Minute Book: June 1668, 22-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: June 1668, 22-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp358-368 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1668, 22-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp358-368.

"Minute Book: June 1668, 22-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp358-368.


June 1668

June 22.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Minns, alehousekeeper in the Newmarket, to attend to-morrow about some uncustomed goods found in his house by Hen. Deane of the Custom House.
The letter from the Commissioners of Accounts is to be sent to Sir Robert Long for his opinion thereon.
The King's Customs officers of London port called in. My Lords will consider the business of their salaries at a full board when the Lord General and Lord Ashley are here.
Petition from Robert Knollys. His name is to be inserted in the lease with Sir Thomas Peniston.
Mr. Wheedon to attend to-morrow about the 608l. 7s. 6d. due from him of his Excise farm; he having disposed of said farm. " Mr. Keyt hath 21 days after Midsummer; which time he must have." George Williamson (Williams) and Mr. (William) Christian owe 500l. on March quarter, and have disposed of their [Excise] farm to Calverd. They are to pay same in forthwith. Capt. Brabant of Newcastle owes 4,025l.; has paid 1,025l; has disposed of his farm to Mr. Calverd for the brewers. Write him to pay the remainder, else he'll be sent for. Mr. Beane claims about 4,000l. for imported beer. John Reeves (Rives) and George Skipp (Kipp), [Farmers of Excise] for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, owe 800l. John Forth owes 3,750l. for a whole quarter for the Excise farm of Kent. Write to ask him why he pays not the money. Francis Meynell, Sir Samuel Sterling, John Man, Hugh Howell and Morice Hunt, Farmers of Excise for Norfolk, owe 884l. 18s. 9d. on Xmas quarter last and 3,450l. on Lady Day quarter. Desire them to make speedy payment. Humphry Beane owes 1,395l. on Xmas quarter and 1,900l. on Lady Day quarter of the farm of [Excise of] Suffolk. Desire him as above.
The Greencloth to send another list of privy seals not in the general privy seal for board wages.
Write Mr. Wadlow to attend presently before my Lords rise.
Mr. Ball promises to pay in 10 days what Sir James Smith is behind for the Devonshire farm of Excise. Mr. Ball moves for the pay of Mr. Rudyard, his teller.
Mr. Gaywood's and Wood's case to be considered for their enquiry after the securities.
Mr. Ashmole moves for several things in his chamber [in the old office of the Excise in Southampton Buildings]. He may have them except what my Lords have reserved for themselves.
The Farmers of the London Excise are, according to their agreement with my Lords, to defend in their own names the suits against the late Commissioners of Excise for beer exported from them on the late respective [Country Excise] Farmers.
The new Grand Commissioners of [Excise], London, are to attend to-morrow to certify what has been paid in of their advance quarter.
Sir R. Long is to make out the Navy order in 2,000l. orders.
The Customs Farmers called in [concerning the covenants in their new grant]. They are to keep 8,000l. a month in their hands till their 200,000l. is repaid. In case of great frost or other signal impediment or extraordinary cases they are to have 20 days liberty of payment. As to grants after their agreement they shall have defalcations but not for grants or Acts of Parliament before their farm (before Michaelmas last), nor for the Act for Irish cattle. They desire time to consider of it: also they demand the half of the seizures.
Write the Lord Keeper to put out the name of Mr. George Wingate and in his stead to put in Barth. Alder, of London, gent., and Will. Gorsuch, of Woodstock, in the list of [Commissioners for the Wine Act or of Excise Farmers for] Bucks, &c.
The [late] Excise Commissioners of Aldersgate Street called in: present a paper of who have paid in their advance quarter and who not. They may write to whom they think fit to see leases sealed and securities taken in the country where the parties are. They [the said parties] are to pay the advance quarter into the Exchequer.
Write Lord Arlington and send him the list of pensions for [persons who aided in] the King's escape [from Worcester]. Quere about this, it being put off for a further debate.
