse them therein.
Same from Thomas Turnor of Gray's Inn to Treasurer Danby : setting forth that his father was one of the Welsh Judges in the late King's time, for whom he suffered much, that since his Majesty's return he lent the King (altered to) bankers 1,000l., "which he [petitioner's father] after gave your petitioner" ; that petitioner lent 300l., and has right as executor to 350l. lent the bankers by Judge Morton ; all which sums are under the stop of the Exchequer, and the bankers being unable to pay their debts, he prays your Lordship's favour. (Entry crossed through.)
Resolution hereon : to be paid by the bankers.
Ibid, pp. 27-8.
Same from Henry Peacock, Keeper of the Garden Plots and Bowling Green at Hampton Court : shewing that by warrant he is to be allowed 2s. per diem, and all advantage as his predecessors had : that he has disbursed 150l. and is in arrear of his 2s. per diem 15 months : therefore prays payment out of the Privy Purse (as hath been usuall) or otherwise as his Majesty thinks fit. The King refers this petition to your Lordship [Danby].
Resolution hereon : a state to be made for my Lord for the King's papers with a note to speak to the King to prevent the Privy Purse sending people to the Exchequer.
Ibid, p. 28.
[Before 1677, June.] Petition from Mary Grove, widow : shewing that there was due to her husband at Midsummer, 1675, the sum of 117l. for 2 years and [one] quarter salary of 52l. per an. as King's waiter in London [port] : that your Lordship has paid her 65l. thereof : prays payment of the remainder, being very poor and in great distress.
Resolution hereon : to have 50l. (see supra, p. 673).
Book of Petitions, p. 28.
Same from Mris. Wells, now Mris. Windham : showing that of her pension of 200l. per year there is in arrear 450l., whereof 350l. in your Lordship [Danby's] time, being for 2 years and a quarter ending Mich., 1677, as by Sir Robert Howard's certificate dated 10 Nov., 1677.
Resolution thereon : to be paid as other arrears.
Same to the King from Robert Heath, 4th son of Sir Robert late Chief Justice : sets forth his services and sufferings in the late times, and that he is informed of a debt of 874l. due on the Voluntary Present of 13 Car. II. : prays a grant thereof. Referred to your Lordship, 25 Aug., 1677. With this petition is the state of an account of Nico. Bowden, Receiver of that duty in Chester and Lancashire, the balance [being 874l. or] thereabout.
Resolution hereon : to know whose debt it is and whether it be a discovery.
Same from Nicholas Stokes to Treasurer Danby : setting forth that the landwaiter's place at Milton in Kent is void ; that he was clerk to Mr. Madox, and has his letters of recommendation, and that he was serviceable to Mr. Herbert : therefore prays the place.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Bertie to write to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Same from Adam de Cardonell and others : setting out the decay of trade at Southampton, where they are patent officers ; that the ancient fee is a small allowance for their ex[traordinary] attendance, it being only 180l. 6s. 8d. a year among four of them ; that the Commission officers are paid by the collector there : therefore pray that their established fee may likewise be paid them by the said collector at Southampton.
Resolution hereon : to be referred to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Ibid, p. 29.
Same to the King from John Deane and other servants and keepers of the Privy Garden : shew that there is owing to them for turf, shells, etc., and for wages to their labourers several sums of money which the Lord Gerard as housekeeper had audited and settled, but same is not yet paid : they set out no sum, only pray payment. Referred, 21 Nov., 1677, to your Lordship.
Resolution hereon : to enquire where this used to be paid and how my Lord Gerard comes to settle this, not having taken out his patent.
[Before 1677, Dec.] Same to Treasurer Danby from Capt. John Coghlan : setting forth a great many services from 1643 to the King, and that at Oxford the King granted him a pension of 2s. 6d. a day, for present subsistence till something suitable may be found out ; that in 1674 he was referred to your Lordship and has only received 30l. ; therefore prays his arrears.
Resolution hereon : to have 10l. (see supra, pp. 496 and 1351).
Petition from Col. William Staploton : setting forth that as Lieut.-Colonel in Sir Tobias Bridge's Regiment there is due to him 915l. 18s. 8d. as by certificate of Commissary Baynes, 16 June, 1677 ; which he says is recommended by the Commissioners of Trade : therefore prays the payment. The certificate is annexed [missing].
Resolution hereon : he must petition the King.
Book of Petitions, p. 29.
Same from James Syms : sheweth that there is due to him as Deputy Auditor to the late Queen Mother, upon his two fees of 10l. and 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. the sum of 160l. : that he did many extraordinary services in that Revenue for which he had no reward : that he was her Majesty's tenant of Drayton woods in co. Somerset at the rent of 9l. 8s. 0d. per an., which rent is run in arrear, amounting to 51l. 5s. 3d. : therefore prays that he may at least have allowance of that sum and be discharged from the said arrear. Sir Charles Harbord and the rest of those [the late Queenmother's Trustees or] Commissioners report the truth hereof and that he very well deserves the said 51l. 5s. 3d. and to be discharged.
Resolution hereon : he must petition the King (altered to) to be discharged.
[Before 1677, Dec.] Same from John Mayow : shewing that by vertue of your Lordship's warrant one John Thomas seized four slabs of his tin as he was carrying it to Truro to be coined : therefore prays your Lordship's warrant for re-delivery. Mr. Nico. Courtney, attorney of the Duchy of Cornwall, certifies that they ought to carry the tin to the proper Coinage Hall of the town where they dig and if they do not the King has a right of seizure, but that in the late times and since the King's return they have used liberty of what place they thought the best market, and it appearing by two certificates annexed there was no design ot fraud there is room for clemency.
Resolution hereon : to be pardoned and the tin to be discharged. (See. supra, p. 497.)
Ibid, p. 30.
Same from Andrew Lawrence, Surveyor of the high ways : prays my Lord's allowance of 46l. 4s. 9d., being charges of [Exchequer fees on receiving] 1.149l. out of the Exchequer.
Resolution hereon : referred to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[Before 1677, Dec.] Same from John Tyler : shewing that by pulling down his house near the Tower at the time of the fire of London he is impoverished : therefore prays the first vacancy of a noon tender's or watchman's place in the port of London.
Resolution hereon : granted. (See supra, p. 497.)
Same from Henry Deering of the Inner Temple : shewing that upon the stop of the Exchequer there is due to him 600l. part of an order for 825l. 1s. 8d., numbered 168, in the name of the Earl of Sandwich and assigned by him to Mr. Townsend for the Wardrobe most of which order has been paid as assigned, and some by your Lordship : prays payment by some fund or [out of] arrear of some accountant [in debt] to the King. Mr. B[ertie] says this order was never under any stop.
Resolution hereon : My Lord can do nothing without the King show him special favor.
Petition from Daniell Tripper and Edward Ellis to the King : shewing that in the 24th year of the King they have a grant as trustees for the benefit of one Thomas Deane of certain lands or marshes in Holbech, in Lincolnshire, for 32 years with a proviso that if they did not recover them in 5 years the grant should be void. The said Deane is dead, and the right [now vests] in Tripper and Ellis, who exhibited their information in 1674, Michaelmas [term] : that after great debates the Chancellor of the Exchequer last term by assistance of the two Chief Justices declared for the King, that the Counsel prayed a decree, but the Court stopped it till they were further moved, which cannot be till next term, and in the interim the 5 years time for recovering the land expires : therefore pray 5 years more. Referred to Treasurer Danby, 16 December, 1677.
Resolution hereon : My Lord to be further informed of this and the lease to be produced. My Lord to know how Sir Robert Carr comes to solicit for Sir Ed. Farmer against these men. (See supra, p. 876.)
Book of Petitions, pp. 30-1.
Same from Dame Eliza Wyndham to the King : shewing that his Majesty granted her the fine and benefit of a prosecution of one Mr. Bill, whom she informed against in the King's Bench and had judgment and since satisfaction for the fine. She prays a noli prosequi and that Bill may be discharged. Referred to Treasurer Danby, 14 Dec., 1677 ; the King being inclined to grant the petition if precedent to the time of the grant of such fines to the building of St. Paul's church.
Resolution hereon : the Bishop of London to be made acquainted herewith in civility, and the thing to be done.
Ibid, p. 31.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Thomas Loope, his Majesty's Engineer : had the said office granted to him (in consideration of his services and sufferings) with the fee of 100l. per an., on which fee he is 1,275l. in arrear at Michaelmas, 1677, as appears by Sir Robt. Howard's certificate, and has received nothing in your Lordship's [Danby's] time : now being grown infirm, and having contracted great debts, prays that he may have such part of his said salary as your Lordship shall think fit.
Resolution hereon : My Lord can do nothing but as in other cases.
[Before 1677, Dec.] Same from Lodowick Bray : praying for thirty pounds.
Resolution hereon : to have 20l. (See supra, p. 497).
Same from William Bedbrough : shewing that for 40 years he has been stable keeper at 12l. 3s. 4d. a year and [out] of great arrears he has only received two [payments] in your Lordship's time : prays such part as your Lordship shall think fit. Ibid.
Petition from Timothy Gardner on behalf of himself and the poor of Deal : shewing that he was agent for the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded in 1664 and resided there during the plague, that he has made up his accounts with the Commissioners in 1667 and has their order to receive of Mr. Cock their Treasurer 197l. ; that since then he has passed his accounts in the Exchequer and there is 1,000l. surplusage : therefore prays your Lordship's order to George Cock to pay the money with interest or that he may be permitted to proceed at law, which your Lordship has now stopped.
Resolution hereon : done some time since.
Book of Petitions, pp. 31-2.
Same [to the King] from James Goodwin of Chesterton, in Cambridgeshire, formerly Collector of the Eighteen Months' Assessment : has had his real and personal estate seized to the King's use, has now been long in prison and unable to pay : some Justices of the Peace testify his poverty and inability : is in danger to perish and prays the King's mercy. Referred to your Lordship [Danby] 14 Dec, 1677. Recommended by my Lord St. Albans.
Memorandum : to enquire what security he gave and to be kept in prison till he informs who they are.
Ibid, p. 32.
Same to Treasurer Danby from John Tomlinson of Bristol : shewing that in 1673 he petitioned your Lordship to be [made] a surveyor at the Pill, belonging to the port of Bristol upon the removal of one Mr. Carew : that you were then pleased to enter a minute in his favour : that William Davies, one of the surveyors, is now dead : therefore prays to be admitted into that office.
Resolution hereon : granted. This is granted to Sanson, but my Lord will consider him some other time.
Same from John Singleton, a musician : shewing that there is 209l. 8s. 9d. in arrear to him on his fee and livery : prays payment. The Auditor of the Receipt certifies there was 302l. 10s. 5d. payable to him by your Lordship's warrant, 2 Aug., 1673. whereof he received only 93l. 1s. 8d., so remains 209l. 8s. 9d. Certificate annexed [missing].
Resolution hereon : this to be settled "as in page 23" (supra, p. 1355). My Lord can make no particular orders in the case.
Same from Richard Le Bas, Marshal of the Ceremonies : shewing that of his fee of 100l. a year there will be due at 1677, Christmas, 2¾ years : prays payment. Sir Robert Howard certifies that at Lady day, 1677. there was 2½ years due.
Memorandum : the petition and certificate were delivered to Mr. Evans, 27 Dec., 1677.
Resolution hereon : Mr. Bertie to answer.
Same to Treasurer Danby [sic for the King] from Thomas Browning, Doctor in Divinity : shewing that he is brother in law [to] and was bound for one Gurney, who is felo de se ; [petitioner's bond being] in 550l. [and given] only to support him : and that petitioner has no security but his counter bonds : that by such his [Gurney's] death part of his estate is forfeit to the Corporation, part to the King ; the town apply their [part] towards payment of debts : he therefore prays the King's part to that intent. Ordered, 14 Dec., 1677, in Council to be referred to your Lordship [Danby] to examine the case and report.