Warrants on the Chimney money for 1,000l. for the Earl of Bristol, 1,000l. for Lord Lucas, and 500l. for Viscount Andover.
Alderman Backwell to furnish Lady Trevor with 500l. on the Customs tally. My Lords will repay it to him. Write him a letter in the usual form.
Dormant warrant for the King's professor of physic at Oxford. Same for Mrs. Pinkney.
Sir George Courtop and the rest of the Commissioners for Fines and Alienations called in. Their defalcations and other papers relating thereto to be sent to the Attorney General to peruse.
Mr. Glanvile's account to be considered on Friday.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 218–20.]
June 23.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Wheeden called in: is desired to hasten payment of the arrears on his Excise Farm.
The Earl of Bath to send to the Treasury a copy of the agreement between the King and the parliament of Tinners in Cornwall.
Alderman Backwell, Mr. Beale and Mr. Slingsby to attend next Thursday about Mr. Slingsby's account of the Dunkirk money.
Warrant for 6,000l. more for the Mint.
La Gard to have his whole board wages for the time past.
Sir Salomon Swale called in: his petition read. When he or my Lords can find anything to gratify him in they will be readyto do it.
Write Mr. Pepys that my Lords are informed by Alderman Backwell that there is some stop as to the placing [assigning for repayment of] the money he furnished for Tangier; and that he take care to have the stop removed or else report to my Lords with all speed.
Mr. Knollys to pay in 50l. more: then process to stop for three weeks, otherwise not.
"The sheriff to buy in the 30l. Warrant to the Auditor to allow" on Saunders' account the whole 400l. levied on his security.
Auditor Wood called in about an account to Lady Day, 1666, of Mr. Hyde, Master of the Robes. Said account is declared.
Mr. Corbin, Surveyor General of Woods, called in about his account for Sherwood Forest. To be allowed 150l. for charges. Sir G. Downing to send for a copy of a return made in April, 1665, into the Exchequer by Mr. Harbord and Mr. Corbin that Lindhurst and Noeman's Wood in said forest do belong to the King and not to the Duke of Newcastle. Write the Attorney General to know if he has confessed the Duke of Newcastle's title to them. and to have his opinion how any further waste in that forest may be prevented.
Write Lord Lucas to notify that 1,000l. is warranted to him.
Mr. Wadlow called in: says that neither the Earl of Anglesey nor any from said Earl demanded any money from him since the first money: says the Vintners will furnish 14,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey, 4,000l. to-morrow, 3,000l. on Friday, 4,000l. on Tuesday next, 3,000l. on Friday after. Inform the Earl of Anglesey hereof. Sir Robert Long, the Attorney General and Mr. Wadlow to attend this afternoon without fail about adding in the commission for the London Commissioners for the Vintners [as collectors of the wine duties] these words: "to pay the money into the Exchequer or to such other person or persons as His Majesty shall appoint."
The King to be moved about a surrender of one Woosely to one Taylor of a Receiver's place for Bucks and Beds: in regard the surrender was made before the King's order.
Mr. Levet called in about his account. Sir W. Doyly to deliver his bond on proper assurance being given as to the 46l. in super.
Mr. Wadlow to be told that they have not yet Commissioners for Yorks and Westmorland.
Mr. Darcy called in: presents a certificate from the Duke of Buckingham that he has delivered five horses in the Mews and demands 500l. for them. My Lords offer him payment on the Chimney money.
The Earl of Carbery presents a petition.
Proposition brought in by Mr. Sewell to farm the sixpenny writs at 1,400l. per an. To be considered when that revenue is disposed of.
Mr. Mins, alehousekeeper in the Newmarket, called in with Henry Dean, officer of the Customs, about 32 parcels of silk found in his house. Mins and Mr. Skinner say they were bought and sold by order of the Commissioners for bankrupts. Referred to Mr. Laurence and the Attorney General.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 220–2.]
June 23.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Sherwin called in: says that Lord Ashley thinks fit that a clause be inserted in the commission which is passing for Dean Forest about examining the business of the coppice for Mrs. Wells. Sir W. Courtny to be sent to about Mrs. Wells' privy seal for the coppices in New Forest. Sherwin also says that in case of felling woods in the King's forests a writ of ad quod damnum is to be directed to the Wardens and Justices in Eyre who have jurisdiction over the woods so far as concerns the vert and trees: but that of late only a letter has been sent to them. Lord St. John's letter to be sent to Lord Ashley to peruse. It is delivered to Mr. Sherwin. The Attorney General says if any fell woods in any forest he is liable to be punished by the Lord Treasurer as offending against the revenue and by the Lord Warden as offending against the vert and venison. Also that the Lord Treasurer gives order for felling any wood or coppice but then sends it to the Lord Warden or Verderers to know if the doing thereof may be prejudice to the vert or venison. But as to a writ of ad quod damnum that that is in the case of any private man's woods to be felled within the forest.
The Attorney General and Sir R. Long called in about adding in the commission for the London Commissioners for the wine imposition after the words "paid into the Exchequer" the words "or to such other person or persons as His Majesty shall appoint." The Attorney General is to put in these words as the Vintners desire.
The Attorney General says that the Chimney Farmers at the passing of their grant offered to increase their security when their loan money was nearly [re]paid. Though in pursuance of the order in Council of the 10th inst. Sir Richard Piggot, Mr. Perian Trot, and Mr. Humphrey Beane have certified on the 17th inst. that they are [the] only [ones named] in the patent [for the farm of the Hearthmoney] yet the rest (viz. Sir Robert Viner, Sir Allen Brodrick, Sir James shane, James Hoar, John Bence, John Ryves, George Cocke and James Temple) are interested therein and liable as sharers. My Lords desire it under these men's hands that they are sharers. Write Sir Robert Viner, &c., to know if they own themselves as such.
The Attorney General says he thinks it not reasonable that the Customs Farmers have defalcations for prohibition of importing or exporting if the law passed before their patent. He also says that if a scire facias be brought against an officer that shall have suppressed an appraisement it will avoid his patent. This is the case of Mr. Hanning, searcher of Kent. A scire facias to issue. Mr. Lawrence to prosecute it.
Sir Henry Wood called in: presents a paper about what moneys are free [i.e. without tallies struck thereon] on the Receivers of North Wales and Cheshire: [prays] that he may have it for the pay of the Queen Mother's liveries money. Warrant for 3,200l. on the Chimney money for the Queen Mother for Wardships and Greenwax.
Mr. James, one of the Excise Commissioners in Aldersgate Street, called in. Mr. Sted on behalf of the Farmers of Excise for Lincolnshire will pay 600l. of the advance quarter on Monday and the rest in 10 days. The commission to be granted, but the lease not to be sealed till payment is complete. In all other cases the commissions are to be issued, but the leases stopped for 10 days. Warrant to insert Mr. Stanhope in the Nottinghamshire Excise lease in pursuance of a certificate from the [late] Excise Commissioners at Southampton Buildings.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. My Lords will give him money to pay the workmen in the yards when they receive a reply to their late letter to the Navy Commissioners to know what money is applied by them to set out this summer's fleet: so that my Lords can know what money they can make use of.
Petition from the Mayor, &c., of Newcastle about granting a lease of the castle there and several lands belonging thereto. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to report a value.