Resolution hereon : the state of this case [is to be prepared] for the King's papers.
Ibid, p. 33.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Mary Grove, widow of Samuell [Grove] : shewing that her husband, a King's waiter in London port, died in 1675 in arrear for 2¾ years of his salary of 52l. a year, and by your Lordship's favour she has received 1¼ year's fee : she prays the other year, 52l.
Resolution hereon : see supra, p. 1361.
Book of Petitions, p. 33.
Same from Thomas Turnor, gent. : shewing that he advanced 70l. on a tally for 70l. struck on the Customs dated 3 July, 1665, payable out of the half year beginning 1667 for the use of the Wardrobe, which [tally] is still unpaid : he has a certificate annexed of his having been a good subject and great sufferer for the King and his [royal] father : prays that this tally may be vacated and another struck on the [present] Receiver of the Customs.
Resolution hereon : [this is] in the [same] case with other old debts.
Same from Richard Brawne : shewing that there being a pension of 200l. a year granted 1660-1, Feb. 5, to Mr. Carlile and his wife for their lives whereon they are in arrears, as he is informed, 1,000l., he has taken from Mris. Carlisle a letter of atturny for 173l. 10s. of the said arrear, which he prays your Lordship to pay him.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from Thomas Earle : by two petitions for a landwaiter's place in the room of Zacharia Willis, now dead, late landwaiter at London. He brings the Earl of Anglesey's letter of recommendation.
Resolution hereon : my Lord thinks he has promised this to the Earl of Kent : if this be the man [then it is] to be done.
Ibid, p. 34.
[1677-8, Jan.]. Same from Thomas Temple, goldsmith : shewing that becoming partner with one Welsted he put in 2,000l. stock which Welsted converted to his own use ; that by constraint he [Temple] has paid several sums for him so that for principall and interest he [Welsted] owes him 3,522l. besides 500l. which he stands bound with him for ; that he [Welsted] has contrary to covenants taken letters patents for [his banker's annuity or] perpetual interest in his own name and refuses an assignment [to petitioner of a proportionable part of such annuity] : therefore prays your Lordship's consideration and order therein.
Resolution hereon : to be heard at the Treasury Chamber : both [parties] to be summoned. [See supra, p. 835.]
Same to the King from Thomas Hawley, his Majesty's milliner : shewing that he is creditor to the great Wardrobe for 6,970l. 7s. 3d. for principal and interest money due for wares delivered for his Majesty's service : [which account is] ready to be demonstrated by certificate and state of the whole matter : that having received many gracious promises from his Majesty, upon some importunate petitions, that his Majesty would take care of his relief, yet hath since been a very great sufferer both in his person and estate through the rigorousness of his creditors : therefore prays his Majesty's consideration, having been sequestered, imprisoned and tried for his life by the usurpers for his loyalty, and [if left] at this present without his Majesty's speedy directions to the Lord Treasurer to find some expedient for present payment of some part at least of his said debt and settlement of the remainder he must leave to posterity a sad example in himself and family of the great severity of this kingdom's common laws and delayed relief of that equity which he begs. Referred to Treasurer Danby, 1674-5, March 9, by the King, "having compassion of the petitioner's case and condition."
Memorandum : 'Tis a Wardrobe debt, but my Lord will report it in favor of the man because he has merit : and [therefore] commands a state to be prepared.
Petition from Mary Fisher and Bennet Fisher, daughter of Capt. Thomas Fisher : shewing that their father was ever loyal and his ship was employed to carry provisions of war for his late Majesty and lost in that service to his damage 2,500l. : and himself very instrumental to reduce the whole fleet to obedience and did reduce the three castles at Deal, and afterwards was imployed as Burser-General wherein he incurred several debts, was imprisoned and all his estate to the value of 8,000l. sequestered, sold and lost. In consideration of all which his Majesty did constitute the said father to be Auditor-General of the Hearthmoney with the same allowance as the Auditor of the Excise ; that he died before he enjoyed it and left petitioners in a miserable condition : they therefore pray some compensation by way of pension or otherwise. This is referred from his Majesty to your Lordship : there are several certificates of the truth of this petition.
Resolution hereon : a state of this case to be prepared for the King's papers ; and the certificates to shew the King.
Book of Petitions, p. 35.
Robert Reeves's petition read 24 Dec., 1677.
Resolution hereon : by vertue of Mr. Steven's certificate the Treasurer of the Navy [is] to assign him old orders.
Wingate's petition read : ordered to be put into my Lord [Treasurer's] papers for the King. Ibid.
Le Blanke, widow, her petition read. My Lord [Treasurer] to be informed why this is not done : "viz., the 30l. for arrears of exhibiting farthings." Ibid.
Thompson (Thomson). [His petition read. Resolution hereon] : no fee farm rents left. Ibid.
Bradshaw. [His petition read : Resolution hereon] : to be allowed 500l. on his account in recompence of his service, and to pay in 17l. Ibid.
Kerwood. [His petition read : Resolution hereon] : to look over their account and put my lord in mind another time. Mr. Shales has the petition. 24 Dec., 1677, Treasurer Chamber. (fn. 2) Ibid.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Nathaniell, Sarah, Hannah and Dorothy, brother and sisters to John Taylor, late of Boarstall in Bucks : shewing that their parents left them in a low condition and that their said brother took care of them, that in Nov. last he murthered himself and thereby his estate, worth 300l. or 400l., is now forfeited to the King. They pray your Lordship would prevail with his Majesty to give it them.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Book of Petitions, p. 36.
Same from Carola, only daughter to Major Francis Roberts : shewing her father was for his loyalty put to death in the late times at Norwich ; that the King since his restoration by great seal has granted 40l. a year to his widow and the petitioner, and the longer liver, whereof they never received any benefit. They pray your Lordship's wonted pity to sufferers for the King. There is annexed a certificate that nothing has been paid on the patent. There is likewise a certificate from the town of Norwich of the Major's death for loyalty.
Resolution hereon : nil.
The overseers of the poor of St. Martin's petition your Lordship for something to the poor. Ibid.
Sir Charles Harbord's report [read] about my Lord Crofts's house and ground in Spring Garden.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers. In the margin : not here.
Same [read] about Judd's houses pulled down to secure the Tower after the fire (struck through, see infra, p. 1372). Ibid.
Petition to the King from John. Timberly, now prisoner in the King's Bench : shewing that he has been a great sufferer for the King and that upon the oath of an enemy he is fined 40Z. to the King, which he prays may be remitted. Referred to your Lordship, 23 Dec, 1677 (Struck through.)
In the margin : done.
Same to Treasurer Danby from William Morgan, his Majesty's Cosmographer : [praying for leave to import] 15,000 reams of paper Custom free in the space of 3 years "for the printing the county maps and the volumes of Asia and Europe." (Struck through.)
In the margin : done.
Ibid, p. 37.
[Before 1677, Dec.] Same from William Richardson, keeper of Newgate [gaol] : shewing that he has been instrumental in taking several kind of offenders and at Christmas last two most notorious highwaymen, and in their possession 5 geldings, 2 mares, a silver dressing box and 2 silver powderboxes. Prays your Lordship to move the King for a reward of his services and that if the two men now taken be convicted his Majesty would be pleased to give him the horses and goods. Annexed, a certificate in his favor. (Struck through.)
In the margin : done (see supra, p. 828).
Petition from Richard Heath, shewing that your Lordship was pleased to receive a petition from him, and that in consideration of the loss of his estate by fire the Lord Chancellor granted him a fiat for a brief, but there was a stop put to it, and your Lordship was pleased to tell Mr. Killigrew you would find some other way for his relief. His loss is 550l. ; he humbly prays it. (Struck through.)
In the margin : done (see infra, p. 1370).
Book of Petitions, p. 37.
Same to the King from William Scawen, Esq. : shewing that he has done many considerable services to the late King for which in the late times he has very much suffered ; that he and his son were collectors of the Hearthmoney in Cornwall, and at making up their account the Commissioners ordered the Auditor to charge them with 360l. which by certificate from the Country Justices was standing out on pressed seamen and paupers. He prays his Majesty would grant him a remission of the fines set for renewing his leases in Cornwall which his Majesty has reserved out of the privy seal that granted away the fines of that Duchy. Referred to your Lordship 22 Dec., 1677.
Resolution hereon : let my Lord of Bath speak to the King about this.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Edward Westfield : shewing that Mr. Covill [Colvile], deceased, did owe petitioner 500l. payable with interest on 30 days sight ; by note 300l. [thereof] is paid, but Mr. Lindsey refuses payment of the rest. He prays to be in the [like] condition with the rest of Covill's creditors. (Struck through.)
In the margin : done.
Ibid, p. 38.
Same from Edward Silvester : shewing that about 4 years past [one] Hodgkins, smith of the Ordnance and Mint, did assign both places to petitioner ; that in his [Hodgkins's] life petitioner passed [the patent of grant of one thereof, viz.], that of the Ordnance, but [Hodgkins] died before the other was passed. He prays your Lordship to be instrumental to obtain letters patents for him to be smith of the Mint.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Sir George Courthopp's petition to his Majesty referred to your Lordship, sheweth that being a member of Parliament and having served his late as well as his present Majesty in several capacities very signally without any manner of gratuity, he desires that a debt of 1,275l. owing unto him may be directed to be paid to him out of the Alienation Office for the payment of his debts ; or in any other way that shall be adjudged fit.
Resolution hereon : nil.
John Barcroft, Esq. : his petition to his Majesty referred to pour Lordship, sheweth that being very serviceable to his Majesty in the last great plague, being directed with letters from Oxford to London in those contagious times to the Lord General Monck, said Lord General was instrumental in getting him to be Paymaster to all the forces of Jersey and Guernsey, which office he performed faithfully as long as he was intrusted in it, and the wars lasted, but being turn'd out by my Lord Hatton, humbly begs he may be reinstated and have the same allowance as formerly.
Memorandum : the office is in the disposal of the Governor, who has put in an officer that hath served several yeares without exception. (Query why he was turned out).
The widow, Avis Laurence. Her petition to his Majesty referred to your Lordship [Danby], sheweth that there is 20l. of old arrears due unto her on her husband's account, who was a servant to his late as well as his present Majesty, and now being reduced to great want she humbly craves she may be paid her arrears. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : my Lord Treasurer directs this 20l. to be paid her, June 22 (see supra, p. 847).
Book of Petitions, p. 39.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Thomas Lysons, one of the officers for the Customs at Hull : shewing that whereas the other officers there have received their salary due by patent quarterly, he has not : humbly begs it may be redressed (see p. 933, supra). Ibid.
Rob. Heath, Esq.'s petition to his Majesty referred to your Lordship : shews that he has faithfully served the late and present Kings both in the Civil Wars and also beyond the seas, has been a great sufferer, almost to his utter ruin, and notwithstanding all his services never yet tasted of his Majesty's bounties : therefore begs an arrear of about 874l. due to the King from the Receivers General of the Voluntary Present of 13 Car. II ; and has discovered the persons and estates lyable to the payment thereof.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from the Alum Farmers : declaring that notwithstanding his Majesty's letters patents and Royal Proclamation for the prohibiting the importation of alum, yet alum is imported and Customs received, which they humbly beg may be taken into your Lordship's consideration. (Struck through.) Ibid.
Same from Lady Calthrope, relict of Sir Lestrange Calthrope. Petitions your Lordship that his Majesty was pleased to constitute her husband Serjeant at Law with the usual salary thereunto belonging, in which office he continued for 3 years without receiving any salary, therefore humbly begs your Lordship's favour in this business : this arrear incurred in your Lordship's time.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same to the King from Mrs. Katherine Humphrey (relict of Pelham Humphrey, and daughter to Henry Cooke, late Master of his Majesty's Chapel) : said petition referred to Treasurer Danby, sheweth that the said widow has due unto her, on her father's account for his several fees and salary, the sum of 1,865l. 3s. 2d. out of which her portion was to be paid ; and since her husband's death she has paid 460l. debts contracted by him to enable him to perform his duty and service committed to him by his Majesty ; by reason of [all] which, and her husband's death, she is in a very poor and sad condition : humbly begs to be considered out of a debt due to his Majesty from Sir Edwd. Barkeham when he was sheriff of Lincoln, amounting to 1,400l.