Same from Mr. Harlackenden, late Receiver of Aids for Kent. To proceed with his account. Process shall be stopped when said account is clear. Same from Adam Cordonnell. To be considered with the rest of the officers. Same from George Stepney. My Lords cannot pay them that have already privy seals passed. Same from Tho. Verbeck about spices bought in Holland and seized. To be heard on Friday next. Mr. Dewe[y], Mr. Verbeck, William Joyce, and Michael Levy to attend then. Same from Tho. Hore, a falconer. He is paid in the Exchequer and will be paid with the others in [the list of those payable under] the Treasurer of the Chamber. Sir Charles Harbord's report read on the petition from [Capt.] George Cooke [Cock]. Lord Ashley to issue a commission accordingly of inquiry against all the living members of the corporation erected by the Act of 1649 for promoting and propagating the gospel in New England, and Mr. Lawrence to take the Attorney General's advice as to exhibiting an information to discover what lands the Corporation had. Petition from Capt. Lawrence Rooke. Sir Edmund Sawyer is to audit his account and Rooke is to pay into the Exchequer the money in his hands. Same from Lady Radcliffe. Quere: how it must be done ? Same from Richard Medlye for a lease of several parcels of land discovered by him in Somerset. Sir C. Harbord to hear him and report. Same from Capt. Parker. Sir G. Downing to ask Lord Arlington what time he will appoint to hear this business. Same from George Stedman. To be heard to-morrow three weeks.
A list [to be got] by the next meeting of all moneys assigned to the Treasurer of the Navy.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 225–5.]
June 25.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The King to be spoken to that Mr. May be Comptroller of of the Works, loco Mr. Withered, deceased, and Mr. Packer to be Paymaster of the Works. Warrant for these appointments during pleasure.
Sir Erasmus Harvy and Sir John Jacob to attend on Thursday about Lady Harbye's [Harvy's] debt.
Write the Excise Commissioners in Aldersgate Street to send back to-morrow the tally struck on the Exchequer for the money paid in by them for the advance quarter: that the same may be altered, being wrongly struck on Michaelmas next.
Sir W. Temple called in: moves for his expenses [as ambassador], and presents an account signed by Lord Arlington. Sir G. Downing to consider how much of the 47,000l. remains uncharged after Backwell's Customs tallies, to see if money can be provided for Temple out of it. Temple also moves about his Münster account. Auditor Beale to hasten the stating of it so far at least as Sir W. Temple is concerned, as he is going over seas again for His Majesty's special service. Sir R. Long to assist Temple and Alderman Backwell in the Münster account.
Sir Jo. Shaw and Auditor Beale called in about Sir John's navigation [Act] account while the Customs were in collection. Auditor Beale to prepare said account.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell called in with Auditor Beale about their Dunkirk account. Backwell to swear to the account, and he and Sir John to pay in the money in charge on them on that account. Auditor Beale to hasten the account. Mr. Slingsby also called in about the account of the Dunkirk silver. Brings two papers: one an account of the Dunkirk silver, the other an estimate of the product of the said silver. [Auditor Beale] "Says it [? Slingsby's latter account] seems fair, only that Mr. Slingsby charges not himself positively with 28 chests of it." They also produce a warrant of the late Lord Treasurer's for part of it [the Dunkirk silver] which was not signed. They are to get Lord Ashley to sign it.
A paper given in by Auditor Beale of who [of the Customer of the outports] have brought in their accounts of the coinage money and who not. Write Sir Edmond Turner to hasten the accompt of the Customs of the outports for the last three quarters past, and the accompt of the coinage money that has been received in the outports, as to which my Lords are wholly in the dark, and to know why the collectors of the said ports have not sent their books and accounts.
Mr. Beale presents an account of the Earl of Newburgh's rent [of the Sixpenny writs].
Mr. Holder to pass an account of the moneys he has received from His Majesty as part of His Majesty's adventure with the Royal [Africa or Guinea] Company.
Sir John Shaw says that a tally is wanting in his account for the 5s. per tun on French wines.
A gap to be left open on the Chimney money for Capt. Hemskirk for 20,000l. after Lord Lucas. Charnock to remember it.
Col. Whitley says there is no return of the Chimney money for Anglesea since the first return. My Lords say he must account by the first roll. He says his deputy, Mr. Derick, is gone to Ireland and has left no account. My Lords say they will do what they can for him. Process to stay for 14 days.
Write the late excise Commissioners at Southampton Buildings to deliver to the present Excise Commissioners in Aldersgate Street a drum and such grates and fireirons as are not otherwise by my Lords disposed of.
Mr. Jay is desired to hasten his Chimney account. Process to issue against his securities. My Lords will speak with him about other matters [such] as that of his being the King's Receiver.
The Earl of Anglesey produces two letters from the Navy Commissioners about the weekly pay of the yards. Alderman Backwell called in. The Earl to take up 10,000l. by 2,500l. a month on Oct., Nov., Dec. and Jan. next on [in part of] his 5,000l. per month for stores. This to pay off the yards so far at it will reach. Warrant accordingly for the Earl to have orders for 2,500l. a month for those four months; same to be in part of the warrant of Dec. 16 last for the abovesaid 5,000l. a month to the Treasurer of the Navy for the necessary contingent charges of the Navy. Sir R. Long to give an account to-morrow what payments are charged on the monthly payments into the Exchequer from the Customs for the said four months.
Sir G. Downing to look over the list of accounts not passed and speak with Sir R. Long or some of the Auditors to consider of a method of their coming on Tuesdays and Thursdays to have their accounts passed.
The arrears of Mr. Coleman [one] of the [King's] music are to be paid to his executor. A warrant on the Chimney money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 225–7.]
June 26.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Sherwin to send back Lord St. John's letter with Lord Ashley's opinion on it.
The King to be moved about Captain Bret's privy seal for parting with his pension and taking the Treasurer of the Household's share of the logwood farm in place of it.
Warrant for 900l. for Sir W. Temple on Alderman Backwell's tallies: the remainder of Temple's account to be on the Exchequer.
Write the late Grand Commissioners of Excise to deliver one of the iron chests in their late Excise office to Mr. Townsend at the Wardrobe for the use of the office of the Wardrobe.
On each Monday afternoon the accounts of the Auditors of the Imprests to be examined, passed and declared. The said Auditors to have notice hereof. On each Tuesday morning the accounts of the Land Tax and Poll: on each Thursday afternoon all other accounts: and on Wednesdays and Fridays petitions to be read. This to be fixed at the Treasury door and printed. Mr. Williamson to insert this notice in the Gazette with an advertisement to all accomptants to apply themselves with all speed to the perfecting their accounts.
Lord Holles's warrant with the report of the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant of some Hundreds in Dorsetshire is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Petition from Cadwallader Jones. The Attorney General to be advised with whether my Lords cannot suspend an officer of the revenue for abuses.
A book of memoranda to be kept for the Attorney General.
Write Sir W. Doyly to know what is in arrear of the Aids from the town of Newcastle.
Sir Denny Ashburnham [and others the late Commissioners of Excise] called in: present a state of their [late Excise] Office and the arrears of each Farmer [of the Country Excise]. Ordered that all bonds in Mr. Champanty's hands and Mr. Howland's bonds and leases and counterparts of leases be delivered to the [present] Commissioners of Excise in Aldersgate St. by indented inventory. A copy of the inventory to be left at the Treasury.
The Grand Commissioners of Excise in Aldersgate Street to affix a table at their door denoting from time to time what tallies are paying in course upon the Country Excise. Sir R. Long to give notice from time to time in his table at the Exchequer door what order is paying in course upon the London Excise and upon the 16,000l. per mensem of the Customs payable into the Exchequer, and that when the moneys of the Country Excise and the Chimney money shall come into the Exchequer that the like method be observed also in relation to them.
Col. Birch propounds rules for the passing of the Chimney money account. To be considered.
Petition from Rich. Royston and Anne Seyle. To be paid [along] with [the] bills in the Treasury of the Chamber.
Report from the late Excise Commissioners about George Skip's account of his farm of the Excise of Hampshire. They must report whether he was a gainer or a loser.
Charnock to give to Sir G. Downing a list of all the undelivered Chimney money warrants for the King's servants.
Col. Birch moves that some [officers of the port] in Liverpool be forgiven their bribes taken by them to defraud the King of some Customs, and given them by some merchants of the place. He will draft a warrant.