Resolution hereon : see how the debt stands.
Note : delivered to Mrs. Humfrys 14 Aug., 1678.
Ibid, p. 40.
Will. Bounty and Albion Thompson's (two of his Majesty's trumpets) petition to his Majesty referred to your Lordship [Danby] : shews that his Majesty in 1660 granted them his royal signet for 60l. per an. ; which for several years has lain suspended, notwithstanding their extraordinary service : therefore desire they may be considered and the suspension taken off.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Book of Petitions, p. 40.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Richard Heath : shewing that since he has been recommended from his Majesty by Mr. Killegrew to your Lordship in consideration of his losses by fire, as also of his father's great service relating to his Majesty's happy escape after Worcester fight for which his Majesty was pleased to order a particular reward over and about what his losses came to, which losses came to above 550l., and now being reduced to great wants by his long attendance on this business, and being in danger by his absence from his concerns in the country to lose a very good farm, which will be his total ruin ; he therefore humbly begs your Lordship's favour in this particular (see supra, p. 1368).
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from John Jones. Apothecary in Ordinary to his Majesty and Household : shewing that there is due to him for his salary and wages 160l., as also 42l. due to him upon the Law duty, which appears by two certificates annexed to this petition [mis ing], and therefore beseeches your Lordship's favour in this particular.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Note in margin : delivered to his son, 14 Aug., 1678.
Ibid, p. 41.
Same to the King from Alexander How, Esq., Col. Deane and others : said petition being referred to Treasurer Danby shews that in 1664 they had prayed a lease of Dartmoor in Devon, being waste grounds not stocked with deer nor timber as did then appear by divers that did inspect that business, but by the death of some of the agitators, they could not go on in the contract, and now having other sufficient persons to be their assistants humbly beg favour, seeing 'twill be for the improvement of his Majesty's waste grounds, and increase of the rents.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Mr. L'Estrange : shewing that he has spent his fortune in the service of the Crown and is at present exposed to great inconvenience by reason of his debts, having only received 200l. out of 575l. due to him at Michaelmas last upon account of his allowance in lieu of the Newes-Books, and his owne expences upon the Press as already has been made to appear to your Lordship : and that upon his humble peticon to the King concerning this matter for the settling his allowance with certain additions, his Majesty was pleased to recommend petitioner to your Lordship's favour and consideration [to the end] that such relief as his present condition stands in need of might be afforded him. Another petition is to his Majesty about the sole printing all pamphlets : with the draft of the warrant annexed.
Resolution hereon : as to his allowance [this matter is to be put on] the papers for the King.
Petition from Agnes Curson : shewing that the Earl of Rochester being indebted 100l. to her after a long solicitation and attendance at last the Earl was pleas'd to grant an assignment for the said sum (which is all the security she has for her debts) out of his pension : humbly begs Treasurer Danby's favour in this particular.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Book of Petitions, p. 42.
Same from the widows of Pet. Brent, serjeant plumber, Thomas Baggelley, master glasier, John Grove, master plasterer, and Isaac Corner, master bricklayer : shewing that there are several arrears due to their husbands and they have not been paid as duly as the rest of the artizans and servants [to the Works] have : therefore humbly desire your Lordship's consideration of their conditions.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same from Sir Robert Atkins (struck through). Ibid.
Same to the King from Benigne Ragois, one of his Majesty's trumpets : said petition referred to Treasurer Danby shews that in 1660 he had the royal signet for 60l. per an. which for these several years hath been suspended, notwithstanding he has been compelled to extraordinary service : he therefore begs your Lordship to consider his condition.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Same to Treasurer Danby from 61 truly loyal and indigent officers : shewing that there was a petition of theirs sent from the King and Council to your Lordship the last of May and nothing done in it : therefore humbly beg your Lordship's favour in their behalf. There's a paper [missing] annexed. (Struck through.)
In the margin : done.
Same from Ann Horsley and her distressed husband : shewing that her husband has suffered 9 months' imprisonment on account of his brother-in-law, for whom he stood engaged, [petitioner] depending [for repayment] on his [said brother-in-law's] arrears due to him as serving under Sir Tobias Bridges (struck through) as a soldier in Ireland, for receipt of which he [the brother-in-law] made him [petitioner] a letter of attorney for his better security. Notwithstanding one Patrick Trant pretends to have bought his [said brother-in-law's] arrears, and the petitioner having oftentimes solicited for some satisfaction, yet he [? Trant] absolutely refuses to give any : and petitioners being very poor must inevitably perish unless relieved by your Lordship's order to Patrick Trant for payment of the arrears. (Struck through.) Ibid, pp. 42-3.
Same from Thomas Biggs : shewing that he received 100 hogsheads of tobacco (being deputy collector of Customs in Albemarle alias Roanoke, in the Province of Carolina) on his Majesty's account from the New England men for the penny per lb. custom on tobacco transported thither [to New England] ; and should have received 300 hogsheads more which was due and in arrear of which there was demand made and care taken for vessels to ship the same off when several factious persons in a rebellious manner seized his Majesty's collectors and officers with the commander-in-chief of the said county and all that would not submit unto them and imprisoned them, debarring them from ink and paper and the access of friends, but at last the petitioner escaped, and having been at much charge in this his voyage [with the intent] to give your Lordship a full state of this matter, humbly begs your Lordship's favour in this particular. Ibid, p. 43.
Petition to the King from Sir Robert Atkyns : said petition referred to Treasurer Danby shews that his kinsman, Col. Atkyns, deceased, was very active in the service of the King and spent an estate of almost 800l. per an. in the late wars and in maintaining his Majesty's prerogative [viz., in the particular case of or] for the sole printing all law books, for which service the King granted said Col. a patent for the printing all law books for 21 years ; that about 12 of the years of said term are now expired and said Col. being forced by necessity not only to sell his estate which would have descended to petitioner, but also his interest in the [said law book printing] patent : petitioner therefore prays a reversionary grant of the said patent for printing all law books. Book of Petitions, pp. 43-4.
Same from Thomas Lysons : shewing that he was one of the King's customers of Kingston upon Hull port and by the duty of his place was obliged to see all persons belonging to the said port that they use no indirect means or illegal practices to disturb traders and defraud the King ; that there is one Nathaniel Spencer that is very notorious for taking private compositions and using indirect means to the great detriment of the service : prays that it may be taken into consideration.
Resolution hereon : referred to the [Customs] Commissioners.
Ibid, p. 44.
Same to the King from Daniel Judd : said petition referred to Treasurer Danby shews that before the late dreadful fire in London he had 14 houses standing on Great Tower Hill which were worth 500l. per an. and were by his Majesty's order pulled down 5 weeks after the fire to his utter undoing and certain ruin unless considered by your Lordship. The truth of petitioner's request appears by Sir Charles Harbord's report annexed to the petition.
Resolution hereon : to be read. Examine his title.
In the margin : once more to enquire into this case (see supra, pp. 454, 1367).
Same to Treasurer Danby from the Duke of Albemarle : shewing that the King granted by patent to George, Duke of Albemarle, and his heirs a fee farm rent of 33l. 6s. 9d. per an. issuing out of the manor of New Hall, and a fee farm rent of 5l. 7s. 3½d. per an. out of the manor of Boreham intended to be granted to the Duke in actual possession ; that the said rents were formerly granted by the King as parcel of the Queen's jointure ; therefore the King in the privy seal (reciting that the said Duke being to pay the said rents during the continuance of the jointure to the Queen ought in justice to have a full recompense of like yearly value) and in consideration thereof did grant to the Duke 38l. 13s. 11½d. to be yearly received out of the Crown rents within the city of London and counties of Middlesex and Essex for the life of the Queen. The said sum has not been paid since 1671, and the receiver refuses to pay the same, alleging that [since the sale of fee farm rents] he does not receive money enough to pay the ees due to the officers. The Duke therefore prays that he may be paid the said arrears and have an order for future payment of it on a surer fund.
Resolution hereon : my Lord cannot alter the fund.
Ibid, pp. 44-5.
Petition from Humf. Kilby, surety for John Kilby, late collector of fire hearths, Bucks : shewing that said John was indebted in 2,800l. for the same to his Majesty, and was under seizure ; that his Majesty by privy seal did grant the same [debt] to Col. Charles Giffcrd, who by deed inrolled in the Exchequer hath acknowledged satisfaction ; further that said John Kilby being now dead, had not taken up his surety bonds. Petitioner therefore begs Treasurer Danby's order to the Remembrancer of the Exchequer for the delivering up the said bonds according to said privy seal.
Resolution hereon : see the privy seal and act accordingly.
Book of Petitions, p. 45.
Same from Charles Bayles : shewing that the two hundreds of Chelmsford and Dunmow, Essex have been heretofore granted to Ric. Pully and others before him : said Pully being dead, petitioner begs a grant thereof, as the same have been formerly granted with the particulars before the time of Ric. Pully. Referred to Sir C. Harbord. Mr. Fisher, in the absence of Sir Charles Harbord, reports that it does not appear that the said hundreds are in grant or what the profits are thereof or of the office of Bayliff above the rents of 3l. per an. reserved to the Crown.
Resolution hereon : enquire into the state of this matter.
Same from Mrs. Sheldon to the King : referred to to Treasurer Danby. Said petition sets forth that King James by letters patent did grant unto Alexander Leviston, Esq., and his heirs for ever the parsonage house of Charminster with Haydon's farm and other lands in Dorset of about 80l. per an. under the yearly rent of about 5l. 6s. 8d., which are since devolved back to the Crown, but [said premises] are now concealed and detained from his Majesty. Petitioner therefore begs (seeing her family has suffered for their loyalty) a grant of said parsonage with the other lands for the term of 99 years at the said rent of 5l. 6s. 8d.,
Resolution hereon : refer to Sir Cha. Harbord.
Marginal note : done and delivered out 13 Aug., 1678.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Elizabeth, widow of George Acton, Esq. : shewing that her husband faithfully served the late as well as his present Majesty to the great expence of his fortune : that a petition presented to your lordship [Danby] for adding a third life in a copyhold tenement parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall was referred to the Surveyor-General and a fine set at 95l. 6s. 9d. Petitioner begs that the said fine may be remitted and a third life added of his Majesty's grace and bounty and in compensation of her husband's services and sufferings.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Petition from Charles Goodwyn, gent., Receiver-General of the Poll money for co. Sussex : shewing that petitioner has collected and paid into his Majesty's Exchequer all the moneys charged and assessed within the said county, except only 98l. 1s. 6d. : and in regard that he has been at great charges in the expediting the said collection and is desirous forthwith to pass his accompts (which by reason of many certificates will also be chargeable unto him), therefore begs Treasurer Danby to grant him such allowance for his solicitations in the said employment as his Lordship shall think fit.
Resolution hereon : my Lord cannot do anything in it.
Book of Petitions, p. 45.
Same from Eleanor Withers and Joan Halsworth : shewing that they were privy to his Majesty's concealment at Sir Francis Wyndham's house after the battle at Worcester, and with great fidelity did perform their duty in attending his Majesty during his stay there, for which faithful services his Majesty settled on each of them an annuity of 50l. payable by the receiver of his Majesty's late revenue of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, which being since sold by Act of Parliament [for sale of fee farms] the petitioners can no longer receive their said annuities, and now his Majesty is pleased to grant a new settlement of the said annuities for their lives, but petitioners being very poor and unable to bear the charge of passing a new patent therefore beg that your Lordship [Danby] would think of some way how they may be able to partake of his Majesty's royal bounty.