Petition from John Huntingford read: to be reported in Council.
The business of the farthings is put off till Monday week. Write Mr. Henry Howard, of Norfolk, and Mr. Hayes to this effect.
Petition from Francis Bowman read: to be considered again. Same from Lewis Harding. The Auditor must show by his account that he is overstruck. Same from Peter Massonet. A warrant for a year on the Chimneys. [Same from] Ralph Wyat. It is a Navy business and must be left to the Commissioners of the Navy.
My Lords will buy the Countess of Southampton's goods in the Treasury Chamber. Such goods as my Lords had appointed for themselves out of the late Excise Office are to be sold. A couch to be bought.
Petition from [the wife of] John Cox, of the Armoury. To be considered when there is money. Same from George Townesend, &c. They are to apply to the Cofferer. Same from Francis Burgess. My Lords have no money. Same from Sir John Lenthall for a lease of certain houses in Southwark, named the Angel and the Crane. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to report a value. Same from Col. Gray praying that the books and papers about the Piedmont money may be transmitted back again to the Remembrancer's office that prosecution may be had thereupon. Auditor Beale to attend on Monday week with the said papers. Same from Henry Robinson. Report to be made that it is worse than a pension because it is anticipating the clear revenue from coming into the Exchequer. Same from the Messengers of the Exchequer. Nothing to be done in it. Same from Richard Vaughan. My Lords can do nothing in it but will also stop the grant of the Worcestershire toll to any one else. Same from Hugh Tynt. Referred to Sir C. Harbord. Same from John Storye. The money must first be paid in, then my Lords will consider what is fit to be done. Same from Sir John Hinton. My Lords are doing what they can against Mr. Jay and his securities.
Viscount Dungan's order of Council read. It is not directed to my Lords of the Treasury to take notice of.
Write Sir R. Long to reserve the 3,000l. of the Dunkirk money to be shortly paid in by Alderman Backwell and Sir John Shaw, to pay my Lords their Midsummer quarter's salaries.
Petition from Margaret Darney. Warrant for a year's wages to Richard Darney.
Mr. Treasurer makes report from the King [of His Majesty's decision on businesses] as follows:—
Col. Fairfax's petition for his pension is to be granted.
Lady Sayer's docquet granted: provided it be amended and made during pleasure.
The Duke of York and Prince Rupert to be spoken to about Col. Francis Berkeley's desire of 200l. out of the arrears of Excise; for their consent thereto.
That my Lords proceed to the examination of the worth of the coal farm granted to Viscount Mordaunt and report to His Majesty.
Lord Arlington to have a lease of Marybone [Park] as desired by him, but that the valuable consideration be inserted in the warrant and the reason of the breach of the rule against making such grants for above 31 years. The warrant to the Attorney General to draw [the lease] is to pass by Secretary Morrice's signature.
His Majesty consents to Mr. Woosly's surrendering the place of Receiver of Bucks and Beds to Mr. Taylor.
The King consents that Mr. May be Comptroller of the Works and Mr. Packer Paymaster of the Works.
The King signed a warrant for 250l. per an. to each of the late Excise Commissioners. Also a warrant for a privy seal for 2,000l. for the Master of the Robes out of the 10,000l. for the Wardrobe on the Eleven Months' tax.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 227–30.]
June 30.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir John Denham called in: presents a royal warrant for applying some tiles, &c., at Greenwich to Sir John Denham's building in Scotland Yard and a reference of a later date for the payment of 530l. for that use.
Sir William Doyly, junior, called in: presents Mr. Richard Guin to be Receiver of the Aids for co. Pembroke and Haverford West. A commission to issue when security has been given.
Write Auditor Aldworth to know how Capt. Barbant's account stands for his receipt of the Aids.
When passing the orders for such as are to be registered on the Chimney money Sir R. Long is to endorse on them, as he does on other orders, after how much they are to be paid: regulating him-self by what appears to be charged in the Exchequer upon that revenue: for that without such an endorsement the people will get no credit upon those orders.