Resolution hereon : granted.
Ibid, pp. 46-7.
Same from Marcus Browne : shewing that upon a petition presented to his Majesty setting forth the petitioner's loss in the farm of the Customs of Galloway in the year 1650, the King referred it to your Lordship [Danby] by an order of Council bearing date the 23rd June, 1675 : that ever since the petitioner has attended your Lordship therein, but as yet nothing has been done : therefore prays your Lordship to take his petition into consideration and that the clauses in the Acts of Parliament may be read.
Resolution hereon : refer to Mr. Attorney-General.
Marginal note : done accordingly and gone.
Ibid, p. 47.
Same from Daniel Deive : shewing that he has due to him 6,000l. and upwards for goods delivered into the office of the Great Wardrobe for his Majesty's service in the year 1677, and that since that time there is due unto him 394l. 2s. 6d. for which he was promised ready money, but the whole is yet unpaid : being mightily in debt and reduced to a very low condition, petitioner begs your Lordship's favour in this particular.
Resolution hereon : enquire of Mr. Newport.
Same from the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Chapel and children and officers of the vestry : shewing that 877l. 7s. 0d. is due to them, payable out of the Treasury [of the] Chamber, for their attendance at Windsor in 1674 as may appear by warrant from the Lord Chamberlain : being reduced to great straits for want thereof, they humbly beg your Lordship's favour.
Resolution hereon : let something be done.
Petition from Thomas Green : shewing that he was appointed cashier and paymaster at the late Exchange Office in London for the returning his Majesty's money and that above 654,352l. 17s. 3d. passed through his hands and was paid punctually into the Exchequer : that he was also authorized by your Lordship's warrant to be Receiver and paymaster of such monies as your Lordship should direct by way of imprest for defraying the charges of the said Office and for the solicitors' salaries in the several counties for hastening the assessments. An account hereof [missing] was adjoined to the petition wherein there are three sums craved by the petitioner amounting to 121l. 3s. 10d. which cannot be allowed without particular warrant from your Lordship : and for the same service the former paymaster had 10l. per an. : therefore petitioner humbly craves your Lordship's consideration.
Resolution hereon : the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] to consider.
Book of Petitions, p. 48.
Same from John du Bois ; shewing that in July, 1670, he lent 300l. towards a sum of money advanced at that time for the discharge of his Majesty's navy, same being on the security of the fee farm rents : said loan, together with all the interest, except the first year, is still unpaid : further that petitioner was very instrumental in promoting the late loan in London of 100,000l. on the credit of the Poll Act : therefore begs your Lordship's favour.
Resolution hereon : examine what can be done.
Same from Jane Finch to his Majesty : referred to your Lordship [Danby] : said petition shews that her husband had an arrear of 625l. due to him on his pension of 250l. per an. settled on the Excise as a Commissioner of Excise : that Sir Stephen Fox advanced 200l. to petitioner and there remains due 425l., for want of which and many other misfortunes she is in great want : therefore begs your Lordship to commiserate her condition.
Resolution hereon : speak with Sir Ste. Fox.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Capt. Bernard Phillips : shewing that notwithstanding he has cleared himself from the scandal of being reported a papist (which for some considerable time hindered him of his pension) and has removed all other obstructions which can be pretended yet he still groans under great miseries and wants : that he has 4s. a day allowed him which he has not of late received : therefore begs some speedy relief.
Resolution hereon : query [to be made] of Sir Ste. Fox.
Same from the Royal African Company : shewing that they have bought 20 tuns of oak timber with intent to send it upon their ships for the building and repairing his Majesty's forts and castles for defence of the trade on the coast of Africa : pray that same may be transported with your Lordship's leave and the Commissioners of the Customs. Their report adjoined to the petition. (Struck through.)
Marginal note : African Company, done.
Ibid, p. 49.
Petition from Nicholas Chestle and John Cheeke of Newport in the Isle of Wight, gentlemen : shewing that they were advised that cocquet fees were not due for wool carried from the said Island to the town of Southampton, and about August last they did send over thither without cocquets 20 hides of leather and 22 todds of wool which were seized by the officers of the Customs there as forfeited for not having taken out cocquets for the same : that afterwards upon the petition of the inhabitants of the Island same were ordered to be restored without fees, but upon demanding the same, the officers refused to restore the same upon their finding some diaper packed up in the said wool which was only for the more convenience of carriage and an affidavit made of it. The petitioners pray your Lordship's order to the officers to restore the same and to ascertain what to pay, if anything.
Resolution hereon : the law to be observed and the officers to be justified.
Book of Petitions, p. 49.
Same from Richard Lightfoot : shewing that he let his Chamber in the Temple for an Office to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farm Rents at sixty pounds per an. and that at Michaelmas last his Chambers were burnt down, where[by] he lost not only 500l. but was at above 10l. charges in removing his Majesty's Records and was forced to hire other Chambers for the Office : further that there is due at Midsummer 3¼ years for rent. Referred to the Trustees [for Fee Farms] who report that there is due to the petitioner 195l. for 3¼ years' rent.
Same from Joseph Walker, one of his Majesty's trumpets in ordinary : shewing that of his salary of 60l. per an. there is in arrears 3 years : and being at a continual charge for the recovery of his sick wife and having no other way of subsistence but his imployment, humbly begs your Lordship's favour. Ibid.
Same from Will. Standin : shewing that he was an eye witness of several prohibited goods clandestinely landed in several places on the coast of Sussex to the detriment of his Majesty's Customs, and was also certified of some prohibited French goods that are expected there in some few days : therefore begs your Lordship's warrant for the seizure of all such commodities.
Resolution hereon : agreed.
Ibid, p. 50.
Same from Will. Taleur (Tayleur) : shewing that the office of the King's chief clerk of the Mint is now held without your Lordship's warrant, or any other authority, save that of the [Mint] officers, who have appointed one to exercise the same and by reason thereof keep the books and papers that belong to the office, and do not only refuse to produce or show them to the Commissioners [appointed to inspect the affairs of the Mint] but to give any obedience to their orders : therefore prays your Lordship's favour for the said office. (Struck through.) Ibid.
Same from Edward Howard : shewing that about the 14th of March last he sailed from Gravesend towards Norway with 9 men and a boy besides himself whereof only two were strangers, and below Gravesend 4 of his English men were imprested into his Majesty's service so that he was forced to take 3 more strangers to enable him to perform his voyage, that he is now arrived in England from Norway, but dares not bring up his ship lest she should be seized for not having ¾ of his mariners English : therefore prays that he may import, enter and land his goods, seeing he was regularly manned when he entered on his said voyage.
Resolution hereon : refer to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Petition from Will. Knight, Tho. Beegby, Tho. Russell, Walter Jefferys, [and] Ric. Stretton, on behalfe of themselves and the rest of his Majesty's servants, the yeomen warders of the Tower of London : shewing that by their places they are obliged to watch and ward night and day, that by reason of their constant attendance they are prevented from taking any other employment upon them whereby they may provide for themselves and their families, and they are 3 years behind in arrears of their small salaries of 14d. a day and have paid great sums of money to Sir John Robinson for their places : all which they leave to your Lordship's consideration. (Struck through.) Book of Petitions, pp. 50-1.
Same from John Roots to his Majesty referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he had served the late as well as his present Majesty upon his own purse, and that his Majesty had lately granted him a lease of some things within the survey of the Duchy of Lancaster for 31 years in reversion after about 15 years yet to come, under a rent, and 150l. fine : begs that said fine may be remitted, seeing there is in arrear 325l. due to him from his Majesty (as one of his pensioners, as appears by a certificate joined to the petition) and that so much of the [said] arrears may be struck off. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : he must apply himself to the Chancellor of the Duchy.
Ibid, p. 51.
Same to the King from Grace Stanton, executrix of Jo. Rose : said petition (referred to your Lordship) shews that his Majesty by privy seal granted to said Jo. Rose 240l. per an. for wages and board wages payable out of the Exchequer, and by another privy seal allowed him 320l. per an. to be paid, quarterly pursuant to a contract with the said Jo. Rose for the keeping the garden at St. James's in repair and providing all necessaries thereunto : that the said Jo. Rose died September the 10th three weeks before Michaelmas last : that petitioner had the custody of the said garden and paid out of her purse the workmen and all charges till Michaelmas day last past when the present gardener entered. The petitioner further offers that the said John Rose during the last rebellion applied to his Majesty's service 50l. as appears by his Majesty's letters and Dr. Hewet's receipt. Petitioner therefore begs the said quarter's wages and such consideration for the 50l. as shall be thought fit.
Resolution hereon : agreed.
Petition from Lucy Countess Dowager of Huntingdon to his Majesty referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that upon Henry Lord Loughborough's surrender of a lease of the Customs and duties upon cattle exported out of Ireland into England [said Lord] had the grant of an annuity of 500l. for 19 years and a half out of his Majesty's Customs to be paid without any further warrant : that notwithstanding the said surrender the said annuity is not paid, and the said Lord owes the petitioner a considerable sum of money which she begs may be paid out of his arrears.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Book of Petitions, p. 51.
Same to Treasurer Danby from William Sharington (Shurington) : shewing that Queen Elizabeth by letters patents dated 1594, June 26, granted to Edward Honyng, Esq., the monastery and priory of St. Peter de Eye, Suffolk, with all rights thereunto belonging and divers parcels of meadow, pasture and other grounds to hold for his own life, his wife's and his son's, rendering yearly 20l. 2s. 9d., and afterwards the Queen by patent in the 40th year of her reign granted the same in reversion to the said Edward, his executor and assigns for 40 years to commence after the death of them : they having been dead about 15 years, and the interest of the said 40 years being in the petitioner, he begs a further term therein. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : refer to Sir Cha. Harbord.
Ibid, p. 52.
Same from Tho. Martyn : shewing that his Majesty granted him the office of receiver of all duties payable unto his Majesty in the Island of Jamaica : that in order to the execution of his said office, he repairs thither where he meets with so many discouragements from Lord Vaughan as constrains him to beg your Lordship's protection and to consider of the hard instructions imposed on him by the said Lord. The instructions are annexed to the petition, and what was said in Council. Ibid.
Same from Nicholas Robinson : shewing that he has a warrant from your Lordship to look after tobacco that grows in England, and has but very small or almost no encouragement for performing the same : therefore begs your Lordship's protection and assistance. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : refer to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Same from Edward Bushell and William Berd, merchants of London : shewing that they were part owners of the Brazil frigate and Concord of London, and do demand 1,100l. for the hire and freight of the said ships taken up in his Majesty's service at Barbados : and that upon their petition to your Lordship it was ordered they should be paid out of the Farm of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados : therefore crave your Lordship's warrant for a privy seal [for such payment]. Ibid.
Same from Elizabeth Williams, wife to Capt. Williams, deceased : shewing that her husband served his Majesty in the West Indies in the regiment of Sir Tobias Bridge ; was mustered at Portsmouth [as] Lieutenant to Lieut,-Col. Stapleton, and afterwards was made a Captain, and so continued till his death, which happened not long before their disbanding : but by reason the books, wherein his arrears were stated, are said to be lost and the commissioners for disbanding the said regiment having no orders for stating the debentures of such as died, the petitioner complained to your Lordship and obtained an order for Commissary Bains and Fillingham to state the arrears which was accordingly done, and after all defalcations they appear to be 48l. 8s. : therefore prays that she may receive same, although not a 3rd part of what was due. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : refer to the commissioner appointed to examine and state the arrears of the Barbados Regiment.
Ibid, p. 53.
Petition from Mrs. Bradley : shewing that after a full hearing of her grievances and answer to [John Bradley] her husband's reasons, the King was pleased to order the said John Bradley to pay her what was adjudged by the Ecclesiastical Court, or that his protection as a messenger should be taken off : but there is nothing done in it : therefore begs she may no longer be deprived of her rights. Book of Petitions, p. 53.
Same from Rob. Harwar : shewing that he has been a Custom House officer 39 years, and upon some supposed neglect of his or of one Mr. Ball [they] were both of them suspended : that said Ball upon his application to your Lordship was restored to his place : therefore petitioner begs the like favour in respect of his long continued service, great age of 74 years and poverty : he stands upon his justification.
Resolution hereon : refer to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Marginal note : done and delivered out 17 Aug., 1678.
Same from Will. Hester, his Majesty's Ratkiller : shewing that there is 54l. due to him for the destroying vermin as may appear by two bills signed by the Lord Chamberlain : being in great distress for want of it, therefore prays payment. Ibid.
Same to the King from Dr. Kerle (Kirle) physician in ordinary to his Majesty : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he has faithfully served his late Majesty, and upon his Majesty's restoration was made physician in ordinary, but never had any pay or reward : that his Majesty's foot guards are without a physician to help them in their sickness, and the charge to an apothecary [for the Forces] for medicines only is 1,500l. per an. : therefore begs that he and Dr. Warner may be physicians to the Guards and for their advice, waiting and medicines desire but 600l. per an., which is not half so much as the apothecary has. Ibid, p. 54.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Thomas Carter, one of his Majesty's messengers attending the Council in the Marches of Wales : shews that he has several bills signed for the satisfying him for his pains and charges in dispersing proclamations, commissions and public Acts into North Wales since his Majesty's restoration, but by reason that the fines on which his payment was placed did not amount unto more then would satisfy the receivers' fees, the petitioner could obtain no satisfaction, and there is due to him 254l. 16s. 8d. at the rate of 30s. for each public Act, and 4l. per an. for wages toward the keeping a man and horse to do that service : he humbly prays your Lordship would consider his condition, seeing he has contracted many debts by being employed in his Majesty's service. Ibid.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from John Moore : shewing that his Majesty granted him the office of one of the waiters, Bristol port, with the fees and advantages thereto belonging, as also with the salary of 15l. per an. payable by the collector of the said port, and that his dividend [of fees, etc.] for the last half year was so inconsiderable as did not amount to above 2l. (the salary being not paid) so that his employment will not give him a subsistence unless your Lordship will be pleased to give directions for the constant payment of his salary, which he humbly begs. Book of Petitions, pp. 54-5.
Same from Katherine Forster, relict of Martyn Foster, Esq. : shewing that her husband was Comptroller of Customs, Newcastle port, in which employment he faithfully served his Majesty as long as he lived : that his Majesty granted said office to another, but betwixt the time of the death of the petitioner's husband, and the other's coming to his place, the fees out of the said office did amount to about 100l., which not being as yet disposed of, and being in the power of your Lordship, she humbly prays for. Ibid, p. 55.
Same from the doorkeepers belonging to the House of Lords : shewing that at the end of every sessions of Parliament by vertue of a dormant privy seal they received 100l. : therefore pray they may have a warrant drawn for 100l. as formerly for their waiting and service : they having received nothing these two sessions.
Resolution hereon : examine their pretensions.
Same to the King from John Walker and Jo. Relfe, under clerks to the House of Peers : referred to your Lordship : said petition shews that they have no certain salary nor allowance for their service, and have but once (since his Majesty's restoration) received any reward ; therefore beg they may be considered.
Resolution hereon : examine also.
Same [to the King] from the Pages of the presence to her Majesty : referred to your Lordship : said petition shews that notwithstanding their diligent attendance on her Majesty these 14 years, they have not the advantages their predecessors had in the like places to the Queen Mother [such] as profits out of the Privy Chamber and Withdrawing Room, allowance of liveries out of the Wardrobe and free access to eat at the waiters' table : that they have nothing certain to depend on but the ancient salary of 5 marks a year : therefore beg your Lordship's favour for their salary and privileges. Ibid.
Same to Treasurer Danby from the Grooms of her Majesty's Great Chamber now in being : shewing that they have duly been paid till Christmas last and that your Lordship ordered the payment of that likewise : but petitioners authorizing Captain Goldsborough one of their fellows, to act therein for them, he has received all but 15l. and yet refuses to give the petitioners any satisfaction, but says 'tis to be appropriated towards the payment of the arrears of persons deceased : they therefore crave whither or no it be your Lordship's pleasure it should be so. Ibid.
Petition from Col. Crow : shewing that upon a petition to his Majesty [he was] referred to your Lordship about a certain increase rent of 20l. a year out of his Majesty's manor of Portland : has faithfully served his Majesty to the expense of his fortune, and is now old and reduced to a very low condition : therefore begs your Lordship's favour in that particular. Book of Petitions, p. 56.
Same from Thomas Sherman : shewing that your Lordship constituted him one of the land waiters, Yarmouth port, within a month after Lady day last : having been at charges to settle himself therein he begs he may receive the whole quarter's pay. Ibid.
Same to the King from Dorothy Nightingale : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that her ancestors have been tenants to the Crown for near 400 years for a pasture called Dike Marsh, in the county of York, and of the fishing in the water there : that said land is the greatest part of the provision left to petitioner by her father, Sir Guilford Slingsby : that since his Majesty's restoration [she] has procured a new lease [thereof] wherein she has a term of about 10 years unexpired : that having spent a considerable sum of money in defence of his Majesty's title, which is now cleared, she hoped to have made a provision therewith for her children, but Lord Gerard has procured a lease in reversion, whereby the petitioner is debarred of the privilege of renewing : therefore begs a lease of the premises for the term of 40 years to commence after the expiration of the said Lord's lease.
Resolution hereon : referred to the Queen's Trustees.
Same to the King from Mris. Kirke for 500l. a year out the Honor of Grafton : referred to your Lordship and your Lordship reported thereon to his Majesty, who was pleased to refer it back again to your Lordship to consider how and in what manner his Majesty may fitly provide for the petitioner's just satisfaction. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Marginal note : delivered to her solicitor 6 Aug., 1678. Delivered to Mris. Kirke's son 13 Aug., 1678.
My Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on Captain Barbazon's petition to be read. (Struck through.)
Marginal note : delivered to the gentleman by Mr. Brent, July 24.
A proposal of Mr. Collingwood about Scotch corn to be read. Ibid.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from George Evans : shews that having lately represented a petition to your Lordship concerning his house (which belongs to him as surveyor of the melting houses in the Mint) he was referred by your Lordship to Sir Christopher Wren, who reports back again to your Lordship that the building the said house will amount to 488l. 17s. 0d. which he humbly prays. (Struck through.)
Marginal note : done.
Ibid, p. 57.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Mr. Banister, one of the King's musicians : shewing that there is 660l. in arrears to him upon the fee of 110l. per an., as appears by Sir Rob. Howard's certificate : therefore begs your Lordship to consider him and his family who are very poor. Book of Petitions, p. 57.
Same from the grooms belonging to the King and Queen : shewing that they have a new year's gift from the King of 160l. 13s. 4d. amongst them, and being six or seven years behind, humbly pray your Lordship it may be redressed. Ibid.
Same from Roger Paxton, master of the ship Tenneriffe : shewing that the said ship took in 4 bales of Dimitys, 4 small baskets of drugs and one box of rhubarb at Leghorn to be put on shore at Malaga, but so it happened that Sir Will. Poole in the Leopard, being convoy and not staying, the petitioner was forced to bring the said goods for London, not knowing they were Turkey goods till they came to pass the entry at the Customs House by reason whereof they are liable to be seized. He humbly begs your Lordship's warrant for the keeping of the said ship and goods from seizure.
Marginal note : given to Mr. Osborn ; returned again.
Same from Edward Hutchison : shewing that he did farm the wine Licences for the City of York in the years 1672 and 1673, and for several other towns in the county of York for the same years and 1674, whereby he was damnified 230l. and upwards in obeying the then Lord Treasurer's [Clifford's] order, by letting the same at lower rates than first contracted for. all which is asserted by the Commissioners of the wine Licences : and there being only an arrear of 123l. 14s. 0d. [on his rent] behind and unpaid to his Majesty, he prays your Lordship to order the said Commissioners to deliver up his bond that so he may be discharged. (Struck through.)
Marginal note. done.
Same from Mr. Rutter : praying he may have the grant of the offices of C[l]erk and Register of the Chancery in the Island of Barbados, as also Clerk of the Peace and Crown there for his life. Ibid.
Same to the King from Mr. Gorsuch : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he disbursed several sums of money in his Majesty's service, amounting to 450l., and did in the year 1671 obtain an order for the said sum from the Commissioners of the Treasury to be paid him or his assigns with interest out of the Customs ; but that he has received neither principal nor interest : therefore beg ; what your Lordship shall think fit for his satisfaction. Ibid, p. 58.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Mr. Arden, receiver of the revenue of the bishopric of Durham in the late vacancy : shewing that he has given 5 years' attendance on this service, and received but 3 years' salary, not accounting any incident charges, nor his loss of above 300l. : therefore begs your Lordship to discharge him of a small remaining sum at the foot of his accompt : he likewise proposes about receiving the arrears due to his Majesty at little or no charge. Ibid.
Petition to the King from widow Robinson : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that King James granted the Post Office to Lord Stanhope for his life ; that the said widow's husband had a good title to the said office derived from the said lord ; that the improvement of the said office from 5,000l. charge (as it was in his late Majesty's time) to what it is now, was by the sole contrivance of the petitioner's husband ; that the Parliament finding the profits so considerable annexed it to the Crown, with a resolve for the recommending to his Majesty such persons as contributed to the improvement of the office for some consideration for their pains ; that her husband never received any compensation for his claim, or for his charge in the contrivance of the improvement of that office ; and that 1,000l. of her portion was expended in the [effecting of the said] improvements : therefore begs some present relief and that your Lordship would hear her case. Book of Petitions, p. 58.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from Francis Pointz, arras maker and tapestry maker to his Majesty : shewing that by a certificate annexed there is due unto him 123l. which although but a small sum in comparison to what your Lordship has already assigned him, yet 'twill be of infinite use to him in his present necessities if your Lordship shall think fit to allow it him. (Struck through.) Ibid, p. 59.
Mr. Singleton's petition as in page 32 (supra, p. 1364). Ibid.
Petition to the King from Charles Jones : referred to to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his father was so great a sufferer in the late unhappy wars that he was not able to provide for the petitioner at home, wherefore being forced to go abroad to seek his fortune he underwent great hardships, and was at last promised by Sir Jonathan Atkins to be made clerk of the market in the Island of Barbados, where he has continued ever since unprovided for, in regard the office was disposed of by his Majesty's grant : therefore prays your Lordship would favour him in the getting the office of register and examiner in Chancery in Barbados. Ibid.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from the Grooms and Pages to the King and Queen : shewing that they have had an order signed by your Lordship almost 3 months for 166l. 13s. 4d. to be divided amongst them : therefore pray your Lordship's speedy directions for the payment of it. Ibid.
Same from John Potenger, Comptroller of the Pipe in the Exchequer Court : shewing that there was an ancient fee due unto him that enjoyed that place of 53l. 6s. 8d. payable out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer at Midsummer and Christmas for writing the farms and debts of Recusants into a great Roll in pipe hand twice a year, which fee was paid by an order grounded on a general dormant warrant until Midsummer, 1640, but hath been of late suspended by reason of the nonprosecution of Recusants, but the trouble of making out process being renewed again he begs he may have the ancient stipend. (Struck through.)
Resolution hereon : referred to the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] and Mr. Secretary Bertie.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Col. Kingwell : shewing that by your Lordship's favour he has of late received 100l. in part of a debt of 2,880l. : that his creditors hearing of it fall upon him for those debts he contracted in his Majesty's service, the sum being so small as only able to secure him from dying in the street : therefore prays 780l. to satisfy his creditors for the present and the settlement of the remaining part [of said debt] as your Lordship shall think fit. Book of Petitions, p. 59.