The Knight Marshal's papers of some particular lands are referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long about the list [of the king's servants, officers or tallies, &c.] payable on the Chimney money and about registering them.
Miles Lavington, weigher of Bristol, is to have liberty to resign his place to John Harper, the salary being excepted during the farm of the Customs. Sir G. Downing to enquire as to the age of the parties.
Mr. Sherwin called in: presents a draft of articles for a commission for New Forest; which is read. Sherwin is to acquaint the Earl of Oxford with this Commission if Lord Ashley think fit.
Ask Mr. Loving the Teller in whose office Sussex is, why a tally is not struck for 300l. for Mr. Goodwin of the Aids of Sussex, which lies in that Teller's office uncharged.
Auditor Parsons is to present to my Lords on Tuesday next a state of Mr. Harris's account as late Receiver of Hearth money for Devon, in order to my Lords calling upon his sub-collectors for what is in their hands. Mr. Lawrence to give an account what steps he has taken against Harris's securities.
The Attorney General to consider the warrant for seizing Mr. Cadwallader Jones's office of Customer of Sandwich, and to advice whether said office is extendable.
The Attorney General's opinion asked, and set out in detail as to Mr. Harding's deed of grant from the King.
He is also asked his opinion of the Duke of Newcastle's title to Nomanswood in Sherwood Forest. He says he is not satisfied in it; and that the sentence of the Justice in Eyre will not conclude the King.
He is also asked about the fees of Mr. Elsden of Lyme for pack, packet and fardle. Write Sir John Strowde and Mr. Henly showing what is about fardles in the Customs rules, viz. that it should not be above 300lb., so probably to be the same elsewhere, and in like manner observed at Weymouth. The 500l. due from the King to Mr. Elsden to be considered. Mr. Elsden says he has no privy seal for the 500l., but had a privy seal for 1,000l. he had received at the Customs. My Lords cannot pay the 500l. without a privy seal.
Lady Killigrew, Sir John Prettiman, &c., called in with Mr. Ayliff, their counsel, concerning the said Sir John's compounding with the King. The Attorney-General says the estate is liable to extent for the King's debt.
Warrant for Mr. Corbin now that he hath paid in his money to the Exchequer.
Sir G. Downing to make a state of what is saved by the fees retrenched in the Excise Office that the Duke of York's children be paid out of it.
The Attorney General reports that he finds the grants to the Commissioners for the Alienation Office to be regular and as before. The Commissioners for Fines and Alienations to attend this day week to sign.
Mr. Holder and Auditor Beale called in with said Holder's account, which is declared.
Mr. Glanvile and Sir W. Temple to attend on Tuesday about said Glanvile's tin account.
Warrant on the Chimney money for Dr. Quarterman's arrears.
Write Alderman Backwell to hasten to pay into the Exchequer the remain on his and Sir John Shaw's Dunkirk account.
Warrant on the Customs for 724l. for the Lord Privy Seal.
The Attorney General and Mr. Wadlow called in. Mr. Wadlow moves that his name and that of the rest of the Vintners be inserted in their articles for the Commissioners to pay the money to them; and that it be inserted that if they produce not tallies to the said Commissioners that they have paid their moneys according to the several times of payment that then the payment to them is to cease and the money to be paid into the Exchequer, provided that this agree with the order of Council. The King to be moved in Council to-morrow that Mr. Wadlow and the other Vintners be appointed Receivers of the money arising by the Wine Act with the limitation set out above.
Warrant for 530l. for Mr. Legouse on the Exchequer, whereof the money paid by Mr. Corbin is to be part.
The King to be moved about the docquet for the pension to Mrs. Berkeley, daughter to Viscount Fitz-Hardinge.
Write the Attorney General to attend with Mr. Thom. Howard and such person as he shall bring concerning the coal patent of grant to Viscount Mordaunt, &c.: to certify my Lords what may be done for vacating same.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 230–2.]