Same from Thomas Chapman, of Liverpool, merchant : shewing that his father and himself were for their loyalty driven to many hardships in the late unhappy wars and were in a very low condition till his Majesty's happy restoration, but by merchandizing and industry the petitioner has of late been able to provide for himself and family, and for many years past has paid unto his Majesty above 1,000l. per an. for his Customs within the port of Liverpool, besides the ports of Lancaster and Beaumaris, as appears by a certificate annexed, but now being indebted to his Majesty by several bonds about 500l. or 600l. by reason of the late Dutch wars, and otherwise having lost above 6,000l. is totally disabled from paying his Majesty's debt or further trading to advance his Majesty's Customs without his Majesty's favour ; but has at last prevailed with his kinsman, Mr. Chapman, to pay his Majesty 200l. upon the assignment of the [petitioner's] bonds who will also assist him in his trade : therefore humbly begs your Lordship that this be effected and orders given to hinder all process and proceedings against him. Referred to the Commissioners of the Customs, who report the truth of the petitioner's allegation. (Struck through.) Ibid, p. 60.
Same from Will. Goldsborough, Clerk of the House of Commons : shewing that there is due unto him 420l. for the arrears of his salary of 10l. per an. for his labour and expence in ingrossing of Bills, besides copies, orders and transactions of public concern : that after his application to your Lordship he received 200l. of his arrears : therefore prays [payment of] the rest. Ibid.
Same to the King from Francis Dorington, merchant : shewing that his ship the Leicester frigate fitted for her voyage to sea, having 500lb. of brimstone then on board, and that upon the approach of the Dutch fleet [she] was sunk at Blackwall : the loss of his voyage was as he affirms above 1,000l. to him besides the ship and goods sunk : upon due proof thereof before the Council his Majesty was pleased to order him 1,500l. which he never received : he further shews that his Majesty was pleased to pass a privy seal for payment of naval debts and charged [same] on the Wine Act : he therefore prays your Lordship's favour. Ibid.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Mris. [? sic for Mr.] Bradshaw : showing that there is a debt of 130l. due to him [? her husband] from Sir Thomas Williams : that the said Sir Thomas Williams having 1,750l. due unto him by an order at the Exchequer was pleased to give the petitioner an assignment of 130l., which he humbly prays. (Struck through.) Ibid, p. 61.
Petition from Ric. Downes : shewing that he was one of the Commissioners for granting Wine Licences 14 years together, and spent his time in the manage and contriving all the books and methods of that revenue, and advanced the same from 2,400l. to 19,760l. per an. : that about the 18th of July, 1676, the petitioner was dismissed when 5 years' accounts were unstated : he then to manifest himself obsequious repaired almost daily to the office, and spent his time in fixing the said accounts in which time he expended in that service 18l. 14s. : that he has been actually in commission part of Michaelmas term, and under a necessity of applying his time and money to that service : therefore begs half a year's salary. Book of Petitions, p. 61.
Same from Rob. Merfin : shewing that he bought a horse and tendered himself at Doncaster in order to have ridden in my Lord Latimer's troops, but the troop being full, petitioner came to London to find out some way whereby he might get his living, but finding none, humbly implores your Lordship to bestow on him a tidewaiter's place or any other in the Custom House. (Struck through.) Ibid.
Same from Mr. Langley, father of Sir Ric. Langley : shewing that his son was one of the Auditors of the Imprest, and during that employment, and the time of his predecessor, Mr. Twisden (to whom he made allowance for the same) did audit several accounts to a great value, for which there was no settled allowance, notwithstanding reference thereof hath been made to Sir Cha. Harboard and others thereunto appointed : therefore prays that since he has been deprived of his son, for the consideration of his former services he might have such allowances as were intended his son.
Resolution hereon : to be considered.
Same from Fran. Dickins : shewing that he is woodward of New Forest, and has lately been several times in London to receive your Lordship's commands for the better regulating the affairs of the Forest : therefore begs your Lordship to consider his many journeys, long attendances and great expences, seeing the fees and profits of his office are no ways answerable to the care and charge thereof : attested by a certificate.
Resolution hereon : to be considered at the settlement of the Forest.
Same to the King from Ric. Lane, Esq., one of the Grooms of his Majesty's Bedchamber : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his late Majesty did grant unto the then six Clerks of Chancery and to their heirs 134l. 14s. 6½d. issuing of the manor of Rickmansworth in consideration of 10,000l. lent to his said Majesty ; and further in consideration of 1,500l. paid by Ric. Brownlow, Esq., did grant the fee farm rents of 100l. per an. to him and his heirs issuing out of Hay Park in York, and 20l. per an. out of Hartingford Park ; and also in the consideration of 2,000l. lent by Sir John Lambe, did grant several fee farm rents to him and his heirs, amounting in all to 159l. 9s. 3d. upon condition to be void on payment of the said 2,000l. and interest : but none of the [said principal] sums being paid the heirs of the grantees still hold the same : the petitioner conceiving that the whole value of the rents do exceed the said sums lent upon them, humbly begs he might obtain his Majesty's interest and equity of redemption with power to sue in his Majesty's name. Sir C. Harbord's report [is] annexed [missing]. Ibid, p. 62.
Mr. Knollys' petition as in page 12 (supra, p. 1347) : referred to Sir Charles Harbord : and his report upon it to be read. Book of Petitions, p. 62.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Tho. Fordham : shewing that being yeoman of the Bows he is allowed a livery out of his Majesty's Wardrobe ; and that there was due unto him for the arrears of his said livery at All Saints last, 1677, 107l. 6s. 8d. : therefore prays payment of his arrears. Ibid.
Mr. Goodwyn's petition as in page 32 (supra, p. 1364). Ibid.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Daniell Whitfield : shewing that by your Lordship's order he was appointed Collector for his Majesty's Customs in New England, and in pursuance thereof did give in security to the Commissioners for the faithful discharge of his duty, but he is now acquainted that there is another appointed in his room, although there can be no just objection against him ; petitioner has left a considerable employment in Ireland, and has been at great charges in coming from Ireland and fitting himself for his voyage to New England, therefore implores your Lordship's favour in this particular.
Resolution hereon : to be referred for some employment.
Same from Benjamin Watts, and Edw. Wagstaff : shewing that they did lend unto John Portman, goldsmith in Lombard Street, many years past divers considerable sums of money, which are yet unpaid, and do amount with the interest to above 1,800l. ; for satisfaction of which debts they have been willing to accept of assignments from the said Portman [of a pro rata part of his banker's annuity] upon the Excise at 6l. per cent, according to his Majesty's directions by his late patents, but the said Portman refuses to give assignments at above 5l. per cent. : your Lordship upon a late petition was pleased to direct them to take their course at law and they have obtained a commission of bankruptcy against him [Porter] : they therefore beseech your Lordship to command the Auditor of his Majesty's Exchequer and the Clerk of the Pell henceforward to forbear taking any cognizance of any assignments that shall be brought unto them by the said Portman, and that stop be made of all money due unto him from his Majesty. (Struck through.) Ibid, p. 63.
Same from the Commissioners of [the revenue for the bishopric of] Durham in the vacancy of that See : shewing that they were at extraordinary charges and trouble in collecting the rents and revenues of that bishopric, and that their necessary expenses during the 3 years' vacancy amounted to 120l. : that they are informed that by directions of the late Lord Treasurer [Clifford] there was an order entered in some of the Treasury books that they should have an allowance of a salary or compensation for their care and pains : therefore pray your Lordship's favour. Ibid.
The Lady Grey petitions your Lordship for several stopt orders, amounting to 1,125l. Book of Petitions, p. 63.
Petition to the King from Lady Abergavenny : shewing that there is 2,800l. due to her in right of her husband from his Majesty's royal father : that petitioner's husband by reason of the late wars left his family wholly unprovided for : therefore prays your Lordship to favour her in getting [a grant of] divers arrears of the Royal Aid and subsidies belonging to his Majesty in Middlesex and Westminster.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Marginal note : she desires since the arrears here mentioned are designed for other uses she might have your Lordship's orders for the charging her arrears on the diocese of Gloucester, or on any other arrears of Tenths belonging to the clergy.
Same to same from George Boucheir : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his father was barbarously murdered at Bristol for his loyalty to his Majesty ; that the petitioner is now in a very necessitous condition : therefore begs a landwaiter's place extraordinary in the port of London until a vacancy falls, for the support of him and his family.
Resolution hereon : to be remembered when a vacancy falls.
Same to same from Joshua Wright : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that in 1643 Prince Rupert then besieging the city of Bristol was pleased to send for the petitioner's father to be acquainted with the strength and force of the town who, whilst he discoursing with his Highness, was slain by a great shot from the town, whereby his family greatly suffered : that petitioner has for divers years lived in Spain in the quality of a merchant, and was in May, 1677, taken by two Algier men of war and carried to Algiers, where he lost all his goods to his utter ruin : therefore humbly prays that in consideration of his father's being slain and his own great losses he might obtain a landwaiter's place in the port of Bristol, there being at present divers vacancies. Ibid, p. 64.
Same to same from Col. Romsey : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he had a commission given him by General Monck to be Cornet to Major General Morgan, where he assisted in his Majesty's restoration ; that in 1662 he served by his Majesty's command in Portugal, but by reason of his departure lost his arrears, amounting to 300l. ; that he was very serviceable against the Dutch when they came up the river [to] Chatham ; that in 1671 his Majesty appointed him Collector of the Customs Bristol port, where he (as appears by a certificate) was very instrumental in the augmentation of his Majesty's revenue, and never contracted one bad debt ; that now at last making up his accompts he finds himself a debtor to his Majesty the sum of 1,600l. : therefore prays the release of that debt seeing there is justly due to him, and he has expended, more in his Majesty's service than this arrear comes to.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Simon Smith : shewing that being Receiver General of his Majesty's revenue for the counties of Southampton, Wilts, Gloucester, Somerset and Dorset, he has a patent for his life whereby he holds the salary belonging to the [said] Receivership [said salary being hitherto] about 400l. per an. ; that his Majesty promised him a compensation for the loss of [the profits of] his place by reason of the sale of the fee farm rents : being informed that the demiseable rents within the petitioner's receipt are to be granted away, therefore begs there may be made a stop to any such grants, and that he may be considered as your Lordship shall think fit.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Book of Petitions, p. 65.
Same from Edward Lord Latimer that his Majesty would grant him his [the King's] right in the imbezlements of the ship called the Abraham Sacrifice, with power to prosecute the guilty persons according to law [on petitioner's] paying in one full, moiety into his Majesty's Privy Purse or the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Resolution hereon : my lord to be informed.
Sir William Curtius' case [shews] that there are several sums of money due to him from his Majesty as 600l. when he was Resident with the Princes of Germany and 1,500l. due upon a privy seal ; he would willingly forego the former if he might have the latter sum.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Petition [to Treasurer Danby] from John Palea, late Commander of his Majesty's fireship the Benjamin : shewing that he was instrumental in saving the Royal Prince in which service he hazarded his life, and was taken prisoner by the Dutch : his Majesty having ordered that the Commanders which attended the Royall Prince should have gratuities, petitioner begs he may have his. Ibid.
Same from the Bishop of Lincoln : shewing that since his consecration he has inspected the state of the bishopric and finds the First Fruits to amount to 894l. 18s. 1½d. as it stood indowed in Henry the eighth's time ; that in the said King's reign there were erected two new bishoprics out of the said bishopric ; that in Edward the sixth's time, three and twenty good manors and Lordships were exchanged for a few paltry impropriations, notwithstanding there was never any abatement of the First Fruits since the taxation ; that in all Payments, benevolences and rates the petitioner pays proportionably to the most considerable bishopric in the Kingdom : he therefore prays (seeing he has made the two first payments of his First Fruits) that he may be remitted the two last, having hitherto not been able to furnish his house, keep hospitality and residence by reason of the great payments to which he is bound.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Sir John Clayton and Mary Goddard : shewing that they are security for Thomas Goddard, Esq., late receiver of the Hearth money in the county of Suffolk, and that they find him to be in arrears to his Majesty 1,445l. 0s. 7d. : therefore beg there may be a defalcation of 245l. 0s. 7d., seeing 'tis all that is due, by reason his lands are extended, and Mr. Le-Gouch is content to accept the same [lands] at the rate of 1,200l. They pray that the said sum [or balance of 248l. 0s. 7d.] may be remitted seeing the said Goddard has been at great expense and loss in the discharging his duty.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers (see supra, p. 1349).
Book of Petitions, p. 66.
Same to the King from Sir Edmund Wyndham : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he has been a great sufferer in the late unhappy wars, and has hitherto been so modest as never to beg anything of his Majesty towards the reparation of his sufferings, but being encouraged to find out something that was in his Majesty's dispose, and being informed that there is an estate which was heretofore Mr. Tho. Seckford's or his ancestors, which doth now belong to his Majesty, he humbly begs your Lordship's favour in this particular. Mr. Fisher's report to your Lordship (in the absence of Sir C. Harbord) [is] to be read.
Resolution hereon : referred to Sir Cha. Harbord. Examine the value of the estate.
Same to same from John Girlington, Esq. : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his father was slain in his Majesty's service, his estate sequestered, 800l. per an. irrecoverably lost, and your petitioner a loser 20,000l. ; that he is lately come out of the country to acquaint your Lordship of the several abuses relating to the Poll bill in the Northern Counties ; that he never received any compensation for his great sufferings and being in hopes to discover several sums of money due to his Majesty in the County Palatine of Lancaster, humbly begs that your Lordship would assist him in the getting them. Ibid.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Thomas FitzGerald shewing that upon his Majesty's proclamation he quitted a command he had in Holland, and upon his arrival by his Majesty's warrant had an allowance of 4s. a day, which he received from Sir Stephen Fox till July, 1673, and then 'twas suspended on surmise the petitioner was a papist, but having past the test prescribed by Act of Parliament, as appears by a certificate, he begs the suspension may be taken off, and that he may receive his arrears.
Marginal note : delivered to himself 12 Aug., 1678.
Same from Edmond Doyley shewing that he was late receiver of the Hearthmoney and Subsidy for co. Nottingham and had at the stop of the Exchequer in the hands of his correspondent, Mr. Bartlett (servant to Alderman Blackwell) 2,800l. of his Majesty's money, for which he [Doyley] was forced to take orders of him [Backwell] for money due to him out of the Exchequer ; notwithstanding your Lordship was pleased to order him [petitioner] to pay to the Earl of Mulgrave and Sir John Robinson the sum of 1,400l. which he has done : and there being 400l. still due to his Majesty, and the petitioner being disabled by reason of the aforesaid payment to discharge the said debt therefore begs your Lordship's order for the clearing that accompt. Recommended by the Duke of York.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Ibid, p. 67.
Capt. Brian Morphy's order of Council to be read. Book of Petitions, p. 67.
Petition to the King from Margaret Lloyd, wife of Capt. Lloyd : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that her husband has been a great sufferer in the late unhappy wars : in compassion to his service and sufferings begs a landwaiter's place, having only as yet a tidewaiter's place, which is not sufficient to maintain him and his family.
Marginal note : delivered back to her with all certificates 21 Aug., 1678.
Same to same from Basil Price, son of Sir Herbert Price : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his Majesty granted to his father the lead mines in the lands anciently belonging to the Monastery of Coverham : therefore petitioner prays that he might have the said grant renewed unto him, his father dying before he had passed [the grant under] the seal. Ibid.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from Capt. Coghlan : shewing that 4 years since he was referred from the King and Council to your Lordship, and has only received 40l. out of 45l. due to him per an. : therefore prays his arrears.
Resolution hereon : to have 10l.
Marginal note : this [sum] is pd. 30 Aug., 1678.
Same from John Young, merchant, of London : shewing that he has several navy bills, amounting to 752l. 16s. 4d. for goods delivered into his Majesty's stores for which he has hitherto received no satisfaction, nor has had any security, although the said debt be a part of the navy debts for which orders are registered in your Lordship's name on the late Wine Act, and remain in the hands of the present Treasurer of the Navy : he therefore prays he may have orders assigned to the like value as hath been done to others in the like case. Ibid.
Same from the widow Melton : shewing that one Ric. Standford, late soldier in the Barbados Regiment, her apprentice, was justly indebted to her 20l. upon bond : that after his return from his voyage, and stating his arrears, which amounted to 19l. and upward, he assigned them over to your petitioner : she therefore prays payment. (Struck through).
Resolution hereon : referred to the Commissioners appointed to examine the Barbados business.
Ibid, p. 68.
Same from widow Marshall : shewing that her husband for several years was employed as master carpenter in the fortifications at Sheerness and dying about 3 years since had due to him about the time of his decease 163l. 17s. as may appear by bill under Col. Legg's and Sir Jonas Moore's hands : the petitioner being daily in danger of being cast into prison for want of the said money, begs that your Lordship would be pleased to give order to Sir Tho. Chitchley for the payment of the said sum. Ibid.
Petition from widow Veronica Platt : shewing that her husband spent an estate of above 500l. per an. in his late Majesty's service and afterward was slain at Newbury in his presence, and [likewise was slain] her only brother at Lichfield : [petitioner] being destitute of support and friends, and never receiving any arrears or pay due to her husband, his late Majesty at Oxford granted her an order for 3,000l. but having never as yet tasted of his Majesty's bounty and being in a very low condition, petitioner begs your Lordship to consider what may be done for her relief.
Resolution hereon : for the King's papers.
Book of Petitions, p. 68.
Same from Richard Brett, Samuel Vincent, and John Parsons, Victuallers of his Majesty's Navy : shewing that by reason of the scarcity of good corn in the West of England they were forced to import from Ireland about 600 bags of biscuit to supply his Majesty's ships appointed to be victualled at Plymouth for which the receiver of the Customs there demands 6 pence for every hundred weight. Petitioners beg they may import such quantities of bread and other lawful provisions as they may have occasion for, Custom free.
Resolution hereon : to be eased for what is passed, but to be considered what may be done for the future.
Same from David Horton, collector of the Customs in the Isle of Wight : shewing that to the best of his power he discharged his duty, but of late has been suspended by the [Customs] Commissioners ; that he is indebted about 600l., occasioned by his service and attendance on his employment, so that now he is a prisoner and his sureties ordered to be in process : he begs he may be referred to the Commissioners of Customs and may have liberty to attend them to make good his allegations and that during the said time his security may be free from process.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Ibid, p. 69.
Same to the King from Elizabeth, widow of Philiph Hanbury : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that her husband served the King as milliner with several wares, for which there remain due unto the petitioner divers sums : therefore prays [payment of] the sum of 243l. 18s. 6d. to prevent the utter ruin of herself and family. Ibid.
Same to Treasurer Danby from James Hoare : shewing that there is an office in his Majesty's Mint called the King's clerk, which has been long executed by the petitioner by the choice and election of the principal officers of the Mint without a patent or grant from his Majesty or your Lordship, the same being a place not to be executed but by one well experienced in the whole affairs of the Mint : petitioner being well qualified, humbly begs your Lordship to ascertain the place to him by a grant thereof for his life under the great seal.
Resolution hereon : my Lord will not consent to make it a patent place.
Petition from John Osborne, Russia merchant : shewing that he has always been faithful to the Crown both in England and beyond the seas, by reason whereof he has been a great sufferer ; that he and his friends did in the worst of times advance for his Majesty's use 350l., of which the petitioner's proportion was 112l. 5s. as appears by the Lord Colepeper's certificate : that the petitioner has made his condition known to his Majesty and humbly desires your Lordship to favor him when he shall be referred from his Majesty to your Lordship.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Book of Petitions, p. 69.
Same from Willm, Keckwick : [shewing that he was] tenant for 2 lives of part of the manor of Bonyalva, part of the Duchy of Cornwall, at the yearly rent of 3l. 11s. 8d. during his own life and after at the increased rent of 20l. : that by his father's sufferings [he was] reduced to great want. Prays leave to fill his estate without fine and to reduce it to the old rent. Sir Cha. Harbord reports the petitioner to be an old tenant and his family to have been sufferers, and that the fine for the estate desired amounts to 140l.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Marginal note : delivered back to himself 30 Aug., 1678.
Same to the King from Robert Gilbert : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that from 1660 to 1671 he was collector for the Lathe of Saint Augustine, Kent, of most or all of the taxes granted by Parliament to his Majesty and having cleared all his accounts to the last whole year of the Royal Aid and present [sic? for Additional] Supply he was in 1671 found in arrears about 1,000l., which he was then unable to pay, he having been damnified in returning of money, and by robberies, but since has paid 500l. of the said arrears, and for the residue, being not able to pay it was cast into prison to his utter ruin. He prays that he may have his liberty that so he may be able to make up his accounts and get in several arrears due to him yet in sub-collectors' and other men's hands to the value of 306l. 6s. 8d., as also 100l. in one Marroll's hands. There are the petitioner's accounts annexed to this petition and a certificate of the gentlemen of the county.
Resolution hereon : the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] to consider it and advise his Lordship.
Marginal note : referred and delivered out 13 Aug., 1678, to Mr. Gilbert.
Ibid, p. 70.
Same to same from Henry Bulstrode, Esq. : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that one Tho. Ward late of Bishops Cleeve, Gloucester, husbandman, was convicted the last assize of high treason, and one Will. Berry of manslaughter for killing of one John Bishop : petitioner prays he may have a grant of the estates of the said Tho. Ward and Will. Berry, so that they may be granted to such persons as he shall nominate.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Marginal note : delivered 4 Dec.
Petition [to Treasurer Danby] from his Majesty's Band of Gentlemen Pensioners : shewing that when the necessity of his Majesty's affairs compelled the suspending of some payments theirs were likewise suspended (though the Guards were expected [sic for excepted]) : they beg they may obtain their suspended arrears (being 3,000l.) as the rest of the King's servants have done.
[Resolution hereon : to be settled ; but query on what fund.
Book of Petitions, p. 70.
Same from Edward Seymour and Sam Maydwell, Esqrs. : shewing that they were Receivers of the Law duty from the 22nd of Oct., 1675, to Michaelmas, 1677 : crave your Lordship's warrant for allowance of their salaries for that the Farmers' grant was not passed the great seal till the 5th of May, 1677, and till that time they managed the whole business.
Resolution hereon. the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] to consider this.
Same from Capt. Martin Sandys : shewing that by the Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury he was constituted Receiver of the four last subsidies, which he discharged without returning any in arrears, and was afterwards employed to receive his Majesty's revenue arising by firehearths, and of the last Eghteen Months' Assessment for Worcestershire, during which time petitioner had a long sickness which disabling him to look after his affairs and his under-officers, which has occasioned a debt of 1,756l. 14s. 5d. to his Majesty : therefore prays the said debt may be remitted : referred from his Majesty to your Lordship.
Resolution hereon : let it stand as it doth.
Ibid, p. 71.
Same from Matthew Disney, executor of Luke Wilkes, Esq. : shewing that it was lately the order for all officers throughout the whole [? Customs] house that when anyone deceased, their executor should receive their whole arrears, before the new officer succeeding should receive any part of his wages ; yet notwithstanding [this] the new officer [who came in said Wilkes's place] engrosses all to himself, and there being three hundred pounds in arrears due to the petitioner he humbly begs the payment of it.
Resolution : nil.
Same from John Carey, gent. : shewing that Mr. Horne, deceased, late woodward of New Forest, received order from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the repairing of Mallwood Lodge in the said Forest ; that petitioner in the absence of the said woodward was desired to take care of the work and to pay the workmen employed about the Lodge and other necessary affairs, by reason of which he has disbursed for materials and to workmen, with what remains due to several persons for work done, 57l. 12s. 11d. as by the certificate annexed does appear : therefore prays your Lordship to grant him the said sum for the satisfying the poor workmen and the petitioner.
Resolution hereon : nil.
Petition from Mris. Brewer : shewing that there is due to her 150l. on the account of her husband, deceased, for three years' salary as customer in the port of London : she being very necessitous prays payment : recommended by the Duchess of Portsmouth : Mr. Edw. Bertie succeeded him.
Resolution hereon . nil.
Book of Petitions, p. 71.
Same from Henry Legat and Ralph Rutter, two of his Majesty's messengers : shewing that they have used great diligence for his Majesty's service in several journeys to summon witnesses in divers places of Kent, and in attendance with them at Maidstone Assizes to prosecute divers offenders about transportation of wool, and have been at 56l. charge in this service as by a bill of the particulars annexed [missing] does appear : therefore pray payment of it. The witnesses likewise that were concerned against these offenders humbly pray your Lordship (seeing they are day labourers and have nothing else to subsist by), that they may be considered for their staying a fortnight in this city and a week at Maidstone to the great prejudice of their families.
Resolution hereon. examine the bill of charges and the merit and labour of the witnesses.
Ibid, p. 72.
Same from Dorothy Bayly : shewing that her husband has long attended at Court for the obtaining the sum of 2,500l., which your Lordship has thought fit should be granted in lieu of the Honor of Penrith, and being ordered away to his command in Ireland, the petitioner humbly prays your Lordship to move his Majesty to grant him his letters patents for the erecting an office to execute the place of Register to the Commissioners for executing the new Act that is to pass in Ireland, which is an office that must of necessity be, and if it be granted your petitioner's husband during his life 'twill be some relief to the petitioner and her family. Resolution hereon : his Lordship has spoke to the King for Major Bayly for this place, and directs that caveats be put in that it be granted to none other. Ibid.
Same from Edmund Ashpole and Will. Menheire : shewing that the one was by the Treasury Lords appointed messenger to attend the then Agents for Managing the Hearthmoney and the other as clerk relating to the Eighteen Months' tax : they pray they may be considered for their extraordinary service out of such monies as shall be remaining in the hands of Mr. Green, Cashier to the said Agents. Ibid.
Same to the King from the inhabitants of the town of Newport, co. Salop, lately consumed by fire : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that by reason of their great loss amounting to about 24,000l., they are become so poor as not to be able to pay the [arrears of the] late Royal Aid and Additional Supply, and upon that account process is issued forth against them : they pray your Lordship's order to stop any further process, and to remit the said arrears, being 137l. 18s. 0d.
Resolution hereon : speak to Sir Francis Lawley and put this case on the King's papers.
Ibid, p. 73.
Petition to the King from Ric. Tufton, Esq. : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that his Majesty granted to Elizabeth Shipman license to continue and maintain a lighthouse formerly erected by one Edmond Winstanly upon a place called Dungeness, co. Kent, and to receive one penny per ton of all ships passing that way ; to hold from Midsummer last past for 31 years. Forasmuch as the lighthouse stands on petitioner's ground he humbly begs that after the determination of the grant to Mrs. Shipman the said house may be granted to him.
Resolution hereon : to be examined.
Book of Petitions, p. 73.
Same [to Treasurer Danby] from Isaac Aluares, merchant : shewing that in January, 1670, he furnished his Majesty with jewels to the value of 1,150l. for which sum his Majesty was pleased to give an order for repayment on the Customs, which by the stop of the Exchequer became ineffectual : therefore prays the said sum may be paid or that he may have a patent for perpetual interest for it, according to the form of the bankers. Ibid.
Same from Henry Brockwell, one of his Majesty's private music : shewing that there is due unto him for wages 450l. 8s. 4d. : being in a very poor condition for the want of his salary, begs your Lordship to consider his poverty. Ibid.
Same from the Serjeants at Arms for the [payment of the arrears on their] allowance of 160l. to them which for 14 sessions amounts to 2,240l. (See supra, p. 1356.) Ibid.
Same from Allan Wharton : shewing that he has been a commission officer in his Royal Highness [the Duke of York] his regiment till they were disbanded, then he was a commission officer in the Earl of Manchester's regiment in the Dutch War (1667) : in compensation of his services he humbly begs to be collector of his Majesty's Customs in the port of Deal, there being no such officer there for the present. Ibid, p. 74.
Same from Capt. Crow : shewing that he has quitted his employment in foreign parts to serve his Majesty and being now in a very low condition, having a great charge of children, humbly begs your Lordship would be pleased to order him some relief.
Resolution thereon : nil.
Same from Nic. Davis : shewing that he was referred to the [? Customs] Commissioners to be immediately put into an employment : that notwithstanding his attendance and the several vacancies he is still in the same condition as formerly : therefore begs your Lordship's warrant to the [said] Commissioners for the next employment. Ibid.
Mr. Agar's and Mr. Strode's petitions to be read as in page the 3rd. See supra, p. 1338. Ibid.
Petition from Phi. Maydwell : shewing that from a trading citizen's condition he is become wholly at a loss as to a settlement and maintenance : begs a tidesman's place in the port of London, there being two places void there.
(fn. 3) Petition to Treasurer Danby from Edward Thomas for a tidewaiter's place extraordinary in the port of London, the petitioner being recommended by several, and the [Customs] Commissioners being willing to employ him upon your Lordship's warrant : therefore begs your Lordship's favour. Book of Petitions [Vol. II.], p. 1.
Same from Jo. Mede : shewing that his father was decreed in Chancery to pay 2,000l. and having raised the money, did before the time of payment deposit it in one Corbett's hands, his uncle, who mis-employing the money contrary to the trust reposed in him the said Tho. Mede, petitioner's father, was forced to raise 2,000l. more to satisfy the court and afterwards to sue the said Corbett for the said debt ; after long delays he received 400l. and had judgment and execution for the remaining sum, upon which execution he [Corbett] was laid a prisoner in the Marshalsea who for obtaining the liberty of the rules, gave for security of his true imprisonment his son, who has a patent to be one of the King's waiters at the Custom House. The said Tho. Corbett having made his escape, Tho. Mede commenced a suit against the Marshal [of the Marshalsea] and obtained a verdict for 1,800l. and special order from the King's Bench to assign his security : since which time the said Corbett's son has absconded himself and the petitioner is informed that he doth intend to assign his said office : therefore petitioner begs your Lordship's favour that there may be no such assignment, and that the profits of his place may be sequestered toward the satisfaction of so just a debt. Ibid.
Same from William Sheldon, Anthony Rawlings, Joshua Geering. James Dunne and Jo. Wakeman : shewing that John Lyndsay gave them an engagement under his hand and seal to give them assignments [on his banker's annuity] in four days, which coming to nothing, and he being run away, they humbly beg that there may be a stop put to the payment of all interest on assignments made since January last [to said Lyndsey] that so his frauds may be discovered and they have their just debts paid them. Ibid.
Same to the King from Mrs. Brett : referred to your Lordship by Mr. Secretary Coventry : said petition shewing that his late Majesty granted petitioner and her sister 100l. apiece during their lives payable quarterly out of the Ordnance office on the con[sideration] of their father's merits who lost his life in the late King's service : that his present Majesty was pleased to continue the said pension, which was constantly paid, as appears by certificate under Sir Tho. Chechely's hand until the retrenchments made in the year 1667-8 : petitioner therefore prays that the stop may be taken off and her arrears paid, seeing she has little else to subsist on. Ibid, p. 2.
Petition to Treasurer Danby from Edm. Woodroffe : shewing that he has been a clerk in Sir George Downing's office of a Teller of the Exchequer ever since his Majesty's happy restoration, and been instrumental in the bringing in many sums of money by himself and others by way of loan ; that by the p[rivy] seal dated 1668, April 30, encouragement was given to lenders upon the imposition on wine and vinegar, and accordingly the petitioner lent 150l. unto his Majesty upon the said security, and received the interest duly until the stop in the Exchequer : that there is also due to him as an assignment upon an order due to the Treasurer of the Chamber and registered on the hearth duty No. (75) [said assignment being for] 90l. 13s. 0d. and upon another order of the said Treasurer of the Chamber 20l., all which appears by certificate : the [total] sum comes to 265l. 13s. 0d. besides the interest : he humbly prays your Lord's favour. Book of Petitions [Vol. II.], p. 2.
Same from Capt. Reade for the arrears of his pension being 1¼ years behind at Michaelmas last, as appears by Sir Rob. Howard's certificate. Ibid.
Same from the Farmers of his Majesty's duties arising by Impositions on proceedings at Law : pray your Lordship for a speedy hearing : they doubt not but to discover the frauds and ill practices of the under clerks in the Six Clerks' Office and others belonging to the High Court of Chancery ; and evidence the reasonableness of their case. Ibid, p. 3.
Same from Capt. Barnett Phillips : for some relief and that your Lordship would order him 20l., being in a sad condition and a prisoner in the Counter, and having almost 300l. due unto him on his pension of a Lieutenant's pay of foot. Ibid.
Same from George Browning, gentleman : shewing that he has a parcel of ground on the east side of Exe, and very commodious for the building of mills which are much wanting in those parts : begs he may be permitted to draw some water out of the said river to drive them, it being to the prejudice of no person if care be taken of the head or weir. Ibid.
Same from Anthony Lester for a tidewaiter's place in the port of London or any where else relating to the Customs, he being very necessitous at present. Ibid.
Same from James Giear, gentleman : shewing that he was a material witness on his Majesty's behalf against Harrington, wherein also Capt. Elsden was an evidence : and notice being taken that the petitioner was to be a witness was by Harrington's procurement laid in jail at Ilchester for about 16 weeks : was twice brought up by an habeas corpus to London to give in his information : prays somewhat for his trouble and great expence. Ibid.
Same from the Eastland merchants : shewing that they delivered their goods into his Majesty's stores and were to be paid out of the monies the Treasurer of the Navy then had or should receive of the Poll money. They pray the payment of it. Ibid.
Petition to the King from David Wood, one of the gentlemen of his Majesty's Guards : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that one Dorothy Skipwith, a near relation of the petitioner's, dies and leaves 250l. to Roman Catholic churches beyond sea, which sum being forfeited by law to his Majesty, petitioner prays it. The Attorney General is of opinion that this money given to such superstitious uses belongs to the King. Book of Petitions [Vol. II.], p. 4.
Same to Treasurer Danby from Sir Thomas Player for some consideration for his charge and trouble in procuring loans on the Poll Act and the Act for disbanding the Army. Ibid.
Same from Will. Bedbrough for his arrears and salary as stable keeper at Hampton Court : his fee [is] 12l. 3s. 4d. Ibid.
Same from Mr. Basire for some allowance for the extraordinary charges and pains he has been at as being Receiver General of the four Northern Counties [for the Poll, etc.]. Ibid.
Same to the King from Mr. Aldham : referred to your Lordship : said petition shewing that he has always been faithful to the Crown, and now being very necessitous, begs some relief till he shall have a poor knight's place at Windsor which the King has promised him. Ibid.
Same to Treasurer Danby from the day labourers in Scotland Yard for some money against Christmas, being a twelve month behind [in their wages] and having nothing to subsist on but their day labour. Ibid.
Same from the Queen's footmen for half a year's wages, payable out of the Office of the Treasury [of the] Chamber. Ibid.


  • 1. The petitions in this entry book are undated. The dates probably run regularly from early in 1677 onwards.
  • 2. At this point the clerk enters the words, "Read thus far, 24 Dec., 1677."
  • 3. The remaining petitions are on 4 loose pages (paged 1-4) inserted loosely in the 'book of petitions' from which the above preceding petitions have been taken. On the outside cover of these loose pages is written 'Petitions Oct. the 21, 1678.' It is evident that these petitions are the remains of the succeeding or next consecutive 'Book of Petitions' to that calendared above.